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Published by bob marely, 2022-03-18 11:02:14




Large Huge Giant FREQUENCY: Very rare
(Uropygus) NO. APPEARING: I
(Schizomida) (Amblypygus) Very rare ARMOR CLASS: Nil
1-2 MOVE: 9"
6" % IN LAIR: Nil
MOVE: 12" 9" 1-8/1-8/2-8 SPECIAL DEFENSES: Nil
Poison gas, grip MAGIC RESISTANCE:
HIT DICE: 1+1 2+2
L See below
IV/170 + 5/hp ALIGNMENT: Any
TREASURE TYPE: M, Q (x2) Q (x4), T SIZE: M
Attack/Defense Modes:
DAMAGE/AtTACK: 1-8 1-6/1-6/1-8 Nil/nil


MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard for all Phantoms are soulless shells left behind by a particularly strong death
trauma. Phantoms are merely images and have no power to directlycause
INTELLIGENCE: Non-for all harm ahd cannot themselves be harmed. Because of the superstitious
awe they inspire, however, anyone whogazes on the translucent form of a
ALIGNMENT: Neutral for all phantom must savevs. spellsat -20r immediatelypanicand runaway asif
under the effects of a fear spell.
Phantomsare like a threedimensional motion picture image filmed atthe
PSlONlC ABILITY: Nil for all time of a character'sdeath in the area where he or she died. They have no
intelligence and neither are they aliveor undead.Aphantom often records
Attack/Defense Modes: NiVnil for all the death of the character or the images of what was foremost in the
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: 1/20 + 2/hp 11/50 + 3/hp character's mind when he or she died.

Commonly called whip scor- Phantoms are often mistaken for ghosts, haunts, or groaning spirits, but
pions, these creatures can be they may not beturned as undead. The clerical spell exorcismwill dispel a
found in nearly any climate phantom.
except that of arctic or tundra.
They appear to be a cross PHOENIX
between a spider and a scor-
pion. Pedipalpi may be found
in a variety of different color-
ings, browns and tans being
the most common.

Large Pedipalp: The smallest
of the pedipalpi, the schizo-
midae, have noobviouswhips,
although they do have 2
grasping arms and fearsome-
looking mandibles. They are
incapable of holding any prey
larger than themselves.

Huge Pedipalp: The amblypygi, or huge pedipalpi, have developed 2 FREQUENCY: Very rare
whip-like appendages in place of 1 pair of legs. Another set of legs has NO. APPEARING: 1 (1-4)
developed spiny pincers on the ends, which these creatures use to ARMOR CLASS: -3
attack their prey. They also bite. After a hit has been scored, the huge MOVE: 6"/39"(MC: D)
pedipalpwill grip and automatically docrushing damage (thesame as 2 HIT DICE: 2 0
pincer hits; 2-12) on all rounds thereafter. The chance of a character %IN LAIR: 0
breaking this grip is the same as that for opening doors. TREASURE TYPE: See below
NO. OFATACKS: 1 or 2
Giant Pedipalp: The largest of their species, the uropygi or giant DAMAGE/ATTACK:
pedipalpi, have whip-like tails and forelegs that end in large pincers.
Although the tail looksdangerous, it is not usedtoattack; instead, these 2-12 or 1-8/1-8
creatures attack with 2 pincers and a bite. After a hit has been scored, SPECIALATTACKS:See below
the giant pedipalp will grip, automatically bite (for 2-8 points), and do SPECIAL DEFENSES:
crushingdamage(thesameas2pincer hits; 2-16)onall roundsthereaf-
ter. This grip may be broken only by killing the monster or severing the See below
pincer (which requires a roll 3 higher than the normal to-hit number). MAGIC RESISTANCE: 50%
Thegiantpedipalpi alsodischargea noxiousvaporwhen incombat. This INTELLIGENCE: Genius
irritant will affect all non-pedipalp creatureswithin a 20-foot radius, and ALIGNMENT: Neutral good
all within it w h o fail a saving throw vs. poison fight with a -3 on their SIZE: M
to-hit rolls for 1-6 rounds. Uropygi may discharge this gas 3 times per PSlONlC ABILITY: See below
Attack/Defense Modes:
See below

IX/8600 + 30/hp

The phoenix, so rarelyseen on the Prime Material Plane, is native to the
Upper Outer Planes of Elysium. Of course, the phoenix is quite capable
of dwelling in nearlyanyclimate or even thevoid, ascold, heat, and like
conditions won't harm it. However, a phoenix prefers beauty and sylvan
peace and will typically be found only in such places on the Prime
Material Plane. Unfortunately, phoenix feathers command an average
of 50 gp each, their gem-like beak, talons, and eyes a hundred times
that, and their bodies are prized by alchemists seeking to make certain
potions. Thus, the rare phoenix is rarer still.

A phoenix in flight attacks with its diamond-hard talons. When on the
ground it has but a single attack with its long, sharp beak. However,
being both intelligent and magical, a phoenix usually opts for more


effective measures of attack and defense. The algae-like phycomids resemble fibrous blobs of decomposing,
milky-colored matter with capped fungi growing out of them. They
The piercing whistle voiced by a phoenix enables it to act first in melee, exude a highly alkaline substance when attacking. When phycomids
as opponents within a 30-foot radius are so affected by the sound as to attack they extrude a tube and discharge the alkaline fluid in small
give the phoenixa +3advantageon its initiativedie. With thisadvantage, globules that have a range of 7-12 feet. These fungoid monsters have
thecreaturecan useanyof thefollowing spell-like powers, 1ata time, 1 sensory organs for heat, sound, and vibrations located in several clus-
per melee round, at 20th level: affect normalfires, audibleglamer, blink, ters. In addition to alkaline damage, the globs which these creatures
blindness. blur, callwoodlandbeings once per day, controltemperature discharge might also cause victims to serve as hosts for new phycomid -
within a 10-foot radius, continual light, color spray 3 times per day, growth. If a victim fails to save vs. poison, the individual will begin to
dancing lights, duo-dimension once per day, find the path once per day, sprout mushroom-like growths i n the infected area. This will occur in
findtraps, fire charm, fire quench once per day, fire seeds once per day, 5-8 rounds and inflict 5-8 points of damage. The growthswill then begin
fire shield, fire storm once per day, heat metal3 times per day, improved to spread throughout the host body, killing it in 5-8 turns, and turning it
invisibility. incendiary cloud once per week, misdirection. neutralize into a new phycomid. A cure disease spell will stop the spread through
poison once per day, polymorph self 3 times per day, produce fire. the host.
pyrotechnics, reincarnate once per day, remove curse. remove fear
withina 10-foot radius,snakecharm. veilonce per day, walloffireonce Phycomidsare immuneto all forms of mental attacks, including charms,
per day. holds, etc. Fire-based attacks are saved against at +4, and damage
inflicted is either half-normal or none.
The phoenix needs only to spread its wings and voice a call to dispel
illusion or dispel magic at the 40th level of ability. Additionally, the PLANETAR
dance of a phoenix acts as a double-strength (40th level) exorcise spell
and iseffective against all but the greatest of evil magics, such as that of FREQUENCY: Very rare
an artifact or relic. NO. APPEARING: 1
A phoenix automatically detects charms, evil, and magic. It radiates a MOVE: 15"/48"//24 (MC: B)
10-foot radius protection from evil. The creature can become ethereal HIT DICE: 144 hp
and travel astrally or ethereally. It can be hit only by +3or better wea- % IN LAIR: 0
pons. The phoenixcan never be surprised. It has infravision to 120feet TREASURE TYPE: Nil
and double normal ultravision. Atouch of its wing isequal to a cure light NO. OF AlTACKS: 3
wounds spell, with 2 touches possible per individual per day per phoe- DAMAGE/AlTACK: Byweapon
nix. A touch of the comb gives an effect equal to cure disease, but is
restricted in the same manner as a staff of curing. When hard-pressed, type +7 (strength bonus)
the phoenixisable tocause spilled dropletsof itsown bloodtoact asfire SPECIALAUACKS:See below
seeds of the holly berry type, 1 being created for every 5 points of SPECIAL DEFENSES:
damagetaken by the phoenix. Inextremis, the phoenix creates a double-
strength (40th level) combination of fire storm (2" high x 5" wide x 8" See below
deep) and incendiary cloud, even if it has already used these powers MAGIC RESISTANCE: 75%
previously. This destroys the adult phoenix but leaves a gem-like egg INTELLIGENCE:
behind from which a new phoenix will arise in 2 0 days. As well as its
own language, a phoenix can speak with all avians. It otherwise com- Supra-genius; wisdom: 21
municates by limited telepathy or by empathy and telempathy of a ALIGNMENT: Good
limited sort. SIZE: L (8 1/2' tall)
Although the phoenix can neither attack nor be attacked by psionic
means. the creature has the following disciplinary powers: cell adjust- Attack/Defense Modes:
ment(clericclass)once per day at 20th levei; H"gY COntro13til-flesPer
day; molecular agitation 3 times per day at 20th level; ProbabiIitY travel LEVEVX.P. VALUE:
once per week at 10th level. X/60,000 + 35/hp

A phoenix appears Similar to a peacock, a,though it is far larger and its A planetar isone of a powerful spirit group, numbering not fewer than
100, who Serve the deities of good alignment. One or more will typically
beak is longer inproportion, The plumage includes brightviolet, scarlet, serve asthe right hand of a minordeity,while numbersof planetarswill
attend a major deity. These creatures inhabit the Upper Outer Planes of
and flaming orange areas, Beak and are of blue-violet. Good but actuallytravel at will to any plane except the lowest (the Hells.
Gehenna, Hades, Tarterus. the Abyss). Ifcommanded bytheirdeity.they
Eyes are a deep, glowing ruby color. can, in fact, enter even the lowest planes of Evil. Only a solar (q.v.) is
more powerful in the cause of Good.
Planetars can be of any good alignment-lawful, neutral, or chaotic.
FREQUENCY: Rare Their specific alignment is determined by the master they serve. Each
NO. APPEARING: 1-4 planetar has 3 attacks per round, typically with a bastard sword (usable
ARMORCLASS: 5 only by planetars) equal to a +4 weapon with both defender (q.v.) and
MOVE: 3" wounding (q.v.) qualities, the latter effective only against creatures of
HIT DICE: 4 Evil. For purposes of attack determination, consider each planetar to
% IN LAIR: 80% haveadexterityof 21 anda 17th-level fightingability.Allplanetarshave
TREASURE TYPE: Incidental spell-like abilitiesequal to those of a 7th-level cleric and 7th-level druid,
NO. OF AUACKS: 2 plus bonuses to each (wisdom equals 21). In addition, they each have
DAMAGE/AlTACK: the following spell-like abilities which can be used 1 at a time, 1 per
round, at will: animate object once per day, bladebarrier 3 times per day,
3-6/3-6 continuallight up to 10" radius, controlweather once per day, dispelevil
SPECIALAlTACKS: Infection 3 times per day, dispelillusion 7 times per day, dispelmagic 3 times per
SPECIAL DEFENSES: day, earthquake once per day, etherealness, feeblemind once per day,
limited wish once per day, polymorph object, fire storm once per day,
See below flame strike 3 times per day, heal 3 times per day, holy word once per
MAGIC RESISTANCE: day, improved invisibility up to 10-foot radius, insect plague once per
day, limited wish once per day, polymorph self, raise dead 3 times per
See below day, readmagic. remove curse, remove fear, resist cold (double effect),
INTELLIGENCE: Unratable resist fire (double effect), restoration once per day, shape change once
ALIGNMENT: Neutral (evil) per day), speak with dead, symbol (any) once per day, teleport with no
SIZE: S(2'diameter maximum) error, true seeing 3 times per day, weather summoning once per day.
PSlONlCABILITY: Nil wind walk 7 times per day.

Attack/ Defense Modes:

V/280 + 5/hp


Each planetar radiates a globe of protection from evil from individual The pseudo-undeadcannot beturned bya cleric and have no connection
size to a full 40-foot radius, as desired. The maintenance of the area is to the Negative Material Plane. They avoid sunlight but are not harmed
automatic. A planetar can commune at need. Each can always cure by it. They are never found with or near true undead. Normal attacks
blindness. deafness, disease or light wounds by touch. They automati- affect them.
cally detect evil, illusion. invisibility, lie, magic and traps. Each always
has know alignment functioning automatically. A planetar can com- PUDDING, DEADLY
municate by ESPor tongues aswell as read any language. Each always
has infravision to 12"and ultravision of double normal range. Once per Brown Dun White
day a planetar can gate in the indicated number (1-3, 1-4, or 1-6) of the
appropriate sort of deva (q.v.)whether astral, monadic, or movanic. They FREQUENCY: Uncommon Rare Rare

can summon the following creatures once per day: lawful good - 1-4 NO. APPEARING: 1 or 1-4 1 or 1-3 1 or 1-3
couatl; neutral good - 1-2 baku; chaotic good - 1-2 androsphinx.
Planetars are affected bythe attackforms indicatedfor devas(q.v.). Only
+4 or better weapons affect them. They are never surprised. They are MOVE: 6" 12" 9"
immune to any life level loss, whether from undead or magic. They
cannot be beguiled, charmed. confused, dominated, or feebleminded. HIT DICE: !1 8+1 9
Their souls cannot beimprisonedortrapped.Theyare immune todeath
spells. They regenerate at a rate of 4 points per round. Unless encoun- % IN LAIR: Nil Nil Nil
tered on the Upper Outer Planes, only the material body of these crea-
tures can be harmed. The planetar's spirit returns to its own plane to TREASURE TYPE: Nil Nil Nil
re-form and become corporeal again; the process requires 4 decades.
Charisma effect is 21. NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 1 1

Psionic abilities are animal telepathy (14th level), aura alteration, body DAMAGE/ATTACK: 5-20 4-24 7-28
control, body equilibrium, body weaponry (9th level), mass domination
(17th level), molecular agitation. precognition, reduction, telekinesis SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below for each
(17th level), and telepathic projection.
SPECIAL DEFENSES: See below for each
Aplanetar resembles a tall and powerful humanoid. In materialform the
skin isopaline, the head hairless, and theeyesglowing blue. Thewings MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard for all
are double and likewise opaline.
ALlG NMENT: Neutral for all
NO. APPEARING: See below SIZE: S to L (3' d. to 8' d.) for all
ARMOR CLASS: See below
MOVE: See below PSlONlC ABILITY: Nil for all
HIT DICE: See below
%IN LAIR: 50% Attack/Defense Modes: Nil for all
NO. OF AlTACKS: See below LEVEVX.P. VALUE: Vlll Vlll Vlll
DAMAGE/AlTACK: See below
SPEClALAlTACKS: Nil 1 6 W + 16/hp 1OOO+ 12/hp 1 2 W + 12/hp
Each form of deadly pudding is a variety of the better-known black
See below (deadly) pudding, Acid, cold and poison have no effect on deadly pud-
MAGIC RESISTANCE:Standard dings. Lightning bolts or blowsfrom weapons divide these monsters into
INTELLIGENCE: Lowtoaverage viable creatures of smaller size. Fire causes normal damage, as do
ALIGNMENT: Neutral evil magic missile spells. Details of each type are given separately below.
SIZE: M See "Black Pudding" for information on movement abilities.
Brown Pudding: This type dwells principally in marsh areas. It has a
Attack/Defense Modes: tougher skin but its attack is less effective than other varieties. Brown
Nihil puddings do not dissolve metals but do destroy leather or wood in a
single round, regardless of any magical pluses.
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: Treat as
human fighters (except Dun Pudding: Adapted to dwell in arid regions, these monsters sca-
pseudoghast,as below) venge barrens and deserts and feed on silicates if animal or vegetable
matter is unavailable. They dissolve leather as does a brown pudding.
Metals are eaten at a rate equal to half that of a black pudding, i.e.,
chainmail in 2 rounds, plate i n 4. In other respects they are like brown

White Pudding: These cold-dwelling creatures are 50% likely to be
mistakenforsnowand ice underthe best of conditions. Theyhauntpolar
regions or icy places in order to find prey, although they can live by
devouring any animal or vegetable material; even ice provides them
with enough nutrition to exist. They do not affect metals but dissolve
animal or vegetable materials in a single round, inflicting damage to
flesh at a n astounding rate. They are subject to attack forms as are all
other deadly puddings.

The pseudo-undead are humanoid creatures who prosper due to their
physical similarity to certain undead monsters, such as ghouls, ghasts,
wights, wraiths, spectres, and vampires. Each pseudo-undead looksand
smells exactly like its parallel. The same number appear. The armor
class, movement rate, hit dice, number of attacks, and damage are the
same. Thus they can be moderately dangerous. However, they lack the
special attack forms (paralysis,leveldrain, etc.) of the undead, though
they have normal (6") infravision. Note that the stench of pseudoghasts
has the same effect as that of ghasts. Pseudowraiths and pseudospec-

tres cannot fly but walk so lightly as to leave no trace, and are often

thought (unless closely observed) to be floating above the surface,
although this is an illusion. Pseudovampires have red eyes and behave
menacingly but have no special abilities.

Pseudovampires are more nearly human than others of the genre and
have been known to interbreed. Several clansof bandits (q.v.)are known
to have been therebyengendered, their members ranging in powerfrom
that of normal bandits (though of pale and menacing visage) to leaders
and spell casters of full pseudovampire status in addition to their bandit
abilities. Other man/pseudovampire combinations may be possible.

10 2

PYROLISK There are 3 hit die categories of quasi-elementals, and the small 6-hit-
die variety are most common in the Prime Material Plane (60%), the
FREQUENCY: Rare 9-hit-die size lesscommon (30%)andthe 12 (or more)-hit-die size rarest
NO. APPEARING: 1-4 of all (10%).In the Elemental Plane these figures are reversed, the
ARMOR CLASS: 6 smallest quasi-elemental being encountered 10% of the time, the
MOVE: 6"/18" (MC: C) medium-sized encountered 30% of the time, and the largest type
HIT DICE: 43 encountered 60% of the time.
% IN LAIR: 30%
TREASURE TYPE: D Inaddition to normal attackof electrical discharge bytouch, a creature of
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 thissortcandischarge 1 smallglobeof ball lightning each roundfor6,9,
DAMAGE/ATTACKS: 1-4 or 12 rounds (depending on hit dice). This globe will float near the
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Gaze quasi-elemental until some creatureof large mass (2000gpor more)or
SPECIAL DEFENSES: with a large quantity of conductive metal comes within 5 feet. The ball
lightning will then moveto that object and discharge, inflicting 1-4,1-6,
Immune to fire or 1-8 points of damage, depending on the size of the quasi-elemental
MAGIC RESISTANCE: that discharged it.

Standard Lightning quasi-elementals can be harmed only by + I or better magic
INTELLIGENCE: Low weapons. If the weapon used against such a creature is of conductive
ALIGNMENT: Neutral evil material, its wielder will suffer electrical damage of 1-4 points when-
SIZE: S ever the weapon strikes the lightning quasi-elemental. Lightning and
PSlONlC ABILITY: Nil electrical attacks do no damage. Fire and acid do only half-normal
damage. Cold does full damage. Water attacks inflict 1-8 points of
Attack/Defense Modes: damage per gallon, or double full normal damage. For example, an ice
Nil/nil sform spell does 6-60. Falling water, as i n some form of rain, inflicts 2
points of damage for each 1/loth of an inch of precipitation which falls
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: upon the creature.
IV/240 + 5/hp
Lightning quasi-elementals have no known social organization. It is
This monster is nearly identical to the cockatrice (q.v.), except that close generally not possible to conjure quasi-elementals, although powerful
inspection will reveal 1 red feather in the tail and a reddish cast to the magic-users have been known to do so.
grey wings. The pyrolisk inhabits temperate to tropical regions, as does
its cousin. In addition to its minor beak attack, the creature has a gaze QUICKLING
which, if met, causesthevictim to erupt inflamesfromwithin, killing it
instantlyif a saving throwvs. petrificationfailsanddoing 2-13pointsof FREQUENCY: Very rare
damage otherwise. Any creature innately or magically fire-resistant NO. APPEARING: 4-16
(whetherby spell, ring, or other effect) is immuneto thisgaze attack, and ARMOR CLASS: -3
any victim making his or her saving throw is thereafter immune to the MOVE: 96"
gaze of that particular pyrolisk. The creature can, in addition, cause any HIT DICE: 1%
fire source within 30feet to explode in fireworks, an effect identical to % IN LAIR: 10%
the druidical pyrotechnics spell (q.v.). It does so at will, once per round, TREASURE TYPE: O,P,Q ,X
for the sheer joy of the flames; the area of effect is 1 0times that of the NO. OF ATTACKS: 3
fire source, lastsfor a full round, and temporarilyblindsall thosewithin DAMAGE/ATTACK: As dagger
it. The pyrolisk is immune to all fire-based attacks, magical and normal. SPECIALATTACKS: See below
Its mortal enemy is the phoenix, as the latter is also immune to fire and SPECIAL DEFENSES:
detests Evil.
See below

FREQUENCY: Very rare 19th-level clerics
MOVE: 18" (plus special)
(MC: A) SIZE: S (2' tall)
HIT DICE: 6, 9, or 12 PSlONlC ABILITY: Nil
% IN LAIR: Nil
TREASURE TYPE: Nil Attack/Defense Modes:
1-6+1 point/HD IV/200 + 3/hp
SPECIAL DEFENSES: These small, slender, extremely fast-moving creatures are said to be a
race of brownieswho dabbled in magic and mysteries better left alone.
See below Thus, legend relates, the little folk were changed into evil creatures of
MAGIC RESISTANCE: great maliciousness towards humans, demihumans, and other little
people. They dwell in dark woodlands and wild, evil areas.
See below.
INTELLIGENCE: Low In any groupof quicklingsencounteredtherewill be 1 individual of 3 hit
ALIGNMENT: Neutral (chaotic) dice strength. If more than 1 0 quicklings are encountered, then 2 of
SIZE: S them will have 3 hit dice and 1 will be a 4% hit dice leader. Because of
PSlONlC ABILITY: Nil their amazing speed, quicklings have an excellent armor class. This
speed also allows them 3 attacks per round with their needle-like
Attack/Defense Modes: daggers. Leaders will be 75% likely to have a poison which causes
NiVnil victims to fall into a drugged slumber unlessa saving throwvs. poison is
successfully made after each hit from these creatures' daggers.
V11/1OOO+ 15/hp All quicklings are able to use the following spell-like powers once per
day, 1 at a time, at will: ventriloquism, forget, levitate. shatter, dig, and
Creaturesof thissort inhabitthe Elemental Planeof Air andthe Positive fire charm. They are 90% likely to be visible when moving, due to their
Material Plane. They are rare even in those places. During a great speed. When motionless in natural cover they are totally invisible.When
lightning storm on the Material Plane, large numbers of lightning quasi- attacking, quicklings can be seen only as a blur. Thus, their speed and
elementals will sometimes gather. During such violent thunderstorms,
the creatures feed and reproduce. In addition to normal movement,
lightning quasi-elementals can "arc," leaping up to 6" to any grounded
or metallic object of mass greater than 50 gp. Such leaping arc is i n
addition to normal movement, coming either at the beginning or end of


dexterity(l8)allowthemtosaveagainstall attackformsasif theywere As it is very difficult for a quickwood to move its massive trunk, the
19th-level clerics. It is impossible to surprise a quickling. creaturewill typically remain still if at all possible. It can, however, send
out thick roots that move at 3" per round through the loose top soil.
Quicklings speak their own language and that of brownies, pixies, and These roots can seize and hold immobile any creature under 1000
halflings. Most can speak many words of Common, although at a high pounds of weight. The roots are too strong to be broken, and blunt
pitch and too quickly to be easily understood. weapons do not damage them, but an edged weapon may be used to
sever one. (Treat roots as large, with 10 hit points each. Note that root
The quickling race is short-lived because of their accelerated rate of damage will not accumulate towards destruction of the quickwood
motion. Mature at about 1 or 2 years of age, quicklings die between 12 proper.)
and 15 years of age.
The creature will allow only 6 of its roots to be severed before it with-
QUICKWOOD (Spy Tree) draws the other 7-12 to safety. The quickwood also has numbers of
lesser roots which it spreads to sense approaching creatures. Its sensi-
FREQUENCY: Very rare tive leaves can detect air movements and changes in pressure.
NO. APPEARING: 1 (go%),
The visual, auditory, and olfactory organs (resembling large human
2-4 (10%) eyes, ears, and nose) are slightly superior to the human norm, and the
ARMORCLASS: 5 creature is able to see infravisually up to 120feet. In addition, a mature
MOVE: 1" (3" for roots) spytree isable tocausefrom 2-8othernormaloakstoserveasitshosts.
HIT DICE: 5-10 (5 hp/die) These trees resemble the quickwood while so possessed, having vis-
% IN LAIR: 100 ages and sensory organs through which the master tree actually con-
TREASURE TYPE: See below trols the hosts and gains information. Such control extends up to 36".
NO. OF AlTACKS: Special
DAMAGE/AlTACK: Special The limbsof thecreatureare toostiff toserveasoffensivemembers, but
SPECIALATtACKS: See below a quickwood has a mouthlike opening that can clamp shut for 3-12
SPECIAL DEFENSES: points damage. The victim must be touching the trunk or forced into a
position by a nearby grasping root where the maw can inflict damage
Never surprised before this is an actual danger, however. The roots themselves do no
MAGIC RESISTANCE: damage and have a range of 3 0 yards.

See below It is possible to use plant effective spells against a quickwood, but most
INTELLIGENCE: Very others do not work. The creature is able to perspire, drenching itself in
ALIGNMENT: Neutral water so fire does not harm it. Lightning is harmlessly channeled off.
SIZE: L Poisons and gases do not harm a quickwood. Disintegrate will certainly
PSlONlC ABILITY: Nil destroy one of these things. However, if under spell attack, a quickwood
will use the spell energy to radiate fear in a radius equal to 1 0 feet per
Attack/Defense Modes: level of spell energy. If the spell caster fails to make his or her saving
NiVnil throw, the quickwood has channeled all of the spell energy into fear;
otherwise, the fear is only a side effect of the spell use, and the magic
LEVEL1X.P. VALUE: has standard effects. Mind-affecting spells do not affect a quickwood.
VI350 + 10/hp
Quickwoods are sometimes charmed or otherwise convinced to serve as
It is said that the quickwood grows only through the magical offices of repositories for treasure or as guardians of an area. In the former role,
some great wizard (or possibly druid) who planted a mandragora root the treasure guarded will be typical of the creature having placed it
after ensorcelling it with mighty spells. Others claim that these weird there. Such items are always stored within the trunk orifice of the
trees are a natural progression of vegetable life towards a state equival- quickwood. As a guardian, the creature spies for intruders and upon
ent to man's. In any case, the quickwood is certainly sentient, unlike sighting them will send outa hollowdruming soundwhich can be heard
most of the vegetation found in the world. This great hardwood tree for a mile or more.
appears to be an oak, although close inspection will reveal that it has a
visage and sensoryorgans which resemble a distorted human face. It is
90% unlikely that the "face" will be noticed unless the observer is
within 3 0 feet of the quickwood (10 feet if the thing is attempting to
conceal its presence by not using its sensory organs). These creatures
may be found in any habitat which supports normal oaktrees, including
the warmer reaions where live oaks are found.

RAM Rams are found in subarctic to temperate regions. They prefer rocky,
hilly grasslands and avoid heavily wooded places. Twenty-five percent
FREQUENCY: Uncommon of encounters will be with a lone animal; others will be with 1-6, and in
NO. APPEARING: 1 or 1-6 addition,therewillalso be 3-18ewesand half asmanylambs. Ramswill
ARMOR CLASS: 6 attack creatures threatening the herd only if the herd cannot escape by
MOVE: 15" flight. A charge of 2 0 feet more adds +1 to hit and doubles damage
HIT DICE: 2 inflicted. Ewes only butt and do not charge. Lambs are noncombatant.
% IN LAIR: Nil

AttackIDefense Modes:

11/28 + 2/hp

RAT jewelry, and magic. If angry, hungry, or cornered, vapor rats will attack
by scurrying in and delivering sharp bites. Whenever one is killed or
Ordinary Rat seriously wounded, it gives off a small puff of noxious fumes. This
gaseous release is the equivalent of a stinking cloud spell (q.v.), but it
FREQUENCY: Common will affect only 1 individual if within 5-8 feet of the vapor rat. The rat
always directs its release at its opponent, and the gasdissipates beyond
NO. APPEARING: 1-100 the maximum distance shown above. Thus, while it is safe to slay these
monsters from a distance, they are particularly dangerous in close
ARMOR CLASS: 7 proximity.

MOVE: 15"


% IN LAIR: Nil -' Wounded or seriously threatened vapor rats will always assume gase-
TREASURE TYPE: Nil ous form. In such state, they can only be harmed by attack forms which
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 cause their vapors to be destroyed. Such attackforms include very hot or
magical fire, lightning, and exceptionally strong winds.





ALIGNMENT: Neutral (evil) Ordinary Huge Giant

SIZE: S FREQUENCY: Common Rare Rare

PSlONlC ABILITY: Nil NO. APPEARING: 4-36 2-8 4-16

Attack/Defense Modes: ARMOR CLASS: 7 64

Nil/nil MOVE: 1"/36" 1"/27" 3"/1 8"

LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: HIT DICE: 1/4 1 -1 3 + 2

1/2 + l / h p % IN LAIR: 25% 15% 10%

TREASURE TYPE: See below See below See below

Ratsof all sizes andcolors are found everywherefromforestwilderness NO. OF AlTACKS: 1 11
to city sewers. Although cowardly, a trapped or cornered rat will fight
ferociously. Whenstarved, rat packswill attackanything alive in order to DAMAGE/AlTACK. 1 1-2 3-6
feed. As is true of giant rats, typical rodents of this sort have a filthy bite
with a 5% chance of causing a serious disease unless a save vs. poison SPECIALAlTACKS: See below See below Nil
indicates otherwise. Normal rats fear fire, but, when driven by hunger,
they will sometimes brave it. SPECIAL DEFENSES: See below See below Nil

MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard Standard Standard

INTELLIGENCE: Animal Semi-+ Low+

ALlG NMENT: Neutral Neutral (evil) Neutral (evil)

SIZE: S (2'-4' M (4'-6' M-L (6'-IO'

Vapor Rat wingspread) wingspread) wingspread)


FREQUENCY: Rare Attack/Defense Modes: Nil/nil NiVnil Nil/nil
ARMOR CLASS: 6 (or special) LEVEVX.P. VALUE: I/Nil ll/30+1 /hp 111/60+4
MOVE: 12"//6" (1")
HITDICE: 2 Ravens (or rooks) and crows
% IN LAIR: 30% are found from cold-temperate
TREASURE TYPE: See below to tropical climes. They are
NO. OF AlTACKS: 1 principally scavengers, but,
DAMAGE/AlTACK: being omnivorous, they will
raidcrops, nests, or unattended
1-2 hp cachesof food. All birdsof this
SPECIAL AlTACKS: type travel in flocks, although
a few might be encountered
Stinking cloud seemingly alone; these are
SPECIAL DEFENSES: scouts.Assoonasany approach-
ing creature which could
Gaseous form threaten the flock is seen or
MAGIC RESISTANCE:Standard detected, the scout or scouts
INTELLIGENCE: Low will give warning cries, screen
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic (neutral) themselves, and maintain a
safe distance while keeping
SIZE: S track of the creatures and
PSlONlC ABILITY: Nil reporting events to the flock
bymeansof raucouscalls and,
Attack/Defense Modes: possibly, movements as well. Thus, ravens or crows can never be sur-
Nil/nil prised during lighted conditions. Because of their intelligence, these
birds are 10% likely to attack an opponent's eye. In other words, when-
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: everato-hitroll indicatesa hit,thereisa 1 in 1Ochanceofeyeattackand
11/52 + 2/hp resultant loss of the organ.

Vapor rats appear to be nothing more than large, gray giant rats. Their
habitat, however, includes areas not common to giant rats, for these
creatures also dwell in and on the substantial cloud islands which
frequently serve as the abode of cloud giants.

It is possible for vapor rats to alter the substance of their bodies and Ravens and crows have their own, limited language. Certain ravens,
assume a gaseous form. In this condition they appear to be wisps of including some huge and most giant specimens, can speak as many as
cloud or similar vapors. In normal solid state, vapor rats move very 100words of the common tongue and can communicate in meaningful
quickly and rapidly, are able to swim well, and are capable of burrowing phrases. Huge ravens tend towards a malicious disposition and are
rapidly through loose soil or the material of cloud islands. In their known to serve evil masters when opportunity permits. All birds of this
vaporous condition, they are able to direct their movement much as a sort love objects which glitter and shine. Thus, they are 25% likely to
ship would steer before the wind, and they are thus able to move from have several small metal objects, gems, and the like intheir nests. Giant
cloud to cloud around the sky. ravensare both pugnaciousandeasilytrained (if raisedfromfledglings),
and so are often used as guards and messengers. In their nests, there
Vapor rats are omnivorous, loving garbage and carrion, which is typical
of all rats. While they do not seektreasure, there i s a possibilitythat the may be Type 0treasure (a 1 in 6 chance per nest, base gem value 1Ogp).
remains of their meals will contain some itemsof value. If discovered in
their lair, there is a 25%chancefor each of the following treasure types
to be there: J (1-4), K (1-4), L (1-4), M (1-4), N (1-2), C-type for gems,


RETCH PLANT fall. If there is solid contact with a tree trunk-such as banging against,
running into, or climbing it-2-5 of the noisome fruit will plop down.
NO. OF attACKS: Nil HIT DICE: 5+1 hp/l
SPECIALATTACKS: See below foot of length
See below NO. OF ATTACKS: 1
ALIGNMENT: Neutral +pIoint/foot of length
SIZE: L (16'-24' tall) SPECIAL ATTACK:
Surprises on 1-3
Attack/Defense Modes: SPECIAL DEFENSES:
Chameleon powers
111/150 + 6/hp INTELLIGENCE: Animal
The retch plant, or globe palm, is found only in warm climates. It is a SIZE: M-L (5'-I 2' long)
typical palm tree, except that each constantly has from 5-8 globe-like, PSlONlC ABILITY: Nil
coconut-sized fruit growing at its top. Each globe is membraneous and
taut and blue, violet, or lilac in color. When they strike they burst, and a Attack/Defense Modes:
nauseating fluid is splashed over a 5-fOOt radius. (A 25% chance for Nil/nil
splash contact at 5-9 foot distance.) The sticky, foul liquid will cause
creatures splashed to vomit and retch for the next 3 rounds and for 6 LEVEL/X.P. VALUE:
turns (1 hour) thereafter to be at 50% normal strength. There is no M = V/400 + 7/hp;
saving throw allowed. L = V1/600 + 9/hp

Creatures splashed must bewashed in alcohol (wine, beer, brandy, etc., Thisweird lizard has a lumpy, warty hide and chameleon-like powers. It
will do) or be much more likelyto attract carnivores inthe area at double can thus lie in wait in rocky areas, appearing to be nothing more than a
the normal frequency of checks, with double probabilities of encounter. pile of rubble or rocks. The rock reptile favors darkness but will occa-
The odor is discernible within a 50-foot radius. It persists for 1-4 hours. sionallyventure out in daylight if it is sufficiently hungry. Its initial rush
Walking undera retchplantmakesit20%likelythatoneof itsglobeswill is at twice normal speed, thus surprising prey on a 3 in 6 basis. As it
drags some prey to its lair, there might be bits of treasure therein-25%
eachfortypesJ,K,L,andM,andaIsotypesQ,Sx1~,andTx'/2.I f 2 o f t h e
monsters are encountered, they have double metal and gems only.

S A NDLIN G sandling will strike for only one-half damage (1-8).

