แผนการจัดการเรียนรู้ วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ กลุ่มสาระการเรียนรู้ภาษาต่างประเทศ ระดับชั้นประถมศึกษาปีที่ ๓ โรงเรียนอนุบาลพิบูลย์รักษ์ ชื่อ-สกุล นางสาววิรงรอง ทองบ่อ รหัสประจำตัวนักศึกษา ๖๓๐๔๐๑๐๒๑๓๒ สาขาวิชา ภาษาอังกฤษ การฝึกปฏิบัติการสอนในสถานศึกษา ๒ รหัสวิชา ED๑๖๔๐๒ (INTERNSHIP IN SCHOOL 2 ) คณะครุศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏอุดรธานี ภาคเรียนที่ ๒ ปีการศึกษา ๒๕๖๖
โครงสร้างเวลาเรียน รายปี หลักสูตรโรงเรียนอนุบาลพิบูลย์รักษ์ กำหนดกรอบโครงสร้างเวลาเรียน ดังนี้ กลุ่มสาระการเรียนรู้/ กิจกรรม เวลาเรียน (ชั่วโมง/ปี) ระดับประถมศึกษา ป.๑ ป.๒ ป.๓ ป.๔ ป.๕ ป.๖ • กลุ่มสาระการเรียนรู้ ภาษาไทย ๒๐๐ ๒๐๐ ๒๐๐ ๑๖๐ ๑๖๐ ๑๖๐ คณิตศาสตร์ ๒๐๐ ๒๐๐ ๒๐๐ ๑๖๐ ๑๖๐ ๑๖๐ วิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยี ๘๐ ๘๐ ๘๐ ๑๒๐ ๑๒๐ ๑๒๐ สังคมศึกษา ศาสนา แลวัฒนธรรม ๘๐ ๘๐ ๘๐ ๘๐ ๘๐ ๘๐ ประวัติศาสตร์ ๔๐ ๔๐ ๔๐ ๔๐ ๔๐ ๔๐ สุขศึกษาและพลศึกษา ๔๐ ๔๐ ๔๐ ๘๐ ๘๐ ๘๐ ศิลปะ ๔๐ ๔๐ ๔๐ ๘๐ ๘๐ ๘๐ การงานอาชีพ ๔๐ ๔๐ ๔๐ ๔๐ ๔๐ ๔๐ ภาษาต่างประเทศ ๑๒๐ ๑๒๐ ๑๒๐ ๘๐ ๘๐ ๘๐ รวมเวลาเรียน (พื้นฐาน) ๘๔๐ ๘๔๐ ๘๔๐ ๘๔๐ ๘๔๐ ๘๔๐ • รายวิชาเพิ่มเติม ภาษาอังกฤษเพื่อการสื่อสาร ๘๐ ๘๐ ๘๐ ๘๐ ๘๐ ๘๐ • กิจกรรมพัฒนาผู้เรียน ๑๒๐ ๑๒๐ ๑๒๐ ๑๒๐ ๑๒๐ ๑๒๐ กิจกรรมแนะแนว ๔๐ ๔๐ ๔๐ ๔๐ ๔๐ ๔๐ กิจกรรมนักเรียน - กิจกรรมลูกเสือ/เนตรนาร - ชุมนุม ๓๐ ๔๐ ๓๐ ๔๐ ๓๐ ๔๐ ๓๐ ๔๐ ๓๐ ๔๐ ๓๐ ๔๐ กิจกรรมเพื่อสังคมและสาธารณประโยชน์ ๑๐ ๑๐ ๑๐ ๑๐ ๑๐ ๑๐ รวมเวลาเรียนทั้งหมด ๑,๐๘๐ ชั่วโมง/ปี
คำอธิบายรายวิชาพื้นฐาน อ๑๓๑๐๑ ภาษาอังกฤษ กลุ่มสาระการเรียนรู้ภาษาต่างประเทศ ชั้นประถมศึกษาปีที่ ๓ เวลา ๑๒๐ ชั่วโมง ศึกษา วิเคราะห์คำสั่งและคำขอร้องที่ใช้ในห้องเรียน การใช้พจนานุกรม หลักการอ่านออกเสียง เช่น - การออกเสียงพยัญชนะต้นคำและพยัญชนะท้ายคำ - การออกเสียงเน้นหนัก-เบา ในคำและกลุ่มคำ การ ออก เสียงตามระดับเสียงสูง-ต่ำ ในประโยคกลุ่มคำ ประโยคเดี่ยว สัญลักษณ์และความหมายเกี่ยวกับตนเอง ครอบครัว โรงเรียน สิ่งแวดล้อมใกล้ตัว อาหาร เครื่องดื่ม และนันทนาการ ประโยค บทสนทนา หรือนิทานที่มี ภาพประกอบ ประโยคคำถามและคำตอบ - Yes/No Question – Wh -Question บทสนทนาที่ใช้ในการ ทักทาย กล่าวลา ขอบคุณ ขอโทษและประโยค / ข้อความที่ใช้แนะนำตนเอง เช่น Hi / Hello/ Good morning / Good afternoon/ Good evening/ I am sorry./ How are you? I’m fine. Thank you. And you?/ Nice to see you./ Nice to see you too./ Goodbye./Bye./ See you soon/ later./ Thanks./ Thank you./ Thank you very much./ You’re welcome. etc. คำศัพท์สำนวน และประโยค ที่ใช้ขอและให้ข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับตนเอง และเพื่อน การใช้คำและประโยคที่ใช้แสดงความรู้สึก เช่น ดีใจ เสียใจ ชอบ ไม่ชอบ เช่น Yeah!/ Great!/ Cool!