The Navasota Grimes County Chamber
of Commerce extends the “red carpet
treatment” to new residents by letting
them in on what locals already know:
residents here enjoy the charm and
easy access of small town life, without
having to forfeit big city conveniences
and opportunities. The Navasota
Grimes County Chamber of Commerce,
with its strong historical traditions and
cultural diversity, welcomes you!
Nestled in the transition area of the
piney woods of East Texas and the Post Oak Plains, Grimes County is one of Texas’
best kept secrets! There is no doubt that our county is growing and prospering. The
predictions that Houston and Bryan/College Station would meet are no longer mere
specgulation, but a true reality in the making. Grimes County is poised to capitalize on
this growth. We are a land of breathtaking scenery and potential ready for the
challenges and opportunities of the future.
The Navasota Grimes County Chamber of Commerce is located in downtown Navasota
and offers a number of services for existing businesses and potential businesses as
well as relocation assistance and tourism information. The Chamber is active in
promoting the attractions in the area and the Economic Development Council is ready
to assist you with your business needs.
Whether it’s a weekend get-away to shop for antiques and tour historic sites, a week-
long vacation to escape the hustle and bustle of big city life and experience true
southern hospitality, a place to move to and spend a lifetime or a place to locate your
business, we invite you to historic, progressive Grimes County, Texas.
Rev. June 2019
Leading Manufacturer of Pressure Vessel Heads
Relocation Directory
Buckingham Garden (62+) .................................................. 936-825-1999
Cedar Creek Apartments ..................................................... 936-967-7272
Forty-Two Place (62+) .......................................................... 936-825-7114
High Point Properties........................................................... 936-870-3100
Cedar Creek Apartments ..................................................... 936-825-8067
Navasota Manor (62+) ......................................................... 936-825-4182
Century Link ......................................................................... 936-825-2112
Dish network ......................................................................... 877-254-9245
DIRECTV ............................................................................... 800-783-1376
Suddenlink Media ................................................................ 877-624-5385
Anderson – Shiro CISD ........................................................ 936-873-2802
Blinn College ......................................................................... 979-830-4112
Iola ISD ................................................................................... 936-394-2361
Navasota ISD ......................................................................... 936-825-4214
Richards ISD .......................................................................... 936-851-2364
Entergy ................................................................................... 1-800-ENTERGY
Mid-South Synergy .............................................................. 936-825-5100
City of Navasota ................................................................... 936-825-6408
Anderson Water Company ................................................. 936-873-2941
B&J Water Supply (Bedias) ................................................. 936-395-6204
Dobbin-Plantersville Water Supply ................................... 936-984-2506
G&W Water Company ......................................................... 936-372-9858
Wickson Creek SUD (Iola) ................................................... 936-394-4711
Police and Fire Departments (Non-Emergency)
Anderson VFD ............................................................... 936-874-2700
Bedias VFD ..................................................................... 936-395-2222
Grimes County Sheriff’s Department ......................... 936-873-2151
Iola VFD .......................................................................... 936-394-2222
Navasota Fire Department ........................................... 936-825-7388
Navasota Police Department ....................................... 936-825-6410
Plantersville – Stoneham VFD ..................................... 936-894-9566
Richards VFD ................................................................. 936-851-2211
Shiro VFD ........................................................................ 936-874-2700
City of Navasota ............................................................ 936-825-6408
EPCOR Utilities .............................................................. 281-766-1290
Kolkhorst Petroleum Company ................................... 936-825-6868
Navasota LP Gas ............................................................ 936-825-3214
Triangle B ........................................................................ 936-851-2268
3C Disposal ..................................................................... 936-825-2441
Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management .................... 979-764-3832
City of Navasota ............................................................ 936-825-6408
Republic Service (Allied Waste) .................................. 979-277-1160
Texas Commercial Waste ............................................. 979-775-7018
Hospitals & Clinics
Baylor Scott & White Clinic .......................................... 979-207-4080
Baylor Scott & White Hospital ..................................... 979-207-0100
BIS Community Clinic .................................................. 713-927-3077
College Station Medical Center ................................... 979-764-5100
CHI St. Joseph Health Center ....................................... 936-825-6585
CHI St. Joseph Medical Center .................................... 936-825-6444
HealthPoint Health Center ........................................... 936-825-0000
Texas A&M Physicians Medical Clinic ....................... 936-825-0755
Chamber Membership Directory
Accommodations James R. Evans Tax Service
7D Ranch
Bedias Bungalow Bed & Breakfast Agrilife Extension
936-355-0642 936-873-3907
Best Western Inn - Navasota Air Conditioning / Heat
Gessner Heating & Air Conditioning Co.
Bogart’s Casa Blanca 936-825-2085
Ryan Sales
Double Bar B Guest Ranch 832-746-8887
Live Oak Resort 979-451-0316
Animal Rescue
Mayfield Manor Gan Shalom Animal Rescue
Navasota Inn St. Francis Wolf Sanctuary
Red Velvet Inn B&B Antiques
Bluebonnet Vintage Collectibles
Smith Hotel 936-825-2405
Circle P Antiques and Collectibles
Sugar Shack Vacation Rental 936-825-0522
Courthouse Antiques
Accounting/Payroll 979-324-6619
Brevis Lingua, Inc.
