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Hatfield Regis Local History Society
d n ll am o l n Lo d o ano
Steve Foster entertained a capacity audience at May’s Local History talk in the URC Hall.
The first talk at the society’s new afternoon time slot was entitled “Matching Airfield”.
Steve’s talk covered the construction of the airfield by American engineers in 1943 on what was
previously farmland. He moved on to its hand over to the men and aircraft of the 391st Bombardment
Group of the USAAF who carried out bombing operations throughout 1944, including D-Day, until their
move to France at the end of September. He also gave an insight into the airfield’s use by the RAF as
a base for glider operations in 1945 including Operation Varsity (the crossing of the Rhine).
Steve also spoke of the post-war fate of the airfield as the runways were broken up for the land to be
returned to farming, the remaining buildings that can be seen and explained the rich variety of wildlife
that lives on the site.
Mention was made of the crash of a B-26 bomber from Matching on to houses on the Chelmsford
Road in the village and Steve gave his personal memories of meeting veterans of the 391st BG at a
reunion that was held on the site.
The talk was illustrated by an extensive slideshow of photographs that has been compiled by Mark
Ratcliff as well as books, photos, plans and relics relating to the site.
Talks take a break for the summer with the next one being “Hatfield Heath-Then and Now” given by
Terry Jameson on September 18 at 2pm.
2 ll al ll a 2 m om no on
June Date to be agreed for an outing
September 18 Talk n and o Ha ld H a y am on
October 16 Talk a y oo ood d al c o Ha ld
November 20 Talk 2 a o c Had am o on
December 12 Talk Joint meeting + Royal British Legion - a m oo al
Fewer Aircraft Noise Complaints From Hatfield Heath
It is concerning that Stansted Airport is stating that there are fewer noise complaints from Hatfield
Heath residents this year compared to last year. The number of complainants has stayed roughly the
same in Hatfield Heath. However in Hatfield Broad Oak the number of complainants is almost double
the number here. This is surprising to me as the planes seem to be climbing as they head towards
H.B.O. and the night flights come across our village. I wonder why the Airport has raised this; is it to do
with their recent planning application or to preclude any moves towards compensation for aircraft
noise disturbance?
I am aware that more residents would complain if the procedure was easier but do try. Use the SSE
form via info@stopstanstedexpansion.com
or the Flight Evaluation Unit , Stansted Airport Ltd, Freephone 0800 243 788 now working again or
email stanstednoiseline@stanstedairport.com
Unit 7 pond Lane Tel: 07891215904
Hatfield Heath 07984943075
Cm22 7ab
Ha ld H a c ool al ancy om on
Sunday 24th June 2018
Entry Form
Entrants to meet at 11.15am at the desk by the Arena.
Children will parade from 11.30am.
Entrants Name(s):…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Entrants Name(s):……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Parent / Carer details: Name: …………………………………………………………………………………………….
Tel No.(Home/Mobile):……………….……………………………………………………..
Prizes will be awarded as follows:
*First place
*Second place
*Overall Most out of Least
(the best home-made costume produced at least expense)
To Enter:
Please place the entry form in an envelope labelled: Fancy Dress Competition,
with a £1 entry fee per child.
Attn. Janice Prior.
Deliver to Hatfield Heath PreSchool
For more info call Janice on 07749282501
Entry forms will also be available on the day.
Hatfield Heath Preschool Quiz Night,
to be held at the White Horse Pub on Friday 6th July 2018 at 7.30pm.
Our last quiz night sold out quickly so this time we have managed to hire both the inside and
outside areas of the pub so we can now accommodate more tables!!
We still advise you to book your tickets ASAP to avoid disappointment.
Tickets are £10 per person, which includes a light meal..
6-8 people per table please, either put together your own team or buy tickets and we will assign
you to a team.
This was a really fun & friendly night last time & a great way to raise money for your local Pre-
school, so please come along if you can!
Contact Janice for tickets on 07749 282501
Heath Computers SAVOURSue B urgess
For all your IT needs
Welcome to my treatment room at Samantha’ s B eauty
Whether you run a business, or are a home user,
Heath Computers has an IT solution to suit your requirements. EVERY MOMENTR etreat. I am an ITEC q ualified therapist with 15 yrs +
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D-Day Cabarets spa facilities, pool, sauna, steam room and
5th 6th and 8th June David Deacon Jacuzzi and even add lunch for £10pp.
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www.ddpropertycare.co.uk Bites M: 07403443959
Lunch is served Tuesday – Friday 12pm-2pm
Village Diary Fridays 10:00am behind the surgery
in the Village Hall Car Park.
