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Techade REDEFINING FUTURE OF life sciences industry

Digital transformation is the topmost priority for global corporations and in a highly connected world that will remain largely contactless for an extended period, there are shifts in business models, customer experience, operations, and employee experience. With technology adoption accelerating across sectors, 2021 is likely to put the spotlight on the emergence of growth verticals in the life sciences sector namely healthcare, pharma, medical devices, diagnostics etc. India is now standing at the cusp of a re-imagined decade of technology, commonly being referred to as ‘Techade’. While we anticipate a significantly better global economic growth this year as compared to 2020, we are also very much looking forward to the enhancement being brought to the Indian life sciences industry as it continues its transformation journey in this redefined techade.

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Published by MMA Media, 2021-07-28 23:49:47

BioSpectrum India August 2021

Techade REDEFINING FUTURE OF life sciences industry

Digital transformation is the topmost priority for global corporations and in a highly connected world that will remain largely contactless for an extended period, there are shifts in business models, customer experience, operations, and employee experience. With technology adoption accelerating across sectors, 2021 is likely to put the spotlight on the emergence of growth verticals in the life sciences sector namely healthcare, pharma, medical devices, diagnostics etc. India is now standing at the cusp of a re-imagined decade of technology, commonly being referred to as ‘Techade’. While we anticipate a significantly better global economic growth this year as compared to 2020, we are also very much looking forward to the enhancement being brought to the Indian life sciences industry as it continues its transformation journey in this redefined techade.

Keywords: Business,Pharma,Biopharma

Bio-Works Ion Exchange Resins

WorkBeads™ agarose resins for IEX are truly scalable, designed for seamless use from research to large
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4.� 40 minutes Residence Time (RT) and 140mg/ml at 1.1
minutes RT indicating excellent mass transport in
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Bio-Works ion exchange resins: Product range for purification of peptides & oligos

WorkBeads"' 40S & WorkBeads'" 40Q OptioBio"' 40S 10x100 glass column BabyBio"' Q & S
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Bio-Works promotional offer: 50% discount on the OptioBio ™ 40S & 40Q Offer valid from 15 July to 30 Sept. 2021

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life sciences industry

COVER STORY 21 Digital transformation is the topmost COVER DESIGN BY:
priority for global corporations DOMINIX STRATEGIC
and in a highly connected
world that will remain largely DESIGN PVT. LTD.
contactless for an extended
period, there are shifts 23
in business models,
customer experience, Pharma/Biotech
operations, and manufacturers still
employee experience. struggle to exploit the full
With technology potential of digitalization
adoption accelerating Suresh Kumar,
across sectors, 2021 is
likely to put the spotlight India Director, Life Sciences,
on the emergence of growth Dassault Systemes, Bengaluru
verticals in the life sciences
sector namely healthcare,
pharma, medical devices,

diagnostics etc. India is now standing
at the cusp of a re-imagined decade of

technology, commonly being referred
to as ‘Techade’. While we anticipate a

significantly better global economic
growth this year as compared to 2020,
we are also very much looking forward

to the enhancement being brought to
the Indian life sciences industry as it
continues its transformation journey in

this redefined techade.

25 26

‘‘Provisions of a safety net could Biomedical Engineering education
help scientists to take more risk’’ system is the backbone of
Prof. A Thillai Rajan, healthcare innovation in India
Prof. M. Manivannan,
Principal Investigator,
Centre for Research on Touch Lab, Biomedical Engineering Group,
Startups and Risk Financing (CREST), Department of Applied Mechanics, IIT Madras
IIT Madras


5G Saga Top Video

29 Shishir Kumar,
Director, Healthcare
Is the 5G health scare unfounded? and Lifesciences,
Hitachi Vantara,
COVID-19 Hyderabad speaks
on how Internet
33 of Medical Things
(IoMT) is opening the
Is antibody cocktail offering the right mix? door to healthcare
innovations in India.
38 Scan the QR Code »

“Our allergic rhinitis drug is Dr Krishna Ella,
technologically superior, masks Chairman &
bitterness and 52% cheaper” Managing Director,
Alok Malik, Bharat Biotech,
Hyderabad talks
Group Vice President & Head, India about concluding
Formulations, Glenmark Pharmaceuticals, final analysis for
Mumbai COVAXIN efficacy
from Phase 3
Regulars clinical trials.

BioEdit .......................................................................... 06 Scan the QR Code »
BioMail ......................................................................... 08
Policy and Regulatory News..................................... 10 Cariappa Monaiah,
Company News.......................................................... 14 Chief Business
Finance News.............................................................. 15 Development
Start-up News............................................................. 16 Officer, Knowledge
WHO News................................................................... 18 Lens, Bengaluru
World News................................................................. 19 tells us how smart
Academics News........................................................ 40 manufacturing will
People News................................................................ 42 back Indian pharma
R&D News.................................................................... 45 growth demand.
Supplier News............................................................. 48
Let’s Talk Health & Science....................................... 50 Scan the QR Code »


Hara-Kiri by Drug Overuse

Not learning from the past experiences to almost all private doctors shut their clinics. Non–
stop bad or wrong practices seems to be emergency surgeries and dental treatments were
the hallmark of Indian society. This has also postponed. But instead of sales of antibiotics
been experienced several times in several fields plummeting, it actually increased, clearly indicating
keeping the wrong practices going on in an unabated that COVID-19 patients with mild symptoms were
way. Treatment of COVID-19 was no exception as administered antibiotics.
antibiotics have been overused to treat the patients
despite serious alarms having been raised on the Researchers are surprised over the use of
issue of excess use of antibiotics and their ill effects in antibiotics in COVID-19 treatment since they are
the past. effective only against bacterial infections. The fact
that overuse of antibiotics increases the risk of drug-
Washington University School of Medicine and resistant infections is a major cause for concern.
McGill University in Canada have jointly conducted a A study by the ICMR of COVID-19 patients in 10
study about use of antibiotics in India during the first hospitals in India has shown that when overall
wave of COVID-19. Its outcome has been published COVID-19 mortality rate was 10.6 per cent, it was
in Plos medicine journal. Indian Council of Medical as high as 56.7 per cent in 3.6 per cent patients with
Research (ICMR) also did a similar study from secondary bacterial or fungal infections. ICMR has
June to August 2020 and have come to the same attributed it to ‘overuse of antibiotics and superbugs.’
conclusion of overuse of antibiotics leading to deaths
of COVID-19 patients. Antibiotic resistance, which is a global
phenomenon, is not going to be restricted to any one
The researchers in US and Canada have found country or region. Antibiotic overuse is currently
out that 16.29 billion doses of antibiotics were sold more prevalent in lower and middle income
in India in 2020. Though this was slightly less than countries. India is considered the epicenter of the
2018 and 2019 when adult doses and some specific issue. Still, India does not have standardised national
antibiotic drugs were studied further their usage was data on resistance rate. As antibiotics are losing their
found to have been increased. They estimated that efficacy, it is posing a big threat. Surgeons may not
COVID-19 contributed 216 million excess doses of be able to perform organ transplants, even several
antibiotics for adults and 38 million excess doses of types of smaller surgeries and even treatments like
azithromycin from June to September 2020, a peak chemotherapy.
of the COVID-19 first wave.
A research study published in BMJ Global Health
The adult doses usage increased from 72.5 per journal last year showed that in India there were
cent in 2019 to 76.8 in 2020. Sales of azithromycin alarmingly high levels of antibiotic over prescriptions
increased from 4.5 to 5.9 per cent during the in India. 2392 of 4798 Standardised Patients
same period. Sales of doxycycline and faropenem, (SP) provider interactions resulted in at least one
which are commonly used in respiratory infections antibiotic prescription. Use of an anti-malaria drug
treatment, showed notable increase. Contrary to hydroxychloroquine, for treatment of COVID-19
that, the sale of these drugs decreased in the US and was prevented by the government and then its sale
other high income countries during the pandemic, decreased. The health authorities, government
compared to 2018 and 2019. This is attributed to the research institutes, and regulatory bodies should
fewer people falling sick by other diseases like flu etc. come together to effectively stop the over and
as the people took various precautions or lockdowns unnecessary use of antibiotics to overcome the
were imposed to avoid COVID-19 or lesser people potential serious danger of non-resistance.
underwent surgeries during the COVID-19 time.
Dr Milind Kokje
A similar trend should have been witnessed in Chief Editor
India also as in the first lockdown and thereafter
[email protected]

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Volume 19 Issue 7 July 2021 Total pages including cover 52 Vol 19; Issue 7; July 2021

Lab Acknowledgements articles from the lab automation peers.
Automation Thanks to BioSpectrum India for this
Travails in India ‘TAKE Solutions’ is thankful for wonderful coverage on lab automation.
the opportunity and for the prompt
Upscale healthcare workforce dissemination of the article in the July - Pradeep Nagisetty, Hyderabad
with right training – 33 edition. Greatly appreciate your support.
Alongside sharing views on for the
“We see growing interest of - Rajeswari P, Chennai betterment of pharmaceutical and
healthcare testing labs in implementing biochem industry landscape in various
next-gen lab automation solutions” I am glad to be featured on this Quarter reputed forums, publications and business
- Pradeep Nagisetty, BioSpectrum cover page and shared chambers including Organisation of
Country Manager - India & Sub Continent, insights on lab automation’s current Pharmaceutical Producers of India (OPPI),
Abbott Informatics - STARLIMS, Hyderabad – 29 challenges and future prospects, and I am very happy to be sharing my views
also how Abbott Informatics Business with BioSpectrum. Thank you so very
STARLIMS is assisting India and APAC much for considering my article in your
customers to achieve their compliance, esteemed publication.
and increase efficiency of their lab testing.
One will also love reading the other - Aditya Berlia, New Delhi

Vol 19; Issue 8; August 2021 MM Activ Sci-Tech Communications

Publisher & Managing Editor: South Region New Delhi INTERNATIONAL
Ravindra Boratkar Alok Srivastava Dr Manbeena Chawla Singapore
Editorial: National Business Head- Executive Editor MM Activ Singapore Pte. Ltd.
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Executive Editor: Fax:+65-63369145
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Govt inks NITI Aayog brings out report on
Mizoram not-for-profit hospital model in India
Health Systems
Strengthening NITI Aayog has released a comprehensive study on the not-for-
Project with WB profit hospital model in the country, in a step towards closing
for $32M the information gap on such institutions and facilitating robust
policymaking in this area. NITI Aayog has been extensively studying
The Government of India, the private-sector healthcare-delivery landscape in the country.
Government of Mizoram and the While there exists adequate information on for-profit healthcare
World Bank (WB) have signed providers and institutions,
a $32 million Mizoram Health there is a dearth of reliable
Systems Strengthening Project to and structured information
improve management capacity on their not-for-profit
and quality of health services counterparts, known for their
in Mizoram, particularly for the tireless service in making
benefit of under-served areas and quality healthcare accessible
vulnerable groups. The project and affordable to everyone.
will strengthen the governance The study discusses in
and the management structure detail the cost-containment
of the Department of Health strategies implemented by
and Family Welfare (DoHFW) not-for-profit hospitals. It seeks to understand the challenges that
and its subsidiaries, improve burden the operations of these institutions and hinder their growth.
the quality and coverage of The report proposes short- and long-term policy interventions—
services delivered by the state such as developing criteria to identify these hospitals, ranking them
government health systems, through a performance index, and promoting top hospitals for
and invest in a comprehensive practising philanthropy, among others. It also highlights the need
Quality Assurance programme to use the expertise of these hospitals in managing human resources
which would enable quality with limited finance in remote areas.
certification of health facilities. A
key focus will be to strengthen the FM announces additional
effectiveness of the state health Rs 23,220 Cr for public health
insurance programme; build
synergies with the Government Finance Minister (FM) sequencing. Rs 1.10 lakh crore
of India’s Pradhan Mantri Jan Nirmala Sitharaman Loan Guarantee Scheme for
Arogya Yojna (PMJAY); and announced Rs 23,220 crore COVID-19 affected sectors has
thereby reduce financial barriers earmarked for one year for also been announced. Under
in accessing hospital services, healthcare, with funding for this new scheme, additional
prevent catastrophic out of pocket short-term HR augmentation credit of Rs 1.1 lakh crore will
expenditure for health by poor through medical students flow to the businesses. This
families and expand coverage. (interns, residents, final includes Rs 50,000 crore
year) and nursing students; for the health sector and Rs
Increasing availability of ICU 60,000 crore for other sectors,
beds, oxygen supply at central, including tourism. Rs 50,000
district and subdistrict level; crore relief for the health
Ensuring adequate availability sector is aimed at upscaling
of equipment, medicines; medical infrastructure
access to teleconsultation; targeting underserved areas. It
ambulance services; and guarantees cover for expansion
Enhancing testing capacity and new projects related to
and supportive diagnostics, health/medical infrastructure
strengthen capacity for in cities other than 8
surveillance and genome metropolitan cities.


Ayush Ministry launches 5 portals pertinent to Ayurveda R&D

Ayush Ministry has launched showcasing the historical veracity Heritage and can be accessed
the Clinical Trials Registry- of Ayurveda. With the help of through NIC’s e-granthalaya
India (CTRI) portal pertinent the e-Medha portal, anyone will platform. AMAR portal, which
to Ayurveda Dataset along with have online access to more than was also launched, is a repository
AMAR, RMIS, SAHI and e-Medha 12 thousand books. These books for Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha
portals. After the inclusion of are related to Indian Medical and Sowa- Rigpa Manuscripts
dataset pertinent to Ayurveda in and catalogues. Another portal
CTRI portal, the Ayurveda Clinical CCRAS- Research Management
Trials would have worldwide Information System or RMIS
visibility and will further the in short, is a research guidance
cause of strengthening Ayurvedic platform. Apart from these five
Research. The SAHI portal portals, four publications were
incorporates authentic resources also released by the Ministry of
and will be of immense help in Ayush on Ayurveda research.