FREQUENCY: Rare Sandlings are apparently silicon-based creatures, and some sages
NO. APPEARING: 1 believe that they originated on the Elemental Plane of Earth. Asandling
ARMOR CLASS: 3 grows until it reachesfull size(l0feet indiameter), andthen it beginsto
MOVE: 12"(6") reproduce by budding.Tiny sandlings grow to about 2 inches in diameter
HIT DICE: 4 before they split from the parent. A n adult sandling's territory often
% IN LAIR: 65% swarmswith thousandsof infantsandlings, none largerthan 1/2foot in
TREASURE TYPE: Nil diameter. When one grows above this size, the parent sandling per-
NO. OF AlTACKS: 1 ceives it as a threat and kills it. When the parent sandling dies, the
DAMAGE/AtTACKS: 2-16 largest infantgrowstotake its place, killing all rivals(if itcan).Agroupof
SPECIAL DEFENSES:Immune sandling infants groupedtogether form an uneven surface and may trip
an unwary creature.
to sleep, hold, charm and
other mind influencing spells Sandlings sense heat, sound and moisture. They dislike wetness and
MAGICRESISTANCE:Standard will burrow underground to avoid rain or water unless already defend-
INTELLIGENCE: Non- ing their territories. There have been reports of huge sandlings 3 times
ALIGNMENT: Neutral as large as normal adults, but these reports have not been substan-
SIZE: L tiated. Sandlings are always the same temperature as their surround-
PSlONlC ABILITY: Nil ings and thus are invisible to infravision.
Attack/Defense Modes:


W 8 5 + 4/hp

A sandling appears to be an amorphous mass of moving, sliding sand.
A n adult sandling is a solitary creature, and it dwells in lonely sandy
areas such as uninhabited deserts, siliceous caverns and deserted
beaches. Sandlings are savagelyterritorial andwill attackanycreatures
that trespass in their areas. They fight by slashing and laceratingwith a
coarse, abrasive pseudopod, Sandlings'flexible, shifting forms are diffi-
cult to damage by physical assault (thus the armor class of 3). If a
sufficient quantity of water or other liquid ( I O gallons or more) is cast
upon the creature, it will have the same effects as a slow spell and the



FREQUENCY: Large Huge FREQUENCY Very rare n
NO. APPEARING: Common Uncommon
ARMOR CLASS: 1-6 1-4 NO. APPEARING: 1 or 12-30
HIT DICE: 9" 12" MOVE: 12"//36"
% IN LAIR: 2+2 4+4 HITDICE: 3+3
SPECIAL AllACKS: 3 3 (magic only), R
SPECIAL DEFENSES: 1-4/1-4/1 1-8/1-8/1-3 NO. OF ATTACKS: 1
MAGIC RESISTANCE: Poison sting Poison sting DAMAGE/AllACK:
ALIGNMENT: Standard Standard By weapon type or 1-6
SIZE: Non- Non- SPECIALAttACKS: See below
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil Nil See below
111/90 + 3/hp IV/1 65 + 5/hp INTELLIGENCE: Average to

Often found indungeons and wildernesses, these creatures are merely exceptional
smallerversionsof the giant scorpion. Eachattackswith pincers and tail ALIGNMENT Neutral (good)
stinger. If struck by the stinger, the victim must save vs. poison or be SIZE: M
instantly killed. However, the poison of the large scorpion isweakerthan PSlONlC ABILITY: Nil
normal (+2 on saving throw).
Attack/Defense Modes:

W 7 5 + 4/hp

SCUM CREEPER Theselkie isaseal-likecreatureabletotake humanform for afewdays
andbecomesasort of sealwere.The selkiewill usuallytake humanform
FREQUENCY Uncommon to be able to visit a human community to trade for or purchase certain
NO. APPEARING: 2-24 suppliesor items needed by its group. The habitat of the selkie is marine
ARMOR CLASS: 8 and cold-temperate to subarctic. They lair in large caverns or grotto
MOVE: 3" complexes having both air and water areas, because selkie young must
HIT DICE: 1 (2-8 hp) breathe air until they have grown to half-size (about 1 year of age).
Selkies are omnivorous, eating fish, shellfish, crustaceans, and various
TREASURE TYPE: Nil forms of seaweed. They can also eat human fare, and they relish wine.

NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 In human form a selkie will have some weapon, but in its seal-like form
thecreature cannot carrya weapon and swim rapidly. Therefore, selkies
DAMAGE/AttACK: Nil (1) encountered underwater are 90%likely to be unarmed and will usually
SPECIALAlTACKS: See below attack by biting. Any weapon possessed by a selkie will be used if
necessary, especially in defense of the home.
MAGICRESISTANCE:Standard A selkie community will be divided between males and females, with
INTELLIGENCE: Non- slightlymorefemalesinmost cases.Thetwosexesareequal.The leader
ALIGNMENT: Neutral will be an old selkie able to perform the following powers: augury, cure
SIZE: S (1/2' dia., 1' length) light wounds, cure disease, weathersummoning,controlweather. Each
PSlONlC ABILITY: Nil is usable 1 per round, once per day, exceptweather spellswhich require
1 week of rest between castings and are used only in dire need for
Attack/Defense Modes: exacting revenge.

1/14 + 1/hp

Scum creepers are small, slug-like things which inhabit subterranean The treasure of a selkie community is gathered from ships lost at sea and
placesor dismal swampswhere there is little light. Theyfeed upon plant from sea creatures. Thus, they are likely to own many pearls. Monetary
growth and anything else which their small mouths are able to devour. treasure of this sort is kept principallyfor trade. Magical treasure is also
This includes rotting cloth, wood, or flesh. A scum creeper can move garneredfrom sunken shipsand usedtoaidandprotectthecommunity.
freely upon walls or ceilings due to its myriad tiny hooked legs and its
suctioning underbelly segments. The scum creeper's small, sucker-like In humanform selkies arevery attractive and fine looking. Their eyesare
mouth has very sharp shearing plates of hornlike substance. particularly bright. When intrue form, they are nearly indistinguishable
from seals. Close examination, however, will reveal arms with slightly
Attacks are initially attempts to attach to the intended prey. A hit indi- webbed hands instead of foreflippers, and legs rather than a tapering
cates that the scum creeper is fastened to some portion of the prey(1 in body and rear flippers.
2 0 will fasten the monster onto the face, blinding the victim until the
monster is removed). Each round thereafter the scum creeper inflicts 1
point of damage automatically, and this continues until the monster is
killed or the victim is dead. Rock salt rubbed on a scum creeper's soft
flesh causes it t o suffer 2 points of damage per round for 1-4 rounds.
(Additional applications are ineffective until the previous saline effects
are complete.)

Scum creepers have fat, slimy bodies of gray color with pale yellow
headsand underbelliesof sicklywhite.They haveonlyvestigal eyesand
sensoryorgans ina cluster of cilia at the head. The mouth is on the lower
portion of the head.


SHADE Type Occurences
Bright light Bright sunlight on a clear day
FREQUENCY: Very rare (rare) Center of continual light spell
NO. APPEARING: Typically 1-2 Average Light Light without shadows (as from
ARMOR CLASS: Twilight several sources around the shade)
Normal daylight with shade or clouds
As original creature Shadowy light Center of a light spell
MOVE: As original creature Underground torchlight Outline of a faerie fire spell
HIT DICE: As original class Night/dark Sunset
Total darkness Average indoor light
and level Edges of light and continual light
% IN LAIR: Variable spells
TREASURE TYPE: Variable Dimly-lit room or forest
Normal illumination on Plane of
NO. OF ATACKS: As original Shadow
A room with windows at night
class and level A moonless or cloudy night sky
DAMAGE/ATTACKS: Pitch black, overcast night sky
Unlit, interior room or cavern
By weapon type A darkness spell
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Ability Scores: Light affects the ability statistics of the shade. Bonuses
will exceed normal species maximums with the exception of strength.
See below Each +Iadds 10% to 18 strength, and strength scores over 18/00 are
MAGIC RESISTANCE:Variable treated as a 19 strength. Penalties lower strength by a full point (an
18/00 strength drops to 17 at -1 and 16 at -2).
(see below)
INTELLIGENCE: Low to genius
ALIGNMENT:Any(except good)
SIZE: As original creature
PSIONICS:As original creature

Attack/Defense Modes:
As original creature

LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: Variable

All knowledgeable authorities agree that shades are, or were, normal MagicResistance:Checkthe basicabilityofthe shadeto resist spellsvs.
humans w h o through arcane magic or dark sciences have traded their the light conditions. Magic resistance for a shadewill never exceed 60%
souls or spirits for the essence of shadowstuff. While still retaining the (a 13th-levelshadefighter intwilightwill havea 60%magicresistance,
shape and abilities of their original species, they havegrown in power by not 65%).Note that a shade inbright light hasstandard magic resistance
joining with thisshadowstuff. The true native shade is unknown, and no and all savesare made at -4 on the die becauseof the shade'sweakness.
one knows if shades are connected with the shadow (q.v.) or some
power or substance from the Plane of Shadow. The method of transmu- Hit Points: Penalties and bonuses are per hit die. No hit die may be less
tation from living being to unliving shade life has been lost. than 1 point.

Any humanor demihuman, if the formula is rediscovered, can becomea Special Abilities: All shades have the following special spell-like abil-
shade. Dwarves, elves, gnomes, half-elves, halflings, humans, and an ties, depending on local light conditions.
occasional half-orc, are known to have forsaken goodness for the dark
lure of shadowstuff. Becoming a shade does not alter species limitations Shadow-walk-This is the abilityto gather shadows around itself
of ability, class, or level (except as noted hereafter). The stuff of shadow and use them to transport itself to the Plane of Shadow. The
most certainly prolongs the life of shades, for unless they meet with an transport requires 1 full round.
accident or are killed, they are undying. Disease has no effect on them
once they enter shadow, and they may regrow body parts lost in combat Shadow images - This is the ability to form exact duplicates of
(savethehead) in 1-4weeks. This unnaturalvitalityalso manifests itself itself out of shadow and cause the duplicates to act as if they were
in the regeneration of hit points, allowing them to regain them at 1 hit living entities. A shade can create 2-5 shadow images and can
point per turn. control their actions as long as they remain within 3 0 feet of their
creator. They may only be dispelled by altering the lighting condi-
Because of changing light on the Prime Material Plane, shades live in tions around the shade. Note that shadow images have no material
the Plane of Shadow whenever possible (where they are rare). They do substance (so they do no damage in their attacks), and that the
not leave that plane unless sufficiently motivated, such as by treasure, shade must draw from surrounding shadow to create them.
enforced servitude, revenge, etc.
OtherAbilities:All shades may hide in shadows inconditions of twilight,
Shades wield great power in shadows, but as shadows diminish, shadowy light, and night/dark. They hide as a thief of the same level.
Shades with thieving ability gain 2% per level in shadowy conditions,
whether from increase in light or darkness, so too wanes the power of and 5% per level in night/dark conditions.
these shadow-beings. The exact power of a shade in varying light
conditions is detailed below. As mentioned before, becoming a shade does not change the basic
characteristics of the individual. Those having psionic abilities may have
Light Ability Magic Hit Special those powers enhanced, but psionic abilitymay not be gained by becom-
Conditions Scores Resistance Points Abilities ing a shade. Shades with psionic ability will lose all mastery in the
Bright light; -2 Standard; -2/die None disciplines of invisibility and etherealness but will gain 2 levels in
sunlight saves at - 4 dimension walking when i n shadows. Shades with psionic abilities
Average light -1 5%/level -1/die None usually gain the ability of shape alteration (10% chance per year as a
Twilight Normal 5%/level Normal Shadow-walk shade), if they do not already have this power. The psionic strength of
Shadowy +2 5%/level +1 /die Shadow-walk; gifted shadeswill alter upon attaining shadehood because abilityscores
light shadow images will be changed. New power and discipline gained by such a shade will
Night/dark +I 5%/level Normal Shadow-walk operate only on the Plane of Shadow.
Complete Normal Standard Normal None
Finally, it is nearly impossibletodetect a shade, for its appearance does
Light Conditions:A shade's power varies according to the amount of not differ areatlv from its mortal form. A shade's eves show no white,
shadow available: They are most vulnerable in cases of total light and however, rust a'dark grey or purple iris and pupii. and its skin tone
total darkness. becomesduskyandgrey. They prefer garbof grey or blackandwill rarely
wear brightly-colored clothes. The transformation to shade has some

evil i n it, for the shade becomesgloomy and brooding. They are generally
solitary due to this fact, as they cannot trust other shades, nor can they
deal with normal creatures without dominating or exploiting them.


SHEDU. GREATER encountered. A l l encounters will be in lonely, uninhabited places.

FREQUENCY: Very rare The armor class of a sirine is 3 because of the high dexterity of the race
NO. APPEARING: 1-2 (18) and their magical nature. They usually will carry small (short)
ARMOR CLASS: 2 swords and daggers, although 30% will have 3 javelins (40%) or a sling
MOVE: 15"/30" (MC: B) (60%) as well. There is a base 10% chance that any weapon will be
HIT DICE: 14+14
% IN LAIR: Nil magic + I or javelin o f lightning; each should be checked for this
NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 possibiIity.
SPECIALATTACKS: See below Sirines have the following magical powers; song, which will charm
SPECIAL DEFENSES: person at 3" range all subject creaturesof hostile naturewithin hearing
suggestion; polymorph self; fog cloud; and improved invisibility.Each is
See below usable once per day, 1 at a time, at will. Additionally, any intelligent
MAGIC RESISTANCE: 50% creature touched in melee bya sirine must save vs. poison or become an
INTELLIGENCE: Genius + idiot (intelligence=2). The idiocy so caused can be removed at will but
requires a touch from the sirine. Otherwise, dispelmagic may be used to
(wisdom 16-18) bring back intelligence. Sirines are immune to all forms of gas.
ALIGNMENT: Lawful good
SIZE: L (6' high at shoulder) All of their saving throws are made as if they were 11th-level magic-
PSlONlC ABILITY: 120-150 users with a +2 bonus vs. poison. If more than 1 sirine is encountered
(30% chance) it will always be in the sirines' home area. A single sirine
Attack/Defense Modes: will always be of 6 or 7 hit dice. If 2-8 are encountered, at least 1 will be
All/all of 6 or 7 hit dice, with equal chances for 4,5,6, or 7 hit dice otherwise.
Alignment of a group of sirines will always be the same with respect to
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: IX/5250 good, evil, and absolute neutral alignment. Ina group of evil sirines, for
+ 20/hp example, there can be lawful, neutral, and chaotic members.

Greater shedu are close allies of their lesser cousins. Theytypically rule Sirines breathe air or water with equal facility. They have infra- and
any group of 6 or more normal shedu, doing so most beneficently. While ultravisual capacity. They speak their own language and Common.
preferring the warm, dry climes which all lammasu and shedu favor,
greater shedu are prone to roam the Prime Material, Astral, and Ethe- SKELETON, ANIMAL
real Planes seeking to succor creatures of good alignment, aid them, and
combat Evil. The attacks of greater shedu are by powerful blows of the FREQUENCY Very rare
forehooves. They radiate protection from evil within a 10-foot radius. NO. APPEARING: 2-20
They can become ethereal and invisible at will. Greater shedu have 7 ARMORCLASS: 8
minor and 4 major psionic disciplines which they perform at 14th level MOVE: 6"
of mastery. Usual minor disciplines are: clairaudience or clairvoyance, HITDICE: 1-1
detection of evilor detection of magic, dominationor hypnosis, molecu- %IN LAIR: 85%
lar agitation, object reading or sensitivity to psychic impressions. and TREASURE TYPE: See below
precognition. Usual major disciplines are: body control or energy con- NO. OF ATTACKS: 1
trol, mass domination or mind bar. molecular manipulation or telekine- DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-4
sis (315 0 gp weight), and shape alteration. SPECIALA'ITACKS: Nil
Greater shedu perform the disciplines of dimension walk, probability
travel,and teleportation without any strength cost whatsoever. In addi- See below
tion to the languages of lawful good, lammasu, shedu, Common, and MAGIC RESISTANCE:
root languages, greater shedu can speaktelepathicallywith most anim-
als and monsters and can even communicatewith plants in an elemen- See below
tary manner. INTELLIGENCE: Non-
SIZE: S to M
FREQUENCY: Rare/very rare
ARMOR CLASS: 3 or less Attack/Defense Modes:
MOVE: 12"//24" Nil/nil
TREASURE TYPE: Individual: I/lO+l/hp

L,M,N,Q; In lair: X Animal skeletons are animated from small vertebrate creatures by
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 means of an animate dead spell. Animal skeletons are produced at the
DAMAGE/AtTACK: rate of 1-1/2 per experience level of the caster. They are typically
createdto serve as guardiansof a minor sort. Thus, theywill not usually
By weapon type have treasure nearby, save possibly that incidentally remaining from
SPECIALA'ITACKS: See below past encounters. Usual animal skeletons are from the size of domestic
SPECIAL DEFENSES: cats to the size of large dogs. (Nothing larger than a human can be
animated by the spell.)
See below
MAGIC RESISTANCE: Animal skeletons have no special attack forms. They are, of course,
immune to charm, cold, death magic, hold, and sleep. Blunt weapons
20% or more inflict normal damage, but edged weapons inflict only one-half normal
INTELLIGENCE: High togenius damage. They are turned as normal skeletons, but at +1 in the cleric's
ALIGNMENT: Any favor, and 1d6+6 will be turned or destroyed.

(equal chances); see below

Attack/Defense Modes:

V/350 + 1O/hp

Sirines, beautiful human-like females, are equally at home above or
beneath salt or fresh waters. Normally, but a single sirine will be


SKUNK mish, shallow water. When attacking, slime creatures have a 10%
chanceof infectingtheir opponent with olive slime when a hit i s scored.
FREQUENCY Common Slime creatures are harmed by acid, freezing cold, fire(of a magical sort
NO. APPEARING: 1 or 1-6 only if water dwelling), and magic missile spells. Magical powers which
ARMOR CLASS: 8 affect plants also affect them. All other attack forms have no effect upon
MOVE: 12" slime creatures.
% IN LAIR: Nil The vegetable intelligence of slime creatures is of animal nature, but
TREASURE TYPE: Nil their cunning enables them to learn from experience. They also can use
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 their cunning to lay traps. Slime creatures have limited telepathic com-
dAMAGE/ATTACK 1 munication with their own kind effective in a radius of up to 20".
Squirt musk
Squirt musk ARMOR CLASS: 9
AttackIDefense Modes: DAMAGE/AlTACK Nil
1/4 + 1/hp See below
Skunks are found in most temperate and subtropical regions, dwelling
in lightly populated and uninhabited areas. While they will bite if cor- See below
nered, their major attack and defense method is to back towards any INTELLIGENCE: Non- and
threatening creatures and release a 1"xl "xl " cloud of stinking musk
which will require all those within to make a saving throw vs. poison. special
Those whosucceed must retreat immediatelyor count as failing to save. ALIGNMENT: Neutral
Those failing will be nauseated for 1-4 rounds and must retreat and SIZE: S
retch. Each must also save again vs. poison or also be blinded for 1-4 PSlONlC ABILITY: Nil
rounds. The musk will cause normal clothing to smell so bad as to
require burying or burning. Flesh, leather, metal, etc., must be washed Attack/Defense Modes:
repeatedly for several days in order to remove the horrid odor. (Vinegar Nil/nil
will cut the stench in only 2 or 3 washings.)
V/330 + 3/hp

SLIME CREATURE Olive slime is a strain of monstrous plant life akin to green slime (q.v.)
but contact with it is worse in most respects. Olive slime favors subter-
FREQUENCY: Rare ranean growing areas, feeding on animal, vegetable, and metallic sub-
NO. APPEARING: 1 to 2 0 stances. The vibrations of a passing creature are sufficient to cause the
ARMOR CLASS: 9 stuff to release its tendrils and drop.
MOVE: 6"
HIT DICE: 3+2, 5+2, or 8+2 Contactwith olive slime causesa numbing poison to beexudedfrom the
%IN LAIR: Nil creature. The victim must save vs. poison or fail to notice the attachment
TREASURE TYPE: Nil of the olive slime. The attachment might (50%) be noticed by others in
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 the vicinity; the check is made once for the group, not individually, with
DAMAGE/ATTACK: no adjustment except for magic. The stuff then spreads itself over the
body area of its victim, sending parasitic tendrils to feed on the fluids of
1-4 or 2-8 or 4-16 the host. With humansthisattachment is usuallyalong the spinal area.
SPECIAL AlTACKS: The hostthenbegins to change, the mind being affected bysecretionsof
the olive slime, so that the mind's main concern is to feed, protect, and
Olive slime aid the growth. Intake of food must be doubled or the host body wastes
SPECIAL DEFENSES: away (10%of hit points per day).After 7-12 days, the host will begin a
metamorphosis intovegetablecreature. The olive slime gradually repla-
See below ces skin and muscle tissue and forms a symbiotic brain attachment as
MAGIC RESISTANCE: well. The new creature has no interest in its old form or fellows. Itexists
as a new species more akin to plants than any other life form. Feeding is
See below then either photosynthetic, parasitic, or both. Upon death, the creature
INTELLIGENCE: Animal generates a new patch of olive slime.

( cunning) Olive slime can be harmed only by acid, freezing cold, fire, or by a cure
ALIGNMENT: Neutral disease spell. Magical powers which affect plants also work upon it.
SIZE: S, M, or L Other attacks, including spells, do not harm it. Green slime and olive
PSlONlC ABILITY: Nil slime will attack and neutralize each other. See "Slime Creature" for
details on metamorphosed creatures created by olive slime attack.
Attack/Defense Modes:

111/110 + 4/hp, 3+2 HD
V I 3 0 0 + 6/hp, 5+2 HD
VIV1200 + 12/hp, 8+2HO

Slime creatures are the metamorphosed hosts of olive slime (q.v.). The
new vegetable creature formed is linked symbiotically with the olive
slime. Regardless of its former existence and despite its general form, a
slime creature is onlysmall, medium, or large-thusthe variable hit dice
and damage. Slime creatures gather together for mutual assistance in
feeding and for defense. They can be identified only upon close

Habitatvariesfrom well populated subterranean placestodampforests,
swamps, etc. Slime creatures are equally at home on land or in war-



Constrictor Poisonous
FREQUENCY: Uncommon 1-6 FREQUENCY: Very rare
2 t1 MOVE: 18“/40”//18“
Nil %IN LAIR: 0
HIT DICE: 3+2 1 DAMAGE/AlTACK: Byweapon
% IN LAIR: Nil Nil type (+12 strength bonus)
Standard SPECIALAlTACKS: See below
NO. OF AlTACKS: 2 See below
S (5’ long) MAGIC RESISTANCE: 85%
SPECIALATTACKS: Constriction Nil/nil Supra-genius; wisdom: 24
V/255 +3/hp ALIGNMENT: Good
Attack/Defense Modes:
INTELLIGENCE: Animal All/all

X/95,000 + 35/hp
SIZE: M (15’ long)


Attack/Defense Modes: Nil/nil

LEVEVX.P. VALUE: W 8 5 +4 hp

Snakes of all sorts inhabit \
regions from the cold-temper-
ate to tropical. Larger sorts
(constrictors) are usuallyfound
only in subtropical climes.

Constrictor: These snakes A solar is the most powerful of spirits, usually directly serving a greater
typically lay in wait for prey, deityof good alignment andtypically as hisor her marshal, steward, etc.
preferring wooded areas or O n rare occasions, a solar will be found attending a lesser deity. There
swamps. They attack by bite are at least 2 4 solars. They can go to any place but do so only inservice to
and coiling to constrict. A theirdeities. Aswithdevas(q.v.)andplanetars(q.v.),solarscanbeofany
successful coiling attack indi- good alignment-lawful, neutral, or chaotic. They aretotallyfaithful and
cates automatic constriction unswerving in their alignment and loyalty.
damage each round thereaf-
ter. Any creature of humanoid Each solar has 4 attacks per melee round. Each has a huge composite
sort can escape from coiling bow (36” range) and various arrows of slaying. Each also has a sword
attack by strength. This is equal to a 2-handed weapon (usable only by solars) equal to +5 with
indicated by a roll to open qualities of dancing (q.v.) and sharpness (q.v.). The former function
doors, penalized by + I to the operates sans severing. For purposes of attack determination, consider
roll. (cf.,”Snake, Giant each solar to have a dexterity of 2 4 and a 17th+ level as a fighter.

Constrictor.”) All solars have spell-like abilities equal to those of a 12th level cleric,
druid, maaic-user, and illusionist. Inaddition, they each havethefollow-
Poisonous: The varieties of poisonous snakes are many. Use the table ing spell-like powerswhich can be used 1 at a time, 1 per round, at will:
below to determine strength and effect of poison. Actual length, color,
habitat, etc., are variable. antipathy/sympathy (3/day) polymorph (any object, 1/day)
animate object (3/day) power word(1/day)
Die Modifier To Results of astral spell (1/day) polymorph self (1/day)
Roll Savevs. Failure t o Save confusion (3/day) prismatic spray (1/day)
1-4 Poison Sickness + incapacitation, 2-8 days control weather readmagic
5-8 +3 Death creeping doom (1/day) regenerate (1/day)
9-11 +2 2-8 points of damage DrawmijS instant summons restoration (1/day)
12-14 +1 3-12 points of damage
15-17 +/-0 Sickness + incapacitation, 1-4 days (double effect) resurrection (3/day)
18-19 -1 Sickness + incapacitation, 2-12 days earthquake (3/day) shape change (3/day)
20 -2 Death finger of death (1/day) symbol(any, 3/day)
-3 fire storm (1/day) teleport (no error)
holy word (3/day) vanish (3/day)
imprisonment [ 1/day) vision (1/day)
improved invisibility wind walk (7/day)
wish (1/day)
mass charm (3/day)
permanency (3/day)

Each solar can cast a globe ofprotection from e v i l i l 5 0 % normal effect
for +3/-3) from individual size to a full 70-foot radius, the size being
willed but the protection otherwise maintained automatically. This
sphere also serves asprotectionfrom normalmissiles and a minorglobe
of invulnerability. A solar can commune as needed. Each can always
cure (any sort) by touch, detect (any sort, automatically), and dispel(any
sort) by gaze. When laying hands upon a creature, a solar can bestow
perfect adaptation to any environment for up to as long as a century.
Each solar automatically knows alignment. Each has communication
abilityviaeSPortongues,as well astheabilitytoreadandcomprehend
any sort of language. Solar infravision extends to 24” and ultravision to
triple normal range. Hearing and normal vision are double human norm.
Charisma effect is 24.

~ A solar of lawful good service can summon 1-2 ki-rin; one of neutral
good service 1-2 phoenix; and one of chaotic good service 1-2 greater

titans. Such summons can be made once every hour. Once per day a Whenever solifugids are encountered outdoors, there is a 60% chance
solar cangate in either a planetar or double the indicated number of the that they will be of the nocturnal variety, normally venturing out only at
appropriate sort of devas, the option resting with the solar. night. These creatures will flee from lights brighter than a torch or
lantern and attack at -2 when in daylight.
Solars are affected by the attack forms indicated for devas (q.v.) except
Solifugids live in warm desert climates. They are indiscriminate eaters,
that acid does not harm them. Only +5 or better weapons affect them. and if hungry will attack anything that moves.
They are never surprised and always strike first against opponentswith
less than 22 dexterity. They are immune to life level loss from undead or SPECTATOR
magic. They cannot be beguiled, charmed, held, confused, dominated.
feebleminded,paralyzed, or petrified. Their souls cannot be imprisoned FREQUENCY: Very rare
or trapped. They are immune to death spells and death magic. They
regenerate at a rateof 7 hit points per round. Unless on their own plane NO.APPEARING: 1-2
of service, onlythe materialform of a solar can be destroyed. The solar‘s
spirit returns instantly to its own plane to re-form a corporeal body, but ARMOR CLASS: Body 4,
this requires a full 7 decades. Solar psionic abilities ate: eyes 7

animal telepathy (4th level) MOVE: 1 0 (MC:B)
aura alteration HIT DICE: 4+4
body equilibrium % IN LAIR: 100%
body weaponry (12th level) TREASURE TYPE: See below
mass domination (24th level) NO. OF ATTACKS: 1
mind bar (24th level) DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1
molecular rearrangement (16th level) SPECIALATTACKS:See below
object reading SPECIAL DEFENSES:
reduction (24th level) See below
telekinesis (24th level) MAGIC RESISTANCE: 5%
telepathic projection (24th level) INTELLIGENCE:Very to high
ALIGNMENT: Lawful neutral
The skin of a solar is the color of molten copper, hair color is bronze, and SIZE: L (4’diameter)
eyes are glowing topaz. Its form is beautiful and muscular, andthe deep, PSlONlC ABILITY: Special
resonant voice is commanding. The wings are double and of a coppery-
gold color. Attack/Defense Modes:
FREQUENCY: Large Huge Giant V/350 + 9/hp
NO. APPEARING: Rare Very rare Very rare
1-6 1-6 1-4 The spectator is a guardian of places and treasures. Once it is given a
ARMOR CLASS: 6 5 4 task it will guard for up to 101 years and will let no one use, borrow, or
MOVE: 9“ 9” 12” examine an item or treasure.The treasure being guarded is 90% likely to
HIT DICE: 3+3 5+5 6+6 be a magic item or have a value of at least 15,000 gp. If the spectator
% IN LAIR: 10% 20% 25% gains incidental treasure while performing its duty, this will not trouble
TREASURE TYPE: 0 N(x4), 0 2 or 1 its conscience andthe treasure may betaken freely. Incidental treasure
NO OF ATTACKS: 2 or 1 0,s 2 or 1 can amount to the following sums: 40% for 3-300 coins of mixedtypes
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2-8 4-1 6 (1-2Oplatinum. 2-40gold.4-80electrum. andthe balance, if any, will be
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Grip 2 or 1 Grip silver); 30% for 1-6 gems of base value 50 gp; 20% for 1-4 potions; 15%
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Nil 3-12 Nil forat7 pieceofarmor; 15%fora+7weapon;and5%for amiscellaneous
MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard Grip Standard magic item valued under 10,000 gp.
ALIGNEMENT: Neutral Standard Neutral Spectators are summoned from Nirvana by monster summoning V and
SIZE: Non- the sacrifice of 3 small eyes (or more)from a beholder. The spectator can
PSlONlC ABILITY: M Neutral L be commanded only t o guard some treasure. It will perform no other
AttackIDefense Modes: Nil Nil duty, and if commanded in some other way it will return to Nirvana
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: Nil/nil M. Nil/nil immediately. If its guarded item(s) is ever destroyed or successfully
111/85+4/hp Nil V350+8/hp stolen the spectator is released from service and may return to Nirvana.
Nil/nil The summoner, of course, may take the item himself and thus release
IV/225+6/hp the spectator.

Variously known as false The spectator has a large central eye and 4 smaller eye stalks protruding
spiders. camel spiders, or sun from the top of its spherical body. The body surface is covered i n tough
spiders, the solifugids are hide and thus is armor class 4. Any general blow is 70%likely to hit the
arachnid in nature. They have body. The body contains all of the beast’s hit points. Hits on the eye
powerful, hooked beaks and stalks (AC 7) or the central eye (also AC 7) will occur 30% of the time
1 0 legs, thefirstpairending in (divided up as 20% for the eye stalks, 10%for the central eye). Any such
sucker-like clamps. When in hit destroys the eye. A spectator blinded in every eye cannot defend its
combat,asolifugidwilI attempt treasure and will teleport to Nirvana. This is the only condition under
to attack with each of its 2 which it will leave its post. Its eyes regenerate in 1 day and then it will
front legs. Should either score return. If the treasure is gone the creature will return to Nirvana.
a hit, no damage will be done
but the character struck will The beast has a general magic resistance of 5%. However, when the
be caught in the grip of the central eye is undamaged, it can reflect 1 spell fired at it per round and
solifugid. On each melee round turn the spell back to the caster. This does not apply to touch spells of
thereafter, the beak attackwill any kind. The reflection occurs only if the spectator makes a saving
gain +3 on its to-hit roll; note throw vs. spells. For example, if a magic-user casts a lightning bolt at a
thatonlythebeakcandoactual spectator, the spectator rolls a saving throw to see if the spell is
damage(theamount indicated), reflected, and if it is not then it rolls for its magic resistance percentage.
This bonus will continue for If this also fails, the lightning bolt does damage. The spell caster is
as long as a character is held; allowed a normal saving throw vs. the reflected spell in all cases and
only he or she must suffer any damage. Thus, in the above example, if
the only way to break the grip is to sever a limb by rolling a 3 or more the lightning bolt were reflected, onlythe magic-user could be hit by it,
above the normal number needed to hit. even if a familiar were sitting on the magic-user’s shoulder. If the
magic-user makes the saving throw, he or she takes no damage what-

1 12

soever! Reflection is possible only if the spell caster is standing in front SPRIGGAN
of the central eye within the space of a 6 0 degree arc. Range is not a
factor, since getting the spell to the spectator is the onlyconsideration. FREQUENCY:Very rare
The central eye can only reflect 1 spell per round, even if 2 spells arrive NO. APPEARING: 3-12
in the same segment. These small eyes act by glance and are thus very ARMOR CLASS: 3 (5)
fast. The other eyes have magical powers as follows: MOVE: 9" (15")
HIT DICE: 4 (8+4)
Eye 1: Create food and water. Obviously this is not an attack. % IN LAIR: 30%
Eye 2: Cause serious wounds. Inflicts 2d8+3 damage vs. a single TREASURE TYPE: A
Eye 3: figure at a range of 60 feet. A saving throw vs. spells is NO. OF ATACKS: 2
allowed and, if successful, only half-damage is sustained. DAMAGE/ATTACK: Byweapon
Eye 4: Paralyzation ray. Range of 90 feet, one target only, dura-
tion 5-20 rounds. The spectator never attacks a paralyzed type (2-812-8)
character or uses him or her for food. A paralyzedcharac- SPECIAL ATTACKS: Spells.

ter might be allowed to go its own way if it is willing to thief abiIities
leave in peace. SPECIAL DEFENSES:

Telepathy. Range 120 feet, 1 target only. Communication See below
is possible in this way. The beast can also implant a sug- MAGICRESISTANCE:Standard
gestion if the target fails to make a saving throw. This INTELLIGENCE:Average
suggestion is always to leave in peace.
Initiative for the spectator is made rolling a 1d8 instead of a 1d6 in all ALIGNMENT: Chaotic (evil)
cases. All three "attackeyes" can be brought into play. Causingwounds
or paralyzation takes only 1 segment, as does the suggestion to leave in SIZE: S, 3' tall (L, 12' tall)
peace. Communication takes 2 segments. Creating the amount of food PSlONlC ABILITY: Nil
and water for a large meal (up to 6 persons)takes 1 full round.
Attack/Defense Modes:

V l / l OOO + 1O/hp

The spectator can sense psionic disciplines, powers, and spell-like These ugly, dour cousins of the gnomes are found near isolated com-
effects at a range of 240feet. even through wood, although notthrough munities or in uninhabited areas. They dwell in burrows or ruins. They
metal or stone. Thus, the spectator isdifficultto surprise(on1yon a 1 on a are able to become giant-sized (gaining the appropriate statistics as
1d l 2). The spectator, being basically passive, will attempt to communi- given in parentheses above) to terrorize, rob, and otherwise work vile
cate and implant its suggestion as its first act unless it is immediately deeds. They hate only gnomes more than humankind, and they asso-
attacked. In close combat the spectator can bite for 2-5 points of ciate only with their own ilk. In addition to their usual attack forms, a
damage. spriggancanusethefollowing spell-like power satwill, 1 at atime 1 per
round: affect normal fires, assume giant size. scare at -2 on saving
If properly confronted, the spectator can be quite friendly. It will tell a throws due to ugliness, shatter.
party exactly what it is guarding early in any conversation so that there
will be no argument! If its charge is not threatened it can be quite I n giant-sizedform a spriggan can no longer cast other magic, but small
amiable and even talkative via telepathy. size can be regained at will. All spriggans in small form have the abilities
of an 8th-level gnome thief of 18 dexterity. They can pick pockets(75%).
Spectators move by a very rapid levitation in any direction. Theywill drift open locks (78%). find/remove traps (70%).move silently (77%). hide in
aimlessly when asleep (20% likely when encountered), never touching shadows (64%). hear noise (35%). climb walls (81%). read languages
the ground. (40%).

SPIDER, GIANT MARINE Back stabbing is for triple dagger damage and can only be performed in
small form.
NO. APPEARING: 1-6 I n small form spriggans are basically thieves, while in large form they
ARMOR CLASS: 4 are giant bandits. It isquite possiblefor a group of these creatures to be
MOVE: 15" of mixed sizes if it aids their nefarious ends.

Incidental only NO. APPEARING: 1 (or 2-4)
NO. OF AlTACKS: 1 MOVE: 12" @ 9"
SIZE: L 7-12/1-3/1-3
Attack/Defense Modes:
Nil/nil Camouflage
VV650 + 12/hp SIZE: L
Giant marine spiders inhabit shallow seas and ocean waters in semi-
tropical and tropical areas. Much as their fresh water cousins do, giant Attack/Defense Modes:
marine spiders build from webs and vegetation huge air-filled under- Nil/nil
water nests. They hide in seaweed, rush out and grab their prey, para-
lyze it by poisonous bite, and carry it backto the nest lairs. In all respects LEVEVX.P. VALUE:
other than those noted above, giant marine spiders resemble giant V/3OOO + 16/hp
water spiders (q.v.).

