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November + December issue of Jiujiteira Magazine

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Published by jiujiteiramagazine, 2021-11-30 01:54:11

Jiujiteira Magazine Nov/Dec 2021

November + December issue of Jiujiteira Magazine

Keywords: brazilian jiu jitsu,sport,mma,ufc,martial arts,bjj,jiu jitsu,women,women empowerment


Yvone The Jiujiteira
Duarte who trailblazed the

coralFrom white to black to way for all of us
makes history


meet the remarkable woman who started it all • page 16

NOV/dec 2021 cover story 16

Yvone Duarte

sections: 24
Triangle from Bottom Side Control 36

Power Core


Inner Peace


Impostor Syndrome


Knee Injury


every issue: 4
Ready to Celebrate!

Vhilena Nelson



Women's division highlights.



EVELYN SUTTON is on a mission NOV/dec 2021
to uncover and promote the universe
of women in one of the deadliest ISSUE № 10
martial arts in the world.

PUBLISHER’s corner &

Ready to Celebrate! king's table

This is my favorite time of the year. Tem- for you and I to walk through — the one Creative Director & CEO
peratures in the sunshine state drop from and only original women's BJJ trailblazer — Evelyn Sutton
the humid 90's to the pleasant 70's, and Yvone Duarte. A woman ahead of her time,
some evenings, even the chilly 50's make Yvone is the Jiujiteira who started it all. writers
an appearance. I can walk my dogs without She is the first woman to earn a black-belt Chris Fletcher
being devoured by blood thirsty mosqui- in Jiu-Jitsu and the reason why there are Charlotte McKinley
toes. In November I celebrate my birthday women's divisions for us to compete in all David Sutton
and one of my son's birthday. I decorate the major Jiu-Jitsu tournaments today. Now Evelyn Sutton
and setup the Christmas tree. The month holding the title of Master in BJJ, Mestra
of Thanksgiving fills my heart with joy and Yvone is making history again as the first Girls in Gis
gratitude and the spirit of the holiday sea- woman in the world to receive the legend- Samantha Seff
son brings hope for the new year. ary Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu coral belt, in addition Sophia McDermott
to the reform she is leading in her native Vhilena Nelson
What also fills my heart with gratitude this country of Brazil for social justice, empow-
year, is to realize that we are so close to com- erment, safety and equality for all women. proofreading
memorating Jiujiteira Magazine's One Year Edgard Esperança
Anniversary! We have published almost 12 Every year, as December comes near, it's
issues, each crafted with extraordinary care a tradition of mine to take a moment to sales managers
and dedicated to the community of remark- look back and reflect on where I was at the Caitlyn White
able women we serve. beginning of the year, where I am now, and (Central Florida)
where I am getting ready to be. As I reflect,
I could not have come this far without I find myself forever changed and deeply Sierra Minchaca
the support of many Jiujiteiras (and some inspired by women like Yvone and women (Northern California)
awesome Jiujiteiros along the way), from our like you, who refuse to surrender to fear,
creative contributing writers, to our talented obstacles or limitations, who instead dare photography
photographers, loyal sponsors and advertis- to step onto the Jiu-Jitsu mats over and over Pedro Hackbart (cover photo)
ers, our cherished readers and subscribers. again with resolve, displaying a fortitude
Each one of you is an integral part of making of character that gets translated into every King's Table Studios
this publication a reality. Without you, Jiu- facet of your life. This is an exciting time for Blanca Marisa Garcia
jiteira Magazine would be just a dream. women in Jiu-Jitsu. I can't wait to continue
to tell your stories and celebrate together as Evelyn Sutton
This issue we bring an exclusive and very we get ready for Jiujiteira Magazine's year II. Michelle Chopp
special interview with the lady who, forty
years ago, kicked open the doors of the HEADQUARTERS/FLORIDA OFFICE:
male-dominated sport of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu 880 Mc Clendon Street, Melbourne, FL 32935

let’s keep rolling... Follow us online and keep the conversation going! U (321) 917-1599
Subscribe online at JIUJITEIRAMAGAZINE.COM. Please allow
jiujiteirausa jiujiteirausa [email protected] 8-12 weeks for subscription to start. Jiujiteira Magazine, LLC is
published in partnership between LuxDei Studio in Florida and
King's Table Studios in California. The contents of Jiujiteira Mag-
azine, associated websites, advertisements, articles, graphics,
photographs and any other published content are protected by
copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed or modi-
fied without prior written consent of Jiujiteira Magazine. Jiujitei-
ra Magazine does not necessarily endorse, verify, or agree with the
content, and makes no guarantees as to the accuracy, complete-
ness, timeliness, or usefulness of any content. Jiujiteira Magazine
shall not be held liable for any errors or omissions in the content.
©2021 All rights reserved. Any reproduction, in whole or in part, is
prohibited without written permission from the publishers.






or over 20 years, Zebra Athletics has been providing premier-quality
flooring for martial arts training facilities around the world. But, Zebra
does a lot more than just sell mats and training equipment.

Zebra was the first flooring developing programs, events A History of
company that brought high- and opportunities for women Innovation
end quality MMA mats to in combat sports. As market-
martial arts disciplines and ing director, she is present at Founded in 1997, Zebra
today is the world’s leading most BJJ and MMA tourna- Atletics was the first flooring
training facility outfitter. ments, so make sure to stop company to market premi-
by and say hello whenever um quality mat systems for
We had an opportunity to sit you notice a Zebra booth at all martial arts disciplines.
down with Jiujiteira Nicole an event. From planning and Zebra was founded by Chuck
Klein and learn more about organizing events to assist- Blanski in the Twin Cities
the company. For three years, ing athletes with sponsor- area of Minnesota. The com-
Nicki has been Zebra Athlet- ship programs, Nicki is the pany started with humble
ics marketing director and contact person for Zebra’s beginnings, offering only
one of the main supporters of partners and everything that mats but quickly became a
women’s Jiu-Jitsu and MMA has to do with marketing. leader in the industry.
within the organization,


Zebra developed the “Our products go From the start, THE ZEBRA MATS DIFFERENCE
very first 1” thick through many Zebra’s mission has
tatami style mat for phases of testing and been to make martial Zebra's revolutionary
all forms of striking customer feedback. arts training accessi- martial arts and MMA
martial arts. It didn’t We are constantly ble to everyone. And mats are versatile,
take long for Chuck to refining our mats to that means helping durable and available
realize that MMA was make sure they are gym owners achieve in multiple mats
about to become a the best in the indus- their goals. Whether thicknesses (2”, 1.5”,
very popular main- try. What really sets that is starting in a 1”) in smooth or
stream sport, so Ze- zebra mats apart is garage gym, training tatami surfaces. They
bra innovated again how high quality they at a church or open- offer superior shock
and became the first are and long lasting. ing their first school, absorption and are made
company to introduce Our mats come with Zebra wants to help from high-quality multi-
textureless vinyl for a 10 years life expec- gym owners from the density, open-cell foam
use in nogi training tancy. We want to beginning of their that is held together
while also expanding make sure that your journey until they’ve with a proprietary
to different kinds of investment is going reached their goals, adhesive process and
mats and types of be long-lasting.”, and provide support 10 year product life
gym equipment. Nicki explains. beyond that. expectancy, the foam will not easily flatten
or breakdown over time. This climate
stable, multi-density foam is covered
with reinforced, closed-cell vinyl that is
moisture-proof and antimicrobial. Zebra
mats come with a 10 year warranty.

"Everyday Zebra helps
dreamers reach their
potential in training,

business, and life."

Partners in Martial Arts

EXTREME DURABIL ITY: Z EB RA M ATS W ILL N OT EA SILY T EA R , W EA R DOW N , Zebra is a partner that works closely with
OR BE PUNCTURED. THEY ARE ANTIMICROBIAL , WATERPROOF, AND ANTI-SLIP. owners of gyms, dojos, yoga studios and
schools who serve highly disciplined athletes
and members who are confident in challeng-
ing themselves to peak performance know-
ing they are supported by the safest, most
durable equipment in the world. Currently,
Zebra Athletics works with several Jiu-Jitsu
associations providing guidance, products
and support for their gyms and promotions.
For example, Zebra works directly with
Carlos Machado Jiu-Jitsu, supplying mats for
most of their tournaments and events.

Some other trusted partners in grappling in-
clude Leo Vieira and Checkmat, Eddie Bravo
and 10th Planet, Claudio Franca and the BJJ
Tour, and the International Brazilian Jiu-Jit-
su Federation (IBJJF).


An active supporter As a company, Zebra is One of these exciting Q &A with
of women’s BJJ, Zebra interested in supporting opportunities is a
Athletics is also an large and small gyms new groundbreaking Nicki Klein
important promoter of alike. In order to qualify Jiu-Jitsu event hosted
women’s MMA. Nicki for their partnership by Zebra in partnership JM: In your opinion, what are
shares her thoughts on program, Nicole recom- with Ignite. World Class some of the challenges that
their relationship with mends the organization Grappling Grand Prix women in martial arts?
Invicta, the largest MMA reaches out via email is a 16-woman single NK: Historically, the world of martial
organization for women. with what they are elimination lightweight arts has been quote/unquote a
looking for: Nicki.Klein@ tournament for high "man’s world". I think part of the
“We are really lucky rank women that offers problem is that society in general
to work with Invicta. a $5,000 cash prize for still doesn’t think of women as
We’ve been partnering A project Zebra is the winner. Women are the gender who would want to
with them for about two currently working on typically offered less participate in martial arts. I think it
years. We supply their and hopes to offer soon, prize money and Zebra has been a challenge for women to
mats and we built a new is the full gym setup wants to change that. be able to say, “we really do belong
cage for them, which experience becoming a Learn more: zebraath- here. We are not scared of blood,
was really exciting for one-stop-shop provider. sweat, tears or hard work, and we
us. They wanted a light- pling-grand-prix want to belong and have a strong
er cage and came up on a mission presence in the world of martial arts.
with an innovative de- The company also has Another common challenge I see
sign that is lighter than There are also personal, plans of developing is finding good training partners.
the traditional cage and missions that are dear new incentives in the Especially for higher-level, female
quicker to put together, to Zebra. One of those next couple of years for fighters and Jiu-Jitsu athletes.
making the process of is promoting women in female gym owners, Making sure you have a safe and
setting up their events martial arts. From the Klein elaborates: “There healthy training environment at your
more efficient.” beginning, Zebra took has been a lot of con- gym, that you can completely trust
an active interest in versations between our your coach and your teammates is
Klein goes on to empha- women in combat sports team members on how extremely important.
size Zebra’s mission: and has helped facilitate we support and promote
“It’s been really great their growth by elevat- more female owned JM: How do you feel about the
to work with Invicta ing female athletes and gyms. With the rise of current panorama of women in
and the opportunity to bringing attention to the women in Jiu-Jitsu and Jiu-Jitsu and MMA?
develop new products significance of women in MMA, we want to help NK: I think we are experiencing a
for them, however the combat sports. women realize they too turning point and that is partially due
most rewarding aspect can accomplish their to the rise in martial arts popularity,
of this partnership for UFC fighters Cortney dream of owning a mar- as more women become aware of all
us is the fact that they Casey, Jessica Eye, tial arts facility. the different aspects and benefits of
are obviously a champi- Lauren Murphy; Invicta training. Women are really starting
on of women in martial athlete and Muay Thai “We would love to see to see themselves in combat sports
arts and that is such an Champion Kaitlin more women gym own- and becoming part of the culture. As
inspiration. Women in Young; and Jiu-Jitsu ers and more women more women join our community, we
BJJ and MMA is a seg- champion Elisabeth involved in the business grow stronger, and together we are
ment that has been ex- Clay are some of the of martial arts. Zebra learning to stand up for ourselves,
periencing tremendous elite female athletes Athletics is here to help demanding equal opportunities to
growth and it’s really currently sponsored by train, compete, and equal pay for
exciting to see and help Zebra. For years, Zebra however we can.” Y professional athletes. I believe this
support and be part of has been creating op- is the result of being able to lean on
this movement”. portunities for women. More info: the support and encouragement of a community of women who are
empowering and helping each other
reach past the limitations of the past.





