Authentic Living
Oracle, Author, Visionary
Authentic Living
Warrior Woman
Goddess of the Island
Giver of Good Fortune & Gifts
Imagine All the
EYDIS Interview
EYDIS Contributor
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C O NT Maria Savoy
T E R S The founder of Eydis, has been
in the marketing and media
arena for over 20 years, owning
five businesses and selling
two of those. She creates local
magazines as well as publishing
a global magazine creating an
awareness around articles that
are empowering and inspirational.
As an Author and Prosperity
Coach, Maria helps others to live
the life they desire.
Kathryn Andries Patrick Andries Mella Barne Liz Bull Amanda Butler
The Dream Experts
Authentic Living
Eydis magazine is a monthly publication and makes every effort to provide accurate information in
advertising, editorial content and placement: however, we cannot make any claims as to the accuracy of
information provided by advertisers or editorial contributors and will accept no responsibility or liability for
inaccurate information or placement. No content can be duplicated without the permission of Eydis Media.
For inquiries e-mail [email protected].
12 | Eydis Magazine
Sharon Carne Sari Cicurel Annabell Cohen Pat Duckworth
Tamara Green Elaine Grohman Ann Leach
Art Director
Judith E. Lipson Cindy Nunnery Anna Pereira
Ellen Rogin John and Carrie Kate Sholonski Janette Stuart Gary Stuart
eydisauthenticliving.com 13
from the publisher
As I ponder in silence, I think about how strong we are as women. How we band
together in times of need and laugh together in times of joy. Life is anything but
perfect, but with the trust, respect and wisdom that lie in the hearts of authentic
women, we always stand in integrity.
As natural leaders, we lead from the core of our inner strength and follow the inner
principles of our being. We believe in ourselves and our ability to manifest our lives
in a way that contributes to the beautiful world that we create for ourselves.
As Pioneers, we learn to trust that whatever happens is part of the process that
leads us to our success. We instinctively follow our characteristics of intuition,
creativity, spirituality, love, and compassion.
Personal growth and manifestation are always possible. Looking at the world
through the eyes of a cup half full helps to ensure these possibilities. In the
promise of the words below, I hope to encourage you to continue to live a full and
abundance life.
“A woman is the Make A Promise to Yourself
full circle. Within
her is the power to To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.
create, nurture and
transform.” To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet.
Diane Mariechil To make all your friends feel that there is something in them.
To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.
To think only the best, to work only for the best, and to expect only the best.
To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.
To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.
To wear a cheerful expression at all times and give every living creature you meet a smile.
To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to
criticize others.
To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to
permit the presence of trouble.
To think well of yourself and to proclaim this fact to the world, not in loud words but
great deeds.
To live in faith that the whole world is on your side so long as you are true to the
best that is in you.
—Christian D. Larson
Maria Savoy – Publisher
[email protected]
14 | Eydis Magazine
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Living Magazine
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Colette Baron-Reid, an internationally acclaimed intuition
expert and visionary, a best-selling inspirational author
published in 27 languages, the star of the national hit
Canadian TV show “Messages From Spirit,” and oh,
did I mention her newly published book, Uncharted ~
The Journey Through Uncertainty To Infinite Possibility. A must read!
16 | Eydis Magazine
Eydis Self-Growth Simply Wealth
Living Spiritual Consciousness
28 Ask the Life 54 Connecting 76 The Dream 94 Your Money
Coaches You With You Experts Manifesto
Our Sacred What Does Your What Is Your
Choice It’s Time To Fall In Dream Mean Belief Around
Love With Your Money?
30 Whistle While Self! 78 3 Preventative
You Work Practices for Healthy
60 The Deafening Heart & Soul Living
34 Dear Liberty Sound of
I’m Miserable Silence 86 Near Life 100 What’s in a
In My Marriage Experience Label?
62 You Never vs. Full Life A Quick
38 Talk To Tamara Forget Experience Buyer’s Guide
I Am Single Again
66 Mentoring 88 If Spirit Moves 104 Be Healthy
40 When the and Parenting You, Move and Happy
Common App Sensitives with Spirit Inside and Out
Goes Live Every
Year, Anxiety 70 5 Top Tips for 112 Pumpkin
Runs High New Midlife & Spice
44 Picture a October 2016
48 Enchanged
eydisauthenticliving.com 17
by Maria Savoy
18 | Eydis Magazine
Recently I had the pleasure of
talking with an amazing woman
that I have long admired and adore. As we
spoke, it didn’t take long to realize that
this spirited, sassy redhead was everything
I had imagined her to be, genuine, kind,
talented and humble. Within minutes, I felt
as though I had known her forever.
Colette Baron-Reid, an internationally
acclaimed intuition expert and visionary, a
best-selling inspirational author published
in 27 languages, the star of the national
hit Canadian TV show “Messages From
Spirit,” and oh, did I mention her newly
published book, Uncharted ~ The Journey
Through Uncertainty To Infinite Possibility.
A must read!
Known as the Oracle, Colette opens up
about her childhood, troubled teen years,
past struggles in search of finding her
truth, and the amazing life she has created
for herself.
As our conversation began, Colette shared
a few intimate details of her life.
Colette’s parents were affluent European
immigrants that migrated to Canada in
the 50’s. Her father was a land developer,
philosopher, and inventor, and her mother,
20 years his junior, was a socialite and very
beautiful, a cross between Sophia Loren
and Ingrid Bergman.
eydisauthenticliving.com 19
Growing up Anglican, Colette
loved going to church. One
of her fondest memories was
when her mother gave her a
beautiful jeweled Russian cross
necklace that she had gotten
from Germany, which she wore
proudly for many years.
