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Published by acardwell, 2016-08-26 12:01:50

Cast Tech High School


from e Artisan, 1977 - Fox Tech High School Yearbook

CAST Tech High School
Preparing today’s students for tomorrow’s jobs
This project is all about opportunity and transformation:
• an opportunity to transform the future for San Antonio’s youth
• an opportunity to transform the future of San Antonio’s workforce
and economic engine
• an opportunity to transform the future for one of San Antonio’s
most beloved historical structures
At Joeris we believe each of these goals can be realized by -
Recognizing and honoring the history of Fox Tech High School – the structure and those who walked through the hallways, as students or faculty.
Understanding the vision and purpose of the new school.
Implementing the processes necessary to create a facility that realizes that vision.

A Skill Today, A Job Tomorrow
10 11
12 At First Glance
A Brief Project Overview
02 03
College Inspired
Building Your Vision
The Hands-On History of Career Prep at Fox Tech
Connecting Students to the Outside World
An Organization’s Contribution
Working on Buildings of a Certain Age
Taking a look at SAISD & NEISD Projects
Artists at Work
The Importance of Artwork on the Fox Tech Campus
The New Tech Shop
How to Pay Homage to the Old Welding/Auto Shop
04 The Downtown Connection Joeris Urban Renewal Projects
05 Historic Restoration, Respectful Renovation 13 Joeris Historic Restoration Projects
Working on an Occupied Campus
The 3 Keys to Success
06 What to do with Artifacts
Historic Elements Given Creative New Function
07 08
14 Construction Technology
Thermal Imaging, Laser Scanning & Their Bene ts
Understanding the Owner’s Vision
Create Opportunity, Develop Student Passion
Pre-Construction Services
Proposed Services, Critical Issues, Team Resources
The Changing Landscape of the Classroom
Project-Based Curriculum

Recognizing and honoring the history of Fox Tech High School – the struc- ture and those who walked through the hallways, as students or faculty.
02 03 04
A Skill Today, A Job Tomorrow
The Hands On History of Career Prep at Fox Tech
Artists at Work
The Importance of Artwork on the Fox Tech Campus
The New Tech Shop
How to Pay Homage to the Old Welding/Auto Shop
The Downtown Connection
Joeris Urban Renewal Projects
Historic Restoration/Respectful Renovation
05 Joeris Historic Remodel Projects

the past
if you would de ne the future.”
-- Confucius
Through study and investigation of the campus’ past - it’s beginnings, importance to this historic city, accomplishments of its students, and ongoing evolution - an understanding of and appreciation for its architecture, artifacts and art is developed.
This appreciation leads to a desire to honor and preserve through various means - display, restoration, repurpose, transformation - a need to walk back in order to move forward. We must know where we come from in order to know where we are going.

The Hands-on History
of Career Prep
at Fox Tech High School

Career-oriented learning is built into the bedrock of Fox Tech High School. Technology education, invention, preparing youth for the world of tomorrow: part of the school’s past, each of these will also be a part of the cam- pus’ future as CAST Tech High School. Remodeling the old Fox Tech shops to meet the needs of new trades and modern career paths of the local community will be a continuation of the truest traditions of Fox Tech.
Industrial Arts Program
Introduced to District
Some of the rst programs included wood work, needle trades, and metal work.
Main Avenue High
Main Avenue High would go on to become Fox Tech.
Shops added to Main Avenue High
Shops included machine, cabinet making, architec- tural drafting, and auto mechanics.
Main High becomes San Antonio Tech
Main High School becomes San Antonio Vo- cational & Technical School. The trade-focused school was often referred to as SA Tech.
District creates Industrial & Vocational Dept.
Long time teacher, Louis W. Fox named to head the department.
Local Industries Surveyed by District
Louis W. Fox, under the instruction of the current superintendent, conducts extensive survey of industrial and commercial facilities. The informa- tion is used to convince school board to establish a trade and commercial school.
SA Tech becomes Fox Tech
Louis W. Fox becomes namesake of the Fox Vocational and Technical and Night School.
Architectural Drafting Auto Mechanics Cabinet Mill Commercial Art Cosmetology
Needle Trades Electrical Trades Engineering Drafting Garment Trades Machine Shops Piping Trades Printing, Radio Sheet Metal
PART TIME COOPERATIVE Vocational Training paired with external, paid internship in the related industry
Book Keeping General Business Retail Selling Secretarial Training
Work Overcomes Everything
1927: Main Avenue High School’s Student Council adopts coat of arms for the school, the inscription for which reads "Labor Omnia Vincit" (Work Overcomes Everything).

