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When The Sun Speaks, The World Listens
Est: 2003 P/7 $100.00
The Sun 29April - 05 May 2022
Martin Mawaya maintain our roads and the
ity of Gweru council should instead look
councilors at legacy development chal-
unanimously be lenges we have. I am saying
moaned poor ser- this because there are some
wards we gave people stands
vice provision being pro- and these stands have gone
vided to residents by the lo- for 9 to 12 years without be-
cal authority and called for ing serviced.
the adoption of new strate-
gies to overcome the chal- “The council roads equip-
lenges. ment must be utilized to ser-
vice those areas,” he said.
Contributing to the state of
the roads in the city during Clr Farai Muza concurred
the 693rd ordinary council with the deputy mayor Clr
meeting held on Monday at
the Mayor’s Parlour, Ward 5, To page 2
Councilor Cleopas Shiri said
“As a council, it’s clear we Full Story on page 3
have failed to maintain our
roads. We don’t have the ca- www.thesunnews.co.zw
pacity and the roads are in a
deplorable state hence the
need to engage a private con-
tractor to rehabilitate them.
“It’s better to find a con-
tractor with the ability to
2. LOCAL NEWS The paper that digs deeper
he Gweru City Council is Ward 18 Councilor. has had its traffic lights not work- funds,” said Gweru Mayor
planning to engage the The Council’s decision to install ing. Hamutendi Kombayi.
Minister of Local Govern
ment and Public Works traffic lights will be beneficial to the Gweru has had serious challenges Driving around Gweru has since
Hon July Moyo and the Midlands Gweru residents which will help re- in terms of how traffic moves around proved to be a nightmare as most of
Minister of State for Provincial Af- duce the accidents in the city. the City. the roads are covered in potholes
fairs and Devolution Larry Mavhima which has resulted in the damage of
over the failure of a Constructor, “Having highlighted the resolu- Meanwhile, the council is also motorist vehicles.
Emobuild Construction in installing tion passed to engage the Minister engaging private contractors to fix
traffic lights. and the dates proposed will they not council roads. “There is a policy that is supposed
Emobuild Construction was clash with the court’s outcomes,’’ to be put in place on road rehabilita-
awarded a tender in 2013 to install said Councilor Martin Chivhoko “The council is looking forward tion which we need to communicate
the traffic which became malfunc- from ward 11. to perfecting Gweru roads, only one with the government,” said
tioned immediately after being in- road has been fixed the Emmerson Kombayi.
stalled. The City for the past four years Mnangagwa Road using devolution
Over 90% of the traffic lights de-
veloped faults and the constructor
failed to own its warranty resulting
to the case going under arbitration.
The total cost of the project was
US $500 000 and the council still
owes the Constructor US $46 000.
The project was supposed to re-
duce accidents caused by malfunc-
tioning traffic lights due to power
The Local authority wants
Emobuild construction to compen-
sate it for the claims it made out to
motorists involved in accidents at
the12 controlled robot intersections
as a result of malfunctioning traffic
“The traffic lights in Gweru CBD
have witnessed a number of people
being involved in accidents at robot-
controlled intersections having been
recorded,” said Edison Kurebgaseka
From page 1 “There is a need for unity and col- Gweru Mayor Hamutendi Kombayi
laboration between council and gov- The Sun 29April - 05 May 2022
Shiri saying “council has failed to ernment on these developmental is-
provide efficient service delivery sues. It is clear that at times govern-
and the road network are poor with ment came and do things without
potholes scattered across the city consulting the council which will
despite the government adopting result in discord and failure of de-
other roads which also gone for velopmental projects,” he said.
more than 8 months without be-
ing attended to,”. The local authority has been strug-
gling to provide service delivery due
Gweru Mayor Hamutendi to an array of things that includes
Kombayi added that government lack of due diligence, inflationary
and the local authority must work pressures, prize distortion, and lack
together on road projects. of foreign currency among other is-
The paper that digs deeper 3.
