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4 Editorial NuFFooDS Spectrum | July 2022 |
Ironing out niggles
Dr Milind Kokje facing several problems, with some parks unable to
meet the set goals.
Chief Editor
For instance, each park was expected to generate
The Jharkhand Mega Food Park may become 5,000 jobs. But, of the 19 food parks only four could
operational again as a Singapore based meet the target as per the information available till a
company Indian Ocean Group PTE Ltd. has year back. Some more may have been added in a year.
shown interest in running it. The food park was set Generating fewer employment opportunities is also
up at Riyada near Getalsud dam in Jharkhand state an indicator of a lesser number of units functioning at
to generate 6,000 direct and indirect employment the parks.
and benefit 25,000 to 30,000 farmers. But, ever
since it was inaugurated in 2016, not a single unit Experts feel that one common set of rules for
was sold and remained non-operational. setting up parks anywhere in the country is one of
the major hindrances. This has kept major companies
Its management was affected after the demise of away from investing in food parks, as in their opinion,
its Mumbai-based director in Dubai. In the absence different models should be allowed to be developed
of any business unit starting there, it became a as per the local requirements. The government had
non-performing asset and went into liquidation. The initiated some steps to make amendments in some of
National Company Law Tribunal (NCELT), some time the rules in response to the industry’s concerns. For
back, accepted the offer of the Indian Ocean Group instance, the initial rule necessitated having partners,
and the further process of handing over the food park but now a single investor is allowed to set up the
to the new company will begin now. park. Another change in the policy was to allow the
investors to sell the units rather than to give them on
Helping to establish mega food parks is one of the lease. Probably in response to the issues raised by the
major schemes of the central government. Though industry, the government did a third party evaluation
the scheme was launched in 2008, when the Bharatiya of the functioning of the Mega Food Parks in 2021. It
Janata Party (BJP) came to power at the centre it gave was an important step from the government’s side to
more thrust to the scheme. It was launched to give understand the issues. This evaluation could be an eye
impetus to the food processing sector in the country, opener for the policy makers as well as the industry
thereby reducing the food losses caused by time and investors. Some of the rules that were obstructing
consuming transportation and inadequate storing the progress of the food parks could have been
facilities. Despite being a leader in food production, amended following the evaluation.
India’s performance in processing the products is
very low. Hardly 10 per cent of its food production As a Singapore-based company is now helming
is processed. Hence, the scheme had set a goal of the food park in Jharkhand, operational roadblocks
expanding processing of perishable agri-products can be identified and tackled. That may also help
from 6 to 20 per cent. the government to make more amendments in the
rules to boost their progress. Success of food parks is
Another important goal of the project was to important not only from the perspective of growth of
increase India’s share in the global food trade by at an industry sector, but it is more important from the
least 3 per cent by 2015. Employment generation perspective of reducing food wastage.
and benefitting the farmers was the third important
goal. Till about nine months back all 41 mega food
parks were approved by the government. However,
of them, only 22 are operational and 17 are in various
stages of implementation. The functional parks have
generated an estimated 6 lakh jobs, as claimed by the
government. However, it is not smooth sailing for all
the operational food parks. There are reports of units
Volume 9 | Issue 11 | July 2022
Publisher & Managing Editor Production & Design TOP STORIES
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'nuFFooDS Spectrum' monthly publication is owned by MM Activ Sci-Tech Communications Pvt. Ltd., Published and Printed
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Published at 'Ashirwad', 36/A/s, S. No. 270, Pallod Farms, Baner Road, Near Bank of Baroda, Pune - 411 045. Editor: Narayan Kulkarni
6 Inside Inside NuNFFuoFoFoDoSSDpSeScptercutmrum| |MaJrcuhly22002202 |
19cover story
Return of
'TV Dinner' Era?
It is increasingly becoming difficult for folks to find enough time to cook a meal at home. Hectic work
days and even more busy weekends makes for a perfect recipe to order in or opt for the next best
thing - Ready to Cook Fare. This trend is similar to a sudden surge of the concept of 'TV Dinners' (mostly
ready to cook frozen peas and meats) in the United States in the 1950s and 1960s. With manufacturers
striving their best to dole out nutritious and easy to prepare foods, the market has witnessed a steep
growth curve. The ready-to-eat (RTE) food market in India is projected to grow by $751.43 million
during 2022-2026, progressing at a CAGR of 18.63 per cent. Additionally, India’s export of Ready to
Eat (RTE), Ready to Cook (RTC) and Ready to Serve (RTS) food products under the Agricultural and
Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) basket has registered a significant
growth in the last one decade. As a result, both public and private sectors are increasingly diversifying
their product portfolio to cater to the growing demand in this category.
22 23
Exploring Image Enhancing stability in meat
Processing Module emulsions
Sahil Kalra, Assistant Professor, Department Rehana Akhter, Research Scholar, Department of
Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Food Science & Technology, University of Kashmir
Technology (IIT) Jammu
NuFFooDS Spectrum | July 2022 | Inside 7
Speaking With odop
25 34
“Indian customers were never so ODOP Needs
akin to the concept of RTC/RTE” Streamlining for Success
Mohit Marwaha, Biosensor
Assistant Vice President – 37
Yummiez, Godrej Tyson Foods
Can Lectins unleash Rapid
Packaging Pathogen Detection Systems
in disease diagnostics and
26 food safety?
How Packaging Innovations Dr Anil Kumar Puniya, Principal
Turn Recipe for Success
Scientist, Dairy Microbiology Division, ICAR-
Ashwinikumar Singh, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal,
Head of Innovation & Product Development,
Flexible Packaging, Huhtamaki India Fortification
Plant-based Food 39
27 Can Large Scale Food
Fortification Plug Nutrition
Why Is Plant-based Food Deficiency?
Industry Snail-paced?
Dr Manjula D Ghoora, Consultant,
Food Processing & Retail Practice, Sathguru
Is India Plant-based Meat Ready? Management Consultants
Speaking With Regulars
32 Editorial 04
“Plant-based food manufacturers Video Snippets 08
need more sustainable and cost-
efficient production processes” Regulatory News 09
Christian Philippsen, Finance News 11
Managing Director, BENEO Start-Up News 13
Company News 15
World News 17
People News 42
academics news 44
Ingredients News 45
R&D News 46
Supplier News 48
Let’s Talk Food 50
8 Video Snippets NuFFooDS Spectrum | July 2022 |
Nikhil Mehra, Acknowledgements
Founder, Wellcurve
shares insights Thank you for sharing this exceptional article on
on how the food ‘What’s Stirring-up Dairy sector’ and featuring alt
industry is disrupting foods in it. This is a spectacular report providing many
the e-commerce useful insights into the sector. We will share this in our
platform lately community!
Scan the QR Code » - Sweta Khandelwal, New Delhi
Ramalatha Thank you for featuring the write-up "Innovative
Marimuthu, Senior Doubletake of Seafood" under special theme
Member, Institute of "Alternative Seafood" in June 2022 Edition of
of Electrical NUFFOODS SPECTRUM India.
and Electronics
Engineers shares - Amod Ashok Salgaonkar, Thane
her thoughts on how
blockchain can help Thank you very much for the article- Putting Brakes on
strengthen the food GHG Emissions. Very interesting.
supply chain in India
- Dr Benjamin K Sovacool, UK
Scan the QR Code »
Thanks for reaching out to Good Food Institute.
Dr Sudhanshu, Appreciate your coverage of the issue and the
Secretary, Agriculture spotlight on plant-based dairy. Dairy is a major
and Processed economic engine for India, and the traditional dairy
Food Products industry with its deep supply chains and keen
Export Development understanding of the Indian consumer can view plant-
Authority (APEDA) based dairy as an opportunity for transformation, to
reflects upon India’s diversify its product offerings and enter a new market.
self-sufficiency in
food production and - Varun Deshpande, Mumbai
Thanks for your feedback. We have taken note of
Scan the QR Code » your suggestions and will surely try to incorporate
the content accordingly in coming issues. Please
keep sending us your feedback and updating us
on your views about the issue and keep giving
your opinions on the content.
– Editor
Please send your feedback to
[email protected]
NuFFooDS Spectrum | July 2022 | Regulatory News 9
APEDA boosts exports of India pushes
Apricots from Ladakh wine exports in
London Wine
Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Fair, 2022
Development Authority (APEDA) in collaboration with
Union Territory of Ladakh recently organised an In a bid to give a boost to the
International Buyer Seller Meet (IBSM) aimed export of Indian wine, the
at boosting exports of Apricots and other agri Agricultural and Processed Food
products from Ladakh. Eighteen entrepreneurs Products Export Development
from UTs of Ladakh and Jammu and Kashmir Authority (APEDA), which works
under the aegis of the Ministry
displayed a range of Apricots and other agri products. of Commerce and Industry,
Twenty buyers from India, USA, Bangladesh, Oman, Dubai participated recently facilitated participation
in this event. More than 30 producers of Ladakh Apricots and other agro of ten exporters in London
products and stakeholders from UTs of Ladakh and Jammu and Kashmir Wine Fair, 2022. The London
participated to interact with the importers and exporters providing a Wine Fair organised during June
platform to growers, entrepreneurs from UTs of Ladakh and Jammu 7-9 is regarded as one of the
and Kashmir to display their products and facilitate B2B interactions. world’s most important wine
Shipment of Ladakh Apricots was carried out from Leh to Dubai for the trade events. Indian exporters
first time followed by commercial shipments of Ladakh Halman Apricot who participated in the London
creating an international market for Indian Apricots during the month Wine Fair are Resvera wines,
of August-September 2021. Taking into consideration, the taste, texture Sula vineyards, Good drop wine
and soothing aroma of Ladakh Apricots repeat orders were received from cellars, Hill Zill wines, KLC wines,
overseas market for the produce on a regular basis. The shipment was Soma vine village, Grover Zampa
handled by local entrepreneurs from Kargil with the established exporter vineyard, Plateaux Vintners,
from Mumbai to their counterpart in Dubai. ASAV vineyards and Fratelli
vineyards. Given that India is the
Health Ministry emphasises third-largest market for alcoholic
on diet & nutrition to fight beverages in the world, there
childhood diarrhoea are 12 joint venture companies
having a licensed capacity of
Union Minister of State for Health infection. According to the latest 33,919 kilo-litres per annum for
and Family Welfare, Dr Bharati survey (NFHS-5) conducted by the production of grain-based
Pravin Pawar recently launched the Ministry, only 60.6 per cent alcoholic beverages. Around
the Intensified Diarrhoea Control children under the age of five 56 units are manufacturing
Fortnight (IDCF)-2022 in New with diarrhoea were given ORS beer under licence from the
Delhi. IDCF programme was and only 30.5 per cent were given government of India. India has
implemented during June 13-27, zinc. This means that there is a lack exported 2.47 lakh metric tonnes
2022 in the states/UTs. The goal of of awareness among mothers. of alcoholic products to the world
IDCF is to attain zero child deaths More awareness campaigns are for the worth of $322.12 million
due to childhood diarrhoea. required so that the rate of child during 2020-21. The major export
Dehydration is the biggest cause mortality due to diarrhoea can be destinations of Indian alcoholic
of diarrhoea in children and brought down to the minimum products in 2020-21 were United
other reasons include a change level. Arab Emirates, Ghana, Singapore,
in the baby’s diet to make up for a Congo, and Cameroon, etc.
change in the mother’s diet when
breastfeeding; use of antibiotics
by the baby, or use by the
mother while breastfeeding, or
any type of bacterial or parasitic
10 RegCuolmaptaonry News NNuuFFFFooooDDSSSSppeeccttrruumm || AJpurlyil 20212 |
FSSAI announces Centre unveils new
winners of Eat initiatives for food safety
Right Research
Awards On the occasion of World Food Safety Day on June 7, Union Minister for
Health and Family Welfare Dr Mansukh Mandaviya released Food Safety and
Food Safety and Standards Standards Authority of India (FSSAI)’s 4th State Food Safety Index (SFSI) to
Authority of India (FSSAI) has measure the performance of States across five parameters of food safety.
announced the winners of the SFSI was started from 2018-19 with the aim of creating a competitive and
Eat Right Research Awards. The positive change in the food
overall objective of Eat Right safety ecosystem in the country.
Research Awards is to encourage The Union Health Minister
and recognise high-quality felicitated the winning State/
research in the area of food safety UTs based on the ranking
and nutrition in India which can for the year 2021-22 for their
be adopted by FSSAI to further impressive performance across
strengthen its role in the country. parameters. This year, among
Some of the key objectives are the larger states, Tamil Nadu
to promote/encourage research was the top ranking state,
and innovation in the healthy followed by Gujarat and Maharashtra. Among the smaller states, Goa stood
and safe food domain with first followed by Manipur and Sikkim. Among UTs, Jammu & Kashmir, Delhi
a view to update or upgrade and Chandigarh secured first, second and third ranks. Dr Mandaviya also
food formulations and/or felicitated states which showed significant improvement in the State Food
technologies; awareness and Safety Index. To motivate Smart Cities to develop and execute a plan that
availability of more variants supports a healthy, safe and sustainable food environment through adoption
of safe and healthy food; and of various Eat Right India initiatives, the Health Minister also felicitated 11
to foster a culture of scientific winning smart cities of the EatSmart Cities Challenge, launched by FSSAI last
thinking among students and year in association with the Smart Cities Mission under the aegis of Ministry
research community. The entries of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA).
for the research awards were
divided into three categories- Nepal delegation visits India to
Eat Safe, Eat Healthy and Eat study food security programmes
Sustainable. The award winning
works of the researchers are Inspired by the implementation of India’s Food Security Act (FSA) 2013
focused on screening of cereal through its public distribution system, school meals, and nutritional support
based foods for pesticide residues for mothers and children providing food security to millions, a delegation
using paper strip based sensor; from Nepal was in India to study the world’s largest food safety net.
development of functional Mahendra Ray Yadav, Minister of Agriculture and Livestock Development,
food products from mycelium
of medicinal mushrooms; and Government of Nepal, was
biopolymer based cling wraps leading the delegation.
as an alternative to single use India is a pioneer in
plastics. institutionalising the
right-to-food through its
Food Security Act. With
extensive experience
in the implementation of the Act through diverse policies, India makes
the most suitable destination for the Government of Nepal to study and
learn various aspects of food safety nets,” said The delegation facilitated
by the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) in Nepal and India in
collaboration with the Embassy of Nepal constituted members of Nepal’s
Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development, National Planning
Commission, and WFP officials.
NuFFooDS Spectrum | July 2022 | Finance News 11
Redbasil raises $330k in PepsiCo
seed round
further invests
Gurugram-based startup Redbasil, a tech-driven, zero-inventory
marketplace for wholesale food supply for restaurants and cloud Rs 186 Cr to
kitchens, has raised $330k as part of their seed round led by Mumbai
Angels. The round also saw the participation of SAT Industries, Planb expand foods
Capital and other investors. Redbasil will primarily use the capital
to expand its ground operations and sales team in the Delhi NCR manufacturing
region and invest in engineering resources and tech infrastructure.
The platform also aims to onboard 500+ outlets and clock a monthly plant in UP
gross merchandise value (GMV) of over Rs 1.5 crore+ with the funding.
