Training Operations are the behind-the-scenes logistics that make training coordination happen!
2 3 4
Scheduling Pre-Training Post-Training
Support Administration
The Who, What, and When
of your planning! Gather your tools! To What's next? Even though
Scheduling includes the make sure your training the training has ended,
following components: gets kicked off smoothly, think about the
venue, trainer, and think about the materials information you can gather
participants. and resources you will to promote continuous
need to ensure a smooth quality improvement.
Forecasting and
Explore trends, fulfill
requests, and utilize data
to ensure learners get the
training when they need
We’ve compiled the tools, templates, and samples Institute for Families
that we use in our training coordination work.
Visit or scan the QR
code to access these resources!
Sufficient Lighting Training Room Size aAn/dVWEqi-uFiipAmcecnests
On-site Parking Seating Layout
TranOspptoiortnastion AcceAssDiAbility
Institute for Families
Thank you for hosting a training on behalf of Grow NJ Kids Training Services. Grow NJ Kids is
New Jersey’s Quality Rating Improvement System designed to raise the quality of child care and
early learning for children from birth through preschool across the state. Training is an essential
part of building the knowledge and skills of the early education professionals enrolled in Grow
NJ Kids. Learn more about Grow NJ Kids at
What are the requirements of a site to host a Grow NJ Kids training?
• Tables and chairs to comfortably accommodate at least 30 adult learners
• Parking (access to public transportation is a plus)
• A/V equipment that includes a projector, large screen or blank wall, extension cord, and
• Strong Wi-Fi signal
How should the training room be set up?
• Classroom-style:
o Tables and adult chairs facing the screen
o Additional front table for instructor use and training materials
• Projector set up on a small table facing the screen, with room for the instructor’s laptop
and a power outlet nearby
• Preference: One training room assigned for multi-day training sessions to provide
What are the training hours?
• 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM unless otherwise noted
• Instructor must be allowed access at least 30 minutes ahead of the start time
What is the training registration process for participants at a host site?
• Participants must register prior to training session start date
• Maximum number of participants is typically capped at 30--host site may fill up to half
of the seats
• If seats remain three days before the training, host site may enroll additional staff
What is the procedure if there is an emergency or inclement weather?
• Site contact and/or instructor contact the assigned GNJK Program Coordinator to make
alternate arrangements
Thank you for your interest in partnering with us to ensure that New Jersey’s youngest children
have access to high quality early care programs!
Grow NJ Kids Training Services Host Sites: Frequently Asked Questions
Institute for Families, School of Social Work Rev: 01/10/19
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
You are registered for the following training:
Class Title:
Training Date(s):
Start Time: End Time:
Training Location:
If you are unable to attend any part of this training session, please withdraw from the
training in the NJ Workforce Registry. If you do not withdraw yourself and do not
attend, arrive substantially late, or leave early, you will be marked as a “No Show.”
This status could prohibit you from enrolling in future Grow NJ Kids trainings.
This training is only open to program participants who are utilizing or planning to utilize
Review your Professional Profile on the NJ Workforce Registry at and
make any needed updates.
Review the attached “Know Before You Go” document so you know what to expect
ahead of time.
Gather the following materials to bring to your training: [VOLUME OR BOOK NAMES].
If you need special accommodations to participate in your training session, please notify
us by replying to this email or notify your instructor at the start of the training day.
Note the start and end time of the training, and allow enough time to locate the site and
find parking.
Click on the following link for directions to the training site: [LINK TO TRAINING SITE IN
There will be a break for lunch. In the interest of time, we suggest that you bring your
lunch to the training.
Grow NJ Kids Training Services Training Reminder Email
Institute for Families, School of Social Work
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Rev: 11/14/17
There will not be a break for meals during this training. We suggest that you eat before
or after attending this session.
We will email you a survey one week after your training. Please share your feedback
through this mobile-friendly form!