JUNE 2018
Mondays 10:30am Little Hallingbury
28th May-5 June School Half Term Village Car Park
3rd 08:00 Holy Communion 1662 HT
Wednesday 20nd June - Early afternoon
09.30 All Age Worship (contemporary) HT Guided Walk through Sawbridgeworth
10.30 Family Service URC Marshes followed by tea in the Shed!
8:00 Service at The Close
18:30 Evensong (traditional) HT 2pm the URC Hall
4th 11.30 for12.00.Luncheon Club URC
6th 09:30 Holy Communion (traditional) HT New Members and Visitors welcome
10th 08:00 Holy Communion (traditional) St. Mary’s For Details phone Jean on 730465
Sheering HH a o nc l o m
09:30 Holy Communion (contemporary) with There will be no meeting in JUNE but it will
Baptism HT recommence in JULY 2018.
10:30 Family Service URC
13th 10.30 Holy Communion (traditional) Little when we will again be available between 10am
and noon in the Village Hall to listen to all your
14th 10:30 Holy Communion The Close issues and hopefully provide answers
17th 08:00 Holy Communion (traditional) HT
Those readers who use social media may be interested
09.30 Matins HT to know that a new Facebook group has just been
10.30 Family Service URC created for residents of Hatfield Heath to share
20th 11.30 for 12.00 Luncheon Club URC information and events within the community.
09:30 Holy Communion (traditional) HT
13:30 Leisure Hour Guided Walk Sawbridgeworth The address is
Marshes followed by tea at The Shed
23rd FLOWER FESTIVAL HT Alternatively search Facebook for Hatfield Heath
Village Community Group.
12:00 School Fete
09.30 Holy Communion HT
10.30 Family Service URC
26th 10:30 Holy Communion Hatfield Haven
27th 09:30 Holy Communion (traditional) Little
H-Village Hall / CR-Committee Room H / HT-Holy
Trinity Church / URC-United Reform Church / I-
Institute / S-School
We cannot obtain official notification of dates or
times but the waste lorry was at Broomfields on the
2nd Sunday and at Ardleigh Crescent on the 3rd
Sunday in April. So it may be better to go with week
numbers rather than bin colours. If anyone knows
exact details please contact the editor.
Heath Computers
For all your IT needs
Whether you run a business, or are a home user,
Heath Computers has an IT solution to suit your requirements.
IT Solutions for home/office
Domain Registration and Web Design
Mac/PC Support, Repairs and Upgrades
Smart Phone/Tablet configuration and setup
Network Installation - Fixed and Wireless
Internet - Email - Broadband
Virus Protection and Spyware removal
Web: www.heathcomputers.co.uk Office: 01279 912345
Email: info@heathcomputers.co.uk Mobile: 07958 482889
Hatfield R egis
L ocal History
has published several
books and leaflets:-
OUT The War M emorials of
Hatfield R egis £ 5
Addendum: The M is-
remembered M en £ 1
P .O .W Camp 116 £ 5
This space is 1/12th
Should you want tTohaedSvteargti£ s5 e,
Eden Cottage Hospital £ 1
please email: hhmagaccounts@yahoo.co.uk
P umps and Wells of
Hatfield Heath £ 5
Contact Ivan Cooper
0127 9 7 3027 5
OUT Sun 2t5 h Hatfield
Heath Festival
Sun 25t h O pen D ay U R C p.5
Coffee M ornings &
Cream Teas p5, p11 & p28
The History of nglish Gardens
How far back in time do you have to go to find the origins of the garden and gardening
This is the uestion posed by Nigel Start in his talk “The History of nglish Gardens” given to the Hatfield
Heath Gardening Club at their April meeting.
veryone has heard of the Garden of Gethsemane of biblical times and the Hanging Gardens of Babylon
which probably existed around 600 BC. vidence of crop cultivation can be found on the sculptures of
ancient gypt dating back to 2000 BC. However the growing of crops is now thought to have started
around 8000 BC when the hunter gatherers gave up the nomadic life and settled and built permanent
dwellings. n this country grain pits to store corn, beans and similar crops have been found beneath
Anglo-Saxon houses dating back to the 5th. Century AD.
erhaps because of the absence of written records other than the occasional depictions in the stone
carvings of ancient gypt and Greece, we have little knowledge of the development of the garden. One
early plan dating fro the 9th. Century is that of the monastery of St. Gall in Swit erland. Some areas of the
plan, particularly around the kitchen and the hospital, show that cultivation is taking place. Many paintings
from the 16th. Century show garden cultivation taking place in ways that are familiar to us today.
n the 1 00s Capability Brown and Humphrey Repton extended their works to either reconfiguring the
landscape in the case of Brown or developing planting schemes within the existing geography in the case
of Repton whose work can still be seen at Hylands House near Chelmsford.