The company plans to expand further in the core categories of fresh PepsiCo India has announced
produce, fresh meats, seafood, and dairy products while also starting expansion plans for its largest
operations in new categories, such as imported groceries and frozen greenfield foods manufacturing
products. Redbasil’s digital marketplace model enables restaurants and plant that produces the immensely
cloud kitchens to source high-quality food supplies seamlessly through popular LAY’S potato chips in
its mobile app. Kosi Kalan, Mathura in Uttar
Pradesh (UP). The company is all
Bengaluru-based Alt Co. set to further invest Rs 186 crore
receives $1M funding for the expansion of its foods
manufacturing facility in Mathura,
Green food major Alt Co., has expanded its presence into new taking the overall investment to
raised $1 million in funding in states, increased the number of Rs 1022 crore in UP. As part of its
a round led by major investors retail touchpoints, and seen a rise expansion plan, PepsiCo India will
from Singapore, the Middle East, in online sales. Now, alongside increase the capacity of the state-
and India. With this injection tying up with companies in the of-the-art foods plant, by setting-up
of funds, the Bengaluru- F&B space, the brand is working a new manufacturing line which
headquartered sustainable plant- with the leading R&D minds will produce one of the world's
based alternative brand will be in an attempt to become the leading nacho chip brands, Doritos.
seeking to expand and grow foremost plant-based concern in Commissioned in September 2021,
its sales and product basket. the Asia Pacific/Middle East/Africa PepsiCo India’s foods manufacturing
Included in Alt Co.’s expansion (APMEA) region. plant in Kosi Kalan, Mathura
plans is the launch of categories intends to annually source around
of proprietary plant-based dairy 1,50,000 tonnes of potatoes for its
alternatives – among them plant- iconic potato chips brand, LAY’S.
based ice creams, yoghourts, hot Additionally, a strong backward
chocolate and chocolate bars, and integration programme involving
also plant-based eggs and plant- over 5,000 local potato farmers is
based nutrition. In the lead-up also being developed. The plant
to the funding round, Alt Co. had envisions to create over 1,500 direct
and indirect job opportunities and
is championing diversity with a
target of at least 30 per cent women
12 Finance News NuFFooDS Spectrum | July 2022 |
Symega plans United Spirits sells select brands
to inject to Inbrew for Rs 820 Cr
Rs 100 Cr in R&D,
manufacturing Following the strategic review of selected popular brands of United Spirits
Limited (USL), announced on February 23, 2021, the Board of Directors of USL
Symega Food Ingredients, has has approved the sale and franchising of selected brands to New Delhi-based
announced its foray into the Inbrew Beverages. The transaction
plant-based protein space, does not include the McDowell’s
and the launch of a purpose- or Director’s Special brands, which
built manufacturing unit in will be retained by USL. USL and
Kochi. With a state-of-the-art Inbrew have executed definitive
R&D laboratory and a 150 MT agreements for the sale of the entire
per month capacity line, fitted business undertaking associated
with the latest machinery with 32 brands, including iconic
specifically for plant-based brands Haywards, Old Tavern, White-
food manufacturing, Mischief, Honey Bee, Green Label and Romanov, for a total cash consideration
Symega is poised to cater of approximately Rs 820 crore, subject to customary adjustments The sale
to the growing demands of portfolio covers the entire business undertaking associated with the 32
plant-based foods in India brands, including the related contracts, permits, intellectual property rights,
and abroad. Plant-based associated employees, and a manufacturing facility. In addition, USL and
proteins are not limited to Inbrew have entered into a 5-year franchise arrangement for 11 other brands,
only vegan food items, but including Bagpiper. USL has also granted Inbrew a right, subject to certain
are fast growing as a logical conditions, to convert the fixed term franchise arrangement into one with
alternative for healthy food perpetual rights to use and/or a call option to acquire the brands at a pre-
habits and a sustainable agreed consideration.
lifestyle. Symega is committed
to become the platform Marico picks stake in D2C
for this change and make breakfast & snacks brand,
India the hub of plant-based True Elements
protein revolution in Asia. To
that extent, the company is Mumbai-based Marico, the maker of brands like Saffola and Parachute, has
committing Rs 100 crore over acquired a 54 per cent stake in breakfast and snacks brand, True Elements
the next five years to ramp through primary infusion and secondary buy-outs. True Elements offers over
up R&D and manufacturing 70 products across categories of Western breakfast (oats, muesli, granola,
capabilities. Symega also
announced its plan to invest flakes), Indian breakfast (poha,
in a greenfield facility to upma, dosa), snacks (roasted
manufacture extruded seeds, seed mixes, raw seeds)
proteins and double existing amongst others. Currently,
capacity by the end of this available on over 90 online
year. By 2030, Symega aims to platforms and over 12,000 retail
make India the manufacturing outlets, True Elements plans to
hub of plant-based proteins significantly ramp up its offline
for Europe & Asia. presence over the next few
years. True Elements is another
step towards expanding Marico’s total addressable market in the healthy foods
segment. The ethos of the brand complements the purpose that drives Marico.
The range of products brings to life the rare and virtuous blend of quality, taste,
and health at the right price. This adds another digital-first brand in Marico’s
portfolio, which not only has a distinct proposition but also exhibits strong
fundamentals along with a growing digital and offline presence.
NuFFooDS Spectrum | July 2022 | Startups News 13
Daily Need Exim Katharos strengthens
plant-based cheese
opens online shop portfolio
for Japan’s Sushi- Bringing a new range of vegan cheese for cheese lovers,
Mumbai-based startup Katharos has introduced the
grade fishes world’s first watermelon seed-based cheddar & mozzarella
that grates and melts beautifully. Made with ingenious
New Delhi-based startup Daily Need Exim has ingredients, the newly launched range of cheese is rich
started an online shop ‘MAIN’ that is in texture and taste. It is not only free of trans-fat and
specialising in Japanese ingredients such as cholesterol but also nut & soya free, making them more
sushi-grade fishes ‘Bluefin Tuna’, ‘Yellowtail’ etc. sustainable for the environment and pocket friendly. The
which are imported from Japan every month 200 gm pack of cheddar and mozzarella is priced at Rs
and the essential seasonings for Japanese 250. Katharos foods aim to revolutionise the plant-based,
cuisine. It is the first online shop which sells sustainable food industry in India. Founded in 2019, the
Japan’s sushi-grade fishes to individuals in India. startup has deployed modern plant biochemistry and
The sushi-grade fishes selling at MAIN deep food science to create a brand of clean plant-based
are imported from Japan after quick freezing in alternatives to dairy products. Katharos has also been
order to maintain the quality. And they will be awarded the ‘Best Vegan Cheese in India’ for 2021 by the
delivered to customers’ homes in fence condition People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), the
that can be eaten simply just by thawing and brand currently operates on a bootstrapped model and is
slicing. In addition to the fish, MAIN sells powered by an all-woman team.
Miso, Tofu, Natto and more Japanese soybean
products and Edamame, which are very popular
among health conscious people and vegetarians.
At present, MAIN has 4 branches in
India i.e Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore and Chennai,
also, from these places delivery can be done to
the areas nearby (Pune, Ahmedabad, Mysore,
Hyderabad). It is planning to launch a Kolkata
branch within this year.
AAK inks MoU with BVeg Foods to propel
plant-based meat ecosystem
AAK, India’s leading manufacturer taste and texture needs of Indian Both companies will also support
of specialty oils and fats, has signed and international markets. BVeg each other in building a strong
a Memorandum of Understanding and AAK will work together to communication network to increase
(MoU) to extend strategic innovate and develop plant-based the outreach of the plant based meat
collaboration with New Delhi-based meats and share scientific research sector and identify suitable business
startup BVeg Foods. The objective is available within the companies. opportunities.The joint engagement
to join hands and co-develop plant- and knowledge sharing will allow
based meat solutions in order to for better understanding of market
meet the country’s growing demand trends and updates, which will in
for sustainable and delicious turn support development of the
meat alternatives. As part of their plant-based food segment in the
commitment towards future food country. The two companies will also
innovation, both companies have continue to engage with scientists,
decided to collaborate and create policymakers, entrepreneurs &
products from a variety of different investors to accelerate business of
plant-based options that meet the plant-based meats in India.
14 Startups News NuFFooDS Spectrum | July 2022 |
Fitday taps BOHECO collaborates with
into artificial India’s first hemp-based
meat market cloud kitchen, a nutraceutical Bombay Hemp Company (BOHECO), sourced from Uttarakhand, into
startup based in Hyderabad, is India’s foremost industrial hemp globally renowned comfort foods
launching a series of products and medical cannabis company, has for a guilt-free gourmet experience.
in the plant-based meat announced a collaboration with The The Hemp Factory aims to expand
segment. The market is likely Hemp Factory, India’s first hemp- from their current kitchen in Mumbai
driven by increasing consumer based cloud kitchen in Mumbai. The across metros through company-
interest in plant-based diets hemp seed is known world over as a owned and franchise outlets,
and heightened awareness of super food and finds itself a crucial eventually setting up kitchens across
animal rights through various part of local Indian cuisine as well. India.
animal welfare organisations. Taking cognizance of its benefits,
What is unique about Fitday the FSSAI in November 2021 notified
VeganMeat is that it is curated that the seed and its derivatives oil
with the Indian palate & cuisine and flour can be sold or used as an
in mind. This imitation meat ingredient in food. This has enabled
is made from soy and natural the heightened inclusion of hemp
ingredients and may be used in every-day diet. With the vision
in various recipes. Also, unlike to transform popular dishes into
other similar offerings in the healthier, nutritious meals, tailored to
market, Fitday VeganMeat anyone’s diet, Mumbai-based startup
is not a frozen product. Its The Hemp Factory is incorporating
parent company Genomelabs the power of Himalayan Hemp,
has spent several years
researching these products Provilac introduces lactose-free
to offer better quality options cow milk in India
for the Indian population, like
sports nutrition, kids’ nutrition, Pune-based Provilac Dairy Farms has announced the launch of lactose-free cow
nutricosmetics, and geriatric milk. Currently, standing at an annual turnover of Rs 50 crore, the angel-funded
nutrition products. Currently, startup is planning to massively expand its milk offering. With this launch,
the startup has about 5000 Provilac is looking to capture a 10-20 per cent market share of the lactose-free
stock keeping units (SKUs), milk industry, estimated to be around Rs 350-400 crore, in the next 2-3 years.
and its flagship products are
in plant protein, plant-based Lactose-free milk is a huge addition to the company’s
meat, and gummies range. already existing portfolio of milk and its byproducts.
By the end of this year, the Provilac is already serving 20,000 households in Pune,
company will have about 50 Mumbai, and Hyderabad. The company, being a
more white-labelled SKUs. completely tech-enabled startup, is revolutionising the
dairy industry with its state of the art tech platform,
it's cold supply chain that helps manage the integrity
of milk, and the state-of-the-art farms. In recent years,
lactose, a form of sugar excessively found in cow milk,
intolerance and its implications for the human body
have emerged as a noticeable area of concern. To promote nutrition and
sustenance, Provilac has created a lactose-free variant of cow milk that can be
enjoyed by all, especially those with a sensitive digestive system. By adding a
catalytic enzyme named ‘lactase’, which breaks down lactose into glucose, the
team of experts at Provilac was able to make the cow milk lactose free without
jeopardising the integrity of the product.
NuFFooDS Spectrum | July 2022 | Company News 15
Cremica Food Industries Namdhari’s
launches new variety of sauces Group steps into
Cremica Food Industries has launched a new variety of sauces- Chipotle segment
Sauce, Sriracha Sauce, Piri piri sauce, Tomato Ketchup, Honey Mustard,
Sweet Onion Sauce, Thai Sweet Chili Sauce, Barbeque Sauce. Cremica is The Namdhari’s Group has
debuting its range of seven sauces and tomato ketchup to cater to the recently added new product
ever-changing palate of millennial consumers. Cremica pioneered the offerings to its portfolio with
vegetarian mayonnaise from 1996 posted a turnover of Rs 300 crore last the launch of two new varieties
fiscal, with average annual growth of 20 per cent and is keen to capture this of ready-to-make batters and
new disruption in the market, in a similar fashion. This range of sauces chutney powders. The Group has
from Cremica improves the overall flavour and consistency of the dish and is launched two batter variants –
also a rich source of essential antioxidants, vitamins and lycopene that have Thoughtful Idly Dosa Batter and
various health benefits. Across the globe, the market for tomato ketchup Thoughtful Millet Dosa Batter.
is expected to increase by $4 billion in the next 5 years due to significant These batters are prepared
growth in the food and beverage industry across the globe. traditionally but using RO
water and low sodium salt. The
Japan’s ISE Foods announces high- ingredients are stone ground,
quality egg production in India preserving the vital nutrient
quality of the grains and giving
Japan’s largest and world’s 5th largest egg producer, ISE Foods Inc., (Ise Egg) it the rich characteristic taste. To
has launched the production and sales of its quality eggs, ISE Egg Premium, give a complete authentic dosa
in India through ISE-Suzuki Egg India, its Indian subsidiary. ISE Foods, Inc. is and idly eating experience, the
bringing the ISE Integration System to produce Japanese standard hygienic company has also announced
and nutritious eggs indigenously in Punjab for Indian people. ISE Egg the introduction of two classic
Premium is a protein and Vitamin E-enhanced nutritious white egg priced chutney powders – Thoughtful
at Rs 110 for 6 eggs in a package. The product will be sold at traditional Coconut Chutney Powder and
and prime modern supermarkets, trade centres, and via E-commerce. To Thoughtful Red Chilli Chutney
start with, ISE Egg Premium will be available at Modern Bazar, Yamato-YA, Powder. Currently, the company
Spencer, Le-Marche Retails, and The New Shop in Delhi NCR and Chandigarh is focusing on Bengaluru, as
Tricity region. ISE Foods Inc. has formed a joint venture with Suzuki Motor there is a huge market for wet
Corporation, a parent company of Maruti Suzuki India, since 2019. DENSO batter here. There are further
International India, Japan’s leading mobility supplier, is supporting ISE- plans to scale operations and
Suzuki Egg India for its cold chain transportation. make these products available
across Hyderabad and Mumbai
16 Company News NuFFooDS Spectrum | July 2022 |
Pescafresh PepsiCo India expands portfolio
develops ‘real with new Kurkure flavour
time’ model
for seafood, Strengthening its distinct position in the market, PepsiCo’s Kurkure has
meats expanded its portfolio with its latest flavour innovation Kurkure Chatpata
category Cheese. The new flavour is a permanent addition to the Kurkure family and
brings a combination of Kurkure’s classic ‘chatpata masala’ with cheddar
D2C seafood and meat brand cheese, inspired by the globally successful Cheddar Jalapeño flavour. Kurkure’s
Pescafresh is launching the latest flavour innovation is a response to the increasing consumer demand of
world’s first live commerce dairy flavours in the Indian salty snacks category. Kurkure Chatpata Cheese
tech property Pescalive in is available at Rs 5, Rs 10, and Rs 20 across all leading retail and e-commerce
the seafood and meats space. platforms in India.
Many customers believe that
finding fresh, high-quality Mother Dairy to turn Plastic
seafood online is full of Waste Neutral by FY23-24
obstacles, trepidation and
misrepresentation. Pescalive, On the occasion of World Environment Day 2022 on June 5, Mother Dairy
which has been developed Fruit & Vegetable reiterated its commitment towards a cleaner environment
by an in-house tech team, will by pledging to become ‘Plastic Waste Neutral Company’ by FY2023-24, which
showcase ‘fresh catch of the day’, means that the company will collect, recycle/co-process the same amount of
taking customers in real time to
the source. Pescalive promotes plastic waste which is used in its product
the ‘catch’ to ‘kitchen’ concept, packaging in a year. In its endeavour to
showcasing fresh stock from achieve this feat, the company has also
shore to door. Customers can set its sight to recycle/co-process more
buy seafood on a first come, first than 7,000 MT of post-consumer used
serve basis in real time. Recently, plastic waste by end of FY 2022-23.
Pescafresh raised funds, which Mother Dairy began its plastic waste
will be invested in geographical collection and recycling/co-processing
expansions and technological initiative in Maharashtra in FY2018-
intervention. Pescafresh, which 19 under the Extended Producer
is currently present in Mumbai, Responsibility (EPR) programme and
will soon launch its operations scaled up the initiative on a pan-India
in Pune, Delhi and Bengaluru. level for Multi-Layered Plastic Waste
The company aims to expand (MLP) in FY 2019-20, in line with the Plastic Waste Management (PWM) Rules
geographically across 10 cities in 2018 as amended. The company has been closely working with its suppliers
the country in 2022, also plans and leading Waste Management Agencies (WMA) for implementation of the
to introduce an additional 100 National EPR framework. The company is also working towards reducing the
products across the raw and consumption of plastic by way of offering alternatives to plastic straws used
ready-to-eat (RTE) – ready-to- for the consumption of dairy beverages and will soon be available with paper-
cook (RTC) product line. based straws across its markets of operations.
NuFFooDS Spectrum | July 2022 | World News 17
Herbalife inks partnership UK invests £1.6M into
with World Bank to tackle
malnutrition new food safety network
The Herbalife Nutrition Foundation (HNF), a global Food poisoning is a major health challenge that costs the
nonprofit organisation dedicated to improving the lives UK up to £9 billion each year. To help tackle the problem,
of children and families around the world, has announced the Food Standards Agency (FSA) and Biotechnology
a new two-year partnership with The Power of Nutrition and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) have
and the World Bank. The partnership will include a invested £1.6 million into a new Food Safety Network,
grant of $300,000 and will initially focus on the Stunting hosted by the Quadram Institute. The UK Food Safety
Network will connect the food industry, food and
Reduction Programme in Rwanda. health policymakers and academia to collaboratively
These efforts are in alignment with pursue shared research priorities that will protect the
the United Nations Sustainable UK from foodborne hazards. The Network will serve as
Development Goal 2 to achieve zero an innovation hub to coordinate and fund cross-sectoral
hunger globally. Stunting affects 149 research and training activities that address current
million children around the world and emerging challenges. The Network’s objectives are
and 33 per cent of children under the to assemble a community of UK food producers, food
age of five in Rwanda, limiting their policy makers and scientific researchers who collectively
physical and cognitive development. can take robust actions toward improving food safety;
This preventable and reversible form and identify areas of research need and opportunity that,
of malnutrition also impacts Rwanda’s in the view of food stakeholders and network members,
local economic growth, and the partnership will increase will have meaningful impacts on UK food safety.
awareness of, and access to, quality nutrition, positively
impacting more than one million women and children.
Funding for this programme will support the provision
of essential nutrition and health services to children and
mothers and support the delivery of nutrition conditional
cash transfers to enhance access to adequate and diverse
diets and health services.
FAO report shows pathways for
decarbonising agrifood systems
A new report from the European Bank and communicate on carbon
for Reconstruction and Development
(EBRD) and the Food and Agriculture neutrality. Governments can set the
Organization of the United Nations
(FAO), provides a comprehensive tone through policies, strategies
look at decarbonising agrifood
systems, which is necessary and and road maps including a strong
achievable. The report, Investing
in carbon neutrality: utopia or commitment in their Nationally
the new green wave? Challenges
and opportunities for agrifood Determined Contributions
systems, draws on insights from
a wide range of stakeholders (NDCs). They can regulate carbon
and sets out five areas for action
to move the decarbonisation emissions or provide incentives
agenda forward. The report
identifies five action areas that – policymakers, agribusinesses, for the adoption of low carbon
show what different stakeholders farmers, international organisations
– can do to accelerate the transition technologies, as well as support the
to greener agrifood systems: (i)
strategically target carbon neutrality, development of transparent and
(ii) improve and standardise tools
and methods, (iii) promote sound efficient carbon markets. Measuring
governance mechanisms, (iv) directly
support companies and farmers carbon neutrality can be a major
to decarbonise and (v) educate
challenge for private companies.
