Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
DL05/06 DeviceNet™ Slave Comm. Module Company
General Specifications
Control Systems
DeviceNet DeviceNet Compatibility Predefined Group 2 Master/Slave communications Overview
Slave Module Maximum FIeld Devices per Bus 64 (see table below)
Standard 4-wire shielded cable to cabinet connector, molded CLICK PLC
D0-DEVNETS Communication to Field Devices 4-wire cable @ up to 500Kbps to field devices
$100.00 5-position removable terminal (European style) Do-More
Module Connector 0 to 55°C (32 to 131° F) PLCs Overview
Operating Temperature 20 to 70°C (-4 to 158° F)
Storage Temperature 5 to 95% (non-condensing) Do-More H2
Relative Humidity No corrosive gases permitted PLC
Environmental Air MIL STD 810C 514.2
Vibration MIL STD 810C 516.2 Do-More T1H
Shock Impulse noise 1es, 1000V FCC class A RFI PLC
(144MHz, 430MHz 10W, 10cm)
Noise Immunity 45mA @ 5VDC DirectLOGIC
PLCs Overview
Power Consumption
The D0-DEVNETS option module trans- Trunk DL05/06
forms any DL05 or DL06 into a smart Length
device node on your DeviceNet™ Bits per sec DirectLOGIC
controller network. Now you don’t have Branch DL105
to turn to a more expensive PLC to get Length
DeviceNet capability. Devices DirectLOGIC
DeviceNet is a low-cost control bus used Feet Meters Feet Meters
to connect field devices to PLCs and PCs. DirectLOGIC
DeviceNet is designed to reduce the need 328ft 100m 500Kbps 20ft 6m 64 DL305
for hard-wiring while providing device-
level diagnostics. This industrial protocol 820ft 250m 250Kbps 20ft 6m 64 DirectLOGIC
links up to 64 nodes on a single network. DL405
1,640ft 500m 125Kbps 20ft 6m 64
The D0-DEVNETS slave module slides Productivity
into the option module slot of any DL05 Other DeviceNet specifications, compatible products, and latest Controller
or DL06 PLC. The module collects DeviceNet information are made available through: Overview
and reports all discrete I/O data to a Open DeviceNet Vendor Association
DeviceNet master. Phone: (954) 340-5412 Fax: (954) 340-5413 Productivity
Internet Address: 3000
The D0-DEVNETS module has a remov- e-mail: [email protected]
able connector that makes the four‑wire ODVA, Inc. Universal
connection easy to implement and main- 20423 State Road 7 Field I/O
tain. The DeviceNet module incorporates Boca Raton, FL 33498
advanced diagnostics not commonly Software
found on traditional industrial networks. Removable
This module has the quick response time connector C-More
and high dependability expected from any HMI
DeviceNet device.
C-More Micro
Other HMI
Book 1
Terms and
5 V- (black) DeviceNET cable
4 CAN L (blue)
3 Drain
2 CAN H (white)
1 V+(24V)(red) DL05 / DL06 PLCs eDS-51Book 1 (14.3)
Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
DL05/06 Ethernet Communications Modules
Ethernet Simple connections Choose your slot
Modules Use Category 5 UTP cables which can be The H0-ECOM100 module plugs into
run up to 100 meters between nodes. Use any option module slot of any DL05 PLC
H0-ECOM100 $216.00 repeaters to extend distances and expand or DL06 PLC. The module maintains
the number of nodes. identification data, descriptive infor-
mation, and communication param-
eters for PLC-to-PLC communications in
flash memory. Disconnect power before
installing or removing any PLC module.
Overview Specifications H0-ECOM100
Ethernet Communications Modules offer Data Transfer Rate 10/100 BaseT Ethernet
features such as: Link Distance 100 Mbps
Ethernet Port
• H igh-speed peer-to-peer networking 100 meters
of PLCs Ethernet Protocols RJ45
• F ast updates with DirectSOFT Power Consumption TCP/IP, IPX, Modbus TCP/IP
Programming Software Manufacturer DHCP, HTML Configuration
300mA @ 5 VDC
• H igh-performance access for Human
Machine Interface (HMI), ERP, MES or Host Automation Products, LLC
other Windows-based software
CPU Firmware Required DirectSOFT Required
• I ndustry standard Modbus TCP Client/ DL05
Server Protocol ECOM100: Version 4.90 or later
ECOM (retired): Version 4.60
• F ree SDK for custom drivers or later Version 3.0c or later
• E asy setup DL06 ECOM100: Version 1.80 or later
ECOM (retired): Version 1.40 Version 4.0, Build 16 or later
The Ethernet Communication (ECOM) or later
Module represents a price breakthrough
for high-speed peer-to-peer networking H0-ECOM100 The H0-ECOM100 supports
of PLCs. No longer are you forced to IBox communications the Industry Standard Modbus TCP
designate a single PLC to be the network instructions
master. Any PLC can initiate communica- Client/Server Protocol
tions with any other PLC. Link your PLCs Over 40 Communications IBox instruc-
with PCs using industry standard Modbus tions are available when using the Message is sent out only
TCP protocol connected through stan- H0-ECOM100 with a DL05/06 PLC and from the port connected
dard cables, hubs, and repeaters. Or, DirectSOFT6 programming software. to destination device
use our KEPDirect I/O Server to link your These easy-to-use instructions allow you
favorite HMI/SCADA, data historian, to: Message in from
MES or ERP software to DirectLOGIC a device
PLCs. Our LookoutDirect HMI and our • Enable/disable module DHCP
DataWorx data collection software
include ECOM drivers. DirectSOFT • R ead/write module IP, Gateway and
Programming Software can be used to Subnet Mask addresses
monitor or update the program in any
DirectLOGIC PLC on the network. • R ead/write module ID, Name and
• S end E-mail messages
• R ead/Write PLC memory to networked
Hx-ECOM100 modules
• R ead/Write PLC memory to networked
Hx-ECOM(-F) modules
See the following page for example
Communications IBox instructions.
See the Communications section for
details on Stride Ethernet Switches
eDS-52Book 1 (14.3) DL05 / DL06 PLCs 1-800-633-0405
Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
DL05/06 Ethernet Communications Modules Company
Modbus TCP ModbusTCP communications architecture
Control Systems
support Overview
The H0-ECOM100 supports the industry CLICK PLC
standard Modbus TCP Client/Server
protocol in addition to the standard Do-More
IP and IPX protocols. This allows the PLCs Overview
DL06/06 PLC with an H0-ECOM100
module to serve as a client (master) or as Do-More H2
a server (slave) on a Modbus TCP Ethernet PLC
network. The H0-ECOM100 can actively
issue Modbus commands to other nodes Do-More T1H
or devices on the Modbus TCP network PLC
or simply respond to connected Modbus
TCP clients. DirectLOGIC
PLCs Overview
PLC-to-PLC ECOM100 Configuration IBox NetEdit3 software
communications ECOM100 Read Network IBox NetEdit3 Software ships free with the DL05/06
ECOM User Manual. Use NetEdit3 to
PLC-to-PLC or PLC to a Modbus TCP H0-ECOM100 has configure the ECOM modules for your DirectLOGIC
device communications can be accom- e-mail capability! network. Flexible addressing allows DL105
plished using standard Read from Network you to use your choice of protocols
(RX) and Write to Network (WX) instruc- The H0-ECOM100 Send EMail and identifying methods. Assign each DirectLOGIC
tions (all DL05/06 PLCs, all H0 series (ECEMAIL) IBox instruction will allow the module a number or a name or both. DL205
ECOMs and all DirectSOFT versions). If module to behave as an e-mail client You don’t have to use an IP address,
you’re using our DirectSOFT6 program- and send an SMTP request to your SMTP but you can if it’s necessary for your DirectLOGIC
ming software, a DL05 or DL06 PLC Server to send a specified e-mail message network. NetEdit3 uses two proto- DL305
and an H0-ECOM100, you can use fill- to the e-mail addresses in the IBox’s To: cols for PC-to-PLC communications:
in-the-blank IBox instructions to simplify field. The Body: field allows you to embed IPX and TCP/IP. The NetEdit3 screen DirectLOGIC
your communications programming. The real-time data in your e-mail message. displays all identifiers and trouble- DL405
H0-ECOM100 supports the ECOM100 DirectSOFT5 or later is required to use shooting information for each module
Configuration IBox for use with the ECRX the IBox instructions. on the network. You can use NetEdit3 Productivity
and ECWX IBox instructions to read/ to adjust parameters for PLC-to-PLC Controller
write to other ECOM100s. All H0 series communications by clicking on Overview
ECOM modules support the NETCFG Advanced Settings. The network
Configuration IBox for use with the NETRX identifiers can also be changed from Productivity
and NETWX IBox instructions to read/ DirectSOFT Programming Software. 3000
write to other ECOM modules (remember
DirectSOFT5 or later is required). The ECOM100 Send EMail IBox Universal
Communications IBox instructions execute Field I/O
with built-in interlocking to greatly simplify
communications programming. Software
C-More Micro
Other HMI
Book 1
Terms and
Conditions DL05 / DL06 PLCs eDS-53Book 1 (14.3)
Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
DL05/06 Data Communications Module
Data Module Type Specifications
Communications Modules per CPU
Module Field Wiring Connectors Intelligent
DL05: one; DL06: up to four
D0-DCM $146.00 Port 1 Port 1: 6-pin RJ12 RS-232
Port 2: 15-pin HD-sub connector RS-232, RS-422/485
Overview Communications RS-232 signal levels, DirectNET slave, K-sequence slave, Modbus RTU slave,
Port 2 protocols, baud rate selectable from 9.6K to 115.2K baud, odd or no parity,
The D0-DCM Data Communications selectable address, 8 data bits, one start/stop bit, DirectNET HEX or ASCII mode.
Module offers two communication ports Recommended Cable (Defaults: slave, 9600bps, odd parity, address 1, auto-detect protocols)
for a variety of simultaneous communica- Internal Power Consumption RS-232/422/485 signal levels, DirectNET master/slave, K-sequence slave,
tions possibilities: Operating Environment Modbus RTU master/slave, non-sequence ASCII protocols, baud rate selectable from
Manufacturer 300 to 115.2K baud, odd/even/no parity, selectable address, 7 or 8 data bits, one
• E xtra communications port to connect a start bit, 1 or 2 stop bits, selectable timeout/response-delay times, DirectNET HEX or
PC, operator interface, etc. ASCII mode.
• N etwork interface to DirectNET (Defaults: slave, 19200bps, odd parity, address 1, eight data bits, one stop bit,
• N etwork interface to a Modbus network auto-detect protocols)
using the RTU protocol RS-422: Belden 9729 or equivalent; RS-485: Belden 9841 or equivalent
The top RJ12 RS-232 port (Port 1) can 250mA maximum at 5VDC (supplied by base)
be used for PLC programming, connec- 0ºC to 60ºC (32ºF to 140ºF), 5% to 95% humidity (non-condensing)
tion to an OI panel or as a single
K-sequence, DirectNet or Modbus RTU Koyo Electronics
slave. The 15-pin front port (Port 2) can
be used for RS-232/422/485 commu- CPU Firmware Required DirectSOFT Required
nications and supports the following DL05
protocols: K-sequence slave, DirectNET DL06 Version 5.00 or later Version 3.0c or later
master/slave and Modbus RTU master/
slave. Version 1.90 or later Version 4.0, Build 16 or later. ASCII functions require version 5.1 or higher.
Module Configuration Extra DL06 PLC with multiple
DCM modules
Since the D0-DCM does not have DIP communications ports
switches to set baud rate, station address,
parity, etc., ladder logic programming is for DL05/06
required to configure its communication
parameters, unless the default settings If additional communication ports are
are acceptable for your application. If the needed in the PLC, they can easily be
D0-DCM is to be used as a network added by installing DCM modules.
master, you must use ladder logic code to Connect additional devices such as
configure these parameters. operator interfaces, PCs, etc. Set the
DCM communication parameters using
DirectSOFT programming software,
connect the cables, and start transferring
data. Make sure the connected device has
a DL05/06 compatible driver.
Port 1
the DCM to our
MDM-TEL serial modem
Port 2
eDS-54Book 1 (14.3) DL05 / DL06 PLCs 1-800-633-0405
Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
DL05/06 Data Communications Module Company
DirectNET network DirectNET network RS-232 connection to
interface DCM port 1 (OI panel) Control Systems
Note: A PC Running DirectSOFT Overview
The DCM can be used as a network inter- or KEPDirect for PLCs, etc. can D0-DCM port 2 as
face for applications requiring data to be serve as a network master DirectNET master CLICK PLC
shared between PLCs, or between PLCs RS-422 multi-drop
and an intelligent device such as a host D2-DCM slave network Do-More
PC. DirectNET allows you to upload or (RS-422 only) PLCs Overview
download virtually any type of system data D0-DCM port 2 slave
including Timer/Counter data, I/O infor- Do-More H2
mation, and V-memory information from DL06 port 2 slave D0-DCM port 2 slave PLC
any DirectLOGIC or compatible PLC.
Port 2 on the DCM allows the DL05/06 Modbus RTU networks Do-More T1H
to function as a DirectNET network master PLC
or slave using RS-422 communications PC as Modbus master
(RS-232 can be used for single slave DirectLOGIC
networks). Use RX and WX instructions in RS-422 or D0-DCM PLCs Overview
your RLL program to initiate communica- RS-485 port 2 slave
tions. multi-drop D2-DCM slave (RS-422 only) DirectLOGIC
network DL05/06
Modbus RTU
interface D0-DCM port 2 DirectLOGIC
slave DL105
The DCM can be used as a master
or slave station interface to connect DirectLOGIC
your DL05/06 system to a Modbus® DL205
network using the Modbus RTU
protocol. Port 2 on the DCM allows DirectLOGIC
the DL05/06 to function as a Modbus DL305
RTU network master or slave using
RS-422 or RS-485 communications DirectLOGIC
(RS-232 can be used for single DL405
slave networks). Use RX and WX
instructions in your RLL program to Productivity
initiate communications. Controller
DL06 port 2 slave
DL06 w/ D0-DCM port 2 RS-232 connection 3000
as Modbus master to DCM port 1
Field I/O
C-More Micro
Other HMI
Book 1
Terms and
RS-422 or RS-485
multi-drop network
Modbus slaves D0-DCM port 2 slave eDS-55Book 1 (14.3)
DL05 / DL06 PLCs
Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
DL05/06 CoProcessor Module
Triple-port Features • Direct access of up to 256 bytes of
BASIC DL05/06 CPU memory per scan is
CoProcessor • FACTS Extended BASIC and ABM possible. No supporting ladder logic is
Commander for Windows software required.
F0-CP128 $192.00 for IBM PCs makes program develop-
ment fast and simple. (The software is • F loating point math solves complex
Overview included with the CoPro module on formulas to eight significant digits.
CD-ROM). It allows online, full-screen
The BASIC CoProcessor Module BASIC program editing and the ability • A n RJ12 Port 1 and Port 3 splitter,
interfaces the DL05/06 family of to upload/download programs on disk. included with the module, provides
programmable controllers with bar code The included CD has Modbus master easy connection of RS-232 cables to
readers, operator interface terminals, and slave BASIC programs and other both Port 1 and Port 3. (If you are using
instrumentation equipment, computers application examples. RTS1 and CTS1 for port 1, then port 3
and other serial devices. is not available.)
• Non-volatile memory of up to 128K
BASIC CoProcessor allows multiple program storage and Included with CoPro
applications execution, DL05/06 register expan-
sion, and retentive data storage and The following items are included with the
BASIC CoProcessors are designed for use retrieval. F0-CP128 module:
with intelligent devices such as:
• Bar code readers • 1 00 MHz BASIC CoProcessor provides • ABM Commander CD-ROM
• Welders fast program execution independent of • 7 ft. 6P6C-to-6P6C cable
• Board level controllers the CPU scan. (phone-style RJ12 connectors)
• Serial printers • 9-pin D-sub connector
• Intelligent sensors • T hree buffered ports permit commu- (9-pin female to RJ12)
• A lmost any device with an nication from the module to three to adapt to PC comm port
external devices. • RJ12 port splitter
RS-232 or RS-485 port
They are also good solutions for appli- • T he module is programmable from port DL06 PLC with multiple
cations requiring complex math, such as 1 or 3 for complete serial port utiliza- F0-CP128 modules
floating point math, sine, cosine, tangent, tion without switching cables.
exponential, square roots, etc.
• A real-time clock/calendar maintains
time/date with battery backup when
power outages occur.
• P rogrammable time based BASIC inter-
rupts to 5 ms.
eDS-56Book 1 (14.3) DL05 / DL06 PLCs 1-800-633-0405
Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
DL05/06 CoProcessor Module Company
Control Systems
Module Type Triple-Port BASIC CoProcessor Module Specifications CLICK PLC
Modules per CPU
Communication CoProcessor™, Intelligent Do-More
Clock Speed DL05: one; DL06: up to four PLCs Overview
User Memory 256 character type-ahead input buffer on all ports. Ports are independently programmed by software. Seven or eight data bits, one or
two stop bits, even, odd, or no parity. XON/XOFF software flow control and RTS/CTS handshake. Do-More H2
F0-CP128 Ports 100MHz PLC
128K total (64K data, 64K program) non-volatile;
ABM Commander for Windows Real time battery backed calendar/clock Do-More T1H
(CD included with module) Port 1: RS-232 512K baud maximum PLC
Port 2: RS-485, 512K baud maximum
Field Termination Port3*: RS-232, 115.2K baud max. DirectLOGIC
Indicator LEDs * Port 3 physically located in the same RJ12 jack as Port 1 (RS-232). Port 3 uses the RTS1/CTS1 pins on that jack. If PLCs Overview
Power Consumption you use these lines for other purposes (e.g. hardware handshaking on Port 1), then Port 3 cannot be used.
