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Published by hai_naz08, 2021-09-22 04:07:38

H is for hedgehog

H is for hedgehog

RM.DL.Books Groups

African pygmy

hEuropean hedgehog long-eared hedgehog
is for

There are many
different types of hedgehogs.

Brandt’s hedgehog

Indian long-eared

Amur hedgehog

is for home

Some hedgehogs live in
hedgerows in the countryside.

h is for hot

Others live in the hot desert.

h is for hungry

Hedgehogs eat all sorts
of creepy crawlies.

caterpillar beetle
worm slug


h is for hard
Hedgehog spines are
hard and spiky.

A curled-up hedgehog
looks like a prickly ball.

is for hoglets

Baby hedgehogs are
called hoglets.

is for


Hedgehogs hibernate, which
means they sleep through winter.

h is for hurry

Hedgehogs have little legs,
but they can run fast.

h is for...

hide and seek!

Can you spot the hedgehogs?

h is for

Discover the hidden world of
hedgehogs with this beautiful book
for little animal lovers, full of first
words beginning with the letter h.

Collect the whole alphabet series CJ

•• at


• •(r-
••• is for bee

First published in Great Britain in 2021 J.A.CH.L.

by Dorling Kindersley Limited
One Embassy Gardens, 8Viaduct Gardens,

London, SW117BW
Copyright© 2021 Dorling Kindersley Limited
A Penguin Random House Company
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lllustrator Livi Gosling
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Editors Seeta Parmar and Sally Beets
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