/ I’m happy./ I like cats./ I don’t like snakes. etc. การใช้คำและ ประโยคที่ใช้ โดยใช้ทักษะกระบวนการในการพูด การฟัง รวมทั้งทักษะกระบวนการอ่านและเขียนในการฝึกปฏิบัติ การให้ข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับตนเอง บุคคลใกล้ตัว และเรื่องใกล้ตัว เช่น บอกชื่อ อายุ รูปร่าง ส่วนสูง เรียกสิ่งต่างๆ จำนวน ๑-๒๐ สี ขนาด สถานที่อยู่ของสิ่งของและเนื้อหาอื่น เห็นคุณค่าของวัฒนธรรมของเจ้าของภาษา กิจกรรมทางภาษาและวัฒนธรรม มารยาททางภาษา ตัวอักษรและเสียงตัวอักษรของภาษาต่างประเทศและ ภาษาไทย คำศัพท์ที่เกี่ยวข้องกับกลุ่มสาระการเรียนรู้อื่น การใช้ภาษาในการฟัง/พูดในสถานการณ์ง่ายๆ ที่ เกิดขึ้นในห้องเรียน โดยมีความใฝ่เรียนรู้มีความรับผิดชอบต่อ การเรียน และการใช้ภาษาต่างประเทศในการ รวบรวมคำศัพท์ที่เกี่ยวข้องใกล้ตัวจากสื่อต่างๆ รหัสตัวชี้วัด ต ๑.๑ ป.๓/๑, ป.๓/๒, ป.๓/๓, ป.๓/๔ ต ๑.๒ ป.๓/๑, ป.๓/๒, ป.๓/๓, ป.๓/๔, ป.๓/๕ ต ๑.๓ ป.๓/๑, ป.๓/๒ ต ๒.๑ ป.๓/๑, ป.๓/๒, ป.๓/๓ ต ๒.๒ ป.๓/๑ ต ๓.๑ ป.๓/๑ ต ๔.๑ ป.๓/๑ ต ๔.๒ ป.๓/๑ รวมทั้งหมด ๑๘ ตัวชี้วัด
ตารางโครงสร้างหลักสูตร รายวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ กลุ่มสาระการเรียนรู้ภาษาต่างประเทศ ตามหลักสูตรโรงเรียนอนุบาลพิบูลย์รักษ์ ชั้นประถมศึกษาปีที่ 3 ภาคเรียนที่ 2 จำนวน 1.5 หน่วยกิต เวลา 60 ชั่วโมง ลำดับ ที่ ชื่อหน่วยการเรียนรู้ มาตรฐานการเรียนรู้/ ตัวชี้วัด สาระสำคัญ/ความคิดรวบยอด เวลา (ชั่วโมง) น้ำหนัก คะแนน 1 Starter ต 1.1 ป3/1 ป3/3 ต 1.2 ป3/1 ป3/2 ป 3/3 ต 2.1 ป3/1 ป 3/3 ต 2.2 ป3/1 ต 4.1 ป3/1 ทบทวนชื่ออักษร A-Z และการออกเสียง การกล่าวทักทาย การแนะนำตัว Good morning, Hi, Hello, How are you? Etc. บอกความต้องการของตนเอง ปฏิบัติ ตามคำสั่งง่ายๆ ซึ่งเป็นพื้นฐานในการ สื่อสารในชีวิตประจำวัน 12 20 2 Back to school again ต.1.1 ป3/1 - ป3/4 ต 1.2 ป3/1 - ป3/5 ต 1.3 ป3/1 ป3/2 ต 2.1 ป3/1 - ป3/3 ต 2.2 ป3/1 ต 3.1 ป3/1 ต 4.1 ป3/1 ต 4.2 ป3/1 เรียนรู้คำศัพท์ที่เกี่ยวข้องกับประเทศ ต่างๆเรียนรู้วัฒนธรรมของนานาประเทศ กิจกรรมที่ทำในชีวิตประจำวัน การ สนทนาพูดคุย การบอกลา โครงสร้าง ประโยค การให้ข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับตนเองและ ผู้อื่น เขียนกิจกรรมที่เกิดขึ้นใชีวิตประจำ วันของ ตนเอง เป็นพื้นฐานในการเริ่มใช้ ภาษาอังกฤษระดับ เริ่มต้น 15 20 3 All year around ต.1.1 ป3/1 - ป3/4 ต 1.2 ป3/1 ป3/2 ต 1.3 ป3/1 ป3/2 ต 2.1 ป3/1 ป3/5 ต 2.2 ป3/1 ต 3.1 ป3/1 ต 4.1 ป3/1 ต 4.2 ป3/1 การเรียนรู้คำศัพท์เกี่ยวกับสภาพอากาศ ฤดูกาล ต่างๆ ทั้งในประเทศไทยและ ต่างประเทศ และ รวมถึงการตอบคำถาม เกี่ ยวกั บ เดื อ น ต่ างๆ ใน ห นึ่ งปี บ อ ก ความรู้สึก ความชอบ การใช้คำคุณศัพท์ที่ เกี่ยวกับการบอกความรู้สึกร้อน หนาว อบอุ่น เป็น ต้น เพื่อนำไปต่อยอดในการใช้ ในชีวิตประจำวัน 15 20
