Number the Stars
Reflection Journal
By: Sariah burge
Building Background
Learning Target: I can compare and contrast two or more
characters, settings, or events in a story, drawing on specific
details in the text.
Background of this Story:
In some countries around the world the government is
called a dictatorship. In a dictatorship, one person or a small
group of people have complete control of the country. In many
cases the military enforces the control. If a person does not
follow the rules, they may be arrested, threatened, scared, or
tortured. The citizens of that country are not allowed to talk or
act against the dictatorship. A person can be rewarded if they
tell the dictatorship about other people who are against the
Interpretive Question: How does the dictatorship
system of government in the story affect Pedro, his
family, and the citizens it governs?
R Restate the Question (green) In the book, The composition, Pedro,
- Read the question or prompt his family, and their entire family
- Underline keywords community are negatively affected by
- Rewrite the question as a the dictatorship Government. One
statement using your own words example from the text is when Don
Daniel was dragged down the street by
A Answer the Question (green) two men who were ¨ pointing machine
- Answer the question guns at him.¨ This clearly shows the
*If there is more that one part of dictatorship is treating the people in
the question, make sure to answer the community poorly. Pedroś parents
ALL parts. lived in fear that they would be caught
being against the government. They
C Cite Evidence (yellows) had to turn the radio down very low so
- Use evidence from the text to that they wouldn't get caught listening.
support your answer. Pedro`s mom was so scared she ¨ cried
-Include both paraphrased silently at the table.¨. This is further
evidence and direct quotes evidence that the government was
making people live in fear. Finally,
Possible evidence starters: Pedro himself, was negatively affected
According to the text… by the government. He was put in the
For example… position of having to lie on the
On page ___ it says… composition so that his parents would
Further support can be found... not get caught. The dictatorship tried to
In the article/ chapter it states... turn children against their own parents.
Obviously, the dictatorship negatively
E Explain (reds) affected everyone that Pedro was close
- Explain how each piece of text to in his life.
evidence supports your answer.
Possible explain starters:
This clearly shows that…
This means that…
This further supports the idea that…
S Sum it Up (green)
- Conclude your answer
- Link back to the topic sentence
using different words
Possible summary starters:
Clearly Definitely Certainly
To sum up In fact Obviously
Building Background
Learning Target: I can explain the relationships or interactions
between two or more individuals, events, ideas, or concepts in a
historical, scientific, or technical text based on specific
information in the text.
How have underground movements affected events
throughout history? The way the They was this
ww2 affected affected the
Underground jews was that nazis is that
Railroad most of them they got a lot
got killed. of people to
follow hitlers
Underground religion.
The way The way they World
they affected affected the War II
the nazis is jews was
that the they got
some jews away from
go away the nazis
Building Background
Learning Target: I can compare and contrast two or more
characters, settings, or events in a story, drawing on specific
details in the text.
Background of this Story:
“For centuries, the Star of David was a symbol of Jewish
pride. But during World War II, Nazis used the Star to
segregate and terrorize the Jewish people. Except in
Denmark. When Nazi soldiers occupied his country, King
Christian X of Denmark committed himself to keeping all
Danes safe from harm. The bravery of the Danes and their
king has inspired many legends. The most enduring is the
legend of the yellow star, which symbolizes the loyalty and
fearless spirit of the king and his people.”
Source: Peachtree Publishers
Interpretive Question: How did King Christian X’s
response to the yellow Star order in the story
affect the citizens of Denmark?
R Restate the Question (green) In the book ¨ The Yellow star¨ King
- Read the question or prompt Christian Xś and
- Underline keywords
- Rewrite the question as a
statement using your own words
A Answer the Question (green)
- Answer the question
*If there is more that one part of
the question, make sure to answer
ALL parts.
C Cite Evidence (yellows)
- Use evidence from the text to
support your answer.
-Include both paraphrased
evidence and direct quotes
Possible evidence starters:
According to the text…
For example…
On page ___ it says…
Further support can be found...
In the article/ chapter it states...
