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Published by THE SUN ONLINE PAPER, 2022-05-07 10:50:14

The Sun 06 May 2022 Issue

The Sun 06 May 2022 Issue

100 Desson Building, 8th Street and R.G Mugabe Way, Gweru, Zimbabwe Tel: 0712 718 043 Email: [email protected]

When The Sun Speaks, The World Listens

ZNFPC averts

70 0000 P/2


Est: 2003 The Sun 06 - 12 May 2022 $150.00

Charging tenants using the black Flagged by the Auditor General as one of

market rate when paying in RTGS the government entities highly
and if they pay with USD they indebted and loss making

receipt Full story
them in RTGS

Police release disputed Page 2

gweru mayoral car

Police in Gweru have
today released the
mayoral pool car
which was being held
at Gweru Central Police fol-
lowing a dispute between
former Mayor Josiah
Makombe and council.

The vehicle was set to be
Makombe's exit package after
his full term as he was sup-

To page

2. LOCAL NEWS The paper that digs deeper

ZNFPC averts
70 0000 pregnancies

Elaine Mpofu marriages and a number of girls ZStaff Reporter
Zimbabwe National Family Plan- dropping out of school anu PF Midlands ac
ning Council (ZNFPC) is set to tivists have engaged
help minimize the high rates of "It is against this background in a heated debate
unwanted pregnancies and un- that our programming for 2022- on the party's posi-
safe abortions that have been 2026 is based on these chal- tion that it will never lose the
prevalent during the Covid 19 lenges that we could not archive presidential election with
pandemic. with the programming of 2016- some saying such "arro-
2020." gance" will alienate the rul-
ZNFPC has managed to avert ing party from the general
700000 unwanted pregnancies She went on to say that the public particularly urban vot-
and 154000 unsafe abortions be- modern contraceptive method ers, The Sun reports.
tween 2016 and 2020. prevalence rate in the province
has risen to 67%. In their WhatsApp groups
The ZNFPC Midlands Provin- which have since last year
cial Manager Karen Dzuke said "Of the two goals, we man- become a source of robust
the Covid 19 pandemic has how- aged to archive a modern con- discussion among the party
ever seen an upsurge in cases of traceptive prevalence of 69% at cadres, some Zanu PF advo-
unwanted pregnancies. the national level and an addi- cates in the province feel that
tional of about 412000 new us- the party has some
"Through these results, we ers of family planning. Also at "bootlickers" who sweep real
managed to avert 700000 un- the provincial level, our modern issues affecting the people
wanted pregnancies and 154000 contraceptive prevalence also under the carpet.
unsafe abortions however with rose to 67%."
the rise of Covid 19 and induced "The challenge is we have
lockdowns we have realized the The Council targets to reduce self-deception if not selfish-
surge in the number of unin- the adolescent fertility rate from ness to the extent of becom-
tended pregnancies amongst ado- 16.8% to 10% by 2026 and in- ing arrogant to the concern of
lescent girls and young women crease the adoption of contra- the masses ad we think we are
consequently resulting in child ceptives. entitled to electoral victory,"
one activist opined.
Zanu PF secretary for administration Obert Mpofu
"The arrogance makes us
lie to the leadership that ev- currency) rates are crazy and around efforts "should be
erything and everyone is fired."
happy and this can brew a the voter is feeling the hit."
shocker as well as a security The activists' concerns
and political time bomb come Another supporter con- come at a time Zanu PF sec-
2023." retary for administration
curred adding that failing to Obert Mpofu early last month
He said the government (April) declared that the rul-
needed to address the issue of address issues affecting the ing party will never surrender
currency stability, and tame power and will rule forever.
price increases of essential day-to-day living of people
commodities such as maize Mpofu was speaking at the
meal, bread, cooking oil, and will play in the "opposition's send-off ceremony for 36
other economic basics affect- Zanu PF officials who left the
ing the general populace. court." country to join the Julius
Nyerere Leadership Centre in
The Zanu PF supporter "In 2008 people voted with Tanzania.
said the majority of voters
were affected by the price their stomachs and this may "We are going to be in
hikes. power for a very long time.
happen again in 2023. Work- We are not going to surren-
But another activist shot der power. We will always be
back and blamed sanctions by ers will for example compare the governing party," he said
Western countries as the main then.
cause of the economic prob- what they were paid in 2018
lems facing the country.
with their 2023 payslips. Let
"The big elephant in the
ZNFPC Midlands Provincial Manager Karen Dzuke room is sanctioned. Just re- us not give the opposition
move the sanctions and the
economy will record massive genuine scripts," he said.
growth," he said.
Others suggested that min-
He accused "economic
CITY OF GWERU saboteurs" of perpetuating a isters that did not come out
parallel foreign currency sys-
REGIONAL TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT tem that undermined the auc- with sound policies that
(CHAPTER 29:12) tion exchange system.
complimented the
SECTION 26 (3) OF THE ACT shot back at him: "Some government's economic turn-
people are in denial mode and
Notice is hereby given of an application to carry out the following this is toxic to revolutionary
development on Stand 411 Cowfold Township Mtausi Park. fundamentals. The (foreign