[IF THERE IS A RISK OF INCLEMENT WEATHER: “In the event of inclement weather,
please check your email on the morning of the training or call Grow NJ Kids Training
Services at xxx-xxx-xxxx.”]
If you have any questions, please contact me at the number provided below or call Grow NJ
Kids Training Services at xxx-xxx-xxxx.
We look forward to seeing you at training!
Grow NJ Kids Training Services Training Reminder Email
Institute for Families, School of Social Work
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Rev: 11/14/17
What to Expect at Your
Grow NJ Kids Training
Thank you for enrolling in a Grow NJ Kids Training Services session!
Your participation is vital to New Jersey’s Quality Rating and Improvement
System and the national movement to raise the quality of early care and
education. The following tips will help you prepare for your training and ensure
that you have a successful learning experience.
Training Withdrawal: No Show
Confirmation: Policy:
If you are unable to attend the
Shortly after enrolling in your class, you must withdraw on the NJ Our trainings tend to fill up quickly
training, you will receive an email Workforce Registry. and often have long wait lists. We
from Grow NJ Kids Training adhere to a “No Show” policy to
Services confirming the course Log in to the Registry ensure space is available for as
dates, times, and location. This Click Registry and My Events many participants as possible. If
email may also include information Find the training you wish to you register for training and fail to
you will need about your training attend on 2 occasions, your profile
site, including parking availability, withdraw from and click the will be blocked from registering for
accessibility, and what to bring on pencil icon future sessions. You must withdraw
the day of the training. Click Cancel registration for this from a class to avoid a “No Show.”
event and Ok
Please read through this email so Arriving late may also result in a
you’re aware of special notes or If it is less than 24 hours before “No Show” if the course instructor
requirements. your class, please email determines that you have missed a
[email protected] with significant portion of the class.
your name and the class title.
Cancellation: What to Bring: Accommodations:
If a course is cancelled due to an Curriculum Books If you are in need of any special
unforeseen emergency, an email Highlight and flag areas of your accommodations to participate in
will be sent to all registered program’s books that might spark your training session, please let us
participants. A notification will also inspiration for your class! know ahead of time by emailing
appear at: [email protected]. Notebook & Pen
TrainingCalendar Jot down some great ideas you hear You may also notify your instructor
throughout the training. at the start of the training day.
You may call 732-258-5203 on the
morning of your course to check Attire
the status as well. The temperature of training spaces
may vary. If you tend to be cold,
bring along a sweater or light jacket.
Professionalism: Your Peers: Satisfaction
Only Grow NJ Kids program Some participants in your session
participants who have an NJ will be seeing this curriculum for At the end of each training, you
Workforce Registry ID will be the first time, while others may will complete a Grow NJ Kids
permitted to attend this training. already be using it in their center. Training Services evaluation form
We want everyone to feel that the Your session may also have a to let us know how your session
training room is a safe, productive combination of teachers, aides, went. Two weeks following your
learning environment. To promote directors, and staff from child care session, you may also be asked to
this atmosphere, children will not centers, preschools, and home- complete a survey via email. Your
be permitted in the training. based family child care programs. responses will be used to help us
Use this opportunity to network improve future training sessions.
Training sites are often borrowed with your fellow providers!
from community partners, so we If you have additional questions
want to be respectful of their Your training is a supportive space or concerns, please email us at
space. Please maintain a level of for sharing experiences. Please be [email protected].
professionalism throughout the respectful of your coworkers and
day, including while on breaks and peers and maintain confidentiality.
in common areas.
Grow NJ Kids Training Services [email protected]
Institute for Families, School of Social Work
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
PURPOSE: This document outlines the recommended steps for scheduling training sessions using
local Grow NJ Kids Training Services instructors.
POLICY: Trainings are forecasted in all six regions of New Jersey or are requested by a program
or provider. Trainings will be scheduled at least two months prior to the scheduled
training date to allow enough time for enrollment. PCs are responsible for scheduling
trainings in their assigned regions.
