Policy: Return & Disposal of Medications from Policy Number:
Automated Drug Delivery System (ADDS) SNP03-63
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Type: Automated Drug Delivery System
Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the return of medications
from automated drug delivery systems in accordance with California State
Board of Pharmacy guidelines.
1.0 Policy
1.1 Expired/Soon-to-be Expired medications will be monitored and replaced by
Skilled Nursing Pharmacy.
1.2 Low Stock/No Stock medications will be replenished upon review of a restock
report generated by the automated drug delivery system.
1.3 All medications will be transported to and from the facility via a secure-tamper
evident container provided to the facility.
2.0 Procedure
2.1 Expired/Soon-to-be Expired Medications
2.1.1 Skilled Nursing Pharmacy will be notified of expiring or soon-to-be
expired medications via an expiring inventory report generated by the
automated drug delivery system.
2.1.2 Upon review of the expiring inventory report, Skilled Nursing Pharmacy
will fill Cubies with restock medications for replacement in the automated
drug delivery system.
2.1.3 The new replacement Cubies will be sent to the facility via secure-tamper
evident containers secured with a red zip-tie.
2.1.4 The replacement Cubies will be exchanged with the expiring or soon-to-
be expired Cubies in the automated drug delivery system and returned to
Skilled Nursing Pharmacy via the secure-tamper evident container
provided and sealed with a yellow zip-tie.
2.2 Low Stock/No Stock Medications
2.2.1 Skilled Nursing Pharmacy will be notified of low stock/no stock
medications via a restock report generated by the automated drug
delivery system.
2.2.2 Upon review of the restock report, Skilled Nursing Pharmacy will fill
Cubies with restock medications for replacement in the automated drug
delivery system.
2.2.3 The new replacement Cubies will be sent to the facility via secure-tamper
evident containers sealed with a red zip-tie.
The information contained in this document is the Confidential and Proprietary property of Skilled Nursing Pharmacy. Do not copy
or distribute without permission from Skilled Nursing Pharmacy.
Policy: Return & Disposal of Medications from Policy Number:
Automated Drug Delivery System (ADDS) SNP03-63
Page 2 of 2
Type: Automated Drug Delivery System
2.2.4 The replacement Cubies will be exchanged with the low stock/no stock
Cubies in the automated drug delivery system and returned to Skilled
Nursing Pharmacy via the secure-tamper evident container provided,
sealed with a yellow zip-tie.
2.3 Any medication removed from the automated drug delivery system cannot be
placed back into the automated drug delivery system and should be disposed of
via the facility’s policy and procedure.
2.4 Damaged and refused medications should be disposed of properly via the
facility’s policy and procedure.
Prepared by: Flynn Lew Pharm.D. Version 7.1 Effective Date: 07/01/19
Chief Compliance Officer Approved Date: 05/01/19
Approved by: Ben Mandelbaum
Manager Approved and Implemented by: Implementation Date:
Revised: (dates) Approved: (dates) Implemented: (dates)
________05/01/19_______________ ________05/01/19_______________ _______ 05/01/19_______________
04/11/19 04/11/19 04/11/19
The information contained in this document is the Confidential and Proprietary property of Skilled Nursing Pharmacy. Do not copy
or distribute without permission from Skilled Nursing Pharmacy.
The information contained in this document is the Confidential and Proprietary property of Skilled Nursing Pharmacy. Do not copy
or distribute without permission from Skilled Nursing Pharmacy.