Take a walk around the Fox Tech Campus, and you’re sure to stumble upon a mural or a piece of art, painted directly on the walls. These are not works of graf ti, but works of art from students past. Here are three reasons why art is so ingrained in Fox Tech culture.
The Importance of Art on the Fox Tech Campus
First, Commercial Art was one of the many trade crafts taught at Fox Tech, beginning as early as 1932. Students in Commercial Art gained experience in all elds of art. They learned to do lettering, fashion illustrations, silk screening, painting, and posters for different classes, clubs , and organizations.
The students entered hundreds of contests over the years such as the Merchant Marines, the National Scholastic, and the Band Festival. They always brought home top honors at the local, regional, and national levels. Their work was exhib- ited around town and at local festivals such as the San Antonio Arts and Craft Show held every year.
Wall Murals were used around the school to mark the passing of the students, inscribing either the year or sometimes their names. These murals were intended to forever hold the memories of the students that once roamed the halls.

The New Tech ShoHow to Pay Homage to the Old Welding/Auto Shop
In 1918, the San Antonio Independent School District made a signi cant transformation - they recognized the need for vocational training in schools. Shops were added to Main Avenue High. To further this cause, an entire vocational department was established in 1923. The school was focused on preparing their students for careers - in state of the art technical classrooms. They wanted to transform education in San Antonio!
In 2016, San Antonio will be transformed again - with the introduction of state of the art technical education for to- day’s world - at CAST Tech High School. Hands on education will live again in open classrooms, collaboration spaces, and entrepreneur labs in the same space where welding, auto mechanics and woodworking were the skills of the day. This new education space will pay tribute to the students and educators of yesteryear.


Joeris Urban Renewal Projects
Joeris is fortunate to have been involved with several of San Antonio’s recent and prominent urban rede- velopment projects. These projects are always chal- lenging - working under
a microscope and making every effort to honor what our neighbors, and we hold dear. San Antonio
is a special place with cultural and architectural vitality. With each project our desire is to collabo- rate with all stakeholders and help infuse a new vibrancy while preserving all of the best features of each space. We do this
by listening, planning and working in concert with each member of the team.
Urban Revitalization Project | $6,105304 | 4-acre development | CMR
This vibrant redevelopment project has set the standard for all future Hemisfair Park development, establishing a world-class urban park that will soon be surrounded by a sustainable mixed-use neighborhood that adds real value to downtown San Antonio.
Historic Brewery Transformation | $40,000,000 | Multi-phase, various projects
The transformation of the derelict Pearl Brewery into the award-winning multi-use urban environment that it is today can not be understated. Throughout the Pearl there is a balance between Victorian styling and industrial character - always paying homage to the working industry of beer-making that once took place where the new or renovated buildings stand.
What to do with Artifacts
Historic Elements Given Creative New Function
There will no doubt be objects in the buildings that will warrant saving - possibly for reuse and fea- ture in the new campus. There are many ways to accomplish this.
Items, like the lamp from the Fox Tech shop build- ing, can easily be refurbished and used again once the building is complete. But oftentimes, unique building artifacts are put back into the building in new and unique ways.
Here are some ways we’ve been creative on past projects at the Pearl Brewery.
Creative Re-UseMany of the old brewery’gas tanks were used as pthe garage to the secondcurred within feet of the damage of any type.

