The Very Bad Day
Written by: Carlee Axford
Have you ever had a really bad day? Have you ever had your car
break down? Have you ever got fired from a job you were good at?
Have you ever been in a tornado? Have you ever been late to work?
Have you ever had a boss that thought you were good then one bad
thing and BOOM. You make one wrong mistake and your fired? Well,
this is what Jared experienced in only ONE day.
So there's this guy named Jared and you probably don’t want to
hear the rest, but I'm going to tell you anyway. Jared is a cursed man I
tell ya, a very cursed man. He has dark brown hair and blue eyes. He
has the worst luck every single day. Today, it was not just bad, it
was...very bad. So he was going to work (at McDonald’s) then he was
thinking what would happen today? Well he didn’t have to wait long.
He was going across a bridge, to be exact it is the 1-35W Mississippi
River bridge, and POOF his car broke down. It was a nice white chevy
2010 truck. Can you tell he has bad luck?
Well it was currently 7:22am and work started at 8:00am. He had
to go across Minneapolis just to get to work, that is far just to get to
work, he should find a new job. Anyway, he was sad and nervous. He
knew that his boss fired 7 people (one of them was his best friend Jill,
he was sad) but not that often that was just in 4 years. One time
someone put on too much ketchup on the burger that didn't want
ketchup, and he got fired. I mean yea, you really can take ketchup off
a burger, everybody makes mistakes. I understand why they fired him
though, it looked a little like this.
Jared was kind of, really nervous. Jared was valuable to
McDonald’s. He was always on time, and got the orders right. But this
day didn’t seem to be much luck, like he had always had bad luck, but
at work he had pretty good luck.
So resume, where were we? Oh yeah, we were stuck on the
bridge to be specific it was the Mississippi River Bridge (he is also
scared of bridges). All of a sudden he saw a tornado, the small kind of
tornados. Then he thought it was tornado season, and he screamed,
Then he noticed it (the tornado) was coming closer and closer.
Then he noticed a blue Ford, he screamed,¨HELP!!!!!!!! They stopped
and said get in HURRY!!!
Then the savers that were dressed in plaid shirts and dressed
like cowboys. ( They talked really weird and I'm pretty sure they were
Texans.) They sped down the road in pursuit of this tornado. It was a
small tornado, but those are still bad in a big city (especially on a
bridge and on skyscrapers. Also another cause is because there is a
lot of debree and it is hard for the homless people. But normally
tornados are rare in a city, he had terrible luck.) They were going up
to 80 mph in the city, so they could get him to work and get to safety.
Somehow he got there at 8:15. He was late.
Then he tried to cover up being late as he was cooking his
burgers and fries, and he didn’t know but the manager named Joanne
was behind him. She was upset.
Then she said, “Why are you late for work”?
Jared said,¨My car had broken down on the way to work and
there was a tornado, and so people saw me and let me ride with them
to work¨.
The manager thought that was a little exaggerated, but she knew
there was a tornado warning, so she thought she would let that pass.
The manager said, ¨Fine, you are the best worker here.¨ He was
excited, and said ¨But don't let your worries fly out the window.¨
This girl came in, she was a lawyer that needed to get to work in
20 minutes but had to eat and leave in 5 minutes. She ordered a
hamburger with nothing but ketchup. So he was just doing his job,
and he looked at the ant crawling on the floor and got distracted. Then
he accidentally put on WAY TOO MUCH onion on the hamburger that
needed NO ONION and got fired right then. His first time getting fired.
Can't they just take off onion? All of the things that had happened on
that day in time, was a tornado and it was coming toward him, he got
fired, and his car got ruined.
A few weeks later he found a way better job!!!!! He was working
at Burger King!!!! If you believe me this is a way better job than
McDonald's, and it is only six blocks away!
Then you won't believe this, he was on his way to the first day of
working at Burger King and his car was across the street and it said
Who’s car? Come claim it if it is yours with your drivers id!
It had been fixed! Then he was so happy that he didn't have to
ride in a taxi. Now he has his car! He lived happily ever after!