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Published by Harley Marine Soundings, 2016-04-20 14:58:41

April Soundings

April Soundings



Close up of the United States Coast Guard’s Rear Admiral William M. Benkert Environmental Protection Gold Award.

Harley Marine Receives the Benkert Award

By Natalie Frank

On March 4th in New Orleans, Louisiana—Harley improvement of these systems is vital to ensuring we are
Marine Services received the United States Coast operating at the safest, and most environmentally
Guard’s Rear Admiral William M. Benkert conscious level possible. Part of the criteria for winning
Environmental Protection Gold Award. the Benkert award is a company’s ability to internally
assess environmental management strengths as well as
This prestigious award recognizes outstanding stressing continual improvement.
achievements in marine environmental protection that go
above and beyond compliance with regulatory standards. We continue to maintain comprehensive Safety and
Recipients of this award embody industry leadership and Environmental Management Systems that incorporate all
innovation in marine safety and environmental aspects of the company—tugs, barges, shops, and offices
excellence. across every region. This allows us to set an industry
standard of zero spills, incidents, accidents, and injuries.
Since 2006, we have held certifications under the
International Safety Management (ISM) Code, as well as In the last three years especially, HMS has seen a
the international quality management standard ISO 9001. substantial reduction in reportable incidents and
In 2008, we took it a step further and obtained the certifi- significantly improved its energy efficiency. Our
cate for the international environmental standard ISO wide-ranging environmental program includes a robust
14001. recycling program on all vessels as well as shore side.
Everything from household products to lines and tires to
In 2013, we obtained the Occupational Health and Safety oil is recycled and tracked.
Management System (OHSAS) 18001. Continual

2 / Harley Marine Services / A Full Ser vice Mar itime Company / Apr il 2016

We operate one of the cleanest, most efficient fleets in roughly thirty percent (30%). These are just a few
the industry. Since 2013, all of our new builds include examples of the broad range of environmental initiatives
Tier 3 engines which reduce Nitrogen Oxides and HMS is actively involved in.
particulate amounts by seventy-four percent (74%) from
a Tier 2 engine and ninety (90%) from Tier 0 engine. The The Benkert Award is a great achievement for Harley
highly anticipated new build for 2016, the EARL W Marine and is a testament to the operational foundation
REDD, will feature the world’s first Tier 4 Cat 3516 on which the company was built and has found great
main propulsion engines. These engines are built to success. Harley Marine will surely continue to set the
maximize efficiency and are estimated to save over one benchmark for environmental stewardship and leave a
million dollars in total fluid consumption over a 15-year lasting impact on the maritime industry for years to
life cycle compared to a Tier 2 engine. Further reduction come.
of harmful emissions is brought about through the use of
shore power in our Los Angeles, Seattle, and Portland
facilities and it is currently being constructed in the Gulf.
The use of shore power reduces our fuel consumption by

Deborah Franco receiving the Gold Benkert award on behalf of Harley Marine Services.

3 / Harley Marine Services / A Full Ser vice Mar itime Company / Apr il 2016

uality Factor

MOM Update

By Jim Flies

An update to the Marine Operations Manual (MOM) was Updating the MOM takes a massive effort and we would
released on March 23rd, 2016. This revision introduces like to acknowledge the work done by Document Control
more than 20 new procedures. Most new procedures Manager Rosie Chavez and HMS Port Captain Garri
came as a recommendation from our customers either Ferguson for their expertise and tenacity to make the
through SIRE inspections, TMSAs or Management revision possible.
The Quality Department is thrilled to have the MOM
Being an ISO 9001 certified company, we are obligated update rolled out to the fleet. Now it is time to start work
to listen to our customers and respond as we are on the next round of MOM revisions.
able. Continual improvement does not happen without
change; we see each MOM revision as an opportunity to
improve our business practices, operations, and safety

Improvement is an ongoing process and there have
already been changes suggested for the new procedures
that were just published. Change leads to growth and
growth is the catalyst for continual improvement.