COMING UP “At the end of the day, it's
really worth the people and
friendships you're going to make.
Even if you're not sure about some
of the technical stuff, you should
go for the companionship,”

Diane Ditko - Attended previous Hips & Grips Camp




Amidst the tropics of many Jiu-Jitsu camps, 10th Planet
Amanda Loewen and purple belt Almine Barton saw a chance
to bring two similar worlds together in a way yet to be done.
Fearless climbers and fearless Jiujiteiras are brought together in
Barton’s Hips and Grips rock climbing and Jiu-Jitsu camp.

limbing and Jiu-Jit- a friend when the idea came to her.
su are a large part of “I don't have a lot of female Jiu-Jitsu
Barton’s life. She has training partners. I'd love to start a
been climbing for 15 camp.” Jokingly, her friend suggested
years and moved to calling it “Hips and Grips” because
Oregon specifically for that was the majority of her game.
the climbing. A few years
later, she stepped onto the mats for Barton fell in love with the name
the first time and fell in love with and idea. Later, she proposed the
another sport. idea to a training partner. The
partner liked the idea because of
“I was the only girl at my gym for the unique niche Barton was in. “I
seven years,” she said. “I decided one had done many camps like surfing
day, if I don't have a women's team, and Jiu-Jitsu in Costa Rica, but I've
I'm going to create women's camps,” never seen anything with climbing
Barton said. She was climbing with in Jiu-Jitsu,” she said.


“I actually started to notice a lot of Enter Hips and Grips MEET THE camp staff
overlap with the two sports,” Barton
said. “Number one is controlling This camp experience is unlike any AMANDA LOEWEN
fear.” Barton learned to be comfort- other BJJ camp experience. Where- Oregon's first
able with the uncomfortable before as most BJJ camps typically take female black-belt,
she stepped onto the Jiu-Jitsu mats. place in tropical climates, this camp Amanda Lowen is
“When you're climbing frozen is taking place in Ouray, Colora- a Jiu-Jitsu phenom,
waterfalls like I do, or big walls, like do—”America’s Switzerland”. who received her black-belt after
I do, it's all about figuring out how only five years of training. She
to be comfortable in the uncomfort- The Lab MMA Academy purple belt went on to win multiple titles in
able, whether it's in the elements, or Diane Ditko attended Barton’s first both MMA and BJJ, including
dealing with your own internal dia- camp. She said it was unlike most Submission Underground
logue.” She also attributed her calm- Jiu-Jitsu camps with Jiu-Jitsu all undefeated champion since 2016.
ness under pressure to her climbing the time filling every minute. “I like
background. “I knew how to breathe [that] this one had yoga and there VANESSA WALTZ
through fear, and through really were times to take breaks and there With multiple titles
hard, difficult positions, because I wasn't...any pressure to do it any- in NoGi World,
learned how to do that in climbing. way,” she said. PanAms, and
I learned how to control my pan- American National,
icky thoughts because, at the level Oftentimes, there is a mentality of the Colorado based first degree
of climbing that I do if you don't, “push through the pain” in Jiu-Jitsu, black-belt is passionate about
there's consequences.” which is dangerous as it can lead to BJJ and empowering women on
injuries. In Barton’s camp, there is an the mats and in life. Professora
Alongside the mental dichotomy emphasis to listen to one’s body and Waltz owns Gracie Barra Colorado
of climbing and Jiu-Jitsu, there are take care of it first. This promotes Springs with her husband, BJJ
some physical overlaps as well. “Dif- longevity and a better experience in black-belt Professor Bryan Waltz.
ferent climbing holds have trans- the long run.
lated very well to different gripping HEIDI WIRTZ
positions,” Barton said. There are “At the end of the day, it's really Heidi Wirtz is a
different grips based on what the worth the people and friendships climber, yogi and
rock presents to a climber, and the you're going to make. So even if philanthropist. She
same is true of Jiu-Jitsu grips. you're not sure about some of the is a certified AMGA
technical stuff, you should just go Rock Guide, Wilderness First
for the companionship,” Ditko said. Responder, with Pro 1 Avalanche
training and has had extensive
Professoras Amanda Loewen and training in alpine and rock
Vanessa Waltz have a world class climbing. Heidi Wirtz is one of the
curriculum to teach during the country’s few prominent female
camp. Heidi Wirtz, world class adventure climbers. She has been
speed climber, will instruct and climbing for over twenty years.
guide the campers in ice climbing.
On top of world class instruction in ALMINE BARTON
both disciplines, campers will be Creator of Hips and
lodged in a mansion at the heart of a Grips camps. A
snowy forest with access to multiple seasoned climber,
natural hot springs to ease muscle she is a purple belt
pain and chase away the cold. The under Professora Loewen. Almine
Hips and Grips camp is an experi- has been climbing for 15 years and
ence not to miss out on. training BJJ for eight years.


hips & grips

Amanda Loewen vanessa waltz fearless females

JM: What are you most excited JM: What are you most excited about this camp?
about for this camp? AL: The ADVENTURE! The memories made, friendships
AL: I am very excited to teach Jiu-Jitsu forged, learning new skills, and in such a beautiful place
to the ladies that attend, whether are my favorite elements about these camps.
or not you are a beginner or more
seasoned player. I am also thrilled that JM: Can you give us a sneak peak of what
there will be multiple hot springs, as I attendees will be learning from you?
really enjoy being warm. AL: I am putting together strings of offensive
strategies for both the advanced and beginner
JM: In the Jiu-Jitsu portion, what can students. I have a passion for learning the rules,
attendees expect in terms of what then breaking them. Meaning we all start out pretty
they’ll be learning? similar, with the building blocks of fundamentals.
AL: Ladies can expect a good amount Then we spend a lot of time defending and escaping.
of drilling, understanding new concepts, Extremely helpful to development, but I love the
and how and why something works. magic of Jiu-Jitsu when playing offensively and I
know some of that can be learned very early as well.
JM: Can you give us a sneak peak of It’s very empowering to sprinkle in a little bit of that
what attendees will be learning? surprise into your game!
AL: They will learn how to efficiently,
and effectively execute the techniques JM: Why Jiujiteiras should register?
and movements we will be covering. AL: Hey queen, you do Jiu-Jitsu? Me too! How
NO LADY LEFT BEHIND! long have you been training? You’re pretty new to
grappling? That’s OSSome, what a fun journey you’ve
JM: What is a “30-second” elevator started! Oh me? I’ve been studying for 20 years, but
pitch for why people should register? let me ask you something. Do you ever have a hard
AL: These camps are powerful, not only time escaping bad positions, taking down, or even
in the sense that they will push you submitting bigger and stronger opponents?? Me
outside your physical comforts, but too! You know WHAT? There is this climbing and
challenge the way you work through Jiu-Jitsu camp coming up in January that I think you
emotional and mental struggles. These would LOVE! Professor Amanda and I will be sharing
camps help create a support system, techniques that will help revolutionize your game!
especially if you come from a gym where There will be instruction for beginner and advanced
there is little to no other females training. students so you’ll fit right in! What’s that? You haven’t
climbed before? That’s PERFECT! What better way to
JM: What was your experience with start than ice climbing in the most beautiful mountains
the last camp? in the world?! Don’t worry, we have an experienced
AL: It was mind blowing to see women and sought after climbing instructor teaching us, and
who have NEVER done Jiu-Jitsu, or rock the equipment is all provided. After adventuring all
climbing take the plunge in trusting day in beautiful Ouray, we will soak in the hot springs
us with their first time. I absolutely to unwind! Yes! It’s the perfect escape from routine to
love watching someone go from not have an experience that you will never forget!!!
knowing anything, to being able to
utilize the movements that we showed JM: Living in Colorado, have you been to Ouray?
them. It was incredible meeting so many AL: I have lived in Colorado for a very long time and
different women, and realizing that you I have not yet been to Ouray. That’s one of the things
have a lot in common with them. They that I LOVE about living here. You can explore a new
were courageous, strong, and eager for area every weekend and still have new adventures
new and challenging things. every single time. I am stoked that my first time to
Ouray will be for this camp, it is world renowned for the
ice climbing and beauty. I can’t think of a better way
to experience it than Jiu-Jitsu and ice climbing with
incredible women!





2. Sofia Amarante
STORY BY EVELYN SUT TON 3. Patricia Fontes

1. Talita Alencar
2. Gabrielle McComb
3. Taylor Sausser
3. Jessica Nieves

1. Ffion Davies
2. Hannah Sharp
3. Heather Raftery
3. Nikki Sullivan

1. Raquel Canuto
2. Nathalie Ribeiro
3. Erin Johnson

1. Elisabeth Clay
2. Bridget Grace
3. Jordan Patrick
3. Fernanda Figueira

1. Rafaela Guedes
2. Maria Malyjasiak
3. Maggie Grindatti
3. Elizabeth Mitrovic

For complete
results, scan
this QR code:


Currently one of the best Jiujiteiras in the world, Rafaela Guedes from Atos
won her first double gold at the black belt division in this tournament. over
five matches, two which ended with brilliant submissions by the Brazilian
World champion.

