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Thai Labour Market Journal โดยกลุ่มงานยุทธศาสตร์และข้อมูลตลาดแรงงาน

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Thai Labour Market Journal (September 2023)

Thai Labour Market Journal โดยกลุ่มงานยุทธศาสตร์และข้อมูลตลาดแรงงาน

Keywords: Thai Labour Market Journal

Thai Labour Market Journal Thai Labour Market Journal Vol No.31 Issue No.9 September, 2023 CONTENTS 2 3 1 4 5 6 7 Labour Demand (Agencies) Labour Demand (Public Sector) Labour Demand (DOE) Labour Emigration Labour Immigration Labour Force Registeration of Unemployment Insurers Editorial The Thai Labour Market Situation in August 2023, there were 40.25 million employed, 3.98 hundred thousand unemployed persons and 77,587 insured persons who registered unemployment via DOE. The majority cause of unemployment was resignation (83.49%). Furthermore, employers/companies reported their labour requirment via DOE 19,314 job vacancies, via agencies 17,011 job vacancies and via public sector 2,415 job vacancies. Thai workers working overseas has increased by 6.89% and foreign workers working in Thailand has increased by 7.88%. Please follow the further information at Website : In August 2023, there were 38,740 positions of Labour Demand. In August 2023, there were 38,740 positions of Labour Demand. Thai workers working oversea has increased by 6.89% (YoY). Thai workers working oversea has increased by 6.89% (YoY). The insured persons who registered unemployment via DOE were 77,587 persons. There were 40.25 million employed and 3.98 hundred thousand unemployed persons. There were 40.25 million employed and 3.98 hundred thousand unemployed persons.

Job Vacancies Job Seekers Job Placements 35.99% 12.50% 21.18% 30.33% 29.90% 19.01% 10.98% 40.11% 45.54% 18.20% 23.84% 12.42% Job Vacancies, Job Seekers and Job Placements Classified by Education Levels Vocational/Diploma Primary Bachelor’s Degree and Higher Secondary Primary Bachelor’s Degree and Higher Vocational/Diploma Secondary Secondary Primary Vocational/Diploma Bachelor’s Degree and Higher 2 The Country’s Overall Labour Market Situation Source : DOE Data Center 1,006 1,272 441 1,378 1,108 462 3,978 2,387 3,940 2,354 1,788 4,848 1,698 55 11 625 792 451 785 1,185 503 7,209 6,589 6,261 2,273 1,981 34 Managers Professionals Technicians Clerical support workers Service workers Agriculture/Fishery Craft workers Plant operators Elementary occupations Labour Demand (vacancy) Job Seekers (person) Job Placements (person) ORGANIC Labour Requirement via DOE Classified by Economic Sectors Agriculture Sector 183 vacancies Manufacturing Sector 7,427 vacancies Service/Trade Sector 11,740 vacancies Job Vacancies, Job Seekers and Job Placements Classified by Occupation Groups 1. Labour Demand : Labour Requirement via DOE 1. Labour Demand : Labour Requirement via DOE Job Vacancies 19,314 vacancies Job Seekers 22,098 persons Job Placements 14,002 persons JUL 23 : 29,317 vacancies -48.13% YoY -34.12% MoM -43.44% YoY -16.05% MoM -20.29% YoY -12.47% MoM AUG 22 : 37,235 vacancies JUL 23 : 25,246 persons AUG 22 : 27,724 persons JUL 23 : 16,679 persons AUG 22 : 24,754 persons In August 2023, employers/companies reported their labour requirment via DOE about 19,314 job vacancies. The highest demand was 6,952 vacancies at the vocational level and diploma (35.99%), followed by 5,857 vacancies at the secondary level(30.33%), 4,091 vacancies at the bachelor’s degree and higher (21.18%) and 2,414 vacancies at the primary level (12.50%).

