When The Sun speaks, The World Listens
100 Desoon Building, Tel: 263 712718043 e-paper01 - 10 October 2021 ZW$100
8th Street, Gweru Facebook: The Sun Newspaper
Zimbabwe Twitter: @SunGweru
www.thesunnews.co.zw Whatsapp: +263712718043
GWERU:Two dangerous were tasked with securing the trial Shepherd Mubaiwa (29)
inmates allegedly escaped doors for the holding cells are facing robbery, unlawful entry,
fromWhaWhaMedium Prison allegedly in detention as and theft charges and Maxwell
in Gweru last week after investigations into the alleged Vikwepi (20) facing charges of
Zimbabwe Prisons and escape take place.
robbery escaped from lawful
Correctional Service officers ZPCS national deputy custody at Whawha Medium
failed to secure the doors to spokesperson Principal Prison,” he said.
their holding cells.
Correctional Officer Peter PCO Chaparanga said
The two inmates Shepherd Chaparanga confirmed the circumstances surrounding
Mubaiwa (29) and Maxwell escape of the two inmates from their escape are still under
Vikwepi (20) facing robbery, WhaWha Medium Prison last investigation.
unlawful entry, and theft week.
“We appeal to the members
charges escaped from lawful “Zimbabwe Prisons and of the public to assist with any
custody at WhaWha Medium Correctional Service would information that mayleadtothe
Prison last Friday where they like to inform members of the recapture of the duo.
were awaiting trial. public that on 24 September To page 2
‘Two ZPCS officers who 2021, two inmates awaiting
The two inmates Shepherd Mubaiwa (29) and Gweru City Parking employee pictured in CBD,
Maxwell Vikwepi (20) facing robbery, unlawful Gweru changing parking fees notice. The parking
company increased parking fees from Z$80 to Z$100.
entry, and theft charges escaped from lawful
(Picture by Kudakwashe Shambamuto)
2. LOCAL NEWS The paper that digs deeper
From Page 1 “Since last Friday, two CITY OF GWERU
ZPCS officers who were on
Meanwhile, the public is guard duty and were REGIONAL TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT
encouraged to approach the supposed to make sure that (CHAPTER 29:12)
escapees with caution,” he said. the holding cells are secure
Meanwhile, sources at the highly possible that they will SECTION 26(3)OFTHE ACT
prison said two of their be charged for failing to do
colleagues were in detention as their work properly,” said a Notice is hereby given of an application to carry out the following development on Stand
investigations into the escape ZPCS officer on a condition 178 G.T.L(Main Street), Gweru.
gathered momentum. of anonymity.
It is proposed to establish a Funeral Parlour and Ancillary Uses on the above mentioned
They said once a prisoner There are about 1200 property. Stand 178 G.T.L is in the Business Zone 2B in terms of the Operative Gwelo
escapes, the prison officers on inmates at the Whawha Municipal Town Planning Scheme wherein the establishment of a Funeral Parlour requires
duty are automatically brought the Special Consideration of the Local Planning Authority.
to task to ascertain whether or Medium Prison.
not they were involved in the The application plans and any special conditions which the Local Planning Authority is likely
escape. to impose,in the event that this application being favourably considered may be inspected in
the City Planning and Development Control Section during normal office hours.
Any person wishing to make objections or representations relating to the application must
lodge them with the undersigned within one month of the date of the first insertion of this
The Acting Town Clerk
City of Gweru
P.O. Box 278
Three miners are missing and The three were part of the PUBLIC NOTICE
feared dead after a part of a seven artisanal gold miners who PARKING FEES ADJUSTMENT
makeshift underground ladder allegedly went to an abandoned
they were using to access the mine. 1. THE NOTICE SERVES TO INFORM THE MOTORING PUBLIC
mine allegedly snapped resulting THAT ON STREET PARKING TARIFF IN GWERU CBD HAS
in the trio falling down the 200m Three entered the mine at BEEN ADJUSTED FROM ZWL$80 TO ZWL$100 PER HOUR.
flooded mine shaft. around 7 pm while the rest
The incident occurred on OCTOBER 2021.
Sunday around 2 pm at Bonsa At around 4 am there was a
Mine owned by hotelier and huge sound which was a ground 3. PARK PAY AND USE THE PARK ASSSIT APP FOR CONVINIENT
Coordinator, Mr. Romeo The other four then looked *192# TO PAY FOR PARKING.