Mushrooming mini retail The war in Ukraine, where the bulk Confederation of Zimbabwe Retailers president Denford Mutashu
shops in Gweru and of global sunflower oil originates, has
Kwekwe who are selling further hamstrung the industry with The Sun 1289A-p2r4il F-e0b5ruMaaryy 22002222
their goods in United States shipping delays and price hikes of more
dollars and in return purchase their stocks than 50% as other major oil-producing
from local wholesalers in RTGS are being nations suspended exports to satisfy
accused of fueling the decision by whole- domestic demand.
salers to demand payment of basic goods
in forex, it has been established, The Sun/NewsDay
Investigations by this reporter revealed
that the mini retailers' owners are taking
advantage of wholesalers and supermarkets
who are trading in RTGS by buying the
local currency on the black market for the
purposes of buying basic goods for resale
in forex..
This has resulted in wholesalers also start
demand forex for a number of basic goods
like cooking oil and dairy products.
Some large wholesalers were selling
cooking oil, alcohol and dairy products
exclusively in US dollars.
Confederation of Zimbabwe Retailers
(CZR) president Denford Mutashu said
retailers were being “forced” to charge for
some basic goods exclusively in US dol-
lars because manufacturers were demand-
ing hard currency.
“The reason why some players are sell-
ing exclusively in US$ is because of the
value chain challenges they are facing for
one to get the cooking oil,” Mutashu said.
“The supplier or manufacturer demands
foreign currency in advance and it is the
reason most formal shops are in disarray
because the bulk of their transactions is
constituted by swipe and mobile money,
which is local money, so in order to get
products, someone has to get foreign cur-
rency from somewhere.”
Some informal traders in the capital have
resorted to either selling all their products
in US dollars or selling selected basics like
sugar, maize meal, cooking oil, salt, and
soap exclusively in forex.
Dairy products, rice, beef, poultry prod-
ucts, and the Mazoe brand juices have also
been added to the US dollar-only list.
“For formal business, it’s not practical for
them to get foreign currency from the par-
allel market or participate in the auction
for local bids, so the only option left is to
sell in foreign currency, particular products,
in order for one to be able to procure it
again later from the manufacturers,”
Mutashu said.
“It’s a value chain issue more than it is a
retailer or wholesaler issue. The value chain
has now been disrupted. Some producers
are saying if you want two trucks of sugar
or rice, you pay for one in US dollars and
another one using local currency.”
Edible oil expressers are struggling to
import raw materials which constitute more
than 80% of their requirements, given that
local edible oil production is only enough
to feed the nation for six or so weeks, due
to foreign currency shortages.
4. LOCAL NEWS The paper that digs deeper
he government has urged but the main target is the Indig-
enous churches,” said Mr. Donald
the youth in Gweru Tamuka Musundire the chairper-
son of the District.
churches to work with the
In terms of networking, projects,
community and be part of and empowerment youths are lag-
ging behind, this organization is
development projects through the looking forward in teaming up to
make sure that it spreads the word
Zimbabwe Indigenous of empowerment, initiates, and
makes them part and parcel of the
Interdominational Council of empowerment circles of this
country as far as youth empower-
Churches Youth Empowerment ment is concerned.
(ZIICCYE). “ZIICCYE is keen to work with
other bodies that support youth or-
Speaking at a recent meeting or- ganizations like ministries, Non-
Governmental Organizations,
ganized by ZIICYE Mr. Civic society organizations, and
private supporters, said Mr.
Munyaradzi Machaya the District Musundire.