Historic Restoration, Respectful Renovation
Joeris Historic Restoration Projects
The goal of any historic restoration or renovation is to complete the project in a respectful way, mindful of the history and surrounding environment.
The Arsenal project is being completed in multiple phases which include demolition of a1940’s building addition and salvage of large span wood trusses, restoration of 1860’s Civil War Barracks (tied for oldest government military building in Texas) and conversion into museum and visitor center.
Alamo Stadium is a historic site, added to the National Register
of Historic Places on September 8, 2011. In addition, the site was deemed a state archaeological landmark in 2012. These des- ignations required design approval by local and state agencies. Design called for the preservation or duplication of many historical elements, including the signature rock, the iconic entry and several unique features placed by the original craftsmen, including a Ma- donna found within the walls.
at the Pearl
s original features were recycled and reused in new and interesting ways. Old lanters. The original conveyor was re-purposed as a covered walkway from story of another building on site. In addition, much of the construction oc- historic brewhouse and smokestack - both of which had to be protected from Custom xtures were also created, utilizing beakers, gears and machine belts from old brewery lab equipment. The process of re-using and re-purposing the historic features was oftentimes tedious and dif cult, but the end results contribute to the ‘greening’ of the project and the urban aesthetic.

Understanding the vision and purpose of the new school.
07 08
10 11
Understanding the Owner’s Vision
Create Opportunity, Develop Student Passion
The Changing Landscape of the Classroom
Project-Based Curriculum
College Inspired
Building your Vision
Connecting Students to the Outside World
An Organization’s Contribution
Working with Buildings of a Certain Age
Taking a look at SAISD & NEISD Projects

Before any project can truly begin, it is our duty to understand the Owner’s vision of the nal project.
Based on our ndings for this proposal, we recognize two major project goals that must be accomplished in order to achieve the Owner’s vision of CAST Tech High School:
Develop a Student’s Passion & Purpose
through a Tech and Entrepreneurship, Project-Based Curriculum
Connect Students to the Outside World:
draw a closer connection between education & the student’s future career
Our understanding of your vision is as follows:
Transform a Historical
Educational Facility
into a Dynamic, Evolving Learning Space

Student Library, Interior
Joeris has been building educational facilities for 49 years. Over the years, we have seen numerous factors contribute to what an American classroom looks like: popular construction materials of the day, necessary student technologies, local education laws, etc. However, in the end, the typical 20 or so, desks in a room, in front of a single teacher for a lecture, has remained a consistent constant in the lives of American students and in the layout of modern educational facilities. That is, until recently...

The newest schools we are building fall into one of these three layouts in support of a project based curriculum.
Enter, the Project Based Curriculum
Over the past ve years, we have started to see a gradual shift in how schools and classrooms are being laid out. The biggest shift in educational facilities has had to do with new ways educational leaders are teaching - the most in uential of which is the teaching method, Project Based Curriculum.
Project Based Curriculum is a teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to an authentic, engaging and complex question, problem, or challenge.
It’s not about the Destination, It’s about the Journey.
With a Project-Based Curriculum, the projects are the vehicle for the journey of learning.
The project journey, visualized spatially below, emphasizes facilitating over lecturing, and providing opportunities for moving, socializing, and researching.
What does this mean for the classroom? It’s not just a classroom anymore - it’s a variety of spaces.
- -
-6 teaching stations in
Creating Spaces for Creative Collision
-Grades organized int -
It’s not just the classrooms that are changing, it’s educational facilities as a whole.
Project Journey
Manor New Tech Middle School
O Central Common
-Grades organized into pods - -Library and/or Dining

-Library and/or Dining used as central
-6 teaching stations in each
- -focal point of school
• Grades organized into pods
• 6 teaching stations in each
• Library and/or Dining used as
• Spaces organized by Activities Options
• Few solid walls – use mobile Central Commons:
Open Concept:
central common area Manor New Tech Middle School
Central focal point of school
de ne spaces
-Spaces organized by
• Hyper- exible
-Few solid walls – use
-focal point of school
whiteboards to de n
furniture and whiteboards to
-Hyper- exible
Open Concept:
Manor New Tech Middle School
G 6
L f
p s
S wF
m e

Trinity University Science Building
Trinity University Science Building
UTSA North Paseo Building
UTSA North Paseo Building

