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Published by ryw39265, 2022-09-15 09:29:19




Members Advisor

1.Kitinan Suksuwan No.1 T.Sakpon Pongaksron
2.Wachirawit Unganothai No.9 T.Suraj Kumar Kamley
3.Napat Cheaubua No.26
4.Worachanok Palinyot No.29

This report is part of the Independent Study (I30201)
Semester 1 Year 2022

Rayongwittayakom School

Broccoli Powder

1.Kitinan Suksuwan No.1
2.Wachirawit Unganothai No.9
3.Napat Cheaubua No.26
4.Worachanok Palinyot No.29

T.Sakpon Pongaksron
T.Suraj Kumar Kamley
This report is part of the Independent Study (I30201)
Semester 1year 2022
Rayongwittayakom School

Class activity ( First ) on finding and
provide information on selected topic

(24 June 2022)


SCORE ____

NAME :_K_it_in_a_n__S_uk_s_u_w_a_n_ NICK NAME : _K_a_ot_o_o__ CLASS :4_/_18 NO. : _1__

STEP 1 : List one or more subtopics you wish to write or think .

Road sign
Water and garbage

TOPIC /TITLE NAME : B_r_o_c_co_l_i's__B_it_te_r_n_e_s_s _a_n_d_It__a_pp_earance
STEP 2 : Write down your topic idea ?

Make more people to eat broccoli
Reduce Broccoli's bitterness

STEP 3 : List some possible questions about your topic you might wish your
research focused on .

Why Broccoli's
Why Broccoli's is hard to eat
Why most people tend to not like broccoli

STEP 4 : Write down the possible notes or problem about your topic .

Broccoli's History
Broccoli characteristics


SCORE ____

NAME :W__a_ch_ir_a_w_it_U_n_g_a_no_t_hai NICK NAME : __Ja_i____ CLASS : _4/_18 NO. : __9_

STEP 1 : List one or more subtopics you wish to write or think .

Clean drinking water
Rodent infestation

TOPIC /TITLE NAME : ___B_it_te_rn_e_s_s_o_f_b_ro_c_co_l_i ______
STEP 2 : Write down your topic idea ?

How to reduce bitterness in broccoli

STEP 3 : List some possible questions about your topic you might wish your
research focused on .

How to reduce the bitterness of vegetable but still keep the properties of vegetable?
How to preserve the vegetable?
Which vegetable is bitter but contain many benefitial nutrition?
Why some kids or some people doesn't eat vegetable?

STEP 4 : Write down the possible notes or problem about your topic .

Basic characteristic of most green vegatable is bitterness and its smell(foul)


SCORE ____

NAME :______________ NICK NAME : _______ CLASS : __ NO. : ___
STEP 1 : List one or more subtopics you wish to write or think .

TOPIC /TITLE NAME : _______________________
STEP 2 : Write down your topic idea ?

STEP 3 : List some possible questions about your topic you might wish your
research focused on .

STEP 4 : Write down the possible notes or problem about your topic .


____ Group 5

NAME :Worachanok Palinyot NICK NAME : JaJa CLASS :M.4/18 NO. : 29


STEP 1 : List one or more subtopics you wish to write or think about .

School shooting
Overflowing waste
High- tech wheelchair
Fixing effects from acid rain
Reduce bitterness in vegetables

STEP 2 : Write down your topic idea ?

How to reduce bitterness in broccoli?

STEP 3 : List some possible questions about your topic you might
wish your research focused on .

Why should we reduce the bitterness of broccoli?
Who should we do it for?
How to reduce the bitterness of broccoli?

Class Activity Worksheet 1

(30 June 2022)

SCORE ____


NAME : W__o__ra__c_h_a_n_o_k__P__a_li_n_y_o_t_ NICK NAME : _J_a_j_a__________ CLASS : __4_/_1_8___NO. : __2__9___

Worksheet -1 ( IS )

Scope of the study of your Topic /Title

Title/Topic : ____Bi_tt_er_n_es_s_o_f _br_oc_c_ol_i

Group : _5_______________

Members :

1. _K_iti_na_n_S_uk_s_uw_a_n_1___________

2._W_a_c_hi_ra_w_it_U_ng_an_o_th_a_i 9_________

3._N_a_pa_t_C_hu_e_ab_u_e _26____________



Origin and Importance is dividing into 3 parts :


Quantitative :__5_00_g_o_f _br_oc_c_oli_/b_ag________________________________


Qualitative :_T_he_n_ew_b_ro_c_co_li _is_ra_th_er_s_we_e_t a_n_d _les_s_bi_tte_r _th_an_n_or_m_al_b_ro_cc_ol_i b_ut_s_till_fu_ll_of_n_ut_rie