Operating Environment DirectLOGIC
Manufacturer Standard programming/documentation software for IBM PCs is shipped with each coprocessor module DL05/06
Key features include:
• Runs under Windows 98/ME/2000/XP DirectLOGIC
• On-line full-screen BASIC program editing (similar to GW Basic, with industrial application enhancements added for easier DL105
• Internal Editor for block copy, block move, search and replace DirectLOGIC
• Text upload and download BASIC programs on disk DL205
• Binary upload and download BASIC programs and data on disk
• Download control statement allows multiple programs to be downloaded and saved with one download file. DirectLOGIC
• CD includes Modbus master and slave BASIC programs and other application examples DL305
One RJ12 jack: Port 1 and 3 RS-232;
One three-position removable terminal block: Port 2 RS-485 DirectLOGIC
RX1, TX1, RX2, TX2, RX3 (CTS1), TX3 (RTS1)
150mA @ 5VDC Productivity
0ºC - 60ºC (32ºF - 140ºF), 5% to 95% humidity (non-condensing) Controller
FACTS Engineering Overview
Field I/O
CPU Firmware Required DirectSOFT Required C-More Micro
DL06 Version 5.00 or later Version 3.0c or later
Version 1.90 or later Version 4.0, Build 16 or later Industrial
Other HMI
Book 1
Terms and
Conditions DL05 / DL06 PLCs eDS-57Book 1 (14.3)
Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
DL05/06 PROFIBUS™ Slave Comm. Module
PROFIBUS Slave Overview How it works
Module You can add a DL05/06 PLC I/O sub- The H0-PSCM module is a PROFIBUS
system to a PROFIBUS™ controller slave device which can be inserted into
H0-PSCM $309.00 network. The H0-PSCM module allows the option slot of a DL05 or a DL06 PLC.
the DL05/06 I/O sub-system to be linked The H0-PSCM module is used to transfer
with a PROFIBUS master controller. blocks of data between a PROFIBUS
Profibus is a control bus that provides master and a DL05/06 PLC. The user
a common method to connect auto- can choose up to four blocks of data
mation equipment with devices on a to be transferred. The data blocks can
single network and significantly reduces range in size from 1 byte to 32 words
hardwiring costs. PROFIBUS provides and can be either input or output data.
specifications for information exchanged The data blocks can be mapped to real
between nodes, such as controller data I/O within the PLC or user data areas
associated with low level devices and of memory. The H0-PSCM module uses
configuration parameters that are indi- ‘config’ and ‘parm’ data, configured by
vidually related to system operations. the user with a program such as COM
PROFIBUS, to determine what data types
Specifications and addresses are to be transferred onto
the PROFIBUS network. Once config-
PLC option slot ured, the H0-PSCM will continually
transfer the data to/from the PLC.
Interface device
Module Location
Module Type 126 stations, 32 stations per segment, 9 repeaters in a row
Maximum Expansion RS-485 PROFIBUS, PROFIBUS-DP.
Baud rate selectable from 9.6Kbaud to 12M baud.
Communications PROFIBUS 9-pin D-shell, RJ-12 serial (firmware update only)
Module Connectors 530mA maximum at 5VDC (supplied by PLC power supply)
Internal Power Consumption 0ºC to 60ºC (32ºF to 140ºF), 5% to 95% humidity
Operating Environment Host Automation Products, LLC
CPU Firmware Required DirectSOFT Required
DL06 Version 4.60 or later Version 3.0c or later
Version 1.40 or later Version 4.0, Build 16 or later
Connect our DL05 or DL06 I/O...
... to your PLC or PC based PROFIBUS Master.
HX-PSCM-M, the H0-PSCM PROFIBUS Slave Communications Module User Manual contains
information pertaining to the I/O modules, power budgeting, installation and wiring.
eDS-58Book 1 (14.3) DL05 / DL06 PLCs 1-800-633-0405
Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
DL05/06 PROFIBUS Slave Comm. Module Company
Control Systems
Baud Max. Segment Length Max. Expansion Recommended Cables CLICK PLC
Feet Meters Feet Meters
Siemens 6XV1 830 0AH10 Do-More
PLCs Overview
9.6 Kbps 3278 1000 32786 10000 Belden 3079A
Do-More H2
19.2 Kbps 3278 1000 32786 10000 PLC
93.75 Kbps 3278 1000 32786 10000 Do-More T1H
187.5 Kbps 3278 1000 32786 10000
500 Kbps 1311 400 13114 4000 PLCs Overview
1.5 Mbps 655 200 6557 2000 DirectLOGIC
3 Mbps 327 100 3270 1000
6 Mbps 327 100 3270 1000 DL105
12 Mbps 327 100 3270 1000 DirectLOGIC
9-pin D-sub 6 1 DirectLOGIC
female pinout 7 2 DL305
8 3
9-pin D-sub 9-pin D-sub 9 4 DirectLOGIC
male male 5 DL405
To Profibus Master 1 6 1 6 Productivity
Controller 2 7 2 7 Controller
Termination Style 3 8 3 8 Overview
= Reversed 4 9 4 9
5 5 Productivity
9-pin Profibus connector
Pin 1 = shield Universal
Pin 3 = B Field I/O
Pin 8 = A
Profibus Cable Node Style = Reversed
C-More Micro
Other HMI
ERNI ERbic connectors for Communications
PROFIBUS networks Appendix
Book 1
ERNI ERbic connectors are available for the PROFIBUS Slave
Communications Module. They are available in node and termination Terms and
reversed styles for the H0-PSCM and PC connections, horizontal or vertical Conditions
cable entry, and termination or daisy-chain configurations.
ERNI ERbic connectors Contact A Contact B
Part No. Description Device Horizontal entry Vertical entry cable
103658 cable
PROFIBUS-certified reverse H2-PBC or any PROFIBUS
103659 node horizontal connector. ISA/PCI Personal Computer
9-pin Male D-Sub Master/Slave Card
PROFIBUS-certified H2-PBC or any PROFIBUS Shield tied bar
reversed termination ISA/PCI Personal Computer Contact A
horizontal connector. 9-pin Master/Slave Card
Male D-Sub
Note: Dimensions are in millimeters. Contact B DL05 / DL06 PLCs eDS-59Book 1 (14.3)
Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
DL05/06 High-Speed Counter I/O Module
High-Speed Inputs supported: Typical applications
Counter I/O • 1 quadrature encoder counter up to 250 • High-speed cut-to-length operations using
Module KHz, or 2 single-channel counters alsp encoder input
up to 250 KHz using module terminals A • P ick-and-place or indexing functions
H0-CTRIO2 $214.00 and B controlling a stepper/servo drive
• High-speed edge timers, dual edge • D ynamic registration for web material
Overview timers, pulse catch, count reset, count control
inhibit, count capture or home search • Accurate frequency counting for speed
The High-Speed Counter I/O module is limits using module terminals C or D control with onboard scaling
designed to accept high-speed pulse-type • PLS (Programmable Limit Switch)
input signals for counting or timing appli- Outputs supported: functions for high-speed packaging,
cations and to provide high-speed pulse- • 2 independently configurable high-speed gluing, or labeling
type output signals for stepper/servo motor discrete outputs or 1 channel pulse output • Sub 10 µsec pulse-catch capability
control, monitoring, alarm or other discrete control (20 Hz-250 kHz) forhigh-speed product detection
control functions. The H0-CTRIO2 module • P ulse and direction or cw/ccw pulses • Functions for level or flow
offer great flexibility for applications that supported for pulse output control
call for precise counting or timing, based • R aw control of discrete output directly Supported systems
on an input event or for high-speed control from user control program
output applications. Multiple CTRIO2 modules can reside in
The module has its own microprocessor Software the same PLC, provided the base power
and operate asynchronously from the PLC/ configuration budget is adequate.
controller. This means that the on-board
outputs respond in real time to incoming All scaling and configuration is done DirectLOGIC DL05 and
signals so there is no delay waiting for the via CTRIO Workbench, a Windows soft- DL06 PLCs
PLC/controller to scan I/O. ware utility program. This eliminates the
The module is designed to work with incre- need for PLC ladder programming or You can use the H0-CTRIO2 module with
mental encoders or other field devices that other interface device programming to any of the DL05 and DL06 PLCs.
send pulse outputs. configure the module. CTRIO Workbench
Terminal block supplied. Replacement runs under Windows 98/2000/XP/7 and CPU Firmware DirectSOFT
terminal block: Order part no. F0-IOCON. NT 4.0 SP5 or later. Required Required
CTRIO Workbench main configuration screen DL05 Version 4.60 or later Version 3.0c or later
Configure I/O screen DL06 Version 1.40 or later Version 4.0, Build 16
or later
H0-CTRIO2 features Use Configure I/O dialog to assign the
CTRIO(2) input and output functions
The H0-CTRIO2 module offers the
following I/O features:
• 4 DC sink/source inputs,
• 2 isolated sink/source DC outputs,
5-36 VDC, 0.5A per point
Note: CTRIO Workbench Version
2.2.0 is required to use H0-CTRIO2.
eDS-60Book 1 (14.3) DL05 / DL06 PLCs 1-800-633-0405
Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
DL05/06 High-Speed Counter I/O Module Company
I/O Specifications
Control Systems
General H0-CTRIO2 Input Specifications Overview
Module Type Intelligent Module H0-CTRIO2 CLICK PLC
Modules Per Base Limited only by power consumption Inputs
I/O Points Used None, I/O map directly in PLC V-memory or PC Minimum Pulse Width 4 pts sink/source Do-More
Field Wiring Connector control access 250 kHz Max PLCs Overview
Internal Power Consumption Removable terminal block 0.5 µsec
250 mA Max at +5V from base power supply; Do-More H2
Operating Environment (All I/O in ON state at max voltage/current) Input Voltage Range 9-30 VDC PLC
Manufacturer 32°F to 140°F (0°C to 60°C),
humidity (non-condensing) 5% to 95% Maximum Voltage 30 VDC Do-More T1H
Isolation Host Automation Products, LLC PLC
2500V I/O to Logic (H0-CTRIO), Input Voltage Protection Zener Clamped at 33 VDC
1500V I/0 to Logic (H0-CTRIO2), DirectLOGIC
1000V among input channels and all outputs Rated Input Current 8 mA typical, 12 mA maximum PLCs Overview
Minimum ON Voltage 9.0 VDC DirectLOGIC
Maximum OFF Voltage 2.0 VDC
Minimum ON Current 5.0 mA (9 VDC required to guarantee ON state) DL105
Maximum OFF Current 2.0 mA DirectLOGIC
H0-CTRIO2 Output Specifications OFF to ON Response Less than 0.5 µsec
Module H0-CTRIO2 ON to OFF Response Less than 0.5 µsec DL305
2 pts, independently isolated, current sourcing or
Outputs sinking FET outputs: open drain and source with H0-CTRIO2 Input Resources DirectLOGIC
floating gate drive DL405
Voltage Range 5 - 36 VDC Counter/Timer 2
Maximum Voltage Productivity
Output clamp Voltage 36 VDC Resource Options 1X, 2X, or 4X Quadrature, Up or Down Counter, Edge Controller
Timer, Dual Edge Timer, Input Pulse Catch, Reset, Overview
Maximum Load Current 60 VDC Inhibit, Capture
00..35A3Aatat2360°C°C, Productivity
Maximum Load Voltage 33 VDC Timer Range / Resolution 4.2 billion (32 bits); 1 µsec 3000
Maximum Leakage Current
Inrush Current 100 µA Counter Range + / - 2.1 billion (32 bits or 31 bits + sign bit) Universal
OFF to ON Response Field I/O
ON to OFF Response 1.0A for 10 ms Module H0-CTRIO2 Output Resources
ON State V Drop less than 3 µsec Software
less than 3 µsec H0-CTRIO2
0.3V max. C-More
Pulse output / Discrete Pulse outputs: 1 channel (20Hz-250kHz); HMI
outputs Discrete outputs: 2 pts.
C-More Micro
Pulse outputs: pulse/direction or cw/ccw HMI
External Power Supply For loop power only, not required for internal module Output Profiles: ViewMarq
function. User supplied power source required for Trapezoid Industrial
stepper drive configuration. S-Curve Marquees
Symmetrical S-Curve Dynamic Positioning
Overcurrent Protection 15A max Dynamic Velocity Other HMI
Thermal Shutdown Self resetting overcurrent Home Search
protection Free Form Communications
Tjunction = 150°C Dynamic Positioning Plus
Trapezoid Plus Appendix
Overtemperature Reset Tjunction = 130°C Resource Options Trapezoid w/Limits Book 1
Velocity Mode
Duty Cycle Range 1% to 99% in 1% increments (default = 50%) Run to Limit Mode Terms and
Run to Position Mode Conditions
Configurable Presets a) each output can be assigned one preset, or
a) Single b) each output can be assigned one table of presets, Discrete outputs: configurable for set, reset, pulse on,
b) Multiple pulse off, toggle, reset count functions (assigned to
one table can contain max. 128 presets, max. pre- respond to Timer/Counter input functions)
defined tables = 255
Raw mode: Direct access to discrete output from user
Velocity Mode application program
+ / - 2.1 billion (32 bits or 31 bits + sign bit)
Run to Limit Mode
Run to Position Mode
Trapezoid 65 kHz Target Position Range
Maximum Symmetrical S-Curve
Output Dynamic Positioning
Frequency Home Search
Free Form
Dynamic Velocity
Dynamic Positioning Plus
Trapezoid Plus 250 kHz
Trapezoid with Limits DL05 / DL06 PLCs eDS-61Book 1 (14.3)
Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
DL05/06 High-Speed Counter I/O Module
Status indicators
H0-CTRIO2 LED Descriptions H0-CTRIO2 LED Diagnostic Definitions
ERR Description
OK Module OK OK
ER User Program Error ON ON Hardware Failure
ON Blinking Boot Mode - Used for Field OS Upgrades
A Channel 1 Fn1 Status Blinking OFF Program Mode
Blinking Blinking Module Self-diagnostic Failure
B Channel 1 Fn2 Status OFF ON Module Error Due to Watchdog Timeout
OFF OFF No Power to Module
Y0 - Y1 Output Status OFF
H0-CTRIO2 LED Diagnostic Definitions
A Blinks when Channel 1 Function 1 is counting or timing
B Blinks when Channel 1 Function 2 is counting or timing
Y0 - Y1 Follow actual output state; ON = output is passing current
Installation and wiring
The H0-CTRIO2 module has one input channel, consisting of four optically isolated input points (pts. A-D on common M). The inputs
can be wired to either sink or source current. The module has two optically isolated output points (pts. Y0-Y1 on common YC).
The outputs must be wired so positive current flows into the YC terminal and then out of the Yn terminal. The module’s internal jumpers
must be set to the High Side Common position for high side switching (sourcing) outputs or to the Low Side Common position for low
side switching (sinking) outputs. Source operation is the factory default setting. See the schematic on the next page for sample jumper
The module is configured, using CTRIO Workbench, to accommodate the user’s application. The function of each input (counting,
timing, reset, etc.) and output (pulse output, discrete output, etc.) is defined in the configuration of the module.
Terminal block supplied. Replacement terminal block: Order part no. F0-IOCON
See the notes below for further details about power source considerations, circuit polarities, and field devices.
Notes: OK ERR
A Y0
1. I nputs (A, B, C, D) require user-provided 9-30 VDC power sources. Terminal M is the common for Channel 1 B Y1
inputs. Maximum current consumption is 12 mA per input point.
2. Polarity of the input power sources can be reversed. Consideration must be given, however, to the polarity of 9–30V 5–12mA
the field device. Many field devices are designed for only one polarity and can be damaged if power wiring is DC/Pulse Out
reversed. 5–36V 1A IN
3. O utputs have one polarity only and are powered IN A
by user-provided 5-36 VDC power sources. The B B
maximum allowable current per output circuit is D
1A for the H0-CTRIO and 0.5A for the H0-CTRIO2. M
Module output jumpers must be set to the High Y0 YC
side or Low side common position for Source/Sink Y0
applications. Refer to the diagrams on the next +- Y1
page for sample jumper settings. -+ L OUT
eDS-62Book 1 (14.3) DL05 / DL06 PLCs –+
Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
DL05/06 High-Speed Counter I/O Module Company
Control Systems
Solid state input wiring device CLICK PLC
DC types of field devices are configured to either sink or source current. This affects the wiring of the device to the H0-CTRIO2 module. Do-More
Refer to the sinking/sourcing section in the Appendix for a complete explanation of sinking and sourcing concepts. PLCs Overview
NPN Field Device (sink) PNP Field Device (source) Do-More H2
Do-More T1H
This drawing illustrates wiring that is This drawing illustrates wiring that is DirectLOGIC
typical for Channel 1 terminals A, B, typical for Channel 1 terminals A, B, PLCs Overview
C, and D. C, and D.
24VDC + DirectLOGIC
Sensing Circuit A DirectLOGIC
Sensing Circuit A DL105
2-4VD+C DirectLOGIC
Pulse output schematic Stepper/servo drive M DL405
wiring example
IN Productivity
YC Set the module jump- A Controller
ers to Hi Common B Overview
CTRIO position when C
YC Output switching the high Step Amplifier D Productivity
M 3000
+ Yn (wChTeRrIeOn=0, 1) side of a DC load. 5-36VDC YC
+5 to 36VDC - Output Y0 Universal
OPTO Power +- Y1 Field I/O
+ Yn (where n=0, 1) OUT
+5 to 36VDC + Pulse (or CW) H0-CTRIO2 Software
- Load H0-CTRIO2 Direction (or CCW) C-More
-+ HMI
+ HI
+5 to 36VDC - Load COM C-More Micro
- +V HMI
+5 to 36VDC - LO For this wiring example, HI ViewMarq
Common the module jumpers COM Industrial
0V should be set to the LO +V Marquees
Common position.
LO Other HMI
+ Common
Load 0V Communications
-+ H0-CTRIO2 Jumper Location Appendix
Load Book 1
Set the module jump-
- Terms and
Yn (where n=0, 1)
ers to LO Common
CTRIO position when
Yn (Owuhtepruetn=0, 1) switching the low
side of a DC load.
