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Here is the spring edition of the year 2023. Please support us by following, liking, and sharing! We hope you are inspired and solaced! <3

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Published by The Kinda-Like-A Not Therapists, 2023-06-22 15:54:23

K.L.N.T Magazine Issue #4

Here is the spring edition of the year 2023. Please support us by following, liking, and sharing! We hope you are inspired and solaced! <3

Keywords: art,magazine,writing,youth,comfort,advice,2023,spring,self-help,photography,help


Dear Readers, Another issue has been finally completed! Many thanks to the readers, contributors, donators, and followers for their continuous support. Without them, I would have never been able to keep up with this system. They and the people out there who may need this, who may find at least the smallest bits of this helpful—this is why I keep coming back— why we, readers and everyone else does. As you read this issue, I hope you keep in mind that every piece and every little embellishment has been put in this 'zine so that we can each take away something—and that things take time to build. As the saying goes, "Trust the process." It's true, and I hope that starting this summer, with each experience, with each hardship, with each laughter, you learn something and that it forms the becoming you. Explore. Experience. Evolve. Hope you all have an amazing summer! Best, Izumi G.H Founder of "Kindalikea.not.therapists" Editor's Note 1


“My interest in photography is not to capture an image I see or even have in my mind, but to explore the potential of moments I can only begin to imagine.” —Lois Greenfield The World At Scope 3

Blossoms There are certain things in life that are so beautiful in nature and yet sometimes people take it for granted. This was one of those times in spring when I felt awed by nature and I hope that other people continue to preserve this world. 4 MJ

Day This was taken in Cappadocia, Turkiye (formerly known as Turkey) where you find nothing but peaceful, vast land at sunrise. This picture requires you to just stop and take in the moment wherever you are in these settings. Whether it's to stop and see all the signs, stores, and lights in a city or the colors of every floating hot air balloon. E l l e n D i n h 5 @ellendinh

Kingsbridge, New York 6 Wisps M i t c h e l l @mitchellj0630

I took this because it symbolizes a new day and with that comes new opportunities. I hope it helps people realize that it's okay to make mistakes. Time will only go on, so focus on the new day ahead instead of the ones that are no longer in your control. 7 Amidst the Lighthouse J e n n y L e e @jennylee2703

8 Across the World S o r a m i K a n n a Denchoufu, Japan @knns_mi

Everyone in the world sees the stars. we all see the same stars no matter what. If no one is there for you, the stars will be. 9 Glimpse of Stars J e s s i c a @j355.m

10 Awaken Bronx, New York M i c h e l l e @missshellgirl

I have the priviledge of being able to see the sunset from my window every evening and when the moon is out, it will peak through my blinds and I'm just pulled to my window and have no choice but to take a dozenphotos until I get the right one. 11 Solstice J a s m i n e C h a i t k i n @amaterasu.wov

12 Home K r i s t i n a San Diego, California

During my state ' s recent global dire weather, I first witnessed the foreshadowing of the humankind destruction that we reaped, coming to life. I hope that this will help people realize that something must be done. 13 It Was Yellow. Orange. Red. MJ

14 dif erent S o r a m i K a n n a Denchoufu, Japan

15 Cyber-Art This was taken at the Whitney museum years ago and it was a part of a "cyber-art" exhibition. I thought it was cool but I can't remember what the phrase refers to; hopefully other people appreciate the moodiness. K a r e n @kortega

16 Blue Butterflies North Riverdale, New York N a i l a M o n t o y a @naila.elise

17 whole S o r a m i K a n n a Denchoufu, Japan

Even nature goes through transitional stages. You’ll be okay. 18 Summer Skies and Fall Leaves G a b r i e l l e E i n s e l @gabriellee.chloee

This photo was taken while out walking with friends. I want people to be reminded to notice and appreciate the little things in life. 19 nature A n o n y m o u s

Our sky isn't just blue, but all colors. We have to appreciate it before it goes black. 20 Blazing J e s s i c a

For this one, I mainly took it to capture someone [my brother haha] in the moment of discovery. There is always something new and beautiful waiting to be discovered, whether it be out in nature or within a special someone. It's only a matter of when. 21 You J e n n y L e e

I took this photo because I personally love nature. I felt like taking this shows how beautiful our community is. 22 Flashes of Color M i c h a e l L y n c h @michaellnyc_

23 Paint it Bronx, New York M i c h e l l e

The unique color of the flowers caught my attention and it reminded me of an evil eye! 24 Droplets J i l l i a n O r t i z @jillian_.otiz

There are certain things in life that are so beautiful in nature and yet sometimes people take it for granted. This was one of those times in spring when I felt awed by nature and I hope that other people continue to preserve this world. 25 glazes T a l i a D i a m o n d

Clouds tell us more than people. The moon peeks through it. We see the moon no matter what tries to cover it. 26 Shinging Through J e s s i c a

I took this photo after hiking outdoors activity club. I want this picture to remind people to remember to do new things even if it's scary. 27 follow me A n o n y m o u s

The was taken at the 59th NQR station near the Central Park Zoo! It's my favorite because it seems fitting. 28 Flutter K a r e n