Squealers inhabit only temperate to tropical forests. They are usually
solitary, although there is a 1O%chance that an encounter with a mated


pair(andupto2young)willoccur.Young have 1-2 hitpointsperdieand SOUI RREL, CAR NIVOROUS FLYI NG
can bite only, doing 1-4 points of damage.
Although a squealer cares nothing for treasure, most prey will be NO. APPEARING: 3-18
dragged near the lair to be devoured, so there can be items of value ARMOR CLASS: 7
there. A squealer can imitate many sounds perfectly, so it will imitate
the distress calls, death shrieks, mating calls, etc., of other creatures to -MOVE: 9"/15"
attract prey. Squealers are voracious beasts and will attack any other (MC special;
carnivores or herbivores. Typically, the squealer will crouch upon a low E for short spaces)
branch, and, when a victim comes near. the monsterwill grasp the limb HIT DICE: 1-7 hp
it is upon with 3 of its appendages and swing head down to bite and claw % IN LAIR: 40%
its prey. If both claw attacks succeed, the squealer hasgrasped and held TREASURE TYPE: Incidental,
its victim and will fall upon it next round doing 5-8 points of crushing
damage and 2 additional clawing attacks. The attack mode is bite, claw, see below
claw, claw, claw (7-12/1-3 x4). The squealer has 18/00 strength and NO. OF ATTACKS: 1
weighs 400 or more pounds. DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-2
When amidst foliage, the squealer's bulk is 75% invisible due to its
coloration, stillness, and care in concealment. If attacking by surprise, surprises on 4 in 6
the squealer adds +2 to each attack both to hit and to damage. It is 50% SPECIAL DEFENSES: Nil
1ikelytosurpriseavictim.Asquealer isveryfierce.Whenfullgrown, it is MAGICRESISTANCE:Standard
about the size of a large gorilla and is a match for almost anything. The INTELLIGENCE: Animal
fur of a squealer is long and colored yellow and green in alternating ALIGNMENT: Neutral
splotches. Its form is topped by hunched shoulders and a thrust-
forward, pig-like head. The head is about 2 feet long and is mostlymouth SIZE: S (W long)
filled with sharp tushes. The arm-like forelimbs sprout from the
hunched back, and the rear limbs come from high up on the hindquar- PSlONlC ABILITY: Nil
ters.Theforelimbsare nearly4feet long andrearonesare3feet 1ong.A Attack/Defense Modes:
5th limb grows from the middle of the back, and its 4-fOOt length can be Nil/nil
turned either forward or rearward. All limbs are tipped with 3 clawed
diQits.The forelimb and back appendage digits are prehensile. LEVEL/X.P. VALUE:
1/10+ l / h p
Flying squirrels"fly" bymeansof loosefoldsof skin on the insideoftheir
FREQUENCY: Giant, Black Ordinary fore and rear legs. In fact, they can only glide and cannot gain altitude
NO. APPEARING: Rare Common once they have jumped. Their range is 5 feet for every foot of altitude
ARMOR CLASS: 1-12 1-6 from which they jump (usually a tree). If surprise is achieved during a
MOVE: 6 8 flying attack, they make their initial attack as 2 hit dice monsters. They
HIT DICE: 12" 9" attack only when they have 2 to 1 odds or better. In their lair, a tree top
% IN LAIR: 1+1 1 h/p nest, there can occasionally be found gems, jewelry and other small
TREASURE TYPE: Nil Nil items that are bright and shiny. Thus, they could never have armor,
NO. OF ATTACKS: Incidental, see below Nil shields, most weapons, potions, etc. Treasure is incidental only.
Semi- Animal ARMOR CLASS: 316
ALIGNMENT: Neutral MOVE: 15"
SIZE: Neutral (evil) S HITDICE: 9
S (2' long) NiVnil TREASURE TYPE: Nil
Attack/Defense Modes: I/O NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 and 1
1/20 + 2/hp SPECIAL ATTACKS: Poison
Giant black squirrels are found
only i n old, dark forests pos- Spine armor
sessed by Evil. These crea- INTELLIGENCE: Non-
tures are malicious and will ALIGNMENT: Neutral
attack weak or helpless crea- SIZE: L (18' long)
tures. They will steal from
careless individuals if given Attack/Defense Modes:
the opportunity, taking small, Nil/nil

shiny objects (coins, rings, LEVEL/X.P. VALUE:
jewelry, flasks, etc.) to secrete V11/1700 + 12/hp
in their nests. Lairsar.e always
i n hollows of trees 210 feet or It is probable that stegocentipedes developed on some far removed
more above the ground. Trea- parallel world orwere the creation of some insane genetic manipulator.
sure is incidental orily. Com- In either case, it is fortunate that these monsters are infrequently
mon gray or red squirrels will encountered. Although stegocentipedes are adaptable to both temper-
bite only in self defen ate and tropical conditions, they find nearly any habitat suitable. They
tend to be sterile.

The chitinous plates running along the stegocentipede's spine give it
armor class 3 in most (75%) combat situations. Its greater weight and
legless tail portion make it move somewhat slower than others of its

The monster hunts continually, rushing prey and seizing it i n its huge
mandibles. Poison is injected with each bite, and saving throws are
applicable. The rear portion of the stegocentipede ends in a thinner,
scorpion-like tail. This appendage is heavily armored at its terminus,


effectivelyforming a ball-like clubwhich can lash 6feet in any direction STONE GUARDIAN
to strike opponents. Worse still, this weapon also contains poison.
Victims struck by the tail must save vs. poison or be slain. If they are not FREQUENCY: Very rare
slain, they take 3-12 points of damage.

MOVE: 10"
The stegocentipede raises its spine plates defensively and moves
rapidly. The spiked plates at the front are such that any opponents HIT DICE: 4+4
attacking the creature's head are themselves subject to what is effec-
tively a horn attack. If the attack is successful, (normal to-hit roll % IN LAIR: 100%
needed), it inflicts 1-6 hit points damage. Note that upto 3 attackers can
be subject to this defense attack due to the stegocentipede's rapid TREASURE TYPE: See be
defensive motions.

DAMAGE/AtTACK: 2-9/2-9



Stegocentipedes are about 2 feet high with back spines adding another See below A
1 to 2 feet when erect. The chitinous plates are in double rows which MAGIC RESISTANCE:
flatten along the creature's backwhen it is not engaged incombat. Color
isfrom light brown to gray-brown; green specimens have been reported. See below
Each segment of a stegocentipede's body has a pair of legs except for the
tail segment, which is elongated and specialized. INTELLIGENCE: Non-


SIZE: 75% M, 25% L


STENCH KOW Attack/Defense Modes:


FREQUENCY: Common (hells <- LEVEL/X.P. VALUE:

only) baIf VV550 + 8/hp
ARMOR CLASS: 2 The stone guardian is a special type of golem-like figure. It is manufac-
MOVE: 15" tured somewhat like a golem or a figurine of wondrouspower by using
HIT DICE: 3+3 enchant item, transmute mud to rock, magic mouth, detect invisibility.
%IN LAIR: Nil and limitedwish or wish.(Note:detect invisibility is optional but no other
TREASURE TYPE: Nil detection spell may be substituted for it.) A figure of a creature from
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 man- to ogre-size (smaller or larger will not work) is made of mud and
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2-8 given a heart of stone. The heart must have enchant an item cast on it.
SPECIALATTACKS: See below The mud is transmuted to rock and the wish is cast. Magic mouth is
SPECIAL DEFENSES: required so that it can be activated under precise circumstances. How-
ever, there is a 20% chance per activation that the precise instructions
See below will bedisregarded, andthen the stone guardian will attack anything! A
MAGICRESISTANCE:Standard special ring of protection from stone guardians can be crafted at the
INTELLIGENCE: Animal same time a stone guardian is manufactured. This ring will keep the
ALIGNMENT: Neutral wearer and all others within a 10-foot radius immune to a guardian's
SIZE: L (bison-sized) attack. The ring will workonlyforthe stone guardian(s) made at the time
PSlONlC ABILITY: Nil the ring was magicked and will be useless against other stone
Attack/Defense Modes:
Nil/nil The stone guardian takes only one-quarter damage from edged wea-
pons, and normal missiles cannot harm it at all. It takes half-damage
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: from cold, fire, and electrical-based spells. It cannot be poisoned, held,
111/150 + 4/hp charmed, paralyzed, or affected by fear since it has no mindwhatsoever
and no living body. It will attack until destroyed. Stone to flesh, trans-
Stench kine are the cattle of the Nine Hells. They roam the reeking mute rock to mud, stone shape, or dig spells will kill it instantly with no
plains, fiery fields, and even the wintry wastes of the lower hells. Some saving throw. Astone guardian can see and hear due to the power of the
are found as far as the planes of Acheron, Gehenna, and even Hades. wish but can detect invisibility only if that spell is used in its creation.
Much as do common herd animals, these odorous beasts form great
herds, grazing on the noxious and poisonous growths of the vile terrain.
A herdwill contain 5-30young. butthesecreatureshave noattackform.

For every 5 beasts encountered, 1 will be a bull. Bulls have at least 6 STOR0PER
points per hit die and never do less than 5 points of damage. They are
treated as monstersof 6 hitdice. If anystench kowchargesto attackand FREQUENCY: Rare
succeeds in hitting, damage is double (at least 1 0 pointsfor a bull), and NO. APPEARING: 1
another to-hit roll is made for trampling, which causes 2-12 points of ARMOR CLASS: 0
damage if successful. Charging requires at least a 1" move. In general, MOVE: 1"
only bulls will charge unless the herd is cornered. HIT DICE: 6
% IN LAIR: 90%
Stench kine are immune to all forms (including magical) of cold, fire, TREASURE TYPE: M, N, Qx2
poison, and poison gas. In close quarters, the odor of their breath and NO. OF ATTACKS: 1
bodies is so foul that a saving throw vs. poison must be made, or DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-10
individuals will be affected as if struck by a stinking cloud spell. This SPECIAL ATTACKS: 6;
check must be made every 3 rounds of exposure for individuals not
affected by the smell. see below
Stench kine resemble huge, misshapen bison. Bulls have large humps
over the shoulders, and cows have smaller ones. Horns are long and See below
downward curving. Heads are huge with pugged features, large round MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard
eyes, and lolling tongues. Coloration is dull orange with greenish, mat-
ted manes. INTELLIGENCE: High
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil


Attack/Defense Modes:

VV500 + 6/hp



The storoper (from “stone roper,” also called ”tar roper”) is about 5 feet vinegar or alcohol (such as wine), and this is the only non-magical way
high and 2 feet in diameter and appears to be a small statue of a roper. It t o prevent suffocation. Due to the plant’s sticky exterior, missile and
is a cigar-shaped creature with 6 tentacles and a gaping maw, and it fire-based attacks will only do half-damage.
weighs about 500 pounds. The storoper has a silicon-based, rock-like
body. It can sense movement up to 200 feet away and will become Giant sundews appear as 3-4 foot high mounds of gray-green tarry
perfectly still, resembling a statue. ropes or rags. Areas where they are found are often heavilyfly-infested,
and the air will often have a thick odor like sweet syrup.
If anything approaches within 50 feet of the storoper, it will attack by
suddenly shooting out its tentacles; it prefersto attack2victims at once, SWAN
each with 3 tentacles. The first 2 victims successfully attacked will be
injected with the storoper’s venom (through the tentacles-no saving FREQUENCY: Uncommon
throw). The victims will be immobilized; in fact, they will appear to have NO. APPEARING: 1 or 2-16
turned to stonel One round after the “petrification,” the victims will (25%/75%)
recover, butthey are nowdruggedandwillfighttoaid thestoropertothe ARMORCLASS: 7
best of their ability! If the storoper is killed, itsdrugged”defenders”wil1 MOVE: 3”/18” (MC:D)
stop attacking and wander about aimlessly until the venom wears off. HIT DICE: 1+2
This takes 1 0turns. The storoper can inject victims only twice per day; %IN LAIR: Nil
thereafter its attacks are similar to those of a normal roper. Each hit by a TREASURE TYPE: Nil
tentacle causes weakness (50% loss of strength in 1-3 rounds), and
during each round the victim (or victims) is dragged 1 0feet closer to its NO. OF AlTACKS: 3
maw. The chance to break these strong tentacles is double the charac-
ter’s chance to bend bars or lift gates (for example, a character with a DAMAGE/AtTACK: 1/1/1-2
strength of 15 has a 14%chance). SPECIALAlTACKS: See below
Because of their stony exteriors, normal missile fire will not injure
storopers, but magic missiles and normal or magical hand-held wea- Surprised only 1 in 10
ponswill. All spells, including those using lightning, cold, and fire, will MAGICRESISTANCE:Standard
do normal damage to the creature. Once dead, the storoper can be pried INTELLIGENCE: Animal +
openusingachiseloranironspike. Inside itsgizzardmaybefoundafew ALIGNMENT Neutral
coins and possibly a small number of gems as well. SIZE: M (8’ wingspan)
Attack/Defense Modes:
FREQUENCY: Uncommon Nil/nil
MOVE: 1”
HIT DICE: 8 These aquatic birds tend to inhabit areas which similar waterfowl
% IN LAIR: 0% frequent-rivers, ponds, lakes, and marshes. A single swan will always
TREASURE TYPE: Nil bemale(acob). It isonly25%probablethat a loneswanwill beencoun-
tered. Otherwise, encounters will be with mated pairs of cobs and pens
NO. OF AlTACKS: Special (females) and their immature (but full-grown) cygnets. The latter will
number 1-2 per mated pair. In situations where the swan’s territory is
DAMAGE/AtTACKS: 1-3 invadedorthecreaturesactuallyattacked,both coband penwill aggres-
(see below) sively threaten or attack as circumstances warrant. Attack is by flying
leap, a strong bill strike, and blowswith bothwings. This attack mode is
SPECIALAlTACKS: See below 50% likely to blind and disorient an opponent so as to make any return
SPECIAL DEFENSES: attack in that melee round impossible. Also, swans (much as geese)
have exceptional senses, so that the approach of any danger will be
See below noted 90%of the time. If there are eggs, the nest will contain 1-3. If there
MAGICRESISTANCE:Standard are no eggs or nestlings, the swans will escape by swimming or flying
INTELLIGENCE: Semi- when severe danger threatens.
FREQUENCY: Very rare
Attack/Defense Modes: NO. APPEARING: 1 or 2-5
Nil/nil ARMOR CLASS: 7
MOVE: 3” or 15” and/l8“
VIV1075 + 1O/hp HIT DICE: 2 or more
% IN LAIR: Nil
Unlike its smaller cousin, this plant is almost sentient, being slightly TREASURE TYPE: See below
aware of its surroundings. Preferring shaded, cool places to grow, the NO. OF AlTACKS: As swan
giant sundew grows only hair-like roots to lightly anchor it in place.
Furthermore, it may at will withdrawthese roots and pull itself along the or human
ground with its sticky tendrils. It derives its sustenance primarily from DAMAGE/AlTACK: As swan
the prey it catches.
or by weapon type
The giant sundew is able to detect moving creatures by vibrations, and SPECIALAlTACKS: See below
when anything moveswithin5feetof it, itwill lashoutwith itstendrils. SPECIAL DEFENSES:
Its lump-like body is covered with hundreds of tendrils, and up to 6 may
attack each creature in range each round. These tendrils end in sticky See below
globs of sap. For every 3 tendrils that strike a victim, that victim will MAGIC RESISTANCE:
suffer a - 1 on its subsequent to-hit rolls. This effect is cumulative, so
that if 6 tendrils hit, the victim will be -2 on its to-hit roll. If a 2 0 is rolled 2% per hit die
to hit by the sundew, that tendril will have struck the character across INTELLIGENCE:High togenius
the mouth and nose, clogging these with its sap. The character will ALIGNMENT As ranger
suffocate i n 2-4 rounds unless the sap is removed. In addition to its SIZE: M
clogging effect, the sap is composed of a mild enzyme acid that will PSlONlC ABILITY: Unlikely
cause 1 point of damage per tendril each round until the tendril is
broken.The chance these tendrils may be broken isthe same as that for Attack/Defense Modes:
opening doors for each character, and each tendril should be checked See below
individually. The sap will dissolve and become harmless if soaked with

A swanmay is a human female who has the magical power to change
herself into a swan. Although this power is conveyed through the


dweomer of an item, no male is known to have ever possessed and SWORDFISH
successfully used a captured item of this sort. The power to become a
swan is typically contained ina feathertoken orfeatheredgarment(b0th FREQUENCY Uncommon
of which become part of the feathering of the swan), or possiblya signet NO. APPEARING: 1-8
ring (which will become a band on the swan's leg). ARMORCLASS: 6
MOVE: //24"
Aswanmay can be harmedonly b y + l or better magicweaponswhen in HITDICE: 1+1, 2+2, or 3+3
swan form..Also, in that form, she has a magic resistance of 2% per hit % IN LAIR: Nil
die. In human form, all swanmaysare rangers.Thus, they possess all of TREASURE TYPE: Nil
the characteristics and abilities of that subclass of fighters. To find the NO. OF AlTACKS: 1
level of a swanmay, 2d6 are rolled, and this shows the level between 1st DAMAGE/AlTACK:
(2) and 11th (12). Le., 3 indicates a 2nd level swanmay/ranger, 4 a 3rd
level, etc. Although rangers, swanmays are principally attuned to soli- 2-12,3-12, or 4-16
tude, nature, and the company of their adopted kind. Thus, while they SPECIAL AttACKS: Nil
might aid good persons in need, they otherwise shun humanity and SPECIAL DEFENSES: Nil
civilization, and abhor subterranean places even more than enclosed MAGIC RESISTANCE:Standard
places above ground. They attract no followers. The swanmay may INTELLIGENCE: Animal
possess psionics as a normal human. ALIGNMENT: Neutral
SIZE: M to L (2+2 or 3+3)
When encountered, a swanmay will have light armor and attendant PSlONlC ABILITY: Nil
gear, bow and arrows, sword, and dagger carefully hidden somewhere
nearby. These items will not usually be magical. Swanmays are typically Attack/Defense Modes:
friendly with the little folk of the woods, such as sylvan elves, dryads, Nil/nil
and like creatures. They dislike noisy, brash creatures, ferocious beasts,
and all Evil. Only druids are known to associate regularly with swan- LEVEL/X.P. VALUE:
mays, and then only because of the latter's desire for druidical assist- 11/35 + 3/hp
ance against some evil.
These hardy fish are common to salt water. They are fast and generally
nonaggressive, fleeing rather than fighting. However, if attacked, mad-
dened, or controlled or trained, theywill usetheir long, bony "sword" as
a fearsome weapon. Swordfish of smaller size are typically kept as pets
and used as guards by aquatic elves and dolphin communities.

TAER Taers resemble white-haired, greasy, shaggy cavemen. They might, in
fact, be some kin to mankind. Hair color is gray to snow white. The head
FREQUENCY: Very is large but has virtually no forehead.
MOVE: 18"
% IN LAIR: 40%
NO. OF ATTACKS: 3 or 1

1-611-4/1-4 or weapon MOVE: 9" (+6" rush)

lmmune to cold % IN LAIR: See below

(very cunning) NO. OF AlTACKS: 6
SIZE: M (6-1/2' tall) DAMAGE/ATTACK:
Attack/Defense Modes:
Nil/nil 50/1-10/1-10


111/150 + 4/hp "Sharpness" bite, terror

The vile race of taers inhabitsthe coldest mountain regions, dwelling in SPECIAL DEFENSES:
caves and continually hunting for food. Normal attack is by kick, punch,
and bite, although 50%of these creatures will have crude spears which See below
they will hurl prior to closing for melee. Spear hurling is at +I to hit and
+3 to damage. MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard

The taers ooze a fatty excretion which has a particularly vile odor. Any INTELLIGENCE: Animal
creaturewithin 1Ofeet of a taer must save vs. breath weapon or suffer a
disorientation and nausea which will last for 2-5 hours. Attacks will be ALIGNMENT: Neutral Vli'
penalized by -2 to hit probability and -1 damage. This same secretion
aids these creatures to withstand cold, even of the magical sort. SIZE: L (50' long)

Taers' treasure is typically a collection, of polished teeth, horns, and PSlONlC ABILITY: Nil (immune to psionics)
crudely sculpted stone idols. There is a 15% chance for real treasure
captured from some human victims. If such treasure does exist, there is Attack/Defense Modes:
a 10% chance for 1 magic item to be included, especially a weapon.

LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: X/37,500

The legendarytarrasque is possiblythe most dreaded monster of all, for
when it is active it ravishesthe countryside for miles. All vegetation and
animal life is devoured or driven away. The land through which the
monster passes becomes a barren waste which requires years to rec-
over. The tarrasque eats voraciously and continually, and all living
things are food to it, although it prefers warm-blooded creatures over
others. Normal attack modesof the tarrasque are with 2 forelimbclaws,
a sweeping tail lash inflicting 2-24 points of damage, a savage bite (the
effect of which resembles a swordof sharpness in that a to-hit score of
18 or better indicates that a victim has some portion severed, such as a
limb, head, torso, etc.), and 2 thrusting horn attacks for 1-10 points of
damage each. The rush of the tarrasque is possible but once every turn,


because the monster is so large and ponderous. The tasloi live in loosely-structured bands of several families. For every
band of 7 0 or more, there will be a chief (5 HD).There is a 30% chance
The mere sight of the tarrasque is so terrifying that creatures under 3 that any band will have a shaman. Tasloi shamans may advance up to
levelsor hitdicewill be paralyzeduntil it isoutof theirrangeof vision(no 5th level. Weapons carried are as follows: small shield and javelin (AC
saving throw). 5) 20%; club and javelin 40%; short sword and small shield (AC 5) 10%;
javelin and net 15%; short sword and net 10%; javelin and lasso 5%.
Creatures of 3 or more levelsor hitdice will flee inpanic, althoughthose
of 7 or more levels or hit dice who manage to savevs. paralyzation, will When using a shield, the armor class of the tasloi becomes'5. Javelins
not be so affected. and shields are customarily carried on their backs when they travel

The tarrasque has a carapace of exceptional hardness and reflective through the trees.
quality. Bolts and rays such as lightning bolts, cones of cold, and even
magicmissiles are useless against the tarrasque. The reflection issuch When found in their lair, in addition to the males, there will be 70%
that 1 in 6 such attacks actually reflect directly back upon the caster, females and 50% young. Females will fight as normal tasloi, but the
while the remainder bounce harmlessly away from the monster. Fire of young will not fight at all. The lair will consist of a series of 1-6 large
any sort has no effect upon the tarrasque. The monster's metabolic rate treeswith4-24platforms50-100feetfromtheground.Allthetreeswil1
is such that it regenerates 1 hit point per round after sustaining damage. be connected by vines and ropes. There is a 60% chance of the tasloi
The tarrasque can be struck only by + I or better magic weapons. having 1-6 trained giant spiders and a 20Y0 chance of their having 2-8
trained giant wasps. It is said the tasloi are able to ride wasps great
The slaying of the tarrasque is said to be possible only if the monster is distances.
reduced to -30 or fewer hit points and a wish for its death then used.
Otherwise, even the slightest pieceof thetarrasquewill regenerateand Tasloi speak their own tongue and can also speak the languages of
restore the monster completely. Legend says that a great treasure can monkeys and apes. About 5% of their kind have also learned a pidgin
be extracted from the tarrasque's carapace. The upper portion, treated Common that they use when trading.
with acid and then heated in a furnace, will yield gems-10-100 dia-
monds of 1000 gp base value each. The underbelly material, mixed with Tasloi are long-legged, flat-headed humanoids. They walk in a crouch-
the creature's blood and meteoric iron, will produce a metal which can ing posture, touching their knuckles to the ground from time to time.
be forged by dwarf blacksmiths into 1-4 shields of +5 magical power. Theirskinsarea lustrousgreen andarethinlycoveredwithcoarse black
hair. Their eyes are similar to a cat's and are gold in color. Their feet are
It is fortunate that the tarrasque is active only for short periods of time. long and prehensile. Often they can be heard at night, speaking intheir
Typically, the monster comes forth to forage for a weekor two, ravaging high and whispery voices.
all butafewsquaremilesof 1and.Thetarrasquethenseeksa hidden lair
underground and liesdormant, sleeping for 5-20 months before coming TERMITE, GIANT HARVESTER

forth again. Once every decade or so, the monster will be particularly Worker Soldier

active, staying abroad for several months. Thereafter its period of dor- FREQUENCY: See below See below
mancy becomes 4-1 6 years long unless disturbed. The ratio of active to NO. APPEARING:
dormant state appears to be about 1:30. ARMOR CLASS: 6-60 3-18
TASLOI HIT DICE: 2/10 (head/body) 2/8 (headlbody)
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-3/1-3 Attack/Defense Modes: 1-2 1-4
or by weapon type Nil See below
Nil Nil
Surprise 1-4
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Nil Standard Standard
INTELLIGENCE:Lowto average Animal Semi-
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil
SIZE: S (2-3') Neutral Neutral
S (3' long) M (4%' long)
Attack/Defense Modes:
Nil/nil Nil Nil

LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: Nil/nil NiVnil
1/10+ l / h p
1/20 +2/hp 11/50 +3/hp
Living insteamytropicalforests, these creaturesare rarelyseenby man. King - V/500 +10/hp
Shy and malicious, they prefer to lurk in the tree tops where they may
surprise the weak and unwary. Adapted to life above ground, they are Queen - V1/900 +13/hp
slow and clumsy when forced to earth, adopting a semi-erect posture.
They are quick and nimble in the arboreal passageways, however. Gianttermites are found in subtropical and tropical forests and jungles
Masters of stealth, tasloi surprise on a 1-4 (1d6). They may also hide in where large amounts of vegetation are available. The nestwill consist of
shadows 75% of the time. They have infravision and are suited to dark a stone-hard mound about 100feet in diameter and 200-500feet high.
jungles. Full daylight will cause a -1 on their to-hit rolls. There will be numerous circular openings near the top, each of 5-8 feet
in diameter. These holes lead to vertical, diagonal and horizontal pas-
Tasloi will eat anything, but they particularly like all kinds of flesh, sages, which in turn lead to various chambers underground.
especially humans and elves. They normally attackfrom above, trying to
capture if possible. If they gain surprise, theywill use their nets. If a party Termites are nocturnal and shun light. A group of workers numbering
istoo vigilant or prepared, the tasloi will attempt to wear down the group more than 30 will always be accompanied by 3-16 soldier termites.
through short, sudden attacks followed by retreat. If possible, tasloi will While the weak-mandibled worker is able to bit for only 1-2 points of
attempt to steal the dead of an enemy after an attack. damage, solider termites have strong jaws and are able to spit an
irritating fluid (similar to kerosene). This liquid will blind any creature
struck unless a saving throw vs. poison is successful.


Blindness lastsfor 5-20rounds.ThefluidwiII burn if exposedto flameor usedto grasp an opponent, inflict 1-12 points of damage inthe process,
heat, and the effect of 1 quantity spit on a target and ignited will inflict and then deposit the victim in the gaping central maw during the same
5-16 points of burning damage. The fluid can be spit but once per turn. round.
Range is 1," volume is about 1 pint.
Each head in the fringe is some 6 feet long, so many creatures can be
In the lair there will always be 1 0 times the number of workers and attacked during a melee round. Fringe heads each take 1 2 points of
soldiers first encountered, but these creatures will be spread through- damage to sever. Thessalhydrae regenerate lost fringe heads in 12 days.
out the nest. Damage to fringe heads does not harm the body. Once per day a thes-
salhydra can spit a glob of acidic saliva from its main mouth. The area
There will be the following additional giant harvester termites: covered is effectively a 12-foot diameter circle up to 3" distant from the
monster. Creatures within this area will sustain 12-72 points of acid
5-30 workerdattendants in egg chamber damage and half damage if a saving throw vs. poison is successful.
2-12 soldier/guards in egg chamber Acids of any sort, including poisonous acids, have no effect upon a
4-24 worker/attendants in royal chamber thessalhydra.
2-8 soldier/guards in royal chamber
1 king (AC 5; MV 6"; HD 6+6; hp 3 0 or more; #AT +1; Dmg Note that items placed in the central maw are usuallydestroyed, as each
3-18; SA double range and quantity fluid spit possible owner must savevs. acid and crushing blows every round until the items
1 every other round) size L are removed.
queen (AC 4; MV 3": HD 8+8; hp 40 or more; #AT +l;
Dmg 5-30) size L THRI-KREEN (Mantis Warrior)

Obviously, the king and queen termites will be found only in the royal
chamber somewhere near the bottom of the underground levels of the
nest.Theeggchamberwil1be nearby.Therewil1 beasmanyeggsinthis
chamber as there are workers and soldiers combined. When either the
egg or royal chambers are entered by intruders, all regular termites(not
special attendants and guards) will begin moving to the violated area.
Meanwhile, termitesalreadytherewillfightfiercelyto protect the place.
All such workers and guards get a +1 both to hit and to damage. This
applies to workers and soldiers entering later as well.

Somewhere near the royal chamber there will be a shaft leading to a
repositorywell.There, unusable metal and mineral items are dumped. It
is possible that there will be incidental treasure there. Such treasure
will be rare and of small value in most cases.

The worst enemes of giant termites are formians, for formians are
bigger and more intelligent, hatetermites, and enjoy eating their eggs. If
giant termites detect such raiders, they will immediately rush to defend
their nest. Communications between giant termites are usually accomp-
lished by touching of antennae. In crisis situations, a broadcasttelepa-
thic call is sent out.

THESSALHYDRA The thri-kreen are a race of carnivorous insectmen who inhabit deserts
and dry grasslands. They live in small, lightless burrows and are not
FREQUENCY: Rare social creatures. Thri-kreen warriors hunt many creatures, especially
NO. APPEARING: 1 elves. These mantis warriors are strong and agile, able to leap 2 0 feet
ARMORCLASS: 0 upward and 50 feet forward. The thri-kreen often use 2 specialized
MOVE: 12" weaponsof their own design. One isa polearm with a blade on each end
HIT DICE; 12 (body) which can beusedtoslash likeaglaiveor bethrownasaspear(damage
% IN LAIR: 50% 3-8). The other weapon is a small triangular "throwing wedge" carved
TREASURE TYPE: See below from a hard crystalline substance. These wedges will return to the
NO. OF AlTACKS: Up to 1 0 thrower and may be caught to be thrown again if they miss their target.
DAMAGE/ATTACK: Athri-kreenmaycarryuptolOofthewedgesandcanthrowthem upto
a distance of 9" (damage 3-6). A thri-kreen can successfully dodge
1-6 (~8)/1-12/1-20 missiles on a roll of 9 or better on 1d20.
Even unarmed, the insect warriors strike with 4 clawed, arm-like
saliva and spitting appendages (damage 1-4) and bite with their mandibles (damage 2-5).
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Anyone bitten must save vs. paralyzation or be paralyzed for 2-16
Immune to acid
SIZE: L (36' long, 2 0 tall)

Attack/Defense Modes:

IX/5800 + 16/hp

The dreaded thessalhydrae are monsters which love dark and damp
conditions, so they are typically encountered in swamps, jungles, and
subterranean lairs.

