Welcome to Nana’s Pub
Douglas Street, Cork, Ireland
Gabriel Chácara
All quotes along the presentation
came from Steve (pub co-owner).
Special thanks to him, Chris and
the whole staff from Nana’s for
allowing me a couple hours of
photo shooting and talk.
“You’re never in trouble if you
are at your nana’s house”
“There is no fake thing in here,
everything is real. I want people to
appreciate them”
“I think people lost the feeling about
what’s been in a pub. I want to do
something for my community”
“If tomorrow I was offered the
opportunity to become an
astronaut, I’d say No 100%”.
“I love the people and
the interaction, plus
pouring a beer is easy”
Chris (barman), 25 years
“I got check the customers all the
time, everyone is different. Sometimes
in the pub you have to be a mind
reader, people are afraid of asking or
saying something so sometimes you
have to just figure it out”.
“If I see two people sitting side by
side but glued to their phones, I strike
up conversation with one of them, I
make a joke about the other person
and when I realize they got rid of their
phones and started talking, I move
away from the scene”.
“Some people enjoy so much their
visiting to the pub that they even
send letters thanking for the time
they were here”.
“We are always writing something
funny here. Nana is always welcoming
someone or going somewhere, like:
Nana went to climb the Kilimanjaro”
“This is my favorite spot in the pub.
You sit here in these chairs near the
bonfire, the smell of the wood and
looking at the picture on the wall”
Steve enjoying a beautiful box full of sweets
brought by two customers.
Any final advice you always like to remember?
“Yes, in a pub, when dealing with customers,
you have to keep your mouth shut and your
ears open”.