Shangwa said chances of for help but their remains have
survival were slim since the mine not been recovered after the 4. MOTORISTS ARE URGED TO ENSURE THAT PARKING FEES
shaft was flooded. search party was called off ARE PAID UP AND THEY PARK APPROPRIATELY BEFORE
because the ground was said to LEAVING THEIR VEHICLES IN ORDER TO AVOID ANY
“Yes, there are three miners have been unstable. INCONVENIENCE.
who allegedly fell down a 200m
deep mine shaft after the In an unrelated incident, a 5. SANITIZE ,MASK UP & STAY SAFE COVID 19 IS REAL
makeshift ladder they were naked body was found floating
using snapped. We are waiting at Fletcher dam in Senga, Gweru. [email protected]
for rescue experts from the www.gwerucityparking.cozw
Ministry of Mines and Mining Acting Midlands provincial Gweru City Parking
police spokesperson Sergent GweruCityParkng
Development to come but Xolani Dube confirmed the
chances of survival are very slim matter. The Sun 01 - 10 October 2021
because the shaft they fell in is
flooded,” said Mr. Shangwa. “I can confirm that we are
investigating a sudden death
Midlands Provincial Mining case where a naked body of a
Director Engineer Tariro Ndlovu man was found floating in
confirmed the incident which is Fletcher dam in Senga suburb on
happening three months after Monday around 8 am," he said.
three other miners were allegedly
trapped in a mine shaft they were Sgt Dube said a male adult
working in. who was going to Midlands
State University main campus
“It is true. Our mine from Fletcher High School
inspectorate team has been on compound walking down a road
the ground and current activities near the dam, noticed a naked
involve attempting to dewater human body floating in the dam.
the flooded mine. We will
continue to monitor safety “A report was made to the
during this exercise,” he said. police who attended the scene.
Police found clothes and a
Only in June, three miners national identity card suspected
were trapped at Kambadown to be belonging to the naked
near Shurugwi town and their man outside the dam,” he said.
bodies have not been
discovered. The body, he said, was still in
the dam as they were waiting for
the sub-aqua unit to come and
retrieve it.
3. LOCAL NEWS The paper that digs deeper
3. The Sun 01 - 10 October 2021
4. LOCAL NEWS The paper that digs deeper
The Sun 01 - 10 October 2021
The paper that digs deeper LOCAL NEWS 5.
The Sun 01 - 10 October 2021
6. LOCAL NEWS The paper that digs deeper
Traditional leader in the Chief Nhema says many Ngungumbane of Mberengwa
Midlands Province says the says there is a need for more
government should distribute people have not yet received health workers in his area.
more Covid-19 vaccines to
rural areas to reduce their first jab of the vaccine due Chief Njelele says the
shortages currently being vaccination rate in Gokwe
experienced. to shortages. South has since improved as
Chief Nhema of Shurugwi misconceptions on vaccines
says the vaccination exercise Meanwhile Chief are fading away. Access to
in most communities under his primary health care remains a
area has been disrupted by Nembudziya of Gokwe North challenge in most rural areas
shortages of the vaccine. due to the low numbers of
says more education on the health care facilities.
vaccines is still needed in rural
areas. He says those that have
information about the vaccines
are keen to get
inoculated.enator Chief
Visit our website:
for more news
The Sun 01 - 10 October 2021
The paper that digs deeper LOCAL NEWS 7.
Tapiwanashe Mulenga of Assembly and in local Commission (ZEC) is making among communities hosting communities disgruntled and
The National Peace and authorities. preparations on delimiting investors.The peace-conflict unhappy.
Reconciliation Commission constituencies and ZimStat is impact assessment model is being
(NPRC) has initiated an inclusive "Zimbabweans are civilised expected to drive the census explored to protect both Commissioner Gutu pointed
consultative process with people who have always enumeration earlier. communities and investors from out that the government is
stakeholders and urged the media appreciated peace and harmony, divisive conflicts which negate working on a strategy to engage
fraternity to stimulate peace however there are some culprits "We are therefore holding a development and leave host with communities that have been
ahead of 2023 elections. that are fostering unnecessary stakeholder-driven consultation affected by mining activities and
tension in a bid to destruct people process around the country to investigations are underway.
