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III National Scientific and Methodological Conference with international participation "Architecture of University education"

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Program 2019

III National Scientific and Methodological Conference with international participation "Architecture of University education"

III National Scientific and Methodical Conference
Contemporary Universities in a Common Information Space»

09:00-10:30 JANUARY, 31st 2019
11:00-13:00 The Presidential Library, Senatskaya square, 3

13:00-13:30 Registration, excursions on Presidential Library and exhibition exposition
13:30-15:00 – hall, reception desk, the 1st floor. Welcome coffee – gallery the 3d floor

15:00-16:00 Ceremony of the Official opening of the Conference - conference hall, the
16:00-17:30 2nd floor

19:00 Plenary session in the format of panel discussion

Topic: Development of the Common Information and Educational Space

in Russia: global challenges and universities' potential – conference hall,

2nd floor
Coffee-break – galleries: 1st floor–participants with white bracelets,
3d floor–participants with blue bracelets

Parallel panel sessions, discussions, master classes
(according to the registration)
1st floor –multimedia halls, meeting room
2nd floor – conference- hall
3d floor– meeting room, academic council room
Lunch- galleries: 1st floor – participants with white bracelets,
3d floor–participants with blue bracelets

Parallel panel discussions, master classes, case

(according to the registration)
1st floor – multimedia halls
2nd floor – conference hall
3d floor – Academic Council room, methodical cabinet, Electronic Read-

ing Room
Evening entertainment, The Saint Petersburg Academic Glinka Capella –

emb. River Moika, 20

FEBRUARY, 1st 2019

St. Petersburg state University of Economics, Griboyedov canal emb., 30/32

9:00-10:00 Registration – reception desks next to the auditoriums

10:00-12:00 Parallel discussions, trainings, master classes

(according to the registration)
1st floor – Chinese Library
2nd floor – Academic Council room, auditorium 2127
3d floor – auditorium 3058, 3052, 3035, 3033, 3107

12:00-12:30 Coffee-break
12:30-14:00 Plenary session on summing up the Conference results – assembly hall, 3d


14:00-14:30 The solemn ceremony signing of the Founding agreement of the Associa-
tion of Networking Cooperation – assembly hall, 3d floor

January 31, Thursday

The Presidential Library, Senatskaya square, 3

Official opening of the Conference

Venue: conference hall (2nd floor), 10:30-11:00

Salutatory word:
 Rozhkov Artemiy Director of the Department of state policy in the field of
higher education and youth policy
 Alexander Shokhin, President of The Russian Union of Industrialists and
 Andrey Maximov, Chairman of the Committee on science and on higher
school of St. Petersburg
 Dmitry Cherneyko, Chairman of the Committee on labor and employment of
St. Petersburg
 Igor Maximtsev, rector of St. Petersburg state University of Economics
 Ilya Bykovnikov, General Director of the Presidential library

Plenary session
«Development of the Common Information and Educational Space in

Russia: global challenges and universities' potential»

Venue: conference hall (2nd floor), 11:00-13:00

Questions for discussion:

 Modern University education: strategic goals and vectors of development in
changing conditions.

 Digitalization and formation of the global educational space as a challenge
to the national educational institutions of Russia.

 New approaches to assessing the quality of educational activities.
 Unified information and educational space of Russia-the role of key integra-

tors, industry and University libraries, archives, museums, media and em-
 Formation of educational programs and technologies of the new generation
in the conditions of transformation of the labor market and sphere of educa-
 Innovation of educational activities, introduction of online technologies, pro-
ject approach to the formation of competencies and new methods of
knowledge audit in the leading universities of Russia.
 Improvement of inter-University interaction and cooperation in the regional
and international format.


