Village Website : www.hatfield-heath.co.uk Email: [email protected]
Grass cutting, Hedge Trimming, Planting,
Weed Treatment, One off Tidy Ups and VILLAGE HALL COMMITTEE ROOM
maintenance Tuesday 16th March at 7.30pm
Call for a friendly chat on Note ! New Venue is at Village Hall Committee
Mobile 07956 524 586
Home Tel 01279 830 960 Room
Chairman Robin Gurnett 01279 730 672
LTD By John Sly
• Specialising in all types of ponds Only one of the names on the Hatfield Heath War
& features. Memorial was a commissioned officer in the British
Army: William Edward Cook. His correspondence file
• Professionally designed, exists at The National Archives (WO 339/87462) and this
installed, restored or maintained. provides fascinating detail about his life.
Cook had a widow, Doris, and a son, Eric William, age
• Local company established since five, living at Hall Green, Little Hallingbury when his
1987 with excellent after care Effects form was completed on 11 May 1920. His
service birthplace was given as Grainthorpe [on the A1031
between Cleethorpes and Mablethorpe], near Louth,
Tel: 01279 461 052 Lincolnshire. Cook had originally attested as a Private,
20th Hussars, 16 May 1908; confusingly, he stated then
(Answer phone) that he was 23 years 2 months old, gave his trade as
barman, and his birthplace as Benniworth, Lincolnshire [a
Mobile: 07711 087 004 village off the A157 between Louth and Lincoln]. His
birth certificate resolves this contradiction, recording that
Fed up with he was born at Benniworth on 3 March 1882, the son of
William Cook, a farm labourer, and his wife Susan, nee
moss and weed? Maltson. He was, therefore, over twenty-six when he
enlisted, and why he claimed to be three years younger is
We offer:- unknown. According to his attestation form he was 5 feet
•Regular lawn feeds 6½ inches tall and weighed 126 pounds. He passed his
•Weed and moss treatment 2nd Class Educational Certificate at Colchester, 27 July
•Aeration 1912, was promoted Corporal, 1 February 1913, and
•Scarification Sergeant, 19 November 1915. He married Doris Carey at
St Giles, Colchester, 29 March 1913, and his son was
Friendly professional service Lawn Treatment Service born 14 May 1914. He disembarked in France 5
September 1914 and was wounded twice: in the right
CALL NOW FOR A BROCHURE shoulder (7 September 1914), and (severely) in the left
OR FREE LAWN SURVEY arm (16 May 1915). On 29 December 1916 he received a
permanent commission for service in the field as Second
01279 466 100 Lieutenant in the 2/Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry.
The War Diary of 2/KOYLI (WO 95/2402) recorded his
www.simplylawns.co.uk death: ‘SE of Rouvroy 12 March 1917. 2/Lieut W E Cooke
[sic], C Coy, while proceeding along front line trench
caught his foot in wire entanglement. To free himself he
got on the parapet, where he was hit and killed
instantaneously by an enemy sniper’s bullet.’
Swedes 1 v Mr Trickey's Turnips 2
Farmer Trickey of Peggerells extolling the virtues of programme of talks and visits.
Hadfield's Special Mangold Manure c. 1914. Members also undertake local historical projects and
these have included:
HATFIELD REGIS LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY v A reprint of A Tale of a Lonely Parish by Francis
The Hatfield Regis Local History Society was formed, in Marion Crawford.
2000, from the Hatfield Heath History Group who had v A book on the History of the Hatfield Broad Oak
been responsible for producing A History of Hatfield Priory.
Heath. v A detailed analysis of the Stephen Green Diary.
Attempts had previously been made to form a History v The staging of local history exhibitions for the
Society in Hatfield Broad Oak and now representatives Millennium, for the Silver Jubilee, and the Heath
from both Villages met to write a constitution and form a Festivals.
committee. v Memorial books for the two H Heath Churches on the
This committee comprised Liz Wright, Richard Farr, Les fallen from the two World Wars and the History of the
Towers, and Ivan Wybrew, later joined by Mary White, two Churches.
Bob Ward, Catherine Hockley and Brian Pugh. v Two albums 'then and now' photographs of the Heath
In 2008 Robin Gurnett was elected Chairman when Liz together with other Albums of Photos of the Heath.
Wright moved from the District. Ivan Wybrew is the v Identifying the names of Heath Residents from old
treasurer, Richard Barnett the Vice-Chairman, Edna Photographs
Halls the HBO representative & Mick Saban the Heath v Detailed work on the history of local farms and
Representative. farmers.
The Aims & Objectives of the Society are: v A booklet on Gibson’s farmhouse and the Hurdle End
v To bring together persons interested in the history of Cottage.
Hatfield Broad Oak, Hatfield Heath and Bush End. v A reprint of A History of Hatfield Heath.
v To stimulate pubic interest and encourage the study of These reprints are available priced £4.00 plus £1.00
local history. postage from:
v To help preserve records and objects and to co-operate
with other local bodies with similar interests. The Treasurer
Meetings are held, alternately, in Hatfield Heath HRLH Society
(Tuesday) and Hatfield Broad Oak (Sundays) with a E Mail: [email protected]
www.jewelgenie.co.uk HATFIELD
Handmade contemporary jewellery in HEATH
sterling silver, pearls and gemstones
Beautiful, affordable designs perfect Cricket
for all occasions Club
Shop on line, visit us at one of our
events or have a fun night in with HHCC 2009 CAPTAIN'S REPORT
friends and your very own HHCC endured a tough season for
jewellery party! the first time since joining the league
in 2007. We moved up to division
CALL US ON 07711 421 444 four - having won all but one of our
games in 2008. However, 2009 was
Hatfield Heath unfortunately very different but high in drama! The
first half of the year was very forgetful - we struggled
VILLAGE HALL with players away or injured and were rooted to the
bottom of the table having won just one game. It was
Are Available for really disappointing because we were not doing
ourselves justice as a club which had been so recently
Children’s Parties very successful.
We desperately didn't want to go back down to
Celebrations division five and proceeded to pick ourselves up with
a much better second half of the summer. The turning
including point was when we finally managed to get our
strongest team out at Aspendon. This match showed
Wedding Receptions what we are capable of as we won by the massive
margin of 129 runs. Effervescent (just looked this
Classes etc., etc., word up - definition: vivacious, gay, lively, sparkling)
Michael Collins hit a personal best of 83 not out, star
PREFERENTIAL RATES batsman John Yates scored precious runs against his
FOR old club and Tom Mascall came in at the right time to
hit some huge sixes. Matt Potter, having returned to
LOCAL ORGANISATIONS Essex to play for us again, then got a five wicket haul
AND and the game lifted the team's spirits immensely as we
went on a great run in the league. We had superb wins
LOCAL RESIDENTS at home to a strong Bengeo side and away at
Braughing, but some hard losses against Harlow and
For Details Telephone Stansted. We were left with all sorts of permutations
going into the last day of the season at Thaxted, with
01279 730 544 our close rivals Aspendon away at Stansted.
Statistician Daniel Collins' brain was doing overtime
to work out how many bonus points we needed. We
put in a good performance, securing maximum
batting and bowling points as we lost a highly charged
game by 1 wicket. It left us needing to find out what
Aspendon had done... And we couldn't believe it
when it was discovered they'd lost by just one run,
leaving us safe by the skin of our teeth!
We felt we deserved to stay up and will obviously
look to be stronger in 2010, especially in the first half
with hopefully our best team available. Big thanks
have to go to our tea ladies who look after us and
produce some tidy melons.. Thanks also go to our
out-going selector Tom Mascall for his time and
effort into a very difficult task. More thanks to Peter McTimoney Chiropractic
Graves and Tim Mascall for huge dedication and our
many fans who support us every game. Youth cricket The gentle treatment suitable
has been going really well with lots of improvement for people of all ages
and trying hard.
New players are always welcome, just get in touch. Deborah Flack BSc (hons) Chiro MCA
We are having indoor nets up until the start of the
season at the end of April. 01279 870 077 / 07908 918 934
Mark Graves www.mctimoney-chiropractic.org
WELCOME TO THE HHCC WEBSITE! Lavender Barn, Brewers End,
Takeley, Essex CM22 6QJ
H.H. Cricket Club www.freewebs.com/hatfieldheathcc
Hatfield Heath is a picturesque and friendly village
located in Essex, England. Cricket has been at the PHYSIOTHERAPY
forefront of village life for over a hundred years.