At Joeris, we see the changing classroom in the collective spaces we build for universities as well. In fact, places of higher learning are often the incubators for testing these new styles of learning.
Comfortable nooks and crannys for students to study, unique collaborative spaces for project group work, a well-lit com- puter lab, relaxed green spaces with ample table space - all of these spaces are important to the success and experience of a college student.
Joeris has built collaborative spaces on college campuses across Texas including the University of Texas in San Antonio, Incarnate Word University, Trinity University, Texas A&M University Corpus Christi, St. Mary’s University, and University of North Texas.
Design Elements for a College Environment
- Open Courtyard
- Interactive Lobby (screens)
- Research Labs
- Well-Lit Atrium
- Cafe & Gathering areas
- Lounge Seating/Group study areas
- Charging Ports & Stations
- Glass walled classrooms

Active-Passive Voice!
Change each passive voice sentence into the activeWrite your new sentences on the lines below each1. The design of the house was chosen by a team of constructio_______________________________________________________2. The house was painted by the team over Labor Day Weekend_______________________________________________________3. The blueprint of the house was sent to the printer by the team_______________________________________________________4. The tool belt was handed from one worker to another. _______________________________________________________5. The house was built quickly by the eager team. _______________________________________________________6. We were amazed at how quickly the house was built. _______________________________________________________Activity Page 8 (Page 9)
Pleasanton ISD High School Students learn how to read construction plans.
Jobsite Visits
For the past 20 years, we have opened the eyes of local students to the process of construction. Hoping to expand a student’s understanding of how the world is being built around them, and ignite their interest in a potential future career, we coordinate jobsite visits and create customized learning materials.
We recognize a key component of the new CAST Tech High School will rely on partnerships with local organizations. At Joeris, we are dedicated to the students we build schools for and demonstrate this by facilitating opportunities for them. Here are a few of the ways we have done that in the past.

Student Learning Materials
We customize construction-related learning material to the grade level’s curriculum. This includes activity books, infographics, and construction plan documents. To access these materials, visit http://www.joeris. com/educational-resources. Password: school
Industry Basics Training
We also partner with local industry organizations to provide Industry Basics training, OSHA 10, and CPR training to students preparing to enter the work force upon school completion. An excellent example of this type of career training partnership is one that we have with YouthBuild San Antonio. In February, two of our most skilled superintendents taught an afternoon Carpentry Class to a group of 20 students as part of the Introduction to Construction for YouthBuild Program for the George Gervin Youth Center.
voice. item.
n workers. ________ . ________ . ________ ________ ________ ________
We also work with High School Construction Career programs, like Warren Construction Careers Academy,
to come up with learning plans and ways to integrate
Read about how houses are built then label the
internships and shadow days.
diagram. Once you’ve finished, color it in.
When building a house, you must rst start with the FOUNDATION, the base of the house. Once your foundation has been laid, you will then begin to build the EXTERIOR WALLS, which will protect your house from outside elements like weather and animals. After your exterior walls are built, you will begin to build the INTERIOR WALLS, which separate the rooms inside your house. You will then need to construct the ROOF, again to protect the inside of your house from outside elements. Finally it will be time to complete your house. You will install SIDING to the exterior walls, consisting of brick. You will also need to install the WINDOWS and DOORS to your house.
Activity Page 1 4th & 5th Grade Construction Activity Bo(Poagke 2s) ample,
created by Joeris Marketing Team
Job Shadow Days at the Of ce
We also work to show students opportunities in the construction industry that are not necessarily related to eld work. We have partnered with the City of San Antonio, local school districts, and other youth organizations to provide job shadow days and of ce tours to the students of our community. Most recently we partnered with SA Works for a city-wide shadow day, providing students with a panel discussion at our Joeris Corporate Of ce as well as a jobsite tour of NISD Harlan High School.

