The award was given Bench overlooking
jointly to Peter and great scenery
Margaret Lines for their
service to the Benches at the reinstated
community of Hatfield Barkers Walk
Playground upgrade
The village hall is an &maintenance
excellent resource,
critical to the well being
of the community of
Hatfield Heath and the
surrounding area. The
fact that the village hall is so well used, in excellent
repair and well provided for is largely due to the diligent
daily operational management of Peter and Margaret over
the past 42 years on a voluntary basis.
Full write up inside...............
New path by the playground
Your Parish Council is hosting an informal drinks & Renewed path by War Memorial New Bus Shelter
nibbles evening on Thursday 30th September at 7.30pm
until 9pm in Hatfield Heath Village Hall.
All Hatfield Heath residents are invited to come and meet Parking and Speed Limit
us, find out what we do, how you think we are doing and
tell us what you want us to do in your village. This is a
social evening NOT a Parish council meeting. Come along
and meet all your councillors plus other local groups and
We look forward to seeing you all.
Village Website : www.hatfield-heath.co.uk Email: [email protected]
Hatfield Haven Care Home
Stortford Road, Hatfield Heath, Bishops Stortford, Herts. CM22 7DL The New NATS Airspace Consultation Due
Look out for a new consultation by NATS into revised
Tel: 01279 730 043
arrangements for flightpaths for the region which is due
to be rerun this autumn. The original consultation in
Serene and homely environment; 2008 was a shambles and caused uproar, not just because
24 hours care in compliance with CSCI Care Standards
Medical care provided by local group practice; of the significance of the changes being proposed and the
district nurse, physiotherapist and a chiropodist;
Highly qualified and motivated staff - RMA and potential noise impacts on the community, with more
NVQ qualifications;
newly refurnished and redecorated losers than winners, but because of the procedural
rooms (newly built extension included)
Each bedroom fitted with washbasin, TV and inadequacies of the consultation itself.
call system to summon help;
The new proposals could be out as early as October and
Screen TV and radio.
Large dining room with excellent meals on offer once again it will be important to respond to this with as
by the in-house chef; much vigour as last time. Stop Stansted Expansion is
A Stair lift and a passenger lift to all floors;
Activities includes talks, parties, summer barbecues, concerned that our region is due to become the dumping
flower arranging e.t.c
ground for noise as a result of the routing of planes that
Kindly drop by for viewing and to pick up our User Guide
and Statement of purpose. For placement and other we anticipate from other London airports. The group will
enquiries, please contact
therefore be issuing analysis and guidance for those
Amanda Austin (Manager)
email : [email protected] wishing to respond to the consultation when it appears.
Jane Chapman-Kane See the website at www.stopstanstedexpansion.com or
email: [email protected]
contact the SSE campaign office on 01279 870558 or
has opened in Sawbridgeworth,
offering a range of Studio and [email protected].
mat classes to suit all ages and
level of fitness. Massive Second Hand Booksale for Stop Stansted
Pilates will help to:- Expansion
Stop Stansted Expansion will be holding a massive sale
Improve Strength & Flexibility
of 5000 good quality second hand books at its Campaign
Improve Posture
Office at the Old School House by the Four Ashes
Improve Balance
Crossroads, Takeley, on Saturday 6 November between
Telephone Co-ordination & Circulation
9.30am and 3pm. Most of the books will be priced at 50p
07887 808 928 Reduce Stress
for paperbacks and £1 for hardbacks. A wrapping service
Absolute Pilates, Allen House, G27,
The Maltings,Sawbridgeworth, Herts CM21 9JX will be available for those books in really fine condition
– or from amongst the rarer editions section – if you’d
like to offer them as gifts. More information is available
from SSE on 01279 870558 or
[email protected].
Noise Reporting
While Stansted Airport ’s passenger and aircraft numbers
continue to fall, concerns about noise appear to be on the
rise. You may like to know that there’s a way of
reporting these concerns to BAA in a way that enables
Stop Stansted Expansion to monitor and follow up on
these complaints. This way, your reports will help SSE’s
work towards improvements to noise management and
better track keeping in the future. In some cases they
could also lead to fines being imposed on airlines where
they break noise and track keeping rules.
To take advantage of the service, log onto SSE’s website
at www.stopstanstedexpansion.com and click on the
‘complain about noise’ link or call the Campaign Office
on 01279 870558 for a copy of its ‘Concerned About
Noise’ leaflet which explains more (this is also
reproduced online).
SSE follows uapndevinerayrocuonmdpalafiniftthmoafdecatsoeBs AthAiRs vyeiiaenltdehsee
SSE website
something useful in terms of the campaign group’s work
to press the airport to improve its system of noise and
track keeping. People are, however, urged to complain
responsibly to avoid compromising the overall noise
picture statistics.
IN AID OF STOP STANSTED Offering the most up to date non
surgical beauty procedures using
EXPANSION (SSE) Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) and
Facial Aesthetics.
Is now on sale. The full colour A3 calendar provides a
powerful daily reminder of the communities, IPL - Skin Rejuvenation creates a
countryside and heritage which lie in the shadow of perfect canvas, evens out skin tone and
Stansted Airport and of the need to remain vigilant gets rid of sun damage and blemishes.
against the expansion
threat (colour picture Botox - Anti-Wrinkle injections to reduce fine lines and
facial wrinkles, safe and highly effective.
of the Calendar on
the back page ) . Each Dermal Fillers - Made from a natural substance putting
month features a volume back into areas on the face such as upper lip, nose
different village (or to mouth folds and mouth corners.
adjoining villages)
with three beautiful Glycolic Peels - Restores the skin's surface due to
pictures. The cover glycolic acid and high anti-oxidant properties. The skin
features a spectacular appears like new and regains brightness.
picture of a bluebell
wood in Much Impure Skin - A deep cleansing facial treatment, perfect
Hadham. for teenagers suffering with 'breakouts' and problem
Now in its ninth year,
the Community ESCAPEareas.
