Time for Fun!
It’s time to play “Snakes and Ladders” with your classmates.
You need:
a die a counter move up move down
• Comece o jogo na casa 1 (START).
• Jogue o dado para mover sua peça.
• Responda às perguntas, suba as escadas e escorregue pelas serpentes.
• Ganha o jogo quem chegar primeiro à casa 30 (FINISH).
What’s your What’s your 30 Ilustra•›es: Galv‹o Bertazzi/Arquivo da editora
27 28 29favorite FINISH
25 26sport? football
What’s your
24 23 22 21 20 19free-time
45 ÷ 9 is…
13What’s your Who’s What’s 16 17 187 × 7 is…
book? 14your 15your
favorite favorite
singer? song?
How are
12 11 10 9 8 7you today?
How old
are you?
Spell your
1 2 3 4 5 6first name
Spell your
last name
Review 1 49
Thinking about Learning
What can I do now?
Talk about personal interests... with
Use greetings and introduce people... confidence
Use subject pronouns...
Use the affirmative form of the verb to be... well
Use possessive adjectives...
Explore motivational posters... with some
Explore short bios... difficulty
What words/expressions have I learned in units 1 and 2?
Words/Expressions Words/Expressions in use
What learning resources have I used in units 1 and 2?
Dictionaries Glossary Language Reference in Context
Extra reading Extra videos Vocabulary Corner
Internet Other(s):
What do I need to do in order to improve my learning?
Ilustra•›es: Galv‹o Bertazzi/Arquivo da editora
50 Units 1 & 2
Studying and Having Fun (First Part)
Na unidade 1, você produziu cartazes motivacionais para criar um ambiente
agradável na sua escola e, na unidade 2, você falou sobre seus interesses pessoais.
Agora, leia a tarefa abaixo para fazer a primeira parte do Project 1, Studying and
Having Fun.
TASK: In small groups, make a list of tips to motivate students to go to school and study.
Take into consideration personal interests like music, sports, movies etc. You can
talk to your classmates, friends and teachers to get to know how they find the
motivation to study.
What are you interested in? Music? Sports? Games? You can associate your
personal interests with your studies. For example, a group of teachers from the US
shared on the Internet the songs that motivate them to study. Take a look at the
playlist below and find out what these songs are.
Album Cinema/Latinstock1. Eye of the Tiger 4:06
Ilustrações: Galvão Bertazzi/Arquivo da editoraSurvivor4:09
Get Ready to Study with Man 2:57
1. Eye of the Tiger 3:45
Survivor 4:18
2. DonÕt Stop BelievinÕ
3. The FutureÕs So Bright, I GottaÉ
Timbuk 3
4. ABC
Jackson 5
5. DonÕt Stop Me Now Ð With LongÉ
6. Harder Better Faster Stronger
Daft Punk
7. Falling
8. Move on Up Ð Remastered
Curtis Mayfield
Available at: <www.manhattanprep.com/gmat/blog/2013/10/25/
turn-up-the-volume-get-ready-to-study-with-manhattan-prep/>. Accessed in: January 2015.
In this part of the project, it is only necessary to make a list of tips. Go to page 85
Later, you are going to review it and share it with other classmates and for the second
the whole school community.
part of this
Project 1A 51
Dan Hallman/Invision/AP/Glow ImagesAround
Everett Collection/Shutterstock/Glow Imagesthe Globe
Warming Up!
As fotos mostram personalidades de diferentes países e áreas de atuação.
Quem são essas pessoas?
Qual é a profissão delas?
Por que elas se tornaram conhecidas?
Wilton Junior/Agência Estado Rena Schild/Shutterstock/Glow Images
Zanone Fraissat/Folhapress Kaliva/Shutterstock/Glow Images
Learning Objectives
• to talk about countries and nationalities
• to talk about occupations
• to learn how to use the negative and interrogative forms of the verb to be
• to explore fact files
• to establish connections with Science, Arts, History, Geography and Portuguese
Before Reading
1 Answer the questions below.
tip a. What are the names of the people you admire?
b. Where are they from?
Observe a c. What are their occupations?
fonte (source)
do texto. Isso 2 Take a look at the structure and the source of the following texts. Then,
ajudará você a
compreendê-lo. mark the correct item that completes each sentence below.
tip a. The photographs show
Ative seu two soccer players from Brazil.
prévio sobre a Brazilian athlete and a Brazilian actress.
o tema do
texto para b. The website that published Text 1 divulges information about
favorecer o
estabelecimento soccer players only. famous people in general.
de hipóteses
sobre o que c. The website that published Text 2 divulges information about
será lido.
soccer only. sports in general.
3 What do you know about the people in the following photographs? What
do you expect to read about them in the texts below?
Now read the text below to check your predictions.
Text 1 Harold Cunningham/Getty ImagesText 2
Jefferson Bernardes/Shutterstock/Glow Images
Language Quick facts Neymar fact fiLe
soccer player Name: Marta full Name: Neymar da
(AmE) = Silva Santos Junior
footballer OccupatiON: Soccer
(BrE) player, athlete date Of Birth: February
5, 1992 (age 22)
tip Birth date: February
19, 1986 (age 28) place Of Birth: Mogi
A abreviação das Cruzes, Brazil
AKA (also place Of Birth: Dois Riachos, Brazil
known as) é height: 1.75m (five feet nine inches)
utilizada para aKa: Marta
apresentar pOsitiON: forward
o nome mais full Name: Marta Vieira da Silva
conhecido seNiOr iNterNatiONal deBut: USA, August
de uma NicKName: Pelé de saias (“Pelé with 10, 2010
pessoa, como skirts”)
seu apelido, iNterNatiONal gOals: 35
pseudônimo ZOdiac sigN: Pisces
etc. cluBs: Santos (BRA) 2009-2013,
Available at: <www.biography.com Barcelona (ESP) 2013-present
Accessed in: July 2014. Available at: <http://sports.ndtv.com/fifa-world-
(fragment) cup-2014/news/226489-neymar-factfile-brazil-s-
stellar-striker-out-of-fifa-world-cup>. Accessed
in: July 2014. (fragment)
54 Unit 3
Reading for General Comprehension
Complete the following statement about the text with words from the box below.
artists • stories • athletes • information
The texts present personal about two Brazilian .
Reading for Detailed Comprehension tip
1 Write: Apoie-se em
(1) if the item is in Text 1; a. full name d. place of birth parecidas com
club information o português
(2) if the item is in Text 2; b. nickname e. position (date, occupation)
para ajudar
(3) if the item is in Text 1 and Text 2. c. date of birth f. você a
2 Answer the following questions about Marta. o texto. Que
a. What is her full name? parecidas com
b. How old is she? o português
c. What is her profession? você encontra
d. What is her nickname? nos textos
da página
Think about it!
Pelé é internacionalmente conhecido como “o rei do futebol”. Por que Marta tem
o apelido de “Pelé de saias”? Que outros apelidos ou expressões para se referir
a jogadores de futebol você conhece?
3 Write t (True) or f (False). Then, correct the false statements.
a. Neymar and Marta are internationally famous soccer players.
b. Their surname in common is “da Silva”.
c. Neymar is from Dois Rios.
d. His football club is Santos. midfelder Reprodu•‹o/Arquivo da editora
4 Look at the picture on the right and notice the playing forward
positions: midfielder, forward, goalkeeper. What is Neymar’s goalkeeper
playing position?
Around the Globe 55
Reading for Critical Thinking
tip Discuss the questions below with your classmates.
Procure ter a. Na sua opinião, que leitores podem se interessar pelos textos sobre Marta e Neymar?
uma postura b. Para você, os textos trazem informações relevantes sobre cada um? Que
crítica diante
dos textos, informações você excluiria ou incluiria em cada texto? Por quê?
novas c. O futebol feminino ainda não tem a mesma popularidade que o futebol
sobre o tema e masculino. Em sua opinião, a comparação de Marta com Pelé é uma forma de
relacionando-o valorizar o futebol feminino ou de manter o futebol masculino como modelo?
com a Será que um dia algum jogador poderia ser chamado de “Marta de calças”?
realidade a sua
volta. Vocabulary Study
1 Neymar is a soccer player. What about you?
14 2 Listen to the recording and repeat the words from the box below. Then, use
them to label the pictures as in the example that follows.
actor/actress • chef • doctor • mechanic
police officer • student • teacher • vet
Ilustra•›es: Galv‹o Bertazzi/Arquivo da editora
56 Unit 3
Months of the Year tip
3 Neymar’s birthday is on February 5. When is your birthday? Use the box Há duas formas
below to help you. usadas para
dizer datas
January • February • March • April • May • June • July em inglês. My
August • September • October • November • December birthday is on
May 3 pode ser
My birthday is on lida como My
birthday is on the
15 4 Now listen to the recording and repeat the months of the year. third of May ou
My birthday is on
Countries and Nationalities May the third.
