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Published by THE SUN ONLINE PAPER, 2022-07-09 06:28:27

The Sun 08 July 2022 Issue

The Sun 08 July 2022 Issue

100 Desson Building, 8th Street and R.G Mugabe Way, Gweru, Zimbabwe Tel: 0712 718 043 Email: [email protected]

When The Sun Speaks, The World Listens

Est: 2003 P/9 $150.00

The Sun 08 - 14 July 2022

Gweru Mayor Hamutendi Kombayi This development comes at a time when
residents refused to take part in the city's
budget review meeting
The city's 2021/ 2022 budget was eroded
by inflation; hence the tariff rebase
proposal Full story on Page 2


2. LOCAL NEWS The paper that digs deeper

Kelvin Kasiwulaya USD prices on the old budget. Gweru Deputy Mayor Cleopas Shiri
"For example, today the In-
Gweru Mayor
Hamutendi terbank rate is ZWL$ 370, so
Kombayi has we will multiply the 370 with
managed to cool the old USD price and come
down residents' tempers after up with a bill that goes on our
he assured them that, the local statement," explained Kombai.
authority has no intention of
hiking rates and tariffs in its The city's 2021/ 2022 bud-
budget review, The Sun has get was eroded by inflation;
learned. hence the tariff rebase pro-
In simpler terms, the city is
proposing to rebase its 2021 Speaking at the recently
budget in United States Dollars flopped Budget review meet-
(USD) for it to retain value. ing, Gweru Deputy Mayor
Cleopas Shiri bemoaned the
This development comes at state of financial affairs at
a time when residents refused Town House.
to take part in the city's budget
review meeting citing the ab- "We are now incapacitated,
sence of printed old budget service delivery is no longer
copies and their disability to possible, and the 2021/2022
familiarize themselves with budget was gravely eroded by
the budget contents on short inflation hence we need to put
notice. our heads together and map a
way forward on the progress of
Giving clarity, Kombayi our city.
noted that, the 2021 budget
will not change, what is needed Shiri also encouraged both
is to move with the times and residents and council officials
apply the interbank rate in re- to put their political differ-
lation to the old USD rates and ences aside and put more ef-
rent prices. fort into service delivery as
well as city development.
"If you look at our 2021/
2022 budget the rate was fluc- "We must put our political
tuating between ZWL$104 and differences aside, we must bor-
ZWL$108, we are not going to row a leaf from Bulawayo City
change the budget, actually we Council, they have put all poli-
propose to apply the prevail- tics aside and are much fo-
ing interbank rate visa vee the cused on the development of
their city," he said.

The Sun

The paper that digs deeper

Willie Mponda

Tendai Chifunyise

Kelvin Kasiwulaya

Richard Shumba

Elaine Mpofu
Anotidaishe Chivhenge

Abijah Makuluni

Vimbai Nyamukutu

Vongai Hove
Community Newspapers of Zimbabwe

The Sun 08 - 14 July 2022

The paper that digs deeper LOCAL NEWS 3.

Youth, Arts and Recreation, Minister Kirsty Coventry Gweru Urban Member of Parliament Brian Dube