Normal attack is from the fringe of snake-like heads which ring the vast
main mouth of the thessalhydra. Each bite inflicts 1-6 points of damage
plusanadditional 1-6 unlessthevictim savesvs. poison. Inaddition, the
main mouth bites for 1-20 points plus another 1-20 points of acid
damage unless a saving throw vs. poison succeeds. The tail pincer is


THUNDER BEAST The maindangersfrom thunderherdersare the incidental earth tremors
and the terrible trumpeting that they create as they stampede under-
FREQUENCY: Common ground. They do no real damage but generate a great deal of confusion,
(Abyss only) knockovertents, and panic all packanimals. Asingle creature cancause
a small tremor.
NO.APPEARING: 5-20(adults)

MOVE: 9"(18" charge) FREQUENCY: Very rare
HIT DICE: 4-9, +1/die NO.APPEARING: 1 (See below)
%IN LAIR: Nil MOVE: 1"
TREASURE TYPE: Nil HIT DICE: 12 or 16 (20)
(see below)
SPECIAL DEFENSES 3-12 or 4-16 (5-20)
See below SPECIAL DEFENSES: +3or
INTELLIGENCE: AnimaI better weapon to hit
SIZE: L (elephant-sized)
PSlONlC ABILITY: Nil see below
Attack/Defense Modes:
Nil/nil exceptional (genius to
V1/650 + 1O/hp SIZE: S
These bloated, pig-like creatures roam in herds across the layers of the Attack/Defense Modes:
Abyss. They are known as thunder beasts because of their rumbling
bellow, intestinal sounds, and offensive breath. The monsters subsist Nil/nil
on both vegetation and ooze from which unwholesome growths spring. LEVEWX.P. VALUE:
In turn, they feed many of the other creatures likewise inhabiting the
place. Their flesh is rank, fibrous, and disgusting to all but demons and V11/3OOO + 20/hp
their ilk-and possibly even to them!
Timeelementalsare basically of 2 sorts, the regular and noble. Informa-
For every 2 adult creatures in a herd of thunder beasts there will be 1 tion given in parentheses pertains to noble specimens. Time elementals
immature specfmen. The young have no attack form. Adults attack by exist in more than 1 time period, so they are always perceived as small
biting or bya tramplingcharge. Thislatterattackform must befrom 2"or creatures resembling a cloud of fire dust or vapor. They attack normally
greaterdistancewhenitcommences. Damage inflicted i s l d 4 p e r hitdie by spraying a fine, powdery substance at opponents. Those hit suffer
if the attack succeeds. (Determine hit dice by rolling 1d6: 1=4,2=5,3=6, damage due to cell death (aging).
etc.; at least 1 in every 5 has 9 hit dice.) Frightened or angry thunder
beasts will begin bellowing. In combat situations, each creature will Common time elementals can bring themselvesfrom other times so as
breathe on its opponent. This breath builds to equal a fog cloudafter 3 to effectivelyadd 1-4additional creatures, but a hit on any 1 damages all
rounds. Creatures affected by odors will fight at -2 hit probability. The the manifestations of the time elemental. Therefore, when under attack,
cloud persists for 1-4 rounds. a time elemental will typically bring its other manifestations to its
present time locale, gain multiple attacks that round, and then vanish
Athunderbeast ispig-or hippo-like inform butwith longer legsof which completely into the time stream the next.
it has6.Als0, its body isquite roundand appearsswollen.Thecreature's
head is low-set and cylindrical with fan-like ears and a huge mouth. It As a time elemental has the power to move forward, backward or
hassmall, beadyeyesand nonostrils.The tail is broad, thick,flatish and sideways in time, (1 round for each hit die). It can usuallyavoid contact
fairly short. Color ranges from yellow brown to olive, all with darker or break off contact at will. Unless the avoided party also has the ability
mottling and warty growths. to travel in time, the time elemental is then absolutely untraceable.
Those able to follow will see a faint trail of haze in the direction of the
THUNDERHERDER time elemental's movement. Similarly, a time elemental can pursue by
time movement, 1" for each hit die, thus equalling up to a 13" or 17"
FREQUENCY: Rare ...."*,'.- movement rate. This could even put the elemental in front of a fleeing
NO. APPEARING: 10-1Oot opponent.
All time-related spells are useless within 3" physical distance of a time
MOVE: 20" (9") elemental, and no such spell will affect or reveal anything about a time
HIT DICE: 7 elemental or its actions. In addition, as these creatures exist across
% IN LAIR: 5% mulitple times, there is only 1 chance in 1 0that any spell cast or magic
employed against or upon a time elemental will actually affect it. (To
TREASURE TYPE: Nil determine this, roll 1d l 0 to find its current center of vulnerability, then
NO. OF AlTACKS: 1 roll a second 1d10 to see if it matches the first number rolled. If so, the
DAMAGE/AlTACK: Nil spell or magic works.) Again, any opponent able to move through time
SPECIALATTACKS Earthquake can determine where the time elemental is most vulnerable, so magic or
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Nil spells used by such an opponent will function properly, although the
MAGICRESISTANCE:Standard time elemental is still allowed a saving throw.
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Noble timeelementals have all the powers of common ones. Inaddition,
SIZE: L each hasthepowertocastatimestopspell(whichwillaffecteventime
PSlONlC ABILITY: Nil elementals of common sort), age a creature by 1-20 years, make a
creature younger by 1-20 years, age nonliving vegetable matter by
AttackIDefense Modes: 10-200years,agemineral material by100-2000years,andmove upto
Nil/nil 4 other creatures along time (forward, backward, or sideways) ran-
domly, ortoa desired locale, singlyorjointly, providing thecreaturesare
LEVEWX.P. VALUE: willing to go or fail to save vs. spells. Each power is usable per round, at
VI350 + 8/hp

Thunderherders are distant cousins to the purple worm but are not
aggressive. Thesecreaturestravel invast herdsjustafewfeet underthe
ground.Theyare inoffensiveandof sizesrangingfrom3-5feetwideand
5-10 feet long. They are found in desert regions.


will, once per day. Time elementalsseldom appear on any plane but that TRI-FLOWER FROND k.
of Time; on other planes they feel discomfort and the weight of the
forward (or other) motion of time in relation to the plane upon which one FREQUENCY: Very rare
of their manifestations exist. Similarly, time elementals cannot be con- NO. APPEARING:
jured, summoned, or otherwise brought into being by any standard ARMOR CLASS:
means or known spell. MOVE: Nil
On the Time Plane there are other creatures dissimilar to time elemen- % IN LAIR: Nil
tals. There are also said to be certain royal time elementals of greater TREASURE TYPE: Nil
power than even the nobles'. These creatures rule their fellows and NO. OF ATtACKS: See below
serve certain deities. Royal time elementals have 2 4 or 28 hit dice, DAMAGE/AlTACK: See below
cause the same number of hit points of attack damage (6-24 or 7-28), SPECIAL ATTACKS: Nil
and have double the number of powers. In addition, royal time elemen- SPECIAL DEFENSES: Nil
tals can summon 1-4 common (70%) or 1-2 noble elementals (30%) MAGIC RESISTANCE:Standard
once per day. INTELLIGENCE: Non-
FREQUENCY: Very rare
NO. APPEARING: 1 Attack/Defense Modes:
MOVE: 15"
HIT DICE: 6 (up to 48 hp) LEVEWX.P. VALUE:
% I N LAIR: Nil 111/120 + 3/hp
NO. OF AlTACKS: 2 The deep green 5-8 foot tall stalks of this plant are topped by trumpet-
DAMAGE/AtTACK: 1-6 shaped flowers of vivid orange, bright yellow, and intense red. Each
SPECIALATTACKS: See below flower has its own function. The orange one shoots 2-8 tendrilsfrom its
SPECIAL DEFENSES: center, each 3 feet long, and any creature struck must save vs. the
poison from the pollen of a tendril or fall into a comatose slumber. The
See below yellow bloom will bend over the sleeping victim immediately (sensitive
MAGIC RESISTANCE: rootlets note where the victim is) and tremble. This vibration looses a
shower of sticky enzyme which causes 2-8 points of damage per round
See below until the victim is completely rotted away. Each flask of water dumped
INTELLIGENCE: Low upon a victim in the same round as the damage is done will reduce
ALIGNMENT Neutral damage by 1 point; total immersion in water removes the sap entirely.
SIZE: M (5' tall) The red flower extends tubular tendrils of 1 foot length, sinking them
PSlONlC ABILITY: Nil intothe slumbering victim,firstdrawing bodyfluidsatthe rateof 1-6 hit
points perturnand then sucking up the residual matter after the enzyme
Attack/Defense Modes: has dissolved the victim's body.
Other color combinations of the plant's flowers are white, pale silvery-
LEVEUX.P. VALUE: gray, pink or golden brown, chocolate brown, and russet.
VV525 + 7/hp
The bipedal transposer appears vaguely humanoid, although it has no
actual features and its limbs end in sucker-like members. It attacks by FREQUENCY: Fresh Water Salt Water
lashing its arms, and the horny-ridged suckers inflict 1-6 points of NO. APPEARING: Rare Uncommon
damage to the victim. Such a hit also sets up a field of some unknown ARMOR CLASS: 1-6 1-8
kind between the creature and the opponent so struck. Thereafter, any MOVE: 2 (see below)
damage inflicted bythat opponent upon the transposer does the attacker HIT DICE: 3 3"//12"
harm and restores hit points to the transposer in equal proportion. Thus % IN LAIR: 3"//15" 6+12
a spell attack for 20 points of damage would harm the caster for that TREASURE TYPE: 5+5 15%
amount and restore or build the tranposer's hit points to its maximum of NO. OF ATTACKS: 20% D
48. Weapon attacks are likewise transposed to harm the attacker and DAMAGE/ATTACK: C 3
benefit the transposer. Only healing-type spellswill harm the creature if SPECIAL ATTACKS: 3 1-4/1-4/9-16
the opponent has been contacted by a successful transposer attack. In SPECIAL DEFENSES: 2-5/2-5/3-12 See below
such case, the curative effect damages the transposer and restores the MAGIC RESISTANCE: See below Regeneration
individual casting the healing spell atthe monster. Of course, opponents INTELLIGENCE: Regeneration Standard
not bound to the transposer by the field will harm the creature normally. ALIGNMENT: Standard Low to average
SIZE: Semi- to low Chaotic evil
In order to disguise itself and its powers, a transposer will use a minor PSlONlC ABILITY: Chaotic (evil) L (10" tall)
illusion ability, a sort of change self power, to appear as a human, Attack/Defense Modes: Nil
demihuman, etc., in order to entice prey into melee. The illusion power LEVEUX.P. VALUE: M (7' + tall) NiVnil
is destroyed only if the transposer flees or is slain. Special aids or
disbelief can detect the ruse. but such must be actively employed. Nil VI7900 + 12/hp
VI400 + 8/hp


Marine trolls are a gilled form TWILIGHT BLOOM
of the common troll. They
inhabit large bodies of water FREQUENCY:Very rare
and need considerable room NO. APPEARING: 1-6
to hunt. Coloration runs from ARMOR CLASS: 8
blue-green to olive. MOVE: Nil
Freshwater Trolls: Scrags % IN LAIR: Nil
found in fresh water are TREASURE TYPE: Nil
smallerthan normal trolls and NO. OF ATTACKS: See below
have heavyscales. Their claws DAMAGE/AttACK: See below
are less formidable, but their SPECIALATACKS: See below
enlarged lowerjawbears many SPECIAL DEFENSES: Nil
small, very sharp fangs. Up to MAGIC RESISTANCE:Standard
3 different opponents can be INTELLIGENCE: Non-
attackedduring a single melee ALIGNMENT: Neutral
round. Scrags regenerate as SIZE: L
do trolls (q.v.) but they do so PSlONlC ABILITY: Nil
only when immersed in
freshwater. Attack/Defense Modes:
Saltwater Trolls: Scrags found in seas and oceans are at least as large
as ordinary trolls. Their skins are thick and heavily scaled. Some few LEVEVX.P. VALUE:
(10%) are intelligent enough to further protect themselves with armor W 1 2 5 + 4/hp
made of shells and sharkskin or similar substances; such protection
gives an effective armor class of 1, A twilight bloom, or purple death, is a poisonous plant. This tall (8-13
feet), thick-stalked specimen has a branchless, scaled trunk with fern-
The forelimbs of the scrags are shorter and weaker than those of ordi- like foliage at the top. These fronds droop a short distance. Mixed with
nary trolls, but the saltwater variety has developed a huge maw and these are cup-shaped purple flowers with silvery stamens; the flowers
numerous fangs to make up for the loss of talon attacks. As do fresh- point upward. Around the base of the plant is a fine, mossy mat which is
water scrags, saltwater scrags regenerate when in their saltwater actually the roots. The flowers exude a very attractive perfume and
element. sweet sap. The vibrations of any creature passing beneath the cupped
lavender blooms will cause them to gently tilt and drip a syrupy poison
from the flower. There is a 25% chance of the creature being struck by
thistoxic sap. If thecreaturefailstosavevs. poison, itdies instantly,and
its decomposition feeds the roots of the plant.

URCHIN, LAND Occasionally, a land urchin will eat a bit of materialthat it cannot digest
or eliminate. It will coat the object with a shiny greenish-black sub-
FREQUENCY: Rare stance, forming "pearls" similar to oyster pearls worth 100-600 gp
NO. APPEARING: 1-2 each. Very old urchins may have up to a dozen pearls.
1-2 + paralysis % IN LAIR: 90%
Smoke cloud
MAGIC RESISTANCE:Standard (+ poisoning)
See below
Attack/Defense Modes: INTELLIGENCE: Unratable
Nil/nil ALIGNMENT: Neutral (evil)
SIZE: S (1'-1 1/2' d.)
111/150 + 4/hp
to 30
A land-dwellingdistant cousin of the sea urchin, the land urchin'sspine AttackIDefense Modes: D/F
covered body is often mistaken for a bush. The land urchin is a sca- LEVEVX.P. VALUE:
vengerthat consumesvirtuallyanythingthat isedible. Itssmall mouth is 111/135 + 4/hp
located on the underside of its body and it has a rasping tongue with
which tosawthrough armorandgatherfood. It isa shycreatureandwill Ustilagor fungi appear to be brain-like growths with coral-like appen-
dages. Although soft and not fast by normal standards, they can scuttle
attack onlyif another creature approacheswithin 1". It defends itself by and dart, and this accounts for their relatively high armor class. Their
attackconsistsofflickingout ribbon-liketendrilsabout3feet long. A hit
shooting 2-12 spines (damage 1-2) per round, and the victim must save inflicts damage due to alkaline fluids and causes the victim to save vs.
vs. poison or be paralyzed for 6 turns. If it must flee, the urchin will poison or suffer additional like damage (2-5 hp) on the following round
release a dark gas cloud with a IO-foot radius to aid in its escape. The as the caustic substance affects its body.
land urchin hasnovisualorgansbut uses2small antennaetodetectany
movement within 1". It has no front or back, and its 5 spindly legs can
rotate to allow it to move in any direction.


Ustilagors have no intelligence or mind as defined by human standards, associate, distrust of associate, fear of fungi, loathing of area, or uncer-
so mental attacksdo not affect them.(Cf., PLAYERS HANDBOOK, p. 11, tainty. These projected emotions cause attack, bickering, desertion, or
Wisdom Table, asterisked paragraph regarding magical attack adjust- dithering, accordingly. Ustilagors also use energy control to protect
ment.) These monsters do, however, have some form of brain, for they themselvesfrom spell attacksandthe 1ike.Theyattackpsionic individu-
have psionic powers. Ustilagors can employ telempathic projection to als only by id insinuation (as related to the strongest basic emotions.)
project the following emotions on a n individual during a round: hate for Only a psionic blast will affect them in turn.



FREQUENCY: Very rare FREQUENCY: Very rare '
MOVE: As form
% IN LAIR: 0
TREASURE TYPE: See below MOVE: /12" (MC - B)



supra-geni us DAMAGE/AtTACK: 1-4
ALIGNMENT: Neutral (any)
PSlONlC ABILITY: 201-300

A vagabond is a life force of unknown origin, possiblyfrom a far planet, INTELLIGENCE: Low
parallel unverse, or undiscovered plane. Though very rare, it may be
encountered anywhere. The life force occupies the form of any one ALIGNMENT: Neutral evil
intelligent corporal creature indigenous to the area in which it is
encountered, apparently forming or controlling the body for its own SIZE: S (3' wingspread)
ends. Avagabond isoften immediatelyrecognizable if communication is
established, as its odd speech and behavior patterns (always atypical of PSlONlC ABILITY: Nil
the form assumed) indicate its unfamiliarity with local customs and
expectations. Atta&/Defense Modes:

As vagabonds may have nearly any appearance (though they have no Nil/nil
power to change the form once assumed), their movement rates and
other physical characteristics are those of the creatures. The vagabond LEVEL/X.P. VALUE:
is typically very inquisitive, often about mundane or personal details. If
attacked, it will use its'form to defend (or retreat) as best possible. If 111/118 + 2/hp "\
invited to accompany a party for an adventure, however, it will usually
agree (go%),offering its form as a n asset for use in exploration and (if These horrible monsters are said to have been spawned inTarterus and
necessary) combat. If the body is slain, the vagabond life force will released upon the Prime Material Plane to wreak havoc. Appearing as
depart, never to return. If a n entire adventure iscompleted, the creature hideous flying heads crowned with writhing tentacles, they appear at
will give a special gift to each party member before departing. It can dusk and are gone by dawn. They lair in caves, caverns, and deep
enchant any gem with a variety of word of recall(3 uses per enchant- subterranean delves. Vargouilles hate light. They will attack and extin-
ment) and will enchant 1 gem per character accompanying it on the guish torches or smash lanterns. They will shun light of brighter sort,
adventure by way of thanks. (Only the possessor will know the 1- and daylight blinds them. They are most feared because their bite is so
segment phrase needed to activate the gem). destructive that hit points areactuallylost forever unlessa saving throw
vs. poison is successfully made for each bite inflicted. Failure indicates
Vagabonds are creatures of legend, and nothing is known of their true permanent loss of points of damage inflicted, i.e., 1-4 hit points lost and
formsor society(if any).They are immune toallformsof mental attackor not restorable by any means short of a wish. Vargouilles have both
control, save psionics. infravision and ultravision.

Treasure possessed by vargouilles is incidental only. If some victim
happened to have items of value, then these will possibly be amongst
the litter of the vargouilles' lair.



FREQUENCY: Very rare 1 ."\ FREQUENCY:Very rare
NO. APPEARING: 30-300 ARMOR CLASS: 3 (head)/
MOVE: 12" 5 (body)
HITDICE: 1-6 MOVE: 18"
HIT DICE: 18+18
% I N LAIR: 40% % IN LAIR: Nil
weapon type
SPECIALATTACKS: See bell Swallow whole

See below See below
See below ALIGNMENT: Neutral
ALIGNMENT: Neutral SIZE: L ( 5 0 - 8 0 long)
AttacWDefense Modes:
AttacWDefense Modes: NiVnil
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: W 8 5 5 0 + 25/hp
1 HD = lW53 + 1/hp
The verme is the largest of fish, usually inhabiting great rivers, although
2 HD = 111/81 + 2/hp some venture into saltwater. Regardless of its locale, the verme prefers
3 HD = 111/120 + 3/hp warm water with an abundance of food, such as fish, reptiles, cattle,
4 HD = IV/175 + 4/hp humans, or virtually anything else. Although the verme is long, it is
5 HD = 1V/245 + 5/hp flattish along its bellyandwiderthanit is high.ThisenablesittoIurkon
the bottom and swim in relatively shallow water. The verme's head is
6 HD = V/425 + 6/hp heavilyscaledandverybony,thusgiving it anarmorclassof 3,whilethe
body is less well protected. Because the verme swallows prey whole-
Vegepygmies are vegetable creaturesof low intelligence. They organize even that as large as a water buffalo-the stomach can contain metallic
themsleves into regional bands and live by scavenging and hunting. or other items of indigestible nature (such as gems, crystal, etc.). Swal-
Meat forms their diet and they will eat it no matter what its condition. lowing occurs on any hit if prey is not more than 12 feet tall. Damage
(3d8+4) is incurred during the swallowing process. Swallowed crea-
Vegepygmiesvaryin colorand size. Usuallytheircolorswill be similarto tures receive 2-16 points of additional damage per round. Any swal-
their normal surroundings. When encountered inareasthat match their lowed being will be dissolved in 6 rounds. The monster is able to upset
coloration, they will blend into the background, surprising 50% of the vessels of up to small galley size when hungry and seeking food. Its
time. They have 1-4 hit dice, although leaders will have more. The thick, slime-covered scales make edged weapons useless, such attacks
composition of a force will be 1 hit die 50%; 2 hit dice 25%; 3 hit dice inflicting but 1 point of damage per blow. Fire-basedattackscause only
15%; and 4 hit dice 10%. one-half damage to the verme, unless the attackstrikes the inside of the
mouth or somewhere internally. Inthe latter case, damage is at a factor
Thosewith 1 hitdiewill be2feettall. One-halffoot isaddedforeveryhit of +1 per die.
die over 1.
The verme looks much like a giant catfish, except it has large scales and
For every 5 0 vegepygmies there will be 1 subchief of 5 hit dice and 2-5 numerous, needle-like teeth. It is pale yellow along its underside, the
bodyguardsof 3 hitdiceeach. Everybandwill havea leaderof Ghitdice. flanks shading from dark brown to a mottled green and brown back.
He will have 2-8 bodyguards of 4 hit dice each.
Attacks from piercing weapons such as arrows and spears do only 1
point of damage to vegepygmies. Electrical attacks do no damage. Fire FREQUENCY: Rare
andcolddo normal damage. Vegepygmiesare immunetoall charm/en- NO. APPEARING: 2-20
chantment spells except those that affect plants. They always have ARMOR CLASS: 2
saving throws against enchantment,even if one is not normally given. MOVE: 9"
HIT DICE: 1-6 hp
Vegepygmy lairs are usually found in warm areas underground, % IN LAIR: 5%
although some may be found indarkforests. Theyform bands neartheir TREASURE TYPE: C
main food supply and are usually well-organized in the defense of this NO. OF ATTACKS: 2
food supply. They coexist well with other forms of plant life. There is a DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2-5/2-5
40% chance that there will be 1-3 shriekers guarding their lair. Vege- SPECIAL ATTACK:
pygmies of the same band have the ability to pass by shriekers unno-
ticed. There isa 70% chance that russet moldwill be found inthe vicinity Surprise on a 1-4
of the lair. SPECIAL DEFENSES: Nil
Vegepygmies are short bipedal creatures with sharp thorn-like claws. INTELLIGENCE: Low
Theirshoulders, abdomens, and limbs arefringedwith leaf-like tendrils. ALIGNMENT Neutral (evil)
Their heads have a topknot of small leaves. They eat carrion and meat. SIZE: M
Vegepygmies reproduce by russet mold or by propagating buds from PSlONlC ABILITY: Nil
their bodies. Although they do not have a spoken language, they are
capable of vocalized cries. Their major form of communication is a code Attack/Defense Modes:
of chest slappings and thumpings. They live with dog-like creatures Nil/nil
(thornies) with the following statistics: AC 3, MV 15". HD 4, hp 21-30,
#AT 1, Dmg 2-5 (plus 3-12 ripping damage from their thorn-like growths LEVEVX.P. VALUE:
if in close combat), animal intelligence, man-sized. 1/7 + 1/hp

The vilstrak are known as marl muggers or tunnel thugs by humans. A
vilstrak's stony substance provides it with both excellent protection and
the uncanny ability to physically merge with earth or stone. This makes


them 75% undetectable even at as little as a 20-foot distance. A vil- VULTURE
strak's attack consists of 2 club-like blows of its fists.
Giant Ordinary
Avilstrak's lair is typically in a hollow space in the earth or stone, which
is reachable only by beings able to pass through solid stone or packed FREQUENCY: Very rare Common
soil. However, not being too bright, vilstraks sometimes (5%) select a NO. APPEARING:
den where the hollow can be detected and broken into. There, plunder- ARMOR CLASS: 2-12 4-24
ers will find treasures carried into it by the avaricious creatures. MOVE:
TREASURE TYPE: 3"/24" (MC:D) 3"/27" (MC:E)
SIZE: 11
L, MAndividual PSlONlC ABILITY:
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 or 2 Attack/Defense Modes: 1-4 1-2
Nil Nil
2-5 or 1-4/1-4
MAGICRESISTANCE:Standard Standard Standard
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil Animal Animal
PSlONlC ABILITY: Nil Neutral Neutra1

AttacWDefense Modes: L (12' + wingspread) M (5'-6'+wingspread)
Nil Nil
1/10+ l / h p NiVnil Nil/nil

Vulchlings are a race of bird-like creatures having the appearance of 1/20 +2/hp 11/35/hp
vultures with vaguely human features. They favor desolate or subterra-
nean lairs.Vulchlingswil1consortwith harpiesorevenTypel demonsat Carrion eaters of this sort are found in temperate to tropical regions.
times. They roost in trees or on ledges and swoop down upon unsuspect- Vultures have eyesight at least equal to that of any falcon, hawk, or
ing prey, attacking with extended talons. Thereafter, they hop to the eagle. Thus, they remain at a very great altitude, searching the land
attackwith their sharp beaks. There will befrom 0-9eggs in a vulchling beneath from a great vantage point. At the sight of erratically moving,
lair. crippled, or fallen creatures, any vultures present will swoop lower to
determine if the creature is near dead or dead. Helpless or dead crea-
tures will be eaten by vultures. A potential victim able to actually strike
at a vulture will cause ordinary vultures to move out of attack range,
where they will wait for the victim to weaken past the point of resist-
ance. Giant specimens, however, must actually be struck(a successful
to-hit score) to drive them off to a safe distance.

During the course of a melee in terrain where vultures are present, the
vultures will appear 7-12 rounds after a creature is felled, whether it is
unconscious, killed, or magically sleeping or held. If combatants are not
within 20feetof fallencreatures, thevulturesattracted to the scenewill
alight and begin pecking at the victim, with 1-6 attacking each round.
Note that game killed will not attract vultures if removedquickly and kept
in the presence of active, obviously healthy beings.


FREQUENCY: Uncommon FREQUENCY: Very rare
MOVE: 15" MOVE: 3"/18"
% IN LAIR: Nil %IN LAIR: Nil
MAGICRESISTANCE:Standard egg insertion

AttacWDefense Modes:
AttacWDefense Modes:
LEVEVX.P. VALUE: 1/2 + 1/hp Nil/nil

Weasels and their kin, such as mink, ferrets, and stoats, are common LEVEL/X.P. VALUE:
predators. Armor class is attributed to small size, darting movement, and
speed. They will not attack unless cornered. Some of these creatures are 1/7 + 1/hp
huntedfortheir pelts, astheir fur isvalued. Ferretscanbecapturedwhile
young and trained to hunt small burrowing game. The webbird is not actuallyan avian; it might be some form of feathered
insect or arachnid. It is found in semitropical lands, usually inhabiting
the fringes of woodlands so it can seek prey in nearby open ground. A
webbird appears to be a beakless bird, about raven-sized, with long-
feathered wings and a long spiky tail. Careful inspection will reveal a
slitted mouth with hard, sharp ridges for biting and a drooping chest
appendage about 4 inches long.


Food consists of small flying creatures. When large, warm-blooded weapon +2) and 2-8 chieftain bodyguards. There is a 70% chance a
creaturescomewithin sight, aflockofwebbirdswill taketotheair.They witch doctor will be present with any tribe (7th level cleric/4th level
then gather together and make low passes over the heads of the magic-user maximums).
intended victims. Each webbird can emit a 7-12 foot long strand of
sticky, inflammable web, once per round. The effectiveness of a flock’s WILLOW, BLACK
attack is determined by rolling 1d6 and adding 1 for every 6 webbirds in
the flock. The area of attack is 1 2 feet by 1 2 feet square. Attacks are as FREQUENCY: Very rare
follows: NO. APPEARING: 1
Die Score Result MOVE: 1/4”
Ineffective attack HIT DICE: 12-19
1-3 1 creature ensnared for 2-8 rounds % IN LAIR: 100%
4-6 2-5 creatures ensnared for 2-5 rounds TREASURE TYPE: See below
7-10 Entire area covered with webs, and all therein are NO. OF ATTACKS: 7-12
11 and up held fast for 2-5 rounds
(within 30’ of trunk)
A strength score of 17 will shorten immobilization time by 1 round and DAMAGE/AlTACK: 1-4 each
18 (with or without exceptional rating) by 2. Alcohol dissolves the SPECIAL AlTACKS: See below
strands, 1 flaskof wine being sufficientto free 1 man-sizedcreature. As SPECIAL DEFENSES: See below
soon as a victim is heldfast, 1-4 webbirdswill alight upon it. Next round MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard
the webbirds will insert their chest appendages in exposed flesh and INTELLIGENCE: Low to very
inject 2-8 eggs. Grubs hatch from the eggs in 3-6 turns, and each grub ALIGNMENT: Neutral (evil)
eats its way into the host and inflicts 1 point of damage per round (per SIZE: L (6‘-9’ diameter trunk)
grub), eventually killing it. Fledgling webbirds will emerge from a corpse PSlONlC ABILITY: Nil
within 7 turns after the victim hasdied. Pain from grubs isexcruciating.
(A cure disease spell will kill the grubs.) AttackIDefense Modes:
Webbirds shun flame and fire. A n individual with a torch will be safe
fromattackasthewebbirdswillavoidhimor herandattackunprotected LEVEWX.P. VALUE:
creatures. A webbird can be caught in a person’s hand (a successful V111/2400 + 20/hp
to-hit score) and crushed then and there. The monsterwillalways inflict
a dying bite (1 hit point) upon its slayer. The blackwillow isa mobile, sentient tree of evil disposition. Although it
inhabits areas where normal willows grow, it gets only a portion of its
Webbird feathers are metallic gray with greenish hues at wingtips and nourishment from sun, air, water, and earth. The monster is carnivor-
tails. Underbellies are bright gray, shading to light green near the tail. ous, relishing elves, gnomes, and humans particularly. It is90% unlikely
that a creature will recognize a black willow as such, for they can alter
WEMIC their trunks and limbs to appear as normal trees of the various willow
sorts. Sometimes they will have smooth trunks and broad, inviting
FREQUENCY: Very rare au limbs; other times they will show safe-looking trunk cavities at base or
NO. APPEARING: 2-16 high on the upper trunk. Of course, treants can spot black willow
ARMOR CLASS: 6 (5) instantly, but even druids cannot do so without magical aid (such as
MOVE: 12” locate plants, for example).
% IN LAIR: 50% Treasure of any sort is sometimes found buried beneaththis tree mons-
TREASURE TYPE: B ter along with bones and other immediately indigestible matter. Of
NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 claws, course, this assumes victims have treasure which weak acid could not
digest. It also s s u m e s the black willow has stayed in a locale for a
1 weapon period of weeks.
DAMAGE/AlTACK: 1-4/1-4
Normal attack is with lashing, whip-like branches, but there are 2
weapon special attack forms, one of which is generally employed earlier. If a
SPEClALAlTACKS: Nil creature has climbed out on a safe-looking limb, the black willow will
SPECIALDEFENSES:Surprised generate an aura of drowziness within a 20-foot radius, making tired
creaturesfall into natural sleep. No saving throw is possible. A hole will
ona 1 open underneath, and 1 or more victims will then be taken into the
MAGIC RESISTANCE:Standard hollow limb. The limbwill then tilttoslide them into the trunkcavity. The
INTELLIGENCE: Average trunk’s safe-looking openings are also used to close and trap the vic-
ALIGNMENT: Neutral tim(s) i n the digestive cavity of the trunk. The stomach is coated with
sticky, nonflammable sap. Digestive sap then oozes up from the roots,
SIZE: L (7’ long) fillingthecavityatthe rateof 1footper 10rounds untiItheentire8-foot
PSlONlC ABILITY: Nil cavity is filled. The juice is acidic and inflicts 1-4 points of damage per
round until death occurs. Digestion is indicated by -12 or more hit
Attack/De fense Modes: points, and any resurrectionisthereafter impossible. Creaturestrapped
inside can employ only short, sharp weapons because of the confined
’NiVnil space. Maximum normal damage is 1 point per round; magical and
strength bonusesapplyto weapon damage. Rescue, if any, must usually
LEVEWX.P. dALUE: come from outside. A black willow regenerates at the rate of 1 point per
IV/200 + 7‘/hp

Wemics are large lion centaurs that roam temperate grasslands and
savannasand hunt antelope and similar herd animals. They speaktheir
own language and Common. Wemics are intelligent, know how to use
fire, and are reported to be excellent trackers and guides.

Wemicsare surprised onlyon a 1. Incombat they attackwith claws and
a weapon. They are able to leap 10 feet upward and 30 feet forward.
Wemic males carry javelins and a stone club or short sword. They often
use tough leather shields (armor class 5). Females fight without wea-
pons but gain a+2 on to-hit rolls if their young areattacked. Females use
a clawing attack with armor class 7. The young are noncombative.

Wemics live in groups, called prides, of 4-1 6 males, 2-24 females, and
1-12 young. From 3-30 prides will band together to form a tribe led by a

chief (AC 5, HD 6+4, Dmg 1-6/1-6 +weapon +1). Sometimes 2d4 tribes

will form a clan or nation led by a king (AC 3, HD 9, Dmg 1-8/1-8 +



MOVE: 15“
(root tentacles)/5 HIT DICE: 5+1
(body stump)/7 (eyestaIks) % IN LAIR: 35%
HIT DICE: 9 (see below)
% IN LAIR: Nil of S, T
SPECIALATTACKS: See below 2-12 plus possible weapon
INTELLIGENCE: Low brings on lethargy
SIZE: S (effective)
PSlONlC ABILITY: Nil + I or better weapon to hit
Attack/Defense Modes: MAGIC RESISTANCE: 10%
LEVEVX.P. VALUE: to exceptional
ALIGNMENT Chaotic evil
VV900 + 14/hp SIZE: M
This weird vegetable monster lurks in undergrowth or in grassy meadow-
lands. It creeps slowly from place to place, using its 7 root tentacles for Attack/Defense Modes:
locomotion, earlyfeeding, and even to capture live prey. Its2 or 3 eyestalks Nil/nil
are long enough to give the monster excellent, wide-angle vision.
While the actual body(stump)of the wolf-in-sheep‘s-clothing can stand 9 VV550 + 6/hp
hit dice of damage, its appendages can be broken or severed without
permanent harm to the monster, as it can regenerate them in 1-4weeks. Inhabiting out of the way places, the hated and feared wolfwere is the
Root tentacles take 19-22 hit points each and eyestalks 13-16 hit points. bane of humansanddemihumansalike,for it isable to take the form of a
The creature‘s attack is to lure prey within 12 feet and then strike and human maleorfemaleof considerablecharisma. In either itstrue shape
grasp with 1-3 of its gnarled root tentacles. Asuccessful strike inflicts 1-4 or that of man, the wolfwere slyly hunts, slays, and devours its favored
points of damage and entwines the victim. The prey will then be drawn to prey-men, halflings, elves, etc. Awolfwere will usually(75%)run with
the stump‘s maw next round. Damagewill be another 1-4 hit points plus a a pack of normal wolves (30%) or worgs (70%). When strong prey is
certain bite for another 7-12 hitpoints unlessthe victim managesto break encountered, the monsterwill slipaway to its lair, don humangarb, and
free of the grasping root or roots. approach the victims in the guise of a pilgrim, minstrel, tinker, or similar
wanderer. Oftimesthewolfwere will carrya stringed instrumenttoplay
Breaking a root tentacle by sheer strength requires an unhindered grasp; upon, so itscrooning will not arouse suspicion.The powerfuljaws of this
thus, a creature heldby a root cannot break it, but the creature may break creature can deliver terrible bites. Additionally, the wolfwere can half-
free. Breaking free requires 13or greater strength. Eachpoint allows a 5% change, gain human-likearms and legs, and wield a human weapon. It
chance. At 18 strength, the chance to break free is 30% +1% per 1% of can still bite in this form. Worst of all, however, is the monster’s song.
exceptional strength; thus, a character with 18/70 strength has 100% Listeners are overcomewith lethargy, just as if they had been slowed by
probability of breaking loose. Only creatures with exceptional strength a slow spell, unless each makes a saving throw vs. spells. The lethargy
can break a root tentacle. lasts for 5-8 rounds and cannot be countered once it takes effect. The
monster can be hit onlybycold-wrought iron weaponsorthose equal to
+1 or better magic. It must be noted that a great enmity exists between
wolfwere and werewolves. The wolfwere are disgusted by wolvesbane
and shun it if possible.

Thewolf-in-sheep’s-clothing is90% likelyto attackby surprise. It uses its WORM
resemblanceto a tree stump or its ability to sprout a growth resemblinga
small furry creature to attract prey. The lure-growth is moved so as to Tenebrous Worm
“look“ at approaching prey and then it will “freeze” so as to be
”unnoticed.” FREQUENCY: Rare
The body of the wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing appears to be a grayish-brown ARMORCLASS: 1
tree stump from 2-3feet in diameter. Eyestalksare 10-15 feet long, brown MOVE: 1”
near the base, green at the tips, andwith pinkish or violet flower-like eyes. HIT DICE: 1 0
Roots are from 9-12 feet long. The vertical maw located in the trunk has %IN LAIR: 0%
jagged teeth and thick, black lips. When shut, it appears to be an old scar TREASURETYPE: Nil
on a normal tree stump. NO. OF AllACKS: 1

Poison bristles
SIZE: M (6 feet long)

Attack/Defense Modes:

V11/2400 + 20/hp

These insectoid predators inhabit most of the Plane of Shadows, though
they are more common inforested areas. They seekwarm-blooded prey
but will hesitate to attack humans.


Tenebrous worms are formidable opponents in combat; their heads are Tunnel Worm
equipped with powerful mandibles that drip a highly caustic acid
secreted from glands located behind the creature's multi-faceted eyes. FREQUENCY: Uncommon
Any opponent struck by the mandibles isalsosubject to theeffectsof the NO. APPEARING: 1-6
secretion (save vs. poison at -3, or take double damage from the bite). ARMOR CLASS: 4
MOVE: 6"
The head and forebody of the monster are covered with stiff bristles HIT DICE: 9+3
which are poisonous to mammals. Any opponent who strikes the pro- % IN LAIR: 75%
tected area with an open hand or similar attack (claw, bite, cause TREASURE TYPE: M, N, Q
wounds spell, etc.) will immediately be filled with filaments from the NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 Bite
bristlesandwill suffer 1-4(ld4)pointsofdamage,Thevictirn mustalso DAMAGE/AtTACK: 2-16
save vs. poison or be paralyzed from the contact. Such victims must SPECIALAlTACKS: Lunge
receive a neutralize or slowpoison spell within 1-4 rounds or the contact
will be fatal. Opponents who strike with a weapon gain the benefit of at +2 to hit
armor against this defense. To determine if contact occurs, multiplythe SPECIAL DEFENSES: Nil
attacking character's armor class (minus shield and dexterity bonuses) MAGICRESISTANCE:Standard
by 1Oto determine a percentage. Contact occurs if this number or lower INTELLIGENCE: Non-
is rolled on percentile dice. Note that there are fewer bristles on the ALIGNMENT: Neutral
creature's head. Toreflectthis, reducethechanceof contactby20%. For SIZE: L ( 3 0 long)
example, a character with plate and shield would have a 30% chance of PSlONlC ABILITY: Nil
contact with the bristles (AC 2 plus 1 for disregarding the shield times
lo), but this would drop to 10% if the attack were aimed at the head. Attack/Defense Modes:
Tenebrous worms look like huge, partially bare caterpillars. The front
section of the body is covered with lusterless black bristles, while the LEVEVX.P. VALUE:
hind parts are a wet, nauseating grey. The manyfacetsof the creature's VII/1350+ 14/hp
eyes reflect the half-light of the Plane of Shadows with a luminous
glimmer. This glimmer is the only warning of their presence. Their This giant cousin of the centipede is an aggressive predator and sca-
small, black legs allow them to move rapidly. Their great maws are venger. It lives in burrows which honeycomb the walls and ceiling of
flanked by huge, pearly mandibles. These tusk-like weapons are quite caves and dungeons. The tunnel worm feeds on and lays its eggs on
beautiful if cut into sheets and inlaid (asis mother of pearl), so they have carrion and will drag corpses back to its lair. It lies in wait near the
a value of 1000-3000 gp per set. hidden entrance to its burrow for prey to pass.

For the adult stage of this monster, see "Gloomwing." Atunnel worm attacks by lunging out of its tunnel and seizing preywith
its mandibles at +2 to hit. If it hits, no damage is scored until its teeth
have torn through the victim's armor.The tunnel worm takes 1 round to
chew through leather, 2 rounds for chain mail, and 3 rounds for plate
mail. Once the armor is bitten through, the worm will automatically bite
for 2-16 points of damage per round. If the tunnel worm takes 15 or
more points of fire damage, or if it loses morethan 60%of its hit points, it
will release its victim and retreat into its burrow, not attacking again
unless cornered.

Tunnel worm burrows are 2 feet i n diameter. There may be treasure in
its nest which was dragged in with a corpse.


