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Looming threat
Milind Kokje
Chief Editor
Dutch executive and former CEO of Unilever and their speedy implementation is required.
Paul Polman warned, “Climate change is Already over 10 per cent of the world population is
misunderstood as being about changes in undernourished giving rise to several health-related
weather; in reality it is about changes in our very way problems.
of life.” That includes food, the most essential part
of way of life anywhere in the world, in any society. When the 2014 IPCC report said that the current
Hence, the food has come at the centre of the climate agricultural practices will be useless, the efforts will
change debate now. have to be centred at innovating new practices those
will withstand the new situations created by climate
A United Nations (UN) report published recently change. Food systems contribute 21 to 37 per cent
deals with the effect of climate change on food of global greenhouse gases and add to deforestation,
supplies. The report prepared by 100 experts from biodiversity loss and receding water tables. In such
52 countries warns that extreme weather events a situation, something like GM foods will have to be
threaten to disrupt, and over time shrink, the global adopted as a part of our food system.
food supply. “Food crises could develop on several
continents at once” leading to increase in the Vegetarianism is also propagated as one of the
“potential risk of multi-breadbasket failure,” according ways to meet the food crisis caused by climate
to Cynthia Rosenzweig, a senior research scientist change as livestock is considered as the biggest
at NASA Goddard Institute for space studies and the issue. They use one third of global cropland, an
lead authors of the report. article in The Guardian pointed out. Although food
consumption is a very personal matter, this requires
Two important global organisations have placed consideration under the changed circumstances.
figures that are exactly at opposite ends on a Efforts to make meat from plant ingredients are
demand-supply axis. As per the Food and Agriculture being successfully implemented by many big
Organisation (FAO) estimate food production needs companies. May be such successful experiments
to rise 60 per cent for keeping pace with demographic should be boosted to take them to production level
change. Against that, Intergovernmental Panel on fast. However, according to a recent report, their
Climate Change (IPCC) fears 10 to 25 per cent decline contribution to 2030 agenda is not on track.
in crop yield being widespread by 2050 due to climate
change. Climate change will also affect fish catch by In India, Food Safety and Standards Authority of
40 per cent. India (FSSAI) has made good inroads and developed
a strong network to spread its message of eat safe
A severe threat is looming large on the people and eat right. The same can be used for creating
though they probably are unable to see it. It may be awareness about the climate change’s impact on the
because the food stores next to their homes or in a food system. Systematic, urgent and joint efforts are
next lane are still full of variety of food products with required from each and every element of the food
multiple brands and a new brand is getting introduced system, individuals to organisations, as former UN
almost each day. But that situation would start secretary General Ban Ki-moon said, “Climate change
changing drastically from any time in near future. does not respect border; it does not respect who you
The warning is not new, it had been given in IPCC’s are - rich and poor, small and big. Therefore, this is
2014 report also. The report warned that the current what we call 'global challenges,' which require global
agricultural practices would be of no use to support solidarity.”
human civilisation. Thus, the most important warning
now in the recent report is that the window to address
the threat is closing rapidly. Hence, faster decisions
New Voice of the Nutraceuticals &
New - Gen Food Indystry in Asia
Volume 7 | Issue 03 | November 2019 Production & Design Nutraceuticals Nutritionals MM Activ Sci-Tech Communications Functional Foods Wellness
Anil Walunj
Publisher & Managing Editor Dietary Supplements
Ravindra Boratkar Cover Design
Editorial Dominix Strategic Design Pvt. Ltd. ASIA
Chief Editor
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Cover Story 18
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) accounts for between 90 and 95 per cent of 24
diabetes every year, claiming approximately 4 million deaths in 2018
Diabetic Foods-
in India. This number has increased considerably over the years. In Blend formulation
response to the growing concerns about the escalating health threat with awareness
posed by diabetes, World Diabetes Day (WDD) was created in 1991 Nikita Mitra
by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and the World Health
Executive- Human Nutrition,
Organization (WHO), on November 14. Considering the market Domestic Premix Division,
potential the food industry is gradually setting in the tailwinds for Hexagon Nutrition
diabetes treatment by diversifying product portfolios catering to
the requirements of a wide consumer base suffering from diabetes.
However, an equal push is required from the government by
imposing strict regulations in the form of sugar or calorie tax to
reduce the number of people who develop type 2 diabetes.
Special 25 Special 28
Food Testing Infrastructure Food Testing
needs impetus market seeks
instant solutions
Ashwin Bhadri
CEO, Equinox Labs
Speaking With 29 REGULARS
Food testing plays critical role Editorial 04
in achieving the goal of safe
and nutritious food Video Snippets 08
Dr Saurabh Arora, Policy and Regulatory News 09
Founder, Arbro Pharmaceuticals, Finance News 11
New Delhi
Company News 12
Survey 31 Start-Up News 14
Rs 15K crore Indian Analytical
Instruments market growing at 4% World News 16
People News 42
Supplier News 44
Event Report 33 Science News 46
750 exhibitors, 20,000 Academic News 48
visitors witness Fi Asia 2019
35 Event Diary 49
Vitafoods Asia 2019: 375 suppliers
seek business opportunities
Vitafoods/Q&A 38 09 13
Increasing awareness, interest 44 47
in new technology and media
coverage driving nutricosmetics 49
market in APAC
Shikhar Aggarwal
Senior Director Consulting, Visionary Sciences,
Asia Pacific, Frost & Sullivan, Singapore
Japanese fermented
foods have
anti-aging effects
Dr Celine Klotz
Clinical Trial Director,
Japanese Society of
Anti-Ageing Nutrition (JAAN), Japan
“Personalized nutrition
is poised to play a critical
role in disease prevention
and management”
Thomas Hayes,
Food & Nutrition Analyst,
Lux Research, Singapore
Subhash Naithani, Acknowledgements
Director & CEO, Nectar The interview coverage of our startup Athletebit
Phytochems talks Healthcare has come out very well in the October
about the company’s edition. We have received a lot of positive
contribution to the encouragement from all the people who have read it.
food supplement Thank you.
- Mathew Chacko, Mysuru
Scan the QR Code »
The article titled ‘Curbing Obesity’ in the October
Daniel Church, edition looks very good. Congratulations.
CEO, DairyChem,
US points out the - Megha Joshi, Mumbai
challenges his
company faces in the Thank you so much for the interview coverage with
export market Vadodra based startup AV Organics.
Scan the QR Code » - Arushi Kaushik, New Delhi
Sheetal Somaiya, The feature on ‘Poshan Maah: Addressing
Dietician, HealthSuttra, malnutrition/ undernutrition’ looks great.
Singapore shares
her views on the - Mini Yasmin, New Delhi
growing market of
NutriCosmetics within Thanks for your feedback. We have taken note of
Asia your suggestions and will surely try to incorporate
the content accordingly in coming issues. Please
Scan the QR Code » keep sending us your feedback and updating us on
your views about the issue and keep giving your
opinions on the content.
– Editor
Please send your feedback to
[email protected]
FSSAI takes FSSAI trains street food
vendors in Telangana
further initiatives
The Food Safety and to FSSAI, about 60 per
towards Eat Right Standards Authority of cent of prepared food
India (FSSAI) is planning business goes through
FSSAI is reviewing the labelling provisions to to train 10,000 food street food trading, like
promote judicious use of sweeteners in food vendors in Telangana hawkers, mobile vending
products and facilitating availability of such in food safety and machines, petty shops,
products for consumers. The regulatory body certification. The FSSAI dhabas, street foods
is also in the process of finalising front-of- has already trained more hubs etc. As a result,
the-pack nutrition labelling for packaged than 2000 street food this training is of utmost
food products and school food regulations. vendors and another importance. Plans are
Food fortification standards for staples and 10,000 will be trained also afoot to bring out
regulations to check on misleading claims over the next one year. dietary guidelines aimed
by packaged food companies have already FSSAI is conducting this at reducing trans fatty
been notified. Norms for reducing trans-fatty training programme as acids, salt and sugar in
acids in edible oils, vanaspathi and industrial a part of its Eat Right commercially available
margarine to less than 2 per cent by 2022 have Movement. According food in Telangana.
also been notified. In addition, the authority
is looking at introducing regulations that will
make menu-labelling mandatory for large
restaurant players.
FSSAI puts focus on unlicensed FBOs
The Food Safety and Standards “home made” through online which are required to obtain
Authority of India (FSSAI) is food delivery aggregators such a license, FBOs continuing
planning to track down food as Swiggy, Zomato and Uber business with an expired license
business operators (FBOs) selling Eats. FSSAI has been conducting or running a business without
food online without obtaining drives in cities against all the a license, businesses that have
licence from the food safety Food Business Operators (FBO) obtained fresh license instead
regulator. The FSSAI has received running without permission. of renewing the previous one
information about such FBOs The drive is to address four to avoid penalties and FBOs
who mostly operate out of their types of non-compliance which manufacturing and processing
houses or rented buildings. They include FBOs that are running food products which are not
often sell food under the tag without registration certificates endorsed on their food license.
ICMR indicates extended First Mega
efforts to tackle malnutrition
Food Park
The India State-Level Disease the leading risk factor for death in
Burden Initiative, a joint children under-five years for every opens in
initiative of the Indian Council state of India, and is also the leading
of Medical Research, Public risk factor for disease burden for all Telangana
Health Foundation of India, and ages considered together in most
Institute for Health Metrics and states of India. The malnutrition The first Mega Food Park
Evaluation in collaboration with trends over about three decades in Telangana promoted by
the Ministry of Health and Family reported in this paper utilized all Smart Agro Food Park Pvt.
Welfare, has released a scientific available data sources from India, Ltd. has officially opened
paper involving a large number which enable more robust estimates at village Lakkampally,
of collaborators, including many than the estimates based on Nandipet mandal of
leading malnutrition experts from single sources that may have more Nizamabad district,
India. The findings show that biases. The state-specific findings Telangana. According to
although the overall under-five described in this scientific paper Harsimrat Kaur Badal, Union
death rate in India as well as the highlight the extent of the effort Minister of Food Processing
death rate due to malnutrition needed in each state to achieve Industries, the Mega Food
has decreased substantially from the national and global targets for Park will leverage an
1990 to 2017, malnutrition is still various malnutrition indicators. additional investment of
about Rs 250 crore in 22 food
India ties up with processing units in the park
UAE for food corridor project and generate a turnover of
about Rs 14000 crore. The
UAE entities are expected to invest up to $7 billion in India’s food sector in park will also provide direct
the next three years as part of the UAE-India food corridor project that aims and indirect employment
to secure the UAE’s food security. These entities, coordinated by Dubai-based to 50,000 youth and benefit
Emaar Group, plan to invest up to $5 billion in mega food parks and similar about 1 lakh farmers. Mega
facilities in various Indian cities, and Food parks shall facilitate
up to $2 billion in contract farming, doubling of farmer’s income
sourcing of agro commodities and by 2022 which is a primary
related infrastructure. The proposed agenda of the government
projects are in various cities, such as in the field of agriculture.
mega food parks in Kutch in western This Mega Food Park has
state of Gujarat and Aurangabad in been set up in 78 acre of
western state of Maharashtra. A food land at a cost of Rs 108.95
park in Pawarkheda in central state of crore. The facilities being
Madhya Pradesh, logistics and warehouse hub in Itarsi in Madhya Pradesh, created by the developer at
fruits and vegetables hub in Nashik and warehousing hub in Bhiwandi in Central Processing Centre
Maharashtra are the other projects. (CPC) of this Mega Food
Park include Raw Material
Warehouse of 5000 MT,
Finished Good Warehouse-
5000 MT, Multi Commodity
Cold Storage-5000 MT,
Deep Freeze Store-500
MT, Turmeric-Curcumin,
Oleoresin Extraction unit-
5 MT/Day, QC Laboratory
and other related food
processing facilities.
Cargill invests $10M in
first corn silo in India
Herbalife pledges $2M to Cargill has opened its will also provide local
first corn silo in the farmers increased market
help fight global hunger country in Davangere, access as Cargill expands
Karnataka, making its procurement of corn
Herbalife Nutrition, a premier global nutrition inroads into bulk locally. This silo expands
company, has announced the launch of the agricultural storage Cargill’s supply chain
Nutrition for Zero Hunger global initiative, in India. Built with an capabilities in India and
pledging $2 million to help end world hunger, investment of $ 10 the stringent food safety
ensure people have access to good nutrition million and a storage standards followed
and address rising obesity. The initiative, with capacity of 60,000 tons, here will prevent
the assistance of nonprofit partners, will focus the silo is situated next contamination of corn
on providing access to healthy foods, improving to Cargill’s corn milling during storage. As the
nutrition education, identifying sustainable plant in Davangere. company continues to
food resources and raising awareness of the This allows Indian and collaborate with Indian
global crisis. In conjunction with the launch of global food companies manufacturers to expand
the initiative, the company also announced its access to high-quality, its footprint in the
partnership with Feed the Children, a nonprofit raw material stored Starches and Sweetener
organization committed to defeating childhood at right temperature, business, this silo is an
hunger worldwide. Feed the Children has translating to superior important step towards
designated September as Defeat Hunger Month product quality for their ensuring supply of top
and as a lead partner of Nutrition for Zero Hunger, food products. The silo quality corn to the plant.
Herbalife Nutrition will support their programs to
help end hunger around the world.
Fonterra sells stake in DFE Pharma for $633M NZD
Fonterra has agreed the sale $633 million sale to CVC Strategic
of its 50 per cent share of DFE Opportunities II is made up of a
Pharma for $633 million (NZD). cash payment of $537 million,
The cash from this sale, along with payable on completion of the sale,
proceeds from other asset sales plus an interest-accruing vendor
across the year, which includes loan of $96 million, for a term of
the significant contribution from up to 15 years. Built into the deal is
its ice cream brand Tip Top, will a potential additional payment of
give the company over $1 billion up to $44 million based on DFE’s
available for debt reduction. The performance over two years.
Mother Dairy announces Pan-India plastic waste collection
Moving ahead on its commitment etc. thereby offering convenience
towards a cleaner environment, and plastic-packaging free milk
Mother Dairy has announced its plan- to a larger set of consumers in the
of-action for collection and recycling region. Mother Dairy has entered
of post-consumer plastic waste across into contractual engagement with
the country. Mother Dairy operates leading Producer Responsibility
around 3000 bulk milk vending units Organisations (PROs) and with their
installed at its consumer touch-points help, the company will network with
which includes milk booths, franchise waste picker communities, recyclers
shops, kiosks, mini shops, insulated and also liaison with urban local
containers, Kamdhenu mobile bodies for collection and recycling
units, Container-On-Wheels (COW), post-consumer plastic waste.
Heritage Foods inks
MoU for dairy loans
Heritage Foods has signed up with State Bank of Hyderabad Nestlé opens
Memorandum of Understanding in 2011 and Bank of Baroda in
(MoU) with State Bank of India, 2016 to provide dairy loans to unique packaging
Bank of Baroda and Indian Bank the farmers. This initiative is
to provide dairy loans to farmers very unique and helping the research institute
through the lender’s branches farmers to double their income
across the country. The company by doubling their cattle count. Nestlé has inaugurated the new
has also signed MoU with SBI Heritage Foods is in the business Institute of Packaging Sciences
Maharashtra circle at Baramati of procurement, processing in Switzerland. The new Institute
to facilitate cattle loans to milk and sale of milk and milk enables Nestlé to accelerate its
producers. In addition, the products. The objective of this efforts to bring functional, safe and
company has also signed MoU collaboration is to help farmers environmentally friendly packaging
with Indian Bank at Chennai. by providing investment credit in solutions to the market and to
Heritage Foods had earlier tied- agriculture. address the global challenge of
plastic packaging waste. The Nestlé
Institute of Packaging Sciences
focuses on a number of science
and technology areas, such as
refillable or reusable packaging,
simplified packaging materials,
recycled packaging materials, high-
performance barrier papers as well
as bio-based, compostable and
biodegradable materials.