4 Family and Friends ต.1.1 ป3/1 - ป3/4 ต 1.2 ป 3/1 ป 3/2 ป 3/4 ต 1.3 ป 3/1 ป 3/2 ต 2.1 ป3/1 ป3/3 ต 2.2 ป3/1 ต 3.1 ป3/1 ต 4.1 ป3/1 ต 4.2 ป3/1 ทบทวนคำศัพท์เรื่อง Family, Mother, Father, Grandpa etc. ก า ร เรี ย น รู้ คำศัพท์บอกลักษณะของ บุคคล บรรยาย ลักษณะเบื้องต้นด้วยการใช้คำคุณศัพท์ ตัวเลข 30 – 100 รวมถึงการใช้ประโยค คำถามและคำตอบเกี่ยวกับอายุของบุคคล เป็นการ เรียนรู้ภาษาอังกฤษเพื่อนำไปใช้ ในชีวิตประจำวัน 18 20 คะแนนระหว่างเรียน 80 คะแนนสอบปลายภาค 20 รวม 60 100
กำหนดการสอน รายวิชาภาษาอังกฤษ ชั้นประถมศึกษาปีที่ 3 ภาคเรียนที่ 2 จำนวน 1.5 หน่วยกิต เวลา 60 ชั่วโมง วัน / เดือน /ปี ชื่อหน่วยการเรียนรู้ / หน่วยย่อย จำนวนคาบ 17 พฤษภาคม 25656 Learn the letters 3 24 พฤษภาคม 2566 Hello friend! 3 31 พฤษภาคม 2566 Greeting 3 7 มิถุนายน 2566 Classroom language 3 14 มิถุนายน 2566 Where are you from? 3 21 มิถุนายน 2566 My daily routines 3 28 มิถุนายน 2566 What time is it? 3 5 กรกฎาคม 2566 One day with me 3 12 กรกฎาคม2566 Review the unit 3 19 กรกฎาคม 2566 Weather 3 26 กรกฎาคม 2566 Seasons 3 2 สิงหาคม 2566 Months and seasons 3 9 สิงหาคม 2566 Clothes and weather 3 16 สิงหาคม 2566 Review the unit 3 23 สิงหาคม 2566 My family 3 30 สิงหาคม 2566 Adjective 3 6 กันยายน 2566 Yes-No question 3 13 กันยายน 2566 Number 3 20 กันยายน 2566 Writing number in letter 3 27 กันยายน 2566 Describing people 3 รวม 60 วัน รวม 60 คาบ
Lesson plan 1 Foreign Language Department (English) Anubal Phibunrak School Subject : Fundament English 2 (อ13101) Class : Prathomsuksa 3 Unit : 4 Around town Time : 15 hours Lesson : Places Time : 3 hours Credit : 1.5 Date : ___________________ Student Teacher : Wirongrong Tongbor Trainer Teacher : Natareporn Pimguragun 1. STANDARD Standard F1.1: Understanding of and capacity to interpret what has been heard and read from various types of media, and ability to express opinions with proper reasoning Standard F1.2: Endowment with language communication skills for exchange of data and information; efficient expression of feelings and opinions 2. GRADE – LEVEL Indicator 1.1 Grade 3/2: Pronounce and spell words; accurately read aloud groups of words, sentences and simple chants by observing the principles of reading. Indicator 1.1 Grade 3/3: Match the picture or the symbols with the meanings of groups of words and sentences heard. Indicator 1.2 Grade 3/1: Speak in an exchange with short and simple words in interpersonal communication by following the models heard. 3. CONCEPT Learn vocabulary by reading aloud groups of words, as well as simple short dialogues in communication between people and places. 4. OBJECTIVE Terminal Objective Students will be able to tell the meaning of words correctly.