Kelvin Kasiwulaya fice, it has been 2 years now and the dent Emmerson Mnangagwa when Takudzwa Samhembere
youth are suffering without clear leg- he officially opened the Second Ses-
ouths are calling for the islation that caters to their general sion of the 9th Parliament of Zimba-
speedy passing of the welfare, noted Takudzwa bwe.
Zimbabwe National Samhembere.
Youth Bill which has Youths in Zimbabwe have often
taken too long in the Attorney Stressing the importance of the bill, complained that their issues are not
general's office where it is being Tynwald Mlambo noted that it is very being considered due to the lack of a
streamlined with government unfortunate that the proposed bill law that speaks to youth issues.
policy. was still in limbo because it is the
A year ago, the Youth, Arts and only piece of legislation that will
Recreation, Minister Kirsty Coven- unwaveringly cater to the needs of
try briefed parliament that the much- Zimbabwean youths.
awaited National Youth Bill was
nearing completion but the bill is "Surely the National Youth Bill is
still in limbo, two years after cabi- our only hope in the second repub-
net approval. lic, it is very unfortunate that the bill
With the 9th parliament set to ex- is stuck in someone's office.
pire in 2023, the youth bill will be
legally obsolete, forcing members of "That piece of legislation will pro-
the 10th parliament to restart the vide for, the empowerment of the
law-making process. youth and their indispensable contri-
The proposed bill is all-encom- butions to sustainable development;
passing legislation that addresses all the mechanisms for active and mean-
sectors of the youth. It aligns the ingful participation of youth in na-
youth sector to the Constitution, as tion building by mainstreaming them
well as the domestication of the in social, economic, and political
United Nations Convention on the spaces; and the establishment of
Rights of the Child; and the SADC Youth Focal Desks in all Government
Declaration on Youth Development Ministries and Departments at all lev-
and Empowerment. els," he said.
Speaking at a constitutionalism
workshop hosted by the National Commenting on the matter, Gweru
Associations of Youth Organiza- Urban Member of Parliament Brian
tions (NAYO), Gweru youths be- Dube encouraged the youth to con-
moaned the delay in the passing of tinue pushing, so that the bill reaches
the bill so as to realize rights en- completion before the expiry of the
shrined in section 20 of the Zimba- 9th parliament next year.
bwe Constitution.
We appeal to the relevant authori- As young people, you must not tire
ties to fast-track the National Youth nor despair you must continue to
Bill so that the President can assent push for that bill. If you don't follow
it. We have heard that the Bill is still up with the line Ministry everything
stuck in the Attorney General's of- will flop so as youths you must do
your part, show them that you exist,
show them that you are alive," he

The bill is part of the legislative
agenda that was announced by Presi-

TheThSeunSu1n8 -0284-F1e4brJuualyry 22002222

4. LOCAL NEWS The paper that digs deeper

Citizen Journalist season in Gokwe, Minister ditional ZWL $32.50 per Court Reporter the phones in the shop before
of State for Provincial Af- kg translating to USD60 disappearing into the dark-
he 2021/22 cotton fairs and Devolution Mid- and ZWL 6500 per bale," All is not well for a Lower ness.
seed marketing lands Province, Honourable he said. Gweru man who is facing
season is now offi Senator Larry Mavhima an- charges of theft and unlaw- On the 12th of June, Moyo
cially open, with nounced the price of cotton Senator Mavhima also ful entry after he allegedly again allegedly targeted the J
743 common buying points for this season which is noted that cotton produc- broke into two mobile shops and M mobile shop owned by
being established through- pegged in United States Dol- tion will revolutionize and in Shurugwi, stealing 124 Tafadzwa Jack and repeated
out all cotton-growing areas lars. transform the lives of ru- smartphones. his thieving theatrics, break-
including Gokwe. ral communities. ing into the mobile shop by
To ensure a smooth, suc- "Cotton is now treated as Fortune Moyo (22) of cutting the roofing sheets
cessful marketing season an export crop, just like to- "Cotton is an important Sonangani Village, Ngaka with a pair of scissors.
and the sustainable transfor- bacco so growers get 75% of crop for Zimbabweans ca- Lower Gweru was remanded
mation of the cotton seed their payment in United pable of transforming the in custody to July 14 when As fate would have it, on
industry, the Agricultural States Dollars. The seed cot- rural areas through rural he appeared before Shurugwi the 22nd of June, Tafadzwa
MarketingAuthority (AMA) ton producer price for the industrialization. This is resident Magistrate Sithabile Jack saw Fortune Moyo with
is working closely with all 2021/22 marketing season why the Government is Zungula. a phone stolen from his shop,
registered cotton contractors for Government-funded cot- focused on increasing its since he had recorded the
as well as buyers. ton produced by COTTCO stake in COTTCO from State Prosecutor, Kwanele IMEI codes of his phones.
Speaking at the launch of is US 0.30 per kg and an ad- 37.1% to at least 51%," he Njini opposed bail leading The recovered phone was an
the Cotton seed marketing noted. the court to balance the in- Itel model P651 IMEI
terests of justice against the 358421277899361.
right of the accused to bail.
In aggregate, Moyo is al-
It is alleged that on the 5th leged to have stolen 124 mo-
of June 2022, Fortune Moyo bile phones and only 10 were
broke into an ITEL Mobile recovered when the police fi-
Gray Shop in Shurugwi nally arrested him on the
owed by Memory Moyo by 22nd of July.
tearing through the roof us-
ing an unknown object. The value of property sto-
len is ZW$2 567 750 and
Moyo allegedly took all ZW$ 423 500.