4 / Harley Marine Services / A Full Ser vice Mar itime Company / Apr il 2016


Pictures taken at the Engine Resource Management training class on Monday, April 4.

Training at HMS

By Jim Flies

In April we will see a new class being taught in the final Leadership and Managerial Skills (LMS) classes in
Harley Marine Skills Advancement Center. The first of our training center. HMS has been running the LMS
several scheduled Engine-room Resource Management class for the past year and most of our deck officers and
(ERM) courses will take place for Harley Marine many vessel engineers have already completed this
Services. ERM courses are a new requirement of the STCW requirement. This class focuses on leadership,
STCW. All licensed engineers need the class as part of communication skills, interpersonal conduct and group
their requirement of the Standards of Training, interaction techniques.
Certification, and Watchkeeping (STCW). Topics of
discussion include: First Aid, AED and CPR will be taught in several ports
this month. Classes will be held by our in house trainers
 The role the Engineer plays in the efficient operation in New York the first week of April, Houston on April
of the vessel. 13th and Seattle on April 21st and 23rd. Successful First
Aid classes were held last month in Seattle, Portland,
 The impact of new technologies on the engine room. Port Angeles, Houston, San Francisco and Los Angeles.
 Emergency preparation.
HMS is working hard to deliver the necessary and
Additionally, later in April, HMS will host one of the required course work to keep our mariners current,
knowledgeable and prepared for the challenges they will
face now and in the future.

5 / Harley Marine Services / A Full Ser vice Mar itime Company / Apr il 2016

Harley Marine received a very informative and helpful article from OTB Mate Tankerman, Todd
Johnston on licensing requirements within the industry. The topic can be challenging to understand
with all the regulations and requirements. We felt, his article, Licensing for Tugboats, was a good
resource that our mariners may find beneficial as well. Below is a snippet of his article—the full
version can be found on the Vessel Communication Center (VCC) for all employees. Special thanks to
Todd for his efforts in creating this useful guide.

Licensing for Tugboats

By Todd Johnston

Our chosen career paths in the maritime industry, us to ensure that we’re doing all we need to do to
and specifically towing, dictate that we will need to maintain and upgrade our own credentials and/or
follow some manner of a licensing structure. For us, licenses; nobody can do it for you, and there’s
this means that we’ll need to have a current always a pile of applications waiting for the job you
Merchant Mariner Credential (MMC) issued by the hold.
United States Coast Guard valid for the job title,
vessel, location and voyage. Part of our jobs as The hope is that you’ll find one or two little tidbits
maritime professionals is to help ensure that those of helpful information in this article to be able to
working under us, or looking up to us as leaders, are help yourself and your crew when licensing
able to maintain their credentials to continue questions arise.
working or upgrade to the next level of certification
in order to increase their standard of living for
themselves and their families.

By the same token, it’s fully incumbent upon each of

If you would like to continue reading the article, please visit the VCC page. Thank you.

6 / Harley Marine Services / A Full Ser vice Mar itime Company / Apr il 2016

afety Corner

All for the Want of a Nail loss of a main engine, a blower went out, a line parted, a
spill occurred, man-overboard, collision with a pier, a tug
By Rich Softye was lost… all for the want of a nail!

You all may have heard the parable of “The war was lost, What you do for the survival of your shipmates and fel-
all for the want of a nail.” low employee’s safety, health and livelihoods may
depend on you carrying out your duties, your attention to
The story goes: detail and doing your job to the best of your abilities.

The entire well-armed regiment was surrounded and We are all obliged to each other to win the war! Practice
annihilated by a weaker enemy and the war was lost. The safety, be attentive, communicate and do not ignore your
regiment was surrounded because the General did not obligation to speak up and provide the “nail.”
give the order to fight. The General did not give the order
to fight because he was not there.

The General was not there because he didn’t have his
horse to get there. He didn’t have his horse because it did
not have all its shoes. The horse did not have all its shoes
because the farrier was short one nail. The war was lost
all for the want of a nail.