 Maksimtsev Igor, rector of St. Petersburg state University of Economics
 Shubaeva Veronika, Vice-rector for educational and methodical work of the

St. Petersburg state economic University


 Rozhkov Artemiy Director of the Department of state policy in the field of higher
education and youth policy

 Ilya Bykovnikov, General Director Presidential library
 Natalia Evtikhieva, General Director of the National accreditation Council of

business and management education (NASDOBR), Deputy Director of the Insti-
tute of public service and management (IGS) Ranepa under the President of the
Russian Federation
 Elena Efimova, Deputy Director of the Federal state budgetary institution «Na-
tional accreditation Agency in the field of education
(Fsbi «NAA»)»
 Diana Mashtakeeva, General Director of the Council professional qualifications
of the financial market (SPCR), Board member of RSPP
 Dmitry Volkov, Director for development of educational technologies «Сorporate
University of Sberbank»
 Nadezhda Kamynina, rector of the Moscow state University of geodesy and car-
tography, plenipotentiary representative of the Russian Federation for the Bologna
 Stefania Kisgen, head of the Academy of international business and entrepreneur-
ship SIBE, the graduate school of the faculty of leadership and management, Stein-
beis University, Berlin
 Nurlan Kiyasov, founder and program Director of #EdCrunch, development Di-
rector Of the national research technological University «MISiS»
 Turo Kilpelainen, rector of Lahti University of applied Sciences, University group

Block 1. Parallel panel sessions, discussions, master classes
13:30-15:00, entrance by registration

Panel session «University in the conditions of digital transformation of the
educational process: change management»

Venue: Meeting Room (3rd floor), 13:30-15:00
Nikolay Toivonen, Vice-rector for strategic development, St. Petersburg state Univer-
sity of Economics
Dmitry Volkov Director of educational development technology ANO DPO "Sberbank
Corporate University»
Nurlan Kiyasov, founder and program Director of #EdCrunch, development Director
Of the national research technological University «MISiS»
Irina Popova, head of the Department of information technologies, St. Petersburg na-
tional research University of information technologies, mechanics and optics
Kupriyanov Mikhail Director of the Department of education of St. Petersburg state
electrotechnical University "LETI» they. V. I. Ulyanov (Lenin)
Vladislav Raskovalov Professor of UNESCO chair " quality Management of educa-
tion for sustainable development"
Satake Akihito Director of ANO "Japan Center in Saint-Petersburg"

Questions for discussion:
 Requirements of the modern labor market to educational institutions of
higher education.
 University development strategy in a new digital paradigm and a single infor-
mation space.
 How do the fundamental approaches to the organization of the basic types of
activities of the University – scientific, educational, social and educational in
the conditions of digitalization of society and economy?
 Single information and educational space and network digital educational re-
sources – characteristic features and real prospects-will the conceived be-
come a popular reality?
 Interaction of different stakeholders, their interests and synergetic effect.
 New forms and channels of communication with the new generation of stu-
dents – how to work with information (knowledge) in a significantly in-
creased flow of information.
 What forms and methods of learning are effective in a changing educational

Panel discussion «Topical issues of pairing
educational programs of the University requirements

professional standards and labour market»

Venue: conference hall (2nd floor), 13:30-15:00
Shubaeva Veronika, Vice-rector for educational and methodical work of St. Peters-
burg state University of Economics
Anna Andreeva, General Director of the Association for the development of profes-
sional qualifications and competencies of the North-West, head of the regional branch
of the Association of financial market participants “Council for professional qualifi-
cations of the financial market”
Nikolai Rogachev First Deputy Chairman Of the Committee on labor and employment
of St. Petersburg
Diana Mahtakeeva, general director of the Council for professional qualifications of
the financial market (SPCR), Board member of RSPP
Ekaterina Kameneva, Vice-rector for the development of educational programs of the
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Elena Rogova, Dean of the St. Petersburg school of Economics
and management of the Higher school of Economics in St. Petersburg
Maria Sigova, rector of International banking Institute
Vyacheslav Traktovenko, member of the Board of Directors of JSC «Banking house»
St. Petersburg», Vice-President of GC «Baltros», regional coordinator of the club of
leaders in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region
Svetlana Ukraeva, the head of Department on work with personnel North- Western
main branch of the Central Bank of the Russian Confederations

Questions for discussion:

 Application of a systematic approach in the framework of the University edu-
cational programs interfacing with the requirements of professional standards
and the labor market.