Calendar has become Call Escape on 01279 731 769
an established part of
life for many people as a symbol of determination to or 07740 433 417
preserve the heritage and community life which makes
the area so special. All proceeds go to continuing the "All aspects of beauty therapy”
work of SSE as it seeks long term safeguards against
the expansion threat and its work to contain the Speak to Sue to book your appointment.
impacts of the airport’s current operations. Situated in Hatfield Heath
Parking available.
The calendars cost £6 each .
01279 498 730
Pack of 12 Notelets Pack of 12
(2 of each design £6) Christmas Cards £ 6
50% off
Receive 50% off when you book a course of
This is the best time to start your treatment to be
hair free for next spring
Don’t miss your chance
Call for a Free Patch Test and Consultation Today
Call Sue Burgess - 01279 731 769 or 07740 433 417
Look forward to hearing from you
Heath Computers Hatfield Heath Neighbourhood Watch and
For all your IT needs Police Update
Whether you run a business, or are a home user, Since our meeting at the URC back in January 2010 we
Heath Computers has an IT solution to suit your requirements have been very busy putting together a neighbourhood
watch scheme alongside Paula O’Sullivan and Val
• IT Solutions for home or office Davenport who have worked extremely hard at putting the
• Web Design (CGI / PHP / Java Scripts )
• PC Repairs / Upgrades scheme together. I am glad to say we now have
• Network Installation - Fixed and wireless a large number of residents on the
• Internet, E-mail, Broadband scheme but still a number of people
• Virus Protection and Spyware removal have not registered. If you are
• Data Recovery interested in registering it does not
take long nor does it take up a lot of time.
Web: http://www.heathcomputers.co.uk Mob: 07958 482 889 Statistics show that communities with Neighbourhood
Email: [email protected] Fax: 08715 227 252 Watch Schemes have less crime because the criminals
would rather target areas where they are less likely to be
Hatfield Heath seen.
Neighbourhood Watch Schemes belong to the community
VILLAGE HALL and all we ask of you is to be more observant, report
anything suspicious to Police on non-emergency
telephone: 0300 333 4444 or any crime in action on 999.
By letting the Police know of anything suspicious they see
or hear, they are helping to reduce the opportunities for
crime to occur. The more difficult it can be made for the
criminal, the more likely it is that crime can be reduced.
Neighbourhood Watch is not just about reducing crime
– it is about building community spirit and good
Are Available for
Children’s Parties
Small tables and chairs now available
Wedding Receptions
Classes etc., etc., NHW bulletins are sent out by your street coordinators
either by e-mail or door to door, if you would like to re-
FOR ceive these bulletins you can read the latest:
• On the Village notice board outside the White
AND Horse Public House
• The Police Station Notice Board
LOCAL RESIDENTS • The Village Hall Notice Board
For Details Telephone If you are interested in registering please contact
PCSO Jo Trevail-Phillips on 07779 316 979
01279 730 544 [email protected]
Paula O’Sullivan 07789 242 062
[email protected]
TWO BURGLARIES IN McTimoney Chiropractic
HATFIELD HEATH The gentle treatment suitable
for people of all ages
Burglary Ardley End, Hatfield Heath 30/8/210 – 4/9/10
At Ardley End, Hatfield Heath at some point between Deborah Flack BSc (hons) Chiro MCA
Monday 30th August and Saturday 4th September,
offender(s) gained entry to the property by unknown 01279 870 077 / 07908 918 934
means, conducted a tidy search and removed items
including a flat screen TV, furniture, paintings and a www.mctimoney-chiropractic.org
Burglary - Dunmow Road, Hatfield Heath between Lavender Barn, Brewers End,
29/08/10 14:00 – 30/08/10 Entry gained by forcing a side Takeley, Essex CM22 6QJ
door with an unknown implement, tidy search conducted
and items removed including various paintings. The DIXON & CO
owners were away from the premises on holiday when the
offence was committed. The timeframe, location and CHARTERED CERTIFIED ACCOUNTANTS
property removed indicate that the two offences may have
been committed by the same offender(s). For local, friendly advice contact Paul Dixon
10/09/10 1pm – 3:50 pm Wallburys, Stortford Road, Hatfield Heath, CM22 7DL
Committed at Clipped Hedge, Hatfield Heath between
01:00 – 03:50 on 10/09/10. Entry gained via an Tel: 01279 739076
insecure kitchen window, tidy search conducted and a
wallet removed. The wallet was later recovered nearby Email: [email protected]
but the offender had taken cash and a bank card from it. www.dixonandco.com
No suspects seen.