E Explain (reds)
- Explain how each piece of text
evidence supports your answer.
Possible explain starters:
This clearly shows that…
This means that…
This further supports the idea that…
S Sum it Up (green)
- Conclude your answer
- Link back to the topic sentence
using different words
Possible summary starters:
Clearly Definitely Certainly
To sum up In fact Obviously
Building Background
World War II and
the Holocaust
Learning Target: I can provide a summary of the text that
includes the main ideas and key details, as well as other
important information.
Summary of the article:
The article “World War II and the Holocaust” ________
how Adolf Hitler set out to rule the world. He came into power
in _____ and began to _______. Starting in 1941, Jewish
people were ______. In these camps over ____ died. He
joined forces with ______ and _____. When _______
bombed __________ on _____________, 1941, the United
States entered the war and fought against the ______ powers
until _________when the war ended.
Number the
Learning Target: I can quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text
says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
Chapter 1
How are the characters’ lives
different than ours?
R Restate the Question (green) ✣ In the book ¨Number The Stars¨
- Read the question or prompt the character´s lives are different
- Underline keywords from our because in the present we
- Rewrite the question as a statement can go to local grocery stores and
using your own words buy everyday things. For example
on page 9 Kristi asked her mom for
A Answer the Question (green) a some bread with butter but her
- Answer the question mom said only bread, Kristi had
*If there is more that one part of the also wished she could have a
question, make sure to answer ALL cupcake, ”a big yellow cupcake ,
parts. with pink frosting¨”but but in the
book it states that ¨ there hasn't
C Cite Evidence (yellows) been any butter or sugar for
- Use evidence from the text to cupcakes in a year at least.¨ Another
support your answer. reason their lives are different
-Include both paraphrased evidence from ours is that because they are
and direct quotes in a war. According to the chapter
you know they are in a war because
Possible evidence starters: on page 11 Kristi´s mom says ¨when
According to the text… the wars over.¨ The way this is
For example… different from ours is because we
On page ___ it says… are not in a war, But around
Further support can be found... different parts of the world we
In the article/ chapter it states... could be. To sum it all up these are
the reasons I think that the
E Explain (reds) Characters lives in the book
- Explain how each piece of text ¨Number the stars¨ are different
evidence supports your answer. from ours.
Possible explain starters:
This clearly shows that…
This means that…
This further supports the idea that…
S Sum it Up (green)
- Conclude your answer
- Link back to the topic sentence using
different words
Possible summary starters:
Clearly Definitely Certainly
To sum up In fact Obviously
Learning Target: I can quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text
says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
Chapter 2
How does this picture relate to the chapter?
My Thoughts:
(Can be expressed in bulleted points or paragraph form)
. the king is kind to everyone
. the king is wise
.we do not know if the guy in the cape is his messager
.we do not know if he has a wife
Learning Target: I can determine a theme of a story from details in the text,
including how characters in a story respond to challenges.
Chapter 3
“Now I think all of Denmark must
be the bodyguard for the Jews as
well.” What does this mean?
R Restate the Question (green) Response:
- Read the question or prompt
- Underline keywords In the book ¨ Number the stars¨ when
- Rewrite the question as a Annemarie says ¨ Now I think all of
statement using your own words Denmark must be the bodyguard for
A Answer the Question (green) the jews as well¨ I think she means that
- Answer the question Denmark should protect the jews the
*If there is more that one part of way the protect king Christian X. For
the question, make sure to answer example on page 13 Annamarie´s father
ALL parts. told her a story about a man who had
seen the king riding on his horse with
C Cite Evidence (yellows) no bodyguard. He asked ¨who is that
- Use evidence from the text to man?¨ and a young boy next to him said
support your answer.
-Include both paraphrased ¨he is our king.¨ The man had been
evidence and direct quotes shocked that the king was on the street
with no bodyguard so he asked ¨ where
Possible evidence starters: is his bodyguard?¨ and the young boy
According to the text… said ¨ All of Denmark is his bodyguard,
For example… we would do anything for him.¨ This
On page ___ it says… clearly shows what Annemarie meant
Further support can be found... when she said all of Denmark should
In the article/ chapter it states...
protect the jew the same way they
E Explain (reds) protect king Christian X.