NoGi World
ships hosted
by IBJJF is one of the
most exciting and
anticipated Brazilian
Jiu-Jitsu tourna-
ments every year, and
2021 was no different.
Competitors and
fans from around the
world made their
way to Texas to
attend the 14th
edition of the event.

Fresh off her im-
pressive WNO Championships
win only two weeks prior, Ra-
faela Guedes arrived at NoGi Worlds
determined to keep her crown. Rafa-
ela defeated both Elizabeth Mitrovic
and Maria Malyjasiak in the female
heavyweight division then went on
to beat Margaret Grindatti and Ma-
ria Malyjasiak in open weight before
meeting Elisabeth Clay in the final.
Known for her extremely effective
guard, Elisabeth is a dangerous
opponent. With a combination of
killer pressure and excellent guard
passing techniques, Rafaela won the

match and double gold. Y







Inspiration, trailblazer, pioneer, legend. She is the original
Jiujiteira with a remarkable journey of over 40 years
dedicated to Jiu-Jitsu as an athlete, woman, and citizen.
Yvone Duarte. There is no other like Mestra Yvone. The first
woman to receive a black-belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and now
the first awarded the legendary coral belt, Yvone will forever
hold an important place in the history of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
She is the epitome of a woman ahead of her time. Yvone
broke barriers and paved the way for all women in Jiu-Jitsu,
and created a profound legacy for generations to come.



Yvone Magalhães was used to, Yvone felt an see a lot of open guard, Determined to change
Duarte was born immediate loss of freedom sweeps, and hooks. It was things, the ladies got orga-
in 1963 during a and a sense of being a exciting to be part of the nized under Yvone’s fiery
time when women were prisoner in her own house. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu commu- leadership and decided
not prevalent in sports. She went from spending nity in Rio at the time.” it was time to demand
She grew up in the small time outdoors, hanging out a division for women to
northern city of Boa Vista with friends in Boa Vista to As she started taking class- compete in BJJ. They sub-
in the state of Roraima, spending long hours inside es, Jiu-Jitsu wasn’t neces- mitted a formal request to
Brazil. An athletic child, her apartment in Rio. Her sarily something she felt Rickson Gracie, president
Yvone participated and brother, Pascoal Duarte, naturally adept at. Yvone of the Jiu-Jitsu Federation
won medals in a variety of was the one who suggested was more of a team player in Rio de Janeiro at the
sports during her school she tried BJJ. A Jiujiteiro and Jiu-Jitsu was very dif- time. Rickson forwarded
years. Her athletic ambi- himself, Pascoal invited her ferent from any other sport their request to Marcelo
tions would forever change to class. To Yvone, Jiu-Jitsu she had been involved with Behring, brother of Sylvio
at 14 years old when she wasn’t just a new sport to but a comment from her Behring and secretary of
was first introduced to try out but it also offered brother resonated with her: the Federation and asked
her life partner, Brazilian the social life and commu- “Don’t think you have to be him to setup a meeting
Jiu-Jitsu and a love story nity she was looking for. strong to be a Jiu-Jitsu ath- with Master Hélio Gracie
for the ages began. At the time, there weren’t lete, what you have to be is to find out his thoughts on
many BJJ practitioners at technical. You already have creating a division exclusive
At the end of the 70’s, Yvone all, the community was a two things in your favor: for women to compete in
moved to Rio de Janeiro small tight-knit family. your flexibility and your Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Hélio
to continue her studies. speed. Not to mention, you Gracie was in favor.
Unlike Boa Vista, Rio was a Yvone began attending are already a competitor.”
big city and offered many tournaments to watch her With Hélio's blessing, the
University options. Her brother compete. Some of She joined her brother’s ladies went on to organize
brothers were already these competitions became gym in Copacabana where the very first women’s
living in the Cidade Mar- classics and shaped the Sergio Penha also trained Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu tour-
avilhosa, The Wonderful history of Brazilian Jiu-Jit- under the tutelage of nament in 1985. The event
City as Rio is affectionately su. At the very onset of her Master Oswaldo Alves. was a success, the Jiujitei-
nicknamed by Brazilians. journey, Yvone watched Surprisingly, she wasn’t the ras had their own mat
There she took courses in Rickson Gracie fight Sergio only woman at her gym, space, referees, medals,
Communication and Social Penha in one of the most there were about three certificates and even
Services. Currently at 58 celebrated Jiu-Jitsu match- other girls. And after six commemorative t-shirts
years old, Yvone is back es ever, and Rolls Gracie, months, the small group of were made to celebrate
in school, adding to her one of the greatest athletes Jiujiteiras grew to ten wom- the historic occasion.
Psychology degree, proving of all times, compete. Sit- en. Feeling confident in
age will never define her. ting in the audience, Yvone their movement and basic Although the women had
She enjoys studying and was drawing inspiration knowledge of the game, the authorization from Hélio
learning new things. In and learning from athletes ladies wanted to compete Gracie to compete, wom-
this phase of her life, Yvone who would become the and put their Jiu-Jitsu to en divisions weren’t yet
intends to integrate her greatest names in the histo- the test. Having competed officially part of IBJJF. Not
studies in Psychology with ry of the sport during what in many different sports satisfied, Yvone, a blue belt
her passion for teaching. has been called by Royler most of her life, competing then, started a campaign
Gracie, "The Golden Years of in Jiu-Jitsu was a natural to get the women’s division
Upon her arrival, the me- Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu." progression for Yvone. sanctioned by the Jiu-Jitsu
gametropolis was so much However, there were no Federation and officially
bigger, louder, and more “I watched classic Jiu-Jitsu Jiu-Jitsu competitions for become part of the main
intimidating than what she battles where you would women back then. BJJ competition circuit.


cover story YVONE DUARTE



“Nowadays, we look back A champion of The program developed cars. There was also a
and we can see what a ALL women includes not only Jiu-Jitsu considerable amount of
turning point that was for classes, but also group ther- domestic violence cases
women in Brazilian Jiu-Jit- In the 90’s, Yvone moved apy where victims can talk where women were nearly
su. It forever changed our to Brasilia, capital of Brazil about their experiences strangled by a significant
access to the opportunities and her career as a Profes- and receive the emotional other mounted on them.
we have in the sport. It was sora blossomed. She began and psychological help they Yvone was determined to
a milestone”, says Yvone. teaching at four different need. Group sessions are a help these victims.
gyms and at the local big component of the suc-
Yvone went on to compete police academy, training cess of the program. The Yvone's program was imple-
in every belt, except brown, new recruits in Jiu-Jitsu goal of the sessions is to mented at the University of
winning titles along the self-defense techniques. A create solidarity and help Brasilia and continues to
way, and opening doors for trailblazer, Yvone was the understand the emotional grow and serve the commu-
generations of female ath- first woman to teach mar- and psychological impact nity. The success brought
letes that came after her. tial arts to police officers. victims of violence suffered. in other universities and
organizations from all over
She made history when More recently, for the last The self-defense tech- the country that wanted
she became the first wom- five years, Mestra Yvone has niques were designed with to incorporate Yvone’s
an to receive a black-belt been involved in a variety of real life scenarios in mind, self-defense and women’s
in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. She social programs designed based on attacks reported empowerment program
had decided to wait until to empower women and by thousands of women, into their own curriculum.
then to begin teaching. other marginalized groups. such as being attacked in One of these organizations
Once she became a Profes- Brazil is one of the most a public restroom. Mestra is ON, the United Nations.
sora, she put together her violent countries in the Yvone asked questions: how The United Nations is an
own all-women competi- world, with women, gays, did the attack take place? intergovernmental organi-
tion team naming it “Team trans and bisexuals on top Was it from behind? Did zation aiming to maintain
Black Belt” and later on, of the victimization list. the attacker try to strangle international peace and
“Team Yvone Duarte”. you? Were you pushed to security. It is the world’s
Being a versatile martial the floor? Did the attacker largest and most familiar
Of her generation, Yvone is art, it was clear to Yvone have a weapon? international organization.
one of the few women that that Jiu-Jitsu techniques Once more, Yvone blazed
made it all the way to black- could be adapted to create With this information, the way with excellence.
belt, and now even further a self-defense program she Yvone put together a com- For the first time ever, the
as a coral belt. “As a wom- could teach to anyone. She prehensive curriculum. United Nations invited
an, it’s very challenging to presented her ideas to the The Department of Public Professora Yvone to teach
keep yourself in a sport for University of Brasilia, one Safety in Brasilia also got a self-defense course to
a long period of time. Not of the largest and most involved and Yvone was female operators and all it’s
only in Jiu-Jitsu, Judo or respected educational able to interview women affiliate agencies who are
martial arts, in any sport, institutions in the coun- from the local community deployed to international
women have a multitude of try. Yvone combined her asking them what danger- areas of conflict and civil
daily demands that pull us knowledge as a psycholo- ous situations they have unrest. Once a year, Yvone
out of training. Our respon- gist and Jiujiteira to devel- found themselves in or are offers in-depth training to
sibilities as mothers, wives, op a program that would afraid of. The answers were better equip ON’s female
professionals can often be teach women and other alarming. Women reported agents as they prepare to
overwhelming. Being able high risk groups to defend being afraid of walking go on missions. Promoting
to find balance between themselves against aggres- from their homes to the self-defense and women’s
Jiu-Jitsu and motherhood, sors, build up confidence, bus stop, and worried empowerment through
career, and family is not increase self-esteem, and about their surroundings Jiu-Jitsu is Yvone's current
always easy”, she explains. provide emotional support. when getting into their focus in life. “Jiu-Jitsu is a