As the number of cultivated spaces grew there came the need for plants to fill them and this resulted in
the emergence of the “plant hunters”. Hooker. Forrest, Banks, Charles Darwin and A Bowles of
Myddelton House travelled the world to bring back fruit, vegetables and flowers to stock both kitchen and
leisure gardens. Sir alter Raleigh famously brought back the potato from his trips to the new world.
Sometimes exotic fruit and vegetables were brought back to stock the newly invented glasshouses and
orangeries. The great houses often had walled gardens growing enough food to cater for the family and
their many servants and the people were allowed space to grow crops for themselves.
n 1804 these enthusiasts got together to form a horticultural society whose aim was “the improvement
of horticulture”. n 1861 ueen Victoria granted them a Royal arrant and they became the Royal
Horticultural Society (RHS) which we know today as the organisers of flower shows at Chelsea, Hampton
Court and Tatton ark. The society also runs active gardens around the country at isley in Surrey,
Rosemoor in Devon, Harlow Carr in orkshire and, close to us, Hyde Hall near Chelmsford. A new garden
is being established, Bridgewater at orsley Old Hall near Salford which will feature a recreated walled
vegetable garden.
The media have also played their part in the modern history of our gardens. xperts such as ercy
Thrower, Geoff Hamilton and Alan Titchmarsh have been able to pass on their knowledge and enthusiasm.
They have in many cases established trends in the si e and design of gardens, the emergence of the
taste for decking being one
On ednesday 23rd. May the club welcomes back Rodney Tibbs to speak on “Gardening Then and Now”
and in June they will be taking a trip to Bressingham Gardens in Norfolk. Meetings are held on the fourth
ednesday of each month and take place in Hatfield Heath Village Hall starting at .45 p.m. Just come
along, everyone is welcome. However, if you would like to know more about the Hatfield Heath Gardening
Club call 012 9 30425.
Mobilit Scooter
There is a mobilit scooter in good working order, a ailable to a lad or gentleman from the Parish of Hatfield
Heath. If ou ha e a mobilit problem this ehicle will easil get ou around the illage. You will need
somewhere to store the scooter and an electrical source to charge the ehicle. When ou no longer require
the scooter, it will ha e to be passed on to someone else who needs some mobilit in our illage. For further
information please contact Eileen Ashworth on 01279 730 10
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Tel: 01279 730 274
hn e hite t rs u
e hite t rs u
. Pre-school - 2-5years 07340 575792 . Bridge Club 723948
. Jo Jingles 6mths- 7yrs Tel: 868410 . Luncheon Club for senior citi ens 730581
. School Football Club :- 812586 . Open Coffee Morning at the Institute 730288
. Scouts:- 812586 . Gardening Club 730425
. Cubs Chris Hancock :-731646 . History Society- Ivan Cooper 730275
. Brownies in Sheering 734391 . Royal British Legion 730042
. Guides - Great Hallingbury . Bell Ringers 730526
. Junior arate 01992 575679 V. Hall . Choir 730390
. Friday Club at URC (7-12yrs) . Leisure Hour 730465
. W.I in Broad Oak 07956 764174
Tel 739218 . Talking Newspapers 651270 or 653925
. Heath Players Mark Ratcliff 503174
Chrissie Richards 864536
. Italian Language Michelina 07786 341 754
. Spanish Language Ann Whale 731288
. Mobile Library Fortnightly on Wednesdays
55 5 . Farmers’Market 07956 563 710
5 . Visiting Optician 443181
. Neighbourhood Watch
5 Paula.osullivan hotmail.co.uk Tel 730281
5 5 . Uttlesford Badger Group- Derek Barry
5 On call 24/7 503332 or 07941 185 171
55 55 . repeat prescriptions etc
5 Broomfields www.hatfieldheathsurgery.co.uk
Broad Oak www.hatfieldbroadoaksurgery.co.uk
www.aircadets.org . www.hatfieldheath.essex.sch.uk
309(Sawbridgeworth)S uadron .