 Introduction of new models of interaction between educational organizations
and employers in the field of higher and secondary vocational education.

 Formation of relevant requirements with the participation of employers to the
professional competencies of graduates in the context of changes in the labor

 Integration of professional standards and educational programs of the Univer-
sity as a condition of ensuring the quality of training of highly qualified per-

 Creation of a unified information educational space of the University with the
participation of representatives of the labor market.

 Training of specialists in the context of digitalization of the economy with

taking into account the profile orientation of educational programs.

Panel discussion «Modern project-oriented
methods and technologies in education: fashion trend
or an effective quality improvement tool educational programs?»

Venue: Multimedia hall 1 (1st floor), 13:30-15:00
Dmitry Karpov, expert in the field of creative education and development of creative
intelligence, partner of online school BangBangEducation, expert in creative peda-
gogy, teacher BA (Hons) GD & I University of Hertfordshire, England
Stefania Kisgen, the head of the SIBE Academy Of international business and entre-
preneurship, graduate school of leadership and management, Steinbeis University,
Anna Anisova, мanager on work with personnel reserve OOO «SVEZA-Les»
Alexander Didenko, Advisor to the rector of the Financial University under the Gov-
ernment of the Russian Federation, Creator of the project «Young researchers», grad-
uate of the «school of rectors» SKOLKOVO
Alexander Kozhevnikov, Director of the engineering Institute, head of the Department
of electric power and electrical engineering of the Cherepo-vetsky state University
Oleg Lukyanchik, Director of the project, the AIC (AECOM), civil engineer MDF
from IMISP, PMP from PMI, volunteer Saint-Petersburg Chapter
Lyubov Malikova, Director of CHOU DO «Center for business education of project

Questions for discussion:

 Project training as a key trend in education: case study of foreign universities.
 How should the competence of the teacher in the implementation of project

training change?
 Project education based on the system of INTERNATIONAL CDIO stand-

ards in a modern University.
 Dual education as a form of project work.
 Project management methodology as the basis of educational design.
 Bank of innovative projects from employers and problems of their implemen-

tation by Russian universities.

Expert session with international participation
«Networking as a mechanism of synergy
University educational resources»

Venue: Multimedia hall 2 (1st floor), 13:30-15:00
Dmitry Vasilenko, Vice-rector of international relations St. Petersburg state Univer-
sity of Economics
Andrey Aleksankov, Director Of the international Institute of Economics and politics,
St. Petersburg state University of Economics
Turo Kilpelainen, rector of Lahti University of applied Sciences, LUT University
Sofia Record, the head of the Department of world economy and international eco-
nomic relations of St. Petersburg state University of Economics
Farouk Ulgen, Professor, faculty of Economics, University of Grenoble-Alpes, Direc-
tor of the Russian-French bachelor's program

Questions for discussion:
• What models of networking will be the most successful in the context of digitaliza-
tion and globalization of education, and which ones will gradually cease to exist?

Master class «Educational startup
to improve the quality of the educational program»

Venue: academic Council Hall (3rd floor), 13:30-15:00
Pavel Vetrenko, co-founder of Brain educational project
Arseniy Litovchenko, General Director of Brain educational project

Questions for discussion:

 Does the educational startup have to be formed within the University to become
successful and popular?

 How to take into account the specifics of the market of educational services in
the development of start-up in education?

 What is the formula for the success of start-up, aimed at improving the quality of
the educational program?

 Opportunities for cooperation between universities and educational start-up to
improve the quality of the educational program.

 Implementation of educational start-up in the work of the University: mecha-
nisms, opportunities and risks, exchange of experience.

