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Published by marioijr, 2022-02-28 20:38:27



Keywords: Avatar

Game Master Reference Sheet

Agendas Training Move

• Ensure the world feels real When you spend time with a teacher learning and training in a new technique, roll with modifiers from
• Make the PCs’ stories the following questions:

meaningful and important • Is your balance in line with your center or are you free of conditions? If yes, take +1.
• Play to find out what happens • Do you and your teacher share at least one background? If yes, take +1.
• Does your teacher agree with your reasons for training and learning? If no, take -1.
Baselines • Is the technique easy to grasp based on your current training, experience, and skills? If no, take -1.

Always say… On a hit, you learn the technique, and your master shifts your balance. On a 10+, you learn it with ease,
• What the guidelines demand and it takes as little time as possible. On a 7-9, it either takes more time than normal, or you must mark
• What the rules demand two conditions. On a miss, you can’t learn the technique yet because you need another lesson before
• What honesty demands you can grasp its full use. Your master will tell you what additional task you must undertake to put
yourself into the correct state of mind; do it, and you learn the technique.
Techniques Sample Mastery Conditions
• Describe a wondrous world
with a deep history Techniques represent discrete skills or forms that • Defeat a specific foe in combat
characters have learned with their training. PCs can have • Surrender
• Address the characters, not your players techniques at Learned, Practiced, or Mastered levels. • Lose your balance
• Be the companions’ biggest fan • Be taken out
• Ask questions and let your players answer Learned Techniques: • Seek a specific mystical or ancient location
• Put emotions on characters’ sleeves • can only be used on a 10+ on the stance move • Return an important artifact
• Resolve conflicts episodically • cost an extra 1-fatigue to use
• Remember the history of the • advance to Practiced level when used in combat to its proper place
• Find and listen to an opposing teacher
world and characters Practiced Techniques: • Build a structure of spiritual or local import
• Emphasize lessons throughout • can only be used on a 10+ on the stance move • Destroy a dangerous or corrupt structure
• Give NPCs drives, fears, and hopes • advance to Mastered level when the PC accomplishes • Tell a specific person a specific, difficult truth
• Make conflicts moral choices • Use the technique in an exchange
• Use imbalance instead of evil the mastery condition set to them by their teacher
• Counterbalance darkness with light in a particular way
• Seek consequences besides death Mastered Techniques: • Repeat an act or lesson that the
• can be used as easily as basic techniques
GM Moves teacher had to endure themself
Mastery conditions are set to a PC by their teacher to
• Reveal a hidden truth fully master a technique.
• Inflict fatigue or a condition
• Shift their balance Important Places (See map on page 18 for corresponding eras)
• Twist loyalties with tempting offers
• Escalate to violence • Agna Qel’a [pg.20] Northern Water Tribe - A city of ice with impenetrable
• Offer a risky or costly opportunity
• Threaten someone walls housing the spirits of Moon and Ocean
• Shift the odds, suddenly • Ba Sing Se [pg. 22] Earth Kingdom - A sprawling city rife with corruption protected by an impenetrable wall
• Exploit a weakness in their history • Bhanti Island [pg. 25] Fire Nation - Island of Fire Sages with magical healing pool
• Provide wisdom in unlikely places • Crescent Island [pg. 46] Fire Nation - Fire Temple island, destroyed accidentally by Avatar Roku
• Turn a move back on them • Eastern Air Temple [pg. 27] Air Nomads - Air Nomad temple with significant spiritual power
• Fire Fountain City [pg. 25] Fire Nation - An ancient city with mystical roots
If you get stuck… • Fire Nation Capital [pg. 24] Fire Nation - A sprawling city built atop and within an island volcano
• Foggy Swamp [pg. 21] Foggy Swamp Tribe - Home to an isolated water tribe who can bend the water in plants
Beseech them for help • Gaoling [pg. 81] Earth Kingdom - Town in the Earth Kingdom, later home to the first democratic elections
• Kyoshi Island [pg. 23] Earth Kingdom - A large island home to the renowned Kyoshi Warriors
They’re heroes—they’ll always be inclined to • Lake Laogai [pg. 62] Earth Kingdom - A lake within the outer wall of
provide real assistance to those in need, even if they
aren’t sure how to immediately be of use or solve Ba Sing Se with a secret Dai Li facility underneath
the problem. • Northern Air Temple [pg. 26] Air Nomads - A towering temple only accessible through the air
• Northern Spirit Portal [pg. 21] Northern Water Tribe - Portal to the Spirit World, closed until the Korra Era
Upset their balance • Omashu [pg. 23] Earth Kingdom - A mountain-top city with unique technology operated by bending
• Republic City [pg. 82] United Republic - Central city of the relatively young United Republic
The arc of each and every PC is centered on their • Si Wong Desert [pg. 23] Earth Kingdom - A vast and deadly desert
balance and the conflict between their principles. • Southern Air Temple [pg. 27] Air Nomads - An Air Nomad temple home to flying lemurs and sky bison
Introduce characters and situations that help upset • Southern Spirit Portal [pg. 21] Southern Water Tribe - Portal to the Spirit World, closed until the Korra Era
the balance, pushing the PCs up and down their • Sun Warriors’ Ancient City [pg. 25] Fire Nation - A forgotten city and home to dragons
balance tracks and challenging their decisions. • Water Tribe Sacred Island [pg. 53] Water Tribes - The halfway point between the Water Tribes
• Western Air Temple [pg. 27] Air Nomads - An upside-down mountain
Focus on their trainings
temple located in a strategically important location
The heroes know enough to be capable, but they still • Wolf Cove [pg. 21] Southern Water Tribe - The capital of the South
have plenty to learn. NPCs who offer to teach them,
or who show off new techniques the PCs want to Pole struggling to find its identity amidst turmoil
learn, always provide a new path forward. • Yu Dao [pg. 70] Earth Kingdom - The oldest Fire Nation colony of the Hundred Year War

