BIOSPECTRUM | APRIL 2019 | www.biospectrumasia.com
Chief Editor
Some new developments on the Tuberculosis (TB) cure front are very assuring and
[email protected] bring a new hope to control this fast wide spreading disease which is one of the top
10 leading causes of death around the globe. As per the World Health Organisation
(WHO) estimates, over 10 million people had TB in 2017 and it also claimed deaths of
1.6 million patients. Asia region also carries heavy TB disease burden as Southeast Asia
alone accounts for 44 per cent of all the TB cases. Its seriousness in Asian region can also
be gauged from the fact that 12 of the 30 high TB burden countries listed by the WHO
are from Asia. Thus, the new developments in treatment may provide relief to the Asian
region also.
In view of the heavy disease burden globally, efforts are on at different places to
develop more effective drugs to fight TB. Among such efforts, a new research explores the
structure of a natural self-destructive mechanism contained in the bacterium that causes
TB. Thus structures released by the infected cells may be used in tandem with antibiotics to
boost body’s immune system. Exploiting this mechanism on the basis of the new findings
may soon lead to better treatments, scientists in the Biological Science Department of
NotreDame University feel.
They describe how the structures called extracellular vesicles (EVs) contain
Mycobacterium tuberculosis RNA and transfer it to other cells. This, scientists claim,
“starts a built-in weapons system against the disease in the form of an immune response.”
They have published their findings in EMBO reports.
Another team of researchers in European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Hamburg,
Germany have set out to investigate a toxin-antitoxin system that the TB bacterium naturally
contains. Bacterial cells often have a toxin-antitoxin system that plays an important role
in how the bacteria respond and adapt to stress conditions such as starvation or treatment
with antibiotics. This research has been published in the journal Molecular Cell.
In yet another development, drug resistant TB can now be cured in less than half the
time. This development is very crucial since drug resistant TB, which is the result of an
incomplete treatment, is a major cause of reappearance of TB. It is more serious since
it does not respond to known drugs as the treatment is left incomplete. Patients leave
treatment in between due to two reasons. First one is of course the cost. Second one is too
long a treatment time. So, when the patients get some relief and apparent symptoms of the
disease are gone, patients stop the treatment on their own without realising the risk they
are taking. Thus, reduction in the treatment time by half may have multiple positive effects.
It will surely reduce the cost of the treatment. With that it will also improve the chances
of patients completing their treatment as the time will be less and the cost too will be less.
The results of this trial of reducing treatment time, known as STREAM, are published
in New England Journal of Medicines. It was found that nine to 11 month treatment is
equally effective in place of the previous 20 to 24 month treatment.
Just a few months back, results of a new TB vaccine were presented at the 49th Union
world Conference on Lung Health. It is almost after 100 years a new TB vaccine is found.
The only licensed vaccine against TM Bacille Calmette Guerin (BCG) was developed in
1921. The trials of the new vaccine have shown that it can provide 54 per cent protection
against active pulmonary TB.
Another new drug bedaquiline replacing toxic drug that caused hearing loss in some of
the patients has reduced the treatment period. Its trial showed 80 per cent cure rate when
WHO said that only 55 per cent of people with MDR TB are successfully treated.
All efforts to fight the serious disease which infects 50 million new people across
the world annually, amounting to a total of about 2 billion population with latent TB,
are showing results and may prove to be a game changer bringing a new hope in near
BIOSPECTRUM | APRIL 2019 | www.biospectrumasia.com
Upbeat Perspective Women on Board
Karnataka has always been a hub for high Women are essential stakeholders in
intellect workforce. In fact, with science healthcare serving as workers, caregivers
institutes such as CHG, TIGS, IISc, etc. and top and consumers, yet there is no equal voice
engineering colleges, Bangalore adds lakhs of in their leadership. Congratulations for an
people to the workforce in the healthcare and exclusive coverage on women leaders in the
allied sectors. This allows companies in the healthcare sector.
niche segment such as genetics and others
tremendous amount of opportunity that can - Halle Sean, Singapore
be leveraged by clients in India and overseas.
- Shakun Gidwani, India
In the story titled “Philippines pharma:
All set for continuous growth” on page
Thank you so much for the coverage in
the women’s special edition. It is much no 30 published in February 2019
issue, the photo of Dr Edward Booty,
- Kavitha Iyer Rodrigues, USA
CEO, Allied World Healthcare, the
Philippines was incorrect. The error is
regretted. – Editor
Vol 14; Issue 4; April 2019 MM Activ Singapore Pte. Ltd. India
Alok Srivastava
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BIOSPECTRUM | APRIL 2019 | www.biospectrumasia.com
COVERStory 21
Digital technology is becoming central to the future growth of the healthcare sector globally. Healthcare companies
around the world are now taking advantage of the new and exciting technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI),
robotics, machine learning, 3D- bioprinting and blockchain to create value for patients, clinicians, and shareholders
alike. Currently, Asia is entering a zone of grim reality where age and chronic conditions affect ever-growing masses
of its populations. It has become obvious that Asia cannot resolve its healthcare challenges without the intervention of
these new age technologies. According to CBInsights, Venture Capitalists invested more than $2 billion in healthcare
AI startups in 2018, a dramatic rise when compared to the $100 million invested just five years ago. With this rate,
deep Learning and its applications in medical imaging and diagnostics are expected to hold the major share of the
market in the coming years. Remaining resilient to the inevitable AI based technological revolution, Asia is capitalizing
on this opportunity and investing in innovations likewise. Asian enterprises see AI as a complete disruptive force
across technology, industry, product, go-to-market, academic, and economic dimensions. On the occasion of World
Health Day, being celebrated on April 7, 2019, BioSpectrum Asia covers 25 innovative health tech startups bringing
unique AI and robotics based healthcare solutions across China, India, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Japan and Australia.
Amazon’s Fragility
wave hits Fractures: A
healthcare looming elderly
BIOSPECTRUM | APRIL 2019 | www.biospectrumasia.com CONNECT
“We have a message of taking India from Connect with us
diabetes capital to diabetes care capital”
Dr Gaurav Laroia, BioSpectrumMag
General Manager, Roche Diabetes Care India
37 Q&A BioSpectrumMagazine
“We plan to launch a clinical study https://goo.gl/QY4nUp
with 100,000 participants across Asia” /BS-LinkedIn
Dr Tan Min-Han, www.biospectrumasia.com
Founder & CEO, Lucence Diagnostics, Singapore
39 Q&A
“Our goal is to improve lives of
3 billion people a year by 2025”
Dominique Oh,
Vice President, Diagnostic Imaging Business, Philips ASEAN Pacific, Singapore
BioEdit.............................................. 04
BioMail............................................. 05
Regulatory News........................... 08
Company News............................. 10
Finance News................................. 12
Start-Up News................................ 13
WHO News...................................... 15
World News.................................... 16
Science News................................. 42
Academics News........................... 44
Supplier News................................ 45
People News................................... 47
Bio Event.......................................... 49
BIOSPECTRUM | APRIL 2019 | www.biospectrumasia.com
India, Germany collaborate for
Occupational Safety and Health
A Memorandum of Understanding Security Association (ISSA) is The cooperation is expected to
(MoU) signed between India and bringing in knowhow to meet the result in capacity building of
Germany on Cooperation in the OSH challenges, especially in the Directorate General Factory Advice
field of Occupational Safety and construction and manufacturing Service and Labour Institutes
Health (OSH) few months back, sector. Also, it will benefit the large (DGFASLI), the technical arm
has been approved by the Union work force by improving their and attached office of Ministry of
cabinet chaired by the Indian safety and health, and preventing Labour, India & Chief Inspector
Prime Minister Narendra Modi. occupational injuries and diseases. of Factories Officers (CIFs) in
The collaboration till date has the field of OSH, Strengthening
immensely helped in adopting of Inspection system for meeting
the modern training techniques emerging challenges, upgradation
and tolls on various aspects of of laboratories for carrying out
Occupational Safety and Health applied research in the area of OSH,
in different sectors of economic Development of OSH Standards
activity. Under the MoU, German and development in Safety Culture
Social Accident Insurance (DGUV) for enhancing the well-being of the
through the International Social Indian workforce.
Japan approves SCS, NCCS join hands to
iPS treatment for lead the fight against cancer
corneal disease
Singapore Cancer Society (SCS) and the National
The Japan health ministry has conditionally Cancer Centre Singapore (NCCS) have inked a
approved the world’s first clinical study to partnership that will provide Singaporeans greater
treat patients with corneal disease by using access to integrated cancer care. Signed by Albert
induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. The study, Ching, CEO of SCS and Professor William Hwang,
to be conducted by a team Medical Director of NCCS, the partnership will see
of researchers from Osaka more Singaporeans benefit from a seamless experience
University, will be the sixth when managing their cancer and hopefully reduce
time the government has cancer incidence through an enhanced genetics
authorized clinical studies screening programme championed by both parties.
using iPS cells. The team Currently, the Cancer Genetics Service (CGS) at NCCS
will transplant 0.05-mm- provides cancer risk assessment services to people with
thick layers of corneal tissue family histories of cancer. The services, provided by
produced from iPS cells into clinicians with expertise in both genetics and oncology,
four adult patients who suffer from a disease that involve cancer risk assessments, pre and post-test
causes corneal haze and decreased vision. The genetic counselling, facilitation of genetic testing and
patients will each receive a transplant of some 3 subsequent cancer risk management plans tailored to
million to 4 million corneal cells, which is almost the individual and their relatives. The CGS team is also
the same amount of corneal cells that are in the actively involved in translational and clinical human
eyes of healthy people. The transplanted cells are genomics and health services research. This will be
expected to keep making more corneal cells, and the first time a government healthcare institution and
so contribute to the recovery of sight. The first voluntary welfare organisation are coming together
transplant operation will be conducted as early to collaborate on upstream prevention efforts in
as June. The team is required to provide more addition to their current activities. A key advancement
detailed documents explaining the clinical study in upstream prevention measures is the adoption of
to the patients before it can proceed. genetics screening to identify potential cancer genes in
a strategic bid to reduce cancer incidence.
BIOSPECTRUM | APRIL 2019 | www.biospectrumasia.com
Australia to invest $200M Thailand,
for cancer medicines
Kenya sign
The Australian Government relapsed or refractory chronic
is investing more than $200 lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL), a Universal Health
million to list four new slow-growing cancer that affects
breakthrough cancer treatments white blood cells. Combination Care MoU
on the Pharmaceutical Benefits therapy Opdivo (nivolumab) and
Scheme (PBS), saving patients Yervoy (ipilimumab) will become Kenya and the Kingdom
up to a quarter of a million available for the previously of Thailand have signed
dollars a year. From March untreated stage IV clear cell a memorandum of
1, 2019, patients are able to variant renal cell carcinoma, an understanding (MoU) in
access new cancer medicines advanced type of kidney cancer. capacity building, research,
for just $40.30 per script, or Keytruda (pembrolizumab) health financing and health
$6.50 with a concession card. will become available for technology assessment
The new PBS cancer listings patients with locally advanced programme towards the
from March 1, 2019 includes or metastatic urothelial cancer, achievement of Universal
Venclexta (venetoclax), which which is a cancer of the urinary Health Coverage (UHC). The
will be listed on the PBS for system that has spread or cannot signing was done by Health
the first time for people with be removed by surgery. Cabinet Secretary (CS), Sicily
Kariuki on behalf the Kenyan
government while Thai
Minister of Public Health,
Prof. Emeritus Piyasakol
Sakolsatayadorn represented
his government in a recently
held ceremony. Some of the
areas Kenya will benefit from
include Health Technology
Assessment (HTA), UHC and
capacity building in human
resource management besides
scholarships for short courses
and Master’s Degree in
Korean Science, IT Ministry to launch Blockchain project
A major hospital in Seoul project development plans issued and ICT, last December,
has announced plans to by the Korea Internet and Security with the aim of promoting
launch a blockchain-based Agency, a sub-organization of the the implementation
platform aimed to improve South Korean Ministry of Science of blockchain tech
its medical services. The within the domestic
“Smart Hospital” project industry. Few months
is jointly developed by the back, Myongji Hospital,
Korean Ministry of Science another major South
and ICT and the Seoul Korean hospital located
Medical Centre, and aims in the city of Goyang,
to improve data accuracy signed a Memorandum of
and reduce processing timing for Understanding with a domestic IT
the aforementioned hospital. The firm to develop a medical services
Smart Hospital project is one of platform backed with blockchain
the 2019 blockchain-based public tech.
BIOSPECTRUM | APRIL 2019 | www.biospectrumasia.com
Théa, OliX Novo Nordisk, Health2Sync collaborate
to develop for digital diabetes management
therapies Health2Sync and Novo Nordisk part of the partnership, Novo Nordisk
for AMD Pharma Ltd are partnering in Japan to Pharma will support the distribution
treatment support digital diabetes management and adoption of the SyncHealth App
and facilitate communication between and healthcare provider platform in
OliX Pharmaceuticals, diabetics and healthcare providers. Japan. In the future, Novo Nordisk
Inc., a leading Last December, the two companies Pharma aims to wirelessly connect
developer of RNAi agreed to support the localization and its insulin delivery devices, enabling
therapeutics, has promotion of the “SyncHealth” App auto data recording of self-injected
announced that it (known as Health2Sync outside of insulin. The SyncHealth App and the
has signed a license Japan) and web platform for patient SyncHealth Platform are products
and collaboration management. People living with developed for people living with
agreement with Théa diabetes require constant vigilance diabetes, and H2 is solely responsible
Open Innovation, part in making the right lifestyle choices and liable for the products’ usage.
of the Laboratoires and remembering to take their
Théa S.A.S (Théa) medications. Health2Sync bridges the
which is the leading lengthy gap between doctor visits by
French independent enabling frequent digital touch points
pharmaceutical between patients and healthcare
company in providers. Through its behavioral AI
Europe dedicated engine, the App can provide hints and
to ophthalmology, nudges concerning meals, exercise,
to develop and and blood glucose management,
commercialize delivered in a compelling and friendly
OLX301A. Under way that encourages users to stay
the agreement, adherent to their treatment plans. As
OliX receives a
non-refundable TaiwanJ Pharma signs $26M
and non-creditable deal with Newsoara Biopharma
upfront payment of
2 million euro and TaiwanJ Pharmaceuticals has the clinical development and market
is eligible to receive signed a $26 million contract with commercialization of JKB-122 in
milestone payments Newsoara Biopharma to license Asia, except Taiwan. TaiwanJ will
upon achievement of out its drug candidate JKB-122 receive $2 million of upfront and
clinical milestones, for further development in Asia. up to $24 million of milestone
plus royalty for the Recently, TaiwanJ announced payments, which will be paid when
development and that its JKB-122, an effective each milestone in the development
commercialization. phase 2 nonalcoholic fatty liver and commercialization process is
Théa has been granted disease (NAFLD)/nonalcoholic achieved. The two companies are
licensing rights for steatohepatitis (NASH) drug also working together to conduct
OLX301A programme candidate, had been successfully preclinical research for JKB-122’s
in EU countries, licensed out to Newsoara Biopharma second generation compound
Middle East and Co. Ltd, a company located
Africa. OliX continues in Shanghai. Newsoara JKB-133. In addition,
to hold the rights of Biopharma, TaiwanJ will maintain
OLX301A programme known for its its right of global
for US and Asia. capability of drug clinical development
developments, will and subsequent
be responsible for worldwide market
BIOSPECTRUM | APRIL 2019 | www.biospectrumasia.com
WuXi STA, Ark Biosciences sign CMC development agreement
STA Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., active discovery programmes of
its own, those of its partners, as
(WuXi STA), a subsidiary of WuXi well as in-licensed drug assets for
clinical development. Ark’s leading
AppTec, and Ark Biosciences, a programme, a novel respiratory
syncytial virus (RSV) F-protein
global biotech company focusing inhibitor Ziresovir (AK0529), has
completed three phase I clinical
on innovative drug discovery and trials and is currently in global
multi-center phase II clinical trial.
development, especially in the area The company also entered into a
license agreement with Roche in
of viral infection and respiratory August 2018 for the global rights
of a potential new standard-of-
disease, have announced a care treatment for idiopathic
pulmonary fibrosis.
strategic partnership for CMC
(Chemistry, Manufacturing
and Control) development and
manufacturing. scheme to accelerate drug
development and WuXi STA will
Under the terms of the provide an integrated solution in
process R&D and manufacturing.
collaboration, Ark Biosciences Ark Biosciences’ pipeline includes
will utilize the Marketing
Authorization Holder (MAH)
MilliporeSigma to stimulate Akili, Shionogi to develop
cell and gene therapy digital therapeutics in
commercialization in China Asian markets
MilliporeSigma has signed a non-binding Memorandum Akili Interactive, digital medicine company
of Understanding with GenScript for a strategic alliance creating prescription treatments for people living
focusing on plasmid and viral vector manufacturing. with cognitive dysfunction and brain-related
The parties envision an alliance that will accelerate conditions, and Shionogi & Co., a major research-
the industrialization and commercialization of cell and driven pharmaceutical company focused in
gene therapy in China. GenScript, a leading biotech two therapeutic areas: infectious diseases, and
company headquartered in Nanjing, China, aims to pain/CNS disorders, have announced that they
create a global-standard platform of plasmid and virus have entered into a strategic partnership for the
manufacturing service in the country. MilliporeSigma commercialization of Akili’s digital medicines,
plans to provide GenScript with comprehensive AKL-T01 and AKL-T02, in Japan and Taiwan.
products, training and consulting services covering AKL-T01 is currently under review with the U.S.
process design, facility concept design and quality Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a potential
management system set-up from lab development digital treatment for children with attention-
to large-scale GMP manufacturing. MilliporeSigma deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD); AKL-T02
is among only a few manufacturers that have an is currently in late stage development as a potential
industrialized process to make viral vectors. To create digital treatment for cognitive dysfunction
personalized therapy products, genes are delivered into and related symptoms in children with Autism
immune cells using viral vectors, such as the ones that Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The digital treatments
MilliporeSigma makes. are delivered through immersive action video game
experiences. The partnership leverages each party’s
distinct expertise to build a novel commercial model
and launch the new class of treatment to patients.