It is proposed to establish a Cluster Housing Development on the The government needed to
above mentioned stand. Stand 411 Cowfold Township Mtausi Park is address the issue of currency
zoned single family residential in terms of the approved layout plan stability, and tame price in-
wherein the establishment of a Cluster Housing Development may be
permitted through Special Consent. creases of essential com-
modities such as maize meal,
The application plans and any special conditions which the Local bread, cooking oil, and other
Planning Authority is likely to impose, in the event that this application
being favourably considered may be inspected in the City Planning and economic basics affecting
Development Control Section during normal office hours. the general populace.

Any persons wishing to make objections or representations relating to
the application must lodge them with the undersigned within one month
of the date of the first insertion of this notice.

The Acting Town Clerk
City of Gweru
P.O. Box 278


The Sun 06- 12 May 2022

The paper that digs deeper 3.

Martin Mawaya " The other cities like Harare are charg- " The estate manager is trying to di- and have been incurring losses for 10
ing US$0.50 per square metre. Why vide us because she is issuing double years owing to sub-economic operating
The small businesses operating along the Gweru is charging such exorbitant fares. leases at one premise. Whenever we tried capacity and high provisions for doubt-
railway line reserve are up in arms with We are proposing a charge of US$0.50 to engage her she does not respond," he ful debtors.
the National Railways of Zimbabwe per square metre as small to medium en- added.
(NRZ) after the parastatal arbitrary ter- terprises in the City of Gweru," said Meanwhile, reports suggest that the
minated their lease agreements. Mazorodze. NRZ was flagged by the Auditor Gen- city of Gweru is not benefiting anything
eral as one of the government entities from the markets along with the railway
In a memo addressed to Nervous One of the traders who is in the hard- highly indebted and loss making and its line servitude and the traders have not
Moyo, NRZ Midlands real estate Assis- ware business Edsome Makiwa questions viability is questionable. yet complied with the local authority stan-
tant Manager Loice Mazadza said her the rationale of giving two tenants at one dards to operate their businesses.
organization was cancelling the lease premise. The report revealed that the parastatal
agreement with immediate effect over the current liabilities exceed current assets
rental arrears of over $600 000rtgs.

"We note with great concern that you
have not been able to pay your rentals on
time despite due and lawful demand.
Your payment trend is very erratic even
after numerous calls.

" You also failed to sign the deed of
settlement form in a way to solve the fail-
ure of paying rent in time following a ter-
mination letter dated 10 March 2022.

"It is with this background that the Na-
tional Railways of Zimbabwe hereby ex-
ercise its rights as enshrined in the lease
agreement clause number 3.2.3 and can-
cels this lease agreement with immedi-
ate effect," read the statement.

However, the SMEs representative,
Chamber of SMEs Gweru Chapter chair-
person Tafadzwa Mazorodze alleged cor-
ruption and violation of the lease agree-
ment by NRZ Gweru Estates Assistant

"There are reports of corruption where
some traders are asked to pay US$500
so that they can jump the queue and allo-
cated the market space. It seems the NRZ
Assistant Estate Manager is under pres-
sure from the people who had illegally
paid her. She is coming almost every day
to harass the tenants using the divide and
rule tactics.

"They are violating the lease agree-
ment clauses 3.4.2; 3.3 and 3.1," he said.

He said the NRZ EstateAssistant Man-
ager increased the rentals without follow-
ing the due process and are using the
black market rate.

"From our investigations, the Estate
Manager have no powers to change the
rental prices willingly. It is the responsi-
bility of the parastatal board that has the
powers, hence we have decided to en-
gage the board chairman Advocate Mar-
tin Dinha and the responsible Minister
of Small and Medium Enterprise as well
as the Midlands Minister of state.

"On top of that they are charging the
tenants using the black market rate when
paying in RTGS and if they pay with USD
they receipt them in RTGS," said

Mazorodze said, "Railways increased
the rentals prices from US$0.30 to
US$2.50 per square metre of which the
average space per trader is 600 to 2000
square metres".