Think about this. Everything we do at all levels of this
company can have a profound effect on outcomes, i.e.

7 / Harley Marine Services / A Full Ser vice Mar itime Company / Apr il 2016


Photos of the HMS JUSTICE crew.

A Successful Year with the HMS Mentoring Program

By Bowman Harvey

Harley Marine Services stands out in the maritime find new folks to exchange knowledge with and gain
industry for our commitment to fostering a strong future insight. Let’s continue to keep our mentoring
for all employees. The Mentoring Program has been an participation across the company strong. If you are an
integral part of this effort in the past year. Linking newer experienced mentor, consider doing a lunch and learn or
shore side professionals with veteran management, and flash mentoring session.
green deckhands with seasoned hands leads to a constant
flow of industry knowledge and wisdom. We rolled this If you were once a mentee and have learned the ropes,
program out a little over a year ago and have seen consider taking a new hire under your wing. If you are
increased participation across the fleet and in the offices. currently not in the program, talk to a manager or
supervisor that you know is actively involved in the
With the program coming upon this anniversary, it is program. Ask them about the numerous benefits both
important to reflect on professional as well as personal professionally and personally that the program offers and
goals. Perhaps it is time for people to broaden their why they continue to remain involved. Any ideas or
mentoring program horizons and set out to build new questions regarding the mentoring program can be sent to
relationships. It is important to remember that there is [email protected], or feel free to email
always room to maintain old mentoring connections, but Bowman Harvey or Natalie Frank as well. We are the
the possibilities to engage in new mentor relationships future of the industry; as a company lets continue to
are out there. make a concerted effort to remain, as always, leaders.

Mentees now have the tools to begin mentoring new
hires and as the company continues to grow, mentors can

8 / Harley Marine Services / A Full Ser vice Mar itime Company / Apr il 2016

The Intersection of Time Management and Stress Management

Which of the following obligations do you have this year, month…day?

 Work  Sporting Events  Car maintenance
 Family  Weddings  Exercise
 Friends  Banking  Vacation
 Doctor’s Appointments  Holiday Celebrations  Business Travel
 Dentist Appointments  Therapy  Birthday Celebrations

Managing a busy life can contribute to stress. Stress can lessen productivity and cause physical health problems.
While a small amount of stress can serve as motivation to get things done, it is important to find a healthy balance.
Use the following tips to manage your obligations and time so that you can lead a stress free life!
Tips for Time Management

In the Office

 Create a monthly plan—determine what goals you need to hit each week, and make a checklist for when you
complete them

 Never skip lunch—your body needs nutrients, and your mind needs a mental break
 Don’t forget to ask for assistance, and help out others so they will be there in your time of need

On the Boats

 Use your off-time to rejuvenate, spend time with family and get chores done so that you can focus on work when
you are crewed up

With Your Family

 Buy in bulk—this will reduce the number of trips you have to run to the store
 Find opportunities for your children to help out around the house as this will teach them responsibility and take

chores off your plate
 Keep a schedule of the family calendar so that you can track family events
 Schedule in activities that are fun for the whole family so that you have time to enjoy each other’s company

On Your Own

 Schedule exercise into your schedule – while it may seem like an added obligation—exercise actually reduces
stress and helps you sleep better. Furthermore, managing a healthy lifestyle actually promotes time management.

 Take time for a night out! Get a babysitter so you and your partner can have time alone, or spend a night out
with friends.

9 / Harley Marine Services / A Full Ser vice Mar itime Company / Apr il 2016 By Shelby Withington

Management Stress is a par t of our ever yday life.
Good stress can motivate us and push us
For to get stuff done. Bad stress can have
Stress detrimental effects on our physical and
emotional health. Learning how to deal
CLEAN with stress is a very important skill that
can bring balance to a busy life.
Block out some time and
clean your desk, house, or We sat down with Mark Stiefel to talk about
car. You might find that how he deals with stress everyday.
when you get rid of physical
clutter, your mind feels less “Howdy Mark. So, how would you define
cluttered as well. stress?”