MuscleBlaze brings novel protein solution
Addressing the protein absorption most Indians grow up on a low
challenge that a number of Indian protein diet, our body is therefore
gym-goers face, MuscleBlaze unveils not conditioned for high protein
its latest product series - a Biozyme absorption, and hence face issues
Whey protein powder that has been like indigestion, bloating, etc after
customised for the Indian body. The we start consuming whey protein.
#WheyForIndia campaign narrates To tackle this nationwide issue,
the challenges Indian gym-goers MuscleBlaze has launched Biozyme
face when building their bodies Whey Isolate which is customized
and their ability to overcome these for Indians and has been clinically
challenges despite having a low tested on Indian bodies for 50 per
protein absorption in comparison cent higher absorption than other
to the Western body. All protein whey proteins with its Enhanced
products available in the sports- Absorption FormulaTM (EAF).
nutrition category are designed Biozyme Whey Isolate will be
keeping the Western body type MuscleBlaze’s latest addition in their
and dietary habits in mind. As whey protein portfolio.
Bauli expands its
packaged cake portfolio
Parle Agro to Having captured the go-to snack and are manufactured at Bauli’s
market in India last year with the state of the art manufacturing unit
invest Rs 50 Cr launch of Moonfils, Bauli- an Italian in Baramati near Pune. In sync with
bakery and confectionary player, is the launch of Spyroll, Bauli also
for PET recycling now set to launch Spyroll, a soft cake launched their second TVC in India.
made from two different sponges Conceptualized by L&K Saatchi &
Beverages major Parle Agro has (Vanilla & chocolate), rolled around Saatchi and enriched with deep
announced plans to invest Rs 50 a tempting chocolate cream consumer insights, the ‘Cake me
crore over the next three years covered with delicious chocolate chocolatey spin’ campaign is all set
to implement an end-to-end base. Bauli Spyroll is available at to have the consumers ‘spiralling’
PET plastic waste management all leading retail stores across India for more.
programme. The company
has partnered with the Indian
Pollution Control Association
and Nepra for collecting and
recycling 100 per cent of its PET
bottle waste and channel them
to textiles and other non-allied
industry segments. Under this
programme, Parle Agro plans to
facilitate an annual collection of
310 crore PET bottles, recycling
nearly 50,000 tonne of PET waste.
Hungry Foal raises funding from Madison Capital
Gurugram-based healthy snacks Hungry Foal sells its products across CHRD Society for Applied Studies.
manufacturer, Hungry Foal, has Tier II and Tier III cities, and works The startup is targeting the snacks
raised an undisclosed amount with clients such as VITA – Haryana, market in India with healthy, tasty,
of funding in Pre-Series A round affordable, and nutritionally rich
led by Singapore-based Madison substitutes. According to Hungry
Capital. Singapore’s Das42 Ventures, Foal, its products are developed
Innerchef’s co-founder Rajesh with a deep understanding of
Sawhney, Startupbuddy’s CEO taste preferences and nutritional
Amit Singhal, and senior corporate requirements. Some of its products
executives also participated in include energy bars, muffins, nut
this round. The funding from mixes, etc. The company claims
the latest round will be used for to offer similar nutrition profile at
product development, scaling the almost half of the price in its class
distribution, and building the brand. and category.
Roots Ventures Wellversed Health secures
$250K worth funding
Wellversed Health, a consumer aiming to help over 100 million
into healthy company that operates
online food brand Ketofy, people who are struggling
food startup has raised $250,000 in a pre-
Series A funding round from with lifestyle issues. It currently
Healthy food startup Kaarya Naturals has a clutch of investors including
raised an undisclosed sum from Roots Tejinderpal Miglani, co-founder claims to be serving over
Ventures, a Mumbai-based multi-stage of diversified financial services
and sector-agnostic investment platform. group Indiabulls. The startup
The Mumbai-based startup markets its will use the funds it has raised
products, including a range of protein and to expand its presence, keeping
healthy bars, under the Eighty20 brand. in mind its mission of making
Kaarya is planning to expand its range an alternative line of food
of health-focused snacks. The startup products for consumers with
has been looking for a long-term partner health issues such as metabolic
whose values fit well with it. Kaarya problems and diabetes. It is
aims to address the needs of consumers
looking for healthy snacking options. The
Eighty20 brand manufactures, markets
and sells products that are made with
vegan and gluten-free processes.
250,000 customers since it
launched in March last year.
Its products include ultra-low
carbohydrate and ultra-low
glycemic food products created
from natural ingredients.
The startup is incubated by
Gurugram-based sector-
agnostic incubator Huddle,
whose portfolio also includes
companies such as Poshtick,
Trillbit and Jade Forest.
AIC launches clean meat Rebel Foods
innovation challenge
raises $25M in
In a joint effort to support the advancement of scientific research on
clean meat in India, the Atal Incubation Centre (AIC) in CSIR- Centre series D round
for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad, Humane Society
International/India and the Good Food Institute India have launched Rebel Foods, owned by Fasoos has
an innovation challenge to advance development and production raised $25 million in its Series D
of meat grown by culturing animal cells. The three organisations are round from Goldman Sachs and other
calling for proposals from entrepreneurs and the scientific community investors. With the Series D funds,
to publish review papers on technologies that will help accelerate Pune-based foodtech player plans
the development and scale - up of clean meat (also called cultivated to expand its network of kitchens
meat or cell-based meat) in India. Open to scientists from both private from 200 to 500 and expand to Dubai
and public institutions, the grant will be provided to four selected and Indonesia, before expanding to
proposals. The challenge aims to bring out research that critically other countries in Southeast Asia.
evaluates the scope for the development and scale-up of clean meat Also, it may invest in automation
in India. Launched on the 15th of September, applications will be and robotics, which will help reduce
open for two months till 15th of November 2019. Each review should manual labour in its kitchens. The
examine the state of science in a specific area of clean meat, offer firm currently operates a network
concrete recommendations for scale-up, and be accepted for open- of 235 cloud kitchens in 20 Indian
access publication in high-visibility, peer-reviewed journal. cities with an order volume of two
million per month. The company has
launched 1,600 internet restaurants
in India across 11 brands. Rebel Foods
was founded by Jaydeep Barman
and Kallol Banerjee in 2010. It started
out as a quick-service restaurant
(QSR) and is now a multi-brand cloud
kitchen model.
Raw Pressery adds dairy-free almond milk to portfolio
Mumbai based Raw Pressery, a home-grown brand that
started with cold-pressed juices, has now introduced dairy-
free almond milk to its portfolio of honestly healthy beverages.
Indians are familiar with the traditional ‘badam doodh’,
however, almond milk which is completely plant based and
not a dairy product, requires some customer education.
Almond Milk, unlike regular milk comes from the earth, so no
dependency on animals to fulfill our nutritional needs. It’s low
in calories & high in calcium which gives stronger bones and
boosts brain power. Raw Pressery’s Almond Milk is made from
the finest almonds sourced from California, USA. It contains
no preservatives, is 100 per cent lactose-free and has been
coined as the best vegan drink by PETA in 2018.
Pakistan to Sri Lanka to
receive assistance
open nutrition from World Bank
centre with Korea
A Pakistan-Korea Nutrition Centre would be set up
at University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan
that will enable the country arrest the growing
malnutrition; a major cause of poor health of the
people. A five-year project worth $7 million would
be set up with the help of Korea International
Cooperation Agency (KOICA). This project would
help the varsity to ensure good health of mother
and child that would make the nation productive
and healthy that can contribute up to 3 per cent
to GDP rather than spending billions of rupees in
dealing with health related problems. According
to UAF Vice Chancellor Professor Dr Muhammad
Ashraf, the proposed centre of excellence with the
help of Korean agency, is a soothing initiative of
Pak-Korea friendship under its Internationalization
Sri Lanka is among investments in the early
28 priority countries, years and improve the
whose professionals are quality of early childhood
invited to apply for the services particularly
Early Years Fellowship nutrition and health. The
provided by the World Early Learning Partnership
Bank under its Early launched the Early Years
Learning Partnership (ELP) Fellowship in 2017 to
programme. Governments support governments and
are increasingly seeking World Bank teams to scale
advice and support from up investments in the
the World Bank to increase early years.
Nepal blames junk food for nutrient deficiency in children
A research conducted by Helen consumption of energy-dense/
Keller International Nepal, nutrient-poor food and
along with the Ministry of beverage by children could
Health and Population revealed lead to micro-nutrient dilution
that children consuming junk during critical period of their
food and beverage, had low growth and development.
dietary adequacy. Nutrient It was suggested that infant
intakes, dietary adequacy, and young children should be
length-for-age, and iron given balanced diet to ensure
status were compared based their appropriate growth and
on the contribution of junk development. Infants and
food and beverage, to total young children are vulnerable
energy intake, in the research. to undernutrition and to
It was concluded that over- morbidity and mortality.
Cargill pitches $5M for
sugar reduced chocolate
Cargill has invested $5 million into Cargill’s state-of-the-art LifeFuels
in its site in Mouscron (Belgium) chocolate factory in Mouscron
to enhance its capabilities for includes the option to use a wide launches world's
producing chocolate with lower range of sugar replacers and
sugar levels. The investment the necessary dosing systems first smart
allows for the introduction of a to allow Cargill to reduce sugar
range of bespoke and innovative levels gradually, or up to 30 nutrition bottle
sugar reduced chocolate per cent or higher. This result
recipes to meet the increased provides customers the ability US based beverage technology
consumer demand for sugar to claim sugar reduction on the company, LifeFuels, winner of the
reduced chocolate products. packaging of consumer products. 2018 CES Innovation Award, has
The investment of $5 million It is also the latest in a long line of announced the launch of their
Belgian chocolate investments, smart nutrition bottle, designed
focused on responding to and to empower consumers to adopt
anticipating the demands of the healthier hydration and nutrition
industrial and gourmet segments. habits. The three-part system
Most recently, Cargill acquired includes: a sleek, smart water bottle,
Smet, a leading Belgian-based flavorful and nutritious multi-serve
supplier specialized in chocolate FuelPods, and an app that tracks both
and sweets decorations. With the hydration and nutrition. Leveraging
acquisition, Cargill was able to the resources of Series A investor and
broaden its product portfolio and partner, Keurig Dr. Pepper, LifeFuels is
services to gourmet customers redefining the way consumers drink
such as artisans and chocolatiers, enhanced beverages by making it
bakery, hospitality businesses easier (and more delicious) than ever
and food service industries. to stay healthy and hydrated. With
the touch of a button or a swipe in
Nestle Health Science the app, users can turn ordinary water
invests in childhood nutrition into a customized beverage packed
with flavor and essential vitamins
Nestlé Health Science (NHSc) has announced an investment in Before and nutrients. The Bottle, FuelPods,
Brands, specialists in early childhood allergy prevention. With its and App seamlessly work together
significant minority stake, NHSc has acquired the exclusive licensing to track hydration and intelligently
rights to Before Brands’ products outside the United States and also adapt to a consumer's activities
has an option to purchase all remaining equity in Before Brands in the throughout the day.
future. Before Brands is the
inventor of the SpoonfulOne
line, the most advanced
childhood nutritional
products available to reduce
food allergy development
risk with 16 key allergens –
more than 90 per cent of foods associated with global food allergies and
more than any other brand on the market. The core technology is based
on research and intellectual property licensed from Stanford University,
training the child’s immune system through consistent feeding over
months to years.
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) accounts The burden of diabetes has steadily increased over
for between 90 and 95 per cent the past forty years in India and across the globe,
of diabetes every year, claiming with India contributing a major part of the global
approximately 4 million deaths burden. The number of people with diabetes has risen
in 2018 in India. This number has from 108 million in 1980 to 425 million in 2018. Out of
increased considerably over the these, China has the largest number of diabetes cases
years. In response to the growing of 114 million, followed by India with 74 million, as
concerns about the escalating health reported in 2018. As a result, the Indian diabetes market
threat posed by diabetes, World reached a value of around $1.95 billion in 2018. A World
Diabetes Day (WDD) was created in Economic Forum report on economic implications of
1991 by the International Diabetes diabetes in India has estimated that India stands to lose
Federation (IDF) and the World Health $0.15 trillion before 2030.
Organization (WHO), on November
14. Considering the market potential Most of these cases are of type 2 diabetes (T2D) that
the food industry is gradually setting accounts for between 90 and 95 per cent of diabetes
in the tailwinds for diabetes treatment every year, claiming approximately 4 million deaths in
by diversifying product portfolios
catering to the requirements of a
wide consumer base suffering from
diabetes. However, an equal push
is required from the government
by imposing strict regulations in
the form of sugar or calorie
tax to reduce the number of
people who develop type 2
2018 in India. This number has increased considerably INNOVATIONS AT ACADEMIA
over the years. In response to the growing concerns
about the escalating health threat posed by diabetes, A lot of effort is being made by the scientific
World Diabetes Day (WDD) was created in 1991 by the minds at the various academic institutions in order to
International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and the World reduce the burden of diabetes. The latest innovation
Health Organization (WHO), on 14 November. comes in from a team of scientists at the Himachal
Pradesh based Institute of Himalayan Bioresource
T2D has evolved in association with rapid cultural, Technology (IHBT), under the Council of Scientific
economic and social changes, ageing populations, and Industrial Research, in the form of monkfruit. A
increasing and unplanned urbanization, dietary changes native to China, monkfruit has been grown on the
such as increased consumption of highly processed India soil for the first time. It offers high nutrition and
foods and sugar sweetened beverages, obesity, reduced low calories, and has a natural compound without
physical activity, unhealthy lifestyle and behavioural increasing blood sugar levels. CSIR-IHBT team is
patterns, fetal malnutrition, and increasing fetal working on the commercial production of this fruit.
exposure to hyperglycaemia during pregnancy. T2D is Apart from diabetics, the fruit could also interest
most common in adults but an increasing number of food manufacturers seeking low-calorie ingredients.
children and adolescents are also affected.
Another CSIR affiliated laboratory at the Central
However, a major portion of the diabetes burden Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI),
can be reduced by effectively managing one’s diet Mysuru has revealed that fenugreek and onion can
and lifestyle via medical nutrition therapy. Although prevent heart-related disorders in diabetic patients,
the importance of nutrition in the management and offering incredible home remedy solutions. In fact,
prevention of T2D through its effect on weight and CFTRI has developed a technology to prepare low
metabolic control is clear, nutrition is also one of glycaemic index (GI) foods such as cookies, noodles
the most controversial and difficult aspects of T2D and parotas for the diabetics. While the low GI
management. For example, before insulin was developed noodles technology has been given to a company
as a therapy, reducing carbohydrate intake was the main based in Odisha, the technology to prepare low
treatment for diabetes. Carbohydrate restriction for the GI bakery products has been handed over to a
treatment of T2D has been an area of intense interest Bengaluru based company for commercialization of
because, of all the macronutrients, carbohydrates have such products.
the greatest effect on blood glucose and insulin levels.