Addressing journalists at an from realising the importance of work on and come up with
event to commemorate the peace therefore, it is the duty of strategies for this process to be
Zimbabwe International Day of the media to stimulate peace and peaceful and free from tension and
Peace which is celebrated on the ensure that there is balance," said hostilities.
21st of September annually, NPRC Commissioner Gutu.
spokesperson, Commissioner "Thumbs up to the Presidential
Obert Gutu (Pictured) said the “At this point in time most Programme on Gukurahundi and
organisation is aware that political parties have started his address on it and register our
elections are around the corner making preparations for the 2023 satisfaction that efforts being
therefore, the media must elections with house keeping and made are a fulfilment of the
spearhead peace. restructuring holding central roles recommendations we submitted to
therefore journalists are urged to Parliament in our 2019 and 2020
"The Commission is on the disseminate information that is Annual Reports," said
realisation that elections are safe to consume and does not Commissioner Gutu.
around the corner. However, there stimulate tension and hostilities
are possibilities of conducting between parties and individuals,” He also added that they are
by-elections stimulated by added Commissioner Gutu. making inquiries about how
vacancies created in the House extractive investments can be a
The Zimbabwe Election source of division and disunity
The Sun 01 - 10 October 2021
The paper that digs deeper LOCAL NEWS 8.
The Sun 01 - 10 October 2021
9. LOCAL NEWS The paper that digs deeper
Varaidzo Muzonzini "Our goal is to reap "This year we are
The Zimbabwe National Family introducing a new
Planning Council (ZNFPC) is demographic dividend in the contraceptive, the Sayana Press
commemorating this year's World which is an injectable just like
Contraceptive Day with focus on youthful Zimbabwean Depo. Sayana Press is effective
teenage pregnancies and for 3 months, one can stop using
protection. population, it is essential to invest it and can conceive normally,"
said Provincial Marketing and
The annual event was started more in young people to have a Communications Officer
in 2007 with a vision to ensure Nyashadzashe Marima.
that every pregnancy is wanted productive nation and family
and planned the mission being He added that family
to improve awareness of planning can help to achieve it planning is not only a health
contraception with more issue but also a developmental
emphasis on enabling young and breach the information gap, issue, and they are working with
people both males and females Population Services Zimbabwe
to make informed decisions on eliminate the misconceptions on (PSZ), Population Service
sexual as well as reproductive International(PSI) among others
health and rights. family planning among the youth and women are free to choose
any Institute to visit for
"The major focus is based on through Comprehensive Sexuality services.
the fact that a majority of teenage
pregnancies are unplanned and Information," she added.
every year people get infected
with Sexually Transmitted This year the ZNFPC has
Infections (STIs) due to
inadequate information and how commemorated the World
to protect themselves. Family
planning empowers women and Contraception Day in a different
girls and helps save lives," said
Karen Dzuke ZNFPC Midlands way by providing free services f
Provincial Manager.
moving in different suburbs
She also noted that
pregnancy should be by choice around Gweru under the theme
not by chance and with the
hardships of the economy family 'Its your life, it's your
planning is essential inorder to
have a manageable family. responsibility '
It's 11am at a bureaux de there are individuals who are
change in Gweru but already not part of the queue who are
members of the public are going in and out of the bureau
now very impatient and there de change.
is some disgruntlement
amongst these people who are A survey by this publication
in a queue.Reason being that at the bureaux de change
they feel that some people are showed that the members of
being given special treatment the public mainly because of
to purchase US$50 at the being in queues for a long time
official rate. no longer consider Covid-19
protocols to mitigate against
Some claim that they have the spreading of the virus.
been in the queue since 9 PM
on Sunday while others said The Reserve Bank of
they joined the queues around Zimbabwe (RBZ) recently
4 am hoping to be served announced that individuals will
early. now be able to buy forex from
bureaux de change at the
A survey by this publication at
the bureaux de change showed
that the members of the public
mainly because of being in
queues for a long time no longer
consider Covid-19 protocols to
mitigate against the spreading of
the virus.