Under the terms of the agreement, Shionogi
will be responsible for regulatory filings and has
exclusive rights to the clinical development, sales
and marketing of AKL-T01 and AKL-T02 in Japan
and Taiwan, which will represent the first such
nationwide commitment to digital therapeutics in
these territories.
BIOSPECTRUM | APRIL 2019 | www.biospectrumasia.com
CXA Group raises $25M for APAC expansion
CXA Group, Asia’s one-stop, platform addressing escalating providers and payroll companies
predictive and data intelligence healthcare costs across the reflect their belief in CXA’s long-
platform for better health, region. The investment by these term growth opportunity, and
wealth and wellness choices, leading global financial services the company’s unique ability
has announced that it has raised institutions, telecommunications to shift healthcare spend from
$25 million in its latest round treatment to prevention, without
of funding. CXA’s new group of employers spending more. This
strategic investors include HSBC, strategic capital will accelerate
Singtel Innov8, Telkom Indonesia CXA’s growth momentum in
MDI Ventures, Sumitomo the Asia-Pacific region and
Corporation Equity Asia, Muang reinforce the company’s mission
Thai Fuchsia Ventures, Humanica of improving the health and
and Heritas Venture Fund, wellness of individuals through
underscoring the company’s aim its employer-driven population
to be the leading health ecosystem health platform.
Fujifilm to acquire Natera and BGI Genomics
Biogen in $890M deal announce $50M partnership
FUJIFILM Corporation has announced that it Natera, Inc. , a leader in cell-free DNA genetic testing,
has entered into an agreement to acquire Biogen and BGI Genomics Co., Ltd, the largest cell-free DNA
(Denmark) Manufacturing ApS, a large-scale clinical testing laboratory in China have announced a $50
biologics manufacturing site located in Hillerød million partnership to commercialize Natera’s Signatera
near Copenhagen, Denmark (Biogen Hillerød) MRD test in China, and to develop reproductive health
from Biogen for approximately $890 million tests in select markets on BGI’s sequencing instruments
in cash. Upon closure of this transaction, using the DNBseq NGS technology platform. The
Biogen Hillerød will become Fujifilm’s fourth Natera Signatera MRD and molecular monitoring test
biopharmaceutical contract development and will be offered in China, first through specialty hospital
manufacturing site. The existing workforce networks and then more broadly, once Natera and BGI
at the site, which consists of approximately Genomics gain China’s regulatory approval for use of
800 employees, will be retained by Fujifilm. the Signatera test on the DNBseq technology platform.
FUJIFILM Diosynth Biotechnologies, a leading DNBseq is the market name of BGI’s proprietary
Contract Development and Manufacturing sequencing technology, which supports its portfolio of
Organization (CDMO) with expertise in the next-generation sequencing platforms. BGI Genomics’
development and manufacture of biologics and genetic testing leadership position in China, where it
advanced therapies is responsible for all of the performs over 1 million cell-free DNA tests annually,
Fujifilm biopharmaceutical CDMO sites. will accelerate Natera’s entry into this large and growing
oncology market.
BIOSPECTRUM | APRIL 2019 | www.biospectrumasia.com
ASLAN signs commercialisation Advent
agreement with BioGenetics Access to join
Stanford StartX
ASLAN Pharmaceuticals, a clinical-stage oncology-focused startup community
developing novel therapeutics for global markets, and BioGenetics, a
leading South Korean healthcare company, have expanded their strategic Advent Access, one of
collaboration by entering into a new commercialisation agreement whereby Singapore’s most innovative
both parties will partner to commercialise ASLAN003 in all indications medtech startups, has
in South Korea. ASLAN will grant announced that it has been
BioGenetics exclusive rights to selected by StartX to be part
commercialise ASLAN003 in South of its 2019 Spring cohort.
Korea in exchange for an upfront StartX is an educational
payment of $1 million and up to $8 non-profit organization with
million in sales and development the mission to accelerate
milestones. ASLAN is also eligible to the development of top
receive tiered double digit royalties entrepreneurs in the Stanford
on net sales from the high-teens to the University network. Advent
mid-twenties range. BioGenetics will Access and its founder are
contribute to the global R&D costs accepted into the program
incurred by ASLAN in the clinical development of ASLAN003 in acute in recognition of their
myeloid leukaemia (AML) and will be responsible for obtaining initial and strong potential to achieve
all subsequent regulatory approvals of ASLAN003 in South Korea. a medical breakthrough
in the development of
Milu Labs completes first its award-winning av-
institutional financing Guardian technology for
hemodialysis. Advent Access
Milu Labs, a New York and pipeline in China and across Asia. will leverage the powerful
Singapore based medical This financing will help the startup networks, resources and
diagnostics company with a focus commence clinical development funding available through
on maternal foetal medicine of innovative technologies that StartX as it continues the
and women’s health, recently can help millions of patients. late-stage development of
announced the completion of Milu Labs builds, researches, and its av-Guardian technology.
its first institutional financing, markets cutting-edge technologies The av-Guardian is the
led by South Korea’s healthcare such as AI to screen and detect world’s first medical implant
VC firm Magna Investment. major health conditions. The to pioneer the concept of
Turret Capital, an investor in life firm is collaborating with global having a “guardian guide-
sciences companies in Asia, also academic institutions and door” for dialysis needles to
participated. The investment will American healthcare companies optimally enter a specially
be used to support the clinical to develop these diagnostic created dialysis vein, an
development of its technology technologies. arteriovenous fistula (AV
fistula), without the implant
being in contact with the
vein. Advent Access is
currently conducting a second
clinical study to evaluate the
potential for av-Guardian to
assist in self-cannulation and,
ultimately, to enable more
patients to benefit from home
or self-hemodialysis. Advent
expects to complete the study
later in 2019.
BIOSPECTRUM | APRIL 2019 | www.biospectrumasia.com
HitGen, SPARC collaborate for Gracell Biotech
drug discovery research
secures funding
China based biotech startup This collaboration further
HitGen and Sun Pharma emphasizes the role of HitGen for immune cell
Advanced Research Company in the rapidly developing field
(SPARC) have announced of DNA-encoded chemistry. therapies
a research collaboration to HitGen will work closely with
identify novel small molecule SPARC scientists to generate China based Gracell
leads for targets of interest. novel leads for their innovative Biotechnologies, has announced
Under this collaboration, research programmes to address the completion of its $85 million
HitGen will apply its advanced unmet medical needs. Under the series B funding recently. The
technology platform, based on terms of the agreement, HitGen financing was led by Temasek
DNA-encoded library design, will receive upfront payment with Lilly Asia Ventures,
synthesis and screening, to and will be eligible for certain Kington Capital, King Star
discover novel leads for SPARC. milestone payments. Capital and Chengdu Miaoji also
participating in the round. This
InventisBio closes $70M new funding will enable Gracell
series C financing to enter clinical trials with
several of its next generation
China based InventisBio Inc., a clinical stage biotech company, immune cell gene therapy drug
announced the closing of a $70 million Series C financing. This round candidates. Gracell is committed
of investment was co-led by Advantech Capital and CMBI, followed by to developing high-quality, low-
Pudong Innotek. Also participating were existing investors Lilly Asia cost cellular drugs and solving
Venture (LAV) and OrbiMed Asia. The new investment will accelerate many of the technical difficulties
in the cellular gene therapy field,
the development of the clinical including complex manufacture,
candidates into phase 2 trials lack of off-the-shelf products,
and help the startup develop and short duration efficacy. To
first-in-class drug candidates implement its vision, Gracell
into clinical stage. InventisBio believes it has gathered one of
intends to develop innovative the top teams in the industry
drugs with its own intellectual from China and the U.S. Over the
property rights, to achieve past year, the Gracell team has
global drug approvals based advanced a series of innovative
on international multi-center CAR-T products toward clinical
clinical trials for diseases with research, obtaining valuable
unmet medical needs. The data and gaining support from
company has three drug candidates in clinical development for breast international investors. Gracell
cancer, lung cancer and gout. In December 2018, the company licensed expects to develop a data
out 3rd generation EGFR-T790M inhibitor D-0316’s China right to package from its clinical IRB
Betta Pharma, and is co-developing it in phase 2 clinical trial for non- studies and advance several
small cell lung cancer. products to IND filing and
clinical trials in the near future.
BIOSPECTRUM | APRIL 2019 | www.biospectrumasia.com
WHO launches new WHO
global influenza strategy
The World Health strengthening routine
Organization (WHO) has programmes. It has two to accelerate
released a Global Influenza overarching goals- (i) Build
Strategy for 2019-2030 stronger country capacities progress on TB
aimed at protecting people for disease surveillance and
in all countries from the response, prevention and The World Health Organization
threat of influenza. The goal control, and preparedness. To (WHO) has issued new guidance
of the strategy is to prevent achieve this, it calls for every to improve treatment of multidrug
seasonal influenza, control country to have a tailored resistant TB (MDR-TB). WHO is
the spread of influenza from influenza programme that recommending shifting to fully
animals to humans, and contributes to national and oral regimens to treat people with
prepare for the next influenza global preparedness and MDR-TB. This new treatment
pandemic. The new strategy health security; (ii) Develop course is more effective and is
is the most comprehensive better tools to prevent, detect, less likely to provoke adverse
and far-reaching that control and treat influenza, side effects. WHO recommends
WHO has ever developed such as more effective backing up treatment with active
for influenza. It outlines a vaccines, antivirals and monitoring of drug safety and
path to protect populations treatments, with the goal of providing counselling support
every year and helps prepare making these accessible for to help patients complete
for a pandemic through all countries. their course of treatment. The
recommendations are part of a
larger package of actions designed
to help countries increase the pace
of progress to end tuberculosis
(TB). Recently, key partners
came together at a World TB Day
symposium at WHO in Geneva
to develop a collaborative multi-
stakeholder and multi-sectoral
platform to accelerate actions to
end TB. WHO presented the new
package at the meeting.
WHO demands registry for human gene editing
The World Health Organization (WHO) has recently wrapped up
its first meeting of a new advisory committee set up to create global
governance and oversight standards for human gene editing. The
committee will develop essential tools and guidance for all those
working on this new technology to ensure maximum benefit and
minimal risk to human health. According to the WHO panel, any
human gene editing work should be done for research only, should
not be done in human clinical trials, and should be conducted
transparently. The committee agreed that a central registry on human
genome editing research is needed in order to create an open and
transparent database of ongoing work. The committee aims over the
next two years to produce a comprehensive governance framework
for national, local and international authorities to ensure human
genome editing science progresses within agreed ethical boundaries.
BIOSPECTRUM | APRIL 2019 | www.biospectrumasia.com
GE to provide affordable Rwandan health
healthcare in South Africa network secures funding
for African expansion
GE Healthcare has launched Versana Premier in
South Africa as part of the Versana ultrasound Rwanda based Africa Healthcare Network (AHN),
family, which provides solutions for general which runs the largest chain of kidney care & dialysis
practice clinics, physical check-up centres, centers across East Africa, has announced it has
community health clinics and other facilities secured funding to grow into Kenya and Tanzania as
offering basic medical care. Part of GE’s well as its aggressive expansion plans over the next
new Versana Ultrasound range, affordable two years in West and Southern Africa. The network
care Versana Premier is designed to making has closed its Series A from Africa Healthcare Fund /
healthcare accessible to all. It comes with the local Asia Africa Investment & Consulting Pte Ltd (AAIC),
product and clinical training to help healthcare an Africa focused healthcare investment firm, and
professionals gain comfort and proficiency with existing investor Polaris Partners (Polaris), a leading
the system to enhance patient care. According global venture capital firm. AHN currently has 8
to the company, through continuous investment centers across Rwanda and Tanzania with a presence
in innovation and education, GE Healthcare in cities such as Kigali, Gisenyi, Dar es Salaam,
is dedicated to driving access to affordable Mwanza and Arusha with 15 centers expected by year
healthcare in collaboration with its partners end 2019. It plans to expand its presence across all
through solutions such as Versana Premier. Tier I and Tier II cities in Kenya and Tanzania and
enter West and Southern Africa.
Merck Foundation initiates health programmes in Zambia
TheMerckFoundationhaslaunched the First Lady of Zambia to be the information, health and change of
health programmes in Zambia with Ambassador of Merck More Than mindset to break the stigma around
an aim to sensitise communities a Mother campaign to empower infertility. Through this campaign,
about infertility prevention, and infertile women through access to Merck Foundation has trained the
to break the stigma of infertility. first Fertility specialists in Zambia,
Merck Foundation established a and will continue to train more
long term partnership with the First candidates to help infertile couples
Lady of Zambia and Ministry of across the country. Merck More
Health to build healthcare capacity Than a Mother initiative aims to
with the aim of improving access empower infertile women through
to equitable and quality healthcare access to information, education
solutions nationwide. Merck and health and by changing mind-
Foundation has also appointed sets.
BIOSPECTRUM | APRIL 2019 | www.biospectrumasia.com
Merck opens first M Lab collaboration centre in Europe
Merck, a leading science and challenges and accelerate they can work alongside Merck
development and production of experts to solve their most
technology company, has new therapies. Merck’s newest M pressing processing development
Lab Collaboration centre, which challenges without impacting their
officially opened its new M Lab offers 4,000 square meters of production line. The centre in
space, represents a significant Molsheim is the latest in Merck’s
Collaboration Centre in Molsheim, investment in the region. The €10 network of centres around the
million centre provides customers world. Other M Lab Collaboration
France. The centre is Merck’s first in Europe, the Middle East and centres are located in the United
Africa with a fully equipped, States, Brazil, China, South Korea,
in Europe and ninth worldwide, non-GMP pilot and bench scale Singapore, Japan, India (where
lab and meeting centre where there are two labs).
providing biopharmaceutical
manufacturers with a shared,
exploratory environment where
they can closely collaborate
with Merck scientists and
engineers to solve their toughest
Ireland to lead €7 MIT researchers design
million Parkinson’s device for delivering TB drugs
research project
A research team from the Massachusetts Institute of
A new research study aims to deepen the Technology (MIT) in the US has devised a new way to
understanding of Parkinson’s so that better deliver antibiotics against tuberculosis (TB), which they
treatments can be developed in the future. hope will make it easier to cure more patients and reduce
The project, which will be coordinated health care costs. Using this new approach, a coiled
by RCSI (Royal College of Surgeons in wire loaded with antibiotics is inserted into the patient’s
Ireland), has been awarded €7 million by stomach through a nasogastric tube. Once in the stomach,
the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) the device slowly releases antibiotics over one month,
with pharmaceutical industry and patient eliminating the need for patients to take pills every day.
advocacy partners. The PD-MitoQUANT The new device is a thin, elastic wire made of nitinol, an
project aims to increase understanding of alloy of nickel and titanium that can change its shape based
how cells in the brain become damaged in on temperature. The researchers can string up to 600 pills
Parkinson’s so more effective treatments can of various antibiotics along the wire, and the drugs are
be developed for the one million people living packaged in polymers whose composition can be tuned to
with Parkinson’s in Europe today, including control the rate of drug release once the device enters the
12,000 people in Ireland. The researchers stomach. The wire is delivered to the patient’s stomach via
will focus on parts of the cell, known as a tube inserted through the nose, which is used routinely in
mitochondria that malfunction in people hospitals for delivering medications and nutrients. As part
with Parkinson’s. Mitochondria contribute of their study, the researchers interviewed 300 tuberculosis
to cell death and neurodegeneration and patients in India, and most said that this kind of delivery
there is growing evidence of their role in would be acceptable to them for long-term treatment.
Parkinson’s, but no effective treatments have
been developed based on this knowledge.
BIOSPECTRUM | APRIL 2019 | www.biospectrumasia.com
Amazon’s foray into healthcare with the
acquision of Pillpack has sparked robust
debates. Though many analysts believe
that the healthcare market holds strong
potential for Amazon, skeptics highlight that
the healthcare business is not like other
industries. It requires proper licensing and
proper delivery methods such as temperature-
controlled storage for certain drugs. The
disruption of the pharmacy market might
not be as easy for Amazon in the near term,
given that the older section of the population
prefers buying their medicines from a retail
store, rather than getting them via mail. The
segment is competitive and Amazon might
not be able to fully disrupt the market, but it
could still grab a significant market share,
driving revenues in the long term.