Assorted Additional Place Names: Use these if you need inspiration for a brand new location during play!
Flutterbat Cave, Diamond Island, Windtear Pass, Shimmerleaf Forest, Golden Mountain, Port Sail, Downpour Town, Highcloud, Icy Shin’s, Yano’s Glade, Bridge Crossing,
Stoneside, Wu Chasm, Broken Branch Forest, Hungry Swamp, Ruby Marshes, Spear Plains, Mount Bao, Ripple River, Songbird Haven, Badger-Frog Bay, Dragon-Moose Fork

300 Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game

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NPCs Minor NPC Condition: „ Minor NPC Condition: „
Name: Name:
Groups of NPCs Training: Training:
Drive: Drive:
• A small group, 5–10 NPCs, can be statted as Principle: Principle:
a single NPC one step above the individual Fatigue: Fatigue:
members in importance. E.g., a small group of Technique: Technique:
minor NPCs is the equivalent of one major NPC.
Minor NPC Condition: „ Minor NPC Condition: „
• A medium group, 11–20 NPCs, similarly Name: Name:
behaves like a single NPC two steps above in Training: Training:
importance. E.g., a medium group of minor Drive: Drive:
NPCs is the equivalent of one master NPC. Principle: Principle:
Fatigue: Fatigue:
• A large group, or 21+ NPCs, is three steps above Technique: Technique:
in importance. E.g., a large group of minor NPCs
is the equivalent of one legendary NPC. Major NPC „ group Master NPC „ group
Name: Name:
• For steps of importance above master, simply Training: „ Training: „
add +1 fatigue, and +1 condition per step. E.g., Drive: Drive: „
a large group of major NPCs is the equivalent Principle: Principle:
of a legendary NPC, +1 fatigue, +1 condition. Fatigue: Fatigue:
Conditions: „ Conditions: „
Training Inspiration „ „
Techniques: „
Airbending Notes: Techniques:

• Minor: Big gusts of wind Notes:
• Major: Throwing incoming physical attacks
Legendary NPC „ group
off-course with wind, gliding along on
air currents or balls of whirling air Name: „ Name List
• Master: Impossible grace, near-weightlessness, „
perfect dodging, gale-force winds Training: „ Air Nomad Names
„ Aditi, Akash, Anil, Batsal, Chaha, Chang, Chimini,
Waterbending Drive: Devna, Ehani, Hayate, Idha, Imay, Mukta, Sanani,
Soma, Sora, Tau, Toofan, Unnat, Yawen
• Minor: Channeling big jets of water Principle:
• Major: Use ice creatively to shape Polar Water Tribe Names
Fatigue: Achak, Aklaq, Aputi, Atka, Hanta, Kallik, Kanti, Kitchi,
the environment, heal (rarer) Makwa, Meeka, Miki, Niimi, Noodin, Siqniq, Tapisa,
• Master: Instantly changing water to ice and Conditions: Thaki, Ukiuk, Waaseyaa, Yuka, Ziibi
back, many limbs of water, sliding on ice „ Foggy Swamp Water Tribe Names
„ Bai, Bo, He, Jia, Ju, Mu, Shi, Yan, Zan
Earthbending „
Earth Kingdom Names
• Minor: Hurl rocks Techniques: Binh, Bowen, Caihong, Chia-Hao, Dae, Diu, Hanna,
• Major: Change the environment, Heng, Kim, Kyung, Minh, Nuah, Qiang, Queue,
Notes: Shufen, Thi, Woong, Xiaobo, Ya-Ting, Zixin
exhibit seismic sense
• Master: Instant shifts from defense to Fire Nation Names
Asayo, Ayami, Bashira, Davaa, Erden, Ganzaya,
offense (wall of earth turns into hurled Hanako, Jaw Long, Kayo, Keisuke, Kenshin, Manami,
rock), precision control, massive control Mayu, Qacha, Qudan, Satsuki, Saya, Tuguslar, Yuka,