But till date, there is no clarity on the adequate amount Tamil Nadu Indian Institute of Food Processing
of carbohydrates to be consumed by a diabetic. Technology (IIFPT), under the Ministry of Food
Processing Industries (MoFPI) has also joined the
list of innovative foods for the diabetics by coming
up with a lactose free ice-cream having a low GI,
supported with a cone made from
jackfruit rind made from fibres and
Sharing his views on this in the Indian diabetic food market catering to various
aspect, Dr V Mohan, segments such as bakery, confectionary, beverages,
Chairman, Dr Mohan’s dairy, ice-creams, cereals etc. According to the 2019
Diabetes Specialties report by Tech Sci Research, the diabetic food market in
Centre says, “Type India is projected to grow from $567 million in 2017 to $
2 diabetes is most 1.1 billion by 2023, exhibiting a CAGR of over 12 per cent.
commonly associated The expected growth in the market can be attributed to
with overweight or rising population of health-conscious people, expanding
obesity and insulin product portfolio of food for diabetics and increasing
resistance. Most dietary awareness about the availability and benefits of food
guidelines, whether American, products suitable for diabetics. The report also identifies
European, Canadian, Indian, recommend promoting that maximum growth in the diabetic food market is
weight loss among overweight or obese individuals by taking place in West India, followed by North, South and
reducing energy intake. But one of the most contentious East India.
issues about the management of type 2 diabetes has
been on the best macronutrient composition of the In 2018, category of baked products for diabetics
diet. Very low carbohydrate diets like the Keto diet dominated the market and accounted for one-third of
have recently gained popularity as they do tend to the market. The segment is expected to lead the market
produce rapid weight loss and hence people are very in the coming years as well, owing to greater acceptance
happy when they achieve this. However, since they are and easy accessibility of baked products, especially
not sustainable in the long run, they tend to go back biscuits, which is a highly penetrated category with one
to their original diet and thereby regain their weight. of the highest frequencies of consumption. However,
Moreover very low carbohydrate diet automatically fastest growth rate is anticipated to be exhibited by
mean very high fat diets and these tend to increase beverages for diabetes patients, backed by introduction
the lipid levels, especially the LDL cholesterol (the bad of different flavors and varieties in this category coupled
cholesterol) levels. Hence, the best diet is a moderately with gradual expansion of its distribution channel and
calorie restricted diet with a reduction in carbohydrate hence its customer base.
intake (which is mostly from complex carbs like brown
rice or brown bread or whole wheat chappatis), plenty “Awareness about availability of food for diabetics
of green leafy vegetables and fruits, increased protein in in India is still at a lower level in comparison to other
the form of legumes and pulses (or fish and chicken for countries with high diabetes population. In order to tap
non-vegetarians) and healthy fats like monounsaturated this, market players are taking initiatives to generate
fats coming from ground nut or mustard oil and nuts awareness and impart knowledge about the benefits
and seeds. This will not only be a balanced diet, but also
result in slow and steady weight loss which is sustainable
and will not lead to any nutritional deficiencies or
adverse effects"
Working groups from India such as the Research
Society for the Study of Diabetes in India (RSSDI)
and Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) have
used nutritional principles while framing treatment
recommendations for diabetes. RSSDI recommends
a diet including high carbohydrate (up to 45–65 per
cent), predominantly low glycemic index (GI) sources,
low fat and adequate protein (up to 15 per cent) on
one side, while the ICMR is in favour of 55-60 per cent
of carbohydrates, 10-15 per cent protein and 20-25
per cent fats in the diet of a diabetic. In contrast, the
most recent nutritional guideline from the American
Diabetes Association concluded that there is no ideal
mix of macronutrients for all people with diabetes and
recommended individually tailored goals.
As a result there are a variety of products floating
of their products, which CNNS 2016-18 INDICATES
is expected to increase DIABETES RISK IN CHILDREN
the penetration of food
for diabetics in the The first-ever Comprehensive National Nutrition
country, thereby aiding Survey (CNNS) released in September 2019 says,
the market growth. among children and adolescents has found that
Also, manufacturers diabetes is affecting children in a big way in India.
and retailers of food for While one in 10 school-age children and adolescent
in the country is a pre-diabetic, one in 100 children
diabetics are focusing on is a full-blown diabetic. The survey was conducted
modern distribution channels between 2016 and 18 by the Union Ministry of
and e-commerce industry to expand their customer Health and Family Welfare and United Nations
reach”, says Karan Chechi, Research Director, TechSci Children's Fund (UNICEF) along with the Population
Research. Council. While 19.2 per cent children in 5-19 age
The most recent entry in the Indian diabetic food group are pre-diabetic against the national average
market is marked by the dairy giant Amul who has of 10.3 per cent, about 1.6 per cent are diabetic.
forayed into the camel milk segment in selective areas Among the adolescents in 10-19 age-group, 18.9 per
namely Ahmadabad, Gandhinagar and Kutch. The cent are pre-diabetic and 0.6 per cent are diabetic.
company is also selling camel milk chocolates intended The national average is 10.4 per cent and 0.6 per cent
to be beneficial for the diabetics. However, a competitor in the age group.
in row for Amul, Bikaner based dairy startup Aadvik
Foods has been dealing with camel milk products such requirements, and difficult milking procedure.
as milk powder and chocolates for the past three years, Joining the list of latest products is the protein
with established presence in Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai,
Bengaluru, Hyderabad, and Punjab. Scientific studies supplement Protinex Lite launched by Danone India that
have revealed that camel milk has low-fat and is rich in is low in sugar, high in protein and fibre and contains
unsaturated fatty acids, essential vitamins, and insulin. multiple nutrients. This product is directed towards
Although it is known to be beneficial for those suffering weight management, diabetes care and muscle health
from chronic conditions such as diabetes and autism, improvement. Up ahead, Mondelez is another player
improves immunity, and is suitable for individuals with dominating the diabetic food market. This year, the
lactose intolerance, camel milk also comes up with company has cut down the sugar content of its popular
limitations of high cost, specific cold chain logistics
GOVERNMENT INITIATIVES brand Cadbury Dairy Milk by 30 per cent for its Indian
TO ADDRESS DIABETES customers. Addressing the preference Indians have for
sweet products, Ray Health, a part of Mumbai based
Conducting high salt, sugar, fat FMCG firm LB Consumer Goods, has introduced Stevia
National Introduced Trans Fat powered Zero Sugar branded Indian traditional sweets in
Programme for association with PureCircle.
Prevention and Free logo
Control for diabetes Initiated Eat Right “Only absence of sugar, does not make the products
under National Diabetic friendly. Entire nutrition
Health Mission Movement composition and its Glycemic
Launched Safe and Index, i.e. the amount of surge
Launched Fit India in blood sugar levels after
Movement Nutritious Food consumption of food, is
Campaign important. The amount of
Proposed color- Established Food Trans fats/ Saturated fats
coded food Innovators Network present in many so called
packaging labels for Training Food Safety Diabetic food products
supervisors needs an analysis. The
quality and the type of sugar
LEADING INDIAN PLAYERS substitute that has been used
OF DIABETIC FOOD MARKET while preparation of Diabetic
desserts needs attention too. There are various sugar
Dabur India substitute chemicals which cannot be exposed to the
Britannia Industries high temperatures. Also, the recommended quantity
Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation for the allowance of these sugar substitutes needs to be
Mother Dairy verified. One should not blindly buy anything available
RJ Corp as Diabetic or a diet food, consult a qualified Nutritionist
Unibic Foods for the better understanding of not just what to eat but
Bagrrys when to eat, mentions Rasika Parab, HOD-Nutrition
ITC therapy, Fortis Hospital.
Raising a similar concern Charlotte Hayes, Director,
LEADING GLOBAL PLAYERS Research and Education, Team Novo Nordisk, US,
OF DIABETIC FOOD MARKET says “At present, many of the diabetes foods entering
the marketplace are modified, enhanced, fortified, or
Fifty 50 Foods
Nestle supplemented in order to confront
Unilever diabetes from a number of
Kellogg’s directions. The attempt being made
Mars Inc by the industry is laudable but the
Danone challenge is to evaluate each of
The Coca-Cola Company these products and assess the
PepsiCo contribution each makes to
Newtrition Plus Health & Wellness the patients’ overall nutrient
Mondelez International intake. The goal should be
to offer patients guidance
LEADING PRODUCT about how they may integrate
SEGMENTS FOR DIABETIC FOOD these products into an eating
Baked Products plan that achieves their goals for
Beverages diabetes nutrition therapy. In the end, we want to avoid
Confectionery an oversight that could, from a nutritional standpoint,
Ice Cream expose bare feet.”
Dairy Products
Breakfast Cereals Adding nutrition expertise and technology into the
area of diabetic food, a Delhi based startup BeatO has
developed an app that helps diabetic people manage
their diet with its own range of specialty, diabetes-
friendly foods such as cereals, snacks, seeds, detox natural stevia based variants. But overall, in order to
drinks, organic rice, and teas, under the guidance of gain more acceptance and adoption in the Indian
doctors and dieticians. Receiving its much required market, companies will have to introduce products
push, the food tech startup raised a whooping amount with natural sweeteners as opposed to artificial ones as
Rs 11.75 crore six months back, in a round led by Orios the millennials are more inclined towards organic and
Venture Partners. natural ingredients. Companies will also have to expand
their product portfolios and include more
Likewise, a number of other startups have joined product variants in the diabetic food
the bandwagon catering to the diabetic food market. category. In addition, the diabetic
Gurugram headquartered food startup Ketofy has food market in India needs to
brought a range of ultra-low-carb and ultra-low glycemic address the issue of nutrition
food products to the diabetic population. The startup labelling, since labelling of
has recently raised $250,000 from prominent investors ingredients is not accurate.
for the further growth of its brand. Likewise, Bengaluru- With new directives from
based startup Lo! Foods has launched low-carb atta, FSSAI, processed foods will
biscuits, snacks, namkeen and chocolates especially for have to now display nutrition
people suffering from diabetes and cardiac diseases. In information on the product
order to scale up its operations, the startup has secured packaging which will include
Rs 3.5 crore from a group of angel investors few months levels of energy, protein, total
back. fat, saturated fat, carbohydrate,
sugars and sodium. This will provide an opportunity
“Undoubtly, companies are bringing a lot of for introducing interpretative labelling for prevention
innovative products to the market to serve the diabetic of diabetes and other NCDs”, points out Kuchibhotla
population. For example, new product variants of muesli Srinivas, Partner, Food, Agri & Retail Practice, KPMG
and cereals with no added sugar content and high in India.
fibers are now present in the market as alternative for
a healthier lifestyle. Many ice cream chains are now With numerous efforts, the old and new players of the
offering variants that are sugar free or that have minimal industry are gradually setting in the tailwinds for diabetes
sugar content. Earlier, the sugar free ice cream options treatment by diversifying their product portfolios catering
were limited, however, with the growing diabetic to the requirements of a wide consumer base suffering
population, number of variants in ice creams or frozen from diabetes. However, an equal push is required from
desserts are also increasing. Biscuits and other baked the government by imposing strict regulations in the form
snacks for diabetics are likely to grow as they have high of sugar or calorie tax to reduce the number of people
frequencies of consumption, and healthy snacking who develop type 2 diabetes.
alternatives have gained popularity in the market with
leading manufacturers substantially reducing the sugar Dr Manbeena Chawla
content in already existing products and also launching [email protected]
Nikita Mitra Diabetic Foods-
Blend formulation
Executive- Human with awareness
Nutrition, Domestic Premix
Division, Hexagon Nutrition
When it comes to food, diabetics must be extra combining of cereals with pulses makes up the gap and
cautious before picking anything from the rack. they become complete proteins. Many a times Superfoods
The ideal formulations for diabetics are the foods like Fenugreek, cinnamon, pumpkin seeds, turmeric, mixed
that contain complex or slow digesting carbohydrates nuts, flaxseeds, moringa, ginger and chia seeds are also
with adequate dietary fibers, proteins, phytochemicals, added to these formulations as they help improve insulin
antioxidants and micro-nutrients which helps to control sensitivity, decrease insulin resistance, dull food cravings
blood glucose attenuation due to hypoglycemic properties. and thus regulate blood sugar levels. Not only that, they
Many food companies as well as nutraceuticals are now are also very good sources of synergistic nutrients like
focusing on preparing foods that are natural blends of magnesium, chromium, zinc, omega 3 fatty acids and
these mentioned nutrients. These kinds of foods work by antioxidants.
slowly releasing the glucose in food without causing spikes
in blood sugar, thus preventing hyperglycemia. A ratio of The hypoglycemic foods for diabetics are available in the
60:20:20 of complex carbohydrates, proteins and healthy market as total foods (wheat flours), food supplements and
fats in the diet is important for not just diabetics but also for meal replacers. The process in which these hypoglycemic
people who are overweight or obese, as increased weight food formulations are prepared is such that it can be
is also linked with insulin resistance. In recent years, the used directly in recipes or could be processed further to
importance of micronutrients (like chromium, selenium prepare ready-to-eat snacks and food supplement or meal
and zinc) acting synergistically with hypoglycemic foods replacers and still retain their hypoglycemic characteristics.
have been in focus and they are added to help control As per say, Gluten in wheat flour, rye or barley is not
blood sugar levels. harmful for diabetics but many foods that contain gluten
also contain sugar and sodium to help boost flavour and
The commonly used ingredients for these formulations this can increase the blood sugar levels. Many a times while
are sprouted cereals like wheat, sorghum, millets etc.; making foods gluten free, the fiber content may also be cut
various legumes like chickpea, pigeon pea, green gram, down. So it is very important to couple gluten free foods
black gram, etc. Apart from this, other ingredients like with high fiber foods. Not just this, making a food gluten
skimmed milk, vegetable oil, fenugreek seeds, whey isolate free also caused them to be depleted of calcium, Vitamin
etc. are also used. These formulations contain protective D and B, iron and other trace minerals, so in these cases,
as well as therapeutic nutrients including dietary fiber, supplementation of the above mentioned nutrients is
hypoglycemic food components as well as micronutrients required. For this reason, Gluten free diets should be opted
in the form of vitamin and mineral almost ranging only by the diabetics who are either gluten sensitive or
between 1 and 3 per cent. Some of these ingredients are gluten intolerant.
also known to have pro and prebiotic properties, anti-
obesity and immunogenic characteristics, apart from With the increase in the number of people suffering
their hypoglycemic attributes. The ingredients not only from diabetes, it is pivotal that more diabetic friendly
enrich the food with phytochemicals having nutraceutical foods - in the form of convenience foods, ready-to-eat
qualities, but also synergize with each other to provide foods - suitable for different palates are made available in
soluble and insoluble fiber in a desirable ratio. Individually, the market. It is also of uttermost importance that all these
Cereals and pulses are not complete proteins but the commercial foods be labelled accordingly with a special
mention to its hypoglycemic action.