powerful tool for women’s represented. “We live in needs from a student who instructor must be able to
empowerment and in- a plural, culturally rich is in class getting ready to show a professional degree
clusion of groups who are and diverse society. The compete at a tournament. of compassion and guid-
ostracized in society.” key is to focus on what we “As an instructor, we must ance when working with
have in common instead be aware of our students students who are dealing
With the current changes of what separates us.” emotional responses when with PTSD. The fact this
in the cultural and social With that mentality, we are teaching class. A student was already able to
panorama, trans women Yvone creates a classroom certain position you are overcome the fear to come
were a risk group Yvone environment where all showing or something you to the gym and be present in
wanted to reach out to and women find commonality, say can cause someone who class is a significant victory
include in her women’s support, shared experi- has experienced violence on their path to healing and
empowerment program. ences and learn to protect to feel victimized all over should be considered as
Initially, there were con- themselves against com- again. It’s crucial that such. When a student is giv-
cerns from the University mon aggressors instead of professors and coaches give en an environment to learn
administration of possible fighting each other. the student the space they Jiu-Jitsu where they feel
conflicts between cis wom- need to regain control, and safe, a relationship of trust
en and trans women. But in A feminine create a safe and supportive between the student, the
Yvone’s opinion, she didn’t perspective gym environment where all coach and teammates on
want to separate them, to students can learn.” the mats begins, only then
her it’s about inclusion not Yvone believes students this student is able to devel-
segregation. “We can not who were victimized and Talking about the trauma op their own mechanisms
repeat the mistakes of the suffer from PTSD need is something that can be of- of empowerment, move past
past, our goal is to promote more dedicated attention fered if the student wishes the trauma and regain their
inclusion and Jiu-Jitsu and emotional support as to share their experience sense of personal power.”
can be a tool for bringing they begin their Brazilian but Yvone cautions that is
people together.” Jiu-Jitsu journey. A woman a conversation that should Yvone offers training cours-
who was victimized or lives never be forced or imposed. es for coaches who want
Under her guidance, under the constant threat “Many women who have to gain more knowledge
Yvone sets up the class, of emotional, psychological been victimized, do not on how to work efficiently
establishes the tone and and physical abuse will want to talk about their with students recovering
direction to accommo- have very different learning experience at all. And that from trauma. The truth is,
date all the groups there must be respected. The the traditional Jiu-Jitsu in-
structor doesn't receive any
training on how to work
with victims of violence.

From the start, Jiu-Jitsu
was taught from a mas-
culine point of view. As a
Jiujiteira, Yvone brings a
feminine perspective to
the gentle art. “Coming up,
there weren't even kimonos
(gis) for women. We had to
wear gis designed for men,
they were big, bulky, not
flattering or adequate for
a female’s body shape and
movements”, she adds.

Even in the uniform, From under ensure that. A predator in Jiu-Jitsu, and participating
Jiu-Jitsu has evolved to the tatami our community must be in the community. “Why
better serve this new dealt with like an enemy should it be any different in
fast-growing segment of It's almost impossible in a fight, and just like in Jiu-Jitsu?”, Yvone says.
Jiujiteiras. How Jiu-Jitsu is to talk about women’s a Jiu-Jitsu match, we are
taught also needs to evolve empowerment through going to control and submit Every aggressor is a coward.
to include both male and sports and martial arts these predators, they are It’s an incredible act of cow-
female perspectives. without discussing the enemies of our communi- ardice when you consider
problems of sexual harass- ty and must be defeated. the combination of factors
"When teaching a class is ment and assault in the Jiu-Jitsu as a whole loses involved, first in the case of
important to speak and athletic community. Yvone too much if we sweep these the abuser being a black-
listen to your audience. offers insight and ideas on issues under the tatami.” belt professor, someone
When you are teaching implementing solutions to who holds a position of
a competition class for combat the issue: In her opinion, we should authority in the hierarchy
instance, there are no have guidelines set forth of Jiu-Jitsu and the applica-
breaks, if a student is tired “We can not condone any by the Jiu-Jitsu Federa- tion of martial arts tech-
or falling behind, you push kind of violence in Jiu-Jit- tions that establishes the nique. Then, on top of that,
them, it’s tough, it’s mil- su. We need to confront consequences for convicted there’s the fact that the
itary style conditioning. the issues and not allow abusers in our community, violence is often committed
Women empowerment our Jiu-Jitsu community to particularly those in po- against a woman or young
classes require a different reproduce the situations of sitions of leadership such girl, someone who is in a
approach, different focus, violence and harassment as coaches and professors physical disadvantage, con-
and a specific vocabulary. we are fighting against. We who take advantage of their sidering in most reported
This is not a class where achieve that through edu- authority to indoctrinate cases the abuser was a male
you are going to push your cational campaigns, better minors, violate the code who has the strength and
students to the edge of their resources and training for of trust between teacher/ technical knowledge to eas-
limits as you would in a coaches and professors, student and are proven ily overpower his victim.
competition class. Jiu-Jitsu increased awareness, and guilty of sexual misconduct
is versatile and adaptable, exposure of crimes com- or other violent charge. The “Jiu-Jitsu was created
we can modify the class mitted in the community. consequences would in- to bring people better
to allow it to be an effec- We must never hide any clude banishment from the quality of life, improved
tive tool in empowering form of abuse under the community and not being health and confidence. We
people. Jiu-Jitsu is always tatami. We must have the allowed to teach Jiu-Jitsu must not fall into the trap
the same but how we teach maturity to deal with accu- again. This is common of emulating the mon-
students who come for the sations head on, investigate practice in other profes- sters Jiu-Jitsu is meant to
sport, and those who seek and involve the authorities sional segments such as the defeat. Any form of abuse
self-defense to regain their when necessary. Jiu-Jit- medical sector. If a doctor goes against everything
personal power and never su is not a safe haven for abuses their position and Jiu-Jitsu is and rep-
be a victim again differs." predators. It’s up to us to commits an act of violence, resents.”, Yvone declares.
that doctor loses their priv-
“Jiu-Jitsu was created to bring people better ilege to practice medicine. Yvone wants social justice,
quality of life, improved health and confidence. The same can be true in protection and solidar-
We must not fall into the trap of emulating the the Jiu-Jitsu community. ity for our community
monsters Jiu-Jitsu is meant to defeat. Any form If a professor abuses his of Jiujiteiras. “The very
of abuse goes against everything Jiu-Jitsu is position and authority to essence of Jiu-Jitsu is to
and represents.”, Yvone declares. violate, harass, or commit transform a fragile individ-
any other crime towards a ual into someone capable of
student, that professor los- standing at equal stature to
es his privilege of teaching someone who is strong.”


A LIFELONG When she first received the dreams. “Don’t abandon “I never abandoned
COMMITMENT news from the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu because of the Jiu-Jitsu and Jiu-Jitsu
Jiu-Jitsu Federation that demands of a busy life.”
A career-driven woman, she was going to be award- never abandoned me.”
Yvone participated in Bra- ed a coral belt, Yvone was For the future, Mestra
zilian politics working at emotional. At the same Yvone plans on continuing Q&A
the National Congress, the time, she pondered why to offer specialized training
legislative body of Brazil’s is she the exception. Why to instructors, and develop JM: Have you noticed a
federal government as as- have so many women not more programs for wom- difference or evolution
sistant to Fernando Gabei- been able to achieve the en’s empowerment and in Jiu-Jitsu from when
ra and other deputies for same level of accomplish- social inclusion through you started training?
15 years. She also served as ment in the sport? She be- Jiu-Jitsu. She also wants to YD: Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
Coordinator of the National lieves that is mostly due to personally train her little is very dynamic and
Board of Psychology for 10 the fact there are still many grandson Felipe, who has will continue to evolve
years. Even with her busy social barriers preventing already been on the mats over time but it will
work schedule and active women from being able playing around with his fa- never lose it’s essence
family, Yvone was able to to fully train and dedicate mous grandma, to become and philosophy. I watch
find balance between her themselves to Jiu-Jitsu. a world champion. competitions and I see
personal and athletic life. The amount of responsi- girls doing exactly the
Yvone considers Jiu-Jitsu bilities imposed by society As we were getting ready same positions and
her life partner and she is and also, self-imposed, is to wrap up the interview, techniques I was doing
grateful for everything BJJ something that needs to be Yvone recalled a moment 40 years ago. The same
gave her. “Friendships of 40 re-evaluated. “The illusion of her life when she first game we would play back
years were formed on the of the super woman, the moved to Brasilia and then is being played now.
mats, Jiu-Jitsu gave me a super mom, is a fantasy. We fought two women who There are innovations, but
family, it gave me strength need to be realistic about challenged her, one of them the essence of Jiu-Jitsu is
to face adversities, it gave the amount of hours we on the streets: “I always always present.
me the possibility to live my have in a day, and how thin trained in the gi, I had
very best life.” we are spreading ourselves never fought nogi before but JM: What do you
to perform at a high level in this woman who trained wish for the future of
She shares how ingrained everything. We are hu- Capoeira challenged me for women’s Jiu-Jitsu?
Jiu-Jitsu is in her person- mans. We don’t have to be a match, so I did it. That was YD: Nowadays, I see
ality by telling us how she superheroes. When we take my first nogi experience. many talented young
would employ BJJ’s strate- upon ourselves to wear a Not long after that, another women who display
gic thinking to her business cape, at the end of the day, woman who was a boxer amazing guard games and
meetings: “What argument we often feel drained and challenged me for a fight I am happy to see that.
do I need in this situation depleted. How are we going in the middle of the street. For the future, I want to
to pass his guard?” to be able to train if we are I took her to the ground see more opportunities,
mentally and physically and we hit the pavement. more equality and more
Yvone’s Jiu-Jitsu career exhausted?”, she asks. That happens sometimes, women doing BJJ. I want
flourished greatly because people want to see if you Jiu-Jitsu to become even
of her constant dedication Yvone hopes that her are really a champ and more feminine. I want
and commitment to the journey and latest achieve- if Jiu-Jitsu really works. equality for women when
practice, which is truly ad- ment of becoming the first She certainly found out it comes to respect,
mirable. It’s a relationship woman to receive a coral that day just how effective training, competition and
that has brought her many belt in BJJ will motivate Jiu-Jitsu is, hahaha.” equal pay for instructors
joys. “I never abandoned and inspire other women to and professional athletes
Jiu-Jitsu and Jiu-Jitsu nev- not give up their Jiu-Jitsu Just another day in the in the sport.
er abandoned me.” journey and to pursue their
life of a legend. Y


coach talk More than just a technique, the
triangle choke is an effective

submission that works at all levels,

TRIANGLE from white to black belt, against any
opponent. Learn an easy way to set it

up from bottom side control.

from bottom side control

1 2 34

5 6 Triangle from bottom side control:
1. From bottom side control, make a "C" grip with your left hand.
bonus!!! On the next issue, we 2. With the "C" grip, push the inside of your opponent's left (top)
will show three variations: elbow until you break their grip from under your head.
3. As you push your opponent's arm down towards your legs, use
your right hand to block their hip.
4. Swing your hips and legs straight up as you push your
opponent's arm in between your legs. Lock it up above their elbow.