29 Hiding in Sight K e i r a D o n a t o Kingsbridge, New York

30 well, A b r a h a m D i a z North Riverdale, New York

31 reflections of dusk Seoul, South Korea Olivia Kong | @livkirsten24

32 “When I began to listen to poetry, it’s when I began to listen to the stones, and I began to listen to what the clouds had to say, and I began to listen to others. And I think, most importantly for all of us, then you begin to learn to listen to the soul, the soul of yourself in here, which is also the soul of everyone else." —Joy Harjo To Cleanse Our Souls

Kyoko W. P. @kyokothepoet Your love is like a tranquil calming air You can 't see it But you feel it You know it' s there You know it's there 33 This is about new love that's true and real. It's not chaotic and messy. It's calm and tranquil. This is about new love that's true and real. It's not chaotic and messy. It's calm and tranquil.

Heart Stopper 34 This is something I’ ve never told in a poem. This mountainous thing rests on the topography of my body; my skin feels warm now but there was a time when a phantom of cold ruled it and when I looked into a river I only resembled myself. The sewers ran underneath, carrying the truth out to sea for me to find one day but I was still tidying myself away, folding my hands, shuttering my heart for a rainy day I didn’t know was coming. When the water began to rise I stepped into reality, my two sides melting together naturally, no need to be welded, no longer facing a two-way mirror with my better half staring out at me unknowingly. I am not made of marble or conch shell. My head is not full of moonshine, my heart does not have a stopper inside and to all those ghosts I can finally say goodbye. Th is p o m e wa s i n sp i red by my jo u rn ey of self-disco v e ry a s a q u ee r p e rso n a n d I h op e tha t it w ill p ro v ide a n i n sigh t i n to th e feeli ngs of relief a n d co nfide n ce tha t ca n co m e fro m th ose rea lisa tio n s. Charlie Bowden @charliebowdenpoetry

I hope one day my breath Becomes my only motivation. I hope one day being alive Is inspiring enough. My only motivation 35 —Nesrina Ahmed @nesrina.writes I want to love myself and live for her. Because sometimes we get carried away in this busy life. We think we need more of everything. We think that there are things in life that are more precious than our souls. Because sometimes we think we've figured this life out when really we've only just solved the first puzzle.

On a sheet of life destiny The green ground and blue rivers are sewn to each other Their unity, makes the sheet colorful The colors move A beauteous bird has risen through the colors A beautiful feather fan is open in the air Its footsteps make the ground elegant Peacock 36 Marjan Safiyari @coralline_white

America is a place of freedom without fear As long as you’re straight, white, and a cis-male We are a place of individuality As long as you fit into a box and don’t you dare fail Live up to their expectations While your mental health erodes Buy a gun, if you’d like to No one will notice while you drive down the road And shoot, shoot because this is America, And damn three kids to death, fine! But God forbid you perform in drag That’s where we’ll draw the line. We rip our country apart, With each murder and bullet It’s an us issue now It’s time to flush those laws down the toilet. I woke up this morning in my bed Evelyn, 9, Hallie, 9, and William Kinney, 9 years old Will never do that again We have to keep pushing; this is our fight - we can never fold We have to keep going For those who are unable We have to learn to restrict murder It doesn’t matter if it’s not even one time out of ten. This is America 37 We have to raise our voices For For You keep saying not now, but when? Can you stop making us count our dead? You can have two ARs and a handgun You can know this is a matter of life and death Welcome to America. This is America. Nothing more, and nothing less. Evelyn Hallie Wil iam Mike Katherine Cynthia and more Parkland New Hope Nashvil e Columbine Emmie Wolf-Dubin | @redheadwd07

Here we are Trying one more time To feel alive. One more time 38 And if my heart still can't feel a thing, then it can't be the end because my end — ing Nesrina Ahmed deserves to be happy. It has to be a happy ending and I'll make sure it is. Keep trying every day. You'll get there and we're all here with you.

Your Rage Kept me in a Cage 39 You kept me in a cage; chained and locked. There was no way out that was not blocked Kidnapped. Wings strapped. Completely Trapped Days go by. I still don 't fly Hope decreased. Would I ever be released? I won 't let him keep me here. I won 't be controlled by fear It' s time things are changing. It' s time for uncaging I fought and felt stripped from the chains that I ripped. My wings for so long held down and gripped But they could not possibly ever be clipped I was once in your prison. But from those dwellings, I have finally risen.

Isabella Gojcaj @sign.ificantannoyance In the tapestry of time we ' ve woven, A love lies, dormant and unspoken. The line between what is and what could be Is thin yet unwavering as a spider’ s thread. We dance on the tightrope As a web of feeling weaves unceasingly. With every glance, a new world unfolds blanketed in alluring, toxic floraCurse love ’ s sweet persistence. To plunge into the icy lethe To roam in luxurious forgetfulness Is better than to feel And to suffer For to act would be to destroy— Victims, are we, To Aphrodite ’ s ploy. The curse of passion 40

If I let silence hug me And distance pave our way, Will you come look for me? Will you miss the words I Used to say? If I step back 41 —Nesrina Ahmed Sometimes, we feel like stepping back and staying inside our little cave. We think that the people who truly love us will come look for us and it's true. They do look for us and get us out. BUT, we can't always rely on them and we can't always expect them to come for us. I know you might be hurting, but don't make it difficult for the people you love to love you. Don't make it difficult to find you. Don't be their bad experience or trauma with love. If you feel like stepping back, let them know. If you're hurting, tell them. If you don't want to talk, tell them.

