Technology in
the Classroom
Students don’t care about how much you know until you show how much you care.
Shannon Ostler
Education 243
Doctor Marshall
Exclusive: A look into iPads within the classroom! Page 7
April 1, 2019 1
Education 243
Technology Within the Classroom
Shannon Ostler
April 1st, 2019
Doctor Marshall
Brigham Young University Idaho
April 1, 2019 2
Table of Contents
Cover page………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…….1
Title page………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……..2
Table of Contents…………………………………………………………………………………………………….3
Author page………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………4
Current Trend Article……………………………………………………………………………………….……….7
Back page……………………………………………………………………………………………………….….…….17
April 1, 2019 3
About the Author
Shannon Ostler is an avid learner and enthusiast for creating and exploring new ways to
teach and improve the education system. She grew up in a charming outdoor recreational town
located in Oregon, where she gained and developed a deep appreciation for nature. Shannon
has had many opportunities to travel, learn and experience new cultures. She has lived in four
different countries around the globe; including, England, Abu Dhabi, Argentina and the United
States. From exploring these different beautiful countries, her vision and perspective expanded
and she understood the importance of diversity and cultural preservation.
Shannon discovered she wanted to be a teacher while serving an 18-month
humanitarian church mission in Argentina. Shannon enjoyed teaching and learning from the
beautiful and humble children of Argentina and found teaching the English language was a
passion. She saw first-hand how knowledge and the ability to learn new information and skills
can transform the lives of many. The more knowledge a person obtains whether it be from a
formal education system or learning from a friend, the more that person will be able to help
other and benefit society as a whole.
Shannon received a Minor in art illustration and ceramics from New York University-
Abu Dhabi. She is currently pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education and a Minor
in Spanish from BYU-Idaho. She hopes to live in Alaska and teach Spanish-immersion programs
upon graduating. Along with that, she hopes to publish her illustrated children’s picture book
about otters.
When not in the classroom, Shannon enjoys rock climbing, mountain biking, skiing,
flying and exploring the mountains with her husband, Ben. She also loves traveling, pottery,
reading, playing the guitar, singing, and drawing. Her passion and love for learning and teaching
carries into all facets of her life and inspires her to be a better person and teacher.
Shannon currently resides in Idaho with her husband, living the good life. (317 words)
April 1, 2019 4
The following article outlines the debate on whether incorporating technology into the
classroom is essential to a student’s learning. The author interviews two elementary school
teachers who have vastly different opinions on the matter. Mrs. Swenson a third grader teacher
believes that technology is a great incentive for students, and can motivate young learners to
pay better attention during lecture and instruction time. Mrs. Shaner, however, is of the
opinion that there is too much emphasis placed on technology and that it has the capability to
serve more as a distraction rather than a tool of learning.
The scholarly article, “Opening the case of the iPad” outlines the perspective that there
have been many great examples of success, where technology is used within the classroom.
However, the debate on whether it’s the best method for teachers to use is still up for debate.
There are predictions that paper books will simply be a way of the past and be replaced with
tablets and all the other technology reading devices on the market. There are many current
ongoing researches being done on using iPads in the higher education sector. Since iPads have
been released by the powerhouse technology company, Apple, this new technology has been
swiftly adapted everywhere. The younger generation and professionals have found ways to
implement the iPad to be useful in their lives. Within this study, it was discovered that students
have more positive experiences with the iPad than the teacher. Students believe that the iPad
has enhanced their learning experience overall.
April 1, 2019 5
There are an abundant amount of research projects currently occurring, however the
information and data has proven to be not completely ready. Using iPads within the classroom
can be controversial, and the opinions and experiences will differ from each teacher. However,
using iPads with moderation and wisdom can help further a student’s learning experience, and
can be used as a great incentive.
April 1, 2019 6
Are iPads Necessary for the Classroom?
In this exciting 21st century, where good and necessary skill to have in this day
new technological advances are being and age, these teachers believe that student’s
developed and created daily; many teachers main focus should be on the core academic
are using tablets, iPad, laptops, televisions subjects of math, science, and writing.
and computers to further a student’s learning
and progress in a subject. However, many
educators are still skeptical, and prefer old-
school teaching methods. Along with that,
many educators view new technology as
distractions rather than a service in the
classroom. This demands the question, are I interviewed a third-grade
iPads necessary for the classroom? elementary school teacher on this
controversial topic and he offered a new
According to Laura Northrop and light and perspective on the subject. Mrs.