Behavior Objectives 1. Students should be able to tell the meaning of the words about the places correctly. (K) 2. Students should be able to match the pictures with the words about the places correctly. (P) 3. Student should have participated activities in class actively. (A) 5. CONTENT 5.1 Vocabulary : bank, supermarket, hospital, zoo, school, temple, house, shop, swimming pool, park 5.2 Structure : Q : What's this? A : It's……………. 5.3 Skill : Writing, Reading 5.4 Function : Talk about places 6. INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVIES 1. Warm up 1. Teacher and students greet each other. Then ask all students to name two places they know. (In Thai language) 2. Teacher shows pictures of different places. Then teacher asks the students who know the English names of these places. 2. Present 1. Teacher shows pictures of different places and then pronounces the words to the students. Then the students pronounce it. 2. Teacher writes the sentences Q : What's this A : It's……………. on the board, along with reading aloud and explaining the meaning of the sentences. 3. Teacher reads the sentences, and students repeat them after teacher.
3. Practice 1. Teacher made all the students stand up. Then teacher points to pictures with words. Students who can read first are seated first until all of them are finished. 2. Teacher had the students write the words in their own notebooks. 4. Product 1. Teacher has students do assignments in workbook. 5. Wrap up 1. Teacher and students review the lesson together. 7. TASK, MEASUREMENT, AND EVALUATION Task Measurement Material Evaluation Criteria 1. Students should be able to tell the meaning of the words about the places correctly. (K) Evaluate students’ Behavior Evaluation form At least 75 % 2. Students should be able to match the pictures with the words about the places correctly. (P) Mark the workbook Family book At least 75 % 3. Student should have participated activities in class actively. (A) Observe students’ behavior Observation form At least 75 % 8. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS 1. Canva 2. Workbook 9. INSTRUCTIONAL REPORT
What happened during my lesson? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ How will I improve my lesson next time? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Signature ( Wirongrong Tongbor ) Student Teacher ______/______/_____
10. TRAINER’S COMMENTAND SUGGESTION ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Signature ( Natareporn Pimguragun ) Trainer Teacher ______/______/______
11. THE ADMINISTRATOR’S COMMENT AND SUGGESTION ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Signature (Mr. Chonlapad Sawaddee) School Director ______/______/______
Lesson plan 2 Foreign Language Department (English) Anubal Phibunrak School Subject : Fundament English 2 (อ13101) Class : Prathomsuksa 3 Unit : 4 Around town Time : 15 hours Lesson : Preposition of place Time : 3 hours Credit : 1.5 Date : ___________________ Student Teacher : Wirongrong Tongbor Trainer Teacher : Natareporn Pimguragun 1. STANDARD Standard FL1.1: Understanding of and capacity to interpret what has been heard and read from various types of media, and ability to express opinions with proper reasoning Standard FL1.3: Ability to speak and write about information, concepts and views on various matters 2. GRADE – LEVEL Indicator 1.1 Grade 3/3: Match the picture or the symbols with the meanings of groups of words and sentences heard. Indicator 1.3 Grade 3/1: Speak to give information about themselves and matters around them. 3. CONCEPT Learning about prepositions of place, learners can ask for and give information about places in the city, which is essential in learning English for use in everyday communication. 4. OBJECTIVE Terminal Objective Students will be able to ask and give information about places in the city. Behavior Objectives 1. Students should be able to tell the location of the place correctly. (K) 2. Students should be able to ask and answer questions about the location of the place. (P) 3. Student should have participated activities in class actively. (A)
5. CONTENT 5.1 Vocabulary : : next to, behind, in front of 5.2 Structure : Q : Where’s the……………,please? A : It's…………….the………………….. 5.3 Skill : Speaking, Writing 5.4 Function : Talk about preposition of place 6. INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVIES 1. Warm up 1. Teacher and students greet each other. 2. Teacher asked the students “นักเรียนรู้ไหมว่าโรงพยาบาลอยู่ตรงไหน? แล้วเราเดินทางไป โรงพยาบาลได้อย่างไร?” 2. Present 1. Teacher presents the words along with reading aloud and telling the meaning. Then teacher has the students read the words aloud and tell the meaning of the words. 2. Teacher presents the sentences Q : Where’s the……………,please? A : It's…………….the………………….. with reading aloud and explaining the meaning of the sentences. 3. Teacher gave an example of a sentence in the textbook to the students. 3. Practice 1. Teacher had the students write the words in their own notebooks. 2. Teacher has students pair up and take turns asking and answering questions using the information on page 48 of the textbook. 4. Product 1. Teacher has students do assignments in workbook. 5. Wrap up 1. Teacher and students review the lesson together.