Panel discussion «Formation of a single information-
educational space in the context of archive development,

library and Museum activities»

Venue: meeting room (1st floor), 13:30-15:00

Natela Kvelidze-Kuznetsova, Director of the Fundamental library. Empress Maria
Feodorovna of the Russian state pedagogical University. A. I. Herzen, Executive Di-
rector Of the Association of producers and users of educational electronic resources
Stanislav Alekseev, the head of scientific- methodical service of
Presidential library
Elena Avramova, the head of the sector of management of bibliographic information
services of the Central public library. V. V. Mayakovsky
Valeria Vasilyeva, Deputy head Of the scientific library of the North-West Institute of
management of the Russian Academy of national economy and public administration
under the President of the Russian Federation
Maria Gladkikh, the head of the service «Virtual Russian Museum» of the State Rus-
sian Museum
Ulyana Markova, Deputy Director of the scientific library of St. Petersburg state Uni-
versity, Deputy Director for library work of the Scientific library. M. Gorky Saint-Pe-
tersburg state University
Svetlana Morozova, Deputy Director of the Fundamental library, Herzen state peda-
gogical University. A. I. Herzen
Alexander Nikiforov, Director of the publishing house «LAN»
Irina Pilko, Professor, Department of information management, St. Petersburg state
Institute of culture
Plemnek Alexander, Executive Director of the Association of regional library consor-
tiums (ARBICON), Director of the information and library complex of St. Petersburg
state Polytechnic University Peter the Great

Questions for discussion:
 Information and communication technologies in libraries of higher educa-
tional institutions of Russia.
 Electronic library systems as one of the main components of the electronic
information and educational environment of the University.
 Digital competence of users as a condition of successful educational and re-
search activities.
 Integration of the content of libraries, archives, museums into a single educa-
tional space: goals, problems, ways of implementation

Block 2. Parallel panel discussions, master classes, case

16:00-17:30, entrance by registration

Discussion of «Corporate and traditional universities –
competition & cooperation in the digital economy»

Venue: Multimedia hall 1 (1st floor), 16:00-17:30

Denis Gorulev, Director of the Institute of digital economy St. Petersburg state Uni-
versity of Economics
Yana Klementovichus, Director of the Institute of additional professional education
«Higher school of Economics» (idpo – VASH) Saint Petersburg state University of

Andrey Beschastniy, leading researcher of the Institute additional professional educa-
tion «Higher economic school (idpo–NES) of St. Petersburg state University of Eco-
Andrey Bolshakov, personnel Director of sue «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg»
Dmitry Volkov, Director for development of educational technologies, «Сorporate
University of Sberbank»
Dmitry Heinz, a leading business-trainer of corporate University OSAO «RESO-
Roman Gorin, Deputy head of the railway (territorial administration) of the Ok-
tyabrskaya railway-JSC «Russian Railways»
Evgeny Zlobin, Director of interaction Department with educational institutions of
PJSC «SK Rosgosstrakh»
Dmitry Kovalev, Director «Academy of digital technologies» Alexander Evgenevich
Pechenkin, Director, Gazprom corporate Institute»
Oleg Pichkov, Dean, faculty of international economic relations, Moscow state Insti-
tute of international relations (University), Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian

Questions for discussion:
• Why do corporations create their own universities, what are their goals and how do
they interact with classical universities?
• How to ensure the formation of competencies in an increasingly changing business
environment and labor market requirements?
• What challenges and new opportunities does the development of digital technologies
provide in education?

Panel discussion «Quality of educational activities:
new approaches and key development trends»

Venue: conference hall (2nd floor), 16:00-17:30
Elena Gorbashko, Vice-rector for scientific work St. Petersburg state University of
Irina Shapovalova, head of licensing, accreditation and quality control of educational
activities St. Petersburg state University of Economics
Yury Fedotov, Deputy Chairman of the Federal UMO in the system of higher educa-
tion on USSN 38.00.00 «Economics and management»
Erica Soboleva, Director General of the Agency for quality control of education and
career development (AKKORK) , member of the Board of Directors Asia-Pacific net-
work for quality assurance APQN and the International network of agencies of quality
assurance in higher education INQAAHE
Sergey Mikhaylov, the head of licensing and accreditation Department, St. Petersburg
state University of architecture and construction, Rosobrnadzor expert
Sharif Galeev, the head of Deloitte in the northwestern Federal district
Kryvtsov Artem Professor of Samara State University of Economics