The year 2018 saw Amazon making some big exclusively on the e-commerce giant’s marketplace.
moves in the healthcare space. The retail
behemoth made headlines when it acquired This new ‘Choice brand’ will start the sale of a range of
Pillpack for $1 billion. PillPack, which organizes and
delivers packages of medications for consumers, blood glucose monitors and blood pressure monitors
is licensed to ship prescriptions in 49 states, says
its website. PillPack’s secret sauce focuses on both with supporting mobile apps which offer
convenience, not only ships your pills to you, but also
makes individual packets of the respective pills you measurement tracking, data mobility and reminders.
need to take for that day. PillPack’s model aims to
help customers avoid long queues at the pharmacies With these announcements, it’s clear that Amazon
and also ensure that patients take their daily dose
of medication without forgetting. Buying PillPack is making some bold moves in healthcare. Experts
certainly opens the doors, giving Amazon the much
needed head start in building an online pharmacy opine that Amazon’s entry into healthcare will be an
immediate threat to retail pharmacies that have long
Apart from the PillPack acquisition, Amazon’s 2018
news included new executive level hirings, machine dominated the drug supply industry. But Amazon’s
learning tools for healthcare organizations and more.
Amazon teamed up with Berkshire Hathaway and JP recent moves indicate that its long-term ambitions
Morgan Chase to build its own nonprofit healthcare
entity. The retail giant also joined hands with health in the healthcare space could go well beyond just
brand consultancy called Arcadia Group to sell a new
brand of Arcadia’s consumer-focused medical devices, pharmacy sales.
including blood pressure cuffs and glucose monitors,
“Amazon’s foray into healthcare goes beyond
these above two most touted deals” says, Kamaljit
Behera, Industry Analyst,
Healthcare, Visionary
Innovation Group, Frost &
Sullivan. Amazon already sells
private label over-the-counter
drugs through a partnership
with Perrigo and has obtained
pharmacy licenses approval for
wholesale drug distribution in more than 12 states in
the US. The addition of PillPack (which has license
BIOSPECTRUM | APRIL 2019 | www.biospectrumasia.com
to ship prescriptions in 49 states) to Amazon’s last- healthcare market is fragmented, inefficient and has
mile delivery expertise makes it a strong contender to a huge need for disruption. The industry is huge, and
finally enter and disrupt the US e-Pharmacy market. demand for its services is growing. The pharma supply
Recently, Amazon also announced its expansion into chain is filled with drug distributors and middle men
the Medicaid market, and plan to offer beneficiaries a and it is estimated that between the manufacturer
prime membership of $5.99 a month, a discount of 54 and customer many groups take profit, obscuring the
per cent).” actual cost of the drug from the consumer. The current
drug supply and distribution system gives Amazon a
Behera further adds, “The e-commerce giant has huge opportunity to remodel, streamline and create a
also been quietly growing its medical supply business transparent customer-centric experience. After all, this
through its Amazon Business Platform, which has has been the retail giant’s winning strategy since start.
more than 1 million customers and 85,000 sellers. A Amazon is known to have transformed the process of
search on the term “healthcare” returns about 326,000 buying and receiving consumable goods, making it
results across about 30 product categories in amazon. more cost efficient and convenient than going to your
com. Furthermore, it also has licenses to distribute neighborhood store. Amazon’s insider knowledge of
medical devices in nearly every state in the US market. e-commerce makes it the perfect candidate to offer
Also, Amazon has quietly launched an exclusive line of more diverse healthcare experiences to customers and
over-the-counter health products brand called ‘Basic disrupt the existing healthcare market.
Care’. This indicates Amazon’s intention to go beyond
the distribution play and fray in to core health care Fabio La Mola, Partner, LEK Consulting
product brand as well.” notes, “There are a number of ways
in which Amazon can transform
The Amazon promise existing healthcare models, and
most people immediately think of
Over the last couple of years, Amazon appears to have logistics and purchasing. However,
been laying strong foundations which might radically the more interesting disruption
shake up the industry. And why not! The $3 trillion is the ability to hold, analyze and
present healthcare data in a novel
manner. This is done by the lesser known business
of Amazon, AWS, which allows healthcare providers,
governments and other healthcare stakeholders to
hold their data and applications on the cloud. These
rich dataset have the power to revolutionize discovery,
care delivery, clinical practices and more. As an
example, genomics datasets are already available on
Amazon AWS, and more private datasets are uploaded
every day.”
And let’s not forget Amazon’s advanced
infrastructure and robust delivery mechanisms.
With many regional warehouses and quick delivery
promises, Amazon has the blueprints to build a
successful online healthcare empire. Also, the way
healthcare is being delivered is changing, with lot of
available medical information patients are more than
just mere recipients of a written prescription.
With its tech capabilities there are many loopholes
in healthcare that Amazon can address. Behera says,
“Given Amazon’s track record of undercutting margins
by up to 20 per cent in other industries, it could
potentially cause the greatest disruption for medical
device/supplies tail-end spend categories (low-tech/
Low volume), create serious concern for traditional
distributors/wholesalers (unless they try to on-board
and sales on Amazon’s digital marketplace). Beyond
the drug/device play, Amazon’s consistent and
BIOSPECTRUM | APRIL 2019 | www.biospectrumasia.com
deliberate investments (e.g. Owlet Baby Care, Gail) process is still governed dominantly by Providers
indicate company is serious about making substantial and Payers. Amazon is known for its relentless focus
changes to innovate Care Delivery models such as on the consumer market, but to make a true impact
Home Health/Telehealth segment.” in the healthcare space, it will be critical for Amazon
to work and collaborate with provider and payers
Thanks to aging population and growing medical communities. Similarly, on the Drug e-retailing
needs, healthcare spending in the US is expected to front, it will need to change the shopping habits of a
increase by 5.8 per cent annually through 2024 say set of shoppers that tend to stick to a routine when it
reports. According to Stephen Buck, co-founder of comes to how and where they buy their prescription
GoodRx, a service for cost conscious prescription drug drugs. It may also find a more limited buyer-set, as
consumers, Amazon could ultimately capture around people with pressing needs like medicine for a sinus
$25 to $50 billion of the $300 billion prescription drug infection may have little patience to wait for online
market in the US. As Amazon wave hits healthcare, delivery. Not to forget its past lesson learnt with
other players in the industry will need to buckle up Drugstore.com Inc. during 1999, which Amazon had
and devise strategic measures to traverse the unique to sell off and exit.”
regulatory and logistical challenges of going digital,
to maintain their market share. With Amazon raising La Mola adds, “Also another major obstacle
the bar for user experiences, healthcare companies is ensuring individual privacy and convincing
need to either grow to match, or be pushed toward stakeholders to share data. For a number or reasons,
obsolescence. This, many experts believe, is a wakeup healthcare providers, research institutions and other
call for today’s healthcare providers. stakeholders are reluctant to share data. While some
is truly confidential as it goes to the core of companies
“Considering above rational, I believe, in next intellectual property, other is patient data that can be
1-2 years, Amazon will make headway into the home de-identified and shared to help with discovery and
healthcare (e.g. telehealth, telemedicine, and D2C improvements in clinical practice.”
commerce) and well positioned to disrupt the Individual
care space,” says Behera and adds, “I believe Amazon’s As seen, Amazon already has several advantages
reputation in disrupting industries/commerce models that could give it a head start in healthcare. It’s not
and prior experience with healthcare space make the yet clear how these pieces will come together, or how
so called ‘Amazonization’ impact a potential threat Amazon will be successful in its healthcare venture.
for some high cost intermediaries/gatekeepers and But there are more signs that when the company’s
opportunity for others.” efforts come to the fore, they could be in a position to
dominate the industry.
“What’s realistic is that Amazon will at least
Amazon’s foray into healthcare has sparked robust attempt to get into health care on multiple fronts,
debates. Though many analysts believe that the and it will be more successful in some areas than in
healthcare market holds strong potential for Amazon, others. More importantly, any move by Amazon will
skeptics highlight that the healthcare business is not be winning deal for average healthcare consumers
like other industries. It requires proper licensing who seek retail like buying experience in healthcare
and proper delivery methods such as temperature- industry,” says Behera.
controlled storage for certain drugs. The disruption of
the pharmacy market might not be as easy for Amazon However La Mola says, “It will only make healthcare
in the near term, given that the older section of the better, by making available data and tools that current
population prefers buying their medicines from a retail stakeholders are keen to have but have no access to
store, rather than getting them via mail. The segment due to the fragmented nature of data in healthcare.”
is competitive and Amazon might not be able to fully
disrupt the market, but it could still grab a significant Amazon’s commitment to innovation and self-
market share, driving revenues in the long term. disruption will enable it to gain a massive foot hold
in healthcare. Amazon’s network and infrastructure,
Behera elaborates “Well, it’s easy to digitize a book coupled with its tech capabilities, positions it to
or sell consumer product on digital marketplace. But have a massive impact on the health care supply
when it comes to healthcare it’s a highly regulated chain and revamp it. In the health care industry,
and complex industry to safeguarding life and death where the customer experience is often confusing
scenarios. The biggest obstacle for Amazon will to and fragmented, the ability to make interactions
change the inert resistance of healthcare industry to frictionless and seamless would go a long way, believe
change. Despite the term patient-centricity gaining analysts.
currency in healthcare industry, decision making
Aishwarya Venkatesh
[email protected]
BIOSPECTRUM | APRIL 2019 | www.biospectrumasia.com
Digital technology is becoming central to million invested just five years ago. With this rate,
the future growth of the healthcare sector deep Learning and its applications in medical imaging
globally. Healthcare companies around and diagnostics are expected to hold the major share
the world are now taking advantage of the new and of the market in the coming years.
exciting technologies such as artificial intelligence
(AI), robotics, machine learning, 3D- bioprinting and Although US still dominates globally in terms of
blockchain to create value for patients, clinicians, and the number of AI startups and total equity deals, China
shareholders alike. may already be ahead of the game with government
bodies and tech companies working to advance AI.
Currently, Asia is entering a zone of grim reality China’s tech giants such as Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent
where age and chronic conditions affect ever-growing and Huawei are actively investing in AI research
masses of its populations. It has become obvious that and related developments. In addition to specific
Asia cannot resolve its healthcare challenges without applications, corporate giants are also trying to build
the intervention of these new age technologies. their own ecosystems. International companies
such as Microsoft, IBM, and Intel have built labs in
According to CBInsights, Venture Capitalists China with active AI research. They not only have
invested more than $2 billion in healthcare AI startups very high-quality and impactful research but are also
in 2018, a dramatic rise when compared to the $100
BIOSPECTRUM | APRIL 2019 | www.biospectrumasia.com
feeding China’s AI industry with many high-quality to potential enterprise clients.
researchers and technical managers. With Taiwan gunning for worldwide recognition
In July 2017, a ‘New Generation Artificial as a global innovation hub, Korea comes across
Intelligence Development Plan’ was released by the as another leading player ranking high on the
government with the goal for China to be the leading Bloomberg’s Innovation index, 2018. Last year, the
AI power by 2030. The government is conducting South Korean government announced an investment
concrete actions and has partnered with national of $33.4 million over the next three years to build a
tech companies to develop research and industrial homegrown medical artificial intelligence system that
leadership in AI. A $2.1 billion technology park for AI analyzes patients’ medical data to offer personalized
research is also being built in Beijing. diagnostics and treatment plans. The medical AI
system dubbed “Dr. Answer” would use medical big
At the heart of the healthcare sector in China is data to guide doctors in their diagnosis and treatment
also the emergence and increasing use of medical planning. The project will be led by Seoul’s Asan
robotics. In particular, the surgical robotics industry Medical Centre and is to involve 25 local hospitals and
is gradually picking up speed in China. As of 2017, medical institutions as well as 19 artificial intelligence
China was home to approximately 30 domestic tech software developers, including Vuno, JLK
manufacturers in the industry of medtech robots, with Inspection and Kakao Brain.
surgical robotics representing 28 percent of the total.
Falling slightly behind, Australia is also embracing
Next up in the list is Singapore who is significantly AI with a sizeable investment. The Australian
adopting AI to reposition itself as a market leader. government has committed $29.9 million over
Singapore is taking several initiatives to boost AI four years into AI funding. Besides, a new research
capabilities in an effort to power the country’s digital training centre based in Victoria is developing AI
economy. The country has witnessed a significant applications for medical technologies and training an
increase in the number of AI startups in area of expert workforce that will drive Australian innovation.
healthcare with significant investments flowing in The Federal Government is providing $4.1 million to
from venture capitalists. In 2017, Singapore’s National support the training centre that will advance next
Research Foundation (NRF) launched AI Singapore generation data-driven and machine learning-based
(AISG), a $150 million national programme to catalyse, medical technologies.
synergise and boost Singapore’s AI capabilities. A year
later, Microsoft and National University of Singapore Joining the league, India is also flying high with
(NUS) joined in to bolster the country’s research and big pharma and healthcare players investing their
innovation potential. Besides attracting international resources in AI. Last year, the Indian drug maker
AI talent and investment, Singapore is also building Lupin launched an AI based programme specially
a pipeline of AI training programmes on the ground. designed to provide medically verified information
for health-related queries. Another major player
With a slow start initially, Japan is now fully Cipla has acquired a minority stake for $1.5 million in
realizing the potential of AI. The Japanese government Mumbai based startup Wellthy Therapeutics to use its
is planning to invest $100 million in the next five AI technology for improved patient outcomes in the
years to boost the development and adoption of chronic therapies of diabetology and cardiology. In
AI technologies in hospitals. A number of startups addition, the leading super specialty hospital in India,
and established companies are now engaging in Apollo Hospitals recently teamed up with Israeli Zebra
telemedicine and AI in healthcare in Japan. For Medical Vision for a $4.9 million project to validate
example, the tech giant NEC is partnering with Japan and deploy AI based tools at scale across India.
National Cancer Centre on using an AI online analysis
of polyps during a colonoscopy. Remaining resilient to the inevitable AI based
technological revolution, Asia is capitalizing on this
This wave of AI and robotics has also majorly opportunity and investing in innovations likewise.
impacted the healthcare sector in Taiwan in the Asian enterprises see AI as a complete disruptive force
past few years. In 2018, the Taiwanese government across technology, industry, product, go-to-market,
allocated $34 million to Southern Taiwan Science academic, and economic dimensions.
Park (STSP) and Central Taiwan Science Park each
to grow AI and robotics over the next four years. The On the occasion of World Health Day, being
STSP has set up an accelerator called the Taiwan AI celebrated on April 7, 2019, BioSpectrum Asia shares
x Robotics Accelerator (TAIRA) designed specifically information on 25 innovative health tech startups
to fast-track startups working on AI and Robotics bringing unique AI and robotics based healthcare
solutions through equity-free funding, access to solutions across China, India, Korea, Taiwan,
product development resources, and early engagement Singapore, Japan and Australia.
BIOSPECTRUM | APRIL 2019 | www.biospectrumasia.com
SINGAPORE medical professionals to intervene before a critical
medical event takes place, which can potentially
ENGINE BIOSCIENCES (2014) improve health outcomes and lower healthcare
costs. In addition, Biofourmis has entered into a
■ FOUNDERS collaboration with the Mayo Clinic in the US, which
Jeffrey Lu, Timothy Lu, Daphne Teo would enable the company to access anonymised
■ OVERVIEW healthcare data from clinical trials and Mayo’s
Pioneering AI for effective drug discovery medical insights. The health tech startup has also
recently teamed up with Brigham and Women’s
Engine Biosciences is a venture-backed San Hospital in Boston, US to co-develop improvements
Francisco and Singapore based technology to its proprietary analytics engine. This recent
startup pioneering network biomedicine. Compared association is intended to harness and clinically
with conventional drug discovery approaches, utilise the vast quantity of biometric data that the
which are too slow and costly to test and map home hospital team collects. The team plans to use
the huge number of genetic interactions that the Biovitals analytics engine and further innovate
underlie diseases, Engine’s platform drives around new predictive algorithms. Biofourmis is
orders-of-magnitude gains in speed and scale. also now a member of American Heart Association’s
By understanding and testing these genetic Centre for Health Technology Innovators Network,
interactions in parallel and using machine learning to deliver personalized software-based intervention
and deep learning algorithms to analyze and learn including dose changes, heart failure education
from the resulting datasets, Engine can decipher and insights to patients with heart failure. Since
biological networks that until this point have inception, the startup has raised $5 million in a
vexed drug developers and researchers and enable Series A round of funding from venture capital firm
more rational drug discovery for both single and NSI Ventures and Aviva Ventures, the corporate
combination therapies. Engine’s data-driven drug venture arm of insurer Aviva.
discovery platform combines massively parallel
biological experimentation with artificial intelligence MEDO.AI (2017) Zonoobi, Jacob
(AI) to discover and develop better therapies for
important human diseases. The startup has recently ■ FOUNDERS
raised $10 million in seed round from leading Jeevesh Kapur, Dornoosh
American and Asian investors. The seed funding
will support Engine as it builds its drug discovery Jaremko
platform, expands its scientific and executive team ■ OVERVIEW
in both Singapore and San Francisco, and pursues Applying AI to ultrasound
preclinical studies internally and with partners,
which currently include leading research institutions Medo.ai is developing technology that will
and a prominent US Fortune 500 company. allow doctors to see rather than hear and
understand what is going on inside a patient
BIOFOURMIS (2015) using ultrasound. Though extremely powerful,
the effectiveness of an ultrasound is hindered
■ FOUNDERS by the expertise needed to interpret the images.