7. TASK, MEASUREMENT, AND EVALUATION Task Measurement Material Evaluation Criteria 1. Students should be able to tell the location of the place correctly. (K) Mark the workbook Workbook At least 75 % 2. Students should be able to ask and answer questions about the location of the place. (P) Evaluate students’ behavior Evaluation form At least 75 % 3. Student should have participated activities in class actively. (A) Observe students’ behavior Observation form At least 75 % 8. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS 1. Canva 2. Workbook 9. INSTRUCTIONAL REPORT
What happened during my lesson? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ How will I improve my lesson next time? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Signature ( Wirongrong Tongbor ) Student Teacher ______/______/_____
10. TRAINER’S COMMENTAND SUGGESTION ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Signature ( Natareporn Pimguragun ) Trainer Teacher ______/______/______
11. THE ADMINISTRATOR’S COMMENT AND SUGGESTION ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Signature (Mr. Chonlapad Sawaddee) School Director ______/______/______
Lesson plan 3 Foreign Language Department (English) Anubal Phibunrak School Subject : Fundament English 2 (อ13101) Class : Prathomsuksa 3 Unit : 4 Around town Time : 15 hours Lesson : Transportation Time : 3 hours Credit : 1.5 Date : ___________________ Student Teacher : Wirongrong Tongbor Trainer Teacher : Natareporn Pimguragun 1. STANDARD Standard FL1.1: Understanding of and capacity to interpret what has been heard and read from various types of media, and ability to express opinions with proper reasoning Standard FL4.1: Ability to use foreign languages in various situations: in school, community and society 2. GRADE – LEVEL Indicator 1.1 Grade 3/2: Pronounce and spell the given words; accurately read aloud groups of words, sentences and simple chants by observing the principles of reading. Indicator 4.1 Grade 3/1: Listen/speak in simple situations in the classroom. 3. CONCEPT Learning vehicle vocabulary and how to use questions and answers on how to get around it is a way of learning English to use it to communicate and exchange information in daily life. 4. OBJECTIVE Terminal Objective Students will be able to ask and give information about transportation. Behavior Objectives 1. Students should be able to pronounce and tell the meaning of words correctly. (K) 2. Students should be able to Ask and answer questions about how to get to different places. (P) 3. Student should have participated activities in class actively. (A)
5. CONTENT 5.1 Vocabulary : train, car, plane, bike, bus, boat, van, tuk-tuk, motorbike 5.2 Structure : I go to………by………. ……… goes to ………….. by…………… 5.3 Skill : Speaking, Writing 5.4 Function : Talk about transportation 6. INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVIES 1. Warm up 1. Teacher and students greet each other. 2. Teacher asked the students “How do you go to school?” 2. Present 1. Teacher presents the words along with reading aloud and telling the meaning. Then teacher has the students read the words aloud and tell the meaning of the words. 2. Teacher presents the sentences I go to school by bike. Mark goes to school by car. with reading aloud and explaining the meaning of the sentences. 3. The teacher gave an example of a sentence in the textbook to the students. 3. Practice 1. Teacher had the students write the words in their own notebooks. 2. Teacher had the students talk about how to get to their school. 4. Product 1. Teacher has students do assignments in workbook. 5. Wrap up 1. Teacher and students review the lesson together.