Eclectic Collective
936-825-7035 936-851-0167
Brewer, Eyeington, Patout
Antiques (Cont’d) Menagerie Art Gallery
Navasota Emporium
936-825-8206 Auto Dealer
Pink Champagne Allen Honda
713-294-5400 866-986-9271
Rockin’ M Designs Appel Ford
281-460-5780 979-836-3659
Apartments Sterling Auto Group - Navasota
Buckingham Gardens Apartments
936-825-1999 TEAM Ford
Forty-Two Place Apartments
936-825-7114 Auto Service/Repair
High Point Apartments Davis Tire & Repair Shop
936-825-6441x5 936-825-1919
Magnolia Plaza Apartments Frank's Towing & Repair
936-825-7935 936-825-7692
Northwood Apartments Kool Shades
936-825-2067 979-251-0994
Apiary Texas Custom Outfitters
Bee Goods Mercantile
512-535-2219 Bail Bonds
R. Weavers Honey Gage Gandy Bail Bonds
936-825-4636 979-821-2663
Art Gallery Bank
The Gallery Downtown BBVA Compass Bank
979-324-3460 936-825-7555
Horlock House Citizens State Bank
936-825-6475 936-825-3662
First National Bank of Anderson
Bank (Cont’d) Fauth & Associates
First State Bank of Bedias
936-395-2141 James R. Evans Tax Service
Prosperity Bank
936-825-2274 Paychex
Wells Fargo Bank Texas
936-825-6401 Pville Inc.
Barber Shop
Revival Barber Shop Renaissance Business Park
214-766-3630 936-727-0071
B&B (see Accommodations) TEEX Knowledge Engineering
Body Shop
Guarantee Body and Paint Shop, Inc.
936-825-6472 Cakes by MJ
Book Store
Muddy Water Book Store
713-498-5833 Grill Sergeant Hot Dogs & Catering
Bridal Shop
La Casita Mexican Restaurant
Love and Lace Bridal Boutique 936-870-3040
Business Services|Consulting Las Fuentes Steak & Grill
Better Business Bureau
979-260-2222 Lazy B Catering
CHR Solutions
512-797-6226 Luigi’s Patio Ristorante
Climatec LLC
713-983-6500 Mallett Bros. BBQ
Employer Flexible
281-377-7646 Martha's Bloomers
Catering (Cont’d) First United Methodist Church - Navasota
Salsa’s Grill & Seafood
936-825-2219 New Hope Community Church
Subway (Navasota)
936-870-3367 St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Ya Ya's Floral and Specialty Shop
936-825-4104 Civic Organizations
Child Development Anderson Knights of Columbus
Bovay Scout Ranch
936-825-4120 BVCOG-RSVP Senior Corps
Girl Scouts Grimes County
254-718-4223 Friends of Grimes County
Grimes County Little Dribblers
979-575-9860 Grimes County Crime Stoppers
Justin’s Dreamz
979-493-6226 Grimes County Fair Association
Kick Start Kids
713-868-6003 Grimes Co. Go Texan Committee
Simple Life Chiropractic Grimes Co. Historical Commission
936-727-5545 936-873-4422
Church Grimes Co. Master Gardeners
Christ to the Nations New Day Worship
979-203-2312 Grimes Co. VFW Post #4006
Faith Outreach Christian Center
936-825-2517 Historic Anderson Inc.
First Presbyterian Church of Navasota
936-825-6847 Nat’l Society - DAR
Civic Organizations (Cont’d) Shine & Sparkle Cleaning Service
Navasota Athletic Booster Club
936-419-3437 Clothing/Boutique
Navasota Evening Lions Bless Up Boutique & Embroidery
936-825-7728 936-825-0136
Navasota Garden Club Lizzy Boutique Salon
979-219-2173 936-727-5503
Navasota Jr. High PTO Love and Lace Bridal Boutique
936-825-4225 979-820-0006
Navasota Kiwanis Club Off The Map 219
936-870-2274 936-870-3600
Navasota Music Study Club Paris Pink & Cowboy Blue Baby Boutique
817-729-9096 936-825-2223
Navasota Noon Lions Club P. Nemir Dry Goods
Plantersville Stoneham Bunch Rust to Roses Boutique
Ronald McDonald House Charities Twin City Mission
RSVP Volunteers of SE Texas Vintage 105
Two Rivers Heritage Foundation Wal-Mart Navasota
United Way of the Brazos Valley College
Blinn College
Voices for Children BV CASA 979-830-4112
TEEX Knowledge Engineering
Cleaning Services 979-458-6734
Black Hill Restoration
Computers H&B Construction
979-260-8324 JM Buildings
Texas Foundations K & H Portable Toilets
281-808-5166 979-836-0552
Congressman Line Tech
Texas State Rep. Ben Leman
512-463-0600 Lone Star Flooring & Installation
U.S. Rep. Kevin Brady
936-441-5700 Lynnlow Enterprises
Madole Rental
2DM Underground
936-573-5876 979-260-9200
Aggieland Construction Martin Marietta
Black Hill Restoration Navasota Concrete
936-520-0773 936-825-8106
Burlin Power Lines Quality Pole Inspection & Maintenance
979-220-2797 936-525-0910
Briar Ridge Custom Builders Rodriguez Construction Co.
