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Published by Brennan Armentrout, 2019-09-19 22:24:51

format poetry

format poetry

My poetry 

By Brennan Armentrout  


Bio poem…………………………………………………………………………………………….…..1
I am poem ………………………………...…………………………………………………………....2
Look in the mirror poem………………………………………………………………………………..3
Oppisite poem…………………………………………………………………………………………..4
Accrositic poem………………………………………………………………………………………...5
Japenese lantern poem………………………………………………………………………………..6
Cinquan poem…………………………………………………………………………………………..7
Diamante poem………………………………………………………………………………………...8
Pyramid poem…………………………………………………………………………………………..9
Parts of speech poem………………………………………………………………………………...10
Tanka poem…………………………………………………………………………………………….11
Sensory poem…………………………………………………………………………………………12
Haiku poem…………………………………………………………………………………………….14
Mystery poem…………………………………………………………………………………………16
I have a dream poem………………………………………………………………………………….17
Two sides poem……………………………………………………………………………………….18



Bio Poem 

Is kind, caring, and sporty 
Loves baseball, math, and sience 
Is good at baseball, art, and sience 
Feels happy, excited, and glad 
Needs more activity, more excersizes, more wieghts 
Wants led light strips, a new bike, straight A’s 
fears whats in the dark, dyeing, losing a limb 
likes to eat salad, apples, and pizza 
Watches My Hero Acedamia, Naruto, and The Amazing World Of Gumball 
Is a resident of Grottoes, Virginia 



I am Poem 


I am kind, and caring 
I wonder how we got technoligy 
I hear the buttons clicking  
I see the base coming towards me 
I want one million dollars 
I am kind, and caring 
I pretend to touch the sky 
I feel the dragons breath coming 
I touch the dragons feet 
I worry the world will end 
I am kind, and caring 
I understand the work im doing 
I say what is needed 
I dream of having a sucessful youtube channel 
I try to talk when needed 
I hope for world peace 
I am kind, and caring 



Mirror Poem 

I look in the mirror what do I see  
A fast, smart, thinking person looking back at me. 
I am good at baseball 
And love to play outside. 
I spend lots of time riding my bike  
And can’t wait for when I can ride. 
I can improve my reading speed 
And reading fast is hard for me. 
But I know that if I try, Ican be the best I can be. 


Oppisite Poem 

I love baseball  
I dislike basketball 

I have a a small bike 
I want a bigger bike 

My friends say I am cool 
My family say I am a fast person 

One day I will get taller  
I will never quit riding my bike 

My favorite foods are salads, and pizzas 

I’ll never eat brussel sprouts  

I feel sad when someone I know dies 
I feel happy when I open a gift from someone I know  

I feel safe when I am home with my family  
I feel scared when I ride my bike in the dark 



Acrostic Poem 


Be​ having during school 
Re​ ading comics or mytholigy books 
Ev​ eryday till I get bored 
Ne​ ver going to quit baseball 
N​ow practicing for better hits 
A​lways thinking about things 
Ne​ ver quiting youtube 





Japanese Lattern Poem 



Swimming pool 
Always tanning  





Swingging, hitting 
Catching, throwing, Scoring  
Excitment filling your bady 





Tiring, exhausting  
Playing, swimming, running 
Beach, sunscreen, sports, friends 
Snowwing, learning, sledding 
Boring, dumb  


Pyramid Poem 

Cold, snow 
Sledding, freezing, snowwing 
Winter is cold, winter is dreary 




Parts of Speech Poem 

A dog  
Cute and fluffy 
Woofing and barking 



The leaves are all red  
The wind blowing very hard 
Leaves sre falling down 
The kids are running around 
Jumping in th leaves for fun 




Sensory Poem 

Joy is yellow 
It sounds like people having fun 
It tastes like cake on a 13th birthday 
It smells like the flowers on a fall day 
Joy feels like a group of people singing to you on your birthday 





Summer is here 
All the kids cheer  
Playing outside from day to night 
Having a water balloon fight 
Smelling the fresh cut grass 
I hope Summer will always last  




The leaves on the tree 

They are swingging happily  
Until the moon comes 




I once had a bunny named Bop 
He always liked to hop 
He jumped up on my knee 
That was a sight to see 
Then he fell went flop 



Mystery Poem 

I went outside, and what did I find? 
A box to open. I hope no one will mind. 

It was tied on top with a bow of red 

I opened it with a big suprise. 

In the box I see  
A letter from you to me. 



I Have a Dream Poem  


I​ have a dream that all world vilence will end. 
Ho​ mes will be safe of violence 
Al​ l stores will be safe of robbery 
Vi​ olence will end at all places 
E​veryone will be able sleep in peace 
An​ yone will be safe to walk around  
Da​ ncing at a concert will be safe  
R​eality would be better 
E​veryone won’t have to go around with guns and pepper spray 
An​ d parents won’t have to be worried about their kids getting attacked at school 
M​any centuries will be saved 





Two Sides Poem 

Autumn Spring 
Is will be 

Bright dark 

Tiring awakening 
To much allergies to go outside the right temperature to go 
leaves are growing 
No leaves baseball  
No baseball flowers are growing 
No alive trees

A chill in the air Rainy days 

Walking in crunchy leaves jumping in puddles  
I can carve pumpkins I can dye eggs 
I miss fall colors 
I miss the the smell of flowers


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