7. TASK, MEASUREMENT, AND EVALUATION Task Measurement Material Evaluation Criteria 1. Students should be able to pronounce and tell the meaning of words correctly. (K) Mark the workbook Workbook At least 75 % 2. Students should be able to ask and answer questions about how to get to different places. (P) Evaluate students’ behavior Evaluation form At least 75 % 3. Student should have participated activities in class actively. (A) Observe students’ behavior Observation form At least 75 % 8. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS 1. Canva 2. Workbook
9. INSTRUCTIONAL REPORT What happened during my lesson? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ How will I improve my lesson next time? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Signature ( Wirongrong Tongbor ) Student Teacher ______/______/_____
10. TRAINER’S COMMENTAND SUGGESTION ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Signature ( Natareporn Pimguragun ) Trainer Teacher ______/______/______
11. THE ADMINISTRATOR’S COMMENT AND SUGGESTION ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Signature (Mr. Chonlapad Sawaddee) School Director ______/______/______
Lesson plan 4 Foreign Language Department (English) Anubal Phibunrak School Subject : Fundament English 2 (อ13101) Class : Prathomsuksa 3 Unit : 4 Around town Time : 15 hours Lesson : Do / Does Time : 3 hours Credit : 1.5 Date : ___________________ Student Teacher : Wirongrong Tongbor Trainer Teacher : Natareporn Pimguragun 1. STANDARD Standard FL1.1: Understanding of and capacity to interpret what has been heard and read from various types of media, and ability to express opinions with proper reasoning Standard FL1.3: Ability to speak and write about information, concepts and views on various matters 2. GRADE – LEVEL Indicator 1.1 Grade 3/3: Match the picture or the symbols with the meanings of groups of words and sentences heard. Indicator 1.3 Grade 3/1: Speak to give information about themselves and matters around them. 3. CONCEPT Learn how to use the verb to do in order to communicate and exchange information correctly in daily life. 4. OBJECTIVE Terminal Objective Students will be able to ask and give information correctly. Behavior Objectives 1. Students should be able to use do and does correctly. (K) 2. Students should be able to use do and does to ask and answer questions correctly. (P) 3. Student should have participated activities in class actively. (A)
5. CONTENT 5.1 Vocabulary : - 5.2 Structure : Q : Do you go to school by car? A : Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Q : Does Mark go to school by car? A : Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t. 5.3 Skill : Speaking, Writing 5.4 Function : Talk about using do and does 6. INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVIES 1. Warm up 1. Teacher and students greet each other. 2. Teacher asked the students “Do students know the words do and does? How are these two words used? ” 2. Present 1. Teacher explains the meaning and principles of using do and does. 2. Teacher presents the question sentence structure using do and does. Q : Do you go to school by car? A : Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Q : Does Mark go to school by car? A : Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t. 3. Teacher gave an example of a sentence in the textbook to the students. 4. Teacher reads aloud and explaining the meaning of the sentences. Then students repeat it again. 3. Practice 1. Teacher had the students write the sentences structure in their own notebooks. 2. Teacher has students pair up and take turns asking and answering questions using the information on page 51-52 of the textbook. 4. Product 1. Teacher has students do assignments in workbook. 5. Wrap up 1. Teacher and students review the lesson together.