Head Office: 40 Samora Machel Avenue,
Harare. Contact 0784302030/
Abattoir: 97 Endevour Road, Norton.
Contact 0782555111/0731555111
[email protected]

Staff Reporter spent proceeds from a shop The street urchin GWERU ABATTOIR LEASE ADVERT
robbery on the cash-strapped who goes by the
Gweru commercial sex thigh vendors. Reference is hereby made towards the Call for objections
workers recently had an street Monika on the lease of Gweru City Abattoir to Bellevue Butchery
early Christmas after a According to our reliable Dhabho is re- which ran from 30 November 2021 to 28 January 2022.
street urchin who is be- sources, Dhabho lined up ported to have
lieved to have robbed a more than ten commercial No objections were submitted to Council and as such
phone shop spoiled them sex workers at a local Hotel become Mr Bellevue Butcheries was offered the lease to run the abat-
with fried chicken and parceling out chicken Inn's Gweru for a mo- toir for ten years. Residents are advised that Bellevue
US$10 each, as an advance 2 piecer boxes and $10 each. Butcheries will take over the running and operations of the
payment for favors to be ment after he Gweru City Abattoir with effect from the 1st of July 2022
rendered. Dhabho is accused of be- allegedly spent offering good services with competitive prices.
ing the mastermind behind proceeds from a
The street urchin who the robbery of a mobile shop robbery on The above-mentioned premises will be closed for a period
goes by the street Monika phone shop in the CBD area the cash-strapped of one week from the 1st to the 7th of July 2022 for minor
Dhabho is reported to have of Gweru and got away with thigh vendors. renovations of the abattoir to meet the required standards
become Mr Gweru for a 18 brand new cellphones as per the various pieces of legislation governing the meat
moment after he allegedly and cash. industry.

For further information kindly contact 0782 555 111/ 0731
555 111

The Sun 08 - 14 July 2022

5. LOCAL NEWS The paper that digs deeper

This unfortunate incident

happened after we recently

celebrated Day Of The Af-

rican Child under the

theme "Protecting The Girl

Child From Harmful Prac-

tices" both parents and so-

ciety should see to it that

children are protected

from social evils like child

molestation and pornogra-

phy. The painful Chauraya

video is a clear indication

that such happenings are

prevalent in our societies

but are yet to be exposed,”

said Rutsate.

