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Published by Microngate Digital Empire, 2019-09-06 17:32:49



cover letter Friday, September 06, 2019.

To Whom It May Concern,

I wish to be considered for the posi on of IT Technician at your organiza on.

With so many individuals applying for this post within your organiza on, how can
you decide who is the best candidate? If you're seeking an individual who merely
performs the work assigned, without any innova ve leadership on their own
accord, then I am not the person to call.

However, if you seek a capable, crea ve, team-oriented person with a dynamic
outlook on life and a strong desire and the proven knowledge and experience
to perform such du es with professionalism and dedica on, then you should
review my enclosed resume.

Thus, I am confident that given the opportunity to work within your organizaa on,
I will perform all du es assigned o me with the highest degree of esteem,
professionalism and confiden ality.

I trust you will find this applica on of interest; I am available to a end an interview
at any me you find it necessary t to further discuss the posi on.

Thank you kindly.


Garvin Julien.



(1-868) 748-4782 Profile:

Email Accomplished young professional with a unique combina on of business experience and
technical skills, bringing to the table the ability to combine social media, commercial media
[email protected] broadcast pla orms , computer graphics / service representa on with informa on technology
applica ons and know how.
Tumpuna Gardens,
Cocorite Road, Arima. Vector graphics manipula on, commercial audio visual edi ng and a/v programme development,
media and communica on analysis and implementa on, it experience and applica on and
Trinidad, W. I. technical assistance. Effec ve consumer rela ons including problem solving and troubleshoo ng
of queries and requirements of the client with quick and professional feedback, proper
Educa on procurement, organiza on and distribu on of data. Excellent team leader.

1992 – 1995 Professional goals:

1995 – 1996 Include con nuing to grow in leadership and knowledge, excel innova ve technology
and other per nent applica ons, interact and share with team members and colleagues,
1996 – 2000 develop world class solu ons and results to con nue sa sfying clients and further
enhance their experiences and excitement in the it technical field.
1997 – 1998
Secondary Subjects
2008 – 2011 § St. Charles High School

2011 – Current 7 CXC O Levels
§ Arima Career Ins tute
Technical Skills
Graphics Cer fica on
§ Eastech Computer Technology Training Centre

Electronics Cer fica on
§ Marcelle’s School of Electronics

BTEC Higher Na onal Diploma – Media and Communica ons
§ School of Business and Computer Science

Bachelor’s Degree – Media and Communica ons
§ School of Business and Computer Science

§ Office Microso Office Suite 360
§ Vector Graphics
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 7 to X10
§ A/V Editng Adobe Illustrator CC
Adobe Photoshop CC

Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 / CS4
Adobe Afer Effects CS3 / CS4
Adobe Audi on 2/ Adobe Soundbooth CS3
Final Cut Pro / Sony Vegas

Experience Senior Graphic Ar st
§ Unique Business Concepts (Arima) (Actual Contract Graphic Ar st for Arima Borough Corp)
1998 – 2004
2004 – 2004 U li es Manager / General Manager
2005 – 2005 § Ul mate Agencies Limited Trincity Mall / Movie Towne / Price Plaza
2005 – 2011
2009 – 2009 Customer Service Representa ve – TSTT Mobile Sales and Distribu on
§ Diego Mar n
2011 – 2012
2011 – 2012 Opera ons Manager – Automo ve Sales and Service
2012 – 2018 § Nakayama Imports / Thai Chin Sing / Singapore Automotve Trading (St. Joseph)

Media Centre Opera ons / Technical Co-Ordinator
§ Natonal Secretariat – Fi h Summit of The Americas (IFC Towers)
§ Natonal Secretariat – Commonwealth Heads of Gov’t Meetng (IFC Towers)

Television Cameraman / Technical Co-Ordinator (Synergy’s I Love My Ride with Rodney Granado)
§ Synergy Entertainment Television

Television Produc on Co Ordinator / Television Cameraman / Audiovisual Editor / IT Technician
§ Gayelle Limited (St. James) (St. Joseph)

General Manager / Crea ve Director
§ Rose & Lily Prin ng Limied



§ Darcel Choy
Newsday Limited
(1-868) 474-9841

§ Orlanda Sebro
Government Informa on Sevices Limited
(1-868) 729-5366

§ Akeisha Francis
(1-868) 760-5697

§ Oniquica Coutou
Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission
(1-868) 316-0125

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