H0-CTRIO2 DL05 / DL06 PLCs eDS-63Book 1 (14.3)
Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
DL05/06 High-Speed Counter I/O Module
Fill-in-the-blank CTRIO Workbench configure I/O setup
configuration software The Configure I/O dialog is the location where input and output
functions are assigned to the module. The choice of input and
The CTRIO Workbench is the software utility used to configure the output functions determines which options are available. The
CTRIO modules and to scale signals to desired engineering units. input function boxes prompt you with selections for supported
Workbench also allows you to perform various other functions, functions. The Workbench software automatically disallows any
such as switching between the CTRIO’s Program mode and Run unsupported configurations.
mode, monitoring I/O status and functions, and diagnostic control
of module functions. The latest version of the CTRIO Workbench
utility can be downloaded for free at Host Engineering’s Web site:
CTRIO Workbench main configuration screen
Select modules from multiple net-
worked PLCs
Save and load configurations with H0-CTRIO2
Read/Write File feature Configure I/O screen
Detailed snap-shot of module status CTRIO Workbench on-board scaling
and configurations
Scaling raw signals to engineering units is accomplished
CTRIO Workbench diagnostics and monitoring using the Scaling Wizard. The Scaling Wizard options are
different for the Counter functions as compared with the
The Monitor I/O dialog is accessible from the main Workbench Timer functions. “Position” and “Rate” scaling are available
dialog when the module is in Run Mode. This allows for a conve- when you select a Counter function. “Interval” scaling is
nient way to test and debug your configuration prior to installa- available when you select a Timing function.
tion. The Monitor I/O dialog is divided into three functional areas:
Input Functions, Output Functions and System Functions. The data Scaling Wizard screen
displayed under the Input Functions tab includes all input Dword
parameters, status bits and the current status of each configured
input and output function. The fields displayed under the Output
Functions tab includes all output parameters and configuration
information that can be altered during runtime and the bits that
indicate successful transfers or errors. The System Functions can be
used to read from or write to the CTRIO’s internal registers.
Monitor I/O screen
Monitor I/O dialog included
for easy de-bug features
eDS-64Book 1 (14.3) DL05 / DL06 PLCs 1-800-633-0405
Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
DL05/06 High-Speed Counter I/O Module Company
High-speed input operations High-speed counting
Control Systems
The CTRIO2 module is capable of a wide variety of The H0-CTRIO2 module can be configured for counting Overview
high speed input and output operations all within one functions with an encoder input with available connections
module. With single channel input and separate single for external reset, capture and inhibit signals. In a simple CLICK PLC
channel output design, the H0-CTRIO2 module can cut-to-length application as shown, the encoder provides
satisfy both high-speed counting, timing, pulse catch an input position reference for the material to the module. Do-More
operations, along with high speed discrete output or The module’s high speed outputs are wired to the cutting PLCs Overview
several profile choices of pulse output operations. Not device and to the clutch and/or braking device. When the
all combinations of input functions and output functions count from the encoder is equal to a pre-programmed Do-More H2
are possible within the resources of the module, but setpoint within the module, the high speed outputs are PLC
the following examples are some of the most common activated to stop and cut the material to a repeatable fixed
applications for the H0-CTRIO2 module. Check out length. Additionally, the clutch/brake signal can be used Do-More T1H
these examples and see how they relate to your high for an inhibit signal to not accumulate counts while the PLC
speed application needs. material is being cut.
High-speed timing High-speed cut-to-length application PLCs Overview
The H0-CTRIO2 module can be configured for timing PLC with H0-CTRIO2 module DirectLOGIC
functions based on count or rate. Using a common DL05/06
configuration of a proximity switch sensing the teeth on Motor Motor
a gear, the module is able to calculate the velocity of Interface control DirectLOGIC
the gear based on the rate it receives counts. This value Gearbox, clutch and lines DL105
can be scaled within the module to the engineering brake interface
units required for the application. H0-CTRIO2 high DirectLOGIC
Encoder speed output DL205
High-speed timing application Cutter interface
PLC with H0-CTRIO2 module DL305
Cutter assembly DirectLOGIC
Gear Material to be
cut to length Productivity
Proximity switch Controller
Photoelectric switch Using Configure I/O screen to configure
H0-CTRIO2 module for high-speed counting Productivity
High-speed edge timing application
Using Configure I/O screen to configure H0-CTRIO2 module for high-speed timing Universal
Field I/O
C-More Micro
Other HMI
Book 1
Terms and
Point-click selections of hard-
wired connection for Counting,
Reset, and Inhibit
Powerful edge timing functions -
clicking on the edge button cycles through the
available edge timing functions DL05 / DL06 PLCs eDS-65Book 1 (14.3)
Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
DL05/06 High-Speed Counter I/O Module
Pulse output operations PLC with H0-CTRIO2 module
Using Edit Pulse Profile screen to select Trapezoid pulse output profile
H0-CTRIO2 pulse output signals Fill spout
Stepper or
servo drive
Fill-in-the-blank parameters Circular turn table
allow precise tuning of the output
Stepper motor Stepper motor
pulse profile inside housing
Pulse output for stepper/servo control Rotary indexing liquid fill application
The H0-CTRIO2 module is capable of multiple configurations for Other common pulse output applications:
pulse output control, most often when connected to a stepper or
servo drive system. The module can deliver a pulse output signal • S-Curve accel/decel profile for signaling a stepper or servo drive
up to a maximum of 250 kHz, along with support for pulse-and- that needs a curved acceleration and deceleration profile, i.e. for
direction or CW/CCW pulses. The available profile choices include diminishing any initial “jerk” upon movement of static products,
Trapezoid, S-Curve, Symmetrical S-Curve, Dynamic Positioning, boxes on conveyors, liquids in containers on an indexer, printing
Dynamic Velocity, Home Search, Free Form, Dynamic Positioning registrations, etc.
Plus, Trapezoid Plus and Trapezoid w/Limits. All profiles can be • D ynamic Positioning for any run-to-a-specific-position
easily configured using the CTRIO Workbench software with fill- requirement, either by a pre-programmed count of an external
in-the-blank parameter fields and a graphic representation of high speed discrete input wired to the module. This is popular in
the selected profile. Three additional profiles are available that winding or webcontrol with any dynamic registration mark or
are completely controlled by the user program (no H0-CTRIO2 variable speed requirement.
Workbench profile is configured). They are Velocity Mode, Run to • H ome search routines to seek a home position based on
Limit Mode and Run to Position Mode. CTRIO module discrete input limit(s).
Example application Example of S-Curve acceleration and deceleration
pulse output profile
In a simple rotary indexing application, as shown above, a fixed
Trapezoid profile is chosen. The H0-CTRIO2 module for this
application is wired to a stepper drive for pulse-and-direction.
The requirement for this application is to provide a smooth move-
ment of the rotary table to allow product to be filled into individual
containers an equal distance apart. The predetermined number
of pulses required for each movement is entered into the CTRIO
Workbench as “Total Pulses” along with the Starting Frequency,
Ending Frequency, and Positioning Frequency (speed after acceler-
ation). The Acceleration and Deceleration parameters are entered
in units of time, so no ramp-distance calculations are required.
After all parameters are entered, a graphical representation of the
configured profile is shown automatically. Once the configuration
has been downloaded to the module, all that is needed from the
PLC CPU is the Enable Output signal to begin a movement.
Calculate Profile displays
graphical representation of output
pulse profile
eDS-66Book 1 (14.3) DL05 / DL06 PLCs 1-800-633-0405
Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
DL05/06 High-Speed Counter I/O Module Company
Combining high-speed input and Multihead drill machine application
pulse output operations Control Systems
Proximity switch Overview
Using CTRIO Workbench to configure the module
for simultaneous high-speed input and high- Proximity switch CLICK PLC
speed pulse output operation Encoder
Proximity switch PLCs Overview
PLC with H0-CTRIO2 module Do-More H2
Stepper motor
Do-More T1H
Stepper or PLC
servo drive
Use Encoder for Position Example application PLCs Overview
Three profiles offer the option to Use Encoder for Position. They In the simple drill head application shown above, the DirectLOGIC
are Dynamic Position Plus, Trapezoid Plus and Trapezoid w/ H0-CTRIO2 module pulse outputs are wired to a stepper DL05/06
Limits. When Use Encoder for Position is enabled, the target or servo drive. The inputs are wired to an encoder attached
positions are specified in units of the encoder and the move is to the lead screw on the movable portion of the drill head DirectLOGIC
complete when the encoder reaches that position, not when the assembly. The H0-CTRIO2 module outputs a pulse train DL105
output has finished generating a certain number of pulses. This to the drive that allows the motor to spin the lead screw,
functionality is useful for hitting a target position more accurately making the drill move forward into the passing material. DirectLOGIC
with a mechanical system that slips or has excessive lash. The encoder monitors the speed and position of the drill DL205
head. Proximity switches at each end act as limit switches
ensuring the drill head will not over-travel. A home sensor DirectLOGIC
is positioned in the middle of the assembly, which allows the DL305
PLC to reset the count.
PLC CPU program H0-CTRIO2 pulse output profile DL405
Field I/O
C-More Micro
Other HMI
Book 1
Terms and
As shown in diagram on left, using an encoder to calculate the appropri-
ate position for a move using H0-CTRIO2 is done manually through ladder
logic. The inherent lag of doing this slows the process considerably. The
H0-CTRIO2 can handle this functionality natively on-the-fly when Use
Encoder for Position is enabled, eliminating the scan time delay and the
need for extra ladder code.
H0-CTRIO2 high-speed input pulse train DL05 / DL06 PLCs eDS-67Book 1 (14.3)
Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
Wiring Solutions
Wiring Solutions using the ZIPLink Wiring System
ZIPLinks eliminate the normally tedious process of wiring between PLC I/O-to-ZIPLink Connector Modules that are ready for field
devices by utilizing prewired cables and DIN rail mount connector termination, options for connecting to third party devices, GS,
modules. It’s as simple as plugging in a cable connector at either DuraPulse and SureServo Drives, and specialty relay, transorb
end or terminating wires at only one end. Prewired cables keep and communications modules. Pre-printed I/O-specific adhesive
installation clean and efficient, using half the space at a fraction label strips for quick marking of ZIPLink modules are provided
of the cost of standard terminal blocks. There are several wiring with ZIPLink cables. See the following solutions to help determine
solutions available when using the ZIPLink System ranging from the best ZIPLink system for your application.
Solution 1: DirectLOGIC I/O Modules to ZIPLink Using the PLC I/O Modules to ZIPLink Connector
Connector Modules Modules selector tables located in this section,
When looking for quick and easy I/O-to-field termination, a ZIPLink 1. Locate your I/O module/PLC.
connector module used in conjunction with a prewired ZIPLink cable, 2. Select a ZIPLink module.
consisting of an I/O terminal block at one end and a multi-pin 3. Select a corresponding ZIPLink cable.
connector at the other end, is the best solution.
Solution 2: DirectLOGIC I/O Modules to 3rd Party Using the I/O Modules to 3rd Party Devices selector
Devices tables located in this section,
For connecting I/O to another device within close proximity of the 1. Locate your PLC I/O module.
I/O modules, no extra terminal blocks are necessary when using the 2. Select a ZIPLink pigtail cable that is compatible
ZIPLink Pigtail Cables. ZIPLink Pigtail Cables are prewired to an I/O
terminal block with color-coded pigtail with soldered-tip wires on the with your 3rd party device.
other end.
Solution 3: GS Series and DuraPulse Drives Using the Drives Communication selector tables located in
this section,
Communication Cables
1. Locate your drive and type of communications.
Need to communicate via Modbus RTU to a drive or a 2. Select a ZIPLink cable and other associated hardware.
network of drives?
ZIPLink cables are available in a wide range of
configurations for connecting to PLCs and SureServo,
SureStep, Stellar soft starters and AC drives. Add a ZIPLink
communications module to quickly and easily set up a
multi-device network.
eDS-68Book 1 (14.3) DL05 / DL06 PLCs 1-800-633-0405
Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
Wiring Solutions Company
Control Systems
Solution 4: Serial Communications Cables Using the Serial Communications Cables selector Do-More
table located in this section, PLCs Overview
ZIPLink offers communications cables for use with DirectLOGIC, CLICK,
and Productivity3000 CPUs, that can also be used with other communica- 1. Locate your connector type. Do-More H2
tions devices. Connections include a 6-pin RJ12 or 9-pin, 15-pin and 2. Select a cable. PLC
25-pin D-sub connectors which can be used in conjunction with the RJ12
or D-Sub Feedthrough modules. Do-More T1H
PLCs Overview
Solution 5: Specialty ZIPLink Modules Using the ZIPLink Specialty Modules selector table DirectLOGIC
located in this section, DL305
For additional application solutions, ZIPLink modules are available in
a variety of configurations including stand-alone relays, 24VDC and 1. Locate the type of application. DirectLOGIC
120VAC transorb modules, D-sub and RJ12 feedthrough modules, 2. Select a ZIPLink module. DL405
communication port adapter and distribution modules, and SureServo
50-pin I/O interface connection. Productivity
Field I/O
C-More Micro
Other HMI
Solution 6: ZIPLink Connector Modules to 3rd Party Using the Universal Connector Modules and Pigtail Communications
Cables table located in this section,
Devices Appendix
1. Select module type. Book 1
If you need a way to connect your device to terminal blocks without all 2. Select the number of pins.
that wiring time, then our pigtail cables with color-coded soldered-tip 3. Select cable. Terms and
wires are a good solution. Used in conjunction with any compatible Conditions
ZIPLink connector modules, a pigtail cable keeps wiring clean and
easy and reduces troubleshooting time. DL05 / DL06 PLCs eDS-69Book 1 (14.3)
Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
PLC I/O Modules to ZIPLink
Connector Modules - DL05/06
DL05/06 PLC Input Module ZIPLink Selector DL05/06 PLC Output Module ZIPLink Selector
Input # of Component Module Part Cable Part Output # of Terms Component Module Part Cable Part
Module Terms No. No. Module No. No.
D0-10ND3 13 Feedthrough ZL-RTB20 ZL-D0-CBL13 * D0-10TD1 13 Feedthrough ZL-RTB20 ZL-D0-CBL13 *
D0-10ND3F 13 Feedthrough ZL-RTB20 ZL-D0-CBL13 * Feedthrough ZL-RTB20 ZL-D0-CBL24 *
D0-16ND3 24 Feedthrough ZL-RTB20 ZL-D0-CBL24 *L D0-16TD1 24 Fuse ZL-RFU203 ZL-D0-CBL24 *
ZL-D0-CBL24 *L
Sensor ZL-LTB16-24 Relay (sinking) ZL-RRL16-24-1 ZL-D0-CBL24 *
F0-08NA-1 10 Feedthrough ZL-RTB20 ZL-D0-CBL10 * D0-10TD2 13 Feedthrough ZL-RTB20 ZL-D0-CBL13 *
Feedthrough ZL-RTB20 ZL-D0-CBL24 *
DL05/06 PLC Combo In/Out Module ZIPLink Selector D0-16TD2 24 Fuse ZL-RFU203 ZL-D0-CBL24 *
PLC ZIPLink Relay (sourcing) ZL-RRL16-24-2 ZL-D0-CBL24 *
Combo # of Terms Component Module Part Cable Part No. D0-08TR 10 Feedthrough ZL-RTB20 ZL-D0-CBL10 *
Module No. F0-04TRS1
D0-07CDR 10 Feedthrough ZL-RTB20 ZL-D0-CBL10 * 13 Feedthrough ZL-RTB20 ZL-D0-CBL13 *
D0-08CDD1 13 Feedthrough ZL-RTB20 ZL-D0-CBL13 *
DL05/06 PLC Analog Module ZIPLink Selector DL05/06 PLC Fixed I/O ZIPLink Selector
Analog # of Terms Component Module Cable PLC # of Terms Component Module Part Cable Part
Module No. No.
F0-04AD-1 8 Feedthrough ZL-RTB20 ZL-D0-CBL8 * DL05 18 Feedthrough ZL-RTB20 ZL-D05-CBL18 *
F0-04AD-2 8 Feedthrough ZL-RTB20 ZL-D0-CBL8 * DL06 20 (Input side only) Feedthrough ZL-RTB20 ZL-D06X-CBL20 *
F0-08ADH-1 13 Feedthrough ZL-RTB20 ZL-D0-CBL13 * 20 (Output side only) Feedthrough ZL-RTB20 ZL-D06Y-CBL20 *
F0-08ADH-2 13 Feedthrough ZL-RTB20 ZL-D0-CBL13 * * S elect the cable length by replacing the * with: Blank = 0.5m, -1 = 1.0m,
or -2 = 2.0m.
F0-04DAH-1 13 Feedthrough ZL-RTB20 ZL-D0-CBL13 *
1 Caution: The F0-04TRS relay outputs are derated not to exceed 2A per point
F0-08DAH-1 13 Feedthrough ZL-RTB20 ZL-D0-CBL13 * when used with the ZIPLink wiring system.
F0-04DAH-2 13 Feedthrough ZL-RTB20 ZL-D0-CBL13 * 2 These modules are not supported by the ZIPLink wiring system.
3 N ote: Fuses (5 x 20 mm) are not included. See Edison Electronic Fuse section
F0-08DAH-2 13 Feedthrough ZL-RTB20 ZL-D0-CBL13 *
for (5 x 20 mm) fuse. S500 and GMA electronic circuit protection for fast-acting
F0-2AD2DA-2 8 Feedthrough ZL-RTB20 ZL-D0-CBL8 maximum protection. S506 and GMC electronic circuit protection for time-delay
performance. Ideal for inductive circuits.
F0-4AD2DA-1 8 Feedthrough ZL-RTB20 ZL-D0-CBL8 * To ensure proper operation, do not exceed the voltage and current rating of
ZIPLink module. ZL-RFU20 = 2A per circuit; ZL-RFU40 = 400 mA per circuit.