5 We are from Brazil! Use the words in the following box to label the flags below. tip
Australia • Brazil • Canada • France • Germany • India • Jamaica Para ajudar
Japan • Portugal • South Africa • Spain • United States você a
e a fixar o
novo, agrupe
as palavras por
No caso das
agrupe-as pela
por exemplo:
Arquivo da editora/
Fonte: ONU
6 Match the columns below.
Countries g. Jamaica Nationalities Jamaican
Japanese Indian
a. Australia Portuguese Brazilian
German Canadian
b. Brazil h. Japan American Spanish Language
South African French Note
c. Canada i. Portugal Australian
We are from
d. France j. South Africa Brazil = We
are Brazilian.
e. Germany k. Spain They are from
India = They
f. India l. United States are Indian.
Around the Globe 57
16 7 Listen to the recording and check your answers to exercise 6. Then, listen to
Now the recording again and repeat the words.
complete the Taking it Further
Corner on 1 Read the following magazine cover and mark the correct answers to the
page 157 with
what you have
questions below.
Reprodu•‹o/Time Magazine a. Who is described as a “Brazilian football star”?
b. According to the magazine, is Neymar the
next Pelé?
Yes, he is.
No, he isn’t.
c. In your opinion, is Neymar the next Pelé?
Yes, he is.
No, he isn’t.
TIME. Cover. March 4, 2013.
Think about it!
Time, publicada nos Estados Unidos desde 1923, é uma das mais conhecidas
revistas de notícias semanais do mundo. Ela é considerada a revista semanal de
maior circulação no planeta. Você sabia que, até 2014, apenas oito brasileiros
foram capa da revista? Antes de Neymar, foram capa da Time seis presidentes
(Júlio Prestes, Getúlio Vargas, Café Filho, Juscelino Kubitschek, Jânio Quadros
e Artur da Costa e Silva) e um diplomata (Osvaldo Aranha). Na sua opinião, hoje,
quais outros brasileiros poderiam ser capa da revista Time? Por quê? Que
outros brasileiros você conhece que projetam o nome do país no exterior?
2 Look at the pictures below and answer the questions about these two
famous Brazilians.
a. Who is she?
Victor Virgile/Gamma-Rapho/Getty Images
FayesVision/WENN.com/Frame/Folhapress b. What’s her occupation?
c. Who is he?
d. What’s his occupation?
58 Unit 3
3 Now read the headlines below. What are they about? Use words from the
following box to complete the gaps. If necessary, use the Glossary on page 177.
Glow Images
Glow Images
Glow Images
Glow Images
Glow Images
Wagner Moura Gisele Bündchen Is Neymar
is Pablo Escobar isn’t afraid to the next Pelé?
in Netflix’s ‘Narcos’
breastfeed in public
4 Are the headlines from exercise 3 positive or negative?
Language in Use
Verb to be: negative and interrogative forms
Go back to exercise 3 above (Taking it Further) and read the headlines
again. Then, do exercises 1-3.
1 Circle the verb to be as in the example below.
a. Wagner Moura is Pablo Escobar in Netflix’s ‘Narcos’.
b. Gisele Bündchen isn’t afraid to breastfeed in public.
c. Is Neymar the next Pelé?
2 Complete the following sentences with affirmative, interrogative or negative.
a. In “Wagner Moura is Pablo Escobar in Netflix’s ‘Narcos’”, the verb to be is in the
b. In “Gisele Bünchen isn’t afraid to breastfeed in public”, the verb to be is in the
c. In “Is Neymar the next Pelé?”, the verb to be is in the form.
Around the Globe 59
3 Complete the following sentences with is or isn’t.
a. In “Gisele Bündchen isn’t afraid to breastfeed in public”, is the
contracted form of is not.
b. The possible short answers to the question “Is Neymar the next Pelé?” are: “Yes,
he .” or “No, he .”
4 Read the comic strip below and mark the correct statements about it.
© 2013 Jim Davis/Paws, Inc. All Rights Reserved/Dist.
By Atlantic Syndication/Universal Uclick
tip DAVIS, Jim. January, 2013. Available at: <http://garfield.com/comic/2013-01-12>. Accessed in: July 2014.
Observe os Garfield loves sleeping.
elementos In the comic strip the adjective sleepy means “very quiet”.
gráficos usados “I’m not really sleepy” is equivalent to “I am not really sleepy”.
nas histórias
em quadrinhos Think about it!
e busque Embora Garfield não esteja com muito sono, ele dorme sem dificuldade.
compreender Depois de acordar, no terceiro quadrinho, ele diz que é um gato profissional.
o que eles O que ele quer dizer com isso? Qual é o efeito esperado desse comentário
significam. para a história?
No segundo
quadrinho, Read the fact files below and do exercises 5 and 6.
o que Z
No terceiro
quadrinho, qual
é o efeito do
uso do negrito?
Quick facts [6AP_f51_U3 Ð Foto Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images Quick facts [6AP_f52_U3 Ð Foto Frazer Harrison/Getty Images
Name: Shakira da Shakira, pode ser de Demi Lovato, dis-
OccupatiON: Singer Name: Demi Lovato ponível em <www.
esta: <www.bio-
graphy.com/people/ OccupatiON: Singer, biography.com/
Television Actress people/demi-lova-
Birth date: February 2, 1977 Birth date: August 20, 1992
(age 37) (age 22)
place Of Birth: Barranquilla, place Of Birth: Albuquerque,
Colombia New Mexico
aKa: Shakira Ripoll, Shakira
full Name: Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll OrigiNallY: Demetria Devonne Lovato
ZOdiac sigN: Aquarius ZOdiac sigN: Leo
Available at: <www.biography.com/people/ Available at: <www.biography.com/people/demi-
shakira-189151>. Accessed in: July 2014. (fragment) lovato-481444>. Accessed in: July 2014. (fragment)
60 Unit 3
5 Complete the following sentences with is, isnÕt, are or arenÕt.
a. Shakira and Demi famous singers.
b. Demi also a television actress.
c. Shakira an Aquarius? Yes, she .
d. Albuquerque in Mexico? No, it . It in New
Mexico, the USA.
e. Demi and Shakira from Spain? No, they .
f. Shakira from Colombia and Demi from the United States.
6 Complete the following statements with affirmative, interrogative, tip
negative or short answers. A partir dos
exemplos, faça
a. In sentences, the verb to be comes before the subject. inferências
Examples: Is Shakira an Aquarius? compreender
regras de
Are Demi and Shakira from Spain? uso da língua
b. In , the verb to be comes after the subject.
Examples: Yes, she is.
No, they arenÕt.
c. In sentences, the verb to be comes after the subject.
Examples: Demi is also a television actress.
Shakira and Demi are famous singers.
d. In sentences, the verb to be + not comes after the subject.
Examples: Shakira isnÕt a television actress.
Shakira and Demi arenÕt from Spain.
7 Who are these people? Match their personal details in the box below to the
following pictures.
a. J. K. Rowling / England / novelist d. Vik Muniz / Brazil / artist
b. Stephen Hawking / England / e. Oprah Winfrey / United States /
physicist talk show host
c. Lázaro Ramos / Brazil / actor f. Angelina Jolie / United States / actress
Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images
L’via Villas Boas/LatinContent/Getty Images
s_bukley/Shutterstock/Glow Images
Around the Globe 61
David M. Benett/Getty Images
David Levenson/Getty Images
Léo Azevedo/Agência Estado
Language 8 Answer the following questions as in the examples below.
a. Is J. K. Rowling an actress?
a + consonant
sound No, she isn’t. She’s a novelist.
a novelist, a
photographer b. Are J. K. Rowling and Stephen Hawking from England?
an + vowel
sound Yes, they are.
an artist, an
actress c. Is Vik Muniz an artist?