Red Barn
10/9/10 Interiors Limited
At Clipped Hedge, Hatfield Heath between 10/09/10
23:00 – 11/09/10 06:10. The offender gained entry by
forcing the front door with an unknown implement,
conducted a tidy search and removed items from within
including a handbag and a set of car keys for a silver
Ford Fiesta. The vehicle was then removed from the
driveway. The handbag was recovered on the morning
Police Update
House burglaries across Uttlesford district have Beautiful Hand- made
decreased by over 15 percent comparing May to July this Kitchens, Bedrooms, Office Furniture
year, with May to July last year. However, some villages
in Uttlesford, which generally have very low crime rates,
have been suffering a higher than usual incidence of
house burglaries recently, and local police and
Neighbourhood Watch are asking residents to be more
"Burglaries in villages are seldom carried out by local
criminals any more," said Uttlesford district Crime
Reduction Advisor, Peter Caulfield. "The burglars are
opportunists who will travel many miles to find suitable
Peter Caulfield Telephone: 01279 722 811
Peter thinks that the fact they are 'outsiders' should make Email: [email protected]
them easier to spot and he is asking villagers to be more
alert to the presence of strangers. Website:www.redbarninteriors.co.uk
Continued overleaf.......... Greenleys, Slough Road, Allen Green, Sawbridgeworth, Herts, CM21 0LR
GM Property Maintenance ....................Continued from previous page
Decorating Specialists "If you see an unfamiliar vehicle parked in your street,
or an unfamiliar person on someone's driveway, it
Est. 1987 doesn't necessarily mean they are up to no good.
However your curiosity should be aroused and it would
Specialising in: be useful if you made a note of what you have seen,
Home interior and exterior decoration including vehicle registration numbers. Burglars don't
Building maintenance and restoration like being noticed and if they become aware of your
interest they will usually move on."
Professional and reliable service Fully insured He also sees nothing wrong with villagers politely
challenging strangers.
Tel: 01279 730733 "It doesn't have to be confrontational in any way," he
07867 805382 said. "Just a polite enquiry to see if they are lost, or need
help locating someone. If they are up to no good, they
E-mail: [email protected] will more than likely make their excuses and leave the
If you have any information about “travelling burglars”
in Uttlesford, please contact officers at Saffron Walden
or Dunmow on 0300 333 4444, or call Crimestoppers
anonymously on 0800 555 111.
Any problems, issues or concerns, please do-not
hesitate to contact the Police.You can contact your local
officers (PC Brad Healey and PCSO Jo Trevail-Phillips)
at Hatfield Heath Police Station on 0300 333 4444 or
07779 316 979. Or you can pop into the Heath’s station
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5pm to 6.30pm.
PCSO 73377 Joanna Trevail-Phillips
Bespoke fitted furniture Essex County Council Trading Standards is urging
Free quotations Fully insured residents to be wary if they are contacted by a security
company called Crime Research UK.
07779 715 888 01371 811 688
Reports have been received that this company has been
HERTS HEATING contacting residents and saying that they are working with
Essex County Council on a ‘crime awareness week’.
Town Grove, Dunmow Road, Hatfield Heath,
Bishops Stortford, Herts CM22 7BN Essex County Council would like to make it clear that it
is not working with Crime Research UK.
For all your Gas Installation and Servicing needs
High Efficiency Condensing Boiler Installations Residents who receive one of these calls are told they
Gas Boiler Servicing and Breakdowns have been selected to receive a ‘free’ alarm system, and
Landlord’s Gas Safety Records are then urged to arrange a visit from a ‘security expert’
Free Quotations for gas heating installations to discuss it further.
Plumbing and Pipework
Replacement Bathrooms, including Tiling & Trading Standards is reminding residents to be vigilant of
Decoration any cold callers, either over the telephone or at the
Local company established in 1974. doorstep.
Gas Safe register number 222
County Councillor Tracey Chapman, Cabinet Member
Call us on 01279-730 060 with responsibility for Trading Standards said: “Please be
Fax us on 01279-730 065 wary of anyone who contacts you at home offering goods
E-mail us at [email protected] or services. Traders will often try and use high pressure
sale techniques, but don’t agree to anything you are not
completely happy with.”
If you are interested in having an alarm installed at your
home, you can find a Trading Standards approved trader LOGS FOR SALE
by using the Buy with Confidence scheme. You can obtain
details via www.buywithconfidence.gov.uk or by calling WELL SEASONED
Consumer Direct on 08454 04 05 06.
Half and Full loads available
You can reduce the number of unsolicited telephone calls Bags of logs & kindling wood available
you receive by registering for the Telephone Preference
Service by calling 0845 070 0707 or visiting Cut to size
www.tpsonline.org.uk. Prompt delivery call
Hatfield Heath Branch
Invite you to a
Magical Extravanganza Evening
9th October 2010
Bertie Pearce - Nothing up my sleeve.
An evening of magic and laughter over supper
Hatfield Heath Village Hall
7.30pm to 10.30pm
Licensed Bar - Raffle Cost £15
Bertie Pearce is a member of the inner magic circle MHS Builders
with gold star. He is also a Professor of Punch and Local Builder
Judy. He inherited a fascination with conjuring from Carpentry & Roofing
his maternal Grandfather. Loft and Garage conversions
With a BA (Hons) in drama from Manchester Kitchens & Bathrooms
University he went on to the L'École Internationale de Plastering
Théâtre Jacques Lecoq in Paris. He has Extensions
performed all over the world from The references available on request
Magic Castle in Hollywood to the Kulm
Hotel in St Moritz as well as on Cruise Call Mark Savage
ships from the UK and The States. He Tel: 01279 739 409
has also toured extensively as a speaker Mobile: 07718 539 969
sharing his passion for illusion,
Victorian pastimes and Punch and Judy. • Interior & Exterior decoration
• carried out to a high specification.
Please send me tickets(£15.00 each) for the • Full public liability.
• 30 yrs Experience
Magical Evening 9th October 2010. • Ceilings papered.
• Wall coverings and wall paper hung
Please send tickets to:-
Title Name Contact Steve.
Address Phone : 01279 724 805 Mobile : 07836 588 886
Tickets available from E-mail: [email protected]
Bob Langham Address: Field View, Sheering, Herts.