“To me stress is when you’ve got a situation
and you’re uptight about it, so it’s bothering
you, maybe you’re anxious about something.”

“How do you separate good stress and bad

“Well I don’t necessarily think of it as good
stress and bad stress. I make sure I have
allocated enough time in the day to deal with
unexpected items… if you have the time, the
expectation and mental attitude to deal with
the unexpected, then the stress of everyday life
should be reduced.”

“Do you have any recommendations for people
who are struggling with stress?”

Well I think you need to have some kind of
backup plan. If your car breaks down it’s only
going to be really stressful if you haven’t
thought about a backup plan in advance. If
you’ve saved up some money and have thought
about what to do in certain situations, then
things like that aren't as stressful. You have to
ask yourself what could happen, and what
would I do about it.”

Thanks for sitting down with us Mark! Always
great to hear your insight.

10 / Harley Marine Services / A Full Ser vice Mar itime Company / Apr il 2016

Healthy April Recipe: Ratatouille

Directions Ingredients:

Preheat oven to 350°F. Coat bottom and sides of a 1 ½ 2 tablespoons olive oil
quart casserole dish with 1 tablespoon olive oil. 3 cloves garlic, minced
2 teaspoons dried parsley
Heat remaining 1 tablespoon olive oil in a medium 1 eggplant, cut into ½ inch cubes
skillet over medium heat. Cook and stir garlic until Salt to taste
lightly browned. 1 cup grated Parmesan cheese
2 sliced zucchini
Mix in parsley and eggplant. Cook and stir until egg- 1 large onion, sliced into rings
plant is soft, about 10 minutes. Season with salt to 2 cups sliced fresh mushrooms
taste. 1 green bell pepper, sliced
2 large tomatoes, chopped
Spread eggplant mixture evenly across bottom of pre-
pared casserole dish. Sprinkle with a few tablespoons Health Benefits of Zucchini
of Parmesan cheese. Spread zucchini in an even layer
over top. Lightly salt and sprinkle with a little more Zucchini is known to reduce weight
cheese. Continue layering in this fashion, with onion, and boost nutrition in your diet! It
mushrooms, bell pepper, and tomatoes, covering each promotes eye health, helps asthma,
layer with a sprinkling of salt and cheese. and has a high vitamin C content.

Bake in preheated oven for 45 minutes. Zucchini is available in yellow, light
green and dark green! Zucchini is
technically a fruit but is typically
cooked as a vegetable.

Facts from:

11 / Harley Marine Services / A Full Ser vice Mar itime Company / Apr il 2016

An Important Travel Reminder

By Brad Kroon

A quick lessons learned for all of makes you think about your

you as you are traveling. surroundings.

Harbor Island Bloodmobile! This morning while getting ready It could have been a lot worse for
Save the Dates! for the day in the Grand Aleutian those above or in other wings who
Hotel in Dutch Harbor, I heard chose to ignore the alarm.
April 20, 2016 someone shouting and pounding
 8am to 10:30am at Crowley on a door five rooms down. As I My lessons learned:
 12pm to 3pm at Vigor opened my door to see what the
ruckus was, I saw a man  Know your emergency exit routes.
July 28, 2016 pounding on the room door and
 8am to 10:30am to Crowley another person running to assist.  Think about what floor you are on.
 12pm to 3pm at Harley Marine Smoke was billowing out from
under the door.  Can you safely get out a window?
October 24, 2016
 8am to 10:30am at Harley Marine As I was not completely dressed,  Is the window operable?
 12pm to 3pm at Vigor I got my clothes and shoes on and
grabbed my rental truck keys. By  Can you reach the ground safely?
Plan to give by making an appointment: then the fire alarm was blaring and the hall was full of acrid  If you are in a cold climate, have a
smoke. bag accessible to take with you in
case of emergency.
As we are in a remote location
and the fire department mostly  Don't dismiss alarms just because it
volunteer, it took awhile for them is all clear on your floor.
to arrive.
 And don't leave items charging
People were wandering out long unattended or overnight unless you
after the fire department arrived, have confidence they are safe or at
some barefoot. least put them somewhere away
from flammables.
Fortunately, the cause of the
smoke never reached ignition. A If you are like me, your phone is
woman was charging some large dead by the end of the day and
batteries in her room and went to you charge it all night. Think
breakfast. There was a complete about placement overnight and do
meltdown that filled our floor and you really need to leave your
wing of hotel with smoke. No one computer charging or just turn it
was hurt and all ended well but it off?

