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Jarled and his dog have a terrible day!

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Published by Morgan Blake, 2019-05-08 11:56:03

Jarled and D.O.G's Bad Day

Jarled and his dog have a terrible day!

Jarled and D.O.G’s Bad Day 

By:Morgan Olson-Blake

Will Jarled ever be able to find love? The one and only long blond
haired, short, obese guy named Jarled had a leak in his car and it broke
down on the highway at 4:45 AM unexpectedly. He got out of his car to
see what happened, and he found his very big white male husky with one

blue eye and brown eye, chewing on the hitch of his car. His name is
Dee-O-Gee also spelled as D.O.G.

Jarled was on his way to work, at a glitter factory, 
in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at five in the morning. 
Jarled misplaced his phone outside the day before, so 

he couldn't call anyone to pick him up. Jarled and 
D.O.G started hiking two miles to get to Jarled's work.  


Jarled and Dee-O-Gee, finally, got to his work about half 
an hour later. His boss, Ms.Vurgue, was yelling at him about 
being late every day for 20 minutes before she finally, fired 
him. When Jarled tried to state his car broke down, she didn't 

believe a word he said because Jarled liked to lie a lot. 
Ms.Vurgue called a taxi for Jarled and Dee-O-Gee to get 
dropped off at their house in Philadelphia which is right on 

the border of Pennsylvania.  

When they got home, Jarled told his wife, Manny, that 
he got fired again. She started yelling really loud because this 
is the fifth glitter business job he had been fired from this 
month, and each time after he got fired, he got divorced from 

all five of his ex-wives.  


Manny stopped yelling ten minutes later and said 
that she wanted a divorce. Jarled got extremely lonely 
after two days because Manny had full custody over 

D.O.G, so he had no one. 


Jarled has a crush on his ex-boss, Ms.Vurgue, and 
Ms.Vurgue secretly had a crush on Jarled too. Ms.Vurgue 

went over to Jarled´s to see him. Tammy is Ms.Vurgeś 
real name and when she went over to see Jarled, she 
knocked on the door three times. Jarled opened the door 
and screamed because he was excited. Tammy ran into 

his arms and kissed him. 


Jarled and Tammy were dating for two months, then 
she found a hot model and started dating him and broke up 

with Jarled.  

Jarled feels as if he will always be alone and will never 
find true love.  



Then all of a sudden DEE-O-GEE came running 
through the door with his ex-wife. “Jarled I was such a 
fool I never should have left you because of a stupid job,” 

Manny said urgently. 

“ I love you so much, Manny, I'm so happy you're 
back, I have missed you both so much,” Jarled said 


D.O.G started barking so loud and was licking Jarled 
face. Jarled and Manny ended up not getting together 
after this but in the end Jarled got to keep Dee-O-Gee. 


D.O.G and Jarled went on trips all over the world. 
First, they went to The Mall Of America and went to 
Nickelodeon Universe, and they were happy. Then, they 
went all the way to Orlando, Florida, and stayed for a 

whole week and went to Sea World. 

They went to Wisconsin to watch a Green Bay 
Packer game. and the Packers won against the Vikings, 
19-3. Finally, they went back home and theyo were 

happier than they have ever been.  


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