Commenting on the

same issue, Youth Essence

Director, Nobuhle

Mahlahla called upon so-

ciety to unite and fight

against child molestation highly political institution.
So, one needs to stay fo-
and abuse. Kelvin Kasiwulaya cused and determined to be
"Community should Gweru City Council Public
Relations Officer, Vimbai "Moreso, PR is more
unite and protect these Chingwaramusee continues about creativity, so you
to be the City's torch bearer need to follow the new
children not only in rela- after she recently scooped trends of communication,"
two remarkable accolades said Chingwaramusee.
tion to sexual abuse but at separate events held in
Harare. Some of her most notable
WCoZ Midlands Chairperson, Mrs Nozipho Rutsate other types of abuse also. accolades include the gold
Chingwaramusee bagged medal won by the City of
It is these very unfair and the Women in Public Rela- Gweru at the Zimbabwe In-
tions Communication Ef- ternational Trade Fair in
heartless individuals like fective Communicator in 2021 and the bronze medal
the public Service entity in won this year.
Citizen Journalist act and demanding justice Munyaradzi Chauraya, Zimbabwe award.
for the toddler. Chingwaramusee also
who should face the full The award ceremony was won the CEO Network
WCoZ Midlands Chair- organized by the institute of Young PR Practitioners
he Women's Coa person, Mrs Nozipho wrath of the law. Justice public relations communi- award 2021 and she was the
Rutsate applauded Mai TT cations in Zimbabwe. Institute of Public Relations
lition of Zimba for her noble gesture as she must prevail for abusive Communications Zimba-
became the voice of the On Thursday last week, bwe Best PR under 40 in
bwe (WCoZ) voiceless and the agent of men in the community," Chingwaramusee won the 2020.
Justice for abused children. Megafest, Silver Award for
Midlands has she said. Best Female Executive in Vimbai has
"As WCoZ, we applaud Zimbabwe 2021.
condemned the moral evil Mai TT for exposing and Disappointed by won 15 awards
campaigning against child Vimbai has won 15
of child molestation after a abuse and pornography. We Chauraya's rogue behav- awards of excellence since of excellence
also encourage all mothers joining the City of Gweru
video featuring to have the same spirit of ior, Gweru's Ward 4 Coun- in August 2019 and gave since joining the
putting their children first in glory to Almighty God who
Munyaradzi Chauraya (39) such situations of abuse," cillor Martin Chivhoko has taken her this far. City of Gweru in
said Rutsate.
having his manhood condemned the heinous She also encouraged fel- August 2019 and
She also noted that moth- low women in the Public
touched by a 2year-old girl ers should protect their chil- video as a moral discor- Relations fraternity to re- gave glory to
dren from such harmful main strong and determined
went viral on social media. practices. dance. in order to be successful. Almighty God

Chauraya is currently “Mothers should work to "These people are bad "Fellow women in PR who has taken
protect their children from should be strong, the field
facing allegations of child criminals like Chauraya. apples in our society, they is not easy, especially at a her this far.

abuse after a video in must be hanged. How can

which he forced a toddler one do that to a child." l am

to touch his private parts infuriated to the last extent

found its way on social by this video and very

media platforms. much embarrassed as a

Upon seeing the abusive man that we have such pe-

video, Comedian cum So- dipalps in the world. This

cialite Mai TT went on a child has been damaged

social media campaign for life such men should be

condemning the criminal arrested and given life in

prison," he said.

TheTShuenS1u8n- 2048 -F1e4bruJualryy 2022

The paper that digs deeper 6.

