iPads in Classrooms
iPads in Classrooms
Kayla Fawcett
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
iPads in Classrooms
ED 243-05
iPads in Classrooms
Kayla Fawcett
March 27, 2018
Brother David Marshall
Brigham Young University-Idaho
iPads in Classrooms
Table of Contents
Cover Page……………………………………………………………….1
Title Page…………………………………………………………………2
Table of Contents…………………………………………………………3
Author Page……………………………………………………………….4
Technology Article………………………………………………………..6
iPads in Classrooms
Author Page
My name is Kayla Fawcett and I am from Cheyenne, Wyoming. I have 2 brothers and I
am the middle child. I recently have returned home from serving a full-time mission for the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints on Temple Square in Salt Lake City, Utah. I loved
teaching and serving so many people for 18 months. I am now an Elementary Education major
at Brigham Young University Idaho. Some of my favorite things to do are being in the outdoors,
hiking, traveling, playing board games, watching movies, and spending time with my family and
friends. I am 21 years old and have wanted to be a teacher ever since I was in elementary school.
When I was younger, I would have my brothers play school with me and I was always the
teacher. I absolutely love kids and have spent a lot of time with them as I have done a lot of
babysitting over the years.
I have spent a lot of time in the classroom. In high school, I had an “elementary
experience” class where I went into a kindergarten room 3 days a week for a couple hours and I
was able to work with the students and observe the teacher. I also volunteered in my mom’s 4th
grade classroom this past year and was able to learn a lot being there. I am currently in a
practicum class where I am in a 1st grade classroom 2 days a week for a couple hours. As I have
spent time with children, either babysitting or in the classroom, my love for them has grown.
enjoy seeing children learn and progress. I think being a teacher is a very
rewarding experience and I am excited to have my own classroom one
iPads in Classrooms
We live in a wonderful time. A time where we have countless amounts of technology at the tips
of our fingers. It brings so much good in the world as it helps us advance. It can be used in so
many different ways to help us accomplish different tasks. One aspect of life that is really able
to progress is education. The technology in classrooms are amazing. We are seeing more
computers, iPads, and smartboards in each classroom. These are tools there to help students
learn. These can be very effective if used correctly and sparingly. Technology is not meant to
take over the teachers’ job to give them a break. It is meant to enhance and reinforce what is
already being taught in the classroom. If used in the right ways, this can be accomplished. It can
be a very controversial topic in the education system among parents and the school staff. There
is bad that comes with anything good. Too much of a good thing can turn into a problem. This
is why it is so important that technology is monitored and the purpose is explained. This way,
everyone understands the reason to have it in the classroom and it is able to help learning move
forward. Specifically, iPads are new technology in some classrooms around the country. These
are very expensive, but more entertaining for students. They may stay more engaged in what
they’re learning because they are so used to being in front of a screen. The world is definitely
changing and there are different things that are accepted today than back in the day. That comes
with a lot of responsibility, to make sure the changes are good and making a positive difference.
Not every school has the privilege of using iPads each day, which is fine. Learning is able to
take place without technology because it’s not supposed to do all of the teaching. It’s able to
enhance, which is can do, but it doesn’t need to be there.
Word Count: 300
iPads in Classrooms use of modern technology like iPads or other
mobile devices.” (Wainwright, 10 Big Pros)
There is constantly more and more
technology that is accessible, especially in iPads Instead of Textbooks?
schools. It’s a great resource that teachers A big topic lately in education has
have to help their students learn, if they use
it effectively. When I was in Elementary been switching all text books to online
school, we went to a computer lab a couple versions. This way students may access
times a week to use technology. Now, many them on their iPads. This would be a
classrooms not only have computers, but wonderful way to save paper, which
also, iPads. It’s amazing all that can be technology already does as tests are online
done using an iPad. It can have many and different activities. The books would
benefits, but there are also disadvantages as also not get lost or misplaced. Bradley
well. Chambers addressed this topic in an article
titled “Making the Grade: Digital textbooks
Benefits: for iPad never took off, and here’s why”.