1) The PC assesses the training need.
a. The PC reviews the Operations Training Planner to determine which training
topics/areas have already been scheduled and which topics/areas have an outstanding
b. The PC also considers rolling schedules, frequency of training requests, programs who
have newly enrolled in Grow NJ Kids (by county), and the curriculum being selected by
2) The PC refers to the Local Approved Trainer Contact Info spreadsheet to identify which
instructors deliver trainings for their regions.
3) The PC then uses the GNJKTS Google Calendar to check the instructors’ availability.*
a. The PC will hold the instructor for a specific date by editing the instructor’s availability
in the calendar. The PC will change the name of the calendar event to “[Instructor
Name] – HOLD” to indicate to the instructor that they should hold that date while the
PC books a venue. The PC will NOT add any additional information to the calendar event.
4) The PC reviews a list of all known sites and reach out to an appropriate site contact to secure
the training date.
a. Depending on the site’s availability, the PC can schedule one training or multiple
trainings at a time. Trainings are scheduled two months in advance.
b. If the training site is unavailable on the selected date(s), the PC will continue to contact
other sites.
Grow NJ Kids Training Services Local Training Scheduling
Institute for Families, School of Social Work
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Rev: 07/12/18
c. If no training sites are available on the selected date(s), the PC will release the hold on
the instructor and select different date(s).
d. If the training site is new to GNJKTS, the PC will conduct an in-person site assessment.
NOTE: A training site will occasionally require further documentation:
Invoice: Invoices from training sites should be sent to the Administrative Assistant for processing. The
Administrative Assistant will track the payment in the Master Calendar.
Insurance: If a site requests proof of insurance, contact the Rutgers University Risks and Liability Office.
Registration Forms: The PC will complete and submit any registration forms that are required by the
training site.
Contract: If a training site requires a contract, the email will be forwarded to the Senior PC, who then
forwards it to the APM. Contracts are saved on the X drive in this folder: X:\GNJK\Training Venues.
5) The PC emails the instructor to confirm their availability.
6) Once the instructor has been confirmed, the PC creates a new Workflow Checklist with the
following details and then emails the checklist to the PC - Online and SPC.
a. Training Date(s)
b. Training Site Location
c. Site Contact Details
d. Special Planning Notes
The Workflow Checklist is saved as a PDF in the Pending folder on the X drive using the following
7) The PC updates the Operations Training Planner with the training date(s).
8) The PC - Online adds the training event to the Grow NJ Kids website ensuring the NJCCIS Event
ID is added to the Event Notes as well as the training description, the NJ Workforce Registry,
and the Master Calendar. The PC - Online updates the Workflow Checklist, saves it in the
Workflow Checklist folder, and replies to the PC within 24 hours to let them know that the
training has been posted. The SPC is copied on this email.
9) The SPC enters training details into the GNJK Local Trainer Dropbox file.
Grow NJ Kids Training Services Local Training Scheduling
Institute for Families, School of Social Work
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Rev: 07/12/18
Training Preparation Guide
Class Date: Shipped: Hand-Delivered:
# of Participants:
Shipped/Delivered By:
(+5 for vendor, +10 for local) Sent Date (if applicable):
89873 ASQ-3 Developmental Screening Tool
___________________________ _____________________________ _________________________
Registry Class ID Class Title Event ID
Site Contact (name, phone number & email)
Site Address
Instructor Contact (name, phone number & email)
Facilitation Support (name, phone number & email)
General Training Supplies Name Tags
Sheet from NJ Workforce Registry
Post-its (one for each day)
Post-it Chart Paper (2 packs) Same-Day Training Evaluation Forms
Markers Training Certificates (if applicable)
Pens/Pencils Return Mailing Envelope
Technical Equipment*
*Some equipment may be available at the training site.
Extension Cord
Connecting Cables (e.g., HDMI)
WiFi Hot Spot (if applicable)
Please see the reverse side for all required educational materials for this course.