605-490-8601 936-435-3629
Double R Insulation Techline
936-446-0013 903-407-6893
DR Horton – Pecan Lakes Estates Techline Pipe
Glenn Fuqua Inc. Texas Foundations
936-825-7153 281-808-5166
Utility Sales Agents of South Texas
Construction/Materials (Cont’d) Employment
Williams Bros. Construction Co. BVCOG-Workforce Solutions
713-522-9821 979-595-2800 ext. 2010
Copy Machines (see Printers) Express Personnel Services
WC Mercantile Personnel Services
936-825-3378 979-251-7554
Department Store Engineering
P. Nemir Dry Goods Bleyl Engineering
936-825-3369 979-268-1125
Wal-Mart Navasota Burditt Consultants, LLC
936-825-7541 936-756-3041
Distributors CHR Solutions
Mike Hopkins Distributing
979-836-2022 Civil Engineering Consultants
Dry Cleaners
Hallmark Cleaners EHRA Engineering
936-825-8267 713-784-4500
One Stop Cleaners Jones | Carter
936-825-6509 979-731-8000
Electrical McClure and Browne
Gritex Electric
936-825-1829 Walker Partners
Hard Hat Enterprises dba Finway LLC
936-788-4406 Entertainment
Meekins Electric Co. Acoustic Music by Johnny & Lise
936-825-3926 936-828-6593
Charlie Diggs Entertainment & Promotions
Entertainment (Cont’d) Event Venue
Mathilda the Clown 7D Ranch
936-825-8985 325-338-9516
Navasota Blues Review Bernhardt Winery
979-324-1227 936-894-9829
Navasota Theatre Alliance Camp Allen
936-825-3195 936-825-7175
Puresound LLC Chandelier Room
832-428-6076 281-300-8457
Texas Renaissance Festival Double Bar B Guest Ranch
281-356-2178 281-300-8457
Equipment Rental Grimes County Expo Center
K & H Portable Toilets
979-836-0552 Jollisant Farms
Madole Rental 936-894-2766
979-260-9200 Live Oak Resort
Only 1 Rentals 936-878-2216
936-825-2444 Main Street Market - Iola
Event Planning 936-727-0615
Events To Remember Mayfield Manor
936-825-2982 936-874-2544
Party Time Rentals Peach Creek Vineyards
979-696-5555 936-825-3669
The Annex at Omaha Ranch Roans Prairie Community Center
713.875.5324 936-874-2328
Ya Ya's Floral and Specialty Shop Smith Hotel
936-825-4104 281-450-0667
The Annex at Omaha Ranch
Event Venue (Cont’d) Foundations
The Gin at Hidalgo Falls Texas Foundations
979-530-6109 281-808-5166
Exercise Funeral
Camp Gladiator Ashford – Oliver Mortuary
254-216-9054 936-825-2525
Farm and Ranch Equipment Lindley, Robertson Holt Funeral Home
WC Tractor- Navasota
936-825-7577 Nobles Funeral Chapel
Financial (see Banks or Lending or 936-825-7776
Investments) Furniture
Fire Alarm Systems Agape Furniture
American Fire Protection Group, Inc.
979-690-6741 Turner, Pierce & Fultz
Floral 936-825-6441
Martha's Bloomers Twin City Mission
936-825-7400 936-825-2109
Ya Ya's Floral and Specialty Shop Gas Supplier
936-825-4104 Kolkhorst Petroleum Co.
Feed Store/Supplies 936-825-6868
Mas Feed Store Navasota LP-Gas Co.
936-825-2068 936-825-3214
Food Pantry Gifts
Anderson Food Pantry CUTCO Cutlery
936-870-6178 979-260-4555
Christian Community Services Off The Map 219
936-825-7454 936-870-3600
Paris Pink & Cowboy Blue Baby Boutique
Gifts (Cont’d) Lizzy Boutique Salon
Turner, Pierce & Fultz
936-825-6441 Revival Barber Shop
Vintage 105
936-825-8884 Hardware
Golf Course Baylor Lumber & Building Co.
Pecan Lakes Golf Club
936-870-3889 Turner, Pierce & Fultz / ACE Hardware
Graphics and Printing
Bless Up Boutique & Embroidery
936-825-0136 Agape Private Health Care
Creative Signs and Graphics
936-825-8044 Baylor Scott & White Clinic
Integ Data | Print | Mail
979-823-5567 BIS Community Clinic
Grocery Store
Brookshire Brothers #6 BVCAA Grimes Co (Healthpoint)
936-825-6205 979-695-3400
Castaneda Meat Market CHI St. Joseph Health Center
936-825-0202 979-774-2162
HEB Tower Point CHI St. Joseph Medical Center
979-690-4940 936-825-6444
Smiley’s Express #5 Dr. Katherine Blalock
936-395-1118 936-825-0755
Hair Salon Golden Creek Healthcare/Rehab
Glamour Braids & Beauty Supply/Salon 936-825-4043
936-727-5507 Hospice Brazos Valley
Gina’s Cut & Dye 979-821-2266
Healthcare (Cont’d)
W&J Enterprises
Navasota Therapeutic Massage 214-766-3630
IT Support
Texas A&M Physicians Medical Clinic
Landscape /Lawn & Garden
Gina Buehring – Farm Bureau Insurance Martha's Bloomers
Insurance (Cont’d) Pville Inc.
Jamel Thomas - Farmers Insurance Agency
936-419-1587 Your Friendly Lawn Service
Jim Studhalter Insurance Agency
936-825-7387 Law Firm
Miller Agency, Inc. Falco & Falco Attys at Law
936-825-6789 936-825-6533
Neil Martensen – State Farm Agency Fultz & Fultz
936-825-3943 936-825-7833
SPJST Insurance/James Schroeder Greening Law, PC – Caily McLain
936-661-2294 979-596-4088
W. E. Gibson Insurance Agency Livestock
936-825-6565 Navasota Livestock Auction
Woodmen of the World Insurance
979-774-6306 Lending/Mortgage Companies
Internet (See Cable) Preferred Finance
Security Finance
Edward Jones Investments
936-825-8585 936-825-7523
Kolkhorst Investments
Lumber Media
Baylor Lumber & Building Co. Downey Publishing
936-825-3356 979-224-8359
Turner, Pierce & Fultz / ACE Hardware KWBC News 1550 AM
936-825-6441 936-825-9007
Manufacturing/Machinery Navasota Examiner
CForce Bottling Co.