Our ground, The Heath, is situated in the centre of Do you feel you’re falling apart?
the village, on show to all that pass through. It is a I can help put you back together!
wonderful site during summer months. Complete treatment from head to toe.
We play on Saturdays in the Herts and Essex
Cricket League and friendlies on Sundays. The Sports injuries
Heath also plays host to The White Horse, who play Back, neck and joint pain and stiffness
midweek games. – even long term
New players are always welcome, just get in touch Tight, painful muscles
with club captain Mark on 07999 416 424 Stress-related disorders and sleep problems
Chronic pain and swelling, and varicose veins
Post-operative rehabilitation
Arthritis exercises and education
To make an appointment
or for more information, please contact me:
BEEHIVE COURT LIGHTS Tel: 01279 718 331
[email protected]
Dear Bruno, www.holisticare.co.uk
Just wanted to thank you for your extensive Cannons Lane, Hatfield Broad Oak
and prominent publicity of the Beehive Court
lights this year. The good news is thanks to HIRE UR CHURCH HALL FOR
everybody’s efforts and generosity, we have BIRTHDAY PARTIES
collectively raised between £485 and £550
(depending on how much we get back in Gift You can hire the hall for children's parties
Aid) for the Children’s Home (Orphanage) at £9.50 / hour Tel :01279 730 581
Makutano, which will help significantly with
their food and clothing for the early part of Hatfield Heath Half Hour Helpers
this year. The bad news is that with such
encouragement we will probably do it all Need a friendly neighbour to help you?
again next year. with task that will take approx 30 mins e.g.
Kindest regards, Shopping small repairs collecting prescriptions etc.
Please note there is no ageism.
Anyone young or old can call for help from volunteers.
PHONE 07-944-748-478
Phone manned 10am to 12noon
Going on holiday? Paula offers personal pet care in their UNAPPROVED MINUTES OF
own home! Choosing Paula’s Petsitting Service you can
leave home knowing you will return to happy pets. PARISH COUNCIL MEETING
Dog walking also available. All at competitive rates
7.30 PM ON WED 13th JAN 2010
For more information, please call
01279 876 277 or 07986 270 336
Or email: [email protected] OPEN FORUM No member of public present.
For All Building Works - MINUTE
Extensions/Renovations - PRESENT: Cllr Bart Sheekey (BS) (Chairman) Cllrs
Decorating - Plumbing - Electrics Janet Briscoe (JB), Bob Jones (BJ), Mark Lemon (ML),
Carried Out with Great Attention to Detail David Parish (DP), Sandra Saban (SS), Mel Sullivan
Tel: 01279 757 323 07836 205 103 (MS) and Gary Waller (GW).
In attendance: Clerk to the Council Ernie Fenwick
James Gardening Service CHAIRMANS WELCOME:
All Garden Works Cllr Paula O'Sullivan (POS), family emergency
& Odd Jobs The minutes of the council meeting of 9th December
were signed as a true record of the meeting.
01279 651 498 07963 989 851 151 DECLARATION OF MEMBERS INTERESTS:
BS, ML, JB declared a personal non prejudicial interest
in Item 157 Planning re Little Heath Farm
Joy Shepherd (EALC) was unable to attend due to
weather conditions
South Forurn date to be altered as some councillors are
VILLA TO LET unable to attend. ML will raise the issue but is doubtful if
it can be changed
Beautiful villa to let 154 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ON AGENDA
in Menorca, Spain. ITEMS
See details online at Michael Hockley has spoken to BS regarding signage in
Friars Lane. To be discussed under Agenda Item
www.lacasacolina.co.uk 155 CLERKS REPORT:
Matters from last meeting and Action Register
APARTMENT TO LET Bench in Friars Lane
Barry Newman has agreed site with Michael Hockley but
15 mins from San Javier Airport, weather conditions have prevented installation.
Spain. 2 bed ground floor Play Area
Weather conditions have prevented repair to play area.
apartment with garden, sleeps 4. Fairs
From £150 pw. For availability Fairs have been offered to Mannings (Weekend after
Easter) and Perretts Amusements who have requested the
and further information telephone first weekend in September (4th/5th) as in previous years
BJ said that approval from Holy Trinity should have
01279 730 479 been sought before offering date.
Rural Verges
WORRIED ABOUT THE RISING ECC are currently unable to confirm any changes to
COST OF HEMP/SHAVINGS? cutting regime and suggest we base next years contract
New season barley straw available on this years quantities and rates, we will be advised as
soon as a decision has been made.
Free local delivery. Affordable Housing
Phone 07976 801 062 GW reported from the Affordable Housing Sub
Committee that he, BS and MS had met to narrow
down the short list of housing associations which are
partners of the Rural Community Council ofEssex, and
that Hastoe HA and English Rural HA had been selected. proposed that the council accept the report in its entirety.
Agreed BS thanked sub committee for their hard work.
The Sub Committee will be joining with Moira Groborz 159. VILLAGE GREEN - PLANTERS
ML approached gardening club for their views on
on 29 January to visit sites and meet with HA planters throughout the village. Next gardening club
meeting at end January.
It was resolved that we leave signage to Friars Lane as at
Correspondence present
St Clare Hospice notice to go into Village Magazine and Clerk has contacted ECC Passenger Transport Liaison.
Sonja who is dealing with this is on a course until next
into notice board. week
ML received report from Alan Wilton of a broken bridge ATTENDED ML reported he had discussed the waste
collection throughout the recent bad winter weather and
on the footpath 16 at the fields at rear of the egg farm. had complimented the staff on a job well done.
Unanimously approved by council. Clerk will also write
Clerk to pass details on to Teresa Mascall. to UDC
Training courses received from EALC INCLUSION ON NEXT AGENDA
i.Freedom of Info & Data Protection 19 January 9.30 - Road junction at Stortford Road
Local Development Framework
1.00 Affordable Housing
ii. Councillor Training Day 1 27 January 9.30 - 3.30
iii. Raise Profile of Parish Council 4 Feb 9.30- 12.30
iv. Roles & Responsibilities 11 February 9.30 - 12.30
v. Audit & Risk Assessment Day 12 Feb10.00 - 4.00
vi. The Power of Well Being 6 March 10.00 - 12.00
vii. Councillor Training Day 2 10 March 9.30 - 3.30
Council resolved that any councillor who wishes to attend
shall be allowed to attend. clerk to attend Audit & Risk
Assessment. BS to speak to POS
Clerk reported that current bank balances are
Deposit Account £ 32984.61
Current Account £111.56
The following payments were approved 132. DATES OF NEXT MEETINGS
E Fenwick Expenses 152.80 10th February 10th March
CVS Uttlesford S137 Grant 25
HH United Reform Church S137 Grant 250
Holy Trinity Church S137 Grant 250 IANS AUTOS
Clerk to circulate latest budget against expenditure
Decisions by UPC Planning Dept
Lyndune. Dunmow Road UTT1066/0.9/FUL Single
storey side extension: CONDITIONAL APPROVAL
St Davids Chelmsford Road UTT1223/09/FUL Extension
to extg driveway and new vehicle access:
4 Manse Cottages HH UTT/1267/09/FUL Replace Little Hallingbury
boundary wall with wooden fence, relocate parking bay The Dairy Farm, Lower Road, CM22 7PX
Applications Service and Repairs
Collected and Delivered
Little Heath Farm, Mill Lane HH UTT/1479/09/FUL.
on arrangement
Erection of 4 no dwellings with garages. No objections within a 5mile radius
Bramleys, Dunmow Road HH UTT/1222/09/FUL. OPENING HOURS
Replacement garage. No objections Monday - Friday 8am- 5pm
Saturday 8am - 1pm
TEl: 01279 724 534
It was resolved to send a strongly worded letter to the
leader of UDC and a copy to the Chief Executive
regarding the apparent lack of progress on enforcement
investigations within Hatfiled Heath. Many of the cases
have action by dates as old as May and June 2009 with
no sign of there being progress.