Colette was unaware of her
intuitive abilities as a child. To know
things and receive information
about others seemed natural to
her, it’s all she knew and thought
others could do the same.
“ I saw the world as alive in a way
that I thought everyone did,” she
shares. “I saw Auras and halos
around people and thought
everyone saw that.”
It wasn’t until she began to have
a reoccurring dream and her
mother’s reaction to that dream
that made her question the
normalcy of her life.
“I had a reoccurring dream over
two years on a monthly basis of
people being burnt in ovens,
ashes coming down like snow
with horrible odors. There was a
skeletal-looking man whose skin
seemed to stretch over his face
standing by a table with piles of
teeth and bits of metal. What was
really uncanny about this was not
so much the dream itself, but my
mother’s reaction to it. Normally
she would allow me to come
into sleep with her, but when I
had this dream, she would tell
me to get back into my bed. So I
really associated that dream with
something being wrong.”
It wasn’t until shortly after her
father lost everything at the
20 | Eydis Magazine
age of 75, that she realized first drink. Drinking made her observing it. As horrific as this
the impact of that dream. One feel “normal” in a way that she experience was, Colette was
evening she had a conversation wasn’t afraid of herself or her able to disassociate herself from
with her mother who had been experiences. Coping with what the pain and trauma that would
drinking. She remembers she was seeing and hearing and prove to help her later in life
wearing the cross necklace and keeping everything to herself, with her Intuitive abilities.
her mother abruptly telling her proved to be very difficult.
to take it off. “What I realize now is that I was
Despite her adversities, Colette able to leave my body, through
“I asked her why and she blurted was able to focus on her studies a psychotic break and went to
out because you’re Jewish.” and when she graduated, her a geographical location in the
Colette shares. She was stunned parents sent her on to school room, which is actually where
as her mother continued to with the aspirations that Colette I go now when I am doing
tell the story of her Parisian would become an attorney. readings,” Colette shares.
grandfather who was killed in
Dachau Concentration camp. In a brave moment, Colette A moment of surrender showed
shared that at the age of 19 up in Colette’s life at the age
That dream became an while attending college, she of 27. She remembers being
important storyline in Colette’s was gang raped, a horrendous in the basement of a drug
life. It confirmed that she had act that changed her life forever. dealer’s home strung out on
the gift of know things about cocaine, hadn’t bathed for a
others didn’t. That she had Colette remembers leaving her week, and her skin was yellow
access to images and pictures body, moving away from the from jaundice. As she unsteadily
in her head as though she was situation as though she was walked up the stairs and into
remembering the past or seeing
the future.
Colette admits, “I never wanted
to do this work, I had such a
chip on my shoulder, and my
parents were so against it that
we never really talked about
it. I found it a bit shocking that
after my parents died, a family
friend shared that my father also
had this gift. I was told that my
parents use to go to parties and
my father would go into a trance
and read things about people in
their Turkish coffee cups.”
Colette was overwhelmed
by the world for most of her
early life and needed to find
an escape and so she started
drinking and doing drugs at
the age of 15, believing now
that she was an alcoholic at her
eydisauthenticliving.com 21
“The Light Within Me
Creates Miracles”
– Colette Baron-Reid
“My desire for my future vision was first love – but an aspiration that
stronger than the addiction that was living was waylaid by Spirit’s other
in my body.” plans for Colette. As she began
touching people through her
– Colette Baron-Reid aromatherapy, messages and
visions immediately appeared
the bathroom, she glanced into proved to be a defining moment causing her to relay information
a mirror and for the first time, with huge shifts in her spirituality. to her clients about their lives
she saw herself truly as she was that ultimately lead her in the
and what she had become. Although the journey was not direction of her intuitive gifts.
an easy one, it was a journey
“I held on to the side of the into the uncharted, which Showing a map of people’s
sink and said help me. It wasn’t actually is the title of her new pasts and helping to guide
like the “help me” from before, book. She was now walking them into the future is what
help me, help me, please into the unknown and had Colette does. She is very
help me and I’ll be a good to fully surrender to the new candid in revealing that this
girl. It was a complete and experiences that lie before her. was not her first choice in a
absolute surrender, I could not Colette is living proof that it is career path, however, she
do this anymore. I had felt so possible to not only change but now teaches that you should
useless, dirty, and worthless. to be the conscious Co-Creator embrace your gifts, honor
Then suddenly this translucent of your own life. yourself and be exactly who
bubble surrounded me, and I you are with no apologies.
heard this voice telling me “it’s MOE’S ON QUEEN STREET…
over.” I then remember leaving WHERE IT ALL BEGAN UNCHARTED ~
in a taxi and I just knew I never Shortly after getting clean and THE JOURNEY
had to go back there again.” sober in 1986, Colette certified THROUGH UNCERTAINTY
as an aromatherapist and TO INFINITE POSSIBILITY
Colette sought treatment for her continued to pursue a career Uncharted was written as a sequel
drug and alcohol addiction, which in music, which was always her to Colette’s book, The Map:
22 | Eydis Magazine
“It is in the uncharted waters, during
uncertain times, when you feel most lost that
you actually have the greatest opportunity to
begin manifesting the life you desire.”