Cabinet approves MoUs DBT sets up two
with Nepal & Myanmar
for health research COVID-19 vaccine

The Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Narendra testing facilities in
Modi was apprised of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
signed between Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), Pune, Hyderabad
India and the Department of Medical Research (DMR),
Ministry of Health and Sports of Myanmar signed in February, Department of Biotechnology (DBT) has
2020 at New Delhi. The objective of this MoU is to build on the set up two vaccine testing facilities in
health research relationship in the topics of mutual research. National Centre for Cell Science (NCCS),
The main objectives are: Elimination of infectious diseases (to Pune, and National Institute of Animal
be decided mutually); Development of a network platform of Biotechnology (NIAB) Hyderabad as
emerging and viral infections; Training /capacity building in Central Drug Laboratory (CDL), for
research methodology management, clinical trials, ethics etc.; batch testing and quality control of
and Harmonization of regulatory mechanisms. Additionally, vaccines. NCCS and NIAB have been the
the Union Cabinet was also apprised of a Memorandum pillars for many aspects of infectious
of Understanding (MoU) signed between Indian Council disease-related work in India and have
of Medical Research (ICMR), India and the Nepal Health contributed to the advancement of
Research Council (NHRC), Nepal on November 17, 2020 and cutting-edge research output in frontier
January 4, 2021 respectively. The objectives of these MoUs areas of biotechnology relevant to human
are collaboration on joint research activities of mutual interest health and disease. The facility at NCCS,
such as cross-border health issues, Ayurveda/traditional Pune, has now been notified as Central
medicine and medicinal plants, climate change and health, Drugs Laboratory for testing and lot
non-communicable diseases, mental Health, Population based release of COVID-19 vaccines vide. The
cancer registry, tropical diseases, etc. facility at NIAB, Hyderabad is likely to
receive necessary notification shortly.
The facilities are expected to test approx
60 batches of vaccines per month. The
facilities are geared up to test existing
COVID-19 vaccines and other newer
COVID-19 vaccines as per the demand of
the Nation. This will not only expedite the
vaccine manufacture and supply but also
be logistically convenient considering
that both Pune and Hyderabad are the
two vaccine manufacturing hubs.


Takeda India introduces PNB Vesper gets
diagnostic programme
for rare diseases DCGI nod for Ph 3 trials

Takeda has announced ILLUMINATE - a rare on COVID-19 drug
disease diagnosis programme to support improved
clinical results for patients with Lysosomal Storage Kerala-based pharmaceutical organization PNB
Disorders (LSD), independently run and managed by Vesper has received permission from the Drugs
PerkinElmer and sponsored by Baxalta Bioscience Controller General of India (DCGI) to conduct
India (part of Takeda group of companies). The the final Phase 3 clinical trials. After a detailed
programme will support improved diagnostic deliberation by the Subject Expert Committee
pathways for patients with LSDs such as Gaucher (SEC) on the Phase 2 Clinical Trial results of
PNB-001 (GPP-BALACOVIN), the company
disease, Fabry disease, and has now been given a green signal to conduct a
mucopolysaccharidosis Type nationwide multi-centred Phase 3 Clinical Trial
II (MPSII; Hunter Syndrome). on hospitalised COVID-19 patients with oxygen
Considerably reducing support. The Phase 3 trial will be conducted on
diagnostic time through the a large patient population in 12 hospitals all over
programme, physicians could India. GPP- BALACOVIN is a novel and safe drug
timely initiate the therapy. that possesses significant efficacy to save the
Following initial recognition of hospitalised patients with oxygen support, from
symptoms that might indicate the deadly coronavirus. The drug is explicitly
the diseases, Dried Blood non-toxic to humans as evidenced in Phase 1
Spot (DBS) testing enables and Phase 2 clinical trials. None of the patients
physicians to confirm their treated with GPP- BALACOVIN reported any
diagnosis by taking a blood sample on a filter card and post-treatment health risks.
sending this to the laboratory for analysis. Reports are
then available to the physicians, which can be accessed
anytime on a password-based portal. In its first phase,
the programme will be implemented by PerkinElmer
at specific centres in Delhi, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh,
Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Maharashtra,
West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, and Karnataka.

Abbott launches Panbio COVID-19 Antigen Self-Test in India

Abbott has announced the launch simple nasal swab (not the deep devices and reagent ampules.
of Panbio COVID-19 Antigen nasopharyngeal swab) while No additional instrumentation
Self-Test for the detection of following the Instructions for is required to conduct the test.
the SARS-CoV-2 virus in adults Use steps on pack. For children The test is to be used along with
and children with or without younger than 14 years, an adult Abbott’s NAVICA mobile app,
symptoms. In alignment with caretaker should help collect available in the Google Play and
the current Indian Council the nasal samples and conduct Apple app store. The app offers a
of Medical Research (ICMR) the test procedures. The kit simple and streamlined process
advisory on self-use, these tests contains all the materials required of self-registration, automatic
will be made available to ramp up including nasal swabs, test reading of results and easy
testing of symptomatic and
asymptomatic individuals reporting as per ICMR
and contacts of confirmed guidelines. Panbio Self-
coronavirus cases. Tests will be available
The Panbio COVID-19 via retail pharmacies and
Antigen Self-Test is easy- through e-commerce
to-use, and people can platforms, as well as
take the test by using a through organizations and


PharmEasy acquires 66.1% Medtech
stake in Thyrocare for Rs 4546 Cr firm Healthium
buys VitalCare
Mumbai-based API Holdings non-controlling stake of less Group
Ltd (API), the parent company than 5 per cent in API as part of
of digital healthcare Brand, a series of equity investments Bengaluru-based medtech
PharmEasy, has announced by existing and new investors of firm Healthium has acquired
the signing of definitive API. The collaboration between VitalCare Group in the UK,
documents to acquire 66.1 per PharmEasy and Thyrocare is a manufacturer of urology
cent stake in Mumbai-based unique and transformative for consumable care products,
Thyrocare Technologies from the Indian healthcare sector, through its subsidiary
Dr A Velumani and affiliates at consumers and the entire Clinisupplies. This acquisition
a price of Rs 1,300 per share healthcare ecosystem. The will help Healthium expand its
aggregating to Rs 4,546 crore. synergies of both, India’s largest urology franchise in Europe
The transaction is subject to digital health platform and one and other developed markets.
regulatory and other applicable of the largest, cost-effective With the acquisition of
customary approvals. Docon diagnostics solution providers VitalCare, Healthium adds to
Technologies, a 100 per cent (by volume) will reimagine its manufacturing capabilities
subsidiary of API, will be the and accelerate the delivery of in urology and boosts its
acquirer and shall make an open high-quality diagnostic and in-house R&D, which will
offer for an additional 26 per OPD services across the full strengthen its presence in the
cent stake. Dr A Velumani will be continuum of patient care to urology segment in Europe
separately acquiring a minority nearly 800 million Indians. and the US. Lewis Calcutt, MD,
VitalCare will continue with
Veeda receives growth capital the company, building on its
worth $16M from Sabre Partners global presence and creating
a truly differentiated product
Veeda Clinical Research, a full-service clinical research organisation portfolio. Healthium has a
(CRO) based in Ahmedabad, has raised $16 million in a round led by diverse portfolio of medical
private equity fund, Sabre Partners. This round also saw participation devices and consumables,
from distinguished HNIs such as Pranab Mody (of JB Chemicals), which includes surgical
Havells India family office, Nikhil Vora (Founder of Sixth Sense sutures, needles, a patented
Ventures; amongst the first arthroscopy portfolio, urology
investors in companies portfolio, hernia meshes,
such as Paytm, Fogg haemostats, gloves, ligation
deodorant, etc.), Arjun clips, surgical staplers and
Bhartia (of Jubilant), other wound closure devices.
amongst others. According The company holds 60 patents
to Sabre Partners, the CRO in India and the US (including
industry is witnessing those under process).
rapid growth resulting
from a confluence of
economic and regulatory
tailwinds. Veeda is well
positioned to capitalise
this opportunity as one
of the largest independent full service clinical research organizations,
by revenue in India, as of March 31, 2021. They offer a broad range of
services with experienced scientific talent and management team. Veeda
has an experience in conducting complex clinical studies. In November
2018, a consortium of private equity investors led by CX Partners Fund 2
acquired a majority stake in Veeda.


Synapsica Healthcare secures $4.2M for global expansion

New Delhi-based startup growth and to further expand the spine specialists create patient
Synapsica Healthcare has recently suite of artificial Intelligent (AI) reports quickly, or even in real-
announced funding of $4.2 features that help radiologists and time at the tableside. Synapsica’s
million in Series-A round backed platform - Radiolens, enables
by VC funds IvyCap Ventures and radiologists and clinicians to put
Endiya Partners. The funding together reports with illustrations
round also saw participation from and objective evidence of disease
Silicon Valley-based incubator bringing transparency and
Y Combinator, and other angel hence better patient care to the
investors. Synapsica aims to community. Radiolens hosts
improve the quality of radiology several AI-based algorithms that
reports while making it easier for assist radiologists to describe the
doctors to create them. The new exact location and extent of spine-
capital would be used for overseas related pathologies.

Algorithmic Biologics Doceree secures
launches Tapestry to
scale up COVID-19 testing additional capital

Bengaluru-based startup Algorithmic Biologics Pvt Ltd to accelerate product
(ABPL) has launched Tapestry, its first commercial product
to scale up COVID-19 testing. Tapestry is a technology that development
enables safe reopening of places of work and education
with the help of affordable and frequent testing using New Delhi-based startup Doceree has
a single round, quantitative pooling algorithm with the raised a pre-series A funding for an
gold-standard RT-qPCR test. The technology works like a undisclosed amount led by existing and
compression algorithm for molecular testing, like how JPEG new investors. The company will utilise the
or ZIP compression preserves all the information but in a fresh capital to expand its programmatic
much smaller file size. Samples from different individuals offerings and advance the efficiency and
are mixed into pools according to a code. Each sample effectiveness of physician marketing. Being
is sent to three pools, ensuring testing in triplicate and able to garner a positive cash flow within a
accurate results. Individual-level results are recovered by year of commencement in the first launch
looking at the pattern of the pooling results and applying a market validates the capabilities of the
decoding algorithm. Tapestry has been cleared by the Drugs startup’s platform in elevating business
Controller General of India (DCGI) for commercial use as a outcomes in the pharma and healthcare
non-regulated medical device and registered with the Central sector. The additional monetary inflow
Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO) as well. reinforces the benefits of its platform and
enables the company to introduce new
digital technologies to evolve the physician
marketing category. Doceree, till date, has
raised seed funding from angel investors
in the US and India. The company has
bolstered its team to up to 75 members with
industry veterans from Amazon, Adobe,
Sprinklr and Experian.


HempStreet bags BIRAC grant for BeatO
cannabis-based medicinal remedies raises Rs 42 Cr
in funding
New Delhi-based startup HempStreet has become the first-ever
venture to receive the Biotechnology Ignition Grant (BIG) from BIRAC Digital care ecosystem
(Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council) for a medicinal for chronic condition
cannabis solution. It has plans to utilise the funds to patent and management, BeatO, has
commercialise a recent research breakthrough around transdermal raised Rs 42 crore in funding
led by US-based venture
delivery technology that could disrupt a capital firm W Health
$7 billion global industry. HempStreet Ventures. With this new
aims to tackle mass-ailments utilising funding, New Delhi-based
researched and responsibly dispensed startup BeatO has raised Rs 75
medicinal cannabis for pain relief to crore over the last year across
an addressable patient base of over 35 its Series A and Pre-series B
million. In less than six months, the rounds. The fresh funds will
company has marked the fastest roll- be utilised across two key
out witnessed by the industry across areas – growth in subscriber
over 2,000 clinics in 24 states in India base across multiple channels
that are now prescribing HempStreet and geographies, and product
medicines. As HempStreet is working with Cannabis which falls under the enhancement to provide care
SCHEDULE E-1 category, the startup has proactively taken preemptive for other cardiometabolic
steps to avoid any changes of abuse or misdemeanour by ensuring a solid conditions. The funding
supply chain through a blockchain mechanism. also saw participation from
PharmEasy (a Threpsi
Niramai receives research Solutions brand), Merisis VP
funding from CDC-UK and existing investors Orios
VP, Leo Capital and others.
NIRAMAI Health Analytix, a startup based in Bengaluru, has announced BeatO’s digital health platform
combines real-time monitoring
the receipt of research funding from CDC-UK for its new thermal via its IoT-connected devices
and app ecosystem to provide
screening solution. NIRAMAI is an investee of Pi Ventures, a fund AI-driven personalized insights
and proactive intervention by
backed by CDC Group (CDC, the UK’s development finance institution doctors and health coaches
to patients with chronic
and impact investor). conditions such as diabetes.

NIRAMAI FeverTest is

a smart software that

enables screening for

COVID-19 symptoms

in public places, using

computer vision and AI

to analyse and monitor

crowd compliance to

COVID-19 guidelines.

Analysing infrared and

visual cameras across

multiple hospitals,

corporate offices and

public places, the software offers an automated screening solution that

can help control the community spread of COVID-19 - enhancing India’s

preparedness to combat a third wave of the virus. NIRAMAI FeverTest

has features to help control the spread of COVID-19, including features

that recognise and detect non-compliance to mask-wearing guidelines.

The solution is being used by corporate sites of Morgan Stanley, Kotak

Bank and multiple corporate parks of RMZ across India.


WHO recommends WHO issues first
IL-6 receptor blockers
for COVID-19 treatment global report on

The World Health Organization (WHO) has updated its AI usage in health
patient care guidelines to include interleukin-6 (IL-6)
receptor blockers, a class of medicines that are lifesaving Artificial Intelligence (AI) holds great promise
in patients who are severely or critically ill with COVID-19, for improving the delivery of healthcare
especially when administered alongside corticosteroids. and medicine worldwide, but only if ethics
These were the findings from a prospective and a living and human rights are put at the heart of
network meta-analysis initiated by WHO, the largest its design, deployment, and use, according
such analysis on the drugs to date. Data from over 10 000 to new World Health Organisation (WHO)
patients enrolled in 27 clinical trials were considered. guidance published recently. The report,
These are the first drugs found to be effective against Ethics and governance of artificial intelligence
COVID-19 since corticosteroids were recommended by for health, is the result of two years of
WHO in September 2020. Patients severely or critically consultations held by a panel of international
ill with COVID-19 often suffer from an overreaction of the experts appointed by WHO. WHO’s new
immune system, which can be very harmful to the patient’s report cautions against overestimating the
health. Interleukin-6 blocking drugs – tocilizumab and benefits of AI for health, especially when this
sarilumab – act to suppress this over-reaction. To increase occurs at the expense of core investments and
access and affordability of these life-saving products, strategies required to achieve universal health
WHO calls on manufacturers to reduce prices and make coverage. It also points out that opportunities
supplies available to low- and middle-income countries, are linked to challenges and risks, including
especially where COVID-19 is surging. unethical collection and use of health
data; biases encoded in algorithms, and
risks of AI to patient safety, cybersecurity,
and the environment. For example, while
private and public sector investment in the
development and deployment of AI is critical,
the unregulated use of AI could subordinate
the rights and interests of patients and
communities to the powerful commercial
interests of technology companies or the
interests of governments in surveillance and
social control.