He added that other cities are charg-
ing a maximum of US$0.50 per square

The SuThne1S8u-n2046-Fe1b2 ruMaaryy 22002222

4. LOCAL NEWS The paper that digs deeper

PWD bemoan increased

Young Voices Disability Zimbabwe
Director, Nyasha Mahwende

FILE PHOTO: (By Pasca Manhivi) PWDs gathering at the National developments such as the ap- vote but sadly. You will find
Disability Expo event last year. pointment of a visually impaired able-bodied people voting for
lawyer as a High Court judge, and on our behalf as if we do

Dumisani Ndlovu describing it as a milestone in not exist, yet there is nothing
Despite having one of the best
disability policies in Africa if designed to promote equal op- sive provisions cover all facets the disability sector, she said for us without us," Mahwende
not in the world, Persons with portunities between the so- of life. more has to be done. said.
disabilities (PWDs) in the Mid- called able-bodied and persons
lands Province are facing an with disability but for the ma- Mberengwa and Zvishavane In section 3.27 of the Disabil- Zanu PF National Assembly
epidemic of marginalization in jority of people living with dis- Association for the Disabled ity policy, under Political and Representative for People with
all facets of life, especially in ability equal opportunities were and Elderly Persons of Zimba- public life, section 3.27.1 the disability Senator Rejoice
leadership positions. still a pie in the air. bwe, Primrose Nyangoni said if important document ensures Timire succumbed to a Covid
the government is very serious that persons with disabilities 19-related illness at Mbuya
Regardless of having made The government's apparent about PWDs' active participa- enjoy and exercise their right to Dorcas Hospital in Harare,
significant strides in promoting commitment and respect for tion in the political and public vote or to be elected. where she was admitted. She
the rights of the disabled per- PWD's rights have also been life, it must come up with guide- was 62 years.
sons in the country coming up shown through the signing and lines for the political participa- It also emphasizes, the elimi-
with the National Disability ratification of regional and in- tion of persons with disabilities nation of all provisions and Senator Timire, was at the
Policy officially launched by ternational covenants, treaties, practices which restrict or deny helm of several disability or-
His Excellency President and instruments which includes "While we want to participate the right to vote for persons with ganizations among them the
Emmerson Mnangagwa in the United Nations Conventions in elections. There is a need for disabilities. Women Disabled Support
June 2021, gave much antici- on the Rights of Persons with resources, most people from the Organisation where she was
pation to people with disabili- Disabilities UNCRPD (2006) disability constituency are fi- Young Voices Disability Zim- the Executive Director.
ties, anticipating that society which Zimbabwe ratified in nancially disadvantaged. If we babwe, Director, Nyasha
would appreciate disability 2013. get support (resource-wise) and Mahwende echoed the same She became a board member
rights and assist them to ad- if have our own resources of in- sentiment adding that although for the Women's Bureau,
dress inclusionary practices. Despite all these efforts to ad- come and also get leadership the government seems serious NASCOH, and WASN. She
dress inequalities viewed by positions we can emancipate about ensuring disability-inclu- was also a member of the dis-
Regrettably, forty-two years some as a game changer in the ourselves and become economi- sive development and banishing ability board and a former
after independence people with positive transformation of cally independent," Nyangoni stigmatization, elements of dis- board member for the
disability continue to face dis- PWDs in Zimbabwe some said. crimination and exclusion are Women's coalition.
crimination and challenges in people with disability still feel still being experienced in some
accessing services such as edu- there is much to be done. "Just like everyone else, per- sectors. Persons with disabilities con-
cation, and health and this has sons with disabilities have hu- stitute a significant portion of
often limited their participation While most people with dis- man rights, hence they should "While we believe advocacy the population in Zimbabwe,
in mainstream society. ability applauds efforts being occupy space in all facets of life has played a pivotal role, there yet they remain one of the most
made by the government to including in employment, edu- are a lot of grey areas in most marginalized and vulnerable
The launch of the policy, the transform the lives of People cation, healthcare, housing, sectors including but not limited populations. It is difficult to
hosting of the National Disabil- with Disabilities, there is a need music, sport, disaster risk man- to leadership representation. As obtain accurate data on the
ity Expo in 2021, and coming to up the political will to trans- agement, and many other areas," we speak a battle to replace the number of people with dis-
up with an all-inclusive 2022 late commitments made on pa- she added. late Senator Rejoice Timire who abilities not only in Zimbabwe
independence theme that reads per into tangible experiences for was one of the elected officials, but worldwide because ap-
"Zimbabwe at 42, Leaving no them. Although the National Coun- representing PWD in proaches to measuring disabil-
one and no place behind" was cil of Disabled Persons in Zimbabwe's Parliament. We the ity vary across countries and
"In some of the National Dis- Zimbabwe's President, Senator people with disability are the according to the purpose and
ability Policy progressive key Anna Shiri hailed some of the ones who should be allowed to
application of the data.

a perfect match that saw the provisions amongst a plethora

Second Republic receiving an includes sections: 3.2.2 that Visit our website:
affectionate pat on the back seeks to ensure that 15% of the
from the disability sector. workforce of all organizations

PWDs showered praise to the are PWDs. With Section 3.3.4
government for what they per- criminalizes discrimination by
ceived as fulfillment, promot- landlords of tenants with dis-

ing, protecting, and respecting abilities or tenants with a fam-

the rights of persons with dis- ily member with a disability. for more news
abilities. To confirm its com- The list is far from exhaustion
mitment, the government also but suffice to say these progres-

came up with a raft of laws

The Sun 06- 12 May 2022

The paper that digs deeper 5.