(Chambers) He said that ever since the iPad
A huge benefit of having iPads in the came out in 2010 there has been talk of
classroom is they are more exciting to the putting all textbooks on them but it hasn’t
students. We are growing up in a time happened yet. The reason Chamber gives to
where we always have instant gratification. why it hasn’t happened yet is the cost. With
With technology we can see what we want actual books, the school can buy a bunch of
when we want to and as children are them and assign them to students for the
growing up, that’s what they’re used to. I year and then the next year next class can
have been able to see this a lot when I use the same books. With the Apple’s
babysit. The parents almost always leave an Volume purchase store, books that are
iPad for their children to play on while assignment to Apple ID’s are not able to be
they’re gone. It’s nice because everything is taken back. This would complicate using
there, it’s not messy and I don’t have to set books on iPads.
anything up. The children also love it
because they can instantly play any game Disadvantages:
they want to. I see this in schools as well. There are many advantages to having
The students are able to work the iPads and
play math and reading games. It’s iPads in the classroom, but there are many
something they enjoy doing because they are disadvantages as well. One, that I have seen
games and interactive. Ashley Wainwright
wrote an article on pros of iPads as 6
technology in the classroom and she said
“With today’s tech-savvy students it’s going
to be hard to keep their attention without the
iPads in Classrooms classroom supplies, spending for education
technology continues to rise.” (Rim) Are
to be the most common is having Wi-Fi iPads in the classroom worth the cost?
problems. Technology is a great resource Jervey Tervalon, who wrote an article in the
until it randomly stops working and that is “Times Magazine” about keeping iPads out
all the plans that you had. I volunteered in a of the classroom, talked about all of the
4th grade classroom last year and the teacher students struggling in school because they
was having her class take a test that was don’t have a lot of money. They need
online. All of the students got their respect and motivation at school because
computers out and logged in at their own they are not getting it at home. (Tervalon) Is
pace. As each student logged in, the this really something that can be achieved
realized that the internet wasn’t working. when teachers are just handing over iPads?
So, one by one they would either raise their
hand or just shout out that the computer Conclusion:
wasn’t working. It was causing a lot of The world is constantly changing
chaos because the students didn’t know what
to do or how to function. It was a lot of and technology is becoming a big part of it,
stress and frustration on the teacher and I especially in classrooms. A big focus is
saw the problems it was causing. Jordan iPads. They can be a great tool and resource
Catapano in an article that she wrote on in the classrooms because they are more
Teach Hub said “A slow or disconnected exciting for students and keeps them more
Wi-Fi server can ruin an entire lesson.” entertained and focused. They also save
(Advantages/Disadvantages) I definitely paper, especially if textbooks are on them.
agree with this because I saw it happen in There are disadvantages to having them in
the example, I shared in the 4th grade room, the classroom, however. The internet
and I have also experienced it when I was in doesn’t always work properly. It can be
elementary school and even high school. very slow or not work at all and it wastes
Teacher rely too much on technology at class time. They are also very expensive
times and do not have a back up plan if it and there are many schools that don’t even
doesn’t work. have money for basic needs and school
supplies. There are many things to consider
Another disadvantage of iPads is the when choosing to have technology in the
cost. iPads are very expensive, and imagine classroom.
buying them for each student. Schools
already require a lot of money as it is, and 7
there are many schools that do not have
enough money. The students come from
low-income homes and don’t have the
money for the basic necessities for school.
iPads are not a need for a lot of these
students and teachers. Christopher Rim
shares his thoughts in an article titled “iPads
are not the Future of Education”. He says
“Even as schools tighten their budgets and
teachers spend their own money on
Word Count 1000
iPads in Classrooms
Advantages/Disadvantages of the iPad Classroom. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Chambers, B., Bradley, & Bradley Chambers. (2018, August 25). Making The Grade: Digital textbooks for
iPad never took off, and here's why. Retrieved from
Rim, C. (2018, October 31). IPads Are Not The Future Of Education. Retrieved from
Tervalon, J. (2015, June 18). Education: Why We Need to Keep iPads Out of Schools and Classrooms.