ATC H Cutforth Road Sawbridgeworth www.freewebs.com/hatfieldheathcc
(Email) oc.309 aircadets.org www.facebook.com/hatfieldfc
www.heathplayers.org and
583/ heathplayers yahoo.co.uk
Email: footpathwarden hatfieldheath.com
. www.facebook.com/HBOWI.
hatfieldbroadoakWI gmail.com
F ed up w ith
HHaattffiieelldd HHeeaatthh mossF aendduw peew di? th Lawn Treatment Service
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Small tableA sre anA dv a cihl a ab irl se nfoorw available
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www.simplylawns.co.ukALEX GLYNNS NACS No.95/352
LOCAL ORGANISATIONS OUTMatchi1n2glOuTrewmycdhewaaoeiwVrlndli.nllablCaalleurTg.oxpeeefgibltkr.l,Heyee0Hnal@1lsfanl2oltr7bs&rl92oeti4wns4p22tt,rse6i4Ehvcr@9sanh8sgteoe3emxto.lsclCa.eociMlcmo.cum2or0em35B6Awood.
AND Vacuum, Rods, Brushes,
Pre School (2-5 yCealerasn) && HEof lidciaeyntClub (3-10 years)
ForLODC CleaAtsLaseiRlssEeStTcI.De, lEeetNpcT.h, Sone
01PR2EF7ER9EN7TI3AL0RA5TE4S 4 Pre School (2-5 years) & Holiday Club (3-10 years)
FORR egistered Charity N o. 26 8 36 7 Matching Tye Village Hall & private secure 56 wood.
External and Internal window cleaning donna.pike@btinternet.com
For D etails Telephone● R esidential or Commercial • R FeedlluincgtioHned••geTP chruuitnntininnignggand•• Shaping emoval
• Stump R
● R egular Cleans or J ust The O ne O ff! !
● Conservatory Cleaning shaping
01279 730 544FO R A FR EE ESTIM ATE CAL L STEVE F ree no obligation q uotes
R e0gi7 st7 er8 e5d C3ha9r6ity7 0N 0o. 26 8 36 7
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Email: AATreeservices@outlook.com
• R FeedlluincgtioHned••geTP chruuitnntininnignggand•• Shaping emoval
External and Internal window cleaning • Stump R
● R esidential or Commercial
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● Conservatory Cleaning
F ree no obligation q uotes
07 7 8 5 396 7 00 Tel: 07 94 0 231 96 4 or 0127 9 7 30 6 5 9
Email: AATreeservices@outlook.com
H L Friday lub.
riday Club is as the name suggests, a club run
Hall d n2 on a riday evening for the young people 7-12
m years old of atfield eath and surrounding
........................... 5 t is held riday evenings 7pm 9pm in the C
5 Church all, Chelmsford oad, atfield eath.
(District Councillor) ts nightly membership is £5.00.
Tracy Sykes Club eader
5 Telephone 0780 27 08
mail tracy-sykes hotmail.co.uk
egistered Charity umber 1051491
uffy Playbus visits
5 he Heath, H F L H H. M22 7
.......... 5 Editor : -Mary Stewart 01279 731 319
5 55 Treasurer: - Norman Groves 01279 730756
Secretary: - Jean Clarke 01279 730 667
Distributor- Michael Hockley 07976 801 062
Chairman - Brendan Carrig 01279 730 549
Printed by PrintandBind 01708687568
Please note that the Hatfield Heath Maga ine is a
non profit organisation and everyone involved in
its production works on a voluntary basis.
12:00 12:30 The Editor and Printers do not
take responsibility for the information given or
No other stops in Hatfield Heath views expressed in the Hatfield Heath Village
Maga ine. Nor is any culpability accepted in
work carried out by any of the advertisers.
H IR E U R C H U R C H H A L L F O R Lux ury T oilet Hire (U K ) Ltd
T oilet trailers (b oth lux ury and party
Y ou can hire the hall for children' s parties range), single event portab le and
£ 10.5 0 / hour T el : 01279 730 58 1 disab led units availab le for hire.
L O CAL STO R AG E B U IL D IN G AVAIL AB L E www. lux urytoilethireltd. co. uk
FO R R EN T or call 0 1 2 7 9 5 0 4 6 3 8
D IM EN SIO N S 6 M X 17 M = 102 SQ M Y our local service provider for all liq uid waste
19 X 5 5 FEET = 105 0 SQ F rem oval, including cesspits and sep c tank s
G O O D SECU R ITY at hin ei h urs
FO R FU R THER D ETAIL S P L EASE P HO N E Dog Walking/Day Care, Cat Feeding Gardenz
07 8 006 16 25 0...................