Kelvin Kasiwulaya

Two Zvishavane brothers shelter ourselves in the streets quest to find their grand- never been there. We also want
Tafadzwa (13) and Brandon of Zvishavane, however food mother whom they think to go to school as other kids do,
Dube (14) who were aban- was not easy to come- by forc- lived in Maboleni. each and every day, I feel the
doned by their parents last ing us to come to Gweru where pain of not going to school when
December are on a quest to the streets are wide and lavish," Pleading for assistance I see other kids being walked to
locate their grandmother who the two brothers confessed school by their parents, please
is believed to be in the Lower Here in Gweru, food is very that they previously tried to help us find Gogo so that we may
Gweru area of Maboleni and easy to find, last night we were find a home for themselves have a home, warm blankets and
are appealing to the members given Sadza by a woman at through the Ministry of La- go to school.
of the public to assist. Midlands hotel, we also bor and Social Welfare and
scrounge and scavenge for were sent to Mudavanhu All hope is now pinned on the
Tafadzwa and Brandon are food from bins located at fast- center where they alleged generality of the public to help
now living in the streets of food outlets like KFC, Chicken ill-treatment at the home. the two siblings find their grand-
Gweru after they were left Inn, and Chicken Slice, how- mother who is believed to be in
alone by their mother Spiwe ever, there is stiffer competi- "We have made efforts to Maboleni, lower Gweru.
Moyo and husband Percy tion from senior and older find a home but all our ef-
Mucheto who went to South street kids," said Tafadzwa forts hit a brick wall, the Percy Mucheto is believed to
Africa to look for work but with a shivering voice. only option is to look for our come from Mutare. Anyone who
never returned home, result- grandmother whom we last can assist with locating relatives
ing in their landlord in Brendon bemoaned the cold saw when we were under of the two brothers can contact
Mandava's high-density sub- spell in Gweru and pleaded for the age of seven, we heard The Sun hotline
urb evicting the children. warm clothing and shelter that she is from the +263779428322.
while they continue with their Maboleni area but we have
The two brothers claimed
that they have no known rela-
tives in the mining town of
Zvishavane, and stranded, de-
cided to board a ZUPCO bus
on January 18, after lying to
the conductor that someone
was going to pay for the bus
fares upon arrival in Gweru.

When they arrived at the
Cathedral bus stop, the two
ran out of the bus into the
streets of Gweru, leaving the
conductor in a state of disbe-

From that day the fledgling
brothers have been surviving
on handouts from well-wish-
ers and begging has become
their day-to-day ignoble job.

Narrating their painful life
ordeal, Tafadzwa and Bran-
don said, life has not been
easy in the streets, citing the
cold spell, the two unfortunate
siblings are in dire need of
clothes, food, and shelter
while they continue to search
for their grandmother who
they last saw when they were
under the age of 7.

"Our mother Spiwe Moyo
told us before she left that, she
was following our father
Perce Mucheto to South Af-
rica, she left us at a rented
house in Mandava where we
were evicted for non-payment
of rent.

"The landlord threw all our
property outside and it was
raining, hence we decided to

The Sun 08 - 14 July 2022

7. LOCAL NEWS The paper that digs deeper

Kwekwe City Council suspends
plan to demolish illegal tuckshops

Kwekwe City has bowed ish illegal tuck-shops with-
down to pressure from out consulting them.
councillors to temporarily
suspend a planned demoli- Kwekwe Mayor Cllr
tion of illegal tuck-shops Future Titora told 98.4FM
and gas cages in the city. News that council has
Speaking during a full shelved the plans. The
council meeting, Ward 8 council has started demol-
Cllr Edumakomborero ishing illegal structures as
Mlambo criticized manage- a way to restore sanity in
ment on the move to demol- the city.

Goat gives birth to a kid with

human features in Zhombe

Villagers in Mzondekile was an act of witchcraft. Kelvin Kasiwulaya mining town of Shurugwi, it guzzlers in Gutu.
Village in St. Andrews area Chief Wait Gwesela con- has been established. A diesel fitter/engine tech-
in Zhombe are baffled by firmed the incident to The Ziva Mwari Congrega-
yet another strange devel- 98.4FM News. tion Church (ZMCC) popu- Rooted at Trojan mine, the nician at Trojan Mine, Twabi
opment in which a goat al- larly known for its booze- church" is for people who was visibly proud of his un-
legedly gave birth to a kid According to the locals, loving congregants is set to commit themselves to an dertaking.
with humans features. The weird developments have open a new branch in the hour of worship and the rest
locals are alleging that it become a common for beer drinking. He said he decided to start
occurance in Zhombe. the church after realizing he
While in many churches, was suffering humiliation in
beer drinking is condemned the churches he has at-
in the strongest terms pos- tempted to fellowship at due
sible, at ZMCC liberty to his undying love for the
reigns supreme. brown bottle.