– Colette Baron-Reid
Finding The Magic and Meaning who give themselves the name always trust, to reveal itself as
In The Story Of Your Life. “Fred,” she smiles. I said to each new experience awakens
them “Fred!” really! A chorus of the miracle maker in you. And
As I ask her about the creation of her guides all singing and humming it’s a deliberate conscious
new book and how she came up messages in unison, she says partnership with Spirit that is at
with the theme, she made me laugh with her arms flying up in the the very core of co-creating. “
at the authenticity of her answer. air, and that’s the truth, it’s as
real as my coffee cup!” Something profound happened
“It’s a book created through a while Colette was writing this
collaboration with my guides She continues, “Stepping into book. The information inside
the unknown and releasing was meant to be of serve to
ourselves from the prison of our others and it works. If you follow
own making is the way forward the exercises, Colette shares,
for all of us, and what we need that you will have an epiphany.
to do. It’s about co-creating
your reality through a new To purchase her book go to
map of life, one that you can colettebaronreid.com
“I Am Divinely Protected
And Divinely Directed”
– Colette Baron-Reid
eydisauthenticliving.com 23
Known as the Oracle, this is
Colette’s passion and obsession.
“Oracle cards are a reflective
tool for what you cannot see
with our own eyes. They give
you an understanding of how
you are being influenced by the
outer world. How you are being
influenced by your own thoughts,
feelings and beliefs, and how to
stay in alignment to your highest
good and understand the yearnings
and calling of your own soul.”
Colette has many decks to
choose from on her website at
colettebaronreid.com. As a gift,
you are able to select a card
from one of her decks for a daily
reading. Colette does this to
teach and empower people to
tune into their intuition and to
make it a daily practice.
Colette has a couple of new
decks coming in 2017; “The
Good Tarot”, “The Mystic
Shaman” created in partnership
with Alberto and Marcella
Villoldo, along with “Post Cards
From Spirit” giving you the ability
to connect with your guides and
loved ones who have passed.
“I love what I do, I feel like an
Oracle Elf sitting in the corner
at Hay House creating these
amazing cards,” Colette smiles.
For those of you who are unsure
of what Oracle cards are or
maybe you just want to learn
more about how to use them,
Colette offers an online class on
the basics of using her cards,
that you can find on her website.
24 | Eydis Magazine
“Reality is an addiction. We are addicted
to seeing the world the way we perceive it
through stress and discomfort. We then tell
the universe; yes we want more of this.”
– Colette Baron-Reid
ADVICE FROM COLETTE In using just our 5 senses, it IN CONCLUSION
BARON-REID creates the illusion that we “We are at a time where people
What advice would you give are all separate. For us to are capable of manifesting so
parents who have a child live in this material universe, effortlessly right now, it’s crazy.
showing intuitive abilities? we have learned to see it But what they don’t realize is that
as a place of disconnection, when they are tied so closely to
Teach them how to meditate. separation, scarcity and their past, that’s why they are
Meditate, meditate, meditate. competition. We have also sometimes getting mixed results.
Mindfulness meditation is crucial. falsely understood that nature The way to truly live and choose
Allow your child to express what was based on the survival of your reality is to co-create –
they are seeing and hearing, the fittest but what Darwin’s surrendering the form of your
and don’t ever tell them to stop. Theory Of Evolution really desires to Spirit and keeping
I think the acceptance of this is said is that nature is based your focus on the essence of
really crucial for kids and finding on the survival of those who it. There is a delicate balance
someone really reputable for them fit best with one another. It’s between intention and surrender,
to talk to, is equally important. about connection. it is so easy to get caught in the
wanting of things but the desire
The key is not to suppress it in When we look at the has to be released. Then, of
a child. What we really need world from the connected course, we need to remember
to know and remember is that perspective, there is no we co-create our reality within
intuition and the access to other scarcity, abundance is the Matrix of possibility, and we
dimensions are our first sense, everywhere, and resources need to make room for whatever
our primary sense. It’s not are not scarce or limited. It our soul wants to experience,
our 6th sense; we were souls is our minds and our belief which might be different than
before we were human. We systems that are limited. That’s what our egos want. Everything
need to work with the GPS (our why I think people liked the is a miracle. Everything.”
navigation system) of the soul. book “The Secret” so much,
and why many of us are now “Gratitude is the abracadabra,
again talking about the laws the magic. Be grateful in advance
of attraction and other laws for whatever Spirit has in mind.
of manifestation. I think the Gratitude is the frequency of
book “The Secret” became receiving. Being grateful allows it
so popular because we felt it; to come to you.”
we knew it at some level to
be true. The problem is that To learn more about Colette
people want the familiar and Baron-Reid, experience her
certainty and so to re-condition Oracle cards or to purchase her
our minds to something new book, Uncharted ~ The
else can be a challenge. The Journey Through Uncertainty
uncharted can be scary but To Infinite Possibility, visit www.
once we get there, it’s like wow! colettebaronreid.com
eydisauthenticliving.com 25
Our Sacred
by John Schalter and Carrie Hall Schalter
Dear Friends,
We felt compelled to change the format of my usual article to share a
teaching/learning experience from our own lives. We are all on a wonderful
journey on a road of life lessons. It is our belief that in the end, every teacher
(or life coach) must teach through example rather than words.
This past week John was diagnosed with cancer. Needless to say, this kind of
news gets your attention, even though we do not know yet what the stage is
or the progression of this condition. However, the stage of cancer does not
matter. In this moment, we have a Sacred Choice…a special opportunity. And
we choose love and light and to see this news as a blessing. This will become
clearer when you read John’s poem listed below. As a writer, John felt great
comfort in being able to express himself creatively and using this forum as an
opportunity to teach and share. We thank you for that.