Maintenance, Home Watch Visits Contact
‘The Neighbours’ Est’d in 2000
Ask us to look after your pets for regular or one-off
dog walks and general pet care.Plants watered,
housCe ocanllvsFe&urllcsyhiioencsnkussr.e,LdBo-caRatelhfreerrsoeidnocemnestssp,srioKnvciiedtce1dh9.9e9ns
PhPonlae sRtoeberirnt &g,AnBdrriecwkowno01r2k7,9D73e1c5o37raorting
Email: matchingneighbours@yahoo.co.uk
H E A T H If HyoA uYwA oN uD ldST liR kA eW to
advertise in the magazine,
Traditiocnhaol osmsealflrboamlest,hfere4e lsoizcaelsdoefliavedrvyeornts
orders of 5 d0ebsliahvloeerwsieonsriumnsuotarhelel.yEmpvaoesgnsaiinbzglien&.e waneedkend
contact Tuesl. 0T7o9f7 i6n8d0o1u06t2about our rates,
terms and conditions,
M ichael Hockpleleya, FseriaarpspFlyarmby, HematfaieilldtoHeath
or call 01279 731 434
14 16 021 D ec 16
W.I in Hatfield Broad Oak
What a difference a year makes: at this time, last year, we were keeping our fingers crossed
for rain, to green up the new grass in the Walled Garden, and for the successful building of
the treehouse!
At this June’s Open Day the Gardens should be looking beautiful as we celebrate the nature
that we cherish alongside the formal planting. There are many areas where wild flowers
already thrive and we are introducing a new grass cutting regime this year to help the wild
flowers set seed and multiply. This year the snowdrops were gorgeous, as usual, and we
have had more cowslips than previously and banks of bluebells, particularly down at the end
of the Glade.
By June, the viewing platform should give fine views of waterlilies on the fishing lake. We will
have bug hunting for children as well as a nature trail and craft activities. We will be joined by
Uttlesford Beekeepers, the RSPB, plant and craft stalls, including willow-weaving. And local
musician, Keef Jackman, will play his Ukelele blues and other self-penned songs. Of course
no Garden Open Day would be complete without our locally renowned bacon rolls and
homemade cakes.
a n2 m la n y
c n y o c ld n nd y a old
For more details and the latest news, go to our Website at www.eastonlodge.co.uk or find us on
Facebook. Jill Goldsmith
To keep in touch with news on the former Holy Trinity Church Choir are keen to invite new
Prisoner of War Camp you can use this link members to oin. e practise with our
organist choir master in the church most Friday
to the Facebook group evenings in term time from 6.30 to .30pm. e
History not Houses save Pow Camp 116 sing at the weekly 9.30am Sunday services and
at the 6.30pm vensong on the first Sunday of
https://m.facebook.com/groups/ the month. There are also special occasions
944715785691718/ refid 52 tn R-R such as weddings. lease contact ileen
Ashworth on 012 9 30610 for more
information or perhaps ust come along one
Friday evening to check us out. ou would be
most welcome.
email diana graves hotmail.com
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Heath layers celebrate 50 years
Over 100 guests recently attended a party to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the founding of Hatfield
Heath’s drama group Heath layers’
The party was held in the eter Lines Memorial Hall as the Village Hall was renamed in memory of a
long-standing member of the layers.
The group’s first production in May 1968 was mlyn illiam’s Night Must Fall’ which was directed by a
local actor named Chris Timothy. Chris wrote and directed many of the early pantomimes before
moving from the area and finding fame with the BBC series All Creatures Great and Small’. Chris still
follows the fortunes of the group and took time out of his filming schedule for astenders’ to attend. As
he announced to revellers, nothing would have kept me away’
Also in attendance was Charlotte Schroeder who appeared in the very first production. She cut the
celebratory cake with Chris.
x-members travelled from dinburgh and Cornwall to attend the celebrations. John aine who acted
as the group’s Music Hall chairman for many years introduced a number of performances that ended
with a medley of music hall songs.
The layers’ extensive archives of programmes, photos and newspaper reviews were on display as
well as an impressive array of posters and costumes from over the years.
The layers have produced over 130 productions throughout its history and each show had someone
present at the party.
Members of the public will be able to browse the layers’ archives at the Village Festival on June 24
when the Local History Society will be celebrating the Anniversary on their stand.
Coloured photos on the back cover Mark Ratcliff
lunch for £10pp.
Plastering, Brickwork, Decorating
Chesnut Drive Hatfield Heath
UnMliemoniuhtteeothdrmWt-awteeeimnaadmtanaedeenriensdndtgccajauo2yksffcet2e£so2e2nua,d0srnsaMdPenesasdcrrawcoPnihnecderhsseyo.sonau. nr d HanIfdyyoumwoaunld liSkeetrovices
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ol c ad c on o ad and oo ll
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to do work on your home. They may call and state that you could need one of the following services.