The following projects are some of our most notable school
renovation projects to date. They too, had the need for restoration, as the clients’ goals were similar to the vision of the future CAST Tech High School.
2015 SAISD Sam Houston High School Renovations
Electrical re-feed of existing Science building to existing main building. New Career Tech building addition. Speci ed areas of existing campus received cosmetic renovations.
Home to the HI-Tech Manufacturing Engineering and Technology Program (a Met STEM Magnet Program)
2015 SAISD Highlands High School Rebuild
Demolished majority of the existing campus to accommodate the new 350,000 SF additions. Constructed in two major phases, with each phase including demo and reconstruction of portions of the campus. Campus remains occupied.
Home to a S.T.E.M Magnet Program (since 1989)
Special care went into the restoration of the original wood bleachers and historic stadium features, including the grand entrance, the locally quarried rock, and several artistic elements discovered within the original walls of the facade.
Serves as SAISD’s District Stadium (3rd largest in Texas)
2013 SAISD Alamo Stadium & Convocation Renovations

A model for urban agriculture education. State-of-the-art technology in 4 new barns, instructional facility and shing pier. Sustainable elements include a wind turbine, reclaimed water system, solar heated ooring in the barns, photovoltaic panels and an EEED (energy ef cient education dashboard) touch screen in the main building.
Serves as the largest Agriscience Magnet Program in the state of Texas. LEED GOLD Facility
Major rebuild of the entire campus, consisting of seven phases of construction during occupancy. Specialty features include a 50,000 SF Arts & Sciences building, three art studios, three kiln rooms, and photojournalism photography labs.
Home to the Design And Technology Academy Magnet Program
2005 NEISD Roosevelt High School Rebuild
Extensive renovations throughout the campus consisting of demolition and reconstruction of several buildings. Utilized BIM models to communicate value engineering ideas and laser scanning to coordinate the new MEP systems and equipment.
Home to the ISA (International School of the Americas) Magnet Program
2009 NEISD Madison Agriscience Magnet Facility
2015 NEISD Lee High School Additions & Renovations

Implementing the processes necessary to create a facility that realizes that vision.
13 14 15
At First Glance
A Brief Project Overview
Working on an Occupied Campus
The 3 Keys to Success
Construction Technology
Laser Scanning, Thermal Imaging & Their Bene ts
Pre-Construction Services
Proposed Services, Critical Issues, Team Resources


For the project overview, we will focus on the exterior courtyard area, behind the two (soon-to-be) CAST Tech buildings.
Roof units may need to be removed and re- placed. Building may also need to be reroofed.
Windows checked for lead paint and replaced. Sound proofing & efficiency improvement options available.
Remove stairwells and all protruding building fea- tures (per final design specifications).
Address chiller cooling tower + acoustics. Strategic use of trees around chiller, over time will add to the sound dampening and general enjoyment of the space.
Add more community oriented elements to the courtyard.
Soften the industrial. Replace asphalt with landscape. Unify space with current courtyard.
Remove the dividing walls to create a cohesive and inviting courtyard space.
1 2
5 6
6 7
Step 1
Geo Tech and Structural Survey
Step 2
Locate shut-off valves for utilities
Step 3
Demo/Remove desired original features
Step 4
Clean exterior, ll in holes, re-roof
Step 5
Add any new exterior features, handscape/ landscape
Leyland Cypress are often used to create a visual & sound buffer in landscape design.
Portions of the dividing wall that can be removed to help unify the courtyard and streetscape.
Mural Preservation
Once it is determined which of the original campus artwork will be saved, great care will be taken during the project demo phase to protect it. This will require thoughtful sched- uling & communication since the murals will need to be protected during construction. We employed these techniques at Alamo Stadium, preserving four original 1940’s murals within the renovated stadium.
Artisan Subcontractors
If any of the original artwork needs restoration or replication, we know the people for the job. During our restoration projects at Alamo Sta- dium as well as the Bexar County Courthouse, we developed relation- ships with a variety of artisan sub- contractors who have the expertise and experience to restore and repro- duce detailed artwork.



