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Published by Remembering You Always, 2016-05-25 14:13:31

Christopher Thomas

Christopher Thomas

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Christopher J. Thomas

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Christopher James Thomas was born on May 18, 1932
in Wharton, Texas to the union of Reverend Osiris Thomas and
Mildred Pace.

Christopher was an only child. He was preceded in death by his
parents as well as his stepfather Preston Crabb. Chris met and married
April Keller in Galveston, Texas.

Christopher was a decorated war veteran. Among his many
commendations are two Bronze Star Medals for service during
World War II. He was honorably discharged with over twenty years
of service. He was a graduate of Brooke Army Medical School.

Christopher began his federal service career at the Veteran’s
Hospital in Arlington. After ten years of service he was approached by
the County Council to assist in setting-up the new
Martin Luther King Hospital. Thomas continued to volunteer at the
Veteran’s Hospitals in Virginia through out his retirement….

Christopher departed his life on August 24, 2015 at the
Veterans Hospice in Arlington, Virginia.

Christopher leaves to cherish him in loving memory, his wife
of 59 years April Thomas; four daughters, Kim Thomas, Jane Sydal,
Odell Thomas, and Tasha Anderson;
grandchildren, Mike Baker, Al Baker and Kristen Sydal.
And a host of in-laws, nieces, nephews, cousins, friends and

Order Of Service


Song Just A Closer Walk Francis Perry
Remarks The Lord’s Prayer Reverend E. Joshua Sims
Song My Last Request Buster Holt
Brian Jones

Francis Perry

Reverend Joshua Cummings

Parting View


Love and Grace Memorial Park

Arlington, Virginia

My Last Request

Please don’t say I gave up.
Just say that I crossed over into a new life.
Don’t say I lost the battle, for the battle is the Lord’s.
Please don’t say how good I was, but that I did my best.

To give the most…I could not do less.
Please don’t give me wings or halos, that’s for God to do;

I want no more than I deserve, no extras, just my due.
Please don’t give me flowers or talk in harsh tones;
Don’t be concerned about me now, I’m well with God.
Don’t talk about what could have been, it’s not over, it’s, not done;
Just see to all my family’s needs, the battle has been won.
When you draw a picture of me, don’t draw me as a saint;
I’ve done some good, and I’ve done some wrong. So use all your paint.
Not just the bright and light tones, use some dark;
In fact, don’t put me down on canvas, paint me in your heart.
I would just want you to remember the good times.
Even though life is full of many things, some happy and some sad.
But if you must do something, then I have one last request;
Forgive me for any wrongs I’ve done, and with the love that’s left….
Thank God, for I have made it home, thank God, for all who loved me

And praise be to God, for He loves me best!

Active Pallbearers

Jacob Wright Joseph Carter
Gregory Hall Al Mathews
Carl Robinson
Antonio Salerno

Odell Thomas Honorary Pallbearers Jane Thomas
Jane Miranda Acknowledgment Bryan Edwards
Melvin Cowell
Jacob Wright

The family of Christopher J. Thomas would like to thank each and everyone
who showed their loving kindness and beautiful expression of sympathy in our

time of sorrow. May God bless each of you.

Remembering You Always

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