Brand Identity Manual
Copyright 2022 @ GIBS Eco Resort
01 Introduction 0304 Typography 22
02 23
About 0406 Primary typography 24
Secondary typography
Logo 07 Weights and styles
Concept 09 Color Palette 26
Icon structure 27
Logotype structure 10 Primary color
Secondary and stand 11 Secondary color
alone logo 12
Slogan 13
Lockups 14
Clear space 15
Minimum size 16
Placement 18
Partnership 19
Color variations
Logo on photograpgh
Unacceptable use
05 Stationary 0731 Wayfinding &
Letterhead & envelope 33
Business card 35 Iconography 53
ID card & lanyard 37 Map directory 55
Corporate uniform 38 Wayfinding 57
Polo shirt 39 Flag poles 59
Staff t-shirt 41 GIBS Eco Resort sign 61
Tyvek wristband 43 Metric 63
06 Advertising 47
Promotional poster
Social media
01 Introduction
GIBS Eco Resort Brand Guidelines 04
GIBS has moved forward to be more sustainable and
glorious. GIBS Ecotourism Resort which is approved
for registration by the Companies Commission of
Malaysia (SSM) and has a business license from the
Selayang Municipal Council (MPS).
It becomes a catalyst to the excellence of this
organization. GIBS Ecotourism Resort is developed
on 35 acres of land owned by GIBS in lot 36837,
Jalan Ulu Yam, Selangor and is wholly owned by
This spacious resort and located only 8 kilometers
from Selayang, Selangor contains natural forests,
natural hills, rivers and hundreds of various fruit
02 Logo
GIBS Eco Resort Brand Guidelines 06
Triangle shape are dynamics in nature. They are
used to indicate adventure, intensity and getting
somewhere. When pointing up, trianges signal
accomplishment and power.
Mountains are used to represent the nature Triangle shape Mountains River GIBS Eco Resort
and ecotourism. Difficulty, obstacle, something
needing energy with which to deal with it. A hill also
symbolises the climb to higher attainment, wider
view of life or opportunities.
River symbolize life, fertility, freedom, a path, and
the passage of time. River captured the attention
of many people and cultures throughout history.
There seems to be a special magic in the way a
river flows.
07 Brand Guidelines GIBS Eco Resort
Logo 4.5x
Icon Structure
The logo is developed from a basic shape which is
using three (3) triangles shape.
GIBS Eco Resort Brand Guidelines 08
Logo 8 mm
Logotype Structure 8 mm 8 mm
The logo is well structured precisely measured and
well crafted.
Using mandatory grid system, we were able to
achieve this look for our logo.
The icon along with the logotype gives our logo
09 Brand Guidelines GIBS Eco Resort
Secondary and Stand
Alone Logo
Secondary Logo
Stand Alone Logo
GIBS Eco Resort Brand Guidelines 10
The slogan we were used along the logo is ‘Discover
The Wonders of Nature’.
11 Brand Guidelines GIBS Eco Resort
Logo Horizontal lockups without slogan
Lockups Vertical lockups without slogan
1. Vertical lockups without slogan.
2. Horizontal lockups without slogan.
3. Vertical lockups with slogan.
4. Horizontal lockups with slogan.
Vertical lockups with slogan Horizontal lockups with slogan
GIBS Eco Resort Brand Guidelines 12
Logo 2x
Clear Space 2x
The clear space refers to the area around the logo,
specifying the amount oof designed clear space
or containing no other graphic or text that can
surround the logo.
Elements that infringe on this space will be breaking
the brand guidelines.
The clear space for the logo is 2x on each side of
our logo.
13 Brand Guidelines GIBS Eco Resort
Logo 30 mm
Minimum Size
To ensure visibility and legibility, logos should never
be presented in sizes smaller than requirements
shown on this page.
20 mm is the lowest minimum size for our logo.
40 mm 35 mm
25 mm 20 mm
GIBS Eco Resort Brand Guidelines 14
Top LTeofpt Left Top CTeonptCerenter Top RTiogphtRight
Placement MiddMleidLdelfet Left MiddMleidCdelnetCerenter MiddMleidRdiglehtRight
To ensure consistency make sure to use the
logo in certain areas of every documentation,
advertisement and digital.
BottoBmotLtoemft Left BottoBmotCtoemntCerenter BottoBmotRtoigmhtRight
15 Brand Guidelines GIBS Eco Resort
Logo 2x 2x 7.8x
Partnership 2x
When incorporating partner logos with our logo,
make sure to maintain clear space.