FREQUENCY: Very rare from the Negative Material Plane. They are much alike, being reverse
NO. APPEARING: 1 images of each other. Xag-ya are silver and fiery. Their touch brings a
ARMORCLASS: 0 surge, much like a bolt of lightning, that will cause combustion of highly
MOVE: 6" flammable materials such as parchment, cloth, wood, etc.
% I N LAIR: Nil Every other round, a xag-ya can loose a bolt of energy that equals its
TREASURE TYPE: Nil touch up to 1 0 feet at a single target. The bolt heats metallic objects to
NO. OF AlTACKS: 1 glowing. Metallic items of magical nature do not heat if their owners
DAMAGE/AlTACK: 7-12 succeed in making their saving throw vs. lightning. (Base 11 for hard
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Energy metal, 16 for soft, with pluses to the die roll for magic components.)
Heated metal must be dropped and any worn discarded. Damage per
blast or drain segment of contact with such metal is 1-4 points.
The touch of a black, lifeless xeg-yi causes cell death, life energydrain of
better weapon to hit; a mild sort, and aging and rotting of such materials as are burned by
see below xag-ya. Xeg-yi send identical tendrils of negative current which chill
MAGIC RESISTANCE: 15% metal and inflict damage. Normal metal, magical properties, and magi-
INTELLIGENCE: High cal metals which have not been saved vs. the energy melt are lost. That
(mindless by human which fails against the negative current of xeg-yi shatters or decays due
standards) tocorrosion.(Saving throw isthe same asthatvs. the attackof a xag-ya.)
SIZE: M Slaying either type of creature releases a burst of energy or negative
force with a 10-foot radius. This release inflictsdouble damage (14-24)
PSlONlC ABILITY: 120 + 1 0 on all victims within its area of effect, and saving throws must be made
as if a bolt hadactually touched the affected creatures. If a xag-ya and a
to 60 xeg-yi should ever meet, theywill rush together and destroy each other
AttackIDefense Modes: in a huge (30-foot radius) explosion which looses 28-48 points of dam-
age (4d6+24) in the blast area.

VIII/1100 + 1O/hp

Xag-ya are creatures from the Positive Material Plane, and xeg-yi are Only magic weapons will affect these creatures. Xag-ya are affected by


magic creating cold, xeg-yi by that creating heat. Both sorts of creatures The xaren are relatives of the xorn. They exist on the Elemental Plane of
are subject to attack by disintegrate and magic missile. Negation and Earth but enjoy travel to the Prime Material Plane to feed. Their favorite
absorption are effective against the attack of xag-ya, while a mace of metals are iron, copper, silver, gold and electrum (in that order). Magic
disruptionandrodofcance1lationareeffectivevs.xeg-yi attackswithout metal gives them 1 hit point permanently for every plus on a n eaten
harm to the devices used. A shield spell prevents the attack of either item. Items that are not plus enchanted neither help nor harm a xaren
creature. A circle ofprotection (spell, magic circle, thaumaturgic trian- unless they are aligned to harm neutral creatures. This +1 to +5 for
gle, or pentagram) will repulse attacks of either kind of creature. All eating a shield, for example, is limited so that total hit points can never
other magic or spells, unless of one of the above sorts, have no effect exceed 45. Yet they will still crave magic metal and will be eager to
except the following which can slay or return either creature to its own obtain it.They are intelligent enough to realize the relationship between
plane: abjure. alterreality, banishment, dismissal. dispelmagic(treat as magic metal and their health.
magic of a level equal to twice the creature's hit dice), holy (unholy)
word, limited wish, plane shift, wish. Xaren, like xorn, blend with rock-like surroundings and thus are very
likely to surprise others in such a setting. They like to snack on metal,
Xag-ya and xeg-yi are often used as guardians of magic. They can be even inoreform,and theycansmelloreat 20feetand magicmetal at40
ensnared by magicsummonsand linkedtoanobject. Whentheobject is feet.Theydonoteatverymuch ata singlemea1,andmetal weighing 5-8
torn, broken, or opened without properly negating the summoning link, pounds isquiteenough tosatiateonefor 1-4days.Xaren speaka bizarre
the xag-ya or xeg-yi appears and attacks all within a 3" radius of the tongue but telepathy or knowledge of tongues can aid one in under-
object. standing them. They will approach and seek a hand-out. They will
become highlyaggravated if they smell magic metal which is not offered
Both creatures are spherical with many radiating, tentacle-like protru- tothem; in such a situation theyare80% likelytoattack. Failuretooffer
sions. Xag-ya have glowing golden eyes. Xeg-yi have dull metallic orbs. ordinary metal will produce an attack 40% of the time.

XAREN Xaren are not harmed by fire and cold (even magical varieties) but
lightning will deal out half or no damage. Move earth, flesh to rock and
FREQUENCY: Very rare dig will killthem instantly. Rock to mud lowers their armor class to 1 0i n
NO. APPEARING: 1-4 1-4 rounds. Sharp weapons do only half-damage to xaren. but blunt
ARMORCLASS: 1 weapons do full damage. If attacked with a magic weapon, a xaren is
MOVE: 9" 40% likelyto try to bite the weapon (consider the weapon as armor class
HIT DICE: 5+5 -2forthisattempt)!Axaren bitewill destroyanyweapon utterly, butthe
% IN LAIR: 70% weapon's owner is allowed a saving throw vs. crushing blow (with no
TREASURE TYPE: See below bonus).

NO.OF AllACKS: 4 Xaren can move to the Elemental Plane of Earth at will and can move
through solid rock a t 9" per round. It takes a xaren 1 full round to adjust
DAMAGE/AttACK: 1-3 ( ~ 3 ) . its molecules so it can do this.
4-1 6
Xaren who reside on the Prime Material Plane are usually near treasure
SPECIAL AllACKS: or ore of some kind. They hoard treasure for emergencies and eat it only
Surprise on a 1-5 if noother metal isathand.Treasuretype isasfollows:40%for2-200of
each type of coin except platinum; 20% for 1-8 gems (10 gp base value)
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Immune 10%for 1-2 magic items not made of metal and valued at under 10,000
to fire, cold attacks gp. Occasionally nonmetal magic items might be in their hoard. Their
lairmightbea roominsideof solidrock,fortheycanburrowinrockat3"
MAGIC RESISTANCE:Standard per round. If this is the case (70%likely) it will not be very deep in the
INTELLIGENCE: Average earth(onlylOfeetorso).Xarenlosingameleewillfleetotheirlair,and,
ALIGNMENT Neutral if found there, escape to the Elemental Plane of Earth.
SIZE: (4' tall)

Attack/Defense Modes:

LEVEWX.P. VALUE: 55 + 8/hp

YETH HOUND The hideous monster hounds known as yeth are found only in the
wildest, most remote places. They lair in subterranean dens until the
FREQUENCY: Very rare clean sunlight fades and they can come forth to hunt. They will devour
NO. APPEARING: 4-16 any warm-blooded prey but vastly prefer demihumans, brownies, and
ARMORCLASS: 0 the like.
MOVE: 15"/27" (MC:B)
HIT DICE: 3+3 Yeth hounds make a ghastly baying which can be heard for a mile or
% IN LAIR: 100% (daytime more. Creatures within 9" must savevs. spells or flee in panic-usually
to be pulled down and gnawed to death by the ferocious pack. Yeth
only, otherwise 0%) hounds can be struck only by silver or magic weapons, and only the
TREASURE TYPE: Incidental magical pluses of such weapons actually inflict damage, i.e., a +1 long
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2-8 sword inflicts 1 point of damage, a +2 dagger 2 points, a +3spear 3
SPECIALDEFENSES: Silver or points, etc. Silverweaponsinflict 1 point becauseof their metaI.Asyeth
hounds have the magical ability to fly and enjoy service to such crea-
magic weapon to hit tures as night hags, evil humans, and the like, theywill often be encoun-
MAGIC RESISTANCE: 10% tered cooperating with some sort of evil huntsmen. Of course, such
INTELLIGENCE: Low things as will hunt with yeth are not subject to fear from their dreadful
ALIGNMENT: Neutral evil baying.
SIZE: L (4-% -5' at shoulder)
PSlONlC ABILITY: Nil Yeth hounds appearto be huge dogs of dull black color. Their heads have
an almost human appearance, and their ears are horn-like. Their eyes
AttacWDefense Modes: glow a cherry red color.
1V/235 + 4/hp

YOCHLOL (Handmaidenof Lolth) a YUAN TI

(very rare) NO. APPEARING: 1-4
NO. APPEARING: 1-4 (1) MOVE: 12" or 9"
ARMOR CLASS: -1o 0; i o % IN LAIR: 70%
HIT DICE: 6 (ld10) DAMAGE/AlTACK: See below
SPECIALAlTACKS: See below ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil
See below
MAGIC RESISTANCE: 50% Attack/Defense Modes:
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil
Inhabitants of tropical jungles, the yuan ti are a degenerate and corrupt
AttacklDefense Modes: race of creatures who were once human. All are devout demon wor-
C,D/F,H shippers who have a high regard for all kinds of reptiles. Through derk
and unknown practices, their blood has becomefouled and they produce
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: monstrosities. There are 3 types of yuan ti: purebloods, halfbreeds, and
VII/1275 + 1O/hp abominations.

The yochlol normally have no discernible form at all, being misty Purebloods are the weakest of the yuan ti, having only 6 hit dice. They
columns of gas which materialize pseudopods as needed. They are are human in appearance, except for some slight differences, such as
noticeable only by their vile odors and a hazy smudge in the air. While scaly hands, a forked tongue, or a somewhat reptilian look about them.
common i n the Abyss, they are very rare elsewhere. If they do not take They are able to pass as humans 80% of the time. Purebloods normally
mates, yochlol have an effective armor class of -10.Yochlol are a type of handle affairs with the outside world and may travel far and wide doing
demon and are affected by such things as affect demons. so.

It isnotpossibleforthese handmaidenstoremain immaterialandattack Halfbreeds are highly distinctive. Some part of one's body is that of a
physically, althoughwhen gaseoustheirtouch givesan effect equal toa snake, while the rest is human. Appearance may be determined by the
stinking cloud spell. A yochlol must materialize (thus becoming armor table below (rolling once or twice), or the DM may select the changes.
class 10)to do physical damage. The form taken can be an amorphous
column with 8 pseudopods, the form of a giant spider, or that of a 1 = Snake head
beautiful human or elf. In humanoid form, a yochlol can use its psionic 2 = Torso can bend and move like a snake's
abilities (plus other abilities onlyavailable in this form, such as weapon 3 = No legs, torso ends in a snake's tail
attacks,)as if it were a 6th-level fighter. Inspider form, it conforms in all 4 = Has snakes instead of arms
but armor class (10)and psionics to the specifications of a giant spider. 5 = Body is covered by scales
In its natural amorphous form, it can use psionics or attack with its 8 6 = Snake tail is growing from backside
pseudopods, 1 blow from which does 5-8 points of damage, as the
strength of a yochlol is effectively equal to 18/50. If any combination seems impossible or unworkable, the result should
be ignored. The DM may also create other results involving snakes and
Several special effects apply to a yochlol in gaseousform. In this condi- humans.
tion,onlya+l orbetterweaponcan hit it.Astinkingc1oudspellwill heal
itfor3-12points.AgustofwindspelIwiIIcause6-36 pointsofdamage, In attacks, a halfbreed with a snake-head will bite for 1-10 points of
unless the yochlol's magic resistance prevents the spell from affecting damage, one with snake-headed arms will bite for 1-6 points, and one
it.A wind walk spell will destroy one yochlol (checking its magic resist- with a tail will constrict for 1-4 points. Otherwisethe yuan ti will be able
ance is not necessary); if the cleric would normally be able to take 2 to handle weapons as normal humans. All snake parts will have an
other persons into the spell effect, then 2 yochlol may be destroyed. In armor class of 0. Halfbreeds have 7-8 hit dice.
either case, however, the cleric must touch the victims for the spell to
take effect. Abominations are the strongest of the yuan ti. All have 9 hit dice. In
appearance they are often confused with nagas and other snake crea-
A yochlol can change from one form to another within a single round. tures. Abominations are either totally snake-like or have only 1 human
Thus, a gaseous yochlol can materialize during the same round as its feature, such as a head or arms. Their bite (unless from a human head)
stinkingcloudattack,andattackagain(in a mannerapplicable to itsnew will do 1-10 points of damage.
form) at the end of the same round. Similarly, a yochlol in its amorphous
form could use multiple attacks, then turn to spider form at the end of the All yuan ti with human legs may move 12" per turn. Those with snake
round so as to climb into webs for its next round's escape. bodies move 9" per turn and are able to coil around pillars,and the like.
Human-headedyuan tiareable tocastthefollowingspellsonceperday:
Psionic disciplines possible to yochlol are cell adjustment (only in cause fear, darkness within a 15-foot radius, snake charm, stick to
humanoid form), domination, aura alteration, and probability travel. snakes, neutralize poison, suggestion,and polymorph other.
When in humanoid form, a yochlol is able to use with equal ease,
weapons and magic items normally usable by clerics and fighters. Yuan ti speak their own language. They may also speakwith any snake
Armor may likewise be used, but doing so will force the yochlol to or snake-like monster. Those with human heads also speakchaotic and
become gaseous before changing to spider or amorphous form, as the Common.
armor worn would cause bodily harm to either of these forms.


ZOMBIE, JUJU Monster zombiesare the animated corpses of huge humanoid monsters
such as bugbears, giants, etc. They are typically the creatures of evil
FREQUENCY: Very rare natured clerics or magic-users who create and control them. These
NO. APPEARING: 1-4 huge zombiescanobeysimplecommandsorfollow instructionsofa few
ARMORCLASS: 6 words in length.
MOVE: 9"
HIT DICE: 3+12 Monster zombies strike last i n melee, for they are slow-moving. They
% IN LAIR: -0% attack until destroyed. Blunt weapons inflict but one-half damage on
TREASURE TYPE: Nil monster zombies. Monster zombies are immune to charm, cold, death
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 magic, hold, andsleep.Theyare turned byclericsas if theywere ghasts.
DAMAGe/ATTACK: 3-12 Holy water has normal damage effect upon monster zombies, i.e., 2-8
SPECIALATTACKS: See belo points of damage per vial that strikes.
better magic weapon to hit,
see below FREQUENCY: Rare
See below ARMOR CLASS: 1O(Seebelow)
ALIGNMENT: Neutral (evil) HIT DICE: 4+2
SIZE: M % IN LAIR: 30%
Attack/Defense Modes: NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 claws
LEVEVX.P. VALUE: 1-2 each +special
111/110 + 4/hp SPECIAL DEFENSES:

Juju zombies are created by magic-users who drain all life levels from Absorption
humans or man-sized humanoids by means of an energy drain spell MAGIC RESISTANCE: 20%
(q.v.).Although theyare"pr0grammed"asare regular zombies, they are INTELLIGENCE:Semi-
superior in every way. They have a better armor class, move quickly ALIGNMENT: Neutral
(even under water, for they do not breathe), climb like 6th-level thieves, SIZE: S (3' tall)
and attack with great force as if they were 6 hit dice monsters. A juju PSlONlC ABILITY: Nil
zombiecan hurl weaponsordischargea boworcrossbow. Because they
exist i n part on the Negative Material Plane, juju zombiescan be hit only Attack/Defense Modes:
b y + I or better magicweapons. Because of their undead nature, piercing NiVnil
or blunt weapon attacksdo onlyone-half normal damage. Onlycleaving
weapons do normal damage, Le., axes, broad and bastard or two- LEVEWX.P. VALUE:
handed swords, bardiches, halberds, or voulges and similar weapons. V/280 + 5/hp

Juju zombies are unaffected by all dweomers which affect the mind This carnivorous beast likes human and demihuman flesh. A zorbo has
illusion. charms, holds, etc., as well as poison, electricity, magic mis- poor armor class and attack damage when first encountered, but it can
siles, death, and cold spells. Fire has only one-half normal effect. Acid
and holy water have full normal effects. A juju zombie is equal to a absorb the natural armor class of its surroundings in one round: earth =
AC 7; wood = AC 5; metal = AC 3; stone = AC 0.

spectre with respect to clerical turning of undead. This new armor class lasts 1 0rounds and also gives the zorboa damage

Ajujuzombieappearsto beanordinaryzombie, although itsflesh isless bonus equal to its original armor class 10 minus the new armor class.
rottedand hasagraycolorand isleatheryandhard.Ahateful lightburns When a zorbo hits an opponent it can absorb the armor class and
defensive bonuses of 1 random protective item (armor, shield, ring of
in the monster's eves, as it realizes its condition and wishes to destroy protection, etc.), turning that item to dust (no save). If this would make
living things. the zorbo's current armor class worse, the item is destroyed, but the

ZOMBIE, MONSTER armor class is not absorbed. For example, if a zorbo is attacked in a cave
and on the 1st round absorbs the armor class of stone, this gives it armor

FREQUENCY: Very rare class 0 and a damage bonus of armor class 10-0 = 10. The next round it

NO. APPEARING: 1-6 hits and absorbs itsopponent'sshieldt2. Thisgives i t a newarmorclass

ARMOR CLASS: 6 of -2 and a damage bonus of +12. The 3rd round it hits the opponent's

MOVE: 9" plate mail (armor class 3). which turns to dust but does not change the
HIT DICE 6 zorbo's armor class or damage. '

% IN LAIR: Nil






See below


See below





AttacWDefense Modes:



111/150 + 6/hp


ZYGOM Zygomsare small individual fungoid growthswhichconsist of a short, thin
stem with an ovoid cap. One or 2 dozen such growths are joined by a
FREQUENCY: Rare rhizome structure to form a singular communal creature, a zygom.
NO. APPEARING: 1-3 Although able to exist in earth, zygoms perfer to infest living flesh and
ARMORCLASS: 8 nourish themselves on the host’s blood and tissue. This infestation con-
MOVE: 1” (or host - trols the host creature by brain and nerve connections. It leads to death in
1-8 weeks, depending on the size and constitution of the host creature.
see below) Thezygom remains until the wholeof thedead body isconsumed and then
HIT DICE: 3 ( host‘s - see moves on. As host creatures are controlled, they move, attack, anddefend
according to the dictates of the possessing zygoms. Infestation is typically
below) on head, neck, and back (spinal) areas. Typical host creatures are: ants
% IN LAIR: 50% (giant), rats (giant), osquips, and occasionally small humanoids. When-
TREASURETYPE: By hosttype ever a colonyof zygoms comes into rough contact with any creature, there
isa 1 in 6chancethatthepaleblue”milk“ofa brokencapwillstickfastto
and/or incidental the creature. This milk is extremely sticky, and it has the power to glue
NO. OF ATTACKS: materialstogetherfor 2-5days before thesubstancedrysandcrumbles. If
glued to flesh, a colony of zygom spores will infect the creature and begin
By host type growth by the time the glue powders, allowing the zygoms to infest and
DAMAGE/ATTACKS: By host control the host. Only a cure disease will remove infestation. Zygom glue
SPECIALATACKS: Milkyglue can be otherwise embarassing, for it will stick weapons to targets, crea-
SPECIAL DEFENSES: tures to creatures, etc.

See below As zygoms have fungoid intelligence which is totally alien to humans, no
MAGIC RESISTANCE: magic affecting the mind-beguiling, charming, dominating, holding,
hypnotizing, etc., will affect them.
See below
ALIGNMENT: Neutral (evil)

SIZE: By host size (1/6’- 1/4’

per growth)

Attack/Defense Modes:

1W85 + 4/hp, plus
experience for host


The tables beloware to be used in conjunction with those inAppendixC This is not a complete listing of all the creatures i n the three above-
of the DUNGEON MASTER'S GUIDE and include creatures from this
book, the first MONSTER MANUAL, and the FIEND FOLIOTM.All dice mentioned books but "typical" encounters for easy use by the DM.
scores are produced from the sum of 1 8-sided and 1 12-sided die Modification of these tables or creation of new ones for special areas
(ld8+1d12)to produce a range from 2-20. can be undertaken by the DM as desired. See the "Creating Encounter

Tables" section following this Iisting.

Dungeon Random Encounter Tables

MONSTER LEVEL I Die Creature Number
Roll Encountered Encountered
Die Creature Number 5 Pech 3-12
Roll Encountered Encountered 6 Owlbear 1-2
2 1-4 7 Rust Monster 1-2
3 AI-mi'raj (FF) 2-12 8 Pseudo-undead, Ghast 1-4
4 Webbird (MM2) 3-18 9
5 Bullywug (FF) 2-12 10 Character Party - see character 1
6 1-3 11 1-6
7 Pedipalp, Large (MM2) 1-4 12 Yellow Mold 1-4
8 6-15 13 Scorpion, Huge 1-2
9 Bowler (MM2) 5-15 14 Toad, Poisonous 1-2
10 2-20 15 Gargoyle 1
11 Bat, Giant (FF) 16 Hornet, Giant 1-4
12 7-12 17 Hydra (5-6 heads) 1
13 Goblin (MM1) 5-20 18 Ghast 1-4
14 6-17 19 Caterwaul 1
15 Men, Bandit (MM1) 1-4 20 Solifugid, Giant 1-4
16 1-4 Spectator
17 Bat (MM2) 2-8 Githyanki
18 Character Party - see character subtable in DMG 2-12
19 5-15
20 Orc (MM1) 1-3
Rat, Giant ( M M 1)
Kobold (MM1)

Piercer (MMI)

Skeleton (MM1)

Vulching (MM2)

Gnome (MM1) Die Creature Number
Demon, Nupperibo (MM2) 2 Encountered Encountered
4 Grue, Chaggrin (MM2) 1
MONSTER LEVEL II 6 Cloaker (MM2) 1
8 Algoid (FF) 1-2
Die Creature Number 10 Phycomid (MM2) 1-4
Roll Encountered 11
2 Encountered 1-6 12 Minotaur (MMI) 1-3
3 2-12 13
-4 Azer (MM2) 1 14 Snake, Giant Poisonous (MM2) 1-3
5 1 15
6 Duergar IMM2) 1-12 16 Lizard, Subterranean (MM1) 1-3
7 4-10 17
8 Coffer Corpse (FF) 2-8 18 Bear, Cave (MM1) 1-2
9 2-8 19 Character Party - see character subtable i n D_MG
10 Gas Spore (MM1) 1-4 20
12 Lizard Man (MM1) 2-8 Cockatrice (MM1) 1-2
13 3-18
14 Gnoll (MM11 2-12 Spider. Giant (MM1) 1-4
15 5-15
16 Land Lamprey (MM2) 2-12 Giant, Verbeeg (MM2) 2-5
17 4-10
18 Centipede, Giant (MM1) 2-8 Hydra, 7 Heads lMM1) 1
19 2-7
20 Toad, Giant lMM1) 1-4 Snake, Poisonous (MM2) 2-5
Character Party -see character subtable in DMG
Margoyle (MM2) 1-2

Troglodyte (MM1) Rock Reptile lMM2) 1-2

Centipede, Hudge (MM2) Doppleganger (MM1) 1-3
(FF) Solrfugid, Giant (MM2) 1-3

Stirge (MM1) Hydra, Pryo- (5 heads) (MM1) 1

Mongrelman (MM2)


Pedipalp, Huge (MM2)
Frog, Killer
Die Creature Number
Firebat (MM2) Roll Encountered Encountered
2 Drider 1-3
MONSTER LEVEL 111 3 Rakshasa 1
4 Green Slime
Die Creature Number 5 Basilisk 1
6 Grell 1
Roll Encountered Encountered 7 Otyugh 1
8 Wyvern 1
2 Leprechaun 1 9 Wraith 1-2
10 Wight 1-4
3 Mephit. Fire or Smoke (FF) 1-3 11
12 Character Party - 1-2
4 Phantom (MM2) 1 13 1-2
14 Pseudowraith 1-2
5 Ankheg. 4-5 HD (MM1) 1-3 15 Carrion Crawler 1-3
16 Scorpion. Giant 1-2
6 Ochre Jelly (MM1) 1 17 Troll 1
18 Devil, Abishai 1-2
7 Kenku (FF) 2-8 19 Dragon, Black, Old 1-3
20 Ogre Mage 1
8 Luck Eater (MM21 1 Yuan-ti
9 Character Party - see character subtable in DMG Slaad, Red

10 Ogre (MM1) 1-4

11 Beetle, Giant Boring (MM1) 1-3

12 Spider. Large (MM1) 1-4

13 Scorpion, Large (MM2) 1-4

14 Bugbear (MM1) 2-7

15 Gelatinous Cube (MM1) 1

16 Ustilagor IMW 1-3

17 Shocker (FF) 1-3 MONSTER LEVELVII

18 Weasal, Giant (MMI) 1-4

19 Thoquaa (FF) 1-2 Die Creature Number
Roll Encountered
20 Elf, Drow (FF) 2-8 2 Encountered 1
3 Dao (MM2) 1
4 1
MONSTER LEVEL IV 5 Basilisk, Greater (MM2) 1
6 1
7 Umber Hulk lMM1) 1-3
Die Creature Number 9 Mimic (MMl) 1
Roll Encountered Encountered 1-4
2 Lava Children 1-6 10 Chimera (MM1) 1-3
3 Meenlock 2-5 11
4 Hook Horror 2-5 12 Lurker Above (MM1)

Giant, Frost or Fire (MM1)
Character Paty - see charcter subtable in DMG

Pudding, Black (MM1)

Giant, HI1 (MM1)

WIII-o-wisp (MM1)


MONSTER LEVEL VI cont. Die Creature Number
Roll Encountered Encountered
Die Creature Number 10 Deva, Movanic 1
Encountered 11 Thessalhydra 1
Roll Encountered 1 12 Vampire, former cleric,
1-2 1
13 Slug, Giant 1 13 level 7-10 1
1-2 14 2
14 Pseudo-undead, Spectre 1 15 Golem, Stone 1-2
1 16 Dragon, Black; AN, 0 1
15 Sundew, Giant 1-4 17 Demodand, Kelubar 1
1 18 Daemon, Nyca- 1
16 Mummy 19 Titan, Major 1
20 Baku 1
17 Spectre Daemon, Ultro-
18 Invisible Stalker

19 Diakk

20 Daemon, M e u o -


Die Creature Number MONSTER LEVEL X
Roll Encountered Encountered
2 Foo Lion 1 Die Creature Number
3 Xag-ya 1 Roll Encountered
4 Demon, Chasme 1-2 2 Encountered
5 Aurumvorax 1-2 3 1
6 Vampire 1 4 Demon Prince 1
7 Pudding. Deadly Brown 1 5 2
8 1-2 6 Elemental Prince of Evil 2
9 7 1
10 1 8 Modron, Quarton 1
11 1-2 9 1
12 Demon;Alu- (MM2) 1-2 10 Tarrasque 1
13 1 11
14 Character Party - see character subtable i n DMG 1 12 Dragon, Red, AN, VO 1.
15 1 13
16 Hydra (13-16 heads) WM1) 1 14 Dragon, Blue, AN, VO 1
17 Pseudo-undead.Vampire (MM2) 1 15
18 Rust Monster (MM1) 1 Solar 1
19 Will-0-wisp (MMI) 1 16 1
20 Trapper (MMI) 1 17 Golem, Iron 1
Demon, Type V (MM1) 18 1
Purple Worm (MM1) 19 Planetar *
20 *
Slaad. Death

Beholder (MM1)
Character Party - see character subtable i n DMG

Ghost (MM1) Lich (MM1)
Dragon, Black. Anicent (MM1)
Xeg-yi (MM2) Vampire; former magic-user,
Daemon, Charona (MM2)
level 9-12 (MM1)

Dragon, Cloud; Pncient (MM2)

Modron, Quinton (MM2)


Die Creature Daemon, Charon (MM2)

Number Devil, Duke or Arch- (ALL)

Roll Encountered Encountered

2 Demon, Type VI (MM1) 1

3 Deva, Monadic (MM2) 1 *Note: Powerful, unique creatures such as demon princes, daemon
masters,anddukesof the hellswillalwaysbeaccompanied byacourtof
4 Devil. Pit Fiend (MI) 1 servants and vassals. For example, Orcus will be found with undead,
Tiamatwith herabishai devilsand several hugedragons, and Anthraxus
5 Dragon, Red, AN (MM1) 1 the Oinodaemon with lesser powerful daemons.

6 Hydra, Pry0 (12-heads) (MM1) 1

7 Slaad, Grey (FF) 1
8 Titan, Minor
(MM1) 1

9 Character Party - see character subtable in DGM


Outdoor Random Encounter Tables

These tables cover 6 main areas: cold wilderness (including arctic and hills and rough terrain, forest, swamp and marsh, plains and scrub, and
subarctic), cold civilized regions, temperate wilderness, temperate civ- desert. Encounters in each terrain are typical to it. Feel free to modify or
ilized regions, tropical and subtropical wilderness, and tropical and replace these tables, using the suggestions in the section on creating
subtropical civilized regions. Civilized regions include inhabited and tables.

patrolled areas. Each of the 6 main areas is subdivided into mountains,

2 Gorgon 2 Shedu 2 Ascomoid
Die Creature 3 Yeth Hound 3 Groaning Spirit Die Creature 3 Giant, Firbolg or Verbeeg
Roll Encountered 4 Troll, Ice 4 Castle Roll Encountered 4 Xvart
5 Men, Dervishes 5 Lycanthrope. Werebear 5 Troll
Mountains 6 Giant.MIl 6 Hobgoblin Mountains 6 Tiger Fly
2 Giant, Mountain 7 Snake, Poisonous 7 Bat 2 CaveFisher 7 Kenku
3 Hoar Fox 8 Bugbear 3 Gorgimera 8 Lion
4 Galeb Duhr (white-furred) 9 Man. Patrol 4 Dragon, Red 9 Boar, Wild
5 Toad, Ice 8 Men, Bandit 1 0 Boar, Wild 5 Lion, Spotted 1 0 Cattle, Wild
6 Lycanthrope. Werebear 9 Mammoth 11 Wolf 6 Bat, Giant 11 Wolf
7 Dragon, White 10 Mastodon 12 Ogre 7 Giant, Stone 12 Jackal
8 Wolverine 11 Herd Animal 13 Man, Bandit 8 Bloodhawk 13 Scorpion, Huge
9 Dwarf, Mountain 12 Ogre 1 4 Elf. Wood 9 Vulture, Normal 1 4 Shadow Mastiff
1 0 Rhinocerous. Woolly 13 Camel, Bactrian 15 Character Party 1 0 Spider, Large 15 Titanothere
11 Mammoth 14 Men,Nomad 16 Goblin 11 Dwarf. Mountain 16 Bee. Giant Bumble-
12 Raven, Normal 15 Dragon, White 17 Shadow 12 Bat 17 Blink Dog
13 Ogre 16 Devil Dog 18 Norker 13 Orc 18 Gnoll
14 Lion. Mountain 1 7 Wolf 19 Bookworm 1 4 Lion, Mountain 19 YethHound
15 Giant, Hill 18 Wolfwere 20 Shadow Mastiff or 15 Cockatrice 20 Bullette
16 Giant, Frost 19 Lynx. Giant 16 Bear. Black
17 Fortress 2 0 Remorhaz Ghost (Night) 17 Caveman Desert
18 Taer 18 Chimera 2 Giant, Fire
19 Yeti Desert Swamp and Marsh 19 Kharga 3 Dune Stalker
20 Dragon, Red 2 Dragon, Gold 2 Demon.Alu- 2 0 Galeb Duhr 4 Lammasu
3 Hobgoblin 3 Poltergeist 5 Purple Worm
Hills and Rough Terrain 4 Rock Reptile 4 Luck Eater Hills and Rough Tarrain 6 Fly, Giant Horse-
2 Wolf, Winter 5 Sandling 5 Man, Berserker 2 Gorgon 7 Scorpion, Giant or Huge
3 Owl, Giant 6 Hoar Fox 6 Crab, Giant 3 Displacer Beasts 8 Dustdigger
4 Badger 7 Men.Nomad 7 Hobgoblin 4 Ant Lion. Giant 9 Camel, Bactrian
5 Character Party -see 8 Scorpion, Huge 8 Man, Patrol 5 Bee. Giant Bumble- 1 0 Spider, Large or Huge
9 Dog, Wild 9 Centipede, Giant or Huge 6 Harpy 11 Jackal
character subtable in DMG 10 Camel, Bactrian 10 Rat or Giant Rat 7 Giant, Verbeeg 12 Vulture, Normal
6 Bear. Northern 11 Herd Animal 11 Man, Bandit 8 Scorpion, Large 13 Scorpion, Large
7 Trol, Ice 12 Scorpion, Large 12 Ogre 9 Giant,Hill 1 4 Ogre
8 Mammoth 13 Raven, Normal 13 Character Party 1 0 Wolf 15 Snake, Giant Poisonous
9 Giant. Hill 14 Tiger 14 Ghoul 11 Orc 1 6 Ant Lion, Giant
10 Herd Animal 15 Raven, Giant 15 Pseudo-undead. Ghoul 12 Ogre 17 Man, Dervish
11 Wolf 16 Wolf 16 Ghast 13 Lycanthrope. Werewolf 1 8 Thunderherder
12 Orc 17 Devil Dog 17 Penanggalan 14 Tiger 19 Lamia
13 Dwarf, Hill 18 Bugbear 1 8 Coffer Corpse 15 Spider, Huge 2 0 Wind Walker
14 Bear, Cave 19 Gambado 19 Bugbear 16 Mantis. Giant
15 Snake, Poisonous 20 Succubus 2 0 Grue, Varrdig 17 Aspis TEMPERATE CIVILIZED
1 8 Hybsil REGIONS
(white-furred) GOLD CIVILIZED REGIONS Plains and Scrub 19 Vulture, Giant
16 Boar, Wild 2 Disenchanter 20 Manticore Die Creature
17 Wolverine, Giant Die Creature 3 Hollyphant Roll Encountered
18 Irish Deer Roll Encountered 4 Dragon, Earth Forest
19 Remorhaz 5 Wolf, Dire 2 Death Watch Beetle Mountains
2 0 Elf, Grugach Mountains 6 Quaggoth 3 Elf, Grugach 2 Dragonnel
2 Denzellian 7 Osquip 4 Atomie 3 Spider, Giant
Forest 3 Xorn 8 Owl 5 Bee. Giant Honey 4 Minotaur
2 Giant, Frost 4 Aarakocra 9 Man, Bandit 6 Dragon, Green 5 Ghouls with Ghast
3 Forlarren 5 Men. Berserker 1 0 Man, Patrol 7 Boar, Giant 6 Dragon, Earth
4 Treant 6 Quaggoth 11 Man. Merchant 8 Kobold 7 Gnoll
5 Pudding, White 7 Goblin 12 Ogre 9 Boar, Warthog 8 Bugbear
6 Bear, Northern 8 Bugbear 13 Wolf 1 0 Rhinoceros 9 Man. Bandit
7 Porcupine, Giant 9 Man, Bandit 14 Bugbear 11 Centipede, Giant or Huge 1 0 Character Party
8 Bugbear 1 0 Character Party 15 Charcter Party 1 2 Bear, Black 11 Dwarf, Mountain
9 Wolf 11 Man, Patrol 16 Lycanthrope, Werewolf 13 Beetle, Giant Stag 12 Ogre
1 0 Ogre 12 Dwarf, Mountain 17 Goblin 14 Porcupine, Giant 13 Spider. Large
11 Orc 13 Falcon, Small 18 Man, Dervish 15 Clubnek 1 4 Goblins
12 Dog, Wild 14 Hobgoblin 19 Lycanthrope. Wererat 1 6 Owlbear 15 Man, Patrol
13 Lycanthrope. Werewolf 15 Pilgrim 20 Tween 17 Kech 16 Norker
14 Manticore 16 Man. Merchant 18 Greenhag 1 7 Spider, Phase
15 Dragon, White 17 Minotaur Desert 19 Elfin Cat 18 Vampire
16 Baluchitherium 18 Castle 2 Shedu, Greater 20 Basilisk. Greater 19 Rakshasa
17 Ogrillon 19 Wolf, Dire 3 Vortex
18 Grim 20 Vampire 4 Dragon, Gold Swamp and Marsh 20 Ki-rin
19 Korred 5 Falcon, Large 2 Algoid
20 Lycanthrope. Foxwoman Hills and Rough Terrain 6 Wolf, Dire 3 Dragon, Mist
2 Vampire 7 Character Party 4 Troll, Giant
Swamp and Marsh 3 Toad, Ice 8 Pilgrim 5 Shambling Mound
4 Snyad 9 Man, Merchant 6 Phycomid
2 Troll, Ice 5 Wolf, Dire 1 0 Man. Bandit 7 Toad, Poisonous
3 Wolf, Winter 6 Man. Berserker 11 Goblin or Jermalaine 8 Lizard, Giant
4 Wolf, Dire 7 Pseudoundead. Vampire 1 2 Raven, Normal 9 Toad, Giant
5 Tiger or Spectre (Night) 8 Hobgoblin '13 Camel, Bactrian 1 0 Vulture, Normal
6 Crystal Ooze 9 Man, Bandit 1 4 Character Party 11 Spider, Large or Huge
7 Pseudo-undead. Spectre 1 0 Man, Patrol 15 Wolf 1 2 Crocodile, Normal
8 Hyrdra 11 Character Party 1 6 Man, Dervish 13 Orc
9 Dog, Wild 12 Man, Merchant 17 Man, Berserker 1 4 Wyvern
1 0 Orc 13 Dwarf, Hill 18 Griffon 15 Basidirond
11 Quaggoth or Deadly 14 Mammoth 19 Crypt Thing 16 Caterwaul
15 Bat 20 Deva, Movanic 17 Eblis
White Pudding 1 6 Halfling 1 8 Pseudo-undead. Wight
12 Ogre 17 Goblin 1 9 Crayfish, Giant
13 Rat, Giant 18 Gnome 2 0 Beholder
1 4 Volt or Ghoul (Night) 19 Bugbear
15 Herd Animal 20 Xaren
16 Irish Deer
17 Moon Dog
1 8 Dragon, White
19 Owl, Giant
2 0 Black Willow