Educational Materials
Participant Materials
SampleInstructor Materials
PowerPoint Presentation
The following topics should be covered in your introductory talking points. They are designed to
serve as a guide. Please do not feel compelled to recite them verbatim.
Introduce yourself and welcome
“Hello! My name is _______, and I’m with Grow NJ Kids Training Services, a partnership
between the State of NJ and the Institute for Families at Rutgers School of Social Work to offer
professional development training to early childhood care providers and educators. Welcome
to (session name)!”
Share training goal
“This training is being offered to help raise the quality of early care and education for children
around the state. We encourage you to use this training as a day of respite from your normal
routine and an opportunity to network with and learn from your peers. Ask questions, share
tips, and collaborate to really think about how we can build on the work we’re already doing
to create a positive experience for the children in our care.”
Attendance roster
“I want to make sure that this training gets up and running smoothly. Please make
sure that you sign in on the attendance roster each day and confirm your email is
correct. If you do not see your name on the roster or your email is incorrect, please
come see me during the break.”
Feedback on future training needs
“At the end of this training, I’ll ask you to complete a quick survey to give your feedback on
how things went. This is really important in informing future course offerings, so please do
share your thoughts and reactions. You’ll also receive a five-minute follow-up email survey
where you can provide feedback about what you learned, how you will apply it in your work,
and anything else you have to say about this session. It’s quick and completely anonymous.
Thank you for taking time to answer these surveys…every submission is read by the Grow NJ
Kids Training Services staff!”
Begin the training
“I’m looking forward to getting this training started. Don’t hesitate to ask questions, throw
some scenarios out there, and brainstorm about the content that we’re covering today. Let’s
have a great training!”
Grow NJ Kids Training Services Talking Points for Instructors
Institute for Families, School of Social Work
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Rev: 12/03/18
Talking Points for Trainings in Spanish:
Same Day Survey Spanish
Statement to be read by trainer/onsite support regarding follow up surveys
“En los Servicios de Entrenamiento de Grow NJ Kids, realmente queremos saber cómo va esta
sesión para usted con el fin de mejorar nuestro entrenamiento y la oferta de clases. Al final
de esta sesión, le pediremos que complete una encuesta rápida para darnos sus comentarios.
Usted también recibirá una encuesta de seguimiento por correo electrónico donde podrá
informarnos más sobre lo que aprendió, cómo lo aplicará en su trabajo y cualquier otra cosa
que tenga que decir sobre su experiencia en la sesión de hoy. Sólo debe tomarle unos 5
minutos para completer y es completamente anónima. Su nombre no está asociado con las
respuestas en ninguna forma. Le agradecemos que tome este tiempo extra para compartir
comentarios. ¡Esto Importa!”
Thank you for facilitating this training on behalf of Grow NJ Kids Training Services. Grow NJ Kids is NewJersey’s
Quality Rating and Improvement System designed to raise the quality of early care and education for children
from birth through preschool across the state.
Learn more about Grow NJ Kids at
Training Confirmation:
Approximately two weeks prior to your scheduled training, you will receive a confirmation email from a
member of our staff to touch base with you and provide information about your trainingsite.
Training Support: Sample
Materials Grow NJ Kids Training Services (GNJKTS) will ensure that you have the training materials you need
on the day of your training. This may include curriculum materials, copies of handouts, pre/post-
evaluations, training certificates of completion, GNJKTS evaluations, sign-in sheets, and extra
curriculum books for participants to use during your training. GNJKTS will also provide general
training supplies, such as flip chart paper, markers, and name tents.
Instructors are required to bring their own laptop and flash drive and should be able to effectively
navigate their electronic presentation materials. If additional AV equipment is needed, GNJKTS
staff will make these arrangements with the training site.
Access You are able to access the training site approximately 30 minutes before the start of the
training. You can work with your assigned GNJKTS staff member to determine whether you can
access the room sooner and whether materials can be left overnight in the training room for
subsequent days, if applicable.