Dumisani Ndlovu Dr Takavafira Zhou have seen orgy sex parties organized do anything to them.
by students because they think they are Dr Zhou went on to say if any pro-
Progressive Teachers Union of Zimba- Dr Zhou said the total withdrawal untouchable by teachers and by par-
bwe (PTUZ) has condemned the total of corporal punishment has seen a ents. We have also seen the drug abuse fession and schools people once disci-
withdrawal of corporal punishment in quantum leap of deterioration of disci- and wars among students in Bulawayo, plined lacks, the chances of achieving
schools, saying it has led to the degen- pline among students in schools, hence we have witnessed wars among neigh- good results are also totally out.
eration of discipline in schools. resulting in an array of problems, in- boring schools fighting over girl-
cluding poor academic performance. friends. Students feel teachers cannot "We have also seen the deterioration
This came after most parents in Mid- of results because of the deterioration
lands rural areas challenged the parlia- "With the assumed total withdrawal of discipline. Realistically, in as much
ment of Zimbabwe to revisit the cor- of corporal punishment in schools, we as we want to give our minors rights,
poral punishment ban both at school we must ensure that those rights are not
and at home saying it is the major con- abused and the rights enjoyed within
tributor to the rise in child delinquency, limited or confined parameters and not
and drug and substance abuse. just give them unfettered rights that are
abused and destroy the future of the
Corporal punishment was outlawed young generation. The young genera-
in 2017 through a High Court ruling tion needs to be properly nurtured to
that declared article 60(2)(c) of the become future responsible citizens," he
Education Act unconstitutional. said.

The court said corporal punishment Dr Zhou said the total banishment of
is violence against children. corporal punishment had given a wrong
signal to the students to assume that
In a telephone interview, PTUZ they are now young adults and indepen-
President, Dr Takavafira Zhou said al- dent while they are in actual fact, re-
though they do not support the main minors under the guidance of
unstrained use of corporal punishment adults and teachers.
in schools but support its careful use.
"But by no means are we calling for
"There has been a serious debate unrestrained corporal punishment and
over corporal punishment and our view for a balance sheet that would use it
as PTUZ is very clear. We do not sup- sparingly as opposed to total with-
port the unrestrained use of corporal drawal of corporal punishment in
punishment in schools but at the same schools," said Dr Zhou.
time we do not support its total with-
drawal in schools, we support its spar- Section 53 of the Constitution states
ring use in schools because it is an im- that no person may be subjected to
portant aspect of instilling discipline physical or psychological torture, or to
and ensuring that we minimize bully- cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment
ing in schools," he said. or punishment.

Martin Mawaya HIV patients dump empties in toilets
The City of Gweru is set to step up
health awareness campaigns against said. Public Relations officer Vimbai Chingwaramusee
self stigmatization across the city as Chingwaramusee added that the lo-
the dumping of anti-retroviral drugs cause it's a disease like diabetes and help to reduce the possibility of rein-
empty boxes and bottle containers into cal authority will conduct health pro- it's much far better than having a dis- fection of the disease that might nega-
the toilets at local clinics is increas- motions to educate the patients and dis- ease like cancer," added Madzorera. tively affect the city's strides in fight-
ing. courage them from self-stigmatization. ing the HIV and Aids pandemic.
The intended health campaigns will
The local authority said clearing up "As a local authority we are going
the blocked toilets and drainages is to continue doing health promotions,
costing them a substantial amount of sharing information and educating
money. people on the importance of adhering
to taking their ARVs as well as encour-
In a statement, the city's Commu- age our patients not to dump ART boxes
nications and Public Relations officer into the toilets," she explained.
Vimbai Chingwaramusee said " coun-
cil has noted that there are people who Meanwhile, former Minister of
are dumping boxes and bottles of ARV Health and Childcare in the inclusive
in toilets at local clinics. government Dr Henry Madzorera said
there are some patients who are on ART
"This has continuously drains the who don't want people to know that
local authority as we are forking out they are taking the HIV drugs.
money to work on blockages which
can be avoided if people dumped the "Yes we still have people who feel
bottles and containers into the bins". ashamed from being on ART, it intimi-
dates them. They don't feel good. But
She said people should stop stig- that's unfortunate because as a country
matization. we have dealt with the matter for more
than 30 years.
"As the local authority, we are en-
couraging people to stop stigmatiza- " It is, therefore, problematic if they
tion, starting from self stigmatization are hiding from their families and
whereby someone looks down upon spouses that they are on Anti-retroviral
themselves because they are HIV treatment. People should be used be-
positive. People should support each
other because HIV is a reality," she