The beginning of this journey has already been an incredible experience
of God’s love manifesting in so many different people, places, and things.
As John says… “In life, it does not matter what happens to you as much as
what you do with what happens to you. Our greatest power is in this Sacred
Choice and the discovery of God’s blessings.”
In the meantime, always remember
that “it all good” and
“we are all too blessed to be stressed.”
Peace and Prosperity,
John and Carrie
John and Carrie * are Life Coaches and available to
help you with almost any life challenge. You can listen
to their radio who called “The Butterfly Moment”
on the Empower Radio Show to listen to their shows
every Tuesday morning for archived on this website
(empowerradio.com) If you would like to discuss private
sessions call them at 248-568-7021. The first session is
always free and their gift to you. You can email questions
to [email protected], or go to Butterflylifecoach.com.
28 | Eydis Magazine
The Answer For in God’s arms, we lie
Our gaze fixed towards the morning sky
By JJS Ever knowing…always showing
We finally see…
What if we saw cancer The wonderful truth for you and me
As a beginning rather than an end When we take the c from c ancer
And welcomed its entry in our life All that is left is God’s answer
Like a loving long lost friend “We always have a choice
A friend who is also a teacher Inside the fear to hear His voice
Who knows just what to do No matter what darkness we feel…
To show us how to live with joy Only the love and light is real”
And give strength to me and you
What if cancer was as an honored guest?
A hidden source of love
Sent to reveal our heart’s resolve
A gift given from above
eydisauthenticliving.com 29
30 | Eydis Magazine
by Sharon Carne
eydisauthenticliving.com 31
We see more people than not these days music. It’s like a direct line from your ears to your
with white cords dangling from their feet or hands. Your muscles respond to rhythm and
ears like spaghetti. We love our music, don’t we? your mood responds to pitch and melody.
We dance to it. We sing along with it. We eat our
meals accompanied by it. We drive to work with it. That’s why it is always easier to do rhythmic
We study with it. We shop with it bombarding us. physical labor to a beat of a song. Work songs
We revel in it with our favorite TV show or movie. have been a part of human culture for thousands
We are distracted, calmed, angered, energized or of years. Productivity to a beat. There are over ten
relaxed by it. Music is everywhere. thousand documented work songs in Canada alone.
Hammering, spinning, digging, rowing, marching
Including where we work. Like the wonderful are more tolerable to a beat. Interestingly, humans
dwarves from Disney’s Snow White, advise – work are the only species that can synchronize to a beat.
is a lot easier when you can whistle or sing or
listen. The result is increased productivity. Or at Neuroscientists have also discovered that the
least it used to be. hormone oxytocin is released when people sing
or play music together. Oxytocin is the ‘feel good’
Singing while you work, especially at physical labor, bonding hormone.
does indeed make the job easier. This knowledge
goes back thousands of years when there was a special However, fast-forward to the 20th and 21st
place in a boat or ship for the drummer to keep the centuries and much of the work scene has
rowers in rhythm. Otherwise, you end up with a pile of changed. Many people are sitting in offices and
broken oars and your ship stranded at sea. using their brains more than their bodies. Music is
very much around, but it has a different role. And
Recently, neuroscientists have found that the it can either enhance or inhibit productivity.
auditory system connects directly to the part of the
brain responsible for movement. That’s why most Now we have Muzak and background music.
of us can’t sit still when listening to lively, rhythmic During World War II, some factories found that
32 | Eydis Magazine
they could increase productivity by 3 to 4% with To view a
the appropriate background music. Inappropriate 5-minute video
music or sounds in a retail environment can lower on how sound
sales as much as 28%. Grocery stores with slower affects you
paced background music have shown an increase including how
in sales as much as 40%! sound affects
you at work,
Here is a real kicker for those who work in a noisy check out Julian
office – especially an office with a cubicle design. Treasure’s talk
Productivity in such an environment can be as at www.ted.
much as 66% lower than working in a quiet office. com. He is a
66%! consultant to
That means that working in a quiet space can who want to
triple your productivity! Think of what that would improve the
do for the bottom line of a business. Not to effect of sound
mention your frustration level with distractions. in their work
Depending on the nature of the work, a noisy
working space can be a serious problem or a Advanced Brain Technologies has also produced
great opportunity. If you are distracted by noise music to increase productivity, creativity, and
in a busy office, try slipping on some headphones focus. You can check out their recordings at www.
and listening to some bird song or soothing music advancedbrain.com “Productivity” is one of the
and see if that helps you focus better. titles in the Sound Health series.
Below are some links that offer more information For those interested in or who find brainwave
and some specific help. entrainment music works well for them, Hemi-
Sync also has produced several CDs that
focus on productivity, including “Access to
Energy,” “Attention,” “Breakthrough For Peak
Performance,” and “Do This Now.” You can check
out other selections at www.hemi-sync.com.
We live in a noisy and distracting world. There are,
however, some great solutions to create quiet,
productivity and serenity within your day. It’s worth
searching them out.