Die Creature Desert Forest TROPICAL AND SUBTROPICAL Swamp and Marsh
Roll Encountered 2 Dragon, Copper 2 Dragon, Green CIVILIZED REGIONS 2 Haunt
3 Hellhound 3 Bloodthorn 3 Crayfish, Giant
Hills and Rough Terrain 4 Bat 4 Grippli Die Creature 4 Mud-man
2 Hollyphant 5 Goblins & Barghest 5 Ettercap Roll Encountered 5 Frog, Poisonous
3 Obliviax 6 Man, Dervish 6 Baluchitherium 6 Man, Patrol
4 Scarecrow 7 Lion 7 Ophidian Mountains 7 Lion
5 Snyad 8 Charcter Party 8 Kobold 2 Xaren 8 Crane, Giant
6 Beetle, Giant Fire 9 Man, Bandit 9 Baboon 3 Castle 9 Man, Bandit
7 Basilisk 10 Man, Merchant 10 Boar, Warthog 4 Lammasu 1 0 Centipede, Giant or Huge
8 Killmouli 11 Spider, Huge or Large 5 Norker 11 Rat, Normal or Giant
9 Man, Bandit 12 Camel, Bactrian 11 Flightless Bird 6 Quaggoth 12 Spider, Huge or Large
1 0 Lycanthrope, Werewolf 13 Jackal 12 Elephant, African 7 Character Party 13 Toad, Giant
11 Man, Merchant 14 Man, Pilgrim 13 Ogre 8 Bugbear 14 Lycanthrope, Wererat
12 Man, Patrol 15 Osquip 14 Beetle. Giant Rhino 9 Man, Bandit 15 Ghoul
13 Wolf 16 Falcon, Large 15 Jaguar 10 Bat 16 Vapor Rat
14 Gnoll 17 Pedipalp, Large or Huge 16 Basidirond 11 Ogre 1 7 Zombie, Juju
15 Hobgoblin 18 Vortex 17 Buckawn 12 Vulture, Normal 18 Skeleton, Animal
1 6 Jackal 19 Griffon 18 Forester's Bane 13 Spider. Large 1 9 Vampire
17 Pedipalp, Large or Huge 20 Demon, Type I 19 Choke Creeper 1 4 Man, Patrol 20 Shade
18 Wolf, Dire 2 0 Stego-centipede 15 Man, Pilgrim
19 Jackalwere TROPICAL A N D SUBTROPICAL 1 6 Dwarf, Hill Plains and Scrub
2 0 Huecuva WILDERNESS Swamp and Marsh 17 Dragon, Earth 2 Tween
2 Basilisk, Greater 18 Rothe 3 Zygom
Forest Die Creature 3 Grabman 1 9 Lycnathrope, Wererat 4 Snake, Giant Amphisbaena
2 Vampire Roll Encountered 4 Shambling Mound 20 HellHound 5 Jackalwere
3 Bullette 5 Mongrelman 6 Ankheg
4 Centipede, Megalo- Mountains 6 Muckdweller Hills and Rough Terrain 7 Lion
5 Ankheg 2 Aarakocra 7 Basilisk 2 Penanggalen 8 Character Party
6 Man, Berserker 3 Dragon, Black 8 Meazel 3 Lycanthrope, Wereboar 9 Man, Bandit
7 Troll 4 Wind Walker 9 Centipede, Giant or Huge 4 Bettle. Fire 1 0 Man, Patrol
8 Leprechaun 5 Dragon, Red 1 0 Scorpion, Large 5 Boar. Wild 11 Man, Merchant
9 Beetle, Giant Stag 6 Caveman 11 Spider, Huge 6 Falcon, Large 1 2 Herd Animal
10 Bull 7 Dragon, Copper 12 Toad, Giant 7 Man, Pilgrim 1 3 Jackal
11 Man, Bandit 8 Bugbear 13 Rat, Normal or Giant 8 Pseudoundead, Ghoul 1 4 Pilgrims
12 Spider, Large 9 Spider. Large 1 4 Sundew, Giant 9 Cattle, Wild 15 Snake, Poisonous
13 Man, Patrol 1 0 pteradactyl, Small 15 Troll 1 0 Dwarf, Hill 16 Troll
14 Character Party 11 Dog. Wild 16 Caterwaul 11 Lycanthrope. Werewolf 17 Shedu
15 Man, Pilgrim 12 Bar 1 7 Cifal 1 2 Man, Patrol 18 Basilisk
16 Thessalhydra 13 Ogre 18 Dragonfly, Giant 13 Man, Merchant 19 Disenchanter
17 Spider, Giant 14 Giant, Fire 1 9 Naga. Guardian 1 4 Character Party 2 0 Dragon, Gold
18 Demon, Bar-Lgura 15 Manticore 15 Hobgoblin
19 Norker 16 Firedrake 2 0 Dragon, Black 16 Oliphant Desert
20 Shedu, Greater 17 Giant, Storm 17 Pedipalp, Huge and Large 2 Thunderherder
18 Pyrolisk Plains and Scrub 18 Shedu 3 Griffon
Swamp and Marsh 19 OgreMagi 2 Ascomoid 19 Rakshasa 4 Vortex
2 Kelpie 2 0 Grue. Elemental 3 Cockatrice 2 0 Lammasu, Greater 5 Jeramlaine
3 Grayfish, Giant 4 Wyvern 6 Dervish
4 Goblin Hills and Rough Terrain 5 Thri-kreen Forest 7 Snake, Constrictor
5 Frog, Poison 2 Zorbo 6 Hybsil 8 Character Party
6 Boar, Wild 3 Hangman Tree 7 Dakon 2 Shadow Demon 9 Man, Bandit
7 Lycanthrope, Wererat 4 Firenewt 8 Owl 1 0 Man, Merchant
8 Man, Patrol 5 Bee, Giant Bumble- 9 Baboon 3 Snake, Glant Amphisbaena 11 Jackal
9 Man, Bandit 6 Ant.Giant 1 0 Boar. Wild 12 Camel
1 0 Rat, Normal or Giant 7 Witherweed 11 Cattle, Wild 4 Goblin 13 Vulture
11 Centipede, Giant or Huge 8 Kenku 1 2 Ogre 1 4 Osquip
12 Vulture, Normal 9 Cattle, Wild 13 Scorion, Large 5 Hobgoblin 15 Snake, Poisonous
13 Spider, Giant or Huge 1 0 Giant, Hill 14 Man,Nomad 16 Man, Berserker
1 4 Vulture, Giant 11 Lycanthrope. Werewolf 15 Ghoul 6 Cattle, Wild 17 Snake, Giant Constrictor
15 Basilisk 12 Spider, Large 16 Gheetah 18 Lycanthrope. Weretiger
16 Man, Berserker 13 Wolf 1 7 Axebeak 7 Man, Merchant 19 Jann
17 Crane, Giant 1 4 Basilisk 18 Giant, Hill 2 0 Demon, Succubus
18 Crab, Giant 15 Scorpion, Large 19 Dragon, Blue 8 Stirge
19 Mud-man 16 Hyena 2 0 Deva, Movanic
20 Zygom 17 Sphinx, Hieraco- 9 Man, Bandit
18 Assassin Bug Desert
Plains and Scrub 1 9 Axebeak 2 Giant, Fire 1 0 Elephant
2 Lammasu, Greater 2 0 Vilstrak 3 Boalisk
3 Ghost 4 Sphinx, Gyno- 11 Herd Animal
4 Lycanthrope, Wererat 5 Sandman
5 Castle 6 Pudding, Deadly (Dun) 12 Man, Patrol
6 Ankheg 7 Kenku
7 Owl 8 Flightless Bird 13 Bull
8 Man, Pilgrim 9 Camel
9 Man, Bandit 1 0 Hyena 14 Character Party
1 0 Cattle, Wild 11 Jackal
11 Man, Merchant 12 Scorpion, Giant 1 5 Elf, Wood
12 Falcon, Small 13 Spider, Large or Huge
13 Man, Patrol 1 4 Dustdigger 1 6 Shadow
1 4 Character Party
15 Bugbear 15 Scorpion, Large or Huge 17 Jackal
16 Halfling 16 Ant Lion, Giant
17 Man, Dervish 17 Moon Dog 18 Halflmg *
18 Goblin 18 Dune Stalker
19 Oliphant 19 Formain 19 Centipede, Megalo-
20 Quasi-elemental, Light 20 Jann
2 0 Revenant


Aquatic Random Encounter Tables

Aquatic regions are broken down into 6 main areas: cold freshwater; sure and just as often have inhabitants, either new creatures moving in
cold saltwater; temperate freshwater; temperate saltwater; tropical and or remains of the original crew. On a percentile die the inhabitants are
subtropical freshwater; and tropical and subtropical saltwater. Each of as follows: 01-20 =carries merchant treasure (see "Man, Merchants");
these 6 areas is subdivided into water a t the surface and in the depths. 11-20=notreasure;21-60=2-24lacedonsfromtheoriginalcrew;61-00
= other monsters (roll on main chart).
Modifiers to aquatic encounters, such as ice, are described below.
Floating Seaweed: Floating seaweed isa hazard and sometimes serves
Ice: Shipscanencounter ice floesin freshwater and icebergsinsalt, the asa 1airforcreatureslikeseahags.Anyshipentering anarea of floating
latter ranging from single mountains of ice to fields of 10-20 small ice seaweed is slowed by 50%. and there is a 40% chance of its having
mountains that continuallly break against each other and anything that another encounter while among the mass of sea plants.
getsin theirway.Thechief danger toshipsfrom ice isdamage tothe hull
(10-16feet infreshwater, 10-60feetinsalt).Icedoesl-6pointsof hull Seaweed Beds: The underwater equivalent of surface seaweed, these
damage for every round it is in contact with the ship. In addition, beds are rooted to the sea floor and are from 30-300feet high. Vision is
icebergs at sea have a 10% chance of putting a hole in the ship (treat as reduced to 1 0 feet in beds of seaweed, and there is a 30% chance of
rammed; see "Ramming" in the DUNGEON MASTER'S GUIDE). another encounter in the area.

Ghost Ships: Many ships have been lost a t sea and on hidden rivers. Land Encounters: Roll on the appropriate table for the terrain nearest
Theseshipsstill sail, manned byundead sailorsandcommanded bythe the water. If not applicable, treat as no encounter.
more powerful of their breed. A ghost ship can be any type of ship from Islands: Freshwater game can be found on islands, as can unfriendly
galley to warship. On a percentile die, the crew will be: 0 1-40 = 10-40 creatures and tribesmen, (treat as land encounter). Islands have sur-
skeletons; 41-80 = 10-40 zombies; 81-00 = 10-20 juju zombies. rounding reefs 10%of the time that do 2-12 points hull darnge to ships.
There isa 20%chancetheywiIIputa hole inthe ship(treatasramming).
The commanding officers will be: 01-30 = 1-4 wights; 31-40 = 1-3
wraiths; 61-80 = 1-2 spectres; 81-95 = 1-2 ghosts; 95-00 = 1 lich. A Whirlpools: Thewhirlpool isa trap forthe unwary. Seventy-five percent
ghost ship can be sighted in daylight and at night but will usually only candragdownonlysmallcraft(50feetor less), while 25%candrag any
attack at night, when the ship's masters are at full power. size ship to the bottom. Ships are dragged into the whirlpool at 1" per
round,cumulative(l"the Istround, 2"the2nd,3"the3rd).Ashipmust
Sunken Ships: These victims of storms, ice, or hostile ships can be any exceed the speed of the flow to escape. Otherwise, it will be dragged to
type of ship. They often still bear their original merchandise and trea- the bottom in 6 rounds (see "Afanc" in this volume).

COLD FRESHWATER Surface cont. Surface cont. Depths cont. Depths cont.
7 Turtle, Giant Sea 16 Sirine 5 Lamprey, Giant 13 Dragonfish or Scrag
Die Creature 8 Sea Lion 17 Otter, Giant 6 Shark, Giant 1 4 Dinosaur, Archelon
RollEncountered 9 Man, Merchant 1 8 Scrag 7 Sea Lion 15 Kopoacinth
1 0 Shark 19 Dragon, Red 8 Urchin. Black 1 6 Bunyip
Surface 11 Whale 20 Boobrie 9 Dinosaur. Plesiosaur 1 7 Lizardman
2 Dragon Turtle 12 Pirate or Holyphant 1 0 Sea Horse 18 Dragon, Spirit
3 Harpy 13 Ice Depths 11 Shark 19 Sea hag
4 Greenhag 14 Dolphin 2 Mud-man 12 Whale 20 Water Weird
5 Naga. Water 15 Island 3 Muckdweller 13 Seaweed
6 Lacedon 16 Scrag 4 Beaver, Giant 1 4 Masher TORPICAL A N D SUBTROPICAL
7 Turtle, Giant Snapper 17 Will-0-wisp 5 Lamprey. Giant 15 Eel, Giant SALTWATER
8 Swan 18 Seawolf, Greater 6 Lizard Man 1 6 Dragon Turtle
9 Ice 19 Selkie 7 Turtle, Giant Snapper 17 Mottled Worm Die Creature
1 0 Surface Encounter 20 Dragon Turtle 8 Kopoacinth 1 8 Seawolf. Lesser RollEncountered
11 Man. Merchant 9 Beetle, Giant Water 1 9 Eye of the Deep
12 Surface Encounter Depths 10 Spider, Giant Water 2 0 Titan Surface
13 Crystal Ooze or Island 2 Verme 11 Throat Leech 2 Wereshark
1 4 Buccaneer 3 Water Weird 12 Crocodile TROPICAL A N D SUBTROPICAL 3 Seawolf, Greater
15 Merrow 4 Seawolf, Lesser 13 Otter, Giant or Nymph FRESHWATER 4 Roc
16 Scrag 5 Urchin. Green 1 4 Crayfish, Giant 5 Whirlpool
17 Nixie 6 Urchin, Red 15 Lamprey Die Creature 6 Sahaguin
1 8 Falcon, Large 7 Dolphin 1 6 Dragon, Carp RollEncountered 7 Portuguese
19 Dragon, Sea 8 Elf. Aquatic 17 Gar, Giant Man-0-war
20 Swanmay 9 Shark 18 octopus Surface 8 Sea Hag
10, Crab, Giant or Nixie 19 Algoid 2 Froghemoth 9 Crocodile. Giant
Depths 11 Narwhale or 20 Lizard Man with 3 Couatl 1 0 Dinosaur, Plesiosaur
2 Giant. Storm 4 Catfish. Giant 11 Man, Merchant
3 Verme Naga. Water Lizard King 5 Crystal Ooze 1 2 Shark
4 Ouipper 1 2 Octopus or Shark, 6 Dragon, Mist 13 Whale
5 Vodyanoi TEMPERATE SALTWATER 7 Spider. Giant 1 4 Man, Pirate
6 Sirine Giant Underwater 15 Dinosaur, Mosasaur
7 Lacedon 13 Whale Die Creature 8 Crayfish. Giant 1 6 Ghost Ship
8 Kopoacinth 1 4 Sea Lion Roll Encountered 9 Man, Merchant 17 Shark, Giant
9 Crab, Giant or Scrag 15 Kopoacinth 1 0 Land Encounter 18 Sphinx, Andro-
1 0 Pike, Giant or Nixie 16 Squid, Giant Surface 11 Crocodile, Normal 19 lxitachitl
11 Otter or Dragonfish 17 octopus 2 Ki-rin 12 Throat Leech 2 0 Triton
12 Octopusor 18 Slime, Green 3 Dragon, Cloud 13 Behemoth or Crane,
19 Titan 4 Ghost Ship Giant Depths
Sunken Ship 20 Dragon, Sea 5 Whirlpool 1 4 Frog, Giant 2 Morkoth
13 Gar, Giant or Nixie 6 Crabman 15 Hippopotamus 3 Urchin, Silver
14 Merrow TEMPERATE FRESHWATER 7 Eel, Giant 1 76 SMmernmean 4 Crocodile, Giant
15 Turtle, Giant Snappig 8 Island 5 octopus
16 Lamprey. Normal Die Creature 9 Dinosaur, Plesiosaur 18 Manticore 6 Pungi-ray
1 7 Hippocampus RollEncountered 1 0 Man, Merchant 19 Kelpie 7 Sahaguin
18 Morkoth 11 Shark 20 Thork 8 Urchin, Black
19 Otter, Giant Surface 12 Whale 9 Dinosaur, Dinichtys
20 Neried 2 Dragonfly, Giant 13 Seaweed, Floating Depths 1 0 Ray, Sting
3 Dragon, Carp 14 Dinosaur, Elasmosaur 2 Verme 11 Shark
COLD SALTWATER 4 Lizardman 15 Will-0-wisp 3 Eel, Weed 12 Seaweed
5 Crystal Ooze 16 Crab, Giant 4 Kelpie 13 Strangleweed
Die Creature 6 Buccaneer 17 Lacedon 5 Vodyanoi 1 4 Barracuda
RollEncountered 7 Merrow 18 Dragon, Bronze 6 Behemoth 15 Dinosaur. Nothasaur
8 Swan 1 9 Seawolf, Giant 7 Merman 16 Eel, Electric Marine
Surface 9 Crocodile, Normal 2 0 Verme 8 Snapper, Giant 17 Triton
2 Wind Walker 1 0 Man, Merchant 9 Beetle. Giant Water 18 Wereshark
3 Whirlpool 11 Throat Leech Depths 10 Dinosaur, Diichtys 1 9 Kraken
4 Dragon. White 12 Crane, Giant or Dragon, Mist 2 Morkoth 11 Spider, Giant Water 20 lxitachitl
5 Ghost Ship 13 Surface Encounter 3 Kraken 1 2 Throat Leech
6 Narwhale 14 Crayfish. Giant 4 Narwhale
15 Frog, Giant


Astral and Ethereal Random Encounter Tables

ASTRAL PLANE ETHEREAL PLANE "These creatures do not travel on the Astral and Ethereal Planes, but their perceptions (and
magical attack forms) extend there. Their possible appearance applies only to interaction with
Die Creature Die Creature the Prime Material Plane; otherwise, ignore the result and roll again.
Roll Encountered Roll Encountered

2 Arch-devil 2 Intellect Devourer "'Use the Dungeon Random Encounter Tables in the DUNGEON MASTERS GUIDE with the
3 Cat Lord 3 Terethian following modifications. Party size will be 1-6 with no limits on the number of characters o f ' l
4 FooDog 4 Basilisk. Greater class. There will always be a minimum of 1 cleric i n the party, and, if there are 2 or more clerics
5 Demon. Greater 5 Salamander present, there will be at least 1 magic-user. Character level will be:
6 Modron. Hierarch 6 Xorn
7 Pyrolisk' 7 Para-elemental Cleric Level 9 to 18 Illusionist Level 10 to 17
8 Basilisk* Druid Level 7 to 14 Thief Level 9 to 16
9 Demon, Lesser 8 Daemon, Charona- Fighter LevellOtol5
10 Devi, Minor 9 Human Traveler** Paladin Level 8 to 15 Assassin Level 8 to 17
11 Human Traveler'" Ranger Level 7 to 16 Monk Level 11 to 18
12 Daemon, Minor 10 Elemental Magic User Level 7 to 16 Bard (Level 7-8 Fighter, Level 6-9 Thief)
13 Deva, Astral 11 Geniekind Level 11 to 20
14 Medusa" 12 Cerebral Parasite
15 Cockatrice' 13 Deva, Monadic
16 Devil, Major 14 Gorgon'
17 Daemon, Greater 15 Medusa"
18 Planetar 16 Planetar
19 Solar 17 Wind walker
20 Demon Prince 1 8 Xeq-yi or Xag-ya
19 Pyrolisk'
2 0 Lammasu. Greater

Creating Your Own Random Encounter Tables

The random encounter charts at the beginning of this section utilize a Below are 2 sample charts drawn from the temperate, wild, forested
small selection of the 900+ monsters listed int he combined MONSTER areas. In Example 1 the forest is the sylvan home of elves, plagued by
MANUALS I and II and FIEND FOLIOTMT. hese charts are designed for gnoll raiders. In example 2 the forest is a dark woods inhabited by
general use incampaign settingsand as a guide for dungeon masters in spiders and other foul beasts. DMs are encouraged to tailor their
creating their own charts. encounters to their own worlds in a similar fashion.

The following method of creating charts is based on the sum of 1 8-sided Example 1 Example 2
and 1 12-sideddie,producinga rangefrom2-20witha largeflatspotof Elven Forest Spider Woods
equal probability in the 9-13 range. Those desiring "unique" creatures 2 Faerie Dragon Retriever
might assign them 2 to 20 pips. Monsters can be placed into the 19 3 Elfin Cat Centipede, Megalo-
resulting slots according to their frequency in the region, as follows: 4 Brownie Basidirond
5 Elf, Grugach Pedipalp, Large
Die Frequency 6 Cooshee Etercap
Roll Very rare 7 Leprechaun Spider, Huge
2 Very rare 8 Elf, Wood, Spider, Giant
3 Very rare or rare 9 Bear, Black Centipede, Giant
4 Rare 10 Falcon, Stag Spider, Large
5 Rare 11 Stag Bettle, Giant Stag
6 Uncommon* 12 Raven, Normal Toad, Giant
7 Uncommon* 13 Boar, Wild Centipede, Huge
8 Common** 14 Owl Hornet, Giant
9 Common** 15 Gnoll Sundew, Giant
10 Common** 16 Elf, Grey Pedipalp, Huge
11 Common** 17 Barkburr Scorpion, Giant
12 Common** 18 Dryad Spider, Phase
13 Uncommon* 19 Gnolls with Flind Black Willow
14 Uncommon* 20 Foxwoman or Death Watch Beetle
15 Rare Groaning Spirit (night)
16 Rare
17 Very rare or rare A complete listing of creatures broken down according to a region's
18 Very rare temperature, degree of civilization, terrain, and frequency follows.
19 Very rare

*Alternately; choice of two very rare creatures
** Alternately; choice of two rare creatures


Dungeon Monsters by Level and Frequency at That Level

(Abbreviations used may be found in the main text under the creature listed.)

LEVEL I MONSTERS Rare cont. Rare cont. Very Rare cont. Very Rare cont.
Flumph Yellow Musk Creeper Blink Dog Dragon, Green, SA/YA
Common Fly, Giant Bluebottle Dark Stalker Dragon, Mist, SA/YA
Bandit Formian Zmom Denzelian Dragon, Red, SA/YA
Bat Frog, Poisonous Derro Dragon, Silver, SA/YA
Beetle, Giant Fire Gas Spore Very Rare Disenchanter Dragon, White, YA/A
Character Party Goldbug Babbler Dragon, Black, Y/SA Grue. Chaggrin
Dwarf, Hill Mongrelman Berbalang Dragon, Blue, W / S A Haunt
Dwarf, Mountain Myconid Blindheim Dragon, Brass. Y/SA Hydra, Pryo- (5 heads)
Goblin Obliviax Boggle Dragon, Bronze, VY/Y Ice Lizard
Orc Ogrillon Centipede, Megalo- Dragon, Coiled, Y/SA Khargra
Rat Owl Death Dog Dragon, Copper, VY/Y Modron, Petadrone
Rat, Giant Pedipalp, Huge Dragon, Brass, W Dragon, Earth, W / Y Slime Creature
Shrieker Poltergeist Dragon, Coiled, VY Dragon, Gold, VY/Y Slime, Olive
Throat Leech Quaggoth Elf. Drow Dragon, Green W / Y Snake, Giant Amphisbaena
Skulk Enveloper Dragon, Mist, W / Y Solifugid, Giant
Uncommon Troll, Ice Eye Killer Dragon, Silver. W / Y Svirfneblin
Bat, Giant Vapor Rat Firenewt Flail Snail Umpleby
Booka Wolf Forlarren Fly, Giant Horsefly Water Weird
Bowler Zombie, Yellow Musk Frost Man Gibbering Mouther
Cat, Wild Gambado Githyanki xi11
Gibberling Very Rare Grim
Hobgoblin Assassin Bug Grwh Grue. Harginn Yeti
Jermlaine Azer Harpy Grue. lldriss
Kobold Brain Mole Huecuva Kamadan LEVEL VI MONSTERS
Piercer Duergar lmorph Lava Children
Rothe Firebat Iron Cobra Meenlock Common
Scum Creeper Firefriend Leprechaun Mephit. Steam Character Party
Skunk Frog, Killer Magmen Modron, Quadrone Carrion Crawler
Snyad Galltrit Mantari Mold, Russet Manticore
Xvart Githzerai Mephit. Fire Pedipalp, Giant Otyuch
Kuo-toa Mephit, Lava Quickling Scorpion, Giant
Rare Minimal, Mountain Lion Mephit, Smoke Scarecrow Troll
Ant, Giant Minimal, Cave Bear Minimal, Lion Shadow Dragon Wight
Badger Modron. Duodrone Minimal. Mammoth Sheet Ghoul Wraith
Berserker Modron, Monodrone Modron, Tridrone Solifugid. Huge
Bookworm Mud-Man Necrophidius Son of Kyuss Uncommon
Bullywug Vagabond Needleman Spectator Basilisk
Carbuncle Vortex Nilbog Wolverine, Giant Green Slime
Cave Cricket, Giant Ophidian Yeth Hound Hydra (8-9 heads)
Caveman LEVEL 111 MONSTERS Phantom Pseudo-undead. Wraith
Dire Corby Sheet Phantom LEVELV MONSTERS Rakshasa
Jaculi Common Stench Kow Salamander
Killmoulis Beetle, Giant Boring Symbiotic Jelly Common Wyvern
Mite Bugbear Taer Character Party
Norker Ghoul Thoqqua Bear, Cave Rare
Pedipalp, Large Character Party Tirapheg Cockatrice Anhkheg ( 6 HD)
Rot Grub Ogre Vargouille Giant, Verbeeg Boggart
Skeleton Scorpion. Large Lizard, Subterranean Devil, Abishai
Vtlstrak Spider. Huge Vegepygmv Snake, Poisonous Devil, Erinyes
Vulchling Spider, Large Wolf, Dire Spider, Giant Dragon, Black, 0
Zombie Wolf, Winter Dragon, Blue, A
Uncommon Worg Uncommon Gloomwing
Very Rare Bat, Mobat Zombie, Juju Hydra (7 heads) Grell
AI-mi'raj Fire Snake Zombie. Monster Leucrotta Hellcat
Berserker Gelatinous Cube Margoyle Jelly, Mustard
Demon. Manes Kenku LEVEL IV MONSTERS Minotaur Lizard, Minotaur
Devil, Nupperibo Lizard, Giant Pseudo-undead, Wight Medusa
Ear Seeker Lycanthrope, Wererat Common Rock Reptile Penanaggalan
Elf, Wood Meazel Character Party Snake, Giant Poisonous Protein Polymorph
Gnome Ochre Jelly Gargoyle Slaad, Red
Halfling Osquip Hornet, Giant Rare Spider, Phase
Larva Piercer Aspis Storoper
Minimal, War Dog Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Hydra (5-6heads) Bee, Giant Bumble- Thri-kreen
Minimal, Wolf Snake, Constrictor Beetle, Giant Slicer Troll, Giant
Skeleton, Animal Whipweed Mold, Yellow Boalisk Wind Walker
Squirrel, Giant Black Rust Monster Daemon, Pisco-demon, Ruttarkin Wolfwere
Squirrel, Normal Rare Scorpion, Huge Displacer Beasts Yuan Ti
Termite, Giant Harvest Aherer Snake, Giant Constrictor Doombat
Tween Anhkheg (4-5 HD) Toad, Poisonous Doppleganger Very Rare
Webbirds Bee, Giant Honey Dragon, Black, YA/A Ant Lion, Giant
Bonesnapper Uncommon Dragon, Blue, SA/YA Apparition
LEVEL II MONSTERS Cave Fisher Demon, Dretch Executioner's Hood Basidirond
Cave Moray Ghast Cerebral Parasite
Common Cyclopskin Gray Oore Imp Crysmal
Centipede, Giant Dark Creeper Lycanthrope, Werewolf Lion, Spotted Devil, Bearded
Centipede, Huge Devil, Lemure Owlbear Phycomid Djinn
Character Party Dragon, Black, VY Pseudo-undead, Ghast Quasit Dragon, Brass. 0
Gnoll Dragon. White, VY Shadow Mastiff Shadow Dragon, Bronze, A
Stirge Firedrake Su-monster Snake, Giant Spitting Dragon, Cloud. S M A
Toad, Giant Fungi. Violet Tentamort Dragon, Coiled, 0
Troglodyte Garbug, Black Rare Tiger Fly Dragon. Cooper, A
Land Urchin Bloodworm Zorbo Dragon, Earth, A
Uncommon Luck Eater Caterwaul Dragon, Gold, A
Frog, Giant Qullan Devil, Spined Very Rare Dragon, Green, A
Gorbel Sandling Dragon, Red, W / Y Algoid Dragon, Mist, A
Grimlock Screaming Devlkin Dragon, White, Y/SA Anhkheg (7 HD) Dragon, Red, A
Land Lamprey Shocker Ettercap Caryatid Columns Dragon, Silver A
Lizard man Solifugid. Large Firetoad Cloaker Dragon, White, 0
Piercer Stunjelly Garbug, Violet Crypt Thing Drelb
Volt Tick, Giant Hell Hound Dragon, Brass, YA/A Drider
Ustilagor Hook Horror Dragon, Bronze, SA/YA Grue, Varrdig
Rare Weasel, Giant Leech, Giant Dragon, Cloud, VY/Y Hordlings
Coffer Corpse Witherstench Pech Dragon, Coiled. YA/A Hydra, Fyro- (6 heads)
Crabman Witherweed Pyrolisk Dragon, Copper, SA/YA Jackalwere
Flind Wolverine Sandman Dragon, Earth, SA/YA Jann
Toad, Ice Dragon, Gold, SA/YA Korred
Very Rare
Anhkheg (6 HD)
Ape, Carnivorous


Very Rare cont. Rare cont. Very Rare cont. Very Rare cont. Very Rare
Lizard King Umber Hulk Para-elemental, Cold Dracolisk Daemon, Arcana-
Lycanthrope, Werebear Para-elemental, Dust Dragon, Blue, VO Demilich
Mold, Brown Very Rare Para-elemental, Heat Dragon, Bronze, VO Demodand. Shator
Nightmare Aboleth Para-elemental, Vapor Dragon, Coiled. AN Demon, Blaor (Type VI)
Ogre Mage Achaieria Remorhaz Dragon, Cooper, VO Deva, Monadic
Shadow Dmeon Agathion Revenant Dragon, Earth, VO Devil. Pit Fiend
Sphinx, Hieraco- Annis Shedu Dragon, Gold, VO Dragon, 2 Black, AN & 0
Spriggan Ascomoid Sphinx, Andro- Dragon, Green, VO Dragon, 2 Brass, AN & 0
Stone Guardian Basilisk, Greater Sphinx, Gyno- Dragon, Mist, VO Dragon, 2 White, AN & 0
Sussurus Beetle, Death Watch Squealer Dragon, Red, VO Dragon, 2 Coiled. AN & 0
Terithran Bodak Stegocentipede Dragon, Silver, VO Hydra. Pyro- (12 heads)
Thunder Beast Couatl Tenebrous Worm Dragon, White, AN Modron, Hexton
Transposer Dao Troll, Giant Two-headed Foo Lion Modron, Septon
Troll, Spirit Demon, Glabrezu (Ill) Xorn Giant. Firebolg Slaad, Grey
Vision Demon, Nabassu Yochlol Golem. Clay Titan. Malor
Xaren Devil, Barbed Hydra, Lernaean
LEVEL VI1 MONSTERS Devil, Horned Modron, Nonaton
Devil, Styx Common Modron, Octon Common
Common Dragon, Black, VO Character Party Naga, Guardian Beholder
Character Party Dragon, Blue, 0 Hydra, (13.16 heads) Pudding. White Character Party
Giant, Hill Dragon. Brass, VO Pseudo-undead, Vampire Retriever Golem, Iron
Black Pudding Dragon, Bronze, 0 Pudding, Brown Skeleton Warrior Planetar
Giant, Fire Dragon. Cloud, A Rust Monster Time Elemental Slaad, Death
Giant, Fomorian Dragon, Coiled, VO Trapper Trilloch
Giant, Stone Dragon. Copper, 0 Will-0-wisp Xag-ya Vampire, M-U,9-12
Slug, Giant Dragon, Earth, 0 Xeg-yi
Tunnel Worm Dragon, Gold. 0 Uncommon Uncommon
Will-0-wisp Dragon, Green, 0 Demon, Alu- LEVEL IX MONSTERS Dragon, 2 Blue, AN & VO
Dragon, Mist, 0 Pudding, Dun Dragon, 2 Celest, AN & A
Uncommon Dragon, Red, 0 Purple Worm Common Dragon, 2 Earth, AN & VO
Chimera Dragon, Silver, 0 Shade Baku Dragon, 2 Green, AN & VO
Hydra (10-12 heads) Dragon, White, VO Vampire Character Party Dragon, 2 Red, AN & VO
Giant, Frost Dragonne Daemon, Dergho- Dragon, Cloud, AN
Lurker Above Efreeti Rare Demodand, Kelubar Lich
Mimic Elemental, Air Daemon, Charona- Deva, Movanic Solar
Pseudo-undead, Spectre Elemental, Earth Daemon, Hydro- Thessalhydra
Spectre Elemental, Fire Demon, Nalfeshness (IV) Vampire, Cleric (7-10) Rare
Sphinx, Crio- Elemental, Water Dragon, Black. AN Dragon, 2 Bronze, AN & V
Sundew, Giant Ettin Dragon, Brass, A Uncommon Dragon, 2 Cooper, AN & VO
Eye of Fear and Flame Dragon, Celestial. 0 Daemon, Yagno- Dragon, 2 Gold, AN & 0
Rare Galeb Duhr Dragon, Cloud, 0 Deva, Astral Dragon, 2 Silver. AN & 0
Behir Gorgimera Ghost Dragon, Blue, AN Modron, Quarton
Cifal Gorgon Golem, Flesh Dragon, Celestial. An Modron, Quinton
Demon, Babau Greenhag Slaad. Green Dragon, Earth, AN Modron. Tertian
Demon, Bar-Lgura Groaning Spirit Slug, Giant Dragon, Green, AN Titan, Elder
Demon, Hezrou (Type II) Guardian Daemon Dragon, Red, AN
Demon, Succtibus Guardian Familiar Very Rare Shade Very Rare
Demon, Vrock (Type I) Hydra. Pyro- (7-9heads) Aurumvorax Daemon, Charon
Diakk Intellect Devourer Barghest Rare Daemon, Onino-
Foo Dog Invisible Stalker Death Knight Daemon, Ultro- Demon Prince or Lord
Mind Flayer Lamia Noble Demodand. Farastu Dragon, Bronze, AN Devil, Duke or Arch-
Moon Dog Lizard, Fire Demon. Cambion Dragon, Cloud, VO Dragon, Chromatic
Mummy Lycanthrope. Foxwoman Demon, Chasme Dragon, Copper, AN Dragon, Platinum
Naga. Spirit Magnesium Spirit Demon, Marilith (Type V) Dragon, Gold, AN Elemental Prince
Neo-otyugh Mezzodaemon Devil, Ice Dragon, Mist. AN Modron, Primus
Roper Mihstu Dragon, Silver. AN Modron. Secundus
Shambling Mound Modron, Decaton Golem, Stone Slaad Lord
Slaad, Blue Night Hag Nycadaemon Tarrasque
Trapper Nonafel Titan, Lesser
Falcon, Large
COLD, ClVllZED MOUNTAINS Monsters by Terrain and Frequency on That Terrain Ghast
Common Rare cont. Very Rare cont. Common cont. Goblin
Bandit Ghast Gnome Lycanthrope, Werewolf Halfling
Bat Horse Grue, Ghaggrin Merchant Jermlaine
Dwarf, Mountain Jermaline Grue, lldriss Mule Lycanthrope, Werebear
Falcon, Small Killmoulis Haunt Ogre Minotaur
Mammoth Lycanthrope. Werebear Hollyphant Patrol Norker
Ogre Lycanthrope, Werewolf Ki-rin Raven, Normal Ogrillon
Raven, Normal Merchant Luck Eater Squirrel, Normal Oliphant
Minotaur Lycanthrope, Wererat Wolf Shadow Mastiff
Uncommon Mule Nilbog Shedu
Bugbear Norker Obliviax Uncommon Troll
Centipede, Huge Ogrillon Oliphant Bat Vapor Rat
Charcter Party Quaggoth Otyugh Centipede, huge Wolf, Dire
Dog. War Rat Penanggalan Character Party
Falcon, Large Rat, Giant Poltergeist Dog. War Very Rare
Ghoul Shadow Rothe Falcon, Small Aarakocra
Goblin Shadow Mastiff Shade Ghoul Barghest
Griffon Shedu Shadow Demon Hobgoblin Brain Mole
Herd Animal Toad, Ice Shedu, Greater Horse Bugbear
Hobgoblin Troll Snyad Killmoulis Centipede, Giant
Owl Vapor Rat Vagabond Mammoth Coffer Corpse
Patrol Vampire Owl Deva, Movanic
Pilgrim Very Rare Wolf, Dire Pilgrim Dragon, Earth
Pseudo-undead. Ghoul Aarakocra Xaren Pseudo-undead. Ghoul Dragon, Gold
Pseudo-undead, Vampire Barghest Xorn Pseudo-undeadVampire Elf, Wood
Ram Brain Mole Zombie Ram Ghost
Snake, Poisonous Castle Zombie, Juju Rat Griffon
Squirrel, Normal Cave Fisher Rat, Giant Groaning Spirit
Wolf Centipede, Giant COLD, CIVILIZED HILLS Snake, Poisonous Grue, Chaggrin
Coffer Corpse Hollyphant
Rare Crypt Thing Common Rare Ki-rin
Berserker Demon, Bar-Lgura Bandit Berserker Luck Eater
Dragon, Earth Denzelian Dwarf, Hill Boar. Wild Lycanthrope, Wereboar
Dwarf, Hill Deva, Movanic Herd Animal Camel, Bactrian
Dragon, Gold Castle
Ghost 140 Dwarf, Mountain