8 5-6. With your right hand still blocking your opponent's hips, use
your left hand to push your opponent's head towards your legs
blocking their movements and neutralizing any escape attempt.
7. Bring your left leg up and behind your opponent's head as you
begin to setup the triangle. Control their movements by firmly
holding their left sleeve.
8. Your right leg now comes straight down in a figure four shape
to close the triangle and finish the choke.

> For complete details on technique, watch the video tutorial on:


DAV ID S U T TON is the lead coach and owner of Carlson Gracie
Jiu-Jitsu Team in Melbourne, FL. With over 18 years in martial arts
and currently a brown belt in Jiu-Jitsu, David is responsible for
a successful kids, adults and womens' program at his gym.
Contact him at:


yoga for jiu jitsu

Power Core

strength + confidence

Simply put, core strength BY EVELYN SUT TON
is essential. Not only in
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu but a From Boat to Plank
strong core helps ensure
adequate posture and Sit on the floor and come into Boat Pose by balancing on your butt,
deeply supports your overall extend your arms forward and lift your heels up to knee level. Activate
health and confidence as your feet by pressing the inner arches together and spreading the toes.
a woman. When you feel Extend your hands forward and spread your fingers open. Engage and
powerful in your body, your squeeze the shoulder blades towards each other as you open up the
confidence will soar both chest. Activate the lower belly and lift your heart high. Stay here for 5
on and off the mat, setting breaths. When you're done cross your ankles, roll over your feet, and
your personal power on fire. transition into our next asana: Plank Pose.

The following sequence is intended to
awake the lower and middle abs, right
in the center of your body. You'll feel
the area warm up as you hold these
poses for at least 5 deep controlled
full breaths. A light warm-up is
recommended before you begin. Stay
motivated! The more you practice
these, the easier they will get.

From Plank to Side-Plank

With shoulders over the wrists, legs extended and elbows bent, flex
your heels towards the back of your mat. Keep your back straight and
lengthen through the neck. Extend your crown forward as you continue
to reach your heels back and engage the lower abs. Hold for 5 deep
breaths. When you're ready, shift your weight to the right side of the
body, with right palm firmly planted on the ground as you start rotating
into the right side, opening up the left. Take your time to find balance as
you bring the left arm up and open up the chest for Side Plank.

WORK LEFT & RIGHT: E V E LY N S UT TON is a E-RYT200 yoga teacher and owner of
After completing the LuxDei Studio in Melbourne, FL. Publisher of Jiujiteira Magazine,
sequence the first time, do it Evelyn applies her personal practice and knowledge of yoga to
again, but time open up the her Jiu-Jitsu training and helps others do the same. Send questions
body to the right side to get for this column to: [email protected] or
into side plank and strengthen
both sides of your body.


Women That Walk


The JiujiteiraBYSHAMAKO

o two Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) journeys are TAKING THAT FIRST Some males might be concerned
the same. Just as the journeys are unique, so STEP on a Brazilian about getting their asses kicked
are the females that have chosen this path. Jiu-Jitsu journey is the and egos bruised, whereas
Some choose to start earlier in life, some later. hardest. You have to females may be uncomfortable
Some are looking for something and for some be brave to enter an with grappling and having their
that thing finds them. Females come in all academy and step personal space invaded. Most
shapes and sizes and so do their personalities, on those mats for the females have much less experi-
dispositions and how they handle life experi- first time. It can be ence than men in rough housing
ences. Some may be considered girly girls, some intimidating for both because it not the social norm for
tomboys, but most don’t fit a label. There is not males and females. females to be physically “fighting”
a single type that fits the mold of a Jiujiteira (fe- Trying something with each other or with males.
male that trains Jiu-Jitsu). Women take on many new can be scary and However, the times they are
roles and wear many hats. They are mothers, exciting. The concerns a’changing and with the main-
daughters, wives, sisters, doctors, students, law- females have when stream popularity of Mixed Mar-
yers, homemakers and waitresses. Even though starting BJJ are similar tial Arts and rising acknowledge-
they are as different, they all have one thing in to that of males for the ment of female fighters, the idea
common. It is their love for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu most part, but there are won’t be as foreign for females in
that unites them regardless of social, economic some subtle differences. the generations to come.
and cultural differences. For both males and
females alike, common Some females need a little nudge
concerns are: in the right direction to start
their BJJ journey. Just having one
1 They have old injuries female on the mats is a start and
they don’t want to re- if that one female sticks with it,
injure or don’t want to soon many more will come and be
get injured inspired and motivated to start
their journeys as well. Women’s
There are so many reasons females seek out 2 They are afraid they only introductory classes are also
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu training. Some want to will not be good at it a great way to provide females
learn how to professionally fight or fight back with a comfortable and less
because they have been bullied, victimized, 3 They feel out of intimidating environment to ex-
attacked and suffered some kind of trauma. shape and need to plore the art. Female groups that
Some females are looking for a way to get in get in shape to train host open mats and events such
shape and find an outlet to better themselves
and build confidence. Regardless of the reason, 4 They feel intimidated
most of these females find Jiu-Jitsu because of by the instructor,
someone in their lives; a friend, spouse, part- class or just training
ner, father or even child, encouraged them to in general
explore the art. Men have often played a huge
part in helping the growth of females in BJJ.

as Sweaty Betties, Inspire not “entitled” to anything ing to get some recognition that train BJJ don’t need
and Girls in Gis ( just to other equality and the for their efforts. The playing to tear each other down
name a few) are also great respect she earns. fields are not leveled, but to feel good about them-
ways to encourage new- there is hope for the future. selves, because they learn
bies and provide support Even though some men Nothing has been handed to to be confident in whom
and encouragement for are encouraging females in females. They earned recog- they are. Jiu-Jitsu gives
those already practicing. BJJ, others are still under nition with the same blood, one strength to go through
The key to having a higher the opinion that women sweat and tears as their life and face its many ups
percentage of females on don’t belong on the mats. male training partners. and downs. It teaches life
the mats is rather simple; These males will some- lessons and how to get out
provide a welcoming, safe, times resort to tactics like This progress has been of the worst of situations
supportive and encourag- bullying females physically made largely because of and come out on top. It
ing environment. There and emotionally to drive the efforts on part of the teaches self-reliance and
will not only be a higher them out of the gym. Some brave trail blazers like how to protect oneself.
percentage of women, but instructors won’t roll with Yvone Duarte, Hannette
as a whole an academy will female students. Some Staack, Leka Viera, Leticia For so many women who
flourish and be successful. guys see rolling with a fe- Ribeiro, Luca Dias and all are prone to body image
male as an open invitation the inspirational women issues, it teaches them
BJJ IS NOT EASY. to be inappropriate with that did all the heavy lift- love their body and to be
sexual advances. Some ing to pave the path for the in tune with their body.
If it was, then it wouldn’t guys think they are being females training . The top Jiu-Jitsu teaches females
be as addicting as it is. supportive by “letting” a level competitors of today to always seek better lives
Everyone has their own female tap them, but in like Bia Mesquita, Michelle for themselves and to ex-
challenges in BJJ. Everyone reality they are doing a Nicolini, Mackenzie Dern, press themselves freely in
will want to quit at some disservice to her by giving Tammi Musumeci, Gabi nontraditional ways and
point or another. Being the her a false sense of effec- Garcia and many more push limiting boundaries.
only female or one of a few tiveness in her technique. have brought females into To be fearless, brave and
females training at your Phrases like “You are really the spot light in the com- to be so many things that
academy can not only be good for a girl ” or “you’re petition circuit. All of the society has been telling
challenging, but sometimes strong for a girl” are just women before each gener- females for many genera-
lonely. Even in the most as damaging when used ation have made it easier tions they are not.
supportive of environments even with the intention to for the generations to
a female can sometimes feel be supportive. Some guys follow, They have perpet- JIU-JITSU DIS-
isolated because she doesn’t are simply uncomfortable uated the forward motion PROVES NEGA-
fit in or has to work harder with having women on of the movement toward TIVE FEMALE
to. Women have always the mats. Very few women equality. Progress has been STEREOTYPES.
had to fight harder to earn will survive or put up un- made, however there is
respect to prove they belong healthy training environ- still a very long way to go Females are not weak.
in a “man’s world”, the mats ment. A good sign of the before we can honestly say They are strong. It gives
are just another place that culture within an academy gender really isn’t an issue females the ability to take
this applies. Females have is in the number of females on the mats and there is back their power they so
to train harder to prove you see on the mats. equality as a whole. willing have given away
themselves and their value and that has been taken.
on the mats and overcome Just under 100 years Jiu-Jitsu is an amazing tool The struggles they over-
challenges that men don’t after the birth of Brazilian for females that teaches come and battle wounds
have to simply because they Jiu-Jitsu and despite much females their value, disci- they endure make them
are the gender minority. resistance, females are just pline and supports them to into who they are and in-
This doesn’t mean females now coming into their own be who they are with hon- spire the next generations
deserve anything more or in the BJJ world and start- esty and courage. Females to take even further than
less than males. Women are
the one before. Y

Beauty is a Beast

Inner Peace

what does it mean?


he meaning has already been INNER
described, yet it may appear PEACE
differently to individuals who
describe it. When our minds GIVES US THE
are no longer racing with
thoughts of life on this planet, will we have STRENGTH
achieved inner peace? Is it something that
echoes in our minds like a ghost from the TO STAND
past? Something so powerful that it
almost breaks through at times, but STRONG
never quite manages to focus. The
force of its presence can only hint at itself; it hovers TO PERSEVERE
just beyond our reach as a long-distance shadow UNTIL OUR
created by an unknown object on the horizon.
Inner peace is a practice that is a constant strug-
gle. An ongoing battle against the self. We must ARE REACHED.
constantly strive for it as much as we live each day.
To have inner peace means being able to main-
tain your calm when faced with any situation or
circumstance. You are always aware of what needs
to be done while also finding the best option to go
about doing it. In other words: living without fear.
It's all too easy to fall prey to our fears. Our minds
become consumed by them and we lose sight of
everything else around us. We live in a world where
anything could happen at any moment. Where
every action has consequences. And yet ...