WHO updates guidelines for TB detection

The World Health Organization recommended for the initial diagnosis of isoniazid-resistant
(WHO) has issued an update detection of TB and resistance and rifampicin-susceptible TB;
to its consolidated guidelines to rifampicin and isoniazid, (2) low complexity automated
on the detection of tuberculosis providing more options for early NAATs, recommended for
(TB) and drug-resistant TB. The diagnosis of TB and rifampicin- the detection of resistance to
guidelines are accompanied resistant TB but also addressing isoniazid and second-line anti-TB
by an operational handbook to an important gap in the rapid agents, which will improve access
facilitate rapid implementation to testing of fluoroquinolones
and roll out of rapid molecular resistant at peripheral level;
tests by national TB programmes, and (3) high complexity reverse
ministries of health and technical hybridization-based NAATs,
partners. Three new classes of recommended for the detection
technologies are included in this of pyrazinamide resistance,
update: (1) moderate complexity representing the first molecular
automated Nucleic Acid tests for resistance determination
Amplification Tests (NAATs), to this drug.


NHS England to invest $71M to fast track online maternity records

The National Health Service devices by 2023/24. This will
(NHS) England will work with give women easy access to their
maternity service providers, local maternity records, whether on a
maternity and neonatal systems smartphone or online, allowing
and integrated care systems, as them to take full control of
well as suppliers, to develop the their pregnancy journey by
best platform for clinicians and having all the information and
women. The NHS is investing £52 decisions about their care at
million ($71 million) to fast-track their fingertips. Midwives, GPs,
its Long Term Plan commitment and other clinicians caring for a
to ensure that all women will pregnant woman will also have
have access to all of their easy access to information, no
maternity notes and information matter where or when the mum-
through a smartphone or other to-be is seen.

World’s largest browsable South Africa to
resource linking genetic
variants to human health sets in establish first

Access to the world’s largest browsable resource linking COVID-19 mRNA
rare protein-coding genetic variants to human health
and disease was launched through a genetic exome vaccine tech
sequence analysis collaboration between AbbVie, Biogen
Inc. and Pfizer. Managed by the Broad Institute of MIT transfer hub
and Harvard, the browser gives access to results from
analyses of whole exome sequencing data from 300,000 The World Health Organization (WHO)
UK Biobank research participants. These genetic data have and its COVAX partners are working with
a South African consortium comprising
been paired Biovac, Afrigen Biologics and Vaccines,
with detailed a network of universities and the Africa
health Centres for Disease Control and Prevention
information (CDC) to establish its first COVID-19 mRNA
to create this vaccine technology transfer hub. The move
browsable follows WHO’s global call for Expression of
resource. The Interest (EoI) to establish COVID-19 mRNA
collaboration vaccine technology transfer hubs to scale
between up production and access to COVID-19
AbbVie, vaccines. Over the coming weeks, the
Biogen partners will negotiate details with the
and Pfizer Government of South Africa and public
to make these data available highlights the importance and private partners inside the country
of working together to advance science. The companies and from around the world. Technology
engaged with the Broad Institute for data processing and transfer hubs are training facilities where
to conduct single variant and gene-based association the technology is established at industrial
testing with nearly 4,000 UK Biobank phenotypes to scale and clinical development performed.
identify associations between distinct genes or genetic Interested manufacturers from low- and
variants and disease. In line with the collaboration middle-income countries can receive
members’ commitment to openness, these results can now training and any necessary licenses to the
be accessed freely via the new browser. This browser will technology. WHO and partners will bring in
enable scientists worldwide to explore and utilize the data the production know-how, quality control
for their respective areas of interest in accordance with UK and necessary licenses to a single entity
Biobank’s terms of use. to facilitate a broad and rapid technology
transfer to multiple recipients.


Nepal receives ADB provides $940M
for Bangladesh to
$50M funding purchase COVID-19 vaccines

to strengthen The Asian Development Bank the purchase of an estimated 44.7
(ADB) has approved a loan package million doses of COVID-19 vaccines
healthcare of $940 million for the Government to be administered to more than
of Bangladesh to purchase safe 20 million Bangladeshis by 2024,
The World Bank’s Board and effective vaccines against contributing to the government’s
of Executive Directors COVID-19. The package, which National Deployment and
has approved additional comprises a regular loan and a Vaccination Plan for COVID-19
financing of $50 million to concessional loan of $470 million Vaccines. The vaccines will be
improve efficiency in the each, is part of ADB’s $9 billion secured through the COVID-19
public resource management Asia Pacific Vaccine Access Facility Vaccines Global Access (COVAX)
systems of Nepal’s health (APVAX) launched in December programme, the United Nations
sector. The Additional 2020 to offer rapid and equitable Children’s Fund (UNICEF),
Financing for Nepal Health vaccine-related support to ADB’s or bilateral arrangements
Sector Management Reform developing member countries with vaccine manufacturers or
Programme for Results will (DMCs). The project will fund distributors.
support the implementation
of Nepal’s Health Sector Sri Lanka gets first batch of
Strategy in the one-year WB-financed COVID-19 vaccines
extension phase and sustain
the gains accrued thus far in A consignment of Pfizer vaccines be improved through the planned
public resource management arrived in Colombo in the first district-level oxygen generating
reforms of the health sector. week of July, the first batch of plants, ensuring oxygen supplies
It will also provide critical 800,000 doses to be delivered in are available to patients. New
financing in a resource- the next few weeks. A total of five isolation units and ICU/High
constrained COVID-19 million vaccines financed through Dependency Unit facilities have
environment to build resilient the World Bank’s (WB) Sri Lanka been set up in secondary and
health systems, and prepare COVID-19 Emergency Response tertiary hospitals. World Bank
Nepal to implement its and Health System Preparedness funds have also helped provide
next health sector strategy. Project will be supplied by essential supplies and services
The additional financing December 2021. So far, the to 70 COVID-19 treatment
will continue to provide World Bank’s support has helped centers. The vaccines were
incentives for addressing strengthen Sri Lanka’s testing procured through the procedure
the bottlenecks to improving capacity, such as establishing established in the loan agreement
public resource management molecular biology laboratories signed with the Government of Sri
in the health sector, and and providing essential laboratory Lanka in May 2021, as well as the
promote transparency and and biomedical equipment. two criteria for the World Bank
accountability in the system Patient treatment capacity will vaccine approval.
by linking payments to




life sciences industry

Digital transformation is the topmost priority for
global corporations and in a highly connected
world that will remain largely contactless
for an extended period, there are
shifts in business models, customer
experience, operations, and employee
experience. With technology adoption
accelerating across sectors, 2021
is likely to put the spotlight on the
emergence of growth verticals in
the life sciences sector namely
healthcare, pharma, medical
devices, diagnostics etc. India is now
standing at the cusp of a re-imagined
decade of technology, commonly
being referred to as ‘Techade’. While
we anticipate a significantly better global
economic growth this year as compared
to 2020, we are also very much looking

forward to the enhancement being brought to the
Indian life sciences industry as it continues its

transformation journey in this redefined techade.

At a time when global output is estimated According to National Association of Software &
to have shrunk by 3.2 per cent, led by the Services Companies (NASSCOM), the consolidated
ongoing pandemic, the technology sector revenues of top listed technology companies recorded
in India rallied round to grow at 2.3 per cent year a growth of 5.3 per cent in the second half (H2) of
on year on the back of rapid acceleration in digital 2020 over the first half (H1) of 2020. Further, with
transformation and tech adoption. COVID -19 has an increase in focus on digital upskilling initiatives,
indeed accelerated digital adoption across industries revenue per employee grew at 5.5 per cent in H2
and technology service providers are witnessing a 2020 as compared to H1 2020.
sharp growth in digital deals.
Sharing his views, U.B. Pravin Rao, Chairman,


“The technology industry witnessed 146 M&A
deals in 2020, 90 per cent of which were digitally
focused. Also, companies saw a significant rise of
80 per cent in cloud adoption in second-half of
2020 compared to the first-half.”
Chairman, NASSCOM, Bengaluru

“Our Personalised Medicine Solution, leveraging NASSCOM, Bengaluru, says “Resonating with the
SAP S/4HANA, will help ensure that traditional overarching call-to-action for Atmanirbhar Bharat,
pharma companies are able to digitally transform domestic digital adoption intensified in 2020. With
themselves with minimum disruption.” an increased focus on innovation, India witnessed
- SUBHRO MALLIK more than 115,000 tech patents filed by companies
Senior Vice President & in India in the last 5 years. The technology industry
Global Head of Life Sciences, Infosys, US witnessed 146 M&A deals in 2020, 90 per cent of
which were digitally focused. Also, companies saw
“We aim to develop an innovation mindset in a significant rise of 80 per cent in cloud adoption in
students with engineering skills by providing second-half of 2020 compared to the first-half.”
industrial exposure in the healthcare domain and
other technology areas.” Interestingly, as the technology industry looks
- NALINIKANTH GOLLAGUNTA forward to leaner structures with more flexibility and
Global Chief Operating Officer, faster adoption of technology-based products and
Digital, GE Healthcare, Bengaluru services in 2021, 60 per cent of the industry CEOs
expect larger digitization deals in 2021. With hyper-
digitisation and technology adoption accelerating
across sectors, 2021 is likely to put the spotlight on
emergence of growth verticals in the life sciences
sector namely healthcare, pharma, medical devices,
diagnostics etc. India is now standing at the cusp of a
re-imagined decade of technology, commonly being
referred to as ‘Techade’, with 2021 to re-define the
life sciences industry narrative for the future.


As investment in digital continues to rise as an Suresh Kumar
imperative for the industry, the future is calling for India Director, Life Sciences,
stronger amalgamation of technology within the life Dassault Systemes, Bengaluru
sciences sector. The IT giants are taking multiple
steps forward to provide solutions for addressing the Pharma/Biotech manufacturers
major healthcare challenges and bottlenecks facing still struggle to exploit the full
the country. potential of digitalization

A recent example is that of Co-WIN platform, Across life sciences, the need for
which is the first of its kind software in the digitalisation has prevailed for years in
world developed by leading IT experts in India India, despite being the second largest
to implement the world’s largest immunisation contributor of global biotech and pharmaceutical
campaign against COVID-19. It has enabled a workforce. While we’re seeing progress in
transparent system to monitor each dose of vaccine adoption of digital technologies for business and
supplied to vaccination facilities and record the manufacturing processes in the pharmaceutical
fulfilment of demand at a grass-root level. and biotech industries, manufacturers
still struggle to exploit the full potential of
Strengthening the backbone digitalisation.

Ever since the pandemic has taken over the world From an ongoing trend perspective - Digital
in its grip, a number of technological advantages Transformation, fueled by new age innovations
have been brought about by the IT industry to like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and 3D Printing
strengthen the backbone of the healthcare sector. To can lead technology adoption in the sector. AI
mention one in particular is the blockchain-based can facilitate repurposing of drugs, faster drug
solution developed by Mumbai-headquartered Tata development, patient identification, better and
insights from clinical trials data, predict the
spread of the disease etc. AI has been used to
identify and screen existing drugs that could be
repurposed to treat COVID-19, aid clinical trials,
analyse trial data and patient electronic medical
records (EMRs). Similarly, 3D Printing of body
parts are used in facial surgeries, limb surgeries
and others.

With the advancement of conventional and
disruptive technologies, the healthcare and
life sciences sector in India is transforming,
characterised by data mining, clinical diagnoses,
and self-monitoring devices to help maintain a
healthy lifestyle. Unearthing the current state of
adoption of disruptive technologies across the
life sciences sector in India, technology will play a
huge role in the impact and scope of embracing
technology for healthcare transformation. It will
enable the entire ecosystem to take strategic
decisions and resolve technology adoption
concerns and challenges.

Additionally, while life sciences companies
have access to abundant data, it is a challenge to
find an authentic source that provides accurate


“14 per cent of total investments in 2020 were in Consultancy Services (TCS) to scale up COVID-19
deep-tech startups, up from 11 per cent in 2019. testing.
Further, 87 per cent of all deep-tech investments
were in artificial intelligence (AI)/ machine TCS has deployed its dynamic digital supply-
learning (ML) startups, in 2020.” chain platform that powers an ambitious new
- PARI NATARAJAN project called Indigenisation of Diagnostics (InDx)
Chief Executive Officer, Zinnov, Bengaluru launched by Bengaluru-based Centre for Cellular and
Molecular Platforms (C-CAMP) in association with
“We are strengthening our digital offerings the government to scale up indigenous COVID-19
that are at the intersection of new software diagnostic test-kit production capacity to a million
technologies and medical devices - a sector that is test kits a day.
expected to witness significant investments and
consumerisation in the post-COVID era.” According to Dinanath Kholkar, Global Head
- RAVI KUMAR – Analytics and Insights, TCS, Pune, “The TCS
President, Infosys, US Data Marketplace solution is the lynchpin that
anchors InDx’s supplier ecosystem of micro, small
“We have brought out a geospatial mapping tool and medium enterprises, democratising supplier
OpenStreetMap (OSM) aimed at driving positive data, enhancing supply-chain visibility, and driving
outcomes in the fight to end malaria in India superior outcomes for all stakeholders including the
starting from Odisha.” government.”
Chairman and Managing Director, Bengaluru headquartered IT company Wipro,
Cognizant India, New Delhi through its joint venture with GE Healthcare (WGE),
is also working with the government on developing
new medical technologies. The company is investing
about Rs 100 crore under the Production Linked
Incentive (PLI) scheme for medical devices.

On the other hand, Bengaluru-based IT firm
Infosys has recently developed a personalised
medicine solution for the pharmaceutical industry.
The solution leverages Systems Applications and
Products (SAP)-based software to derive intelligent
insights, enabling pharmaceutical companies to
address critical business and regulatory requirements
while delivering personalised experiences to patients.

“With rapid growth in digital technologies and
advances in biology, the personalized medicine
market is projected to grow significantly, and we see
a huge opportunity in this space. Digital technologies
can help pharma companies accelerate their time
to market and provide better patient experiences.
Our Personalized Medicine Solution, leveraging SAP
S/4HANA, will help ensure that traditional pharma
companies are able to digitally transform themselves
with minimum disruption”, says Subhro Mallik,
Senior Vice President & Global Head of Life Sciences,
Infosys, US.