_a_nd_a_ls_o _lo_ng_te_rm__st_or_ag_e_(p_re_se_rv_at_io_n)__________________________________

2. OPERTION PERIOD : _6_m_o_nt_hs____________________________
3. PLACE FOR OPERTION:_H_om_e_a_n_d_sc_h_oo_l_____________________

4. Tools OR Media to be used :





5 . Equipment Required :
1. _Br_o_co_lli__________________ 2._O_ve_n____________________
3._B_le_nd_e_r __________________4._Sm_a_ll_p_la_st_ic_s_ea_l _ba_g_s __________
5._P_o_t ____________________6._______________________

6. Educational process : _B_ro_c_co_li_is_a_g_o_od_s_o_ur_ce_o_f_im_p_or_ta_n_t n_u_tr_ie_nt_s _fo_r o_u_r _bo_dy.
_W_e _le_ar_n_th_e_p_ro_ce_s_s _of_m_a_ki_ng_v_eg_e_ta_b_le_p_ow_d_er_a_nd__de_hy_d_ra_te_d_ve_g_et_ab_le_s_. __________
7 .Benefits :
1. _Pe_o_pl_e_w_ho_d_o_n_ot_l_ik_e _br_oc_c_ol_i f_ro_m_it_s_a_pp_ea_r_an_ce__ca_n_e_at_it_________________
2._N_u_tri_en_t-_ri_ch_a_n_d_fu_ll_of_f_ib_re_. ___________________________________
3._G_re_a_t _so_ur_ce_o_f_c_al_ciu_m_,_vi_ta_m_in_K_, _vit_a_m_in_C_, c_h_ro_m_iu_m_a_nd_f_ol_at_e_a_nd_i_s _so_di_um__an_d_f_at_-f_re_e.
4._It_c_a_n _he_lp_l_ow_e_r _th_e_ri_sk_o_f _he_a_rt_d_ise_a_se_a_n_d _he_lp_f_ig_ht_a_ga_in_s_t c_a_nc_e_rs_.. ___________

8. Budget : _5_0_0_-_1_0_00__Ba_h_t _________________________________

9. Introduction

_B_r_oc_co_li_is_an_e_d_ibl_e _gr_ee_n _pla_n_t i_n _th_e _ca_bb_ag_e_fa_m_ily_w_h_os_e _lar_ge_f_low_e_rin_g_h_ea_d,_st_al_k _an_d _sm_a_ll _as_so_ci_at
lea_v_es_a_re_ea_te_n_a_s a_v_eg_e_ta_ble_. _Br_oc_co_li_ha_s_la_rg_e _flo_w_er_he_a_ds_, u_su_a_lly_d_ar_k g_re_e_n,_ar_ra_ng_ed_i_n _a t_re_e-_lik_e___

st_ruc_tu_re_b_ra_nc_h_ing_o_u_t f_ro_m_a_th_ic_k _sta_lk_w_h_ich_i_s _us_ua_lly_li_gh_t _gr_ee_n._A_se_rv_in_g _of_ra_w_b_ro_cc_ol_i p_ro_vi_de_s _a _ric_h _

so_ur_ce_o_f v_it_am_in_C__an_d_vi_ta_mi_n _K._R_aw_b_ro_cc_o_li _als_o_co_n_ta_ins_m_o_de_ra_te_a_m_ou_nt_s _of_se_ve_ra_l _B_vit_am_i_ns_a_nd_m_in_er

_T_he_re_s_til_l p_eo_p_le_w_ho_d_oe_sn_'t_w_an_t _to_e_at_br_oc_c_oli_b_ec_au_se_o_f _th_e _ta_ste_a_n_d _th_e a_p_pe_ar_an_ce_o_f _th_e _ve_ge_ta_bl_e.

Th_e _Ta_st_e _bu_d_of_s_om_e_p_eo_pl_e _is _m_ore_s_e_ns_iti_ve_th_a_n o_th_e_r a_n_d c_a_n _aff_ec_t _ho_w_p_eo_pl_e p_e_rc_eiv_e_di_ffe_re_nt_f_lav_or_s._


_W_e_'ve_a_s_ol_ut_io_n t_o_th_e_pr_ob_le_m_, b_y _m_ak_in_g v_e_ge_ta_bl_e p_o_wd_e_r o_ut_o_f b_ro_c_co_li _to_m_ak_e_it_e_as_ie_r f_or_pe_o_ple_t_o_eat.