Erin Killeen (both elementary-school Swenson has been teaching for ten years,
teachers), the adoption of iPads into the and has found that using technology in the
classroom comes with many concerns. They classroom is a great way to encourage and
worry that the young students are becoming motivate students. Many of his young
more proficient with technology rather than students enjoy using the school-provided
literacy concepts. Although being tablets and headphones. He went on to say
technologically skilled and advanced is a
April 1, 2019 7
that using technology is a great reward if the effects children and their learning behaviors
students listen during the lecture and are and habits. She is very concerned and
obedient to instructions. Mr. Swenson also worried that student’s minds now wander
mentioned that there are many school more easily and that they have shorter
approved games that allow students to attention spans since they are used to
practice their math and reading skills in a instantly being entertained from movies,
fun and interesting way; which makes games, apps, television shows and video
learning more enjoyable for the students. games. Mrs. Shaner went on to say, “all this
According to this teacher, technology opens media exposure makes attending school and
more doors to learning since not all students staying focused that much more difficult. I
do well with lecture. I found this believe that school is a good opportunity for
information very useful and have seen first- these students to have a media cleanse and
hand how excited students get when they are to learn exclusively from books and through
allowed to play a math game on their tablets, interactive games. This type of learning has
and found that many of them scored higher proven to be most productive and doesn’t
on their math quizzes after practicing with require any technology.”
this game.
Hearing two vastly different
I went on to interview another perspectives on the technology debate led
elementary school teacher based out of
Hood River, Oregon. Mrs. Shaner has been April 1, 2019 8
teaching kindergarten for the past fifteen
years. She has seen how much technology
has advanced over the years and how this
me to research more extensively on the popular as 1:1 devices in many classrooms,
subject. According to Cathy Burnett and enabling teachers to implement pedagogies
Guy Merchant, the debate continues about that will enhance student learning. Such
how to harness digital literacies so students mobile tools offer many affordances which
can learn proficiently from them. The can increase student motivation and
article, “Opening the Case of the iPad” autonomy.” This quote exemplifies that
outlines how educators and researchers iPads can be very useful in the classroom
communicate in local and global spaces on and give students more motivation and
ways of redefining core reading and literacy excitement about learning new information
skills through screen-based technology. on different subjects. This article outlines a
There have been many success stories on study collecting data, stories and
using iPads and technology in the information on four schools and how iPads
classroom, however there are still many on pedagogy and the changes that took
burning questions and issues of what works place. The growth and changes were very
best. Reimagining literacy future is easy to evident from this study. Bruce White
do with all the technological advances. explained, “using multiple data collection
Some predict that paper books will be a way techniques, the study has shown that there
of the past within the next twenty years, and have been some changes in teachers’
that iPads, kindles and tablets will replace pedagogy that lead to increased
books altogether. collaboration, communication, student self-
reliance and the development of authentic
While reading the article, “Emerging experiences. However, more time and
pedagogies for the use of iPads in schools”, professional learning are needed to bring
Ruth Geer argues that “iPads are becoming
April 1, 2019 9
about a transformation in pedagogy across papers collected. The results show that the
the school.” reported studies are at an early exploratory
stage from both the student and staff
I continued to research this highly perspectives.” The article goes on to
debated subject and found another article, describe that the student perspective differs
“iPads in higher education—Hype and from the teacher. Students found that the
hope.” Within this interesting and well- iPad enhanced the learning experience,
written article, I learned and discovered that however this didn’t necessarily lead to better
there are many current and ongoing research learning outcomes. The teacher/staff’s
projects on using iPads in the higher perspective was that the iPad offers benefits
education sector. Siew Mee Barton associated with electronic information
explained “since the release of iPads by dissemination and professional development
Apple in 2010, this new technology has been support. Linh Thuy Nguyen described
quickly adopted everywhere, especially by “finding the similarities and common
the younger generation and professionals. perspective between the students and the
We were motivated to find out how iPads teachers/staff is that while the iPad has the
have been adopted for use in the higher potential to offer benefits to the academics
education sector. We searched for and and the students who were found to be eager
collected all the peer-reviewed publications adopters of this technology, it is not clear
in conference proceedings and scholarly how to best align and integrate it within the
journals in EBSCOhost, Scopus, Informit academic programs and workflows, and how
A+ Education, ProQuest Academic best to manage it as a resource within a
Research Library and Google Scholar, and university’s organizational setting.” From
conducted a content analysis of the full-text
April 1, 2019 10
this article, I learned that there are many learning and are a great way to reward
ongoing studies on this subject, however the students for behaving well and listening.
information and data isn’t completely ready. (1,222 words)
Using iPads in the classroom is a
very controversial subject, and the opinions
differ from teacher to teacher. However, the
main discovery and consensus I have found
it that if iPads are used with moderation and
wisely, they can help further a student’s
April 1, 2019 11
Works Cited
Ipads in Higher Education-hype and Hope
Lemai Nguyen-Siew Barton-Linh Nguyen -
Emerging Pedagogies For the Use Of Ipads in Schools
Ruth Geer-Bruce White-Yvonne Zeegers-Alan Barnes- Wing Au -
A Framework For Using Ipads To Build Early Literacy Skills
Laura Northrop-Erin Killeen -
Teaching Young Readers To Navigate a Digital Story When Rules Keep Changing
Kristin Javorsky-Guy Trainin -
Opening the Case Of the Ipad: What Matters, and Where Next?