7. TASK, MEASUREMENT, AND EVALUATION Task Measurement Material Evaluation Criteria 1. Students should be able to use do and does correctly. (K) Evaluate students’ Behavior Evaluation form At least 75 % 2. Students should be able to use do and does to ask and answer questions correctly. (P) Mark the workbook Workbook At least 75 % 3. Student should have participated activities in class actively. (A) Observe students’ behavior Observation form At least 75 % 8. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS 1. Canva 2. Workbook
9. INSTRUCTIONAL REPORT What happened during my lesson? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ How will I improve my lesson next time? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Signature ( Wirongrong Tongbor ) Student Teacher ______/______/_____
10. TRAINER’S COMMENTAND SUGGESTION ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Signature ( Natareporn Pimguragun ) Trainer Teacher ______/______/______
11. THE ADMINISTRATOR’S COMMENT AND SUGGESTION ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Signature (Mr. Chonlapad Sawaddee) School Director ______/______/______
Lesson plan 5 Foreign Language Department (English) Anubal Phibunrak School Subject : Fundament English 2 (อ13101) Class : Prathomsuksa 3 Unit : 4 Around town Time : 15 hours Lesson : Review the Lesson Time : 3 hours Credit : 1.5 Date : ___________________ Student Teacher : Wirongrong Tongbor Trainer Teacher : Natareporn Pimguragun 1. STANDARD Standard F1.1: Understanding of and capacity to interpret what has been heard and read from various types of media, and ability to express opinions with proper reasoning 2. GRADE – LEVEL Indicator 1.1 Grade 3/1: Act in compliance with orders and requests heard or read. Indicator 1.1 Grade 3/3: Choose/ specify the images or symbols corresponding to the meanings of groups of words and sentences heard. Indicator 1.1 Grade 3/4: Answer questions from listening to or reading sentences, dialogues or simple tales. 3. CONCEPT Check students understanding, evaluate students’ development for develop the lesson next time. 4. OBJECTIVE Terminal Objective Students do the test. Behavior Objectives 1. Students should be able to match the pictures with the sentences or phrases correctly. (K) 2. Students should be able to write words, phrases, sentences correctly. (P) 3. Student should have participated activities in class actively. (A)
5. CONTENT 5.1 Vocabulary : bank, supermarket, hospital, zoo, school, temple, house, shop, swimming pool, park, boat, bus, train, car, bike, plane 5.2 Structure : Q : Where’s the……………,please? A : It's…………….the………………….. I go to………by………. ………goes to ………….. by…………… 5.3 Skill : Speaking, Writing 5.4 Function : Apply all of knowledge in this lesson. 6. INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVIES 1. Warm up 1. Teacher and students greet each other. 2. Present 1. Teacher shows canva about the lessons. 2. Teacher and students review the lesson together. 3. Teacher takes the students to play a game of guessing places and vehicles, and whoever guesses correctly will receive a prize. 4. Teacher asks about the test. 3. Practice 1. Teacher has students do the test. 4. Product 1. Teacher and students check the test together. 5. Wrap up 1. Teacher talks about the next lesson. 2. Everyone say goodbye. 7. TASK, MEASUREMENT, AND EVALUATION
Task Measurement Material Evaluation Criteria 1. Students should be able to match the pictures with the sentences or phrases correctly. (K) Mark the test Test At least 75 % 2. Students should be able to write words, phrases sentences correctly. (P) Mark the test Test At least 75 % 4. Student should have participated activities in class actively. (A) Observe students’ behavior Observation form At least 75 % 8. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS 1. Canva 2. Test
9. INSTRUCTIONAL REPORT What happened during my lesson? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ How will I improve my lesson next time? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Signature ( Wirongrong Tongbor ) Student Teacher ______/______/_____
10. TRAINER’S COMMENTAND SUGGESTION ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Signature ( Natareporn Pimguragun ) Trainer Teacher ______/______/______
11. THE ADMINISTRATOR’S COMMENT AND SUGGESTION ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Signature (Mr. Chonlapad Sawaddee) School Director ______/______/______
Lesson plan 6 Foreign Language Department (English) Anubal Phibunrak School Subject : Fundament English 2 (อ13101) Class : Prathomsuksa 3 Unit : 5 Festival Time : 15 hours Lesson : Loy krathong festival Time : 3 hours Credit : 1.5 Date : ___________________ Student Teacher : Wirongrong Tongbor Trainer Teacher : Natareporn Pimguragun 1. STANDARD Standard FL1.1: Understanding of and capacity to interpret what has been heard and read from various types of media, and ability to express opinions with proper reasoning Standard FL2.1: Appreciating the relationship between language and culture of native speakers and ability in using language appropriately 2. GRADE – LEVEL Indicator 1.1 Grade 3/1: Pronounce and spell the given words accurately read aloud groups of words, sentences and simple chants by observing the principles of reading. Indicator 1.1 Grade 3/3: Match the picture or the symbols with the meanings of groups of words and sentences heard. Indicator 2.1 Grade 3/2: Tell the names and simple vocabulary about the festivals/ important days/celebrations and lifestyles of the native speakers. 3. CONCEPT Learn idioms and vocabulary about the culture of native speakers and related to Loy krathong. 4. OBJECTIVE Terminal Objective Students will be able to talk about Loy krathong.