Governments can help by defining,
simplifying and harmonising
internationally recognized standards
for carbon accounting.
18 World News NuFFooDS Spectrum | July 2022 |
World Bank approves World Food Crisis Appeal
$2.3B programme to raise urgent funds
to address food
insecurity in Africa Millions of people are facing a food crisis that could be
worse than any we’ve lived through. All around the world
The World Bank Group has approved a $2.3 families are finding it harder than ever to put food on
billion programme to help countries in Eastern the table. In Kenya, Ethiopia and South Sudan, up to 20
and Southern Africa increase the resilience of the million people are fighting for their very survival. The
region’s food systems and ability to tackle growing Catholic aid agency, CAFOD, has responded by launching
food insecurity. Food system shocks brought on a World Food Crisis Appeal – which aims to raise urgent
by extreme weather, pest and disease outbreaks, funds to support those facing acute hunger, help people
political and market instability, and conflict are rebuild their lives, and encourage people to take action
becoming more frequent and severe, putting more that can help build a better, fairer food system that works
people at risk of food insecurity. The war in Ukraine for everyone. In East Africa, many of the people worst
is further exacerbating these effects by disrupting affected have been learning to cope with the impact of
the global food, fuel, and fertiliser markets. As climate change for years but collapsing supply chains,
a result, an estimated 66.4 million people in the on top of four consecutive years of unbearable drought,
region are projected to experience food stress have put everything they’ve worked for at risk. CAFOD is
or a food crisis, emergency, or famine by July responding to the World Food Crisis in countries across
2022. To address these risks, the Food Systems Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East.
Resilience Programme for Eastern and Southern
Africa (FSRP) will enhance inter-agency food crisis
response strategies including strengthening early
warning systems and rapid response planning,
emergency support to producers, emergency trade
measures, emergency food reserves and will include
a Contingent Emergency Response Component
(CERC) to provide agile, rapid funding.
DSM, World Food Programme partner to
improve nutrition
Royal DSM, a global purpose-led with nutritious products improved its financial assistance, to improve
science-based company, and the through the partnership. DSM offers the availability and affordability of
World Food Programme (WFP), the WFP its technical and scientific fortified, nutritious foods for people
the world’s largest humanitarian expertise in nutrition, quality in need. In Bangladesh, for example,
organisation, have agreed to extend assurance and marketing, as well as the partnership has supported
their partnership and scale up rice more than 70 SMEs in building
fortification worldwide for a further their capacity to produce fortified
three years. The partnership will rice which looks, cooks, and tastes
seek to improve the availability and just like ordinary rice but includes
accessibility of nutritious foods in essential vitamins and minerals that
order to reach vulnerable people help curb micronutrient deficiencies.
where key dietary decisions are This initiative has directly benefited
made. DSM and the WFP began local food producers and processors
working together in 2007 with the and resulted in more than 7 million
mission of ‘Improving nutrition, people in the country now having
Improving lives’ and currently access to fortified rice through social
reaches 35 million people annually safety nets.
NuFFooDS Spectrum | July 2022 | Cover 19
Return of
'TV Dinner' Era?
It is increasingly becoming difficult for folks to find enough time to cook a meal at home. Hectic work days
and even more busy weekends makes for a perfect recipe to order in or opt for the next best thing - Ready to
Cook Fare. This trend is similar to a sudden surge of the concept of 'TV Dinners' (mostly ready to cook frozen
peas and meats) in the United States in the 1950s and 1960s. With manufacturers striving their best to dole
out nutritious and easy to prepare foods, the market has witnessed a steep growth curve. The ready-to-eat
(RTE) food market in India is projected to grow by $751.43 million during 2022-2026, progressing at a CAGR
of 18.63 per cent. Additionally, India’s export of Ready to Eat (RTE), Ready to Cook (RTC) and Ready to Serve
(RTS) food products under the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority
(APEDA) basket has registered a significant growth in the last one decade. As a result, both public and private
sectors are increasingly diversifying their product portfolio to cater to the growing demand in this category.
20 Cover NuFFooDS Spectrum | July 2022 |
Demand for ready-to-eat (RTE), ready-to-cook Ensuring RTE/RTC food quality- New
(RTC), and read-to-serve (RTS) food is growing technologies in the offing
fastest in metros where a lot of working people
don't get enough time to cook elaborate meals. The Nutrient loss occurs during the processing of RTE/
main categories include canned/dried processed food, RTC processed food products. Also, the cross-
frozen processed food, meal replacement products and contamination of RTE foods with pathogenic
condiments. microorganisms could occur during the processing
which leads to remarkable changes in food quality.
This market is anticipated to grow on account of In addition, adulteration in the form of pesticides,
increasing working population, growing per capita heavy metals also exhibit an adverse effect on
disposable income, rising per capita expenditure human health. Thus, food quality assessment is one
on prepared food, increasing middle class and of the crucial steps to meet the consumers’ demand
affluent consumers, etc. With the rising employment for high-quality and safe RTE/ RTC food products.
opportunities and changing lifestyle of consumers, the At present, a few aspiring academic researchers
demand for RTE, RTC, RTS food products in the country is are making efforts to address such food safety and
projected to grow further in the coming years. stability issues in the RTE/RTC food industry in India.
Moreover, the government’s support in the form to the consumers throughout the day, particularly for
of the Production Linked Incentive Scheme for Food breakfast.
Processing Industry (PLISFPI), formulated by the
Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI) as part According to Rushikesh Aravkar, Food & Drink
of Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyaan for enhancing India's Analyst, Mintel, “With snack categories bolstering their
manufacturing capabilities and enhancing exports with better-for-you (BFY) proposition and also eyeing the
an outlay of Rs 10,900 crore is adding further fuel to the morning occasion, brands specialising in breakfast
growth of this segment. will have to compete across categories. This trend
also presents an opportunity for breakfast brands
At present, Bikanervala Foods, Darshan Foods, Gits to tap into the snacking occasion by innovating and
Food Products, Haldiram Foods International, Heritage offering convenient, portable and indulgent options.
Foods, ITC, McCain Foods, McCormick and Company Inc., This is opening up the breakfast occasion for adjacent
MTR Foods, Tyson Foods Inc. are some of the leading categories in ready-to-eat, portable formats such as
players in India busy exploring this space. breakfast biscuits, yoghurts and breakfast drinks.”
Industry banks on ‘snacking’ twist A seasoned player of the RTE segment, New Delhi-
Snacks have always been a significant part of modern based Bikanervala Foods (Bikano) has aggressively
expanded its business in this space in 2021 with the
life as they represent a distinct and constantly widening launch of multiple products such as masala-based
and changing group of food items. Consumer appeal snacks, maida-based snacks, wafers, chips, sweets etc. In
for RTE/RTC/RTS food products is widening with the fact, the company has recently expanded its presence in
introduction of convenient snacks with exciting sensory South India by opening a new plant in Hyderabad.
and textural properties in the market.
Manish Aggarwal, Director, Bikano, Bikanervala Foods
According to the latest global ‘State of the Snacking says, “The launch of new products provides a means to
Report’ released by Mondelez, nearly 81 per cent Indian target new markets, new customers, increase market
respondents stated that they now replace at least one share, sell more and eventually increase our revenue
meal each day with a snack, while 74 per cent of Indian streams. While our new range of salty snacks is expected
adult consumers preferred small meals throughout the to give us a sales surge of up to Rs 75 crore, we are
day, instead of large ones.
As a result, companies are adding new products in
their RTE/RTC/RTS portfolio in order to offer small meals
India’s exports of RTE, RTC & RTS ($ million)
2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 "2020-21 (April-October)" "2021-22 (April-October)
Ready to Eat (RTE) 766 825 1043 352 394
Ready to Cook (RTC) 473 368 560 206 282
Ready to Serve (RTS) 436 461 511 265 335
Source- Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics
NuFFooDS Spectrum | July 2022 | Cover 21
“APEDA has taken
several initiatives to
promote processed
food products in India
by organising virtual
Buyer-Seller Meets with the
major importing countries across
the world.”
Dr M Angamuthu,
Chairman, Agricultural and Processed Food
Products Export Development Authority
expecting to achieve Rs 1 crore sales per month from “Consumers should be
western snacks category. And after doing research & made aware of the
analysis of the Southern market, we have decided to step distinction between
in with the namkeen and sweets category.” RTC and RTE frozen
foods w.r.t. food
For the RTC segment, curries, veggies, and pasta are safety implications, the
some of the most popular options in the non-frozen importance of adherence to
category while fries, nuggets, meat based snacks are cooking instructions and what to do in case of
most in-demand in the frozen category. temperature abuse.”
Following the increase in demand for RTC frozen Dr KV Satyanarayana, Food Processing Practice
foods, Godrej Tyson Foods has announced the expansion Lead, Sathguru Management Consultants
of its heat-and-eat portfolio of products by introducing
new variants of Paratha and Gravy, and Galouti Kababs “Breakfast occasion is
under its fastest-growing brand - Godrej Yummiez. opening up for adjacent
Currently, its meat-based product range comprises categories in ready-to-
nuggets, kababs, tikkas, exotic sausages, and salamis eat, portable formats
that can be cooked in 3-4 minutes. such as breakfast
biscuits, yoghurts and breakfast
Joining the bandwagon are new entrants such as drinks.”
FMCG firm Modi Naturals that has announced its foray
into the RTE and RTC segment with the launch of its Rushikesh Aravkar, Food & Drink Analyst, Mintel
first peanut butter range under the sub-brand, Oleev
Kitchen. Further, Heritage Foods, based in Hyderabad, “While our new range of
has announced its foray into the RTE segment with the salty snacks is expected
launch of Heritage Tikka Paneer. to give us a sales surge
of up to Rs 75 crore, we
Tata Consumer Products has also stepped into this are expecting to achieve
segment with the recent acquisition of Tata SmartFoodz, Rs 1 crore sales per month from
owner of the brand ‘Tata Q’, for Rs 395 crore. Tata Q offers western snacks category.”
a range of products like Cheesy Pasta, Chicken Biryani,
Continental Breakfast, Thai Red Curry, Vegetable Biryani, Manish Aggarwal,
Fried Rice & Manchurian. Director, Bikano, Bikanervala Foods
Another variety is being added Gurugram-based
LT Foods with the launch of Daawat Biryani Kit for
consumers to cook authentic Biryani at home with
utmost convenience and without preservatives. Adding
on, a premium snacks brand from New Delhi- 400BC has
recently launched the first-ever RTE sweetcorn.
22 Cover NuFFooDS Spectrum | July 2022 |
Exploring Image
Processing Module
Sahil Kalra, Assistant Professor, Department Mechanical
Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Jammu
has come up with a Raspberry Pi-based automated image
processing module for grain quality assessment.
Could you share more details about In our laboratory, we have of food products by using computer
your current project addressing developed a portable image- vision algorithms, commercialisation
quality concerns of RTE/RTC food capturing module based on of Digital Image Processing (DIP)
products? Raspberry-Pi for rice quality based tools and techniques are
assessment. Eight different varieties scarce. There is an immediate need to
Computer vision for food quality of commonly consumed rice prone develop android-based applications
inspection and industrial trends to adulteration were selected for the for real-time authentication of food
towards automation are mutually study. This developed model along and quality assessment. User-friendly,
growing domains. Especially in with machine learning techniques low cost and portable devices based
agricultural and food processing, resulted in efficient classification on DIP techniques are the urgent
computer vision can replace most of and detection (80 per cent) of rice requirements of the market. The
the manual methods for screening of adulteration. Further, a user interface, availability of these types of devices
seed, grain and food quality. such as an android app or a web app will help the consumers to perform
is being developed to enable remote real-time food testing on a day-
Both chemical and microbiological access and easy viewing of the results. to-day basis. Our group is working
analysis are destructive in nature. In addition, this portable Raspberry-Pi to develop an android app or web
These analysis methods are time- based image capturing module will apps that will enable consumers to
consuming, laborious, and require a also be employed for non-destructive easily, efficiently and cost-effective
lot of chemicals and food samples. quality determination of ready-to-eat on-line/on-site quality determination
Such conventional methods are not foods based on their digital images. of various food products. We have
suitable at a time when a consumer also developed and worked on
immediately needs to analyse the What are the challenges being commercial trials of set up developed
quality of a food product before faced in commercialising your to deal with the major problem of dry
buying. On the contrary, computer- research? What are your future fruits adulteration in the region. Based
vision-based techniques are non- plans? on the performance and practical
invasive and non-destructive. Also, applicability of this setup, we are
they can predict the quality of a large Despite the availability of huge trying to get an Indian IPR for it.
quantity of a particular food product literature related to quality control
on-site immediately.
While the list of domestic players and their products Export scenario
are endlessly increasing in this space, the demand is According to the latest Directorate General of
increasing in other countries as well. With the Ministry of
Commerce & Industry laying thrust on value addition of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics data by the
products for exports, the food products under the RTE Ministry of Commerce, India exported final food
category have registered a Compound Annual Growth products which includes RTE, RTC and RTS, worth $5,438
Rate (CAGR) of 12 per cent in the last one decade. million in the last three financial years (2018-19, 2019-
2020 and 2020-2021). The export of products under RTE,
RTC and RTS categories rose by more than 23 per cent to
NuFFooDS Spectrum | July 2022 | Cover 23
Enhancing stability
in meat emulsions
Rehana Akhter, Research Scholar, Department of Food
Science & Technology, University of Kashmir is working
on enhancing the stability of traditional meat products by the
combined effect of irradiation and microencapsulated natural
antioxidants and biopreservatives.
How is your current project when contaminated with food- butylhydroxytoluene (BHT).
addressing quality concerns of borne pathogens. Studies have The combined treatments
RTE/RTC food products? shown that gamma irradiation had also did not compromise the
no undesirable effects on the initial physicochemical quality of meat
In India, large quantities of sensory attributes of barbecued emulsions. Future research on
traditional restructured meat and chicken. the effects of these treatments on
meat products are consumed the quality of finished products
every year. However, meat and Therefore, our study focuses would be interesting. It was
meat products are particularly on determining the potential of further found that this combined
susceptible to contamination gamma -irradiation in combination effect after a storage period
by spoilage and pathogenic with nisin and rosemary extract showed no significant effect on
microorganisms. as a hurdle system for improving the composition of fatty acids of
the physicochemical, microbial, all emulsion formulations. These
Preserving meat emulsion and oxidative stability of meat natural extracts also offer a good
using irradiation and antioxidants emulsions. choice for replacing synthetic
in tandem for a number of meat additives.
products could be of ample Our results have revealed
significance to the global meat that the combined effect of What are your future goals for
industry. For instance, ready-to- low-dose gamma -irradiation, this project?
cook Iranian barbecued chicken natural antioxidants (rosemary
consists of cubed chicken breast, and mint oil) and antimicrobials The overall goal of this proposal
lemon juice, salt, red pepper, onion, (nisin) on mutton meat emulsions is to combine irradiation with one
saffron and vegetable oil with an revealed a potential protective or more preservation techniques to
overall pH value of about 5.5. This effect of natural antioxidant allow increasing the bacterial radio
product is sometimes consumed against induced lipid oxidation sensitisation and decrease the dose
under-cooked, and hence it may during irradiation as compared needed to assure food safety.
pose health hazards to consumers to that of synthetic antioxidant
$1011 million in April - October (2021-22) compared to were exported to top 10 countries in 2020-21. US is the
$823 million reported in April - October (2020-21). top importing country in four categories of RTE products
such as biscuits & confectionery ($79.54 million),
The share of each category in RTE export are 52.32 breakfast cereals ($5.33 million), Indian sweets and
per cent for biscuits & confectionery, 1.52 per cent for snacks ($99.7 million), Pan Masala & Betel Nuts ($5.95
Jaggery, 4.11 per cent for breakfast cereals, 1.73 per cent million) while the remaining two products under RTE are
for wafers, 37.04 per cent for Indian sweets and snacks, significantly imported by Malaysia and Nepal. Malaysia
and 3.28 per cent for Pan Masala and Betel nuts. imported jaggery worth $5.09 million and Nepal
Notably more than 56 per cent of RTE food products
24 Cover NuFFooDS Spectrum | July 2022 |
(Source: Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics) The most recent development by APEDA is the
launch of RTE millet food products like Upma, Pongal,
imported wafers worth $3.5 million in 2020-21. Khichdi, Noodles, Biryani at affordable prices.