Some members of the public official rate.
said they have traveled all the Given that the official rate
way from Zvishavane and
Shurugwi to come and is almost half of that prevailing
purchase the US$50 for the on the parallel market, this
week. announcement has been
welcomed by many
There are three bureaux de Zimbabweans.
change offering the facility in
Gweru and they seem to be The decision to allow
overwhelmed by potential individuals to buy foreign
customers. currency from bureaux de
change at the official rate was
But as time passed by - there made at the last meeting of the
seems to be no movement- as Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe's
the queue is not moving but monetary policy committee.
The Sun 01 - 10 October 2021
The paper that digs deeper LOCAL NEWS 10.
With as follows: education to STEM and Zimbabweis theonlyhomewe
Hon Brian Dube China: Copy international moved fromAgro- Economy have and that it is for us all and
to ICT. Now they are leaders we must all dream for the best
A nationally subscribed national wealth creation technologies and find a wayto in the World ICT. for Zimbabwe.
wealth creation model for model. Different national produce such technology
Zimbabwe that guide political, actors must compete and cheaper. The idea is to make If a country does not have All our targets and focus
social, economic and complement inpromoting and China the manufacturing hub a wealth creation model must be on getting to the
environmental policyis key. supporting the national wealth of the world. dimension, it's economy is run Zimbabwe We Want. Every
creation model. in confusion. A country Zimbabwean must proudly
Ministries, private sector, Switzerland: Build trust to attempting to do everything, work towards that goal.
banks, lenders and education Examples of National the world and create the eventually accomplishes
must follow and support that Wealth Creation Models are impression of quality. They nothing in return. Zimbabweans must first
fund anything and support agree on the Zimbabwean
everythingthat upholds trust in We need to agree on the Model and then all efforts and
the Swiss brands. Eg. Swiss Zimbabwe We Want and processes must be directed
Banks are the best, Swiss competition must therefore be towards that goal of building
Cheese is the best, Swiss on how best to get to the The Zimbabwe We Want.
Watches are the best. Zimbabwe We Want. @BD
India: They shifted their We must all agree 1st that
A paediatric cardiac centre colonial ruleandlittledidshe
opened this week at Mpilo know she would live to be
Central Hospital to cater for Zimbabwe's first female
children suffering from heart pediatric cardiologist.
ailments and is headed by a
history-maker, Zimbabwe's Dr Davidzo Murigo-
first female pediatric Shumba and her male
cardiologist. counterpart in Harare Dr
Charles Henry Bennerman
She was born three are the only two paediatric
months after the country cardiologists in the country.
gained its independence from
Pediatric cardiologists
Dr Davidzo Murigo-Shumba specialise in diagnosing and
treating heart problems in
Dr Murigo-Shumba once
worked as a junior doctor
at Mpilo before leaving to
further her studies in South
Africa, only to come back
to Zimbabwe a few days
before the opening of the
Bulawayo pediatric cardiac
Her love for children
whose hearts she will be
taking care of dates back to
the 1980s in Bikita where
she was raised.
The Sun 01 - 10 October 2021
The paper that digs deeper LOCAL NEWS 11.
By Dumisani Ndlovu Former senator Annah Shiri Monitoring and Evaluation Officer with NCDPZ Nicholas Nichodemus
Citizen Journalist
The Midlands-based community ward focal persons, The Sun 01 - 10 October 2021
organisation, National Council sexual and reproductive health
of Disabled Persons of rights program, and disaster risk
Zimbabwe (NCDPZ) has reduction program.
launched empowerment
projects for women and youth "These activities also aim at
with disabilities, a development increasing participation of
well received by beneficiary women and youths with
communities. disabilities in governance
through inclusive dialogue with
As a sign of commitment, relevant ministries," he said.
the woman led organisation,
NCDPZ kick-started its Speaking at TRANSPIRE
European Union Supported start-up engagement workshop
program called "Translating the held in Gweru, the facilitator of
rights of women and youths the program, Nicholas
with disabilities in the Midlands Nichodemus who is also
province into reality" Monitoring and Evaluation
(TRANSPIRE) by holding Officer with NCDPZ said the
start-up workshops in Gweru program seeks to promote the
and Zvishavane. rights and active participation
of persons with disabilities in
National Council of Disabled governance issues.