Behavior Objectives 1. Students should be able to give the meaning of the words correctly. (K) 2. Students should be able to write the words correctly. (P) 3. Student should have participated activities in class actively. (A) 5. CONTENT 5.1 Vocabulary : Krathong, Flower, candle, Joss stick, banana leaf, banana tree, Float, Pray 5.2 Structure : - 5.3 Skill : Speaking, Writing 5.4 Function : Talk about Loy krathong. 6. INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVIES 1. Warm up 1. Teacher and students greet each other. 2. Teacher asked the students “Do students know Loy krathong? 3. Teacher shows a video about “Loy krathong”. 2. Present 1. Teacher shows the presentation the story of Halloween. Then teacher reads and explains the meaning of the story of Loy krathong. 2. Teacher presents words and phrases about Loy krathong. 3.Teacher reads the words aloud and has the students repeat them and together interpret the meaning of the words. 3. Practice 1. Teacher had the students write the words in their own notebooks. 2. Teacher assigns worksheets to students. 4. Product 1. Teacher has students design a Halloween mask and has all students present it to the front of the class. 5. Wrap up
1. Teacher and students review the lesson together. 7. TASK, MEASUREMENT, AND EVALUATION Task Measurement Material Evaluation Criteria 1. Students should be able to give the meaning of the words correctly. (K) Evaluate students’ behavior Evaluation form At least 75 % 2. Students should be able to write the words correctly. (P) Mark the worksheet Worksheet At least 75 % 3. Student should have participated activities in class actively. (A) Observe students’ behavior Observation form At least 75 % 8. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS 1. Canva 2. Worksheet 3. Video of Loy krathong
9. INSTRUCTIONAL REPORT What happened during my lesson? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ How will I improve my lesson next time? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Signature ( Wirongrong Tongbor ) Student Teacher ______/______/_____
10. TRAINER’S COMMENTAND SUGGESTION ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Signature ( Natareporn Pimguragun ) Trainer Teacher ______/______/______
11. THE ADMINISTRATOR’S COMMENT AND SUGGESTION ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Signature (Mr. Chonlapad Sawaddee) School Director ______/______/______
Lesson plan 7 Foreign Language Department (English) Anubal Phibunrak School Subject : Fundament English 2 (อ13101) Class : Prathomsuksa 3 Unit : 5 Festival Time : ______ Lesson : Valentine’s Day Time : ______ Credit : 1.5 Date : ___________________ Student Teacher : Wirongrong Tongbor Trainer Teacher : Natareporn Pimguragun 1. STANDARD Standard FL1.1: Understanding of and capacity to interpret what has been heard and read from various types of media, and ability to express opinions with proper reasoning Standard FL1.2: Possessing language communication skills for effective exchange of information; efficient expression of feelings and opinions Standard FL2.1: Appreciating the relationship between language and culture of native speakers and ability in using language appropriately 2. GRADE – LEVEL Indicator 1.1 Grade 3/1: Pronounce and spell the given words accurately read aloud groups of words, sentences and simple chants by observing the principles of reading. Indicator 1.2 Grade 3/5: Tell their own feelings about various objects around them or various activities by following the models heard. Indicator 2.1 Grade 3/2: Tell the names and simple vocabulary about the festivals/ important days/celebrations and lifestyles of the native speakers. Indicator 2.1 Grade 3/3: Participate in language and cultural activities appropriate to their age levels. 3. CONCEPT Learning basic words and sentences about Valentine's Day vocabulary and making Valentine cards allows students to practice using the language in real and personal situations. Students can practice in the classroom and can confidently use it to communicate with outsiders.
4. OBJECTIVE Terminal Objective Students will be able to talk about Valentine’s Day. Behavior Objectives 1. Students should be able to recognize Valentine's Day symbols. (K) 2. Students should be able to express their feelings about the Valentine's Day symbol. (P) 3. Student should have participated activities in class actively. (A) 5. CONTENT 5.1 Vocabulary : chocolate, rose, ring, card, teddy bear, cupid, couple, gift, balloons, cake, cupcake, heart 5.2 Structure : Q : What do you like? A : I like…………………………………….. 5.3 Skill : Speaking, Writing 5.4 Function : Talk about Valentine’s Day 6. INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVIES 1. Warm up 1. Teacher and students greet each other. 2. Teacher asks students “เมื่อถึงวันวาเลนไทน์นักเรียนนึกถึงอะไรบ้าง” 2. Present 1. Teacher shows a video about “ความเป็นมาของวันวาเลนไทน์ | Valentine's Day”. 2. Teacher presents and reads the words aloud and has the students repeat them and together interpret the meaning of the words. 3. Teacher presents the sentence structure. Q : What do you like? A : I like…………………………………….. 4. Teacher reads the sentences and explains the meaning of the sentences. After that, have the students repeat it again. 3. Practice 1. Teacher assigns worksheets to students.