The SuThne1S8u-n2046-Fe1b2 ruMaaryy 22002222

6. LOCAL NEWS The paper that digs deeper

... as the church strive to confront
challenges affecting youths in Gweru

Tinaani Nyabereka Tumisang Thabela Permanent Secretary of
Gweru-The Evangelical Fel- Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education
lowship of Zimbabwe (EFZ)
has urged young people in 2022 ZIMSEC Grade 7, O Level, A
Gweru to shun drug and sub- Level Examination Fees Announced
stance abuse in communities
saying such ill activities had EFZ Gweru chapter Programs Officer, Tatenda Madzikanda The Ministry of Primary subjects, they will pay
greatly affected the young gen- and Secondary Education ZWL$8 100.00.
eration. participation in devolution is- vocate against drugs or if we (MoPSE) has announced
sues. So today we were con- can even conduct educational the registration fees for the The government's contri-
The call was made during ducting a youth dialogue road shows. 2022 ZIMSEC examina- bution is limited to 7 sub-
the Zimbabwe Heads of Chris- where we were trying to iden- tions for Grade 7, Ordinary jects. If a candidate writes
tian Denominations (ZHOCD) tify key problems affecting our "We understand drugs have Level and Advanced Level more than 7 subjects, they
in partnership with the Evan- youths today. negatively impacted the lives candidates. will start paying the full fee
gelical Fellowship of Zimba- of most youths in Gweru for the 8th subject.
bwe youth interface dialogue "We focused much on the hence there is a need to come For Grade 7 examina-
which was held in the Mid- challenges and stakeholder up with a solution to quickly tions, the candidate will For example, if you are
lands capital last week mapping as efforts to find out address the situation on the pay ZWL$4 388.00 and the writing 9 subjects you will
which stakeholders we can en- ground" she added. Government will pay pay a total of $18 540.00
Speaking during the en- gage and work with on the ZWL$5 362.00 giving a split as follows:
gagement, Harvest House In- various challenges affecting Despite the surge in sub- total of ZWL$9 750.00.
ternational (HHI) Pastor and the youths and managed to stance abuse, most social ills o ZWL$11 340.00 per
Guest, Tafadzwa Matemba come up with advocacy tools among youths have resulted A' Level candidates will subject for the 7 subjects at
said as a church they were ap- which we think are useful in from a lack of adequate rec- pay ZWL$3 240.00 and the ZWL$1 620.00 per subject
preciative of the role being trying to combat a number of reational facilities and life- Government will pay
done by all bodies in assisting challenges which we have changing initiatives that pro- ZWL$3 960.00 giving a o ZWL$7 200.00 for the
youths from abusing drugs. identified," she added. vide room for activities for total of ZWL$7 200. additional two subjects at
young people to venture into. ZWL$3 600.00 per subject.
"We greatly appreciate the Madzikanda further said Fees structure explained
work being done by all bodies findings from the engagement With recent findings how- The reason why Grade 7 If a candidate is doing
in assisting youths in church. revealed that drug and sub- ever pointing out how the girl examination fees look practical subjects, they will
As a result of the prevailing stance abuse was rampant in child has topped the list of higher than Ordinary and pay double the fees includ-
economic challenges, youths the community. abusing Crystal methamphet- Advanced Level fees is that ing a practical fee. So a can-
have resorted to all sorts of ill amine " mutoriro." drug more they are the total fees. didate will pay ZWL$3
activities including drugs. "The issue we then discov- than the boy child in Gweru, This means that a Grade 240.00 instead of the usual
ered was that most youths are the 2021 Drugs and Narcot- 7 pupil in a public govern- ZWL$1 620.00.
"We want to work with into drug and substance abuse ics annual report however ment-owned school will
stakeholders such as Zimba- as a result of various influenc- highlighted that an increase in pay ZWL$4 388.00 in to- If a candidate attends a
bwe Republic Police, youth or- ing factors, then decided to put the abuse of drugs among tal and not per subject. private school they will
ganizations, and other stake- up a committee in place of young people has been fu- For Advanced Level and have to pay the full fees
holders in curbing drugs" he young people which will work elled by the prevailing harsh Ordinary Level candidates, because the government
added. and see how best we can ad- economic environment. the fees are per subject. For will not contribute any-
example, an O' Level can- thing.
Evangelical Fellowship of didate will pay ZWL$1
Zimbabwe ( EFZ) Gweru 620.00 per subject. There- This means the candidate
chapter Programs Officer, fore, if one is sitting for 5 will pay ZWL$3 600.00 per
Tatenda Madzikanda said subject instead of ZWL$1
youth's involvement and par- 620.00 even if they are
ticipation were low-key deci- writing less than 7 subjects.
sion-making processes.
Madzikanda further said the
main thrust of engaging youths @SunGweru
was then centered on coming
up with an interface dialogue
to find out the challenges af-
fecting young people.

"As the Zimbabwe Heads of
Christian Denominations, we
are currently running a project
which seeks to strengthen the
role of the church in the pro-
motion of social cohesion and

The Sun 06- 12 May 2022

The paper that digs deeper 7.