..."What if ?"



We ask ourselves these questions To have inner But what does it mean to have inner
because they seem important. They peace means peace? Does it mean that you are
make us feel better about the choices being able to completely happy all the time?
we've made. About the decisions, we've maintain your That your emotions are always
had to face. Sometimes we forget that calm when in check? Or perhaps it is simply
there are things beyond our control. faced with any about learning to let go of negative
Things that cannot be changed. This situation or thoughts, letting go of your worries,
doesn't mean that nothing matters circumstance. and finally finding acceptance for
anymore, however. On the contrary, it You are always yourself. Have you often wondered
means that we must learn to embrace aware of what what it would be like to experience
change instead of running away from needs to be real inner peace? Is it possible?
it. To accept whatever comes our way, done while also Can it exist?
good or bad. That is why having inner finding the best
peace is such a crucial part of life. option to go about Many of us are plagued by self-
Without it, we are unable to function doing it. In other doubt and insecurities. We are
properly. If someone were to ask me words: living concerned about what other people
whether I ever felt truly peaceful, my without fear. think of how we speak and what we
answer would be yes. Even though do. Whether or not we are deserv-
there are days when I am overcome ing of love. A constant invasion
with anger, sadness, or anxiety, I know of thoughts with no end in sight.
that there will always be another day. What if we could block the worry
Another chance to try again. To get around what others thought about
back up after falling. To keep moving us? Would that allow us the free-
forward. So maybe that is what it dom to love ourselves completely
means to have inner peace: knowing and unconditionally? Would we be
that tomorrow will bring a new able to accept ourselves as we are,
opportunity. Or simply accepting rather than a preconceived notion
the fact that today has ended and of what others expect of us? If we
tomorrow will begin. could silence all of our negative
inner dialogue, we would be able
Being self-aware of our flaws and to hear the voice of our hearts.
shortcomings, as well as forgiving The voice that instructs us how we
others for theirs, allows the freedom should be feeling at any particular
to love yourself unconditionally. time and encourages us to slow
Owning your inadequacies while still down and appreciate all the good
believing in yourself allows for front- that already exists in our lives and
row seating to the bigger picture. all around us.
Compassion for yourself and others
is a virtue that gives us permission to There is something about inner
release painful memories, maintain peace which makes you feel cen-
a sense of humor, while never taking tered and at ease. When you are
ourselves too seriously. Inner peace calm and relaxed, everything feels
allows for fully embracing life with right. It's like a warm blanket that
open arms. Even when our hearts covers your mind, body, and soul.
are broken, there should be comfort Your purpose in life becomes clear.
in knowing we can pick ourselves up
again. As long as there is breath left V HIL E N A N E L S ON is a professional hair stylist and owner of
inside our bodies, we can continue to His & Her Mobile Hair Salon in Melbourne, FL. A blue belt in Jiu-Jitsu,
seek out ways to improve ourselves. Vhilena competes in BJJ and is a local advocate for women in the
sport. You can contact her at: [email protected]


Everything clicks into place. You feel truly allows us to be free of fears Although pain and suffering are
like you have a reason to be here. A and insecurities. To be open and unavoidable aspects of existence,
reason to keep going. It's almost like the honest with one another, giving there is something that may be
embrace of the sun has wrapped itself people access to our hearts and done to give life back to the world
around your shoulders. Like a soft pil- minds. Exposing our vulnerabil- around us. Each of us is responsible
low that comforts your head caressing ities without the worry of being for discovering our life's purpose
your thoughts with gentle reminders hurt by others and accepting to fulfill the role for which we are
everything is just fine. Like the ocean, help with a grateful heart when uniquely qualified.
inner peace is like the waves that gently it's offered.
roll in and out. Creating a rhythm that Trying to locate the silver lining in
calms the soul. Inner peace gives us the If we gave more of ourselves to every scenario, especially when it's ob-
strength to stand strong to persevere others our lives would be happier scured by clouds. Even though it hurts,
until our goals are reached. and more fulfilled. We'd be able grin and hold on to hope and faith.
to handle whatever comes our
The realization that inner peace is an way. When we are accepting of Finding a way to laugh in the face
essential part of life. To seek inner others it opens us up to their of hardship while living life with
peace and achieve inner peace as a acceptance of us. It allows us to courage and determination. Actively
means of living a confident life. Know- become closer, creating unbreak- pursuing inner evolution, not only
ing we are capable of anything we able bonds. The greatest gift we for your benefit but, more signifi-
speak into the universe. Empowering can give to one another is to love cantly, to generate the finest version
one another and supporting those and accept each other. To respect of yourself as a service to others.
around us is the only way to make one another, To be supportive of
this world a better place. Sharing our one another, and to allow others This is what it means to have
stories of triumphs and our struggles to be their authentic selves.
inner peace. Y

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close choke

Our Beauty Queen

You'll recognize her as Jiujiteira's beauty editor, writer of the popular column,
Beauty is a Beast. Vhilena Nelson is indeed a beautiful Jiu-Jitsu beast. Her
warm smile reflects her natural ability to easily connect with people. Vhilena
is one of the most generous, gracious and empowering women I know,
I'm blessed to call her a friend. Always ready to give a fellow Jiujiteira much
needed words of encouragement, she instinctively knows exactly what to
say, it's no surprise she's a great writer. A professional hairdresser and make
up artist, Vhilena applies her skills to help women feel confident, strong,
beautiful and feminine in the male dominant world of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.


JM: Tell us about yourself. soccer, softball, and did out of my chest and I was on the floor. I hung out
How old are you? Where gymnastics year round emotionally spiralling and watched as the practi-
were you born? since I was 6 years old. I in a downward descent. tioners drilled and rolled.
VN: Hello!! My name is was always very competi- At the time I was part of I informed the owners I
Vhilena May Nelson. I am tive and excelled in gym- a 24 hour gym located would be back soon. Two
a wife, a college student nastics making it to the in Cocoa Beach, Florida. weeks later I arrived. After
who is attending Keiser junior olympics when I was The gym was located on one class I was hooked, I
University, a business 15 ½. Sports were activities the bottom of a two story knew I had found some-
owner, and I am the proud I identified with as a way to building. Often when I fin- thing that resonated with
mother of a 13 year old interact in a social setting ished my workout I would my soul.
boy. I am 39 years of age, but also I really enjoyed see people walking up the
born October 14th, 1982 in the team aspect and being stairs to the second floor. Something released with-
Haverhill Massachusetts. part of something bigger Some would be carrying in me and I was able to not
than myself. a uniform which I now only focus, but during the
JM: Have you trained in know is called a gi. Call time I was there my only
martial arts before and When I came across BJJ it the universe or divine thoughts were of Jiu-Jitsu.
what attracted you to it was a very dark time intervention, but one day I could forget about what
BJJ? How was your very in my life. I felt I had lost I felt compelled to follow was happening outside of
first BJJ class? myself in a fairly toxic to find out what was up BJJ. I felt myself becoming
VN: Prior to training Bra- relationship. I was in those stairs. I walked up mentally and physically
zilian Jiu-Jitsu I had never a marriage I knew was the stairs and through stronger daily which made
done any kind of martial coming to an end due to the door into Cocoa Beach me want to be there as
arts before. I was always in drug and alcohol abuse. Fight Club. A small yet often as I could.
sports growing up. I played My heart was being ripped inviting space with mats



constantly remain aware of
the amount of force used to
avoid causing them injury.

"...BJJ opened my eyes to my true potential." JM: And what do you find
comes natural to you?
JM: What impact Jiu-Jitsu I stood up for myself and my VN: I would say my favorite VN: What I find easy and
made in your life? son and left a situation even position is side control. comes naturally to me is
VN: Jiu-Jitsu has impacted when it broke my heart. I I enjoy being able to use my ability to be supportive
my life in many positive think BJJ opened my eyes to my body weight to apply and a good team player. I
ways. The sport has given my true potential. I knew I pressure. I know when I enjoy helping others stay
me inner strength to over- had endured a lot in my life distribute myself just right positive and motivated to
come lifelong struggles and but had suppressed most it is extremely uncom- achieve their goals. It comes
given me a confidence that of it. BJJ forced me to face fortable for my opponent. naturally to me to be a social
is immeasurable. Prior to hard stuff head on. Physical- I feel I am able to achieve butterfly and introduce new
Jiu-Jitsu I was very passive ly I was always a beast, but better positions from side members in order for them
and throughout my life emotionally I was harboring control because my side to feel at ease and part of
found myself in abusive and one. When that inner beast control is strong. My favor- our Jiu-Jitsu family.
toxic relationships. I did emerged the realization I ite submission is without
not see my value or believe was unstoppable created an a doubt the kimura. JM: You are a great sup-
I was worthy of love. When unshakeable foundation. porter of women’s Jiu-Jit-
I began to train, especial- JM: What things do you su! And that includes
ly roll, I would become JM: How long have you find hard in training? your column Beauty is a
overwhelmed with emotion been training? Do you VN: What I find hard in Beast. What is your favor-
and have serious panic prefer gi or nogi? training is matching a ite thing about being the
attacks. My coaches would VN: I began training in 2016. partner with my aggres- beauty and health editor
push me to work through While I do like gi, I really sion who can also main- of Jiujiteira Magazine?
the tears even when I was enjoy nogi. I like being able tain control. When the VN: My favorite aspect
hyperventilating. It was as to move freely without the adrenaline begins to flow of being the beauty and
if my body was rejecting added weight of the gi. I through the veins I feel health editor of Jiujitei-
every negative thought I also like that the rash guard some people are unaware ra is the ability to write
had ever told myself. As a allow for gliding and sliding of their own strength. I also creatively. I have always
woman, having people who against your opponent's find when I am training really enjoyed writing.
support you when you’re body with less resistance. with much smaller people It allows me to write on
falling apart and in a dark I worry about hurting my things I think about and
place is what gave me the JM: Favorite position and partner. I know I am very want to share. My mission
power to take back my life. favorite submission? dense and strong. I have to is for women to be happy
and healthy in the skin
they are in, whatever that
looks like. I hope I am able
to empower more women
to feel good about them-
selves on a daily basis.