Go to d. Is Stephen Hawking a photographer?
Language e. Are Vik Muniz and Lázaro Ramos from Brazil?
in Context on
page 169.
f. Is Angelina Jolie an actress?
g. Are Oprah Winfrey and Angelina Jolie from England?
Listening and Speaking
tip 1 A quiz program is a game show in which participants answer questions
Não se usually for money or prize. Do you like quiz programs? If so, what is your
em entender favorite quiz program?
tudo o que
ouvir. Isso 17
nem sempre
é necessário 2 Listen to part of a radio quiz program called Pop Quiz. Then, mark the
atingir seus correct item that completes each sentence below.
objetivos de
compreensão. a. The quiz is about a famous
-se nas actress. singer.
que deseja e b. The presenter, Jimmy, asks the participant
preste atenção
a palavras- three questions about a celebrity. five questions about a celebrity.
c. The participant, Adriana, answers
all questions correctly. only one question correctly.
62 Unit 3
17 3 Listen to the recording again and check your answers to exercise 2. tip
17 4 Listen to the recording once more and complete the Antes de ouvir
o áudio, leia
following profile with items from the box below. os itens do
Galv‹o Bertazzi/Arquivo da editora exercício para
DFree/Shutterstock/Glow ImagesAustin • Houston • September 3rd • September 4thconhecer as
Full name: Beyoncé Giselle Knowles . solicitadas.
Você deverá
Place of birth: , Texas (USA). prestar
atenção a
Birth of date: . elas durante
a escuta.
5 Answer the following questions. Then, interview two classmates as in the Faça isso
em todos os
example below to complete the chart. exercícios de
Questions You Classmate 1 Classmate 2
a. Who is your favorite artist?
b. What is his/her job?
c. Where is he/she from?
d. How old is he/she?
e. When is his/her birthday?
Student A: Who’s your favorite artist? Language
Student B: Luan Santana. Note
Student A: What is his job? i guess he’s from
Student B: He’s a singer. Mato Grosso do
Student A: Where is he from? = i think he’s
Student B: I guess he’s from Mato Grosso do Sul. from Mato
Grosso do Sul.
Student A: How old is he? He’s about 25
Student B: He’s about 25 years old. years old.
= He’s
25 years old.
Around the Globe 63
In this unit you have read fact files on pages 54 and 60. Fact files present
short pieces of information about a person or another topic. They are usually
written as a list of items. When the fact file is about a person, it can include
personal and/or professional details. Visit <www.biography.com> to find other
examples of fact files.
1 Write a fact file about a person you admire (family member, athlete, artist etc.).
Find out more details about this person and encourage your classmates and
school members to get to know more about the person you admire.
Writing Context
Before writing your text, complete the gaps below to identify the
elements of the writing context.
a. Writer: you
tip b. Readers: classmates and other people
Ao revisar c. Genre:
os textos,
considere, por d. Objective: present short pieces of information about the person you admire
e. Style: tone
objetivo: O
texto está f. Media: posters / online posters
ao público- Step by Step
-alvo e ao seu
objetivo? 1. Think of a person you admire.
ortografia: 2. Get to know more about his/her life and career.
As palavras 3. Organize the personal details (birth date, place of birth, nickname etc.).
estão escri- 4. Write the first version of the fact file by hand.
tas correta- 5. Include a small photo of the person.
mente? 6. Exchange fact files with classmates and discuss the texts.
tipo e 7. Make the necessary corrections.
tamanho da 8. Create the final version of the fact file by hand or use a computer to design it.
fonte: O texto
está legível a 2 ItÕs time to share the fact file. You and your classmates can organize the
cores: As fact files to create posters on specific groups of people (family members,
cores usadas athletes, musicians, writers, TV actors/actresses etc.). To create online
despertam posters, you can use <www.glogster.com> and share them with other
interesse students, your teachers, your families and people everywhere.
sem prejudi-
car a leitura?
imagem: A
imagem está
ao texto e o
torna mais
Reescreva seu
texto com base
na revisão feita
por você e seus
64 Unit 3
Fotoarena/Folhapress Looking Ahead
Tiago Queiroz/Agência Estado In this unit you have read about Brazilians who are internationally famous for their
talent and dedication. Read the text below and get to know other talented Brazilian
Milton Mansilha/Agência Estado people who have also become recognized worldwide for the excellence of their work.
Then, talk to a classmate and answer the following questions.
Alex Atala, chef de cozinha
Ganhador de vários prêmios, o que fez o chef se tornar tão reconhecido
internacionalmente foi a maneira autoral com que mistura elementos da cozinha
tradicional com os da contemporânea. Grande defensor da culinária regional
brasileira, explora em seus pratos principalmente os ingredientes e sabores
da Amazônia.
Mayana Zatz, geneticista
Nascida em Israel em 1947 e radicada no Brasil desde 1955, a geneticista
Mayana Zatz é uma das maiores autoridades científicas do mundo em doenças
neuromusculares e pesquisas com células-tronco. Uma técnica desenvolvida por
ela trouxe avanços importantes na compreensão dos mecanismos que causam
determinadas doenças genéticas.
Osgemeos, grafiteiros
Personagens de cabeça grande e pele amarelada, com olhos separados e
narizes arredondados. Traços finos e muita cor. Não é difícil reconhecer as formas
características das obras dos grafiteiros e artistas plásticos paulistanos Gustavo e
Otávio Pandolfo, de 38 anos, conhecidos como Osgemeos. Seja em gigantescos
murais espalhados pelas ruas das cidades, seja pela diversidade das obras que já
foram expostas nas mais importantes galerias de arte do mundo, os trabalhos da
dupla são conhecidos e reconhecidos internacionalmente.
Available at: <http://exame.abril.com.br/brasil/noticias/45-brasileiros-que-projetam-nome-do-pais-no-exterior>.
Accessed in: July 2014. (fragment)
a. Por que essas pessoas se tornaram reconhecidas mundialmente?
b. Qual a importância do trabalho de cada uma?
c. Na sua opinião, o que essas pessoas têm em comum?
d. Quais outros brasileiros você conhece que se destacam, no cenário internacional por seu
talento e tornam o país mais conhecido?
Extra Reading
Around the Globe 65
Let’s Go Crédito/Arquivo da Editora
to School!
Warming Up!
As fotos mostram escolas em diferentes países. Qual dessas salas de aula é a mais
parecida com a sua? Por quê?
Qual é a sua disciplina favorita? Por quê?
Julian Germain/Acervo do fotógrafo
Escola Estadual Nossa Senhora do Belo
Ramo, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais,
Brazil. 7 ano, Mathematics
Julian Germain/Acervo do fotógrafo Julian Germain/Acervo do fotógrafo
School Agnes-Miegl-Realschule, Düsseldorf, Gambela Elementary School, Gambela, Welisso District,
Germany. Year 7, English. Ethiopia. Grade 1, Music.
Renato Soares/Pulsar Imagens Julian Germain/Acervo do fotógrafo
Coroa Vermelha, Bahia, Brazil. School Beaumont High School, St. Louis, Missouri.
Learning Objectives
• to talk about your school and get to know different schools around the world
• to review the use of the verb to be (affirmative, negative and interrogative forms)
• to learn how to use question words
• to explore school timetables
• to establish connections with Arts, History and Portuguese
tip Before Reading
Observe as 1 Circle the items in the box below that are related to the topic SCHOOL
parecidas com o COMMUNITY.
português como
community. Tome students • family members • architect • teachers • librarian •
cuidado com classmates • educational facilitators • journalist • school principal
palavras que
têm uma forma 2 Take a look at the structure, the title and the source of the following text.
ao português, Then, mark the correct item that completes each sentence below.
mas têm um
significado a. The text refers to a primary school.
Librarian, por a high school.
exemplo, pode
nos fazer b. The text is a list showing
lembrar de
“livraria”, the location of classes.
mas significa
the times of school classes.
c. The timetable is from a school in
Australia. England.
3 Mark the items you expect to find in the text below.
days of the week school subjects names of teachers
periods of time school events room numbers
Now read the text below to check your predictions.
