Honoring tohfe Memory
Othello Daniel Warrick
April 5, 1969 - August 1, 2015
Morning Babe,
It’s been a while since I’ve heard your gentle voice. Hope all is well?
Sweetheart, it’s painful that I’ve tried calling you but no response,
I’ve tried texting you but you’re not texting me back. I just want to
tell you what’s being going on since that dreadful morning of Au-
gust 1st 2015. Please know that I will never stop loving you.
All that keeps me going are relics of your text messages to
me. In my quiet, and lonely moments, I have found comfort
in reading them over and over again, trying to make believe
that I’m talking to you. I often smile; I sometimes cry. And
in between the lines of your sense of humor, I find a way to
laugh out loud. All I have left to hold on to are sweet memories
of your tender love and gentle touch. I can see your face in our
lovely kids. And like a breath of fresh air, it keeps me strong. I’m
promise you with my heart that I will do my best to take care of
the children, for they are all that’s left of you. But heaven knows it
would have been much easier if you were here to share that chore.
Oh, Othello, God broke my heart the day he took you away from me.
Why God? How can you love me and take Othello away from me and our
young children? But I still have faith that in His infinite grace, He will find a way to strengthen my heart.
Words cannot express how much I love, and miss you babe. Katelyn, Adma, Megan and Jaden love you and will
forever love you. Thank you for being a part of us, and thank you for loving me. Thank you for being my best
friend, the most wonderful daddy ever, a caring husband, and forever the love of my life. I can’t believe it’s true
that I will never see you again on this earth. We have so much to talk about when I see you again. Rest my love
until I meet again. I will carry you in my heart as long as I shall live.
Love always
Your Darling Wife, Marjay
S Tervice of hanksgiving
Hfor the omegoing
Groveton Baptist Church
6511 Richmond Highway
Alexandria, VA 22306
Saturday, August 29, 2015
8:30 a.m. – Viewing and Reflections
10:00 a.m. – Service
Officiating Clergy:
Rev. Rudolph Bropleh
Rev. Emmett Dunn
Rev. Dr. J. Edwin Lloyd, Jr.
Rev. Oliver L. Lloyd
Rev. George Mensah
Bro. George “Tony” Diggs
Bro. Rufus Peters
O Srder of ervice
Processional....................................................................................................................................... Clergy and Family
Hymn......................................................................................................................................“We’re Marching to Zion
Invocation............................................................................................................................... Rev. Dr. J. Edwin Lloyd, Jr.
Special Music........................................................................................................... Bro. George “Tony” Diggs & Choir
Salutations from the Family.....................................................................................................Rev. Dr. J. Edwin Lloyd, Sr.
Reading of the Obituary............................................................................................................. Sis. Rena Smith-Jarrett
Old Testament Reading – Psalm 27...................................................................................................... Bro. Bryant Lloyd
Hymn ............................................................................................................................ “When We All Get to Heaven”
Tributes – Organizations
Progress In Unity (PIU)
Liberian Community Association of the Washington Metro Area
Liberian American Veterans Association (represented by its Chairman, Major Spencer Biah)
Providence Baptist Church
Whosoever Will Christian Church
Union Baptist Church
The Government of Liberia
Special Music.................................................................................................................................. Sis. Louise Hubbard
Family Tributes
The Abourjeily Family
The Mitchell Family
The Blamo Family
The Warrick Family
The Lloyd / Peters / Bobbroh Families
Mrs. Marjay Warrick (Wife)
Hymn ............................................................................................“O Thou In Whose Presence My Soul Takes Delight”
Prayer of Comfort..........................................................................................................................Rev. Rudolph Bropleh
The Offertory
The Gospel Reading – John 14: 1 - 3................................................................................................... Sis. Marday Peters
Special Music............................................................................................................Bro. George “Tony” Diggs & Choir
Eulogy.................................................................................................................................................. Rev. Oliver Lloyd
Acknowledgement and Announcements......................................................................... Sis. Ernestine Lloyd-Greenfield
Benediction.................................................................................................................................... Rev. George Mensah
Recessional.................................................................................................................................. The Clergy and Family
6600 South Kings Highway, Alexandria, VA
A Gt the rave
Opening Sentence Rev. Rudolph Bropleh
Hymn God Be With You Till We Meet Again
God be with you till we meet again;
By his counsels guide, uphold you; God be with you till we meet again;
With his sheep securely fold you. When life’s perils thick confound you,
God be with you till we meet again. Put his arms unfailing round you.
God be with you till we meet again
God be with you till we meet again;
Till we meet, till we meet, Keep love’s banner floating o’er you;
Till we meet at Jesus’ feet, Smite death’s threatening wave before you.