Set-Up You are responsible for bringing your own laptop and connecting to the site’s AV equipment.
Take a few moments before the start of class to arrange the room in a way that is conducive to
your training delivery.
Arrival Have participants sign their names on the sign-in sheet as they arrive. If you have a walk-in, please
ask that they sign in and provide their name, email address, and NJ Workforce Registry number
so that we may give them credit for their attendance.
Grow NJ Kids Training Services Frequently Asked Questions
Institute for Families, School of Social Work
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Rev: 4/6/18
Closing At the end of the training, administer the GNJKTS evaluations, distribute the completion
certificates, and collect the sign-in sheets. Please return the room to the original set-up at the
close of each day and remove any trash from the classroom. Many of our training spaces are
borrowed from community partners, so we want to be respectful of their accommodations.
Training Structure:
Timing Training sessions most often begin at 9:00 am and conclude at 4:00 pm with a one-hour lunch
and two 15-minute breaks. Feel free to use your discretion on the timing of lunch breaks. We
generally suggest a minimum of 30 minutes and maximum of 60 minutes for lunch. Half-day
sessions should also include a brief, 15-minute break.
Introductions At the start of each session, we ask that you provide participants with the opportunity to
introduce themselves and share their role, their familiarity with the training content, and what
they hope to get out of the session. GNJKTS is unique in that we bring early childhood care
providers and educators together from all over the state. You may have a few participants in
your session who work together, but the majority will be meeting each other for the first time.
Agreements Please take a few moments to establish learning agreements for your training session after you
have completed introductions. This should be a collaborative process where participants suggest
ways to create a productive learning environment. We want everyone to feel that this is a safe
space for sharing experiences. Learning agreements should include the following:
• Place cell phones on vibrate.
• Respect trainers and other participants.
• Arrive on time each day.
• Actively participate in class.
• Maintain confidentiality of other participants and families with whom you work.
Be sure to emphasize the importance of maintaining professional behavior throughout the
training day—including while on breaks and in the common areas of the training location. This is
vital to preserving our relationships with community partners and ensuring the continued use of
their training space.
Pre/Posttest If your training requires the completion of pre/posttests, please administer posttests
immediately following the afternoon break on the final training day to help with the pacing of
evaluation tools.
Grow NJ Kids Training Services Frequently Asked Questions
Institute for Families, School of Social Work
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Rev: 4/6/18
Lunch Upon registration, participants are instructed to bring their own lunch or plan to visit local
eateries. We are unable to provide food for learners at any of our training sessions. Please do
ask participants who live nearby to identify local eateries and share recommendations with the
In some locations, we may be asked to refrain from bringing food or drink into the classroom.
Please help us to enforce these training site requests.
Training Participants:
Support Following the training, Grow NJ Kids participants and their team members back at the center or
program can work with their Quality Improvement Specialist (QIS) or their Technical Assistance
Specialist (TAS) for follow-up support.
Note: It is important that all inquiries about the Grow NJ Kids program (e.g., processes, ratings,
timelines, training requirements, funding, and incentives) be referred back to the QIS or TAS.
Knowledge Some participants are seeing this training content for the first time, while others have already
implemented this information in their center or program. You will need to survey the room at
the start of the training to assess the knowledge level of participants. You will likely have a
combination of teachers, aides, directors, administrators, and TA Center staff in any given session
from a variety of programs, including preschools, child care centers, and home-based family care
Diversity The learners in your session will likely be just as diverse as the state of New Jersey. Participants
may be from urban, suburban, or rural settings and may be fluent English speakers or dual
language learners. You should assess special needs at the start of your training. Your assigned
GNJKTS staff member will alert you if we have been notified of participants requiring special
Attendance Participation is generally capped at 30 participants, and sessions often have waiting lists for
enrollment. You should plan on approximately 25-30 participants in yoursession.
If you have additional questions or concerns that have not been addressed in this document, please email us
at [email protected] for more information. Thank you for your commitment to ensuring New
Jersey’s children have access to quality early care and education!