A critical factor responsible for the growth of the
food test market is the growing cases of food- CORE CHALLENGES
borne diseases across the country. Thus, it is of
utmost importance to have an understanding Equipment procurement & maintenance hassles
of the existing infrastructure available for food Lack of machinery upgradation
testing in the country in terms of capacity, Manpower non-availability
provision of equipment, technical manpower, Unfocused Skill development
geographical spread and testing capabilities. Lack of R&D
Less inflow of samples
The Indian food consumption basket has diversified Limited Consumer awareness
from cereals towards higher value and more
perishable products, such as fruits and vegetables, “There are around 600 food testing laboratories in
dairy, meat and fish. Factors like economic development, India, many of which can also test for water. Additionally,
growing urbanization coupled with increasing middle there are around 300 laboratories (NABL accredited) who
class population, and rising personal disposable income can test water, packaged drinking water and/or water
of the consumers has led to increased consumption used for food processing, taking the total number of food
of processed food, and are also in turn influencing the and water testing labs to more than 900 laboratories.
food pathogen testing market. Another critical factor Other than these labs, there is another pool of food
responsible for the growth of the food test market is the testing laboratories which exist within the ecosystem
growing cases of food-borne diseases across the country. which largely includes small players operating in the food
Thus, it is of utmost importance to have an understanding testing space and a larger pool of food testing labs which
of the existing infrastructure available for food testing in exist with the Food Business Operators (FBOs) to carry
the country in terms of capacity, provision of equipment,
technical manpower, geographical spread and testing
According to a meta study conducted by Food Safety
and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) in February 2019,
around 915 food and water testing labs exist at present in
India which includes NABL (National Accreditation Board
for Testing and Calibration Laboratories) accredited labs,
FSSAI notified Labs, States labs, Institutional labs, Referral
labs etc. Under the FSSAI network, approximately 265
labs are operational where 35 are EIC (Export Inspection
Council) approved, 40 are APEDA (Agricultural and
Processed Food Products Export Development Authority)
recognized while 72 had received assistance from Ministry
of Food Processing Industries.
out their regular/routine tests for raw material as well as FSSAI INITIATIVES
finished goods. However, the number of such laboratories
existing in the ecosystem is difficult Food safety on wheels (FSWs)- FSSAI is
to determine. In total, these small providing mobile units for food testing to
laboratories along with the labs reach out to consumers through as many touch
existing with FBOs are likely to points as possible. The concept has seen a
exceed 1,000 in number, taking good traction and so far, 45 FSWs have been
the total number of food testing sanctioned in different states/UTs.
laboratories in India to more
than 2,000”, reveals Pawan Kumar Setting up Laboratories on PPP Mode- FSSAI
Agarwal, CEO, FSSAI. is working in association with Delhi based Arbro
Pharmaceuticals to modernize and upgrade its
The FBOs form a very significant part of the overall own referral laboratory, the FRSL, Ghaziabad,
food testing ecosystem. Being the end consumers of rechristened as National Food Laboratory (NFL).
the services, they are the ones driving the demand for
food testing and allied services. There are around 50 Developing IT solutions- FSSAI has developed
NABL accredited laboratories owned and operated by an IT solution for the Indian Food laboratory
various FBOs. Of these, 52 per cent laboratories are open network called INFoLNET that connects and
to others for testing, 38 per cent cater only to in-house collates the network of laboratories. Till date,
requirements while 10 per cent are partially open to 5 training programs have been organized, one
others for testing. Some of the key companies who own each at Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bengaluru &
the NABL accredited laboratories include ITC, Nestle Kochi, to give demonstration of INFOLNET.
India, Tilda Hain, Britannia, Markfed, Patanjali Food &
Herbal Park, Mother Dairy, Karnataka Co-operative Milk Strengthening food testing systems- FSSAI
Producers Federation, LT Foods, Synthite Industries, is implementing a Central Sector Scheme for
Dabur, Marico, Akay Flavours & Aromatics, Coca-Cola, “Strengthening of Food Testing System in the
Eastern Condiments, Jain Irrigation Systems, Parry Agro Country Including Provision of Mobile Food
amongst others. Testing Labs” (SOFTeL) with a total outlay of
Rs 481.95 crores. A total grant in aid of Rs
“Many of the corporates own more than one such 172.60 crore has been sanctioned, out of which
laboratories. Majority of the labs owned by FBOs can test Rs 127.45 crore has been released for the
for food and agri products, while a few specialized labs upgradation of the state laboratories, so far.
can also test for marine products and pesticide residues.
Besides these NABL accredited laboratories, there are Training programmes- FSSAI has been very
numerous other small laboratories which exist within the actively taking up training programs for the
processing plants of the FBOs for their day to day testing human resource involved in Food Testing. Till
of raw materials and final products. date, around 860 personnel have been trained
The number of such laboratories under different programmes.
existing in the ecosystem is
difficult to determine, as there National Milk Quality Survey- A National Milk
is no central repository or Quality Survey is being steered by FSSAI to
database that capture such assess the quality of milk with focus on unsafe/
laboratory details”, points out adulterated milk. The survey is being carried out
Venkateswaran N, CEO, NABL. in more than 130 cities across India.
The core competency of any food Establishing reference laboratories- FSSAI has
testing laboratory, whether public or private, is identified initiated the process of establishing the Network
on the basis of its testing facilities, equipment, trained of National Reference Laboratory (NNRL), to set
manpower and capacity utilization. A food testing lab’s up a country wide standard for food testing.
capabilities can be primarily gauged by the kind of Thirteen laboratories have been declared as
equipment which is deployed for food testing and the NRLs for specific areas.
number or variety of parameters it can cater to. There
is a range of possible instruments and systems used Indian food testing market dealing with such equipment
for food testing. Central to food testing analysis are are SGS India, Eurofins Analytical Services India, TUV
spectrometers, alcohol analyzers, refractometers, titrators India, Intertek India, Bureau Veritas Consumer Products
and moisture analyzers. Some of the leading players in Services, Thermo Fisher Scientific India, Merck and Agilent
Technologies among others.
In general, Gas chromatography and Liquid
chromatography systems coupled to mass spectrometers channel. Sometimes, delay in
(GCMS and LCMS respectively) are the most commonly approvals and confirmations or
used equipment in food testing laboratories. At present, bureaucratic decisions causes
referral labs have the maximum presence of these delay in filling of critical posts
equipment to carry out the necessary food testing in time which leads to daily
procedures, followed by private labs, FBOs, state labs, operations being hampered
institutional labs and non FSSAI labs. Isotope Ratio Mass negatively”, mentions N Bhaskar,
Spectrometry (IRMS) is another essential equipment used Advisor QA, FSSAI.
for conducting food testing procedures, mostly found
in referral and private labs. IRMS along with LCMS and In order to address some of these challenges, the
GCMS are also found in few FBO labs but mostly these Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has
labs have tie ups with established commercial labs for opened a National Food Laboratory (NFL) in Ghaziabad
outsourcing when additional parameters are required under a public-private-partnership mode, with Delhi
to be tested. However, state labs suffer a lot in procuring based firm Arbro Pharmaceuticals, the first-of-its-
such equipment since lab configuration to suit high end kind in the food laboratory sector. The NFL houses an
equipment needs to pass through multiple approvals advanced, sophisticated Food Safety Solution Centre
which came out as a key constraint. in collaboration with Thermo Fisher Scientific, and a
Centre for Microbiological Analysis Training (C-MAT) in
“In the government sector, procurement of high end association with Merck.
equipment is a centralized process which necessitates
multiple bureaucratic and formal approvals. This also A parallel attempt has been carried out by another
holds true for upgradation or replacement of existing private player Agilent Technologies in the form of Centre
equipment. The delay in approvals is time consuming, of Excellence (CoE) facilities dedicated to developing
causes huge downtime and affects the overall operations integrated, end-to-end workflow solutions for supporting
of the lab. On the other hand, procurement and diversified end markets including food testing. In total,
maintenance of high end testing equipment by small and three CoE facilities have been established by Agilent, in
medium private sector labs is challenging owing to lack of Bengaluru, Manesar and Mumbai. The latest facility in
samples and minimal capacity utilization. In addition, non- Mumbai is equipped with digital technology to enable
availability of the technical manpower virtual sessions and interactions, and to build a conducive
has been one of the primary environment where R&D expertise can be applied and
reasons behind underutilization developed.
of food testing laboratories. The
availability of food analysts is These initiatives will hopefully provide a boost since
also very low in the country”, food testing laboratories, both public and private, seldom
shares Vivek Parashar, Manager, indulge in independent R&D to formulate or evolve
Technical Operations, FICCI latest techniques, training modules or protocols for food
Research & Analysis Centre. testing. No incentive or promotion is available for the
same to keep up with the global standards. In addition,
In terms of manpower, presence of chemists is the lack of communication among the food suppliers, sellers
maximum in referral labs owing to their wide quantum of and buyers is another major challenge in the present food
workandaccountabilityastheappellateauthorityfollowed safety regime. Upcoming or newly set up laboratories
by private labs. However, the number of microbiologists is face a problem in getting samples due to lack of market
very few, with State labs seldom reporting any presence. visibility and industry connect. Overall consumer
“Quality testing is a highly specialized skill set which awareness regarding food constituents, packaging
requires core technical knowledge and awareness about material, nutritional information, mode of preparation
the sample & its dynamics. A food sample is not the and other such quality parameters of food commodities
same as a soil sample or a packaging material sample. also requires impetus.
While hiring freshers, it needs continuous monitoring
and training for personnel to reach to a certain level and As a general recommendation to address these
quality in food testing. This consumes capital and time, challenges facing the food testing infrastructure in India,
after which a person may leave or move out to another an action plan in coordination with state governments
lab or allied field/sector. Average attrition rate in private should be drawn for overcoming them. Perhaps, a
laboratories was is around 30 per cent. While in the separate agency or food safety department in each
government sector laboratories, vacancies are generally state should be established to enforce the food safety
advertised and recruitment is done through centralized mechanism more efficiently.
Dr Manbeena Chawla
[email protected]
Ashwin Bhadri, Food Testing
market seeks
CEO, Equinox Labs instant solutions
Globalisation has changed different aspects of the having more demand in today’s market.
Indian society, including food habits of the Indian To retain customer loyalty and expand their customer
people. As a matter of course, diets have varied
and evolved over time. The eating habits of the average base, key companies are focusing on system that creates
Indian have undergone some drastic changes over and supports rapid, reliable, sensitive and cost-effective
the past years. More recently, the influence of Western testing solutions. Rapid technologies are dominating
products and eating habits has increased significantly as the food safety testing market because traditional
well as the modernisation and industrialisation of the food methods are time consuming and labour intensive.
production processes. One can witness a huge impact on In microbiology, traditional cultural methods for the
the choices of Indian consumers and on the economy. detection of pathogens for example involves many steps,
are complex and takes time to complete.
The various parameters that have been influential
in this process is the purchasing power, food prices and These methods are recognized as internationally
preferences, cultural traditions, social and economic accepted reference methods (published by the
conditions, etc. Naturally, this leads to escalating International Organization for Standardization (ISO)).
consumer awareness and sensitivity about the impact However, new technologies in use can be quick, accurate,
of food products on their health. With the onset of and in most cases easy-to-use. In general pathogens
various communicable and non-communicable diseases, testing takes minimum 2 days to 10 days depends on
consumers have become food conscious and intend particular pathogen/ microbes. Hence novel techniques
to spend on good quality food products. Due to this are being adopted by top brands and key companies.
scenario, manufacturers’ spare their majority part of the These novel techniques include Rapid inspection
budgets in ensuring quality and safety of the food they technologies such as Immunoassay and PCR techniques.
distribute. Use of these techniques help to overcome long waiting
time which in turn help producers quickly verify that the
Talking about food safety, the most important aspect sample is free from harmful bacteria.
is analysis of pathogens and microbes. Pathogens
are contagious microorganisms that cause food Dedicated training programs for all stakeholders in
contamination. Some of the major pathogens identified the food testing value chain and sensitization of Food
are Campylobacter, E.Coli, Listeria, and Salmonella, which Business Operators towards compliance & inspections
are responsible for foodborne illness and toxicity. To is being imparted by Food Safety and Standards
ensure food is safe to consume, pathogen and microbes Authority of India (FSSAI). Over and above, Ministry of
analysis is becoming mandatory. Food Processing Industries, (MoFPI) provides assistance
for establishing and adding up facilities in terms of
Consumers are looking for what are to be healthier infrastructure/ instrumentation, for accredited food
products and are now more motivated to purchase testing labs to meet with current market trends. FSSAI has
products they deem to be more closely aligned with already been involved in a number of initiatives to give an
health and well-being, such as products devoid of impetus to the food testing infrastructure in the country.
artificial ingredients, microbes/ pathogens, genetically Hence all these helps to provide competitive ecosystems
modified organisms (GMOs), or pesticides. Even Organic for all food testing sectors.
products are taking leap these days. Organic products
that are grown without the use of pesticides, synthetic In the coming future, there will be a huge demand for
fertilizers, sewage sludge, GMOs, or ionizing radiation are upcoming innovative technology as new contaminants
and food frauds are identified.
Food testing plays Dr Saurabh Arora,
critical role in achieving
Founder, Arbro
the goal of safe and Pharmaceuticals,
nutritious food New Delhi
Food Standard and Safety Association of India (FSSAI) basic infrastructure which is required for housing a world-
recently launched National Food Laboratory (NFL) class food testing laboratory. We have also installed and
in Ghaziabad. This national lab is a result of a Public- operationalised all the sophisticated equipment required
Private-Partnership (PPP) with Arbro Pharmaceutical, Delhi for carrying out various tests as prescribed in the food
based Pharma Company manufacturing and exporting safety and standards act.
of pharmaceutical formulations, trading of raw materials
and Research & Development for pharmaceutical Industry. Now our team is deployed at the laboratory for
The company was initially started as a pharmaceutical carrying out all the food testing as a turnkey operator for
manufacturing unit but since 1990 have been doing third the facility. We have been in the testing business for close
party testing as a commercial party lab in different industry to three decades and we are already operating three FSSAI
and way back in the year 2003 got its NABL accreditation notified laboratories located in Delhi, Himachal Pradesh
also. Within Arbro, there is an analytical division which is in and Bangalore. Along with our team we have brought in a
food testing for more than two decades. In an interaction lot of experience and expertise.
with NuFFooDS Spectrum, Dr Saurabh Arora, Founder of
Arbro Pharmaceuticals talks about the various facilities, What sort of investments are made by the company
investments involved and other objectives of NFL and this in this PPP model?
partnership. Edited excerpts; The polycapital expenditure was initially done by us but
as soon as the lab has been set up and equipment has
What kind of partnership you have with FSSAI in been commissioned, FSSAI has paid for all of the capex
setting up the National Food laboratory? since they had to have the ownership of all the asset with
The FSSAI has over the last few years invested heavily in
upgrading the laboratory infrastructure which plays a very
important role in the implementation and enforcement
of the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006. As part of this
they have been at different options which have included
providing equipment and financial aid to the existing
government laboratories and also providing equipment
and manpower for operating the equipment.
A unique approach which has been implemented at
the NFL was to bring in the private partner to renovate,
upgrade and then operate the laboratory. We at Arbro are
very proud that we were selected as the private partner of
for this prestigious project. Over the last year and half to
two years, we have completely revamped what was earlier
called the Food Research and Standardisation Laboratory.
As part of the revamp, we have designed and put in all the
THE NFL WILL BE SERVING THE INDUSTRY. one partner. This approach is not only helping FSSAI to
THE FOOD BUSINESS OPERATORS CAN ALSO save on costs but has also helped to greatly increase the
SEND THEIR SAMPLES FOR TESTING. MORE speed of implementation as we have brought in decades
THAN THE TESTING SERVICES THE STATE- of experience in the field.
CONFIDENCE IN THE FOOD BUSINESSES THAT Can you throw some light on the facilities and
THE SAMPLES THAT HAVE BEEN TESTED BY THE training centers that are a part of NFL?