Till we meet, till we meet, God be with you till we meet again.
Committal of the Body Rev. Oliver Lloyd
Final Prayer Rev. George Mensah
Matnice Events and Conference Center
7925 Central Avenue
Capitol Heights, MD 20723
“Dedicated Public Servant, and friend to Humanity”
Othello Daniel Warrick was and nurtured him in the fear and Emma Lloyd in Monrovia where he
born to the union of Emman- admonition of God, under the strict matriculated to Monrovia College
uel D. Warrick and Nettie discipline of his uncle/father the and later, graduated with honors
Mitchell Bobbroh in Bomi Hills, Li- Rev. Dr. J. Edwin Lloyd Sr., a former from the Bassa High School, topping
beria on April 5, 1969. Both parents military officer. Service to God and the entire county in the National
predeceased him at a young age. He country was the central point of his Examinations. Observing his natural
was also predeceased by his broth- upbringing, which shaped the defin- talent in graphic design and engi-
ers – Wilmot, and Abraham Warrick. ing principles of his life and guided neering, his parents enrolled him as
Before, and after the passing of his his ultimate rise to public service. an apprentice with the St. Joseph’s
parents, young Othello Daniel, or His formative years were anchored Construction Corporation where
“O.T.”, as he was commonly called, in a foundation of sound education he later became a design engineer,
enjoyed a life of loving care and sup- at the finest prep schools that Libe- while at the same time attending the
port from his maternal family, most ria had to offer. Upon completion College of Engineering at the Univer-
prominently, his aunt, Mrs. Emma of elementary school, his late uncle sity of Liberia.
Mitchell- Lloyd, and his uncle, the Robert Peters, a senior staff of the Upon the outbreak of the Liberian
late Mr. Robert Peters. Firestone Rubber Company took him civil war in 1990, the family moved
Prior to his birth, his aunt Emma under his guardianship and enrolled to the Ivory Coast where he assisted
made a request to her sister Nettie him in the prestigious Firestone Staff his father, Rev. Dr. J. Edwin Lloyd Sr.,
to give her the infant if it turned out School where he excelled in both in the establishment of the Union
to be a boy. Her wishes came true, academics and athletics. After com- Baptist Church in Danane which be-
and Othello was given to his aunt pleting his schooling at Firestone, he came a lighthouse for thousands of
Emma who took him as her own returned to his aunt/mother Mrs. Liberians who fled the war. There,
he led in the establishment of a self- war. As a member of the U.S. Navy,
help agricultural project, while also he served with great distinction,
serving as Sunday school teacher, and earned several meritorious
worship leader, and school teacher. awards. He held several presti-
He later traveled to the United gious assignments which took
States and took residence in Silver him to almost every continent
Spring, Maryland. He immediately on the globe.
became an active leader of the Libe- Upon completion of overseas
rian Community Association. With a service, Othello returned to
keen aptitude for political strategy, duty in the U.S. and gained noto-
he made a quick rise in the ranks of riety as an accomplished recruiter
the Union of Liberian Associations in of the U.S. Navy with assignment in
the Americas (ULAA) becoming one Washington DC. He enlisted many
of the youngest leaders of the ULAA naval servicemen, among them,
Board of Directors. In ULAA, he was dozens of Liberian and West African
respected as a strategic thinker and immigrants. He also participated in
a bold advocate who helped to rally several key missions; and served on
Liberians and the international com- several US Naval ships as a gas and
munity to end the war in Liberia. He turbine engineer. In 2005, Othello
was also a founder of the Progress in Daniel Warrick ended a 10-year ca-
Unity Organization (PIU), a Washing- reer in the United States Navy.
ton based leadership development A year later, with an unflinching
organization which is noted for pro- desire to give back to his home land,
ducing several leaders in Liberia and Othello returned to Liberia to serve
in the Diaspora. his government and people in the
As a leader, he exemplified great administration of President Ellen
intellect with a penchant for no Johnson Sirleaf in the area of his
nonsense, a characteristic he devel- greatest interest – National Secu-
oped growing up in the household rity. He became the first Deputy
of a military officer. He grew up with Minister of National Defense for
a deep admiration for the culture of Administration (principal depu-
military service which was exempli- ty) in post war Liberia. Drawing
fied in his neat bearing and respect on his experience as a former
for protocol. Hence, as Othello recruiter in the US Navy, he
developed in exposure to statecraft, played a key role working with
he maintained a firm belief in the the U.S. Government and the
sanctity of national security as the United Nations in the restruc-
cornerstone of the survival of the turing and policy design of the
people. new Armed Forces of Liberia
This philosophy led him to service in the first term of President
in the United States Navy in the Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s gov-
intervening years of the Liberian civil ernment.