Further demonstrating its commitment to
innovate for its clients, and make a meaningful
impact on human lives by combining cutting-edge
technologies, Infosys has recently acquired a US-
based medtech company Kaleidoscope Innovation.
Kaleidoscope designs microsurgical instruments,
devices used in minimally invasive surgery, drug
delivery devices for ophthalmic therapies and user-
centric wearables. It also offers usability testing in
support of regulatory submissions, including the
delivery mechanism for aortic stents.


Prof. A Thillai Rajan two years has been only about 60 percent of the
Principal Investigator, Centre for Research on startups set up in the previous two-year period.
Startups and Risk Financing (CREST), IIT Madras This number will increase. But more importantly,
the bigger companies in the health tech sector
‘‘Provisions of a would benefit more from these new technologies
safety net could help as compared to startups. For a variety of reasons,
scientists to take more risk’’ the formation of startups in the health tech and
life sciences sector may not be as high as in other
With risk capital investment in Indian sectors.
technology startups touching $68 billion
in 2011-20, academic research and Do you think big IT firms can push the
thinking can play an important role in sustaining development of health-tech startups in India?
and furthering this growth in entrepreneurship. Established management wisdom would
In view of this, the Indian Institute of Technology prescribe that big IT firms should not diversify by
Madras (IIT-M) has launched a new research investing in startups but should return the cash to
centre, focused on startups and risk financing. shareholders so that they can invest in startups
The institute also plans to create a unique, world- directly. In fact, that is what is happening. While
class data repository to address a major hurdle for the big IT firms have been generating a lot of cash,
engaging in high-quality research. In conversation they have also been distributing healthy dividends.
with BioSpectrum, Prof. A Thillai Rajan, Principal
Investigator, Centre for Research on Startups and Are health-tech startups building the right
Risk Financing (CREST), IIT Madras, shares more solutions for the Indian healthcare system?
details on the current scenario of health-tech Yes, health tech startups are building the right
startups in India. Edited excerpts; solutions for the Indian healthcare system. The
challenges are not unique to the health tech sector.
What are the key challenges being addressed by Scaling up is a big challenge. The Indian market
CREST? is also very price-sensitive, which means that
The role of higher education institutions in the area large volumes are needed to achieve break even.
of startups and entrepreneurship is four-fold. The Significant investments are needed till reaching
first is the creation of intellectual property that can break-even and long-term capital needed to
be commercialized through startups. The second support health tech start-ups are still scarce.
is to train for entrepreneurship through various
formal and unstructured programs. The third is How can we increase the culture of ‘taking risk’
to provide a nurturing environment by setting during research and innovation in the healthcare
up incubators and providing access to various sector?
facilities. The fourth is to generate insights through Taking risks is not something that can be taught.
rigorous research that can inform and guide policy Risk appetite varies between individuals and
making and practice. While substantial progress can change over time as well. The presence of a
has been achieved in the first three, much needs to safety net can help the fence-sitters to go for it.
be done on the fourth. CREST is a big step in that In sum, provisions of a safety net - like backup
direction. employment or availability of adequate early-stage
investment could help founders and scientists to
With new technologies coming along such as take more risk.
AI, big data, etc., how do you foresee the growth
of health-tech startups in India, in terms of Does India need to learn more from other
investment? countries to push health-tech innovation?
The number of startups in health-tech in the last More than other countries, it would be beneficial
if India learns from its own past experience.
Systematically analysing what interventions
have been effective and what have not would
help policy-making as well as investors. Today
we have the data as well as the tools to analyse
such data.


Prof. M. Manivannan institutes with the hospitals such as IIT Roorkee
Touch Lab, Biomedical Engineering Group, with the AIIMS Rishikesh, or IIT Delhi with AIIMS
Department of Applied Mechanics, IIT Madras Delhi. The vicinity of the place and the talent
nurtured in the top-ranked institute would drive the
Biomedical Engineering collaboration to its near future end goals.
education system is the
backbone of healthcare There is a need to set up a BME development
innovation in India committee with representatives from the medical
devices industry and academia of engineering and
As healthcare is becoming more and more medicine. Medical Technology provides a massive
technology-based, providing essential opportunity for both the educational institutes and
biomedical equipment to chosen centres, the industry to work synergistically. It can bridge
reaching remote corners of India, is challenging. the distance between the caregiver and the patient,
Biomedical Engineering (BME) education system thereby helping patients remotely access specialist
is the backbone of healthcare innovation in India. and specialized equipment present in large cities far
Unfortunately, the BME education system is hitherto away. The educational institutes should streamline
ignored and needs special attention urgently. the training in a manner that makes graduates
ready for the industry.
Although India’s BME educational system
has been developing for the past 50 years, On the other hand, industries can sponsor
its development has not accelerated enough scholarships in educational institutes for preparing
compared to other programmes in India. As students for specific industrial needs. Industries
the Indian Medical Devices industry grows, can recruit BME graduates specifically for R&D by
there will be a need for biomedical engineering making sure that the graduate is very strong in the
professionals. fundamentals and much interested in the research
career and scientific publications. For a successful
In the current scenario, the role of biomedical medical device and instrumentation programme,
engineers is limited. Once high-end equipment we need to bring three key players together:
is manufactured locally, there will be a surge in Engineering Faculty, Clinical Faculty, device Industry,
demand for skilled biomedical engineers. To fulfill and create an ecosystem in which these three key
this evolving field’s expectation, there is a need players can collaborate.
for making liaisons between different academic
All projects related to Medical Devices in India
could be insisted to have these three players.
Without collaboration with medical hospitals and
medical colleges, BME programme would not
serve their purpose. Therefore, medical college
faculty should be given incentives to participate in
engineering college programmes actively.

“We are strengthening our digital offerings that Ericsson to accelerate the deployment of 5G solutions
are at the intersection of new software technologies across many verticals including healthcare in India.
and medical devices - a sector that is expected to
witness significant investments and consumerization “Capgemini has a strong existing portfolio of use
in the post-COVID era. In addition, 5G is another cases across industries. For instance, a real-time tele-
sector which will reach the consumer with better ultrasound solution supported by a 5G network and
devices and latency, Augmented Reality/Virtual AI performs preliminary diagnosis for remote doctor
Reality (AR/VR) technology, Internet of Things (IoT), assistance. This provides primary health centers
and other innovations. In fact, VR and AR will enable with the platform capabilities to optimize patient
remote healthcare on a new level”, says Ravi Kumar, health checks delivering multiple remote healthcare
President, Infosys, US. benefits”, shares Ashwin Yardi, Chief Executive
Officer – India, Capgemini, Mumbai.
Speaking of 5G, another prominent IT
player Capgemini, headquartered in France, has Focusing primarily on healthcare, American
established a 5G lab in Mumbai; its first in Asia multinational technology firm Cognizant has brought
and third globally. Moreover, the company is also out a geospatial mapping initiative aimed at driving
strengthening its collaboration with Swedish firm positive outcomes in the fight to end malaria in
India. The first phase of this initiative is focused on


Odisha, the state with one of the highest incidences of “We have a strong existing portfolio of use cases
malaria, specifically the hotspot districts of Koraput across industries. For instance, a real-time tele-
and Malkangiri. ultrasound solution supported by a 5G network
and AI performs preliminary diagnosis for remote
“We will use OpenStreetMap (OSM) to trace,
edit and label key infrastructure and geography of doctor assistance.”
the region, including streets, buildings, vegetation - ASHWIN YARDI
and water bodies. Our partner Malaria No More
India will overlay epidemiology and weather data on Chief Executive Officer – India,
the geospatial map framework, which will then be Capgemini, Mumbai
used to identify disease hotspots and underserved
communities, stratify the risk of transmission, “Microsoft for HealthTech Startups programme aims
improve surveillance and disease reporting and to help entrepreneurs with technical support as well
deliver targeted medical interventions, supplies and as resources for co-selling and co-building tech tools
life-saving aids and tools”, explains Rajesh Nambiar,
Chairman and Managing Director, Cognizant India, to achieve better outcomes across healthcare.”

Working on similar lines, US-based Hewlett Director, Startup Ecosystem,
Packard Enterprise has collaborated with Swiss firm Microsoft India, Gurugram
Novartis to accelerate the use of data and digital
technologies for improving access to healthcare and “Our blockchain-based solution is the lynchpin
medicines. The first use case for the partnership will that anchors C-CAMP’s Indigenisation of
seek to develop a disease surveillance solution for
dengue fever, initially focusing on India. Diagnostics supplier ecosystem of micro, small
and medium enterprises.”
The collaboration will focus on three global health - DINANATH KHOLKAR
enablers: identifying and integrating complex data
sources related to health; advancing the application Global Head – Analytics and Insights, TCS, Pune
of artificial intelligence, machine learning and geo-
spatial analytics to these data; and expanding access
to technology in remote and underserved locations.

Creating new opportunities with startups

With over 1600 tech startups and a record number
of 12 additional unicorns added in 2020, the highest
ever added in a single calendar year, the Indian tech
startup base is witnessing a steady growth at a scale
of 8-10 per cent year-on-year growth.

According to Pari Natarajan, Chief Executive
Officer, Zinnov, Bengaluru, “Deep-tech is getting
deep-rooted into startups’ DNA with 19 per cent of
tech startups leveraging deep-tech solutions to build
product competencies for market expansion. In fact,
14 per cent of total investments in 2020 were in deep-
tech startups, up from 11 per cent in 2019. Further,
87 per cent of all deep-tech investments were in
artificial intelligence (AI)/ machine learning (ML)
startups, in 2020. Although cautiously optimistic,
2021 promises a return to normalcy for the Indian
tech startup ecosystem.”

And this technological rush and optimism is
being experienced across a number of life sciences-
based startups as well, with full support from the
IT industry. For example, American technology
company Microsoft has launched a dedicated
programme for health tech startups in India. The
programme is designed to help startups scale with


TECHADE REDEFINING to help Tata Digital expand into pro-active health
LIFE SCIENCES SECTOR management space.

Company Technology Application Tata Digital has also recently acquired a majority
Diagnostics stake in New Delhi-based digital health startup
Tata Blockchain 1MG Technologies (1MG), for creating a digital
Consultancy Personalised ecosystem that addresses consumer needs across
Services (TCS), Medicine categories such as e-pharmacy, e-diagnostics and
Mumbai Diagnostics teleconsultation.

Infosys, SAP-based Malaria Further to mention, Ratan Tata, former chairman
Bengaluru Software Surveillance of Tata Sons, who is known to invest in startups and
Dengue has made several investments in many tech-driven
Capgemini, 5G Surveillance companies in his personal capacity, has recently
France invested in Kolkata-based healthcare services startup
Health Data iKure. At present, iKure has deployed technologies
Cognizant, US Geospatial Diagnostics such as IBM Cloud Pak and Watson AI to facilitate
Mapping the development and deployment of a predictive
model for cardiac care.
Hewlett Packard Geo-spatial
Enterprise, US analytics, AI, In order to push the entrepreneurial ecosystem
in India, Wipro-GE Healthcare (WGE) has recently
ML announced a fellowship partnership with Indian
Institute of Technology Madras (IIT-M) to mentor
Microsoft, US Cloud the students and their ideas, and help them develop
affordable healthcare solutions for those in need
Wipro GE, Deep tech, AI across India.
“We aim to develop an innovation mindset
advanced technology and joint go-to-market support. in students with engineering skills by providing
Microsoft is also collaborating with startup incubator industrial exposure in healthcare domain and other
Social Alpha to accelerate the growth of participating technology areas of the company through close
startups. collaboration with technical experts. Research
scholars of this MS programme shall also be offered
Sharing more details about this initiative, nine-month long internship opportunity at WGE”,
Sangeeta Bavi, Director, Startup Ecosystem, says Nalinikanth Gollagunta, Global Chief Operating
Microsoft India, Gurugram says, “Microsoft for Officer, Digital, GE Healthcare, Bengaluru.
HealthTech Startups aims to help entrepreneurs
with technical support as well as resources for co- WGE has also opened an advanced centre for
selling and co-building tech tools to achieve better innovation and research at the Indian Institute of
outcomes across healthcare. The Microsoft Cloud Science (IISc) campus in Bengaluru to work on
for Healthcare unlocks the power of Microsoft the next level of healthcare diagnostics with deep
Azure, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Dynamics 365, and learning technology, artificial intelligence and future-
Microsoft Power Platform, and enables startups to ready digital interfaces. To start with, this facility
access a portfolio of released and new healthcare will work with over 50 students and three faculty
capabilities tailored to the unique requirements of members of IISc.
health data in the cloud.”
Some of the use cases that the collaboration will
Likewise, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) has explore include deep learning models for improving
launched an initiative called Digital Impact Square as well as classifying spectral domain optical
(DISQ) in Nashik, in the form of an open social coherence tomography images in ophthalmology, and
innovation platform designed especially for startups. deep learning based medical image reconstruction
DISQovery 2021 initiative is picking teams of
young innovators with an entrepreneurial bent of While we anticipate a significantly better
mind; who want to turn an idea or a concept into a global economic growth in 2021 as compared to
successful startup and are willing to commit for the 2020, we are also very much looking forward to
next 12-18 months to further their cause in the area of the enhancement being brought to the Indian life
rural health entrepreneurship. sciences industry as it continues its transformation
journey in this re-defined techade.
Another company of the Tata Group, Tata Digital
has entered a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Dr Manbeena Chawla
for an investment of up to Rs 550 crore in Bengaluru- [email protected]
based startup CureFit Healthcare. CureFit, with its
range of fitness & wellness offerings, is intended


Is the 5G health
scare unfounded?
The COVID-19 pandemic has opened new
The introduction of the 5G network has avenues of how people do their day-to-
been mired in numerous controversies. day work and how children as young as
Governments across the globe, activists and three are undertaking online lessons. Though
telecom operators are embroiled in a bitter a handful of offices have opened, a majority of
fight, filing lawsuits and protesting in large the workforce is somehow managing to work
numbers. Although most of the available from home. And all this has led to increased
research on electromagnetic fields (EMF) consumption of the Internet. The high demand
reveals that there are no harmful effects for the Internet has forced telecom operators to
from mobile radiation, some studies do look out for an advanced form of technology to
reveal that it has the potential to damage the cater to the demands.
very structure of the DNA. Cancer, impaired
reproductive health and numerous other We are all aware of the harmful radiation
disorders, including psychiatric, have been being emitted from mobile phones and not only
attributed to 5G. Will the implementation adults but even children are always hooked to
of the 5G network have serious health mobile phones. The introduction of the fifth
implications, or are these fears unfounded? generation or 5G network has made many
We try to weigh-in the opposing sides. cautious about the harmful effects of mobile
radiation. However, healthcare experts and the