The major destination of RTE export as per 2020-21
“The visionary approach, aggressive and consistent
data are US (18.73 per cent), U.A.E (8.64 per cent), Nepal efforts of APEDA have enabled India to position itself
(5 per cent), Canada (4.77 per cent), Sri Lanka (4.47 per as a consistent and quality supplier of agri products.
cent), Australia (4.2 per cent), Sudan (2.95 per cent), UK APEDA has also taken several initiatives to promote
(2.88 per cent), Nigeria (2.38 per cent), Singapore (2.01 geographical indications (GI) registered agricultural and
per cent). processed food products in India by organising virtual
Buyer-Seller Meets on agricultural and food products
On the other hand, the growth rate of RTC in 2020- with the major importing countries across the world,”
21 against previous year is 52 per cent while category says Dr M Angamuthu, Chairman, APEDA.
wise growth rate of RTC is highest for powder and starch
(174 per cent) followed by Flours and Milled Products Are there quality concerns?
(36 per cent), and Papad (19 per cent) in 2020-21 against Although these products are much in demand,
previous year.
ensuring product quality and food safety is critical for
In particular, the rise in export of agricultural and the RTE/RTC/RTS food industry to have greater consumer
processed food products has been largely due to the confidence and acceptance in domestic as well as export
various initiatives taken by Agricultural and Processed markets. The risk of foodborne disease outbreaks due to
Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) contaminated frozen foods and product recalls remains
such as organising B2B exhibitions in different countries, a major challenge for the global food industry. Despite
exploring new potential markets through product the strict regulations and highly prescriptive industry
specific and general marketing campaigns by active guidelines, Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella
involvement of Indian Embassies. outbreaks associated with a range of RTE frozen foods
continue to occur across the globe.
(Source: Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics)
The presence of Listeria and Salmonella in
domestically consumed food in India represents a
significant public health risk. This is further complicated
by the absence of epidemiological data on foodborne
Listeriosis & Salmonellosis from India and the absence of
foodborne disease monitoring and surveillance.
Sharing his perspective, Dr K V Satyanarayana,
Food Processing Practice Lead, Sathguru Management
Consultants says, “Consumers should be made aware
of the distinction between RTC and RTE frozen foods
w.r.t. food safety implications, the importance of
adherence to cooking instructions and what to do in
case of temperature abuse. The industry should also
provide advice to consumers regarding good practices
for thawing of frozen foods, storage conditions and time
limits for consumption of thawed foods, considerations
for further use/ storage of thawed foods.”
In the long run, data on the epidemiology of Listeria
and Salmonella in India and having surveillance and
monitoring mechanisms for foodborne pathogens will
help in drawing necessary guidelines for the RTE/RTC/
RTS food industry to adopt, to address quality concerns.
In addition, other challenges such as packaging, pricing,
adoption of new technologies in this segment need
equal attention.
Mansi Jamsudkar
([email protected])
NuFFooDS Spectrum | July 2022 | Speaking with 25
“Indian customers Mohit Marwaha, Assistant
were never so akin
Vice President – Yummiez,
to the concept of Godrej Tyson Foods
Mumbai-based Godrej Tyson Foods, a joint venture of the subsequent lockdown acted as the unexpected catalyst
'Godrej Agrovet' and 'Tyson Foods, U.S.A', has been a for this market. In addition to this, consumers today are
leading player in the frozen foods space since 2008. With a more aware and exposed to global trends. Consumers are
revenue generation of Rs 784 crore during FY 21-22, Godrej now upwardly mobile, have less time to invest in cooking,
Tyson Foods recently expanded its portfolio with more but renewed aspiration to try new cuisines and enjoy food
RTE/RTC food products under its brand Yummiez. Mohit experiences. This enhances the desire to experiment with
Marwaha, Assistant Vice President – Yummiez, Godrej Tyson the category, variants, and brands in the RTE/RTC segment.
Foods, in conversation with nuFFooDS Spectrum,, shares
details about the company’s growth plans in the RTE/RTC Is the RTE/ RTC market in India facing any major
food segment and the industry trends. Edited excerpts; challenges?
Who are your competitors in the Ready-To-Eat/ Ready- From the consumer’s side, perception war is the biggest
To-Cook (RTE/RTC) food segment and how has your impediment of this segment. Indian customers were never
marketing strategy evolved with changing times for so akin to the concept of RTC/RTE. Today, this is changing at
RTC foods? a fast pace – not just in metros but also Tier 2 and 3 cities.
There are of course logistical, supply-chain and manpower
The RTE and RTC have several key players; which is challenges that persist in the market, but the industry is
fantastic news for customers. Unlike in the European working to resolve them.
and American markets, Indian consumers have been
recent inductees to this segment. Culturally, we have a What are the future plans for the company in the RTE/
predisposition towards home cooked food. However, in RTC food segment?
the last few years, this phenomenon has undergone a shift.
Consumers are exhibiting a flight towards value. The value The RTE and RTC are one of the fastest growing
perception— the combination of price, quality, and service segments today. During the pandemic, the market
by which consumers judge whether they’re getting a good witnessed the rise of ‘convenience-driven consumers’.
deal – has altered; especially amongst millennial and Gen These cohorts were focused on experiencing the best of
Z customers. From digital market, performance marketing, fine dine experience and taste at the convenience of their
and influencer engagement to utilisation of our owned home. Thus, the segment has been witnessing double-digit
media platform which reaches out to over millions of growth during this period.
customers – we are present where our customer is.
For our brand, Godrej Yummiez, this has been a pivotal
What is the current size of the RTE/ RTC food market in moment to accelerate growth. As a result our revenues
India? What are your thoughts on the growing RTC and RTE grew by over 40 per cent during this period owing to
trends in India? What are the factors driving the demand or higher demand and consumption across Tier 1 and 2 cities.
likely to yield more demand for RTC foods? We continue to grow our range; and expand our vegetarian
and meat-based products offerings to the consumers.
According to analysts and research, the frozen food From launching our Chicken Tandoori Nuggets, Murg Malai
market is estimated to be an Rs 3500 crore market. RTE/RTC Tikka to the recently announced Chicken Galouti Kabab,
is a sub-segment of this pie which is estimated to grow at we are continuously working towards sharpening and
double-digits in the next few years. As mentioned, this is strengthening our market presence.
a fast growing and developing market. The pandemic and
Mansi Jamsudkar
([email protected])
26 Packaging NuFFooDS Spectrum | July 2022 |
Ashwinikumar Singh, How Packaging
Innovations Turn
Head of Innovation & Product Recipe for Success
Development, Flexible
Packaging, Huhtamaki India
As rapid urbanisation pushes metropolitan cities What are the challenges?
towards a cultural and lifestyle change, new habits are One of the biggest challenges in the RTE and RTC food
being adopted by the general public. Almost every
aspect of life has been touched by urbanisation and packaging industry is the consumer’s lack of awareness
people’s eating habits are no different. Also, with of packaged food quality and sustainable packaging
work-from-home becoming the norm and people solutions. Manageability in packaging is a lot more
seeking convenient food options, the ready-to- significant now in a world challenged by climate change
eat (RTE) and ready-to-cook (RTC) segments have and waste. Companies today are more mindful of how
witnessed increasing demand. So much so that the RTC their packaging influences the environment and climate.
market has seen the entry of numerous new players. Economical packaging that utilises fewer crude materials
and delivers less waste is most preferred.
The changing socio-economic pattern of life & the
increasing number of working couples, the concept of Also, India’s tropical climate having high humidity
RTE food is becoming popular as it saves time & effort. reduces the shelf life of packaged foods, therefore
preserving food and its freshness is challenging as RTE
Packaging trends foods require low temperatures. Thus, innovative solutions
One of the major selling points for RTE and RTC of flexible packaging material and formats are preferred to
meet the requirements of higher shelf life and to provide
meal products is their presentation. Food companies consumer convenience. The packaging materials are
are trying to make packaging attractive with the use designed to pass through the pasteurisation and retorting
of vibrant colours, celebrity endorsement and more to process to keep the product safe to use for longer shelf life.
attract and capture urban as well as rural consumers.
Also, manufacturers use creative packaging designs to Another big challenge is the supply chains’
emphasise freshness, taste and enhance the products’ shelf understanding and limited awareness of proper storage.
life. Furthermore, the advancements in food technology There’s a lack of proper refrigeration in retail outlets and
and packaging technology have made it possible to extend homes leading products to perish. Food safety regulations
the shelf-life of these products. Hence, before deciding being enforced and flexible packaging can also be a
which packaging material is to be used, food companies preferred solution to address this challenge.
gauge the packaging requirements of the product i.e.
what hazards will cause quicker product deterioration Recipe for success
and the conditions to which the packaged product will be As lifestyles get more hectic, there will be an ever-
subjected throughout its shelf-life.
growing demand for convenient food around the
Another aspect to consider is the fact that consumers globe, primarily fueling the RTE and RTC market growth.
are demanding more sustainable options and are even Moreover, growing disposable income encouraging
willing to pay extra for such packaged products. The consumers to spend on RTE foods is further expected to
desired shelf-life for an RTE or RTC food dictates the type of foster market growth. Furthermore, advanced packaging
processing and packaging to be used. technologies are essential to enhance the quality and
product life of packaged food. Flexible packaging can be a
preferred choice as it makes the product more attractive to
consumers with its small and lightweight packaging.
NuFFooDS Spectrum | July 2022 | Plant based foods 27
Why Is Plant-based Food
Industry Snail-paced?
The rapid growth of the plant-based foods sector has put it higher on governments’ agenda across the
globe. Viewing the sector as both an economic growth and sustainability opportunity, governments are
beginning to proactively invest and foster growth. However, strategic policy measures and investment is
needed by the Government of India to ensure that the country seizes the tremendous market opportunity
before it and becomes a global leader in the plant-based foods sector.
The current plant-based milk and meat markets in funding fledgling businesses. Investors are becoming
India are estimated to be $20 million and $30-40 increasingly interested, given the potential of wide
million, respectively. Access to plant-based foods outreach of the plant-based food industry in India.
is growing regionally and beyond major cities.
Thus, several startups have mushroomed in the
Regionally, plant-based foods are already fairly well- plant based market such as GoodDot Enterprises,
established in Delhi, Telangana, Maharashtra, Haryana, BlueTribe, Ahimsa Food, Vegeta Gold, Vezlay, Vegitein
and Karnataka. There is growing interest and availability Vegan Eatery, EVO who are predominantly using the
in Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, foodservice and ecommerce channels in India. Entry of
and West Bengal. This is because many plant-based large ingredient companies such as ADM, Kerry in the
products require cold chains, including some which Indian plant based space is a welcoming signal of the
require deep freeze temperatures, access is limited by rapid innovations expected in the ingredients front.
supporting infrastructure. As cold chain infrastructure However, sourcing, production and regulation of plant
expands and the number of ambient-temperature protein ingredients pose great challenges.
plant-based foods on the market grows, consumer
access will increase significantly. Move over insect protein
While some ingredients are mainstream and mature
“Hundreds of small and medium enterprises, and
FMCGs have already entered the plant-based food in their applications such as soya and peas owing to
market in India, including plant-based versions of meat, their availability, digestibility and protein density and
eggs, shellfish, dairy, and pet meals. The expansion of neutral taste profile, plant based brand owners are
the plant-based foods business presents a significant under pressure to increase diversity of their ingredients.
potential for farmers to increase their income, and Ingredient suppliers, on the other hand, are fast
address food insecurity, climate change challenges, expanding their plant protein portfolio to include novel
hunger, and public health hazards. Furthermore, given plant protein ingredients that include additional claims
India's varied high-value crop output, innovative such as allergen-free, organic, non-GMO, high fibre,
food industry, research institutes, considerable R&D high protein among others.
successes, and increasing venture capital sector, we
have a big chance to assist consumers all over the world According to a report by Future Market Insights,
to consume sustainably”, says Sanjay Sethi, Executive soya, wheat and pea-based protein comprise 95 per
Director, Plant Based Foods Industry Association cent of the overall plant protein market. Demand
(PBFIA). for fava, lentil, chia and corn is expected to rise even
though they have a smaller market share today. Despite
Becoming a thriving plant-based food company is a rising interest in insect protein and cultured meat,
no easy task. With the presence of stiff competition, the market will need more than a decade to grow into
courtesy the presence of a plethora of market players, a fully commercialised one with multiple ingredients.
there is a heightened need to sustain growth by Thus, plant-based proteins remain the most attractive
providing consistent financial incentives. This is where with low production cost, high market penetration and
venture capital comes in, especially when it comes to strong innovation.
28 Plant based foods NuFFooDS Spectrum | July 2022 |
“Hundreds of small and Export promotion plan for plant-
medium enterprises, and based foods
FMCGs have already
entered the plant-based Preparation of e-catalogues for vegan products
food market in India, Organisation of e-webinars and Buyer Seller
including plant-based versions
of meat, eggs, shellfish, dairy, and Meets for promoting export of vegan products
pet meals.” Development of e-market portal
Set up export facilitation centres/ custom bonded
- Sanjay Sethi, Executive Director, Plant Based
Foods Industry Association warehouse abroad
Market promotion through exclusive exhibitions
“The difficulty lies in International branding
extracting, isolating, Designing special website for the products
purifying the proteins Promotion of vegan production on social media
from crops like barley,
wheat, millets, jowar, platform
maize etc.” Proposal of special tariff concessions
Vegan orientation programme in hybrid mode
Abhishek Sinha, Co-Founder & Chief Executive
Officer, GoodDot with wet sampling with invitation to senior
officials from Ministries, Indian & Foreign
Embassies and other stakeholders
Implementation of blockchain for vegan products
along with trade portals
Source- APEDA
Given the unique mix of natural, social, and for domestic growth and for exports.
economic advantages, India has the potential to play
a prominent role on a global stage by growing and Government’s got the Right Playbook
processing plant-based ingredients and building a According to the industry, the plant-based foods
thriving export market. India is one of the top five
producers of core plant proteins: chickpeas, lentils, sector in India would significantly benefit from the
millet, peas, rice, soybeans, and wheat. creation of a task force with collaboration between
the Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI),
According to Abhishek Sinha, Co-Founder & Chief Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export
Executive Officer, GoodDot, “India can be a hub for Development Authority (APEDA), and the Plant Based
plant based food products since there is an abundance Foods Industry Association (PBFIA).
of protein ingredient sources available. But the difficulty
lies in extracting, isolating, purifying the proteins from The government should also invest in skill
crops like barley, wheat, millets, jowar, maize etc.” development programmes as an efficient and equitable
means to ensure more participation of individuals in
Compared to the size of the manufacturing facilities the plant-based foods sector.
for animal-based meat products, plant-based meat
players' facilities resemble boutiques. As a result, Additionally, PBFIA is of the opinion that the Central
plant-based meat will remain a premium product until Government should prioritise funding to support the
costs are reduced, and this will also hinder brands from critical work of FSSAI specifically related to plant-based
achieving economies of scale. foods. Efficiency in this regard will minimise time
between R&D and return on investment, fostering more
Further, regulatory approval of novel ingredients rapid and confident sector growth.
and debates on labelling have been complicating
factors for the sector’s growth. For instance, FSSAI “By minimising compliance, we can quickly develop
says that Indian manufacturers are not allowed to use this industry. I am urging the need to develop the
dairy words, whereas the European Court has lifted the scientific parameters and supply chains that will allow
restriction. So, how should the industry deal with such us to showcase the Indian cuisine culture that has
situations? represented us for centuries”, says Prahlad Singh Patel,
Minister of State for Food Processing Industries.
As a result, industry associations are seeking
clarification from the government to streamline the As per a recent analysis by Good Food Institute India
policy measures for plant based food production- both and Deloitte, the export market for India’s plant-based
sector is projected to be significant by 2030, though the
NuFFooDS Spectrum | July 2022 | Plant based foods 29
“By minimising Key Plant-Based Food ngredients
compliance, we can
quickly develop this Soy Sunflower
industry. I am urging Wheat Canola/Rapeseed
the need to develop Pea Quinoa
scientific parameters and Chickpea Mung Beans
supply chains that will allow us Millets Oat
to showcase the Indian cuisine culture that has Hemp Seed Mushrooms
represented us for centuries.” Potato Jackfruit
Prahlad Singh Patel, Minister of State for Food Source- Plant Based Foods Industry Association
Processing Industries
protein could therefore be the next great pillar of an
“India has a number of emerging green economy in India, making us the
good quality protein protein producers for the world. But to make this vision
raw materials such as a reality and compete with countries like Australia and
chickpeas, soya, wheat, Canada, major investment in R&D, talent development,
millets which can serve entrepreneurship, infrastructure, and agri-integration is
as an excellent alternative to the the order of the day", says Varun Deshpande, Managing
animal products.” Director, Good Food Institute India.
Dr M Angamuthu, Chairman, Agricultural and Keeping pace with these market trends, companies
Processed Food Products Export Development are approaching APEDA to finalise standards and
guidelines for promoting export of plant-based food
Authority products, country wise and in general.
“Major investment in R&D, APEDA has in turn responded with a trade
talent development, promotion strategy focusing on establishing
entrepreneurship, technology banks for vegan products, compilation
infrastructure, and agri- of data pertaining to international usage of vegan
integration is the order products, compilation of traditional and latest package
of the day." of practices pertaining to veganism, trace net for
ingredients supply chain, implementation of blockchain
Varun Deshpande, Managing Director, Good etc.