GOVERNMENT ARE BEING TESTED BY THE SAME It houses state-of-the-art collaborative training centres,
STANDARD OF EQUIPMENT AND GLOBALLY namely, the Food Safety Solution Centre (FSSC) and the
ACCEPTABLE PROCEDURES. CREDIBLE AND Centre for Microbiological Analysis Training (C-MAT). NFL-
ACCURATE TESTING WILL ALSO HELP THE FOOD Delhi, NCR symbolizes the synchronization of policy driven
BUSINESSES TO BRING QUALITY PRODUCTS partnerships and collaboration with a holistic approach
INTO THE MARKET. THERE ARE A NUMBER and a futuristic vision. The lab has a comprehensive array
OF FOOD QUALITY SURVEYS IN THE PIPELINE of equipment with the latest technologies and facilities to
WHICH WILL HELP IN GENERATING DATA ON conduct analysis as per global accreditation standards for
RESIDUES IN DIFFERENT PRODUCTS. THE The NFL also houses to state-of-the-art training
FACILITY WILL SERVE AS A HUB FOR TRAINING facilities. The food safety solution centre is dedicated for
TECHNICAL PERSONNEL FROM ACROSS training on sophisticated analytical techniques and the
COUNTRY AND STRENGTHEN THE FOOD centre for microbial analysis and training is focused on
TESTING INFRASTRUCTURE EVERYWHERE. training the staff on microbiological techniques.
them. So for the set up phase we have worked as a partner What all facilities are provided by Arbro Pharma to
playing a role in design and implementing but has been NFL?
paid for all the capital expenditure that has been done All the equipment selection was done by FSSAI. Ongiong
there. Our part in the investment was only till the set up requirements like chemicals, equipment’s and other
phase and subsequently our team is deployed there. accessories that are coming up in running the lab is our
responsibility and our team is taking care of that.
What is your objective behind this PPP model?
The primary objective behind the PPP model is to help How this Lab will help the food industry in the
implement the objective of the Food Safety and Standards country?
Act; to provide safe and nutritious food to all the citizens The NFL will also be serving the industry; the food business
of India. Food testing plays a very critical role in achieving operators can also send their samples for testing. More
this goal of safe and nutritious food. Food testing is than the testing services the state-of-the-art laboratory
needed not only to ensure that the food products in will help build confidence in the food businesses that
the market are complying with the regulation but also the samples that have been tested by the government
helps in developing new science-based regulations are being tested by the same standard of equipment and
by generating data on the prevailing condition of the globally acceptable procedures. Credible and accurate
product in the market. Operating a food testing laboratory testing will also help the food businesses to bring quality
has the involvement of literally hundreds of suppliers, products into the market.
skilled manpower from different fields, various analytical
techniques and thousands of chemical consumables. What are you future plans on this platform?
Now that the laboratory has been inaugurated we are
To ensure the ability and management of all of going to be working very closely with the authority to
these the government would typically need to deal with scale up the testing activities. There are a number of
hundreds of suppliers whereas in the PPP model this has food quality surveys in the pipeline which will help in
been greatly simplified as FSSAI needs to deal with only generating data on burning topics like veterinary drug
residues, heavy metals and pesticide residues in different
products. The facility will also serve as a hub for training
technical personnel from across country and strengthen
the food testing infrastructure everywhere.
Kalayni Sharma
[email protected]
MARKET GROWING AT 4%he analytical instruments market in India is
Rs 15,000 crore growing at 4 per cent. Basic
research, food companies, testing labs, pharma
Tand biotech, contract and clinical research are
and moisture analyzers, etc.
According to a meta study conducted by Food Safety
and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) in February 2019,
around 915 food and water testing labs exist at present in
contributing over 50 per cent of the total market India which includes NABL (National Accreditation Board
in the country. According to SDi Global Assessment for Testing and Calibration Laboratories) accredited labs,
Report 2019, the market is expecting a CAGR of 6 per cent FSSAI notified Labs, States labs, Institutional labs, Referral
in the next five years and likely to touch Rs 16,700 crore. labs etc. Under the FSSAI network, approximately 265
Although India is suffering the after-effects of new labs are operational where 35 are EIC (Export Inspection
tax reform applications, rise in demand for processed Council) approved, 40 are APEDA (Agricultural and
foods and sprouting food and biotech startups, contract Processed Food Products Export Development Authority)
research organizations will continue to sustain growth of recognized while 72 had received assistance from Ministry
the analytical instruments market. of Food Processing Industries.
There are over 100 leading companies in analytical There are around 600 food testing laboratories in
instruments space in the country who are dominating the India, many of which can also test for water. Additionally,
space supported by hundreds of distributors/ channel there are around 300 laboratories (NABL accredited) who
partners spread across the country. All the top 50 global can test water, packaged drinking water and/or water
analytical instruments companies namely Thermo Fisher, used for food processing, taking the total number of food
Agilent, Danaher, Illumina, Merck, Waters, Shimadzu, and water testing labs to more than 900 laboratories. In
PerkinElmer, Bruker, Mettler Toledo, Becton Dickinson, total, these small laboratories along with the labs existing
QIAGEN, GE, ZEISS, Bio-Rad, Hitachi, JEOL, AMETEK, with FBOs are likely to exceed 1,000 in number, taking the
Roche, Sartorius Eppendorf, Olympus, Spectris, Nikon, total number of food testing laboratories in India to more
Tecan, Rigaku , Promega, Anton Paar, HORIBA, Oxford than 2,000.
Instruments, Metrohm, Avantor, Luminex, Dassault Besides these food testing labs some of the key
Systèmes (BIOVIA), FOSS, JASCO, Xylem, ITW, Takara companies who own the (National Accreditation Board
Bio, Roper, MTS, Endress+Hauser, TOSOH, LECO, Hanna for Testing and Calibration Laboratories) accredited
Instruments, Zwick Roell, Parker Hannifin, Teledyne and laboratories include ITC, Nestle India, Tilda Hain, Britannia,
LabWare, have a direct or indirect presence in the country. Markfed, Patanjali Food & Herbal Park, Mother Dairy,
Besides there are hundreds of small and medium Karnataka Co-operative Milk Producers Federation, LT
size companies who have been in the business in India Foods, Synthite Industries, Dabur, Marico, Akay Flavours &
catering to the different requirements in public and Aromatics, Coca-Cola, Eastern Condiments, Jain Irrigation
private sectors comprising of food companies, testing Systems, Parry Agro amongst others.
labs academia, pharma and biotech companies, contract/ Some of leading distributors in the country include
clinical research organisations etc. Spinco Biotech, Lab India, Imperial Life Sciences, DSS
Sales in academia space originated from the vast Imagetech, Genetix Biotech Asia, Labmate Asia, Premas
number of universities and research institutes as well as Life Sciences, Saksham Technologies, Esco Biotech and
the continued investments in scientific infrastructure, others.
is the larger market for life sciences segment. Food India is depending on the import of all kinds of
processing companies, testing labs, pharmaceutical analytical instruments as it is still unable to develop
and biotech companies occupy the next largest market and manufacture these kinds of high end precision
slices, and it so happens that this is also the space that equipment unlike in case of vaccines, biosimilars and
drives much of the market growth for the analytical blood products. However Indian companies are very
instruments industry. These companies have been using much active in supplying lab consumables, kits, reagents,
spectrometers, alcohol analyzers, refractometers, titrators lab equipment, cell culture media and lab chemicals.
India's Top Analytical Instruments Companies 2019*
S. No Company Total Revenue in Category Location Region
2018-19 (in crore)
1 Thermo Fisher Scientific India Pvt. Ltd. Principal Mumbai West
2 Waters India Pvt Ltd 2100.00 Principal Bangalore South
3 Sartorius Stedim India Pvt Ltd 1300.00 Principal Bangalore South
4 Shimadzu Analytical (India) Pvt Ltd 500.00 Principal Mumbai West
5 DSS Imagetech Pvt. Ltd. 467.50 Distributor New Delhi North
6 Premas Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. 204.59 Distributor New Delhi North
7 Eppendorf India Private Limited 184.00 Principal Chennai South
8 Genetix Biotech Asia Pvt Limited 145.00 Distributor New Delhi North
9 Saksham Technologies Private Limited 101.00 Distributor Mumbai West
10 Esco Biotech Private Limited Distributor Mumbai West
* We have not covered some of the leading Analytical Instruments Companies as they are unable to participate in the BioSpectrum Survy 2019
Mumbai based Thermo Fisher Bangalore based
Thermo Fisher Scientific India Waters India Pvt
Scientific India Pvt Ltd is a Ltd with total
Pvt Ltd holds leading analytical sales revenue
instruments of Rs 1300 crore
No 1 position company in 2nd position
India with sales and Sartorius
in Analytical revenue of Rs Stedim India Pvt
Instruments 2100 crore in Ltd, Bangalore
market in India 2018-19 and at third place
team strength with total sales
of over 2000 revenue of Rs
and 400 channel 500 crore in
partners. 2018-19.
BioSpectrum India, a sister publication of
NuFFooDS Spectrum, is a leading B2B media Centrifuges. We highlighted the companies
platform in Lifesciences space since 2003 (both Principal and Distributors) based on their
has conducted its ranking special edition in achievements in the past financial years. A detailed
questionnaire (survey form) was sent to over 100
June 2019. In this survey we looked at only companies in this space to capture the needed
the Analytical Instruments Companies specializing in information for the analysis. This was done during
Analytical Instrumentation - spectrometers, alcohol June 2019 (Sales revenues of all the companies are
analyzers, refractometers, titrators and moisture in Rs Crore and Rs 70= 1USD). Companies shared
analyzers, PCR machines, Chromatography, Mass information with us to the extent it was possible by
Spectrometer, Flow Cytometer, Spectrophotometer, them.
# For all the ranking purposes we have taken the total sales revenues of the companies. In several cases, where revenue figures were not available, estimates were arrived in
discussion with industry experts.
guests at the
of the 3
day Food
Asia 2019 (Fi
Asia 2019) held
at the Bangkok
Trade &
Centre (BITEC),
Thailand on
September 11,
750 exhibitors, 20,000
visitors witness Fi Asia 2019
Food Ingredients Asia 2019 (Fi Asia 2019), the three
day biggest ingredients trades show for the food a scientific research Institute of Thailand's Ministry of
and beverage industry in Southeast Asia concluded Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation and
at the Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and nonprofit
(BITEC) on September 13, 2019. The 24th edition of the organizations namely Food Science and Technology
event hosted by Informa Markets, together with Thailand Association of Thailand (FoSTAT), which helps in the
Institute of Scientific and Technological Research (TISTRE) development of the food industry of Thailand and Thai
and Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (TCEB), Frozen Foods Association (TFFA) have shared their views
from September 11, saw over 750 exhibitors, from 70+ at the conference.
countries around the globe. The event witnessed foot
falls of over 20,000 visitors with 60 per cent were from Manu Leopairote, Chairman-Thailand Informa
Thailand, 20 per cent from ASEAN, and 10 per cent from Markets, in his welcome address, stated that Thailand has
China and India each. a vibrant and diversified food and beverage industry and
also an attractive destination for domestic and foreign
Fi Asia 2019 gave the opportunity to meet leading investment. The entrepreneurs from Asia are the most
ingredients suppliers and review the latest product eager to visit the show due to the tough competition in
innovations from all over the world. At the trade show, the food and beverage industry in the region. Therefore,
international pavilions in three categories: Natural they have to always keep improving themselves to meet
ingredients (Ni), Beverage ingredients (Bi), and Health the needs of consumers.
ingredient (Hi) showcased innovative food and beverage
ingredients from across the world. Industry experts from In her speech Rungphet Chitanuwat, Business
across the world spoke on many topics and issues at Director-ASEAN, Informa Markets, the organizer of Fi Asia
panel discussions, technical sessions during the three 2019, opined that the entrepreneurs in Thailand’s food
days conference. and beverage industry are already internally recognized
but they still lack technologies and innovations to
Representatives from various Thailand government uplift their existing products to the level of having
agencies such as National Bureau of Agricultural better competitiveness. If they can do so, they will have
Commodity and Food Standards (ACFS), a governmental opportunities to expand into other foreign markets and
agency under the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives; drive Thailand’s food industry, which is valued at over 2.7
National Science and Technology Development Agency trillion baht, to grow and gain more popularity in markets
(NSTDA), a government agency of Thailand which around the world. Therefore, Fi Asia 2019 reintroduces
supports research in science and technology; Thailand a business negotiating platform to support the Thai
Institute of Scientific and Technological Research (TISTRE), companies to expand their competitiveness and enhance
their production capacity, which will make it become a
WHY THAILAND? technology incubation center supports for business
development and reduce investment risk for new
Thailand’s Food and Beverages (F&B) processing entrepreneurs. TISTR presented a concept at the show
industry is one of the most advanced and developed known as "Green & Sustainable Food" consisting of
in South East Asia, with more than 10,000 factories, alternative protein, sustainable foods, ingredients, freeze
exporting 50 per cent of production. Thailand has dry and agricultural raw materials.
huge import-export market of F&B and it enables
the country to export value-added products to Ongard Panyachatiraksa, Advisor to the Minister of
international markets. Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation,
government of Thailand shared his views on research and
The food industry is third largest industry, technology to make more value added products through
contributing 23 per cent to Thailand’s Gross innovative way of optimum utilization of available
Domestic Product (GDP). Major food exports include resources.
rice, canned tuna, sugar, meat, cassava products,
and canned pineapple. Growth of retail sales for Trade show
packaged food and drinks is expected to reach nearly
$33 billion in 2020, making Thailand one of the most Companies from different segments viz. natural food
attractive F&B markets in the Asia Pacific. ingredients, functional ingredients, additives, flavours,
colours followed by the plant extracts, essential oils,
Opportunities in Thailand’s food processing food formulation, dairy, beverage, baking, processing,
sector continue to grow as domestic sales of drug and chemical and packaging industry showed their
processed foods rise due to strong demand from the products at the trade show. Manufacturers and suppliers
retail and food service sectors. of Natural Ingredient were seen in largest number. At
Innovation Zone companies showcased their latest
Thailand is a pan Asian hub for the food industry, industry developments and got perfect opportunity to
surge in tourism results in increasingly importing enter into the market.
added-value food ingredients that are not locally
available. In 2018, food products worth of $ 5.24 Companies from Thailand and China have very good
billion was imported. presence at the trade show along with companies from
USA, Poland, Singapore, India, Russia, Malaysia, Spain,
The kingdom’s major export markets are ASEAN Canada, Japan, Norway, HongKong S.A.R., Indonesia,
member countries, while other markets include Turkey, Netherlands, France, South Korea, Taiwan, Belgium
North American, African, EU, and Oceanian countries and Ireland.
respectively. Considering the value of its food
exports in US dollars, Thailand’s share in the global Many Indian food and beverages companies were
market is up by 2.36 per cent, from 2.34 per cent in exploring business opportunities at Fi Asia 2019. They had
the previous year. On the other hand, the major food a very satisfying interaction with worldwide customers,
exporters, such as the US, Brazil, and China, have other business leaders, suppliers and distributors.
experienced decreases in the global market share;
while other important food exporters in the region Sharing his experience about Fi Asia exhibition
including India and Vietnam have followed suit. Subhash Naithani, Director and CEO of Nectar Phytochems
said that he was happy to get an international platform
leader suiting its rank as the kitchen of the world. to showcase his products and to develop vast business
Speaking at the event Sayan Tanpanich, Deputy connections. People could reach to him by realizing the
worth of his product genuineness and quality. He has
Governor, Research and Development in Biological confidence that his business will flourish more now. He
Industry Institute of Science and Technology of has mentioned his keenness to participate in next Fi Asia.
Thailand (TISTR), Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Similar were the views of most exhibitors.