Very Rare cont. COLD, CIVILIZED SWAMP Common cont. Uncommon cont. Uncommon cont.
Lycanthrope. Wererat Mammoth Patrol Pseudo-undead. Ghast
Obliviax Common Merchant Pilgrim Pseudo-undead, Ghoul
Penanggalan Bandit Mule Pseudo-undead, Vampire Pseudo-undead, Spectre
Quaggoth Centipede, Giant Ogre Rat Pseudo-undead. Vampire
Revenant Centipede. Huge Patrol Shadow Mastiff Pseudo-undead, Wight
Shedu, Greater Mule Rat Snake, Poisonous Pseudo-undead, Wraith
Snyad Ogre Rat, Giant Squirrel, Normal Ram
Toad. Ice Rat Raven, Normal Wolf Scorpion, Huge
Vampire Rat Giant Squirrel, Normal Scorpion, Large
Xaren Raven, Normal Wolf Rare Snake, Poisonous
Xorn Berserker Squirrel. Normal
Zombie Uncommon Uncommon Boar, Wild Tiger
Buccaneer (Pirate) Bugbear Dervishes Weasel
COLD, CIVILIZED FOREST Character Party Character Party Dwarf, Hill Wolf
Dog, War Dog, War Dwarf, Mountain Wolverine
Common Falcon Small Falcon, Large Falcon, Large
Bandit Ghoul Ghoul Goblin Rare
Boar, Wild Herd Animal Horse Jermlaine Bat, Giant
Centipede, Giant Hobgoblin Jermlaine Killmoulis Bear, Black
Centipede, Huge Jermlaine Killmoulis Lycanthrope, Werewolf Bear, Brown
Falcon. Small Lycanthrope, Wererat osquip Poltergeist Bear, Northern
Herd Animal Mammoth Owl Rat, Giant Caterwaul
Lycanthrope. Werewolf Patrol Pilgrim Shedu Caveman
Mammoth Pilgrim Pseudo-undead. Ghoul Troll Character Party
Ogre Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Pseudo-undead, Vampire Vapor Rat Cyclopskin
Patrol Pseudo undead, Vampire Ram Wolf, Dire Devil Dog
Rat Snake, Poisonous Shadow Mastiff Dragon, Earth
Raven, Normal Squirrel, Normal Snake, Poisonous Very Rare Dragon, Red
Squirrel, Normal Troll Barghest Dwarf, Hill
Wolf Wolf Rare Bat Eagle
Bat Bugbear Eagle, Giant
Uncommon Rare Berserker Castle Fly, Giant Bluebottle
Bat Bat Castle Centipede, Giant Fortress
Bugbear Berserker Dervishes Coffer Corpse Ghast
Character Party Boar. Wild Dwarf. Hi1 Crypt Thing Giant, Cloud
Dog. War Camel, Bactrian Dwarf, Mountain Demon, Succubus Giant. Frost
Elf, Wood Crab, Giant Ghast Demon, Vrock (Type I) Giant, Storm
Falcon. Large Falcon, Large Goblin Deva. Movanic Giant, Verbeeg
Horse Ghast Halfling Disenchanter Gorgon
Jermlaine Goblin Hobgoblin Dragon, Earth
Killmoulis Horse Luck Eater Dragon, Gold Harpy
Mechant Killmoulis Lycanthrope, Wereboar Griffon Hippogriff
Owl Luck Eater Lycanthrope, Werewolf Groaning Spirit Horse
Pilgrim Lycanthrope, Werebear Ogrillon Grue, harginn Jermlaine
Pseudo-undead. Vampire Lycanthrope, Werewolf Penanggalan Hobgoblin Leucrotta
Rat, Giant Merchant Poltergeist Hollyphant Lion. Spotted
Snake, Poisonous Minotaur Quaggoth Luck Eater Lycanthrope. Werebear
Stirge Norker Shedu Lycanthrope. Wereboar Lycanthrope, Werewolf
Troll Obliviax Toad, Ice Lycanthrope, Wererat Margoyle
Owl Troll Norker Mastodon
Rare Penanggalan Vapor Rat Oliphant Minotaur
Berserker Ouaggoth Wolf, Dire Penanggalan Mongrelman
Camel, Bactrian Shadow Quaggoth Moon Dog
Castle Shadow Mastiff Very Rare Ram Mule
Dwarf, Hill Skeleton Barghest Shade Norker
Dwarf, Mountain Toad, Ice Bookworm Shedu, Greater Ogrillon
Goblin Vapor Rat Brain Mole Vampire Owl, Giant
Halfling Zombie Demon, Alu- Vortex Pertyon
Hobgoblin Demon, Cambion Zombie Pudding. White
Luck Eater Very Rare Deva, Movanic Ouaggoth
Lycanthrope. Werebear Barghest Disenchanter COLD, WILDERNESS Ram, Giant
Lycanthrope, Wereboar Bookworm Dragon, Earth MOUNTAINS Rat
Minotaur Bugbear Dragon, Gold Rat, Giant
Mule Castle Ghost Common Raven, Giant
Obliviax Coffer Corpse Groaning Spirit Bat Raven, Huge
Ogrillon Demon, Alu- Grue, Harginn Dog, Wild Rock Reptile
Oliphant Demon Cambion Grue, lldriss Dwarf, Mountain Scorpion, Giant
Penanggalan Deva. Movanic Hollyphant Falcon, Small Screaming Devilkin
Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Dragon, Gold Lycanthrope, Wererat Mammoth Shadow
Shadow Elf, Wood Norker Ogre Shadow Mastiff
Toad, ice Ghost Oliphant Orc Shedu
Vapor Rat Grue, Varrdig Shade Raven, Normal Shocker
Wolf, Dire Haunt Shedu, Greater Rhinocerous, Wooly Skulk
Hollyphant Tween Spectre
Very Rare Lycanthrope, Wereboar Vagabond Uncommon Toad, Ice
Barghest Oliphant Vampire Bandit Troll
Bookworm Poltergeist Vortex Bear, Cave Troll, Giant
Brain Mole Revenant Zombie Bowler Troll, Ice
Demon, Bar-Lgura Shade Zombie, Juju Bugbear Tunnel Worm
Deva, Movanic Shedu Cat, Wild Vapor Rat
Dragon, Gold Shedu, Greater COLD, CIVILIZED DESERIT Centipede, Huge Vilstrak
Ear Seeker Skeleton, Animal Dragon, White Volt
Ghost Vampire Common Falcon, Large Wight
Gnome Wolf, Dire Bandit Ghoul Wind Walker
Groaning Spirit Zombie, JUJU Camel. Bactrian Giant, Fire Wolfwere
Lycanthrope, Wererat Zombie, Monster Herd Animal Giant, Formorian Wolverine, Giant
Norker Merchant Giant, Hill Worg
Poltergeist COLD, CIVILIZED PLAINS Raven, Normal Giant, Stone Xvart
Ouaggoth Goat
Reveant Common Uncommon Goblin Very Rare
Shadow Demon Bandit Centipede, Huge Griffon Aarakocra
Shadow Mastiff Boar, Wild Character Party Herd Animal Annis
Shedu Camel, Bactrian Dog, War Hobgoblin Badger
Shedu, Greater Centipede, Giant Falcon, Small Lion, Mountain Barghest
Vampire Centipede, Huge Horse Manticore Berserker
Zombie Falcon. Small Ogre Owl Boggart
Herd Animal Osquip Pilgrim Boggle
Owl Brain Mole
Cave Fisher
141 Centipede, Giant

Very Rare cont. Very Rare cont. Very Rare Common cont. Rare cont.
Coffer Corpse Zombie Aarakocra Beetle, Giant Bombardier Worg
Crypt Thing Zombie, Juju Badger Boar, Wild
Demon, Bar-Lgura Barghest Centipede, Giant Very Rare
Demon, Nabassu COLD. WILDERNESS HILLS Beaver, Giant Centipede, Huge Annis
Denzelian Berserker Dog, Wild Aurumvorax
Deva, Movanic Common Boar, Giant Falcon, Small Barghest
Doppleganger Bear, Black Boggle Herd Animal Bat, Giant
Dragon, Gold Bear, Brown Brain Mole Lycanthrope, Werewolf Bear, Cave
Dragon, Silver Dog, Wild Brownie Mammoth Beaver, Giant
Elf, Valley Dwarf, Hill Bugbear Mastodon Berserker
Ettin Giant, Hill Castle Ogre Brain Mole
Fly, Giant Horse Herd Animal Centipede, Giant Orc Castle
Forlarren Lycanthrope, Werewolf Coffer Corpse Rat Demon, Bar-Lgura
Galeb Duhr Mule Cooshee Raven, Normal Deva, Movanic
Gargoyle Ogre Deva. Movanic Squirrel, Normal Devil Dog
Ghost Orc Devil Dog Wolf Dragon, Gold
Giant, Firbolg Raven, Normal Dragon, Earth Dragon, Red
Giant, Mountain Rhinocerous, Wooly Dragon, Gold Uncommon Eagle
Gloomwing Squirrel, Normal Dragon, Green Badger Ear Seeker
Gnome Wolf Dragon, White Bandit Elf. Grugach
Grim Elf, Grugach Bat Elf, Valley
Grue, Chaggrin Uncommon Elf, Wood Boar, Giant Faerie Dragon
Grue, lldriss Bandit Fly, Giant Bluebottle Bugbear Fly, Horse
Haunt Bat Forlarren Cat, Wild Forlarren
Hoar Fox Bear, Cave Galeb Duhr Dragon, White Gargoyle
Hydra Cat, Wild Ghost Elf. Wood Ghost
Ice Lizard Centipede, Huge Giant. Fire Falcon, Large Giant, Firbolg
Kharga Falcon, Small Giant, Fog Horse Giant, Fire
Ki-rin Ghoul Giant, Frost Jermlaine Giant. Frost
Kobold Giant, Verbeeg Giant, Stone Kobold Giant. Verbeeg
Land Urchin Goat Gorgon Lion, Mountain Gnome
Lycanthrope, Foxwoman Hobgoblin Griffon Manticore Gorgon
Lycanthrope. Weretiger Horse Grim Owl Greenhag
Lynx, Giant Kenku Groaning Spirit Pilgrim Grim
Magnesium Spirit Mammoth Grue, Chaggrin Porcupine, Giant Groaning Spirit
Mantari Mastodon Grue, Harginn Pseudo-undead, Vampire Hydra
Medusa Owl Hippogriff Rat. Giant Kenku
Minimal, Mountain Lion Pilgrim Hollyphant Rhinocerous, Woolly Korred
Minimal. Badger Pseudo-undead. Ghast Ice Lizard Scorpion. Large Lycanthrope. Foxwoman
Minimal. Cave Bear Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Irish Deer Snake, Poisonous Lycanthrope, Weretiger
Minimal. War Dog Pseudo-undead, Vampire Ki-rin Stirge Mantari
Minimal, Wild Dog Ram Kobold Tiger Mihstu
Minimal, Wild Horse Rat Lycanthrope, Foxwoman Troll Minimal, Mountain Lion
Minimal, Mammoth Rat, Giant Lycanthrope, Wereboar Weasel Minimal, Badger
Minimal, Stag Scorpion, Large Lycanthrope, Weretiger Wolverine Minimal, Black Bear
Minimal, Tiger Skunk Lynx, Giant Xvart Minimal, Cave Bear
Minimal, Wolf Snake, Poisonous Manticore Minimal, Wild Boar
Mummy Tiger Margoyle Rare Minimal, Bactrian Camel
Naga, Guardian Wolverine Medusa Baluchitherium Minimal, War Dog
Naga. Spirit Minimal, Mountain Lion Bear, Northern Minimal, Wild Dog
Night Hag Rare Minimal, Badger Brownie Minimal, Wild Horse
Nightmare Bat, Giant Minimal, Black Bear Camel, Bactrian Minimal, Mammoth
Nilbog Bear, Northern Minimal, Brown Bear Caveman Minimal, Stag
Beetle, Giant Bombardier Minimal, Cave Bear Character Party Minimal, Tiger
Nymph Boar, Wild Minimal, Wild Boar Cooshee Minimal. Wolf
Obliviax Bowler Minimal, Bactrian Camel Dragon, Green Mongrelman
Ogre Mage Camel, Bactrian Minimal, War Dog Dwarf, Hill Moon Dog
Oliphant Caveman Minimal, Dog Wild Dwarf, Mountain Mummy
Otyugh Minimal, Wild Horse Elf. Gray Needleman
Pech Character Party Minimal, Mammoth Fly. Giant Bluebottle Norker
Pegasus Cyclopskin Minimal, Stag Fortress
Porcupine, Giant Dragon, Red Minimal, Tiger Gambado Nymph
Quasi-elemental, Lightning Dwarf, Mountain Minimal, Wolf Giant, Hill Pegasus
Quickwood Falcon, Large Minimal, Mongrelman Goblin Phoenix
Remorhaz Fortress Moon Dog Pixie
Rothe Ghast Mummy Harpy Ouaggoth
Shade Giant, Cloud Hoar Fox Quickling
Shedu. Greater Gnome Nymph Hobgoblin Quickwood
Shunk Goblin Obliviax Irish Deer Raven, Giant
Spriggan Owl. Giant Kech Shadow Mastiff
Squirrel. Carniv. Flying Harpy Pegasus Lycanthrope, Werebear Shedu
Storoper Hoar Fox Quasi-elemental, Lightning Lycanthrope, Wereboar Shedu. Greater
Jermlaine Quaggoth Lynx, Giant Shocker
Sylph Lion. Mountain Quickwood Medusa Skunk
Taer Lycanthrope. Werebear Ram, Giant Miner Swanmay
Taer Minotaur Remorhaz Minotaur Troll, Giant
Tenebrous Worm Norker Screaming Devilkin Mule Troll, Ice
Trapheg Ogrillon Shedu. Greater Obliviax Vampire
Titan. Elder Shocker Ogrillon Vargouille
Oliphant Spriggan Oliphant Willow, Black
Titan. Lesser Patrol Storoper Owl, Giant Wolf, Winter
Titan, Major Peryton Tenebrous Worm Patrol Zombie
Transposer Porcupine, Giant Toad, Ice Pseudo-undead. Ghast
Troll. Giant Two-headed Pudding, Deadly (White) Vampire Pseudo-undead. Ghoul COLD. WILDERNESS SWAMPS
Vagabond Vargouille Pudding. White
Vampire Purple Worm Vilstrak Raven, Huge Common
Vargouille Raven, Giant Wolf, Winter Scorpion. Giant Centipede. Giant
Will-0-wisp Raven, Huge Wolfwere Screaming Devilkin Centipede. Huge
Wolf, Dire Xaren Shadow Crocodile, Normal
Wolf, Winter Rock Reptile Xorn Skulk Dog, Wild
Wraith Scorpion, Huge Yeth Hound Squirrel. Carniv. Flying Mule
Zombie Tenebrous Worm Ogre
Xaren Shadow Mastiff Toad, Ice Orc
Xorn Skulk Vapor Rat
Yeth Hound Common Volt
Yeti Troll Bear, Black Vulchling
Troll, Giant Bear, Brown Wolf, Dire
Troll, Ice Wolfwere
Vapor Rat 142 Wolverine. Giant

Wolf, Dire
Wolverine, Giant

Worg /

Common cont. Brain Mole Common cont. Gorgon Falcon, Large
Rat Brownie Mule Greenhag Fly, Giant Horse
Rat, Giant Bugbear Ogre Grim Fortress
Raven, Normal Coffer Corpse Rat Groaning Spirit Goblin
Scorpion, Large Cooshee Rat. Giant Grue, Harginn Hoar Fox
Death, Crimson Raven, Normal Grue. lldriss Jermaline
Uncommon Demon Alu- Rhinocerous, Woolly Lycanthrope, Werewolf
Buccaneer (Pirate) Demon, Cambion Scorpion. Large Harpy Mastodon
Cat, Wild Demon, Nabassu Squirrel, Normal Hollyphant Moon Dog
Falcon, Small Deva. Movanic Wolf Hydra Mummy
Ghoul Devil Dog Irish Deer Orc
Herd Animal Doppleganger Uncommon Land Urchin Pudding, White
Hobgoblin Dragon, Gold Badger Lycanthrope, Foxwoman Purple Worm
Hydra Dragon, Green Bandit Lycnathrope, Weretiger Rat, Giant
Jermlaine Dragon, White Bugbear Lynx, Giant Raven, Giant
Mammoth Elf, Wood Cat, Wild Manticore Raven, Huge
Mastodon Fly, Giant Horse Dragon, White Medusa Rhinocerous. Woolly
Pilgrim Gargoyle Falcon, Large Miner Sandling
Pseudo-undead, Ghast Ghost Ghoul Minimal, Badger Shedu
Pseudo-undead. Ghoul Giant. Fog Goat Minimal, Black Bear Shocker
Pseudo-undead, Spectre Giant, Verbeeg Horse Minimal, Brown Bear Tiger
Pseudo-undead, Vampire Gloomwing Jermlaine Minimal, Wild Boar Troll
Pseudo-undead. Wight Gorgon Kenku Minimal, Bactrian Camel Vapor Rat
Pseudo-undead. Wraith Greenhag Nomad Minimal, War Dog Weasel
Rhinocerous, Wooly Grim Owl Minimal, Wild Dog Wolf, Dire
Scorpion, Giant Grue, Varrdig Pilgrim Minimal, Wild Horse Wolfwere
Scorpion, Huge Haunt Pseudo-undead, Ghast Minimal, Stag
Snake, Poisonous Hollyphant Pseudo-undead. Ghoul Minimal, Tiger Very Rare
Squirrel, Normal Hydra, Lernaean Pseudo-undead. Vampire Minimal, Wolf Badger
Troll Kech Ram Mongrelman Barghest
Volt Kobold Scorpion, Giant Norker Bat
Weasel Land Urchin Scorpion, Huge Oliphant Berserker
Will-0-wisp Lion, Spotted Shadow Mastiff Owl, Giant Bugbear
Wolf Lycanthrope, Wereboar Snake, Poisonous Phoenix Centipede, Giant
Lycanthrope, Weretiger Tiger Porcupine, Giant Coffer Corpse
Rare Mantari Weasal Purple Worm Crypt Thing
Bandit Manticore Wolverine Quickwood Demon, succubus
Bat Mihstu Remorhaz Demon, Vrock (Type I)
Bear, Black Miner Rare Sandling Deva, Movanic
Bear, Brown Minimal, Badger Baluchitherium Screaming Devilkin Disenchanter
Beetle, Giant Bombardier Minimal. Black Bear Bat Shade Dragon, Earth
Boar, Wild Minimal, Brown Bear Bear, Northern Shedu, Greater Dragon, Gold
Boggart Minimal, Wild Boar Character Party Shocker Dragon, White
Camel, Bactrian Minimal. Bactrian Camel Dervishes Skulk Gambado
Caterwaul Minimal. War Dog Devil Dog Spriggan Giant, Fire
Character Party Minimal. Wild Dog Dwarf, Hill Troll, Giant Goat
Crab, Giant Minimal, Wild Horse Dwarf, Mountain Vagabond Gorgon
Crystal Ooze Minimal, Tiger Fly. Giant Bluebottle Vampire Griffon
Falcon, Large Minimal. Wolf Fortress Vargouille Groaning Spirit
Fly. Giant Bluebottle Mummy Ghast Vortex Grue. Harginn
Fortress Naga, Guardian Giant, Hill Willow, Black
Ghast Naga. Spirit Goblin Worg Harpy
Giant, Hill Night Hag Hoard Fox Yeth Hound Hobgoblin
Goblin Ogre Magi Hobgoblin Zombie Hollyphant
Oliphant Lion, Mountain Zombie, Juju Lion, Spotted
Harpy Owl, Giant Lion. Spotted Lycanthrope, Foxwoman
Hoar Fox Phantom Lycnathrope, Wereboar COLD, WILDERNESS DESERT Lycanthrope, Wereboar
Horse Quickling Lycanthrope, Werewolf Manticore
Irish Deer Quickwood Moon Dog Common Medusa
Leucrotta Raven, Giant Mummy Camel, Bactrian Minimal, Badger
Lycanthrope, Werebear Shade Ogrillon Dog, Wild Minimal. Wild Boar
Lycanthrope, Werewolf Shedu Orc Herd Animal Minimal. Bactrian Camel
Medusa Shedu. Greater Patrol Raven, Normal Minimal, War Dog
Minotaur Skeleton, Animal Pudding. White Scorpion. Large Minimal, Wild Dog
Mongrelman Skulk Quaggoth Minimal. Wild Horse
Moon Dog Skunk Raven, Giant Uncommon Minimal. Tiger
Norker Son of Kyuss Raven, Huge Bandit Minimal, Wolf
Obliviax Tenebrous Worm Shedu Cat, Wild Mongrelman
Ogre, Aquatic Tirapheg Toad, Ice Centipede. Huge Norker
Owl Transposer Troll Falcon, Small Oliphant
Porcupine. Giant Treant Troll, Ice Fly. Giant Bluebottle Owl, Giant
Pudding, White Trilloch Vapor Rat Horse Pegasus
Quaggoth Troll, Ice Volt Kenku Quaggoth
Raven, Huge Urchin, Green Wolf, Dire Lion. Mountain Ram
screaming Devilkin Urchin, Red Wolfwere Nomad Remorhaz
Shadow Vampire Wolverine, Giant Ogre Rock Reptile
Shadow Mastiff Vulchling Xvart Owl Screaming Devilkin
Skeleton Wight Pilgrim Shade
Spectre Black Willow Very Rare Pseudo-undead, Vampire Shedu, Greater
Tiger Wolf, Dire Aurumvorax Rat Skulk
Tiger Wolf, Winter Barghest Scorpion, Giant Troll, Giant
Toad, Ice Wraith Bat, Giant Scorpion, Huge Troll, Ice
Troll, Giant Zombie, Juju Berserker Shadow Mastiff Vampire
Urchin, Black Zombie, Monster Brain Mole Snake, Poisonous Vargouille
Vapor Rat Squirrel, Normal Volt
Wolfwere COLD, WILDERNESS PI.AINS Castle Wolf Vortex
Worg Caterwaul Wind Walker
Xvart Common Demon, Alu- Rare Worg
Zombie Boar, Wild Demon, Cambion Boar, Wild Yeth Hound
Camel, Bactrian Deva. Movanic Character Party Zombie
Very Rare Centipede, Giant Disenchanter Dervishes
Annis Centipede, Huge Devil Dog TEMPERATE, CIVILIZED
Badger Dog, Wild Dragon, Earth Dwarf, Hill MOUNTAINS
Barghest Falcon, Small Dragon, Gold Dwarf, Mountain
Bat, Giant Herd Animal Fly, Giant Horse Common
Berserker Mammoth Forlarren Bandit
Boar. Giant Mastodon Gambado Bat
Ghost Dwarf, Mountain
Giant, Firbolg Falcon, Small
Giant, Fire
Giant, Fog
Giant, Verbeeg


Common cont. Very Rare cont. Very Rare cont. Rare cont. Uncommon cont.
Ogre Rothe Bull Dwarf, Hill Wolf
Raven. Normal Shade Centipede, Giant Dwarf, Mountain
Spider, Large Shadow Demon Coffer Corpse Goblin Rare
Vulture, Normal Shedu. Greater Deva. Movanic Halfling Bat
Snake, Giant Amphisbaena Dragon, Earth Hobgoblin Beetle. Giant Fire
Uncommon Snyad Dragon, Gold Jackal Berserker
Bugbear Spider, Giant Dragonnel Lammasu Boar, Wild
Cat, Domestic Thessalhydra Elf, Wood Luck Eater Camel, Bactrian
Centipede, Huge Vagabond Flind Lycanthrope. Werebear Cattle, Wild
Character Party Vampire Ghost Lycanthrope. Wereboar Crab, Giant
Dog, War Wolf, Dire Griffon Minotaur Crane, Giant
Falcon, large Xaren Groaning Spirit Mule Falcon, Large
Ghoul Xorn Grue, Chaggrin Obliviax Frog, Poisonous
Gnoll Zombie Grue. Harginn Ogrillon Ghast
Goblin Zombie, Juju Hell Hound Oliphant Goblin
Griffon Hollyphant Pedipalp, Huge Horse
Herd Animal Zrwm Huecuva Penanggalan Jackal
Hobgoblin Jackalwere Pseudo-undead. Ghoul Killmoulis
Lion TEMPERATE. CIVILIZED HILLS Ki-rin Rakshasa Luck Eater
Owl Lammasu, Greater Shadow Lycanthrope, Werebear
Patrol Common Luck Eater Spider, Phase Lycanthrope, Werewolf
Pilgrim Bandit Lycanthrope. Wereboar Thessalhydra Merchant
Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Cat, Domestic Lycanthrope. Wererat Tick, Giant Minotaur
Pseudo-undead, Vampire Cattle, Wild Obliviax Vapor Rat Norker
Ram Dwarf, Hill Penanggalan Wolf, Dire Obliviax
Snake, Poisonous Herd Animal Poltergeist Owl
Snake, Giant Poisonous Lycathrope, Werewolf Quaggoth Very Rare Pedipalp, Huge
Spider, Huge Merchant Rakshasa Barghest Pedipalp, l a r g e
Squirrel, Normal Mule Revenant Bookworm Penanggalan
Wolf Ogre Scarecrow Brain Mole Quaggoth
Patrol Shedu, Greater Bulette Rakshasa
Rare Raven, Normal Snyad Centipede, Megalo- Shadow
Beetle, Giant Fire Spider, Large Spider, Giant Demon, Bar-Lgura Shadow Mastiff
Berserker Squirrel, Normal Spider, Phase Deva, Movanic Skeleton
Cattle, Wild Vulture, Normal Vampire Dragon, Gold Thessalhydra
Dragon, Earth Wolf Xaren Ear Seeker Vapor Rat
Dwarf, Hill Xorn Flind Zombie
Ghast Uncommon Zombie Frog, Giant
Horse Basilisk Ghost Very Rare
Jermlaine Bat Zvgom Gnome Anhkheg
Killmoulis Booka Groaning Spirit Barghest
Lammasu Centipede, Huge TEMPERATE CIVILIZED FOREST Jackalwere Bookworm
Lycatnhrope. Werebear Character Party Lammasu. Greater Brain Mole
Lycanthrope, Werewolf Dog. War Common Lycanthrope. Wererat Bugbear
Merchant Falcon, Small Bandit Norker Bull
Minotaur Ghoul Beetle. Giant Fire Pedipalp, Large Castle
Mule Gnoll Beetle. Giant Stag Poltergeist Centipede. Magalo-
Norker Hobgoblin Boar. Wild Quaggoth Coffer Corpse
Ogrillion Horse Bull Revenant Crayfish. Giant
Pedipalp, Huge Killmoulis Centipede, Giant Shadow Demon Demon, Alu-
Pedipalp, Large Leprechaun Centipede, Hgue Shadow Mastiff Demon, Cambion
Quaggoth Lion Falcon, Small Shedu Deva. Movanic
Rat Owl Herd Animal Shedu, Greater Dragon. Gold
Rat, Giant Pilgrim Lycanthrope, Werewolf Snake, Giant Amphisbaena Elf, Wood
Shadow Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Ogre Vampire Flind
Shadow Mastiff Pseudo-undead, Vampire Patrol Zombie Ghost
Shedu Ram Rat Grue, Varrdig
Snake, Giant Constrictor Rat Raven, Normal Zwom Haunt
Spider, Phase Rat, Giant Spider, Large Hell Hound
Toad, Giant Snake, Poisonous Squirrel. Normal TEMPERATE CIVILIZED SWAMP Hollyphant
Troll Snake, Giant Poisonous Toad, Giant Huecuva
Vapor Rat Spider, Huge Common Jackalwere
Uncommon Bandit Kelpie
Very Rare Rare Wolf Centipede, Giant Lammasu
Aarakocra Beetle, Giant Fire Basilisk Centipede. Huge Lycanthrope, Wereboar
Barghest Beetle, Giant Stag Bat Mule Mud-Man
Basilisk Berserker Booka Ogre Oliphant
Brain Mole Boar, Wild Bugbear Rat Poltergeist
Carrion Crawler Camel, Bactrian Cat, Domestic Rat. Giant Revenant
Castle Castle Character Paty Raven, Normal Shade
Cave Fisher Dwarf, Mountain Dog, War Spider, Huge Shedu
Centipede, Giant Falcon, Large Elf, Wood Spider. Large Shedu, Greater
Coffer Corpse Ghast Falcon, Large Toad, Giant Skeleton, Animal
Crypt Thing Gnome Gnoll Vulture, Normal Snake, Giant Amphisbaena
Demon, Bar-Lgura Goblin Horse Tick. Giant
Denzelian Halfling Jermlaine Uncommon Vampire
Deva. Movanic Jackal Kilmoulis Basilisk Wolf, Dire
Dragon. Gold Jermlaine Leprechaun Buccaner (Pirate) Zombie. Juju
Dragonnel Lammasu Lion Cat, Domestic Zombie. Monster
Flind Lycanthrope, Werebear Merchant Character Party
Ghost Minotaur Owl Dog, War Zmom
Gnome Norker Pilgrim Falcon, Small
Grue, Chaggrin Ogrillon Pseudo-undead. Vampire Frog, Giant TEMPERATE, ClLlVlZED PLAINS
Grue. lldriss Oliphant Rat, Giant Ghoul
Haunt Pedipalp, Huge Snake, Poisonous Gnoll Common
Hell Hound Pedipalp, Large Snake, Giant Constrictor Herd Animal Bandit
Hollyphant Shadow Mastiff Snake, Giant Poisonous Hobgoblin Beetle, Giant Stag
Ki-rin Shedu Spider, Giant Jermlaine Boar. Wild
Lammasu. Greater Snake, Giant Constrictor Spider, Huge Lion Bull
Luck Eater Toad, Giant Stirge Lycanthrope. Wererat Camel, Bactrian
Lycanthrope, Wererat Troll Troll Patrol Cat, Domestic
Nilbcg Vapor Rat Vulture, Normal Pilgrim Cattle. Wild
Obliviax Wolf, Dire Pseudo-undead. Ghoul Centipede, Giant
Oliphant Rare Pseudo-undead. Vampire Centipede, Huge
Otyugh Very Rare Anhkheg Snake, poisonous Falcon, Small
Penanggalan Aarakocra Berserker I Snake, Giant Constrictor Herd Animal
Poltergeist Barghest Camel, Bactrian Snake, Giant Poisonous Jackal
Rakahasa Brain Mole Castle Squirrel, Normal Merchant
Bugbear Cattle. Wild Troll