Food Institute India
“Being a food surplus production country, India has
plant-based meat market is expected to be larger than a number of good quality protein raw materials such as
that of milk. The plant-based meat market is projected chickpeas, soya, wheat, millets and many more which
to range from $283 million to $880 million (Rs 2194 can serve as an excellent alternative to the animal
crore to Rs 6824 crore), whereas the plant-based milk products, allowing not only product diversification
market is projected to range from $59 million to $244 from former agricultural crops but will also contribute
million (Rs 459 crore to Rs 1889 crore) and the plant- towards a sustainable environment. APEDA is pleased
based egg market will range from $34 million to $81 to be a part of this initiative which will enable India
million (Rs 266 crore to Rs 631 crore). to make its sound position as a quality and reliable
supplier in the global market”, says Dr M Angamuthu,
“Our modelling, carried out with Deloitte India, Chairman, Agricultural and Processed Food Products
indicates that the export market for just plant-based Export Development Authority.
meat, egg, and dairy finished products could be
nearly Rs 9,000 crore by 2030, with additional major With the Government of India being an important
opportunities in value-added ingredients such as and effective supporter of the food processing sector,
functional protein isolates, flours, and starches. Smart positive results might be in the offing very soon. As
it is rightly said, growth can be a difficult process and
like any industry it is important to understand the
hurdles and how to successfully overcome those for
transformative growth.
Dr Manbeena Chawla
([email protected])
30 Plant-based foods NuFFooDS Spectrum | July 2022 |
Is India Plant-based Meat Ready?
According to the UN Livestock Long Shadow Report, around eight out of 21 alternate meat startups were
launched during 2019–20 and five international and domestic players forayed into this segment during
2020–21. As per a survey conducted by the University of Bath and the Good Food Institute in 2019, 63 per
cent of Indians were either very or extremely likely to buy plant-based meat daily. A rise in health-related
problems and the growing popularity of healthy alternatives are acting as tailwinds for the future of
plant-based meat in India. This in turn could result in high growth potential in the coming years.
Future Market Insights (FMI) in collaboration with partnership, ADM will be sourcing raw materials and
Plant Based Food Industry Association (PBFIA) will be actively involved in a technology partnership
launched a market report 'Growth opportunities for manufacturing products under the brand name of
and winning imperatives in the Global and Indian Plant Imagine Meats. It is working on developing plant-based
based Industry' at the Inter Food Tech Conclave, held at versions of conventional Indian cuisine, such as biryani
Bombay Exhibition Center, Mumbai. According to the and kebabs, and usage of soy as well as pea proteins for
report the Indian plant based market is likely to reach making curry.
$ 400-450 million in the next 5 years. India is a leading
producer of crops rich in protein and well positioned to Allana Group subsidiary Tiffany Foods has started
supply both the national and international plant-based to import Beyond Meat patties and sausages into the
foods sector. Indian markets. The products are being popularly
marketed by Urban Platter, an e-commerce site, mainly
While discussing about plant based battlefield, in metropolitans and tier-1 cities such as Mumbai, Delhi,
Sanjay Sethi, Executive Director, Plant and Bangalore. Additionally, Tiffanny Foods plans to
Based Foods Industry Association deliver Beyond Meat products to retail outlets such as
(PBFIA) said "Today, plant-based Nature’s Basket and Foodhall.
foods are attracting lot of investments,
scientific focus, and media attention A few such alliances are emerging. The Government
as a way to meet the nutritional needs of India has recognised this potential and is creating a
favourable ecosystem. The Ministry of Health and Family
and food requirements of a population Welfare (MoHFW) established Eat Right India, which
of 10 billion people by the year 2050 in a healthy and aims to help people in developing healthy choices and
sustainable way." implementing a sustainable diet showcasing plant-based
substitutes to fight climate change.
Considering the Indian outlook of the plant-based
industry, India seems to be in early stages for plant- Speaking at a Summit was organised by the
based meat substitutes, however, the market is opening PBFIA and GFI India supported by the
up with significant opportunities for growth led by new Ministry of Food Processing Industries
product launches by homegrown companies. (MOFPI), Agricultural and Processed
Food Products Export Development
Recently, a major international firm, Archer Daniels Authority (APEDA), Dr Sudhanshu,
Midland (ADM) partnered with Imagine Meats, an Secretary, APEDA said, “We are all
Indian plant-based meat startup. Under this strategic
NuFFooDS Spectrum | July 2022 | Plant-based foods 31
Government’s support
The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) recently released guidelines under the ambit of the
Eat Right movement. The Government of India fully endorses and supports a sustainable plant-based diet. The
government is supporting the research and development of cultivated meat, also known as ‘clean meat’.
Recently, the Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai (ICT), and the Good Food Institute announced a plan
for a Centre of Excellence in Cellular Agriculture to take on open access-research and help private industry enter
the sector. Later, the Government of India’s Department of Biotechnology (DBT) granted $640,000 (Rs 4.5 crore)
to Hyderabad-based institutes Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) and National Research Centre
on Meat (NRCMeat). The grant is one of the largest investments ever made by a government in cell-based meat
research and offers further promise that India is willing to make visionary investments in the nutrition security of
a growing global population.
aware that the plant- based food business is on its way to industry faces is the lack of access to capital. The plant-
reaching a significant degree of growth and emphasis, as based industry is currently an underfunded sector in
seen in recent years both internationally and in India.” India, and this is a major obstacle in reaching price parity.
He added, “Our country is fortunate to be able to Is India ready for the change?
generate everything needed in the food processing and The prospects of plant-based meats are exceedingly
agriculture industries, including labour, raw materials,
and expertise. We have a food surplus in all commodities, bright considering India’s large population. If large
which is the country's strength. Because of our strength, sections of the population switch to a plant-based
we have been able to develop a presence in the lifestyle, then the impact on the lives of animals and the
worldwide market. Because of the abundance of raw environment both would be massive. Today, India is seen
materials and personnel, there is a huge potential for as a significant emerging market for plant-based meat
investment prospects.” products but building a sustainable category will not be
At present, the market size of plant-based meat in
India is very small but is growing at a A report published in May 2021 by the US
faster rate. Sharing his views, Abhishek Department of Agriculture, described India as “a
Sinha, Co-founder and CEO, burgeoning market for plant-based meat substitutes”.
GoodDot said, “The industry started The report said consumers in India have a long history
out stably but is now exploding. We of consuming soybeans, jackfruit, dairy, and pulses
are witnessing almost 100 per cent YoY for protein and added they view plant-based meat
substitutes as ‘highly innovative, trendy, healthy and
growth over the past 3 years. So, this pace is environmentally friendly’.
only going to increase.”
“India was always ready for a plant-based meat
While the concept of plant-based meats is new to industry. It was a need which was latent with right
the country, consumers are highly receptive towards products and right awareness. So, India was already
this product category. As a result, a growing number primed for a plant-based meat industry,” Sinha added.
of domestic manufacturers and foreign suppliers are
penetrating this market to deliver this high-value The industry needs to understand and create
product. products according to the texture and flavours.
Innovation will also be needed to extend the shelf life of
Areas for improvement alternative meat products.
A major challenge that the industry is facing is that
Furthermore, the Government of India should invest
there are limited R&D facilities in India for plant-based in public procurement schemes and subsidies as part of
meat production, due to which the taste, texture of its strategy. For this centre can provide flexible, custom
plant-based products does not match conventional meat credit programmes available to growers in the form of
products. So, there is a need to boost R&D investment. capital, loans and assist in building domestic supply
networks by identifying key growers, advisors and brand
Sinha pointed out, “I think the major challenge is participants. Such efforts will help plant-based industry
research and development. Also, the next challenge for achieve price parity with animal derived products.
the people who have developed the product is category
creation and awareness, because most Indians don't Pooja Yadav
know about the space.” Another challenge that this [email protected]
32 Speaking with NuFFooDS Spectrum | July 2022 |
Christian Philippsen, “Plant-based food
manufacturers need
Managing Director, BENEO more sustainable
Asia-Pacific and cost-efficient
production processes”
Amid a huge rise in demand for plant-based products,
with figures showing that the market for fish and meat
alternatives is expected to grow by more than 10 per
cent CAGR over the next five years, German firm BENEO
is strengthening its presence in plant-based texturising
solutions for meat and fish alternatives. During a
detailed interaction with nuFFooDS Spectrum, Christian
Philippsen, Managing Director, BENEO Asia-Pacific
speaks at length about the company’s growth plans
in the plant-based ingredients space. Edited excerpts;
According to your 2022 survey, flexitarians are of the general public. We also found that half of them
driving plant-based food segments. What are your enjoy keeping up to date with the latest food trends,
views on the key trends in plant-based food products creating exciting product development opportunities
in India and globally? for producers who can meet their demand for more
adventurous foods across a range of applications and
Recent findings from our latest consumer survey cuisines.
show that the plant-based industry is moving from
niche to mainstream. The rise in demand for plant-based When it comes to Indian consumers in particular, a
alternatives is not just due to the growing number of survey from FMCG Gurus shows that the top two reasons
vegans and vegetarians, but rather the vast number of for choosing meat replacements are because it is better
flexitarians (those who have a primarily vegetarian diet for the environment (89 per cent) and because they are
but occasionally eat meat or fish) seeking healthier healthier (88 per cent).
lifestyles and more sustainable food options. In fact,
one in four consumers globally identify as flexitarians, This is also backed up by BENEO’s recent survey
according to our research. Our survey found that many results which show that globally, 81 per cent of
flexitarians value the idea of transparency when it comes flexitarians agree that meat alternatives should be
to food ingredients, and that many are interested in tender and easy to chew. Also, 73 per cent of flexitarian
having a better understanding and idea of where their consumers find it (very) important that dairy alternatives
food comes from, the quality of their food, as well as the have a similar full-bodied mouthfeel like products
traceability of the ingredients. containing dairy.
In addition, many of them are opting for more
plant-based alternatives due to health reasons and food
trends. Our recent study showed that 7 in 10 flexitarians
pay careful attention to on-pack information and
nutritional claims when shopping compared to 5 in 10
NuFFooDS Spectrum | July 2022 | Speaking with 33
Thus, many food manufacturers are currently What are your future plans in the plant-based food
focused on creating more plant-based options that segment in India and globally?
allow individuals to meet their nutritional requirements
without having to compromise on taste and texture. Sustainable plant-based protein is a key element of
Moreover, variety is an important factor to drive our strategy. Hence, we are constantly monitoring and
consumer interest in plant-based products, with 45 researching new ingredients and products that are plant-
per cent of flexitarians saying that more variety would based and can be sustainably produced, while catering
encourage them to buy more meat and fish alternatives to the growing demands for plant-based nutrition.
in the future. As a result, manufacturers who tap into
more adventurous foods across a range of applications We also recently unveiled some new investments
and different cuisines will be better equipped to cater to and corporate acquisitions that reaffirm BENEO’s
the flexitarian consumer group. commitment to the plant-based food segment by further
expanding our portfolio of plant-based solutions.
How is BENEO exploring the growing popularity of
plant-based alternatives? As mentioned earlier, we announced a €50 million
investment in a new pulse processing site in Germany,
With taste being such an important buying which will produce protein-rich pulse ingredients for
parameter for consumers, improving the sensory food and animal feed.
properties of plant-based proteins, steadily became
a crucial factor. Still, a notable 28 per cent of Asian Just last month, we also announced our acquisition
consumers believe plant-based foods and drinks of Meatless B.V., a supplier of textured plant-based
taste bland and boring, which had a limiting effect on ingredients with a unique range of solutions derived
the appeal of plant-based proteins. The good news from different raw materials. This move will allow us
is that recent progress and efforts into new product to broaden our portfolio and offer manufacturers a
developments have ensured that manufacturers, and versatile selection of plant-based solutions that serve as
subsequently consumers, have greater access to high- texturisers for meat and fish alternatives. We see great
quality plant-based options that deliver both taste and prospects for the new range of solutions in Europe as a
texture. focus market in the first instance, with plans to further
expand globally.
In fact, manufacturers can turn to ingredients like
BENEO’s BeneoPro W-Tex textured wheat protein range What are the current challenges facing the plant-
as a meat alternative. based food sector in terms of protein production?
How is BENEO addressing those challenges?
Lately, we’ve also observed many plant-based protein
ingredients growing in popularity. Pulses such as fava Some common challenges faced by manufacturers
beans (broad beans) are rising star ingredients, with include the need for more sustainable and cost-efficient
product launches seeing a 20 per cent CAGR increase production processes, as well as greater endurability
from 2016 to 2021. We recently started exploring the against harsh processing conditions and ease of
potential for processing fava beans ingredients with implementation into existing product catalogues.
promising results, leading to the company announcing
a €50 million investment (roughly Rs 4 billion) in a new BENEO’s range of plant-based solutions aim to
pulse processing site in Offstein, Germany. The plant will address these challenges and smoothen production
produce protein-rich pulse ingredients, initially focusing for manufacturers. For example, our BeneoPro W-Tex
on protein concentrate, starch rich flour and hulls from textured wheat protein ingredient is freeze and thaw
fava beans. stable, making it ideal for use even in challenging
processing conditions, such as frozen vegan ready
Fava beans protein concentrate is a vegetable protein meals, in replacement of minced meat. BENEO’s textured
that in certain applications can replace animal protein wheat protein also takes only 5 to 15 minutes to hydrate,
(milk, egg) as well as soya proteins. Apart from having an eradicating the need for long soaking and making it
excellent amino acids profile, it has shown high solubility convenient for production.
and very good emulsifying properties. In addition, fava
beans ingredients contribute to our sustainability goals Moreover, with regard to our recent acquisition of
along the entire supply chain, as pulses help to reduce Meatless, the Dutch company’s products are sustainable
greenhouse gas emissions at farm level. by design. The production processes achieve a very low
carbon footprint, further supporting our aim to use
Apart from plant-based proteins, our range of rice state-of-the-art production facilities to reduce total CO2
ingredients also helps manufacturers develop dairy emissions.
alternatives and plant-based confectionery.
Mansi Jamsudkar
([email protected])
34 ODOP NuFFooDS Spectrum | July 2022 |
ODOP Needs
Streamlining for Success
The ODOP initiative has significant potential given its aim to achieve a district’s true potential by utilising
economies of scale, product specialisation through identification and promotion through marketing, and
creation of employment opportunities. The ODOP initiative is trying to raise awareness of ODOP products
as well as their benefits of buying them, in domestic and international markets. Thus, the scheme offers
an opportunity to strengthen local products having health, environmental or other benefits. This will help
enable India to become a stronger economy.
With an aim to accelerate the country's exports Criteria for ODOP identification
and further push the Prime Minister’s vision
of ‘AtmaNirbhar Bharat’, the Ministry of Percentage of ODOP produce relative to total
Food Processing Industries (MoFPI) launched the One agricultural produce of the district
District One Product (ODOP) Scheme. According to
the Ministry, the scheme adopts the ODOP approach Perishable nature
to reap the benefit of scale in terms of procurement ODOP presence in the district relative to other
of inputs, availing common services and marketing of
products. The ODOP scheme provides the framework districts
for value chain development and alignment of support Recognisability of the district with the ODOP
As a way to promote socioeconomic development Processing level for ODOP in that district, other
throughout the country, the ODOP scheme selects,
brands, and promotes a single product from each of districts and states
the country's districts. The selection of products spans Number of workers engaged in ODOP production
the country and touches on a variety of industries and
communities that have already established their own and processing
distinct identities. Marketing linkages
ODOP processing infrastructure in the district
As part of the AtmaNirbhar Bharat Abhiyan, which Source: IBEF
aims to modernise existing units by providing financial
and technical assistance, ODOP has been implemented success, it was later adopted by the Central Government.
in agriculture. Farmers can receive up to 35 per cent This initiative is carried out with the ‘Districts as Exports
federal subsidy and an additional 15 per cent from the Hub’ initiative by the Directorate General of Foreign
state under this programme. Farmers can also get loans Trade (DGFT), Department of Commerce, with the
of up to Rs 10 lakh from nationalised banks to improve Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade
or build new agricultural facilities. The project will also (DPIIT) as a major stakeholder.
help women's self-help groups, cottage businesses, and
cooperatives, in addition to farmers and farmer producer Institutional mechanisms in the form of State Export
organisations. Promotion Committee (SEPC) and District Export
Promotion Committee (DEPC) have been constituted
An initiative for uniform economic development in all the 36 states/UTs to provide support for export
To achieve AtmaNirbhar Bharat, the initiative ODOP promotion and address the bottlenecks for export
growth in the districts. Districts' Export Action Plans
is being hailed as a game-changing step in realising a include specific actions required to support local
district's full potential, igniting economic growth and exporters/ manufacturers in producing/manufacturing
fostering rural entrepreneurship. identified products in adequate quantity and with
the requisite quality, for reaching potential buyers
The ODOP initiative was launched by the Uttar outside India. The plans also focus on the interventions
Pradesh Government on January 24, 2018 and due to its required to provide an ecosystem for innovation/ use
of technology at the district level to make them export
NuFFooDS Spectrum | July 2022 | ODOP 35
Benefits to Districts
Capital Investment: Existing micro-enterprises would be supported through capital investment. Enterprises
producing ODOP products are given preference. New units, on the other hand, would be supported for ODOP
products only.
Marketing and Branding: Marketing and branding infrastructure support is provided. If marketing and
branding are being conducted at the state or regional level, other products would also be supported.