Keys to Success
when building on an Occupied Campus
Safety of Students, Faculty and Public
Flexibility to Changing Schedules - potential phasing Containment of Construction Activity (noise, dust, debris)
0 100 2
Proven Expertise
incidents outside construction zone
occupied campus projects in 25 yrs
week look ahead activity schedule

The biggest challenge working on occupied campus construction is working around daily campus events. We have implemented several successful methods for merging our construction schedule with school activities. When working on an occupied facility, we host weekly coordination meetings with campus of cials including the principal, teachers, and maintenance staff, to make sure we are not interfering with their scheduled events. In many instances, we customize our construction schedule to work around peak school hours, including nights and weekends.
Joeris General Contractors has one of the best safety records in San Antonio and all of south Texas.
We have been recognized as the Safe Contractor of the Year by the San Antonio Associated General Contractors six times over the last decade. Our objective is an injury and incident-free project. Our team is directed to focus on safety without compromise. To that end, we have developed an effective and systematic safety management approach that emphasizes continuous improvement. In addition, our team will provide a badging program that will ensure the safety and security of all Owner and con- struction personnel. Joeris has extensive experience using this badging system as many of our clients depend on it for the safety of their students and staff. As the Construction Manager for the project, we recognize that our team bears overall responsibility for all aspects of safety at the Project. We strongly believe that our coordination with campus of cials has been a key factor in keeping the stu- dents and faculty safe, as well as completing our projects on time and within budget.
•Safety Director - 25 yrs. exp •Safety Team •Inspections 2x/month
•Stakeholder mtgs in precon
•Daily communication with staff
•Phasing/Shifts as needed
•2 week look ahead schedule incorporating campus activities
•Preplan sub meetings in precon
Occupied Campus Construction

Thermal Imaging, Laser Scanning & Their Bene ts
Thermal Imaging can be highly beneficial in circumstances where you want to know what exists behind a wall without removing it. Looking for a pipe? A stud? Wiring? Ther- mal imaging can pinpoint locations without damage or demolition.
Benefits to your project? Because the buildings are so old, as-builts may not be as re- liable (if they even existent) as with newer facilities. Thermal imaging can help us identi- fy what areas we need to explore in detail before any major construction is done.
Laser Scanning An additional option to thermal imaging is laser scanning, a modern technique used in situations where exact measurements/replicas are required.
Example: we utilized laser scanning on our Bexar County Courthouse restoration in dif- ferent forms. It was imperative that we recreate the courthouse molding to resemble the original/existing. By using laser scanning, we were able to scan the molding for every minute detail, including size, shape, thickness, etc.
Benefits to your project? If any original element such as the brick wall mural or other important artifacts are intended to be salvaged, laser scanning can precisely document all the data needed to recreate it with the highest accuracy.
MEP Coordination is crucial when remodeling existing facilities, because of the poten- tial for unforeseen conditions and associated setbacks that can occur if major issues arise.
SAISD Example On our SAISD Highlands High School rebuild project, we came across numerous clash detection issues with existing ductwork and new piping. Utilizing BIM technology, the Architect’s model, and as-built drawings, we were able to resolve issues before they arose by simply rerouting the piping.