3 The Country’s Overall Labour Market Situation Remark : Gather the information of Labour demand from 7 recruitment agencies: Adecco, JobBKK, Jobtopgun, Manpower Group, Persolkelly, GOOD JOB, jobmyway. Source : DOE Data Center 30.01% 51.83% 10.15% 8.02% Classified by Education Levels Bachelor’s Degree and Higher Primary Vocational/Diploma Secondary Northeastern 253 vacancies Northern 188 vacancies Central 4,037 vacancies Bangkok 12,128 vacancies Southern 405 vacancies Classified by Regions 2. Labour Demand : Labour Requirement via Agencies 2. Labour Demand : Labour Requirement via Agencies Agriculture Sector 45 vacancies Manufacturing Sector 4,524 vacancies Service/Trade Sector 12,442 vacancies ORGANIC Labour Requirement via Agencies Classified by Economic Sectors 1,884 5,257 4,139 3,547 1,444 6 376 229 129 August 2023 17,011 vacancies Labour Requirement via Agencies Classified by Occupation Groups Managers Professionals Technicians Clerical support workers Service workers Agriculture/Fishery Craft workers Plant operators Elementary occupations Unit : Vacancy In August 2023, labour requirment via agencies was 17,011 job vacancies. The highest demand was 8,816 vacancies at the bachelor’s degree and higher (51.82%), followed by 5,105 vacancies at the vocational level and diploma (30.01%) and 1,726 vacancies at the secondary level (10.15%).

4 The Country’s Overall Labour Market Situation 14.37% 48.26% 23.16% 14.21% Bachelor’s Degree and Higher Primary Vocational/Diploma Northeastern 2 vacancies Northern 13 vacancies Central 619 vacancies Bangkok 1,781 vacancies Classified by Regions 3. Labour Demand : Labour Requirement via Public Sector 3. Labour Demand : Labour Requirement via Public Sector August 2023 2,415 vacancies Labour Requirement via Public Sector Classified by Occupation Group - 1,332 442 368 - 10 5 6 252 Managers Professionals Technicians Clerical support workers Service workers Agriculture/Fishery Craft workers Plant operators Elementary occupations Unit : Vacancy 479 vacancies Surveyor (Operational Level) Squad leader 200 vacancies 252 vacancies General Administrative officer (Teacher) General Administrative officer (General Administration) General Administrative officer (Supply) Classified by Top 3 of Agencies Office of the Vocational Education Commission Forestry Technical Officer (Practitioner Level) Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Classified by Education Levels Secondary In August 2023, labour requirement via Public Sector (The Office of the Civil Service Commission : OCSC) was 2,415 job vacancies. The highest demand was 1,165 vacancies at the bachelor’s degree and higher (48.23%), followed by 559 vacancies at the vocational level and diploma (23.17%) and 347 vacancies at the secondary level (14.39%). It can be classified by the top 3 of agencies as following: 1) Office of the Vocational Education Commission (479 vacancies) 2) Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation (252 vacancies) 3) Immigration Bureau (200 vacancies). Immigration Bureau