10.Write down your abstract according to your topic
___Th_e_a_im_o_f _th_is_p_ro_je_ct_i_s _to_e_nc_o_ur_ag_e_p_eo_p_le_to__co_ns_u_m_e _m_or_e_ve_g_et_ab_le_s_. _________
_W_e _pr_ov_id_e_a_lte_rn_a_tiv_e_w_a_ys_f_or_c_hi_ld_re_n _an_d_p_eo_p_le_w_h_o _do_n_o_t l_ik_e_ve_g_et_ab_le_s_b_ec_a_us_e_of_i_ts___
_bit_te_rn_e_ss_t_o_ha_v_e _m_or_e_ch_o_ic_es_i_n _th_ei_r _di_et_, b_e_ca_u_se_v_eg_e_ta_bl_es_c_o_nt_ai_n_a_lo_t _of_n_ut_ri_en_ts_t_ha_t__
_ar_e _ne_c_es_sa_ry_i_n_ou_r_b_od_y._T_hi_s _pr_oj_ec_t_is_m_a_de__to_re_c_om_m_e_n_d _to_a_ny_b_od_y_w_h_o _do_e_sn_’t_li_ke_____
_ve_ge_ta_b_le_s _bu_t_a_lso_w_a_n_ts_a_h_ea_lt_hy_d_ie_t_o_r n_o_rm_a_l p_e_op_le_w_h_o_w_a_nt_t_o _try_n_e_w_th_in_g_s._______

Class Activity Worksheet 2

(7 July 2022)


SCORE ____ Date_______
NAME: _________________ NICK NAME: __________ CLASS: __M.4/18___NO.:_________

(Worksheet - 2 IS)

Origin and Importance of your Topic /Title
Title/Topic: __Bitterness of Broccoli___________

Group: ___5_____________
1. __Kitinan Suksuwan 1__
2.__Wachirawit Unganothai 9____
3.__Napat Chueabue 26___
4.__Worachanok Palinyot 29____

Teacher’s Name:
Subject: __IS__________________________
Year: ___2022___________________________
School Name : ___Rayongwittayakom School____________

Chapter-2: Documents related to the
study: Contents:
1. Concept / Information
2. Knowledge
3. Advantage and disadvantage
4. Useful and harmful
5. Guidance


1.1 Broccoli is an edible green plant in the cabbage family whose large flowering head, stalk
and small associated leaves are eaten as a vegetable. Broccoli has large flower heads,
usually dark green, arranged in a tree-like structure branching out from a thick stalk which is
usually light green. The mass of flower heads is surrounded by leaves. Broccoli resembles
cauliflower, which is a different but closely related cultivar group of the same Brassica

1.2 Making powdered broccoli. First dehydrate your broccoli either by using a dehydrator or
sun drying, and grind them into powder using a blender, Strain out the powder into a bowl,
take the larger bits and either use blend it again. Store in an airtight container. A mason jar, a
mylar storage bag, but not zip-top plastic bags as they do allow air to permeate over time.
You want to make sure that no air/moisture gets into your powder to allow it to clump or
degenerate. Store in a cool, dry, dark place.

1.3 Bitterness occurs when the broccoli heads become overripe or when they are cooked
improperly. Storing and preparing the broccoli correctly prevents the broccoli heads from
becoming bitter, as overcooking brings out the bitter flavor in broccoli.


2.1.The reason why broccoli tastes bitter, because broccoli contains glucosinolates,
Glucosinolates are biologically active compounds found in the Brassicaceae family of plants,
including broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, rapeseed, mustard, and horseradish, which makes
broccoli taste bitter. Recent studies have shown beneficial effects of glucosinolates,
including regulatory functions in inflammation, stress response, phase I metabolism, and
antioxidant activities, as well as direct antimicrobial properties. However, broccoli also has
thiocyanates. This compound is very dangerous because it leads to hyperthyroidism, and
due to which, you experience problems like weight gain, fatigue, hair loss, and a bloated
2.2. Making broccoli less bitter have multiple ways

2.2.1.There are a few dehydrating methods you can use. You can dehydrate broccoli
in a food dehydrator, in the oven, and in the sun. Aside from dehydrating broccoli, you can
also dehydrate the stems of it.

2.2.2.Turning broccoli into “powdered” broccoli, making broccoli into powder won't
disturb any beneficial nutrients, it still has sources of calcium, vitamin K, vitamin C,
chromium and folate.
These two methods are some kind of making dried food and it does not taste the same as
fresh food does but still has the same source of nutrients, just some of the nutrients could be
reduced such as vitamins A and C may be reduced but mostly will remain the same.