JM: What do you consider
the greatest challenges
for women in Jiu-Jitsu?
VN: I think the greatest
challenge for women in


Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is to be JM: Do you have any with support. I think it’s JM: What lesson from
seen as equal to male prac- female BJJ role models important to remember Jiu-Jitsu you apply to
titioners. In my experience you look up to? we are a team and to rec- your life?
women do not advance VN: Not to sound corny, ognize we are here to serve VN: A lot of how I cope
as quickly as men in the but my female BJJ role as a support system to one with stress and situations
sport. For every 20-25 men models are each one of the another as well. directly correlates to BJJ. I
that are promoted 1 wom- women on our Jiu-Jitsu find when you are having
an might be promoted. team. It takes courage JM: What’s something a bad day, depressed, or
Often our effort is based to step foot on the mats. people would be surprised stressed those are the days
on aggression or when we Many of us have never to find out about you? you should definitely attend
are able to attend weekly, done a sport which in- VN: I originally moved class. I always leave feeling
not really considering that volved contact in such an to Florida after being better after training. BJJ
many of the women are intimate way. Our girls are hired by The Walt Disney allows for a healthy way to
also mothers. This means brave and helping to con- Program to be Snow White manage life challenges. I feel
having to be home to feed tinue to pave the way for 2003-2004. Shortly after I the structure and discipline
and get children ready more women in Jiu-Jitsu. I started at Disney an oppor- from BJJ is also something
for bed during the typical appreciate each one of the tunity to audition for an all that echoes off the mats. I
time of an evening class. I women on our team. Each girl group was presented am the same person regard-
think women are not rec- brings something unique and I was signed by Florida less of my environment and
ognized in the sport to the and I am grateful to every record producer Lou Peal- take pride in that. BJJ has
same capacity as men. I one of them for their par- man. We began recording made me stronger in every
have personally witnessed ticipation and role. and were going to be an aspect. This sport helped
men who start the sport go opener for Sheryl Crow me overcome my soul's
from white to blue belt in JM: What is your advice and Kid Rock. Sadly,six wounds. When you feel like
less than a year, and also for women who might be months into recording Lou a whole person it is easier to
witnessed women remain struggling in BJJ and even Pearlman was arrested meet your full potential to
a white belt for 2 to 3 years. considering quitting? for embezzlement and be your best self. When you
While I don't believe being VN: My advice for women everything fell apart. That are in a good place mentally,
promoted or receiving who struggle in their BJJ was the closest I came to physically, and emotionally
stripes on your belt should training is to set goals for the dream of performing you are able to serve others
be your primary focus or yourself. It can be atten- on that scale.
only motivation for doing dance, a submission, or more positively. Y
this sport, I have known a position goal. The goal
women to feel slighted or should be achievable and
discouraged because they small. Each time you meet
felt their efforts were not your goal reward yourself
recognized to the same in a small way. When it
level as the men. I will say comes to BJJ, I focus on
this, even in the 6 years I personal growth rather
have been doing BJJ I have than the recognition of
watched it grow from a others. When you work
primarily male dominat- hard to accomplish a goal
ed sport to having more for yourself it is more
and more women joining. meaningful. Many peo-
I think that will make it ple can be stubborn and
harder to ignore the talent won't ask for help. If you’re
females have on the mats thinking about quitting
as more women join and ask yourself if it is some-
balance the playing field. thing you could overcome

out of the cage



mpostor syndrome
effects almost everyone
across all aspects of
professional, occupational,
and hobbyist fields. I’ve
listened to countless
interviews from celebrities
who felt like even they
did not belong at
certain events and in certain
roles. So it makes sense that
many of us ladies in the Jiu Jitsu
world have encountered these
thoughts at least once.

Whether it is because our performance. They present ed as I never encountered any
we feel out of place us with promotions when we disrespect or dismissal from my
at an open mat, or are ready and deserving of them students and peers, but I won-
almost undeserving of a stripe and need to trust their ability der if there are others who are
or belt promotion, we grapple to gauge our skill level. As an not as fortunate to train at such
with not only physical beings on incredibly tiny woman, when upstanding academies.
the mats, but our thoughts and I first started teaching classes,
emotions as well. there was a lingering fear in the Another example of the
back of my mind that I wouldn’t sufferings that come
At the end of the day, our garner respect in a leadership with imposter syn-
coaches, instructors, role because I was so small. The drome is when I began teaching
and professors have the anxiety I possessed over these private lessons in my purple
knowledge and skills to evaluate thoughts were clearly unfound- belt days. It literally took my


professor telling me how my time It’s crazy to think that so many Sometimes I just
and knowledge was valuable and I people have dealt with a sim- gotta ask myself,
needed to charge the standard pric- ilar mindset when it comes
es our academy charges for privates to their achievements. It is proof “Am I worth it?
with someone of that that at the root of all of it, we Did I work it?”
rank and caliber. are still human and come with Then I put my
a wide array of all the thoughts, thing down flip it
Why was I so intent on feelings, and emotions encap- and reverse it.
selling myself short and sulating our lives. Sometimes I
charging less than the just gotta ask myself, “Am I worth times feel like we are masquerading
other coaches of my rank? Because it? Did I work it?” Then I put my as a fraud. No matter how many
I’m a woman and felt less adequate thing down flip it and reverse fights, tournaments, and competi-
than my male peers? I struggle with it. Because when life has you tions I may end up winning, all it
feeling guilty when I need to advo- questioning your abilities, what takes is one mediocre performance
cate for myself and tend to push better way to handle it all then on an off day to make me feel like
down and bury my feelings in lieu of to pump yourself up with some this whole journey was actually a
the complacency of others. This is a motivational music. façade. Obviously, to the rationally
habit I have worked incredibly hard thinking mind, this is not the case,
on to break, and sometimes, I find The reason the term ‘blue but dammit, try telling my brain
myself still slipping back into belt blues’ is so common, that sometimes.
these old ways. is because that is the first
major promotion we achieve in Iguess what I am really trying
Aproficient academy will have Jiu-Jitsu. You expect to be able to to say here is that you are not
standards that need to be do a lot more and even crush the alone. My professors have felt
met at each and every belt white belts, but it doesn’t work this way at some point, my team-
level, whether they require a test, like that. What they don’t tell you mates, my fellow fighting friends,
a mandatory class attendance, or is that you will assuredly also deal and even my superiors in the sport.
else just the professor mentally and with white belt woes, purple belt I like learning how to reel in these
physically evaluating their students plateaus, brown belt breakdowns, negative thoughts and start believ-
through sight and interaction. If and black belt blunders. I’ve ing in myself more and walking with
you are promoted, it is because come to terms with the fact that the confidence that I 100% deserve
those in a leadership role have it seems that the more I learn in to be where I am at in life. Sure,
deemed you to be capably deserving Jiu-Jitsu, the less I actually know. some things can be attributed to
of said recognition. There is no need But instead of viewing this as a luck, but luck seems to favor those
to feel unworthy of your current daunting reality, I try to reframe who tirelessly work hard to be pres-
status, or to downplay the accolades it and envision it as an exciting
achieved in order to achieve that opportunity to always be forever ent when the opportunity arises. Y
rank. It sucks to have to battle with learning as a student of the art, no
the fluctuation of emotions that matter how many classes I teach. WANT
come with self-doubt, but once we MORE?
learn how to quiet the negativity in Iguess at the end of the day, we
our minds, we can see that we aren’t are really just faking it until
an imposter in the slightest. we make it. And then even
after we make it, we still some-

SA MA NT HA S EFF, "The Wolf Queen" is a BJJ brown belt under Team Follow this column online:
Rubao Carioca at Schell Shock BJJ in Fuquay Varina, NC. She's a professional
atomweight MMA fighter and writes a weekly blog: category/out-of-the-cage
In her spare time, she enjoys cooking & baking and besides her
title belts, her color-coded self-written cookbook is her most prized JIUJITEIRAMAGAZINE.COM | J I U J I T E I R A MAGAZINE | 3 7
possession. You can reach her via DM on Instagram @wolfqueenmma

ask the doc

So You Felt a Pop on

the Outside of Your Knee:

Lateral Collateral
Ligament Complex



o you have started position with pressure from the Ligament sprains have
to get excited about outside of the knee to the inside three grades:
(varus-flexion position). (1) This has
playing the leg been recently termed the lateral GRADE I - mild tearing of
game, and you are collateral ligament complex (LCLC).
trying to avoid a ligament, very little loss of
sweep in 50/50, but The knee has four major ligaments: motion or strength, no feeling
suddenly you and your the anterior cruciate ligament of instability
partner hear a pop on the outside of (ACL), posterior cruciate ligament
your knee. (PCL), the medial collateral liga- GRADE II - Partial rupture
ment (MCL), and the lateral collat-
Often the pop does not hurt, howev- eral ligament (LCL). of the ligament and possible
er, you could have done some seri- audible pop at time of injury,
ous damage to your lateral collateral The LCLC is often damaged by may or may not have swelling,
ligament (LCL). direct contact to the inside of the some feeling of instability
knee, poor landing technique from a
In Jiu-Jitsu competition, the second throw or takedown, or the knee be- GRADE III - complete
most injured area is the knee and ing twisted while the foot is station-
roughly half of all knee injuries were ary. In Jiu-Jitsu, positions that are rupture of the ligament or the
to the LCL. Jiu-jitsu practitioners particularly risky for the LCLC are ligament has pulled off the
are more likely to tear the LCL and 50/50 guard, De La Riva guard, and bone, feeling of instability,
anterior longitudinal ligament (ALL) submissions like the gogoplata. (1) swelling, and loss of function.
because of the prevalence of posi-
tions that put the knee in a bent




▶ Swelling or bruising

▶ Hearing/feeling a pop while
drilling or rolling in the outside
of the knee

▶ Weakness of the knee joint
and feelings of giving way or
being unstable

▶ Stiffness and loss of motion
into bending and straightening

▶ Tenderness along the outside
of the knee

▶ Pain while sitting in a figure 4

LCL injuries are diagnosed with and pain. Most often, surgical The next time you
an MRI and they are often treat- reconstructions are performed
ed conservatively with rest, knee with the semimembranosus are playing 50/50
bracing, and physical therapy for tendon either taken from the
range of motion and strengthening, patient or a cadaver. Patients or De La Riva, be
with a return to competition within are often non-weight bearing
four to six months in the cases of a for about six weeks after surgery aware that those
grade II sprain and sooner if a grade with restrictions on moving the
I. If conservative treatment fails, knee in/out or rotation, they will positions can put
LCL will often need to be surgically then receive physical therapy
reconstructed as, if left untreated, for the next several months in stress on the LCL.
it will lead to chronic instability order to restore range of motion
and strength, with return to The content in this article is for
GOT sporting activities at six to nine informational purposes only - it is
QUESTIONS? months after surgery.(2) not intended to delay or substitute for
professional medical advice, diagnosis,
Please send them to So the next time you are playing and/or treatment. The content is not
[email protected] 50/50 or De La Riva, be aware intended to promote understanding of
that those positions can put various musculoskeletal injuries. Content
Your question could be chosen stress on the LCL. If you hear a may not apply to your specific condition
and answered in this article. pop, sit the rest of class out and or symptoms. Always seek the advice of
get your knee looked at by your your physician or other qualified medical
professional for any question you have
doctor or physical therapist. Y for a medical condition.