Chair of the Zimbabwe Council of During the meeting, a commit-
tee was set up which is aiming at
Churches said that churches were lobbying dialoguing capacities
that are going to a driving force
lagging behind in almost every- and a change the youth’s mental-
ity and retain the empowerment
thing, (ZIICC) is partnering with endeavor. Tinaani Nyabereka is confined to all inmates and is
done nationally. Every inmate is
ZIICYE to involve all youths in “We are going to create a youth Gweru- The community and allowed to get a visitor and fam-
voice among the Christian com- wellwishers across the province ily are usually encouraged to
indigenous churches in all youth munity and we going to also ad- have been encouraged to embrace come and see their loved ones
here to issues like early childhood the prison family week through do- here.
empowerment programs. marriages, drug abuse and educa- nations.
tion that are affecting the youth, "But the challenge we usually
The government is youth-friendly “he added. The development comes as some face is that not all inmates get
inmates fail to get visitors due to visits to be it on family day and
and wants to nurture people so that This program is also targeting to financial constraints during the any other normal days and know
ensure that the youth in the rural family week which is usually done this has mainly attributed to fi-
they can have a better future there- areas also benefit from the momentous on Easter and Heroes nancial constraints. So as an in-
ZIICYE empowerment programs. day holidays respectively. stitution we try our level best with
fore the youth is encouraged to other officers to see that we al-
The Zimbabwe Prisons and Cor- ways reach out to their families
come up with business ideas and rectional Services( ZPCS) family and try to engage with them.
week is conducted as an effort to
ZICCYE will assist in them being promote family reunion and inte- The Zimbabwe Prisons
gration among inmates and the and Correctional Ser-
implemented. community, preparing them for the vices( ZPCS) family
community after incarnation.
“This program aims at empow- week is conducted as an
Speaking to The Sun News dur- effort to promote family
ering youths be it in educational, ing an interview after touring the reunion and integration
Whawha prison facility last week, among inmates and the
hustling, and when job opportuni- The Officer in Charge of Whawha
Prison medium, Superintendent community, preparing
ties arise and scholarships so that Tineyi Mukeredza said the chal- them for the community
lenge the institution faced was that
we are able to put forward names of inmates who couldn't get visi- after incarnation.
tors during times like the Prison
of all the youths that qualify,’’ said family week.
Miss Bianca Makombe the Provin- "The Zimbabwe Prisons and Cor-
rectional Services Family weekday
cial Secretary.
“ZIICYE represents all indig-
enous churches like the Apostolic
sect and the Pentecostal sect that
were established in Zimbabwe and
we also work partly with other
churches like the Roman Catholic
In terms of networking, projects, and Visit our website:
empowerment youths are lagging be- www.thesunnews.co.zw
hind, this organization is looking for-
ward in teaming up to make sure that for more news
it spreads the word of empowerment,
initiates, and makes them part and
parcel of the empowerment circles of
this country as far as youth empower-
ment is concerned.
The Sun 29April - 05 May 2022
The paper that digs deeper 5.
The Sun 1289A-p2r4il F-e0b5ruMaaryy 22002222
6. LOCAL NEWS The paper that digs deeper
Telecomms giant, TelOne, Muswere challenged
has launched the Bulawayo Telone to be a leading
Data Centre and customer telecom provider and be in-
experience hub in a move set novative.
to improve data connectiv-
ity and customer interface in "Our expectation is for
the Southern region. you to secure 25% revenue
market share, development
The data centre, a first of of 10 new data-centric prod-
its kind in the Matabeleland ucts and services, reduction
region, is part of TelOne's in overhead expenses and
product expansion drive infrastructure expansion and
which has seen the concern sharing. Specific to market
investing more than the US share growth, I am sure your
$4million since 2016. renewed focus on client ex-
perience will be helpful to-
ICT, Postal And Courier gether with other key invest-
Services, Jenfan Muswere ments that are required,"
lauded the initiative saying Muswere said.
it augers well with the
government's development He noted that the Client
strategy. Experience Centre speaks to
ICT, Postal And Courier Services, Jenfan Muswere
the government's goal of highly customizable, fully
modernizing cities. managed, and secure disas-
ter recovery hosting for car-
Boasting a total rack ca- rier-grade IT resilience.