F0-4AD2DA-2 8 Feedthrough ZL-RTB20 ZL-D0-CBL8 *
F0-04RTD2 Matched Only See Note 2
F0-04THM2 Matched Only See Note 2
Note: ZIPLink Connector Modules and ZIPLink Cables
specifications are in the ZIPLink catalog section.
eDS-70Book 1 (14.3) DL05 / DL06 PLCs 1-800-633-0405
Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
DL05/06 I/O Option Modules Company
Control Systems
F0-08SIM $37.00 F0-08SIM addressing example CLICK PLC
8-input simulator module X110 Do-More
X113 PLCs Overview
F0-08SIM Input Specifications ON OFF Y100
Y103 Do-More H2
Number of Inputs 8 X100 X120 Y110 PLC
X107 X127 Y117
Base Power Required (5VDC) 1 mA 0 Do-More T1H
Terminal Type None 1 ON OFF ON OFF
Status Indicator None 0V Y0 Y2 C1 Y5 Y7 Y10 Y12 C3 Y15 Y17 Slot 2 Slot 4 PLCs Overview
2G LG 0 4pt Input 0 8pt Output PWR
AC(L) AC(N) 24V C0 Y1 Y3 Y4 Y6 C2 Y11 Y13 Y14 Y16 N.C. 1 4pt Output 1 (discrete) RUN DirectLOGIC
2 (discrete) 2 CPU DL05/06
Weight 1.6 oz. (45.36 g) OUTPUT: 6–240V 50 – 60Hz 2.0A, 6 – 27V 2.0A PWR: 100–240V 50–60Hz 4D0VA0–06DR TX1
3 3 RX1 DirectLOGIC
Y 33 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 TX2 DL105
4 4 RX2
01 2 DirectLOGIC
5 5 DL205
INPUT: 12 – 24V 3 – 15mA 6 6 DirectLOGIC
4 7 7
5 F0-08SIM F0-08SIM DL405
C0 X1 X3 X4 X6 C2 X11 X13 X14 X16 C4 X21 X23 N.C.
7X0 X2 C1 X5 X7 X10 X12 C3 X15 X17 X20 X22 N.C. TERM
CPU Firmware Required DirectSOFT Required Productivity
DL05 Controller
DL06 Version 4.90 or later Version 3.0c or later Overview
Version 1.80 or later Version 4.0, Build 16 or later Productivity
D0-10ND3 $54.00
10-point DC input module Field I/O
D0-10ND3 Input Specifications Source Derating chart Software
12-24 VDC
Number of Inputs 10 (sink/source) C-More
Input Voltage Range 10.8-26.4 VDC Sink HMI
Peak Voltage 30.0 VDC
C-More Micro
Input Current Typical: Source HMI
4.0 mA @ 12 VDC 12-24 VDC
Maximum Input Current 8.5 mA @ 24 VDC ViewMarq
Input Impedance 11 mA @ 26.4 VDC Sink Industrial
On Voltage Level 2.8 Kq @ 12-24 VDC Marquees
Off Voltage Level > 10.0 VDC
Minimum ON Current < 2.0 VDC Other HMI
Minimum OFF Current 3.5 mA
Off to On Response 0.5 mA Communications
On to Off Response 2-8ms, Typ. 4ms
2-8ms, Typ. 4ms Appendix
Book 1
Terms and
Equivalent input circuit V+
to LED
Status Indicators Module activity: See Wiring Solutions for
one green LED part numbers of ZIPLink
Commons 2 (5 pts/common) cables and connection Sink COM
isolated modules compatible with
Fuse No fuse this I/O module. Source
Terminal Type (Included) Removable: D0-ACC-4 12-24 VDC
Base Power Required (5V) Typical. 35 mA For “Sinking and Sourcing Concepts”, see the Appendix section in this catalog.
(all pts. on) DL05 / DL06 PLCs eDS-71Book 1 (14.3)
Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
DL05/06 I/O Option Modules
D0-10ND3F $62.00
10-point DC fast input module
D0-10ND3F Input Specifications
Number of Inputs 10 (sink/source)
Input Voltage Range 10.8-26.4 VDC
Peak Voltage 30.0 VDC
Input Current Typical:
4.0 mA @ 12 VDC
Maximum Input Current 8.5 mA @ 24 VDC
Input Impedance 11 mA @ 26.4 VDC
On Voltage Level 2.8 Kq @ 12-24 VDC
Off Voltage Level > 10.0 VDC
Minimum ON Current < 2.0 VDC
Minimum OFF Current 3.5 mA
Off to On Response 0.5 mA
On to Off Response 2 ms, Typ. 1 ms
2 ms, Typ. 1 ms
Status Indicators Module activity:
one green LED
Commons 2 (5 pts/common)
Fuse No fuse
Terminal Type (Included) Removable: D0-ACC-4
Base Power Required (5V) Typical. 35 mA
(all pts. on)
CPU Firmware Required DirectSOFT Required
DL06 Version 4.70 or later Version 3.0c or later
Version 1.50 or later Version 4.0, Build 16 or later
See Wiring Solutions for Equivalent input circuit V+
part numbers of ZIPLink to LED
cables and connection INPUT
modules compatible with
this I/O module.
Derating chart
Sink COM
12-24 VDC
For “Sinking and Sourcing Concepts”, see the Appendix section in this catalog.
eDS-72Book 1 (14.3) DL05 / DL06 PLCs 1-800-633-0405
Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
DL05/06 I/O Option Modules Company
Control Systems
D0-16ND3 $58.00 Equivalent input circuit CLICK PLC
16-point DC input module INPUT V+ Do-More
to LED PLCs Overview
D0-16ND3 Input Specifications
Do-More H2
Number of Inputs 16 (sink/source) PLC
Input Voltage Range 20-28VDC
Peak Voltage 30.0VDC Do-More T1H
Input Current Typical: Sink COM
4.0mA @ 24VDC Source DirectLOGIC
PLCs Overview
Maximum Input Current 6mA @ 28VDC 24 VDC
Input Impedance 4.7Kq @ 24VDC DirectLOGIC
On Voltage Level > 19.0 VDC Derating chart DL05/06
Off Voltage Level < 7.0 VDC
Minimum ON Current 3.5mA DirectLOGIC
Minimum OFF Current 1.5mA DL105
Off to On Response 2-8ms, Typ. 4ms
On to Off Response 2-8ms, Typ. 4ms DirectLOGIC
Status Indicators Module activity:
one green LED DirectLOGIC
Commons 4 (4pts/common)
isolated DirectLOGIC
Fuse No fuse
Connector Type 24-pin Molex 43025- Productivity
2400 (See ZIPLinks for Controller
wiring options) Overview
Base Power Required Typical. 35mA Productivity
(all pts. on) 3000
See Wiring Solutions for Typical Wiring Example Universal
part numbers of ZIPLink Field I/O
cables and connection
modules compatible with Software
this I/O module.
C-More Micro
Other HMI
Book 1
Terms and
24 VDC 24 VDC 24 VDC 24 VDC
Source + ---- Source + Source + Source +
Sink + Sink + Sink + Sink +
For “Sinking and Sourcing Concepts”, see the Appendix section in this catalog. DL05 / DL06 PLCs eDS-73Book 1 (14.3)
Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
DL05/06 I/O Option Modules
F0-08NA-1 $50.00
8-point AC input module
F0-08NA-1 AC Input Specifications
Number of Inputs 8 IN
Input Voltage Range 80-132VAC (90-150VDC)
AC Frequency 47-63Hz 80-132VAC 80-132V 50-60Hz
Input Current 4.0mA @ 132VAC 90-150VDC 90-150V
Input Impedance 33Kq
On Voltage Level 80VAC minimum
Off Voltage Level 20VAC maximum
Minimum On Current 2.4mA
Maximum Off Current 1.6mA
Off to On Response < 20ms
On to Off Response < 10ms
Status Indicators None
Commons 2 (4 pts/common)
Fuse No fuse F0-08NA-1
Terminal Type (Included) Removable: D0-ACC-4
Base Power Required (5V) 5mA (all points ON)
CPU Firmware Required DirectSOFT Required
DL06 Version 4.70 or later Version 3.0c or later
Version 1.50 or later Version 4.0, Build 16 or later
See Wiring Solutions for
part numbers of ZIPLink
cables and connection
modules compatible with
this I/O module.
Equivalent input circuit
Derating chart
80-132VAC (90-150VDC)
eDS-74Book 1 (14.3) DL05 / DL06 PLCs 1-800-633-0405
Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
DL05/06 I/O Option Modules Company
Control Systems
D0-10TD1 $63.00 CLICK PLC
10-point DC output module Do-More
PLCs Overview
D0-10TD1 Output Specifications
Do-More H2
Number of Outputs 10 (sinking) Load - Dual Load - Single PLC
Operating Voltage Range 6-27VDC Power Source Power Source
Output Voltage Range 5-30VDC Do-More T1H
Peak Voltage 50.0VDC Wiring Wiring PLC
Maximum Output Current 0.3A/point, DirectLOGIC
1.5A/common PLCs Overview
Minimum Output Current 0.5mA DirectLOGIC
Maximum Leakage Current 15eA @ 30.0VDC
On Voltage Drop 0.5VDC @ 0.3A DL105
Maximum Inrush Current 1A for 10ms DirectLOGIC
Off to On Response < 10es
On to Off Response < 60es DL305
Status Indicators Module activity: DirectLOGIC
one green LED DL405
Commons 2 (5 points/common) Note: negative side of power Productivity
Fuse No fuse sources must be tied together Controller
Terminal Type (Included) Removable: D0-ACC-4 to both C0 & C1 terminals. Overview
External DC Power 20-28VDC max 200mA
Required (all pts. on) Productivity
Base Power Required (5V) Max. 150mA
(all pts. on) Universal
Field I/O
See Wiring Solutions for
part numbers of ZIPLink Software
cables and connection
modules compatible with C-More
this I/O module. HMI
C-More Micro
Derating chart Equivalent output circuit Other HMI
Book 1
Terms and
Conditions DL05 / DL06 PLCs eDS-75Book 1 (14.3)
Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
DL05/06 I/O Option Modules
D0-16TD1 $64.00 Equivalent output circuit
Derating chart
16-point DC output module
Typical Wiring Example
D0-16TD1 Output Specifications
Number of Outputs 16 (sinking)
Operating Voltage Range 6-27VDC
Output Voltage Range 5-30VDC
Peak Voltage 50.0VDC
Maximum Output Current 0.1A/point,
Minimum Output Current 0.5mA
Maximum Leakage Current 15eA @ 30.0VDC
On Voltage Drop 0.5VDC @ 0.1A
Maximum Inrush Current 1A for 10ms
Off to On Response < 0.5ms
On to Off Response < 0.5ms
Module activity:
Status Indicators one green LED
2 (8 points/common)
Commons No fuse
Fuse 24-pin Molex 43025-
2400 (see ZIPLinks for
Connector Type wiring options)
20-28VDC max 70mA
External DC Power Required (all pts. on)
Base Power Required (5V) Max. 200mA
(all pts. on)
See Wiring Solutions for
part numbers of ZIPLink
cables and connection
modules compatible with
this I/O module.
Load - Single
Power Source
Load - Dual
Power Source
Note: negative side of power
sources must be tied together
to both C0 & C1 commons.
eDS-76Book 1 (14.3) DL05 / DL06 PLCs 1-800-633-0405
Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
DL05/06 I/O Option Modules Company
D0-10TD2 $63.00
Control Systems
10-point DC output module Overview
D0-10TD2 Output Specifications CLICK PLC
Number of Outputs 10 (sourcing) Do-More
Peak Voltage 50.0VDC PLCs Overview
Maximum Output Current 0.3A/point, Load - Dual Load - Single Do-More H2
1.5A/common Power Source Power Source PLC
Wiring Wiring Do-More T1H
Minimum Output Current 0.5mA
Maximum Leakage Current 1.5eA @ 26.4VDC PLCs Overview
On Voltage Drop 1.0VDC @ 0.3A DirectLOGIC
Maximum Inrush Current 1A for 10ms
Off to On Response < 10es DL105
On to Off Response < 60es DirectLOGIC
Status Indicators Module activity:
one green LED DirectLOGIC
+V Terminals & Common 2 (5 points/+V Term.)
Isolated, 1 Common DirectLOGIC
Fuse No fuse DL405
Terminal Type (Included) Removable: D0-ACC-4
Base Power Required (5V) Max. 150mA Controller
(all pts. on) Overview
See Wiring Solutions for Productivity
part numbers of ZIPLink 3000
cables and connection
modules compatible with Universal
this I/O module. Field I/O
Derating chart Equivalent output circuit Software
C-More Micro
Other HMI
Book 1
Terms and
Conditions DL05 / DL06 PLCs eDS-77Book 1 (14.3)
Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
DL05/06 I/O Option Modules
D0-16TD2 $64.00
16-point DC output module
D0-16TD2 Output Specifications Equivalent output circuit
Derating chart
Number of Outputs 16 (sourcing)
Peak Voltage 50.0VDC
Maximum Output Current 0.1A/point,
Minimum Output Current 0.5mA
Maximum Leakage Current 1.5eA @ 26.4VDC
On Voltage Drop 1.0VDC @ 0.1A
Maximum Inrush Current 1A for 10ms
Off to On Response < 0.5ms
On to Off Response < 0.5ms
Status Indicators Module activity:
one green LED
+V Terminals & Common 2 (8 points/+V Term.)
Fuse Isolated, 1 Common
Connector Type
No fuse
Base Power Required (5V) 24-pin Molex 43025-2400
(see ZIPLinks for wiring
Max. 200mA
(all pts. on)
Typical Wiring Example
See Wiring Solutions for
part numbers of ZIPLink
cables and connection
modules compatible with
this I/O module.
Load - Single
Power Source
Load - Dual
Power Source
eDS-78Book 1 (14.3) DL05 / DL06 PLCs 1-800-633-0405
Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
DL05/06 I/O Option Modules Company
Control Systems
D0-07CDR $64.00 CLICK PLC
4-point DC input and Do-More
3-point relay output module PLCs Overview
D0-07CDR Input Specifications Source Do-More H2
12-24 VDC PLC
Number of Inputs 4 (sink/source)
Sink Do-More T1H
Input Voltage Range 10.8-26.4VDC
Peak Voltage 30VDC PLCs Overview
Maximum Input Current 11mA @ 26.4VDC DirectLOGIC
Input Current Typical: 4mA @
8.5mA @ 24VDC DL105
Input Impedance 2.8K @ 12-24VDC DirectLOGIC
ON Voltage Level > 10.0VDC
OFF Voltage Level < 2.0VDC DL305
Minimum ON Current 3.5ms DirectLOGIC
Maximum OFF Current 0.5ms
ON to OFF Response 2-8ms, Typical 4ms Equivalent input circuit Controller
OFF to ON Response 2-8ms, Typical 4ms INPUT
Commons 1 (4 points/common) V+ 3000
D0-07CDR Output Specifications to LED Universal
Field I/O
Number of Outputs 3
Output Voltage Range 6-27VDC/6-240VAC COM
Output Type Relay, form A (SPST) Sink HMI
Peak Voltage 30.0VDC/264VAC C-More Micro
Maximum Current (resist.) 1A/point, 4A/common 12-24 VDC
Minimum Load Current 5mA @ 5VDC For “Sinking and Sourcing Concepts”, see the Appendix section in this catalog. Industrial
Maximum Leakage Current 0.1mA @ 264VAC Equivalent output circuit
Other HMI
On Voltage Drop N/A
Maximum Inrush Current Output: 3A for 10ms
Common: 10A for Appendix
10ms Book 1
Off to On Response < 15ms Terms and
On to Off Response < 10ms Conditions
Status Indicators Module activity: one
green LED
Commons 1 (3 points/common) Derating chart for DC inputs Derating chart for relay outputs
Fuse No fuse
Terminal Type (Included) Removable: D0-ACC-4
Base Power Required (5V) Max. 200mA
(all pts. on)
See Wiring Solutions for
part numbers of ZIPLink
cables and connection
modules compatible with
this I/O module. DL05 / DL06 PLCs eDS-79Book 1 (14.3)
Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
DL05/06 I/O Option Modules
D0-08TR $64.00
8-point relay output module
D0-08TR Output Specifications
Number of Outputs 8
Output Voltage Range 6-27VDC/6-240VAC
Output Type Relay, form A (SPST)
Peak Voltage 30.0VDC/264VAC
Maximum Current (resist.) 1A/point, 4A/common
Minimum Load Current 5mA @ 5VDC
Maximum Leakage Current 0.1mA @ 264VAC
On Voltage Drop N/A
Maximum Inrush Current Output: 3A for 10ms
Common: 10A for
Off to On Response 10ms
On to Off Response < 15ms
< 10ms
Status Indicators Module activity: one
green LED
Commons 2 isolated
(4 points/common)
Fuse No fuse
Terminal Type (Included) Removable: D0-ACC-4
Base Power Required (5V) Max. 280mA
(all pts. on)
See Wiring Solutions for Note: When used with the ZIPLink wiring
part numbers of ZIPLink system, relay outputs are derated not to
cables and connection exceed 2 Amps per point max.
modules compatible with
this I/O module.