Subsidy: Under the Pradhan Mantri Formalisation of Micro Food Processing Enterprises (PMFME) Scheme with
the ODOP approach, a credit-linked capital subsidy comprising 35% of the eligible project cost, up to Rs 10
lakh) may be provided. The beneficiary may need to contribute at least 10% of the amount and the balance as a
bank loan.
Credit-Linked Grant: A credit-linked grant of 35% would be provided to support groups such as self-help
groups (SHGs), Producer Co-operatives, etc. in their operations such as sorting, grading, storage, packaging,
processing and so on.
Seed Capital: Seed capital is provided at Rs. 40,000 per SHG member involved in food processing. The capital is
to be utilised for working capital and buying small tools.
Branding and Marketing: Branding and marketing support is provided through grants of up to 50% of total
expenditure, for the state or regional level ODOP product, to SHGs, co-operatives, etc. Branding and marketing
are crucial for the growth of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME).
Training: Training is provided with a focus on entrepreneurship development, operations, marketing,
accounting, FSSAI standards, GST registration, Udyog Aadhaar, Geographical Indication (GI) registration and
so on. Furthermore, training specifically designed for ODOP products is provided such as on hygiene, storage,
packaging and development of new products. Such training helps the entrepreneurs conduct business
operations efficiently as well as improve the quality of products.
Source: IBEF
competitive. Government of India works with the States/ are scaling up manufacturing by supporting local
UTs at the local level to implement the initiative to businesses and finding potential foreign customers
create conducive environment for the exporters and and so on, thereby helping to achieve the ‘AtmaNirbhar
manufacturers to export their products to international Bharat’ vision. The streamlining of the Geographical
markets Indications (GI) tag, formation and development of
Farmer Producers Organisations (FPO) and cluster
According to the Ministry of Commerce and development will further strengthen the capacity-
Industries, the Department of Commerce through DGFT building and network among horizontal and vertical
is engaging with state and central government agencies stakeholders. It will enhance the supply chain network
to promote the initiative of ODOP. The objective is to with better connectivity and integrity. All in all, the
convert each district of the country into an export scheme will have a positive impact on the country’s agro
hub by identifying products with export potential exports as it is aligned with the right framework and
in the district, addressing bottlenecks for exporting various essential elements that can act as a catalyst to
these products, supporting local farmers, exporters, ramp up the country's agriculture exports.”
and manufacturers to scale up manufacturing and
production, and find potential buyers outside India with “ODOP will enhance India’s processed food industry.
the aim of promoting the economy and generating It is a highly competitive market and has a diverse area
employment in the district. As per the official data of growth opportunities with regard to exports. The
released by the MoFPI, ODOP has been approved for GI tag of the product will enhance the value chain by
707 districts of 35 states and union territories under providing alternatives to the consumers for consumption
PM Formalisation of Micro food processing Enterprises at an affordable rate,” opined Sabarwal.
(PMFME) Scheme for information and Varying from the above statement,
necessary action. Rahul Kumar, CEO, Lactalis India
Commenting on the ODOP scheme, said, “I partially endorse the scheme
Sandeep Sabarwal, CEO, SLCM, a as exports of agri-produce need cost
global post-harvest Agri-Logistics optimisation, compliance with global
Group, said, “The plans of this scheme quality standards and optimum logistics.
36 ODOP NuFFooDS Spectrum | July 2022 |
MoFPI launches 12 ODOP brands & 16 products
In total 10 ODOP brands and 14 products have been launched under the MoU between National Agricultural
Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Ltd (NAFED) and the Ministry of Food Processing Industries under
the scheme. Each product has been developed based on the extensive knowledge and legacy of the marketing
expertise of NAFED as well as its capabilities and experience in processing, packaging, supply chain, and logistics.
Each brand is being supported with increased investments in brand communication in relevant markets and a
strong push on digitisation across the value chain.
These include - Brand : Cori Gold; District/State: Kota, Rajasthan, Product : Coriander Powder; Brand - Makhana
King ; District/State: Darbhanga and Muzaffarpur from Bihar, Product: Plain and Chatpata Makhana); Brand - Dilli
Bakes ( District/State: Delhi, Product: Cookies and Rusk); Brand - Amrit Phal ( District/State: Gurgaon, Haryana
Product: Amla Juice); Brand - Madhumantra ( District/State: Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh, Product: Multiflora
Honey); Brand - Somdana ( District/State: Thane, Maharashtra, Product: Millet Flour); and Brand - Kashmiri
Mantra ( District/State: Kulgam, Jammu and Kashmir Product: Red Chilli Powder). Out of the 7 ODOP brands, the
brand Dilli Bakes was launched in October 2021 in New Delhi followed by the brand Makhana King launched in
January 2022 in Patna. The remaining 5 brands were also launched in January 2022 in New Delhi.
Brand Madhurmithas has introduced Jaggery Powder and has been exclusively developed under the ODOP
concept for the district Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh. The product is a sweetener without any chemicals and
also healthier and more delicious than sugar. The 500g standy zip pouch is resealable to allow convenient & safe
storage and is attractively priced at Rs 80.
Brand Anaras has been developed under the ODOP concept for dried spicy pineapple from the district Ri
Bhoi, Meghalaya. The product has been made from handpicked pineapples, naturally sundried and flavored with
a secret spice mix to give it an irresistible unique taste. In addition to its zesty flavor, dried spicy pineapple is also
an excellent source of vitamin C. It is priced at Rs 110 for a 55g pack.
Brand Pind Se for Mango Pickle has been developed under the ODOP concept from the district of Amritsar,
Two new products Masala Paste and Lemon Honey have also been introduced under the recently launched
brands, Kashmiri Mantra and Madhumantra under the ODOP concept from the district Kulgam, Jammu and
Kashmir, and the district Saharanpur in Uttar Pradesh respectively.
Source: MoFPI
The local soil conditions, and agriculture practices are Echoing similar thoughts, Rahul Kumar said, “Yes,
specific to regions so actually it should be more specific an efficient supply chain is key. Right from harvesting,
to agro-climatic regions rather than One District One storage in proper conditions, packing, to rapid
Crop. It should be One Climatic Region One Crop to transportation, each phase is crucial. A seamless supply
take full advantage of agro-climatic conditions, develop chain till the final destination has to be developed while
local expertise, maintain crop specific global quality and ensuring quality at each stage.”With these activities,
optimise logistics both internal and international.” horizontal and vertical stakeholders can increase
their ability and networking. There has already been a
Way forward mapping of ODOP throughout several federal and state
The government initiative to increase the railways, government programmes, such as aspirational districts,
the national horticulture mission, national cluster
roadways, waterways, and airways network and the development schemes, and so on.
desire to improve the quality of infrastructure will help
the scheme tackle the transportation and logistics issues. This scheme can be path breaking if all stakeholders
“This year the government aims to add 25000 more work with synergy. Farmers need to be provided best
logistic networks which will directly help in the reduction quality seeds, advised on best practices, ensuring quality,
of transportation costs. And as such the PM Gati Sakti proper storage, logistics and optimising overall costs.
scheme aims to improve the seven engines of economy At the end, it is efficiency which leads to more income
that are road, rail, ports, airport, public transport, for farmers, and it would boost exports as India has very
waterways and Logistics Infrastructure. This will enhance good potential to capture a huge export market if all the
the export potential for perishable agri-commodities,” blocks are fit properly.
opined Sabarwal.
Nitin Konde
NuFFooDS Spectrum | July 2022 | Biosensor 37
Can Lectins unleash Dr Anil Kumar Puniya,
Rapid Pathogen
Principal Scientist, Dairy
Detection Systems in Microbiology Division, ICAR-
disease diagnostics
and food safety? National Dairy Research
Institute, Karnal, Haryana
Lectin, is a promising alternative to molecular based As a result, it is critical to diagnose food products,
methods as a bio-recognition molecule in detection particularly ready-to-eat (RTE) foods, for contaminating
of foodborne pathogens for biosensor applications, microorganisms and other chemical contaminants in
owing to its multivalency and spatial organisation order to prevent these new foodborne infections and
of ligands. It is a ubiquitous biomolecule (sugar disorders.
binding proteins) present in almost all domains of
life. Due to their extensive prevalence, lectin-based The farm-to-fork approach to food safety is becoming
biosensors have become the most sought-after bio- increasingly popular. Old culture-based methods for
recognition molecules in biosensor applications detecting bacterial diseases still rely on traditional
because of increased sensitivity and reduced cost methods, needing a 5–7-day regimen for successful
when compared to immune-based biosensors. identification of the causal bacterium. Though these
approaches are recognised as gold standards because
Foodborne diseases have become a major global they are generally well established and validated, their
public health concern in the last three decades, with length and poor speed make them ineffective and
considerable increases in incidence. Consumption outdated in the face of food production and storage
of tainted food and water has resulted in 3-5 billion deadlines.
illnesses and almost 1.8 million deaths in young
children per year, primarily owing to diarrheal Due to their increasing sensitivity and speed,
disorders. genotypic approaches for detecting these pathogenic
bacteria have recently surpassed classic microbiological
The bulk of disease outbreaks in
impoverished nations go unreported methods. Because of their great accuracy and
and unrecognised as part of the health sensitivity, molecular approaches based
or financial losses sustained due to on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and
a lack of awareness and insufficient 16S rDNA/amplicon sequencing have
medical services. Controlling and surpassed time-consuming conventional
managing outbreaks by effective procedures. However, there is a catch:
tracing and recalling of contaminated these approaches necessitate the use
goods become difficult in these of complicated devices and expert
circumstances, which exacerbates employees.
foodborne diseases.
Biosensors - Quick and outstanding
Moreover, developing strategies Using biosensors to identify
for identifying the causes linked to
contamination, preventing future microbiological and chemical pollutants
incidents, and reinforcing food safety rules in food is a unique technique and
and platforms is becoming a difficult issue. a possible alternative to traditional
analytical approaches. In terms of sensitivity,
specificity, selectivity, reliability, efficiency,
and robustness, biosensors are quick and
38 Biosensor NuFFooDS Spectrum | July 2022 |
outstanding. Furthermore, biosensors allow for real-time Limitations & Future Prospects
monitoring of food pollutants and have revolutionised Lectin biosensors have a limited ability to work in a
detection procedures, resulting in the creation of quick
and specific detection tests that provide precise and multiplexed fashion, which is their principal drawback.
immediate results. Only SPR imaging (SPRi) and, to a lesser extent, micro-
cantilever-based assays allow for highly parallel analysis.
Other than enzymes and antibodies, lectins are More research on electrochemical approaches that work
carbohydrate- binding proteins and are used to detect in an array arrangement is required. It is expected that
bacterial infections in food because of their capacity to lectin biosensors will be better suited for diagnostic
attach to carbohydrate moieties on bacterial cell walls. purposes than for preliminary assays of a large number
Because of their high affinity for sugar fractions assisted of samples.
by polyvalent interfaces originating from the three-
dimensional interaction of carbohydrate molecules, There is also the additional problem of lectin
lectins make excellent bio- recognition molecules. biosensors and their use in the examination of real
Concanavalin A (ConA) is one of the most extensively complex materials. However, controlled immobilisation
used lectins in the creation of various sensors for ligand of lectin for the construction of lectin biosensors is
identification using fluorescent markers and fluorometer more difficult due to the larger complexity of a protein
detection. molecule.
Antibodies are commonly utilised in the construction Lectins are useful tools in glycobiology and are
of biosensors to detect food safety risks such as the greatest model system for studying protein-
microorganisms due to their strong and unique carbohydrate interactions. Lectins have been linked to
interactions. However, there are certain drawbacks the creation of lectin-based high-throughput molecular
to employing antibodies as biosensors for microbial tools and have established themselves as a major
detection in meals, such as the considerable time it takes glycan decoding tool in glycobiology. However, there
to separate and refine antibodies. is still a lot of room for lectins to be used in numerous
biotechnological and medicinal applications.
There is also the challenge of regenerating these
biosensors, which makes it tough to stabilise the Furthermore, the identification and characterisation
antibodies as part of the lengthy procedure. As a result, of novel lectins, as well as in-depth research on existing
using lectins to solve these challenges and detect lectins, will have a significant impact on future research.
microbial infections in food is a good idea because
lectins are more stable than monoclonal antibodies and The right to food and the right to safe food are
there are hundreds of lectins accessible commercially. two sides of the same coin; one without the other is
incomplete. Food security and delivering safe food to
Lectins have multivalent and non-covalent consumers are becoming increasingly important to all
interactions with glycoproteins, which are important in food supply chain stakeholders. This has turned the focus
distinguishing bacterial pathogens from contaminated to developing accurate, precise, and cost-effective quick
food. This feature of lectins has been exploited to isolate food pathogen detection systems with an ergonomic
gut bacteria by conjugating them with magnetic beads. design. It is a positive development that lectins can act
as bio-receptors in a number of biosensor systems. As
A battery of pathogenic and commensal bacteria a result, lectin research has received a lot of attention,
have been tested using lectins extracted from plants and scientists all over the world are attempting to fully
such as Canavalia ensiformis, Datura stramonium, exploit this new line of biosensor technology. These
Vicia faba, Solanum tuberosum, Helix aspersa, Cytisus lectins have found widespread application in clinical
scoparius, Erythrina cristagall, Bauhnia purpurea, Limulus settings, generating hopes for their potential use in rapid
polyphemus, Caragana arborescens. pathogen detection systems in disease diagnostics and
food safety.
Lycopersicon Con A lectin, for example, has a higher
ability to bind with E. coli and S. aureus at rates of 0-98 Lectins have been linked to the creation of lectin-
per cent and 50-100 per cent, respectively. Methods have based high-throughput molecular tools and have
been devised for selectively eliminating harmful bacteria established themselves as a major glycan decoding
by using bacterial lectin-targeting glycoconjugates tool in glycobiology. Furthermore, the identification
containing an epitope or a photosensitiser to enhance and characterisation of novel lectins, as well as in-depth
antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) or research on existing lectins, will have a significant impact
photodynamic treatment (PDT). Using platforms such as on future research. Despite some progress, more effort
electrical oscillation, piezoelectric crystal, and micro- is required to fully realise the potential of lectins as
calorimetrics, several modules of lectin-based biosensors biosensors.
have been constructed.
NuFFooDS Spectrum | July 2022 | Fortification 39
Can Large Scale Dr Manjula D Ghoora,
Food Fortification
Consultant, Food Processing
Plug Nutrition & Retail Practice, Sathguru
Deficiency? Management Consultants
Large Scale Food Fortification (LSFF) is emerging as “Fortification is the practice of deliberately
an effective strategy to enhance the nutrition levels increasing the content of one or more
of foods by supplying vitamins and minerals to the micronutrients (i.e., vitamins and minerals) in
diets, and lower the burden of malnutrition. It is proved a food or condiment to improve the nutritional
to be one of the most cost-effective interventions quality of the food supply and provide a public
to improve public health with high economic health benefit with minimal risk to health.”
returns. However, its successful implementation
requires concerted efforts and coordination of the – Definition by WHO
government, private sectors and development
players to achieve its nutrition and business goals. LSFF is always voluntary, but governed by regulatory
limits. It is important to note that LSFF does not include
Micronutrient deficiencies account for 7.3 per cent of biofortification or household/community fortification.
the global burden of disease and their impacts on LSFF is ranked one of the highest-return interventions in
individuals, families and countries are devastating. global development. Food industries can save millions
The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that 42 of lives if food is fortified adequately. In addition to
per cent of children less than 5 years of age and 40 per cent preventing micronutrient malnutrition, LSFF targets to
of pregnant women globally are anemic. improve health and wellness of individuals. By increasing
the levels of specific nutrients, food manufacturers create
Deficiencies in children's diet avenues to add value to their product categories.