DP has circulated report to all councillors. DP thanked
MS, SS and POS for their help in preparing the report DP
(3.1 inches)
General DIY, Curtain Rails and Shelves Erected, Flat Packs
assembled. Patio, Drive and Brickwork Pressure Washed, 14 Hatfield Heath Rainfall December 2009
Fencing and Sheds Preserved and Repaired, Hedge Cutting, 12
10 Rainfall mm.
including Shrubs and Tree Pruning,
House Painting, Exterior & Interior, Windows Pipe Work and 8 1st
6 3rd
Weather Boards Stained and Painted. Fencing Erected, 4 5th
Gardens and Driveways Shingled and Pebbled. Guttering 2 7th
Unblocked, Roofs Moss and Mildew Power-washed Off. 0 9th
Please do not hesitate to ask. Contact lan and Jan at 11th
Day 13th
San Michelle, Jacks Lane, Takeley 17th
01279 873 933 26th
01279 870 968 30th
[email protected]
With last months rainfall a record, both in our village and
CONSERVATORY Nationally, December 2009 was wetter than average.
PLEATED From twenty three raindays, we received 3.11 inches,
ROLLER which is 43% above our averages. Significant amounts of
COMMERCIAL snow fell on five days.
Phone now for a friendly chat
December Highs 2000 - 3.48 inches
with Sue to get more information
1993 - 3.35 inches
Tel : 07885 510 400
December Low 1996 - 0.77 inches
We offer a
Complete Service 1991 - 0.75 inches
DESIGN The yearly total for 2009 came to 26.96 inches, which is
12 % above our average.
WOODWORK ETC. Records from Mr J Clitheroe indicated that 2.36 inches fell
All carried out with the minimum in Sawbridgeworth in 2009. Hatfield Heath, with few
of fuss and mess by experts!
Also all Plumbing & exeptions, receives 2 - 2½ inches more rain than
Domestic Heating Installations
Sawbridgeworth each year.
After our very wet November, December with it's low
Established in Harlow for over 45 years temperatures and snow saw the regular birds back in the
19 SERVICE BAY, WYCH ELM , HARLOW garden. A considerable number of male Blackbirds
appeared - one with a black rather than yellow beak. Our
female Blackbird, with unusual rust coloured breast
feathers is back. As I am writing our neighbour phoned
to say he also has a large contingent of Blackbirds.
This Xmas I received a most unusual and most welcome
present from the family - a pollinating Bee Box. (not a
Quote "This pollinating bee log is the natural home for
mason bees and other
solitary bees as well as a
variety of
Brian Bland
Below is what we found out about it
Turdus iliacus 07715 566 246
The redwing is most commonly 01279 876 352
encountered as a winter bird and is Bretts, Chelmsford Road,
the UK's smallest true thrush. Its White Roding, Essex CM6 1RF
creamy strip above the eye
and orange-red flank * Country Pine * Oak Furniture * Window Blinds *
patches make it *Bespoke Furniture made to your design*
distinctive. *Garden Furniture * Giftware *
They roam www.handmadepineproducts.co.uk
across the UK's
countryside, Tues - Sat 10am - 5pm and Sun 10am - 4pm Free Parking
feeding in fields and
hedgerows, rarely visiting HUNTERS MEET
gardens, except in the coldest weather when snow
covers the fields. Only a few pairs nest in the UK. LEISURE CENTRE & BEAUTY LODGE
Since writing this there has been a lot on television SPA DAYS ON YOUR DOORSTEP!
reporting the fact that the extremely cold weather Manicure or Pedicure, Luxury Clarins Facial, Swedish
has drawn a lot of birds you don't normally see into Back Massage. We know how to spoil you, feel truly
our gardens, in search of food. relaxed, have lunch around the pool. Use the solarium
½ Day pamper - morning , afternoon,
or between school hours
Gift Vouchers Available
01279 730 549
JOIN THE CLUB OR JUST VISIT Hallingbury Hall Equestrian Centre
Single membership for year £7 or Family £12 British Horse Society Approved
Non Member’s £2 per visit Riding lessons for children and adults
Hatfield Heath Gardening Club beginners to advanced riders
Call 01279 726 357 or 01279 730 498
PROGRAMME FOR 2010 Super indoor school, three outdoor arena's,
show jumping arena, and cross-country course
Meetings are every 4th Wednesday
At the Hatfield Heath Village Hall at 7.45pm We have super ponies from quiet schoolmasters to
January 27th Snowdrops Joe Sharman ones trained to do jumping and dressage
Children's own a pony day courses are held every
February 24th Wild Flowers of Hatfield Heath Wednesday and Thursday during the holidays, Great Fun!
Maximum four riders on a 45 minute lesson gain
March 24th. Gardening Techniques confidence and enjoy on one of our lovely sensible cobs
Improve your dressage, learn about tests
April 28th. My Gardening Year lateral work, engagement and collection
Or join a jumping lesson and
Rodney Tibs
practise courses, grids and related distances
May 26th. Plants of the Moment
Please ring or pop in for a chat
Tim Carter
01279 730 348
June 23rd. What’s in a Name
John Walker
Little Hallingbury, Bishops
July 28th. Outing to Hyde Hall Stortford, Herts CM227RP
August No Meeting
September 22nd. The Modern Herbaceous
Borde Aubrey Barker
October 27th. AGM and Members’
November 24th. A Year in the Fruit nd
Vegetable Garden Richard Barnett
Made to measure by
Jennie Childs
All types of Curtains & Matching Accessories
Made to measure
Telephone:01279 730 608
32 Broomfields, Hatfield Heath, Herts. CM22 7EH
Superb organic cleaning
of carpets, curtains,
upholstery & leather
• Organic carpet, Our treatments Hi, I just thought you might be interested that our
upholstery and
leather cleaning Remove daughter (Alexandra) has made the finals of a “Search
• Curtains & mattresses for Nancy” competition, which was launched earlier this
deep cleaned Remove
Dust year to find a girl to play Nancy in a musical production
• Guardsman stain Mites
protection plans of Oliver at the London O2 Arena on January 28th 2010.
• Oriental rug cleaning Bacteria Auditions took place last month in London and
• Allergy treatments Southend over several days and from those, just 20 were
sent to a two hour “boot camp” audition at The Centre
for Acts & Actors in London’s Covent Garden. After
• Expert spot and stain removal boot camp the numbers were whittled down to just
twelve, who are now going to battle it out on the 2nd of
• All work fully insured and guaranteed January at Shepperton Film Studios. The final will be
filmed for a TV documentary which is due to be aired in
November 2010 and will coincide with the release of a
For a FREE non-obligational quote call Matt: CD album of music from the show.
0800 7836647 There is an article about it in this week’s Observer (see
www.safeclean.co.uk link below), but at the time they did the report, we didn’t
know that she’d actually made it to the finals.
Best regards Keith Phillips
Broad Oak Consultants
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Email: [email protected]
Hatfield Heath teen up for role in Escape Valentines Special
Oliver! at O2 arena Stuck for ideas? why not purchase
a gift voucher for him or her at
By James Burton Escape Relaxing Aromatherapy Facial
including back, neck and shoulder massage
A HATFIELD Heath teenager has been plucked from using warm essential oil 1 hr 30 mins for only £40
hundreds of hopefuls to battle for a leading part in Oliver! at
London’s O2 Arena next month. or
Alexandra Philips, who attends Hockerill Anglo-European Tailor make a voucher for him or her for a more
College in Bishop’s Stortford, is one of just 20 young personal touch for more information please call
contenders for the role of good-time girl Nancy in the show.
The 17-year-old is waiting to hear the result of the second Sue Burgess 07740 432 417 01279 731 769
round of auditions. If she has been successful, she and 11
others will be pitted against each other at Surrey’s renowned ESCAPE
Shepperton Studios for the top prize.
While she is a keen performer with a Brentwood-based Also available
amateur theatre group, the teenager has no plans to pursue a IPL skin rejuvenation
career in the limelight. Ultimate spray tan
After finishing her International Baccalaureate at Hockerill, All aspects of beauty therapy
Alexandra – who lives in Stortford Road with parents Keith Deep tissue massage and holistic therapies
and Angela – hopes to study medicine and become a doctor.