42 Hearts At Ease "The emotions are sometimes so strong that I work without knowing it. The strokes come like speech." —Vincent van Gogh

I based this drawing on an existing animal named Armadillo Lizard. These lizards are adapted to curl up by biting their own tails to protect themselves from predators. I am always amazed at how nature forms itself by each and every organism's will to survive. Even now when you read this passage, an unimaginable number of lives are suffering for simply living. This truth is cruel but beautiful at the same time. If you are facing any type of struggles and obstacles in your life, please realize that you're not alone, and many other lives are now also bravely facing their danger to overcome the situation. Mitsuteru Kobayashi 43 Polygonal Animal

To be honest, I saw the idea on tik-tok and it inspired me to re-create it, using lipstick, but it's up to interpretation, anything related to heartbreak or your soul feeling broken. Anonymous 44 Traces

Blue, my favorite color of all time. Blue and other cold colors are often referred to with negative connotations. In my case, that is not true. I found myself calm when watching those colors. I don't know what you feel when watching this color, but in our busy lives, it is necessary for us to have a moment to rest. If you feel depressed, maybe it is good to step back and look at the scenery outside and find your own color that makes you calm. Monochromatic Landscape 45 Mitsuteru Kobayashi

46 “Brave doesn't mean you're not scared...It means you go on even though you're scared. And you're doing that.” —The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas A Friend In Need

Hannah J. Sometimes— Sometimes we need people who can understand —who try to. Sometimes we need people who don't have to understand but can be there—and just listen. Sometimes being there doesn't mean that you're always alright and that you're listening—but at least you're showing up. You're doing something and you're trying, even if day after day, you still don't feel yourself—or you never do. But through those times, when your cries are the loudest, when your hands shake a bit more and they curl in anger, when your self becomes less and less real—disheveled, and someone foreign; there is one thing that is always there: being. Being real, being you, becoming and believing. So try to remember that at least you're not faking it in some way or another: whether it's being someone you aren't outside of your bed or not. You're just being and trying to live and find our ways—who we are. We all are. Always remember that. 5 Sometimes Advice Writing Written on the Next Page 47

When I want to live like a jellyfish 48 There is a moment in my life when I want to live like a jellyfish. The moment when I feel overwhelmed and hopeless by the pressure and the situation I' m surrounded with. When I feel stuck in a sense of uselessness and feel that I' m inferior to others—regretting the choice I made in the past that can 't ever change. Because of that, I want to live like a jellyfish, getting on to the current of water, and letting my body follow the path wherever the flow takes. I won 't need to make any decisions and won 't have any regrets made, and won 't have those over-complicated sufferings that are only created in the intellect of the human brain. Of course, this is just my imagination and not my true wish. I just want to have a moment of departure from reality, from a sense of the impossibility of myself living a pleasant life. All I want is some rest. I don 't know if any of these sentences will make sense and relate deeply to any reader. But, I truly wish that any content in this magazine will give you at least a small instance of rest and help alleviate the pain from reality.

SpongeBob Squarepants 49 She’d make jokes like, “what is full of holes but still holds water? A sponge”. She was just as goofy and happy as him. Painting the entire city with vivid color and jokes everywhere she went, she lived in a pretty pineapple. One of her best friends was Sara, similar to Patrick. Not that she had his IQ level, but she was as fun, kind and loyal as Patrick. Going to college, she met Sandy, who motivated and pushed her boundaries. Even though she had people who pushed her limits, she's grateful to Sandy for believing in her when no one else did. Because of Sandy, she got back on track as to where she began, motivated and full of life. Of course Sara’s her person too but she’ll be forever grateful to Sandy. Best of all, she was a workaholic at a place similar to Krusty Krabs. Singing “Krusty Krab Pizza” when she's in a good mood. It always made her happy to work and help others. Queen at laughing at situations she shouldn’t like Squidward, she too has a dark sense of humor. Unaware as to how foolish her ideas can be, she still goes with them because she follows her heart. As the oldest in her family, she often gets called the most immature. Racing with time, she just wants to live the fullest like Larry the Lobster. Enjoying life with its ebbs and flows, she likes to travel and see the world and the different cultures. Patient as she is, she sometimes gets tired of waiting on people who don’t match her energy. As a person who never lets anyone get to her, she keeps moving forward and wants to take everyone with her. New York City is her Bikini Bottom, her city and the train rats are the jelly fishes (just uglier). The city makes her feel like she is capable of doing anything and everything including the impossible. She's just like a real life Spongebob Squarepant (minus being a yellow sponge) at heart. Waeza Previous Special Edition for April Fools

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