936-218-7045 Ministry Outreach
Double G Forest Products, L.P. W.H.E.E.L.S. Ministry Services
936-825-6115 877-9WHEELS
Mortgage (see Lending/Mortgage)
Manufacturing/Machinery (Cont’d)
Mortuary (see Funeral)
ErgoGenesis Workplace Solutions
936-825-1700 Motels (see Accommodations)
Hughes Fabrication & Welding Municipality
936-825-6421 City of Bedias
J.H. Davidson & Associates 936-395-1119
918-607-2944 City of Navasota
N&R Machine Sales 936-825-6475
713-818-0638 Grimes County
Savory Fine Foods 936-873-4400
Town of Anderson
Massage 936-873-3102
Navasota Therapeutic Massage Museum
Bedias Museum & Library
Meat Market/Processing 936-395-2658
Castaneda Meat Market Brazos Valley Museum of Nat’l History
936-825-0202 979-776-2195
K&C Meat Processing Washington on the Brazos State Park
936-825-6944 979-830-1824
Music (see Entertainment) Parks
Newspaper Fanthorp Inn - Anderson
Navasota Examiner
936-825-6484 Washington on the Brazos State Park
Nursery (see Landscape/Garden)
Pest Control
Office Supplies
Binford Insect Control Services
Precision Printing
936-825-2488 979-822-5524
Oil Equipment Ger Nay Pest Control
Eagle Pressure Control (NOSI)
936-825-9403 J.T. Pest Control Service
Ellwood Texas Forge-Navasota
936-870-2209 Orkin Pest Control
Forged Components, Inc.
936-825-7518 Pet Service
Live Oak Pet Services
NOV Grant Prideco
936-825-7070 936-873-2564
Texas Pipe Works, Inc.
936-825-6571 GT Studios
Trinity Heads, Inc.
936-825-6581 Plumbing
Paint Serres & Son Plumbing
Baylor Lumber & Building Co.
936-825-3356 Spinks Plumbing
Leroy Nobles Paint Co.
936-825-6331 Political Organizations
Turner, Pierce & Fultz / ACE Hardware Grimes County Democratic Party
936-825-6441 936-825-4846
Political Organizations (Cont’d) Propane Gas
Grimes County Republican Party Navasota LP-Gas Co.
281-221-0373 936-825-3214
Grimes Co. Republican Women Ranch/Operations
936-894-3017 7D Ranch
Portable Buildings / Barndominiums 325-338-9516
JM Buildings Omaha Ranch
832-316-2196 281-799-2642
Printing/Printers Pville Inc.
Brazenstock Printing
281-221-5993 Thomas Ranch
Printing/Printers (Cont’d) 936-870-8665
Creative Signs and Graphics Realtors
936-825-8044 All Star Realty
Dahill Office Technologies 936-825-5873
979-774-2200 x60103 Brazos Land Company
Integ Data | Print | Mail 936-873-4000
979-823-5567 Carswell Real Estate - Joann Kutac, Realtor
Precision Printing 281-799-6019
936-825-2488 Dell Martinez Realty
Produce 936-825-6969
Jollisant Farms Extra Mile Real Estate – Keller Williams
936-894-2766 979-314-3430
Promotional Items Journey Realtors
Brazenstock Printing
281-221-5993 Max Brand Realty
Creative Signs and Graphics 936-825-9468
936-825-8044 McDougal & Moore Co.
Realtors (Cont’d) Classic Rock Coffee Co. & Kitchen
Miles of Grace Realty
979-229-5541 Cow Talk Restaurant
Navasota Realty
936-825-5094 Dairy Queen (Navasota)
Preferred Properties
936-825-6113 Grill Sergeant Hot Dogs & Catering
Prescott Properties
936-825-3008 Herrera Mexican Restaurant)
Riverstone Commercial Real Estate
979-431-4400 La Casita Mexican Restaurant
Stuart Southwest Land Company
936-825-5770 Las Fuentes Steak & Grill
Top Guns Realty - Greg Hoffart
936-419-1087 Luigi’s Patio Ristorante
Recreational Vehicles
T&S RV & Sport Mallett Bros. BBQ
936-825-2357 936-825-9440
Rental Properties McDonalds of Navasota
Creative Workspaces
936-825-1011 M-Beaux’s Restaurant
American Cancer Society Pizza Hut
979-776-1464 936-825-7273
Heat Transfer Research, Inc. Salsa’s Grill & Seafood
Restaurants Subway (Navasota)
4141 Coffeehouse Cafe
936-825-3161 Taqueria La Escondida
Restaurants (Cont’d) Septic Systems
The Western Club Steakhouse & Dancehall Coast to Coast Septic Pumping
936-825-9070 936-894-0752
Retail Stores Sports/Sporting Goods
P. Nemir Dry Goods Brazos Valley Cobras
936-825-3369 254-393-5200
Wal-Mart Navasota Storage Units
Loop Self Storage
Retirement / Rehab 936-825-6422
Golden Creek Healthcare/Rehab Navasota Mini Storage
936-825-4043 936-825-7099
Seasons Assisted Living The Warehouse Mini Storage
936-825-2237 507-400-7233
Roofing Supermarket
Hilco Metal Roofing Supply Brookshire Brothers #6
936-825-0500 936-825-6205
Lone Star Roof Systems Surveyor
EHRA Engineering
RV Sales 713-784-4500
T&S RV & Sport Jones | Carter
936-825-2357 979-731-8000
School District Walker Partners
Navasota ISD 979-599-9870
936-825-4200 Wisnoski Land Surveying
Security Systems 936-870-7100
American Fire Protection Group, Inc. Tax Preparation
979-690-6741 James R. Evans Tax Service
Theater Travel
Navasota Theatre Alliance Cruise Planners – Kelley Austin
936-825-3195 936-825-7001
Tires Tree Removal
Davis Tire & Repair Shop All Around Tree Service
936-825-1919 936-520-0773
Jarvis Tire Pros CM Joslin Co.