Research and Innovation assured that TISTR will support
Thai entrepreneurs by providing product innovation Fi Asia 2019 reflects competitive opportunities and
development services. That will include analysis, testing, the quality uplift of food and beverage products to catch
calibration services, quality system certification, and up with changing consumer behavior and adapt to digital
service. It will also provide infrastructure services, such as disruption. Fi Asia is the most effective platform to expand
the Food Innovation Service Facility (FISP) which has been business in the global market. The next event will be held
certified by GMP, along with research and development on September 9-11, 2020 at Jakarta International Expo,
laboratories and quality inspection laboratories in the Jakarta, Indonesia.
production of beverage and dried fruit products. The
Sonali Wankhade attended Fi Asia 2019
at the invitation of Informa Markets.
[email protected]
Vitafoods Asia 2019
375 suppliers seek
business opportunities
Vitafoods Asia, designed to
explore the latest innovations Visitors from around Asia and the Globe at the Vitafoods Asia 2019.
and market trends at
nutraceutical industry presented its Lee, Managing Director, Health and focused on 5 key trends: Personalised
9th edition at the Sands Expo and Nutrition, Informa Markets. nutrition, Nutricosmetics, Digestive
Convention Centre in Singapore health, Mental wellbeing and
on September 25-26, 2019. The Vitafoods Asia is the platform Sports and fitness nutrition.
event attracted more than 375+ for the nutraceutical industry This practical approach linking
international suppliers with approx. in Asia for business prospects science and industry was delivered
184 branded finished products, through industry's four key sectors through guided seminars from
124 Contract Manufacturing - Ingredients & Raw Materials, eminent speakers from various
Organisations, 35 service providers Branded Finished Products, Contract nutraceutical industries on their
and 7000+ heterogeneous visitors Manufacturing & Private label fields of specialization. The talk
seeking the opportunity to products, Services & Equipment - to shows enlightened entrepreneurs
experience the novel innovations. meet goals and objectives from and consumers to explore and
ingredient to shelf. Exhibitors were extract maximum health benefits
Business aspirants, food encouraged to source or showcase from natural and manufactured food
investigators, explorers, and products having a positive impact supplements.
analysers from divergent and on physical and mental wellbeing.
competent food industry gathered Exposure to futuristic
to find solutions, share knowledge A practical approach nutritional trends
and to create opportunities. At covering the entire food
Vitafoods Asia nutraceutical, supply chain Enriching the experience and
pharma, nutricosmetics, and enhancing the critical insights of
ingredient industries aimed Vitafoods Asia conference every explorer at the exhibition,
together to source quality products programme provided a practical Vitafoods Asia 2019 launched the
for optimal health. The event was approach towards enterprise latest breakthroughs and exciting
organised by Informa Markets with operations in the nutraceutical attractions for knowledge seekers.
BioSpectrum Asia and NuFFooDS sector. The perfect blend between This novel attempt at the event
Spectrum Asia being one among science, industry, distributors, witnessed exhibitors, participants
the media partners. manufacturers and consumers and speakers from 60+ countries
guaranteed an enriching experience. across the global nutraceutical
“The global nutraceutical The 2019 Conference summits
industry is projected to reach over
$578 billion by 2015, and the Asia
Pacific region is expected to grow
at the faster CAGR of 9.9 per cent,
led by the rapid development in
countries such as China, Japan,
South Korea and India. We are
proud to showcase the latest
ingredients, products developments
and technology propelling the
industry forward, and our mission
remains to create opportunities that
drive business success”, said Chris
supply chain. The event introduced Interactive and engaging hub covering all aspects concerning
exciting endowments for the show floor attractions Omega-3. Visitors had access to a
visitors to make the adventure more wide range of content including
enriching. Visitors at the exhibition explored research, expert advice and
a dedicated platform of New products from top companies
New International Pavilion: Products Zone and indulged within Omega-3's studies. Visitors
Around 11 country pavilion into enchantments designed also had a chance to get their
including Australia, Belgium and for an insight on market trends, Omega-3 levels tested for no cost at
China, along with earlier contenders ingredients, product innovations, OmegaQuant.
from France, Germany, Japan, and to find a solution to business
South Korea, Poland, Singapore, challenges. Products and Probiotics Resource Centre
Taiwan and USA showcased the ingredients launched after Vitafoods helped visitors to learn about
latest nutraceutical products, raw Asia 2018 were presented with their latest probiotic technologies, new
ingredients and functional foods key success strategies. products development, consumer
and beverages bringing in a world analysis, and market trends. A
of business opportunities. Country A Life Stages Theatre platform dedicated knowledge hub was
specific supplier’s shows were focused on specific nutritional organised in association with the
grouped at the dedicated areas, needs and requirements at each International Probiotics Association
making it easier for business to life stage: ‘Early Life, Adult Health (IPA) to explore and discuss the key
locate its target region of choice. and Healthy Ageing’. Industry issues affecting Asia’s probiotics
representatives and academic market.
Market Entry Hub: Launching a speakers shared their knowledge
new product to the market requires on topics including ingredients, Experts from Innova Market
an understanding of the individual regulatory compliance and Insights showcased a series of poster
country market regulations within marketing strategies. and tablet device presentations
the Asia Pacific region. The new on Market and Trend Overview by
introductory platform of Market The most exciting locus for addressing top 10 significant trends
Entry Hub offered expert advice exhilarating one’s taste buds is across the APAC region on regional
for strategic success in the market Vita Food’s delightful Tasting personalised nutrition landscape and
helped to detect the trending needs Centre where latest healthy and offered independent advice. Visitors
and provided the best professional tasty products embrace visitors discovered the latest innovations
advice to tap into exploratory with their exquisite display of and key developments impacting
markets of China, Japan, Indonesia, candies, chocolates, nutri-bars, industry and product development,
India and Korea. and healthy beverages. Visitors within carefully selected health
were encouraged to vote for their categories.
Packaging Zone: Packaging relished nibbles and beverages to
system is the highly evolving nominate for functional food and Hook up to business
industrial sector to protect and beverage awards. The illustrative prospects
preserve the nutritional benefits in notes on each of these retail-ready
comestibles. The zone offered an items served as a guide to key Vitafoods Asia 2019 launched
insight into the latest innovations in ingredients, diet preferences, and Business Matchmaking Programme
packaging technology, sustainable nutritional benefits. The exposition to establish an authentic business
packaging as well as individual also helped to discover current networking forum with exclusive
advice on working with a contract trends around these ingredients benefits and opportunities. A
manufacturer. and finished products which dedicated personal assistance
arrived from different exhibitors by a project team was an added
Diversity & Inclusion at the forefront. This time around, advantage for buyers and
Networking Breakfast: On the Ashland for Dark Chocolate Almond distributors and other industrialists.
2nd day of the event, the first Protein Bar won award in the Best Exhibitors were also privileged to
ever complementary networking Functional Food category, while the avail free participation with pre-
breakfast was offered to facilitate Best Functional Beverage award was qualified buyers and distributors for
exchange of creativity and bagged by Sabinsa with Curcumin a value-based interaction.
profitability within the nutraceutical 3C Power Liquid.
industry. The companies were DuPont organised industry
encouraged to share their success The Omega-3 Resource Centre, experts meeting at the DuPont
stories to initiate a conversation developed in association with Hospitality Suite, to engage,
towards a more inclusive future. GOED, was a focused knowledge network and learn at ”Meet & Greet”
Shaping food industry for optimal
health through science and innovation
Asia is the fastest growing region for Nutraceuticals,
health care spending in the Asia-Pacific region With the growing market trend, innovations are at the
is anticipated to double by 2050. Asia Pacific is forefront of the private label industry. The event offered
orientations to resolve product development challenges
predicted to grow at the fastest CAGR of 9.9 per cent over and opportunities to source the latest market-ready
the forecast period to 2025. products. Brand owners, retailers, multi-level marketing
To support the growth of this niche industry Vitafoods companies and other manufacturers probed Vitafoods
Asia connects over 350 international suppliers and 6,000+ Asia to meet suppliers of radical white-label and private-
business leaders who are looking to source the most label products. Vitafoods Asia projected a wide range
innovative and highest quality nutraceutical ingredients, of service and equipment providers at nutraceutical
dietary supplements and services. industry which is intended to develop products that
Vitafoods Asia is the platform for the nutraceutical deliver optimal health and drives business.
industry in Asia for business prospects through industry's The conference at the event provided in-depth
four key sectors to meet goals and objectives from analysis of current trends affecting the industry outlined
ingredient to shelf. Exhibitors were encouraged to source applications of the latest research and highlighted the
or showcase products having a positive impact on most innovate ingredients. The two days venture with
physical and mental wellbeing. industry experts emphasized on business challenges,
The event offers the values-driven content, insights, opportunities and market innovation with fundamental
consulting and education initiatives that ensures attendees objectives like key nutraceutical trends, strategies to
gain a global and regional perspective to explore capitalise on growing markets, reviewing different
nutraceuticals from every angle; enabling companies to functional ingredients to understand new opportunities
navigate consumer-driven changes further to identify and for product formulation, to widen the network and to
profit from untapped growth opportunities. discuss challenges with peers and speakers.
Vitafoods Asia offered an ideal platform for suppliers During the two days summit speakers from different
and professionals to showcase and discover the very best countries spoke on many topics. Hithaishi C Bhaskar from
ingredient invention and innovation to date as the global NuFFooDS Spectrum spoke to few speakers who spoke at
functional ingredients market is projected to be valued at the conference on varied topics. In the coming pages we
$96.1 billion by 2026. The event brought together buyers, will be covering the interviews with Thomas Hayes, Food
distributors, retailers and suppliers for business prospects & Nutrition Analyst, Lux Research, Singapore, Shikhar
and also to uncover high-quality, innovative dietary Aggarwal, Senior Director Consulting, Visionary Sciences,
supplements and functional food and beverages as the Asia Pacific, Frost & Sullivan, Singapore and Dr Celine
global nutraceutical market is expected to reach a value Klotz, Clinical Trial Director, Japanese Society of Anti-
of $302,306 million by the year 2022. Ageing Nutrition (JAAN), Japan.
sessions. A team of innovative Inclusion Networking Breakfast. The the nutraceutical industry for a
solvers with deep consumer insights session shared strategies to explore sustainable future, Vitafoods Yoga
and broad product portfolio helped industry initiatives by deep diving Class returned to offer visitors the
visitors to turn challenges into high- into the 3 critical topics - Women opportunity to relax and unwind
value business opportunities. in the workforce, Leadership and while enjoying a panoramic view of
Company culture to turn diversity the city from the Marina Bay Sands
Values addition to a into reality in the nutraceutical Observation Deck.
sustainable global industry.
development The 10th edition of Vitafoods
In line with the United Nation Asia will be held from September
Vitafoods Asia supports Sustainable Development Goals 23-24, 2020 in the Sands Expo &
establishment of diversity at the (SDGs), Vitafoods Asia promotes Convention Centre at Marina Bay
workforce and thus initiated an and supports good health and Sands, Singapore.
inclusive environment by offering well-being of the community.
complementary Diversity & With a commitment to shaping Hithaishi C Bhaskar
[email protected]
Shikhar Aggarwal, Increasing awareness,
interest in new technology
Senior Director Consulting, and media coverage
Visionary Sciences, Asia Pacific, driving nutricosmetics
Frost & Sullivan, Singapore market in APAC
With the growing awareness on skin care, hair and food fortification and Many natural and organic
care and weight management, the global ingredients overlap with nutricosmetic formulations
Nutricosmetics Market is gaining a huge
demand. The market is projected to grow with the key Aging Population : Growing aging population in Asia
manufacturers investing on the development of improved wanting to look young and stay health and Concerns over
products. Shikhar Aggarwal, Senior Director at Visionary beauty are increasing leading to use of ingredients in
Sciences, Asia Pacific at Frost & Sullivan, illuminates on supplementation and food fortification form
the trends and scenarios of nutricosmetics market with
NuFFooDS Spectrum. Edited excerpts; What are the challenges the nutricosmetics
industry is facing with reference to market growth,
Can you highlight the key trends in the Asia Pacific and opportunities?
nutricosmetics market
The current market size of Nutricosmeics in Asia is about The key market challenges seen in Asia currently
$2.4 billion. China and Japan are the largest markets in are:
Asia forming almost 80 per cent of the total market. Japan
has an established system for approving Nutricosmetic Lack of consumer awareness : Confusion about
and functional products. The ‘Foods for Specific Health difference from other product categories and clear reason
Use’ or FOSHU legislation has encouraged the rapid for purchase and Knowledge of ingredients, benefits with
introduction of Nutricosmetics products in Japan. The scientific backing
Asia-Pacific nutricosmetics market is driven by increasing
awareness and interest in new technology, media Skepticism on product claims : Unsure of product
coverage, and consumer demand. The rising awareness efficacy as little proof is provided for claims and General
of nutricosmetics and the huge population in China and skepticism on cosmetic products across most of the new
India is expected to further boost this market growth. categories
There are 4 main trends seen in Asia: Lack of Regulatory Guidance : No clear regulations
Beauty from within approach : Growing supporting on production, promotion and categorization and
information and scientific evidence showing positive Innovating edible cosmetics with good taste, benefits
effect of products and Combined effect of nutrition, and stability / safety
health and beauty with single ingestible food fortification
Increasing beauty concern : General trend towards No instant results : No instant effective results or
healthier lifestyles and growing concern for personal gratification – long disciplined process and Belief that
health and beauty among consumers and Consumers results will eventually occur with no visible case studies
are looking for convenient solutions in different formats of targeted outcome
outside of lotions, pills and sprays
DemandforNatural:Increasing demand for proactive Does the current nutricosmetics market growth
natural preventive measures such as supplements encourages multi-functional product innovations?
Multi-functional products are becoming the faster
growing segment within the nutricosmetics industry.
Most of the nutricosmetic products are made from natural
extracts and a combination of different ingredients. Most
of these natural ingredients, inherently, have multi-
functional properties.
Japanese Dr Celine Klotz,
foods have Clinical Trial Director, Japanese
anti-aging effects Society of Anti-Ageing
Nutrition (JAAN), Japan
Aging-associated alterations in composition, because fermentation produces metabolites that
diversity and functional features of intestinal modulate the gut micro biota. The current focus is on to
micro biota are well-described in the modern developing novel fermentation technologies, solutions
literature. They are suggested to be caused by an and regimens using micro biota to increase the longevity
age-related decline in immune system functioning in the global population by overcoming the effects from
(immunosenescence) and a low-grade chronic inflammation.
inflammation (inflammaging), which accompany many
aging-associated pathologies. The micro biota-targeted How JAAN is competing with the growing needs in
dietary and probiotic interventions have been shown anti-aging R&D?
to favourably affect the host health and aging by an JAAN is focusing on anti-aging nutrition and probiotics
enhancement of antioxidant activity and by improving through fermentation technology. To develop this
immune system. Dr Celine Klotz, Clinical Trial Director, concept of living, JAAN works with companies and
JAAN Laboratories, Tokyo speaks on probiotic aided universities with novel research and innovative
health solutions supported by nutraceutical clinical trials. technology. Nutraceutical clinical trials are the major
Her main area of interest is gene expression of chronic focus of study at JAAN which are very important to
inflammation and liver protection. Edited excerpts; access the efficacy of products which claims to be
nutritionally beneficial. Trial subjected patients are
How significant are gut micro biota as anti-aging monitored based on routine pharmaceutical diagnosis
agents and how dose probiotics acts as anti-aging with respect to the nutritional supplements under study
food to prevent age-related ailments? and subsequently monitors parameters like weight,
Micro biota controls the key functions across human inflammation, genesis of the patients related to the
body by influencing digestive system, brain activity, disease with periodic monthly evaluations. The trial is
motor activities, skin and bone health, and muscle supervised by a team of clinicians and doctors within
building. Introduction of Probiotics has made the japan who have collaborated with JAAN in this venture
population more aware of health aliments and the under a defined protocol. The biostaticians further
possible natural drug-less holistic solutions. Probiotics analyses the data, maintaining patient’s confidentiality.
and their metabolites occupy a significant role in JAAN, with its years of research, focuses on probiotic
compensating lack in daily dietary nutrition. Along with metabolite studies of specifically engineered products.
the regular nutritional healthy food intake, adding lacto
biotic metabolite products in the diet can accelerate How dose JAAN encourages to doctors and
overall metabolic activities, with direct beneficiary in medical practitioners by its specialised education
weight management and diabetes monitoring. and tools?