Oakland, Hatfield Heath, Bishops Stortford, Herts,
CM22 7AD
Hatfield Heath Half Hour Helpers
Need a friendly neighbour to help you?
with task that will take approx 30 mins e.g.
Shopping small repairs collecting prescriptions etc.
Please note there is no ageism.
Anyone young or old can call for help from volunteers.
PHONE 07-944-748-478
Phone manned 10am to 12noon
Made to measure by
All types of Curtains & Matching Accessories
The Royal British Legion was formed
Made to measure in 1921 and along side the Women`s
Section of the Royal British Legion will
Telephone:01279 730 608 be 90 Years old next year.
Our local Branches were formed in
32 Broomfields, Hatfield Heath, Herts. CM22 7EH 1927 and the Women`s Section a year later .
The Royal British Legion is the UK`s leading Charity
PaintingandDecorating Providing Financial, Social and Emotional support to
Millions who not only served, and those who are currently
If you are Looking for an serving in the Armed Forces today, also their dependants.
Excellent Standard of Decorating The Legion is a Major voice assisting our Serving and Ex
Service Personnel throughout the year, campaigning and
by a lobbing H M Government and Members of Parliament on
Professional Tradesman a range of issues.
The R.B.L. are the Custodians of Remembrance ensuring
Exterior/Interior those who gave their lives for the Freedom we enjoy today
are always Remembered, around 9 point 5 Million people
Then look no further are eligible for our welfare support , The R.B.L. fight
Please call John for a free estimate nearly 36,000 ongoing War Disablement Pensions Cases
for Veterans including past and present, also make around
300,000 welfare and friendship visits every year
If you would like to know more, our
Local Branch
meets every second Tuesday of each Month in the
U.R.C. Hall at 8.15pm
(except for August)
The Woman’s Branch meets every
first Monday of the month at 2pm in the Institute
(except on Bank Holidays when it will be the second Monday)
We are now preparing for this years Poppy Appeal, if
anyone would be interested to
help with our Local Poppy
Appeal please contact either
Broad Oak Consultants
IT Solutions for everyone
Established 1993 Home & Business
Broadband • Sales • Networks • Repairs
• Upgrades • Web Design • Programming
Supplier • Databases • PC Systems • Training
• Internet • E-mail • Virus Protection
01279 718 596
Web: www.broadoak.net
Email: [email protected]
Mr G Saban on 01279 730 040 Evenings or For over 30 years we have been
Mrs S Saban on 01279 730 042 carrying out local, national and
Help is always needed. overseas relocations for personal
The R.B.L. are Commemorating its 90th Anniversary and business clients. We
with many events throughout the County in Essex there understand that everyone's move
will be a Poppy Party at Ingatestone Hall on Saturday 11th is different and that is why we
June 2011 it will be a free event for all the family. tailor our service to each
The next event is a Concert in Chelmsford Cathedral on individual customers needs.
the 24th September 2011 these events are being sponsored Kings Removals was set up as and still runs as a family business
by factories and Businesses, there will be a raffle with today. Great emphasis is put on customer satisfaction and this is why a
many interesting Prizes . high percentage of our work comes from recommendations and repeat
Just to finish to let all know why there is Help the Heroes, business.
plus the Royal British Legion, the R.B.L help as from day
one, serving and ex service personnel. www.kingsremovals.co.uk
The Help the Heroes was set up because the M.O.D.
closed Military Hospitals. Their project as a group is to WEIDGOHYTOUPHRAOVEBALEM
help build recovery Centres for injured Soldiers.
As I have stated the R.B.L. and the Army, Navy, and
R.A.F. Benevolent Funds are the one`s who work to help
Person to Person, The Women`s Section look after
Widows And Children
There are four new Centres being built throughout the
Country the first to be at Colchester, The R.B.L are giving
Twenty Five Million Pounds towards these Projects
alongside Help The Heroes.
Chairman ==M Saban
Secretary===S Saban
Hatfield Heath
Farmer’s Market Are you constantly yoyo-ing between
‘treating yourself’ with food/wine
4th Saturday of every month and then restricting your intake?
Do you often feel lethargic or run down?
In Hatfield Heath Village Hall
Then you need my latest course!
Please come & support your local producers!
Release your weight issues
Hannah - 07956-563710 or
www.hatfieldheathfarmersmarket.co.uk Interested?
Special price
25 Sep; 23 Oct; 27 Nov for first 5
23 October
Woollcott House Restaurant 10 week group course
(daytime and evening groups available)
Gt Hallingbury 01279-504 397 In which we release your issues around food and
weight + rebalance your body nutritionally.
www.woollcott house.co.uk
2010 Opening hours Contact: Carol May
01279 734996 / 07884 435 554
Wednesday to Saturday evenings. Email:[email protected]
Thursday, Friday and Sunday lunchtimes
( other times by arrangement) BIRTHDAY PARTIES
Regular Dinner Dances. Superb Choice of Menu.
A la Carte menu and Table D'Hote Menu's available. You can hire the hall for children's parties
Private Parties, Wedding Reception Packages £9.50 / hour Tel :01279 730 581
available, Christenings, Funeral refreshments.
Ideal location for a large marquee, ample parking.
There is NO ROOM CHARGE for exclusivity.
Sunday lunch a speciality. No relays! A leisurely lunch.
J.W. TREE SURGEONS Looking back to last month (July 2010), with a total
monthly rainfall of 0.51 inches, this was the lowest for
All aspects of tree work undertaken July in the last twenty years. It would appear that only
NPTC Qualified Kew, with 0.41 inches was drier than Hatfield Heath.