pacity of 120 Racks, the data
centre has a total power ca- According to TelOne
pacity of 400kVA and is a chairman, Dr Douglas
Tier 3 Designed facility that Zimbango, Hillside was par-
offers redundancy for all ticularly prioritized to be the
critical components such as second in line to be re-
power, cooling, and other vamped as it is one of the
active equipment. group's bigger exchanges
servicing a total of 6 500 cli-
This will enable TelOne ents from more than 10 sur-
customers, who are large rounding suburbs for Voice
banks and financial Asymmetric Digital Sub-
organisations, telecommuni- scriber Line (ADSL), Fiber
cation providers, private to The Home (FTTH) and
companies, government de- VSAT services from a ca-
partments, and a range of pacity of 10 000. 263 Chat
information technology ser-
vice providers, to enjoy
Boasting a total rack capac-
ity of 120 Racks, the data
centre has a total power ca-
pacity of 400kVA and is a
Tier 3 Designed facility that
offers redundancy for all
critical components such as
power, cooling, and other
active equipment.
The Sun 29April - 05 May 2022
The paper that digs deeper 7.
Motorists complaining about
bad state of roads in Zvishavane
Motorists in Zvishavane Harare based actor Takunda firmed this and added that rop-
are not happy with the state Cloud Nyakauri, popularly ing in actors from other cities
of the roads in the mining known as Jedza of Naiza Boom is important to make the pro-
town and are accusing the productions, is set to feature in duction more interesting.
Town Council of neglecting season two of Gweru series
to maintain the infrastruc- Pazimuti. Pazimuti is a drama Nyakauri says he is confi-
ture. Some motorists say series shot in Gweru`s Senga dent the production will be a
they are now forced to drive and Nehosho suburbs, which success with the audience. The
dangerously on the road as airs on the national TV broad- series features Gweru actors
they try to avoid potholes. caster. Stella Butete, Simbarashe
Director and writer of the se- Gwawawa and Monalisa
Midlands Provincial Af- ries Takudzwa Musadza con- Chikudo among others.
fairs Minister Larry
Mavima last week
criticised road authorities
for the poor state of roads
in the province.
Midlands Provincial Affairs Minister Larry Mavima
ZANU PF Official urges Zimbabweans to unite
despite political affiliation
A Zanu PF official says swearing-in of five Kwekwe voted into office during the Takunda Cloud Nyakauri
Zimbabweans must demon- City councillors who were recent by-elections.
strate love for one another The Sun
despite political affiliation.
Recently elected Kwekwe's The paper that digs deeper
Ward 8 Cllr
Edumakomborero Mlambo EDITOR- IN - CHIEF
says people from different Willie Mponda
political parties must shun
political violence and work
together towards the
country's development.
He was addressing journal-
ists in Kwekwe soon after the
(CHAPTER 29:12) Tendai Chifunyise
SECTION 26 (3) OF THE ACT Richard Shumba
Notice is hereby given of an application to carry out the following development on Stand Elaine Mpofu
411 Cowfold Township Mtausi Park. Anotidaishe Chivhenge0
It is proposed to establish a Cluster Housing Development on the above mentioned stand. PHOTO JOURNALIST
Stand 411 Cowfold Township Mtausi Park is zoned single family residential in terms of Jabulani Makuluni
the approved layout plan wherein the establishment of a Cluster Housing Development
may be permitted through Special Consent. MARKETING
Vimbai Nyamukutu
The application plans and any special conditions which the Local Planning Authority is
likely to impose, in the event that this application being favourably considered may be PUBLISHER
inspected in the City Planning and Development Control Section during normal office hours. Community Newspapers of Zimbabwe
Any persons wishing to make objections or representations relating to the application must www.thesunnews.co.zw
lodge them with the undersigned within one month of the date of the first insertion of this
notice. The Sun 1289A-p2r4il F-e0b5ruMaaryy 22002222
The Acting Town Clerk 1ST ADVERT
City of Gweru
P.O. Box 278
8. LOCAL NEWS The paper that digs deeper
If we are to date back into education programmes should be and the citizens the government peace education initiatives be- one of his song poets once said
the past we can see that vio enacted and promoted. This is so will help citizens to practice all fore elections have not been and I quote"Weapons of mass de-
lent conflicts are detrimen to enable people to become their democratic rights freely. taught, besides allegations of struction are not made of metals
tal to mankind. Especially if aware of the importance of hav- Liberal democracy was defined election rigging, lack of politi- and chemicals weapons of mass
we look at the devastating effects ing peace during elections. In, by the late former U.S president cal will for a smooth handover destruction are in the heart. It, is
of the two world wars that is the upcoming elections people Abraham Lincoln as the govern- of power among other factors to selfishness, racism, envy, tribal-
World War 1 and the World War have to be taught on the aspect ment of the people by the people take into consideration. Special ism and grudges that made some-
2. of tolerance at large despite po- for the people, that will not per- credit goes to several religious body design a bomb its not a
litical differences. ish from the face of the earth. So, institutions that have been play- bomb that causes somebody to
Besides, these two wars we this type of peace education will ing a pivotal role to ensure that hate. If, you are against war.