3.Advantage and disadvantage

1.Still full of beneficial nutrients such as calcium, vitamin K, vitamin C, chromium,
folate, iron.
2.Saving time for cooking.
1.Procedure to make the broccoli powder is complicated including extraneous
variables and an uncontrollable environment which affect the procedure.
2.high cost due to its procedure.
4.Useful and harmful
1.Easier for kids and people who do not like broccoli from its appearance, its specific
taste also its specific smell.
2.Help people reach their nutrition goal.
3.Easier for digestion and absorption.
1.Consuming too much can cause side effects.
2.Consuming too much, the throat might feel dry because it’s in the form of powder.
Sprinkle it on rice, meat, noodles, pasta or snacks to add flavor and having benefit

from broccoli powder or can be used for decorating and adding color to food

Once opened, it should be completely closed. Recommended to store in the

refrigerator in the normal compartment after opening. It will help the product to be crispy,

fragrant, delicious, not rancid. In case of traveling, it can be carried around.

Unit-3 Methodology class Activity

(4 august 2022)

a)Material required



Food processor (Blender)

Container (Jar)

Parchment paper

Baking tray



1.Clean the broccoli selected for dehydration
Cosmetic perfection is unnecessary but trim off any damaged, bruised areas.

2.Blanch the broccoli to preserve color.

3.Slices the broccoli rather than chop
Slicing the broccoli is easier than hard chunks to grind into powder.

4.Spread the slices onto a lined dehydrator shelf.
Caution:During the dehydration process the material should not overlap.This

will be difficult to continue the next process because all material wouldn't be
completely dehydrated.When dehydration is completed, allow the slices of broccoli to
cool down before grinding them in a blender.

5.Use a sieve (a fine mesh strainer) to sift the material after dehydrating it
Put the larger pieces left behind through a second grind.

6.Spread the mixture on a baking tray lined with parchment paper.
Baked at 150 ํc , until it’s dry and slightly crispy about 1 hour.

7.Once the vegetables are cool down use a food processor (or blender) and blitz
them until we get a crumbled powder

8.Cook them in low heat in a pan, stirring occasionally to prevent sticking.
This process helps broccoli powder keep drying, it's the key to extended

storage life of all dried food.
During this process you can add herbs, also seasoning to add flavor.

Homemade broccoli powder, free of preservatives and less sodium.

The broccoli powder can be stocked for up to 3 month or you can open a jar and
readily identify it by smell. It's still good or not.If you have noticed it is losing its color
then it’s time to make a new broccoli powder

The broccoli powder can be stored in an airtight container (or airtight glass
jar), keeping it away from light or moisture.

Satisfaction Form

(18 august 2022)

Name : ____________________________________________
Part 1 Satisfaction of the Broccoli powder

Note: Mark X in the Box to complete the Broccoli powder satisfaction form.

Status Teacher Student Others

Class M1 - M3 M4 - M6 Others

* Note: 5 = Highly Satisfied / 4 = Satisfied / 3 = Slightly Satisfied / 2 = Dissatisfied / 1 = Highly Dissatisfied sudๆ

No. Question Satisfaction Level
5432 1

1 Are you satisfied with the taste of
the broccoli?

2 Are you satisfied with the
appearance of the broccoli?

3 Are you satisfied with the quality of
the broccoli?

4 Are you willing to buy this product?

5 Does this product suit your daily life

6 Smell of the broccoli powder

Additional opinion : _________________________________________________________

Flowchart and Researcher Profile

(25 august 2022)

Broccoli Powder Why do people don't Most people don't like Broccoli will be easier
like broccoli their appearance to eat

Materials Make plan
Budget Prepare materials

Process Making broccoli
Yes No
Check if the taste of

broccoli is match
what we've planned

Student Researcher Profile

Name:Kitinan Suksuwan
Nickname: Kaotoo
Age: 16
Class: M 4/18
Number: 1
Tel: 0952513750

Email: [email protected]
Birthdates: 07/07/2006

Hobbies: Video editing, Make music, listen to music, watch video
Interests: Graphic designing, Music producing

Student Researcher Profile
Name:Wachirawit Unganothai

Nickname: Jai

Email:[email protected]
Hobbies:Playing game
Interests:Games, Pets

Student Researcher Profile

Name:Napat Cheaubua
Nickname: Fourth

Email:[email protected]

Hobbies:listening to music, watching movies, drawing, traveling, shopping.
Interests:Science, Music

Student Researcher Profile

Name:Worachanok Palinyot
Nickname: JaJa

Email:[email protected]

Hobbies:Play video games, play instruments and listen to music.

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