Derating chart
Equivalent output circuit
Typical Relay Life (Operations) at Room Temperature
Voltage and Type of Load Load Current
24 VDC Resistive 500K
24 VDC Solenoid 100K
110 VAC Resistive 500K
110 VAC Solenoid 200K
220 VAC Resistive 350K
220 VAC Solenoid 100K
eDS-80Book 1 (14.3) DL05 / DL06 PLCs 1-800-633-0405
DL05/06 I/O Option Modules Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
Control Systems
F0-04TRS $41.00 CLICK PLC
4-point relay output module OUT RELAY Do-More
PLCs Overview
F0-04TRS Output Specifications 125V 3A
50-60Hz Do-More H2
Number of Outputs 4 L 30V 3A PLC
Output Voltage Range 5-30VDC/5-125VAC L
NO-0 Do-More T1H
2 - form C (SPDT) 5-30VDC NC-0 PLC
2 - form A (SPST normally open) 5-125VAC
C-0 DirectLOGIC
L PLCs Overview
Output Type N0-1
5-30VDC C-1 DirectLOGIC
Output Points Consumed 8 5-125VAC DL05/06
Peak Voltage 60VDC/220VAC NO-2
AC Frequency 47-63Hz L C-2 DirectLOGIC
Maximum Current 3A per point, General Use* DL105
Minimum Load Current 10mA @ 5V 5-30VDC NO-3
Maximum Leakage Current N/A 5-125VAC NC-3 DirectLOGIC
ON Voltage Drop N/A DL205
Maximum Inrush Current 3A L C-3
Off to On Response m 5mS (typical) L DirectLOGIC
On to Off Response m 5mS (typical) F0-04TRS DL305
Status Indicators None 5-30VDC
Commons 4 isolated 5-125VAC DirectLOGIC
Fuses 4, IEC 3.15A, replaceable, Typical Circuit
D2-FUSE-1 Productivity
Internal Circuitry Controller
Terminal Type (Included) Removable: D0-ACC-4 3.15A Overview
Base Power Required (5V) 250mA Max. (all points ON) Common Productivity
* Using the ZIPLink wiring system will derate this module to 2 Amps per point. NO
L Universal
F0-04TRS Typical Relay Life at 30 Operations per Minute Field I/O
Typical Circuit
Load Type Rated Voltage Rated Current Number of Software
Operations Internal Circuitry
3.15A C-More
Resistive 120VAC 3A 120,000 HMI
Resistive 120VAC 1A 550,000 NO C-More Micro
Resistive 24VDC 1A L2M L
L NC ViewMarq
Inductive: SC-E5 120VAC 0.1A operating L2M (see Note) Industrial
Motor Starter 1.7A fault Marquees
Note: Transient suppression must be installed with inductive loads (Ex: P6KE150CA). Other HMI
CPU Firmware Required DirectSOFT Required Communications
DL06 Appendix
Book 1
Terms and
Version 4.70 or later Version 3.0c or later
Version 1.50 or later Version 4.0, Build 16 or later
See Wiring Solutions for 3A
part numbers of ZIPLink
cables and connection
modules compatible with
this I/O module. DL05 / DL06 PLCs eDS-81Book 1 (14.3)
Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
DL05/06 I/O Option Modules
D0-08CDD1 $64.00
4-point DC input and Source
4-point DC output module 12-24 VDC
D0-08CDD1 Input Specifications Sink
Number of Inputs 4 (sink/source)
Input Voltage Range 10.8-26.4VDC
Peak Voltage 30.0VDC
Input Current Typical:
4.0mA @ 12VDC
8.5mA @ 24VDC
Maximum Input Current 11mA @ 26.4VDC Equivalent input circuit
Input Impedance 2.8Kq @ 12-24VDC
On Voltage Level > 10.0 VDC Internal module circuitry
Off Voltage Level < 2.0 VDC
Minimum ON Current 3.5mA INPUT
Maximum OFF Current 0.5mA
Off to On Response 2-8ms, Typ. 4ms
On to Off Response 2-8ms, Typ. 4ms
Commons 1(4 pts/common) V+
non-isolated to LED
D0-08CDD1 Output Specifications
Number of Outputs 4 (sinking)
Operating Voltage Range 6-27VDC Sink COM
Output Voltage Range 5-30VDC
Peak Voltage 50.0VDC
Maximum Output Current 0.3A/point, 12-24 VDC
For “Sinking and Sourcing Concepts”, see the Appendix section in this catalog.
Minimum Output Current 0.5mA
Maximum Leakage Current 1.5eA @ 30.0VDC Equivalent output circuit
On Voltage Drop 0.5VDC @ 0.3A
Maximum Inrush Current 1A for 10ms
Off to On Response < 10es
On to Off Response < 60es
Status Indicators Module activity:
one green LED
Commons 1(4 pts/common)
Fuse No fuse Derating chart for DC inputs Derating chart for DC outputs
Terminal Type (Included) Removable: D0-ACC-4
Base Power Required (5V) Max. 200mA
(all pts. on)
External DC Power 20-28VDC, max. 80mA
Required (24V) (all pts. on)
See Wiring Solutions for
part numbers of ZIPLink
cables and connection
modules compatible with
this I/O module.
eDS-82Book 1 (14.3) DL05 / DL06 PLCs 1-800-633-0405
DL05/06 Option Modules Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
F0-04AD-1 $83.00 Company
4-channel analog current input module
Control Systems
F0-04AD-1 Input Specifications Overview
Number of Channels 4, single ended CLICK PLC
(one common)
Input Range 0 to20mA or PLCs Overview
4 to 20mA
(jumper selectable) Do-More H2
Resolution 12 bit (1 in 4096)
Do-More T1H
Step Response 25.0mS (typ.) PLC
to 95%
of full step change DirectLOGIC
PLCs Overview
Crosstalk 1/2 count max
(-80db)* DirectLOGIC
Active Low-pass Filtering -3dB at 40Hz
(-12dB per octave) DirectLOGIC
Input Impedance 11/285hwatwt 0.1%, CH4 CH3 CH2 CH1
Absolute Max Ratings -30mA to +30mA, DL205
current input
Converter Type Successive DL305
Linearity Error (end to end) w2 counts DL405
Input Stability w1 count* Productivity
Full-scale Calibration Error w10 counts max. Overview
@ 20mA*
Offset Calibration Error w5 counts max. 3000
@ 4mA*
Max Inaccuracy (w770-.F4)% at 25-C Field I/O
(w320.t8o51%40a-tF0) to 60-C
Accuracy vs. Temperature w100 ppm/-C typical See Wiring Solutions for
part numbers of ZIPLink C-More
Terminal Type (Included) Removable: F0-IOCON cables and connection HMI
modules compatible with
Recommended Fuse 0.032A, series 217 this I/O module. C-More Micro
fast-acting, HMI
current inputs
* One count in the specification table is equal to one Industrial
least significant bit of the analog data value (1 in 4096) Marquees
Other HMI
Book 1
Terms and
Conditions DL05 / DL06 PLCs eDS-83Book 1 (14.3)
Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
DL05/06 I/O Option Modules
F0-04AD-2 $120.00
4-channel analog voltage input module
F0-04AD-2 Input Specifications CPU Firmware Required DirectSOFT32 Required
Number of Channels 4, single ended DL06 Version 4.60 or later Version 3.0c or later
(one common)
Version 1.40 or later Version 4.0, Build 16 or later
0 to 5VDC or
Input Range 0 to 10VDC
(jumper selectable)
Resolution 12 bit (1 in 4096)
Step Response 10.0mS to 95%
of full step change
A n a l o g Input
Crosstalk 1/2 count max
(-80db)* 4-CHANNELS
Active Low-pass Filtering -3dB at 300Hz 0–5V
(-12dB per octave) 0–10V
Input Impedance L20Kh CH1+
Absolute Max Ratings w15V CH3+
Linearity Error (end to end) w2 count (0.025% 0V
of full scale) max* 0V
Input Stability w1 count* 0V
Gain Error w6 counts max* F0–04AD–2
Offset Error w2 counts max*
Terminal Type (Included) Removable: F0-IOCON See Wiring Solutions for part
numbers of ZIPLink cables
Max Inaccuracy w0.3% at 25-C (77-F) and connection modules
Accuracy vs. Temperature w0 0to.66%0-a-Ct compatible with this I/O
(32 to 140-F) module.
w100 ppm/-C typical
* One count in the specification table is equal to one
least significant bit of the analog data value (1 in 4096)
eDS-84Book 1 (14.3) DL05 / DL06 PLCs 1-800-633-0405
Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
DL05/06 Option Modules Company
Control Systems
F0-08ADH-1 $134.00 CLICK PLC
8-channel analog current input module, Do-More
high resolution PLCs Overview
Do-More H2
Input Specifications Do-More T1H
Number of Channels 8
Input Range 0-20mA IN ANALOG DirectLOGIC
Resolution PLCs Overview
Input Type 16-bit, .305µA/bit 0–20mA
Maximum Cont. Overload Single Ended CH1 DirectLOGIC
Input Impedance (one common) CH2 DL05/06
Filter Characteristics ±31mA CH3
100 ohms, 1/10W, CH4 DirectLOGIC
PLC Data Format current input COM DL105
Low pass, CH5
Sample Duration Time -3dB @ 60Hz CH6 DirectLOGIC
All Channel Update Rate 16-bit, Unsigned CH7 DL205
Int., 0–FFFF (binary) or CH8
0–65535 (BCD) COM DirectLOGIC
(Both require 2 words COM DL305
of V-memory) +24V
10.2ms 0V DirectLOGIC
(time to 95% of full DL405
step change / channel) F0-08ADH-1
81.6ms Controller
Open Circuit Zero reading Productivity
Detection Time within 1s 3000
Conversion Method Successive Universal
Approximation Field I/O
Accuracy vs. Temperature ±50PPM/°C Max. Software
Maximum Inaccuracy 0.2% of range Typical User Wiring Internal Module Circuitry C-More
(including temp. HMI
Linearity Error (End to End) changes) 2-wire 4–20mA 4-20mA Transmitter .032A CH1 100 Ω CH1 ADC
±10 count max.; Transmitter Shield, Ch. 1 100 Ω CH2 ADC C-More Micro
Input Stability and Monotonic with no CH3 100 Ω CH3 ADC HMI
Repeatability missing codes 2-wire 4–20mA SEE NOTE 1 100 Ω CH4 ADC
Full Scale Calibration Error ±10 count max. Transmitter COM ViewMarq
Offset Calibration Error ±10 count max. 4-20mA Transmitter CH5 Industrial
Maximum Crosstalk at DC, ±10 count max. 4-wire 4–20mA Shield, Ch. 3 Marquees
50 Hz and 60 Hz ±10 count max. Transmitter CH8
External 24VDC Power AC or DC COM Other HMI
Required 25mA COM
Base Power Required 4-20mA Transmitter +24VDC 100 Ω CH5 ADC Communications
(5.0V) 25mA Shield, Ch. 5 0VDC 100 Ω CH6 ADC
Terminal Type (Included) 100 Ω CH7 ADC
Removable: D0-ACC-4 3-wire 4–20mA + 4-20mA Transmitter 100 Ω CH8 ADC
Transmitter Shield, Ch. 8
Note 1: A Littelfuse Series 217, 0.032A fast-acting fuse Terms and
is recommended for all 4-20mA current loops. Conditions
Note 2: Do not connect both ends of shield to ground. 0V
Recommended Fuse Littelfuse Series 217, 24VDC
.032A fuse Power Supply
CPU Firmware Required DirectSOFT Required
DL06 Version 5.20 or later DirectSOFT32 Version 3.0c or later
Version 2.30 or later DirectSOFT32 Version 4.0, Build 16 or later
See Wiring Solutions for
part numbers of ZIPLink
cables and connection
modules compatible with
this I/O module. DL05 / DL06 PLCs eDS-85Book 1 (14.3)
Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
DL05/06 I/O Option Modules
F0-08ADH-2 $144.00
8-channel analog voltage input module,
high resolution
Input Specifications
Number of Channels 8
Input Range 0-5VDC or IN ANALOG
0-10VDC 0–10V
(Jumper select)
Resolution 16-bit, 76µV/bit or CH2
Input Type 152µV/bit CH3
Maximum Cont. Overload Single Ended (one CH4
common) COM
±100V CH6
Input Impedance >200k ohms CH8
Filter Characteristics Low pass, -3dB @ COM
PLC Data Format 60Hz +24V
16-bit, Unsigned 0V
Int., 0–FFFF (binary) or F0-08ADH-2
0–65535 (BCD)
(Both require 2 words
of V-memory)
Sample Duration Time 10.2 ms
All Channel Update Rate 81.6 ms
Conversion Method Successive Typical User Wiring Internal Module Circuitry
Accuracy vs. Temperature Approximation CH1 ADC
±50PPM / °C CH1 CH2 ADC
Maximum 3-wire Voltage + Voltage Transmitter CH3 ADC
Maximum Inaccuracy 0.2% of range Transmitter Shield, Ch. 1
(including temp. drift) COM CH5 ADC
±10 count max. 3-wire Voltage + Voltage Transmitter CH7 ADC
Monotonic with no Transmitter CH8 CH8 ADC
Shield, Ch. 3 COM
Linearity Error (End to End) missing codes +24VDC CIRCUIT POWER
Input Stability and AC or DC 0V
±10 count (after 10 4-wire Voltage Voltage Transmitter
min. warm up) Transmitter Shield, Ch. 5
Full Scale Calibration Error ±10 counts max.
(including Offset)
Offset Calibration Error ±10 count max. 3-wire Voltage + Voltage Transmitter
Transmitter Shield, Ch. 8
Maximum Crosstalk at DC, ±10 count max. SHIELD CONNECTED TO SIGNAL
50 Hz and 60 Hz SOURCE COMMON. SEE NOTE 1.
External 24VDC Power 25mA Note 1: Do not connect both ends of shield.
Base Power Required 25mA
Power Supply
CPU Firmware Required DirectSOFT Required
DL06 Version 5.20 or later DirectSOFT32 Version 3.0c or later
Version 2.30 or later DirectSOFT32 Version 4.0, Build 16 or later
See Wiring Solutions for
part numbers of ZIPLink
cables and connection
modules compatible with
this I/O module.
eDS-86Book 1 (14.3) DL05 / DL06 PLCs 1-800-633-0405
Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
DL05/06 I/O Option Modules Company
Control Systems
F0-04THM $207.00 CLICK PLC
4-channel thermocouple input module Do-More
PLCs Overview
F0-04THM 4-Channel Thermocouple Input Thermocouple Specifications
Do-More H2
General Specifications 4, differential Input Ranges Type J -190 to 760ºC -310 to 1400ºF PLC
Number of Channels -1.3VDC to +3.8VDC Type E -210 to 1000ºC -346 to 1832ºF
Common Mode Range 100dB min. @ VDC 50/60Hz. Display Resolution Type K -150 to 1372ºC -238 to 2502ºF Do-More T1H
Common Mode Rejection 5Mq Cold Junction Type R 65 to 1768ºC 149 to 3214ºF PLC
Input Impedance Fault-protected inputs to ±50 VDC Compensation Type S 65 to 1768ºC 149 to 3214ºF
Absolute Maximum Ratings ±15ppm/ºC maximum Conversion Time Type T -230 to 400ºC -382 to 752ºF DirectLOGIC
0 - 1.25V ±35ppm/ºC maximum Warm-Up Time Type B 529 to 1820ºC 984 to 3308ºF PLCs Overview
Accuracy vs. Temperature (including maximum offset change) Linearity Error (End to Type N -70 to 1300ºC -94 to 2372ºF
(Max. Full Scale Error) 4 channels per scan End) Type C 65 to 2320ºC 149 to 4208ºF DirectLOGIC
None; uses special V-memory location based on slot Maximum Inaccuracy ±0.1ºC or ±0.1ºF DL05/06
PLC Update Rate 30mA @ 5VDC supplied by base
Digital Inputs 32º to 140ºF (0º to 60ºC) Automatic DirectLOGIC
Base Power Required -4º to 158ºF (-20º to 70ºC) DL105
Operating Temperature 5 to 95% (non-condensing) 270ms per channel
Storage Temperature 30 minutes typically ± 1ºC repeatability DirectLOGIC
Relative Humidity DL205
±1ºC maximum, ±0.5ºC typical
±3ºC (excluding thermocouple error) DL305
Environmental Air No corrosive gases permitted Voltage Input Specifications DirectLOGIC
Vibration MIL STD 810C 514.2 Voltage Ranges 0-39.0625mV, ±39.0625mV, ±78.125mV,
0-156.25mV, ±156.25mVDC, 0-1.25V Productivity
Shock MIL STD 810C 516.2 Resolution 16 bit (1 in 65535) Controller
Max. Offset Error 0.05% @ 0-60ºC; Overview
Noise Immunity NEMA ICS3-304 (All Input Ranges) Typical: 0.04% @ 25ºC
Terminal Block Replacement F0-IOCON-THM (comes with CJC) 3000
CPU Firmware Required DirectSOFT Required Linearity Error 0.05% @ 0-60ºC; Universal
DL05 (All Input Ranges) Typical: 0.03% @ 25ºC Field I/O
DL06 Version 4.60 or later DirectSOFT32 Version 3.0c or later Maximum Inaccuracy 0-39.0625mV, ±39.0625mV, ±78.125mV ranges:
0.1% @ 0-60ºC; Typical: 0.04% @ 25ºC Software
Version 1.40 or later DirectSOFT32 Version 4.0, Build 16 or later 0-156.25mV, ±156.25mVDC, 0-1.25V ranges:
0.05% @ 0-60ºC; Typical: 0.04% @ 25ºC C-More
Thermocouple Input wiring diagram HMI
Voltage Input wiring diagram C-More Micro
See NOTE 1
CH1+ Transmitter – Industrial
CH1– Supply + Marquees
See NOTE 2 Voltage CH1+ Other HMI
Transmitter CH1–
CH2+ Communications
CH2– ADC Appendix
CJC MUX Book 1
CJC internal Terms and
connection Conditions
LM35 See NOTE 3
connection CH2–
See NOTE 3 CH4+ Voltage CH3+
CH4– Transmitter CH3–
See NOTE 1 See NOTE 2
+ CH4+
Voltage +
Notes: DL05 / DL06 PLCs eDS-87Book 1 (14.3)
1. Shields should be grounded at the PLC power source only.
2. U nused channels should have a shorting wire (jumper) installed from CH+ to CH-.
3. All CH- terminals must be connected together.
4. This module is not compatible with the ZIPLink wiring system.
Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
DL05/06 Option Modules
F0-04RTD $207.00
4-channel RTD input module
F0-04RTD Input Specifications F0-04RTD Input Specifications (cont’d)
Number of Channels 4 Terminal Type (included) Removable: D0-ACC-4
Input Ranges Type Pt100: -200.0/850.0ºC, Converter Type Charge Balancing
Resolution -328/1562ºF Linearity Error ±.05ºC maximum, ±.01ºC typical
Type Pt1000: -200.0/595.0ºC, Maximum Inaccuracy ±1ºC
Type jPt100: -38.0/450.0ºC, PLC Update Rate 4 channel/scan
Type CU-10/25: -200.0/260.0ºC, Digital Input Points Required None; uses special V-memory location based on slot
Type NI-120: -80.0/260.0ºC, Base Power Required 5VDC 70 mA
16 bit (1 in 65535) Operating Temperature 32° to 140°F (0° to 60°C)
Display Resolution ±0.1ºC, ±0.1ºF (±3276.7) Storage Temperature -4º to 158ºF (-20º to 70ºC)
RTD Excitation Current 200 µA Temperature Drift 15 ppm / °C max
Notch Filter > 50 db notches at 50/60 Hz Relative Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing)
Maximum Setting Time 100 ms (full-scale step input) Environmental Air No corrosive gases permitted
Common Mode Range 0-5 VDC Vibration MIL STD 810C 514.2
Absolute Maximum Shock MIL STD 810C 516.2
Fault protected inputs to ±50 VDC Noise Immunity NEMA ICS3-304
Sampling Rate 140 ms per channel
CPU Firmware Required DirectSOFT Required Notes:
DL05 1. T he three wires connecting the RTD to the module must be the same type and
DL06 Version 4.70 or later DirectSOFT32 Version 3.0c or later
length. Do not use the shield or drain wire for the third connection.