936-870-5492 936-756-1155
Title Utility (Public)
Guaranty Title Company Entergy
936-825-7322 936-870-2830
Navasota Abstract/Grimes County Title Co. Mid-South Synergy
936-825-6405 936-825-5100
Towing Utility (Private)
Frank's Towing & Repair Tenaska Frontier Partners
936-825-7692 936-874-2132
Town Hall Texas Central
Plantersville Town Hall
936-894-2249 Utility Sales Agents of South Texas
Training (Corporate) 713-688-2236
Fauth & Associates Veterinary
936-894-3010 Beard - Navasota Veterinary Hospital
Transportation 936-825-3877
Dirk McCune Trucking South Central Veterinary Clinic
979-575-8082 936-870-4033
Goldstar Transit Waste Management
936-825-1813 3C Disposal
Trash Pickup (see Waste Mgmt & Pg. 5) 936-825-2441
Waste Management (Cont’d)
Brannon Industrial Group
Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management
Republic Services
Texas Commercial Waste
Hou-Tex Welding Service
Bernhardt Winery
Winery (Cont’d)
Peach Creek Vineyards
Chamber Members – Alphabetical Listing
2DM Underground ......................................... 936-573-5876 Briar Ridge Custom Builders ........................... 605-490-8601
3C Disposal ..................................................... 936-825-2441 Brookshire Brothers #6 ................................... 936-825-6205
4141 Coffeehouse .......................................... 936-825-3161 Buckingham Gardens Apartments .................. 936-825-1999
7D Ranch ........................................................ 325-338-9516 Burditt Consultants, LLC ................................. 936-756-3041
Acoustic Music by Johnny & Lise .................... 936-828-6593 Burlin Power Lines .......................................... 979-220-2797
Agape Furniture .............................................. 936-825-2522 BVCAA Grimes Co (Healthpoint) ..................... 979-695-3400
Agape Private Health Care .............................. 936-419-9326 BVCOG-RSVP Senior Corps .............................. 979-595-2800
Aggieland Construction .................................. 979-393-8807 BVCOG-Workforce Solutions .......... 979-595-2800 ext. 2010
Agnitek ........................................................... 979-260-8324 Cakes by MJ .................................................... 936-825-5889
Agrilife Extension ............................................ 936-873-3907 Camp Allen...................................................... 936-825-7175
All Around Tree Service .................................. 936-520-0773 Camp Gladiator ............................................... 254-216-9054
All Star Realty ................................................. 936-825-5873 Carswell Real Estate - Joann Kutac, Realtor .... 281-799-6019
Allen Honda .................................................... 866-986-9271 Castaneda Meat Market ................................. 936-825-0202
American Cancer Society ................................ 979-776-1464 CForce Bottling Co. ......................................... 936-218-7045
Anderson Food Pantry .................................... 936-870-6178 Chandelier Room ............................................ 281-300-8457
Anderson Knights of Columbus ...................... 936-873-2146 Charlie Diggs Entertainment & Promotions .... 832-287-2140
Appel Ford ...................................................... 979-836-3659 CHI St. Joseph Hospital ........................ 936-825-6585
Ashford – Oliver Mortuary.............................. 936-825-2525 CHR Solutions ................................................. 512-797-6226
Baylor Lumber & Building Co. ............. 936-825-3356 Christ to the Nations New Day Worship Church979-203-2312
Baylor Scott & White Clinic ............................. 979-207-4080 Christian Community Services ........................ 936-825-7454
BBVA Compass Bank ....................................... 936-825-7555 Circle P Antiques and Collectibles ................... 936-825-0522
Beard - Navasota Veterinary Hospital ............ 936-825-3877 Citizens State Bank ......................................... 936-825-3662
Bedias Bungalow Bed & Breakfast .................. 936-355-0642 City of Bedias .................................................. 936-395-1119
Bedias Museum & Library .............................. 936-395-2658 City of Navasota .............................................. 936-825-6475
Bee Goods Mercantile .................................... 512-535-2219 Civil Engineering Consultants ......................... 979-846-6212
Bernhardt Winery ........................................... 936-894-9829 Classic Rock Coffee Co. & Kitchen ........ 936-727-5613
Best Western Inn – Navasota ......................... 936-870-4100 Climatec LLC .................................................... 713-983-6500
Better Business Bureau .................................. 979-260-2222 CM Joslin Co. ................................................... 936-756-1155
Binford Insect Control Services ....................... 979-822-5524 Coast to Coast Septic Pumping ....................... 936-894-0752
BIS Community Clinic ...................................... 713-927-3077 Courthouse Antiques ...................................... 979-324-6619
Black Hill Restoration ...................................... 936-520-0773 Cow Talk Restaurant ....................................... 936-825-6993
Bless Up Boutique & Embroidery ................... 936-825-0136 Creative Signs and Graphics............................ 936-825-8044
Bleyl Engineering ............................................ 979-268-1125 Creative Workspaces ...................................... 936-825-1011
Blinn College ................................................... 979-830-4112 Cruise Planners – Kelley Austin ....................... 936-825-7001
Bluebonnet Vintage Collectibles ......... 936-825-2405 CUTCO Cutlery ................................................ 979-260-4555
Bogart’s Casa Blanca ....................................... 936-825-1969 Dahill Office Technologies ................. 979-774-2200 x60103
Bovay Scout Ranch ......................................... 936-825-4120 Dairy Queen (Navasota).................................. 936-825-6579
Brannon Industrial Group ............................... 936-830-9060 Davis Tire & Repair Shop ................................ 936-825-1919
Brazenstock Printing ....................................... 281-221-5993 Dell Martinez Realty ....................................... 936-825-6969
Brazos Land Company .................................... 936-873-4000 Dirk McCune Trucking ..................................... 979-575-8082
Brazos Valley Cobras ...................................... 254-393-5200 Double G Forest Products, L.P. ....................... 936-825-6115