Kuldeep Singh Rajput, Dr Wendou Niu To overcome this, the startup has devised an
■ OVERVIEW algorithm that uses machine learning and cloud
Harnessing AI for patient monitoring computing to make ultrasound imaging easy
to interpret and use in disease diagnosis. For
Biofourmis has created a health analytics platform example, Medo.ai’s technology uses images taken
known as Biovitals, which leverages artificial from different angles to create a 3D model of a
intelligence to analyse physiology data from clinical baby’s hip. This is then run through an algorithm
grade wearables. The data gleaned from this allows that compares it to thousands of other images to
determine the likelihood of the baby having hip
dysplasia. The company has just begun a clinical
trial at the University of Alberta, Canada, with
BIOSPECTRUM | APRIL 2019 | www.biospectrumasia.com
It is the first early-stage MedTech startup to
receive investment from SGInnovate, a venture
capital arm of Singapore Infocomm Development
Authority. NDR Medical plans to expand the use
of ANT into other medical applications such as
orthopaedics and anaesthesia in the near future.
the aim of evaluating ultrasound scans taken LEBEN CARE TECHNOLOGIES (2016)
by people who have no experience using the
device, to determine how user-friendly it is. This ■ FOUNDERS
follows a three-year trial to prove the technology’s Nitin Srivastava, Theenathayalan
efficacy and accuracy at detecting hip dysplasia.
Ultimately, the team wants to expand the Parthasarathy, Imran Akthar
technology for use in detecting other conditions. ■ OVERVIEW
Catering to Ophthalmology through AI
Adeep learning AI healthcare startup, Leben
■ FOUNDERS Care has developed an AI algorithm called
Alan Goh, Dr Jason Ng Netra.AI for the detection of Diabetic Retinopathy.
■ OVERVIEW The images captured with the help of a fundus
Combines AI, robotics for surgeries camera are sent to a cloud-based server that
utilizes the software and a deep learning
Amedical device startup that started algorithm to detect retinal findings consistent
operations in 2015, specialises in the with diabetic retinopathy. Netra.AI empowers
development of surgical robotics. Driven by AI, both the doctor and patient to keep a record and
NDR Medical’s Automated Needle Targeting manage the changes in retinal health over the
(ANT) System facilitates accurate needle time. The algorithm tracks, maintains records
punctures to the organs such as lungs, kidney, of retinal images and automatically detects and
pancreas and spine. With high accuracy and highlights changes upon every follow-up visit,
precision, it promotes surgical procedures such enabling better visualization and control over
as biopsy and ablation to be conducted at an disease progression. Leben Care received the
earlier stage, expediting the discovery of illnesses FDA approval for this AI based algorithm in 2018.
and treatments. ANT can integrate with C-arm Last year, the startup stepped into the Japanese
Fluoroscopy and Computed Tomography (CT) market through a collaboration with Cosmotec, a
systems with ANT-X and ANT-C software systems company specialising in sales and consulting of
respectively. Current clinical trial for ANT-X is medical devices. Netra.AI has so far been fed with
percutaneous nephrolithotomy and ANT-C is lung one lakh eye images of patients and will soon
biopsy and ablation. NDR Medical has conducted be commercially deployed in India and South
multiple clinical trials in Singapore, China, Japan Eastern China to screen diseases.
and a few other Southeast Asia countries. The
startup has filed for FDA 510K and CE application. CHINA
Dr Sudhir Srivastava
Developing medical robotic technology
BIOSPECTRUM | APRIL 2019 | www.biospectrumasia.com
SS Innovations is focused on designing and startup has so far raised $78.5 million through
developing a multi arm robotic system, 3D four different rounds of funding. With strong
HD visualisation system and single arm robotic research background in AI and medicine,
systems for non-surgical use. Based in Hangzhou the team members work closely with clinical
in China, the startup has achieved specific practitioners and leading institutes in the US such
mile stones of designing and developing the as Arizona State University, University of California
prototype, validating the instrumentation and in Los Angeles, National Institutes of Health, etc.
conducting the first phase of animal trials. The
current phase of development is focused on INFERVISION (2015)
further refining the robotic arms, developing
instruments for surgery, conducting a second ■ FOUNDERS
series of animal trials, improving the visualization Chen Kuan, Shaokang Wang
system and addressing options for single arm ■ OVERVIEW
use in the non-surgical sphere. Funded by Applying AI to diagnostics
private as well as government organisations,
the startup has recently collaborated with US Infervision is an AI based startup that uses deep
based Energid Technologies that develops learning technology and computer vision to help
advanced real-time motion control software for diagnose diseases. Based on years of research,
robotics. As a result, SS Innovations is working Infervision launched the world’a first ‘Infervision
on developing next-generation robotic surgical - AI precise healthcare platform’, and is the first
hardware and surgeon command centre using to release intelligent X-ray assisted diagnosis
Energid’s Actin software for advanced real-time products and intelligent CT assisted diagnosis
motion control. A global expert in robot-assisted products. These products are already in trials at
cardiac surgery, Dr Srivastava, the founder of Shanghai Changzheng Hospital, Tongji Medical
SS Innovations intends to make available the College of HUST in Wuhan, and Dalian Zhongshan
latest technologies to a global population that Hospital. The startup has recently announced the
can most benefit from these advancements in launch of InferRead CT (computed tomography)
medical engineering. Chest, a new product concept that detects four
different conditions with just one set of chest
VOXELCLOUD (2016) scans, leading to faster and more comprehensive
medical diagnoses. The new InferRead CT Chest
■ FOUNDERS allows a doctor to review an image only once to
Demetri Terzopoulos, Jianming Liang, Xiaowei perform multiple disease screenings in the chest
including lung nodule screening; Chest fractures,
Ding bone metastases and bone tumor screenings;
■ OVERVIEW Chronic lung disease (such as emphysema)
Using AI for medical imaging screening; and Cardiac calcification screening.
Additionally, Infervision has introduced a new
VoxelCloud provides automated medical image product concept RSNA for fast diagnosis in
analysis services and diagnosis assistance emergency conditions. Used to reduce the highly-
based on AI and cloud computing technologies. repetitive work radiologists do each day, the
The startup’s current products cover lung cancer, goal of Infervision is to help doctors deliver more
retinal diseases, and coronary heart disease. accurate reports faster. The startup is also engaged
VoxelCloud offers its service through three in academic research and has established a deep
channels. First, by providing service to healthcare cooperative relationship with top institutions
providers through cloud-computing solutions in Chinese Radiology, combining both medical
directly integrated in the clinical workflow. science and medical technology while laying
Second, by partnering with established vendors a solid foundation for artificial intelligence
to provide AI as a service. Third, by building a breakthroughs in the medical field. Over the years,
platform to enable third party developers to the startup has raised funding worth $70 million.
develop their own applications through the
VoxelCloud medical knowledge graph API. The
BIOSPECTRUM | APRIL 2019 | www.biospectrumasia.com
THE CAREVOICE (2014) High-tech Zone and Bio-Town, while the US R&D
centre is located in Silicon Valley. Borns mainly
■ FOUNDERS focuses on the application of AI medicine and is
Jan Velich, Neil Liang, Sébastien Gaudin dedicated to advancing minimally invasive surgical
■ OVERVIEW robotics and their clinical application. The team
Transforming health insurance via AI at Borns is made up of experienced roboticists
and scientists from the biomedical engineering
The CareVoice, a consumer-centric health field. Last year, the startup closed a Series A
insurtech start-up redefining healthcare and financing of $ 18 million. The funding is helping
the insurance experience for people in China. In the startup through completion of its clinical trials
2018, the startup launched the first AI voice-based and commercial launch in China for BMR5000, a
virtual health assistant for insurers and employers whole new AI-powered surgical robotic system.
in Greater China. Insurance members can use the Fully considering the clinical applications in China,
AI system to help triage their symptoms before Borns has developed a complete solution of
going to see a doctor. The latest technology surgeon-robot interaction control system, which
is integrated with the CareVoice platform and makes the transition of traditional surgery to
will let users check their symptoms, access robotic surgery easy and smooth. In addition, the
self-care content and help guide users towards new modular design makes the configuration of
relevant medical specialities. Part of the idea is surgery adjustable which could also reduce the
to help users avoid unnecessary consultations. cost significantly. The startup owns more than one
The technology comes out of a partnership hundred patents on surgical robotics.
between CareVoice and San Francisco-based
virtual care assistant Sensely. In addition to the JAPAN
latest technology, the company gives users
lists of hospitals, doctors and treatments. It also FRONTEO HEALTHCARE (2015)
lets user rate and review doctors and hospitals.
The goal is to help consumers choose the best ■ FOUNDER
care for their needs. Recently the company has Naritomo Ikeue
begun to expand to Hong-Kong. The CareVoice ■ OVERVIEW
has raised a total of $3.1 million in funding over Using AI for analyzing healthcare data
four rounds. At present, the startup is focusing
its efforts on accelerating the development of its FRONTEO Healthcare has developed an AI
mobile platform and SaaS solutions for insurance based technology called Concept Encoder
incumbents, which enables them to undergo with an aim of effective, evidence-based analysis
the critical digital transformation of health plans and utilization of healthcare-related big data,
expected by mobile-savvy Chinese affluent including large bodies of free-entry text data. The
consumers. programme incorporates significance tests and
other crucial statistical methods for evidence-
BORNS MEDICAL ROBOTIC (2016) based medicine (EBM), the gold standard of
practice among healthcare professionals, and
■ FOUNDERS applies this to natural language analysis. The
Dr Yao Li patented Concept Encoder technology can also
■ OVERVIEW co-analyze non-textual data, and a research effort
Specialising in robotic surgery, AI medicine is underway to co-analyze the numerical data
accumulated within the healthcare domain, such
Borns Medical Robotics was founded by Dr as genetic expression, vital data, and other test
Yao Li who is a scientist at Stanford AI Lab, result values prevalent in the healthcare domain.
Stanford Robotics Lab. The China headquarters is Recently, the startup has launched a “New
located in Tianfu Software Park of the Chengdu Candidate Medications Discovery” technology
using its proprietary AI engine Concept Encoder.
The main feature of this new technology is to
BIOSPECTRUM | APRIL 2019 | www.biospectrumasia.com
enable researchers developing new drugs and the National Cancer Centre Japan and other
medicines at pharmaceutical companies to research institutions to further the development
discover the relevance between their hypotheses of its AI powered medical diagnosis technology.
and the descriptions of documentary records
found in open databases, and to find needed EXAWIZARDS (2016)
information by adding and/or subducting
words and/or documents. The startup is also ■ FOUNDER
working on designing an AI system to guide pain Makoto Haruta
management, in collaboration with Aichi Medical ■ OVERVIEW
University and Nippon Zoki Pharmaceutical in Using AI for elderly care services
ExaWizards is employing deep learning and
LPIXEL (2014) AI to analyze unstructured data related
to nursing care. This data comes in the form
■ FOUNDERS of sound recordings, videos, texts, and other
Yuki Shimahara materials. One of their primary services is
■ OVERVIEW Coaching AI, which they detail as AI-enabled care.
Applying AI to medical imaging It is an approach to caregiving training that mixes
algorithms with a human touch. The goal is to
Aspin-out venture from University of Tokyo, improve the quality of care for dementia patients
LPixel is involved in three major national in addition to helping new caregivers deliver
projects including ImPACT led by the Cabinet proper care. With their Coaching AI system, a
Office, CREST organized by Japan Science and camera is set up above the patient’s bed, while
Technology Agency, and various other projects caregivers wear camera-equipped smart glasses
sponsored by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and microphones; cameras in tablets can also
and Industry to support the advancement be used. The sound and video are uploaded to
of strategic core technologies. LPixel has a server where ExaWizards algorithms evaluate
developed an AI based image analysis cloud the interactions between caregiver and patient.
service, IMACEL. Designed for digital images Then it can make suggestions about how the
in life sciences research, IMACEL delivers a caregiving can be bettered. The startup is focused
user-friendly image analysis platform to help on developing a social impact with AI and it is
researchers new to image analysis extract starting to resonate in Japan’s super-aged society.
quantitative data from their images faster. The
startup has developed another medical image INDIA
diagnostic support technology called EIRL which
is characterized by a plethora of powerful and QURE.AI (2016)
unique capabilities. LPixel has implemented
EIRL in the ongoing research and development ■ FOUNDERS
of various areas of medical image diagnostics, Dr Pooja Rao, Prashant Warier
such as MRI scans of the brain and breasts, chest ■ OVERVIEW
X-rays, large intestine endoscopy and pathology. Applying AI and Deep Learning to Radiology
In order to evaluate the performance of EIRL,
the startup has collaborated Medical Faculty Imaging
of the University of Duisburg-Essen, located in
Duisburg state North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), Qure.ai is a healthcare startup that applies
Germany. Very recently, LPixel has entered into a artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning
capital agreement with Canon Medical Systems to radiology imaging for quick and accurate
with the aim for the smooth delivery and after- diagnosis of diseases. Funded by Fractal analytics,
sales services of its technologies to medical
institutions. LPixel is also currently working
in collaboration with the University of Tokyo,
BIOSPECTRUM | APRIL 2019 | www.biospectrumasia.com
the startup offers two major solutions- (i) qXR is for the most promising innovations in healthcare
a CE-certified solution, classifies abnormal chest founded by McKinsey & Co., World Economic
X-rays, identifies and localizes 18 clinically relevant Forum and Duke University. With a total of $3.6
findings with an accuracy of over 95 per cent, million raised so far, Wellthy intends to expand
and (ii) qER is designed for triaging critical cases within Asia in the coming years, increase the
and providing diagnostic assistance in head CT depth and breadth of its partnerships with
scans - a first line diagnostic modality for patients Insurers and Pharma in healthcare, go-live in
with head injury or stroke. These solutions three new therapy areas in the cardiovascular
automatically detect clinically relevant findings space and launch a multi-lingual capability.
from X-rays, CT Scans and MRIs and highlight any
abnormalities in seconds. This allows physicians
to spend more quality time with patients for
understanding their specific case or symptoms,
communicating the diagnosis, and determining
and discussing customized treatment plans –
leading to better patient care. In the last 3 years,
Qure.ai has produced groundbreaking research
in the AI healthcare space. The startup’s solutions
have been validated by globally celebrated
institutes such as The Massachusetts General
Hospital and The Mayo Clinic. Going forward the
startup will be focusing on improving its solution
capabilities. Qure.ai also plans to invest on scaling
its deployments and expanding into newer
Abhishek Shah Abhijith Chunduru, Suthirth Vaidya
Offers AI-based digital diabetes coaching Applying AI to cancer radiology platform
solution Predible Health is working on cancer diagnosis
through its AI-powered clinical applications for
Wellthy Therapeutics is a digital therapeutics liver and lung cancers, which enable radiologists
(DTx) startup that designs and deploys to interpret images with superior accuracy
clinically validated digital health interventions to and faster speed. The startup’s proprietary
prevent and manage chronic diseases. The DTx algorithms unlock deep and hidden insights
interventions are designed based on globally that aid physicians to characterise diseases, plan
accepted guidelines for self-management and and deliver personalised treatment. At present,
treatment. Wellthy’s first digital therapeutic for it has two flagship products- Predible Liver and
Type II diabetes has been endorsed by Asia’s Predible Lung. Since its inception, the startup
largest diabetes association (RSSDI). Since its has processed over 2 million images to train its
inception, Wellthy has established partnerships deep learning algorithms and bring them to up to
with key industry leaders such as Roche, Cipla, clinical accuracy. The compnay intends to reach
and the Wockhardt group of hospitals, deepening 500 million images by December 2020. Apart from
their commitment to partner with stakeholders commercial product development, the startup is
across the spectrum to improve outcomes for also engaging with leading medical institutions
chronic conditions. The startup has been recently to pursue research in advancing deep learning
selected as part of the 2019 cohort of innovations technology to solve high-impact problems in
in Healthcare, a Duke University based incubator
BIOSPECTRUM | APRIL 2019 | www.biospectrumasia.com
Fujifilm and Salud Digna to provide a medical
AI solution for the local population in Mexico. It’s
medical AI solution for chest radiography and
mammography, Lunit INSIGHT, will be integrated
into Fujifilm Synapse PACS system, which will then
be evaluated by 20 radiologists in Salud Digna,
one of the largest diagnostic service providers in
healthcare in India. Predible Health currently has VUNO (2014)
tie-ups with some of India’s most recognized
healthcare entities such as Tata Memorial Hospital, ■ FOUNDERS
Mahajan Imaging and Narayana Health. Dannis Kim, Kyu-Hwan Jung, Yeha Lee
KOREA Offering AI based medical solutions
LUNIT (2013) Vuno offers AI based medical solutions for
doctors and patients that provides a platform
■ FOUNDERS and consulting services for medical data analysis.