She said: “I’ve never been to stage school or anything like Susan Burgess (ITEC)
that – performing is just something I got into a few years ago The Shaw, Hatfield Heath
when a friend persuaded me to join their theatre company.
“My dad told me about the competition and I decided to go 07740 433 417
for it. I’m not sure whether I’ll get the part – I’m certainly 01279 731 769 (fully insured)
hopeful, but I’ve never done an outside audition before so
I’m not sure what to expect.” Beautiful Holidays in Cornwall
The show, which takes place on January 28, is being held in
aid of the British Association of Adoption and Fostering by For more details please visit
national youth group West End Kids. www.beautifulcornwallholidays.co.uk
Auditions are still open, with more information available at
www.westendkids.co.uk or on (0208) 123 2025. or
Heath Computers Phone Wayne on 07958 482 889
For all your IT needs - 3 Bedroom holiday home,
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Whether you run a business, or are a home user,
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A few Examples:
Ornate Gates
Radio Controlled
01371 874 600
Unit 3 Station Yard Industrial Estate, Great Dunmow, Essex
Hatfield Haven Care Home “HOLD A FISH AND CHIP SUPPER
Stortford Road, Hatfield Heath, Bishops Stortford, Herts. CM22 7DL PEOPLE LIVE FULL AND
Tel: 01279 730 043
www.hatfieldhaven.co.uk Great British Fish and Chip Supper
Friday 21st May 2010
Serene and homely environment; Want to do something different? Want
24 hours care in compliance with CSCI Care to raise money where you live or
Standards; work? Want to eat Fish and Chips,
Medical care provided by local group practice; while raising money for charity? Hold a fish and chip
district nurse, physiotherapist and a chiropodist; supper on Friday 21st May 2010 whilst raising
Highly qualified and motivated staff - RMA and awareness of spinal cord injury and supporting SIA’s
NVQ qualifications; information and support services.
17 newly refurnished and redecorated rooms;
Each bedroom fitted with washbasin, TV and You can hold a fish and chip supper in your own home,
call system to summon help; at work or hold a larger supper at your local community
A large day lounge with TV and radio; centre.
Large dining room with excellent meals on offer
by the in-house chef; SIA will provide a fundraising pack containing hints
A Stair lift and a passenger lift to all floors; and tips, recipes, invitations and donation envelopes.
Activities includes talks, parties, summer By inviting 7 friends and asking them to donate an
barbecues, flower arranging e.t.c additional £5.00 means you will raise at least £35.00
from your supper but we will also give you additional
Kindly drop by for viewing and to pick up our User fundraising ideas to raise even more money for SIA.
Guide and Statement of purpose. For placement and
other enquiries, please contact Last year we had over 80 suppers taking part in
England and Wales. In 2010 we want to double that
Amanda Austin (Manager) figure and ensure we can provide more support to
email : [email protected] spinal cord injured people.
Jane Chapman-Kane
email: [email protected]
The money raised from the suppers will help the Spinal
Injuries Association offer support to individuals who
become paralysed and their families, from the moment
a spinal injury occurs, and for the rest of their lives by
providing services and publications which enable and
encourage paralysed people to lead independent lives.
Every year in the UK over 1,000 people experience a
spinal cord injury and there are an estimated 40,000
has opened in Sawbridgeworth, spinal cord injured people in the UK alone.
offering a range of Studio and Community Fundraising Officer, Elizabeth Wright,
mat classes to suit all ages and says, “The Fish and Chip Supper is a wonderful
level of fitness. opportunity for a great evening with friends and family.
Pilates will help to:- We are also encouraging people who work to hold a
Fish and Chip Lunch in their work places to raise even
Improve Strength & Flexibility more funds. You may be even a local community group
Improve Posture wanting to run a fun evening with your group.
Be a part of something special and make a real
Improve Balance difference to help spinal cord injured people gain
Telephone Co-ordination & Circulation access to the information and support they need to
enable them to live full and independent lives.”
07887 808 928 Reduce Stress
For more information or request a fundraising pack call
Absolute Pilates, Allen House, G27, Elizabeth Wright on 0845 678 6633 xtn 229 or email
The Maltings,Sawbridgeworth, Herts CM21 9JX [email protected] visit www.spinal.co.uk
SNOW ANGELS The Barringtons bought the rest of the Hatfield Estate
including the lordship on the Manor,Deep-rooted disputes
Looking out of the window, from the warmth of The scene was now set for 200 years of quarrels between the
one's bedroom, at the beautiful snow, one thinks it is Barringtons with their forest rights and manorial jurisdiction,
a winter wonderland. The dream was shattered as I and the Morleys (and their successors) with their ancient
went to Bishop's Stortford for a quick visit & the forest rights. The Morleys paid dearly for their support of
journey back took 2 hrs. the King and their family influence, especially within the
Hatfield area was greatly reduced. Morley was the 5th owner
Within minutes the road was slippery & cars were of Hatfield to have committed treason, he kept his head, but
unable to go more than 1 mile an hour speed. his estate was confiscated by an Act of Parliament in 1649.
Fortunately the estate was not solely his, and so after his
The hilly road between Bishop's Stortford & Hat- death Parliament returned the estate to his son Thomas.
field Heath can be a lovely drive (countryside) on a
bright day, but 5 pm on the wintry night was a night- Hatfield Fair riot of 1613
mare, which one would like to forget.
The disputes in the early years concentrated mainly on issues
I have long forgotten the long queues & the cars regarding fencing and boundaries of coppicing, wood
stuck/abandoned on the hill, but I still remember removed from the forest, hedges, damage by woodcutters
some wonderful people who pushed my car up the removing underwood and of course grazing rights. A famous
hill. case was the riot at Hatfield Fair in 1613.
Lord Morley thought that when he had bought the forest, he
I wish to thank those people who were helping the also got the valuable rights to run the large fair. This he
drivers up the hill in Hallingbury. I could only thank discovered was not true; it belonged to a lessee of Lord Rich.
them (politeness) but thought of writing a heartfelt Morley though ran the fair himself for the next 20 years,
thanks to those angels who came out to help me & causing friction and violence between the two men.
many other people. When the Barringtons bought the manor rights from Lord
Rich, they tried to stop Morley from running the fair and in
If there were more people like them and people got 1613 it turned in to a riot. The Barringtons won later cases,
together to help the needy, the world would be a and transferred the fair to Hatfield Town, then to Hatfield
much better place to live in. Heath where it stayed until the 1860s when it faded away
Thank you again. The full version can be found on the National Trust website
Please tick which applies to you:
Post-royal forest I am interested in hosting a small gathering at
home to earn 15% commission in free Jme goods
Looking for something else I came across this the history of of my choice & further bonuses/freebies
Hatfield Forest, what made me read on was the heading I am interested in hosting a party to raise money
further down - “Hatfield Fair riot of 1613” Below is an for charity
excerpt I am interested in attending a local Jamie Oliver
The disruption period I am curious and would like more information but
300 years of Quarrels and Disputes between the Landowning am unsure at the moment whether I wish to host a
families and Commoners party
The medieval fabric of Hatfield Forest did not alter very
much with the king relinquishing his forest rights in 1444, to If you ticked a box call Hannah on 730375 or
the owner the Duke of Buckingham. 07956563710 to discuss your Jamie Oliver at home
The Dukes of Buckingham continued to own Hatfield. The party and the many benefits/free items you can get.
3rd Duke in 1519 created a major dispute when he tried to
enclose the common land to create a deer park. Tuesday - Friday 12 -2pm
The next owner was the infamous Lord Rich, Henry VIII’s
solicitor-general, who did all the King’s dirty work.After Snack and full menu available
Henry’s death, Edward VI promoted Rich to Lord
Chancellor, giving him all the Estate of Hatfield including Monday - Saturday Day times
the forest and its rights. Lord Rich founded Felsted School
close to the forest. LITE BITES & LUNCHES NEW
Meanwhile the Barringtons, the hereditary chiefs, keepers 1main course £6.92 2 courses £9.95
of the forest, and woodward were coming up in the world.
Lord Rich, as owner of the forest, continued to have Pensioners Lunch £5.95
continuous disputes which may have influenced them to sell
their interest in the Forest in 1592. 01279 730 549
They sold the forest to another local family, the Morleys.