Speaking to the media, "I sat down with my
ZMCC founder Richard friends and decided to en-
Twabi hinted that he was gage all alcoholics, drug
working on launching an- abusers and all sorts of rogue
other Chapter in Shurugwi. elements who want to pray
despite the activities they
"There are people who engage in," Twabi said.
have shown interest in
Shurugwi and have had calls "We want them to always
from around the country," he remember that there is God
said in heaven, hence the name,
Ziva Mwari (Know God),".
He has also charmed beer

The Sun 08 - 14 July 2022

The paper that digs deeper LOCAL NEWS 8.

José Eduardo dos Santos dies at 79

Angolans eulogized former loss". He declared five days of Dos Santos was admitted ZUCWU General Secretary Kudakwashe Munengiwa
President Jose Eduardo dos national mourning, starting to a hospital in Spain and
Santos who died Friday in Saturday. placed in intensive care after
Spain as a patriot. suffering a cardiac arrest on
"This is very sad news... He June 23.
Angolan President Joao has done a lot for the country,"
Lourenco, who is seeking re- said Luanda resident Santos 'Giant tree has fallen'
election in August, said the Camuenho, a 40-year-old ma- Namibia's President Hage
country had suffered a "big son. Geingob called dos Santos an
"outstanding revolutionary".
"Another giant tree has
fallen," Geingob said.

Portugal's President
Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa de-
scribed him as a "decisive
protagonist" in the relations
with Angola's former colonial

Former Portuguese prime
minister and ex-head of the
European Commission Jose
Manuel Barroso recalled a
leader of exceptional intelli-
gence, who was able to guar-
antee Angolan national

For much of his time at the
head of his MPLA party, dos
Santos fought a civil war.

Martin Mawaya to USD as of January 2022,"
he said.
The Zimbabwe Ur
ban Councils He added that the City of
Workers Union Gweru's lowest-paid worker
(ZUCWU) has de- in January was earning 38000
manded the restoration of RTGS which was equivalent
pre-January 2022 salaries to to US$317.
council employees so that
they can be cushioned against "We are not asking for sal-
the sliding local currency. ary increment but restoration
of the value, the purchasing
The combative urban power of the money that coun-
Councils union said the local cils had budgeted for us as the
authorities should rebase year started.
their salaries in United States
dollars or equivalent to the "We don't want any renego-
prevailing interbank rate. tiations, we are saying to the
councils, let us hold you to
ZUCWU general secretary your standard. We are only de-
Kudakwashe Munengiwa manding the restoration of the
said rebasing their salaries in real value and the real value
USD or interbank rate will was US$317 for the lowest-
hedge them against inflation paid worker in Gweru.
"It is unfair to expect work-
"Inflation in Zimbabwe ers to deliver services at a dis-
has eroded the budgets that counted price when you are
were done in January in collecting United States dol-
2022, hence councils should lars and paying service sta-
rebase the budgets equivalent tions as well as service pro-
viders in USD or equivalent.