Cathy Burnett-Guy Merchant -
April 1, 2019 12
The Apple iPad can only
enhance your teaching
iPads starting at $200
April 1, 2019 13
Sharon Perry (3rd Grade Teacher at however I see the benefits of leaving the
Westside Elementary- Hood River, Oregon) computers in a lab.
Bachelors obtained from Portland State
University Q: What are some limits to digital literacy?
Q: Is it important that students like you? Some students are better at using
technology than communicating with
people in front of them. This is a huge limit.
I believe that forming a healthy and an
appropriate relationship with your Q: What changes would you like to see
students is fundamental for making your within the education system?
classroom atmosphere feel safe and
inviting. By having your students respect I hope that the next generation of teachers
and like you as their teacher, they will be are compensated better for all the hard-
more likely to open up if there are issues work that is put into teaching.
in their home or life. Along with that, the
students will feel more comfortable in
the classroom and know that it’s okay to Terry Vann (Former principal at Maystreet
make mistakes. Yes, it is an important Elementary- Hood River, Oregon) Bachelor
goal of mine to have my students like in Education obtained from Oregon State
me. University, Masters in Ministration from
University of Oregon
Q: What do you enjoy most about your job?
Q: Is it important that students like you?
I enjoy teaching my students and watching
their growth throughout the school year. A part of the job as principal was to gain the
Another thing I enjoy about teaching is that trust and form healthy relationships with
each day is different and your students students and the community; so yes, it was
always bring something new to the table; it an important aspect.
keeps you on your toes.
Q: What do you enjoy most about your job?
I enjoyed the satisfaction that comes in
Q: Would you want to integrate technology helping children further their education and
into the classroom or strictly leave it in the discover new things.
computer lab?
Q: Would you want to integrate technology
I have a few computers within the into the classroom or strictly leave it in the
classroom, which has proven to be helpful, computer lab?
April 1, 2019 14
I personally believe that leaving technology Q: Would you want to integrate technology
in a computer lab is beneficial, and saves into the classroom or strictly leave it in the
money for the school district. computer lab?
That would be awesome, it’s just hard to
Q: What are some limits to digital literacy? get funding to have that many computers
within each classroom. It’s doable to not
Some students and people in general have technology in the classroom, however
struggle with working with technology; this there are many positives to having that kind
doesn’t signify that they are slow or dumb. of access.
There is a huge emphasis put on digital
literacy in this day and age, and although Q: What are some limits to digital literacy?
it’s important, it shouldn’t take away from
the core subjects taught in school. I honestly don’t see any limits. Technology
is our current reality and the way of the
future, the more well-versed students are in
Q: What changes would you like to see technology the better.
within the education system?
Q: What changes would you like to see
I would like to see that classrooms are within the education system?
smaller, so that teachers can better have
control of classrooms. I would like teachers to be paid better and
to have more support from the community.
David Hornbeck (Biology High School Being a teacher is a hard job with many
Teacher- Provo, Utah) Bachelor Degree rewards, however the pay could be better.
obtained from BYU
Luis Gonzales (Spanish Immersion Teacher,
Q: Is it important that students like you? Anchorage Alaska)
Not necessarily, my job is to teach my Q: Is it important that students like you?
students important concepts pertaining to
science. However, having respectful Extremely! Having a good relationship with
relationships is important. students is crucial!
Q: What do you enjoy most about your job? Q: What do you enjoy most about your job?
I like the schedule of being a teacher, and I enjoy teaching Spanish and seeing my
being able to impact young student’s lives students progress in the language, it’s a
for the better. beautiful thing to witness.
April 1, 2019 15
Q: Would you want to integrate technology
into the classroom or strictly leave it in the Q: What do you enjoy most about your job?
computer lab? I enjoy spending time with children and
teaching them important lessons such as
We have I-pads and tablets within the math, and how to be better people!
classroom, which has proven to be helpful
when playing educational games. Q: Would you want to integrate technology
Integrating technology into the classroom into the classroom or strictly leave it in the
only helps with the learning process. computer lab?
Q: What are some limits to digital literacy? With really young students, having
technology in the classroom isn’t essential.
It’s easy for students to become distracted If I only have access to a computer lab, it
with digital literacy; which has sometimes wouldn’t be the end of the world.
made teaching difficult because you’re in a
battle competing for attention. Q: What are some limits to digital literacy?
Q: What changes would you like to see There is a huge emphasis placed on digital
within the education system? literacy that I think is unnecessary.
Technology is important but it won’t ever
I hope to see that tax-payers will replace the importance of knowing how to
consistently vote for improvements to the read and write well.
school system, this is crucial to bettering
schools. Q: What changes would you like to see
within the education system?
Aubrey Kellen (College Student at BYU- My sincere hope is that teachers will
Idaho- Elementary Education Major) eventually be paid more for what they’re
doing. Teachers are extremely undervalued
Q: Is it important that students like you? which reflects how much America cares
about the upcoming generation’s
Yes, this helps bring a nice atmosphere and education!
vibe into the classroom.
April 1, 2019 16
April 1, 2019 17