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Published by Sofia Ortiz, 2019-04-01 03:58:42




Importance of technology in a classroom.

By Sofia Ortiz



Importance of Technology in a Classroom
Sofia Ortiz

Brigham Young University Idaho


5……………………………………………………………………………………. Authors page
6…………………………………………Abstract for Importance of Technology in a Classroom
7………………………………………………………Importance of Technology in a Classroom

Authors page

My name Sofia Ortiz, I am from New Orleans, Louisiana. I am currently studying in Brigham
Young University- Idaho, this is my second year. For the first year of my college experience I was
studying Pre-Med. I then realized that the career that I actually wanted to do was teaching. I
wanted to become a teacher instead of a doctor, I know that changing my major was one of the
best decisions that I ever made. I love kids and the passion that I receive when helping them out
and I see the benefit of having teachers and the benefits in needing teacher. I also have an
emphasis in English, I think that having this emphasis because I have learned more about the
English language then I ever thought before, I have seen the amazing benefit of having an English
minor because I have seen the importance in seeing the benefits in the English language.

My philosophy on education would be that children need to feel the love of the teacher so that
the children can know that they care and actually try in the class. I often feel that many children
feel the love of a teacher, they tend to do better in school. In my honest opinion because they
are receiving the support that they need. I have seen the benefit in having the teachers love in
my life. I have gained the impact on hoe beneficiate it is to have a teacher that actually cares for
ones needs. This early practicum has thought me that my philosophy of education is correct that
students need that love from teachers. Being raised from a Latino household I have seen the
opportunity in having had knowledge of both languages I can help my students in the future with
both cultural backgrounds, it will help give my students more things to bond with me about. (316)


The world is constantly changing and the evolving. We were in a time where computers and
phones, weren’t that common and now we walk outside and their one of the first things we see
in someone’s hand. Technology is changing so much, it’s important that we teach the future
leaders of this world how to use these resources. In being in a 21st century classroom I can see
that the students, like using the computers to do some of their assignments, and they know how
to manage them well.
There are many different reasons in why adults don’t want children to use the internet, some
think that it is a distraction. Others believe that having children learn technology in the classroom
helps them, be comfortable with technology constantly changing. Once these kids are older, they
will be able to manage technology well.
I have been a classroom where technology and computers have been a very important part of
the school’s environment and the school’s culture. These are good ways to have the children
get interested in learning the good way in using technology to further their knowledge. This will
also allow students, to have this technology habits in their home. This way the children can go
home and continue to use the classroom apps at home. This can help these children continue
to learn and help them be more advanced in school.
When it comes to technology and children, technology can have a positive effect on students
especially young children. This will allow them to continue to learn even when at home, it will
also allow them to be grateful for the opportunity to use and keep using the information taught
in the classroom. This will allow the students, to have a greater and deeper understanding for
technology, this will allow parents to have their student continue to learn while at home. (313)


The importance of having technology in a use the devices and willing to be taught and
classroom have an appropriate mindset that they
need. A teacher must have the trust of the
The 21st century is so different now a days students when letting the children use the
compared to the past times. We have so devices. Getting familiar with technology,
many resources available to us, such as the while these children are young, can help
internet. We have the resources that we them obtain the knowledge that they need
have not been exposed to before, for in order to be successful on the future. the
example the many applications that you can the the the the the the the the the the the
use in the classroom to have group the the
involvement. In modern day schools, we
have the benefit of having computers in all Another reason why students need
schools. Not only that, but we have the technology in the classroom, “integrating
resources to have a computer for each technology in education helps students stay
student. the engaged. Most students today have been
using mobile devices like tablets and
There are many benefits in having the smartphones to play and learn since they
internet available to students and children could crawl” (Wainwright, 2012). So, it only
in certain situations. In many situations, seems logical to align today’s classrooms
computers and electronics can be a good with today’s society. Its important that we,
thing. “if used correctly, mobile devices and as teacher, tend to the social norms,
the applications they support, will help Children now a days are very interested in
students for their future careers” technology, giving them an opportunity to
(Wainwright, 2012). If students are able to