The Sun 08 - 14 July 2022

9. LOCAL NEWS The paper that digs deeper


A stroke strikes lost completely or a slurred a stroke has struck. erally good for your health as the lost abilities. Physiothera-
speech will be experienced Upon seeing any one or all
swiftly as lightning which will hardly be under- well as avoiding strong emo- pists and occupational thera-
stood. A sudden unexplained of these signs please act fast
and just as lightning severe headache might also sig- and call for an ambulance or tions by keeping your stress pists come in handy in assist-
nal that a stroke has just oc- use any other available means
itself it leaves a trail curred. Confusion and failure to to get the victim to the hospi- levels under check. Make sure ing the regaining the use of
comprehend what is happening tal as soon as possible. A stroke
of devastating effects around the victim is also stroke presented to the hospital on all health conditions that. may both lower and upper limbs
indicator that needs not be ig- time has a very high chance of
on human life thus nored. a favorable treatment outcome. predispose you to a stroke such thus legs and arms.
Waste no time in seeking emer-
making it the second Hypertension or high blood gency healthcare services for as hypertension, diabetes, obe- Dieticians will also assist
pressure is the leading cause of a stroke as this might avert a
major cause of death a stroke with obesity, high cho- worst-case scenario of either sity, or high cholesterol levels with the diet that the survi-
lesterol, and diabetes being death or permanent disability.
in the world behind other medical conditions that are properly managed by a vor can consume and draws
may lead to a stroke. Genetics, Lifestyle changes will prob-
cardiovascular dis- age, sex and ethnicity are some ably prevent a stroke from oc- healthcare professional with up feeding methods that the
of the nonmodifiable risk fac- curring. A nutritious healthy
eases at the same tors which predisposed a per- diet coupled with proper eat- you adhering to treatment pro- survivor can easily adapt to.
son to stroke and are beyond the ing habits which ensure the
being the major victim's control to do much uptake of enough fruits and tocols at all times. Speech therapists can be
avert a stroke. Stroke is more vegetables will definitely in-
cause of acquired common in aging populations hibit a stroke especially when Stroke recurrence is highly roped in to help in regaining
but can also affect children, es- you avoid excessive uptake of
A disability. pecially those who are predis- sodium, trans fats and sugary possible especially where risk the speech component if the
lso known as a posed to sickle cell disease. products not forgetting fast
brain or cerebral Lifestyle contributes a lot to foods. Tobacco use has to be factors are thriving in a stroke need arises.
focal attack it modifiable risk factors as avoided at all costs and harm-
occurs when the lifestyle changes can prevent ful use of alcohol has to be survivor. Survivors should re- Body changes as well as
brain is deprived of oxygen this deadly brain attack from eliminated and resorting to
supply due to a disturbance occurring. Poor and unhealthy moderate alcohol use. An in- ligiously take up their pre- loss of abilities to accomplish
of blood supply to the brain. nutrition contributes a lot to dividual has to be physically
stroke not eliminating poor di- active by engaging in a daily scribed medication and follow simple tasks which might see
There are two ways in etary habits which see the con- 30-minute workout or alterna-
which a stroke can affect a sumption of excess sodium, tively a weekly two-hour the recommended rehabilita- changing of roles whereby a
victim. An ischemic attack trans fats, and sugary products workout. A clean environment
occurs when an artery is as well as taking up a lot of fast free of pollution is also ideal tion protocols. Just like anyone breadwinner might have to
blocked by a clot that might foods may be harmful to one's for stroke prevention. Main-
develop in the brain tissues health in its total generality and taining an ideal weight is gen- else stroke survivors are rec- depend on other family mem-
due to the accumulation of cause a stroke in particular. To-
some fatty substances in the bacco use and excessive or ommended to follow all other bers to accomplish simple
blood vessels. harmful use of alcohol can also
lead to a stroke. A sedentary prevention measures. As for tasks can be stressful and
A clot can develop in the lifestyle which includes physi-
heart due to irregular heart- cal inactivity contributes a lot the physical activity compo- emotional draining for the
beat subject to disease or as a major cause of stroke.
some medications and is nent it has to be tailor-made to survivor and definitely needs
transported to the brain un- Identification of stroke signs
til it gets trapped in arteries and symptoms is very important suit the stroke survivor's capa- counseling by a psychologist
in the brain which get and acting fast on them can
smaller in the brain as they avert imminent death or avoid- bilities as their physical well- to help in adjusting to the new
get to supply a billion cells able permanent disability. Upon
with blood. suspecting a stroke ask the vic- being is already compromised. undesirable status quo.
tim to smile and check for mus-
A hemorrhagic stroke oc- cular weakness shown by the Stroke victims need to tim- Peer Support groups for
curs when an artery raptured mouth dropping to one side.
due to elevated blood pres- eously present themselves to stroke survivors are also
sure thereby depriving brain Ask the victim to raise their
cells of oxygen supply as arms and failure to do so or one the hospital for emergency therapeutic as they offer psy-
well as blood bleeding into arm drops is also an indicator
nearby cells damaging them that a stroke has occurred. Ask treatment and care which can chosocial support and safe
in the process. the victim to say a simple
phrase and failure to do so or a guarantee the person a better spaces which have proven
Depending on which part slurred speech is also a sign that
of the brain is affected some treatment outcome. A team of very effective in sharing ex-
important body functions
are affected which culmi- health professionals will al- periences and coping skills
nates in some signs and
symptoms which include ways be available to comple- sharing bearing in mind that
but are not limited to mus-
cular weakness on one side ment the doctors' and nurses' no amount of technical exper-
of the body including the
face, arm and leg. Vision efforts by rehabilitating the tise can replace the lived ex-
loss in one eye or blurred
vision is most likely to de- survivor to help in regaining perience.
velop also. Speech can be