Grow NJ Kids Training Services Frequently Asked Questions
Institute for Families, School of Social Work
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Rev: 4/6/18
Training Title: Dates: 89873
Location: Event ID:
Class ID:
The purpose of this evaluation is to determine if this training session was helpful in your professional development.
Please fill in the circle that best describes your agreement with the following items.
1. The presenter demonstrated knowledge of the training topic. Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly
2. The presenter was able to answer questions about the training Disagree Agree
topic. O O O
3. The presenter encouraged participation. O O
Sample OO O O
4. The presenter kept my interest. O O
5. The presenter paced the class well (e.g., timing, focus, breaks). O O
6. The materials and handouts were helpful. O O
7. I am satisfied with the training location. O
8. This training increased my skills in the training topic area.
9. I will use the information learned at this training in my work with OO
children and families. OO
10. I am satisfied with the overall training.
Is there anything else you would like us to know about today's training?
Thank you for completing this survey. We will use your responses to assess this training and improve future programs.
Grow NJ Kids Training Services Rev: 4/4/19
Institute for Families, School of Social Work
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Sample Appendix M
This feedback report provides Grow NJ Kids Training Services with information about training events
in order to improve the quality of learning experiences for our participants.
This report offers you a voice in responding to the facilitation of courses for the child care and early
learning workforce.
You will be responding with information about your specific training assignment and the overall
course that you facilitated.
Please submit this report within 48 hours of your assignment end date. It is part of your post-
training requirements.
Please complete the Post-Training Feedback Report for each course assignment
Thank you for your commitment to the child care and early learning workforce. You are an
important partner in developing their skills and knowledge!
If you have questions regarding this trainer feedback report, please contact
[email protected].
Instructor Name: (Drop-down menu)
Class ID and Title: (Drop-down menu)
If ‘other,’ please specify the class title: (Write in)
Select the date your training event began: (Calendar)
Training Location: (Write in)
Event ID Number: (Write in from roster)
Instructor Manual Appendices Rev 11.16.17
Page 52
Section 1: Preparation and Logistics
Did you receive course materials in sufficient time before the training date? Yes/No
Did you have all materials and supplies needed for the training? Yes/No
If no: Describe any obstacles you encountered with the materials/supplies. Share what would
improve your ability to prepare for this training.
Did you encounter any challenges with the technology/audiovisual equipment needed for training
delivery? Yes/No
If yes: Please provide a detailed description of the challenges you faced with the
technology/audiovisual equipment.
Was the venue/space a conducive learning environment? Yes/No
If no: What would have made the venue/space a more effective learning environment?
Are there any additional logistical concerns Grow NJ Kids Training Services should be aware of when
offering this training? Please be as detailed as possible.
Instructor Manual Appendices Rev 11.16.17
Page 53
Section 2: Delivery and Facilitation
Were you able to answer all questions asked during the training? Yes/No
If no: Please report any questions you were not able to answer during the training that require
further follow up.
Did you co-train this course with another instructor? Yes/No
If yes: Please use this space to share anything you would like to note about your co-training
Section 3: Participants
Were there any challenges experienced with your learners during this session? Yes/No
If yes: Please be as descriptive as possible in explaining the challenge, how you addressed it, and
what strategies you used to resolve it.
Please use this space to share how the course was received by your learners, offering behavioral
descriptions where possible.
Section 4: Training Content
This section asks about the training content and supporting course materials. If you have communicated
concerns about this content in a previous Post-Training Feedback Report, you may skip this section. Use
this section only for noting new information.
Please identify any particular areas of the content that could be revised to facilitate a better learning
experience for participants. What are your recommendations for improvement (e.g., updated data,
revised activity or exercise, alignment with best practices)? Please be as descriptive as possible.