All's well that ends well if we can
learn something from it! Cheers
and safe travels my coworkers!

12 / Harley Marine Services / A Full Ser vice Mar itime Company / Apr il 2016

2015 SIP Program Award Recipient

Congratulations to Captain Timmy Picou on the M/V "mighty"
BUTTERCUP for all his hard work and safety advice! Captain
Picou is the 2015 recipient of the SIP program and is going to
Orlando, Florida with his wife and two grandbabies. During the
stay Timmy and his family will be having a blast in Walt Disney
Thank you Timmy and keep up your hard work and dedication.

Pictured: Bill Taylor and Timmy Picou.

The BARRY SILVERTON and FIGHT ALS after arriving in Lake Charles, LA. They were met by the HMG “OPS” Team and other HMS personnel. The entire crew worked
diligently to outfit, train on the IG system, and place the vessels in service.

A couple of pictures taken while the MODU (Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit) was at anchor in Kachemak Bay, 1.7 nautical miles from Homer Deep Water Dock in Alaska. Mike
Coleman was Captain on the MILLENNIUM STAR and Jason Pearson was the Captain on the BOB FRANCO. Tug Anna T with AMAK Towing was also on the job.

13 / Harley Marine Services / A Full Ser vice Mar itime Company / Apr il 2016

Harley Marine Services has broken ground
on a new regional headquarters in
Channelview, TX.
The building will be certified to LEED
Silver standards.

14 / Harley Marine Services / A Full Ser vice Mar itime Company / Apr il 2016


January 3, 1964 - March 22, 2016 Joseph Theo Drummonds was born January 3, 1964 in El Dorado, AR. He
died March 22, 2016 in Houston, TX on board the M/V DIABLO.
You can read Joe’s complete
obituary by following Joe served in the United States Army and worked at several varied jobs
the link below: before finding his rightful place in the marine industry. One of his work
Perry’s Funeral Chapels experiences played out in Colorado where he worked for a railroad company.
This lasted only a couple of weeks, but he would tell a greatly embellished
story which always ended with the proud statement, “I was a gandy dancer.”
That was just one of his great stories.

He was preceded in death by his father, Bob Drummonds; paternal
grandparents; Theo and Thelma Drummonds and maternal grandparents;
Samuel and Pearl Canady and aunt, June King.

Those to cherish in his memory include his wife and best friend, Beegie
Rhodes Drummonds; his mother, Barbara Drummonds; sons, Sgt. Adam
Drummonds and Phillip Drummonds; daughters, Rebecca Drummonds
McLaughlin and Baylee Jerry. He was the proud grandfather of Royal Drum-
monds and Esau McLaughlin. He also leaves behind his two brothers, Samu-
el Drummonds (Kathy) and Matthew Drummonds (Katie). Other survivors
are his father-in-law, Bobby Jack Rhodes, mother-in-law, June McLeese, his
sister-in-law, Shirley Leveritt (Michael), uncles, Lamar Drummonds and
Dennis Drummonds, as well as many cousins and friends. Joseph enjoyed
entertaining and sometimes terrorizing his nieces and nephews, Graham,
Brandie, B.J., Austin, Audrey, Addison and Skylar.

A picture of Joe taken
back in November next
to one of his drawings
that he made before the
picture was taken. It’s
interesting seeing how
these two are
unintentionally identical.