Questions for discussion:
 Evolution of the concept of quality of educational programs, new models of
quality assurance of educational activities.
 Pairing external and internal assessment of the quality of educational activi-
ties in the transition to the GEF 3++.
 Current trends in assessing the quality of educational programs using infor-
mation technology.
 Modern requirements of representatives of the labor market and the interna-
tional professional community to the quality criteria of educational activities.

Master class from the developer of training simulators
«Management simulator in the educational activities of the University:

how to make learning effective?»

Location: the Methodical room (3rd floor), 16:00 – 17:30

Master class presenter:
Peter Tutaev, team leader of the online platform SIMULIZATOR

Master class on the development of project thinking, creative
learners ' intelligence to create new products,
interactive projects and advanced technologies

Venue: Academic Council Hall (3rd floor), 16:00-17:30

Master class presenter:
Dmitry Karpov, expert in the field of creative education and development of creative
intelligence, partner of online school BangBangEducation, expert in creative peda-
gogy, teacher BA (Hons) GD & I University
of Hertfordshire, England

The case of the Presidential library to create
unified electronic library environment

Venue: Electronic reading room (3rd floor), 16:00-17:30

Master class presenter:
Ekaterina Kurochkina, leading researcher of the scientific and methodical service of
the Presidential library

The SECOND DAY, February 1, 2019

St. Petersburg State University of Economics,
Griboyedov canal emb., 30/32

Parallel discussions, trainings, master classes
10:00 – 12:00, registration and badges

Discussion of «Optimization of the system of methodical support
educational activities at the University 4.0»

Venue: auditorium 3058 (3rd floor), 10:00-12:00
Nadezhda Doroshenko, head of the Department of basic educational programs of St.
Petersburg state University of Economics
Tatyana Bulanova, head of educational and methodical Department of St. Petersburg
state University of Economics
Natalia Vereshchagina, head of the educational and methodical Department of the
Russian state pedagogical University. A. I. Herzen
Sergey Mikhaylov, head of licensing and accreditation Department, St. Petersburg
state University of architecture and construction
Svetlan Savchenko, head of the Department of educational policy of Kaluga state
University. K. E. Tsiolkovsky

Questions for discussion:
 Optimization of the processes of formation of the system of methodological
support of the educational process.
 Innovative technologies of methodological support of educational programs.
 Information and methodological support of teachers.
 Experience in the practical use of information and communication technolo-
gies in the system of methodological support of educational programs.

Master class on preparation of BVEP for successful completion
professional and public accreditation

Venue: meeting room of the academic Council (room. 2127, 2nd floor), 10:00-12:00

Tatiana Malitskaya, Deputy Director General of The Association for the development
of professional competences and qualifications of the North-West.

Training «Creation of educational modules in foreign languages, and their
implementation in a multicultural environment»

Venue: Chinese library (1st floor), 10:00-12:00
Evgeniya Fanta, ACCA, visiting Professor of the international semester program at
St. Petersburg state University of Economics

Round table «Innovative and interactive educational technologies: best

Venue: auditorium 3052 (3rd floor), 10:00-12:00
Irina Evstafieva, Dean of the faculty of Economics and Finance
St. Petersburg state University of Economics
Vladimir Starostenko, Director of the center for development of electronic educa-
tional resources of St. Petersburg state University
Yaroslav Aleinik, General Director of «Omega group»
Natalia Vlasova, head of methodological Department, center for development of elec-
tronic educational resources, St. Petersburg state University
Olga Eliseeva, head of educational process quality management, St. Petersburg na-
tional research University of information technologies, mechanics and optics
Dmitriy Kovalev, Director «Academy of digital technologies»
Anastasia Minina, Vice-rector for international relations, Saint Petersburg state elec-
trotechnical University «LETI». V. I. Ulyanov (Lenin)
Sofia Record, head of the Department of world economy and international economic
relations of St. Petersburg state University of Economics
Olga Rozhnova, Professor, Department of accounting, analysis and audit, Financial
University under the government Of the Russian Federation
Natalia Trifonova, head of the Department of international business, St. Petersburg
state University of Economics