• Minor: Throw gouts of flame
• Major: Light the environment aflame,

launch themselves into the air with fire
• Master: Throwing fire at long distances,

enormous fireballs, waves of flame


• Minor: Obviously dangerous machines
(harpoon guns, big tanks)

• Major: Tricks, surprise weapons, and
unexpected capabilities—but only a few

• Master: Endless supplies of small
devices with dangerous uses


• Minor: Swing with regular weapons
• Major: Dance around acrobatically,

attack with strength and power
• Master: Distinctive and difficult weapons

used with perfect precision and might

Chapter 11: Appendix C: Play Materials 301

(Order #33534544)

Index The Four Nations 19—27
Air Nomads 9, 19, 26-27, 40-41, 50—51,
A 59, 68, 71, 90—91, 114
Earth Kingdom 9, 19, 22—23, 36—37, 54-55,
Advancement 142, 208, 209, 212—214, 251, 297 62—63, 74—75, 81, 86—87, 114, 115
Adventure tools 261—263 Fire Nation 9, 19, 24—25, 35, 38—39, 44, 46—49,
64—68, 76—78, 88—89, 114, 115
Anchor NPCs 263 United Republic of Nations 78, 82-83
Clock 262 Water Tribes 9, 19, 20—21, 42—43, 52—53,
Escalations 261 60—61, 72—73, 84—85, 114, 115
Flashbacks 262
Special circumstances 263 G
Agendas 224
Amon 80, 252 Gamemaster (GM) 7, 95, 99, 126, 221—243,
Approach See: Techniques (Approach) 246—255, 258—266, 277, 278, 300
Asami 78, 82—83, 85
The Avatar 16-17 Group focus 110, 247, 250
Avatar Aang 56, 58, 68, 70, 90, 294 Growth See: Advancement
Avatar Korra 29, 30, 78, 295 Guidelines 226
Avatar Kuruk 34, 38, 39, 42
Avatar Kyoshi 32, 34—40, 54, 291 H
Avatar Roku 44, 46, 49, 292
Avatar Wan 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 29 Hakoda 61, 70, 72
Avatar Yangchen 71 Harmonic Convergence 16—17, 29, 78, 90, 91
Azula 64, 70, 76, 77 Harmony See: Stats
History questions 119
B Hometown 119

Campaign 246—249 I
Center See: Balance
Character arcs 67, 219, 251 Inciting incident 111, 123, 247, 271
Combat (exchange) 147-150, 231, 238, 240—243 Iroh (General) 58, 65, 76, 293
Conditions 101, 103, 120, 145
Connections 121, 123 K-L
Creativity See: Stats
Katara 58, 68, 70, 72, 77
c-D Kuvira 78, 81, 82, 83, 86, 87
Look 199
Camellia-Peony War 24, 25, 32, 35, 38, 39
Conditions 101, 103, 120 M
Demeanor 119
Mai 64, 77
E Mako 78, 83
Miss 984—99, 229
Episode See: Session Moment of Balance 121, 210
The Eras Moves 125—145

Aang Era 8, 31, 68—77, 104, 108, 266—278 Balance moves 137—141, 146, 297
Hundred Year War Era 8, 30, 31, Basic moves 97, 126—136, 297
Combat moves 126, 146—150, 154—156
56—67, 104, 108, 265, 278 Custom moves 143—145, 298
Korra Era 8, 31, 78—91, 104, 108, 266, 278 GM moves 33, 45, 57, 69, 79, 99, 126, 229—233, 300
Kyoshi Era 8, 31—43, 104, 108, 264, 278 Playbook moves 121, 126, 210
Roku Era 8, 31, 44—55, 104, 108, 265, 278 Soft vs. hard 229
Exchange See: Combat exchange Triggering 97, 99