With last months drought, garden creatures were finding
Tree Work Pruning difficulty in getting enough water and for the first time
Felling ever, they started eating our Beetroot, the roots but not the
tops as these are poisonous.
Hedge Cutting
Stump Grinding AUGUST 2010 RAINFALL
Not to be outdone, August produced a record - the wettest
Log for sale in the last twenty years.
01279 302 106 Seventeen raindays produced 5.73 inches, which is 173%
above our August average.
Fed up with
35 Hatfield Heath Rainfall August 2010
moss and weed?
Rainfall mm. 30 Total = 145.50 mm
We offer:-
•Regular lawn feeds .
•Weed and moss treatment m 25 (5.73 inches)
•Aeration Lawn Treatment Service lainfalm
Friendly professional service
01279 466 100 R
www.simplylawns.co.uk 10
Highs MoLuoswe-sear Hawkweed
5.73 inches in 2010 0.24 inches in 1995
5.02 inches in 1999 0.31 inches in 2003
Garden Watch
• Specialising in all types of ponds We still have the occasional visit
& features. from Badgers during the night.
Recently our bird feeder, with
• Professionally designed, peanuts, was pulled from the trLeea,dy’s Bedstraw
installed, restored or maintained. taken to the lawn, pulled to pieces
and the nuts consumed. This
• Local company established since late Summer, we have
1987 with excellent after care noticed quite large numbers
service of grasshoppers - I think they
are the Common Field
Tel: 01279 461 052 Grasshopper (Chorthippus brunneus)
(Answer phone) Brian Bland
Mobile: 07711 087 004
Last month we told you what we were doing for
the rare grasses and wild flowers on the County
Wildlife Site between Holy Trinity Church and
Pond Lane.
This month we are NPTC QUALIFIED STAFF
updating you with what we 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE
would like to do for the
ponds. Most of the ponds FULL INSURANCE
on the heath are set on
gravel and consequently ALL TREE WORK
dry out at some time of the year. This provides a UNDERTAKEN AT
protected environment for the Great Crested COMPETITIVE RATES
Newt (GCN) because fish, which consume the
tadpoles, don’t survive in the dried ponds. FOR A FREE ESTIMATE
The Essex Amphibian and Reptile Group CALL
(EARG) identified GCN eggs in some of the
ponds but said that the pond in the County OFFICE : 01279 877726
Wildlife Site dries too early for the eggs to MOBILE : 07946 550777
survive. The recommendation from the EARG is
for this pond to be restored. 07986 147 914
[email protected]
Some task! We need to prune the surrounding
trees and remove several, they have grown Or Find us in YELL
unrestricted over the past couple of decades and
consume huge amounts of water. The pond has
about 30 centimetres of silt which needs
removing together with most of the bulrushes.
Contractors will do the heavy work
We are talking to local contractors to get prices
for doing the heavy work and we are seeking a
grant from the Big Lottery to pay for it (our first
application was unsuccessful because the scheme
was oversubscribed so we have re-applied to
another Big Lottery scheme – fingers crossed).
Grass cutting, Hedge Trimming, Planting,
AROUND PONDS Weed Treatment, One off Tidy Ups and
We will still want volunteers to help clear the site
of brambles and undergrowth, build animal and maintenance
reptile refuges and replant native water plants. If Call for a friendly chat on
Mobile 07956 524 586
you are interested in getting involved contact Home Tel 01279 830 960
David Parish on 01279 730 573 or
e-mail [email protected]
“Wendycot”,Chelmsford Road, SEASON GETS UNDERWAY
Hatfield Heath,
Now that the new school term is in full swing, the start
Bishop’S Stortford, Herts of the new West Essex Primary School Football League
season has arrived.
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri 8am - 5.30pm Competition for places in Hatfield Heath’s school team
has been as fierce as ever, with last term’s stars from
Sat 9am - 1pm Years 5 stepping up to become the squad’s senior play-
Tel: 01279 730 274
Fixture planners were hard at work setting the dates for
[email protected] this season’s matches on behalf of the league as Heath
www.jewhitemotors.co.uk Sport went to press.
The school’s first game of the season was a tough match
against near neighbours Takeley at the end of September.
For match details and a list of the forthcoming fixtures,
don’t miss Heath Sport next month.
By Billy Shaw.
Lampwork Beads - Silver
Original and Distinctive Jewellery
Designed and Handmade Locally
Shop online or just browse
I am happy to work on individual items,
so whether for a gift or for just something personal
please send a message via my contact page or
ring Chris on 07976 966 491
At Pond Lane Hatfield Heath
Lesley Curtain Design Bespoke Handmade Curtains
Roman Blinds Children’s Room’s
Upholstery Bespoke Head boards
Pond Lane, Hatfield Heath, Herts
Tel: 07904 415 450
Email: [email protected]
PETER & MARGARET LINES Hallingbury Hall Equestrian Centre
British Horse Society Approved
SERVICE TO THE LOCAL Riding lessons for children and adults
beginners to advanced riders
The award was given
jointly to Peter and FACILITIES
Margaret Lines for their Super indoor school, three outdoor arena's,
service to the community show jumping arena, and cross-country course
of Hatfield Heath.