Sharon Carne is an author, speaker,
musician, recording artist, sound healer,
Reiki master, and consultant. Sharon is
the founder of Sound Wellness, whose
programs are at the forefront of education
in how sound and music can be easily
applied to your everyday life - to reduce
stress, help you concentrate, energize you, inspire you, support
your health and so much more. www.soundwellness.com
eydisauthenticliving.com 33
Dear Liberty
by Liberty Forrest
Dear Liberty, Dear Miserable,
For a long time, I’ve been convinced that my Everything I am about to tell
husband is cheating on me. There have been you comes from an awful lot of
some suspicious emails with one particular both personal and professional
woman. He insists it’s just work stuff and experience. Trust it.
harmless flirting but I’m sure it’s a lot more
than that. Stop looking for proof. You’ve
got more than enough evidence
He is also very insulting and sometimes I’m that your marriage is toxic
afraid for my safety. He has hit me at times, and dysfunctional. At the very
but it’s not very often. least, your husband insults you
and hits you. This is abuse and
He’s been drinking a lot for a long time, too. He should not be tolerated. As long
gets nastier when he drinks. He tries to hide as you stay, he thinks it is okay
it from me but I find empty bottles hidden in to continue with this behavior.
the house. When I confront him, he makes up Your life could be in danger. I
excuses. I know he’s lying but he sounds so would highly recommend that
convincing I’m starting to doubt myself. you get somewhere safe or at
least talk to a women’s shelter
I keep looking for proof, some real evidence about your options.
that he’s having an affair or that he’s
drinking as much as I think he is. I keep As for the affair and the drinking,
going to psychics and many of them have you already know the truth. Your
said yes this is all true but I still feel like instincts will no doubt be correct
I need proof. I am very unhappy in my about both.
marriage of 30 years but do not seem to be
able to leave it! Alcoholics often attempt to
hide their drinking in order to
I left him for a few months and was very minimize the amount they’re
happy in my apartment. He was so nice to me consuming because they know
then, promised to go to counseling and talked it’s a huge problem. And both
me into going back home. But nothing has abusers and alcoholics (or
changed except to get worse. other addicts) are accomplished
liars and can convince you that
What should I do? they’re right and you’re wrong
- and then you start doubting
Signed, yourself. Over time, this erodes
Married and Miserable self-confidence.
34 | Eydis Magazine
Then you begin to wonder if your money because you Getting away from this
you really did hear this, see already know everything toxic environment and
that etc. and you think maybe you need to know - and seeking professional help
you’re crazy. You’re not. you do know this. I suspect will assist you in trusting
you’re afraid of the truth yourself and finding your
Stop going to psychics for because of what it will mean strength so you can create a
evidence. You’re wasting for your future. much happier life.
Liberty Forrest is an award-winning inspirational author and Huffington Post contributor. For five
years, she did frequent phone-ins on the BBC as a psychic/medium. With a background in social
work and counselling, Liberty’s unique program uses a highly creative multifaceted approach to get
people unstuck so that they can move forward in their personal and spiritual evolution.
eydisauthenticliving.com 35
Creating Hope and Awareness and Nurturing Growth through Empowerment
The St. Clair Butterfly Foundation was founded to inspire a movement of C.H.A.N.G.E. by providing all
children and youths with the tools to overcome any adversity and help them to realize their full potential to soar!
Based in Oakland County Michigan, this nonprofit organization offers:
Community Outreach Programs
Creative Art Programs
Scholarship Programs
Legislative Initiatives
Your donation goes directly to helping kids find their voice
The St. Clair Butterfly Foundation has successfully helped to change
laws in several states to better protect children.
Each year 1-in-4 girls and 1-in-6 boys are victims of abuse.
Let’s help these children find their voice.
Founded in 2007 by Chip and Lisa St. Clair, and based on his bestselling
memoir, The Butterfly Garden, the St. Clair Butterfly Foundation utilizes
the power of creative arts, literature, and overall well-being to impact the
lives of children facing adversity.
Listen to Chip and Lisa’s radio show:
The Divine Frequency:
Turning Your Passion Into Purpose
Tuesday at 9:30 am Eastern Time
on Empower Radio
Your donation gives the greatest gift to a child!
It shows that they are loved and that they deserveeydtisaouthebnticelivinhg.ceoma3r7d.
Talk to Tamara
Tamara, the relationship whisperer, is like a walking instruction manual for all of your love, dating.
and relationship questions. Ask her your burning questions and she’ll guide you in the
direction that is right for you. To ask your questions go to eydismedia.com’s home page
and click on Tamara’s picture, under our “Let’s Talk” section.
by Tamara Green
“There are always two people in every picture:
the photographer and the viewer.”
Ansel Adams
Dear Tamara
I am single again and was hoping to meet a man organically, but it hasn’t happened. Therefore,
I’ve decided to try online dating. Can you give me some tips on creating online dating profile
photos that attract high-quality men?
Signed: Camera Shy
Dear Camera Shy,
You made a great decision to gave each man a large binder Primary and Secondary Photos.)
try online dating. It is one of the with thousands of photographs Primary Photo – This is a
quickest ways to meet a volume of women of all ages, sizes, headshot photo and the most
of men in a very short amount races, poses, apparel, etc. important feature of your profile
of time. Since males are very and asked them to choose the because it makes the first
visual, you’ll have more success ladies that they found attractive impression. This photo should
attracting high-quality men when and worth pursuing. The study attract and intrigue the viewer.
you follow the photo tips below. revealed that generally speaking, Lighting is important, so you
Some years ago, there was a men chose the following may want to consider hiring
study conducted with hundreds components as very desirable. a professional photographer.
of single men. The researchers (Note: There are two kinds of However, if you don’t have the
photos for dating site profiles,
38 | Eydis Magazine
funds for that, then ask a friend Once you’ve got a man’s attention • Did not have pets in the
to take 100 photos of you, both with your Primary Photo, he has photograph. Even though
in and out doors. You’re bound clicked on and opened your there are many pet-loving
to find a hand-full of photos dating profile, which means he men, they want the sense
that’ll be fantastic. now has access to your secondary that they (not the pet)
photos. These photographs would take priority in a
TIPS FOR A GREAT are great for showing your woman’s life.