56C Weekly Timetable WEEK 3, TERM 4
9:00 10:00 11:00 11:30 12:30 1:30 2:15
MON Visual Maths English Book LUNCH
Arts Ratios Science and Writing Groups Galv‹o Bertazzi/Arquivo da editora
Scales Maths
TUES Grade 6's -Prep Transition Kicking Goals Kicking Goals
Grade 5's - Mrs Blackmore Friday English Friday Maths Mrs Johnston
* * SA Spelling Test Science
WED Performing RECESS Maths Gr 5/6 Grade
Arts Assessment Assembly 5 and 6
Followed by Meetings
Phys Ed Footy Maths
English – Writing
Maths – Shapes
FRI Interschool Sports Literature Circles Discovery
Away vs Berwick Lodge Friday
Available at: <http://56c2011.global2.vic.edu.au/category/z-school/timetables/>. Accessed in: July 2014.
68 Unit 4
Reading for General Comprehension
What is the main objective of the text?
To help students and teachers by providing adequate time for classes and
events for the entire semester.
To help students and school members by providing adequate time for
classes and events for a specific week.
Reading for Detailed Comprehension Colors
▇ yellow
1 Match the columns below. ▇ blue
▇ green
School classes and events ▇ purple
▇ brown
a. English, Literature Circles and Book Groups ▇ orange
b. Arts, Physical Education, Interschool Sports and ▇ gray
▇ pink
Discovery Friday
c. Maths
d. Recess and lunch
e. Science and ICT
f. Assembly
g. Grade 5 and 6 meetings
h. Spelling Test
Think about it!
Para facilitar a leitura de um quadro de horários, é fundamental uma boa
organização visual das informações. Na sua opinião, o uso de cores ajuda a
leitura do quadro de horários da página anterior? Por quê?
2 Complete the following sentences with school subjects from the text on
page 68 as in the example below.
a. Visual Arts is on Monday morning.
b. is on Wednesday afternoon.
c. is on Thursday morning.
d. and are on Wednesday morning.
e. is on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
3 Write T (True) or F (False). Then, correct the false statements.
a. The students have a different timetable each week.
b. The timetable refers to the third week of the forth term.
Let's Go to School! 69
c. Mrs. Johnston is the Maths teacher on Tuesday morning.
d. There is a sport competition between two schools on Wednesday morning.
Think about it!
A professora de Matemática indicada no quadro de horários é Mrs. Johnston.
Note que ela é chamada por seu sobrenome e não pelo primeiro nome.
Como os professores são chamados em sua escola?
Reading for Critical Thinking
4 Discuss the questions below with your classmates.
a. Para você, há variedade nos tipos de atividades previstos no quadro de
horários? Você considera isso importante? Por quê?
b. Que disciplinas ou atividades você também gostaria que fossem oferecidas
na sua escola? Na sua opinião, que disciplinas ou atividades da sua escola
deveriam ser incluídas no quadro de horários apresentado?
c. De acordo com o quadro de horários, a escola é em tempo integral (manhã e
tarde). Você acredita que o horário integral traz benefícios para os alunos? Por quê?
Vocabulary Study
Word Order
1 Use the words from the following box to label the pictures as in the example
school • school • Education • group • community • book • primary • Physical
Galv‹o Bertazzi/Arquivo da editora
primary school
70 Unit 4
2 Complete the sentences below with words from exercise 1.
a. An adjective is a word that describes a noun. For example, the adjective
primary as in and the adjective Physical as in
b. In English, we can also use a noun to describe another noun. For example, the
noun school as in . and the noun book
as in
Think about it! Maths
Em inglês, a posição de uma palavra em uma expressão pode modificar seu (abreviação de
sentido e sua função. Na expressão primary school, estamos falando de um tipo Mathematics) e
de escola – no caso, escola primária. Na expressão school community, school vem Arts são formas
antes do substantivo community e ganha valor de adjetivo, caracterizando a usadas no
comunidade. Que tipo de comunidade é essa? inglês britânico
e australiano,
3 Complete the following sentences as in the example below. enquanto
Math e Art são
as formas
no inglês
a. A family member is a member of a family.
b. A school is a principal that is responsible for a school.
c. A assembly is an assembly that happens at a school.
d. A timetable is a timetable that is published every week.
e. Interschool
are sports that are played between schools.
School Subjects
4 Find 10 words for school subjects in the word search puzzle below.
V I S PAN I SHT EAR T S F F Language
QWHMD I L E N G L I S H Y T C Information and
P SYUFML I T E RATUR E S Communication
F QXO YWK P O R T UGU E S E Technology
Em inglês, os
nomes das
são escritos
com inicial
Let's Go to School! 71
Language Days of the Week
5 Go back to the text on page 68 and notice the days of the week. Then,
We use on
before days match the abreviations to the days of the week.
of the week.
a. MON b. TUES c. WED d. THURS e. FRI
Education Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday
is on
Wednesday. 6 Use the days of the week from exercise 5 to complete the calendar below.
Visual Arts is June 2017 (second week: 4-10)
on Monday
Em inglês, os 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
nomes dos dias
da semana Sunday Friday Saturday
são escritos
com inicial 7 Listen to the recording and check your answers to exercise 6. Then, listen to
the recording again and repeat the days of the week.
Language 8 Write sentences about your school life as in the examples below.
a. English is on Fridays. It’s my favorite school subject.
Fridays = b. Portuguese is on Tuesday mornings.
every Friday c.
mornings = 9 Read the following comic strip and answer the questions below.
every Tuesday
morning © 2007 Jim Davis/Paws, Inc. All Rights Reserved/Dist.
By Atlantic Syndication/Universal Uclick
Ao ler tirinhas,
observe as
relações entre
os elementos
verbais e não
Language Available at: <http://betweenmondays.blogspot.com.br/2011/03/monday-again.html>. Accessed in: July 2014.
a. Is Monday Garfield’s favorite day?
love X hate
Now b. How would Garfield respond to Jon? “I hate Mondays.”
complete the “I love Mondays.”
Corner on c. What is your favorite day of the week?
page 160 with
what you have
72 Unit 4
Taking it Further
1 Read the campaign posters below and mark the correct statements about them.
Available at:
Accessed in: July 2014.
a. The texts are promoted by the United Nations Children’s Fund (Unicef).
b. The main objective of the texts is to help children have access to education.
c. People can help by sending text messages or calling a specific phone number.
d. The website address (www.AwaazDo.in) suggests that the texts refer to Le@rning on
the Web
children from India without access to education. Para
Think about it! mais sobre o
Awaaz Do (expressão em hindi que, em inglês, corresponde a speak up e, em trabalho do
português, a falar "alto") é uma iniciativa do Unicef para mobilizar a sociedade para Unicef, visite:
falar em favor de milhões de crianças indianas que estão fora da escola. O que você <www.unicef.
pensa sobre essa iniciativa? E sobre o nome escolhido para ela? Você observou o org> (acesso
objeto que foi integrado ao nome Awaaz Do nos cartazes? O que ele representa? em: agosto
de 2014.).
2 What about education in Brazil? Does every child have the right to
education? Talk to a classmate about it.
Language in Use
Verb to be: review
Read the Unicef posters again. Then, do exercises 1-4.
1 Circle the verb to be in the following fragments.
a. 8 million children are not in school.
b. 53% of girls between the ages of 5 to 9 are illiterate.
Let's Go to School! 73
2 Complete the following sentences with affirmative or negative.
a. In “8 million children are not in school”, the verb to be is in the
b. In “53% girls between the ages of 5 to 9 are illiterate”, the verb to be is in the
3 Rewrite the sentence below using the contracted form aren’t.
8 million children are not in school.
4 Get to know some facts about education across the world. Use is, isn’t, are
or aren’t to complete the sentences below.
a. The right to education expressed in Article 26 of the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
b. Almost 70 million children across the world in school.
c. The present educational system in India an implantation of
British rulers.
d. In Pakistan, 49.5 million adults illiterate, 2/3 (two-thirds)
e. Higher education free in the United States.
Available at: <www.unesco.org>; <www.mapsofindia.com/education/>;
<www.theguardian.com/education>. Accessed in: July 2014.
Take a look at another timetable for 56C – a 5th grade class at Berwick Fields
Primary School – and do exercises 5-7.