can also see the devastating ef- This is so because politics of create harmony between both the there is peace such as the Catho- Why, are you against those who
fects of other prominent violent today now require people to tol- citizens and the government. lic Commission for Justice and are against war, if you really
conflicts such as the French erate each other this will go a Other, aspects that of democracy Peace (CCJP), Zimbabwe Bish- want to stop war in Africa why
Revolution among others just to long way in building the nation that can be taught in the upcom- ops Catholic Conference do you sell us fire arms, why
mention a few. All, these cata- together. There, is an adage that ing elections include parliamen- (ZCBC), Zimbabwe Council of signing the peace accords with a
strophic events led to the real- was written some five years back tary democracy, electoral democ- Churches, Zimbabwe Indigenous right hand, while the left is hold-
ization that Peace was the best which stated that "An eye for an racy and even the constitutional Council of Churches among oth- ing a gun. Violence begets vio-
option to solve all these prob- eye makes Zimbabwe blind". So, democracy. If, these aspects are ers. So, peace education before lence, love begets love, ferocity
lems and it leads to development in this instance in the upcoming taught during the elections there elections should be taught at in- begets fighting, force begets re-
because we cannot talk of devel- 2023 harmonized elections will be peace in the country. dividual level, family level, com- sentment. You cannot stop war
opment without peace. people should have tolerance to Electoral democracy will pave munity level up to the top. using war you cannot dig a pit to
each other this will also go a long way for various electoral free- feel another pity sow love and
This then led to the shift from way in promoting peaceful elec- doms citizens will be aware of This, will help in the promo- reap love. We need devotion than
state centred security to human tions that are not violent in na- their electoral rights if such a tion of positive peace. So, using bitterness, affection than animos-
security in which in that shift we ture. If, there is tolerance the right has been granted to them one of the theories of peace edu- ity, attachment than antagonism,
witnessed various events, con- election commissioners can also and there won't be any grievance cation the integral theory this can adoration than antipathy, eman-
ventions that were meant to bring conduct their business without with the government. also be implied to ensure that at cipation than emanciation". So,
about peace such as the 1948 fear, this will also pave way for individual level an individual has peace education should be put
Universal Declaration of Human credible elections. So, with all this evidence a peace of mind and that peace into practice such that we bear
Rights, several UN Charters, the peace education is of paramount of mind will help the individual such things in mind so that we
creation of the League of Nations Apart, from the aspect of tol- importance. It can help even the to interact well with others in the remain calm and peaceful in the
around 1919 that then led to the erance the other importance of prevention of conflicts provided community, despite political dif- upcoming 2023 harmonized
creation of the United Nations an peace education is that it helps various aspects such as conflict ferences. elections.