JAAN aims to improve interactions between scientists
How Japanese fermentation science influence anti- and to promote awareness of the importance of
aging concept? metabolites in smart anti-aging nutrition tools. It is why
Japanese fermented foods have anti-aging effects conferences like Vitafoods are important to share results
of latest research.
JAAN IS FOCUSING ON ANTI-AGING NUTRITION and organs. Tackling with inflammation should be the
AND PROBIOTICS THROUGH FERMENTATION solution for anti-aging. We observed during our studies
TECHNOLOGY. TO DEVELOP THIS CONCEPT OF on healthy centenarians that they have low chronic
LIVING, JAAN WORKS WITH COMPANIES AND inflammation comparing to average humans thanks to a
UNIVERSITIES WITH NOVEL RESEARCH AND diversified and unique variety of microbiota; this unique
INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY. NUTRACEUTICAL aging model allows to reverse engineer solutions for
CLINICAL TRIALS ARE THE MAJOR FOCUS OF STUDY better health by emulating microbiota and modulating
PATIENTS ARE MONITORED BASED ON ROUTINE JAAN focuses on metabolic byproducts of probiotic
PHARMACEUTICAL DIAGNOSIS WITH RESPECT TO species to overcome the rare possible side effects of
THE NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS UNDER STUDY GMO probiotics or antagonism on normal gut flora.
AND SUBSEQUENTLY MONITORS PARAMETERS Recommendation of probiotics byproducts over
LIKE WEIGHT, INFLAMMATION, GENESIS OF THE traditional administration of live bacteria can combat
BY A TEAM OF CLINICIANS AND DOCTORS WITHIN What are your suggestion to probiotic
JAPAN WHO HAVE COLLABORATED WITH JAAN IN manufacturing companies and how do you
THIS VENTURE UNDER A DEFINED PROTOCOL. THE analyses the present status of probiotic market in
MAINTAINING PATIENT’S CONFIDENTIALITY. JAAN, Based on statistical survey, the aging population is more
WITH ITS YEARS OF RESEARCH, FOCUSES ON in countries like Japan. So companies should focus
PROBIOTIC METABOLITE STUDIES OF SPECIFICALLY more on combating health disorders caused due to
ENGINEERED PRODUCTS. variation of normal flora with the weakening immune
system or lack of probiotics in routine diet to assist aging
What are the base lines of the result from clinical population and to move towards longevity.
trials to prescribe probiotics?
A probiotic product to be called successful should show What significance dose development of advance
efficacy to the client and to the regulatory agency. At AI tools has in supporting next generations of
JAAN a team of researchers and doctors formulate medical doctors?
protocols for a disease/disorder under observation from Using an AI tool, we analysed the profiles of metabolites
the data procured from the companies to demonstrate and their epigenetic activity of healthy human like
the functionality of nutrient supplement under study centenarians. This allows to analyze and understand
and to show the efficacy of the product. JAAN focuses the beneficial action of metabolites and use these
distinctly on improvising gut micro biota and new properties of metabolites to target / re-create the health
technologies to find solution for the digestive issues of effects on humans, such as reduction of inflammation,
the global population. activation of mitochondria, and production of hormones.
To use these metabolite properties to target / recreate
Can you mention key points from your the most beneficial health effects for humans, such
presentation-“Introducing bio-fermentation as inflammation reduction, mitochondrial activation,
metabolites as a solution to modulate hormone production and reproduce them to reduce
epigenetics”? inflammation and modulate hormones production like
Chronic inflammation can accelerate aging. Anti- serotonin.
aging products should target more on to overcoming
inflammation and clinical aspect associated with aging. What is your experience at Vitafoods 2019?
More the person ages, more inflammation affects skin JAAN has been attending the series of Vitafoods Asia
and Vitafoods Europe. Like every year, the organization is
perfect and the category of exhibitors are unique and is
getting better in the interest of industrialists, distributors
and consumers. It’s a good platform to connect with
the diversified companies as partners, exchange new
technology ideas, new science and expertise.
“Personalized nutrition Thomas Hayes,
is poised to play a critical
role in disease prevention Food & Nutrition Analyst,
Lux Research, Singapore
and management”
Vitafoods Asia offered a platform to witness new There are four main types of determinants of health being
functional ingredients coming to the market that used to fuel personalized nutrition recommendations
tap into growing areas like nutricosmetics, sports and products: 1) physical traits and lifestyle data, 2)
nutrition, and cognitive health. It’s interesting to see how biomarkers, 3) genetics, and 4) the microbiome. These
these companies are substantiating their claims through four categories can be subdivided further, but one theme
evidence-based research. As that research develops, it is consistent: developers are looking to integrate multiple
opens doors to incorporate these functional ingredients data types together. As such, artificial intelligence and
into personalized nutrition offerings. Thomas Hayes, Food machine learning are playing a key role in providing
& Nutrition Analyst, Lux Research, Singapore speaker holistic personalized nutrition solutions. Nutrino, a
at the Vitafoods Asia shared his views with NuFFooDS personalized nutrition startup acquired by medtech giant
Spectrum on ‘Personalised nutrition and its need to be Medtronic in 2018, is a prime example of this.
adopted for disease prevention and health maintenance’.
Edited excerpts; What is the market potential across APAC and how
it’s positioned in the region?
What are your major focus areas at Lux Research? APAC is not immune to the rise in prevalence and
My core expertise is food and nutrition technology, cost of care for diet-related disease. Going back to
with one focus area being personalized nutrition which diabetes, APAC’s spend on cost of care currently stands
touches both the food and healthcare sectors. at approximately $350 billion per year, signaling a
significant market potential. Moreover, the region’s aging
How significant is personalised nutrition in health society also presents a demographic in need of tailored
monitoring? dietary solutions. To date, personalized nutrition activity
Interest in personalized nutrition is growing globally as in APAC has largely been driven by large corporations,
the understanding of the interplay between determinants forming research and pilot partnerships with SMEs. This
of health (e.g., genetics), nutrition, and disease increases. has mainly occurred in more mature markets like Japan,
Personalized nutrition is poised to play a critical role in South Korea, and Australia. The major event so far has
disease prevention and management. Type 2 diabetes been Nestle’s personalized nutrition program in Japan
mellitus afflicts nearly half a billion people around the alongside Halmek Ventures and Genesis HealthCare,
globe, and prevalence trends indicate this number will which as of September 2018 had 100,000 users.
increase. Additionally, the annual cost of care is expected
to double by 2030, from $1.3 trillion to $2.6 trillion, What are the challenges personalised nutrition
if current trends persist. It’s clear that lower-cost and companies’ encounter and how do they overcome?
more-effective solutions are needed to both prevent There is certainly work to be done in advancing the
and manage diet-related diseases. Personalized nutrition fundamental science that supports personalized nutrition
presents a high-potential mechanism to fulfill this need. in order to meet its potential. Even if that is satisfied though,
the crucial barrier to growth is on the business model front.
How do advanced analytics and cutting-edge data Companies will have to find ways to remove cost off the
science empower personalized nutrition? consumer, perhaps through reimbursable programs via
employers or insurers, to gain adoption by the masses.
Beyond Meat Former Cargill India
announces Sanjay
Shah as COO Chairman joins NCML
Beyond Meat, a US headquartered company in National Collateral Management Service Limited
plant-based meat has announced that Sanjay (NCML) has appointed Siraj Chaudhry as its new MD
Shah has been named its Chief Operating & CEO. Sanjay Kaul, the present MD & CEO, has been
Officer. Effective September 18, 2019, he has appointed as Chairman of the board of directors
assumed the responsibility for Beyond Meat’s replacing S B Mathur, who decided to step down
global operations and production. Shah has from the position due to personal reasons. A retired
more than 25 years of experience in operations, Chairman and CEO of agriculture and food products
manufacturing, engineering and supply chain major, Cargill India, Chaudhary brings with him over
management. Before joining Beyond Meat, three decades of experience. For around 16 years,
he served as Senior Vice President of Energy he had held leadership roles in the Agriculture and
Operations at Tesla, where he was responsible for Food space. Chaudhary retired as chairman and CEO
the worldwide Energy business and led the North of Cargill India after serving for 24 years. During his
America Sales/Services/Delivery for Automotive. tenure at Cargill, the company pioneered the process of
including Vitamins A and D in edible oils in an attempt
to address the nutrients’ crisis in India.
Barilla explores pasta
market in India with Brar
Italian pasta brand Barilla co-promote the notion
has chosen Chef Ranveer of Italian gastronomy,
Brar to be its partner in India the power of emotional
in order to bridge the food moments, happiness and
gap between India and Italy. celebration around the
Chef Brar’s association with table, which is the core
Barilla comes with a view to belief of Barilla, a family now
strengthen the pasta culture in its fourth generation, and
in India and share precious one that stands for supreme
tips for cooking up perfect quality and innovation
pasta meals. He aims to standards since 1877.
Legendary nutrition scientist Nitin Nagrale
Dr C Gopalan passes away
Dr Coluthur Gopalan, a several of the ICMR research
scientist of international institutions. Dr Gopalan recognition for
eminence, who had retired from government
spearheaded the cause service in 1979, but not from supply chain
of nutrition science for service to the nation. In
over four decades in India, 1980 he set up the Nutrition management
passed away in Chennai. Dr Foundation of India (NFI) in
Gopalan’s professional career New Delhi. In August this Nitin Nagrale, Vice President, Materials
in nutrition research started year, Federation of Asian and Projects at Foodlink Services was
at the Nutrition Research Nutrition Societies (FANS), has recently conferred an Honorary Doctorate
Laboratory (NRL), founded conferred him with first ‘FANS in Supply Chain Management by the
by Robert McCarrison under Living Legend Award’ at its National American University. Nagrale
the British Empire. In the meeting held during the 13th was recognized for his extraordinary
late 1950s, NRL moved to Asian Congress of Nutrition contributions and excellence in the field.
Hyderabad, and Dr Gopalan (ACN) in Bali, Indonesia. Dr Nagrale is also the Founder and General
took over as Director in 1962. Gopalan, who celebrated his Secretary of Hospitality Purchasing
In 1969 during its Golden birth centenary last year, was Managers' Forum (HF). He is a visionary
Jubilee, NRL was designated founding member of FANS procurement strategist and pre-opening
as ‘National Institute of and the Honorary Executive procurement specialist for Luxury Hotels
Nutrition’ (NIN). The Indian Member. PadmaShri and in India and South-East Asia. A Masters in
Dietetic Association (IDA) PadmaBhushan from Marketing Management from Jamnalal
was also founded in 1962 Government of India; Life- Bajaj Institute of Management Studies
by Prof Kalyan Bagchi as time Achievement Award in Mumbai, a Diploma in Materials
Secretary and Dr Gopalan from National Academy of Management from IIMM Bangalore
as the president in Kolkata. Medical Sciences (NAMS); and a Diploma in Hotel Management-
In 1973, Dr Gopalan moved Fellowship of Royal Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition
to New Delhi to take over Society, UK; Fellowship from IHM combined with an illustrious
as the Director-General of of International Union of career of over 25 years in prestigious
ICMR. During his tenure Nutrition Sciences (IUNS); hospitality brands like the Taj, Grand Hyatt,
(1974–1979), he promoted Living Legend Award of IUNS Starwood’s Westin and Accor’s Sofitel, has
research in communicable were some honors bestowed earned Nagrale prestigious awards like:
diseases and modernized on him in the past. APJ Abdul Kalam Lifetime Achievement
Award 2018 at Bangalore, Hall of Fame
Award - Outstanding Contribution to the
Hospitality Industry 2018 by Trinity at Goa
& Top 50 Innovation Leaders 2018 by BTVI.
AAK expands ingredient portfolio with speciality lecithins
To expand its ingredient ingredient for many customers
portfolio with a product range within the company’s core
critical to many of its customers, segments, especially Chocolate
AAK has acquired 80 per cent & Confectionery Fats and Bakery,
of Soya International (Europe) and also Dairy, Special Nutrition,
Ltd. The UK-based company and Personal Care. By expanding
focuses on the sourcing, its portfolio with this value-
processing and distribution of adding ingredient, AAK intends
non-GMO semi-speciality and to further enhance its co-
speciality lecithins. Lecithin is a development capabilities and
natural emulsifier and a by- be able to create even better
product from the processing of solutions in close collaboration
vegetable oils. Lecithin is a key with its customers globally.
New NovaSOL Pharmactive launches saffron
extract in APAC market
combination sets
Spanish company of this clean-label, synthetic-
gold standard free, pure plant saffron
Pharmactive Biotech extract is backed by five
IFF Health (formerly known as Frutarom clinical studies. These
Health) has introduced its new formulation Products, S.L., has launched compounds have been
of solubilized liquid curcumin extract in clinically shown to improve
combination with Boswellia serrata. The its Affron all-natural, non- mood and alleviate anxiety
ingredient is launched under the NovaSOL and depression symptoms,
brand. Developed by the German company GMO Spanish saffron extract as well as induce relaxation
Aquanova AG, the formula delivers superior and improve sleep quality.
bioavailability at low, easy to digest doses. in the Asia-Pacific market. Affron also is the first saffron
Following the success of NovaSOL Curcumin extract clinically studied
as a functional ingredient for the supplement, The company’s formulation on adolescents. Affron is
food, and beverage markets, IFF Health water-soluble and readily
introduces a new reinvigorated combination boasts the lowest dosage applicable to food formats
to take it to the next level. Boswellic acids are or supplements. It is kosher
derived from the gum of Boswellia serrata. threshold on the market, and halal certified, non-
The anti-inflammatory properties of these GMO, non-irradiated, and
extracts has been demonstrated in a number just 28mg per day, with has a three-year shelf-life.
of scientific publications and has led products
based on the extracts to gain momentum proven pharmacokinetic
amongst consumers as a natural, herbal dietary
supplement product. Likewise, curcumin has bioavailability and rapid
a long history of use in Ayurvedic medicine
for its positive effects in various inflammatory one-hour absorption.
conditions, activity that is backed by Affron is standardized to
multiple clinical studies. This spurred
the company to unite the two Lepticrosalides, a complex
classic botanicals into one
micellar formula based on of bioactive compounds
their shared positive
effects in responsible for the beneficial
conditions. and organoleptic attributes
of Affron. The capabilities
Metsa Board introduces
eco-barrier paperboard
Consumers and brands around and grease, which makes it especially Arjuna boosts
the world are looking for more suitable for food and food service
sustainable alternatives to plastic packaging. Furthermore, since the investment
packaging, with easy recyclability eco-barrier board is plastic-free, it
being key. To meet these needs Metsä does not require a plastic separation in BCM-95
Board, part of Finland headquartered process making it easy and cost-
Metsä Group, is introducing a new efficient to recycle. MetsäBoard Prime studies
plastic-free eco-barrier paperboard FBB EB is made of pure fresh fibres
that can be recycled in paper or sourced from sustainably managed BCM-95 or Bio-Curcumin, a
paperboard waste streams according Northern European forests. It is safe high-potency turmeric extract
to local recycling schemes. New for direct food contact and is free of curcumin, manufactured
MetsäBoard Prime FBB EB has a from optical brighteners (OBA free) and marketed by Kerala based
medium barrier against moisture and fluorochemicals. Arjuna Natural is now backed
by 60 scientific studies. With
Clariant provides colourful superior bioactivity and
biodegradable solution proven efficacy reinforced
by clinical support and
A colorful future is in reach for to surge from $1.1 billion in 2018 continuous research, BCM-
biodegradable plastics. Clariant, a to $1.7 billion by 2023, this is just 95 is now a leading industry
Swiss speciality chemicals company, around 1 per cent of all polymers standard for bioavailable
brings it even closer with the launch used. Clariant’s latest colorant curcumin. Arjuna created
of a range of 25 organic pigments introduction aims to boost the the unique composition of
for biodegradable and compostable attractiveness of biodegradable curcumin and essential oil of
polymers which are compliant with plastics for brand owners and turmeric that increases the
the European Norm 13432 opening manufacturers of packaging and bioavailability of free curcumin
up color options and the appeal of consumer goods. With the 25 and provides multifaceted
organically recyclable packaging. PV Fast and Graphtol pigments, health benefits. In response to
Food manufacturers and plastic masterbatch producers can take the sizeable sales growth of
film producers are stepping up the color far beyond the earthy natural BCM-95 Arjuna is intensifying
hunt for alternatives to single-use hue associated with biodegradable investment in research,
plastic solutions. However, while polymers while meeting the infrastructure, and supply
demand for biodegradable plastics, European Norm 13432 requirements chain enhancements. The
biodegradable for packaging recoverable through company is also reinforcing
and distribution efforts to broaden
compostable industrial product availability across
polymers, composting the USA and Europe. Through
is expected and exploitation of Arjuna’s
biodegradation. multiple partnerships and
various sales channels, BCM-
95 products are now available
throughout the US and in
numerous regions globally.