- Explain how each piece of text
evidence supports your answer.
Possible explain starters:
This clearly shows that…
This means that…
This further supports the idea that…
S Sum it Up (green)
- Conclude your answer
- Link back to the topic sentence
using different words
Possible summary starters:
Clearly Definitely Certainly
To sum up In fact Obviously
Learning Target: I can quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text
says explicitly and whendrawing inferences from the text.
Chapter 4
How does this picture relate to the chapter?
My Thoughts:
(Can be expressed in bulleted points or paragraph form)
. The picture shows the happy memories
. how cheerful things used to be
.how much has changed
.how much they must miss the old happy days
Learning Target: I can compare and contrast two or more characters, settings, or
events in a story, drawing on specific details in the text.
Chapter 5
Compare and contrast the Danish
and Germans. *Choose at least
three attributes to compare.
Danish Attributes Germans
They want to be Thwy are being Want to take alll
happy again compared by what people´s happiness
the have/ want and
what cetian people
want to take
Want to keep jews They want to hel[p Want to kill all jewish
safe jews but gremans people
want to take them
Want things to go Want to rule the world
back to normal The danish people
Learning Target: I can quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text
says explicitly and whendrawing inferences from the text.
Chapter 6
How does this picture relate to the chapter?
My Thoughts:
(Can be expressed in bulleted points or paragraph form)
.germans must be taking the cigars
.annamarie hates the smell of the paper cigars
.papa has to take paper and dried weeds to make cigars now
.papa loves cigars
.They have not had any cigars in the stores
Learning Target: I can quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text
says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
Chapter 7-8
How does war change people?
R Restate the Question (green) The way the war changes people is that
- Read the question or prompt because when there is war there is
- Underline keywords sometimes death and death is a sad
- Rewrite the question as a statement thing so everyone will be sad or
using your own words depressed during war. This further
supports the idea that when war is
A Answer the Question (green) happening everyone is more depressed
- Answer the question because On page 66 Annamarie
*If there is more that one part of the remembers that the kids used to be
question, make sure to answer ALL upstairs asleep or playingand the
parts. parents use to be ¨downstairs talking
and laughing but tonight there was no
C Cite Evidence (yellows) laughter.¨ Another example is that on
- Use evidence from the text to page 68 and 69 Annamarie and mam
support your answer. talk about how there is finally milk,
-Include both paraphrased evidence cream, and butter. To further support
and direct quotes this on page 9 mama said there hasn’t
been butter for over a year.To sum it up
Possible evidence starters: those were the reasons that i think the
According to the text… war changes people.
For example…
On page ___ it says…
Further support can be found...
In the article/ chapter it states...
E Explain (reds)
- Explain how each piece of text
evidence supports your answer.
Possible explain starters:
This clearly shows that…
This means that…
This further supports the idea that…
S Sum it Up (green)
- Conclude your answer
- Link back to the topic sentence using
different words
Possible summary starters:
Clearly Definitely Certainly
To sum up In fact Obviously
Learning Target: I can determine a theme of a story, from details in the text,
including how characters in a story respond to challenges.
Chapter 9-10
Compare and contrast Mama and
Annemarie and how they faced the
challenges when the German soldiers
came to the “funeral.”
Mama Attributes Annemarie
Mama is calm when Mama and Annemarie is
the soldiers come annemarie are frightened or scared
different when it
comes to different
Mama lied in a calm Mama knows how to Annemarie lied in a
voice stay calm. kinda frightend voice
Mama was scared Mama knows when to Annemarie showed
but didn’t show her show her fear her fear a little bit
Learning Target: I can quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text
says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
Chapter 11
When is telling the truth
important? When is not telling
the truth important?
R Restate the Question (green) Telling the truth is really important, but
- Read the question or prompt sometimes it isn’t.