PRIMARY PHOTO personality, hobbies, travels, etc.
These include both full-body and • Showed themselves doing
In the study mentioned headshot photos. something active, such
above, men mostly chose as, bicycle riding, hiking,
women who were: TIPS FOR GREAT traveling, walking, running,
• Wearing any shade of the SECONDARY gardening, socializing, etc.
color red. • Have at least one
• Wearing longer hairstyles In the study mentioned above, photograph of being
men mostly chose women who: dressed up. So, next time
(chin and lower). However, you are invited to a wedding
short hair was found • Showed at least one full- or some other dressy event,
attractive if the hair was body shot. Most men didn’t make sure you ask people
styled in the latest trend. care if women were thin to take some photos of
• Wearing a top or dress with or large, as long as they glamorous you.
a scooped neckline (showing could see that she had a
some skin but not too much shape. For example, women Want free relationship advice
cleavage). wearing outfits that were right away? Take advantage
• Looking directly into the belted or pulled in at the of Tamara’s free 45-minute
camera, smiling with all of waist were popular because guidance session where you
pearly-whites showing, with it showed that she had a will finally get clarity and relief
a look in the eyes that say, “I womanly figure. (Tip for the from your dating or relationship
really like you.” older woman: wear jeans struggles. Whether you are
• Wearing feminine jewelry because they inspire a single or are experiencing
(but not too much). youthful look.) relationship upset, by clicking
• Wearing tastefully done here, you no longer have to
makeup. • Did not have anyone else figure this out alone anymore.
• Wearing no glasses, in the photo except herself. Yay!
sunglasses or scarves around Photos with other people
the neck. tend to cause confusion and
Elle Magazine dubs Tamara Green, LCSW “The Soul-centered Love Expert.” She is
an author, speaker and trainer, helping thousands of people to navigate the waters of
love, dating and relationships – all while falling madly in love with themselves in the
process. Trained as a Love Mentor® by Dr. Diana Kirschner, Individual and Couples
Psychotherapist, Meditation Practitioner and Hypnotherapist, Tamara’s coaching
is highly effective as she combines her many years of professional training with her
gifts as an energy healer, intuitive and seer. As a result, Tamara creates an exciting
catalyst for deep emotional healing, giving her clients greater success in life and love.
She has devoted her life to helping women rise out of pain and fear so they can finally
experience the long lasting and loving relationship of their dreams. As well as working 1-on-1, Tamara offers free weekly meditation audios
that take you on a journey of love with ease and joy.
Join Tamara’s community at tamaragreen.me; Facebook facebook.com TGreenLoveExpert;
youtube: youtube.com/channel/UC9MqTnZEJYNEpKnwrjsZ40A
eydisauthenticliving.com 39
by Sari Cicurel
Parents want to help Wow Writing Workshop’s Kim whose children are applying
their children get their Lifton and Susan Knoppow to college rather than pushing
best shot at admission to that just penned the first guide them away,” said Lifton,
dream school, the one that may for parents that gives Mom president and co-founder
not have been such a stretch and Dad permission to help of Wow, a national writing
when they went to college. their children write college company based in Royal Oak,
They don’t know how to help. application essays – and MI. “Parents tell us they are
And the mixed messages that instructions for doing so without tired of being told to step away
come from colleges, high writing it or taking it over! and back off. They want to help.
schools, books, TV and the There is a fine line between
Internet trigger confusion. “We embrace the parents assisting and writing the essay
40 | Eydis Magazine
for a child. However, we believe parents a job that will help college essays with a rubric,
parents can play a critical role in their children write better, but they say the best college
the writing process.” more meaningful application essays answer the prompt and
essays. The essay is the show insight into a student’s
The Inside Scoop for Parents most daunting part of the character. At its core, the
clarifies the mixed messages application process for many college essay is all about
that confuse parents and students; when parents help reflection; that’s challenging
students and also defines the right way, the essays are for students because most
the college essay within the more effective. 17-year-olds have very little
holistic college admissions practice with this type of
process. The book gives Admissions teams don’t grade thinking and writing.
eydisauthenticliving.com 41
HOW TO WRITE AN Debbie Logan, a professional “Even though I’ve been through
EFFECTIVE COLLEGE editor from Bloomfield Hills, this process already, I learned a
APPLICATION ESSAY MI. “I sanitized my daughter’s lot, and I found this guide easy
essays; I have no idea if that to understand and follow,” Gold
The Inside Scoop for Parents is hurt her or not. I just wanted to said. “Rather than telling me what
short, easy to follow and gives help. I did not know how.” to do, it helped me understand
parents simple instructions to what my child needed to be
teach their children how to Rebecca Gold, of Word successful in this process and
reflect on their life experiences Gets Around Publishing, in what I could do to support him.
so their children are better Providence, Rhode Island, is The quotes from the college
prepared to write college essays about to put her third child – admissions people throughout
that get noticed. a rising senior - through the the guide made it quite engaging,
application process. She said and in fact, I read it cover to cover
“I wish I had this guide when the book was “very helpful and in one sitting, which is saying a lot
my oldest daughter was exceptionally well written.” for a reference book!”