Version 1.50 or later DirectSOFT32 Version 4.0, Build 16 or later 2. U nused channels require shorting wires (jumpers) installed from terminals CH+ to
CH– to COM to prevent possible noise from influencing active channels. This should
be done even if the unused channel is not enabled in the V-memory configuration.
3. I f an RTD sensor has four wires, the plus sense wire should be left unconnected as
4. This module is not compatible with the ZIPLink wiring system.
Note 1 CH1+
COM Current
Source COM
Note 2 Ref. COM
CH2- Adj.
Note 3 x + A/D
CH3+ - COM
CH3- 200 A F0-04RTD
COM Source
eDS-88Book 1 (14.3) DL05 / DL06 PLCs 1-800-633-0405
DL05/06 Option Modules Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
Control Systems
F0-04DAH-1 $144.00 CLICK PLC
4-channel analog current output Do-More
module, high resolution PLCs Overview
Output Specifications Do-More H2
Number of Channels 4
Do-More T1H
Output Range 4-20mA PLC
Resolution 16-bit, .244µA/bit OUT ANALOG DirectLOGIC
Output Type Current sourcing at PLCs Overview
20mA max. 4–20mA
PLC Data Format 16-bit, Unsigned CH1 DirectLOGIC
Int., 0–FFFF (binary) or CH2 DL05/06
Output value 0–65535 (BCD) CH3
in program mode (Both require 2 words CH4 DirectLOGIC
Load Impedance of V-memory) COM DL105
250-750 Ohms COM
Maximum Inductive Load 1 mH COM DL305
Allowed load type Grounded 0V DirectLOGIC
Maximum Inaccuracy 0.2% of range F0-04DAH-1
Maximum Full Scale ±.025% of range max. Controller
Calibration Error (not Overview
including offset error)
Maximum Offset Calibration ±.025% of range max. 3000
Accuracy vs. Temperature ±50 ppm/ °C max. Field I/O
full scale calibration
change Software
Typical User Wiring
Maximum Crosstalk Internal Module Circuitry C-More
±10 counts HMI
4-20mA Output
±16 count maximum Ch. 1 CH1 4–20mA CH1 DAC C-More Micro
(±0.025% of full scale) CH2 current sourcing CH2 DAC HMI
Linearity Error (End to End) Monotonic with no 4-20mA Output CH3 CH3 DAC
Ch. 2 CH4 4–20mA CH4 DAC ViewMarq
missing codes COM current sourcing Industrial
4-20mA Output Marquees
Output Stability and ±10 LSB after 10 min. Ch. 3 4–20mA
Repeatability warm-up typical current sourcing Other HMI
4-20mA Output
Ch. 4 4–20mA Communications
current sourcing
Output Ripple .05% of Full Scale Book 1
Output Settling Time .5 ms max., 5 µs min. Terms and
(full scale change) Conditions
All Channel Update Rate 100µs SHIELD CONNECTED TO SIGNAL
Maximum Continuous Outputs open circuit
Overload protected
Type of Output Protection Electronically current +24VDC ISOLATED ANALOG
limited to 20mA or less 0VDC CIRCUIT POWER
Output signal at power-up 4mA ISOLATED ANALOG
and power-down CIRCUIT COMMON
Terminal Type (Included) Removable: D0-ACC-4 24VDC
Power Supply
External 24VDC Power 150mA
Base Power Required 25mA
CPU Firmware Required DirectSOFT Required See Wiring Solutions for
DL05 part numbers of ZIPLink
DL06 Version 5.20 or later DirectSOFT32 Version 3.0c or later cables and connection
modules compatible with
Version 2.30 or later DirectSOFT32 Version 4.0, Build 16 or later this I/O module. DL05 / DL06 PLCs eDS-89Book 1 (14.3)
Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
DL05/06 I/O Option Modules
F0-08DAH-1 $197.00
8-channel analog current output
module, high resolution
Output Specifications
Number of Channels 8
Output Range 4-20mA OUT ANALOG
Resolution 16-bit, .244µA/bit 4–20mA
Output Type Current sourcing at CH2
PLC Data Format 20mA max. CH3
Output value 16-bit, Unsigned CH4
in program mode Int., 0–FFFF (binary) or COM
0–65535 (BCD) CH5
(Both require 2 words CH6
of V-memory) CH7
Load Impedance 250-750 Ohms +24V
Maximum Inductive Load 1 mH
Allowed load type Grounded
Maximum Inaccuracy 0.2% of range
Maximum Full Scale ±.025% of range
Calibration Error (not maximum
including offset error)
Maximum Offset Calibration ±.025% of range
Error maximum
Accuracy vs. Temperature ±50 ppm/ °C
maximum full scale
calibration change
Typical User Wiring
Maximum Crosstalk ±10 counts Internal Module Circuitry
±16 count maximum 4-20mA Output CH2 4–20mA CH1 DAC
(±0.025% of full scale) Ch. 1 CH3 current sourcing CH2 DAC
Linearity Error (End to End) Monotonic with no CH4 CH3 DAC
4-20mA Output COM 4–20mA CH4 DAC
missing codes Ch. 2 CH5 current sourcing
Output Stability and ±10 counts after 10 4-20mA Output CH7 4–20mA
Repeatability min. warm-up typical Ch. 3 CH8 current sourcing
4-20mA Output COM 4–20mA
Ch. 4 +24VDC current sourcing
Output Ripple .05% of Full Scale 4-20mA Output 4–20mA CH5 DAC
Ch. 5 current sourcing CH6 DAC
Output Settling Time .5 ms max., 5 µs min. CH7 DAC
(full scale change) 4-20mA Output 4–20mA CH8 DAC
Ch. 6 current sourcing
All Channel Update Rate 100us
4-20mA Output 4–20mA
Maximum Continuous Outputs open circuit Ch. 7 current sourcing
Overload protected
Type of Output Protection Electronically current 4-20mA Output 4–20mA
Output signal at power-up limited to 20mA or less Ch. 8 current sourcing
and power-down
Terminal Type (Included) Removable: D0-ACC-4 SHIELD CONNECTED TO SIGNAL 0V
External 24VDC Power 220mA Power Supply
Required 25mA
Base Power Required
CPU Firmware Required DirectSOFT Required See Wiring Solutions for
DL05 part numbers of ZIPLink
DL06 Version 5.20 or later DirectSOFT32 Version 3.0c or later cables and connection
modules compatible with
Version 2.30 or later DirectSOFT32 Version 4.0, Build 16 or later this I/O module.
eDS-90Book 1 (14.3) DL05 / DL06 PLCs 1-800-633-0405
DL05/06 Option Modules Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
Control Systems
F0-04DAH-2 $140.00 CLICK PLC
4-channel analog voltage output module, Do-More
high resolution PLCs Overview
Output Specifications Do-More H2
Number of Channels 4
Do-More T1H
Output Range 0-10VDC PLC
Resolution 16-bit, 152µV/bit OUT ANALOG DirectLOGIC
Output Type Voltage sourcing/ PLCs Overview
sinking at 5mA max. 0–10VDC
PLC Data Format 16-bit, Unsigned CH1 DirectLOGIC
Int., 0–FFFF (binary) or CH2 DL05/06
Output value 0–65535 (BCD) CH3
in program mode (Both require 2 words CH4 DirectLOGIC
Output Impedance of V-memory) COM DL105
0.5 Ohms typical COM
Load Impedance >2000 Ohms COM DL305
Maximum Capacitive Load 0.01 µF maximum 0V DirectLOGIC
Allowed load type Grounded F0-04DAH-2
Maximum Inaccuracy 0.2% of range Controller
(including temperature Overview
Maximum Full Scale ±.025% of range max. 3000
Calibration Error
(including offset error) Universal
Field I/O
Maximum Offset Calibration ±.025% of range max.
Error Software
Typical User Wiring
±50 ppm/ °C max. Internal Module Circuitry C-More
full scale calibration CH1 HMI
Accuracy vs. Temperature change Voltage Output CH2 voltage
Ch. 1 CH3 sink / source CH1 DAC C-More Micro
Maximum Crosstalk ±10 counts CH4 CH2 DAC HMI
Voltage Output COM voltage CH3 DAC
±16 count max. Ch. 2 sink / source CH4 DAC ViewMarq
(±0.025% of full scale) Industrial
Linearity Error (End to End) Monotonic with no Voltage Output voltage Marquees
Ch. 3 sink / source
Other HMI
Voltage Output voltage
Ch. 4 sink / source Communications
missing codes Appendix
Book 1
Output Stability and ±10 counts after 10
Repeatability min. warm-up typical Terms and
Output Ripple .05% of Full Scale SHIELD CONNECTED TO SIGNAL
Output Settling Time .5 ms max., 5 µs min.
(full scale change)
All Channel Update Rate 100µs
Maximum Continuous Outputs current limited +24VDC ISOLATED ANALOG
Overload to 40mA typical. 0VDC CIRCUIT POWER
A continuous short
circuit will damage the isolated analog
output. circuit common
Type of Output Protection 24VDC Peak 24VDC
Output Voltage Power Supply
(capacitor transient
voltage suppressor)
Output signal at power-up 0V CPU Firmware Required DirectSOFT Required
and power-down DL05
DL06 Version 5.20 or later DirectSOFT32 Version 3.0c or later
Terminal Type (Included) Removable: D0-ACC-4
Version 2.30 or later DirectSOFT32 Version 4.0, Build 16 or later
External 24VDC Power 30mA
Base Power Required 25mA See Wiring Solutions for part
(5.0V) numbers of ZIPLink cables and
connection modules compatible
with this I/O module. DL05 / DL06 PLCs eDS-91Book 1 (14.3)
Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
DL05/06 I/O Option Modules
F0-08DAH-2 $186.00
8-channel analog voltage output module,
high resolution
Output Specifications
Number of Channels 8
Output Range 0-10VDC OUT ANALOG
Resolution 16-bit, 152µV/bit 0–10VDC
Output Type Voltage sourcing/ CH1
sinking at 5mA max. CH2
PLC Data Format 16-bit, Unsigned CH3
Int., 0–FFFF (binary) or CH4
Output value 0–65535 (BCD) COM
in program mode (Both require 2 words CH5
Output Impedance of V-memory) CH6
0V CH8
0.5 Ohms typical COM
Load Impedance >2000 Ohms 0V
Maximum Capacitive Load 0.01 µF maximum F0-08DAH-2
Allowed load type Grounded
Maximum Inaccuracy 0.2% of range
(including temperature
Maximum Full Scale ±.025% of range
Calibration Error maximum
(including offset error)
Maximum Offset Calibration ±.025% of range
Error maximum
Typical User Wiring
±50 ppm/ °C Internal Module Circuitry
maximum full scale CH1
Accuracy vs. Temperature calibration change Voltage Output CH2 voltage
Ch. 1 CH3 sink / source CH1 DAC
Maximum Crosstalk 10 counts CH4 CH2 DAC
Voltage Output COM voltage CH3 DAC
±16 count maximum Ch. 2 CH5 sink / source CH4 DAC
(±0.025% of full scale) CH6
Linearity Error (End to End) Monotonic with no Voltage Output CH7 voltage
Ch. 3 CH8 sink / source
Voltage Output COM voltage
Ch. 4 +24VDC sink / source
missing codes Voltage Output
Ch. 5
Output Stability and ±10 counts after 10 voltage CH5 DAC
Repeatability min. warm-up typical Voltage Output sink / source CH6 DAC
Ch. 6 CH7 DAC
Output Ripple .05% of Full Scale voltage CH8 DAC
Voltage Output sink / source
Output Settling Time .5 ms max., 5 µs min. Ch. 7
(full scale change) voltage
Voltage Output sink / source
Ch. 8
sink / source
All Channel Update Rate 100µs
Maximum Continuous Outputs current limited ISOLATED ANALOG
Overload to 40mA typical. A CIRCUIT POWER
short circuit will SHIELD CONNECTED TO SIGNAL isolated analog
damage the output. SOURCE COMMON (1 OF 8 SHOWN) 24VDC circuit common
Type of Output Protection 24VDC Peak Output Power Supply
(capacitor transient CPU Firmware Required DirectSOFT Required
voltage suppressor) DL05
Output signal at power-up 0V Version 5.20 or later DirectSOFT32 Version 3.0c or later
and power-down
Terminal Type (Included) Removable: D0-ACC-4 Version 2.30 or later DirectSOFT32 Version 4.0, Build 16 or later
External 24VDC Power 30mA
See Wiring Solutions for part
Base Power Required 25mA numbers of ZIPLink cables and
(5.0V) connection modules compatible
with this I/O module.
eDS-92Book 1 (14.3) DL05 / DL06 PLCs 1-800-633-0405
Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
DL05/06 Option Modules Company
Control Systems
F0-2AD2DA-2 $155.00 CLICK PLC
2-channel analog voltage input and Do-More
2-channel analog voltage output module PLCs Overview
F0-2AD2DA-2 Input Specifications F0-2AD2DA-2 Output Specifications Do-More H2
Number of Channels 2, single ended Number of Channels 2, single ended
(one common) (one common) Do-More T1H
Input Range 0 to 5VDC or Output Range 0 to5VDC or
Resolution 0 to 10VDC Resolution 0 to 10VDC DirectLOGIC
(jumper selectable) (jumper selectable) PLCs Overview
12 bit (1 in 4096) 12 bit (1 in 4096)
Step Response 10.0mS to 95% Conversion Settling Time 5fo0refuSll scale change DL05/06
of full step change
Crosstalk 1/2 count Crosstalk 1/2 count max DL105
max (-80db)* (-80db)*
Active Low-pass Filtering -3dB at 300Hz Peak Output Voltage w(po1w5eVrDsCupply limited) DL205
(-12dB per octave) 0.1% of range
Input Impedance L20Kh Offset Error 0.4% of range DirectLOGIC
Absolute Max Ratings w15V Gain Error DL305
Linearity Error (end to end) w2 counts (0.025% Linearity Error (end to end) w1 counts (0.075% DirectLOGIC
of full scale) max* of full scale) max* DL405
Input Stability w1 count* Output Stability w2 counts* Productivity
Gain Error w6 counts max* Load Impedance 2Kh min Overview
Offset Error w2 counts max* Load Capacitance 0.01eF max Productivity
w0.3% at 25-C Terminal Type (Included) Removable: F0-IOCON
w(770-.F6)% at 0 to 60--C Universal
Max Inaccuracy (32 to 140-F) Accuracy vs. Temperature w50 ppm/-C typical Field I/O
Accuracy vs. Temperature w100 ppm/-C typical
* One count in the specification table is equal to one
least significant bit of the analog data value (1 in 4096) C-More
Power Supply C-More Micro
See NOTE 1 Internal Industrial
Module Marquees
See Wiring Solutions for Wiring
part numbers of ZIPLink Other HMI
cables and connection – CH1 + 1 Analog Switch A to D
modules compatible 4–wire – IN Converter Communications
with this I/O module. + 2
+ Voltage – Appendix
Transmitter 0V Book 1
2–wire 1 Terms and
Voltage OUT Conditions
CH 1 load Ch 1 D to A
2k ohms 0V Voltage Source Converter
Resistance V+ Ch 2 D to A
24V Voltage Source Converter
CH 2 load
2k ohms
NOTE 1: Shields should be grounded at the signal –+ OV
source. 18.0–26.4VDC
Power Supply
NOTE 2: Connect all external power supply
commons. Module Supply DL05 / DL06 PLCs eDS-93Book 1 (14.3)
Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
DL05/06 Option Modules
F0-4AD2DA-1 $192.00
4-channel analog current input F0-4AD2DA-1 Input Specifications F0-4AD2DA-1 Output Specifications
and 2-channel analog current
output module Number of Channels 4, single ended Number of Channels 2, single ended
(one common) (one common)
See Wiring Solutions for Input Range 0 to 20 mA or
part numbers of ZIPLink Resolution 4 to 20 mA Output Range 0 to 20 mA or
cables and connection Step Response (jumper selectable) 4 to 20 mA
modules compatible 12 bit (1 in 4096) (jumper selectable)
with this I/O module. 25.0 mS (typ.)
to 95% Output Type Current sourcing
of full step change
Resolution 12 bit (1 in 4096)
Max. Loop Voltage 30 VDC
Crosstalk 1/2 count max Load/loop Power Supply 0-300 h /18-30 VDC
Active Low-pass Filtering -3 dB at 40 Hz Linearity Error (end to end) w2 counts
(-12dB per octave) (0.050% of full scale)
Input Impedance 125 h w0.1%, Conversion Settling Time f4o0r0fuellssmcaalex.change
1/8 watt
Absolute Max Ratings -30mA to +30 mA, 3w0206hcoluonadts max. @
current input
w18 counts max.. @
Converter Type Successive Full-scale Calibration Error 2w5102hcoluonadts max.. @
Linearity Error (end to end) w2 counts 125 h load
Input Stability w1 count* w10 counts max.. @
300 h load
2w580 counts max.. @
Full-scale Calibr. Error w10 counts max. Offset Calibration Error h load
@ 20 mA*
w6 counts max.. @
125 h load
Offset Calibration Error w5 counts max.