Website: www.huntersmeet.co.uk
1 11.30 for noon Luncheon Club URC INSTITUTE 730 544 Ann Whale 01279 731 288
3 10.30 Holy Communion The Close PRE-SCHOOL FOOTBALL CLUB 730 212
20.00 Leisure Hour URC (2 ½ -5) CRICKET CLUB 730 674
6 19.30 Bridge Club Quiz H 730 354
08.00 Holy Communion HT URC and play reading for pleasure
FRIDAY CLUB (7-12 years) 730 825 or 730 517
09.30 Family Service HT 730 465 HISTORY SOCIETY
10.30 Family Service URC JO JINGLES Robin Gurnett 730 672
18.00 Service at The Close (6 mths - 7years) 868 410 ROYAL BRITISH LEGION
18.30 Evensong HT 730 042
09.30 Holy Communion HT SCOUTS 812 586 WOMANS LEISURE HOUR
10.30 Family Service with Communion CUBS Chris Hancock 730 465
15-19 inclusive Half Term for Pre-school and 731 646 CATHOLIC CHURCH
BROWNIES 734 391 Hatfield Broad Oak
School SUNDAY CLUB 01371 872 550
17 11.30 for noon Luncheon Club URC 9.30am Holy Trinity 730 288 TALKING NEWSPAPERS
20.00 Leisure Hour URC 01279 651 270
731 318 SECRETARY U.R.C.
08.00 Holy Communion HT KARATE 445 539 Mark Lemon 730 581
09.30 Matins JUNIOR KARATE
10.30 Family Service URC 01992 575 679
24 10.30 Holy Communion HT HEALTH WALK
21.45 Gardening Club H Friday 10am outside
H-Village Hall / CR-Committee Room H / HT-Holy SENIOR BOWLS 724 833 Broomfield Surgery
Trinity Church / URC-United Reform Church / I- 730 512
Institute / S-School OPEN BOWLS 730 539
GARDENING CLUB Monday 10.30am Village Car
730 425 Park 722 156
Sunday 20th June 2010 MORNING AT INSTITUTE
LUNCHEON CLUB Uttlesford Badger Group
For all Senior Citizens
730 581 Derek Barry (on call 24/7 )
ITALIAN LANGUAGE 01279 503332 Home
Michelina 07786 341 754 07941185171 Mbl
Village Hall Alzheimer’s Society
Weds 9.30am 07776 221 975 01372 872 519
Village Hall Fridays 9.30am 07776 221 975
FOR UNDER FIVES Hatfield Heath Half Hour Helpers
Need a friendly neighbour to help you?
with task that will take approx 30 mins e.g.
Buffy Bus is a playbus designed to give the under fives an Shopping small repairs collecting prescriptions etc.
opportunity to paint, play and socialise in a playgroup Please note there is no ageism.
environment that they would otherwise not have access to Anyone young or old can call for help from volunteers.
PHONE 07-944-748-478
PARKS ON CENTRE OF VILLAGE GREEN Phone manned 10am to 12noon
TUESDAYS 9.30am - 11am
URC Hall Wed 7.30pm
10th February 10th March School.....www.hatfieldheath.essex.sch.uk
PARISH COUNCIL Village Website www.hatfield-heath.co.uk
Parish Clerk - Ernie Fenwick............... 730 770 Village Magazine
Chairman - Bart Sheekey.................... 730 663 www.hatfield-heath.co.uk/magazine
Vice Chairman Paula O’Sullivan...............730 281 Surgery Websites
Mark Lemon (District Councillor)....... 730 581 (Repeat prescriptions can be applied for on these sites)
Mel Sullivan............................................ 731 434
Robert Jones........................ 730 741 H. H.Football Club www.hatfieldheathfc.co.uk
David Parish (H.H.Tenants Forum Mem.).730 573
Gary Waller.......................................... 739 345 H.H. Cricket Club www.freewebs.com/hatfieldheathcc
Janet Briscoe............................................. 730 674 Bridge club www.hatfieldheathbridgeclub.org.uk
Sandra Saban..............................................730 042 Terry’s Photos www.terrysphotos.org.uk
FRIDAY 10am Broomfields Surgery
Paul Simpson ....................................730 026
David. N. Parish............................... 730 573 MON 10.30 am Little Hallingbury car park
HATFIELD HEATH The Mobile Library Hatfield Heath
Tuesday visits Fortnightly
There will be a retired policeman Rick Jones at the Broomfields 2.45pm to 3.35pm
police station who you can talk to on The Close 3.40pm to 4pm
The Heath 4.05pm to 4.35pm
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5pm - 6.30pm
Held at the Police Station 6-7pm
PCSO Jo Trevail-Philips Email:[email protected]
Pc Brad Healey Email: [email protected]
Mobile for above police officers........ 07779 316 979 Feb
Police Great Dunmow............................ 01376 551 312 Email :- [email protected]
Police Hatfield Heath.......... ................. 01279 730 388
Emergency ............................................... 999 Send your letters /articles/ reports /photographs, by hand, floppy
DOCTORS Broomfields......................... 01279 730 616
DOCTOR Sawbridgeworth.................... 08444 773 360 disc, CD, or email - [email protected].
THE SAMARITANS............................... 01279 421 110
HATFIELD HEATH C.P. SCHOOL...... 01279 730 382 If posting or delivering by hand you can send direct to me :-
PRE-SCHOOL........................................ 01279 730 354
Bruno(Editor) “Manor Lodge”, Chelmsford Rd, Hatfield
Rev Brian Surtees.. .................................... 01277 363 607 Heath CM22 7BD.
Gerald Pearson .............................................01279 730 526 Editor: - Bruno Scheggia (Skedja) 01279 730 498
Lesley Noel ................................................ 01279 730 390
Elsie Baker ...................................................01279 734 013 Bruno’s Mobile Phone number 07768 606309
Fiona Klimeke............................................. 01279 831 965
Treasurer: - Mel Sullivan 01279 731 434
URC Rev Terry Keen......................
Distribution:-Barbara Scheggia 01279 730 498
HALF HOUR HELPERS........................ 07944 748 478
Secretary: - Jean Clarke
Chairman - Brendan Carrig
Printed by Cornerstone 01279 437 851
DISCLAIMER: The Editor and Printers do not take
responsibility for the information given or views expressed in
the Hatfield Heath Village Magazine. Nor is any culpability
accepted in work done by advertisers.
Here to help you through difficult times
Thank you to everyone who has helped make Holy
01277 366677 Trinity’s anniversary year so enjoyable and rewarding.
The range of activities and the contribution of both local
24 HOUR SERVICE people and visitors made our 150th. birthday very
special . I hope we will be compiling a record of all the
Chapels of Rest Pre paid funeral plans activities and we would love to hear from you if you have
any comments, photo’s or observations.
email: [email protected] I would also like to thank everyone who braved the snow
before Christmas to attend our special services and those
Daniel Robinson who helped in all sorts of ways to enhance our Christmas
& Sons celebrations . I know the snow after Christmas was even
worse, and as I write I am looking at the last of a
Independent Family snowman slowly fading into a puddle. Personally it will
Funeral Directors & Monumental Masons not be the snow, but the fire at our sister Church in
Sheering that I will remember when I think about the
A personal caring service start of 2010. On behalf of the Church family there I
from family business day or night. would like to thank everyone who has expressed
Our trained staff will be pleased to give free sympathy and concern at the devastation of their
confidential advice on any matter beautiful ancient building.
GOLDEN 3 BULLFIELDS Church life is always integrated with the place where
CHARTER SAWBRIDGEWORTH worship takes place, but the heart of the Church is the
congregation and its relationship with God and the
FUNERAL PLANS (01279) 722476 community it seeks to serve. On the 17th.February Holy
Trinity is joining with the United Reformed Church to
79/81 SOUTH STREET WYCH ELM invite anyone from the village to meet us in the institute
BISHOP'S STORTFORD HARLOW to talk about the kind of expectations you have of your
churches and to let us know if there are things you would
(01279) 655477 (01279) 426990 like us to do differently.