Persons in Zimbabwe, National
President and former senator "One thing we will not do
representing people living with as an organization is to go into
disabilities, said TRANSPIRE the community without such an
is a response to the need to engagement, which we have
address the fragility that taken a stance before we even
threatens Zimbabwe's go to the community so that we
development. come up with an effective
strategy to fully participate in
"The main drivers of our new project, 'he said
fragility, as identified by the Although the project which is
project, are inequalities set to be implemented between
between men and women, September and January 2022
passive participation of youth is funded by European Union, ,
and women in issues to do with Nichodemus said his
governance, unemployment, organisation is working with its
and poverty. development partners LCDZ,
and Plan International. #SIRI
Praise Ndebele, Programs
Officer for NCDPZ said they
started the program by
launching the community
awareness workshops in
Zvishavane and Gweru, where
they made interactive
engagements with key
"As part of our activities to
kick-start the program, our
organisation engaged different
local key ministries such as
Primary and Education
Ministry, Health and Child
Care, Social Welfare, media
organisations, and law
enforcement agents to
introduced the project," he said.
Ndebele told The Sun that
the Main activities encompass
promoting the rights of women
and youths with disabilities
through advocacy, awareness-
raising campaigns, training of
The paper that digs deeper LOCAL NEWS 12.
The River Valley Properties (RVP) Chief
Executive Officer Dr Smelly Dube,
Management and Staff would like to take this
opportunity to congratulate the following
Midlands based companies for winning various
awards during the just ended
CEO Networks Awards
1. Kudzai Chikowore - Sisters Group of Companies
2. Vimbai Chingwaramusee - City of Gweru
3.Yvonne Munyikwa - Starsafety
4. Tatenda Karimazondo - Midlands Metals
5. Chrispen Tomu - Nice Time
6. Tamson Mtombeni - Pote Holdings
7. Wandifadza Chideme - Phrasia 917
Head Office Gweru Office Bulawayo Office Zvishavane Office
2 Sixth Street 2 Ash House Corner 4th & Fife Acropol Building
Saguga Complex Lobengula Street
Street Room 18
Gweru Gweru Bulawayo Zvishavane
+263 775 487 913 / +263 775 898 298 / +263 771 110 944
www.thesunnewLOsC.AcL NoEW.zS w5.
Air pollution is even more dangerous than try. guideline," the WHO said.It is conditions such as heart
previously thought, the World Health 2px presentational greyline also cutting the recommended disease and strokes. In
Organization (WHO) has warned, as it slashes The new guidelines, limit for another class of children, it can reduce lung
maximum safe levels of key pollutants such microparticles, known as growth and cause aggravated
nitrogen dioxide. released onWednesday, halve PM10s, by 25%. asthma.
the recommended maximum
An estimated seven million people die for exposure to tiny particles Other pollutants singled "Improving air quality can
prematurely each year from diseases linked called PM2.5s. out in the guidelines include enhance climate change
to air pollution, the WHO says. ozone, nitrogen dioxide, mitigation efforts, while
These are produced by sulphur dioxide and carbon reducing emissions will in turn
Low- and middle-income countries suffer burning fuels in power monoxide. improve airquality," theWHO
the most, because of their reliance on fossil generation, domestic heating says.
fuels for economic development. and vehicle engines. Air pollution is linked to
The WHO puts air pollution on a par with "Almost 80% of deaths How many people know that farm
smoking and unhealthyeating. related to PM2.5 could be slurry also gives off gases that
avoided in the world if the contribute to deaths in cities?
It is urging its 194 member states to cut current air pollution levels
emissions and take action on climate change, were reduced to those
ahead of the COP26 summit in proposed in the updated
November.Decade by decade, the limits for
what's considered a safe amount of pollution
are being ratcheted down.
It's not news to people suffering from heart
and lung problems that toxic particles and
gases can harm people at much lower levels
than previouslythought.
The changes to the guidelines mean the
UK's legal limits for the most harmful
pollutants are now four times higher than the
maximum levels recommended bythe WHO.
The trouble is that the worst pollution -
tiny particles which can be breathed into the
lungs - is so terribly hard to stop.
Pollution comes from vehicle exhausts and
gas central heating. But harmful particles are
also released into the air in other ways - or
formed in the air in reaction with other
Particle sources include paints, cleaning
fluids, and solvents. Add to that car tyres
wearing on the road, or brakes - meaning that
even electric cars can't offer a perfect solution.