We will promptly engage and begin collaborating with the Design Team during the Design Developdeliver an end product that meets the desired project program. Engaging ourselves in the early stamize our ability to manage and execute the following key aspects of our preconstruction services.
As our Estimate Update report demonstrates, we compare each subse- quent estimate to the previous one(s) division-by-division. This allows the entire Project Team to see at a glance where we may be starting to incur “scope creep” and where we may need to focus the attention of a quick Value Engineering session. As the design progresses, our Estimate Updates become more detailed and more accurate, thus allowing us to reduce the contingencies built into the early design estimates. These estimate updates allow our team to convert to a GMP at virtually any point in the process.
Upon selection, we will meet with the project team as early as possible to discuss our interpretation of the program, existing design documen- tation, site issues and our expectation of further design development. These discussions allow the entire team to reach consensus on the de- sign parameters and ensure that the Owner’s requirements are account- ed for in the estimate. From these discussions and the available design documentation, our team will draft a detailed cost model with a descrip- tion of the model components (type of systems and building materials, etc.) and corresponding percentages of each component against the overall budget. Additionally, we will provide a complete narrative of the basis of the costs for each system. This provides a complete picture of the cost and design targets for each system and component.
Once cost guidelines are set in the cost model, we will provide the ar- chitect with continuous feedback on the cost implications as the de- sign evolves. Continuous cost budgeting is a systems-based approach to managing the design/budget process, and focuses on examining the design by breaking it into basic building systems. Biweekly pre-construc- tion team meetings focus on a single design element or building system. Our cost estimating team then presents a cost estimate and review of the previous meeting’s design element. Constructability reviews and val- ue engineering suggestions are made after presentation of each cost estimate.
During the preconstruction phase, we will develop a critical path method schedule utilizing Oracle Primavera P6 software. The schedule will in- clude all Pre-Construction and Construction milestones and coordinate all activities of the Project Team. Initially, the schedule will contain de-
tailed Pre-Construction Phase activities and lof Construction Phase activities. As the projestruction Phase activities will increase in detailtivity sequences and durations are developed pPackage. The schedule will incorporate all aspand bid package strategy to accurately projectof the project.
We will implement a constructability program tschedule savings, making all efforts to signi cmance. We will ensure that our construction timely integrated into the conceptual planning, operations of the project to achieve the overallpossible time and accuracy at the most cost-ef4. VALUE ENGINEERING
During value engineering, we look for items thabene t, without changing the intent of the desaddition to proposing alternative solutions to offer alternatives and suggestions for every ipre-determined. With each suggestion that ispricing, we will provide a price analysis on the aeach item for the Owner and Design Teams’ rewill ultimately lower the construction cost, assuitems are accepted prior to construction.
Before the start of construction, we will sendparty testing agencies out for various investinot limited to, asbestos surveys, laser scanningetc. This will allow us to plan accordingly and mpreconstruction to eliminate costly unforeseen6. SITE LOGISTICS PLANNING
In addition to eld investigation surveys, our tealogistics plan to include items such as project pmaterial laydown areas, job trailer placement, and safety fencing. Creating a site logistics assure a reliable game plan is established prio

ment phase in order to ges of design will opti- ogic with broader de nitions ct design is re ned, the Con- and complexity until nal ac- rior to the start of each Work ects of construction planning the sequencing and phasing o document project cost and antly enhance project perfor- knowledge is effectively and design, construction, and eld project objectives in the best fective levels.
t can provide a valuable cost ign or reducing the scope. In speci c items, our team will tem of cost that hasn’t been discussed and approved for mount of potential savings for view and approval. This effort ming at least some of the VE our project team and third gation surveys including, but , soil testing, thermal imaging, ake any adjustments during mistakes.
m will prepare a detailed site hasing, construction fencing, delivery/truck access routes, plan in the early stages will r to the start of construction.
Jeff Bryant
Vice President of Preconstruction
BIM Team


Preconstruction Services Proposal/Agreement for CAST High School Renovations, Ph 1
August 25, 2016
Client: Bill Triplett, Senior Vice President – Strategic Design HEB Contractor: Joeris General Contractors, Ltd.,
Project Name: Cast High School Renovations, Phase 1
Project Location: 637 North Main Avenue, San Antonio, TX 78205 Architect: Selser Schaefer Architects
Scope ofServices:
- cost estimating
- value engineering
- project scheduling
- constructability reviews
- field investigation surveys - site logistical planning
Compensation: for the services outlined above, the Contractor proposes a fee of five thousand dollars ($5,000) per month. For an estimated preconstruction duration of four (4) months, we propose a lump sum preconstruction fee of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000). If awarded construction, we propose to cre dit this fe e towards the construction cost.
Qualifications :
Contractor will exercise reasonable care in preparing estimates and scheduling information. However, the Contractor does not warrant or guarantee this information until it becomes part of a construction contract. In addition, under this agreement, the Contractor is not a design professional and as such not required to ascertain the design is in accordance with laws and codes.
This Agreement has been entered into as of the date written above.
Date: _________________________
Joeris General Contractors, Ltd. By:
Date: _______________________________
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