international organization that people to be aware of even their prevention and conflict avoid-
was meant to ensure that there is human rights this include the ance have been taught. These Hence, peace education will Dexter S Mwanamombe,
peace globally in order to pro- electoral rights. Through, human aspects are important in totally play a pivotal role to avert vio- Midlands State University
mote development. This was a rights education people can be preventing electoral violence. lence in the upcoming 2023 har- Level 2.2, Peace and Security
shift in which the aspect of peace taught about their rights that are So, civil societies and religious monized elections. Studies Honours Degree,
is now being promoted and ad- enshrined in the constitution as institutions should work hand in Midlands State University
vocated for in this era that we are well as those in the International hand in the upcoming elections According, to the late former ZICOSU Deputy Secretary for
now living in we are currently law. If, people become aware of to ensure that there is peace dur- Anglican Archbishop Desmond Security Affairs, Midlands
living in the human rights and their human rights this might ing that period its high time for Tutu "If, you want peace don't State University Rotaract Club
human security era in which prevent future escalation of con- both of these to educate commu- talk to your friends only, rather Secretary General, Midlands
peace is regarded as important flicts in that they will be advo- nities, groups and leaders of po- talk to your enemies as well". So, State University Redcross
more than anything. The era that cating for such rights to be en- litical parties about the impor- this entails that peace education Youth Club Secretary General,
we are now living in is different acted in the bill of law. In line tance of peace. One major rea- should allow people to talk to
from the Spatan era and the Me- with elections they will be in a son why we have been witness- those even with different politi- Member MSU
dieval era in which peace edu- position to choose freely the ing violence during elections cal ideologies with them this will
cation was a taboo all these eras leaders of their choice. Also, they particularly in Africa is that create peace even in the upcom-
were not favorable for humans can belong to a political party of ing 2023 harmonized elections.
and they were violent in nature. their choice without fear as it is Also, Pastor Aron Rusikira in
written in Chapter 4 Section 67
So, it is at this point that we of the Zimbabwean constitution.
should embrace this human So, in this regard I urge those or-
rights era and human security era ganizations who deals with peace
in which peace is very important. to consider making use of the hu-
The, reason why I have given a man rights education aspect both
brief history above is for us to during the pre and post election
be able to understand where this period.
aspect of peace education is de-
rived from and its significance In addition, to the above or-
and essence in this era. ganizations, civil societies can
also teach people about demo-
Now, Peace education can be cratic education.
defined as an aspect that is meant
to incite knowledge on how to This educational aspect will
resolve conflicts in a non-violent help citizens to be aware of their
manner, it can also be defined as democratic rights democracy is
a means that is meant to promote an important aspect in the
knowledge on how peace can in assuarance of peace. So, demo-
turn lead to development. So, in cratic peace education stake
that regard it is crystal clear that holders can enlighten people on
Peace Education is of paramount the importance of several aspects
importance. Especially if we of democracy such as Liberal de-
look at the election period peace mocracy. If both the government
The Sun 29April - 05 May 2022
The paper that digs deeper 9.
Ukrainian authorities are crack- ‘
ing down on anyone suspected of
aiding Russian troops under laws A man suspected to be a Russian collaborator is detained during an
enacted by Ukraine’s parliament operation by Security Service of Ukraine
and signed by President
Volodymyr Zelenskyy after the gone over to the Russian side, and Allegations of collaborating said. ful killings of ‘pro-Russians,’”
Feb. 24 invasion Viktor appeared Ukraine’s State Bureau of Investi- with the enemy carry strong his- A person in Ukraine can be de- along with cases of vigilantism, in
nervous as masked Ukrainian se- gations said more than 200 crimi- toric resonance in Ukraine. During which law enforcement and others
curity officers in full riot gear, cam- nal cases on collaboration have World War II, some in the region tained for up to 30 days without a punish those suspected of being
ouflage and weapons pushed into been opened. Zelenskyy has even welcomed and even cooperated court order, he said, and antiterror- pro-Russian,
his cluttered apartment in the stripped two SBU generals of their with invading forces from Nazi ism legislation under martial law
northern city of Kharkiv. His hands rank, accusing them of treason. Germany after years of Stalinist re- allows authorities not to tell de- In the town of Bucha, now a
trembled and he tried to cover his pression that included the fense attorneys about their clients symbol of horrific violence in the
face. A “registry of collaborators” is “Holodomor” – a man-made fam- being remanded. war, Mayor Anatoly Fedoruk said
being compiled and will be re- ine believed to have killed more collaborators gave invading troops
The middle-aged man came to leased to the public, said Oleksiy than 3 million Ukrainians. For “In effect, these people disap- the names and addresses of pro-
the attention of Ukraine’s Security Danilov, head of Ukraine’s Secu- years afterward, Soviet authorities pear, and for 30 days there's no Ukrainian activists and officials in
Service, the SBU, after what au- rity Council. He refused to say how cited the cooperation of some access to them,” Yavorskyy said. the city outside Kyiv, with hun-
thorities said were his social me- many people were targeted nation- Ukrainian nationalists with the “In reality, (law enforcement) has dreds of civilians shot to death with
dia posts praising Russian Presi- wide. Nazis as a reason to demonize powers to take anyone.” their hands tied behind their backs
dent Vladimir Putin for “fighting today’s democratically elected or their bodies burned by Russian
with the Nazis,” calling for regions Under martial law, authorities leaders of Ukraine. The government knows the im- forces.