Brazos Valley Museum of Nat’l History .......... 979-776-2195 Double R Insulation ........................................ 936-446-0013
Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management ........ 979-764-3832 Downey Publishing ......................................... 979-224-8359
Brevis Lingua, Inc. ........................................... 936-825-7035 DR Horton – Pecan Lakes Estates ................... 936-777-6600
Brewer, Eyeington, Patout.............................. 936-825-6507 Dr. Katherine Blalock ...................................... 936-825-0755
Eagle Pressure Control (NOSI) ........................ 936-825-9403 Grimes County Republican Party .................... 281-221-0373
Eclectic Collective ........................................... 936-851-0167 Grimes County Title Company ........................ 936-825-6405
Edward Jones Investments............................. 936-825-8585 Grimes County................................................ 936-873-4400
EHRA Engineering ............................... 713-784-4500 Gritex Electric ................................................. 936-825-1829
Ellwood Texas Forge-Navasota ...................... 936-870-2209 GT Studios ...................................................... 979-575-5665
Employer Flexible ........................................... 281-377-7646 Guarantee Body and Paint Shop, Inc. ............. 936-825-6472
Entergy ........................................................... 936-870-2830 Guaranty Title Company ................................ 936-825-7322
ErgoGenesis Workplace Solutions .................. 936-825-1700 H&B Construction .......................................... 936-524-1554
Events To Remember ..................................... 936-825-2982 Hallmark Cleaners .......................................... 936-825-8267
Express Personnel Services ............................ 979-776-4455 Hard Hat Enterprises dba Finway LLC ............. 936-788-4406
Extra Mile Real Estate – Keller Williams ......... 979-314-3430 Heat Transfer Research, Inc. .......................... 979-690-5050
Faith Outreach Christian Center .................... 936-825-2517 HEB Tower Point ............................................ 979-690-4940
Falco & Falco Attys at Law ............................. 936-825-6533 Herrera Mexican Restaurant .......................... 936-825-2106
Fanthorp Inn - Anderson ................................ 936-873-2633 High Point Apartments ............................... 936-825-6441x5
Fauth & Associates ......................................... 936-894-3010 Hilco Metal Roofing Supply ............................ 936-825-0500
First National Bank of Anderson .................... 936-873-2511 Historic Anderson Inc. .................................... 713-303-0275
First Presbyterian Church of Navasota ........... 936-825-6847 Horlock House ................................................ 936-825-6475
First State Bank of Bedias ............................... 936-395-2141 Hospice Brazos Valley..................................... 979-821-2266
First United Methodist Church - Navasota ..... 936-825-3342 Hou-Tex Welding Service ............................... 281-635-6929
Forged Components, Inc. ............................... 936-825-7518 Hughes Fabrication & Welding ....................... 936-825-6421
Forty-Two Place Apartments ......................... 936-825-7114 Integ Data | Print | Mail ................................. 979-823-5567
Frank's Towing & Repair ................................ 936-825-7692 J.H. Davidson & Associates ............................. 918-607-2944
Friends of Grimes County .............................. 713-254-5470 J.T. Pest Control Service ................................. 936-870-7978
Fultz & Fultz ................................................... 936-825-7833 Jamel Thomas – Farmers Insurance Agency ... 936-419-1587
Gage Gandy Bail Bonds .................................. 979-821-2663 James R. Evans Tax Service ............................. 936-825-3731
Gan Shalom Animal Rescue............................ 936-218-5789 Jarvis Tire Pros ................................................ 936-870-5492
Ger Nay Pest Control ...................................... 936-825-7449 Jim Studhalter Insurance Agency ................... 936-825-7387
Gessner Heating & Air Conditioning Co. ........ 936-825-2085 JM Buildings ................................................... 832-316-2196
Gina Buehring – Farm Bureau Insurance ....... 936-870-3000 Jollisant Farms ................................................ 936-894-2766
Gina’s Cut & Dye ............................................ 936-825-3488 Jones | Carter ................................................. 979-731-8000
Girl Scouts Grimes County ............................. 254-718-4223 Journey Realtors ............................................. 979-219-0393
Glamour Braids & Beauty Supply/Salon ......... 936-727-5507 Justin’s Dreamz .............................................. 979-493-6226
Glenn Fuqua Inc. ............................................ 936-825-7153 K & H Portable Toilets .................................... 979-836-0552
Golden Creek Healthcare/Rehab ................... 936-825-4043 K&C Meat Processing ..................................... 936-825-6944
Goldstar Transit.............................................. 936-825-1813 Kick Start Kids ................................................. 713-868-6003
Greening Law, PC – Caily McLain ................... 979-596-4088 Kolkhorst Investments ................................... 936-870-6463
Grill Sergeant Hot Dogs & Catering ................ 979-777-8740 Kolkhorst Petroleum Co. ................................ 936-825-6868
Grimes Co. Go Texan Committee ................... 936-825-2843 Kool Shades .................................................... 979-251-0994
Grimes Co. Historical Commission ................. 936-873-4422 KWBC News 1550 AM .................................... 936-825-9007
Grimes Co. Master Gardeners ........................ 936-873-3907 La Casita Mexican Restaurant ........................ 936-870-3040
Grimes Co. Republican Women ..................... 936-894-3017 Las Fuentes Steak & Grill ................................ 936-870-3401
Grimes Co. VFW Post #4006 .......................... 936-825-3666 Lazy B Catering ............................................... 979-219-0215
Grimes County Crime Stoppers ...................... 936-825-1368 Leroy Nobles Paint Co. ................................... 936-825-6331
Grimes County Democratic Party ................... 936-825-4846 Lindley, Robertson Holt Funeral Home .......... 936-825-6448