Anthony Paek, Donggeun Yoo, Jungin Lee, In partnership with Asian Medical Centre in
South Korea, the startup has developed an image
Kyunghyun Paeng, Minhong Jang, Sunggyun diagnostics device called VUNOmed-BoneAge
Park that uses a deep learning engine to read an X-ray
■ OVERVIEW scan of a person’s left hand to instantaneously
Advancing medical intelligence determine his or her bone age, or skeletal age.
South Korea’s Ministry of Food and Drug Safety
Lunit is a medical AI software based startup has recently approved the device as the first
devoted to developing advanced medical image artificial intelligence-based medical device in the
analytics and data-driven imaging biomarkers country. Vuno’s AI-powered device identifies a
via cutting-edge deep learning technology. It person’s skeletal age by comparing the inputted
has been internationally acknowledged for its X-ray slide with a similar bone image pre-
advanced, state-of-the-art technology and its identified as being of a certain age, and gives an
application in medical images. Currently, the instant diagnosis. The device is designed for use
startup is focusing on medical imaging mainly at children’s growth clinics to predict how much
in chest radiography and mammography, also more a child can potentially grow, or to guide a
conducting research and development in digital treatment plan for pediatric growth disorders
pathology. The company has developed three such as growth hormone deficiency. The startup
products under its INSIGHT range- Lunit INSIGHT is now working to get a number of other AI-
CXR-Nodule for detecting lung nodules, Lunit powered image diagnostics devices approved
INSIGHT CXR-MCA for detecting lung nodule/ within the first half of this year, including those
mass, consolidation, and pneumothorax, and Lunit that analyze X-rays and CT scans to diagnose lung
INSIGHT MMG for detecting lesions suspicious of cancer and macular degeneration. In a recent
breast cancer. With $20.5 million funding raised development, Vuno has signed a memorandum
so far, the company has recently partnered with of understanding with medical centres in Cebu
and Mandaue of the Philippines, to provide its
other product VUNO Med-TriVu, an AI based
treatment solution for sexually transmitted
infections. Med-TriVu has been developed
with the support of the Korea International
Cooperation Agency (KOICA).
BIOSPECTRUM | APRIL 2019 | www.biospectrumasia.com
STANDIGM (2015) control device that can detect individual finger
movement for precise gesture recognition, and
■ FOUNDERS the technology can also be applied to Industry
Jinhan Kim, Sang Ok Song, So Jeong Yun 4.0 man-machine interfaces beyond medical
■ OVERVIEW applications. This device applies an innovative
Using AI for drug discovery principle which recognizes subtle movements
of the human body by sensing vibrations in
Standigm is a drug discovery startup that the muscles of the forearm caused by friction
searches therapeutic lead compounds by between the fasciculus and serosa. Utilizing
using advanced AI trained on biomedical big MMG (mechanomyogram) to measure muscle
data. Standigm designs lead molecules and contractions, the device adopts G-sensors or
predicts targets and pathways of untreatable microphones as measurement sensors, avoiding
diseases and finds new indications of existing the high costs of current electromyography
drugs with the ensemble of 8 different AI models technology and overcoming performance
and a comprehensive graphic knowledge disruption issues due to perspiration. This
database. Founded in 2015 by experts in artificial technology has been awarded the Grand Prize
intelligence and systems biology at Samsung and Design Recognition Award at the world’s
Advanced Institute of Technology, Standigm has first OpenStack Application Hackathon held in
grown into a team of elite researchers, composed Taipei in 2016. So far, Coolso has had talks with
of 50 per cent PhDs with multi-disciplinary many potential Japan customers, and inked non-
expertise in chemistry, biology, pharmacology, disclosure agreements (NDAs) with some of them
and high-performance algorithms and data after which it will be able to ship up to 10,000 sets
structures. Its latest technology Standigm BEST for healthcare purposes.
is an AI-driven customer-friendly service that
generates better novel structures and provides WINNOZ TECHNOLOGY (2014)
lead optimization to improve customer’s desired
properties such as potency, selectivity, and ■ FOUNDER
ADMET (Adsorption, Distribution, Metabolism, Joses Hsiung
Excretion, and Toxicity). The startup has raised ■ OVERVIEW
recently $11.5 million in a Series B funding round Tailoring bio-sensing innovations with AI
led by Mirae Asset Venture Investment and Mirae
Asset Capital. Standigm will use the funds to Winnoz Technology is leveraging cloud
scale the AI technology platforms and advance computing and AI for providing tailored
its drug discovery pipelines toward license-out. bio-sensing innovations through customized R&D
The new round brings Standigm’s total financing services. It is the first and only startup awarded
to $15 million. by Taiwan-Israel R&D Programme since 2015.
The startup has developed a scalable point-of-
TAIWAN care testing (POCT) platform for disease risk
assessment. Winnoz’s onsite POCT platform is
COOLSO (2017) composed of two portable medical devices, Haiim
and eGGi. Haiim is a handheld automated blood
■ FOUNDERS micro-collection device that enables to obtain
Chikang Wu, Sheng-kuei Hsu, Wei-Lin Lee blood samples from a fingertip with a small prick
■ OVERVIEW in only 1 minute, without using conventional
Developing Bio-signal technology painful long-needles. After collecting a blood
sample, it is introduced directly into eGGi for
Coolso has used its patented muscle bio signal further genetic testing. eGGi is the real-time
technology to develop wearable gesture disease-risk-assessing device that is able to
analyze blood samples without pre-processing,
such as DNA or RNA purification. Currently, the
startup is working on an application for colorectal
BIOSPECTRUM | APRIL 2019 | www.biospectrumasia.com
cancer (CRC) that will provide risk-results on-site and more accurate. The startup uses artificial
in only one hour. intelligence to analyse medical data, from
medical imaging to blood data and genomic
BRAIN NAVI BIOTECHNOLOGY (2015) data, to help clinical teams better understand
that data as it pertains to a patient. The initial
■ FOUNDERS focus for Maxwell began with prostate cancer,
Lin Shinn-Zong, Prof Harn Hong-zhi, Dr Chen later moving on to breast and lung cancer, as
well as neurological conditions. The startup
Chieh-Hsiao recently received funding in the current round
■ OVERVIEW of Federal Government’s Cooperative Research
Integrating robotics with neuroscience Centre Projects in a new collaboration with
I-MED, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial
Headquartered in Hsinchu Biomedical Science Research Organisation (CSIRO) and Austin Health.
Park, Brain Navi has developed a surgical In the $4.8 million project, $1.1 million funding
navigation system NaoTrac that integrates was awarded to Maxwell Plus to lead the joint
cutting edge techniques such as computer collaboration to commercialise an AI platform to
vision, AI, surgical robots so that the doctors can aid the detection and diagnosis of Alzheimer’s
plan the surgery under AI, do the surgery with disease and other neurodegenerative conditions,
computer vision and handle the procedures with allowing them to expand their Maxwell Plus
robotic arms. Very recently, NaoTrac performed its Cloud reporting platform to a new cohort of
First-in-Human trial at Hualien Tzu-Chi Medical clinicians and patients. Maxwell Plus is working to
Centre. It executed an external ventricular receive regulatory approval for its product, with
drainage (EVD) on a hydrocephalus patient. The the aim to roll it out with clinical partners across
device implemented the EVD tube in just 30 Australia and New Zealand in the first half of 2019.
seconds and a post-operative CT showed the
tube was placed in the exact location which the CITTA.AI (2018)
surgeon had planned before the surgery. Brain
Navi Biotechnology is shaping the future of ■ FOUNDERS
neuro surgery by addressing the main restraint Callum Bir, Baskar Parthasarathy
to successful treatments i.e. the need to perform ■ OVERVIEW
the operation ultra-carefully to avoid damage to Connecting AI to patient monitoring
other brain tissues and/or vessels. For people with
brain tumors, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy and An Indian-Australian startup, Citta.ai specialises
neural diseases, the Brain Navi surgical navigation in providing AI-based remote patient
system offers real hope to successful treatments. monitoring solutions. Citta.ai democratizes
diagnosis using AI focused on identifying
AUSTRALIA abnormalities of heart rhythm such as atrial
fibrillation, and other severe arrhythmia,
MAXWELL PLUS (2016) cardiac output and ejection fraction from
single lead Electro Cardio Graphic (ECG) and
■ FOUNDERS Photoplethysmographic (PPG) wearable devices.
Elliot Smith, Matthew Brown Healthcare providers are able to use Citta.ai’s SaaS
■ OVERVIEW based platforms to rollout their own branded
Using AI for data driven clinical diagnostics Cardiac, Diabetic or Remote Patient Monitoring
solution within minutes. Currently, the startup is
By combining machine learning, AI with working on plans to raise $3 million for its product
medical imaging, Maxwell Plus is working to development and global market expansion
make disease detection faster, more affordable including India. Citta.ai intends to cover North
Asian, Latin American and Canadian markets,
followed by North American and European Union.
BIOSPECTRUM | APRIL 2019 | www.biospectrumasia.com
Fragility Fractures:
According to International Osteoporosis
Foundation (IOF), on an average, 73 per cent of fractures is of course modifiable through the
of women and 63 per cent of men over 50 implementation of evidence based strategies to prevent
years of age with osteoporosis do not receive falls and fractures.”
adequate management or treatment. Around
25 per cent patients who sustain a hip fracture Unfulfilling preventive measures
die within a year and less than half of those
who survive regain their previous level of For decades, fragility fracture treatment has been
function. By 2050, it is estimated that half of severely limited across health care organizations. After
the world’s hip fractures will occur in APAC, surgical repair of the fracture, hospital discharge was
the fastest ageing region in the world. Hence the end of a patient’s care. The patient would be sent
concerted action is required from all stake to rehabilitation with no preventive measures in place.
holders to handle the situation. This single-modal approach and abrupt cessation
of care led to avoidable infections, loss of mobility,
The incidence of fragility fractures – the clinically recurrent falls, and even death.
important consequence of osteoporosis – is
growing and is set to rise dramatically across “Lack of awareness and knowledge about
the Asia Pacific (APAC) region in the coming decades. osteoporosis is common. There is a much better
By 2050, it is estimated that half of the world’s hip understanding of conditions such as hypertension,
fractures will occur in APAC, the fastest ageing region in diabetes mellitus, stroke and ischemic heart disease
the world. Fragility fractures, which affect the hip, spine amongst the general public”, says Dr Joon-Kiong
and wrist, are crippling to the lives of patients, their Lee, Orthopaedic surgeon, MJA Insight article
carers’, families and communities alike. The burden of co-author & Co-Chair, Asia Pacific Fragility
fractures including healthcare costs for managing them
is rising exponentially. Across the region, the average
cost of treating a hip fracture totals 19 per cent of GDP
per capita (International Osteoporosis Foundation,
Compendium of Osteoporosis, 2017).
On the exceeding burden of fragility fractures
in APAC in comparison to many other
chronic diseases such as chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD), rheumatoid
arthritis, and hypertension, Prof
Jacqui Close, Orthogeriatrician &
representative, Global Fragility
Fracture Network (FFN), Australia
says, “The potential cost is huge both to
the people who will sustain a fragility
fracture and the health system
that manages the fracture. This
anticipated rise in number
BIOSPECTRUM | APRIL 2019 | www.biospectrumasia.com
Fracture Alliance, Malaysia. Concerted action needed
He shares his concern, “Patients Given more than half of the world’s hip fractures are
with fragility fractures do not anticipated to occur in Asia Pacific in 2050, concerted
present to their doctors for proper action is required to handle the situation. Recognizing
orthopedic/medical intervention the importance of collaborative efforts among medical
(non-surgical/surgical). practitioners, from general practitioners to physicians/
Many patients orthopedic surgeons in some of these ways will help
seek traditional/ address the situation:
alternative medical Early detection of high-risk individuals with low
intervention. bone mass or osteoporosis
Also, they are not Early and appropriate treatment to minimize
correctly identified further deterioration of bone mass (bone density and
for further risk assessment in terms of subsequent bone quality) to prevent fragility fractures
fractures. Assessment and treatment for underlying Adequate and appropriate monitoring of
osteoporosis in inadequate. Therefore, they sustain treatments to assess efficacy and possible adverse
subsequent fragility fractures which are associated with effects of medications
higher morbidity and mortality.” Appropriate and adequate treatment and
On an average, 73 per cent of women and 63 per cent management of fragility fractures
of men over 50 years of age with osteoporosis do not Identifying these patients using the fracture index
receive adequate management or treatment (according to ensure they receive appropriate anti-osteoporosis
to International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF). A medicines, calcium and vitamin D supplementation
fracture has a potentially devastating impact on the where necessary, proper dietary intake and
health and quality of life for patients and their families. rehabilitation to reduce further fracture risk (secondary
Around 25 per cent patients who sustain a hip fracture fracture prevention)
die within a year and less than half of those who survive Implement a multidisciplinary approach to
regain their previous level of function. Subsequent treating fragility fractures and underlying osteoporosis
fractures further compromise patients’ quality of life. to involve multiple disciplines including orthopedic
Once a patient suffers a fragility fracture, his or her risk surgeons, geriatricians, general physicians,
of a future fracture increases up to 10 times, yet still the rehabilitation physicians, physiotherapists,
majority of patients do not receive treatment that could occupational therapists and even anesthetists.
prevent the next fracture.
Coming in togetherness
Global and regional organisations have proposed
strategies to systematically manage and prevent fragility
fractures which share a common focus on secondary
fracture prevention. Most recently, in 2018, a Global
Call to Action on Fragility Fractures was published
which called for major improvements in the following
aspects of care:
acute multidisciplinary care for the person who
has a hip, clinical vertebral and other major fragility
rapid secondary prevention after first occurrence
of all fragility fractures, including those in younger
people as well as those in older persons, to prevent
future fractures; and
ongoing post-acute care of people whose ability to
function is impaired by hip and major fragility fractures.
In the same course, Asia-Pacific experts representing
the osteoporosis, geriatrics and rehabilitation sectors
launched a ground-breaking multi-stakeholder alliance
in December, 2018, to counter the fragility fractures
threatening APAC population. The Asia Pacific Fragility
Fracture Alliance (APFFA) includes four regional
BIOSPECTRUM | APRIL 2019 | www.biospectrumasia.com
organizations including the Asian Federation of care models throughout the entire region and finally
Osteoporosis Societies (AFOS), Asia Pacific Orthopedic developing national hip fracture registries; many of
Association (APOA), Asia Pacific Geriatric Medicine these actions are needed to curtail this looming crisis”,
Network (APGMN), Asian-Oceana Society of Physical says Prof. Chan.
and Rehabilitative Medicine (AOSPRM) and three
international organizations, International Osteoporosis However, there is a certain level of recognition of
Foundation (IOF), International Society for Clinical the challenge and a willingness to engage at an Asia-
Densitometry (ISCD) and Fragility Fracture Network Pacific scale. At the same time, many countries are also
(FFN). This collaboration or initiative aims to harness considering ways to respond to the projected increase in
the strengths and efforts of all seven organizations and number of fractures in the immediate and foreseeable
project a unified voice, ensuring proper and adequate future. Prof. Chan says, “In Thailand and Hong Kong,
post fracture acute care, post fracture rehabilitation and fracture liaison services have been developed with
secondary fracture prevention for patients presenting a top-down approach. The Taiwanese Osteoporosis
with fragility fractures. Association is working towards gaining funding for
fracture liaison services funded through the National
Government policies in place Health Insurance.”
Asst Prof. Derrick Chan, Geriatrician, Australia is also in queue. Prof. Jacqui Close, says
gerontologist, MJA Insight article co- “Australia is about to develop a National Osteoporosis
author & Co-Chair, Asia Pacific plan which will include secondary fracture prevention.