Roof repairs Lawn repairs Driveways power washed Driveway repairs or replaced Fence repairs
Garden services, tree lopping. aste clearance They may seem friendly and persuasive but too often
they target vulnerable elderly people and local residents are encouraged to actively try to prevent
rogue trader incidents occurring in their area. The rogue traders may claim to know your neighbours
and have done work for them but often the work they promise to complete didn t need doing in the
first place. ou decide whether you need any work done to our house, not them. f you think you ve
been taken in by a rogue trader, please let us know by calling 101, contact Trading Standards -
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Take a look at our advice to make sure you don t fall victim to a rogue trader. A genuine trader won t
Call without an appointment Ask you to go to the bank to withdraw cash or make a money transfer
Offer to take you to the bank to withdraw cash for payment Ask you to pay in full before the work is
complete nsist that you make a decision about the work they re offering to do on the spot Bully or
scare you into doing the work f you do think you need some work doing Contact a Buy ith
Confidence accredited trader Get a number of uotes Get a written estimate detailing exactly what
work will be carried out, how much it will cost and what the terms of payment are. Take your time to
make sure you’re happy with what you’re undertaking ask a trusted friend relative for advice or ring
the Buy with Confidence number 08454 040506.
oo ll As well as calling at your door and offering to carry out work on your home, other
rogue traders try to sell poor uality goods for highly inflated prices. t can be difficult to refuse some
sales people on your doorstep and you can be pressured into buying something you do not want or
that is not good value for money. Simple steps 1. Check the trader’s identity were you expecting
them f not, but you are interested in what they are selling, ask them to come back at a more
convenient time and try to have another person with you. 2. Take control you ask the uestions and
try to remember that it is a business situation. 3. Be aware that doorstep sellers are not your friends
watch out for clever sales techni ues where you may be made to feel like you have lots in common.
4. Don’t sign on the spot even if it means that you could lose a special discount’. Take time to reflect,
think about your purchase and shop around. 5. ou have a right to cancel f you do purchase
something for more than 35 from doorstep sales people you have days to change your mind. This
information should be given to you in writing by the sales person. 6. f in doubt, ask the person to
leave phone Consumer Direct or ssex County Council Trading Standards on 08454 040 506 for
further advice. ou can also contact ssex olice using the non-emergency number 101. f you feel
threatened by a sales person in your own home call 999.
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Cllr Mark Lemon (ML) Chairman Cllrs Mark Bissell (MB) Roger Breavington (RB) Peter Brown (PB) eith
Fox ( F) Ernie Fenwick Clerk to the Council and 9 members of the public.
2131. Chairmans welcome and PUBLIC PARTICIPATION
The Chairman welcomed everyone present and opened the meeting.
The following items were raised by members of the public
�� People seen behind the police house sniffing gas cylinders
�� Area outside the URC grass cutting not to be cut whilst daffodils are in bloom.
�� uery regarding funding for village institute
�� Cllr Barker has written to Mr. Parish stating all three highways problems were being reviewed.
�� Development at Friars Lane
�� Appendix on the minutes
. apologies for absence
�� Cllr Bob Jones (BJ) away Nigel Robley (NR) away Geoff Owen (GO)
. minutes of last meeting
The minutes of the Parish Council meeting of 4th April 2018 were signed as a true record of the meeting.
. Declarations of interests.
ML as a district councillor
5 Reports to and from County and District Councillors
ML reported two main events on the UDC Airport
SB arrived at 8.15pm Reported that Sheering Road does not ualify for a reduction in speed limit. SB is trying to
get the Rangers to cut back the vegetation to Sheering Road footpath with traffic management.
ML asked SB to ascertain the cause of the flooding in Stortford Road. We are unable to try to resolve the issue
until we can identify the cause. SB will arrange a meeting with the Highways surgery at County Hall.
MB asked SB about the provision of a pedestrian crossing within the village. SB suggested we ask Highways to
look at ways to assist children crossing the A1060 to get to the local school.
CLER ’s Report
Any business re uiring a decision is listed on the Agenda.
Clerk gave an update on ey Task Monitoring and has circulated an up to date report
i. EALC Training Bulletin
ii. EALC eBulletin
iii. Aviation Communities Forum Newsletter
iv. Response from CEO Essex CC re flooding Stortford Road.
v. Objection letter to Stansted Airport Planning Application
vi. Essex libraries mobile timetable alteration
vii. Repair to Playground equipment notification
viii. Making the Links (April)
ix. Green Waste skip schedule
x. SSE Press release 16 April
xi. Housing Strategy team offer to attend PC meetings
vi. Change of Date - Local Councils' Liaison Forum
vii. ICO statement on GDPR and the local councils sector
viii. Planters design for approval
ix. SSE Technical Note
x. Abandoned vehicle in Village Car Park
xi. Amendment to Green Waste skip schedule and apology
HORSE RUG SERVICES If you would like to
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Hatfield Heath Cricket Club 2018
REPAIRS: £5 MIN CHARGE (call for quote) Winter nets ha e begun! The are taking
place at The Bishop s Stortford High School
ADDRESS Sports Hall e er Wednesda 7-8pm. All are
er welcome.