More of Joe’s drawings
can be seen by visiting
his Facebook page.

15 / Harley Marine Services / A Full Ser vice Mar itime Company / Apr il 2016



The world’s first Tier 4 tractor tug powered with CAT 3516
main propulsion engines. CAT’s Tier 4 technology exceeds
even the toughest of all marine world emission standards.

Length: 120 ft. | Beam: 35 ft. | Depth: 19 ft. 3 in. | Horsepower: 5,350

The GREENEST tugs in the World are in the
Harley Marine fleet.

16 / Harley Marine Services / A Full Ser vice Mar itime Company / Apr il 2016 Administrative Questions
If you have questions regarding
Retirement Planning – Financial Advisors
Finding your way to the retirement lifestyle you want may feel like working your way your quarterly statement,
through a maze. Without a guide, it’s hard to see if you’re heading in the right direction. participant website, or plan
Don’t wait until you’ve reached a dead end to ask for help. Your plan’s investment advisors provisions, please contact your
are available to offer guidance or give you a second opinion on any financial decisions
you’re considering. It’s also good to seek advice whenever you’re facing life changes that plan administrator:
might call for a re-evaluation of your investment strategy.
To make the most of your time with your financial professional, first write down the Moran Knobel
questions you’d like to ask or the specific areas in which you need help. You might also
want to gather your latest retirement plan account statement and any other pertinent
financial information. Some of the more common questions when planning for retirement (425) 451-9389
are: 1-800-451-9389

 Am I saving enough? Investment Questions
 Are my investment choices diversified? If you have questions or need
 How can I reduce the risk of loosing money? guidance with the fund options
 What happens to my account if I leave my job? in your retirement plan, please

contact a plan investment

Kibble & Prentice

If you have questions or need guidance regarding your investment options, you can contact Plan Eligibility
a Kibble & Prentice investment advisor at 888-438-4015. As a Harley Marine employee,
there is no charge for this service. You are eligible to enter your
retirement plan if you are a
Model Portfolios non-union employee, age 18 or
older, and have completed 3
As a reminder, model Portfolios are comprised of an allocation of specific mutual funds
from within your retirement plan. These models provide the benefit of having a diversified months of service.
portfolio, and are rebalanced twice a year to maintain their investment objective.
Note: Union members (except
Determining which portfolio is right for you depends on your time horizon (how long you employees of Starlight Marine
have until retirement) and your risk tolerance (how much risk you are willing to take with Services and Harley Marine New
your savings). York) and non-resident aliens
are excluded from the company
As always, if you have questions or need guidance regarding your investment options,
please contact Kibble & Prentice. Their contact information appears in each issue of the 401(k) plan.

These materials are produced by Kibble & Prentice/USI Insurance Services for educational purposes only. Certain information contained in these materials is considered proprietary information created
by Kibble & Prentice/USI. Such information shall not be used in any way, directly or indirectly, detrimental to Kibble & Prentice/USI and/or their affiliates. Neither Kibble & Prentice/USI nor any of its
respective representatives or advisors has made or makes any representation or warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of these materials. Neither Kibble & Prentice/USI nor

their respective representatives or advisors shall have any liability resulting from the use of these Materials or any errors or omission therein.