TStaff Reporter reneged from their operating not responded to questions Gweru residents welcome to support
hree illegal gold term of reference and are en- sent to him at the time of go- mayor`s proposal to petition ZESA over
panners and Sabi croaching on the boundaries of ing to print.
Vlei mine officials Sabi Vlei. street lights
last week clashed But information obtained
over gold claims with the Wiggle's son Jordan and one by this publication indicates Gweru residents say they sup- sociation will engage the
mine accusing the youths of Bolinja on March 28 report- the youths intend to take the port the city's mayor cllr mayor on the matter.
encroaching their bound- edly clashed with the youths issue with senior authorities Hamutendi Kombayi's pro-
aries, The Sun has estab- resulting in the former alleg- in Zanu PF creating a poten- posal that ZESA should man- The mayor also wants
lished. edly using an excavator to tial political clash with the age street lights as it is the one ZINARA to take over road re-
close three shaft mines which Sabi Vlei mine. that bills for electricity. The habilitation arguing that it is
Sabi Vlei owned by the youths claim are in their mayor appealed that residents the one that collects road lev-
Aldrine Wiggle is situated Zanu PF provincial chair- petition ZESA over his pro- ies. Like most local authori-
West of Behans Farm and possession. man Larry Mavima could not posal. Gweru Residents and ties in the country, Gweru City
South East of Samanye The youth association chair- be reached to comment on the Ratepayers Association execu- Council has been battling with
mountain in the mining town man, Nyemba last week ac- matter. tive director Cornelia Selipiwe poor roads and broken street
of Zvishavane and is about cused Wiggle of being the "ag- told 98.4FM News that the as- lights.
150 meters away from the gressor" and in the habit of in- The ruling party has in re-
partly government-owned, terfering with their mining ac- cent years been doling out Citizens in Midlands want psychiatric
Sabi gold mine. tivities. mining claims and pieces of rehabilitation centres
"He (Wiggle) wants to reap land to youths ahead of the
According to information where he does not 2023 general elections. Citizens in the Midlands say are found.
gathered by this reporter the show,"Nyemba said. they want psychiatric rehabili- Currently the country relies
youths, Takudzwa Nyemba, But Wiggle's son Jordan ac- "We greatly appreciate the tation centres built in the prov-
Kuziva Mukono, and cused the ruling party youths work being done by all bod- ince. Some told 98.4FM News on a few rehabilitation centres,
Isheunesu Jakata who oper- of breaching the terms of the ies in assisting youths in that those who require rehabili- which include Bulawayo based
ate under the name Sabi Gold mining agreement. church. As a result of the pre- tation incur high costs travel- Ingutsheni Psychiatric Hospi-
Mine Youth Association were "You will need to contact the vailing economic challenges, ing to places where the centres tal and Harare`s Sally Mugabe
given Sabi gold mine office which youths have resorted to all Psychiatric Unit.
has given the youth space to sorts of ill activities includ-
greenlight (by Sabi gold work. They (youths) were in ing drugs.
mine) to operate claims un- breach of their agreements,"
der the ruling party Zanu PF Jordan said. "We want to work with
driven youth empowerment Sabi gold mine manager stakeholders such as Zimba-
programme. Clive Ziwodziwa however had bwe Republic Police, youth
organizations, and other
But the youths have since stakeholders in curbing
drugs" he added.
The Sun Silobela legislator disappointed
To advertise in
The paper that digs deeper The Sun with local miners for lack of social
EDITOR- IN - CHIEF corporate responsibility initiatives
Willie Mponda 0714 165 677
or 0712 718 043 Silobela Member of parlia-
SUB-EDITOR ment Manoki Mpofu says he
Tendai Chifunyise is disappointment with min-
ing companies operating in
REPORTERS the constituency for not
Richard Shumba ploughing back to the com-
Elaine Mpofu The legislator says the big
Anotidaishe Chivhenge0 mining corporations operat-
ing in Silobela should chip
PHOTO JOURNALIST in with developmental
Jabulani Makuluni programmes. He says the
constituency lags behind in
MARKETING development yet it hosts a lot
Vimbai Nyamukutu of mining operations.

PUBLISHER Mr Mpofu says there is
Community Newspapers of Zimbabwe need for community leaders
to engage the local miners
for developmental goals.