TheThSeunSu1n8 -0284-F1e4brJuualyry 22002222

Juventus have confirmed
the signing of Angel Di
Maria on a free transfer.
The Argentina forward -
who left previous club
Paris Saint-Germain in
May at the end of his
contract - will wear the
No. 22 shirt
with the Old
Lady, with his
contract in
Turin set to
run until June
2023 [email protected] 0712718043 08644216800 The Sun Newspaper

SRC set to transform Elvis Chipezeze on verge of
Midlands Sports joining SA top-flight club

Anotidaishe Chivhenge

he Midlands The Ministry of Youth for all activities such as ten- Elvis Chipezeze
Sport and Rec Sports Arts and Recreation nis, hockey, rugby, cricket
reation Com represented by Mr Daniel among others. Elvis Chipezeze could return to for the new season. He is a free
mission (SRC) Mapadza also highlighted the South African top-flight agent after leaving Baroka FC.
recently pledged to assist that its main mission is cre- "We promise develop- league following his release at The negotiations are at an ad-
in the creation of a vibrant ating and enabling a sustain- ment in both urban and ru- relegated side Baroka. vanced stage,” an unnamed
sports industry that will see able environment for sport- ral Midlands's regions, source told the publication.
the province realize finan- ing activities that promote trained coaches will be pro- The Zimbabwean goal-
cial benefits. access for everyone in com- vided to develop the skill of keeper was among the nine Should Chipezeze com-
Speaking at a Stakehold- munities, as part of eco- the young people at a tender players released at the pletes the free transfer,
ers interaction and integra- nomic development. age giving them better op- Limpopo-based club over a Richards Bay would become
tion meeting held in portunities in-line with week ago. the goalie’s second club in
Gweru, Midlands Sport "The Ministry would like sport," said Mr. Mapadza South Africa.
and Recreation Develop- to appreciate the efforts pro- According to Soccer
ment Officer Simon posed by the Midlands SRC, Midlands SRC has a mis- Laduma, the 32-year-old’s han- The former Warriors inter-
Masaka said, it is the that are aimed at improving sion-driven by the NDS1 dlers have started negotiations national moved to Baroka
Commission's duty to im- the sporting activities in this that stipulates that by 2030, with newly-promoted Richards from Chicken Inn in 2018.
prove the sporting indus- region in terms of the sporting industry of Zim- Bay regarding a possible deal.
try. infrastructural development babwe should be empow- He was Bakgakga’s first-
"We are looking forward and creating diverse grounds ered and prosperous. Chipezeze was spotted with choice keeper until 2021 and
to building a sporting in- his representative and Richards was named one of the club’s
dustry that will bring fi- Bay boss Sifiso Biyela having captains.
nancial benefits to our discussions at a location in
province and the nation at Gauteng. The former Warriors inter-
large. Sport is the most national struggled for game
paying industry worldwide “Elvis Chipezeze is in talks time in his final two seasons,
as we see some Africans with Richards Bay to join them prompting his release.
playing abroad are receiv-
ing a fortune, it starts with
us here in the Midlands
region. We are working to-
wards a successful sport-
ing era if we as stakehold-
ers do our part in joining
hands towards the visions
we have," he said.

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