17 / Harley Marine Services / A Full Ser vice Mar itime Company / Apr il 2016


April Birthdays

Harley Marine Gulf Millennium Maritime Pacific Coast Don Cairney, 4/6
James Thomas, 4/2 Neal Salamunovich, 4/7 Ben Latham, 4/10 Zachary Anderson, 4/7
Charles Murphy, 4/2 Pat Lopez, 4/9 Robert Johnston, 4/18 Paul Thompson, 4/9
Gary Bush, 4/4 Mindy Tyler, 4/15 Tyler Lucas, 4/11
Brian Fonseca 4/6 Harley Marine Services Jayson Gould, 4/11
Mark Mier 4/11 Harley Marine NY Victoria Sanger, 4/6 Ian Bystrom, 4/14
Jimijoe Fomby, 4/14 Robert Wallace, 4/10 Matt Godden, 4/7 Nathaniel Wehe, 4/14
Cecil Caton, 4/17 Joshua Morgan, 4/22 Sally Halfon, 4/10 Kurtis Kester, 4/14
Darris Jefferson, 4/28 Wir Smith, 4/24 Derick Hobbs, 4/15
Douglas Miner, 4/28 Westoil Marine Services Stephanie Gullickson, 4/26 Ross Farr, 4/16
Brian Vartan, 4/7 Alison Newquist, 4/27 David Walker, 4/17
Starlight Marine Services Dustin Nowick, 4/7 Bobbie Garneau, 4/28 Maxwell Powell, 4/20
Jacob Laprade, 4/6 Sean Humphreys, 4/7 Mindy Buxton, 4/30 Matthew Gullickson, 4/23
David Cadiz, 4/17 Michael Ball, 4/11 Jon Larson, 4/27
John Meyer, 4/26 Phillip Montgomery, 4/12 Olympic Tug & Barge Dustin Van Duin, 4/29
Michael Maclachlan, 4/29 Mark Aproda, Jr., 4/13 Ryan Eubank, 4/3 James Chierichetti, 4/22
Abel Moreno, 4/14 Michael Morris, 4/4
Daniel Johnson, 4/5

March Anniversaries

Harley Marine Gulf Harley Marine NY Starlight Marine John Stromberg, 5
Clint Reed, 4 Jess Canterbury, 9 Jonathan Willingham, 8 Andy Flood, 4
Hannah Hill, 4 Miguel Ortiz, 7 Chris Wooten, 2 Kevin Treadwell, 4
Raul Gomez, Jr., 4 Jeffrey Cave, 2 Roy Dusenbury, 2 Don Adler, 3
Darryl Calhoun, 3 Matthew Miller, 1 Raymond Scott, 3
David Patterson, 3 Nicholas Santillo, 1 Harley Marine Services Tyler Larsen, 3
Gregory Howell, 3 Irene Dulay, 7 Brian Larson, 2
Antonio Vuittonet, 2 Millennium Maritime Derick Lillejord, 5 Jakob Baken, 2
George Stone, 2 Bob Castagnola, 16 Kim Cartagena, 5 Joshua Ellestad, 2
Jimjoe Fomby, 2 Donald Shundo, 16 Michael Morris, 1
Richard Payne, 2 Mark Fuette, 16 Olympic Tug & Barge
James Swayzer, 1 Michael Golden, 16 Hugh Maffett, 17 Westoil Marine Services
Jonathan Billie, 1 Mario Meyers, 9 David Alexander, 16 Raul Hernandez, 16
Randy Collins, 1 Larry Holland, 15 Mark Abercrombie, 11
Trebor Roberge, 1 Pacific Coast Bryan Adams, 10 Phillip Montgomery, 5
Robert Johnston, 11 Robert Higa, 9 Alan Vojkovich-Bombard, 2
Eric Boardman, 8

New Hires

Harley Marine Gulf Harley Marine Services Olympic Tug & Barge Harley Marine New York
Stephen O'Neil Jelsomina Fruci David Walker Vincent Rose
Alfred Fox Joanna Cruse Jullian Woods
Scott Odonnell Jasmine Gonzales Westoil Marine Services Ryan Blendermann
Harlan Page Iliana Peralta Vincent Rose

18 / Harley Marine Services / A Full Ser vice Mar itime Company / Apr il 2016

Payroll Calendar

Pay-period ending: 3/31/16
Pay-date: 4/07/16

Pay-period ending: 4/15/16 (Pay-date 4/22/16) Harley Marine Services, Inc. and Subsidiaries