The village hall is an We have super ponies from quiet schoolmasters to
excellent resource, ones trained to do jumping and dressage
Children's own a pony day courses are held every
critical to the wellbeing Wednesday and Thursday during the holidays, Great Fun!
of the community of BEGINNER ADULTS
Maximum four riders on a 45 minute lesson gain
Hatfield Heath and the confidence and enjoy on one of our lovely sensible cobs
Improve your dressage, learn about tests
fact that the village hall is lateral work, engagement and collection
Or join a jumping lesson and
so well used, in excellent repair and well provided for is
practise courses, grids and related distances
largely due to the diligent daily operational management of
Please ring or pop in for a chat
Peter and Margaret over the past 42 years on a voluntary
01279 730 348
basis. Between Peter and Margaret they plan and execute
routine maintenance and major refurbishment which are
Little Hallingbury, Bishops
funded by user contributions and the securing of local and Stortford, Herts CM227RP
national grants. Peter is a lighting design expert providing HUTLEY ELECTRICAL
voluntary support to the Heath Players, Harlow Playhouse DOMESTIC & INDUSTRIAL
and other local amateur dramatic groups. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS
Margaret provides equal support front of house. Peter Hutley Electrical offers a full range of
continues to provide consultancy to the Open University. Electrical Services and has been
established for over 20 years.
Margaret is a past Parish Councillor, early organiser of the From House re-wires to Industrial/
pre-school group and active supporter of Home Start and Commercial projects we pride ourselves
the Alexia Wilson Trust. They were both organisers of the on offering a competent, polite, tidy
original two day village festival for many years. professional service and endeavour to
work with the minimum of disruption to
Peter and Margaret have given so much commitment and you wherever possible.
assistance to people living in Hatfield Heath that the Parish
Council wanted them to be recognised and formally **We are a full member of the NICEIC
thanked by way of an award. and have been for many years.**
For All Building Works -
Extensions/Renovations -
Decorating - Plumbing - Electrics
Carried Out with Great Attention to Detail
Tel: 01279 757 323 07836 205 103
James Gardening Service
All Garden Works Call Bob now for a free quotation
& Odd Jobs TEL: 01279 722 351 or
MOBILE: 07774 941 668
01279 651 498 07963 989 851
Thurs & Sat
08.00 Holy Communion 1662 HT 07508 515 264and play reading for pleasure
NO 09.30 service at HT – join with URC for 730 825 or 730 517
[email protected]
10.30 Harvest Festival followed by Harvest Lunch VILLAGE HALL 730 544 HISTORY SOCIETY
Tickets £5 tel: 730465 URC INSTITUTE 730 544 Robin Gurnett 730 672
18.30 Six Villages Harvest Evensong HT PRE-SCHOOL ROYAL BRITISH LEGION
4 11.30 for 12.00 Luncheon Club URC (2 ½ -5)
6 20.00 Leisure Hour URC 730 297 730 042
09.30 Holy Communion HT
10.30 Family Service with Communion URC CHOIR 730 390
18.00 Service at The Close
13 10.30 Holy Communion - 1662 The Close LITTLE FRIENDS WOMANS LEISURE HOUR
17 TWENTIETH Sunday after TRINITY (St. Luke) Mother,Baby and Toddler 730 465
08.00 Holy Communion 1662 HT
09.30 Matins – with prayers for healing and Group CATHOLIC CHURCH
Thur 9.45am term time Hatfield Broad Oak
anointing HT Village Hall - 07956 563 710
10.30 Family Service with Communion URC 01371 872 550
18.00 Service at The Close
20 11.30 for 12.00 Luncheon Club URC 01279 730 375 TALKING NEWSPAPERS
20.00 Leisure Hour URC 01279 651 270
21 20.00 Village Hall Committee Meeting CR URC
OR 01279 653 925
FRIDAY CLUB (7-12 yrs)
739 218 SECRETARY U.R.C.
JO JINGLES Mark Lemon 730 581
(6 mths - 7years) 868 410 HEALTH WALK
SCHOOL FOOTBALL Friday 10am outside
CLUB Broomfield Surgery 730 512
24 Last Sunday after TRINITY (Bible Sunday) SCOUTS 812 586 HEALTH WALK
09.30 Holy Communion HT
10.30 Family Service URC CUBS Chris Hancock LITTLE HALLINGBURY
18.00 Service at The Close
731 646 Monday 10.30am Village Car
27 19.45 Gardening Club H 734 391 Park 722 156
10.30 Midweek Communion HT BROWNIES
09.30 Family Communion HT
10.30 Family Service with Communion URC 9.30am Holy Trinity FARMERS MARKET
730 288 07956 563 710
H-Village Hall / CR-Committee Room H / HT-Holy
Trinity Church / URC-United Reform Church / I-Institute H.T. YOUTH GROUP KEEP FIT FOR OVER 50S
/ S-School Village Hall
KARATE 731 318 Weds 9.30am 07776 221 975
445 539
01992 575 679 KEEP FIT
WU CHI 07947 599 801 Village Hall Fridays 9.30am
07776 221 975
01279 443 181
Paula O'Sullivan 730 281
730 425 [email protected]
For all Senior Citizens
Buffy Bus is a playbus designed to give the under fives an 730 581
opportunity to paint, play and socialise in a playgroup
environment that they would otherwise not have access to ITALIAN LANGUAGE
PARKS ON CENTRE OF VILLAGE GREEN Michelina 07786 341 754 Uttlesford Badger Group
TUESDAYS 9.30am - 11am Derek Barry (on call 24/7 )
Ann Whale 01279 731 01279 503332 Home
07941185171 Mbl
URC Hall Wed 7.30pm
13th Oct -10th Nov - 8th Dec School.....www.hatfieldheath.essex.sch.uk