Common cont. Very Rare cont. Very Rare cont. Rare cont. Very Rare cont.
Mule Zombie Shedu. Greater
Ogre Zmbie, Juju Vampire Jermlaine Giant, Firebolg
Patrol Zwom Vortex Lammasu Giant, Mountain
Rat Zombie Leucrotta Gibberling
Rat, Giant TEMPERATE CIVILIZED DESERT Lion, Spotted Gloomwing
Raven, Normal TEMPERATE, WILDERNESS Lycnathrope. Werebear Gnome
Spider, Huge Common MOUNTAINS Lycanthrope. Werewolf Gorgimera
Spider, Large Bandit Margoyle Grim
Squirrel, Normal Camel, Bactrian Common Mastodon Grue, Chaggrin
Toad, Giant Herd Animal Bat Minotaur Grue, lldriss
Vulture, Normal Jackal Dog, Wild Mongrelman Haunt
Wolf Merchant Dwarf, Mountain Moon Dog Hell Hound
Raven, Normal Falcon, Small Mule Hollyphant
Uncommon Spider, Huge Ogre Norker Hornet, Giant
Booka Spider, Large Orc Ogrillon Hydra
Bugbear Vulture, Normal Raven Normal Owl, Giant Hydra, Pyro-
Character Party Skunk Owlbear Khargra
Dog, War Uncommon Spider, Large Pedipalp, Huge Ki-rin
Falcon, Large Cat, Domestic Vulture, Normal Pedipalp, Large Kobold
Ghoul Centipede, Huge Peryton Lammasu, Greater
Horse Character Party Uncommon Phycomid Land LUarcmhpinrey
Jermlaine Dog, War Bandit Pyrolisk
Killmoulis Falcon, Small Bear. Cave
Lion Horse Bloodhawk Quaggoth Lava Children
Osquip Lion Bugbear Ram, Giant Lizard, Fire
Owl Ogre Cat, Wild Rat Lycanthrope. Foxwoman
Pilgrim Osquip Centipede, Huge Rat, Giant Lycanthrope. Weretiger
Pseudo-undead,Ghoul owl Cockatrice Raven, Giant Magnesium Spirit
Pseudo-undead,Vampire Patrol Falcon. Large Raven, Huge Mantari
Ram Pilgrim Ghoul Rhinoceros Meazel
Shadow Mastiff Pseudo-undead,Vampire Giant, Fire Rock Reptile Medusa
Snake, Poisonous Rat Giant, Fomorian Screaming Devilkin Meenlock
Snake, Giant Poisonou's Shadow Mastiff Giant, Hill Shadow Minimal, Mountain Lion
Snake, Poisonous Giant, Stone Shadow Mastiff Minimal, Badger
Rare Snake, Giant Poisonous Gnoll Shedu Minimal, Cave Bear
Anhkheg Squirrel. Normal Goat Shocker Minimal, War Dog
Bat Wolf Goblin Skulk Minimal, Wild Dog
Berserker Griffon Snake, Giant Constrictor Minimal, Wild Horse
Castle Rare Herd Animal Spectre Minimal, Lion
Dervishes Berserker Hobgoblin Spider, Phase Minimal, Mammoth
Dwarf, Hill Boar, Wild Lion Stag, Giant Minimal, Stag
Dwarf, Mountain Cattle, Wild Lion, Mountain Su-monster Minimal, Tiger
Ghast Dervishes Manticore Toad, Giant Minimal, Wolf
Goblin Dwarf, Hill Owl Tunnel Worm Mummy
Halfing Dwarf, Mountain Pilgrim Vapor Rat Naga, Guardina
Hobgoblin Falcon, Large Pseudo-undead, Ghast
Jackalwere Flind Pseudo-undead. Ghoul Vilstrak Naga. Spirit
Lammasu Goblin Pseudo-undead,Spectre Volt Night Hag
Luck Eater Jackalwere Pseudo-undead,Vampire Wasp, Giant Nightmare
Lycanthrope, Wereboar Jermlaine Pseudo-undead, Wight Whipweed Nilbog
Lycathrope. Werewolf Lammasu Pseudo-undead. Wraith Wight
Ogrillon Lycanthrope, Werewolf Ram Wind Walker Nymph
Pedipalp, Huge Pedipalp, Huge Scorpion, Huge Wolfwere Obliviax
Pedipalp, Large Pedipalp, Large Scorpion, Large Worg Ogre Mage
Penanggalan Poltergeist Snake, Poisonous Wyvern Oliphant
Quaggoth Rat. Giant Snake, Giant Poisonous Xvart Otyugh
Shedu Shedu Spider, Huge Zorbo Pech
Snake, Giant Constrictor Snake, Giant Constrictor Squirrel, Huge Pegasus
Troll Toad, Giant Squirrel, Normal
Vapor Rat Troll Tiger Porcupine, Giant
Wolf, Dire Vapor Rat Weasel
Wolf, Dire Witherweed Very Rare Pseudo Dragon
Very Rare Wolf
Barghest Very Rare Aarakocra Quickwood
Basilisk Barghest Rare
Bookworm Bat Bat, Giant Achaieria Rothe
Brain Mole Booka Bear, Black
Bulene Bugbear Bear, Brown Annis Sandman
Centipede, Megalo- Bulette Bear, Northern
Demon, Alu- Bull Bee, Giant Bumble- Ascomoid Shade
Demon, Cambion Castle Bee, Giant Honey Badger Shedu, Greater
Deva, Movanic Centipede, Giant Beetle, Giant Boring Barghest Skunk
Disenchanter Coffer Corpse Beetle, Giant Fire Basilisk Snake, Giant Amphisbaena
Dragon, Earth Crypt Thing Blink Dog
Dragon, Gold Demon, Succubus Bonesnapper Behir Snake, Giant Spitting Spider, Giant
Flind Demon, Vrock (Type I) Caterwaul
Frog, Giant Deva, Movanic Cattle, Wild Berserker Spriggan
Ghost Disenchanter Caveman
Gnoll Dragon, Earth Character Party Black Pudding Squirrel, Carniv. Flying
Groaning Spirit Dragon, Gold Chimera
Grue, Harginn Griffon Cyclopskin Boggart Stegocentipede
Grue, lldriss Groaning Spirit Dakon Boggle Storoper
Hollyphant Grue. harginn Dragon, Earth Brain Mole Sundew, Giant
Huecuva Hell Hound Dragon, Red
Lammasu, Greater Hogoblin Dwarf, Hill Carrion Crawler Sussurus
Lerechaun Holyphant Eagle
Lycnathrope, Wererat Huecuva Eagle, Giant Cave Fisher Sylph
Norker Lammasu. Greater Firedrake Centipede, Giant Tenebrous Worm
Oliphant Luck Eater Fly, Giant bluebottle
Rakshasa Lycanthrope, Wereboar Fortress Coffer Corpse Tentamort
Scarecrow Lycanthrope, Wererat Ghast Crypt Thing Thessalhydra
Shade Nroker Giant, Cloud
Shedu, Greater Oliphant Giant, Frost Demon, Bar-Lgura Tirapheg
Snake, Giant Amphisaena Penanggalan Giant, Storm
Tween Quaggoth Giant, Verbeeg Demon, Nabassu Titan, Elder
Vagabond Rakshasa Gorgon
Vampire Ram Denzelian Titan, Lesser
Vortex Shade Harpy
Hippogriff Deva, Movanic Titan, Major
Displacer Beast Toad, Poisonous
145 Doppleganger Transposer
Dragon, Black Troll, Giant Two-headed

Dragon, Bronze Umplebv

Dragon, Cloud Ustilagor

Dragon. Gold Vagabond
Dragon, Silver Vampire

Dragon Horse Vargouille
Dragonnel Vulchling
Elf, Valley Vulture, Giant
Ettercap Will-0-wisp
Ettin Witherstench
Executioner's Hood Wolf, Dire

Firefriend Wraith

Flind Xaren

Fly, Giant Horsefly


Galeb Duhr


Gelatinous Cube /

Very Rare cont. Ghast Very Rare cont. Common cont. Rare Cont.
Xill Giant, Cloud Grue, Harginn Rhinoceros Lycanthrope, Werebear
Xorn Gnome Hangman Tree Skunk Lycanthrope, Wereboar
Yellow Musk Creeper Goblin Hell Hound Spider, Large Mantis, Giant
Yeth Hound Hippogriff Squirrel, Normal Medusa
Zombie Harpy Hollyphant Stag Miner
Zombie. Juju Jackal Hornet, Giant Toad, Giant Minotaur
Zombie, Yellow Musk Jermlaine Huecuva Wolf Mule
Lammasu Hybsil Obliviax
Zygom Lion, Mountain Irish Deer Uncommon Ogrillon
Lycanthrope, Werebear Jackalwere Badger Oliphant
TEMPERATE WILDERNESS Mantis, Giant Ki-rin Bandit Owl, Giant Owlbear
HILLS Minotaur Kobold Basilisk Patrol
Norker Lammasu. Greater Bat Pedipalp, Huge
Common Ogrillon Land Lamprey Boar, Giant Pseudo-undead, Ghast
Bear, Black Oliphant Lycanthrope, Foxwoman Bugbear Pseudo-undead, Ghoul
Bear, Brown Patrol Lycanthrope. Wereboar Cat, Wild Raven, Huge
Cattle, Wild Pedipalp, Huge Lycanthrope. Weretiger Clubnek Scorpion, Giant
Dog, Wild Pedipalp, Large Manticore Dakon Screaming Devilkin
Dwarf, Hill Peryton Margoyle Elf, Wood Shadow
Giant, Hill Porcupine, Giant Medusa Falcon, Large Skulk
Herd Animal Purple Worm Minimal, Mountain Lion Gibberling Spider, Phase
Lycanthrope. Werewolf Raven, Giant Minimal, Badger Gnoll Sprite
Mule Raven, Huge Minimal, Black Bear Hornet, Giant Squirrel, Carniv. Flying
Ogre Rock Reptile Minimal. Brown Bear Horse Squirrel, Giant Black
Orc Scorpion, Giant Minimal, Cave Bear Jermlaine Tenebrous Worm
Raven, Normal Scorpion, Huge Minimal, Warthog Boar Kobold Thessalhydra
Skunk Shadow Mastiff Minimal, Wild Boar Leprechaun Tick. Giant
Spider, Large Shedu Minimal, Bull Lion Titanothere
Squirrel. Normal Skulk Minimal, Bactrian Camel Lion, Mountain Treant
Vulture, Normal Snake, Giant Constrictor Minimal, War Dog Manticore Volt
Wolf Stag, Giant Minimal, Wild Horse Owl Vulchling
Su-monster Minimal, Lion Pilgrim Wasp, Giant
Uncommon Titanothere Minimal, Mammoth Porcupine, Giant Weasel, Giant
Bandit Toad, Giant Minimal, Rhinoceros Pseudo-undead. Vampire Wolf, Dire
Basilisk Troll Minimal, Stag Rat, Giant Wolfwere
Bat Troll, Giant Minimal, Tiger Scorpion. Huge Worg
Bear. Cave Unicorn Minimal, Wolf Scorpion, Large Yellow Musk Creeper
Cat, Wild Vapor Rat Mongrelman Snake, Poisonous Zombie, Yellow Musk
Centipede, Huge Volt Moon Dog Snake, Giant Constrictor
Dakon Wasp, Giant Mummy Snake, Giant Poisonous Very Rare
Falcon, Small Weasel Spider, Giant Achaieria
Ghou I Whipweed Nymph Spider, Huge AI-mi-raj
Giant, Verbeeg Wolf, Dire Obliviax Stirge Annis
Gnoll Worg Owl, Giant Su-monster Assassin Bug
Goat Xvart Pegasus Sundew, Giant Aurumvorax
Hobogoblin Pseudo Dragon Tiger Barghest
Horse Very Rare Pyrolisk Toad, Poisonous Basilisk, Greater
Kenku Aarakocra Quasi-elemental, Lightning Troll Bat, Giant
Leprechaun Achaieria Quaggoth Vulture, Normal Bear, Cave
Lion Ascomoid Qu ickwood Weasel Beaver, Giant
Mastodon Assassin Bug Ram. Giant Whipweed Bee, Giant Bumble-
Owl Atomie Screaming Devilkin Witherweed Beetle, Death Watch
Pilgrim Axebeak Shedu, Greater Wyvern Berserker
Pseudo-undead, Ghast Badger Shocker Xvan Bloodhawk
Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Barghest Snake, Giant Spitting Bloodthorn
Pseudo-undead, Vampire Basidirond Spider. Giant Rare Boobrie
Ram Basilisk. Greater Spider, Phase Adherer Brain Mole
Rat Beaver, Giant Spriggan Ant Lion, Giant Bulette
Rat, Giant Beetle, Giant Slicer Stegocentipede Ant, Giant Castle
Rhinoceros Behir Sundew, Giant Aspis Catoblepas
Satyr Berserker Tenebrous Worm Atomie Centipede, Megalo-
Scorpion, Large Boar, Giant Toad, Poisonous Axebeak Cockatrice
Skunk Boggle Vampire Baluchitherium Demon, Bar-Lgura
Snake, poisonous Brain Mole Vargouille Barkburr Deva. Movanic
Snake, Giant Poisonous Brownie Vilstrak Basidirond Oisplacer Beasts
Spider. Huge Bugbear Vulture, Giant Bear, Northern Dragon, Coiled
Stag Bulette Wolf-in-Sheep's Clothing Bee, Giant Honey Dragon, Gold
Tiger Bull Wolfwere Beetle, Giant Slicer Dragon, Mist
Witherweed Castle Xaren Blink Dog Dragon, Red
Centipede, Giant Xorn Brownie Dryad
Rare Clubnek Yeth Hound Buckawn Eagle
Adherer Cockatrice Zombie Bullywug Ear Seeker
Ant Cion. Giant Coffer Corpse Zorbo Camel, Bactrian Elf, Grugach
Ant, Giant Cooshee Carbuncle Elf, Valley
Aspis Deva, Movanic zygom Cattle, Wild Elfin Cat
Bat, Giant Displacer Beasts Caveman Faerie Dragon
Bear, Northern Dragon, Earth TEMPERATE, WILDERNESS Centaur Firefriend
Bee, Giant Bumble- Dragon, Gold FOREST Character Party Flind
Bee, Giant Honey Dragon, Green Choke Creeper Fly. Giant Horse
Beetle, Giant Bombardier Dragonnel Common Cifal Forester's Bane
Beetle, Giant Boring Elf, Grugach Bear, Black Cooshee Forlarren
Beetle, Giant Fire Elf, Wood Bear, Brown Dragon, Green Frog, Giant
Beetle, Giant Stag Ettercap Beetle, Giant Bombardier Dwarf, Hill Gargoyle
Blink Dog Flind Beetle, Giant Boring Dwarf, Mountain Ghost
Bloodhawk Fly, Giant Bluebottle Beetle, Giant Fire Elf, Gray Giant, Firebolg
Boar. Warthog Forlarren Beetle, Giant Stag Ettercap Giant, Fire
Boar, Wild Galeb Duhr Boar, Warthog Executioner's Hood Giant, Frost
Bowler Ghost Boar, Wild Fly. Giant Bluebottle Giant, Verbeeg
Camel, Bactrian Giant, Fire Bull Fortress Gnome
Caveman Giant. Fog Centipede, Giant Gambado Gorgon
Centaur Giant, Frost Centipede, Huge Giant, Hill Greenhag
Character Party Giant, Stone Dog, Wild Goblin Grim
Chimera Gibberling Falcon, Small Groaning Spirit
Choke Creeper Gorgimera Herd Animal Harpy Hangman Tree
Cyclopskin Gorgon Lycanthrope. Werewolf Hobgoblin Hybsil
Dragon, Red Griffon Mastodon Irish Deer Hydra
Dwarf, Mountain Grig Ogre Jackal
Falcon, Large Grim Orc Kech
Firedrake Groaning Spirit Rat Lammasu
Fortress Grue. Chaggrin Raven, Normal Land Lamprey


Very Rare cont. Uncommon Rare cont. Very Rare cont. Common cont.
Jackalwere Axebeak Mongrelman Kech Rhinoceros
Kampfult Basilisk Moon Dog Kelpie Scorpion, Large
Kenku Buccaneer (Pirate) Muckdweller Kenku Skunk
Korred Cat, Wild Norker Kobold Spider, Huge
Lammasu, Greater Cockatrice Obliviax Lammasu Spider. Large
Lizard, Giant Falcon, Small Ogre, Aquatic Land Urchin Squirrel, Normal
Lycanthrope, Foxwoman Frog, Giant Owl Lion, Spotted Stag
Lycanthrope. Weretiger Ghoul Owlbear Lizard King Toad, Giant
Mandragora Gnoll Pedipalp, Huge Lycanthrope, Wereboar Vulture, Normal
Mantari Herd Animal Pedipalp. Large Lycanthrope, Weretiger Wolf
Meazel Hobgoblin Phycomid Mandragora
Mihstu Hornet, Giant Porcupine, Giant Mantari Uncommon
Minimal, Mountain Lion Hydra Pyrolisk Manticore Badger
Minimal, Badger Jermlaine Ouaggoth Mihstu Bandit
Minimal, Black Bear Land Lamprey Raven, Huge Miner Bugbear
Minimal, Brown Bear Leech, Giant Screaming Devilkin Minimal, Badger Cat Wild
Minimal, Cave Bear Lion Shadow Minimal. Black Bear Clubnek
Minimal, Warthog Boar Lizard, Giant Shadow Mastiff Minimal. Brown Bear Dakon
Minimal, Wild Boar Mastodon Shambling Mound Minimal, Warthog Boar Falcon, Large
Minimal, Bull Meazel Skeleton Minimal, Wild Boar Ghoul
Minimal. Bactrian Camel Pilgrim Snake, Giant Spitting Minimal, Bull Goat
Minimal. War Dog Pseudo-undead. Ghast Spectre Minimal, Bactrian Camel Horse
Minimal, Wild Dog Pseudo undead, Ghoul Thessalhydra Minimal, War Dog Jermlaine
Minimal, Wild Horse Pseudo-undead, Spectre Tiger Minimal, Wild Dog Kenku
Minimal, Lion Pseudo-undead. Vampire Tiger Fly Minimal, Wild Horse Lion
Minimal, Mammoth Pseudo-undead, Wight Titanothere Minimal, Lion Nomad
Minimal, Rhinoceros Pseudo-undead, Wraith Troll, Giant Minimal. Rhinoceros Owl
Minimal. Stag Pudding, Deadly Brown Urchin, Black Minimal, Tiger Pilgrim
Minimal, Tiger Scorpion. Huge Ustilagor Minimal, Wolf Pseudo-undead, Ghast
Minimal, Wolf Scum Creeper Vapor Rat Mud-man Pseudo-undead, Ghoul
Mongrelman Snake, Poisonous Wasp, Giant Mummy Pseudo-undead. Vampire
Moon Dog Snake, Giant Constrictor Weasel, Giant Naga, Guardian Ram
Mummy Snake Giant Poisonous Wolfwere Naga. Spirit Scorpion, Giant
Needleman Squirrel. Normal Worg Night Hag Scorpion, Huge
Norker Su-monster Xvart Ogre Magi Shadow Mastiff
Sundew, Giant Zombie Oliphant Snake, Poisonous
Nymph Toad, Poisonous Owl, Giant Snake, Giant Poisonous
Pedipalp, Large Troll Very Rare Phantom Tiger
Pegasus Volt Achaierai Ouickling Titanothere
Phoenix Weasel Algoid Quickwood Weasel
Pixie Whipweed Annis Oullan Witherweed
Pseudo Dragon Will-0-wisp Badger Raven, Giant
Pudding. Deadly (Brown) Witherweed Barghest Shade Rare
Pyrolisk Wolf Barkburr Shedu Ant Lion, Giant
Quaggoth Wyvern Basilisk, Greater Shedu. Greater Ant, Giant
Ouickling Bat. Giant Skeleton, Animal Aspis
Quickwood Rare Bee, Giant Bumble- Skulk Axebeak
Qullan Adherer Bee. Giant Honey Skunk Baluchitherium
Raven, Giant Assassin Bug Beetle, Death Watch Snake, Giant Amphisbaena Bat
Scum Creeper Bandit Beetle, Giant Slicer Son of Kyuss Bear. Northern
Shadow Mastiff Basidirond Beholder Squealer Bee. Giant Bumble-
Shedu Bat Berserker Stegocentipede Beetle, Giant Slicer
Shedu, Greater Bear. Black Boar. Giant Sussurus Blink Dog
Shocker Bear, Brown Brain Mole Tenebrous Worm Bonesnapper
Skunk Beetle. Giant Bombardier Brownie Tentamort Centaur
Snake, Giant Amphisbaena Beetle, Giant Boring Bugbear Tick, Giant Character Party
Snake, Giant Spitting Beetle, Giant Fire Bull Tirapheg Dervishes
Squealer Beetle, Giant Stag Centipede, Megalo- Transposer Dwarf, Hill
Stegocentipede Bloodhawk Clubnek Treant Dwarf, Mountain
Sussurus Boar, Warthog Coffer Corpse Tril loch Fly, Giant Bluebottle
Swanmay Boar, Wild Cooshee Umpheby Fortress
Tiger Fly Boggart Crabman Urchin, Green Ghast
Troll. Giant Boobrie Crayfish. Giant Urchin, Red Giant, Hill
Umpleby Bullywug Death, Crimson Vampire Goblin
Ustilagor Bunyip Demon, Alu- Hobgoblin
Vampire Camel, Bactrian Demon, Chambion Vegwfgmy Hybsil
Vargouille Carbuncle Demon, Nabassu Vulchling Lammasu
Caterwaul Deva, Movanic Vulture, Giant Land Lamprey
Vegepygmy Cattle, Wild Displacer Beasts Wight Lion. Mountain
Willow, Black Character Party Doppleganger Willow, Black Lion, Spotted
Witherstench Cifal Dracolisk Witherstench Lycanthrope. Wereboar
Wolf-in-sheep's clothing Crab, Giant Dragon, Black Wolf, Dire Lycanthrope, Werewolf
Zombie Crane, Giant Dragon, Gold Wraith Moon Dog
Zorbo Crystal Ooze Dragon, Green Zombie, Juju Mummy
Dragon, Coiled Dragon, Mist Zombie, Monster Ogrillon
Zygom Dragonfly, Giant Eblis Orc
Falcon, Large Elf. Wood Zygom Patrol
TEMPERATE WILDERNES6 Fly, Giant Bluebottle Firefriend Pedipalp, Huge
Fortress Flind TEMPERATE, WILDERNESS Pedipalp, Large
SWAMP Frog, Poisonous Fly, Giant Horsefly PLAINS Quaggoth
Gas Spore Forester's Bane Raven, Giant
Common Ghast Galltrit Common Raven, Huge
Centipede, Giant Giant, Hill Gargoyle Beetle, Gaint Stag Shedu
Centipede, Huge Goblin Ghost Boar, Wild Snake, Giant Constrictor
Crocodile. Normal Giant, Fog Bull Tiger Fly
Dog, Wild Harpy Giant, Verbeeg Camel, Bactrian Troll
Mule Horse Gibberling Cattle, Wild Vapor Rat
Ogre Hybsil Gloomwing Centipede, Giant Volt
Drc Irish Deer Gorgon Centipede, Huge Wasp, Giant
Rat Jackal Greenhag Dog, Wild Whipweed
Rat, Giant Leucrotta Grim Falcon, Small Wolf, Dire
Raven, Normal Lizard Man Grue, Varrdig Herd Animal Wolfwere
Rhinoceros Lycanthrope, Werebear Hangman Tree Jackal Wyvern
Scorpion. Large Lycanthrope. Werewolf Haunt Mastodon Xvart
Skunk Medusa Hell Hound Mule
Spider, Huge Minotaur Hollyphant Ogre Very Rare
Spider, Large Huecuva Rat AI-mi'raj
Throat Leech Hydra. Pryo- Rat, Giant Ascomoid
Toad, Giant Jackalwere Raven, Normal Assassin Bug
Vulture, Normal

Very Rara cont. Very Rare cont. Rare cont. Very Rare cont. Very Rare cont.
Shade Orc Skulk Dragon. Gold
Atomie Shedu. Greater Pedipalp, Huge Snake, Giant Spitting Dragonnel
Aurumvorax Shocker Pedipalp, Large Stegocentipede Flind
Barghest Skulk Purple Worm Tiger Fly Ghost
Basidirond Snake, Giant Amhisbaena Rat, Giant Troll, Giant Gnome
Basilisk Snake, Giant Spitting Raven, Giant Vampire Grue. Chaggrin
Bat. Giant Springgan Raven, Huge Vargouiile Grue. lldriss
Bee, Giant Honey Stegocentipede Sandling Volt Haunt
Berserker Su-monster Sandman Vortex Hell Hound
Bloodhawk Sundew, Giant Shedu Vulture, Giant Hollyphant
Brain Mole Sussurus Shocker Wemic Ki-rin
Bulette Thunderherder Snake, Giant Constrictor Wind Walker Lammasu. Greater
Castle Toad, Poisonous Thunderherder Worg Luck Eater
Caterwaul Troll, Giant Tiger Wyvern Lycanthrope, Wererat
Centipede, Megalo- Ustilagor Titanothere Yeth Hound Nilbog
Cifal Vagabond Toad, Giant Zombie Obliviax
Cockatrice Vampire Troll Zorbo Oliphant
Death Watch Vargouille Vapor Rat
Demon, Alu- Vortex Weasel TROPICAL, CIVILIZED Owugh
Demon, Cambion Vulture, Giant Whipweed MOUNTAINS Pedipalp, Giant
Deva. Movanic Weasel, Giant Witherweed Penanggalan
Disenchanter Wemic Wolf, Dire Common Poltergeist
Displacer Beasts Willow, Black Wolfwere Bandit Rakshasa
Dragon, Coiled Witherstench Bat Rothe
Dragon, Earth Wolf-in-sheep's-clothing Very Rare Falcon, Small Shade
Dragon, Gold Worg Ascomoid Ogre Shadow demon
Dustdigger Yeth Hound Badger Raven, Normal Shedu. Greater
Firefriend Zombie Barghest Spider, Large Snake, Giant Amphisbaena
Flind Zombie, Juju Bat Vulture, Normal Snyad
Flumph Zorbo Berserker Spider, Giant
Fly, Giant Horse Bloodhawk Uncommon Thessalhydra
Forester's Bane Zwm Bugbear Bugbear Vagabond
Forlarren Bulette Cat, Domestic Vampire
Frog, Giant TEMPERATE, WILDERNE ss Bull Centipede, Huge Wolf, Dire
Gambado Centipede, Giant Character Party Xaren
Ghost DESERT Cifal Dog, War Xorn
Giant, Firbolg Clubnek Falcon, Large Zombie
Giant, Fire Common Cockatrice Ghoul Zombie, Juju
Giant, Fog Camel, Bactrian Coffer Corpse Gnoll
Giant, Verbeeg Dog. Wild Crypt Thing Goblin Zwom
Gnoll Herd Animal Dakon Griffon
Gorgon Jackal Death Dog Herd Animal TROPICAL, CIVILIZED
Greenhag Raven, Normal Demon, Succubus Hobgoblin HILLS
Grim Scorpion, Large Demon, Vrock (Type I) Lion
Groaning, Spirit Spider, Huge Deva. Movanic Owl Common
Grue, Harginn Spider, Large Disenchanter Patrol Bandit
Grue, lldriss Vulture, Normal Displacer Beasts Pilgrim Cat, Domestic
Dragon, Earth Pseudo-undead,Ghoul Cattle, Wild
Harpy Uncommon Dragon, Gold Pseudo-undead.Vampire Dwarf, Hill
Holyphant Bandit Dune Stalker Snake, Constrictor Herd Animal
Hornet, Giant Cat, Wild Flumph Snake, Poisonous Lycanthrope, Werewolf
Huecuva Centipede, Huge Gambado Snake. Giant Poisonous Merchant
Hydra. Dustdigger Giant, Fire Spider, Huge Mule
Hydra, Pyro- Falcon, Small Goat Wolf Ogre
Irish Deer Fly, Giant Bluebottle Gorgimera Patrol
Lammasu, Greater Horse Gorgon Rare Raven, Normal
Land Urchin Kenku Griffon Beetle, Giant Fire Spider, Large
Leprechaun Lion Groaning Spirit Berserker Vulture, Normal
Lizard, Giant Lion, Mountain Grue, Harginn Cattle, Wild Wolf
Lycanthrope, Foxwoman Nomad Dragon, Earth
Lycanthrope, Weretiger Ogre Harpy Dwarf, Hill Uncommon
Manitcore Owl Hell Hound Ghast Basilisk
Meazel Pilgrim Hobgoblin Horse Bat
Medusa Pseudo-undead,Vampire Hollyphant Jermlaine Centipede, Huge
Meenlock Rat Hornet, Giant Killmoulis Character Party
Miner Rhinoceros Huecuva Lammasu Dog, War
Minimal, Badger Scorpion, Giant Lamia Lycanthrope, Werewolf Falcon, Small
Minimal, Black Bear Scorpion, Huge Lamia Noble Merchant Ghoul
Minimal, Brown Bear Shadow Mastiff Lammasu, Greater Minotaur Gnoll
Minimal, Wild Boar Skunk Lion, Spotted Mule Hobgoblin
Minimal, Bull Snake, Poisonous Lycanthrope, Foxwoman Norker Horse
Minimal, Bactrian Camel Snake, Giant Poisonous Lycanthrope, Wereboar Ogrillon Killmoulis
Minimal, War Dog Squirrel, Normal Manticore Pedipalp, Huge Lion
Minimal, Wild Dog Toad, Poisonous Medusa Pedipalp, Large Owl
Minimal, Wild Horse Wolf Meenlock Quaggoth Pilgrim
Minimal, Lion Minimal, Badger Rat Pseudo-undead, Ghoul
Minimal, Rhinoceros Rare Minimal, Wild Boar Rat, Giant Pseudo-undead,Vampire
Minimal, Stag Ant Lion, Giant Minimal. Bull Shadow Rat
Minimal, Tiger Aspis Minimal, Bactrian Camel Shadow Mastiff Rat, Giant
Minimal, Wolf Bee, Giant Bumble- Minimal, War Dog Shedu Snake, Constrictor
Mongrelman Blink Dog Minimal, Wild Dog Snake, Giant Constrictor Snake, Poisonous
Norker Boar. Wild Minimal, Wild Horse Spider, Phase Snake, Giant Poisonous
Oliphant Cattle, Wild Minimal, Lion Toad, Giant Spider, Huge
Owl, Giant Character Party Minimal, Rhinoceros Troll
Phoenix Chimera Minimal, Tiger Vapor Rat Rare
Porcupine, Giant Dervishes Minimal, Wolf Beetle, Giant Fire
Pudding, Deadly (Brown) Dwarf, Hill Mongrelman Very Rate Berserker
Purple Worm Dwarf, Mountain Norker Aarakocra Boar, Wild
Pyrolisk Falcon, Large Oliphant Barghest Camel, Bactrian
Ouickwood Firetoad Opinicus Basilisk Castle
Qullan Flind Owl, Giant Brain Mole Elephant, African
Sandling Fly, Giant Horse Pegasus Castle Elephant, Asian
Sandman Fortress Pyrolisk Cave Fisher Falcon, Large
Screaming Devilkin Goblin Ouaggoth Centipede, Giant Ghast
Scum Creeper Jackalwere Ram Coffer Corpse Gnome
Jermaline Rock Reptile Crypt Thing Goblin
Lammasu Screaming Devilkin Demon, Bar-Lgura Halfling
Lycanthrope, Werewolf Shade Denzelian Jackal
Mastodon Shedu, Greater Deva, Movanic Jermlaine
Moon Dog Lammasu
Mummy 148

Rare cont. Uncommon cont. Uncommon cont. Very Rare cont Very Rare cont
Minotaur Owl Character Party Vampire Ghost
Norker Pilgrim Dog, War Wolf, Dire Gnoll
Ogrillon Pseudo-undead,Vampire Falcon, Small Zombie. Juju Groaning Spirit
Oliphant Rat, Giant Frog, Giant Zombie, Monster Grue Harginn
Pedipalp, Huge Snake, Constrictor Ghoul Grue, lldriss
Pedipalp. Large Snake, Poisonous Gnoll Zygom Hollyphant
Shadow Mastiff Snake, Giant Constrictor Herd Animal Huecuva
Shedu Snake, Giant Poisonous Hobgoblin TROPICAL, CIVILIZED Lammasu, Greater
Snake, Giant Constrictor Spider, Giant Jermlaine PLAINS Lycanthrope. Wererat
Toad, Giant Spider, Huge Lion Norker
Troll Stirge Lycanthrope, Wererat Common Oliphant
Vapor Rat Troll Patrol Bandit Pedipalp, Giant
Wolf, Dire Vulture, Normal Pilgrim Boar, Wild Rakshasa
Pseudo-undead.Ghoul Bull Shade
Very Rare Rare Pseudo-undead.Vampire Camel, Bactrian Shedu, Greater
Aara kocra Anhkheg Snake, Constrictor Cat, Domestic Snake, Gtant Amphisbaena
Baku Baku Snake, Poisonous Cattle, Wild Tween
Barghest Berserker Snake, Giant Constrictor Centipede, Giant Vagabond
Brain Mole Camel, Bactrian Snake, Giant Poisonous Centipede, Huge Vampire
Bugbear Castle Troll Elephant, African Vortex
Bull Cattle, Wild Wolf Elephant, Asian Zombie
Centipede, Giant Dwarf, Hill Falcon, Small Zombie. JUJU
Coffer Corpse Goblin Rare Herd Animal
Deva, Movanic Halfling Bat Jackal Zywm
Dragon, Earth Hobgoblin Beetle, Giant Fire Merchant
Dragon, Gold Jackal Berserker Mule TROPICAL, CIVILIZED
Dragonnel Lammasu Boar, Wild Ogre DESERT
Elf, Wood Luck Eater Camel, Bactrian Patrol
Flind Lycanthrope. Wereboar Cattle, Wild Rat Common
Ghost Minotaur Crab, Giant Rat, Giant Bandit
Griffon Mule Crane, Giant Raven, Normal Camel, Bactrian
Groaning Spirit Obliviax Elephant, African Spider, Huge Camel, Dromedary
Grue, Chaggrin Ogrillon Elephant, Asian Spider, Large Herd Animal
Grue, Harginn Oliphant Falcon, Large Toad Giant Jackal
Hell Hound Pedipalp, Huge Frog, Poisonous Vulture, Normal Merchant
Hollyphant Penanggalan Ghast Wolf Raven, Normal
Huecuva Pseudo-undead. Ghoul Goblin Spider, Huge
Jackalwere Rakshasa Horse Uncommon Spider. Large
Ki-rin Shadow Jackal Bugbear Vulture, Normal
Lammasu, Greater Spider, Phase Killmoulis Character Party
Luck Eater Thessalhydra Luck Eater Dog, War Uncommon
Lycanthrope. Wereboar Tick, Giant Lycanthrope. Werewolf Falcon, Large Cat. Domestic
Lycanthrope, Wererat Vapor Rat Merchant Ghoul Centipede. Huge
Obliviax Wolf, Dire Minotaur Horse Character Party
Pedipalp, Giant Norker Jermlaine Dog, War
Penanggalan Very Rare Obliviax Killmoulis Falcon Small
Poltergeist Barghest Owl Lion Horse
Quaggoth Bookworm Pedipalp, Huge osquip Lion
Rakshasa Brain Mole Pedipalp, Large Owl Ogre
Revenant Centipede, Megalo Penanggalan Pilgrim Osqu1p
Shedu. Greater Demon, Bar-Lgura Quaggoth Pseudo-undead, Ghoul Owl
Snyad Deva, Movanic Rakshasa Pseudo-undead,Vampire Patrol
Spider, Giant Dragon, Gold Shadow Shadow Mastiff Pilgrim
Spider, Phase Ear Seeker Shadow Mastiff Snake, Constrictor Pseudo-undead,Vampire
Vampire Flind Skeleton Snake, Poisonous Rat
Xaren Frog, Giant Thessalhydra Snake, Giant Poisonous Shadow Mastiff
Xorn Ghost Vapor Rat Snake, Constrictor
Zombie Gnome Zombie Rare Snake, Poisonous
Groaning Spirit Anhkheg Snake, Giant Poisonous
Zywm Jackalwere Very Rare Bat Wolf
Lammasu, Greater Anhkheg Berserker
TROPICAL, CIVILIZED Lycanthrope, Wererat Baku Camel, Dromedary Rare
FOREST Norker Barghest Castle Berserker
Pedipalp, Giant Bookworm Dervishes Boar, Wild
Common Pedipalp, Large Brain Mole Dwarf, Hill Cattle, Wild
Bandit Poltergeist Bugbear Ghast Dervishes
Beetle, Giant Fire Quaggoth Bull Goblin Dwarf, Hill
Boar. Wild Revenant Castle Halfling Elephant, African
Bull Shadow Demon Centipede, Megalo Hobgoblin Elephant, Asian
Centipede, Giant Shadow Mastiff Coffer Corpse Jackalwere Falcon, Large
Centipede, Huge Shedu Crayfish, Giant Lammasu Flind
Elephant, African Shedu. Greater Demon, Alu Luck Eater Goblin
Elephant, Asian Snake, Giant Amphisbaena Demon, Cambion Lycanthrope. Wereboar Jackalwere
Falcon, Small Vampire Deva, Movanic Lycanthrope. Werewolf Jermlaine
Herd Animal Zombie Dragon, Gold Ogrillon Killmoulis
Lycanthrope, Werewolf Elf. Wood Pedipalp. Huge Lammasu
Ogre Zvgom Flind Pedipalp, Large Lycanthrope, Werewolf
Patrol Ghost Penanggalan Pedipalp, Huge
Rat TROPICAL, CIVILIZED Grue. Varrdig Poltergeist Pedipalp, Large
Raven, Normal SWAMP Haunt Quaggoth Poltergeist
Spider, Large Hell Hound Shedu Rat, Giant
Toad, Giant Common Hollyphant Snake, Giant Constrictor Shedu
Wolf Bandit Huecuva Troll Snake, Giant Constrictor
Centipede, Giant Jackalwere Vapor Rat Toad, Giant
Uncommon Centipede, Huge Kelpie Wolf, Dire Troll
Basilisk Mule Lammasu Vapor Rat
Bat Ogre Lycanthrope, Wereboar Vary Rare Wolf, Dire
Bugbear Rat Mud-man Barghest
Cat, Domestic Rat, Giant Oliphant Basilisk Vary Rare
Character Party Raven, Normal Pedipalp, Giant Bookworm Barghest
Dog, War Spider, Huge Poltergeist Brain Mole Bat
Elf, Wood Spider, Large Revenant Centipede. Megalo Bugbear
Falcon, Large Toad, Giant Shade Demon, Alu Bull
Gnoll Vulture, Normal Shedu Demon, Chambion Castle
Horse Shedu, Greater Deva, Movanic Centipede, Giant
Jermlaine Uncommon Skeleton, Animal Disenchanter Coffer Corpse
Killmoulis Basilisk Snake, Giant Amphisbaeria Dragon, Earth Crypt Thing
Lion Buccaneer (Pirate) Tick, Giant Dragon, Gold Demon, Succubus
Merchant Cat, Domestic Flind Demon, Vrock (Type I)
149 Frog, Giant

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