At the onset of the second term Deacon of the Providence Baptist dependable friend, and most of all,
of the Sirleaf administration, the Church in Monrovia. a loving husband, father, brother,
Special Security Service (SSS) was He forged his friendships at all lev- son, nephew and cousin. His affable
dissolved by an act of the legislature els, and cherished the moment to spirit and assertive nature combined
and replaced by an elite presidential socialize after a hectic work sched- to form the towering structure of
guard force - the Executive Protec- ule. Othello was a true lover of Jazz his great persona, for which he will
tion Service (EPS). Othello became music which he held in large collec- forever be remembered. He will be
the first Director-General of the EPS. tions - from the African rhythms of dearly missed by the many lives he
In his service at the top levels of Hugh Masekela and Jonathan Butler, touched.
national security in Liberia, both at to the western sounds of Miles His sojourn on these terrestrial
National Defense, and the EPS, he Davis, Al Jereau, and John Coltrane. shores ended at 03:25am GMT on
served with great diligence, efficien- He loved to host social gatherings, August 1, 2015 at the Aspen Medical
cy and devotion to his country. In which often turned out to be debate Health Center in Sinkor, Monrovia
the aftermath of his service as head forums during which he was famous where he spent his final hours bat-
of the EPS in early 2014, Othello for dropping big vocabulary and tling a brief illness. He transitioned
devoted his time to his family, and a philosophical rhetoric. But, despite a from labor to reward surrounded by
few private sector pursuits, particu- hectic business schedule with inter- relatives and close friends.
larly in agriculture, construction, and mittent socialization, his family time He is survived by his wife, Marjay
real estate. was never interrupted. and four beautiful children – Kate-
Othello was a caring husband, father lyn, Adma, Megan and Jaden; his
Othello obtained a Bachelor of Sci- and provider, but never took full parents – Rev. Dr. J. Edwin Lloyd,
ence (BSc) in Management Informa- credit for the praises given to him Sr. and Mrs. Emma Mitchell-Lloyd;
tion Systems from the University of in that role. He was quick to attri- his sisters – Margaret Warrick and
Maryland, University College (USA) bute his balance to the darling of Williette Morris; along with a host of
and subsequently a Master of Busi- his life, Marjay, who he credited for relatives and friends in Liberia, the
ness Administration (MBA) from the employing a soft form of persistence United States, and in the Diaspora.
same institution. He also obtained to bring out the best in him. Othello
two prestigious certificates in Bud- confessed to friends that from the MAY HIS SOUL REST IN PEACE
geting and in Management from the onset of their relationship, it was her
United States Naval Postgraduate quiet confidence which convinced
School. He later received training in him that he had indeed met his life
Leadership and Development from partner. When those around him
the Harvard University Kennedy could not handle him, they would
School of Government in Cambridge, often use the common line, “we will
Massachusetts. call Marjay”, and it was done. To-
gether, they built a solid family unit
From childhood, he served the Bap- of three beautiful daughters and one
tist Church with unflinching devo- son.
tion. He was known throughout the Throughout his life, he remained
ranks of the Liberian Baptist Con- a loyal servant to his country, a
vention from adolescent days as a devoted member of his church, a
Sunday school teacher, and through
his final years as a leader and elder
recently selected to be ordained
“For his anger lasts only a moment,
but his favor lasts a lifetime;
weeping may stay for the night,
but rejoicing comes in the morning.”
Psalm 30:5
USHERS Acknowledgement
PALLBEARERS The Progress in unity Organization (PIU)
The Lloyd Brothers:
At Church: Bryant, Noel, Socrates, Amos, Andrew, Morris, and Gilbert
At Grave: J. Edwin Jr., John, Gerald, Oliver, Ernest, and Eukpeeh
The Military:
HONORED GUARDS The United States Navy
Liberian American Veterans Association
Pastors, Officers and Members of Groveton Baptist Church
CHURCH Teah Funeral Services, Baltimore, MD
Abraham Teah, Proprietor – (443-799-4814)
FUNERAL HOME Ezax Smith, Marketing Manager – (443-517-8137)
Imaging Solutions – (301 938 9738)
Ernestine Lloyd & Marie Mitchell
Terrence Brown – (856-264-1008)
Matnice Event Center – (Eunice - 301-333-8300)
Eva Mae Herring-Mitchell
PHOTOGRAPHER Rudolph Perry & Nathan Whern (PIU)
Alvin Hoff – (301-538-0873)