Walkers Farm White Roding CM6 1RX
Please call to ensure someone is at the premises to The club is celebrating its 150th anni ersar
this ear. We ha e set aside Sunda 8th ul
meet you! for this celebration. Details of the da will
SECURE PREMISES/FULLY INSURED follow. New pla ers are needed!
Howe If ou re interested, please call Mark on
Green 0799941 424,
School or
email markgra es
Independent 87@gmail.com
co-ed prep school
for 2 - 11 years
01279 657706
xii. Change of Date - Local Councils Liaison Forum
xiii. ICO statement on GDPR and the local councils sector
xiv. Planters design for approval
xv. SSE Technical Note
xvi. Abandoned vehicle in Village Car Park
xvii. Amendment to Green Waste skip schedule and apology
Correspondence Sent
i. POW Camp contact
ii. Cllr Overton Transport meeting dates
iii. Cllr Lemon Local Councils Liaison Forum Date change
iv. Green waste skip schedule
v. Hastoe Housing Association invitation to attend Annual Parish Meeting
vi. Cllr Jones Trees in Dunmow Road
vii. PW May Contracting complaint re grass cutting.
viii. CEO ECC Flooding in Stortford Road
. Chairman’s Report
ML reported that Councillor Owen has decided to resign due to pressure of work
ML and PB will attend the next Parish Form.
NR Ivan Cooper and Niki Chapman attended the UDC cabinet meeting re uesting the POW camp be made an
asset of community Value. This was turned down but a recommendation it be put forward onto the Heritage
Hat Fest is progressing well
Annual Parish Meeting is to be held on the 16th May. Should refreshments be offered. Agreed to offer Tea coffee
and wine
. Financial Report
Bank Balance after the following payments have cleared 60542.32
Payments to be approved
EALC Subscriptions 442.75
EALC Training 85.00
E Fenwick Website Maintenance 20.00
Clerk Expenses 7.20
Staff Salaries
Decisions by UDC Planning Dept.
i. United Reformed Church Chelmsford Road Hatfield Heath UTT/18/0776/TPO Reduce in height by 3-4
metres balance crowns and remove all arisings 2 no. Limes and 1 no. Eucalyptus. GRANTED
ii. Albiic House Dunmow Road Hatfield Heath UTT/18/0603/HHF Single storey rear extension (amendment to
previously approved application UTT/17/2399/HHF). GRANTED
iii.Home Farm Matching Road Hatfield Heath UTT/18/0399/HHF Single storey rear extension. GRANTED
iv. 13 The Shaw Hatfield Heath UTT/18/1065/CLP Proposed rooflights
v. 28 Broomfields Hatfield Heath UTT/18/1001/HHF First floor side extension over existing ground floor
vi. Holmby Chelmsford Road Hatfield Heath UTT/185/1002/HHF Single storey rear extension.
vii. 2 Home Pastures Hatfield Heath UTT/18/981/HHF Demolition of rear conservatory and erection of
single storey rear extension
viii. 7 Little Heath Hatfield Heath UTT/18/0918/HHF Demolition of existing side garage and car port and
rear raised patio area. Erection of single storey rear and two storey side extensions.
No Comment
ix.13 The Shaw Hatfield Heath UTT/18/0721/CLP Proposed single storey rear extension
Standardise speed limits throughout the village 5
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Flooding at B183/A1060
Flooding outside the Nursery on the Heath
2141. Village Green
Burnt out bus saga. UDC enforcement have spoken to the owner and ML has left messages with the Insurance
Company regarding removal. ML has spoken to the Police who state that it is ECC Highways responsibility.
There are several children playing and climbing around the bus which is a safety problem.
Cricket field is growing but was going to be rolled last weekend but the fire brigade discharged several
thousand gallons of water onto the burning bus which prevented the rolling.
2142. Stansted Airport
Defer to next meeting
2144. Flooding
ML thanked NR for all his hard work in trying to reach a solution.
2143. Parking
NR is submitting the Planning Application
2144. Dog Bins
Survey of existing and proposed Dog Bins to be undertaken. Defer to next meeting
2146. affordable housing
Clerk has spoken to Hastoe who are in discussion with landowners. They will attend the Annual Parish Meeting
2147. Reports from members on meetings attended
MB attended a Village Hall Meeting.
