Cover Letter
u I am seeking a position in Nursing Professional Development at Chester County Hospital. I have been a Penn Medicine Employee since 2011 and obtained my MSN in Nursing Education using the employee tuition benefit. During my practicum, I had the opportunity to shadow many of Penn Medicine’s professional development programs, and discovered I have a passion for new employee orientation and nurse residency programs. I am comfortable with public speaking and enjoy education as a profession. I have recently relocated to Newtown Square, PA, and am excited to be involved in an institution close to home!
u Malia Baber graduated from Drexel BSN Co-op program in 2008. She spent 3 years as a staff nurse at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital. She obtained her Advanced Care Life Support and Progressive Care Certified Nurse certification. She worked on a telemetry unit and as part of the code team for 3 buildings in the hospital system.
u In 2011 she moved to the Emergency Department at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania as a Clinical Nurse II. She trained in triage and trauma. She took the Trauma Nurse Course and Pediatric Advanced Life Support. She is trained in the Emergency Severity Index for triage. She advanced to Clinical Nurse III in January, 2015.
Biography, page 2
u In 2015 she moved to the Emergency Department Observation Unit. She is a regular charge nurse and preceptor. By 2017 she became a Clinical Nurse IV. She is the Unit Council Chairperson and has been a regular participant of the Diabetes Evidence Based Practice Team, a group of staff nurses that meet monthly to discuss issues throughout the hospital, devise solutions, and bring new training to the individual units. She recently finished both of these positions in December, 2018 in order to join the Professional Development Core Council, a hospital wide shared governance group that meets to support education and competency needs within the institution.
Biography, page 3
u In March, 2018 Malia began teaching clinical for Villanova University. She has taught advanced medical-surgical clinical and fieldwork in leadership. She coordinated very diverse learning opportunities throughout the hospital including student shadows in the Neuro ICU, Emergency Department, and Cardiac Intermediate Care. She focused post conference on patient safety, clinical skills, and preparation for the NCLEX-RN.
u She graduated in June, 2018 with an MSN in Nursing Education Faculty Role from Drexel University with honors from Sigma Theta Tau. She was asked to be the informal educator in the ED Observation Unit at HUP. Some of her projects include designing the curriculum and teaching a two hour mandatory skills day and producing the orientation handbook. She is excited to pursue a career in professional development, especially new hire orientation.
Teaching Philosophy
u Conceptoflearning:Ibelievethatnursingisaconstantmixofteachingand learning. I teach people every day: nursing students, new nurses, patients and their family members. I believe nursing students have successfully learned when they can teach others. I most closely relate to the constructivism theory of learning. Students learn by building on previous ideas, solving problems, and participating in hands on learning.
u Conceptofteaching:Nursing,regardlessofwhereyouare,alwaysfallsback on basic nursing skills, critical thinking, and communication. My role as a nursing instructor is to reinforce basic nursing skills, encourage critical thinking, and teach nursing students how to interact with the team. I am a facilitator of learning experiences, because I believe that experiential learning will have a greater impact than a traditional lecture. I am responsible for giving feedback in a positive way. My enthusiasm, positive attitude, and communication skills will help to create a learning environment where the student feels safe and free to explore.
Teaching Philosophy
u Goals for students: Students will feel safe and comfortable with me. They are encouraged to ask questions and relay fears and anxieties. I will use active learning strategies, like case studies, interactive lecturing, and story-telling. Group work and assignments encourage the student to think critically about the material. All students have the right to an enthusiastic teacher that tries their best to get the student to succeed. If they are having trouble, they will have a learning plan clearly defined with the steps they need for success.
u Professional growth: I will continue to work as a staff nurse because I have infinite more to learn. I will continue to attend nursing education conferences and read periodicals to improve my teaching technique.
Work Experience
Teaching Experience
Teaching Experience
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u Here is a link to my capstone project for my MSN: Palliative Care in the Emergency Department
u Approximately 45 minutes long u Demonstrates:
u -Teaching style
u -Comfort with technology
u -Presentation preparation skills
Quiz for students (from Palliative Care in the Emergency Department)
Quiz for students (from Palliative Care in the Emergency Department)
Council Voting Member
Licenses & Certifications
u PA State Nursing License #596878, 7/30/2008 – current
u Basic Life Support: Expires November 2020
u Advanced Care Life Support: Expires August 2019
u Progressive Care Certified Nurse: Certified November 1 2010 Expires: October 31, 2019
u Professional Organization: American Association of Critical Care Nurses Member #: 1026012 Expires: February 28, 2022
Licenses & Certifications
Education Projects/ Games
Here is a link to the Jeopardy style game I developed: https://www.wisc- -class-review
Jeopardy game, part 2: https://www.wisc- -class-review
Presentation and Kahoot! Game for Skills Day, 2018 Skills Day Diabetes Presentation
Community Service
u HUP Community Outreach: For the past two years, I have organized a group donation to the Penn Medicine Holly Days Program for seniors in a nursing home that do not have visitors. Here are pictures of the gifts we donated to the program.
u Flu Shot Clinic Villanova University - November, 2018 Volunteer RN to supervise nursing students giving flu shots in the community on behalf of Villanova Nursing Without Borders club.
The End