Silobela Member of parliament Manoki Mpofu @SunGweru

The SuThne1S8u-n2046-Fe1b2 ruMaaryy 22002222

8. LOCAL NEWS The paper that digs deeper

03 May 2022


ONWorld PressFreedom Day,ZimbabweLawyers forHuman Rights (ZLHR) relied upon by journalists when they are performing their work. This funda-
pays tribute to the brave media practitioners in Zimbabwe and across the mental principle is considered to be essential for press freedom by many coun-
globe, who continue to pursue the truth despite the persecution they often tries across the globe. The hacking of journalists in order to expose whistle-
endure from autocratic governments. blowers undermines effective journalism because it discourages ordinary citi-
zens from exposing malpractices by governments, out of fear of being perse-
As we reflect on the importance of a free press to Zimbabwe's democracy, cuted and arrested for revealing the truth.
ZLHR calls upon government to uphold and promote media freedom in the
country, in accordance with the constitutional obligations and to desist from In Zimbabwe, journalists continue to be targeted, arrested and detained by the
the practice of persecuting journalists and other media practitioners. authorities for their work. The authorities accuse journalists of being anti-
government whenever they expose administrative malpractices, corruption
Commemorated annually on 3 May, World Press Freedom Day, was estab- and gross human rights violations by the government. These systematic at-
lished by a proclamation of the United Nations GeneralAssembly in Decem- tacks on journalists and other media personnel for their work violates the
ber 1993 and is an opportunity for everyone to show solidarity with members constitutionally-protected right to freedom of expression and freedom of the
of the press, journalists and other media professionals. It is also an opportu- media. In terms of section 61(2) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, every per-
nity for members of the public to salute and honour the journalists and media son is entitled to freedom of the media, which freedom includes protection of
professionals who have lost their lives while working to disseminate infor- the confidentiality of journalists' sources of information.
mation to the public. World Press Freedom Day is also an opportunity for the
public to demand press freedom and the protection of journalists from their The Zimbabwean authorities also undermine press freedom in the country by
governments. failing to ensure impartiality within the state-controlled media. The state-con-
trolled media promotes the causes of the ruling party, to the exclusion of
The theme for World Press Freedom Day in 2022 is "Journalism under digi- opposing views. This state of affairs continues to prevail despite the fact that
tal siege." The theme highlights the risks that digital surveillance and internet the state has a constitutional obligation to ensure impartiality and equal op-
hacking pose to press freedom. Governments across the world are using digi- portunity within state-owned media.All state-owned media must be impartial
tal surveillance to target journalists who are working to expose abuses of and provide a fair opportunity for the presentation of divergent views and
power, human rights violations, corruption and administrative incompetence. dissenting opinions, in terms of section 61(4) of the Constitution of Zimba-
This targeting of journalists through digital platforms has a chilling effect on bwe. ZLHR urges the authorities to comply with their constitutional obliga-
the journalists who work tirelessly to ensure government accountability and tion to ensure impartiality within state-owned media.
transparency. The targeted journalists are often tracked down, arrested and
detained by the authorities. The digital surveillance of journalists and other On this World Press Freedom Day, ZLHR calls upon:
members of the press violates democratic principles, which prioritise press
freedom and freedom of expression. • The public to salute the brave journalists in Zimbabwe and across
the globe; who continue to pursue the truth despite the persecu
Press freedom is also being undermined by internet hacking. Autocratic gov- tion they often face from autocratic governments;
ernments across the globe are hacking journalists communication systems in
order to expose their information sources and whistle-blowers within gov- • Government to uphold and promote press freedom in Zimba
ernments. Such hacks violate the fundamental principle of source protection, bwe, in accordance with their constitutional obligations;
which requires the authorities to desist from exposing the sources that are
• Government to comply with its constitutional obligation to en
sure impartiality within state-owned media.

Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights
Kodzero/Amalungelo HouseNo. 103 Sam Nujoma Street, Harare, Zimbabwe

Phone: (+263 8677005347, +263 242 764085/705370/708118
Email: [email protected]


The Sun 06- 12 May 2022

The paper that digs deeper AFRICA NEWS 9.

A third Ebola case has been commenced in Mbandaka South Africa: 50% more cases of
identified in Democratic with 281 people vaccinated Covid reported in 24 hours
Republic of Congo's city of so far, according to the
Mbandaka, the World WHO's last published fig- A new wave of the were also reported. million people, where less
Health Organization said on ures on inoculation. coronavirus driven by two More than a quarter of the than 45% of the adult popu-
Thursday. new Omicron sub-variants in lation is fully vaccinated, has
According to the WHOs South Africa has led to more people tested had a positive officially recorded more than
The patient is a 48-year- Regional Director for Af- than 50% increase in infec- result, the highest rate re- 3.8 million cases and over
old man believed to be a rica, Dr. Matshidiso Moeti, tions in 24 hours. corded in months. Covid-19 100, 000 deaths.
"high-risk" contact of the though many people have has also claimed seven lives in
first Ebola patient identified received their vaccination, According to official fig- the last two days. Two new Omicron sub-
in the DRC's latest out- those who were vaccinated ures released on Thursday, variants, whose virulence has
break, who died on April two years ago when the the National Institute for The Centre for Epidemic yet to be determined, are
21. DRC experienced an out- Communicable Diseases Response and Innovation causing the new wave of
break of the virus will be counted 9,757 new cases of warned late April that South Covid-19 pandemic in South
A tweet by the WHO on revaccinated. Covid-19 in the country, 50% Africa, the country officially Africa according to the World
Thursday, May 5 reads: more than the 6,170 new the most affected by Covid-19 Health Organization (WHO).
"Responders have identi- The DRC has huge sup- cases counted the day before on the continent, has entered a
fied 444 contacts and con- plies of the Ebola vaccine, on Wednesday. 64 new deaths new wave of pandemic. Africanews.
tinue to monitor their the WHO assured, adding
health," it said. that the country's health au- The country of nearly 60
thorities are more experi-
DRC health authorities enced in containing the dis- Sudanese protester killed
declared a new outbreak in ease than anywhere else in by security forces
the country's northwestern the world.
Equateur Province on April
22. Investigations to deter-
mine the source of the cur-
A second victim of the rent outbreak remain ongo-
virus died on April 25, af- ing, the WHO said.
ter experiencing symptoms
for more than a week, the The DRC has experi-
WHO said last week. enced 13 outbreaks of
Ebola in total, including
The victim, a 25-year- one that started in 2018 and
old woman, was said to be claimed nearly 2,300 vic-
the first casualty's sister-in- tims, according to WHO.

