Solid, Liquid & Gas bulk Transport Corporation of India Limited TCI House, 69 Institutional Area, Sector - 32, Gurugram - 122001, Haryana (India) | Tel.: +91 124 2381603 - 07 E-mail: | Website: | CIN: L70109TG1995PLC019116 Chemically compliant warehouses with HSE standards Liquid in drums & dry chemicals in bags Movement of gas bulk in gas tankers Bulk liquid chemicals in ISO tank containers (with baffles) & Flexi tanks by Rail, Road & Coastal (Multimodal) FLCs (Foldable Large Containers) for LCL/LTL shipments Services Ensuring Safety Containers are equipped with GPS/VTS Containers with HSE standards & PPE Customer care unit & 24x7 emergency response Assets Asset base of 650+ tank containers and own fleet of vehicles We handle nearly 1 Mn.Tons of Chemicals per annum
Tangen�al flow filtra�on is cri�cal opera�on unit in workflows of almost all biologics, while hollow fiber module is main format of this type of filters, which provides advantages of gentle laminar flow, low shear rate and linear scalability, especially benefit for virus and nanopar�cle-based vaccines and therapeu�cs. Duoning provides full MWCO/pore size range of hollow fiber filters, including ultrafiltra�on and microfiltra�on, and surface areas support scaling up from several milliliter of process development to thousands of liters of commercial manufacturing. And we provide comprehensive support from technical consul�ng to full GMP implementa�on. Together, let’s make tangen�al flow filtra�on EASY! Contact our local team NOW to get more support India South Central , East and North: (+91 ) 9885681424 India South and West : (+91 ) 9731391616 India and SAARC: (+91) 9845964140 For more informa�on, please visit Or e-mailing to: marke� Tangential Flow Filtration Made Easy! RNI TC No. MAHENG14628 Date of Publication - 30.4.2023 RNI NO. DELENG/2004/13061 Date of Posting - 1.5.2023