Instructor Manual Appendices Rev 11.16.17
Page 54
This document is a guide for handling situations that might arise du
should be handled professionally and courteously. Many of these a
be helpful to refer to the document when explaining GNJKTS policie
Please use the Training Incident Report form to document any train
Grow NJ Kids Training Services. Submit the completed form immed
you are unsure of how to handle a training situation, contact your P
A participant arrives late The instructor may use their discretio
and has missed a determine if a participant can stay in
significant portion of the after arriving late. Arriving late may r
class. “No Show” if the course instructor de
that a participant has missed a signifi
portion of the class. Circumstances to
include the reason for late arrival, the
participant’s travel distance, and the
the training missed.
A participant is a walk-in They may stay in the training if they h
(did not register for the Workforce Registry ID and the trainin
class). for additional participants.
Grow NJ Kids Training Services
Institute for Families, School of Social Work
Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
uring a training. All scenarios and dealings with participants
areas are covered in the Know Before You Go document. It may
es to participants.
ning events that require additional follow up or consideration by
diately following completion to [email protected]. If
Program Coordinator (PC).
on to If the participant is asked to leave:
the class
result in a “Unfortunately you have missed a large
etermines portion of the training and will not be able
icant to complete the required training hours to
o consider get full credit for this day. We can
e withdraw you from this training so you can
amount of register for another session.”
have an NJ If participant can stay:
ng has room
“You are not on the list of participants
registered for this training. Please write
your full name and provide your email
GNJK Troubleshooting for Trainings
Rev: 6/6/18
A participant brings Only participants who have an NJ W
someone to a training. Registry ID will be permitted t
address and NJ Workforce Registry ID
number so that we may give you proper
credit for your attendance.”
If there is no room for additional participants:
mple “Unfortunately, we don’t have any
additional room in this training. Please
register for a future training through the NJ
Workforce Registry.”
Workforce If a participant brings a child to a training:
to attend
“In order to provide a safe and productive
learning environment, we cannot
accommodate children and therefore they
are not permitted in training. You may
need to return to your program or center
to get more information about a training
that better meets your schedule.”
If a participant brings a guest has not enrolled in
the training:
• “Only participants who have an NJ
Workforce Registry ID are permitted to
attend this training. I can have you
withdrawn from this training if you would
A participant requests a If available, participants are permitte
private space. private spaces at training sites. Howe
GNJKTS cannot ensure that all trainin
have available private spaces.
A trainer or participant is The safety and well-being of our train
injured at a training site. participants and staff is our priority.
prefer to reschedule for a different
mpleed to use If the training area does have a private space:
ng sites “This facility has a private space that you
can use.”
If the training area does not have a private space:
“Unfortunately this training facility doesn’t
have a private space. If you would prefer to
attend a training session where there is a
designated private space, please contact us
prior to registering for a particular class so
we can verify the accommodations.”
In the event of a serious injury or illness:
Immediately call 9-1-1.
In all cases of injury or illness:
Call the PC to notify GNJKTS of the issue.
Complete and submit the Injury Report
Inclement weather occurs The instructor will contact the PC if th
during the training. training needs to end early due to inc
weather. The PC will determine if the
requires an early dismissal.
There’s an emergency at The safety and well-being of our train
the training site. participants and staff is our priority.
If you are in a situation with a hostile or disruptive participant an
their feelings and that you want to put them in contact with our GN
the Senior Program Coordinator out of range of the full class and in
well-being and feelings around safety and preparedness are alway
safety of others, dial 9-1-1 immediately. Once you are able to safe
This website contains general emergency action plans that you ma
of the information is Rutgers-specific, but it is helpful in understand
hey feel the WHAT TO DO/SAY
e training Call the PC to notify them of the issue.
If it is determined that there will be an
mple early dismissal, notify the class and explain
that they will receive an email on the next
steps for completing the training.
Follow the site’s safety protocol as per the
site contact.
