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Published by Shalini Kapoor, 2015-11-11 15:21:18

s.kapoor portfolio


Are these functions Inverse


It is 1-to-1 Function T/F


What test are we using here ?

Horizontal Line Test

Identify the transformation in given

Reflection over X-axis

What’s the equation of the
graph in Blue?

What kind of functions are represented
by the following graphs?
Mention their names:

Inverse Functions

What is the formula for
Compound interest

What is the formula for
Continuous compound



Set up an equation for the
following problem

Set up an equation for the following

Set up an equation for the following

Set up an equation for the following

Set up an equation for the following

Set up an equation for the following

Name: __________________________________________ Date: _______________
Quiz name: Exponential function

Over the last six years, the populations of Dolphins in Ocean Bay has increased 308 to 353. What is
1. the annual relative rate of growth to the nearest hundredths of a percent

A 3.56%
B 2.27%
C 10.35%
D 2.5%
E None of the above

A cup of green tea contains 35ml of caffeine. The average teen can eliminate approximately 12.5% of
the caffeine from their system per hour. Estimate the amount of caffeine in a teenager's body 3
2. hours after drinking a cup of green tea

A 50.5 ml

B 25.7 ml

C 23.5 ml

D 10.5 ml

3. The equation of horizontal asymptote in exponential function is Y=0
A True
B False

Page 1 of 1


COURSE: 1314
Lesson Title: Exponential functions
Bridge: How will you gain learner interest and set the stage for the lesson?
Group work (3-4 students in group)
Hand out card to each student to form the groups.
Students will roll the dice to obtain three numbers and on the bases of those numbers they will attempt the question from the cube. Instructor Walks around
and observes student work. Post answers after approx. 9 minutes.
(ANALYSIS): 1. Compare and contrast the graph #1 and #5 on the cube.
APPLICATION/SYNTHESIS: Your Grandma gifts you $25000 on your Birth day. Do you need a financial advisor or you can figure out which investment is better
for you on your own?
Ends with: Today we will continue with solving exponential equations to solve real life problems like population growth, better investments and choosing the
best models.
Estimated time: 10 minutes
Course Student Learning Outcome: In depth study of exponential function including tables, equations, graphs and use of technology to analyze how this
remarkable function enable us to predict the future and rediscover the past.

Learning Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to
1. Identify and Solve exponential equations and apply them in solving real world problems (Compound interest, future value, population growth/decay
etc.) ( Comprehension & Application)
2. Analyze data, create and justify investment models, Health insurance plans or any other life changing decision based on exponential functions.

Pre-Assessment: How will you assess learner prior knowledge of the topic? This could possibly tie to the student preparation strategy you developed.
The student preparation assignment I chose is a set of three questions from “My Math Lab” online program- ‘You try it’ questions. We will take a few minutes
to review material covered in previous section. (File attached); Bloom’s Taxonomy (Knowledge and Comprehension)
Estimated time: (5 MIN)
Participatory Learning:

 4 questions with Bloom’s level identified
 New instructional technology you are trying
 At least one classroom assessment technique (CAT)

Time Instructor Activities Learner Activities Lesson Materials

10 min. Demonstration of how to solve exponential equations Students taking notes, asking Questions Power point presentation
15 min e-book (white-board view),
Guided practice, check for understanding, ask Works on problems, compare/share solutions with the Online calculator/Desmos

questions. partners, ask Questions.

20 min Monitor group work, facilitate, ask question, praise Group Activity - Use Algebraic/Graphing method in problem Group Question, Markers,
creativity, motivate, point out any error. solving and use technology to check the validity of the Graphing
solution. At the end, post your summary /formula/ Calculators/Desmos, Graph
graph/solution on poster board. paper roll, Poster, PPT slides
Questions attached separately.
Q#1 (New BT: Analyzing)
Q#2 (New BT: Applying)
Q#3 (New BT: Evaluating/Analyzing)
Q#4 (New BT: Creating/Evaluating)

12 min Check students’ work, add question Gallery Walk, add questions/ responses Poster board, Markers
10 min Organize, Facilitate the game Students participate in Jeopardy Display-Always, Never,
Students will categorize questions as-

Always/Never/Sometime on the basis of their

understanding of the concept.

Post-assessment: How will you assess if objectives have been met?

1. New Technology: Socrative Quiz

Students will take a quick three question quiz using Socrative. These questions are focused on the process and steps in solving exponential equation. A
T/F question is added to check understanding about exponential graph.

Estimated time: 10 minutes
Summary: How will you close the lesson?

a. 1 minute paper-
Considering exponential functions, fill in the blanks with Always/Never/Sometime

“I know how to?”

1. Graph ____________
2. Identify function, Domain/Range_____________
3. Identify/calculate Inverse of a function____________
3. Use graphing Calculator___________
4. Start working on a word problem___________
Continued with 1 minute snow ball fight followed by 2-3 responses to answer “Never/Sometime”

b. Assigning online home work. (File attached)
Estimated time: 5 min

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