56C Weekly Timetable WEEK 3, TERM 4
9:00 10:00 11:00 11:30 12:30 1:30 2:15
MON Visual Setting Up English Maths LUNCH Book
Arts Term Four Writing Angles Galv‹o Bertazzi/Arquivo da editoraGroups
TUES English Kicking Goals Kicking Goals Maths
Friday English Friday Maths with
Mrs Johnston
WED Performing RECESS Writing Gr 5/6 Science
Arts Assembly Inquiry
Phys Ed
THURS ICT Reading Groups Book
English – Writing including NewsTeam Groups
FRI Maths – Shapes
Science Interschool
Sciense Session Sports
Available at: <http://56c2011.global2.vic.edu.au/category/z-school/timetables/>. Accessed in: July 2014.
74 Unit 4
5 Answer the following questions as in the examples below.
a. Is ICT on Thursday morning?
Yes, it is.
b. Are book groups on Monday and Tuesday afternoon?
No, they aren’t. They are on Monday and Thursday afternoon.
c. Is Mrs. Johnston the Maths teacher on Tuesday afternoon?
d. Is the school assembly on Wednesday morning?
e. Are Performing Arts and Physical Education on Wednesday morning?
f. Are Science sessions one and two on Thursday?
6 Now compare the timetable on the previous page (week 1) with the one on tip
page 68 (week 3). Then, complete the sentences below. A conjunção
but é utilizada
a. Interschool Sports are on Friday afternoon on week 1, but they are on para ligar ideias
em oposi•‹o.
on week 3. Observe
sempre o papel
b. Maths is on Monday after the recess on week 1, but it is on das conjunções
em frases e
on week 3. textos.
Question Words
7 Read the timetable on page 74 again and then match the columns below.
a. What is the name of the school? It is in Australia.
b. What time is recess at the school? It is Berwick Fields Primary School.
c. Where is the school? Mrs. Johnston.
d. When is the Physical Education class? 11:00.
e. Who is the Maths teacher? It is on Wednesday morning.
8 Complete the statements below. Use the question words in bold from
exercise 7.
a. We use when to ask about dates and special events.
b. We use to ask about a place/places.
c. We use to ask about a person/people.
d. We use to ask about the time.
e. We use to ask about things, facts or activities.
Let's Go to School! 75
9 Take a look at the following picture of a classroom in Brazil. Then, use
question words to ask questions.
Eduardo Zappia/Pulsar Imagens
tip a. It is Escola Municipal
Ao usarmos Raimundo Pimentel.
palavras como
when, where b. It is in Sobral, Ceará.
etc. para fazer
perguntas, 10 In your opinion, is this classroom similar to yours?
buscamos uma
determinada 11 Read the questions and answers below to find out about a school in
como tempo, England. Complete the following questions with what, where or when. Use
lugar etc. the Glossary if necessary.
Para ajudar
você a fazer o a. are school vacations in England?
exercício 11,
leia primeiro as The English academic year runs from September to July. Our main holidays are
respostas. Não Christmas (2 weeks), Spring (2 weeks) and Summer (6 weeks).
se preocupe
em entender b. is Woodlands Junior School?
todas as
palavras. It is in Tonbridge, in the South East corner of England.
Go to c. are the strengths of your school?
Reference in We value children as individuals within the community of the school.
Context on
page 170. Available at: <http://resources.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/ourschool.html>. Accessed in: July 2014.
Listening and Speaking
tip 1 What do you know about Unicef and its campaigns? Go back to page 73 Oli Scarff/Getty Images
Ative seu and read the campaign posters again.
prévio sobre 19
o tema do
texto oral para 2 Listen to a public service announcement
favorecer o
estabelecimento (PSA) recorded by Hannah Godefa, a young
de hipóteses Unicef activist. What is the recording all
sobre o que about?
será ouvido.
Child survival. Hannah Godefa
Children’s education.
76 Unit 4
19 3 Listen to the recording again and complete the following sentences with
items from the box below.
book • education • Ethiopia • India
Malaysia • school • sport • Unicef
a. Hannah is Unicef National Goodwill Ambassador to .
b. According to the girl, a good can transform and open
.”, says
doors for all children.
c. “Send your children, your boys, and your girls to
19 4 Listen to the recording once more and check your answers to exercise 3. tip
5 What do the PSA promoted by Unicef and the campaign posters from page Public service
73 have in common? (PSAs) são
Think about it! de utilidade
No anúncio de utilidade pública que você escutou, várias pessoas dizem “ItÕs my pública como,
responsibility” em inglês e em outras línguas faladas na Etiópia, reconhecendo por exemplo,
que todos são responsáveis por garantir a permanência das crianças na escola aqueles
e assumindo sua própria responsabilidade. Você concorda com essas pessoas? veiculados em
Por quê (não)? campanhas
de vacinação,
6 In pairs, talk about your school life. Use the following questions to help you. prevenção
de doenças
Make extra questions as in the example below. e acidentes,
defesa dos
a. What is your favorite school subject? direitos das
b. Which school subjects are you good at? crianças etc.
c. Which school subjects are you poor at? Que anúncios de
utilidade pública
costumam ser
veiculados na
sua cidade ou
d. When is the class?
e. Who is the teacher?
Galv‹o Bertazzi/Arquivo da editora Student A: What is your favorite school subject? Language
Student B: Math. Note
Student A: Really? Why? • IÕm poor
Student B: I love numbers. at Math. ×
IÕm good at
Student A: I hate Math. It’s so difficult. Math.
Student B: C’mon! Math is easy.
• We use
and CÕmon
to express
• It’s so
difficult. =
It’s very
Let's Go to School! 77
In this unit you have read weekly school timetables/schedules on pages 68
and 74. They can be really useful as they help you visualize school classes and
events you have coming up.
1 In small groups, create a weekly school timetable/schedule similar to the ones
in this unit. The objective is to plan your school life and get organized.
tip Writing Context
Ao revisar Before writing your text, complete the gaps below to identify the
o quadro de elements of the writing context.
considere, por a. Writer: you and your classmates
b. Readers: classmates and students in other classrooms
objetivo: As
informações c. Genre:
estão ade
quadas ao d. Objective: organize the of school classes, events etc. in the
objetivo do
texto? form of a table
conteúdo: As
informações e. Style: tone
corretas e f. Media: school board / Internet
leiaute: A Step by Step
zação visual 1. Think of what subjects and events you have at school.
facilita a 2. Make a column of days of the week on the left side of the timetable and a row
rápida com
preensão of times at the top. If you prefer, make a column of times on the left side of the
das infor timetable and a row of days of the week at the top.
ortografia: 3. Complete your timetable. Start with the regular school classes and then add
As palavras
estão escri weekly activities. You can also include pictures and the names of your teachers.
tas correta
mente? 4. Make the first version of your timetable by hand.
cores: As 5. Exchange timetables with classmates and discuss the texts.
disciplinas 6. Make the necessary corrections.
e eventos 7. Create the final version of your school timetable by hand or use a computer to
estão design it.
por cores? 2 It’s time to share your school timetable with students in other classrooms,
imagens: As
figuras tor grades and/or schools. Then, compare what subjects and events you have in
nam o texto common. You can use this online resource to create your timetable:
mais claro <http://gradetracker.com/lab/class-schedule-maker>.
e interes
seu texto com
base na re
visão feita por
você e seus
78 Unit 4
Looking Ahead
Read these two inspiring quotes about education. Then, talk to a classmate and
answer the questions below. Use the Glossary, if necessary.
Malala Yousafzai
Reprodução/Museu de Orangerie, Paris, França.
Carl Court/Agência France-Presse
Paul Cézanne
a. O que você acha da citação do pintor francês Paul Cézanne? Você também acredita que
a educação não se limita a observar e copiar, mas também inclui o sentir?
b. Explique, com suas próprias palavras, a citação da ativista paquistanesa Malala Yousafzai.
Você concorda com ela? Por quê?
c. Para você, qual a importância da educação?
Extra Reading
Extra Video
Let's Go to School! 79
1 Before reading the following text, take a look at its layout and structure. Then,
complete the sentence below with words in the box.
The text is a promoted by drawing
. Education
campaign poster
Now read the text below and do exercises 2 and 3.
Education is a children’s right, an obligation for the state, and a responsibility for all of us.