Over a million children die every year due to iron and
The concept of food fortification is more than a
vitamin A deficiencies. This situation necessitates urgent century old. The major milestones in the food fortification
interventions to improve the global nutrition status. One journey globally are depicted in Figure 1.
of the most effective, scalable and sustainable ways to
tackle this situation is the fortification of staple foods such Need for LSFF in India
as rice, wheat, salt, oil and milk. India is ranked #101 out of 116 countries in the Global
Though staples are primarily fortified through mass Hunger Index 2021, with a hunger level considered as
fortification to address public health concerns, food serious. It has also reached a peak in the nutrition crisis
manufacturers can voluntarily fortify foods available in with alarming levels of micronutrient deficiencies. A
the market. This is known as market-driven fortification meta-analysis of 270 articles (J. Nutr. Sci., 2021, vol. 10)
or industrial fortification or large-scale food fortification reveals the pooled age-wise prevalence of six preventable
(LSFF). While mass fortification is nearly always mandatory, micronutrient deficiencies (vitamin A, folic acid, vitamin
B12, vitamin D, iodine and iron) in India (Figure 2). Over
Large Scale Food Fortification is an inclusive strategy 60 per cent of the Indian population suffers from vitamin
to combat malnutrition by adding key vitamins D deficiency, 54 per cent are iron deficient and 53 per
and minerals to industrially processed and widely cent of the population have vitamin B12 deficiency.
consumed foods to improve their nutritional value. The Comprehensive National Nutrition Survey of India
(2016-2018) further reveals one-third of the adolescent
population (10-19 years) and one-fifth of the pre-school
population (1-4 years) are zinc deficient. This situation
40 Fortification NuFFooDS Spectrum | July 2022 |
Figure 1: Key food fortification milestones globally gives a competitive advantage to the product brand,
calls for serious actions to improve the micronutrient helping it to stand out.
status in the country. 4. Cost-effective intervention – WHO states that
fortification is not only cost effective (i.e., is a cheaper
The Government of India recognises food fortification way to increase micronutrient intake compared
as a key intervention to address multiple micronutrient with other interventions that have the same aim),
deficiencies. Focus on food fortification in India began but also has a high cost–benefit ratio (i.e., is a good
in the 1950s. Its major chronological development is investment). Depending on the food and the vitamins
depicted in Figure 3. and/ or minerals added, fortification costs only $0.05
to $0.25 per person per year. The gains in productivity
LSFF as an emerging business opportunity and savings to a nation’s healthcare system are many
1. New era of health foods – The rise of health times this cost. In addition, LSFF can be implemented
taking advantage of existing technology,
enthusiasts clearly indicates that consumers are infrastructure and local distribution networks, thus
moving towards healthy foods and ingredients, rather saving initial capital costs. As per several studies, end-
than just the taste. This trend offers opportunity for consumers have reported that the price of fortified
industry and entrepreneurs to position themselves as foods is not a significant barrier to purchase.
industry leaders in this budding business area and sell 5. Growing market - The fortified foods industry has seen
high quality healthy products. enormous growth in recent years. In 2021, the market
2. Requires limited changes in consumer behaviour – size value was estimated at $172.4 million. Between
Since LSFF does not change the characteristics of the 2021 and 2031, it is expected to increase at a CAGR of
food in terms of taste, aroma, texture and appearance, 6.3. The key drivers of the fortified foods market over
consumers can quickly adapt to and accept this new the forecast period were identified as rising health
segment of foods with minimal changes in behaviour. concerns and an increase in disease rates.
3. Adds products & brand value – Due to additional
nutrients, fortified products are seen as having higher Key players along the LSFF value chain
value than other similar products on the shelves. The LSFF value chain includes several players at
Customers tend to choose the healthier option,
adding pressure on competitors to follow suit. This different levels.
At the industrial processing level, equipment
Figure 2: Prevalence of micronutrient deficiencies in India
manufacturers (e.g. extruders, blenders, spray dryers)
and technology providers (e.g. dosing technology;
drying technology) are involved. Food technologists
play a crucial role in determining which processes and
distribution systems to adopt for nutrient retention and
the strategies to minimise loss caused by nutrient stability.
The fortification process involves manufacturers and
suppliers of the premixes, antioxidants and stabilisers. It
also requires a specialist in the nutrient delivery systems
(e.g. encapsulation technology). The QA & QC involves
NuFFooDS Spectrum | July 2022 | Fortification 41
Figure 3: Key food fortification milestones in India logo were released in the Food Safety and Standards
(Fortification of Foods) Regulations and enforced from
food laboratories equipped to test vitamin and mineral January 1, 2019. More recently, FSSAI has released
levels in the fortified foods. To ensure stability of the standards for processed foods such as breakfast cereals,
nutrients during storage, appropriate packaging is buns, rusk, pasta, noodles, fruit juices, etc. These norms
crucial. The marketing of fortified foods involves the retail are part of the Food Safety and Standards (Fortification of
organisations. The regulations/market specialist gathers Foods) First Amendment Regulations, 2020, which came
information on the nutrient stability to make statements/ into effect from July 1, 2021.
claims on labels and advertising.
Manufacturers of fortified foods need to comply
Emerging segments & innovations in LSFF with the pre-set level of micronutrients as specified in
Fortified dairy products dominated the fortified food the regulations. Recently, FSSAI specified “the fortified
processed food shall provide 15-30 per cent of the
market in 2020 and is expected to grow with the highest Indian adult RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance) of
CAGR of 6.8 during 2021 to 2026. The dairy sector has micronutrient, based on an average calorie intake of 600
the advantage of being naturally a rich source of calcium. kcal from processed foods (approximately a third of daily
Keeping in view the vitamin D and calcium synergistic energy requirement for an adult). This excludes foods high
effects, and that vitamin D deficiency is a current public in fat, salt and sugar (HFSS). In addition, manufacturers of
health concern in India, the dairy sector forms the ideal fortified foods need to submit an undertaking of quality
vehicle for its fortification. Dairy products such as lassi, assurance to the Food Authority twice a year. All fortified
buttermilk, yogurt etc., are being fortified in a big way. foods need to be packaged in a way that takes into
Vitamin D fortified non-dairy beverages such as soy/ consideration the nature of the added fortificant and its
almond milk are also gaining momentum, along with effect on the shelf life of the food. Package should bear
vitaminised water, and fortified fruit juices. Another the label “fortified with … (name of the fortificant)” and
popular segment with an increasingly health-conscious the fortification logo, “+F”, developed by FSSAI. It may also
market is the micronutrient fortified energy dense (MFED) include the tag line “Sampoorna Poshan Swasth Jeevan”
foods. These are energy rich foods with added essential under the logo. These initiatives provide an impetus for
micronutrients which can support growth & development industry to embark on LSFF.
and can also serve as a meal replacement. E.g. fortified
breakfast cereals (cornflakes, wheat flakes etc.), fortified Challenges involved
pasta & noodles, fortified bread etc. Although LSFF is a promising venture, it is often
Regulatory aspects accompanied by several challenges.
The Food Fortification Resource Centre (FFRC) was Technical challenges:
established by FSSAI in 2016 as the nodal agency to In case of double, triple or multiple fortification, the
support and promote LSFF in India. FRRC facilitates added micronutrients shouldn’t create an imbalance
stakeholders embarking on LSFF and provides guidance of essential nutrients in the food;
in terms of fortification standards, food safety, technology,
premix, equipment, and quality assurance & control. The fortificant should be stable under normal
conditions of storage and use. It should also be stable
In 2018, fortification standards for five staple foods during the formulation process, preparation and
(wheat flour, rice, milk, oil, and salt) and the fortification processing;
Scaling up LSFF - Batch processing is labour intensive
and has limited capacity. E.g. Continuous blending of
fortified kernels into rice is desirable instead of batch
High capital cost during initial investment to scale up
and lack of access to affordable finance
Regulatory challenges:
Financial barriers e.g. excessive registration, taxes on
fortification inputs, etc.
End user challenges:
Lack of awareness on the benefits of fortified
foods and lack of awareness on own micronutrient
42 People news NuFFooDS Spectrum | July 2022 |
Sustainable Seafood Network of India
brings Amod Salgaonkar on Board
Sustainable Seafood Network business. He has strong experience in buying &
of India (SSNI) has appointed merchandising, strategy & negotiations, marketing,
Ex-FoS (Friend of the Sea) planning & development of the businesses in different
Board Member Amod Ashok verticals of food & especially seafood business which
Salgaonkar on its advisory involved but not limited to modern trade, cash &
board. He is presently operating carry, HoReCa, general trade & online segment.
through his startup A2S2 He views the industry by being involved directly
Enterprises which is involved through engagements in trade aspects & promotions,
in seafood trade & related sustainability, climate change impacts etc. His
activities. SSNI is a registered trust mandated to bring knowledge about Remote Sensing & GIS has helped
together policy makers, scientists, industry members, him work on projects like Potential Fishing Zones
sustainability professionals, organisations and similar in the past. In his previous assignments, he worked
peers to pursue common goals of developing a at reputed organisations like Reliance Retail, Bharti-
sustainable seafood ecosystem in India. Salgaonkar is Walmart, METRO Cash & Carry India, HyperCITY Retail
a diversified industry professional handling multiple where he headed categories like seafood & meat,
roles & portfolios in various branches of the seafood dairy & frozen food.
KFC Global appoints Tata Consumer Products
names Monica Jain as
Tarun Lal as President Senior VP & GM for US biz
of US biz Tata Consumer Products (TCP), the
consumer products company uniting
Kentucky Fried Chicken the principal food and beverage
(KFC) has announced interests of the Tata Group under
that Tarun Lal has been one umbrella, has announced the
named President of KFC appointment of Monica Jain as Senior
US, effective July 15, Vice President (VP) and General
2022. Lal is currently Manager (GM) for US Business. The
Managing Director (MD) announcement is in line with the
of the KFC Middle East, company’s commitment to strengthen and grow its business
Pakistan, Turkey, Africa in the US, which is a key international market for the company.
and India markets and is a 25-year KFC brand In her new role, Monica will be responsible for leading the
veteran. He will report to Dyke Shipp, KFC business and teams in the US. This includes developing
Division President, and relocate to the KFC US and executing a growth roadmap for the company as well
headquarters in Louisville. Lal has served in as enhancing operational excellence. Monica will be based
various roles at KFC and its parent company, in Montvale, NJ and report to Gharry Eccles – President,
Yum! Brands, including General Manager (GM) International Business. Monica comes with nearly two decades
of KFC Africa, KFC Global Chief Operations of experience, having joined Tata Consumer Products from
Officer and GM for KFC India. In his current Mars Wrigley where she served as VP – Sales, Small Format,
role, his leadership has driven tangible impact leading the $1.0+ billion Drug & Value channels. Prior to this,
across KFC's strategic initiatives. As GM of she worked in a number of leadership roles at Mars Wrigley
KFC Africa, Lal's extensive understanding of and has also worked with companies such as Booz & Company
the business, and partnering skills, added and IBM. Monica has a proven track record, across geographies
tremendous value to the KFC Sub-Saharan and functions, for driving strategic transformation, and leading
Africa business. Under his management, the businesses to accelerate quality growth through strong
KFC Africa team unlocked growth across the collaboration and breakthrough thinking.
region, including successful brand launches in
multiple new markets.
NuFFooDS Spectrum | July 2022 | People news 43
Manmeet Vohra steps in as Chief Sneha
Brand Officer at Chai Point Beriwal joins
Chai Point has announced the appointment of India as CMO
Manmeet Vohra as Chief Brand and Digital Officer.
With 20 years of strategic brand building experience New Delhi-based startup
and special expertise in the Consumer Retail Vahdam India has appointed
Lifestyle Industry, Manmeet, in her storied career, Sneha Beriwal as its Chief
has led brand building for renowned international Marketing Officer (CMO) to
brands including Starbucks, Visa and TAG Heuer. She shape, drive, and execute
started her luxury lifestyle marketing journey with Vahdam’s marketing strategy.
the Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton (LVMH Group) in Backed by some of India’s most
2003 where she worked with TAG Heuer watches prolific investors, Vahdam
for eight years. Manmeet served as the Director, Marketing, Category and is among the world’s first
Loyalty at Tata Starbucks between 2013 and 2017. She also had a brief stint vertically integrated online-first
as the Marketing Head, India and South Asia at Visa until 2019. Most recently, tea brands. It sources premium
she worked as an Independent Brand Consultant, devoting her energies to garden fresh teas direct from
help brands and startups, across the spectrum, with strategic brand building. over 150+ tea plantations &
She joins the Chai Point leadership team at a time when the brand is growing door delivers to consumers
aggressively across channels like retail stores, cloud kitchens, corporate across the world. Sneha brings
offices and institutions, online CPG and HORECA (hotels, restaurants and in over 17 years of experience
cafes). At Chai Point, she will focus on elevating and deepening the Chai Point and prior to joining Vahdam,
consumer connect across all its channels including the brand’s international she worked at Aditya Birla
foray. By leveraging the beverage platform’s innovation excellence across Group for five years where she
multiple channels, her focus will especially be on building an integrated digital started as AVP - Marketing at
experience through the Chai Point App. Aditya Birla Payments Bank,
and then became the head -
Jubilant FoodWorks appoints brand & campaigns at Aditya
Sameer Khetarpal as CEO & MD Birla Fashion and Retail Ltd
- Pantaloons and in 2022, she
Jubilant FoodWorks Amazon Fresh, Amazon served as joint vice-president,
has announced the Food and Amazon marketing at Aditya Birla
appointment of Pharmacy. He has built Health Insurance Company
Sameer Khetarpal as these businesses with Limited. She has also worked
Chief Executive Officer world-class supply across diverse consumer goods
(CEO) and Managing chain infrastructure, companies that include Nestle,
Director (MD) and key deeply embedded with Dabur, Westmill Foods and
managerial personnel technology and several Novartis.
of the company, inorganic investments
effective September 5, 2022. and partnerships. Prior to Amazon,
Sameer Khetarpal will succeed he served as a Partner at McKinsey
Pratik Pota. Khetarpal has served and Company, where he served
in numerous senior leadership several hi-tech clients on topics
roles during his 25-year career related to business building
in sectors like e-commerce and and transformation, and was
management consulting, and instrumental in building data
joins Jubilant from Amazon. Over driven service lines used by several
the last 6.5 years at Amazon, he Fortune 500 companies. Sameer
has conceptualised, launched has previously worked with GE
and scaled several businesses like Capital and Hindustan Unilever.
44 academics news NuFFooDS Spectrum | July 2022 |
Bakery chain Winni opens educational
institute in Panchkula
Bakery retail chain Winni has forayed into conducted in different states. The company
baking education by starting its first baking has plans to employ the brightest students
institute in Panchkula that has world class from its newly opened baking institute in
resources, educators and a modern bakery its bakery retail arm Winni Cakes & More’s
setup to train aspiring youngsters. Winni 175+ functional stores and upcoming
Cakes & More has plans to open 10+ such stores to optimise the quality control in
institutes in different cities at pan India bakery products and achieve uniform
level in the next one year. The company is taste across its 4,000+ outlets (vendors &
already working on opening the next baking franchises) spread in 23 states and 5 UTs.
institute in Patna after Panchkula. Currently The teaching staff hired to train the young
it offers a 3 month short term bakery training course minds are known names in the hospitality industry
at a highly competitive fee. The company aims at and have first-hand experiences of working with 5 Star
grooming 1000+ manpower resources in a year properties including Le Meridian (Delhi) & Taj Business
through regular courses and short term workshops Hotel (Chandigarh).
C-CAMP & CFTRI Manav Rachna opens
Centre of Excellence for
promote innovation in Culinary Art
food technology The Centre of Excellence for Culinary Art has been launched
at the Faculty of Hotel Management (FHM), Manav Rachna
Bengaluru-based Centre for Cellular and International Institute of Research and Studies (MRIIRS). The
Molecular Platforms (C-CAMP) has signed centre has been established in collaboration with Creative
a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Cuisine Inc. (CCi) Learning, founded by Virender Handa and co-
with Centre for Food Technological Research founded by Chef Kapil Middha. The Centre of Excellence is fully
Institute (CFTRI) Mysuru. The agreement will equipped with top-of-the-line equipment and a comprehensive
initiate a joint effort in nurturing deep-science collection of cooking essentials to prepare students for the
innovation in agriculture, food technology industry. To start with, the centre is offering B.Sc. in Culinary Arts
and allied areas towards sustainability and and will soon be launching an advanced diploma programme in
food security in India’s agri sector. The MoU the same genre. Manav Rachna is an education hub known for its
was formally inked by Dr Taslimarif Saiyed, academic excellence and industry exposure through a multitude
CEO and Director of C-CAMP and Dr Sridevi of Industry Knowledge Partners that facilitate top-notch
Annapurna Singh, Director, CFTRI at the third learning, training and research benefits. Courses in collaboration
edition of the TechBharat Conclave in Mysuru. with International Universities offer a chance for students to
The new signing is envisioned to augment explore global learning opportunities which prepares them to
C-CAMP’s current efforts in Agritech and allied succeed in the global job market. The programme offered at
space under its recently launched Centre of Manav Rachna has been designed with the best in the industry
Excellence for Agri Innovation in collaboration along with the state-of-the-art infrastructure created especially
with the Government of Karnataka. It will also to support the holistic learning of the students.
strengthen science-based entrepreneurship in
the CSIR affiliated CFTRI.
NuFFooDS Spectrum | July 2022 | Ingredients News 45
Tetra Pak, Mycorena to build DSM, Firmenich
plant protein production facility merge to
Tetra Pak collaborates with Mycorena to build a greenfield production innovation in
facility for fungi fermentation towards alternative protein-based food nutrition
applications. The new plant, located in Falkenberg, Sweden, will produce a
meat replacement product from fungi. The factory’s first phase will include DSM and Firmenich have entered
mince-based products that will serve as ingredients for making alternative into a business combination
meat products. Furthermore, Mycorena has ambitious plans to expand its agreement to establish the
production capacity and extend its geographical reach by opening new leading creation and innovation
factories across Europe and Asia in the near future. Fungi fermentation is one partner in nutrition, beauty and
aspect of innovative food fermentation, which takes natural, age-old processes well-being (DSM-Firmenich). The
and uses microbiology to turn microorganisms into tiny production centres combination will bring together
that make protein-rich products including alternatives to meat, seafood and Firmenich’s unique leading
dairy. The process also serves to improve texture and taste of traditional plant- Perfumery and Taste businesses,
based food products. Tetra Pak’s relationship with Mycorena dates back to its world-class science platforms
2019 and forms part of the company’s drive to build an innovation ecosystem and associated co-creation
that helps open new opportunities in the areas of food safety, availability and capabilities with DSM’s
sustainability. Tetra Pak’s innovation network includes a number of startups in outstanding health and nutrition
various countries such as Sweden, France and the US, amongst others. portfolio and renowned scientific
expertise. The new company
Roquette launches new rice protein will have four high-performing
and complementary businesses,
French firm Roquette, a global high standards of production. each with leading positions and
leader in plant-based ingredients Rice protein is popular among underpinned by world-class
and a pioneer of plant proteins, nutritional applications such as science. DSM-Firmenich will
has announced the launch of special diet foods, sports nutrition benefit from complementary
two rice proteins, a bold move or snacks. Product launches with capabilities across fragrance,
that adds a new botanical origin rice protein rose at 20 per cent taste, texture and nutrition,
to its current portfolio. With CAGR over 2017-2021, according fueled by world-class science. The
NUTRALYS rice protein, Roquette to Innova Market Insights. A strong company will have unparalleled
offers consumers a familiar, growth is also foreseen for dairy proprietary capabilities to partner
safe and nutritious alternative and meat alternative applications with customers to fulfil their
protein with premium quality and as rice is a well-known, familiar ambitions. The merger of DSM-
ingredient for savoury foods and Firmenich will further accelerate
desserts. A survey conducted by innovation for the industry
Innova in 2020 shows that rice and generate new growth
is the second preferred protein opportunities for customers.
alternative for consumers. The It will form a new global-scale
new NUTRALYS rice protein range, partner to serve the food and
composed of a rice protein isolate beverage industry, combining
and a rice protein concentrate, will DSM’s Food & Beverage and
be first available in North America Firmenich’s Taste & Beyond
and in Europe. businesses.