5G DAMAGES DNA … A MAJOR “Fifth-generation (5G) cell
phones are anticipated to use
Last year, in an appeal to the European Union
(EU), more than 180 scientists and doctors the frequency spectrum up to
from 36 countries warned about the danger
of 5G, which will lead to a massive increase in 80 GHz. These frequencies all
involuntary exposure to electromagnetic radiation.
The scientists have urged the EU to set up an fall in the non-ionizing range
independent task force to reassess the health
effects of 5G radiation. of the spectrum, which is low

Numerous studies have been conducted since frequency and low energy. The
the last decade on the harmful effects of radiation
from 2G, 3G and 4G technologies. Studies have energy is too low to damage
shown that stress, sperm and testicular damage,
neuropsychiatric effects, including changes to DNA. DNA damage can cause
electrical activity in the brain, cellular DNA damage
and calcium overload can occur in humans as a changes to genes that may
result of exposure to nonionizing electromagnetic
fields (EMFs). increase the risk of cancer. So

According to Sarah Driessen, Research Center there is no risk of any cancers
for Electromagnetic Environmental Compatibility
at Germany’s University of Aachen, a US-based with the current frequency
study shows a clear connection between strong
radiofrequency fields of existing radio standards spectrum.” - Dr Harish P,
and cancer in rats.
Senior Oncologist,
Researchers believe that young children tend
to be more exposed to radiation as they have Cytecare Cancer Hospitals, Bengaluru
smaller skulls and skull thickness.
good. With little option in hand, the urban and
A blog by Joel M Moskowitz cites research rural areas have seen a surge in the demand for
undertaken by more than 240 scientists who have Internet connectivity.
published peer-reviewed research on the biological
and health effects of nonionizing electromagnetic Now, on one hand, we need good Internet
fields (EMF) signed the International EMF Scientist service for online classes and webinars and online
Appeal, which calls for stronger exposure limits. conferences happening in large numbers and
on the other, we are concerned about the health
Cancer risk is predominant besides cellular hazards due to radiation being emitted from
stress, increase in harmful free radicals, genetic mobile phones and other gadgets.
damages, structural and functional changes of
the reproductive system, learning and memory The Stewart report in 2000 by the UK
deficits, neurological disorders, and negative Independent Expert Group on mobile phones
impacts on general well-being in humans. Apart declared that children may be more vulnerable to
from human beings and animals, the blog also electromagnetic fields (EMF) than any other age
points out ill effects on plant life. group. The conductivity of children is higher due
to higher moisture and ionic content compared
Sources:,, to adults and more than adults, children’s head
absorbs a lot of RF energy.
government have been able to allay some fears
among the general public, as there is no concrete Now the question remains, what is the way
evidence to prove that mobile radiation can cause out and what effect will 5G implementation have
health hazards. on one’s health outcome.

A few years back health specialists have raised Possible health hazards
concerns and believed that too much handling
of mobile phones may lead to headaches, heart Till now a handful of studies have been
diseases, and sometimes fertility issues. With conducted on the effects of 5G radiation. Though
COVID-19 on the loose, things have changed for some studies have been undertaken in western
nations, there is no concrete proof as to what will
be the health outcome when 5G is implemented
in India wholly.

Talking about the possible health hazards 5G
might bring in, Dr Harish P, Senior oncologist,
Cytecare Cancer Hospitals, Bengaluru said,
“Excessive screen time associated with easy
availability of media in a handheld device makes
for longer viewing hours. This in turn has many
psychological impacts. The power of concentration
is reduced. This is especially important for very


young children whose brain has just started “To date, no definite health
developing. This can lead to poor scholastic effect has been causally
performances. Adults, as well as children, may
develop anxiety, restlessness, depression and linked to exposure to these
addictive habits. The habits could be so strong technologies. There are very few
that increasing suicides especially in the younger
population are ascribed to overexposure to screen studies on 5G as yet. Provided
time. But as such, 5G radiation has not been that the overall exposure
ascribed as a cause for all these changes.”
remains below international
Likewise, Dr Madhuchanda Kar, Senior guidelines no consequences for
Consultant and Clinical Director, Department public health are anticipated as
of Oncology, Peerless Hospital, Kolkata opined,
“There are short-term consequences like tissue of now. In this context WHO is
heating and suspected long-term consequences promoting further research and
like brain tumours. The largest retrospective
study by IACR (International Agency For Cancer developing public information
Registries) conducted in 13 countries did not materials. 5G may be hazardous
show any increase in brain tumours even after 10
years of the follow-up study.” if only we can prove it.”
- Dr Madhuchanda Kar,
Currently, exposure from 5G infrastructures
at around 3.5 GHz is similar to that from existing Senior Consultant and Clinical Director,
mobile phone base stations. The extent of any Department of Oncology, Peerless Hospital, Kolkata
change in exposure to radiofrequency fields is
still under investigation. informed that the testing of the 5G network has
not yet started anywhere in India.
Tissue heating is the main mechanism of
interaction between EMF and the human body. Mobile towers emit non-ionizing radio
However, Radio-Frequency (RF) exposure levels frequencies having very minuscule power and
from current technologies result in negligible are incapable of causing any kind of damage to
temperature rise. IACR has classified EMF as living cells including human beings. DoT has
possibly carcinogenic as chance or bias can’t be prescribed norms for exposure limit for the Radio
ruled out with confidence. Frequency Field (i.e. Base Station Emissions)
which are 10 times more stringent than the safe
According to Dr Kar, “To date, no definite limits prescribed by International Commission
health effect has been causally linked to exposure on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP)
to these technologies. There are very few studies and recommended by WHO.
on 5G as yet. Provided that the overall exposure
remains below international guidelines no In addition, DoT has approved a financial
consequences for public health are anticipated as grant in 2020 for a multi-institute collaborative
of now. In this context WHO is promoting further project to set up the ‘Indigenous 5G Test Bed’ in
research and developing public information India at a total cost of Rs 224.01 crore over 36
materials. 5G may be hazardous if only we can months. The eight collaborating institutes in the
prove it.” project are the Centre of Excellence in Wireless
Technology (CEWiT), IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi,
Allaying fears IIT Hyderabad, IIT Madras, IIT Kanpur, IISc
Bangalore and Society for Applied Microwave
Recently there was news about a certain Electronics Engineering & Research (SAMEER).
link between the 5G technology and the
spread of COVID-19. The Department of Precautions
Telecommunication (DoT) sprung into action
and clarified that several misleading messages However less radiation is being emitted from
were being circulated on various social media gadgets, one should always remember that
platforms claiming that the second wave of studies are still going on and the human body
coronavirus has been caused by the testing of the is going to have an impact due to radiation.
5G mobile towers. With fewer options in hand, certain preventive
measures can be adopted to minimise the risk.
As per a press statement issued by DoT, the
messages are false and not correct and have According to Dr Harish P, “Fifth-generation
no scientific basis. Moreover, the department (5G) cell phones are anticipated to use the
frequency spectrum up to 80 GHz. These
frequencies all fall in the non-ionizing range of
the spectrum, which is low frequency and low
energy. The energy is too low to damage DNA.


DNA damage can cause changes to genes that ANTI-5G MOVEMENT
may increase the risk of cancer. So there is no
risk of any cancers with the current frequency US-based Environmental Health Trust (EHT), a
spectrum.” think tank that promotes a healthier environment
through research, education, and policy, is quite
On the other hand, Indian Society for vocal about the ill effects of radiation from mobile
Clinical Research (ISCR) has classified that towers. The think tank has been instrumental in
electromagnetic fields (EMF) is possibly bringing policymakers on a common platform
carcinogenic and so the concern remains. The to create awareness of the health impact of the
World Health Organisation is encouraging more 4G/5G densification.
studies to be conducted and promoting further
research besides developing public information According to the EHT website, over 600 cities
material to create awareness among the public. in Italy have passed resolutions to halt 5G, as
have cities throughout Europe, such as Trafford,
At present, telecom operators are facing the the UK, Lille, France, Ormideia (Cyprus), Balchik,
brunt amidst the fear of radiation lurking in Bulgaria. Bermuda has halted 5G pending a safety
the minds of the common man. Activists and report. Switzerland’s report on 5G health effects
resulted in the Parliament’s refusal to loosen their
radiation limits despite heavy industry lobbying
efforts. The Netherlands issued a 5G report that
recommended measuring radiation levels and
also recommended against using the 26 GHz
frequency band for 5G “for as long as the potential
health risks have not been investigated.

It may also be noted that Indian actress Juhi
Chawla has spearheaded a movement against
the implementation of 5G and its implications
on health. Recently, Chawla also filed a lawsuit
to protest against 5G technology in India and the
case is still going on.

EHT claims that 5G will increase ambient
levels of wireless radiofrequency radiation. Peer-
reviewed research has demonstrated a myriad
of adverse effects from wireless radiofrequency
radiation including increased brain cancer, DNA
damage, oxidative stress, immune dysfunction,
altered brain development, damaged reproduction,
sleep changes, hyperactivity, and memory

NGOs have jumped into the fray to convince the
government across the world against the harmful
impact it will have on health. Though a lot of
research still needs to be undertaken, only time
will tell whether a 5G network is really bad for us
or it will help economies flourish due to better
Internet connectivity. While we are tackling
the 5G health scare, speculations are rife about
the impending launch of 6G. Already launched
in countries like China and Japan, and Canada
presently implementing it, the 6G network will,
most likely, unleash newer concerns and fears of
even more severe health hazards.

Sanjiv Das
[email protected]


Is antibody cocktail
offering the right mix?

Although the clinical outcomes as well as clinical trials have been very promising for patients
treated with the antibody cocktail so far, the Delta plus variant is consid-ered to be resistant to
the monoclonal antibody (mAb) cocktail treatment.

India continues to roll out vaccines for the distribution strengths across the country. The drug
prevention of COVID-19. While the vaccination will be available through leading hospitals and
drive continues, India has been considering COVID-19 treatment centres.
alternative therapies for the treatment of COVID-19.
On May 5, 2021, the Central Drugs Standards Control The cocktail is to be administered for the
Organisation (CDSCO) provided emergency use treatment of mild to moderate COVID-19 in adults
authorisation for the antibody cocktail (casirivimab and paediatric patients (12 years of age or older,
and imdevimab) in India. Former US President, weighing at least 40 kg) who are confirmed to be
Donald Trump was administered the experimental infected with SARS-COV-2 and who are at high risk
Regeneron antibody treatment in October 2020, of de-veloping severe COVID-19 disease and do not
when he tested positive for COVID-19. require oxygen.

The antibody cocktail has been developed by US The pharma majors (Cipla, Roche) claim that
biotechnology company Regeneron, in association it has can help these high-risk patients before
with Roche Pharma. The antibodies bind themselves their condition worsens, reducing the risk of
to two different sites on the SARS-CoV-2 spike hospitalisation and fatality by 70 per cent and
protein, neutralising the ability of the virus to infect shortening the duration of symptoms by four days.
human cells.
Each pack of antibody cocktail contains one vial of
Cipla is marketing the drug manufactured by casirivimab and one vial of imdevimab totalling 2400
Roche Pharma in India. The drug is accessible mg of the antibody cocktail (one vial of casirivimab
through hospitals and COVID-19 treatment centres. (1200 mg) and one vial of imdevimab (1200 mg).
It can in total potential benefit 200,000 patients Each pack can treat two patients as the dosage per
as each of the 100,000 packs that will be available patient is a combined dose of 1200 mg (600 mg of
in India offers treatment for two patients. Cipla is casirivimab and 600 mg of imdevimab) administered
distributing the product by leveraging its strong by intravenous infusion or subcutaneous route. The
vials need to be stored at 2°C to 8°C.


“If this combination is If opened for the first patient’ dose, a vial can be
administered on patients used for the second patients’ dose within 48 hours if
requiring high-flow oxygen or stored at 2°C to 8°C. The price for each patient dose
mechanical ventilation then [a combined dose of 1200 mg (600 mg of casirivimab
the clinical outcomes can and 600 mg of imdevimab)] will be Rs 59,750
inclusive of all taxes. The maximum retail price for
become worse.” the multi-dose pack is Rs 119,500 inclusive of all
- Dr D Nageshwar Reddy, taxes.

Chairman, AIG Hospitals, Hyderabad The Randomised Evaluation of COVID-19
Therapy (RECOVERY) trial has demonstrated that
“The hope was that by the investigational antibody combination developed
giving a combination by Regeneron reduces the risk of death when given to
of antibodies targeting patients hospitalised with severe COVID-19 who have
the SARS-CoV-2 virus not mounted a natural antibody response of their
we would be able
to reduce the worst Previous studies in non-hospitalised COVID-19
patients have shown that the treatment reduces viral
manifestations of load, shortens the time to resolution of symptoms,
COVID-19.” and significantly reduces the risk of hospitalisation or
- Sir Peter Horby, death.

Professor, Emerging Infectious Diseases, Nuffield In a small trial in hospitalised patients,
Department of Medicine, University of Oxford, UK preliminary evidence suggested a clinical benefit in
patients who had not mounted a natural antibody
“I was careful and vaccinated. response of their own when they entered the trial
Hospitalised with a high fever (were seronegative). RECOVERY is the first trial
I took the cocktail Regeneron large enough to determine definitively whether this
therapy within the early window treatment reduces mortality in patients hospitalised
with severe COVID-19.
period and it has made a
dramatic difference.” “The hope was that by giving a combination
- Sangita Reddy, of antibodies targeting the SARS-CoV-2 virus we
would be able to reduce the worst manifestations of
Joint Managing Director, Apollo Hospitals, Chennai COVID-19. There was, however, great uncertainty
about the value of antiviral therapies in latestage
“One important point to COVID-19 disease. It is wonderful to learn that even
consider regarding K417N in advanced COVID-19 disease, targeting the virus
can reduce mortality in patients who have failed to
(B.1.617.2 with the new mount an antibody response of their own,” states
K417N mutation) is evidence Sir Peter Horby, Professor, Emerging Infectious
suggesting resistance to mAbs Diseases, Nuffield Department of Medicine,
casirivimab and imdevimab.” University of Oxford, and Joint Chief Investigator,
- Dr Vinod Scaria,
Scientist, Institute of Genomics and On the other hand, Dr D Nageshwar Reddy,
Integrative Biology (IGIB), New Delhi Chairman, AIG Hospitals, Hyderabad said that the
realworld evidence of these monoclonal antibodies
(mAb) is yet to be established but the clinical studies
published in peerreviewed journals including the
New England Journal of Medicine are encouraging.