Available at: <www.coloribus.com/adsarchive/prints/unicef-
rights-to-education-groups-4376555/>. Accessed in: September 2014.
2 Mark the following statement that refers to the main idea of the text.
All children have access to education.
Education is a fundamental human right.
3 Go back to the text and focus on the drawing. Then, talk to a classmate about the relation
between education and the expressions “my home”, “my school” and “my country”.
80 Units 3 & 4
Language in Use
Verb to be: review
1 The following sentences are about famous people from all over the world. Complete
them with is, isn’t, are or aren’t.
a. Jamie Oliver from the USA. He from the UK.
b. Taís Araújo famous for her participation in the soap opera Da cor do pecado.
c. Shailene Woodley famous for her participation in the movie The Fault in Our Stars.
d. Taís Araújo and Shailene Woodley singers. They talented actresses.
e. Enrique Iglesias a Mexican singer. He a Spanish singer.
f. Angela Merkel from Germany? Yes, she .
g. Kofi Annan a lawyer? No, he . He a diplomat.
2 Complete the following texts with is or are.
Divulgação/Penguin Jamie Oliver a phenomenon in the tip
world of food. He one of the world’s Não se
preocupe em
best-loved television personalities and one of compreender
todas as
Britain’s most famous exports. palavras dos
textos do
His cookbooks bestsellers not only in exercício 2.
Isso não é
the UK but across the world. necessário
para você
Adapted from: <www.jamieoliver.com/about/jamie-oliver-biog>. responder aos
Accessed in: September 2014. exercícios 2
e 3.
Clodagh Kilcoyne/Getty Images Kofi Annan best known for his role as
secretary-general of the United Nations. He is
fluent in several languages. They :
English, French, some Kru languages and other
African languages.
Adapted from: <www.biography.com/people/
kofi-annan-9185694>. Accessed in: September 2014.
Review 2 81
3 Read the texts in exercise 2 again. Then, answer the following questions about Jamie
Oliver and Kofi Annan. Use short answers.
a. Is Jamie Oliver a television personality?
b. Is he famous for his movies?
c. Are his cookbooks bestsellers across the world?
d. Is Kofi Annan fluent in Portuguese?
e. Are Jamie Oliver and Kofi Annan fluent in English?
Question Words
4 Match the columns below.
a. We use what to ask about the time.
b. We use where to ask about a place/places.
c. We use when to ask about a person/people.
d. We use who to ask about dates and special events.
e. We use what time to ask about things, facts or activities.
5 In each item below, put the words into the correct order to make sentences.
a. school? / name / the / What / of / is / your
b. is / your / school? / Where
c. When / your / class? / Science / is
d. your / English / Who / teacher? / is
e. time / recess / What / is / your / at / school?
6 Go back to exercise 5 and answer the questions.
82 Units 3 & 4
Time for Fun!
It’s time to play the board game “Words and More Words” with your classmates.
You need: Move ahead 1 space • Comece o jogo na casa 1
= Go to the next space (START).
a die
a counter Miss a turn • Jogue o dado para mover sua
= You don’t play this time peça.
• Diga a(s) palavra(s) referente(s) a
cada casa.
• Ganha o jogo quem chegar
primeiro à casa 20 (FINISH).
1START 2 3 4 5
2 nationalities 2 days of the MISS A TURN 3 words
that end week that that rhyme
with -ESE start with T with day
2F0INISH 9 8 7 6
1 word 2 months of 3 occupations
19 that rhymes the year that that end Move
with vet start with J with -ER ahead
2 months of 3 spaces
the year that
end with -ER 10 11 12 13
2 nationalities
MISS A TURN 2 countries Move ahead that end
1 space with -IAN
that start
with I
Ilustra•›es: Galv‹o Bertazzi/Arquivo da editora 18 17 16 15 14
2 school
Move ahead 2 occupations 2 words MISS A TURN subjects that
1 space
that start that rhyme end with -Y
with S with time
Review 2 83
Thinking about Learning
What can I do now?
Talk about countries and nationalities... with
Talk about occupations... confidence
Talk about your school...
Use the negative and interrogative forms of the verb well
to be …
Use question words... with some
Explore profiles... difficulty
Explore school timetables...
What words/expressions have I learned in units 3 and 4?
Words/Expressions Words/Expressions in use
What learning resources have I used in units 3 and 4?
Dictionaries Glossary Language Reference in Context
Extra reading Extra videos Vocabulary Corner
Internet Other(s):
What do I need to do in order to improve my learning? Ilustra•›es: Galv‹o Bertazzi/Arquivo da editora
84 Units 3 & 4
1B Richard Lautens/Toronto Star/Getty Images
Studying and Having Fun (Second Part)
Na unidade 4, você falou sobre escolas e educação. Leia a tarefa abaixo e siga as
instruções para fazer a segunda parte do Project 1, Studying and Having Fun.
TASK: After having listed some ways to use personal interests (like music, sports, movies etc.) to
motivate students to go to school and study, it is time to share your list of tips with your
classmates and students from all over the world!
1. Produce it! In groups, review the list of tips you created for the first part of the
project. Then make posters to show people how to use their personal interests to
find the motivation to study. You can use pictures to illustrate each tip.
2. Share it locally! Spread the posters all over your school so that people can take a
look at them as they are passing by.
3. Share it globally! Use the Internet so that students from all over the world can get
inspired by your ideas.
[6AP_f01_Project1b – Foto que mostre adolescentes de 11 a 13 anos afixando pôsteres na escola ou uma foto que
mostre pessoas passando pelo corredor da escola e olhando para pôsteres feitos pelos alunos. Como referência, as
fotos abaixo.]
Think about it!
Reflita sobre o desenvolvimento do projeto a partir das questões a seguir.
Você já tinha pensado em aproveitar seus interesses pessoais como estratégia para
ter (mais) motivação para estudar? Você planeja fazer isso? Como?
Como foi a exibição dos pôsteres na escola? Como as pessoas reagiram a eles?
Você faria alguma coisa de modo diferente? Em caso afirmativo, o quê?
Project 1B 85
What Is a Crédito/Arquivo da Editora
Family? DNF Style/Shutterstock/Glow Images
Warming Up!
Nas fotos, vemos diferentes tipos de famílias. Quais são eles?
Na sua família, com quem você mais se identifica? Por quê?
O que você já aprendeu com essa pessoa?
Divulgação/TV Globo
Flashon Studio/Shutterstock/Glow Images Gerson Gerloff/Pulsar Imagens
Cedida por Tarsila Educação/<www.tarsiladoamaral.com.br> Blend Images/Shutterstock/Glow Images
Learning Objectives
• to talk about families and possessions
• to learn how to use the genitive case (’s)
• to learn how to use nouns in the plural
• to explore acrostic poems
• to establish connections with Portuguese, Arts and Geography
Before Reading
1 In your opinion, what is important in a family? Choose words and expressions
from the box below. Then, compare your answers with those of a classmate.
family values respect number of family members
friendship family traditions union
honesty happiness
quality time together love
tip 2 Take a look at the structure, the pictures and the source of the following
Note que os text. Then, match the columns below. There is one extra item.
textos são
escritos em a. The text is a book of poems.
função do seu
público-alvo b. The author of the text is a poem.
ou seja, dos c. The audience of the text is kids in general.
leitores (em
potencial). d. The text is from an online magazine.
Mary Ann Hoberman.
3 Mark the words you expect to find in the text below.
people children parents father mother baby
tip Reading
Não se Now read the text to check your predictions.
preocupe em
compreender What is a family? All kinds of creatures can make up a family
todas as Who is a family? All kinds of numbers can make up a family
palavras de One and another makes two is a family!
um texto. Nem Baby and father and mother: a family! What is a family?
sempre isso Parents and sister and brother: a family! Who is a family?
é necessário Either a lot or a few is a family;
para você All kinds of people can make up a family But whether there’s ten or there’s
atingir seus All kinds of mixtures can make up a family two in your family,
objetivos de All of your family plus you is a family!
leitura. Apoie-se What is a family?
em palavras Who is a family? Macovetor/Shutterstock/Glow Images
já conhecidas The children that lived in a shoe is a family!
e no seu A pair like a kanga and roo is a family!
conhecimento A calf and a cow that go moo is a family!
prévio sobre
o assunto do
From: HOBERMAN, Mary Ann. Fathers, Mothers, Sisters, Brothers: a
collection of family poems. New York: Hachette Book Group Inc., 2001, p. 3.