Questions for discussion:
 Distance learning-a modern format of learning?
 Network interaction of universities as a direction of development of educa-
tional technologies.
 Modernization of traditional learning technologies in the implementation of
practice-oriented educational programs.

Discussion «Continuity of educational programs of SVE and HE in the
modern system of domestic education»

Venue: auditorium 3035 (3rd floor), 10:00-12:00
Lidia Pelevina, Director of the College of business and technology St. Petersburg
State University of Economics
Yulia Malevich, Dean of the faculty of business, customs and economic security
of St. Petersburg State University of Economics
Ivan Melekhin, project Manager «Your first step in career», St. Petersburg state UNI-
VERSITY «Center of labor resources»
Olga Orlova, Deputy General Director for the development of production of Baltic
bread LLC, Chairman of the Committee for innovation and technology implementation
of the St. Petersburg national research University of information technologies, me-
chanics and optics
Irina Stukalova, head of educational and methodical Department Russian University
of Economics named after G. V. Plekhanov
Natalia Chernova, Dean of the faculty of secondary professional education, St. Pe-
tersburg state University of aerospace instrumentation

Questions for discussion:
 Improvement of human resources through the continuity of all levels of edu-
 Correct construction of the educational continuous environment CO-SPO-
VO-DPO, the design of conjugate OPO (SPO-VO) in the University environ-
 Culture of digitalization as the basis of professional education.
 Continuity and harmonization of professional competences by levels of edu-
cation - a view of the world Skills Russia movement.
 Multi-level portfolio of educational programs and competitiveness of the Uni-

Master class «How to effectively use the resources of the platform «Lecto-
rium» in training sessions different directions in universities»

Venue: auditorium 3033 (3rd floor), 10:00-12:00
Master class presenter:

Yakov Somov, General Director of the platform «Lectorium»

Closed meeting of the participants of the Memorandum on the establish-
ment of the Association of network interaction

Venue: auditorium 3107 (3rd floor), 10:00-12:00

Plenary session on summarizing the results of the Conference

Venue: Assembly hall (3rd floor), 12:30-14:00

Salutatory word:
Igor Maximtsev, rector of St. Petersburg state University of Economics
Alexander Murychev, Executive Vice-President of the Russian Union of Industrialists
and Entrepreneurs (RSPP)
Igor Maximtsev, rector of St. Petersburg state University of Economics
Veronika Shubaeva, Vice-rector for educational and methodical work of St. Petersburg
state University of Economics
Kvelidze-Kuznetsova Natela Director of the Fundamental library. Empress Maria Feodo-
rovna Of the Russian state pedagogical University. A. I. Herzen, Executive Director Of
the Association of manufacturers and users of educational electronic resources
Nadezhda Doroshenko, the head of the Department of basic educational programs of St.
Petersburg state University of Economics
Irina Evstafieva, Dean of the faculty of Economics and Finance St. Petersburg state Uni-
versity of Economics
Lydia Pelevina, Director of the College of business and technology St. Petersburg state
University of Economics
Nikolay Toivonen, Vice-rector for strategic development, St. Petersburg state University
of Economics
Irina Shapovalova, the head of the Department of licensing, accreditation and quality
control of educational activities of St. Petersburg state economic University

Solemn ceremony of signing the Memorandum of establishment
Association of networking

Venue: assembly hall (3rd floor), 14:00-14:30

Training within the framework of additional training programs
professional education

Venue: auditoriums 2123, 2125 (2nd floor), 15:30-17:30

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