GIBS Eco Resort Brand Guidelines 16
Color Variations
1. Transparent background.
2. White color background.
3. Black color background.
4. Green color background.
5. Green color background.
6. Green color background.
17 Brand Guidelines GIBS Eco Resort
Color Variations
7. Green color background.
8. Blue color background.
9. Light blue color background.
10. Red color background.
11. Orange color background.
12. Gradient color background.
GIBS Eco Resort Brand Guidelines 18
Logo on Photographs
1) Center-aligned (white color logo)
2) Left below-aligned (white color logo)
3) Right top-aligned (full color logo)
4) Left below-aligned (white color logo)
5) Center-aligned (white color logo)
6) Right top-aligned (white color logo)
7) Right top-aligned (white color logo)
8) Right top-aligned (full color logo)
9) Center-aligned (white color logo)
19 Brand Guidelines GIBS Eco Resort
Logo 01 02
03 04
Unacceptable Use 05 06
01. Do not flip the icon.
02. Do not change the icon position.
03. Do not put the icon at center of the logotype.
04. Do not make the icon not parallel to logotype.
05. Do not change the kerning of the logotype.
06. Do not warp.
07. Do not change width.
08. Do not change height.
GIBS Eco Resort Brand Guidelines 20
Logo 09 10
11 12
Unacceptable Use 13 14
15 16
09. Do not use strokes.
10. Do not use drop shadow.
11. Do not make the logo 3D.
12. Do not shrink the icon.
13. Do not change the typeface.
14. Do not change the brand color.
15. Do not use brand color gradients in the logo.
16. Do not use any shape around the logo.
17. Do not use blurry logo.
18. Do not rotate the logo.
03 Typography
GIBS Eco Resort Brand Guidelines 22
Typography Inter
Primary Typeface Aa Inter Light
Inter is the main official typeface of our brand. Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv
Ww Xx Yy Zz
Inter font family comes with different weights and 0123456789
styles. ~`!@#$%^&*()_-+={}[]:;“‘<>,.?/|\
Inter should be maintained in all of our official Inter Regular
writing and documentation and also on advertising
design. Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv
Ww Xx Yy Zz
Aa Inter Bold
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv
Ww Xx Yy Zz
23 Brand Guidelines GIBS Eco Resort
Typography Signika
Secondary Typeface Aa Signika Regular
Signika is the second official typeface of our brand. Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy
Signika font family comes with different weights 0123456789
and styles. ~`!@#$%^&*()_-+={}[]:;“‘<>,.?/|\
Signika should be maintained for our slogan and Signika Bold
also on advertising design.
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx
Yy Zz
GIBS Eco Resort Brand Guidelines 24
Typography Pairing Tracking: 0
Leading: 35 pt
Weights and Styles H1 Inter Bold
H2 Inter Regular Align: Left
Maintain the font pairing, tracking, leading and Tracking: 0
paragraph align. Headline Font: Leading: 24 pt
Align: Left
Inter Bold Tracking: 0
Leading: 15 pt
Sub Font: Align: Justify left
Inter Semibold
Body Font:
Inter Regular
04 Color Palette
GIBS Eco Resort Brand Guidelines 26
Color Hex Code Pantone Hex Code Pantone Hex Code Pantone
Palette #cddc2b #cddc2b #a4ce39 #cddc2b #7dc242 #cddc2b
Primary Color Palette R 205 C 24 R 164 C 41 R 125 C 56
G 220 M0 G 206 M0 G 194 M0
1) Pear B 43 Y 99 B 57 Y 100 B 66 Y 100
2) Lime Green K0 K0 K0
3) Green
4) Forest Green 90% 90% 90%
5) Yale Blue 70% 70% 70%
50% 50% 50%
30% 30% 30%
10% 10% 10%
Hex Code Pantone Hex Code Pantone
#38b04a #cddc2b #003a70 654 C
R 56 C 76 R0 C 100
G 176 M2 G 58 M 84
B 74 Y 100 B 112 Y 31
K0 K 17
90% 90%
70% 70%
50% 50%
30% 30%
10% 10%
27 Brand Guidelines GIBS Eco Resort
Color Hex Code Pantone Hex Code Pantone Hex Code Pantone
Palette #00acd8 638 C #f32735 1788 C #f88d2a 715 C
Secondary Color Palette R0 C 82 R 243 C0 R 248 C0
G 172 M7 G 39 M 96 G 141 M 54
1) Light Blue B 216 Y9 B 53 Y 83 B 42 Y 94
2) Rose K0 K0 K0
3) Tangerine
90% 90% 90%
70% 70% 70%
50% 50% 50%
30% 30% 30%
10% 10% 10%
05 Stationary
GIBS Eco Resort Brand Guidelines
31 Brand Guidelines GIBS Eco Resort
Stationary Hidayat Fitri Date : 25 September 2022 162 mm
Letterhead & Envelope
A : Shah Alam, Selangor
Letterhead: A4 paper size (210 x 297 mm) W :
Color: white P : +6 (03) 77459004
Material: 100 - 120 gsm smooth, matte, uncoated
paper 297 mm Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut 114 mm
Envelope: C6 size (162 x 114 mm) labore et dolore magna aliqua. Platea dictumst quisque sagittis purus sit. Tellus integer feugiat
Color: yale blue scelerisque varius morbi enim nunc.
Material: bond-grade paper
Maecenas sed enim ut sem viverra aliquet eget. Felis imperdiet proin fermentum leo vel orci porta
non pulvinar. Maecenas volutpat blandit aliquam etiam erat velit scelerisque in. Semper viverra
nam libero justo. Nibh sed pulvinar proin gravida hendrerit lectus. Convallis tellus id interdum velit
laoreet. Arcu vitae elementum curabitur vitae nunc sed velit dignissim. Eu non diam phasellus
vestibulum lorem sed.