HASLERS LANE 146 HIGH STREET This is especially relevant as during 2009 my colleague
GREAT DUNMOW EPPING Rev’d Terry Keen was instituted to the care of the United
Reformed Church while Holy Trinity had to begin the
(01371) 874518 (01992) 560890
24 hour Family Careline
Golden Charter Pre-Payments Plans
process of seeking a new incumbent after Canon JLY Bookkeeping Services
Potter’s retirement. These changes give an ideal
opportunity to take on board new ideas – and we want ICB Certificated & Sage Qualified in
yours! The meeting will also give an opportunity to
answer any questions you may have about church Bookkeeping & Payroll Services - Self-Employed,
matters. Although billed as a “public meeting” we will
keep the tone informal and provide refreshments. Sole Traders & Small Businesses - VAT Returns
Year End – Profit & Loss Friendly & Efficient Service
This letter has been about local matters, but I am writing
it 3 days into the awful earthquake tragedy in Haiti. As Call Jaime Yardley AICB (Comp)PM.Dip
church people we will pray for the countless numbers of Home - 01279 877 957
people who have been killed or maimed and I am sure
we will give generously through Christian Aid and other Mobile – 07512 688 373
organisations. I have been asked about why these things
happen and cannot even pretend to give an answer – it is [email protected]
our response that matters and my position is “We pray
because giving isn’t enough and we give because Professional Indemnity Insurance and a Computerised 4446
praying isn’t enough”. There is a very old Indian prayer Associate Member of the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers
that asks for help at times when we simply don’t
understand what’s happening: DIXON & CO
“From the unreal lead me to the real CHARTERED CERTIFIED ACCOUNTANTS
From darkness lead me to light For local, friendly advice contact Paul Dixon
From death lead me to deathlessness” Wallburys, Stortford Road, Hatfield Heath, CM22 7DL
Christians believe that the answer to that prayer is Jesus Tel: 01279 739076
Christ who said “I am the way, the truth and the life”.
Email: [email protected]
Best wishes, www.dixonandco.com
Brian Surtees (Rev’d) Special Event?
UNITED REFORMED CHURCH Want to give a personal Gift?
A verse for any occasion.
Chelmsford Road
Bev Rogers 07796 493 453
Sunday 24th January
Service of Christian Unity 10.30am.
Preacher:- Archdeacon Martin Webster HATFIELD HEATH INSTITUTE
Drop in for Tea, coffee and light refreshments
10.00 AM – 12 NOON
FREE but donations welcome
Did anyone hear the aircraft this morning?
(Sat 2/1/2010) It was very reminiscent of July last
year, I was woken at the usual 6.15am, along with my
4 year old daughter!
Maybe this was a reminder of what we have to come
unless we carry on making these complaints
preferably through the SSE website so Martin Peachy
can keep track of the numbers, as there has been a
considerable reduction on the number of complaints
received. I appreciate that due to the Winter season
GM Property Maintenance the number of flights are reduced and the change of
Decorating Specialists the wind direction meaning the take off is over
Est. 1987 Broxted as supposed to HH, but if we hear something
Specialising in: that is not acceptable then we must complain.
Home interior and exterior decoration
Building maintenance and restoration Sawbridgeworth, are now on the case as well and
Professional and reliable service Fully insured
complaining, Martin has a NTWG meeting on the
Tel: 01279 730733
07867 805382 14th Jan and will be reporting figures, so I cannot
E-mail: [email protected] stress enough ...........we must complain when we hear
CARPENTER unacceptable noise levels!!
John Adamson I really appreciate your time and help
Bespoke fitted furniture Kind regards Jo Stewart
Free quotations Fully insured
Hi everyone,
07779 715 888 01371 811 688 Hope you are all well. Just an update to say that the
next BAA noise and track keeping meeting is today,
HERTS HEATING Monday 18 Jan and Martin Peachy of SSE has a
long list of issues to deal with, including progress on
Town Grove, Dunmow Road, Hatfield Heath, solving the problems with the changed departure
Bishops Stortford, Herts CM22 7BN procedure and the Air Asia planes over Hatfield
Heath. I know Martin has inspected the noise
monitor in the garden of Broomfields surgery and
Martin will be asking BAA if we can have some
early results. It is our understanding that BAA has
also made progress on a possible new Clacton route
further north of the village that can be trialed in
April, more information regarding this route will be
available after the meeting with BAA. Jo
For all your Gas Installation and Servicing needs HOW TO REPORT NOISE
High Efficiency Condensing Boiler Installations
Gas Boiler Servicing and Breakdowns Air Asia X flights – the source of many noise problems
Landlord’s Gas Safety Records for the community over the last year or so – are being
Free Quotations for gas heating installations temporarily rescheduled for two days on 20 and 21
Plumbing and Pipework January due to engineering works. This means that the
Replacement Bathrooms, including Tiling & flight times for arrivals and departures on those dates
Decoration will be around five hours later than normal. If you are
Local company established in 1974. bothered by these flights – or indeed any unusually
Gas Safe register number 222 noisy aircraft, report your concerns via our website.
Call us on 01279-730 060 www.stopstanstedexpansion.com
Fax us on 01279-730 065 You can use this link to report aviation fuel smells, too.
E-mail us at [email protected] Please give as much information as you can.
You can complain about aircraft noise or smells/oily CARPETS
droplets by
phone on 0800 243 788 SUPPLIED & FITTED
or you can use the form which will be sent to BAA Steve & Donna
Stansted Noise Line with a copy to the SSE Noise Group
EMAIL [email protected] via the SSE website Office: 01279 730 172 Mob:07939 739 845
or Department for Transport:- [email protected]
WRITE To the Flight Evaluation Unit:- BAA Stansted, Unit 11 Heathview Pond Lane Hatfield Heath CM22 7AB
Noise Communications Team, Enterprise House,
Stansted Airport, Stansted, Stansted, Essex, CM24 1QW
OR C/O Aviation Noise Policy, AviationEnviromental
Division, Department for Transport, Zone 1/22, Great
Minister House , 76 Marsham Street, London
Carpentry & Roofing
SUNDAY AFTERNOONS Loft and Garage conversions
FEBRUARY TO MARCH Kitchens & Bathrooms
references available on request
Call Mark Savage
Tel: 01279 739 409
Mobile: 07718 539 969
The much-loved Gardens of Easton Lodge will be CORNELL DECORATORS LTD
opening for four, possibly five Sunday afternoons from
mid February to mid March to show off the magnificent • Interior & Exterior decoration
snowdrop carpets which are always a delight. • carried out to a high specification.
The annual ‘Snowdrops’ event has become a must-see • Full public liability.
feature of the garden lovers’ calendar as the many • 30 yrs Experience
thousand blooms
herald the advent of • Ceilings papered.
spring. And after such • Wall coverings and wall paper hung
a snowy January
they’ll be more Contact Steve.
welcome than ever. Phone : 01279 724 805 Mobile : 07836 588 886
A volunteer team will
be manning the gates E-mail: [email protected]
and serving home Address: Field View, Sheering, Herts.
made soups, hot chocolate and other drinks in the
courtyard of Warwick House to sustain visitors who
venture out to see the first signs of the changing season.
Opening hours will be 12 noon to dusk (around 4pm) and
entrance costs just £2.50 for adults, with admission for
children free.
Exact opening dates will be confirmed in early February
since these depend so much on the bulbs themselves and
an update can be obtained by phoning the recorded
information service on 01371 876979, from
www.eastonlodge.co.uk or by emailing
[email protected].
The Gardens of Easton Lodge is located just outside Great
Dunmow in Little Easton, off the B184 (Great Dunmow
to Saffron Walden road). Follow the brown heritage signs.
Visit our website for information and THE CHURCHES IN HATFIELD
details of all our photographic services
Your Local Photographic Services Company HEATH INVITE YOU TO A
In Hatfield Heath Studio
Enquiries to WEDNESDAY 17th FEBRUARY
Christopher Bayston The last year has seen the arrival of the Rev’d Terry
Keen as the minister at the United Reformed
MA (Cantab) ARCO Church, Holy Trinity has celebrated their 150th.
anniversary and after well over 20 years in the
01279 731 711 parish, Canon Tim Potter has retired.
We would like to meet with people who are not
MALLON TREE CARE church members to discuss what you - as the
community - value in the churches or would like to
NPTC QUALIFIED STAFF see us do differently. This is your chance to have
15 YEARS EXPERIENCE your say - but not the only chance as we are always
ready to listen to ideas or comments from anyone in
FULL INSURANCE the village.