learn and have the knowledge about these the
things can strengthen their understanding
about it. It can also cause the students to be Many times, in using electronic devices,
more interested in learning of there are this could be a way that students become
gadgets in front of them. It is easier to learn more active in the classroom, some
the importance of technology and gain the students tend to focus more and have a
trust from your students if you let them better understanding of certain things. I
demonstrate this to you. The the the the know that many times when I was in school
the the the or even doing my practicum, when I got the
opportunity to I noticed that the children
In an average school setting the average just loved the opportunity to even get to
technology use in a classroom would be, 80 use the computer and the internet devices.
percent. This is a very well-rounded statistic The the the the the the the the the
about how many teachers are incorporating “technology brings the new system of
technology in their lesson’s. In figure 1, you learning where the teacher could be the
can see that the children are rapidly and coach, adviser and encourages. It opens a
steadily at work with their computers. We
also see that this group of students are
more on the older end, these children are in
high school and so this would take a lot of
time and relationship building for the
teachers to trust her students. The the the
the the the the the the the the the the the


lot of advantages comparing to the old
passive studying system” (Geets, 2018). This
is a different and more twenty-first century
for the classroom and the children to be
learning with technology. I think, that it is
very smart that teachers confirm to society,
many kids just stay at home and are on
their devices anyways, so they should be
learning how to use their devices in a good

e way instead of just wasting time. What
what what what what what what what
what what

In figure two, we see a chart of how many
kids have phones, the chart is older but, it
can work. Many times as parents and
babysitters and just people with small kids,
we tend to give up the fact that children
shouldn’t be in that much contact with
phones and the internet, especially small


children. The number of children getting
phones are increasing, its important for not
only teachers to be aware of this but also
the parents of these children. The the the

It’s important for small children to do “There are many who feel that technology
something other than be on the phone or can create a classroom environment devoid
tablet, too much technology is never good of human connection” (Fedna, 2018). Many
for a small growing child. I have seen the times, parents and guardians tend to see
benefit in setting specific schedules for the negative effects about the internet in a
children so that they can know when they classroom, I think that many times we as
are allowed and not allowed to use the humans tend not to look at the bigger
devices after a certain time or after a picture which is, that this can be a way that
certain number of hours. Figure 3, a small the students connect to one-another. I have
child on a device. The the the the the the noticed that children tend to be happier
the the the the the the the the the the the and tend to talk about the fun that they’re
the the the the having in their classes. Also, there are many
good apps, that the teacher can include so
that these children can work as a group, so
that they can be socially active with one


In conclusion, the teacher will never not also given me the opportunity to make my
teach her class, these classes will always be own conclusions about technology. (1014)
interactive with one another. The classes
will most likely be lectured based and have
the opportunity to improve themselves
with the use of technology. This article has
given me the opportunity in reading and
researching more about this subject. It has


Fedena. “Technology in The Classroom: Decoding the Pros and Cons.” Fedena Blog, 27 July
Ayres, Crystal. “12 Pros and Cons of Technology.”,
Wainwright, Ashley. “How Technology in the Classroom Is Affecting Education
[Infographic].” WiFi as a Service - Secure WiFi Subscriptions - SecurEdge Networks,


Interview much rather work on a computer
Teacher: Kelsey Stoker, Teacher at
Teton Elementary, Teton Idaho, than on paper!
Bachelor’s degree.
3.) How have you seen technology
1.) What’s the importance in
having technology in a being misused?
Sometimes my students think
The amount of resources available on
technology for students is amazing! that technology is cheap and not
Not only do we use it as a way to take
state standardized tests, we use a big deal if it is treated
technology every day for interventions
and tracking. We use Chromebooks for poorly. So physically they can
about 30 min a day on intervention
programs such as Iready and Istation. sometimes misuse them because
These programs help the district place they didn’t pay for it or
students in their appropriate tier level their parents didn’t pay for it .
and let the teacher know what Overall, technology isn’t
interventions or lessons need
to be taught to improve typically misused for me in my
students’ scores. Technology is also
interesting and grabs student attention classroom and grade levels I
when displaying or giving lessons.
teach. Sometimes my students
2.) How do you keep technology
from becoming a distraction think they can use the
to students?
Close monitoring. The kids chrome books to look up
don’t get to “play” on them
often. They know that if they are answers. I try to help them
caught doing something that
isn’t appropriate then they lose mentally think through it, before
the opportunity to work they just “google” the answer! I
on it. Kids love learning and
working on technology. So if I have only had one bad incident
make sure to set strict
boundaries as to how they can where I caught a 4 th
use them then distractions rarely
happen. They would grader of mine watching video

gamers on youtube.

4.) Which online resources have

you seen work the best?