@ 0 mA* Terminal Type (Included) Removable: F0-IOCON
w0.4% at 25-C 300 h load 0.4%. @
Max Inaccuracy (w(73720-.tF8o)51%40a-tF0) to 60-C 60- C
Accuracy vs. Temp. w100 ppm/-C typ. Max.Full- scale Inaccuracy 250 Ch load 0.3%. @
Recommended Fuse 0.032 A, series 217 (all errors included) 60-
fast-acting, 125 h load 0.2%. @
current inputs 60- C
* One count in the specification table is equal to one
least significant bit of the analog data value (1 in 4096)
See NOTE 1
2C–Hw1ire – Internal
Current + Module
Transmitter Wiring
2C–Hw2ire – 1 125Ω Analog Switch A to D
Current + 2 125Ω Converter
Transmitter + 3 125Ω
– 4C–Hw3ire – 4 125Ω D to A
+ Current 0V Converter
Transmitter 1
2 D to A
3C–Hw4ire + 24V Converter
Current + OUT
Transmitter –
CH 1 load
CH 2 load
NOTE 1: Shields should be grounded at the signal source. –+ OV
NOTE 2: Connect all external power supply commons.
Power Supply
eDS-94Book 1 (14.3) DL05 / DL06 PLCs 1-800-633-0405
Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
DL05/06 Option Modules Company
Control Systems
F0-4AD2DA-2 $218.00 CLICK PLC
4-channel analog voltage input F0-4AD2DA-2 Input Specifications F0-4AD2DA-2 Output Specifications Do-More
2-channel analog voltage output PLCs Overview
Number of Channels 4, single ended Number of Channels 2, single ended
module (one common) (one common) Do-More H2
Input Range 0 to5VDC or Output Range 0 to5VDC or
Resolution 0 to 10VDC Resolution 0 to 10VDC Do-More T1H
(jumper selectable) (jumper selectable) PLC
12 bit (1 in 4096) 12 bit (1 in 4096)
Step Response 10.0mS to 95% Conversion Settling Time 5fo0refuSll scale change PLCs Overview
of full step change
Crosstalk 1/2 count max Crosstalk 1/2 count max DL05/06
(-80db)* (-80db)*
Active Low-pass Filtering -3dB at 300Hz Peak Output Voltage w15VDC DL105
(-12dB per octave) (power supply limited)
Input Impedance L20Kh Offset Error 0.1% of range DL205
Absolute Max Ratings w15V
Linearity Error (end to end) w2 count (0.025% Gain Error 0.4% of range DL305
of full scale) max*
Linearity Error (end to end) w1 counts (0.075% DirectLOGIC
Input Stability w1 count* of full scale) max* DL405
Gain Error w6 counts max* Output Stability w2 counts* Productivity
Offset Error w2 counts max* Load Impedance 2Kh minimum Overview
(ww7700-..F63)%% at 25-C Load Capacitance 0.01eF max Productivity
at 0 to 60--C 3000
Max Inaccuracy Accurracy vs. Temperature w50 ppm/-C typical
Accuracy vs. Temperature Universal
(32 to 140-F) See Wiring Solutions for Field I/O
part numbers of ZIPLink
w100 ppm/-C typical Software
Terminal Type (Included) Removable: F0-IOCON cables and connection C-More
modules compatible HMI
* One count in the specification table is equal to one with this I/O module. C-More Micro
least significant bit of the analog data value (1 in 4096) HMI
See NOTE 1 Internal ViewMarq
Module Industrial
2C–Hw1ire – Wiring Marquees
Voltage +
Transmitter Other HMI
CH2 – 1 Communications
2–wire 2
Voltage + 3 Appendix
Transmitter 4 Analog Switch Book 1
– CH3 + 0V
4–wire 1 A to D Terms and
+ Voltage – 2 Converter Conditions
Transmitter + OUT
Voltage –
CH 1 load Ch 1 D to A
2k ohms Voltage Source Converter
Resistance Ch 2 D to A
CH 2 load Voltage Source Converter
2k ohms
–+ OV
NOTE 1: Shields should be grounded at the signal source. Transmitter
NOTE 2: Connect all external power supply commons. Power Supply DL05 / DL06 PLCs eDS-95Book 1 (14.3)
Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
Built-in High-Speed I/O Features
Overview DL05 High-speed I/O Features
You can use the DL05 or DL06 PLCs to Mode* DC Inputs Points X2 DC Output Points
solve a diverse range of motion and high- X0 X1 Y0 Y1
speed machine control applications.
Mode 10: High- Counter input Filtered input Reset count Regular output Regular output
DC input and DC output versions of the Speed Up Counter Phase B input Filtered input
DL05 and DL06 PLCs offer built-in high- Filtered input Reset count
speed input and pulse output features. On Mode 20: Counter Phase A input Filtered input Filtered input Regular output Regular output
DL05 PLCs with DC inputs, the high-speed Quadrature Filtered input Filtered input
features are accessible on the first three Filtered input
input points (X0-X2). On DL06 PLCs with Mode 40: High- Interrupt input Filtered input Regular output Regular output
DC inputs, the high-speed features are Speed Interrupt Positioning interrupt
accessible on the first four input points Filtered input
(X0-X3). On DL05 or DL06 PLCs with DC Mode 50: Pulse input Filtered input Regular output Regular output
outputs, the pulse output feature is acces- Pulse Catch
sible on the first two output points (Y0-Y1).
Mode 30: Filtered input Pulse Direction
Several modes of operation are available Pulse Output CW pulse CCW pulse
that meet the needs of many applications.
The operating modes are explained in Mode 60: Filtered input Regular output Regular output
detail in the DL05 and DL06 PLC User Filtered Input
Manuals. Only one high-speed I/O mode
can be in use at one time. You cannot use DL06 High-speed I/O Features
a high-speed input feature and the pulse
output feature at the same time. A brief Mode* DC Inputs Points DC Output Points
description of each high-speed mode is
listed below: X0 X1 X2 X3 Y0 Y1
Mode 10 - High-speed counters Mode 10: Counter Ch 1 Counter Ch 2 Reset Ch 1 Reset Ch 2 Regular output Regular output
offer 24 presets. When the preset is High-Speed Up Interrupt Interrupt Interrupt
reached, an interrupt routine is executed Counter Pulse input Pulse input Pulse input
(max. count: 99,999,999) Filtered input Filtered input Filtered input
Mode 20 - Quadrature encoder input Mode 20: Up/ Up input Down input Reset Pulse input Regular output Regular output
(up/down counter) for clockwise and Down Counter Pulse input Filtered input Regular output Regular output
counterclockwise position control Filtered input Pulse input Regular output Regular output
(max count: 0 to 99,999,999 unipolar or Filtered input
-8,388,608 to 8,388,607 bipolar) Mode 20: Phase A input Reset Interrupt
Quadrature Phase B input Pulse input Pulse input
Mode 30 - Pulse outputs are program- Counter Filtered input
mable to follow a predetermined profile. Filtered input
An external interrupt can be used in
conjunction with separate accelera- Mode 40: High- Interrupt input Interrupt Interrupt
tion/deceleration profiles for positioning Speed Interrupt Pulse input Pulse input
and velocity control (max. pulse range: Filtered input Filtered input
-8,388,608 to 8,388,607)
Mode 50: Interrupt Interrupt Interrupt Regular output Regular output
Mode 40 - External interrupt inputs can be Pulse Catch Pulse input Pulse input Pulse input Pulse input
used for an immediate response to urgent Filtered input Filtered input Filtered input
application tasks
Mode 30: Filtered input Interrupt Pulse input Pulse input Pulse Direction
Mode 50 - The pulse catch input allows Pulse Output Pulse input Filtered input Filtered input CW Pulse CCW pulse
the CPU to read an input with a pulse Mode 60: Filtered input
width as narrow as 0.1ms Filtered Input
Filtered input Filtered input Filtered input Filtered input Regular output Regular output
Mode 60 - Input filters are configurable
(0-99ms) to ensure input signal integrity. *The high-speed input features cannot be used if the pulse output features are in use, and vice versa.
The default input mode is a 10ms filter
Stepper drive DL05 PLC
Mode 40 option - Timed interrupts can be
configured for time critical events. Interrupt Pulse
0 can be scheduled on a 5ms-999ms
cycle. Interrupt 1, available on the DL05, Direction
can be scheduled on a 5ms-9999ms cycle
Stepper motor
eDS-96Book 1 (14.3) DL05 / DL06 PLCs 1-800-633-0405
Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
Built-in High Speed I/O Specifications Company
High-Speed Input Specifications High-Speed Output Specifications Control Systems
High-speed Inputs 3 pts. sink 4 pts. sink Pulse Outputs 2 pts. (Y0 and Y1)
or source or source 2 pts. current sinking or Do-More
(X0-X2) (X0-X3) (Y0 and Y1) sourcing PLCs Overview
current sinking (sourcing outputs
Max. Input Frequency 5kHz 7kHz Do-More H2
on D0-06DD2 only) PLC
Minimum Pulse Width 100 µs 70 µs Max. Output Frequency 7kHz 10kHz Do-More T1H
Input Voltage Range 12-24 VDC Voltage Range 6-27VDC
Input Impedance (hs only) 1.8K @ 12-24VDC Max. Load Current 0.5A/point PLCs Overview
ON Current/Voltage Level >5mA/>10VDC ON Voltage Drop 0.3VDC @ 1.0A DirectLOGIC
OFF Current/Voltage Level <0.5mA/<2VDC Leakage Current 15µA @ 30VDC
OFF to ON Response <100µs <70 µs Inrush Current 2A (100ms) DL105
ON to OFF Response <100µs <70 µs OFF to ON Response <10µs <10µs DirectLOGIC
ON to OFF Response <30µs <20µs
Pulse Input Wiring DirectLOGIC
Equivalent Circuit, High-Speed Inputs Productivity
Pulse Output Wiring
Field I/O
Equivalent Pulse Output Circuit Software
Sinking Output
C-More Micro
Equivalent Circuit, High-Speed Inputs ViewMarq
(NPN) Current Sinking Field Device Industrial
Other HMI
Equivalent Pulse Output Circuit Appendix
Sourcing Output Book 1
(D0-06DD2 only)
Terms and
Equivalent Circuit, High-Speed Inputs
(PNP) Current Sourcing Field Device 9'& DL05 / DL06 PLCs eDS-97Book 1 (14.3)
Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
Timed Interrupt Feature
Time-based interrupts DL05 time-based interrupt
There is a timed interrupt feature avail- DL05 Designated Terminals
able in the DL05 and DL06 PLCs. This
cyclical interrupt allows you to program X0:……………… Filtered input (uses filter time set for X1)
a time-based interrupt that occurs on a
scheduled basis. This feature is available Timed Interrupt Specifications
in all units, regardless of input type.
Timed interrupts……………………… 2 (internal to CPU)
The CPU’s timed interrupt operates in a Interrupt Subroutine…………………………INT0, INT1
similar manner to the external interrupt Time interval: …………………………………………
input, but instead of the interrupt subrou- INT0 …………………5 to 999 ms (1 ms increments)
tine being triggered by an external event INT1 …………………5 to 9999 ms (1 ms increments)
tied to X0, it is triggered by a cyclical
interval of time. This interval can be DL06 time-based interrupt
programmed from 5 ms to 999 ms for
INT0, which is available on either the DL06 Designated Terminals
DL05 or the DL06. The programmable
time interval for INT1, which is available X0:……………… Filtered input (uses filter time set for X1)
on the DL05, is 5 to 9999 ms.
Timed Interrupt Specifications
Whenever the programmed time elapses,
the CPU immediately suspends its routine Timed interrupts……………………… 1 (internal to CPU)
scan cycle and jumps to the selected inter- Interrupt subroutine………………………………INT0
rupt subroutine. As with the other modes, Time interval: …………………………………………
when the interrupt subroutine execu- INT0 ……………… …5 to 999 ms (1 ms increments)
tion is complete, the CPU automatically
resumes its routine scan cycle starting Timed interrupt operation
from the location where it was inter-
rupted. Because the CPU scan time and 0
the interrupt time interval are different,
the point at which the RLL program is
interrupted can change over time.
A note on timed
DL06: If you use the external hardware
interrupt (mode 40), you cannot use the
timed-based internal interupt INT 0. You
can use either one, but not both. This is
because they share the same interrupt
routine, INT 0.
DL05: The DL05 offers a second timed-
based interrupt INT 1. This allows you to
use an external hardware interrupt and/
or a timed-based interrupt.
eDS-98Book 1 (14.3) DL05 / DL06 PLCs 1-800-633-0405
Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
Instruction Set Company
Boolean Instructions And if Not Equal (ANDNE) Accumulator/Stack Load and Output Data Control Systems
Connects a normally closed comparative contact in series with Overview
Store (STR) another contact. The contact will be on when A is not equal to B. Load (LD)
Begins a new rung or an additional branch in a rung with a nor- Loads a 16-bit word into the lower 16 bits of the accumulator/ CLICK PLC
mally open contact. Store (STR) stack.
Begins a new rung or additional branch in a rung with a Do-More
Store Not (STRN) normally open comparative contact. The will be on when A > B. Load Double (LDD) PLCs Overview
Begins a new rung or an additional branch in a rung with a Loads a 32-bit word into the accumulator/stack.
normally closed contact. Store Not (STRN) Do-More H2
Begins a new rung or additional branch in a rung with a normally Load Real Number (LDR) PLC
Store Bit-of-Word (STRB) closed comparative contact. The will be on when A < B. DL06 Only. Loads a real number contained in two consecutive
DL06 Only. Begins a new rung or an additional branch in a rung V-memory locations or a real constant into the accumulator. Do-More T1H
with a normally open V-memory bit-of-word contact. Or (OR) PLC
Connects a normally open comparative contact in parallel with Load Formatted (LDF)
Store Not Bit-of-Word (STRNB) another contact. The contact will be on when A > B. Loads the accumulator with a specified number of consecutive DirectLOGIC
DL06 Only. Begins a new wrung or an additional branch in a rung discrete memory bits. PLCs Overview
with a normally closed V-memory bit-of-word contact. Or Not (ORN)
Connects a normally open comparative contact in parallel with Load Address (LDA) DirectLOGIC
Or (OR) another contact. The contact will be on when A < B. Loads the accumulator with the HEX value for an octal constant DL05/06
Logically ors a normally open contact in parallel with another (address).
contact in a rung. And (AND) DirectLOGIC
Connects a normally open comparative contact in series with Load Accumulator Indexed (LDX) DL105
Or Not (ORN) another contact. The contact will be on when A > B. Specifies a source address (V memory) which will be offset by the
Logically ors a normally closed contact in parallel with another value in the first stack location. DirectLOGIC
contact in a rung. And Not (ANDN) DL205
Connects a normally closed comparative contact in parallel with Out (OUT)
Or Bit-of-Word (ORB) another contact. The contact will be on when A < B. Copies the value in the lower 16 bits of the accumulator to a DirectLOGIC
DL06 Only. ors a normally open V-memory bit-of-word contact specified V memory location. DL305
in parallel with another contact in a rung. Immediate Instructions
Out Double (OUTD) DirectLOGIC
Or Not Bit-of-Word (ORNB) Store Immediate (STRI) Copies the value in the accumulator to two consecutive V memory DL405
DL06 Only. ors a normally closed V-memory bit-of-word contact Begins a rung/branch of logic with a normally open contact. The locations.
in parallel with another contact in a rung. contact will be updated with the current input field status when Productivity
processed in the program scan. Out Formatted (OUTF) Controller
And (AND) Outputs a specified number of bits (1-32) from the accumulator to Overview
Logically ands a normally open contact in series with another Store Not Immediate (STRNI) the specified discrete memory locations.
contact in a rung. Begins a rung/branch of logic with a normally closed contact. The Productivity
contact will be updated with the current input field status when Pop (POP) 3000
And Not (ANDN) processed in the program scan. Moves the value from the first level of the accumulator stack to the
Logically ands a normally closed contact in series with another accumulator and shifts each value in the stack up one level. Universal
contact in a rung Or Immediate (ORI) Field I/O
Connects a normally open contact in parallel with another contact. Out Least (OUTL)
And Bit-of-Word (ANDB) The contact will be updated with the current input field status DL06 Only. Copies the value in the lower 8-bits of the accumula- Software
DL06 Only. ands a normally open contact in series with another when processed in the program scan. tor to the lower 8-bits of a specified V-memory location
contact in a rung. C-More
Or Not Immediate (ORNI) Out Most (OUTM) HMI
And Not Bit-of-Word (ANDNB) Connects a normally closed contact in parallel with another con- DL06 Only. Copies the value in the upper 8-bits of the lower
DL06 Only. ands a normally closed contact in series with another tact. The contact will be updated with the current input field status accumulator word (1st 16 bits) to the upper 8 bits of a specified C-More Micro
contact in a rung. when processed in the program scan. V-memory location HMI
And Store (ANDSTR) And Immediate (ANDI) Output indexed (OUTX) ViewMarq
Logically ands two branches of a rung in series. Connects a normally open contact in series with another contact. DL06 Only. Copies a 16-bit value from the first level of the Industrial
The contact will be updated with the current input field status accumulator stack to a source address offset by the value in the Marquees
Or Store (ORSTR) when processed in the program scan. accumulator
Logically ors two branches of a rung in parallel. Other HMI
And Not Immediate (ANDNI) Logical Instructions (Accumulator)
Out (OUT) Connects a normally closed contact in series with another contact. Communications
Reflects the status of the rung (on/off) and outputs the discrete (on/ The contact will be updated with the current input field status And (AND)
off) state to the specified image register point or memory location. when processed in the program scan. Logically ands the lower 16 bits in the accumulator with a V Appendix
memory location. Book 1
Or Out(OROUT) Out Immediate (OUTI)
Reflects the status of the rung and outputs the discrete (ON/OFF) Reflects the status of the rung. The output field device status is And Double (ANDD) Terms and
state to the image register. Multiple OR OUT instructions referenc- updated when the instruction is processed in the program scan. Logically ands the value in the accumulator with an 8-digit con- Conditions
ing the same discrete point can be used in the program. stant or a value in two consecutive V‑memory locations.