applying to college,” said
42 | Eydis Magazine
Lifton said “It’s a thinking task as much Wow works directly with
the book idea as it is a writing task,” Lifton students, and trains school
transpired after said. “It’s not as hard as it counselors, English teachers
Wow advised a appears, but it is not a simple and independent educational
super-involved task. That’s why parents can consultants who want to improve
parent to step support the process by helping their essay-coaching skills. Wow
away and let their children reflect at the also consults with business
the child write beginning. It is a critical role. and nonprofit professionals,
in private. The Who else would go to the moon managing their biggest writing
parent asked and back to help their child?” challenges, teaching them
what she could how to write, or taking on their
do to assist Wow’s guide gives clear projects themselves.
her child and instructions for assisting with
suggested the reflection exercise and Parents can purchase the guide,
she and her provides tips for knowing when How to Write an Effective
partner, Susan to step away and let the child College Application Essay –
Knoppow, Wow work independently or seek out The Inside Scoop for Parents,
CEO, give professional guidance. on Amazon.com. To read it,
parents a job, a download the appropriate
little guide, so “Like the students, parents need Kindle App for the electronic
they don’t do short, easy to follow directions reading device of choice (any
the wrong thing and a lot of perspective,” smartphone, tablet or computer.)
– like write it for Lifton said. “A simple guide
the child. for parents will give Mom and For more information:
Dad a roadmap for assisting wowwritingworkshop.com .
“There is so their children in a healthy way. It 800-497-WRITE or email Wow at
much bad minimizes the confusion and the [email protected].
information stress. When students come to
floating around us with the ability to reflect, they Award-winning
in this industry answer the prompts and write video producer,
that we wanted more meaningful essays that publicist with
to give parents show insight.” proven track
something record in written
useful,” Lifton Wow Writing Workshop, communications
said. “There was nothing on the launched in 2009, is the leading for creating local
market that spoke directly to national expert on the college and national news
parents and gave them something application essay. Wow speaks and feature stories, raising the visibility
useful to do to really guide their at schools, conferences and of my clients through the development
children. We’re parents and college fairs. In September, Lifton and execution of strategic media and
teachers; we understood the desire will moderate a panel featuring community relations programs and
to assist as teachers and as moms.” the college essay at the largest initiatives. Working with all media -
industry conference – The Print, TV, Radio and all social media
Colleges, high school National Association for College platforms. My company will execute
counselors, and other well- Admissions Counseling’s annual media relations plans, fundraising
meaning adults do know what meeting in Columbus, Ohio. programs, publications, special events
colleges want in an essay; Panelists include admissions with a proven ability to build non-profit
few understand the college directors from Cornell, University and corporate marketing campaigns,
audience to teach them how to of Chicago, Amherst and the and web content.
write the essays. University of California – Berkeley.
eydisauthenticliving.com 43
Reconnect with your friends,
families one conversation at a time
by Sari Cicurel
When author and are losing a precious part of mind, Darvick created Picture
advice columnist our humanity,” she says. “Our a Conversation™, a set of 25
Debra Darvick saw yet another electronics are necessities; yet conversation prompts designed
family at a restaurant interacting face-to-face communication is to spark deep and meaningful
with their devices instead of crucial to healthy relationships conversations.
one another, she knew she and emotional well-being.”
had to do something. “We With that disengaged family in The simple act of face to face
44 | Eydis Magazine
As we engage ever
more tightly with
electronic devices,
psychologists, thought
leaders, teachers and
artists are realizing how
technology increasingly
inhibits real time
human interaction.
Debra Darvick’s timely
and creative answer
places her dead
center of an ever-
expanding debate
on the importance of
balancing screen time
with actual face time.
conversation is not yet on the young adults, understands “This is not just about a
endangered list, but the topic and appreciates the benefits conversation with friends and
is definitely trending. Author of technology. A decades-long loved ones,” she says. “Because
and development psychologist observer and writer on topics we are so outwardly engaged with
Susan Pinker wrote recently of parenting, relationships, our devices, we are not only losing
in the Wall Street Journal,” and spiritual growth, she also touch with one another but with
People who had face-to-face understands the primal necessity our inner self. These questions ask
contact with children, friends to connect without it as well. us to look within. They open doors
and family as infrequently as to self-discovery.”
every few months had the Unique among the genre of
highest rates of [depression] discussion starters, the prompts Learn more visit http://
Those who connected with use nature photographs pictureaconversation.com
people in person, at least (taken by her husband from
three times a week, had the their extensive travels) to Award-winning
lowest.” Pittsburgh blogger inspire each card’s theme. video producer,
mom Molly Pascal’s recent Grief, mindfulness, new publicist with
Modern Love Column recounted parenting, and making difficult proven track
how infrequently she and her decisions are just a few of the record in written
husband of seven years talked to conversation topics presented. communications
one another. “This dynamic — of “This is not just about a for creating local
being physically together but conversation with friends and and national news
emotionally disengaged — had loved ones,” she says. “Because and feature stories,
also bled into the mundane of we are so outwardly engaged raising the visibility of my clients through
the every day, with too much with our devices, we are not the development and execution of
silence and space between us on only losing touch with one strategic media and community relations
the couch and with us cooking another but with our inner self. programs and initiatives. Working with
on opposite sides of the kitchen These questions ask us to look all media - Print, TV, Radio and all
island.” Her cure? Talking. within. They open doors to self- social media platforms. My company
Darvick, a mother of two discovery.” will execute media relations plans,
fundraising programs, publications,
special events with a proven ability
to build non-profit and corporate
marketing campaigns, and web content.
eydisauthenticliving.com 45
Text less. Talk more.
