The Self-Confidence Scale
Read each statement below and highlight A if it is true for you most of
the time, B if it is true for you some of the time, and C if it is not usually
I have a realistic sense of my strengths and weaknesses. ABC
I am willing to take risks for something I believe in. ABC
I plan and prepare for new experiences. ABC
I have ways to cope with fear and doubt. ABC
I take time to remember my past successes. ABC
I recognize failure as a part of life. ABC
I can cope with unexpected changes. ABC
I am comfortable asking for help and support. ABC
I know what I value in life. ABC
My actions generally line up with my values. ABC
I don’t give up easily. ABC
I realize not everyone will like or approve of me. ABC
I have a sense of my inherent worth. ABC
I understand setbacks are normal and to be expected. ABC
I don’t beat up on myself when I’m going through a rough time. ABC
My thoughts don’t paralyze me when trying something new. ABC