How many people know that farm slurry
also gives off gases that contribute to deaths
in cities?
That's whythe new adviceis so challenging
to governments. If you live in a city, it's very
hard to escape pollution, however hard you
The Sun 01 - 10 October 2021
The paper that digs deeper WORLD NEWS 14.
A missing man in Turkey region in Turkey, was out channel NTV, when news of within the group spoke up and escort Mutlu to his home.
accidentally joined his own drinking with his friends when the missing man got out, reportedly said: “Who are we This isn’t the first time a
search party and looked for he wandered off into a nearby efforts to find him intensified looking for? I am here."
himself for hours before he forest and didn’t return. in nearby neighbourhoods, missing person joined their own
realised he was the target of Worried about him, his friends with a large group of It is unclear how Mutlu rescue mission. In 2012, an
the rescue mission. then alerted authorities, who volunteers joining the mission. found himself in his own search Asian tourist who went missing
set up a search and rescue This search party was calling party or how his friends didn’t in Iceland was also found in her
According to local media mission to find him. out Mutlu’s name for hours realise that he was right under own search party after she
reports, Beyhan Mutlu, a 50- when suddenly a man from their nose the whole time. reportedly failed to recognise
year-old man from a rural According to Turkish Police were able to safely her own description.
Opposition MPs in Uganda lawyer’s car outside Kigo The Speaker of Parliament Jacob Oulanyah asked the government
have walked out of parliament prison by armed security to explain the circumstances under which the two opposition MPs
after the prime minister and personnel dressed in black and
attorney general failed to give driven off in an unmarked were re-arrested.
a satisfactory answer over the Toyota Hiace van.
whereabouts of two legislators.
Police say he now faces
The lawmakers, fresh charges of treason and
Mohammed Ssegirinya and incitement to violence.
Allan Ssewanyana, both
members of Bobi Wine’s Mr Ssewanyana was
National Unity Platform party, detained under similar
were recently released on bail circumstances five days ago.
after being charged with
murder relating to attacks in the Both were first arrested in
country's central region. early September.
But they were detained The Speaker of Parliament
immediately after leaving Jacob Oulanyah asked the
prison. government to explain the
circumstances under which the
On Monday evening, Mr two opposition MPs were re-
Ssegirinya was pulled out of his arrested.
Allan Ssewanyana, Mohammed Ssegirinya
The Sun 01 - 10 October 2021
It is set to be a big night in the French capital on Sunday as Lionel
Messi finally makes his Paris St-Germain home debut.
The Argentine playmaker has made just two appearances for PSG
- both on their travels - but is expected to make his bow at the Parc
Des Princes against Lyon this weekend.
The former Barcelona man is yet to score for his new club but will
hope Sunday is the day he makes his big impact in front of an
adoring public.
after he was admitted to World Cup tournaments.
hospital for the second time in Lionel Messi recently
six months, and he was
admitted again for a urinary passed him as the leading
infection in 2019. South American men's scorer
in international matches
Pele is Brazil's all-time following a hat-trick in
leading scorer with 77 goals in Argentina's World Cup
92 games and one of only four qualifying win against Bolivia.
players to have scored in four
Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp probably strike back. But
says his side will have to "play they don't have to as I have
a proper football game" to since watched the game and
beat Manchester City on they played a really good
Sunday. game.
"Manchester City are an "They didn't use their
outstanding football team," chances and PSG scored,
said Klopp. but when you think of PSG's
quality and the way Man
"They lost against Paris- City dominated them, it tells
Saint Germain and straight you a lot about their
after the game I said they will
Pele is Brazil's all-time leading scorer with 77 goals
Brazil legend Pele has been after as a "preventative with so many messages of
released from hospital after measure". love."
undergoing surgery for a colon
tumour. "I am so happy to be back His medical team say he
at home," Pele said in a will continue undergoing
The 80-year-old had the statement on Facebook. chemotherapy.
operation at Albert Einstein
Hospital in Sao Paulo on 4 "I want to thank the entire Pele had been having
September. Albert Einstein Hospital team, treatment at the hospital since
who made my stay a pleasant 31 August after the tumour
Pele, the only player to win one, with a humane and very was detected in routine tests.
the World Cup three times, left affectionate welcome. Thanks
the intensive care unit 10 days also to all of you, who from His health has been a
later, but was readmitted soon afar, make my life complete concern in recent years. He
had prostate surgery in 2015
The Sun 01 - 10 October 2021
in MLS
team of
www.thesunnews.co.zw [email protected] 0712718043 08644216800 The Sun Newspaper
Tinaani Nyabereka. 2000) and Black
Stars Fc (2001-
For one Rutherford
"Mudhara Wa s u " 2002)," he said.