Or Out Immediate (OROUTI)
Out Bit-of-Word (OUTB) Reflects the status of the rung and outputs the discrete (ON/OFF) And Formatted (ANDF)
DL06 Only. Reflects status of the rung (on/off) and outputs the dis- state to the image register. Multiple OR OUT instructions referenc- DL06 Only. Logically ands the value in the accumulator and a
crete (on/off) state to the specified bit in the referenced V-memory ing the same discrete point can be used in the program. The out- specified range of discrete memory bits (1-32)
location. put field device status is updated when the instruction is processed
in the program scan. And with stack (ANDS)
Not (NOT) DL06 Only. logically ands the value in the accumulator with the
Inverts the status of the rung at the point of the instruction. Set Immediate (SETI) first value in the accumulator stack
An output that turns on a point or a range of points. The reset
Positive differential (PD) instruction is used to turn the point(s) off that were set. The output Or (OR)
One-shot output coil. When the input logic produces an off to on field device status is updated when the instruction is processed in Logically ors the lower 16 bits in the accumulator with a V
ransition, the output will energize for one CPU scan. the program scan. memory location.
Store Positive Differential (STRPD) Reset Immediate (RSTI) Or Double (ORD)
Leading edge triggered one-shot contact. When the corresponding an output that resets a point or a range of points. The output field Logically ors the value in the accumulator with an 8-digit constant
memory location transitions from low to high, the contact comes device status is updated when the instruction is processed in the or a value in two consecutive V‑memory locations.
on for one CPU scan. program scan.
Or Formatted (ORF)
Store Negative Differential (STRND) Load Immediate (LDI) DL06 Only. Logically ors the value in the accumulator with a
Trailing edge triggered one-shot contact. When the corresponding DL06 Only. Loads the accumulator with the contents of a specified range of discrete bits (1-32)
memory location transitions from high to low, the contact comes 16-bit V-memory location. The status for each bit of the specified
on for one CPU scan. V-memory location is loaded into the accumulator. Typically used Or with Stack (ORS)
for input module V-memory addresses. Allows you to specify the DL06 Only. Logically ors the value in the accumulator with the
Or Positive Differential (ORPD) V-location instead of the X location and the number of points as first value in the accumulator stack
Logically ors a leading edge triggered one-shot contact in parallel with the LDIF.
with another contact in a rung. Exclusive Or (XOR)
Load Immediate Formatted (LDIF) Performs an Exclusive Or of the value in the lower 16 bits of the
Or Negative Differential (ORND) DL06 Only. Loads the accumulator with a specified number of accumulator and a V-memory location.
Logically ors a trailing edge triggered one-shot contact in parallel consecutive inputs. The field device status for the specified inputs
with another contact in a rung. points is loaded into the accumulator when the instruction is Exclusive Or Double (XORD)
executed Performs an Exclusive Or of the value in the accumulator and an
And Positive Differential (ANDPD) 8-digit constant or a value in two consecutive V‑memory locations.
Logically ands a leading edge triggered one-shot contact in series Out Immediate Formatted (OUTIF)
with another contact in a rung. DL06 Only. Outputs the contents of the accumulator to a speci- Exclusive Or Formatted (XORF)
fied number of consecutive outputs The output field devices are DL06 Only. Performs an exclusive or of the value in the accumu-
And Negative Differential (ANDND) updated when the instruction is processed by the program scan. lator and a range of discrete bits (1-32)
Logically ands a trailing edge triggered one-shot contact in series
with another contact in a rung. Timer, Counter, and Shift Register Instructions Exclusive Or with Stack (XORS)
DL06 Only. Performs an exclusive or of the value in the accumu-
Set (SET) Timer (TMR) lator and the first accumulator stack location
An output that turns on a point or a range of points. The reset Single input incrementing timer with 0.1 second resolution
instruction is used to turn the point(s) OFF that were set ON with (0-999.9 seconds) Compare (CMP)
the set instruction. Compares the value in the lower 16 bits of the accumulator with a
Fast Timer (TMRF) V-memory location.
Reset (RST) Single input incrementing timer with 0.01 second resolution
An output that resets a point or a range of points. (0-99.99 seconds) Compare Double (CMPD)
Compares the value in the accumulator with two consecutive
Set Bit-of-Word (SETB) Accumulating Timer (TMRA) V-memory locations or an 8-digit constant.
DL06 Only. Sets or turns on a bit in a V-memory location. Two input incrementing timer with 0.1 second resolution
(0-9,999,999.9 sec.). Time and enable/reset inputs control the Compare Formatted (CMPF)
Reset Bit-of-Word (RSTB) timer. DL06 Only. Compares the value in the accumulator with a speci-
DL06 Only. Resets or turns off a bit in a V-memory location. fied number of discrete locations (1-32)
Accumulating Fast Timer (TMRAF)
Pause outputs (PAUSE) Two input incrementing timer with 0.01 second resolution Compare with Stack (CMPS)
Disables the update for a range of specified output points. (0-99,999.99 sec.). Time and enable/reset inputs control the timer DL06 Only. Compares the value in the accumulator with the first
accumulator stack location
Comparative Boolean Instructions Counter (CNT)
Two input incrementing counter (0-9999). Count and reset inputs Compare Real Number (CMPR)
Store if Equal (STRE) control the counter. DL06 Only. Compares the real number in the accumulator with
Begins a new rung or additional branch in a rung with a normally two consecutive V-memory locations or a real number constant.
open comparative contact. The contact will be on when Stage Counter (SGCNT)
A = B. Single input incrementing counter (0-9999) RST instruction must
be used to reset count.
Store if Not Equal (STRNE)
Begins a new rung or additional branch in a rung with a normally Up Down Counter (UDC)
closed comparative contact. The contact will be on when A is Three input counter (0-99,999,999). Up, down and reset inputs
not equal to B. control the counter.
Or if Equal (ORE) Shift Register (SR)
Connects a normally open comparative contact in parallel with Shifts data through a range of control relays with each clock pulse.
another contact. The contact will be on when A = B. The data clock and reset inputs control the shift register.
Or if Not Equal (ORNE)
Connects a normally closed comparative contact in parallel with
another contact. The contact will be on when A is not equal to B.
And if Equal (ANDE)
Connects a normally open comparative contact in series with
another contact. The contact will be on when A = B. DL05 / DL06 PLCs eDS-99Book 1 (14.3)
Prices as of April 27, 2016. Check Web site for most current prices.
Instruction Set
Math Instructions (Accumulator) Multiply Top of Stack (MULS) Binary to Real Number (BTOR)
DL06 Only. Multiplies a 4-digit BCD value in the first level of the DL06 Only. Converts the binary value in the accumulator into a real
Add (ADD) accumulator stack by a 4-digit BCD value in the accumulator. The number. The result resides in the accumulator.
Adds a BCD value in the lower 16 bits in the accumulator with a V result resides in the accumulator
memory location. The result resides in the accumulator. Real to Binary (RTOB)
Divide by Top of Stack (DIVS) DL06 Only. Converts the real number in the accumulator into a
Add Double (ADDD) DL06 Only. Divides the 8-digit BCD value in the accumulator by the binary value. The result resides in the accumulator.
Adds a BCD value in the accumulator with two consecutive V 4-digit BCD value in the first level of the accumulator by the 4-digit
memory locations or an 8-digit constant. The result resides in the BCD value in the first level of the accumulator stack. The result Table Instructions
accumulator. resides in the accumulator Move (MOV)
Add Real Number (ADDR) Add Binary Top of Stack (ADDBS) Moves the values from one V memory table to another V memory
DL06 Only. Adds a real number in the accumulator with a real DL06 Only. Adds the binary value in the accumulator with the table.
number constant or a real number contained in two consecutive binary value in the first accumulator stack location. The result resides Move Memory Cartridge/Load Label (MOVMC/LDLBL)
V-memory locations. The result resides in the accumlator. in the accumulator DL05 Only. Copies data between V memory and program ladder
Subtract (SUB) Subtract Binary Top of Stack (SUBBS) Set Bit (SETBIT)
Subtract a BCD value, which is either a V memory location or a DL06 Only. Subtracts the binary value in the first level of the DL06 Only. Sets a single bit (to a 0) in a V-memory location.
4-digit constant from the lower 16 bits in the accumulator. The result accumulator stack from the binary value in the accumulator. The Reset Bit (RSTBIT)
resides in the accumulator. result resides in the accumulator DL06 Only. Resets a single bit (to a 0) in a V-memory location.
Subtract Double (SUBD) Multiply Binary Top of Stack (MULBS) Extended Table Instructions (DL06 only)
Subtracts a BCD value, which is either two consecutive V memory DL06 Only. Multiplies the 16-bit binary value in the first level of the Fill (FILL)
locations or an 8-bit constant, from a value in the accumulator. The accumulator stack by the 16-bit binary value in the accumulator. The
result resides in the accumulator. result resides in the accumulator Fills a table of specified V-memory locations with a value which is
either a V-memory location or a 4-digit constant.
Subtract Real Number (SUBR) Divide Binary Top of Stack (DIVBS) Find (FIND)
DL06 Only. Subtracts a real number, which is either two consecutive DL06 Only. Divides a value in the accumulator by the binary value Finds a value in a V-memory table and returns the table position
V-memory locations or an 8-digit constant, from the real number in in the top location of the stack. The accumulator contains the result containing the value to the accumulator.
the accumulator. The result resides in the accumlator. Find Greater Than (FDGT)
Transcendental Instructions (DL06 only) Finds a value in a V-memory table which is greater than the specified
Multiply (MUL) search value. The table position containing the value is returned to
Multiplies a BCD value, which is either a V memory location or a Square Root Real (SQRTR) the accumulator.
4-digit constant, by the value in the lower 16 bits in the accumulator. Takes the square root of the real number stored in the accumulator. Find Block (FINDB)
The result resides in the accumulator. The result resides in the accumulator. Finds a block of data values in a V-memory table and returns the
starting address of the table containing the values to the accumulator.
Multiply Double (MULD) Sine Real (SINR) Table to Destination (TTD)
Multiplies a BCD value contained in two consecutive V memory Takes the sine of the real number stored in the accumulator. The Moves the value from the top of a V-memory table to a specified
locations by the value in the accumulator. The result resides in the result resides in the accumulator. V-memory location. The table pointer increments each scan.
accumulator. Remove from Bottom (RFB)
Cosine Real (COSR) Moves the value from the bottom of a v-memory table to a specified
Multiply Real Number (MULR) Takes the cosine of the real number stored in the accumulator. The V-memory location. The table pointer increments each scan.
DL06 Only. Multiplies a real number, which is either two consecu- result resides in the accumulator. Source To Table (STT)
tive V-memory locations or a real number constant, by the real num- Moves a value from a specified V-memory location to a V-memory
ber in the accumulator. The result resides in the accumlator. Tangent Real (TANR) table. The table pointer increments each scan.
Takes the tangent of the real number stored in the accumulator. The Remove from Top (RFT)
Divide (DIV) result resides in the accumulator. Pops a value from the top of a V-memory table and stores it in a
Divides a BCD value in the accumulator by a BCD value which is specified V-memory location. All other values in the V-memory table
either a V memory location or a 4-digit constant. The result resides ARC Sine Real (ASINR) are shifted up each time a value is popped from the table.
in the accumulator. Takes the inverse sine of the real number stored in the accumulator. Add To Top of Table (ATT)
The result resides in the accumulator. Pushes a value from a specified V-memory location onto the top of a
Divide Double (DIVD) V-memory table. All other values in the V-memory table are shifted
Divides a BCD value in the accumulator by a BCD value which is ARC Cosine Real (ACOSR) down each time a value is pushed onto the table.
either two consecutive V memory locations or a 8-digit constant. The Takes the inverse cosine of the real number stored in the accumula- Table Shift Left (TSHFL)
result resides in the accumulator. tor. The result resides in the accumulator. Shifts s specified number of bits to the left in a V-memory table.
Table Shift Right (TSHFR)
Divides Real Number (DIVR) ARC Tangent Real (ATANR) Shifts a specified number of bits to the right in a V-memory table.
DL06 Only. Divides a real number in the accumulator by a real Takes the inverse tangent of the real number stored in the accumula- And Move (ANDMOV)
number which is either two consecutive V-memory locations or a tor. The result resides in the accumulator. Copies data from a table to the specified location, ANDing each
real number constant. The result resides in the accumlator. word with the accumulator data as it is written.
Bit Instructions (Accumulator) Or Move (ORMOV)
Increment (INC) Copies data from a table to the specified memory location, ORing
Increments a BCD value in a specified V memory location by 1 each Sum (SUM) each word with the accumulator data as it is written.
time the instruction is executed. Counts the number of bits set to “1” in the accumulator. The HEX Exclusive Or Move (XORMOV)
result resides in the accumulator.. Copies data from a table to the specified memory location, XORing
Decrement (DEC) each word with the accumulator data as it is written.
Decrements a BCD value in a specified V memory location by 1 Shift Left (SHFL) Swap (SWAP
each time the instruction is executed. Shifts the bits in the accumulator a specified number of places to Exchanges the data in two tables of equal length.
the left.
Add Binary (ADDB) Clock / Calender Instructions
Adds the binary value in the lower 16 bits of the accumulator to a Shift Right (SHFR) Date (DATE)
value which is either a V memory location or a 16-bit constant. The Shifts the bits in the accumulator a specified number of places to
result resides in the accumulator. the right. Use to set the date in the CPU.
Time (TIME)
Add Binary Double (ADDBD) Rotate Left (ROTL)
DL06 Only. Adds the binary value in the accumulator to a value Rotates the bits in the accumlator a specified number of places to Use to set the time in the CPU.
which is either two consecutive V-memory locations or a 32-bit con- the left.
stant. The result resides in the accumulator CPU Control Instructions
Rotate Right (ROTR) No Operation (NOP)
Subtract Binary (SUBB) Rotates the bits in the accumlator a specified number of places to
Subtract a 16-bit binary value, which is either a V memory location the right. Inserts a no operation coil at specified program address.
or a 16-bit constant, from the lower 16 bits in the accumulator. The End (END)
result resides in the accumulator. Encode (ENCO)
Encodes the bit position set to 1 in the accumulator, and returns the Marks the termination point for the normal program scan. An End
Subtract Binary Double (SUBBD) appropriate binary representation in the accumulator. instruction is required at the end of the main program body.
DL06 Only. subtracts a 32-bit binary value, which is either two con- Stop (STOP)
secutive V-memory locations or a 32-bit constant, from the value in Decodes (DECO) Changes the operational mode of the CPU from Run to Program
the accumulator. The result resides in the accumulator Decodes a 5 bit binary value (0-31) in the accumulator by setting the (Stop)
appropriate bit position to a 1. Reset Watchdog Timer (RSTWT)
Multiply Binary (MULB) Resets the CPU watchdog timer.
Multiples a 16-bit binary value, which is either a V memory location Number Conversion Instructions (Accumulator)
or a 16-bit constant, by the lower 16 bits in the accumulator. The Program Control Instructions
result resides in the accumulator. Binary (BIN) Goto Label (GOTO) (LBL)
Converts the BCD value in the accumulator to the equivalent binary
Divide Binary (DIVB) value. The result resides in the accumulator. Skips all instructions between the Goto and coresponding LBL
Divides the binary value in the lower 16 bits in the accumulator by a instructions. DL06 units only. Not available in DL05.
value which is either a V memory location or a 16-bit constant. The Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) For/Next (FOR/NEXT)
result resides in the accumulator. Converts the binary value in the accumulator to the equivalent BCD Executes the logic between the FOR and NEXT instructions a speci-
value. The result resides in the accumulator. fied number of times.
Increment Binary (INCB) Goto Subroutine (GTS/SBR/RT/RTC)
Increments a binary value in a specified V memory location by 1 Invert (INV) When a GTS instruction is executed the program jumps to the SBR
each time the instruction is executed. Takes the one’s complement of the 32-bit value in the accumulator. (Subroutine). The subroutine is terminated with a RT instruction
The result resides in the accumulator. (unconditional return). When a return is executed, the program
Decrement Binary (DECB) continues from the instruction after the calling GTS instruction. The
Decrements a binary value in a specified V memory location by 1 Ten’s Complement (BCDCPL RTC (Subroutine return conditional) instruction is used with an input
each time the instruction is executed. DL06 Only. Takes the 10’s complement (BCD) of the 8-digit contact to implement a conditional return from the subroutine.
accumulator. Master Line Set/Master Line Reset (MLS/MLR)
Add Formatted (ADDF) Allows the program to control sections of ladder logic by forming a
DL06 Only. Adds the BCD value in the accumulator to a value ASCII to HEX (ATH) new power rail. The MLS marks the beginning of a power rail and
which is a range of discrete bits (1-32). The result resides in the Converts a table of ASCII values to a table of hexadecimal values. the MLR marks the end of the power rail control.
HEX to ASCII (HTA) 1-800-633-0405
Subtract Formatted (SUBF) Converts a table of hexadecimal values to a table of ASCII values.
DL06 Only. Subtracts a BCD value which is a range of discrete bits
(1-32) from the BCD value in the accumulator. The result resides in Segment (SEG)
the accumulator DL06 Only. Converts four digit HEX value in accumulator to seven
segment display format.
Multiply Formatted (MULF)
DL06 Only. Multiplies a BCD value in the lower 16-bits in the accu- Gray Code to BCD (GRAY)
mulator by a BCD value which is a range of discrete bits (1-16). The Converts a 16-bit GRAY code value in the accumulator to a
result resides in the accumulator corresponding BCD value. The result resides in the accumulator.
Divide Formatted (DIVF) Shuffle Digits (SFLDGT)
DL06 Only. Divides the BCD value in the lower 16-bits in the accu- Shuffles a maximum of 8 digits, rearranging them in a specified order.
mulator by the BCD value which is a range of discrete bits (1-16). The result resides in the accumulator.
The result resides in the accumulator
Radian Real Conversion (RADR)
Add Top of Stack (ADDS) DL06 Only. Converts the real degree value in the accumulator
DL06 Only. Adds the BCD value in the accumulator with the BCD to the equivalent real number in radians. The result resides in the
value in the first level of the accumulator stack. The result resides in accumulator
the accumulator
Degree Real Conversion (DEGR)
Subtract Top of Stack (SUBS) DL06 Only. Converts the real radian value in the accumulator to
DL06 Only. Subtracts the BCD value in the first level of the accumu- the equivalent real member of degrees. The result resides in the
lator stack from the BCD value in the accumulator. The result resides accumulator
in the accumulator
eDS-100Book 1 (14.3) DL05 / DL06 PLCs