Retrieved from http://time.com/3926875/ipad-use-classroom/
Wainwright, A. (n.d.). 10 Big Pros of iPads as Technology in the Classroom. Retrieved from
iPads in Classrooms Q4: Should there be limits on the
usage of technology in the
Interviews: classroom? If so, what should these
limits be?
Ranee Valentine- Parent, Cheyenne
Wyoming A4: Yes, I don’t know if it should be a
percentage of the time. I think they need to
Q1. In what ways have you seen know how to do things the old fashion way.
technology influence education? They don’t know how to use a book in most
cases because they google most of it. They
A1: The kids use it all the time. They wouldn’t know what to do without it.
do online games that may or may not
reinforce learning, but they mostly Q5: What types of technology should be
do. They can do more in-depth used in the classroom?
research and it’s easier than looking
up information in a book. It has A5: Laptops for math games, read to
changed quite a bit. me websites, research, typing up
Q2: What are concerns that you have
with the use of technology in schools? Allison Fawcett- 4th Grade Teacher,
Arp Elementary School, Cheyenne
A2: Mostly that they can’t function and do Wyoming
basic things because the internet and Q1: In what ways have you seen
technology influence education?
electronics and everything is so
A1: So, in my classroom each of my
entertainment based and so if it’s not fun, students have computers and we
are able to use them to enrich each
they won’t do it. subject. During math after we do a
lesson, we get on the computers and
Q3: Do you think teachers effectively work on the math curriculum on
explain to their students the reason for line. The students are very
using technology in classrooms? Why or motivated by it. During writing they
Why not? actually move from their graphic
organizer to typing on the computer.
A3: I don’t think so because I’ve been
there and it seems like teachers use 9
it to give them a break because
everything is set up already. I don’t
think it’s explained but they like it for
students to work at their own pace.
For the self-motivated ones it’s good.
iPads in Classrooms great. I think iPads can be good
especially for younger kids. They
They don’t have to write a rough have apps for vocab and to learn
draft. There are games online that how to read. I definitely disagree
really help my ESL students learn with phones in the classroom in
English. elementary school.
Q2: What are concerns that you Jack Signs- Retired Teacher, Sanford,
have with the use of technology in Colorado
Q1: In what ways have you seen
A2: It’s very easy for the students to technology influence education?
get off task. A lot of time when I
circulate, they are off task doing A1: They have had a lot of new
other things like playing games or technology since I have retired. We
messaging their friends. had the basic computer, but we
didn’t have the internet when I was
Q3: Do you think teachers effectively teaching. They use it quite a bit
explain to their students the reason for now. I have been retired 20 years.
using technology in classrooms? Why or The technology they have now is a
Why not? lot more than I had. Now you can
look up almost every subject on the
A3: No, because I think kids are so internet and get it in seconds.
familiar with technology that the
teachers don’t think they need to. Q2: What are concerns that you
have with the use of technology in
Q4: Should there be limits on the schools?
usage of technology in the
classroom? If so, what should these A2: Any parent may be concerned
limits be? even though we can get many good
things on the internet there are a lot
A4: Yes, too much of a good thing is of things we can get that are bad
not good. I think there are certain and we need to be concerned with
skills that some people still need to that. I’m sure schools have ways to
learn how to do without technology. block certain sites but there’s still a
Q5: What types of technology should be 10
used in the classroom?
A5: Computers, definitely
computers. The smart board is
iPads in Classrooms higher than when I was in school
and they should definitely use it.
possibility they can get on it I’m
sure. Rebecca Mays-BYU-Idaho Student,
Rexburg Idaho
Q3: Do you think teachers
effectively explain to their students Q1: In what ways have you seen
the reason for using technology in technology influence education?
classrooms? Why or Why not?