to secede and labeling the national have banned 11 pro-Russian politi- plications of detaining people over
flag “a symbol of death.” cal parties, including the largest Human rights advocates know their opinions, including that it "I saw these execution lists, dic-
one that had 25 seats in the 450- of “dozens” of detentions of pro- risks playing into Moscow's line tated by the traitors -– the Russians
“Yes, I supported (the Russian member parliament – the Opposi- Russian activists in Kyiv alone that Kyiv is repressing Russian knew in advance who they’re go-
invasion of Ukraine) a lot. I’m tion Platform For Life, which was since the new laws were passed, speakers. But in wartime, officials ing to, at what address, and who
sorry. … I have already changed founded by Viktor Medvedchuk, a but how many have been targeted say, freedom of speech is only part lives there,” said Fedoruk, who saw
my mind," said Viktor, his trem- jailed oligarch with close ties to nationwide is unclear, said of the equation. his own name on one list. “Of
bling voice showing clear signs of Putin. Volodymyr Yavorskyy, coordinator course, Ukrainian authorities will
duress in the presence of the Ukrai- at the Center for Civil Liberties, “The debate about the balance search for and punish these
nian security officers. Authorities say pro-Russian ac- one of Ukraine's largest human of national security and ensuring people.”
tivists in southeastern Ukraine, the rights groups. freedom of speech is endless,”
“Get your things and get scene of active fighting, are acting Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba In the besieged port city of
dressed,” an officer said before as spotters to direct shelling. “There is no complete data on told AP. Mariupol, officials accused col-
escorting him out of the apartment. the (entire) country, since it is all laborators of helping the Russians
The SBU did not reveal Viktor's “One of our key goals is to have classified by the SBU,” Yavorskyy Ravina Shamdasani, a spokes- cut off electricity, running water,
last name, citing their investiga- no one stab our armed forces in the told AP. woman for the U.N. human rights gas and communications in much
tion. back,” said Roman Dudin, head of office, said her agency has docu- of the city.
the Kharkiv branch of the SBU, in “Ukrainian authorities are ac- mented “cases of arrests and de-
Viktor was one of nearly 400 an interview with The Associated tively using the practice of West- tention allegedly made by Ukrai- “Now I understand perfectly
people in the Kharkiv region alone Press. He spoke in a dark basement ern countries, in particular the nian law enforcement authorities, why the Russians were carrying out
who have been detained under anti- where the SBU moved its opera- U.K., which imposed harsh restric- which may involve elements of hu- such precise, coordinated strikes
collaboration laws enacted quickly tions after its building in central tions on civic liberties in warring man rights violations” and is fol- on objects of critical infrastructure,
by Ukraine's parliament and signed Kharkiv was shelled. Northern Ireland. Some of those lowing up with the Ukrainian gov- knew about all locations and even
by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy restrictions were deemed unjusti- ernment. times when Ukrainian buses evacu-
after Russia's Feb. 24 invasion. The Kharkiv branch has been fied by human rights advocates, but ating refugees were supposed to
detaining people who support the others were justified, when She said her office is looking depart,” said Mayor Vadym
Offenders face up to 15 years in invasion, call for secession and people's lives were in danger,” he into eight cases that “appear to be Boychenko. (ABC News)
prison for collaborating with Rus- claim that Ukrainian forces are disappearances of people consid-
sian forces, making public denials shelling their own cities. ered as ‘pro-Russian,’ and we have
about Russian aggression or sup- documented two cases of unlaw-
porting Moscow. Anyone whose
actions result in deaths could face
life in prison.