Vaccinations have since

Police release disputed
gweru mayoral car

From page 1 vestigations. A protestor has been killed by a demonstration in Khartoum several hundred people, who
"I also acknowledge that I Sudanese security forces dur- that was heading towards the again called on the military to
posed to buy it at book value, ing a rally against the military presidential palace." "return to their barracks".
but he was then recalled by the do not have any other property government in Khartoum on
Douglas Mwonzora led MDC- in the hands of the police. The Thursday, medics said. The death brings to 95 the The demonstrators de-
Alliance in December 2021. property will be kept by me number of people killed in the nounced the military's
until I am advised to dispose it According to the Central crackdown on the protests, stranglehold on politics and
According to an affidavit in by the police. I shall also com- Committee of Sudanese Doc- which have been held regularly the economy in Sudan, which
the hands of this publication, ply with the court instructions tors, the unidentified victim in the capital and other cities has been controlled almost
the vehicle was returned today, if the property is required as was "run over by an armoured since the coup of General continuously by the army in
May 5 2022 to Gweru Acting evidence," read part of the af- vehicle belonging to the Abdel Fattah al-Burhane. 66 years of independence.
Town Clerk Vakai Chikwekwe. fidavit. forces (supporting) the (Octo-
ber 25) military coup during On Thursday, the anti-gov-
"I Douglas Vakayi Efforts to get a comment ernment rally was attended by
Chikwekwe residing at (ad- from Makombe were fruitless
dress given), Gweru being the as his phone was not reachable
owner of Toyota Prado AAF- by the time of writing.
6417 I do hereby indemnity the
Government of Zimbabwe and Chikwekwe also could not
the ZRP or any member thereof comment on the issue as he re-
any damage which the property ferred all questions to the Pub-
may have occurred during in- lic Relations Officer. Tellzim

The SuThne1S8u-n2046-Fe1b2 ruMaaryy 22002222

Arsenal have extended the “I’m excited, grateful and re-
contract of coach Mikel Arteta ally, really happy today,” Mikel
with three years. said after signing the extension,
The club announced the news which runs until the end of sea-
on Friday morning. son 2024/25. [email protected] 0712718043 08644216800 The Sun Newspaper

Mnkandla appointed Pasuwa sets The former Warriors inter- league.
FC Platinum boss targets national, who has won three “I hope with the contract
after successive league title with
Bullets, signed a three-year extension, everything will go
signing new contract that will keep him at well with the technical team
contract the club until 2025. that we are having. So far we
with have had a good relationship
Bullets Pasuwa said he wants to es- and we hope for the best this
tablish the crop of youngsters year.”
Kalisto Pasuwa has set his in the current squad and build
targets after signing a new a formidable side. The Zimbabwean gaffer
contract with Malawian Su- won his first title in his debut
per League champions Nyasa “We have a new project that season in 2019 before lead-
Big Bullets. we are building. A transforma- ing the team to another
tive project. league glory in the following
“I also want to see and pre-
pare the young boys that we are He clinched a domestic
bringing in the team and to double in December after
leave them at a better level winning the league and the
where they will be able play 2021 Airtel Top 8 Cup. Soc-
with senior players in the cer24

Sheasham F.C

Denzil Mnkandla

Reigning Premier Soccer Denzil Mnkandla as the
League Champions FC Club's General Manager.
Platinum (FCP) has an-
nounced the appointment of The entire Club has full
Denzil Mnkandla as the trust in your capabilities.
club's new General Man- Wishing you all the suc-
ager. cess!

Mnkandla is taking over The Zvishavane-based
from Joseph Mususa who club is currently eighth on
has retired. FCP said in a the standings with 19 points
statement: and trails league leaders
Dynamos by 10 points.
Official Appointment:
The FC Platinum Club Ex- FCP lost 0-1 to Herentals
ecutive is pleased to an- in their last league match
nounce the appointment of and face CAPS United this

Left to right : Club President, C. Mandaza, Club Chairperson Ronald
Chidawanyika, Coach John Nyikadzino and Maxwell Dube.

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