Fragility Fracture Alliance, Taiwan What is less clear is whether there will be funds
says, “The direct medical cost associated identified to support implementation including the
with the total number of hip fractures roll out of fracture liaison services across the country.
in China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Registries are something that is very relevant at present
Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and there is work going on a national level to consider
and Thailand collectively, is projected to how to support Clinical Quality Registries in the longer
increase from $ 9.5 billion in 2018, to term. In the interim, Australia has a Hip Fracture
$ 15 billion by 2050. This is for Registry that is modelled on the successful UK Hip
hip fractures alone, if we also Fracture Audit.”
include wrist/spine/upper
arms, this number could Taking care for a healthier future
potential double. Indirect
costs include the loss of With the huge population at risk for fracture due to low
productivity of patients and bone mass, we all need to focus on preventing fragility
fractures for ourselves and our loved ones. The first
their caregivers. These numbers are also huge.” The fracture is a warning sign for potentially more fractures
threat is real and this social and economic impact of in the future, and fracture patients over age 50 should
fragility fractures highlight the need and urgency to always talk to their doctors about getting their bone
implement best in class models of care. health checked and begin taking steps to improve
their bone health. There are a number of therapies
Examples of care models include: and treatments available for the prevention of fragility
Orthogeriatric care and a robust rehabilitation fractures in people who are thought to be at risk, or to
program in the acute stage. prevent further fractures in those who have already had
Secondary prevention programs: fracture liaison one or more fragility fractures. However, identifying who
service (FLS) will benefit from preventative treatment is imprecise. A
For long-term care: one example is the Program number of risk assessment tools are available to predict
of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE). fracture incidence over a period of time, and these may
With appropriate medical treatment, many fragility be used to aid decision-making. Also, big players in the
fractures can be avoided. Policy makers play a crucial market have a huge role to play. As Prof. Jacqui Close
role in funding diagnostic services and cost-effective rightly concludes, “They need to continue to use every
interventions such as pharmacological treatment, falls opportunity to hammer home the extent of the issue in
prevention programs and coordinated care models, as terms of costs to individuals, hospitals / health systems
well as enforcing necessary standards for healthcare and society more generally. They also need to reiterate
professionals and institutions. that the issue is preventable through implementation of
“Increased public, patients, and HCP awareness, evidence based.”
government prioritization of fracture care/osteoporosis
care, improved resourcing, implementing efficient Priyanka Bajpai
[email protected]
Q&A 35
BIOSPECTRUM | APRIL 2019 | www.biospectrumasia.com
“We have a message of taking
India from diabetes capital to
diabetes care capital”
Roche Diabetes Care India is a pioneer in the «
development of blood glucose monitoring
systems, and a global leader for diabetes Dr Gaurav Laroia,
management systems and services. Currently with General Manager,
a staff strength of 260, it holds a 48 per cent market Roche Diabetes Care
share. The company has been encouraging the use of India
self-monitoring of blood glucose amongst people with
diabetes. Especially with the threat of India becoming would be like opening a box of playing cards and
the world’s diabetes capital looming large, patient dropping them on India. If the data is not connected
awareness is a core focus for the organization. India back to the patient or to the healthcare provider you
is critical market for Roche Diabetes and ranks among cannot analyze this to be able to manage the disease
top 15 in the world wide spread of the company. Asia through integrated disease management. Thus,
Pacific region is the fastest growing region and India our role and our portfolio now include not only the
is one of the fastest growing market in Asia Pacific. It traditional meters and strips but also meters and
is growing in double digits. strips connected to digital devices both for the patient
as well as for the healthcare professional.
The company announced the appointment of
Dr Gaurav Laroia as General Manager for its India Apart from doctors and patients, who are the
operations. Dr Gaurav assumed his new role with other people, are you looking at to gather data?
effect from January 1, 2019. He reports to Pedro Depending upon the segment that we target we need to
Goncalves, Head of Roche Diabetes Care Asia Pacific meet the respective stakeholders such as the clinicians,
and will be a member of the Roche Diabetes Care Asia the patients and as well as surrounding providers like
Pacific Leadership Team. He relocated to Mumbai the nurses or the dieticians and payers like insurance
from his role as Head of Programme Management companies. Thus, because the task is so immense and
Office (PMO) APAC in Singapore. He has more than multidisciplinary, we will definitely partner to achieve
18 years of experience in commercial operations, the job to be done. It could be a partnership to provide
business development, and management consulting us broader access across India, it could be a partnership
in healthcare-related multinational organisations to help us reach the segment of people with diabetes
in India, Singapore and the USA. He holds a Ph.D. whether it is Type 1 or the gestational diabetes population
in Molecular & Cellular Biology from New York or the uncontrolled diabetic. We feel that data can help
University School of Medicine, USA and a Masters in monitor the control that diabetics have achieved and
Genetics from the University of Cambridge, UK. He prevent the downstream comorbidities because that
shared his views on his new appointment and plans for is a big cost. So we need to have the capacity and the
the company in coming months. Edited excerpts; capability to be a good partner across the ecosystem as
we think about integrated disease management.
What is the role of the new leadership in the
business? Have you partnered with any insurance company?
I come from a philosophy where I think it is important No, we are currently not partnered with any company
to have a purpose behind the business, to know why but we are actively seeking partnerships across the
we exist. Thus I would say, our role as a company is to
collect, integrate and analyze relevant data to support
treatment decisions and delay disease progression
because in diabetes the biggest problems are cardiac
and diabetic foot. So if we just sell strips meters it
36 Q&A
BIOSPECTRUM | APRIL 2019 | www.biospectrumasia.com
ecosystem to transform India into a diabetes care Of course, we are putting in place a foundation that
capital. I believe, there is a need to be able to provide will allow us to expand our share of the market. By
data at a patient level such that they can facilitate figures, only 25 million people are treated and only
adherence to treatment and therapy thus reducing or 10 per cent of those fall under the controlled diabetes
delaying the risk. category. Thus the potential is huge. It is difficult to
answer whether we will grow and how much we will
Which are the issues that need to be addressed grow but our aim is always to keep the patient at the
in the coming period which needs great attention centre of the market opportunity and the opportunity
from your side? to help patients with diabetes is huge. If we do that the
The biggest issue is that there are 83 million people potential to grow our business is immense.
with diabetes in the country and only 32 million cases
are diagnosed. Out of these only 25 million are treated. Do you have any plans for expanding the
Thus by numbers, the number of cases treated is less business to reach out to positional patients?
than 10 per cent. Thus, the biggest challenge that we What role the government has to play?
face is the need to really reframe the problem. Thus Our philosophy revolves around the patient. The
we will focus on our resourcing, the type of talent patient is at the centre of our strategy. We have a 1000
that we need in the organization and the partnerships day ambition because it is 1000 days to 100 years of
needed to answer the question of how to solve the the discovery of insulin and the problem in India still
bigger problem which is at the patient level. I believe, remains big. Thus I believe, the government is a key
if we solve the problem for the patient and the care stakeholder in all of this. The government has made
giver, which is the healthcare professional, business Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs) a key area of
will follow. emphasis. Within NCD they have made diabetes a key
area of focus. So the government is working very closely
As part of the CSR activities, how you are as India being the diabetes capital. There are too many
actually addressing these issues? things to address around the patient today for any one
We are very cautious that our Corporate Social company to do alone. I think the government plays a
Responsivity (CSR) activities follow the right major role along with public-private partnerships and
guidelines and do not intertwine with any business private partnerships.
interest. The CSR activity today is focused but our
attempt is to define our north star and our north star Do you have any plans for public or private
is our patient and their unmet need. So just from a partnerships or enter private / private
company selling strips and meters, we are moving partnerships?
into a digital space. We have a portfolio with apps We are looking at all things public-private, private-
and everything else associated with it that allows us to private and we are participating in the international
get to the root cause of the problem. Our portfolio is digital healthcare symposium because we feel that
designed to digitally address the needs of the patients we have assets that can add value. It will take data
and to help us get to integrated disease management, to convince people and we are building that data. We
improving the lives of patients and at the same time have also established centres of excellence at certain
serving our business interest. diabetes institutes, including within government
spaces, to be able to help with capability development.
What kind of growth you would be looking at for
this coming year? Are you looking at startups to experience some
We have had double-digit growth for the last several of these issues?
years. Our attempt is to continue to outpace market Yes. We want to first know what is the job to be done
growth in this category. We aim to grow continuously and does the job to be done require a startup or does
and rapidly in this sector and hopefully in the coming it require an incumbent. We want to partner for the
months, we can talk patient numbers and how many sake of providing integrated disease management to
lives we have been able to impact and to translate that patients in India and we view media as a key enabler
into growth. That is the story for our future. for spreading our message. We have a message of
taking India from the diabetes capital to the diabetes
Do you feel that in the next few years will it be care capital and we need to partner for this both with
possible for you to record the 50 per cent in the government as well as the private sector and we
market share considering the launching of new are open to any partnership because at the core of our
portfolios or digital technology? strategy are the patient’s needs.
Q&A 37
BIOSPECTRUM | APRIL 2019 | www.biospectrumasia.com
“We plan to launch a
clinical study with 100,000
participants across Asia”
Lucence Diagnostics, a genomic medicine
company founded to fulfil its vision of a world «
without avoidable cancer deaths recently
announced the opening of its new headquarters Dr Tan Min-Han,
and molecular diagnostics laboratory in Singapore. founder and CEO,
Lucence invents blood tests for rapid and non-invasive Lucence Diagnostics,
cancer detection. The company is a spin-off from Singapore
the Agency for Science, Technology and Research
(A*STAR), Singapore. It was set up in 2016 by founder THE MAIN CHALLENGE FOR CANCER DETECTION
and CEO Dr Tan Min-Han. Through Lucence, Dr Tan’s AND TREATMENT IN SINGAPORE AND THE WORLD
mission is to reduce avoidable cancer deaths through IS LATE STAGE DETECTION. MOST CANCERS ARE
early detection and better treatment selection. The CURRENTLY DETECTED IN THE LATE STAGES
company focuses on the most common cancers in WITH POOR TREATMENT OUTCOME. THE EARLY
Asia, such as cancers of the breast, colon, liver, lung DETECTION OF CANCER WILL GREATLY IMPROVE
and nose. BioSpectrum Asia reached out to Dr Tan THE CHANCES OF EFFECTIVE TREATMENT AND
after the recent inauguration to find out more about CURE. ASIA ACCOUNTS FOR 60 PER CENT OF
his plans in the coming year. Edited excerpts: THE WORLD POPULATION AND OVER 4 MILLION
How has been the journey so far, since you started
in 2016? detect and treat cancer using one draw of blood. This
The journey so far has been exciting and full of is referred to as a liquid biopsy. Conventional tissue
challenges. I founded Lucence Diagnostics in 2016 to biopsy requires surgical removal of tissue from the
achieve better cancer detection and treatment through body, which is invasive and slow. We have a range
genomic intelligence. Our vision is a world with zero of blood tests for cancer screening and treatment
avoidable cancer deaths. We successfully raised S$12.9 selection. Our tests can help doctors detect cancer
in seeding funding in 2017. This funding has enabled earlier and monitor treatment response since a blood
us to develop and deliver world-leading technology to test is easy to administer. Our blood tests also help
cancer patients. This includes LiquidHALLMARK, the to select the right treatment for patients based on
world’s first blood test to detect both cancer mutations the molecular profile of their tumors. This includes
and viruses and FibroPhyllo, the world’s first molecular targeted drugs with less side effects because it only
test to guide surgical decision making for breast tumors. targets the cancer cells, unlike chemotherapy which
Today, here in Singapore, Lucence is bridging the two kills both cancer and healthy cells. Asia accounts for
Bay areas of the United States and China, through our 60 per cent of the world population and over 4 million
regional offices in Hong Kong and San Francisco. Our cancer deaths occur in Asia every year. We specialize
tests are currently available in 8 regions across Asia – in the detection of cancers that are more commonly
India, Hong Kong, Philippines, Malaysia, Myanmar, found in Asia, such as cancers of the breast, colon,
Thailand, Vietnam and Singapore. To scale up our liver, lung and nose. For example, our NPC GOLD
operations and meet the growing demand for our test is the world’s first commercially available EBV
services, we expanded to a larger 10,000 square feet
headquarters and laboratory in December last year.
What is so unique about your services to the
cancer patients?
We provide a simpler, faster and cheaper way to
38 Q&A
BIOSPECTRUM | APRIL 2019 | www.biospectrumasia.com
Developing AI tools launched blood test. Are you planning to come
for treating liver cancer up with more diagnostic tests?
Lucence Diagnostics on March 12, has Our newly launched LiquidHALLMARK is our
announced a new project to develop AI flagship blood test that selects effective treatments
algorithms for improving diagnosis and for 14 types of cancers. It is the world’s first blood
treatment of liver cancer. test that simultaneously detects both cancer-causing
genetic mutations and viruses with 99.9 per cent
The goal is to combine the imaging and accuracy. This test delivers comprehensive molecular
molecular data from liver cancer patients into profiling of tumor with one draw of blood using
smarter software tools that help physicians make Lucence’s proprietary amplicon-based sequencing
better treatment decisions. technology AmpliMARK. It detects DNA fragments
from cancerous tumors that circulate in the blood to
Lucence will be working with Olivier Gevaert, identify tumor-specific genetic mutations, as well as
Assistant Professor of Medicine (Biomedical the Hepatitis B virus, which is associated with liver
Informatics) and of Biomedical Data Science cancer, and the Epstein-Barr virus, which is associated
at the Stanford University School of Medicine. with nose cancer. LiquidHALLMARK helps physicians
Having developed LiquidHALLMARK, the to select the right treatment for their patients. It will
world’s first liquid biopsy nextgeneration also match patients to clinical trials of new treatments
sequencing test that analyzes the DNA of cancer- that may help them. This treatment recommendation
causing mutations and viruses, Lucence will system is supported by Lucence’s artificial intelligence
contribute its genomics expertise and proprietary platform SunTzu.AI, which integrates clinical data
sequencing technology to this project. from diverse sources, to develop an effective treatment
strategy for each patient.
This project will evaluate a dataset of over
5,000 patients to identify image changes and What are the key projects Lucence Diagnostics
patterns that are linked to diagnostic and is currently working upon?
treatment outcomes in liver cancer. We are developing a blood test for the early detection
of multiple cancers, and plan to launch a clinical study
BamHI-W CpG blood test that screen for nose cancer. with 100,000 participants across Asia to validate our
Nose cancer is common among men aged 40 and above early cancer detection test this year.
in Southeast Asia and South China, with the highest
global incidence in Singapore and Malaysia. Our test What are the main challenges facing cancer
can detect nose cancer before symptoms appear and detection and treatment in Singapore?
enable earlier treatment. The main challenge for cancer detection and treatment
in Singapore and the world is late stage detection.
What are the major activities planned at the new Most cancers are currently detected in the late stages
facility at Singapore? with poor treatment outcome. The early detection of
We plan to scale up our operations and automate cancer will greatly improve the chances of effective
our work processes to cut down the test turnaround treatment and cure.
time and serve more patients. We will also continue
to develop new tests, which includes our blood test to Which new markets are you planning to enter
detect multiple cancers at the early stage. and expand within Asia? What are your specific
plans for the Indian market?
Please share more details about the newly We are planning to expand to Mainland China, in
particular the Greater Bay area, where we see a strong
demand for advanced cancer diagnostics technology.
In India, we have recently partnered with iGenetic
Diagnostics, which is headquartered in Mumbai
with seven processing labs and over 20 collection
centres across the country. We will continue to work
closely with iGenetic to improve cancer detection and
treatment for patients in India.
Dr Manbeena Chawla
[email protected]
Q&A 39
BIOSPECTRUM | APRIL 2019 | www.biospectrumasia.com
“Our goal is to improve lives of
3 billion people a year by 2025”
Early detection of chronic disorders, like cancer, «
greatly increases the chances for successful
treatment. Therefore, healthcare sector in Dominique Oh,
developing countries is emphasizing on the early Vice President,
detection of such diseases rather than spending on Diagnostic Imaging
expensive treatments. Government organizations are Business, Philips
conducting programmes to create awareness about ASEAN Pacific,
early diagnosis. The need for early diagnosis of diseases Singapore
for effective treatment, with increasing number of cases
of chronic diseases in Asia-Pacific (APAC), is likely to How do you see diagnostic imaging
drive the market for diagnostic imaging in the region. revolutionizing healthcare in Asia?
Additionally, rising number of hospitals and diagnostic The ability to integrate advanced diagnostic imaging
centres, technological advancement in imaging systems with AI-driven clinical informatics will
modalities, and rising prevalence of chronic diseases, continue to revolutionize healthcare. At Philips,
are further driving the market for diagnostic imaging. our point of view on AI is what we call ‘adaptive
intelligence’ – combining the data-processing power
According to Mordor Intelligence, the Asia-Pacific of technology with the clinical, operational and
diagnostic imaging market is expected to register a contextual knowledge of human experts, for smarter
CAGR of 7.5 per cent during 2018–2023. Japan has data analytics. For example, with AI augmenting as
the largest diagnostic imaging market in Asia. Recent a smart ‘assistant’, it can help radiologists speed-up
growth has come from X-ray and ultrasound, which are time-consuming image processing tasks and unify
the largest market segments, based on sales revenue. data from disparate imaging sources to enhance
China and India are the fastest growing countries diagnostic confidence.
in Asia-Pacific, owing to favorable government
reimbursement policies for diagnostic imaging Advancements in diagnostic imaging are shifting
procedures, growing government funding, coupled towards helping radiologists make diagnoses at a
with growing investment from public and private higher precision to realize personalized and targeted
hospitals in the diagnostic imaging equipment in India treatment pathways. Spectral CT, for example, allows
and China. BioSpectrum Asia spoke to Dominique radiologists to make a definitive diagnosis using low-
Oh, Vice President, Diagnostic Imaging Business, contrast imaging and low radiation dose, to find tumors
Philips ASEAN Pacific, about the opportunities and and lesions that aren’t visible with conventional CT.
challenges in APAC’s diagnostic market and Philip’s This is a major workflow advancement that promises
key initiatives and expansion plans for the region. better patient outcomes.