Matondo, football has 2003 was a
been his daily bread "a new year and this
life-style" as his passion meant a new club
for the game has remains for "Wasu".
unquestionable over the Under the Rutherford Matondo English clubs will release second fixture in Harare due to
players travelling to red-listed the travelling restrictions
years. leadership of team we played against a well countries during the October imposed on anyone coming from
fashioned out Eagles Junior international window provided a red list country.
Matondo who started chairman Leban FC outfit which had names that they are fully vaccinated.
like Methembe Ndlovu who The restrictions have been
his coaching career at 25, Gwezere, went on to play for The Zimbabwe national eased after the UK government,
Highlanders FC", added team coach Norman Mapeza health department, and the
said his football path Matondo's initial former Zpc Kariba Fc head. named four UK-based players football authorities agreed to
in the squad to face Ghana in allow only fully vaccinated
which dates back to task was to lead Growing up in one of the the World Cup Qualifiers this players to travel to red-listed
oldest suburbs in Zimbabwe, month. These are Plymouth countries international games
Manica Hotel FC in 1990 Zpc Munyati Fc Sakubva, being last in a family Aygle defender Brendan without undergoing ten days of
from relegation. of nine brothers, 'Wasu' also Galloway, AFC Bournemouth mandatory hotel quarantine on
revealing his footballing felt the edge to do what his fullback Jordan Zemura, Wigan return to the UK.
His tenure at seniors knew best. Athletic right-back Tendayi
voyage. Darikwa and Aston Villa The Warriors will travel to
Matondo owes much of his midfielder Marvellous West Africa on Saturday,
"At 25 years I turned ZPC Munyati playing career to his brothers Nakamba. But there was a risk October 9, before hosting the
who included, Ian Matondo of missing the stars in the return fixture in Harare on
my focus to coaching. (2010-2016), who was groomed by Tuesday, October 12.Soccer 24
The transition was saw him
precise as Lancshire motivating and
Steel (Mutare) called me uplifting young
for duty in 1995. I players like
Ta k u n d a
managed to nurture Mawarire (Under
young talent like Joseph
Kabwe and Taurai 19 Platinum FC
Makukutu who ended up and currently with
plying their trade at Dynamos F) and
Amazulu FC. Walter Siwela
"l remember training (currently with ZPC Munyati). Tanganda FC in 1986, Lancshire Norman Mapeza who inspired
His career came to its peak me and his level of
Caleb Masocha at Jit FC Steel FC (1995-1997) and was professionalism is good as he
in 2019 when he worked with understands the game better
who later went on to play also called for national duty for because he was good as a
player, now as a coach.
for Lancshire steel FC players like Lloyd Gwerina, Under 20 side (1994) and under
"It was now a different ball
and at Black Stars. I also Joseph Matambo, Tafadzwa 23 (1995). game altogether, I always tell
people about the 7-2 hammering
uplifted the young duo Chimoyo ( Shabanie Mine Fc) Cliff Matondo his other that I received from the star
filled Chapungu FC. The wrath
namely Farai Vimisayi and Watch Mafa who displayed brother also left a legacy with of Phillip Marufu was too much
that day", said "Wasu" as he
and Steven Alumenda good football. Tanganda FC (1985-1990) and narrated on what he termed "the
"Football has been part of me worst game in his career", he
who later went on to play was called by Caps United said.
and my family, in as much as
for Dynamos FC. (1991) and Tornadoes (1991).
"Football is the same we enjoyed it, we also managed Highlighting on his
and the change in to make a living from it .I motivation, Matondo
location did not alter my always envied my brothers highlighted how he got his
progress as my tenure passion, they were good in terms inspiration from people like
grew at Kwekwe outfits of football and l tried to do Norman Mapeza,
Golden Star Fc (1997- likewise". "I looked up to people like
"I remember the final when
1998), Jit FC (1998-