Employee Deadlines: Payroll & Pay Date
 Employee due date to submit planned PAF’s (Vacation/PTO): 4/11/16 Schedule 2016
 Employee due date to submit unplanned PAF’s (bereavement/sick): ASAP or
Pay Period End Date Pay Date
 Any PAF’s/travel time, etc. not approved by your supervisor(s) and received by Thursday, March 31 Thursday, April 7

the payroll department by 10AM PST on 4/18/16, will be included on the Friday, April 15 Friday, April 22
5/06/16 paycheck.
 Please allow (up to) two days for bank processing. Saturday, April 30 Friday, May 6
 If you have questions on your paystub, please contact your supervisor.
Sunday, May 15 Friday, May 20
Manager/Dispatch Deadlines:
 Approve dispatch logs: Daily (all entries must be out of “Dispatch/Supervisor Tuesday, May 31 Tuesday, June 7

Approval” by end of day on 4/18/16) Wednesday, June 15 Wednesday, June 22
 Approve PAF’s: Daily. (Deadline for inclusion in payroll is 4/18/16 10AM
Thursday, June 30 Friday, July 8
Friday, July 15 Friday, July 22
Pay-period ending: 4/30/16 (Pay-date: 5/06/16)
Sunday, July 31 Friday, August 5
Employee Deadlines:
 Employee due date to submit planned PAF’s (Vacation/PTO): 4/25/16 Monday, August 15 Monday, August 22
 Employee due date to submit unplanned PAF’s (bereavement/sick): ASAP or
Wednesday, August 31 Thursday, September 8
 Any PAF’s/travel time, etc. not approved by your supervisor(s) and received by Thursday, September 15 Thursday, September 22

the payroll department by 10AM PST on 5/02/16, will be included on the Friday, September 30 Friday, October 7
5/20/16 paycheck.
 Please allow (up to) two days for bank processing. Saturday, October 15 Friday, October 21
 If you have questions on your paystub, please contact your supervisor.
Monday, October 31 Monday, November 7

Tuesday, November 15 Tuesday, November 22

Wednesday, November 30 Wednesday, December 7

Thursday, December 15 Thursday, December 22

Manager/Dispatch Deadlines:
 Approve dispatch logs: Daily (all entries must be out of “Dispatch/Supervisor

Approval” by end of day on 5/02/16)

 Approve PAF’s: Daily. (Deadline for inclusion in payroll is 5/02/16 10AM

19 / Harley Marine Services / A Full Ser vice Mar itime Company / Apr il 2016


Harley Marine Gulf would like to recognize Captains Clifford Arnold and Gerald Gamage of
the Barry Silverton as the March Employees of the Month. Both men have contributed invaluable
leadership assisting with the delivery of the Barry Silverton and her barge, the Fight A.L.S. Capt.
Clifford started with us in August of 2015, has commanded the Barry through two Panama Canal
transits and managed the outfit of the boat. Captain Gerald started with us that September, took
the BARRY SILVERTON on a run to Hawaii and oversaw the delivery and placement in service
of the FIGHT A.L.S. Thank you gentlemen and congratulations!

Starlight Marine Services would like to recognize Urb Alexander as the March Employee of the
Month. Urb has been not only working a lot of extra hours for SMS but also for OTB, helping
with the VRU on the Olympic Spirit. He has a great attitude and is always willing to go the extra

Olympic Tug & Barge would like to recognize the entire crew of the KESTREL, as the
March Employees of the Month. The entire crew demonstrated the highest standards of
professionalism not only in responding to the events in late February this year, but every day
they're on board. Thank you to Captain Tim McCormick, Mates Scott Turner and Dan McGrath,
Engineer Bryan Melnick, and AB/Tankermen Darin Masterson and Donny Voip for all the hard
work you do.


Starlight Marine Services would like to give Brandon Erickson a thumbs up for passing the PIC test and continuing to
move towards performing tankerman duties on the BERNIE BRIERE.
Starlight Marine Services would also like to give a thumbs up to the ROYAL MELBOURNE and BERNIE BRIERE
on a very successful SIRE inspection completed this week.

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