CHR IS FLETCHER has her Doctorate in Physical Therapy from the REFERENCES
University of Iowa and owns Combat Arts Physical Therapy in Spokane, 1. TEMPONI EF, SAITHNA A, HONÓRIO DE CARVALHO L,
Washington. She is a purple belt under Newborn Cascao Jiu Jitsu, and is
happy to answer your questions regarding musculoskeletal injuries. TEIXEIRA BP, SONNERY-COTTET B.



2019 JAN; 7(1).





SOFIAFIT Everyone can achieve their
dreams with focused intention
on a daily basis.

Goalsa guide to hitting your
(and sticking with them!)

by Sophia McDermott

very year at the start of the year I am super busy
with writing personalized plans for people who
want to start the year off fresh, with goals they
want to achieve and are feeling excited and
positive for the changes ahead.

1. PREPARATION It is wonderful that we all have dreams and goals and visions which
For us to meet our goals, in my book keeps gives us a true sense of purpose in life, but progress
we need a well thought out slows or stops completely and as the year goes on, these goals aren’t
plan that is broken down met. Basing goals around things like New Year Resolutions often end
into achievable steps. up being nothing more than a wish or a fantasy. The intention is there,
that burning desire and sense of optimism to look better, to feel better,
2. APPLICATION or to learn more, save money, become more zen or whatever the goal
In order for these steps to is, which is why so many gym memberships are sold, or self help books
be carried out on a long are bought. So why then do so many of us start of goals with vigour but
term basis, they must be then drop off like flies as the year goes on?
integrated into our lifestyle.
CHOICES >>> Focusing on the small steps that need to be taken

on a consistent basis is the key to success. In a nutshell, it is the small
decisions made daily that have an accumulative and profound effect
on our lives over time. Being aware of the steps we need to take (the
planning part) and proactively making the choice to act on that plan
(the application part) will bring us closer to our goals. The only way to
real and long lasting success is to integrate these planned out steps into
our lives and make it it part of our Lifestyle.

SOPHIA MCDERMOTT (DRYSDALE) is Australia's first female BJJ
black belt, multiple time Pan Am and World Champion. Certified with
National Academy of Sports Medicine - NASM CPT, FNS as a trainer and
a nutrition specialist, founder of Girls On Top an interactive BJJ platform for
women. [email protected],,


ARE THEY JUST PLANNING>>> Put reminder and motiva- lifestyle that makes these
LUCKY OR DID tional notes around your small daily choices easier.
THEY WORK Firstly, what is it that you house or workplace where
HARD? want? Work backward you can see them all the If these steps aren’t part of
and lay out your long-term time. A student of mine our lives then the decisions
We look at people who have goals. Where do you want sent me a photo that she to bring us closer to our
“made it” – the people who to be in five years? Where has on her desk. This is a goals may be harder or
are millionaires or multi- do you want to be in one great motivational tool! difficult to remember. It is
ple-time world champions year? Break down your important to note that the
or totally Zen and at peace one-year goal plan into Let’s use weight loss as our small decisions made daily
or have the perfect body months. By breaking down example for this strategy. that we DON’T make also
or perfect relationship or your goals, it becomes Your goal for 2019 is to have an effect. These in fact
whatever it may be – and it easier to see the smaller lose 20 pounds and to feel will take us further away
is easy to misconstrue that actions that need to be great. By breaking your from our goals whether we
this happened overnight or taken to achieve the bigger goal down into months realise it or not. So because
that they are genetic freaks goals. This makes things means that you aim to lose you didn’t set a day once
or they just “got lucky.” not so overwhelming and 8 pounds every month. a week to go walking with
therefore more achievable. your friends and make it
But more than likely, these By breaking your goal down part of your life, you only
people spent years working BREAK DOWN YOUR into weeks means that ended up walking about
hard to achieve these levels GOALS WEEK BY WEEK. you aim to lose 2 pounds ⅓ of the time throughout
of awesomeness. Each day For example, if your goal every week. You aim to visit
these hard-working, driven is to lose twenty pounds, the gym 3 times per week, the year. Y
people get up an hour earli- then your week by week meditate once a week, have
er to go to the gym, or each strategy may be to lose a massage once a week and WE CAN ALL ACHIEVE
day they allocate quality one or two pounds a week. walk with friends once a OUR DREAMS WITH
time with their children week and limit yourself to THE RIGHT STEPS:
or spouse, or each day they BREAK DOWN YOUR only one dinner out a week.
make the time for some GOALS TO DAY-BY-DAY. I believe all our dreams
mindful meditation. That This is actually where it By breaking your goals can come to fruition if we
is why they have succeeded. all happens and where down day by day means actively make it happen
They are aware of the steps this concept comes into you make the decision to go through conscious choices
that need to be taken to play through you actively to the gym or go for a walk that bring us closer to our
reach their goals and they making choices and de- that day or to skip that ice goals at every moment. Don't
active make choices day cisions on a daily basis. If cream and opt for frozen let your excitement about
in, day out to bring them your goal is to lose twenty banana slices instead. setting a goal wear off. Plan
closer to those goals. pounds, then are you going everything out and break
to opt for mac and cheese AWARENESS + your goals down week by
Regardless of what our for dinner or fish and sal- APPLICATION>>> week to small achievable
goals are, whether it is to ad? If you choose the fish steps that you can carry
be a multi millionaire or and salad every day, then Having awareness of the out daily. Create a lifestyle
just to be healthy and feel you most likely will achieve choices we make is super that makes it easier to apply
good again, hitting those your weekly goal of losing important which is why these steps and make your
goals all follows the same one or pounds, right? planning and knowing choices easier. The idea
basic principles, planning exactly what steps to take that our small, daily choices
and application. Here are GRAB A DIARY OR or what choices to make matter – and can add up to
some Step by step strate- JOURNAL. Write it all is essential. So now that so much – is so simple yet
gies to help you get there: down and have something we know what our goals such an amazing formula
available to refer back to are and all the steps to to attain the life you want.
and to track. get there, we can create a If it’s all about making
small choices, then every
one of us has the power to
enact profound change and
accomplish incredible things.

around the world 1

34 2

Congratulations to the bride, blue belt Jiujiteira
Tara Mojica who trains under her now husband
Professor Brian Mendez. Tara started training BJJ
about 4 years ago. They made their training (and
life) partnership official with a traditional Jiu-Jitsu
wedding that included the bridal party in their gis
and lots of chokes from the ladies of course!

Kloey celebrated her 16th birthday on November
10th and the following week, she received her very
well deserved blue-belt from her coach, David
Sutton. Kloey started training young and is now
the first student to complete the kids program
and receive a blue belt at Carlson Gracie Jiu-Jitsu
Team Melbourne. She's an avid competitor,
loves photography and also trains Muay Thai.
Congratulations Kloey on your promotion!

Halle Berry's directorial debut, Bruised, is now
out on Netflix and the movie is causing waves of
excitement in the world of women's MMA. Bruised
tells the inspirational story of Jackie Justice, a
MMA fighter who is down on her luck but decides
to get ready for a comeback to the octagon as
she's fighting to get custody of her child. Shannon
Knapp, president of Invicta Fighting Championships,
the largest women's MMA organization in the world

5 attended the event (photo 3 with Halle Berry and
photo 4 with UFC Women's Flyweight Champion
Valentina Shevchenko). This is a proud moment
for women in combat sports, we applaud and
congratulate Halle Berry for the initiative and
Shannon Knapp for her contribution to the movie,
as well as her outstanding commitment and life
long dedication to women in MMA.

Say hello to Jiujiteiras Ciara Reichart, Summer Poe,
Cassandra Langley and Amber Scholln. Keep up
the awesome training ladies!

To be featured in this section, e-mail a photo (high res images with
300dpi print better) of yourself and your BJJ sisters training, include
names and gym location to: [email protected]

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who train Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and MMA across the country with
the only magazine dedicated to them, Jiujiteira Magazine.
Our team of advertising experts will help create the perfect
marketing campaign for your business. Reach new potential
consumers with our print and digital publications and help
support the fastest growing community in combat sports.




CAITIE is 28 years old, and grew SIERRA has been training Jiu-Jitsu
up in Cocoa, Florida. She has a since 2017 at Napa Valley Brazillian
background in music, plays violin, Jiu-Jitsu, affiliated under Demian
and achieved her Bachelor’s Maia, an academy in northern
Degree in Music from UCF. With California's premiere wine
no experience in sports growing country. Sierra currently works as
up, taking the first step into BJJ was a cannabis grower consultant,
difficult. She took her first class in helping clients achieve yield and
June 2020, and wasn’t quite sure of it. Now a year and quality objectives with recommendations targeting
a half in, she is in love with Jiu-Jitsu and plans to compete in nutrient needs and pest & disease prevention. Her goal with
2022. She finds exciting to see women from so many different Jiujiteira Magazine is to raise awareness of women's Jiu-Jitsu
backgrounds training and being part of a community that in new markets to increase the range of access to quality
supports one another. "Being a part of the Jiujiteira Magazine team products available to female practiotioners. A graduate
is such an incredible opportunity. To be in a community with so of UC Berkeley, Sierra is well familiar with research, and
much support, encouragement, is excited to tap her wide
and knowledge is not circle to bring attention to
something that comes products crafted for Jiuteiras
by easily. I look forward everywhere. You can follow
to where this journey her Jiu-Jitsu journey on
will take me." Instagram: @catjitsu

Contact Caitlyn: Contact Sierra:

Caitlyn White Sierra Minchaca
Sales Manager | Central Florida | Jiujiteira Magazine USA Sales Manager | Northern California | Jiujiteira Magazine USA
321-223-5411 cell 518-423-3322 cell
[email protected] [email protected] | 321-917-1599 | THE LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE FOR WOMEN IN BJJ AND MMA


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