“Conversation builds your health, happiness and longevity.”
Cecile Andrews – Author, Educator
On the front of each Oqtonucejtouhsnmetivopbensarstscaadkrtetiaosgrnierg.entahetrdee
card is a gorgeous
nature photograph
with a quote.
WHAT - A set of 25 conversation starters for ages 8-108. Picture a ConversationTM jumpstarts great conversations in a creative,
inspiring, and visually beautiful way. What distinguishes these cards from other discussion starters is the innovation of combining the
power of words and images.
WHY - Conversation strengthens relationships, energizes you, and creates opportunities of discovery and more. Scientists are realizing
how important face-to-face conversations are and what is lost when we only relate through our devices.
WHO - Friends, families, couples, parents, grandparents are having discussion they never would have had without Picture a
ConversationTM. Imagine the conversations awaiting you and your friends and loved ones. Or the conversations awaiting you and your
friends and loved ones. Or the conversation with your inner self when used as writing prompts.
HOW - With spectacular photographs and three provocative questions, each Picture a ConversationTM card is rich with potential
for learning, sharing, and connecting.
WHEN - Order Now. Retail: $24.95. Wholesale: $12.95 with a minimum order of ten sets.
[email protected]
46 | Eydis Magazine
Live your
authentic life
through the
Camera the Lense
by Sari Cicurel
At a young age Marla own way and composing a story. In 2009, when Marla embarked
Michele Must, “My new camera was now my on adopting a little girl from the
a Birmingham Michigan, tool to capture what I found to south of China, during the trip,
photographer, received a camera be meaningful, expressed Marla. she chronicled the adoption of
as a gift and had the realization “I was able to capture unique, her youngest daughter through
that she had been walking precious, beautiful, enchanting, a blog and her camera lens
around composing photographs and see unusual momentous and hasn’t been able to put
in her mind, framing the details moments and to capture it on it down since. The beautiful
her world around her all in her film forever.” gift of adoption into our
48 | Eydis Magazine
Enchanted Photography by Marla Michele Must
423 Frank Street, Birmingham, MI 48009
On Facebook: facebook.com/EnchantedByMarlaMichele
Or her Blog: MustLiveALifeLessOrdinary.com
Fine Art; MMMPortraitArt.com
family brought with it another to photograph the bonding as a way to bring awareness to
unexpected gift: a reconnection process between her older causes close to her heart.
to a love of photography and children and their new, then-
the return of the gift of Marla’s 3-year-old sister, Sasha Jade. When you meet Marla it is not
lifelong passion. Ava Rose was 8 at the time, and by chance that her business is
Jake was 10. called, Enchanted Photography.
Shortly after returning to the She captures life’s moments by
United States in 2010, Marla “Those priceless moments telling a story in an enchanting
continued to use her camera between my children were way through her lens. She
so moving and beautiful to juggles it all, her passion, her
capture,” said Marla. Enchanted family, her life, and is in fact
Photography evolved from enchanting when you meet her.
that experience. In 2011
Marla opened Enchanted The success found through
Photography, her studio in her camera has given Marla
Birmingham, where she focuses the opportunity to connect
on families, siblings, newborns, to and bring awareness of
events, Empowered Portrait causes close to her heart,
Sessions, and Random Acts of such as adoptive parenting,
Enchantment. Using her lens anti-bullying and empowering
eydisauthenticliving.com 49
children. As a child and young healing,” said Marla. “Did greatly helps Marla to capture
adult, Marla was the victim you know that over 3 million the true essence of her clients.
of familial scapegoating children are victims of bullying During this time, Marla seizes
and emotional abuse. every year?” Asks Marla “When the opportunity to empower
Subsequently, as an adult, she I heard that statistic it just her subject by instilling positive
chose abusive relationships broke my heart and knowing self-esteem and embracing
that impacted her negatively. that I knew I had to figure out a and highlighting the beauty of
Having overcome those way to step up and help. her subject. When the client
difficulties Marla now hopes returns to the studio for the
to share her story to reach Typically Marla is outdoors “reveal” Marla puts together a
and empower others. Being with her families when possible custom show, for her subject and
a mother of three she is no finding nature provides a their loved ones to enjoy. A life
stranger to seeing again the therapeutic environment for changing journey has begun.
peer pressure and bullying that those being photographed can An Enchanted portrait session
goes on. She is also well aware relax and open up to her in is focused on celebrating
of the toll these kinds of abuse ways they cannot with others. emotions and highlighting
can have on someone’s self- Just recently, Marla took the relationships. Families are
confidence and self-esteem. opportunity to put a call out brought together after the
She offers complimentary to families who have adopted session to Marla’s enchanting
Empowered Portrait Sessions in honor of National Adoption studio to a screening of their
to those who were victims Awareness Month (November), photo session to share the sacred
of bullying or trauma. “My of course, a cause near and moments that were beautifully
images illuminate both their dear to her. Marla is always captured.
inner and outer beauty, sure to connect with adoptive The resulting
allowing them to rediscover families and agencies that assist images are
themselves in a brand new those families. Being in nature uplifting and
light that is profoundly is an incredible connection and empowering.
50 | Eydis Magazine