88 Unit 5
Reading for General Comprehension
What are the author’s opinions about families? Mark the correct statements.
Two people can constitute a family.
Couples without children constitute a family.
Different types of people can constitute a family.
Only a group of people with a mother can constitute a family.
Reading for Detailed Comprehension
1 Match the lines (a-e) to the pictures that follow.
a. “One and another makes two is a family!” (line 3)
b. “Baby and father and mother: a family!” (line 4)
c. “Parents and sister and brother: a family!” (line 5)
d. “A pair like a kanga and roo is a family!” (line 11)
e. “A calf and a cow that go moo is a family!” (line 12)
Ilustrações: Galvão Bertazzi/
Arquivo da editora
2 Mark the correct statements about the poem. tip
a. The poem contains a lot of repetition (e.g. repetition of the word family; Note que, em
poemas, a
repetition of the lines What is a family? and Who is a family?). linguagem é
usada de forma
b. It contains rhymes (e.g. father, mother, sister, brother; shoe, roo, moo). criativa.
c. It contains no exclamation marks.
d. The tone of the text is subjective and poetic. language
Think about it! e.g. (exampli
No trecho “there’s ten or there’s two” do poema, o verbo está no singular (there’s) gratia) = for
e não no plural (there are). De acordo com a norma culta, o verbo deveria ser example
usado no plural (there are) para concordar com ten e two. O uso do verbo no
singular nesse verso é um exemplo de variação linguística comum em poemas e
canções. Você já percebeu outros exemplos de variação linguística em poemas
e canções em inglês ou português?
What Is a Family? 89
Reading for Critical Thinking Frederator Studios e Billionfold Studios/Nelvana
Discuss the questions below with your classmates. Frederator Studios e Billionfold Studios/Nelvana
a. De acordo com o poema, não há um número mínimo de pessoas para formar
uma família (“All kinds of numbers can make up a family”). Você concorda com
isso? Por quê?
b. Na sua opinião, por que a autora cita animais (kanga and roo, calf and cow) ao
dar exemplos de famílias?
c. Que outros exemplos de famílias você gostaria de incluir no poema? Por quê?
d. Para você, qual verso do poema da página 88 melhor resume sua visão de
família? Por quê?
Vocabulary Study
Family Members
1 In pairs, look at the picture below and answer the
following questions.
a. What is the name of the TV show?
b. What are the names of the main characters?
c. What is your favorite TV show?
2 Take a look at Cosmo and Wanda’s family tree below. Then, match the
columns that follow.
The fairly oddparenTs
Grandpa Gonzo Grandma Gonzo
papa cosmo mama cosma biG daddy
cosmo wanda blonda
90 Unit 5
a. Who’s Mama Cosma? He is Wanda’s father. language
b. Who’s Grandpa Gonzo? She is Cosmo’s mother. note
c. Who’s Big Daddy? She is Wanda’s sister.
d. Who’s Papa Cosmo? He is Cosmo’s grandfather. dad (informal)
e. Who’s Blonda? He is Cosmo’s father. = father
mom (informal)
3 Complete the following sentences about Cosmo and Wanda’s familiy. Use = mother
the names of the characters as in the example below. (informal) =
(informal) =
a. Blonda is Wanda’s sister.
b. is Cosmo’s brother.
c. and Schnozmo are Papa Cosmo and Mama Cosma’s children.
d. Papa Cosmo and are Cosmo and Schnozmo’s parents.
e. is Cosmo and Wanda’s son.
f. Wanda is ’s daughter.
g. is Mama Cosma’s granddaughter.
h. is Grandpa Gonzo’s grandson. tip
i. and Mama Cosma are Poof’s grandparents. Busque inferir
o significado
j. Blonda is ’s aunt. de palavras
k. Schnozmo is ’s uncle. a partir da
observação do
l. Poof is and Schnozmo’s nephew. contexto em
que elas são
20 4 Listen to the recording and repeat the words in the box below. Then, utilizadas.
complete the following sentences with blue, pink or green.
father • mother • parents • grandfather • grandmother tip
grandparents • brother • sister • son • daughter • children
O uso de
grandson • granddaughter • uncle • aunt • nephew cores é uma
a. The words in refer to female family members. que pode
b. The words in refer to male family members. ajudar você
c. The words in refer to female or male family members. a organizar
e fixar o
5 Who are these? Complete the following sentences as in the example below.
a. My mother’s mother is my grandmother . Now
b. My father’s parents are my
c. My father’s sister is my . complete the
d. My mother’s brother is my Vocabulary
Corner on
. page 161 with
what you have
. learned.
What Is a Family? 91
Taking it Further
Think about it!
A imagem de crianças morando em um sapato ilustra o texto a seguir. Que verso
do poema da página 88 também poderia ser ilustrado por essa imagem?
1 Read the first part of a popular nursery rhyme below and mark the correct
statements about it. Use the Glossary, if necessary.
There was an old woman Galvão Bertazzi/
who lived in a shoe, Arquivo da editora
She had so many children she
tip didn’t know what to do (...).
Não se From: McPHAIL, David. My Mother
preocupe em Goose. 2013, p. 16-17.
todas as The text is about an old woman who lives with her language note
palavras de children in a shoe.
um texto. Nem a large family
sempre isso The family described in the text is large. ×
é necessário
para você The family described in the text is very rich. a small family
atingir seus
objetivos de
2 What do the nursery rhyme above and the text on page 88 have in common?
They are about family.
They contain rhymes.
They contain repeated words and lines.
Read the texts below and do exercises 3 and 4.
Text 1
Forget Fa ly
About mi
Me Andresr/Shutterstock/Glow Images
Available at: <www.pinterest.com/pin/88383211410549218/>. Accessed in: July 2014.
92 Unit 5
Text 2
Chaikovskiy Igor/Shutterstock/Glow Images Fight beside you Thank you
Respect you for being a
Intercede for you
Encourage you friend
Need you
Deserve you
Support you
Available at: <http://bestfriendquotesforever.blogspot.com.br/2014/07/friendship-acrostic.html>.
Accessed in: July 2014.
3 Mark the correct item that completes each sentence below.
a. The texts are acrostic poems. campaign posters.
b. The tone of the texts is positive. negative.
Think about it!
O segundo texto busca definir a palavra em destaque na vertical (FRIENDS).
Cada verso indica uma ação que costuma ser realizada por quem? Você
concorda com esse texto? Que outras ações você incluiria para ajudar a
definir a palavra na vertical?
4 Write (1) if the sentence refers to Text 1 or (2) if it refers to Text 2.
a. The text is about friendship. c. The text is addressed to a family member.
b. The text is about family. d. The text is addressed to a friend.
Language in Use
Read the following fragments from the poem on page 88 and do exercises Macovetor/Shutterstock/Glow Images tip
1 and 2.
A partir dos
parents and sister and brother: a family! (line 5) exemplos, faça
All kinds of people can make up a family (line 6) inferências
All kinds of mixtures can make up a family (line 7) para
The children that lived in a shoe is a family! (line 10) compreender
All kinds of creatures can make up a family (line 13) regras de
All kinds of numbers can make up a family (line 14) uso da língua
1 What do the words in pink have in common?
What Is a Family? 93
2 Read the fragments again and complete the box below.
How to make a noun plural Examples
Most nouns: noun + s creature mixture parents
kind boy boys
bus buses box boxes numbers beach beaches
waltz waltzes wish wishes princess princesses
nouns ending in -s, -z, -x,
baby babies
-sh, -ch or -ss: noun +
nouns ending in consonant wolf wolves
+ y: noun – + family families
Nouns ending in f or fe: calf life lives wife
noun – f or fe + ves
Irregular plural nouns: man men child woman women person
3 Read another poem about family. Complete it with the plural form of the
words in parentheses.
Grandmas and Grandpas
Grandmas and Grandpas are everything nice.
Like (present) and candy and raspberry ice.
And chocolate fudge (sundae), with
(cherry) on top.
And popcorn and (peanut) and grape soda pop.
Galv‹o Bertazzi/
Arquivo da editora
Frederator Studios e Billionfold Studios/Nelvana
In winter or summer, in rain or in sun, Grandmas and Grandpas are
wonderful fun!