Fatigue 100, 103, 120 Names 114—115
Feature (playbook) 121, 164, 210, 218 NPCs 234—238
Fighting style 116—117, 122, 157
Fire Lord Ozai 9, 24, 56, 58, 64, 66, 70 Major 235
Fire Lord Sozin 24, 25, 26, 30, 44, 47, 48, 49, 55, 56, 68, 69 Master 236
Focus See: Stats Groups 237
Minor 235
Legendary 237
One-shot(s) 249, 278
Order of the White Lotus 30, 76, 80

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P Playbook Moves

Passion See: Stats A life of regret 205
Playbooks 163—205 A warrior’s heart 193
An open mind 196
Changing 218 Badge of authority 176
Principles See: Balance Best friend 172
Black koala-sheep 205
R Bonzu Pippinpaddleopsicopolis… The Third 185
Can’t knock me down 188
Rangi 32, 38 Casing the joint 200
Red Lotus 26, 30, 78, 80, 83, 91 Catch a liar 176
Republic City 29, 68, 78, 82—83 Challenge 196
Comprehend your foe 180
S Concentration 185
Driven by justice 168
Safety tools 12, 223, 228 Fighting like dancing 183
Scope 109, 247, 250, 255 Furrowed brow 176
Season 250—254 Fueled by anger 180
Session 246—247, 252 Here’s the plan 172
Sokka 70, 72, 75, 113, 211 I don’t hate you 168
Spirit Portal 16, 17, 21, 2, 82, 83, 85, 91 Is that the best you got? 200
Spirit World 16, 17, 26, 27, 29, 42, 43, 71 It doesn’t belong to you! 188
Statuses 145, 151—153 Judging a rival 196
Stats 120, 210, 234 Martyr complex 176
Suki 70, 75, 113 No time for feelings 168
Not done yet! 172
T Otter-penguins, unagi, and hot springs 185
Out of uniform 193
Tenzin 9, 26, 78, 90 Punch where it matters 180
Techniques 122, 154—157, 211—217, Roguish charm 200
Slippery eel-hound 200
238—239, 251, 280—287 Stand and fight! 180
Advanced 211—215, 234 Straight shooter 172
Approaches 148, 154—157 Surprising entrance 196
Basic 154—157, 298 Suspicious mind 176
Combat 122, 148—149 Takes one to know one 168
Learned, practiced, mastered 122, 211, 214 Taking care of business 193
New 142, 251 The strength of your heart 188
Specialized bending 211, 216—217 This was a victory 168
The Trainings 116, 157 Understanding mien 193
Airbending 11, 117, 216, 285 Use their momentum 185
Earthbending 10, 74, 117, 216, 283 Walk this way 205
Firebending 10, 117, 216, 284 Walls can’t hold me 180
Technology 11, 23, 26, 117, 287 Wait and listen 196
Waterbending 10, 117, 216, 282 Way of the future 205
Weapons 11, 117, 286 Whatever I can 188
Toph Beifong 70, 71, 74, 86 Worldly knowledge 205
Ty Lee 64, 75 Yip Yip! 185
You missed something 172
U, Z You’re not my master! 200
Your rules stink 188
Unalaq 80, 84
Zaheer 80, 83
Zuko 24, 68, 70, 76, 88

(Order #33534544)


More Adventures Await!

Wan Shi Tong—the great owl spirit—guides you through his amazing library in
Wan Shi Tong’s Adventure Guide, featuring five new adventures, four new play-
books, and over a dozen legendary NPCs. Explore the domain of He Who Knows Ten

Thousand Things and see all the adventure the Avatarverse has to offer!
The Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game Dice Pack and Combat Action Deck bring
exciting player aids to your table. Match your character’s training to a vivid pair of
16mm dice while you choose your combat approaches and manage statuses with these

illustrated cards.

304 Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game

(Order #33534544)

Adventure across the Four Nations! • Choose a setting amid the eras
of Kyoshi, Roku, the Hundred
Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game brings you and Year War, Aang, and Korra.
your friends into the beloved setting of Avatar Legends—
as new heroes of your own stories! Weave tales of self- • Create your heroes from 10
discovery and action with your team of friends, and go playbooks—archetypes that
penguin-sledding while you’re at it! help you play compelling
In this RPG, you might face off with the Triple Threat Triad
in Republic City, travel through a spirit portal to rescue a • Master an element, weaponry,
missing child, negotiate peace between Earth Kingdom or technology to rise and
outlaws and the sages’ council, pursue enemies and meet your destiny.
mysteries throughout the Four Nations, and even learn a
thing or two from beloved Avatar Legends characters. • Pursue balance by learning
from great mentors and
getting into trouble across the
Four Nations.

Players Time Rating
3-6 2-4 hrs Everyone

©2022 Viacom International Inc. All rights reserved. Nickelodeon, Avatar and all related titles, logos, and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.

(Order #33534544)

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