Novel approach for NUS links tea
blood sugar regulation
consumption with
A world-first study from Australia and Canada has offered
a never-before-known explanation of the link between boosting brain health
gut bacteria and diabetes, concluding from research on
mice that the gut microbiome influences serotonin in a A recent study led by NUS Yong Loo Lin School of
way that causes the hormone to negatively affect blood Medicine’s Department of Psychological Medicine
sugar. The finding builds on years of research suggesting in Singapore revealed that regular tea drinkers have
a link between gut bacteria and blood-sugar related better organised brain regions, and this is associated
diseases like diabetes and obesity. The gut microbiome with healthy cognitive function, compared to non-tea
is the collection of good bacteria in our digestive drinkers. The research team made this discovery after
tracts that supports nearly all physiological functions. examining neuroimaging data of 36 older adults.
It was found that the microbiome worsens the body’s Past studies have demonstrated that tea intake is
metabolism by signaling to cells in the gut that produce beneficial to human health, and the positive effects
serotonin. During their experiments, the researchers include mood improvement and cardiovascular
observed that the gut bacteria affected blood glucose disease prevention. In fact, results of a longitudinal
by working on serotonin-making cells in the gut. The study led by the same team which was published
team intends to understand exactly which bacteria do in 2017 showed that daily consumption of tea can
this, and how, in the hope that this could lead to new reduce the risk of cognitive decline in older persons
approaches to regulating blood sugar levels in humans. by 50 per cent. As cognitive performance and brain
organisation are intricately related, more research
is needed to better understand how functions like
memory emerge from brain circuits, and the possible
interventions to better preserve cognition during the
ageing process. The research team plans to examine
the effects of tea as well as the bioactive compounds
in tea can have on cognitive decline.
IIHR develops processable tomato hybrids
Bengaluru based Indian Institute at reducing processing costs
of Horticultural Research (IIHR) because of higher total soluble
has developed two tomato solids (TSS) and lycopene content.
hybrids, exclusively meant for The total soluble solids (TSS) in
the processing industry. These the new IIHR tomato hybrids is at
hybrids – Arka Vishesh and Arka least 10 per cent higher. Also, the
Apeksha – are disease-resistant lycopene content, the pigment
and are expected to not only that lends colour to tomatoes, is
boost farmers’ incomes through about 25-30 per cent more than
higher yields but are also aimed the existing hybrids.
NIPGR studies gene JNU uses
regulation in rice
A team of scientists at the New Delhi based National Institute of Plant Genome
Research (NIPGR) has identified a gene that is involved in regulating the size to fight TB
of rice grain. The new development represents a new approach towards
developing rice varieties that produce bigger and consequently heavier grains. Researchers at Jawaharlal
The researchers had found in earlier studies that expression of a particular Nehru University (JNU), New
Delhi, have carried out studies
gene, OsMed15a, was higher at on mice to demonstrate
different stages of seed development. that curcumin, a molecule
The observation led them to explore extracted from turmeric,
its role further. They scanned 509 when encapsulated into tiny
different rice genotypes and found nano-particles, can increase
that the nucleotide sequences of the the efficacy of the Bacille
OsMed15a gene varied depending on Camille-Guerin (BCG) vaccine.
size of grain. OsMed15a was also found The team has observed that
to play major role in regulating the curcumin nano-particles can
expression of three other genes - GW2, enhance the capacity of the
GW5 and DR11- which determine BCG vaccine to stimulate the
grain size and weight. According to the scientists, this study is important as long-term memory of the
it establishes OsMed15a as a connecting link between some of the different immune system. They found
genes important for grain size/ weight trait in rice. In the next phase, using high that the efficacy of the BCG
throughput ‘omics’ tools, the team would be delineating complete network of vaccine was stronger and
genes and proteins being connected through OsMed51a. lasted longer in immunised
mice that had also received
NII research connects curcumin nano-particles for
restricted diet with lifespan 30 days after receiving the
vaccines. The studies suggest
A preliminary report by a team of up to perform better and achieve that the addition of curcumin
Indian scientists has explored how hormesis, the process by which a nano-particles activates two
restricted diet affects molecular small amount of stress reprograms types of cells in the immune
mechanisms leading to prolonging a cell to resist acute stress at a later system, called Th1 and Th17,
lifespan and delaying age-related stage. This memorised condition which play a key role in the
diseases. They have conducted prevails at an advanced age also, long-term protection against
experiments in nematodes (worms). thereby preventing age-related tuberculosis infections.
These studies indicate that dietary disorders and increase in life span.
restriction influences the functioning
of the ‘endoplasmic reticulum’,
training it to effectively mount a
stress response when overloaded
with unfolded proteins. This results
in degradation of unwanted
proteins, thereby preventing the
building-up of toxins which in turn
translates into longevity of the cell.
According to the lead researcher at
New Delhi based National Institute
of Immunology (NII), a restricted
diet from an early age primes
endoplasmic reticulum to gear
CFTRI joins hands
with JSS College
JSS College of Arts, Commerce Dayal Upadhyay Kaushal Kendra’. IIFPT signs
and Science, Mysuru and CSIR This MoU will facilitate students
– Central Food Technological to get exposed to state-of-the- MoU with
Research Institute (CFTRI) have art technology and equipment
entered into a Memorandum of available at the laboratories of Banana
understanding (MoU) to foster CFTRI and to get practical training
co-operation in education and as a part of skill development. Research
research. JSS College has been The agreement has been signed
conducting two-year Master between Dr K.S.M.S. Raghavarao, Centre
of Vocation and three-year Director CFTRI and Prof M.
Bachelor’s of Vocation in Food Mahadevappa, Principal JSS Indian Institute of Food
Processing and Engineering as College of Arts, Commerce and Processing Technology
approved by UGC under ‘Deen Science. (IIFPT) at Thanjavur, Tamil
Nadu and the National
NIN announces surveillance Research Centre for Banana
system in 6 states (NRCB), Tiruchy have
signed a Memorandum of
Hyderabad based National government on several projects Understanding (MoU) for
Institute of Nutrition (NIN) has under the Poshan Abhiyan or working together on the
announced that a nutrition National Nutrition Mission, which untapped research in post-
surveillance system has been was launched by the Centre in harvest handling and value
established in six states for 2018 to reduce low-birth weight, addition of banana crop.
real-time monitoring and stunting and undernutrition, The MoU is intended to
early identification of people and anaemia among children, enable sharing of scientific
vulnerable to malnutrition. The adolescent girls and women. The expertise between two
system has been developed by nutrition surveillance system institutes and formulation
the institute on the directions of carries out real-time monitoring of joint research projects
the government and established based on the assessment of for addressing the field
in Maharashtra, Meghalaya, nutritional problems and analysis problems faced by banana
Odisha, Kerala, Madhya of causes or consequences, and farmers and processors.
Pradesh and Telangana. The it takes action to mitigate the The areas of research
NIN is collaborating with the problems. identified are development
of novel food products
by encapsulating the
functional nutrients in
banana, low cost shelf
life extension of banana,
development of edible
plates and packaging
materials from banana fiber,
smart sensor application
and farm mechanization
and GMO testing of banana
and products.
5th National Symposium on Nutraceuticals
“We are lacking in providing
an all-time solution to diseases”
Currently, India nutraceuticals market is urban Sathguru Management
centric. Functional Food enjoys largest share of the Consultants in collaboration
Indian nutraceuticals market followed by dietary with ASSOCHAM released white
supplements. This trend will drive the market for fortified paper on ‘Indian Nutraceuticals
food and prebiotic and probiotic. However, the Indian Industry’. Releasing the report
nutraceuticals industry is facing challenges like market from L-R: Pratap Chandra
fragmentation, lack of information on benefits, efficacy Sarangi, Minister of State for
of the product, spurious brands/products and lack of MSME; Padmashri Dr D.S.
awareness of regulatory issues. Rana, chairman, ASSOCHAM
National Council on Wellness
The nutraceutical industry is growing at a rate far and chairman, Sir Ganga Ram
exceeding expansion in the food and pharmaceutical Hospital; Dr Muhammed
industries. In tomorrow's market, the most successful Majeed, founder and chairman,
nutraceutical players are likely to be those companies Sami-Sabinsa Group; Dr Pushpa
in which functional product are just a part of a broad Vijayaraghavan, Director,
line of goods satisfying both conventional and health Sathguru Management
value point. Future demand of nutraceutical depends on Consultants; Dr Sudhir Kalhan,
consumer perception of the relationship between diet chairman, Institute of Minimal
and disease. Access, Metabolic & Bariatric
Surgery, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital.
With this background, ASSOCHAM organized 5th
National Symposium on “Nutraceuticals: The Future Enterprises (MSME) said, “My department (MSME) and
of Nutrition and Health” recently. Discussing the ever Ayush have signed an agreement, to work jointly and I
changing regulatory landscape, consumer trends, am quite optimistic that you will become history makers
innovative technologies and industry-wide challenges in to help India march forward in this field and be a guiding
order to remain competitive in a growing market was the light to the whole world.”
main aim of this symposium.
He also advised the nutraceutical industry to
While addressing the symposium, Pratap Chandra develop their research wings to enable India to march
Sarangi, Minister of State for Micro, Small and Medium ahead in line with India’s very rich, traditional, glorious
cultural history in this field and said that it is imperative
for nutraceutical experts to find an alternative to the
modern, critical method of treatment. “In spite of the
development of science, we are lacking in providing an
all-time solution to diseases,” he added.
In his address, Padmashri Dr D.S. Rana, chairman,
ASSOCHAM National Council on Wellness and chairman,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital said, “The nutraceutical industry
should come together to ensure that nutrition reaches
the last mile across rural India.”
Dr Pushpa Vijayaraghavan, Director, Sathguru
Management Consultants said, “In line with ongoing
improvements in the R&D practice of the value chain
management, the nutraceutical industry promises
substantial growth in the coming five years.”
Dr Sudhir Kalhan, chairman, Institute of Minimal
Access, Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery, Sir Ganga Ram
Hospital said, “Ensuring that our young population is
healthy will lead to a sustainable economic growth,
REFCOLD INDIA 2019 November maintaining efficient utilisation of
21 – 23, our medical resources.”
2019 The conference also saw panel
discussions on Advancements in
REFCOLD INDIA is a destination for innovation, education and B2B Nutraceutical Science where the
networking for the entire food industry. More than 15,000 decision- panel highlighted the need of
makers and innovators from retail, food service, processing, production, prioritizing and value addition in
distribution, logistics, and transportation representing frozen, refrigerated, human nutrition & health and India’s
ambient and fresh operations are expected to attend. REFCOLD INDIA new directives on Nutraceuticals
- exhibition, seminars and workshops combine to deliver the valuable where the panel highlighted the
and comprehensive business-to-business networking event serving the regulatory challenges and market
perishables industry. Companies that participate in the event gain a high innovations.
level of brand recognition and targeted business development opportunies
in front of key buying audiences that produce, handle, store, transport or Deepak Goyal, COO, Tirupati
are involved in the distribution of perishable products and are looking to Group of Companies; Dr
optimize their supply chain and/or improve facility operations. Muhammed Majeed, founder and
Hitex Exhibition Centre, Hyderabad, Telangana chairman, Sami-Sabinsa Group and Dr Chindi Vasudevappa, vice-
chancellor, National Institute of
International Conference November Food Technology, Entrepreneurship
on Surgical Nutrition - 2019 22 – 23, and Management, MoFPI along with
other stakeholders were also the
2019 part of the conference.
With the theme “Advancing Surgical Nutrition in India" the conference Sathguru Management
Consultants in collaboration with
will explore new topics in surgical nutrition and application of various ASSOCHAM released a white paper
on ‘Indian Nutraceuticals Industry
Nutrition Intervention techniques in different Indian clinical settings. – Building Global Momentum
M.S. Ramaiah Medical College, M S Ramaiah Nagar, Mathikere, Amid Regulatory Challenges’ at
Bengaluru, Karnataka the symposium. The White Paper
highlights robust growth potential
India Food Safety Summit 2019 December for the Indian nutraceutical industry
5-6, in both domestic and export
Organised by Synnex Group , the event will bring the 2019 markets. Expansion from current
size of $4.5 billion to $5.7 billion by
entire ecosystem of the Food Safety and Food Processing 2023 is expected to be driven by
organic growth as well as greater
industry of F&B manufacturers, regulators, analytical services and testing value realization from companies
moving right on the value chain.
companies, consultants etc. in one platform to network, gain insight, India has a unique advantage of
deep rooted traditional knowledge.
share knowledge and discuss the best practices in food quality and safety Coupling this with modern science
to deliver functionally superior
systems with FSSAI’s instrumentation standards and changes. and validated product implies
sustainable competitive advantage
Hotel Vivanta New Delhi, Dwarka, New Delhi for the Indian industry that is
rapidly going beyond extracted into branded ingredients and final
products. This combined with
NUTRITION & WELLNESS 2019 December the trend of greater consumer
7, awareness and clinical receptivity
CIMS Medica is coming up with 5th Grand edition for categories such as medical foods
2019 provides the much needed tail
winds for the industry.
of “Nutrition & Wellness 2019” Conference & Awards
to recognize the excellence in nutraceutical industry under various
domains including research & development, manufacturing, packaging,
distribution and other support services.
The Orchid Hotel, Vile Parle, Mumbai