Call the PC to notify them of the issue. If
the PC is unavailable, contact the Sr. PC.
nd you need support, let the participant know that you recognize
NJKTS team who can listen and help respond to their concerns. Call
nvite the participant to have a more private conversation. Your own
ys our priority. If you are ever concerned about your safety or the
ely do so, contact your supervisor.
ay want to review: Some
ding various emergency situations.
PURPOSE: This document outlines the policy and procedures when trainings are or may be
affected by inclement weather.
POLICY: The safety and well-being of training participants and staff is the priority. If a training
may be affected by inclement weather, Grow NJ Kids Training Services will determine
by 12:00 PM the day before the training date if a cancellation is required in order to
ensure participants have enough notice to adjust their schedules. It is not typical policy
to have delayed starts and early dismissals.
Training Cancellation – Prior to First Day:
1) The PC and SPC will determine if a training needs to be cancelled after reviewing the status of
Rutgers University, the status of the regional school district, and any State of Emergency
2) The PC will notify the trainer of the cancellation via email, copying the SPC and the vendor
contact, and will follow up with a phone call. PC will notify site that training has been cancelled
and registrants have been notified.
3) The SPC will update the calendar page of the Grow NJ Kids website and update the NJ
Workforce Registry, the Grow NJ Kids Training Services Outlook calendar, and the Training
Planner. The SPC will notify the Online PC to update the Master Calendar.
4) The PC will send an email to all training participants, copying the SPC and the trainer:
Training Cancellation Email – Prior to First Day:
Subject Line: Grow NJ Kids Training Cancellation
Due to the anticipated inclement weather, your Grow NJ Kids training session,
cancelled. We apologize for the inconvenience, but the hazardous conditions will
impact our ability to ensure that travel is safe for all training participants.
Grow NJ Kids Training Services Inclement Weather Policy & Procedure
Institute for Families, School of Social Work
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Rev: 11/16/2018
Sample You can find and register for another [COURSE TITLE] offering by clicking here: You can also view our upcoming Grow NJ Kids trainings at
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Grow NJ Kids Training Services
Training Cancellation – Prior to Final Day:
1) The PC and SPC will determine if a training needs to be cancelled after reviewing the status of
Rutgers University, the status of the regional school district, and any State of Emergency
2) If it is a local trainer, the PC will notify the trainer of the cancellation via email, copying the SPC,
and will follow up with a phone call. If it is a vendor training, the SPC will notify the trainer and
email the vendor contact. PC will notify site that training has been cancelled and registrants
have been notified.
3) The SPC will update the calendar page of the Grow NJ Kids website and update the NJ
Workforce Registry, the Grow NJ Kids Training Services Outlook calendar, and the Training
Planner. The SPC will notify the Online PC to update the Master Calendar.
4) The trainer will notify the class and explain that they will receive an email on the next steps
for completing the training.
5) The PC will send an email to all training participants, copying the trainer:
Training Cancellation Email – Prior to Final Day
Subject Line: Grow NJ Kids Training Cancellation
Due to the anticipated inclement weather, your Grow NJ Kids training session,
[COURSE TITLE] on [DAY 2 DATE] at [TRAINING LOCATION] has been cancelled. We
Grow NJ Kids Training Services Inclement Weather Policy & Procedure
Institute for Families, School of Social Work
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Rev: 11/16/2018
apologize for the inconvenience, but the hazardous conditions will impact our ability to
ensure that travel is safe for all training participants.
Since you have already completed Day [NUMBER] of this training, follow these steps to
complete your course within the next six months:
1. Find and register for another [COURSE TITLE] offering by clicking here: You can also view our upcoming Grow NJ Kids
trainings at
2. Attend Day [NUMBER] of this training only.
3. Note on the sign-in sheet that you previously completed Day [NUMBER] on
If you wait longer than six months to register for another session, you will need to
attend all days to receive credit for the training.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Grow NJ Kids Training Services
Grow NJ Kids Training Services Inclement Weather Policy & Procedure
Institute for Families, School of Social Work
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Rev: 11/16/2018