Available at: <http://stepbystepcc.com/poemsforgrandparents.html>. Accessed in: August 2014.
Think about it!
Em poemas, é comum o uso de comparações que podem surpreender o leitor.
No poema “Grandmas and Grandpas”, avós e avôs são comparados a presentes,
sorvetes, pipoca etc. Você concorda com essa visão? Por quê? Na sua opinião,
essas comparações são uma forma criativa de usar a linguagem e envolver o
leitor? Que outro recurso linguístico comum em poemas também é utilizado em
“Grandmas and Grandpas”?
Genitive Case (’s)
language 4 Do you remember the names of the characters
from The Fairly OddParents? Complete the
wanda’s following sentences with son, sister and brother.
sister = the
sister of a. Blonda is Wanda’s .
Wanda b. Schnozmo is Cosmo’s .
cosmo’s c. Poof is Cosmo and Wanda’s .
brother =
the brother of
94 Unit 5
5 Go back to page 91 and check your answers to exercise 3.
6 Read the sentences from exercise 4 again and mark the correct item that
completes each sentence below.
a. “Cosmo and Wanda’s son” is equivalent to
the son of Cosmo and Wanda. Cosmo and the son of Wanda.
b. We use Õs to express
plural. possession.
Read the text below and do exercises 7-9.
Timothy Tiberius Turner is a ten-year-old boy who is the main Frederator Studios e
character of The Fairly OddParents alongside his fairy godparents, BillionfoldStudios/Nelvana
Cosmo and Wanda. He’s described by the show’s theme song
as “an average kid that no one understands”. Timmy’s parents,
known as Mom and Dad, are neglectful of him and sometimes
leave him under the care of his mean babysitter, Vicky. After a year
of Vicky constantly making him miserable, Timmy was then given
two magical fairy godparents, Cosmo and Wanda, and then later
on a fairy godbrother, Poof, whom he wished for. (...)
Available at: <http://fairlyoddparents.wikia.com/wiki/Timmy_Turner>.
Accessed in: July 2014.
7 Answer the questions below. Não se
preocupe em
a. Who is Timothy? compreender
b. How old is he? todas as
c. How is he described by the show’s theme song? palavras do
texto. Isso não
d. Who is Vicky? Is she a good girl? é necessário
para realizar a
language note
“his fairy godparents” = Timmy’s fairy godparents
“his mean babysitter” = Timmy’s mean babysitter
“his parents” =
8 Mark the correct item that completes each sentence below.
a. The fragment “the show’s theme song” is equivalent to
the theme song of the show.
the song of the theme show.
b. In the fragments “the show’s theme song” and “Timmy’s parents”, Õs expresses
plural. possession.
What Is a Family? 95
9 Complete the following sentences as in the example below.
Frederator Studios e Billionfold Frederator Studios e Billionfold
Studios/Nelvana Studios/Nelvana
a. Mom and Dad are Timmy’s parents c. Vicky is
Frederator Studios e Billionfold Frederator Studios e Billionfold
Studios/Nelvana Studios/Nelvana
b. Cosmo and Wanda are Timmy’s (magical d. Poof is
fairy) godparents . .
10 In each item below, put the words into the correct order to make sentences.
a. father / Fábio Junior / Fiuk’s / is
b. is / Wanessa / daughter / Zezé di Camargo’s
Go to c. Brad Pitt’s / wife / is / Angelina Jolie
Reference in
Context on
page 171.
tip Listening and Speaking
Não se 1 In pairs, ask a classmate the questions below and answer them. Take turns.
preocupe em
entender tudo a. Is your family big or small? b. Are you an only child? c. Who is your family?
o que ouvir.
Concentre-se 21
aqui em
identificar o 2 Listen to a man reciting a poem about a family. What type of family is it?
tipo de família
descrito no A family that likes pets.
poema. A family that likes sports.
A family that likes technology.
96 Unit 5
21 3 Which gadget does each family member like? Listen to the recording again tip
and match the columns below. Não se
a. Mother b. Father c. Sister d. Brother e. Baby em entender
todo o áudio.
Bryan Solomon/ Concentre-se
Shutterstock/Glow Images nas
Oleksiy Mark/ que deseja
Shutterstock/Glow Images e preste
Sergii Korolko/ atenção nas
Shutterstock/Glow Images palavras-chave.
Oleksiy Mark/
Shutterstock/Glow Images
Denis Rozhnovsky/
Shutterstock/Glow Images
21 4 Now complete the poem with the names of the gadgets in exercise 3. tip
Then, listen to the recording once more and check your answers. Ao ouvir
o poema,
My Family’s Fond of Gadgets observe o
efeito das
My family’s fond of gadgets and new technology. pausas e o
My mother likes her .
My father likes . tip
My sister likes to dance around the house with on. Recitar
poemas é
My brother plays on his until the break of dawn. uma ótima
The baby has a and a touchscreen-tablet too. para testar
rimas e
If we had pets, I’m sure that even they would have a few. perceber como
diferentes sons
We chat with instant messaging. se encaixam.
We email and we text.
We’re always looking forward to the gadget we’ll Think about it!
get next. Quando faltou energia elétrica,
a família do poema teve um
The power went out recently. dia diferente. Sem poder usar
That day was like no other. aparelhos tecnológicos, eles
Our screens went blank and, strange but true, conversaram entre si. Na sua
we talked to one another. opinião, o uso frequente de
tecnologia pode atrapalhar o
“My Family's Fond Gadgets” copyright © 2014 Kenn Nesbitt. diálogo em família? O que pode
All Rights Reserved. Reprinted by permission of the author. estimular o diálogo entre os
membros de uma família?
Available at: <www.poetry4kids.com/poem-699.html#.VQ7JZyvF-So>.
Accessed in: November 2014.
5 Is there a passion that you and your family
members have in common?
6 One interesting way to practice rhythm in English is to use poetry. Choose a
poem from this unit or another one to recite. Put your emotions into it.
What Is a Family? 97
tip In this unit you have read acrostic poems on page 92. Acrostic poems are
simple poems in which the first letter (or another letter) of each line forms a word
Ao revisar or phrase vertically. Acrostic poems are fun poetic texts that are easy to write.
o acróstico, They don’t need to rhyme and each line can be as long or as short as you want
considere, por it to be. All lines of the acrostic poem relate to or describe the topic word or
exemplo: phrase. Many people write acrostic poems using their own names or names of
people who are important to them!
objetivo: No
poema, você 1 Write an acrostic poem dedicated to a family member, a friend or a person
seus you admire. The objective is to express your feelings and be creative.
e opiniões Writing Context
sobre a
palavra ou Before writing your text, complete the gaps below to identify the elements of
expressão- the writing context.
a. Writer: you
conteúdo: Os
versos estão b. Readers: and other people
com a c. Genre:
palavra ou
expressão- d. Objective: express your feelings and opinions about someone or something
through poetry
leiaute: O
leiaute desta- e. Style: poetic / subjective tone
ca a palavra
ou expres- f. Media: school board /
deixando Step by Step
claro que se
trata de um 1. Decide what to write about. Think of a word or phrase to use as a topic.
acróstico? 2. Write down the topic word or phrase vertically. Use capital letters. For example,
linguagem: A “FAMILY”, “MOTHER”, “BROTHER”, a family member’s name etc.
linguagem é
usada de for- 3. Think of ways to describe the topic word or phrase. You can use single
ma criativa?
words, phrases or complete sentences in your acrostic poem.
As palavras 4. Make the first version of your acrostic poem by hand.
estão 5. Select an image or make a drawing to illustrate your text.
escritas cor- 6. Exchange acrostic poems with classmates and discuss the texts.
retamente? 7. Make the necessary corrections.
8. Create the final version of your acrostic poem by hand or use a computer to
imagens: As
figuras design it.
tornam o
texto mais 2 It’s time to share your acrostic poem with your classmates and other people.
claro e
interessante? Spread the texts all over your school so that people can read them as
they are passing by. Then, you can also give the acrostic poem as a gift
Reescreva seu to a family member or a friend. You can also use <www.pinterest.com> or
texto com base <www.padlet.com> to share your acrostic poems.
na revisão feita
por você e seus
98 Unit 5