Est ultricies integer quis auctor elit. In nisl nisi scelerisque eu ultrices vitae. A erat nam at lectus
urna duis convallis convallis. Dictum fusce ut placerat orci nulla pellentesque dignissim. Dolor sit
amet consectetur adipiscing elit pellentesque.
Orci porta non pulvinar neque laoreet suspendisse interdum consectetur libero. A scelerisque
purus semper eget duis at tellus at. A erat nam at lectus urna duis convallis convallis. Dictum
fusce ut placerat orci nulla pellentesque dignissim. Dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit
Tuan Haji Ramlan
Tuan Haji Ramlan
Yang Dipertua
+ (603) 5543-2584 [email protected] Your Address Here
+ (603) 5542-2579 Batu Caves, Selangor
210 mm
GIBS Eco Resort Brand Guidelines
33 Brand Guidelines +6 (03) 55455044 (GIBS ECO HQ) GIBS+6Ec(0o3R) e55so45rt5044 (GIBS E
GIBS Ecotourism Resort GIBS Ecotourism Resort
Stationary Lot 36837, Jalan Sungai Tua, Lot 36837, Jalan Sungai T
68100 Batu Caves, Selangor 68100 Batu Caves, Selang
Business Card [email protected] gibsecotourismresort@gib
Size: 90 x 50 mm
Color: front (white color) & back (yale blue) Hidayat Fitri Hidayat Fitri
Material: art card
Co-founder & COO Co-founder & COO
+6 (03) 55455044 (GIBS ECO HQ) +6 (03) 55455044 (GIBS E
GIBS Ecotourism Resort GIBS Ecotourism Resort
Lot 36837, Jalan Sungai Tua, Lot 36837, Jalan Sungai T
68100 Batu Caves, Selangor 68100 Batu Caves, Selang
[email protected] gibsecotourismresort@gib
Hidayat Fitri 50 mm
Co-founder & COO
+6 (03) 55455044 (GIBS ECO HQ)
GIBS Ecotourism Resort
Lot 36837, Jalan Sungai Tua,
68100 Batu Caves, Selangor
[email protected]
90 mm
GIBS Eco Resort Brand Guidelines
35 Brand Guidelines GIBS Eco Resort
Stationary I’mI’m 85 mm
ID Card & Lanyard HHididaayyaatt
Id card size: 54 x 85 mm
Color: front & back (yale blue) CrCeraetaivteive
Material: polyvinyl chloride (pvc) DeDseisgingenrer
Lanyard size: 900 x 20 mm
Color: front & back (yale blue) +6 +061306139569350938098
Material: nylon gibsgeibcsoetcooutroisumrirsemsorerst@[email protected]
GIBGSIBEScoEtcooutroisumrisRmesRoerst ort
LotL3o6t833678, 3J7a,laJnalSanunSguanigTauiaT,ua,
681608010B0atBuaCtuavCeasv,eSse,laSneglaonrg. or.
54 mm
20 mm
I’m 900 mm
GIBS Eco Resort Brand Guidelines
37 Brand Guidelines GIBS Eco Resort
Attire HIDAYAT 10 mm50.03 mm
50 mmBack View
Corporate Uniform
Logo: embroidery finishing (50 x 50.03 mm)
Name: embroidery finishing
Color: yale blue & lime green
Shirt material: premium grade fabric
Front View
GIBS Eco Resort Brand Guidelines 38
Attire 50 mm
Polo Shirt 50.03 mm
Logo: embroidery finishing (50 x 50.03 mm)
Name: embroidery finishing
Color: yale blue & lime green
Shirt material: 100% cotton
Front View Back View
39 Brand Guidelines GIBS Eco Resort
Attire 50 mm
Staff T-shirt 50.03 mm
Logo: heat press finishing (50 x 50.03 mm)
Color: yale blue
Shirt material: 100% cotton
Front View Back View
GIBS Eco Resort Brand Guidelines 40
Attire 50 mm
Staff T-shirt 50.03 mm
Logo: heat press finishing (50 x 50.03 mm)
Color: lime green
Shirt material: 100% cotton
Front View Back View
41 Brand Guidelines GIBS Eco Resort
Tyvek Wristband
Size: 250 x 25 mm
Color: forest green, yale blue, tangerine
Material: tyvek paper
25 mm
250 mm
GIBS Eco Resort Brand Guidelines
43 Brand Guidelines GIBS Eco Resort
Merchandise 01 120 mm 0260 mm
120.03 mm 60.03 mm
Merchandise 210 mm 60 mm
03 04
1) T-shirt (120 x 120.03 mm) 210.03 mm
2) Tote bag (60 x 60.03 mm) 60.03 mm
3) Cap (210 x 210.03 mm) 05 06
4) Towel (60 x 60.03 mm)
5) Pin (50 x 50.03 mm) 35.03 mm
6) Button badge (35 x 35.03 mm)
50 mm 35 mm
50.03 mm
GIBS Eco Resort Brand Guidelines
06 Advertising