A1: It has made information
A3: I would hope they would. It’s more accessible to everyone.
just like with anything, whatever
you’re teaching in school, you still Q2: What are concerns that you
have to explain it and with some have with the use of technology in
kids you have to explain more schools?
because they don’t catch on as fast.
A2: Students can get distracted by
Q4: Should there be limits on the usage technology in the classroom.
of technology in the classroom? If so, Technology can be a great help if
what should these limits be? used in the right ways, but if not, it
can be a hindrance to learning in the
A4: I’m sure there needs to be some classroom.
limits. I don’t think you can go into
a classroom and tell the students to Q3: Do you think teachers
get on their computers and then sit effectively explain to their
down and not do anything. students the reason for using
Students need to learn how to work technology in classrooms? Why
on their own. When they go in the or Why not?
work force, they need to be able to
use technology but also be able to A3: No, because I think they
communicate with people. assume that the students know
why technology is used in the
Q5: What types of technology should be classroom. It’s not until the
used in the classroom? students misuse technology do
they explain why they are using
A5: Any that’s available. Now, technology.
schools can have almost everything.
In our school (in Sanford) The Q4: Should there be limits on the
computer to student ratio is a lot usage of technology in the
classroom? If so, what should these
limits be?
A4: Yes, the students should only
be using technology when the
iPads in Classrooms information. Another concern is the
reliability of technology such as the
teacher tells them to. Whenever internet. States and districts are
the teacher has prepared an spending large amounts of capital in
activity to help the students ensuring consistent service
better understand and learn a particularly in the area of testing.
Q3: Do you think teachers
Q5: What types of technology effectively explain to their students
should be used in the classroom? the reason for using technology in
classrooms? Why or Why not?
A5: Along with projectors and a
computer for the teacher, I think A3: I think this area needs to be
that the students should be able strengthened in educational
to use laptops or tablets to use programs. As the technology
when appropriate; when the becomes a larger part of education,
teacher has prepared an activity we need to make sure that our
to help them better learn. students understand the ethical use
of these tools. Currently we have a
Don Brantz- Principal at Arp large group of teachers that have
Elementary, Cheyenne, been in the profession for a long
Wyoming time and are trying to learn
technology and use it in productive
Q1: In what ways have you seen ways whereas current students are
technology influence education? technology natives and there is
different understanding and
A1: One area is in the area of knowledge of skills.
informational research. For any
topic there are is a great deal of Q4: Should there be limits on the
information. Technology has made usage of technology in the
collecting information a much classroom? If so, what should these
quicker process. Our duty as limits be?
educators is to make sure that the
source of information is factual and A4: I believe the use of technology
not slanted to forward a groups should not be limited to the type of
social or political agenda. Also, it technology but it must be limited in
has replaced textbooks in some regards to ethical use. I believe in
instances and changed the way the productive use, age appropriate
dollars are spent in school districts. materials and not interfering with
others right to learn or feel safe
Q2: What are concerns that you within the classroom.
have with the use of technology in
schools? Q5: What types of technology
should be used in the classroom?
A2: One concern going back to
question one is the accuracy of 12
iPads in Classrooms Luthor, “Some people can read War
and Peace and think it’s a simple
A5: That is a tough one to answer as adventure story. Others can read
technology changes so quickly. I the ingredients on a chewing gum
think the way I would answer that is wrapper and unlock the secrets of
that the technology must be such the universe.” It’s all about a well-
that it is an educational tool that trained teacher using whatever
enhances and supports the student tools they to the best of their
learning. The teacher must choose ability.
these tools carefully just like any
other equipment or material used
to meet the educational objective.
This is where the skill and art of
teaching comes in. I will end with
my favorite line from the Superman
movie as shared by villain Lex
iPads in Classrooms
iPads in Classrooms