48,747 persons 25,962 persons 17,959 persons 5,559 persons 8,359 persons Top 5 Countries of Destination 1. Taiwan 2. Israel 3. Republic of Korea 4. Japan 5. Sweden 105,799 103,789 Source : Overseas Employment Administration Division 103,332 104,892 107,195 108,412 120,652 124,037 121,825 116,637 123,946 120,303 123,022 130,470 130,931 136,147 137,586 140,188 127,999 131,846 2022 2023 Unit : Person Classified by Continents Asia Middle East Africa Australia & Ocenia Europe North & South America 1. Taiwan 2. Republic of Korea 3. Japan 4. Malaysia 5. Singapore 1. Sweden 2. Finland 3. Hungary 4. Protugal 5. Ireland 1. Madargascar 2. South Sudan 3. Mozambique 4. South Africa 5. Morocco 1. Israel 2. UAE 3. Kuwait 4. Qatar 5. Bahrain 1. USA 2. Canada 3. Panama 4. Greenland 5. Columbia 1. New Zealand 2. Australia 3. Papua New Guinea 4. Republic of the Marshall 5. Samoa 7,809 persons +6.30% YoY 3,847 persons +3.01% MoM 2,6065,0117,083 6,004 7,0558,913 15,404 6,622 6,818 7,1388,521 6,979 Malaysia 570 persons South Korea 920 persons 04 03 01 Taiwan 2,419 persons ญี่ปุน 1,010 02 05 Israel 313 persons Top 5 countries where Thai workers are permitted to work 456 persons +6.89% YoY 6,204 persons -46.71% MoM 2,297 persons 1,764 persons 799 persons 600 persons 756 persons Classified by Classification of Occupations 1. Plant and Machine Operators 2. Elementary Occupations 3. Carft and Related Trades Workers 4. Argricultural and Fishery Workers 5. Technicians and Associate Professionals 1 2 3 4 5 6 724 persons 2,305 persons 496 persons 639 persons 157 persons 2,757 persons Classified by Channels of Oversea Employment Arrangement of Agencies Arrangement of DOE Arrangement of Employers Self-Arrangement Training Channels RE-ENTRY 8,555 8,588 7,879 8,974 8,67811,00113,282 7,078 Thai workers working oversea Permission to work oversea 2022 2023 Unit : Person JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC In August 2023, there were 131,846 Thai workers working overseas. The top 3 countries of destination are Taiwan, Israel and Republic of Korea. The most required job is elementary occupation: agricultural labourers, general labourers and wild fruits pickers. There were 7,078 job seekers who are permitted to go overseas for employment. It was classified as 5 channels of overseas employment: 4,321 persons which the arrangement of agencies: 2,305 persons (32.57%) was the most and the RE-ENTRY was 2,757 persons (38.95%). The most job was plant and machine operators and assemblers : 2,297 persons (32.45%).   5 The Country’s Overall Labour Market Situation 4. Labour Emigration : Thai workers working oversea

6 The Country’s Overall Labour Market Situation Skilled Labour 163,278 persons 2,598,450 persons General Labour 2,344,345 persons Lifetime Work 5 persons Minorities 90,822 persons Current Foreign Workers classified by Groups General 114,212 persons BOI 49,066 persons Foreign Workers 189,734 persons +7.88% YoY 168,547 persons -6.10% MoM 2,352,063 2,346,928 2,348,323 2,003,390 2,161,578 2,266,603 2,337,154 2,408,716 2,473,816 2,685,063 2,891,807 2,994,453 3,310,090 2,745,967 2,743,673 2,744,613 2,740,773 2,745,223 2,766,997 2,598,450 All Foreign Workers 2022 2023 Unit : Person New Foreign Workers 55,170 positions +416.19% YoY 2,336 positions +3.54% MoM 2,870 positions 2,262 positions 866 positions AWARENESS General Type 6,642 positions 1 BOI 1,351 positions 2 Minorities Group 2,554 positions 3 Daily or Seasonal Workers 4,979 positions 4 4,344 6,327 6,471 6,597 1,750 positions 361 positions 286 positions 373 positions 325 positions 411 positions 3,259 positions 524 positions 492 positions MOU 52,901 positions 5 17,340 positions 13,292 positions 11,000 positions 15,776 11,096 9,239 13,256 12,348 10,763 14,719 12,145 12,682 14,332 11,096 36,851 55,420 54,09166,090 68,426 New Foreign Workers 2022 2023 Unit : Position JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Top 3 of Occupation Groups Top 3 of Occupation Groups Top 3 of Occupation Groups Top 3 of Business Types Top 3 of Business Types Combodian 382,000 persons Myanmar 1,745,201 persons Laotian 215,709 persons Vietnamese 1,435 persons 1. Technicians 2. Managers 3. Professionals 1. Elementary Occupations 2. Craft Workers 3. Service Workers 3. Wholesale/Retail 2. Manufacturing 1. Agriculture and Livestock 3. Wholesale/Retail 2. Construction 1. Manufacturing Source: Foreign Workers Administration Office 1. Professionals 2. Managers 3. Technicians 5. Labour Immigration : Foreign Workers 5. Labour Immigration : Foreign Workers As of August 2023, there were 2,598,450 foreign workers in Thailand. It consisted of 2,344,345 of general workers (Myanmar, Laotian, Cambodian and Vietnamese) (90.22%), 163,278 of skilled foreign workers (6.29%) and 90,827 of minorities/lifetime worker permits (3.50%). New foreign workers who are permitted to work in August 2023 were 68,427 positions. It can be classified by type of work permits: 52,901 positions of MOU (77.31%), 6,642 positions of General type (9.71%), 4,979 positions of Daily or Seasonal workers (7.28%), 2,554 positions of Minorities group (3.74%) and 1,351 positions of BOI (1.98%).