Village Website www.hatfield-heath.co.uk
PARISH COUNCIL Village Magazine
Parish Clerk - Ernie Fenwick............... 730 770 www.hatfield-heath.co.uk/magazine
Chairman - Paula O’Sullivan.....................730 281
Surgery Websites
Vice Chairman - Mel Sullivan.................. 731 434
(Repeat prescriptions can be applied for on these sites)
Mark Lemon (District Councillor)....... 730 581 www.hatfieldheathsurgery.co.uk
Bart Sheekey.................... 730 663 www.hatfieldbroadoaksurgery.co.uk
Robert Jones........................ 730 741 H. H.Football Club www.hatfieldheathfc.co.uk
David Parish (H.H.Tenants Forum Mem.).730 573
Gary Waller.......................................... 739 345 H.H. Cricket Club www.freewebs.com/hatfieldheathcc
Janet Briscoe............................................. 730 674 Bridge club www.hatfieldheathbridgeclub.org.uk
Sandra Saban..............................................730 042
Terry’s Photos www.terrysphotos.org.uk
Paul Simpson ....................................730 026
David. N. Parish............................... 730 573
HATFIELD HEATH The Mobile Library Hatfield Heath
POLICE Tuesday visits Fortnightly
Broomfields 2.45pm to 3.35pm
There will be a retired policeman Rick Jones at the The Close 3.40pm to 4pm
police station who you can talk to on The Heath 4.05pm to 4.35pm
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5pm - 6.30pm HEALTH WALKS
FRIDAY 10am Broomfields Surgery
POLICE, DOCTORS, SAMARITANS MON 10.30 am Little Hallingbury car park
PCSO Jo Trevail-Philips Email:[email protected] Sat
Pc Brad Healey Email: [email protected]
Mobile for above police officers........ 07779 316 979
Police Great Dunmow............................ 01376 551 312
Police Hatfield Heath.......... ................. 01279 730 388
Emergency ............................................... 999
Non Emergency ..........................................0300 333 4444
DOCTORS Broomfields......................... 01279 730 616 Oct
DOCTOR Sawbridgeworth.................... 08444 773 360
THE SAMARITANS............................... 01279 421 110
HATFIELD HEATH C.P. SCHOOL...... 01279 730 382 Email :- [email protected]
PRE-SCHOOL........................................ 01279 730 354
Send your letters /articles/ reports /photographs, by hand, CD, or
email - [email protected].
HOLY TRINITY If posting or delivering by hand you can send direct to me :-
Rev. Stewart Gibbs.....................................01279 730 288 Bruno(Editor) “Manor Lodge”, Chelmsford Rd, Hatfield
Gerald Pearson .............................................01279 730 526
Lesley Noel ................................................ 01279 870 390 Editor: - Bruno Scheggia (Skedja) 01279 730 498
Irene Harriss..................................................01279 734 334
Fiona Klimeke............................................. 01279 831 965 Bruno’s Mobile Phone number 07768 606 309
Treasurer: - Mel Sullivan 01279 731 434
Distribution:-Barbara Scheggia 01279 730 498
URC Rev Terry Keen............................. 01279 726 771 Secretary: - Jean Clarke 01279 730 667
Chairman - Brendan Carrig
GREEN SKIP Printed by Cornerstone 01279 437 851
Sundays 3pm - 4pm Broomfields/Ardley Crescent DISCLAIMER: The Editor and Printers do not take
BROOMFIELDS ARDLEY CRES responsibility for the information given or views expressed in
the Hatfield Heath Village Magazine. Nor is any culpability
October 3rd 17th 31st October 10th 24th accepted in work done by advertisers.
Every Tuesday 6:30- 8pm 7.30 PM ON WED 8th SEPT 2010
Main Courses just £6.95 IN THE URC HALL, HATFIELD HEATH
Promoting Neighbourhood Get Togethers OPEN FORUM
01279 730 549 No member of public present.
Website: www.huntersmeet.co.uk (I was present Mr Clerk Sir Bruno)
Handcrafted sterling silver & gemstone jewellery Minute ACTION
Cllr Paula O’Sullivan (POS) (Chairman) Cllrs Janet
Briscoe (JB), Bob Jones (BJ), Mark Lemon (ML,) David
Parish (DP), Sandra Saban (SS), Bart Sheekey (BS), Mel
Sullivan (MS) and Gary Waller (GW)
In attendance: Clerk to the Council Ernie Fenwick
Chairmans welcome:
The Chairman welcomed everyone present and opened
with the Open Forum.
ML at a Licensing Committee
299. minutes of meetings
The minutes of the council meeting of 11th August were
signed as a true record of the meeting.
POS, BJ, BS and MS declared they are members of SSE.
Individual contemporary designs created in my 301. Reports to / from county and district councillors
Sawbridgeworth studio. Commissions welcome.
302. Public Participation on Agenda Items
Visit www.jewelgenie.co.uk or call Teresa 07711 421444 None
Hair by BEE BEE 303. Clerks Report:
ALL ASPECTS OF HAIRDRESSING Matters from last meeting and Action Register
War Memorial road repairs.
LADIES and GENTS Road has now been resurfaced
:Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s for Senior Citizens Service road road repairs.
The service road in front of the shops on the Heath was
OPEN: Tues & Wed 9am - 5pm• Thur 9am -1pm resurfaced on Sunday 5th September.
Vehicle activated signs.
Fri 9am-6pm • Sat 9am-1pm FULLY TRAINED Clerk has emailed ECC but has awaiting a response
LONDON HAIR STYLISTS Junction improvement.