Grimes County Expo Center ........................... 979-830-5767 Line Tech ........................................................ 409-781-7168
Grimes County Fair Association ..................... 979-224-2101 Live Oak Pet Services ...................................... 936-873-2564
Grimes County Little Dribblers ....................... 979-575-9860 Live Oak Resort .............................................. 936-878-2216
Lizzy Boutique Salon ....................................... 936-727-5503 Navasota Realty .................................. 936-825-5094
Lone Star Flooring & Installation .................... 936-825-0231 Navasota Theatre Alliance .............................. 936-825-3195
Lone Star Roof Systems .................................. 800-317-1939 Navasota Therapeutic Massage ...................... 936-870-7955
Loop Self Storage ............................................ 936-825-6422 Neil Martensen – State Farm Agency ............. 936-825-3943
Love and Lace Bridal Boutique ....................... 979-820-0006 New Hope Community Church ....................... 936-825-9468
Luigi’s Patio Ristorante ................................... 979-693-2742 Nobles Funeral Chapel .................................... 936-825-7776
Lynnlow Enterprises ....................................... 713-876-5454 Northwood Apartments ................................. 936-825-2067
Madole Rental ................................................ 979-260-9200 NOV Grant Prideco ......................................... 936-825-7070
Magnolia Plaza Apartments ........................... 936-825-7935 Off The Map 219 ............................................. 936-870-3600
Main Street Market – Iola .............................. 936-727-0615 Omaha Ranch ................................................. 281-799-2642
Mallett Bros. BBQ ........................................... 936-825-9440 One Stop Cleaners .......................................... 936-825-6509
Martha's Bloomers ......................................... 936-825-7400 Only 1 Rentals ................................................. 936-825-2444
Martin Marietta .............................................. 713-252-2387 Orkin Pest Control .......................................... 806-340-8012
Mas Feed Store ............................................... 936-825-2068 P. Nemir Dry Goods ........................................ 936-825-3369
Mathilda the Clown ........................................ 936-825-8985 Paris Pink & Cowboy Blue Baby Boutique ....... 936-825-2223
Max Brand Realty ........................................... 936-825-9468 Party Time Rentals .......................................... 979-696-5555
Mayfield Manor .................................. 936-874-2544 Paychex ........................................................... 918-691-8503
M-Beaux’s Restaurant .................................... 936-873-9918 Peach Creek Vineyards ................................... 936-825-3669
McClure and Browne ...................................... 979-693-3838 Pecan Lakes Golf Club ..................................... 936-870-3889
McDonalds of Navasota .................................. 936-825-4115 Personnel Services .......................................... 979-251-7554
McDougal & Moore Co. .................................. 936-825-3235 Pink Champagne ............................................. 713-294-5400
Meekins Electric Co. ....................................... 936-825-3926 Pizza Hut ......................................................... 936-825-7273
Menagerie Art Gallery ......................... 936-825-0870 Plantersville Stoneham Bunch ........................ 936-894-2922
Mid-South Synergy ......................................... 936-825-5100 Plantersville Town Hall ................................... 936-894-2249
Mike Hopkins Distributing .............................. 979-836-2022 Precision Printing ............................................ 936-825-2488
Miles of Grace Realty ...................................... 979-229-5541 Preferred Finance ........................................... 936-825-6000
Miller Agency, Inc. .............................. 936-825-6789 Preferred Properties ....................................... 936-825-6113
Muddy Water Book Store ............................... 713-498-5833 Prescott Properties ......................................... 936-825-3008
N&R Machine Sales ........................................ 713-818-0638 Prosperity Bank............................................... 936-825-2274
Nat’l Society - DAR .......................................... 817-729-9096 Puresound LLC ................................................ 832-428-6076
Navasota Abstract & Title Company ............... 936-825-6405 Pville Inc. ......................................................... 936-894-2922
Navasota Athletic Booster Club ...................... 936-419-3437 Quality Pole Inspection & Maintenance ......... 936-525-0910
Navasota Blues Review ................................... 979-324-1227 R. Weavers Honey .......................................... 936-825-4636
Navasota Concrete ......................................... 936-825-8106 Red Velvet Inn B&B ......................................... 979-777-5584
Navasota Emporium ....................................... 936-825-8206 Renaissance Business Park ............................. 936-727-0071
Navasota Evening Lions .................................. 936-825-7728 Republic Services ............................................ 979-277-0811
Navasota Examiner ......................................... 936-825-6484 Revival Barber Shop ........................................ 214-766-3630
Navasota Garden Club .................................... 979-219-2173 Riverstone Commercial Real Estate ................ 979-431-4400
Navasota Inn ................................................... 936-825-7775 Roans Prairie Community Center ................... 936-874-2328
Navasota ISD ....................................... 936-825-4200 Rockin’ M Designs ........................................... 281-460-5780
Navasota Jr. High PTO .................................... 936-825-4225 Rodriguez Construction Co. ............................ 936-435-3629
Navasota Kiwanis Club.................................... 936-870-2274 Ronald McDonald House Charities ................. 979-485-5473
Navasota Livestock Auction ............................ 936-825-6545 RSVP Volunteers of SE Texas .......................... 936-856-8647
Navasota LP-Gas Co. ....................................... 936-825-3214 Rust to Roses Boutique ................................... 936-419-1099