7 The Country’s Overall Labour Market Situation Source : National Statistical Office 6.41 8.85 7.02 3.97 9.00 8.00 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 2.60 2.80 3.00 2.40 2.20 2.00 1.80 1.60 1.40 1.20 1.00 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 0.11 0.63 0.72 0.52 1.32 6.57 0.68 7.43 Education Level Number of Employed persons (Unit : million persons) Number of Unemployed persons (Unit : hundred thousand persons) Million persons Hundred thousand persons Primary Upper Secondary Lower Secondary Higher Education Incomplete Vocational Primary JULY 2022 1.42 JULY 2023 1.33 2.31 2.32 1.81 2.01 1.87 1.92 8.20 8.10 12.08 11.28 4.21 4.14 4.26 3.97 4.09 4.41 Employed Persons classified by Occupation Groups Managers Professionals Technicians Clerical support workers Service workers Agriculture/Fishery Craft workers Plant operators Elementary occupations Unit : million persons +0.30% MoM JUL 2023 : 40.13 million AUG 2022 : 39.74 million Employed Persons (40.25 million ) +1.28% YoY 12.81 million Agriculture 27.44 million Non-Agriculture Top 6 Non-Agriculture (Unit : million persons) Manufacturing 6.73 Hotel & Restaurant 3.10 Government Administration 1.77 Wholesale 6.42 Construction 1.97 Transportation 1.45 -14.96% MoM JUL 2023 : 0.47 million AUG 2022 : 0.50 million -19.27% YoY Unemployed Persons ( 0.40 million ) Unemployment rate 1.0% Education Level Without Working Experiences 0.21 million Having Working Experiences 0.19 million Higher Education Upper Secondary Lower Secondary Primary Vocational Incomplete Primary 0.08 million 0.02 million 0.03 million 0.03 million 0.03 million 0.001 million Agriculture 0.02 million Manufacturing 0.06 million Service 0.13 million *Including other education, no education and unknown level of education. Unemployed : 0.05 million Unemployment rate : 0.8% Employed : 6.20 million Northern Unemployed : 0.17 million Unemployment rate : 1.3% Employed : 13.17 million Central Unemployed : 0.09 million Unemployment rate : 1.6% Employed : 5.38 million Southern Unemployed : 0.05 million Unemployment rate : 0.5% Employed : 9.87 million Northeastern Unemployed : 0.04 million Unemployment rate : 0.7% Employed : 5.63 million Bangkok Number of Population by Labour Force (AUG, 2023) Employed and Unemployed Persons classified by Region Persons aged 15 and over (58.96 million) Total Labour Force 40.68 million Current labour force 40.65 million Seasonally inactive 0.03 million Employed persons 40.25 million Unemployed persons 0.40 million Persons not in labour force 18.28 million Others 8.59 million Students 4.63 million Household work 5.06 million 6. Labour Force : Thai Labour Force Survey 6. Labour Force : Thai Labour Force Survey According to the National Statistical Office survey in August 2023, there were 58.96 million persons aged 15 and over. The 40.68 million were in the labour force; 40.25 million persons were employed, 3.98 hundred thousand persons were unemployed (a 1.0 percent unemployment rate) and 0.03 million persons were seasonally inactive labour force. 