For Holy Trinity this will be an important meeting
as it will help the Church leaders shape the
discussions that will take place as we continue the
process of seeking the right person to be the next
rector of the parish. If you would like to talk to us
about anything arising
from this please contact:
Rev’d Terry Keen(URC) 01279 626771 or
Rev’d Brian Surtees (Holy Trinity) 01277 363607
Leisure Hour
Wednesday 3rd Feb 8pm
To be arranged
Wednesday 17th Feb 8pm
Snap out of it! - Chris & Janet South
ALL TREE WORK We meet at the U R Church Chelmsford Road
New Members and visitors welcome
UNDERTAKEN AT Jean 01279 730 465
The Luncheon Club
CALL If there is anyone who would like to help us cook or serve
OFFICE : 01279 877726 these meals please give me a ring on 01279 730 581 we
MOBILE : 07946 550777 would very much appreciate your help-We could put your
07986 147 914
name on our rota-
[email protected]
I would like to thank all those volunteers who have helped
us continue this Club in 2009 - your help has been
Thank you Judy Lemon
Find us in YELL 01279 730 581
I am very pleased to announce that The Heath LADIES and GENTS
Players will once again be transforming the SPECIAL PRICES:Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s for Senior Citizens
village hall into an intimate theatre this spring.
We will be performing Tim Whitnall’s black OPEN: Tues & Wed 9am - 5pm• Thur 9am -1pm
comedy thriller The Sociable Plover on
Thursday 4th, Friday 5th and Saturday 6th Fri 9am-6pm • Sat 9am-1pm FULLY TRAINED
March at 8pm. This is a fantastic two hander
featuring the very talented Lee Barnes and Heath View, Pond Lane, Hatfield Heath
Martin Bedwell. This is Lee’s third performance Tel: 01279 730 870 LONDON HAIR STYLISTS
with Heath Players and Martins fifth; Martin also directed
Under the Stars for us three years ago. SECURE YOUR PROPERTY
It is very difficult to tell you ALARM SYSTEMS - CCTV - INTERCOMS
much about the play without
giving away the plot, what I can FOR ALL YOUR ELECTRONIC SECURITY NEEDS CALL
reveal is that the play is set in a
dimly lit bird hide on the Suffolk C F SECURITY
marshes. This is the setting for
Roy’s (Martin Bedwell) big day. 0800 955 8909
Just one more bird to spot, the
elusive Sociable Plover, if he FOR A NO OBLIGATION QUOTE
makes it he will be added to the
list of all time great twitchers and FLYING HIRE
get his own dot on the map. Roy
has planned this day down to the CAR & CHAUFFEUR SERVICES
last detail; the only thing he FOR ALL OCCASIONS
didn’t anticipate was Dave (Lee Barnes). This is an
exquisitely balanced black comedy thriller. It is often funny, To and from Stansted, Luton, Heathrow,
sometimes sad and ultimately very moving. You will be Gatwick and City airports
forgiven for thinking that a play about bird watching doesn’t
sound very auspicious, but I promise that you will never Corporate & A complete
think of bird watchers in the same way ever again! Sporting events London Service
National meetings Shopping trips
Rehearsals are under way and we are working hard to bring Theatre/dinner Hospital visits
you a fantastic show. So please do come and support the trips
group and see the play. Tickets will be available from 15th Urgent courier
February from the Village Tea Rooms/Post Office or by Guided tours services
calling 01279 730544. We have kept our ticket prices the
same as last year, £8 or £7 for concessions on Thursday only. Weddings
We have also been invited to appear at Castle Hall on 24th
March as part of Hertford Theatre Week 2010. Some of you Our fleet of air conditioned vehicles
will know that we won this prestigious festival last year ranges from executive cars to luxury
with Over the River and Through the Woods directed by
Steve Foster. You can buy tickets for this event by people carriers and coaches
contacting Castle Hall box office by phone on 01992 531
500. I look forward to seeing you after the show! NEW - GROUP TRAVEL
Chrissie Agnew (director) 8 passenger vehicles now available for all events
DO YOU NEED A CARER ? For professionalism with the personal touch
contact Chris New at
Tel: 01279 721 427 Fax: 01279 723 947
AVAILABLE Mobile: 07968 026 032
We are experienced carers or visit our informative website:
For more details please contact us on www.stansted-airport-taxis.com
07900 067 158
01582 431 902
*** MD Health International ***
For free advice & information on: Hatfield Heath Pre-School
Candelight Carols
* Call Michelle on 0800 298 5280 * in aid of raising funds for the
Pre-School Garden Project
Independent Herbalife Distributor
IYENGAR YOGA we would like to thank all who
attended the above carol singing on
Classes to suit all ages the Heath and for their very kind
and levels of flexibility It was a very enjoyable event for
everyone, full of Christmas spirit &
Beginners/intermediate/over 50's we hope to continue this new
tradition next Christmas.
Day and Evenings Available Thank you for your continued
Contact Jenny support
& our best wishes for 2010.
01279 730 751 The Hatfield Heath Pre-School
07946 777 669 Committee
Email: [email protected] Hatfield Heath Farmers Market
Coming Soon – Help Wanted
Helpers/Committee for: teas and coffees, parking,
leafleting/putting up signs, advertising, suggestions.
Sellers: Local People that make good produce, have
insurance and have Food Hygiene Certificate. Please send
a description of what you sell, your location, name and
contact details.
Feedback: What would you like to see there? Do you
have a recommended seller?
The farmers market will be located in Hatfield Heath
Village Hall on the fourth Saturday of every month from
10am until 12.30pm. Stalls will cost £15 each or £10 for
half stalls. The farmers market will be a source of good
local produce that you can buy direct from the farmer:
reducing food miles & encouraging local produce.
Trial market expected to be on 27th March 10am-12.30pm
and if all goes well Hatfield Heath Farmers Market will
start permanently from the 22nd May 2010.
Please contact Hannah on 01279 730 375 or 07956 563
710 if you have suggestions, are a potential stall holder
or would like to offer help. Stall applications can be
emailed to [email protected].
Red Barn new ideas to help turn a difficult way of living into a
Interiors Limited manageable way of life with accessible storage
solutions and many gadgets at our disposal we like
Beautiful Hand- made nothing better than to be set the challenge of your
Kitchens, Bedrooms needs .
Office Furniture Our work shop is always open to the public by
appointment and is easily accessible . come and see
how our traditional furniture is made.
Red Barn Interiors Ltd, Telephone: 01279 722 811 Family run business
Greenleys, Slough Road, Allen Green, Sawbridgeworth, Herts, CM21 0LR We offer a friendly service
and take pride in our high
Email: [email protected] standard of fitting
Website:www.redbarninteriors.co.uk LAMINATE FLOORING
Free estimates & advice
We are a local company based in Allens Green
Sawbridgeworth established for seven years making We can supply to all local areas
fine quality kitchen /bedroom home office and including: Sawbridgeworth,
general furniture for the public and trade. Bishop’s Stortford, Harlow,
We have noticed that needs of elderly and disabled Elsenha, Hatfield Broadoak,
people are over looked by the big high street Hatfield Heath
company's who seem only interested in making a
fast buck out of selling standard size mass produced 111a London Road Sawbridgeworth Herts CM21 9JJ
imported furniture.
As a small company our aim is to create furniture for T:01279 724878 - F:01279 724878
any room in your home that suit's the needs of any
disability for instance kitchen sinks that are easily Woollcott House Restaurant
accessible from a wheelchair or automatic handle
less doors and drawers for people struggling with Gt Hallingbury 01279-504 397
arthritis , bedside chest of drawers on wheels so they
can be manoeuvred easily to create space for www.woollcott house.co.uk
walking frames. 2010 Opening hours
We believe your home furniture should work with
you not against you . so we are always looking for Wednesday to Saturday evenings.
Thursday, Friday and Sunday lunchtimes
( other times by arrangement)
Regular Dinner Dances. Superb Choice of Menu.
A la Carte menu and Table D'Hote Menu's available.
Private Parties, Wedding Reception Packages
available, Christenings, Funeral refreshments.
Ideal location for a large marquee, ample parking.