Navasota Mini Storage ................................... 936-825-7099 Ryan Sales ....................................................... 832-746-8887
Navasota Music Study Club ............................ 817-729-9096 Salsa’s Grill & Seafood .................................... 936-825-2219
Navasota Noon Lions Club .............................. 832-274-0710 Savory Fine Foods ........................................... 936-825-1500
Seasons Assisted Living .................................. 936-825-2237 Vintage 105 .................................................... 936-825-8884
Security Finance ............................................. 936-825-7523 Voices for Children BV CASA ......................... 979-822-9700
Serres & Son Plumbing ................................... 936-825-6805 W&J Enterprises ............................................. 214-766-3630
Shine & Sparkle Cleaning Service ................... 979-574-9388 W. E. Gibson Insurance Agency ...................... 936-825-6565
Simple Life Chiropractic ................................. 936-727-5545 W.H.E.E.L.S. Ministry Services ........................ 877-9WHEELS
Smiley’s Express #5 ........................................ 936-395-1118 Walker Partners ............................................. 979-599-9870
Smith Hotel .................................................... 281-450-0667 Wal-Mart Navasota ........................................ 936-825-7541
South Central Veterinary Clinic ...................... 936-870-4033 Washington on the Brazos State Park ............ 979-830-1824
Spinks Plumbing ............................................. 832-814-3044 WC Mercantile ............................................... 936-825-3378
SPJST Insurance/James Schroeder ................. 936-661-2294 WC Tractor- Navasota .................................... 936-825-7577
St. Francis Wolf Sanctuary ............................. 936-597-9653 Wells Fargo Bank Texas .................................. 936-825-6401
St. Paul's Episcopal Church ............................. 936-825-7726 Williams Bros. Construction Co. ..................... 713-522-9821
Sterling Auto Group - Navasota ..................... 936-825-7551 Wisnoski Land Surveying ................................ 936-870-7100
Stuart Southwest Land Company ................... 936-825-5770 Woodmen of the World Insurance ................. 979-774-6306
Subway (Navasota) ........................................ 936-870-3367 Ya Ya's Floral and Specialty Shop ................... 936-825-4104
Sugar Shack Vacation Rental .......................... 936-825-6507 Your Friendly Lawn Service ............................ 979-450-3098
T&S RV & Sport .............................................. 936-825-2357
Taqueria La Escondida ................................... 936-870-5576
TEAM Ford ..................................................... 936-825-2225
Techline Pipe .................................................. 254-784-0433
Techline .......................................................... 903-407-6893
TEEX Knowledge Engineering ......................... 979-458-6734
Tenaska Frontier Partners .............................. 936-874-2132
Texas A&M Physicians Medical Clinic ............ 936-825-0755
Texas Central .................................................. 903-754-2174
Texas Commercial Waste ............................... 979-775-7018
Texas Custom Outfitters ................................ 936-870-3009
Texas Foundations ......................................... 281-808-5166
Texas Pipe Works, Inc. ................................... 936-825-6571
Texas Renaissance Festival............................. 281-356-2178
Texas State Rep. Ben Leman .......................... 512-463-0600
The Gallery Downtown .................................. 979-324-3460
The Annex at Omaha Ranch ............................ 713.875.5324
The Gin at Hidalgo Falls .................................. 979-530-6109
The Warehouse Mini Storage ........................ 507-400-7233
The Western Club Steakhouse & Dancehall ... 936-825-9070
Thomas Ranch ................................................ 936-870-8665
Top Guns Realty - Greg Hoffart ........... 936-419-1087
Town of Anderson .......................................... 936-873-3102
Trinity Heads, Inc. .......................................... 936-825-6581
T-Services ....................................................... 979-451-0316
Turner, Pierce & Fultz / ACE Hardware .......... 936-825-6441
Twin City Mission ........................................... 936-825-2109
Two Rivers Heritage Foundation ................... 936-825-2886
U.S. Rep. Kevin Brady ..................................... 936-441-5700
United Way of the Brazos Valley .................... 979-696-4483
Utility Sales Agents of South Texas ................ 713-688-2236
Quick Reference Numbers
City of Navasota
Animal Control ......................................................... (936) 825-6641
City Hall .................................................................... (936) 825-6408
City of Navasota Library ........................................... (936) 825-6744
Economic Development ........................................... (936) 825-2961
Fire Department ...................................................... (936) 825-7388
Police Department ................................................... (936) 825-6410
Public Works Department ....................................... (936) 825-6450
Public Works (After Hours) ...................................... (936) 825-6410
Recycle/Compost Center ......................................... (936) 825-3426
Swimming Pool ........................................................ (936) 825-8188
The Navasota Center ............................................... (936) 825-2241
Tourism Department ............................................... (936) 825-7055
Grimes County
Grimes County Courthouse ..................................... (936) 873-2111
General Information ................................................ (936) 873-2111
Grimes County Fairgrounds ..................................... (936) 870-6690
Extension Agent ....................................................... (936) 870-3614
Sheriff’s Department ............................................... (936) 873-2151
Postal Service
Anderson .................................................................. (936) 873-2071
Iola ........................................................................... (936) 394-5201
Millican .................................................................... (936) 825-2212
Navasota .................................................................. (936) 825-6812
Plantersville .............................................................. (936) 894-2231
Welcome to
Grimes County!