46 R&ADcNaedwems ic News NuNFuFoFFooDoSDSpSepcetcrturmum | | MaJruclhy 20212 |
ICMR designs IASST develops ultrathin
nutrition app for heteroprotein film for
inflammatory bowel food packaging
disease patients
Scientists from the Institute of Advanced Study in Science and
The Indian Council of Medical Research Technology (IASST), Guwahati, an autonomous institute under the
(ICMR) Director General, Dr Balram Department of Science and Technology, have developed ultra-thin
Bhargava, recently released the ‘IBD heteroprotein films with excellent thermal, mechanical and pH
NutriCare App’ for inflammatory bowel stability which can pave the way for expanding applications of thin
disease (IBD) patients. This digital health films in food packaging industries. These films are much thinner as
platform (IBD NutriCare) for telenutrition compared to the other protein or plastic films. They are soft and thin
provides a potential tool for improving and have the advantage of being more flexible than the other films. In
the patient care in IBD. The Android and the recent past, several modifications of these protein films with the
iOS-based digital health platform in the help of suitable heteroprotein complexes were reported by different
form of a smartphone application is research groups. These complexes were usually developed from bulk
developed and validated for real-time solutions. The research group has successfully developed ultrathin
tracking of dietary details and recording monolayer protein films consisting of two globular proteins: bovine
the data on a large scale for patients with serum albumin (BSA) and lysozyme (Lys). They used a technique called
IBD. This telenutrition tool is a pioneering Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) which gives the films thickness in the order of
initiative undertaken by ICMR’s Centre for nanometer. This research work was recently published in the esteemed
Advanced Research and Excellence (CARE) journal of Food Hydrocolloids under the reputed Elsevier publishers.
in Intestinal Diseases with Dr Vineet
Ahuja, Professor in Gastroenterology,
AIIMS, New Delhi as Principal investigator,
to transform India’s Intestinal disease
research and clinical practices.
Rapid biosensors for detecting noroviruses and
mycotoxins in foods
An international team led by a Agriculture (USDA). Mycotoxins are the USDA’s NIFA. The British engineers
University of Massachusetts Amherst toxic substances produced by fungi are world leaders in electrochemical
food and environmental virologist that can grow in warm and humid sensing techniques based on
in the US has received a $750,000 conditions on crops and food, in generating molecularly imprinted
USDA National Institute of Food and particular in many grains, produce, polymer nanoparticles (nanoMIPs).
Agriculture (NIFA) partnership grant nuts, seeds and spices. They represent The UMass team will learn more about
to develop and test portable, rapid a growing threat to public health in the application of nanoMIPs when
biosensors capable of detecting the face of climate change trends they visit the Peeters Lab at Newcastle,
noroviruses and mycotoxins in foods and increased consumption of plant- and the UK team will be hosted by
and agricultural products. It is among based foods. The UMass Amherst food Moore’s Applied and Environmental
the first partnership grants awarded scientists got together with engineers Virology Lab to gain knowledge about
with an international partner by at Newcastle University to seek a rare virological, microbiological and food
the United States Department of international partnership grant from science techniques.
NuFFooDS Spectrum | July 2022 | R&D News 47
Artificial photosynthesis can Ashoka
produce food without sunshine University
develops novel
Scientists in the US have found a way to bypass the need for biological tool to track
photosynthesis altogether and create food independent of sunlight food inflation in
by using artificial photosynthesis. The
technology uses a two-step electrocatalytic Centre for Economic Data & Analysis
process to convert carbon dioxide, electricity, (CEDA) at Ashoka University, based
and water into acetate. Food-producing in New Delhi and Haryana, has
organisms then consume acetate in the dark developed a new Daily Food Price
to grow. The hybrid organic-inorganic system Index (DFPI) to track inflation in
could increase the conversion efficiency retail and wholesale food markets.
of sunlight into food, up to 18 times more It is a first-of-its-kind index in India
efficient for some foods. With this approach, that reports on food inflation on
the researchers sought to identify a new way a real-time basis. The existing
of producing food that could break through the limits normally imposed by Consumer Price Index (CPI) and
biological photosynthesis. This approach to food production was submitted Wholesale Price Index (WPI) are
to NASA's Deep Space Food Challenge where it was a Phase I winner. released on a monthly and yearly
basis. CEDA’s Daily Food Prices Tool
Genetic engineering of potato starch is a tracker that allows users to track
opens doors to industrial uses inflation in real time at a granular
level, as it has retail and wholesale
Potatoes are a rich source not only of dietary carbohydrates for humans, commodity prices of 22 essential
but also of starches for numerous industrial applications. Texas A&M commodities for 179 centres across
AgriLife scientists are learning how to alter the ratio of potatoes’ two India. With CEDA’s Daily Food
starch molecules, amylose and amylopectin, to increase both culinary Prices Tool, users can track changes
and industrial applications. For example, waxy potatoes, which are high at daily/7-day moving average/
in amylopectin content, have applications in the production of bioplastics, monthly levels, for individual
food additives, adhesives and alcohol. Two articles recently published in commodities (e.g. mustard oil, atta
the International Journal of Molecular Sciences and the Plant Cell, Tissue or masoor dal, among others) or
and Organ Culture journals outline how CRISPR technology can advance commodity groups (edible oils,
the uses of the world’s largest vegetable crop. Among the various potato grains or pulses etc.). Users can
cultivars evaluated in the first study, the Yukon Gold strain regenerated the choose multiple commodities
best, and so it was used for the second study. The native gene gbss in the or multiple zones or centres
tetraploid Yukon Gold strain was targeted to effectively eliminate amylose. within zones and create quick
The result was a potato with starch rich in amylopectin and low in amylose. visualisations, as well as download
Potatoes with amylopectin as the exclusive form of starch should also yield the data.
more ethanol for industrial use or to create alcoholic beverages.
48 SupApclaiedremNeicwNsews NuNFuFoFFooDoSDSpSepcetcrturmum | | MaJruclhy 20212 |
Kappa Bioscience Godrej records
picks Fermenta triple-digit growth for
Biotech for Vitamin deep freezers
K2 MK-7 range
distribution Godrej Appliances, business unit of Godrej & Boyce, the flagship
company of the Godrej Group, has recorded over 100 per
Mumbai-based Fermenta Biotech and cent volume growth for Deep Freezers this summer season in
Kappa Bioscience, a Norwegian entity, comparison to pre-pandemic summer of 2019. This growth
have announced a strategic partnership was led by rising temperatures in the summer season that
that positions Fermenta as the distributor brought about an incremental demand and consumption of ice
of Kappa’s K2VITAL MCT and MCC range creams across India. Moreover, ready-to-cook and frozen foods
of vitamin K2 for the Indian market. are gaining popularity and acceptance among the working
The collaboration combines Kappa’s professionals and millennial generation, especially with a boom
market leading, high purity vitamin K2 in the variety of frozen foods being offered to consumers today.
manufacturing capabilities with Fermenta’s India’s commercial refrigeration market is sized at approximately
robust distribution network and market 1 million units with 10 -12 per cent CAGR in the last 5 years. This
expertise in India. Vitamin K2 controls year, the industry grew by 15 per cent over the previous year,
the transport and distribution of calcium and the expected CAGR over the next 5 years is also around 15
and has been found to work in synergy per cent. Godrej
with vitamin D3. The arrangement Appliances is ready
between Fermenta and Kappa includes to cater to this
Kappa’s branded vitamin K2 MK-7 range increased demand
of variants, K2VITAL, which is available in and has witnessed
oil and powder formats for applications robust growth across
in the nutraceutical and food & beverage India. In next two
segments. Alongside vitamin D3, which years, the company
has gained increasing importance for its plans to invest over
role in immunity, the companies envisage Rs 25 crore towards
vitamin K2 to also gain traction through its adding new models
synergistic effect with vitamin D3. and expanding
production capacity.
Aluminium beverage cans to have superior
environmental performance
A recent study by The Energy and Comparative Life Cycle Assessment feasible, and maximising refill cycles
Resources Institute (TERI), a first- Study’ was commissioned by Ball of bottles designed for reuse. The
of-its-kind in India, comparing the Beverage Packaging, India and study assessed 250 ml and 500 ml
most used beverage packaging has been presented to Bhupender aluminium cans; 200 ml, 600 ml
substrates, shows that aluminium Yadav, Minister of Environment, and 750 ml PET bottles; 200 ml,
cans support a fully circular Forests and Climate Change The 330 ml and 650 ml glass bottles;
economy and majority of them study is of particular significance and 200 ml MLP cartons. In its 500
have the least Global Warming since the growing demand ml form, aluminium cans, already
for packaging solutions is also the world’s most recycled drinks
Potential (GWP). ‘Sustainable steering the focus towards their container, averaging 69 per cent
Beverage Packaging environmental sustainability. The globally and 85 per cent in India,
Options in findings of the study highlight the performed best in multiple impact
India: A need to enhance circular systems, categories, in particular because
increase the focus on recycled of its recyclability, high recycled
content as far as technologically content and light weight.
NuFFooDS Spectrum | July 2022 | Supplier News 49
Tetra Pak makes recycling of used cartons
easier in Noida & Gurugram
Swiss firm Tetra Pak has joined hands with Tetra Pak’s support. Launched in distribution & logistics, with
with Reliance-owned Milkbasket, recently, this initiative brings Tetra Pak’s understanding of the
India’s first and largest daily micro- together Milkbasket’s strengths collection & recycling ecosystem, to
delivery service to help consumers accelerate recycling of used cartons.
recycle their used beverage cartons Since the launch a few days ago,
through Milkbasket’s app. Under Milkbasket has already received
this initiative, Milkbasket users can approximately 200 pick-up requests
put in a pick-up request along with so far. The partnership between
their usual groceries delivery order Milkbasket and Tetra Pak builds on
through the app, and simply leave the partnership between Reliance
the used cartons in the Milkbasket Retail and Tetra Pak since 2010 when
bag outside their door. The delivery they kicked-off the Go Green with
agent, while dropping off groceries, Tetra Pak campaign in Mumbai.
will then pick up these used cartons Under this programme, 54 Reliance
and take them back to a central Retail stores act as drop off points for
hub. From here, the cartons will be used cartons, allowing consumers to
channelled to the nearest recycler recycle cartons easily.
PerkinElmer expands food Smurfit Kappa
safety testing portfolio invests over
35 M Euro in first
PerkinElmer, Inc. has announced the global availability of its ready Moroccan plant
to use, Microfast microbial count plates for food safety testing. The
new microfilm plates are designed to provide efficient, effective, Smurfit Kappa, one of the world’s
and user-friendly quantification of aerobic, E. coli, coliform, largest paper-based packaging
enterobacteriaceae, yeast and mold, and staphylococcus aureaus companies, has announced the
contamination in dairy, meat/poultry, fruit, vegetable, baked goods construction of a new packaging plant
and environmental surface samples. All six plate types have received in Morocco, its first corrugated plant
AOAC Performance Tested Methods (PTM) certification. Geared in the country. Located in Rabat and
towards food companies and contract labs, the highly sensitive covering an area of 25,000 sq mt, it
and accurate kits feature a simple, three step workflow- 66 per will enable Smurfit Kappa to supply
cent fewer steps than traditional approaches. Users simply place innovative and sustainable packaging
the liquid sample on the leak-free culture area featuring automatic solutions quickly and efficiently to
diffusion and lower the film without pressing; incubate the plate; its local customer base. The plant
and wait for the new-generation microbial coloration to show rapid will create packaging for sectors
proliferation of microbial contaminants. E.coli colonies, for example, including industrial, agriculture, FMCG,
will appear as blue, staphylococcus aureaus automotive, pharma and ceramics
colonies as dark violet. Using the offerings, data and serve both local customers and
is available sooner, revealing results multinationals based in Morocco.
in 48 and 72 hours for yeasts and In a market where the demand for
mold, for example, vs. 120 hours corrugated packaging currently
and five days respectively exceeds supply, the new plant will play
using traditional culture an important and strategic role. It will
methods. This helps support be located in an area with significant
timely decision making and growth potential and create 300 direct
maximises sample throughput. and indirect jobs in the region.
50 Let’s talk food NuFFooDS Spectrum | July 2022 |
Reigning in 'Beguiling Ads'
Ayear after the adverse impact of
COVID-19, the Indian advertising the agreement by signing a MoU on July 1,
industry reached a size of Rs 70,715 crore 2021 to protect the consumers against false
in 2021 growing at 18.6 per cent versus 2020. advertisements.
The industry is expected to reach Rs 93,119
crore by the end of 2023, growing at a CAGR of According to Zenith, a media agency report
14.75 per cent. The digital advertising industry India is set to be the fastest growing market for
reached a market size of Rs 21,353 crore in 2021 FMCG (Fast –Moving Consumer Goods) brands
from Rs 15,782 crore in 2020, growing at 35.3 food and beverage (F&B) advertising over the
per cent, owing to the accelerated business and next three years with spending set to increase
consumer shift towards digital. Digital media by 14 per cent per year. It is expected that FMCG
is expected to reach a market size of Rs 35,809 brands digital ad spends will increase from $12.3
crore by 2023 equalling (if not surpassing) billion in 2020 to $14.9 billion in 2023. During
the previously-impregnable fortress of TV the pandemic, there has been an increase in the
advertising by 2023, according to a Dentsu- number of complaints against F&B ads. ASCI has
E4M report, 2022. processed a total of 284 complaints in 2020-21 as
compared to 175 in 2019-20.
During these years, ASCI had recommended
As advertising increasingly shifts to digital modifying the ads of many leading brands such
platforms, Advertising Standards Council of India as – ITC for Aashirvad Atta, Coca-Cola, Dabur,
(ASCI), a voluntary self-regulatory organisation Patanjali Ayurveda, etc. FSSAI feels that because
established in 1985, noted that the monitoring of of this partnership there will be an increase
advertisements for misleading content becomes in transparency and accountability through
more challenging. On June 28, 2022 ASCI released stakeholder participation. ASCI too is content with
its annual complaints report for the period April this decision since they are getting recognition
2021 - March 2022, during which it processed from the government body which will, in turn,
5,532 advertisements across mediums including benefit them too.
print, digital, and television. Out of the 5,532 total To promote, protect and enforce the rights
ads processed, 39 per cent were not contested
of consumers as a class, on June 9, 2022 the
by the advertiser, 55 per cent of them were Central Consumer Protection authority (CCPA)
found to be objectionable after investigation, under the Department of Consumer Affairs has
and complaints against 4 per cent of ads were notified ‘Guidelines for Prevention of Misleading
dismissed as not violating the ASCI code. 94 per Advertisements and Endorsements for Misleading
cent of ads that ASCI processed needed changes Advertisements, 2022’ with an objective to curb
so as not to violate the ASCI code. misleading advertisements and protect the
Continuing with the momentum towards consumers, who may be exploited or affected
by such advertisements. Started operating from
supporting coregulation in advertising, the Food
Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) July 24, 2020, the CCPA can impose penalty of
has signed a memorandum of understanding upto Rs 10 lakh on manufacturers, advertisers and
(MoU) with the ASCI in June 2016, for the year endorsers for any misleading advertisements. For
2016-17 which was subsequently renewed from subsequent contraventions, CCPA may impose a
February 13, 2018. Aligned with the World Health penalty of upto Rs 50 lakh.
Organisation (WHO) advice, FSSAI has finalised CCPA guidelines aim to protect consumer’s
the ‘Food Safety and Standards (Advertising and interest through bringing in more transparency
Claims) Regulations, 2018’ and notified it on and clarity in the way advertisements are being
November 19, 2018. Under these regulations, published, so that consumers are able to make
the advertisements should not undermine the informed decisions based on facts rather than
importance of healthy lifestyles, and also shall not false narratives and exaggerations.
promote or portray their food & beverages as a
Narayan Kulkarni
meal replacement unless otherwise specifically Editor
permitted by FSSAI. ASCI and FSSAI renewed [email protected]