There is NO ROOM CHARGE for exclusivity.
Sunday lunch a speciality. No relays! A leisurely lunch.
Former Deputy Headteacher WWW. PLAYHOUSEHARLOW.COM
very effective at raising standards
Thursday 4 – Saturday 6 February JENNY MYHILL
Reading techniques coached; books loaned SCHOOL OF DANCE AND PERFORMING ARTS –
Clearly taught NC maths AN EVENING OF DANCE 2010
the Bishop’s Stortford-based school is sure to entertain
Quality of writing and handwriting improved the whole family.
SATs, 11+ and Common Entrance
Weekly follow-up activities
01279 600 102
Denise Ings
King’s Thursday, 2 Rowney Gardens, Sawbridgeworth, CM21 0AT
[email protected]
Sunday 7 February THE JIVE ACES The Jive Aces
are the UK's top jive & swing band
Friday 12 February U2UK
Saturday 13 February BRENDA TAYLOR
Sunday 14 February A NIGHT OF
Wednesday 17 February GLORIOUS
39 (Cert 12A) Director: Stephen Poliakoff
Thursday 18th Feb BOOGIE PETE LIVE!
Friday 19 February THUNDERSLAM
WRESTLING The boys are back in town!
Hobbs Cross Road Saturday 20 February ABBA THE STEWART LEE
Old Harlow SHOW
CM17 0NJ Sunday 21 February MEMORIES ARE
Tel. 01279 429 910
Wednesday 24 Feb STEWART LEE If
www.saintnicholasschool.net you prefer a milder comedian, please ask
for one.
Saint Nicholas Thursday 25 February THE
Friday 26 February MORECAMBE
A small independent school, Saturday 27 February THE CHICAGO BLUES
located in BROTHERS Europe’s
Churchgate Street, Old Harlow Sunday 28 February
We take pupils from Reception
through to Year 11 FORTHCOMING EVENTS
• Small class
sizes Friday 12 Feb – Quiz at the Playhouse 7.30 for 8pm
Sunday 21 Feb – AGM at the Playhouse - nibbles
• Wide range of
curricular and from 1.30pm, AGM 2pm prompt.
activities Reduced price tickets are then available to attendees
for “Memories Are Made of Hits”
• Extensive
grounds Friday 23 April-Quiz at the Playhouse 7.30 for 8pm
Membership £10 per annum includes concession rates on
• Heated pool many tickets
For more information please ring 01279 730 544.
St Clare Hospice is looking for adventurous people who Here at Hunters Meet , on Friday and Saturday
want to make 2010 a year to remember. The charity is nights, we hold some of the best
organising a sponsored trek on the Great Wall of China Dinner Dance & Cabarets Nights in the country!
in September and is encouraging local people to sign up
to help raise funds for people in its care. Sat 6th Band-Shout & Comedian Ian
Richards £38
Fri 12th Night of Dance with Malibu £38
Sat 13th Band-Spice & Comedian- Tucker£38
Fri 19th and Sat 20th Band-Baby Go Boom
& Comedian-Phill Lowen £38
01279 730 549
Do y ou n eed so m e h e lp w it h
Caroline and Russell Waller from Hatfield Heath
Road Sawbridgeworth have already taken up the in the New Year.
challenge and urge other Lo ca lp r iv at e, c le a n er is av a il a b le ,
people to join them on this I am v e ry re li a b le & h a rd w o rk in g .
fantastic adventure. H a t f ie ld H e at h / L it t le H a l li n g b u ry
Caroline says: “We both P le a se ca ll m e a ny t im e to h e lp y ou d u r in g th is t im e
celebrate our 50th
Birthdays this year and K a ty a 0 79 72 0 10 981
instead of receiving My re fe re n ce is w il li n g to te ll y ou a b o ut m y fa n ta st ic
presents, we felt that we se rv ic e th at I o ff e r
wanted to mark the Y ou ca n ca ll h er on
occasion by doing something for someone else and what Te l0 7 9 32 00 6 08 6
an opportunity to do both by walking the Great Wall of
China. There are still spaces available on the trek and the
more people who sign up the more funds we will raise for
St Clare Hospice”. If readers would like to sponsor the
Wallers they should visit their on-line fundraising page -
The Great Wall of China Trek is set to take place 17 – 25 Independent co-educational
September 2010. The Great Wall attracts over a million day school and nursery
visitors each year. However, the vast majority of tourists for 2 - 11 year olds
visit just a small section of the Wall near Beijing. The St
Clare Hospice group will follow a route well beyond the Creating Opportunities
regular tourist trail. They will trek along some of the most Realizing Potential
spectacular sections of the Wall and through remote
villages seldom visited by foreigners. This is a once in a Living Life to the Full!
lifetime opportunity to experience the real China.
Call us today on 01279 657 706
St Clare Hospice only receives 30% funding from the
NHS towards the £2.5 million it costs to provide free care
to hundreds of local people each year. The rest it has to
If readers would like more information about how to sign www.howegreenhouseschool.co.uk
up for the Great Wall of China Trek - call Sally on 01303 HOWE GREEN HOUSE SCHOOL, GREAT HALLINGBURY,
862996, email [email protected] or visit
www.stclarehospice.org.uk 25
Little Friends Under 5s
Coming Soon!
good quality toys, playmats, baby
playpens etc (we can collect by van)
tea & coffee making team
…for new baby & toddler group starting soon
in Hatfield Heath Village Hall!
Please call Hannah on 730375 or 07956563710 to
donate toys, help, or register your interest in
attending. Thank you!
I read the article written by Sam Cook about fund
raising for his expedition to Uganda.
Please support him by offering him small jobs for some
Our daughter, Mani, went on a similar expedition to
Namibia in 2005, which became a reality for her
because of the support of all the people in the village.
She had never pulled a blade of grass from the garden,
but for raising money for her trip, she picked weeds in
someone's garden, she helped with car parking at a
wedding & did a sponsored walk to Chelmsford.
The experience she gained at the expedition has taught
her many life skills which children in the west
generally do not get, until they go on expeditions.
Children should know that money does not come
without putting effort & time. They experience first
hand, how many people live, the diverse cultures,
respect for others, team work & putting others before
Handyman Local themselves.
All young people should be encouraged to volunteer
Skilled Handyman and/or go on expeditions, where they learn to help
for furniture assembly others without expecting reward. This will make them
picture hanging life experiences which will stay with them forever. I
wish my son had completed his Duke of Edinburgh
putting up shelving, decorating awards!!!
building cupboards & much more I am sure people can support Sam with offers of
helping out with events or suggesting various ways of
No Call out charge raising funds (from their own experiences)!!
I wish him Best of Luck with his fund raising and again
• Affordable hourly & daily rates
• Fast & efficient service
rHeaavdey fYoorutrhinseswudmecmkerb!uilt
thank all those people who helped my daughter, in
Call Chris making her dream a reality (World Challenge) in 2005.
Free quotation 07931 566 372 Mita
Like hundreds of football teams across the country,
Hatfield Heath School FC has had an extended winter
Having thumped Takeley in their final game before the
Christmas break, the players’ rest over the festive period
was elongated when the ice and snow put paid to West
Essex League fixtures.
The side, managed by Mr Clements, has had a solid
campaign so far, and as Heath Sport went to press, they
were eagerly awaiting their return to action.
Local rivals Howe Green are again looking strong this
season, and Hatfield Heath will certainly have their work
cut out when they play the return match in the coming
The first meeting between the sides this season ended
2-1 in Howe Green’s favour. Hatfield Heath’s goal came
courtesy of Tom Winfield.
The team is defending the league title, having won the
competition for the last three seasons in a row.
Fixtures for the second half of the season will be
announced shortly, and published in Heath Sport.
By Billy Shaw.
Farmer's Market
Saturday 10am until 1pm
Matching Tye
Stalls include
Farm-reared Beef, Homemade suet
Lamb and Pork and sponge
Venison Free range eggs
Home Made Cakes Plants
Organic Vegetables Goats milk soap
Smoked Products: Honey products
Fish, Ham and Bottled real ales
Cheese Fresh fish
A few good craft
Home-made stalls
Freshly made
Indian food
Supported by Howick & Brooker Estate Agents 01279 418 888