Edited excerpts;
To reduce the need for repeat scans, healthcare
What, in your opinion, are some of the major institutions are also exploring ways to reduce motion-
trends driving the diagnostic imaging market in related imaging variables by improving patients’
the ASEAN region? imaging experience in the MR bore. We see the use of
As our population continues to grow and age, we need to immersive ambient experience such as music, lighting
ensure diagnosis is first-time-right to optimize clinical and video projection to help patients feel at ease as
resources and avoid the need to repeat procedures. they move into the bore.
These days, radiology departments are in the middle
of a transition from volume-based to value-based care. What key solutions are driving the portfolio of
Advanced technologies and informatics solutions have Philips in the Asia market?
presented a unique opportunity to improve patient There are three key solutions driving Philips diagnostic
and staff experience and meet the increasing demand imaging portfolio in the ASEAN Pacific region.
for medical imaging at a lower cost.
40 Q&A
BIOSPECTRUM | APRIL 2019 | www.biospectrumasia.com
Ingenia Ambition – the world’s first helium-free MRI electronics giant to a global leader in health technology.
technology. Built around the breakthrough BlueSeal We will continue to cement our position as a world
magnet, the Ingenia Ambition is the industry’s first MR leader in health technology. Our goal is to improve
system to enable helium-free operations, reducing the the lives of 3 billion people a year by 2025, and our
chance of potentially lengthy and costly disruptions, focus is on solving the biggest healthcare issues facing
and virtually eliminating dependency on a commodity ASEAN Pacific (APAC) today.
with an unpredictable supply. The fully-sealed system
does not require a quench pipe and is around 900kg APAC is grappling with a number of healthcare
lighter than its predecessor, significantly reducing the issues, such as the burden of an aging population,
siting challenges presented by conventional magnets rise of chronic conditions like heart disease and
and lowering construction costs. diabetes, and skill and resource shortages in our
healthcare workforce. To address these challenges,
Ingenia Elition - Integrating the latest innovations we see three major trends for Philips to leverage on to
in systems, software and services, the Philips Ingenia improve healthcare outcomes of people in the region.
Elition MR solution offers excellent image quality Firstly, the industrialization of care which entails
due to fully redesigned gradients and Compressed standardizing and optimizing the building blocks of
SENSE acceleration technology, bringing up to 50 per healthcare to enable health systems to deliver better
cent faster scan time and 60 per cent higher spatial outcomes at a lower cost. Secondly, the personalization
resolution, revealing more details for greater precision. of care is signified by the convergence of professional
Importantly, an average of 70 per cent higher contrast healthcare and consumer health, leading to increasing
resolution can be achieved in diffusion imaging on this self-management and individualized treatment paths.
scanner. Leveraging AI-driven SmartExam analytics, Thirdly, the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Ingenia Elition enables automatic planning, scanning improves operational performance and efficiency,
and processing of exams, helping to support a faster, supports high quality and integrated clinical decision-
smarter and simpler path to confident diagnosis and making. AI also paves the way for the healthcare
improved patient experience. community to democratize the quality of healthcare
globally, making universal access a real possibility for
Both Ingenia Ambition and Elition employ the the first time.
use of VitalScreen to offer operators a fully guided
patient setup with a newly designed user interface How do you envision the diagnostic and imaging
for workflow optimization, and VitalEye, the latest industry to evolve in the next 10 years?
touchless patient sensing technology that intelligently Given the increasing healthcare burden across
extracts signs of breathing – allowing routine exam the world, healthcare providers will inevitably
set-up time to occur in less than a minute . have to achieve more with fewer resources. While
Another key solution is Philips’ IQon Spectral CT, a
new generation Computed Tomography (CT) solution
that allows clinicians to characterize tumors with
greater certainty than is possible with black and white
images from conventional CT scans. Philips’ IQon
Spectral CT is also the world’s first spectral detector-
based CT that allows clinicians to do both in-depth
spectral information on demand and retrospective
analysis at low-dose – a cost-efficient option with better
patient outcomes. These advanced imaging systems
are also augmented with Philips clinical informatics
solutions for confident diagnosis and personalized
treatment. One example is Philips’ IntelliSpace Portal,
an advanced visualization analysis and quantification
platform that integrates systems, aggregates data and
facilitates informed decisions, giving clinical teams the
insights, they need to work effectively and efficiently.
What plans does Philips Healthcare have in the
Asia Pacific? What are the unique strengths you
observe in the region?
Philips has successfully transformed from a consumer
Q&A 41
BIOSPECTRUM | APRIL 2019 | www.biospectrumasia.com
all departments are competing for funding and help determine the readiness of countries in addressing
manpower, we see leveraging technology as a solution global health challenges and in building efficient and
to address challenges in resources allocation. With effective health systems. Despite Singapore’s top
this in mind, the first major evolvement will be going performance across most metrics, the FHI identifies
digital. We anticipate a continuous change from access to care as an area for improvement, with
traditional x-ray to digital imaging. Singapore scoring below average on this. According
to the report, this result was driven by a lower than
We also anticipate the increasing adoption of average density of skilled healthcare professionals in
Artificial Intelligence (AI) to scale up the knowledge relation to the size of the population. To address this,
of the radiologists and speed up first-time-right we introduced the Phillips Learning Academy at the
diagnoses. Ultimately, we see AI and automation Philips APAC Center, our regional headquarters in
as a way to relieve medical professionals of routine, Singapore. The Learning Academy will host a pipeline
manual tasks allowing them to focus their expertise of courses and workshops designed to upskill healthcare
where it can make the biggest difference. professionals in the clinical application of imaging
technologies ranging from Ultrasound to Computed
What, in your opinion, are some of the major Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
challenges that will impede the growth of the
diagnostic imaging market in Asia? Please highlight some of Philips’ aims/goals for
One major challenge is to meet the surging demand 2019.
for healthcare with very limited resources and skilled In 2018, Philips is focused on partnering with
professionals. With innovations being introduced hospital customers to provide value-added, integrated
every day, healthcare professionals struggle to keep up solutions and services, going beyond just an equipment
due to their busy schedules. There is a pressing need supplier. There were two milestones that reflect our
to upskill Asia Pacific’s healthcare resources as the continued innovation in integrated solutions and
region is facing a rapidly growing disease burden from services that deliver better patient outcomes and
aging and lifestyle changes. Yet, efforts to scale up on healthcare professionals’ staff satisfaction.
healthcare services are constrained by the shortage
of qualified and skilled healthcare resources. Recent Firstly, Philips partnered with the Singapore
data from the International Labor Organization Institute of Advanced Medicine Holdings (SAM) to
estimates a global deficit of over 10.3 million skilled jointly invest 100 million Singapore Dollar to open the
health professionals, and more than half of the deficit, Advanced Medicine Imaging (AMI) center, providing
totaling 7.1 million (69 per cent), is in Asia. specialized oncology care in the Southeast Asia region.
Equipped with advanced imaging systems and clinical
This trend is also evident in the 2018 Future Health informatics systems, patients across the region now
Index (FHI), a research commissioned by Philips to have access to the latest and most sophisticated
technologies for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.
Philips also entered into two 20-year partnership
agreements for Managed Equipment Services with
Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District and
Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District in New
South Wales. This managed service delivery model
for medical imaging technology is the first-of-its-kind
for Philips in Australia and the ASEAN Pacific region.
Under the terms of the two agreements, Philips will
provide delivery, upgrade, optimization, replacement
and maintenance services for all major medical
imaging solutions. The partnerships will support
precision diagnosis and therapy and drive operational
performance across nine hospital sites.
Philips aims to remain the preferred solutions and
services partner in 2019 through continued innovation
in partnerships that help healthcare institutions
improve clinical, patient and financial outcomes.
Aishwarya Venkatesh
[email protected]
BIOSPECTRUM | APRIL 2019 | www.biospectrumasia.com
IBM Research to use ML for detecting Alzheimer’s
A research team led by Dr Unfortunately, accessing spinal community to develop a less
Ben Goudey at IBM Research, fluid is highly invasive, requires invasive test, such as a blood
Australia is using machine an anaesthetist and is expensive test, that can yield information
learning (ML) to identify a set to conduct on large segments of about Alzheimer’s disease risk.
of proteins in blood that can the population. Hence, there is The models built could one
predict the concentration of a strong effort in the research day help clinicians to predict
amyloid-beta in spinal fluid. this risk with an accuracy of
Recent research has shown that up to 77 per cent. While the
a biological marker associated test is still in the early phases
with the disease, a peptide of research, it could potentially
called amyloid-beta, changes help improve the selection
long before any memory- of individuals for drug trials:
related issues are apparent. individuals with mild cognitive
Examining the concentration impairment who were predicted to
of the peptide in an individual’s have an abnormal concentration of
spinal fluid provides an indication amyloid in their spinal fluid were
of risk decades before any found to be 2.5 times more likely
memory related issues occur. to develop Alzheimer’s disease.
Scientists in China design Researchers in
fingermark imaging method Korea conduct
study on alertness
Scientists at the University of Zhejiang in China have created
a new method using biological fluorescent probes to detect A research team at the Korea Advanced
amphetamine and ketamine in latent fingermarks. The intended Institute of Science and Technology
aim of this fingermark imaging method is for drug detection (KIAST) has proposed that a blue-enriched
to combat substance abuse. Amphetamine and Ketamine are LED light can effectively help people
among the most commonly abused synthetic drugs in China overcome morning drowsiness. This study
during recent years, both of which cause adverse effects on the will provide the basis for major changes
human central nervous system, as well as other health problems. in future lighting strategies and thereby
The scientists used antibodies assembled on carboxyl-modified, help create better indoor environments.
fluorescent nanoparticles made of polystyrene, calling their In particular, the relationship between
invention biological fluorescent probes (BFPs). Each fluorescent light and its physiological effects has been
color corresponds to a specific drug antibody—red corresponds investigated since the discovery of a novel,
to ketamine and green to amphetamine. third type of photoreceptor in the human
retina in the early 2000s. Rods and cones
regulate visual effects, while the third
type, photosensitive retinal ganglion cells,
regulate a large variety of biological and
behavioral processes including melatonin
and cortisol secretion, alertness, and
functional magnetic resonance imaging
(fMRI). According to the researchers of
this study, the effects of blue-enriched
morning light on physiological responses
are time dependent, and it has positive
effects on melatonin levels and the
subjective perception of alertness, mood,
and visual comfort compared with warm
white light.
BIOSPECTRUM | APRIL 2019 | www.biospectrumasia.com
NUS researchers develop
self-healing electronic skin
Scientists from National collaborators from Tsinghua Japan
University of Singapore (NUS) University and the University of uses anti-
have taken inspiration from California Riverside spending just Inflammatory
underwater invertebrates like over a year to develop the material. drug for cardiac
jellyfish to create an electronic The electronic skin is created by reprogramming
skin with similar functionality. printing the novel material into
Just like a jellyfish, the electronic electronic circuits. As a soft and University of Tsukuba
skin is transparent, stretchable, stretchable material, its electrical researchers have developed
touch-sensitive, and self-healing properties change when touched, high-throughput screening
in aquatic environments. It pressed or strained. Looking for factors promoting
can be used in everything from forward, the scientists are hoping cardiac reprogramming,
water-resistant touchscreens to to explore further possibilities and identify a non-steroidal
aquatic soft robots. The team, led of this material by making use anti-inflammatory drug as
by NUS Materials Science and of the comprehensive properties one such factor in postnatal
Engineering Assistant Professor of the material to make novel and adult fibroblasts. The
Benjamin Tee, worked with optoelectronic devices. research team has used a
high-throughput screening
Indian scientists identify approach to identify
saliva proteins for diclofenac, an FDA-approved
breast cancer detection drug commonly used to treat
inflammation and rheumatic
A team of researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee diseases, as a factor promoting
have taken the first step to identify certain proteins found in saliva that can cardiac reprogramming in
be used as potential biomarkers indicative of breast and ovarian cancer postnatal and adult fibroblasts
metastasis. The composition and expression of salivary gland-derived but not embryonic ones. The
proteins are altered finding by researchers at the
in people with breast University of Tsukuba and
and ovarian cancer. So their research colleagues
studying the salivary in a Japan-wide university
proteins may offer an easy collaboration also helps
alternative for screening define the barriers unique to
cancer patients. Using 10 cellular aging. The team found
samples each of healthy that diclofenac functioned
and stage IV breast and during the early stages of
ovarian cancer patients, cardiac reprogramming, and
and from ovarian cancer increased the generation of
patients who have cardiomyocytes more quickly
undergone at least three and efficiently than TGFb
cycles of chemotherapy and Wnt inhibitors, which
(with paclitaxel and are factors known to promote
carboplatin) the researchers were able to identify 409 unique proteins. reprogramming.
The unique proteins that were found in breast and ovarian cancer patients
were associated with progression of metastasis. The team plans to identify
and validate the exclusive and differentially expressed proteins in a large
patient sample for the development of salivary proteins as potential
biomarkers for early detection of breast and ovarian cancers as well as
their progression.
BIOSPECTRUM | APRIL 2019 | www.biospectrumasia.com
SUSS signs two MoUs to help NTU expands
the elderly and their caregivers
collaboration with
The Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) signed
two Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) to collaborate University of California
on various initiatives to better understand and support
the needs of the growing silver generation as well as their The Nanyang Technological University
caregivers. The MoUs also aim to encourage active ageing (NTU) in Singapore will partner with the
and intergenerational bonding. The parties intend to University of California (UC) to expand
cooperate on healthcare innovation, research and education collaboration between the two institutions.
to help elderly patients in Changi General Hospital (CGH) Under a memorandum of understanding
and community hospitals under SingHealth Community that spans five years, NTU and US-based
Hospitals (SCH), for a period of three years. Under the UC will explore activities to further the
partnership, the partners aim to raise awareness of exchange of faculty and students. The two
ageing issues as well as advocate for a better environment institutions will also explore joint research
for seniors, as part of SUSS’ Geron EngAGE initiative. efforts in areas that include health,
SUSS will involve their Gerontology postgraduate technology and innovation. The UC is a
students and faculty to conduct research projects, and system of 10
explore opportunities for collaborative development of campuses,
innovative health technology. CGH will lend their support five medical
to the partnership by providing guidance and internship centres, three
opportunities to SUSS PhD students particularly in affiliated
Gerontology. The three partners will also share domain national
expertise through various platforms such as lectures and laboratories
best practice sharing sessions. and a
and natural
programme. According to NTU, the
MoU builds on the university’s existing
academic and research collaborations with
UC campuses such as UC Berkeley, UC
Davis and UC Irvine. About 180 students
participate in academic exchanges in
the US annually. Another 175 students
take part in exchange programmes at US
partner-universities under the Global
Engineering Education Exchange network
that enables undergraduate engineering
students to study and intern abroad.
PolyU establishes an alliance to advance research in nursing
The Hong Kong Polytechnic The initiative aims to strengthen the Alliance will actively promote
University (PolyU) has signed a collaboration in nursing research nursing research cooperation,
Memorandum of Understanding and knowledge transfer among enhance the quality of care services,
(MoU) with eight participating cities of the GBA in response encourage sharing of information,
universities / institutions in to the national strategy for the resources, evidence-based nursing
the Greater Bay Area (GBA) to development of the Guangdong- practice and research outcomes, as
establish The Nursing Alliance of Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay well as facilitate training of nursing
Research and Knowledge Transfer. Area. In the 3-year collaboration, personnel.
BIOSPECTRUM | APRIL 2019 | www.biospectrumasia.com
Waters addresses increasing demands for higher performing materials
Waters Corporation has Analyzer TMA 450 precisely touch screen interface with One-
announced the availability measures dimensional changes Touch-Away functionality and
of a range of new TA of materials from -150 to 1000°C powerful TRIOS software. The
Instruments innovations with unparalleled sensitivity and new Rheo-Raman Accessory for
headlined by the Discovery reproducibility. Outfitted with a the Discovery Hybrid Rheometer
Thermomechanical wide range of fixtures, the TMA (DHR) product line combines a
Analyzer (TMA) 450 handles virtually all sample Raman spectrometer with the
450, a Rheo-Raman configurations for testing in DHR to enable simultaneous
capability for the collection of rheology and
Discovery Hybrid expansion, compression, flexure Raman spectroscopy data.
Rheometer, and and tension modes. Operation This combination allows for
a High Sensitivity is simplified direct correlation between flow
Pressure Cell with ease- characteristics and the unique
for the ARES-G2 of-use spectroscopic fingerprints of each
Rheometer. features material including information
The Discovery such as about its chemical and
Thermomechanical the new morphological structure.