“The timing and patient selection becomes
extremely important. Patients over 65, obese
patients, with uncontrolled diabetes, cardiovascular
patients, those who are under immunosuppressants
like cancer patients are ideal candidates for this
treatment. The timing also has to be appropriate
where it needs to be given within three to seven
days at max,” Dr Reddy added. This can be given to


patients above 55 if they have heart-related issues administered the cocktail to two patients and there
like hypertension. was significant improvement in COVID symptoms
within 12 hours. Studies have suggested that
He further added, “Within one week, this the antibody cocktail can prevent the escalation
treatment can help patients become RT-PCR of COVID-19 symptoms which could prevent
negative. Pregnant women are not supposed to hospitalisation.
be given this treatment as we don’t have enough
safety data for this subset of patients. There is also a There are multiple SARS-CoV-2 variants
possibility to explore the prophylactic usage of this circulating worldwide, one of them being B.1.617,
combination especially among the high-exposure which has been detected in India as well. Some
groups like healthcare workers. This to be highlighted evidence suggest that the virus has evolved to a sub-
that as per US FDA, benefits of this antibodies lineage B.1.617.2, also known as the Delta variant,
cocktail have not been observed in patients which is more transmissible. This variant has further
hospitalised due to COVID-19; moreover, if this mutated to form Delta plus/AY.1 variant. The Delta
combination is administered on patients requiring plus variant is considered to be resistant to the
high-flow oxygen or mechanical ventilation then the monoclonal antibody (mAb) cocktail treatment.
clinical outcomes can become worse.”
Dr Vinod Scaria, Scientist, Institute of Genomics
While speaking at a webinar recently organised by and Integrative Biology (IGIB), New Delhi recently
the Federation of Telangana Chambers of Commerce tweeted, “One important point to consider regarding
and Industry (FTCCI) Dr Reddy shared that the cost K417N (B.1.617.2 with the new K417N mutation) is
could further come down to Rs 15000 for treatment evidence suggesting resistance to mAbs casirivimab
with the antibody cocktail. and imdevimab.”

The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation Early in June Eli Lilly’s bamlanivimab and
(BMC) in Mumbai has carried out a pilot study to etesevimab —received also similar emergency
check the efficacy of the antibody cocktail. The study approval. The cocktail is to be administered to those
was carried out at BMC-run Seven Hills Hospital. with mild to moderate COVID-19 who do not require
The study included 74 patients with each patient oxygen and those patients that are at a high risk of
suffering from at least one comorbidity and a CT progressing to severe disease. On May 26, 2021,
score of 25. Fever in all patients subsided within 48 GlaxoSmithKline received US FDA’s emergency use
hours and only patient required oxygen. BMC official approval for Sotrivimab, the company is exploring
also shared that hospital stay was reduced to five-six options to make the monoclonal antibody therapy
days. A similar study was carried out among patients available for India. Zydus Cadila plans to take an
admitted to the private ICU at Seven Hills and NSCI antibody cocktail, ZRC-3308, through trials in India.
dome managed by HN Reliance Hospital, the study
has been conducted on 70 patients. Clinical outcomes as well as clinical trials have
been very promising for patients treated with the
West Bengal’s state health department will be antibody cocktail so far. Even though some of
using the cocktail for mild to moderately infected the variants that are resistant to the antibodies,
patients in four state-run hospitals — Medical College currently they are very few in number. This needs
Hospital, ID Hospital, MR Bangur Hospital and to be addressed immediately. Another point of
Sambhunath Pandit Hospital. Earlier six patients consideration is the price involved. The treatment
were treated in the state at private hospitals. The along with the antibody cocktail is very expensive and
state has 300 vials of the drug. Recently AIIMS- may not be affordable to the masses.
Rishikesh began antibody cocktail therapy to treat
COVID-19 patients, the hospital has successfully Also there isn’t enough evidence on the impact
treated six patients. this has on the patients who have been administered
the cocktail. Utmost caution is a necessity as this
On June 14, 2021, Sangita Reddy, Joint Managing could lead to further complications or another crisis
Director, Apollo Hospitals, Chennai shared a could be looming around the corner.
personal experience on the impact of the cocktail
treatment on her body. She tweeted, “After 500 days Experts have voiced concerns about reduction
of dodging COVID-19, I tested positive on June 10. in efficacy of vaccines, therapies for the treatment
My initial reaction was of shock and dismay - Why of COVID-19 with newer variants of SARS-CoV-2.
me? I was careful and vaccinated. Hospitalised with Further studies need to be conducted to determine
a high fever I took the cocktail Regeneron therapy the impact (reduction in efficacy/ escaping immune
within the early window period and it has made a response) of the newer variants on mAb cocktail
dramatic difference.” treatment.

Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Delhi recently Prabhat Prakash
[email protected]




“Our allergic rhinitis drug is
technologically superior, masks
bitterness and 52% cheaper”

« What are the current challenges facing this
Alok Malik,
Group Vice President In India, Intranasal Corticosteroid (INCs) and
& Head, India combination market is dominated by few players.
Formulations, However, most of the existing brands made
Glenmark available in the market by such players offer high
Pharmaceuticals, cost of therapy as compared to Oral Antihistamines
Mumbai (Tablets). As, in India, patients have to bear the
drug cost on their own, the price of the drug
Mumbai-based Glenmark Pharmaceuticals becomes a major factor that impacts treatment
is the first company in the world to adherence.
launch Ryaltris-AZ as a novel fixed
dose combination of Mometasone furoate 50 How do you plan to make a difference in the
mcg + Azelastine 140 mcg, for the treatment of allergic rhinitis market with Ryaltris-AZ Nasal
moderate to severe allergic rhinitis. Recently, Spray?
it has become the first company to launch the
branded generic version, in the form of Ryaltris- To address the challenges, Glenmark became
AZ Nasal Spray, at an affordable cost for the the latest entrant in this category and the first
treatment of allergic rhinitis in India. Aiming company in the world to launch its novel fixed dose
to provide patients a far more convenient, and combination of Mometasone Furoate (INCS) 50
cost effective treatment option in the country, mcg and Azelastine (INAH) 140 mcg, under the
Glenmark is currently working on strengthening brand name Ryaltris –AZ, at an affordable price.
its respiratory segment, which is the need of Being a topical therapy, Ryaltris-AZ offers many
the hour. Alok Malik, Group Vice President advantages over oral therapies, such as delivering
& Head, India Formulations, Glenmark greater concentrations of drug to the receptor sites at
Pharmaceuticals, Mumbai spoke to BioSpectrum the source of the allergic inflammation and reduced
in detail about the growth plans of the company risk of systemic side effects. Mometasone has been
in the allergic rhinitis space. Edited excerpts; found to have least systemic bioavailability and least
systemic side effects as compared to other Intranasal
How big is the allergic rhinitis market in Corticosteroids. Ryaltris-AZ Nasal Spray relieves
India? Who are the key players? symptoms of allergic rhinitis, including stuffy nose,
runny nose, nasal itching, sneezing, as well as itchy,
Around 600 million people in the world are suffering red and watery eyes – for patients over 12 years of
from allergic rhinitis (AR). Of this, the incidence of age. This will provide patients a far more convenient,
AR in India is around 20 to 30 per cent. Majority of effective treatment option in the country.
the patients in India suffer from nasal obstruction as
a major symptom of AR. The overall AR market in Take us through the R&D of this product. How
India is divided into two parts: Oral Antihistamines is it unique?
(OAH) valued at Rs 1599 crore and Intranasal
Corticosteroids & Comb (Nasal Spray) valued at Rs AR is a widespread chronic condition that manifests
280 crore. The total market accounts for around Rs itself with a number of debilitating symptoms of the
1879 crore in India. The key players of the nasal spray nose and eyes, having a significant impact on the
market include Cipla, Lupin and Zydus. quality of life and health of the patient, forcing them
to consult a doctor. The prevalence of AR ranges
from 2 to 25 per cent in children and from 1 to 40 per
cent in the adult population. It reduces the quality of
life of many patients by impairing sleep quality and


Ryaltris (olopatadine hydrochloride and
mometasone furoate) Nasal Spray is the
company’s respiratory pipeline asset and
is currently under review with the US Food
and Drug Administration (US FDA) as a
treatment for seasonal allergic rhinitis in
the USA. Glenmark’s response to the US
FDA’s Complete Response Letter (CRL) is
targeted to be submitted to the US FDA
shortly. Ryaltris sales continue to progress
well in Australia and South Africa. Glenmark
has also initiated the commercial launch of
Ryaltris in Ukraine and Uzbekistan during
the fourth quarter of FY 2021-22.

cognitive function, causing fatigue and depression. treatment for seasonal allergic rhinitis in the USA.
Intranasal corticosteroids and antihistamines Glenmark’s response to the US FDA’s Complete
Response Letter (CRL) is targeted to be submitted
form the basis of pharmacotherapy for AR but often, to the US FDA shortly. Ryaltris sales continue
especially in patients with seasonal AR, the use of to progress well in Australia and South Africa.
combination therapy with these drugs is required. Glenmark has also initiated the commercial launch of
But concomitant use of these drugs can increase their Ryaltris in Ukraine and Uzbekistan during the fourth
effectiveness, which is often required in patients with quarter of FY 2021-22.
severe forms who are not satisfied with the current
therapy. Glenmark and Bausch Health have entered
into an exclusive licensing agreement for the
Azelastine is a second-generation topical commercialisation of Ryaltris in Canada. Ryaltris is
antihistamine with a rapid effect on the symptoms of currently under review by Health Canada. We have
AR and vasomotor rhinitis. We found that the fixed completed several regulatory filings for Ryaltris
combination of azelastine hydrochloride 140 mcg + in Q4, notably in Egypt, Singapore, Jamaica,
mometasone furoate 50 mcg in the form of a nasal Kazakhstan and Maldives. The company is awaiting
spray is no less effective and safer than the original regulatory approvals for its filings in various markets
preparations of azelastine hydrochloride nasal spray; across Canada, Brazil, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia and
and mometasone furoate nasal spray applied from several other emerging markets. In Q4 FY21, our
separate devices. The USP of our product is that it is partner in China, Grand Pharmaceutical (China)
a technologically superior formulation, it masks the Co. Ltd., submitted a revised development and
bitterness of Azelastine, and less amount of drug is registration strategy for Ryaltris in China through a
required to deliver the same dosage. Pre-IND application. CDE has since provided positive
feedback which will enable IND submission in China
What is the current cost for Ryaltris-AZ Nasal by mid FY22. Glenmark is working with its partner
Spray in India? in South Korea, Yuhan Corporation, to submit the
pediatric efficacy supplement in FY22.
While the average cost of therapy of top 10 existing
brands of the similar drug category is Rs 365, Do you plan to launch any other drugs to treat
Glenmark’s Ryaltris-AZ nasal spray has been allergic rhinitis in future?
launched at a breakthrough price of Rs 175 per pack
of 75 metered doses (MD). This cost is around 52 per Yes, we plan to launch new products for the
cent less as compared to the average price of the top treatment of AR in the near future.
10 brands of the similar drug category in the market.
What are the major plans in store for the next
Are you planning to launch this product in five years in India?
APAC countries?
Over the next five years, Glenmark plans to further
Ryaltris (olopatadine hydrochloride and mometasone strengthen its franchise for AR in the country.
furoate) Nasal Spray is the company’s respiratory
pipeline asset and is currently under review with the Sanjiv Das
US Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) as a [email protected]


Saveetha JAIN, Apollo MedSkills to offer
Dental College skill-based training to students
dynamic JAIN (Deemed-to-be associated hospitals. The
navigation University), based in Bengaluru, training programme will be
system in India in collaboration with Apollo rolled out to the B Sc and M Sc
MedSkills (ASML) will offer courses including Medical Lab
Saveetha Dental College training to students pursuing Technician (MLT), Operation
(SDC), in Chennai, becomes programmes at the University’s Theatre Technician (OTT), and
the first dental institute in School of Allied Healthcare Dialysis Technician (DT). The
India to have a dynamic and Sciences. This association MoU accounts for significant
navigation system and signs a will allow the students to progress in the growth of the
research-based Memorandum explore and gain practical university’s strategy to make
of Understanding (MoU) with experience in the paramedical education more accessible while
the University of Glasgow, area through practical labs, inspiring young students to
UK. The dynamic navigation on-the-job training/clinical discover opportunities and meet
system forces the surgeon internships across Apollo the ever-growing demand and
to plan the surgery and Group of Hospitals and other be a future-ready workforce.
placement of a virtual implant
in terms of angulation, depth, Amrita School of
location, size and depth thus Biotechnology partners
allowing for a well-planned with University of Arizona
surgery. Placement of implant
using dynamic navigation is Coimbatore-based Amrita Vishwa Bioinformatics at the Amrita
more accurate compared with
implant placement with Free Vidyapeetham University’s School of Biotechnology. Besides
Hand approach. The dynamic
navigation system greatly Amrita School of Biotechnology being given the unique opportunity
decreases the complication
rates of difficult procedures. has entered into a dual degree to receive two degrees - M.Sc.
The MoU with the University
of Glasgow will begin with partnership with the Department Biotechnology, Microbiology
research centred towards
dental implantology and will of Cellular and Molecular or Bioinformatics from Amrita
expand further into the other
fields such as maxillofacial Medicine at the University of Vishwa Vidyapeetham and MS
Arizona, US. The strategic merger Cellular and Molecular Medicine,

will provide aspiring students the students enrolling for this

with an opportunity to tap into dual degree programme would

the expertise of the renowned benefit tremendously from this

and internationally recognised innovative approach of flexible

biomedical sciences faculty at one of its kind modular courses

the University of Arizona. At the offered by the cellular and

same time, students will be able molecular medicine department

to harness the rich experience at the University of Arizona as

of the Master’s programmes in well as to research within the

biotechnology, Microbiology and University of Arizona laboratories.