- Underline keywords
- Rewrite the question as a statement
using your own words
A Answer the Question (green)
- Answer the question
*If there is more that one part of the
question, make sure to answer ALL
C Cite Evidence (yellows)
- Use evidence from the text to
support your answer.
-Include both paraphrased evidence
and direct quotes
Possible evidence starters:
According to the text…
For example…
On page ___ it says…
Further support can be found...
In the article/ chapter it states...
E Explain (reds)
- Explain how each piece of text
evidence supports your answer.
Possible explain starters:
This clearly shows that…
This means that…
This further supports the idea that…
S Sum it Up (green)
- Conclude your answer
- Link back to the topic sentence using
different words
Possible summary starters:
Clearly Definitely Certainly
To sum up In fact Obviously
Learning Target: I can determine a theme of a story, from details in the text,
including how characters in a story respond to challenges.
Chapter 12-13
How does this text relate to Number the stars and
particularly Annemarie in chapter 13?
My Thoughts:
(Can be expressed in bulleted points or paragraph form)
.Mama was leading the rosens like the man in the red bandanna
. Mama was brave like the man in the red bandanna
Learning Target: I can quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text
says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
Chapter 14-15
What is the author’s purpose of including the
story of Little Red Riding Hood during
Annemarie’s run through the forest?
R Restate the Question (green) In the book “ Number the
- Read the question or prompt stars” The author’s purpose
- Underline keywords of adding “ little red riding
- Rewrite the question as a statement
using your own words hood” during while
annemarie was runnin
A Answer the Question (green) through the woods was to
- Answer the question show the similarities with
*If there is more that one part of the the books. For example, on
question, make sure to answer ALL page 107 Annemarie started
parts. telling herself the story of
Little red riding hood, Anne
C Cite Evidence (yellows) marie told herself that story
- Use evidence from the text to so that she could be faster
support your answer. and smarter when she
-Include both paraphrased evidence comes across a soldiers.
and direct quotes Another reason she told
herself that story was for
Possible evidence starters: bravery and courage. To
According to the text… sum it up those were the
For example… reason why the author put
On page ___ it says… the Little red riding hood in
Further support can be found... the book number the stars.
In the article/ chapter it states...
E Explain (reds)
- Explain how each piece of text
evidence supports your answer.
Possible explain starters:
This clearly shows that…
This means that…
This further supports the idea that…
S Sum it Up (green)
- Conclude your answer
- Link back to the topic sentence using
different words
Possible summary starters:
Clearly Definitely Certainly
To sum up In fact Obviously
Chapter 16-17 and
Why does the author include the “Afterword?” Why
is it important to read the afterword, especially in
historical fiction books?
R Restate the Question (green) In the book “Number the stars”
- Read the question or prompt the author included the
- Underline keywords
- Rewrite the question as a statement afterword because she wanted
using your own words to let the readers know how
much was true and why she
A Answer the Question (green)
- Answer the question wrote it. One reason the author
*If there is more that one part of the put the Afterword in was
question, make sure to answer ALL
parts. because she wanted the readers
to know what was true about
C Cite Evidence (yellows) the story. Another reason the
- Use evidence from the text to author put the “ Afterword in
support your answer.
-Include both paraphrased evidence the book number the stars was
and direct quotes to show how devastating WWll
Possible evidence starters: was. To sum it up those were
According to the text… the reason why I think the
For example…
On page ___ it says… author put the afterword in the
Further support can be found... book number the stars.
In the article/ chapter it states...
E Explain (reds)
- Explain how each piece of text
evidence supports your answer.
Possible explain starters:
This clearly shows that…
This means that…
This further supports the idea that…
S Sum it Up (green)
- Conclude your answer
- Link back to the topic sentence using
different words
Possible summary starters:
Clearly Definitely Certainly
To sum up In fact Obviously
Learning Target: I can analyze how visual and multimedia elements contribute to the
meaning, tone, or beauty of a text.
Miracle at Midnight
Do you think the book or the movie is better? Why?
I think the movie was better than the book. One reason i like the movie
batter way tha