8 The Country’s Overall Labour Market Situation 7. Registration of Unemployment Insurers Northern 7,264 persons 5,839 persons 927 persons 498 persons Resignation Laid off End of contract Resignation Laid off End of contract Resignation Laid off End of contract Resignation Laid off End of contract Resignation Laid off End of contract Western 5,806 persons 5,109 persons 441 persons 256 persons Eastern 11,561 persons 9,291 persons 1,889 persons 381 persons Southern 5,942 persons 4,942 persons 747 persons 253 persons Northeastern 8,392 persons 7,316 persons 615 persons 461 persons Central 15,391 persons 12,693 persons 2,271 persons 427 persons Bangkok 23,231 persons 19,589 persons 3,195 persons 447 persons The Number of Insured Persons in case of Unemployment classified by Regions Resignation Laid off End of contract Resignation Laid off End of contract 45,853 63,732 58,712 49,913 71,407 74,821 7,258 8,227 10,282 11,460 8,701 11,767 9,292 8,958 2,728 4,147 2,892 1,736 2,943 2,091 2022 2023 72,331 11,179 2,344 58,972 73,657 10,590 3,374 84,974 9,768 3,216 75,220 10,822 2,863 74,047 12,878 3,517 64,779 10,085 2,723 The Number of Insured Persons in case of Unemployment Monthly, 2022-2023 Resignation Laid off End of contract Unit : Person AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG 21,748 persons +38.95% YoY 12,588 persons -14.21% MoM 33,789 persons 19,048 persons 6,961 persons 5,220 persons 3,367 persons 1,498 persons 4,981 persons Causes of resignation Causes of laid off 2. Being Self-employed 1. Changing Jobs 3. Respite 4. Sickness 1. Staff Reduction 3. Going out of Business 2. Termination of Contract In August 2023, there were 77,587 registered insured persons in the case of unemployment via DOE. It has increased from the previous year by 21,748 persons (38.95%). It was made up of 34,040 males (43.87%) and 43,547 females (56.13%). The majority came from resignation (83.49%). The causes of resignation were changing jobs, being self-employed, respite, and sickness. Resignation 64,779 persons (83.49%) Laid off 10,085 persons End of contract 2,723 persons (13.00%) (3.51%) The Registered Persons in August 2023 ( 77,587 persons ) The Registered Persons in August 2023 ( 77,587 persons ) (56.94%) Female 36,883 persons Male 27,896 persons (43.06%) Female 4,792 persons (47.52%) Male 5,293 persons (52.48%) Female 1,371 persons (50.35%) Male 1,352 persons (49.65%) Source : DOE Data Center, Department of Employment, Ministry of Labour

@LMIofThailand Thai Labour Market Information 0 2246 7870 [email protected] Labour Market Information Administration Division, Department of Employment Mitmaitri Road, Din Daeng District, Bangkok 10400 Chariya Kithiranchai Translator Labour Specialist ( English ) Phairoj Chotikasatien Santi Nantasuwan Deputy Director General of the Department of Employment Director General of the Department of Employment Bunyawee Kwaipan Deputy Director General of the Department of Employment Director of Labour Market Information Administration Division Labour Specialist, Senior Professional Level Labour Specialist, Practitioner Level Labour Specialist Labour Specialist Labour officer Suvakul Trirathpaladol Kiattisak Thanala Nadsitang Phawadee Ampawan Chaona Kornrawit Mitkaew Angkana Wandao Labour Specialist Authors Saroat Phungneat Labour Specialist, Professional Level Statistician Consultants Sipmuenchai Pothisin Deputy Director General of the Department of Employment Piyanooch Buapen Thitima Ninpunk fifffflffi ffflff Thai Labour Market Journal Feedback Organizers Organizers Labour Market Information Administration Division

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