IIT-Roorkee receives ITRA signs MoU with
Rs 20 Cr medical
research grant Gujarat to strengthen

Ashok Soota promoted SKAN Medical Research Trust Ayurveda education
has announced a grant of Rs 20 crore to the Indian
Institute of Technology Roorkee (IIT-R) towards A memorandum of understanding (MoU)
sponsoring a Chair Professorship, three Faculty has been signed between Jamnagar-based
Fellowships, creation of a lab and funding of joint Institute of Teaching and Research in Ayurveda
research projects. The grant of Rs 20 crore will be (ITRA) under the Ministry of Ayush and the
utilized by IIT-R towards funding of an Institute Chair Government of Gujarat. Through this MoU, all
Professorship, two new faculty Fellowships and one the institutions functioning in the Ayurveda
Institute Research Fellowship; establishment of a campus in Jamnagar have been brought under
wet-lab in IITR; and funding of joint medical research the umbrella of ITRA, the only institution
projects. The first project under this agreement has under the Ministry of Ayush that has been
already been identified and it is in the area of bipolar accorded the status of Institute of National
disease. IIT-R is engaged in teaching and research Importance (INI). This will pave the way for
in Science, Engineering, Management, Humanities the strengthening of the education system
& Social Sciences and Architecture & Planning in all branches of Ayurveda. It is hoped that
disciplines. In particular, IIT-R is engaged in research in the field of Ayurveda, it will be easier to
in the field of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering. prepare new teaching, medical and research
methods and the study-research process will
be intensified, expanding the overall scope of
Ayurveda education and research.

MIT-ADT University introduces PG
Diploma in robotics process automation

MIT Centre for Future Skills the demand of the ever-emerging RPA has been curated, designed,
Excellence, MIT Art, Design & global automation industry. The and developed in such a way
Technology University (ADT) curriculum for PG Diploma in that it may help graduates and
Pune has introduced a new post- working professionals develop
graduate diploma in Robotics their talents with micro-
Process Automation (RPA) credentials anticipated for
from August 2021 academic future jobs. The adoption of RPA
session. MIT-ADT University across multiple global industries
has signed a Memorandum of such as healthcare, pharma,
Understanding (MoU) with CiTiS diagnostic, logistics, etc. is rising
Infotech & InnoWise Global at a breakneck speed. A career in
to jointly offer a PG diploma RPA is extremely beneficial and
programme in Robotics Process profitable. This new technology
Automation. The main intention will undoubtedly provide a
of this association is to build large number of job possibilities
employable professionals to cater around the world.


Mansukh Mandaviya Cabinet inducts
takes charge as
Union Health Minister Dr Bharati Pravin

In the reshuffle of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Pawar as MoS Health
Cabinet that underwent a reboot on July 7, Mansukh
Mandaviya has got the charge of Health Ministry. In the reshuffle of Prime Minister Narendra
He will also be holding charge of the Ministry of Modi’s Cabinet that underwent a reboot
Chemicals and Fertilisers. The Health and Family on July 7, Dr Bharati Pravin Pawar has
Welfare Ministry was earlier being held by Dr Harsh been given the charge of Ministry of State
Vardhan who was reportedly asked to resign ahead of (MoS) of Health and Family Welfare. Dr
Bharati has been awarded as Best Women
the cabinet reshuffle. He was widely criticized Parliamentarian in December 2019. She quit
for mishandling the COVID-19 situation the Nationalist Congress Party and joined
and the second wave, in particular. the BJP in 2019 and she is the daughter in
A total of 43 political leaders have law of former minister Arjun Tulshiram
been sworn-in as union ministers, Pawar. An MBBS by education, Dr Bharti
and some are promoted, as part of started her political career as a Member of
the reshuffle. From 2016 to 2019, Zilla Parishad. She contested the Lok Sabha
Mandaviya was serving as the election in 2014 as a Nationalist Congress
Minister of State for the Ministry of Party candidate and was defeated by
Road Transport & Highways, Ministry Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) candidate. She
of Shipping and Ministry of Chemicals joined the BJP in 2019.
& Fertilizers. Further in 2019,
he became Minister of State
(Independent Charge) for
Shipping and Minister of
State for Chemical and
Fertilizers. He has also
served as the Chairman,
Gujarat Agro Industries
Corporation from
2011 to 2012.

MM Activ receives RS Gadgil Memorial Award

On the occasion of late R S Gadgil’s technology to enable knowledge
sharing & business’. The award
75th birth anniversary, a two-day presented by Dr Nanasaheb
Chaudhary, MS, FRCS (Eng),
virtual award marathon event- FRCS (Edinburgh) was received
by Dr Milind Kokje, Chief Editor,
RSG Wisdom and Excellence BioSpectrum on behalf of MM
Activ Sci-Tech Communications.
Awards Ceremony was organised Thane-based RSG Nutrition and
Healthcare is a tribute to one of
by Truwellth & Energya, a the first revolutionary healthcare
legends, Late R S Gadgil, who
division of RSG Nutrition and with his strong purpose of
developing effective therapies
Healthcare, on June 20-21, to reduce disease burden
garnered the profound vision of
2021. The award ceremony was TruNutrition for TruWellness.

inaugurated by Health Minister

of Goa, Vishwajit Rane. During

the award ceremony, MM Activ

Sci-Tech Communications,

publishing company of

BioSpectrum, received the RS

Gadgil’s memorial award, for

‘Integrating media with science &


Cutting edge Lab Facilities for
Biotech Pharma and IT / ITES
Companies at TICEL BIOPARK, Coimbatore

Tamilnadu Industrial Development Corporation Ltd (TIDCO) has been formulating and developing self-sustained
Bio parks. The facilities feature robust infrastructure that minimizes investment of individual companies. TICEL BIO
PARK is a highly recognized and successful name on the commercial infrastructure landscape of Chennai. TICEL
BIO PARK I and II stand tall as a testimony to the concept’s acceptance across the Biotechnology industry.

After developing a comprehensive functional ecosystem for Biotech firms in Chennai, the game changing
concept is now all set to enrich the landscape of Coimbatore in the form of TICEL BIO PARK Ill. This cradle of life
science enterprise is a joint venture of TIDCO and TIDEL Park which spreads across a sprawling 10 acres and is
strategically located right next to Anna University. The ambitious project is spread across G+13 floors and offers
cutting edge facilities for Biotech Pharma and IT / ITES Companies. High end lab spaces stand out as unique value
propositions of the facility.


Typical Floor (8 Modules) in Ticel Bio Park - iii (Area in Sq. Ft)

Area Lab 1A Lab1B Lab 2A Lab 2B Lab 3A Lab 3B Lab 4A Lab 4B Total
Carpet area 1056 1426 1505 1453 1056 1426 1505 1453 10880

Super built up area 1469 1984 2094 2021 1469 1984 2094 2021 15136

Key Features of TICEL – III Please reach us:
■ Labs with Compressed Air,
Vacuum, RO Water, STP/ETP etc No. 5, CSIR Road, Taramani, Chennai–600113
■ Uninterrupted Power Supply with 100% Backup
■ Fool Proof, Multi Tier Security EMAIL : [email protected],
■ Ample Parking Spaces [email protected]
■ Green Lung Spaces with Idyllic Landscaping Mobile : 91-44-2254 2060,
■ Strategic Location with Easy Connectivity 9445956404 / 9445956407
■ Food Courts, ATMs etc in the Campus Web :
■ Fully Equipped Conference Hall


Fujifilm appoints Sahil Deswal joins Augnito
Koji Wada as as Chief Marketing Officer
new Managing
Director for India Healthcare tech innovator Augnito, based in Mumbai, has roped in
Sahil Deswal as the Chief Marketing Officer for the brand. Deswal
Fujifilm India Private Limited, will be responsible for leading marketing strategy including digital
a pioneer in diagnostic imaging media strategy and advertising as well as brand growth with a
technologies, has announced the strong focus on global brand building. Augnito
appointment of Koji Wada as the has been trailblazing the healthcare technology
new Managing Director (MD) for space with its one of its kind voice AI offering.
Fujifilm India, effective from June Deswal comes with over a decade of experience
29, 2021. Taking over the baton and has played an instrumental role in driving
from Haruto Iwata as he moves marketing and growth efforts for brands across
to his new role as Managing e-commerce, media and entertainment,
Director for the Asia-Pacific content, digital agencies and online
region in Singapore, Wada will services. Before joining Augnito,
spearhead Fujifilm’s operations Deswal was VP - Marketing, Growth &
and business strategy in India. Monetisation at Trell. In his previous
In his new role, Wada will be stints, he has also worked with
responsible for organizational Unilodgers as VP - Global Growth
growth and profitability with an & Marketing and as Head - Growth
integrated approach towards & Marketing at Times Internet for
sales, marketing, and business News & Gaming Business.
policies. Wada has been associated
with Fujifilm since 2001 and Indian-American chemist
contributes to the businesses Sumita Mitra wins European
across corporate offices in Japan, Inventor Award 2021
Myanmar, Thailand and India. He
brings a vast experience of over The European Patent Office (EPO) has honoured Indian-American
20 years and before taking over chemist Sumita Mitra with the European Inventor Award 2021 in
his role as Managing Director, the ‘Non-EPO countries’ category. She was the first to successfully
he was responsible for leading integrate nanotechnology into dental materials to produce stronger
the medical business of the and more aesthetically pleasing fillings, which are now used by
company in India as a General
Manager. This is Koji Wada’s dentists around the world. While working
second stint in India. Wada was in the oral care division of US multinational
Marketing Manager for Fujifilm 3M in the late 1990s, Sumitra became
India in 2007. Post that, Wada aware of the limitations of existing
was appointed as the Secretary materials used in dental fillings, which
to Global CEO Komori. Later were either too weak to be used on biting
on, Wada was made the General surfaces, or quickly lost their polish. At the
Manager for Fujifilm Thailand in same time, nanotechnology was emerging
2014 and then Managing Director as a field of research and she decided to
for Fujifilm Myanmar in 2017. explore how these new developments could
be applied to dentistry. She began working
on nanotechnology-based solutions for new
dental material, driven by a desire to use her expertise in polymer
chemistry and materials science to develop inventions that solve
real-life problems. Sumita is a partner at Mitra Chemical Consulting,
LLC, a company she set up with her husband after leaving 3M in
2010, and which advises companies on new technology development,
product design, commercialisation, mergers and acquisitions.


Ignite LSF bags EMG-based mathematical
metrics to quantify Yogasanas
first grant for
Researchers have developed a novel method which
mRNA vaccine tech involves mathematical metrics to quantify and measure
the correctness of performance of yoga asanas in terms
Ignite Life Science Foundation (LSF) of stability and steadiness. These mathematical metrics
has announced its first grant award based on Electromyography (EMG), a diagnostic
for ‘pandemic preparedness’ research procedure that evaluates the health condition of muscles,
to a team of researchers at the Indian can help in assessing the correctness of performance
Institute of Science- IISc (Bengaluru) and paves way for making appropriate corrections, thus
and the Translational Health Science and enabling practitioners to derive maximum benefit from
Technology Institute- THSTI (Faridabad). the asanas. The research by Ramaiah Medical College,
The researchers at IISc comprise Professor Bengaluru focused on yoga as a therapy to understand
Raghavan Varadarajan, Dr Mrinmoy De and muscle behaviour and performance in terms of spatial
Dr Siddharth Jhunjhunwala and Dr Amit and temporal components while performing yoga asanas.
Awasthi at THSTI. The grant will be for The researchers used EMG to study both physical and
three years and will fund research to develop physiological parameters. The study was carried out
the platform technologies for RNA vaccine with support from Science and Technology of Yoga and
development. mRNA vaccine development Meditation (SATYAM) Programme of the Department of
technology is vital for India to mount a rapid Science and Technology (DST).
and effective response to future pandemics.
Successful execution of this project will seed
the creation of much-needed capabilities
in mRNA vaccine development in India.
The investigators will not only work on
developing a vaccine against new variants
of SARS-Cov2 but also attempt to develop
methods for the generation of thermostable
RNA vaccines, which would be critical for
resource-poor tropical regions of the world.

Mindfulness meditation benefits Mild
Cognitive Impairment patients: SCTIMST

Meditation has emerged as conducted a two-phased study practitioners and healthy non-
an efficacious practice which with separate objectives for each practitioners through Imaging
improves attention, awareness and phase. The first phase was designed Biomarkers, which is the first of
psychological health. Researchers to explore neural correlations of its kind multimodality imaging
from Shri Chitra Tirunal mindfulness and study regions of work in dementia from India.
Institute of Medical Sciences brain activation enhancements The second phase was planned
and Technology (SCTIMST), among seasoned mindfulness to verify the changes in cognitive
Trivandrum, have shown performance of patients with MCI
that supervised mindfulness prior to, as well as subsequent
meditation benefits patients with to, mindfulness training. The
Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) study concludes that mindfulness
and early Alzheimer’s disease meditation has potential in the
(AD) in terms of memory and modulation of brain regions
orientation language and visual- concerned with attention,
spatial perception. It has potential emotion, stress-response, and
as a therapeutic approach for behaviour which also impact
management of cognitive decline on other body functions such
associated with neurological as heart, blood circulation, and
disorders. The researchers metabolism.


India creates world’s first database of genomic variants of oral cancer

National Institute of Biomedical oral cancer patients and whole Genome Atlas and (iii) manually
Genomics (NIBMG), Kalyani, genome sequences of 5 oral curated variation data of 118
an autonomous institute cancer patients from India, (ii) patients from recently published
funded by the Department of somatic variation data from 220 peer-reviewed publications.
Biotechnology, has created a patient samples drawn from Variants were identified by
database of genomic variations the US and analysed by Cancer the community approved best
in oral cancer; the first of its kind practice protocol and annotated
in the world. NIBMG has made using multiple analytic pipelines.
this database publicly-accessible. dbGENVOC is not just a
dbGENVOC is a browsable catalogue of genomic variants,
online database of GENomic it has a built-in powerful
Variants of Oral Cancer and is search engine. It also allows a
a free resource. First release of reasonable extent of statistical
dbGENVOC contains (i) ~24 and bioinformatic analysis to
million somatic and germline be carried out online, including
variants derived from whole identifying variants in associated
exome sequences of 100 Indian altered pathways in oral cancer.