“Accountability for collabora-
tion is inevitable, and whether it
will happen tomorrow or the day
after tomorrow is another ques-
tion,” Zelenskyy said. “The most
important thing is that justice will
be served inevitably.”
Although the Zelenskyy govern-
ment has broad support, even
among many Russian speakers, not
all Ukrainians oppose the invasion.
Support for Moscow is more com-
mon among some Russian-speak-
ing residents of the Donbas, an in-
dustrial region in the east.An eight-
year conflict there between Mos-
cow-backed separatists and Ukrai-
nian government forces had killed
over 14,000 people even before
this year’s invasion.
Some businessmen, civic and
state officials and members of the
military are among those who have
The Sun 1289A-p2r4il F-e0b5ruMaaryy 22002222
Kaizer Chiefs star
Khama Billiat is
still welcome to
play for Zimba-
bwe despite the
fact that he retired
from international
football, it has
The pint-sized
winger announced
the end to his
glittering War-
riors career last
November and
repeated efforts to
have him back hit
a brick-wall.
www.thesunnews.co.zw [email protected] 0712718043 08644216800 The Sun Newspaper
Kaitano Tembo’s sacking at Focus in the country right now is Official: Klopp signs
SuperSport United saddened many on getting the FIFA suspension lifted new contract at
in the local football fraternity. so that the Warriors can take part in Liverpool
the Afcon 2023 qualifiers, but there
Matsatsantsa is a club Ngwenya, might come a time a when coach for
as Tembo is affectionately known, the team has to be appointed.
served for 23 years and the marriage
ended not in a way many hoped it The Warriors coach post is vacant,
would. after the expiration of Norman
Mapeza’s contract in January.
The only positive thing about
Tembo’s dismissal is that he opened If the ban is lifted, there is a possi-
doors for the possibility of coach- bility that Mapeza may be given the
ing the Warriors. chance to continue with the ‘project’
he started when he replaced firebrand
“The only offer we might enter- Croat Zdravko Logarusic.
tain is if the job is that of being the
head coach of the Zimbabwean na- But now that Tembo has shown
tional team,” a source close to the interest, should he also be consid-
51-year old, told South African pub- ered?
lication The Citizen.
Jurgen Klopp
Kaitano Tembo Jurgen Klopp has signed a new “Like any healthy relationship, it
contract that will keep him at always has to be a two-way street;
Anfield until 2026. you have to be right for each other.
The feeling we were absolutely
The gaffer’s deal was set to ex- right for each other is what brought
pire in 2024 after arriving at me here in the first place and it’s
Liverpool in October 2015. why I’ve extended previously.
Speaking after signing the new “This one is different because of
deal, Klopp said: “There are so the length of time we have been to-
many words I could use to de- gether. I had to ask myself the ques-
scribe how I am feeling about this tion: Is it right for Liverpool that I
news… delighted, humbled, stay longer?”
blessed, privileged and excited
would be a start. Assistants Pepijn Lijnders and
Peter Krawietz have also put pen
“There is just so much to love to paper on new terms, mirroring
about this place. I knew that be- those of Klopp’s and reaffirming
fore I came here, I got to know it their dedication to the project.
even better after I arrived and
now I know it more than ever Soccer24