I love super teachers worksheets,
they have great activities for any
type of math. Accelerated Reading is
also a wonderful tool for tracking
books and points on reading.
Reading counts is the program that
replaced our Accelerated Reading
program. I don’t love it but it does
its job.
I ready – intervention
Istation – intervention I’ve used in
the 4 different school districts I have
worked in

IMPORTANCE OF TECHNOLOGY IN A CLASSROOM and to have it use all the rich
educational tools the internet
Seesaw -This is the kids favorite to has to offer.
get onto. You can do many activities 2.) How do you keep
and discussions on this program. technology from becoming
Prezi is a fun presentation app that a distraction to students?
is simple for children to use I think that is important to
Idaho state standards- I use this have set times that
website for all of my lesson technology is used and still
planning! Great stuff! teach children to learn and be
engaged without it.
5.) What are the benefits in 3.) How have you seen
having a device per child? technology being misused?
Sharing a device with children is I have seen teachers solely
nearly impossible. Fighting and rely on technology to teach
arguing almost always all lessons. Students can
occurs. Everyone wants to type! become distracted while
Or you have a student who does working on an assignment
nothing while the and search the internet for
other student/students doing all inappropriate things.
the work. Having a device per 4.) Which online resources
child allows us to do the have you seen work the
programs we need and the best?
district requires. We are also YouTube for educational
able to complete things videos to introduce concepts,
muuuuch faster than if we were educational apps. My
sharing. I can’t imagine sharing personal favorite is
devices with all the kids, My favorite
in the school to try and do state teacher website is
testing and interventions.
5.) What are the benefits in
Pre-School Teacher: Brooke having a device per child?
Thompson, Teacher at Busy The benefit for each child
Bee Academy Corona, having a device is that
California, Bachelor’s Degree. children can work at their
1.) What’s the importance in own pace and also learn to
navigate technology on their
having technology in a own.
classroom? Substitute Teacher: Brandi
It is important to have Pricer, Citris Hill middle
technology in the classroom
to teach students how to use
it benefits their education


school, Corona, California, 4.) Which online resources
Bachelor’s Degree.
have you seen work the
1.) What’s the importance

in having technology in I personally like using

a classroom?,

When I taught, we only and many more. I have

had one computer and we seen the benefits in
didn’t even have a T.V.
Kids didn’t have cell having these technology

resources in the

phones. But that one time classroom.

that I was working in a 5.) What are the benefits in

school where technology having a device per

was available the results child?

were great. I think that having a

2.) How do you keep device per child is crucial

technology from the children need to have

becoming a distraction something that is for them

to students? and the time that it will

I think that when having take out of learning time

technology in a for the children to share
devices wouldn’t really
classroom, there should

be mutual respect present, be useful.

when the children are Pre-School Aid:

using the devices. Set Guadalupe Perez,

ground rules and if they Child’s World Learning

are broken the student get Center, Harvey, LA,

consequences that both Associate Degree

the teacher and student 1.) What’s the

set in place. importance in having

3.) How have you seen technology in a

technology being classroom?
In today’s world

I have seen technology having technology in

being misused by classrooms, is so

children when they are provident and

playing games or not teaching kids how to

paying attention to the use the technology

correct application they would me important.

are supposed to be on. 2.) How do you keep

technology from


becoming a Parent: Johana

distraction to Ortiz, Registered
Nurse, Bachelor’s

I personally just degree.
1.) What’s
observe my students the

and make sure I am importance in having

constantly walking technology in a

around. I have seen the classroom?

benefit in always I think that society is

paying attention to the changing so much and

children. children need to be

3.) How have you seen able to continue to

technology being learn about

misused? technology.

I have seen some kids 2.) How do you keep

being on their technology from

computer or tablet and becoming a

not focusing on the distraction to

right things. I have students?
I don’t have students
seen some of the kids

being on a different but I do have children

website. and I know that many

4.) Which online times technology can

resources have you be a distraction from,

seen work the best? their school work.

My personal favorites When my girls where

are ABCmouse, younger my husband

Kidzone and starfall. and I, used to take

5.) What are the their phones from

benefits in having a them around a certain

device per child? time, so that they

Having a device per could focus on school

child makes work.

everything easier 3.) How have you seen

because that way there technology being
won’t be arguments,

and they can each My girls not focusing

learn and do things at on their work and

their own pace. falling behind at

school because of


social media an
worldly things.

4.) Which online

resources have you

seen work the best?

when my girls were

little, they used to get

on Starfall and other

reading tools that

helped them learn

different skills.

5.) What are the

benefits in having a

device per child?

When my girls were

younger, we debated

getting one mobile

device for both of

them, but decided not

to. So that we could

avoid the future



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