Shoolini University IIT-D develops
discovers novel bacterial
biopigment with novel strategy
germ-killing properties
for fungal eye
A team of researchers from Shoolini University, Himachal
Pradesh, have discovered a psychrophilic bacterial infection treatment
strain, called Rhodonellum psychrophilum GL8, at the
high altitude Pangong Tso Lake in the Himalayas. The In an effort to develop a better anti-
red pigment isolated from this bacterium possesses fungal strategy for fungal keratitis, a
leading cause of monocular blindness
antimicrobial, antifungal, and skin ie, blindness in one eye, in the
cell growth stimulating properties. developing world, an all-women team
This novel bio-pigment promises of the Indian Institute of Technology,
to be useful for the development Delhi (IIT-D) researchers has been
of antimicrobial smart fabrics, and working in collaboration with Dr
medicated bandages. The researchers CM Shah Memorial Charitable Trust
confirmed the novel status of this strain and Eye Life, Mumbai. The team
of Rhodonellum psychrophilum, which has successfully developed a novel
they called ‘GL8’, through phylogenetic peptide-based antifungal strategy for
analysis, and subjected the isolated enhanced Natamycin penetration.
pigment to chromatographic and The developed peptide-drug
spectrometric techniques to identify conjugate showed an appreciable
the constituents. Its broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity antifungal effect in the lab. US FDA
makes it perfectly suited for application in the manufacture approved Natamycin is employed as
of smart fabrics with an antimicrobial finish. Additionally, a primary line of treatment for fungal
this pigment has antioxidant properties, and acts as keratitis but due to poor ocular
a bioenhancer, augmenting the effects of established penetration, it requires prolonged
antibiotics and antifungal agents. The pigment also showed and frequent dosing, causing
growth stimulating properties of murine skin cells but no discomfort to patients. In their
toxicity to human cells, which may open avenues for its research study, the scientists found
application in expediting wound healing. The researchers that conjugate drug penetration was
have filed patents based on their discovery. 5-fold higher than Natamycin in
rabbits, thus enabling lowering of the
dosage frequency.


Importance of chromatography resin
design for purification of synthetic
oligonucleotides and peptides

« DBC and Purity
Dr. Ravi Rayanade* Figure 2 shows the difference in DBC for a 45-mer
Regional Dir. Bus. Dev., India oligonucleotide comparing two ion exchangers (IEX). Removal of
« the highly hydrophobic protective groups is made prior to anion
Mr. Jan Berglöf exchange (DMT off).
Co-Founder & Sr. Technical Advisor, There are two parameters that have major influence on elution
Bio-Works, Sweden AB, Uppsala, Sweden volume and selectivity; mean bead size and pore size distribution,
as shown in Table 1.
Oligonucleotides are typically produced by solid phase Resin Purity Elution Vol. Mean bead Pore size
synthesis. With the addition of every new nucleotide the overall [manufacturer]
recovery is reduced. Even with 99% coupling efficiency, the yield % (Units) size (µm) distribution
for a 40-mer nucleotide goes down to 65%. This means that most WorkBeads 40Q
of the production cost is in the upstream process. This also means [Bio-Works] 93 17 45 narrow
that the purification process needs to be very effective giving high
purity at best possible recovery. CaptoQ ImpRes 91 27 40 wide
[Cytiva] 90 18 20 wide
Chromatography resin optimization
Chromatography resins need to deliver, both high TSKgel SuperQ-
selectivity and high capacity. Traditional resins for purification 5PW [Tosoh]
of macromolecules are designed for proteins. Typically, each
resin has a wide distribution of pores from small to as large Table 1. Starting material: 70% pure raw 25-mer oligonucleotide. Recovery: 85%
as approaching 100 nm. To increase the overall efficiency of Capto is a trademark of Global Life Sciences Solutions USA LLC or an affiliate doing business as
resins, Bio-Works has developed a series of agarose resins –
‘WorkBeadsTM’ where porosity has been optimized. The patented Cytiva. TSKgel is a trademark of Tosoh Corporation.
production and cross-linking process results in resins with a more
homogenous pore distribution and structure as shown in Figure Figure 2 shows the difference in DBC for a 45-mer
1. In terms of exclusion limit, i.e., the molecular weight of the oligonucleotide comparing two ion exchangers (IEX). Removal of
largest molecule that has now access to the inside of the bead the highly hydrophobic protective groups is made prior to anion
is approximately 1 MDa and hence covers a more realistic range exchange (DMT off).
of molecules that most people want to purify, oligos, peptides and
proteins. There are two parameters that have major influence on elution
volume and selectivity; mean bead size and pore size distribution,
as shown in Table 1 .

Narrow pore size distribution contributes to narrow elution
peaks of the product but also of contaminants giving good
selectivity/purity, i.e., distance between product and contaminants.

Clearly the resin with a narrow pore size distribution gives
the best balance between purity and recovery. This is important
as there are large costs in manufacturing the crude product.
Recovery is essential to keep the total manufacturing cost down.
A 45-µm resin is also easy to pack in large columns and give
moderate pressure drops to existing low pressure equipment.
WorkBeads 40Q will make large scale purification of oligo
nucleotides economical and can meet demands for large volumes.
This is equally true for large scale purification of peptides
where an IEX step prior to the RPC step would improve cost of
goods and reduce the amount of organic solvent needed, instead
of running two RPC steps in tandem to achieve the desired purity.

Find out more at

Figure 1. Pore size distributions of WorkBeadsTM 40Q Figure 2. DBC of three
compared to a conventional high porosity IEX. IEX-resins, WorkBeads
40Q, TSKgel SuperQ-
* Corresponding author Dr. Ravi Rayanade l Email: [email protected] l Tel: +91-8605015036 5PW [20] and CaptoQ
ImpRes of a 45-mer
RNA using 2.5 minutes
Residence Time (RT)
at 50oC


BD introduces digital marketplace for flow cytometry

BD (Becton, Dickinson and flow cytometry users’ buying information so they can quickly
Company) has announced the needs. Based on research find the right solutions needed to
commercial release of a new web conducted among end users to conduct their work more efficiently.
and eCommerce site, an entirely assess their needs and interests, The new website provides updated
“reimagined” digital marketplace BD Biosciences has improved the search capabilities, robust content
designed to provide an enhanced ability of users to find products and with more than 170 pages of
online purchasing experience new information, application
for users and their procurement data and product selection tools.
teams. The new BD Biosciences Customized dashboards and quick
website offers a full array of BD checkout with minimal clicks,
research, clinical and single-cell all with 24/7 order tracking and
multiomic products, making this support tools are available for
online destination one of the most reagent purchases. The eCommerce
comprehensive for flow cytometry capability also provides seamless
users. The completely overhauled integration with procurement
online purchasing experience buying systems, which allows you
offers intuitive navigation, a fully to see institutional pricing and get
integrated shopping experience, internal approvals before orders
and a look and feel that addresses are placed.

Honeywell unveils Sciex brings software
with OneOmics suite
tech to prevent and molecule profiler app

pharma counterfeiting SCIEX continues to strengthen its software portfolio

Global firm Honeywell has announced with new applications. OneOmics suite, now
digital authentication technology for
pharmaceutical products in a bid to commercialized, supports big data, multi-omics
fight rising counterfeit crime in India.
The solution comprises a digital code research through the power of secure, collaborative
that is embedded in the packaging of
pharmaceutical products. The end-user can cloud computing on SCIEX Cloud. The Molecule
validate the authenticity of the product by
scanning the digital code with the help of a Profiler app extends beyond traditional drug
smartphone letting the end-user know it is
safe to use. The software that validates the metabolism software to add capabilities for the
product’s authenticity through a database is
accessible through a Honeywell app available identification and quantification of biopharmaceutical
for download for iOS and Android users and
gathers market intelligence. The coronavirus metabolites and impurities, and provides a single
pandemic has led to an influx of fake medical
products worldwide. Interpol’s Operation solution to support the safety of life-saving therapies.
Pangea reported a rise in fake medical
products related to the pandemic, with 4.4 SCIEX OS is an entire LC-MS software ecosystem that
million units valued at $14 million having
been seized in 2020 alone. Worryingly, enables scientists to easily get the most out of every
counterfeiting is not restricted to COVID-19
vaccines and medicines alone. Per one sample. It is continually being updated to
report, 10 per cent of drugs in circulation in
low- and middle-income countries are either meet the evolving workflow
counterfeit or substandard.
needs of our customers,

including support for the ZenoTOF

7600 system, the new accurate

mass system from



Servotech Power Thermo Fisher launches
Systems builds medical
grade oxygen concentrators collection kit to

Servotech Power Systems, a manufacturer of LED streamline saliva testing
Lights, solar panels and UVC disinfection products, is
manufacturing oxygen concentrators at their facility To support large-scale research and surveillance
near the Kundli border, New Delhi. The company programmes, Thermo Fisher Scientific has
plans to roll out 1,00,000 concentrators by March introduced the Thermo Scientific SpeciMAX
2022. The oxygen concentrators, starting from Rs Saliva Collection Kit. While most approved
35,000 onwards, come in two variations - 5 LPM methods for SARS-CoV-2 saliva collection
& 10 LPM. Servotech has also extended its range use specialized tubes and buffers for RNA
of meaningful associations by partnering with IIT stabilization and virus inactivation, researchers
have found that this expensive approach
Jammu & IISER Bhopal for technology may not always be required. The SpeciMAX
transfer for manufacturing of oxygen Saliva Collection Kit is designed to provide
concentrator in India, aiming to a widely available, cost-effective solution for
make their product appreciatively raw saliva collection to simplify saliva-based
indigenous. Servotech will be testing, which is necessary for SARS-CoV-2
providing the concentrators mapping and epidemiological studies on a
to hospitals, foundations, global scale. The easy-to-use self-collection
medical institutions, kits facilitate clean saliva transfers, reduce
corporate institutions risk of cross-contamination when paired with
and other relevant liquid handlers, and fit seamlessly into viral
stakeholders in the need RNA extraction and direct-to-PCR downstream
of the product. The automation workflows for high throughput
lightweight, noiseless, surveillance testing. The individually packaged
and portable oxygen and barcoded kits require just 1 mL of saliva
concentrator device and include a convenient funnel and cap
maintains a steady flow to secure the sample for processing. The
of oxygen which can be standardized collection tube size can hold 6 mL
easily adjusted according sample volume yet requires less refrigeration,
to the patient’s need. incubation, and storage space than other
collection kits available on the market.

Waters Arc Premier System delivers
precision in chromatographic results

Waters Corporation has introduced results. Analytical scientists working
the Waters Arc Premier System, the in method development and quality
first liquid chromatography system control laboratories can typically
optimized for chromatographic waste hours and days re-running or
separations on 2.5 – 3.5 micron troubleshooting analytical methods that
columns to also feature Waters’ novel fail to reproduce an expected test result,
MaxPeak High Performance Surface such as missing low concentrations
(HPS) technology. The new system of a target analyte known to be in the
complements Waters’ best-selling sample or that fail to detect an impurity.
MaxPeak Premier Columns to virtually The Waters Arc Premier System and
eliminate the surface interactions that Columns are designed to help increase
occur between sample analytes and speed, consistency and confidence
instrument and column hardware, in analytical results for scientists
saving laboratories time wasted on working to develop, transfer and run
costly passivation and providing chromatographic assays that are central
greater confidence in separation to business and laboratory operations.


Cataract cures emerge

Being documented as India’s most significant natural lens was present.
cause of bilateral blindness that is for both However, this may not restore optimum
eyes, cataract has become an economic and
social burden that is increasing with the ageing vision and cataract surgery often may not be
population. In fact, by age 80, most people have readily available, especially in rural areas which
or have had cataract, either in one eye or both. In lack adequate surgical facilities and qualified eye
addition to ageing, cataract formation is caused by surgeons. Despite these problems, surgery remains
other risk factors, such as smoking, diabetes, and UV the only current method for cataract management.
light damage.
With August being celebrated as the Cataract
A cataract begins when proteins in the eye form Awareness Month, let’s put our focus on the need to
clumps that prevent the lens from sending clear develop non-surgical interventions for preventing or
images to the retina. The retina works by converting delaying cataract progression to, therefore, eliminate
the light that comes through the lens into signals. It the need for surgery for many patients.
sends the signals to the optic nerve, which carries
them to the brain. It develops slowly and eventually A recent study in the UK has identified a
interferes with your vision with a cloudy appearance. particular protein called aquaporin that is responsible
for water passage in the lens disrupting the optical
Going deeper, cataract is linked to localised development, leading to cataract formation. The
osmotic changes in the lens. As we age, there is an research team is the first in the world to have
increasing oxidative stress to the lens. This stress measured how the optics in the eye lens develop, with
is the result of imbalance between the rates of the help of nanotechnology. Further research in this
production and degradation of deleterious oxidants. area could potentially revolutionise the way cataract
While oxygen is essential to life, partial reduction of is treated, opening up the field for drug-based
molecular oxygen by metabolic or photo-chemical therapy rather than surgery.
processes produces reactive oxidative intermediates,
such as free radicals and other reactive oxygen Another study in the US has shown the use of the
species (ROS), which are damaging to proteins and dynamic light scattering (DLS) technique to safely and
other cellular components. The damaging effects of non-invasively assess protein aggregation in the lens
these oxidants accumulate in lens cells progressively of human patients in vivo. Use of this technique could
with old age. become the gold standard for human clinical trials for
establishing the efficacy of anti-cataract agents.
Another type of cataract is called sugar cataract,
which is common in patients with diabetes mellitus, Likewise, a team of Indian researchers has
who are up to five times more likely to develop developed nano-rods from aspirin, a popular
cataract at an earlier age. Sugar cataracts are medication used to reduce pain, fever or
assuming greater importance as diabetes continues to inflammation, for non-invasive treatment against
increase in our country. cataract. According to this study, the delivery of the
aspirin nano-rods to treat cataract non-invasively can
Presently, cataracts can only be effectively treated be made possible in the form of eye drops.
with surgery to remove the cloudy lens and replace
it with an artificial lens. For instance, one surgical Cataract is ultimately a complex disease that
method known as phacoemulsification involves the requires collaborative efforts to ensure that quality
use of ultrasound waves to break the lens apart and of life for patients is improved. With the aging
remove the pieces. On the other hand, extracapsular population on rise in India, absolute attention and
surgery involves removing the cloudy part of the lens regard must be given to development and availability
through a long incision in the cornea. After surgery, of simpler ways of treatment or prevention.
an artificial intraocular lens is placed where the
Dr Manbeena Chawla
Executive Editor

[email protected]

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