2148. Matters to be raised by members for the next Agenda
2149. Dates of next meetings
16th May (Annual Parish Meeting) 6th June 4th July Meeting closed at 8.56 pm
PRESENT: as for the general meeting
MB proposed Mark Lemon seconded by F carried unanimously. ML took the Chair
NR proposed Mark Bissell seconded by ML. Unanimously agreed
Cllr Bob Jones (BJ) away Nigel Robley (NR) away
Chairman gave his report for 2017/18 which will be available on the website.
The following list of representatives was agreed:
EALC: eith Fox Mark Bissell
UALC: eith Fox
Building Plans: The Clerk
Village Hall Committee:
Tree Warden: Bill McCarthy
Parish Paths Partnership
Emergency Plan Working Group: The Clerk Nigel Robley Chris Overton
Police Liaison: / Neighbourhood Watch Mark Bissell
Transport: Chris Overton
Stansted Airport Bob Jones
Allotments Peter Brown
Personnel Working Group Bob Jones Nigel Robley
Flooding Working Group Chris Overton Bob Jones Nigel Robley
Wildlife Area Roger Breavington Nigel Robley
a. The annual governance statement was approved and signed by the Chairman
b. NR Proposed that the accounts for 2017/2018 are accepted. Seconded by GO. Unanimously agreed
One off cleans
Spring cleans
Weekly /
fortnightly cleans
Ironing service
Contact Bev for a reliable friendly service.
. URC Summer Holiday Club
From onday the th of August to Friday 0th of August we are hoping to run a Holiday Club in the hall attached
to our Church. The club will run from .30 until 2.00, it will be open to children aged to 2 year .
The Club will involve Crafts, Sports ames, a Bible Story and other fun activities inside and out dependent on the
weather a drink and snack will be provided, all for the fantastic sum of for the week.
RB checked and first aid trained staff will be running the week. Obviously a lot of preparation has to go into
something like this so if you think you may be interested in your child children attending could you please
express an interest at the email address hhurcholidayclub@outlook.com This is purely an expression of
interest and not at this stage committing your children to attend. John Jackson
in aid of
Dr. Graham's Homes,
Kalimpong, India
Elijah is known as Mendelssohn’s choral masterpiece -
Classic FM calls it glorious ! Richard Brain will be
conducting the concert. The bass soloist will be Rene
Tickets are available in advance through the Choral
Society’s website www.singwithbscs.org.uk and
Bishop’s Stortford Tourist Information Market S uare or
can be obtained on the door. The Choral Society welcomes
new members throughout the year at its Thursday 7:45 pm
rehearsals in the Water Lane United Reformed Church.
LITTLE HALLINGBURY HAPPY CIRCLE At the AGM for the maga ine the committee
decided to launch a Photograph of the Year
Invite you to join them at the following:- Competition to be judged at the following AGM.
There will be a 1st 2nd and 3rd pri e
June 26th- Garden Party - LH Village Hall 2pm The conditions to be as follows:-
. Only one photo can be sent per issue.
July 24th - Coach Outing to Wroxham Norfolk includes . The photo to have been taken by yourself
trip on a paddle steamer. . No photos that have already won in a
August 28th - Singalong with David Padwick - 60s Music. . Only amateur photographers to take part
2pm - LH Village Hall . Only photos of the Hatfield Heath area
. Any photos of people must come with their
September 25th History of Essex - slide show- eith Rogers
More dates to follow. permission to be published
. The photo can be in black and white
For more information contact:-Brenda Layton - 01279 or colour
725459 or Linda Howell 01279 724502
The deadline for sending a
photograph is the 14th of the month.
Depending on how many photos are received
each month one or more will be printed in the
maga ine and the rest will be put on the Maga ine
Please send your entry to Jean at
hhmagsecretary btinternet.com
Please include details of where the photo was
taken your name.
The Heath layers 50 ears Celebration
Guests celebrate at the party erforming the music hall songs
Chris Timothy and Charlotte Schroeder cut the cake Chris Timothy and David arish en oying the reunion
Beautiful Parker noll large two-
seater sofa and two armchairs for
sale. The set is beige and amethyst
and is in perfect condition (no marks
or loss of colour).
The set is under one year old and is
being sold to buy a smaller suite.
55 5
Photography Competition entry from Nigel Ayers. “Taken at
05:40 it covers a corner of the Church which adjoins the
Heath. The early morning sun is shining through the leaves
of a large tree. You can see a light frost on the grass on the
Printed by: Print & Bind Ltd Tel: 01708 68 75 68 / 020 8596 5011