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Published by Sariah Burge, 2019-03-14 11:13:47

Uranus magazine

Uranus magazine



1 | Ou t d oor M agazi n e Oct 20 16

Fact Fi l e

Moon s=27
Ran ge at t he surf ace= m in us 315 degrees
Fahren heit : Range at surface, Uranus is
-350 degrees Fahrenheit.
Rin gs =13
Kilom et ers aw ay f rom t he sun =
2,870 ,0 0 0
Gravit y=90 %
Diameter= 50,000 kilometers

Check Uranus brain
pop m ovie

It Out!!
Brain pop

Ur an uSsimsoullaart isoynst em L Quiz time

1. What is two of Uranus
moons names

2. How many planets are
further from the sun
than Uranus

3. What part of Uranus is
most like Earth

4. How many rings does
Uranus have

5. Why is Uranus tilted on
it's axis

sim u lat ion

To Explore More...

Videos: Web sit es:

Space school:Uranus NASA space
Uranus Brain pop Nasa Solar System


Uranus By Thomas K. Anderson

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