Philips acquires Avita Medical to
Carestream Health commercialize
biz to expand RI portfolio wounds treatment
device in Japan
Royal Philips, a global leader in health technology,
announced that it has signed an agreement to acquire Australia based Avita Medical has collaborated with
the Healthcare Information Systems business of COSMOTEC, an M3 Group company, to market and
Carestream Health Inc., a US-based provider of distribute the RECELL Autologous Cell Harvesting
medical imaging and healthcare IT solutions for Device (RECELL
hospitals, imaging centers and specialty medical System) for the
clinics. Carestream’s cloud-based enterprise treatment of
imaging platform will augment Philips’ current burns and other
radiology informatics (RI) offering for imaging data wounds in Japan.
management, workflow enhancement, and advanced In addition,
visualization and analysis. Moreover, Carestream’s COSMOTEC has
Healthcare Information Systems business and installed filed a Japan’s
base in Latin America, Europe and Asia are highly Pharmaceuticals
complementary to Philips’ market leadership in high- and Medical
end radiology informatics in North America. Philips Devices Act
expects to complete the transaction in the second (JPMDA)
half of 2019, subject to customary closing conditions, application for
including the relevant regulatory approvals. Financial approval to market the RECELL System in Japan.
details of the transaction were not disclosed. The JPMDA has accepted the application and review
is expected to take nine months to a year. Japan is
the second largest healthcare market in the world
and represents a valuable market for the RECELL
System with more than 6,000 patients with severe
burns treated in hospitals each year. Over two million
people in Japan are estimated to have vitiligo, a
disease that causes the loss of skin color in blotches
and can affect the skin on any part of a patient’s body.
BIOSPECTRUM | APRIL 2019 | www.biospectrumasia.com
Beckman Coulter Shimadzu
launches immunoassay incorporates AI in
system for sepsis chromatograph series
Beckman Coulter, a global leader in clinical diagnostics, Shimadzu’s new Nexera UHPLC series with AI
has recently announced the launch of Access PCT assay, the and IoT enhancements sets industry standard
latest addition to its extensive menu for the Access Family for intelligence, efficiency and design. The
of Immunoassay Systems. The state-of-the-art sensitivity Nexera series makes lab management simple
and low-end precision of Access PCT assay combined with by integrating IoT and device networking,
short incubation time, helps physicians assess the risk of enabling users to easily review instrument
patients progressing to severe sepsis or septic shock, helps status, optimize resource allocation, and achieve
physicians in the risk assessment of critically ill patients higher throughput. The Nexera UHPLC series
in danger of progression to severe sepsis or septic shock, maximizes reliability and uptime with fully
with test results available in under 20 minutes. The launch unattended workflows that span from startup
of Access PCT follows the recent release of the Early to shut-down. Operators can set the Nexera
Sepsis Indicator, a unique hematological marker available to start up at a specified time, so that it can
on Beckman Coulter’s DxH900 Hematology Analyzer complete auto-purge, equilibration, baseline
as a part of the routine CBC with differential analysis. checks and system suitability in advance, and
The new Access PCT assay recently received CE mark be ready for analysis before they arrive at the
certification and is available for use on the Access Family lab. In addition, FlowPilot ramps up the flow
of Immunoassay Systems including the Access 2, UniCel rate gradually, reducing the possibility of
DxI 600 and UniCel DxI 800. damage to columns. The Nexera also has auto-
diagnostics and auto-recovery capabilities
Thermo Fisher invests $150 M that allow it to monitor pressure fluctuations
in expanding pharma services to check for anomalies. With remote mobile
phase monitoring and integrated consumables
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., the world leader in serving management, the system maximizes uptime
science, has announced that it is investing $150 million in and reliability. Real-time monitoring of mobile
its Pharma Services business to provide additional capacity phase levels allows lab personnel to efficiently
for sterile liquid and lyophilized product development run batches and respond accordingly if there
isn’t enough mobile phase before starting a run.
and commercial In addition, Nexera tracks consumable usage
manufacturing. Included and sends alerts when parts need replacing,
in the site expansion allowing users to keep the system running at
projects are Monza and peak performance. The Nexera UHPLC series
Ferentino, Italy, and allows analysts to confirm parameters and
Greenville, North Carolina. monitor chromatograms in real time directly
In response to customer from a web browser on their smart device.
requests, each of the sites will be equipped with aseptic
filling lines and isolator technology. Construction is
expected to be completed within the next 24 months. These
investments will help expand the company’s global sterile
manufacturing network and meet the increasing demand
from customers that rely on the biologics development and
manufacturing expertise.
BIOSPECTRUM | APRIL 2019 | www.biospectrumasia.com
Biopharma Veteran Biocure brings new
J H Buchalter joins director on board
Tessa Therapeutics
Biocure Technology Inc., a South Korean based
Tessa Therapeutics, a Singapore based Bio Pharmaceutical company specializing in the
clinical-stage immunotherapy company development and potential commercialization
focused on autologous and off-the-shelf, of biosimilar pharmaceutical products, has
allogeneic therapies targeting solid tumors, appointed Danny Joh as a director. After
has announced the completing a PhD in Biochemistry at Texas
appointment of A&M University and an MBA at Rice University,
Jeffrey H. Buchalter Joh moved to the San Francisco area to build a
as an independent career in the biopharma industry. For twenty
director. Buchalter years, he has expanded his biopharma product
brings over development and cross-functional program
three decades of management experiences while working for
biopharmaceutical major biopharma companies, including Chiron,
industry experience Genentech, Biomarin, Sangamo and other
and has an extensive biotech companies in the San Francisco area. His
background in experience spans from early to late stage product
commercialization development in various platforms, including
and drug development biologics, small molecules, and gene therapy
in oncology. He across many therapeutic areas, including cancer
has held various and rare genetic disorders. He is a welcomed
chairmanships and addition to our seasoned team of management
senior management positions, including and brings a wealth of experience to our Board.
serving as Chairman of the Board, President
and Chief Executive Officer of Archimedes
Pharma. Prior to joining Archimedes, he
was Chairman of the Board, President, and
Chief Executive Officer of NASDAQ-listed
Enzon Pharmaceuticals, and President,
Chief Executive Officer, and Director of
Ilex Oncology, Inc. He has also served as a
senior executive at Pharmacia, Wyeth and
Alessandro Riva to lead Glenmark’s new innovation
Glenmark Pharmaceuticals, a research-led, integrated Prior to joining Gilead, Alessandro spent 12 years
global pharmaceutical company, has announced that with Novartis where he was the Executive
Alessandro Riva, MD, will join its new innovation Vice President and Head of Global
company as Chief Executive Officer. Alessandro Oncology Development and Medical
is currently Executive Vice President, Oncology Affairs in the Oncology Business Unit,
Therapeutics and Cell Therapy for Gilead Sciences. managing a global group of more
The appointment is effective April 2, 2019. As part than 2,500 associates. He also served
of the Gilead senior leadership team and executive as Interim President of the Novartis
committee member, he was responsible for leading Oncology Business Unit during the
the oncology R&D programme and support functions, acquisition of GSK Oncology. Prior to
defining the strategic direction for the oncology his time at Novartis, Alessandro
therapeutic unit. In addition, he played a critical held leadership roles with
role in key corporate initiatives including strategic Rhône-Poulenc Rorer and
acquisition, partnering and business development. Aventis, France.
BIOSPECTRUM | APRIL 2019 | www.biospectrumasia.com
Axio Biosolutions announces
new Scientific Advisory Board
India’s leading innovative med- Boston. After completing his PhD Sanofi appoints
tech company, Axio Biosolutions, at Trinity College, University
is all set to step up its US launch of Cambridge (where he was new General
plans with the announcement of a Nehru Scholar as well as a
its top-notch Scientific Advisory British Chevening Scholar) Manager for
Board. The Bengaluru-based and a fellowship in Biological
enterprise has appointed Dr Engineering from MIT, Dr China
Shiladitya Sengupta, Assistant Sengupta joined the Harvard
Professor of Medicine at Harvard faculty. Axio’s other notable Sanofi has announced that Pius
Medical School, as Chairman, appointment, Dr S V Mahadevan, S. Hornstein, PhD, has been
and Dr S V Mahadevan, Professor Professor of Emergency Medicine appointed the new General
of Emergency Medicine at at Stanford University, Palo Alto, Manager China, & Emerging
Stanford University, as member California, brings critical expertise Markets Global Business Unit
of its Scientific Advisory Board. of over 23 years in emergency (GBU) of Sanofi and Country
An alumnus of the All India medicine to the Scientific Advisory Chair of Sanofi China, effective
Institute of Medical Sciences, Board. The founding chair of March 1, 2019. Based in
where he received the Geeta Mital the Department of Emergency Shanghai, he reports directly
Gold Medal, Dr Sengupta serves Medicine at Stanford (2015-17) to Olivier Charmeil, Executive
as Assistant Professor of Health and founding Director of Stanford Vice President of Sanofi, Head
Sciences and Technology at MIT, Emergency Medicine International of China & Emerging Markets,
and principal investigator at the (2000-2015), Dr Mahadevan and member of the Sanofi
Dana- Farber Cancer Institute, currently serves as both the Executive Committee. Jean-
Director of Global Affairs and Christophe Pointeau, who held
Strategy for Stanford Medicine as the role over the last four years
well as the Director of South Asia and has successfully brought
Outreach, Center for Asian Health Sanofi China to its strong level
Research and Education (CARE). today, has been appointed
Europe Region Head, Sanofi
Dr Christiane Hamacher joins Genzyme. Since January,
as CEO Biocon Biologics India Pointeau and Hornstein have
been working together to
Biocon Ltd, Asia’s premier biopharmaceuticals company, recently ensure a smooth and successful
announced that Dr Christiane Hamacher has been appointed as CEO of transition given the importance
Biocon Biologics India Ltd. effective March 1, 2019. Dr Hamacher comes of China to the Sanofi Group.
with more than 20 years of leadership experience in both strategic and Hornstein was the General
Manager and Country Chair of
operational roles across the value chain in global pharma, Sanofi Brazil for the last four
spanning Asia, Europe and the US. She has been with years. He joined Sanofi in 1998
Roche, Basel, Switzerland since 2007 and prior to as a product manager, and held
that spent 10 years at Schering AG, Berlin, Germany. a variety of key positions in
Dr Hamacher is an accomplished international marketing, sales management
C-suite executive with a passion for setting the and other global strategic areas.
corporate vision, defining and implementing future- He led the global team for the
driven strategy and growing businesses through anticoagulant that is part of the
entrepreneurial innovation and patient-centricity. World Health Organization list
She has robust experience in steering complex, global of essential medicines.
matrix organizations, and quickly building strong,
trusting relationships to enable achievement of top-
level results.
BIOSPECTRUM | APRIL 2019 | www.biospectrumasia.com
Strengthening Telangana’s
ecosystem for Life Sciences
ESL Narasimhan, Telangana State Governor addressing the Today, many startups are coming up with amazing
audience at BioAsia 2019 in Hyderabad on February 25. innovations to address a number of disease burdens
in India. Unfortunately, few ideas get stuck up due to
With the intent to strengthen a robust regulatory constraints or funding disapprovals and
ecosystem for Life Sciences, Biotech and are unable to reach the market.
Healthcare enterprises, the 16th edition of
BioAsia 2019 recently took place in Hyderabad from “India is currently being run by entrepreneurship
February 25-27. The three days event bearing the that needs to be pushed further. Startups should
theme ‘Life Sciences 4.0 – Disrupt the Disruption’ partner with the established companies and
was inaugurated by Telangana State Governor, E S L collectively bring out healthcare solutions. Often,
Narasimhan. startups hesitate to collaborate as their prime focus
is on their technology. But in order to take the
A number of deliberations took place during the technology ahead, a business model needs to be
course of this 3-day event emphasizing on disruption, developed, of which technology forms only 10 per
key challenges and the prospective opportunities for cent. There are so many other parameters involved
the industry at global as well as domestic level. in making the product reach the end users. Another
major factor affecting the growth of startups in India
During one of the sessions, few industry and is the regulation. Prime focus should be given to the
healthcare stalwarts got together and came to the scientific research part and not the regulations”,
conclusion that healthcare outcomes in India can be mentioned Dr Krishna Ella, CMD, Bharat Biotech.
best elevated if industry partners with the startups.
Taking this view ahead, Shobana Kamineni,
Executive Vice Chairperson, Apollo Hospitals said,
“Industry can play a major role in facilitating the
startups and their ideas to the market. But the
government is equally responsible in giving the
required push. For example, the Israeli government
gives full funding support to the incubators in
promoting the startups. Any new firm can start
working on its idea with the government pitching
in around 80 per cent of the funding. A similar
arrangement needs to be built in our country as well”.
In line with this, an exclusive conclave with the
CEOs of top pharma companies was also conducted
at BioAsia 2019. Among the many issues discussed,
a special focus was put on promoting scientific
innovations in India when compared to the US and
“India is in need of a good innovation policy.
To make that happen, a conducive environment
is required. Free hand needs to be given to the
researchers. If we want biology research to flourish
in India, we do not need a number of ministries
heading or controlling it. There should not be any
restrictions”, pointed out Pankaj Patel, Chairman &
MD, Zydus Cadila.
Joining the bandwagon, Satish Reddy, Chairman,
Dr Reddy’s Labs, mentioned, “A lot of innovation is
happening in the biopharma sector in China. India is
BIOSPECTRUM | APRIL 2019 | www.biospectrumasia.com
Highlights of BioAsia 2019 Sciences 4.0: transforming health care in India’ at
the event. The report highlights how technology
Launch of Telangana Life Sciences Grid is disrupting the health care ecosystem in India as
Launch of Vaccine Skilling Programme by we are entering the Fourth Industrial Revolution
(Industry 4.0).
Telangana Government
MoU signed between Telangana Government “Today, in India and globally, technological
advancements are redefining products and enabling
and Taizhou Zone, China customization of services in the health care industry.
EY Report on ‘Life Sciences 4.0: transforming Emerging technologies (e.g., robotics, blockchain,
3D printing and artificial intelligence) and scientific
health care in India’ breakthroughs such as gene editing have led to the
Genome Valley Excellence Award 2019 to Dr transformation of life sciences companies’ business
models. Going forward, life sciences companies must
Don W. Cleveland, University of California invest in the three new capabilities: personalization,
5 startups awarded cash prize worth Rs 25000 customer engagement and data literacy,” mentioned
Sriram Shrinivasan, Global Emerging Markets,
each Health and Life Sciences Leader and National Health
Special Social Innovation award to Adero Labs Services Sector Leader, EY.
Lifetime achievement award to Dr BS Bajaj,
Certain announcements were also made by the
Federation of Asian Biotech Associations Telangana Government on the platform of their
flagship event. Jayesh Ranjan, Principle Secretary,
way behind in this aspect. India is not just limited to Industries & Commerce & IT, Government of
moving ahead and growing in the biosimilar arena. Telangana introduced the Telangana Life Sciences
Much more can be achieved here in India”. Grid, through which the state government of
Telangana intends to deliver its extensive support for
Another interesting feature of the event was every individual in life sciences sector in every aspect
a special interaction with Prof Krishnamurthy ranging from capital, infrastructure, government
Subramanian, Chief Economic Advisor to the approvals, improving skills and expanding connects.
Government of India who shared his views on “We are glad that this initiative is first in its kind that
addressing the healthcare challenges in India. will enable life sciences sector to achieve its $100
“Today, we need to give full importance on billion potential in accelerated mode. Over the course
understanding the basic research, without thinking of next six months, we will form focused working
about its return. Once the industry invests in basic groups and prepare the detailed strategy for the
research by collaborating with the academics and Telangana life sciences grid,” said Jayesh Ranjan.
the government, focus can be put simply on the basic
research and the road to innovation can move ahead Another announcement that took place was the
in the right direction”, he shared. Vaccine Skilling Program of Telangana Government
to promote skilled professionals and help the
Apart from witnessing 100 high profile speakers, industry grow. The first batch of 30 students which
more than 700 corporate participants and a record is an all women group will be put into a 100 Hours
number of 1,700 partnering meetings, BioAsia training programme for vaccines and biologics.
2019 also saw the involvement of a large number
of startups. The event recognized selected startups The Government of Telangana also signed a
from the healthcare industry for their innovative Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Taizhou
work in the sector and an eminent jury chose 76 Medical Hi-Tech Development Zone (Taizhou Zone)
startups from close to 300 applications from India supported by the Government of Taizhou, China.
and abroad. Out of those, the top 5 startups received Under the MoU valid for 2 years, the Chinese Medical
a cash prize of Rs 25,000 each- Caredose, Spectral Zone and the Telangana Government have discussed
Insights, Dozee, Aura- Ekistics Solutions and Azooka and agreed to share the know-how and offered to
Life Sciences. support and assist the research in the field of life
sciences, biotechnology and medical devices along
For the first time, an Experience zone was with identifying new technologies and industry
created at BioAsia exhibiting disruptive technologies requirements with a view to expand the public
including Artificial Intelligence, 3-D printing, Virtual industrial service platforms in the industrial cities.
Reality and immersive technology in healthcare,
Augment Reality, and Nanotechnology applications Dr Manbeena Chawla
in healthcare and how they can be leveraged to [email protected]
improve patient outcomes.
Adding to this, the leading global professional
services organization EY released a report ‘Life