Heath View, Pond Lane, Hatfield Heath
Tel: 01279 730 870
Chalet in Verchaix to Hire
La Grand Massif Area
Which include
Samoens, Morillon, Les Carroz and Flaine
1 hrs drive from Geneva
Winter Summer
Ski , Snowboard Rock Climbing
Cross Country Skiing
ParaPending, Golf
ParaPending For Brochure and more details Cross Country Biking
Hot Air Ballooning Phone 01279 730 019
Clerk has requested ECC Highways to progress the
scheme as soon as possible
Correspondence Photo Restoration; VHS Conversion to DVD
i. Henry Turtill has forwarded the license to sublet Photography Services; Photograph Sales;
Bespoke Life Story Musical DVD Creations
the village green but has not found the head lease.
ii. Report of broken branch on tree and another dead tree Your Local Photographic Services Company
opposite The Thatchers which may come down over the
road. Clerk has emailed HT with quote of £60 for tree
iii. Response submitted to CLG re consultation on
community right to build.
Training courses received from EALC
iv. Election Day 9.30 – 3.30 Wed 3rd November Foakes
Hall £60 Clerk to attend
v. Chairmans Day 1 10.00-3.30 Tues 19 Oct Foakes Hall
vi. Law & Procedures 9.30 – 3.30 Tues 12 Oct Foakes Hall
304. Financial Matters: Visit our Showroom at
Clerk reported that current bank balances after deposit of
monies received and the payment of the following Carpet, Vinyl & Wood
cheques are
Deposit Account £36421.52 Visit our Showroom at
Current Account £1086.48
Unit 11, Heathview, Pond Lane, Hatfield Heath CM22 7AB
Clerk to submit claim for grant from UDC Sue Hayden Some examples of work Installed by us
The following payments were approved: Opening Hours: 9-5 Mon - Fri,
E Fenwick Expenses £204.64
UALC Subscriptions £25.00
out of hours appointments.
L&R Development Ltd War Memorial road £2878.75 We will work to your convenienc
HH Village Hall Trust Hall hire – SSE meeting £17.00 No hyped sales.
Barry Newman Play Area repairs £280.00 I have been in the trade for 16 yrs
from the age of 16 and have
Volunteer Centre Uttlesford £10.00 Worked with some of the
best carpet company's in the
country I guarantee my quality
of work and service
305. Planning We can get next day delivery
Decisions by UDC Planning Dept on nearly all we order.
We are family run with small
overheads so really competitive
Applications £8.50gets you 10MM UNDERLAY, GRIPPERS, DOOR £165 Heavy domestic loop structure, bleach
Barn at Gladwyns, Sheering Road UTT/1323/10/FUL: BARS, FITTING, UPLIFT AND DISPOSAL. 12 sqm cleanable, average hall, stairs, landing
Retrospective change of use to B2 and B8. all this for £8.50sqm
70 sqm you cant get a decent underlay for that 4 colours, more to choose
Foxglove Farm, Dunmow Road UTT/1009/10FUL: much at the major retailers from at our showroom prices vary
Demolition of existing barn and construction of cart
lodge and garage and workshop. Single storey porches £165 Budget twist pile, bleach cleanable £200 80 20,30oz wool 9 colours heavy domestic
average hall,stairs, landing 12sqm average hall, stairs, landing, average lounge.
Land to rear of Valdor, Chelmsford Road, 9 colours; more to choose from 9 colours; more to choose from
UTT/1442/10/FUL: Erection of two dwellings with 12 sqm at our showroom prices vary
vehicular access 12 sqm at our showroom prices vary
Monthly Enforcement Reports £270 80 20,50oz 6 colours; average hall, stairs, £250 Heavy domestic twist Saxony shag pile
landing, average lounge 14 colours; average hall, stairs, landing,
6 colours; more to choose from average lounge
12 sqm 14 colours; more to choose from
at our showroom prices vary 12 sqm at our showroom prices vary
£950 Heavy domestic loop structure, 6 sqm Budget twist pile,
bleach cleanable, bleach cleanable,
average whole house £950 average whole house
70 sqm
70 sqm
£1160 80 20 30oz heavy domestic, £1575 80 20 50oz heavy domestic,
70 sqm average whole house, average whole house,
9 colours 70 sqm 6 colours
Clerk to write to UDC Planning and request information £1450 Heavy domestic twist Saxony £90 We offer a massive selection of
regarding items of breach of planning at Pelhurst, shag pile, average whole house vinyl, average kitchen,
Sawbridgeworth Road. Point out two conditions (windows
and failing to demolish existing building) and ask for 70 sqm 14 Colours 11 designs
response to us on result of investigations.
6 sqm More to choose from at our showroom
12 sqm
We lay wood in many ranges, Balterio based laminate with
15 year guarantee average lounge 12 sqm £260 fitted
Office: 01279 730 172 mob: 07939 739 845
Continued on next page.......... 17
.........HH PC Minutes cont. from previous page
Pond is being infilled with saplings and then filled with
soil and reclaimed land. Write to HT
Car valeting business may be discharging waste into the
pond. Write to UDC Environmental Agency.
Breach of planning regulations on change of use. Several
new businesses appear to be operating in this area.
Large sign erected on village green. Write to Car Valeting
business to remove sign from village green within seven
days or they will be confiscated.
306. Village Green Lease
Clerk proposed we commence negotiations for a new head
lease for the cricket field area of the green. Agreed
307. Notice Board
Clerk presented 3 quotations for new notice boards
1) 1409.75 in Oak, 2)1747.23 , 3) £1515.00 in
aluminium. Agreed to choose aluminium as a more
resilient material.
308. Reports from members on meetings attended
Broadband letter circulated earlier today. GW has
circulated notes for Clerk to submit response.
DP and MS attended Community Awards Presentation
309. Matters raised by members for inclusion on next
Former Deputy Headteacher agenda
very effective at raising standards Election May 2011
Reading techniques coached; books loaned Parking regulations in Broomfields
Clearly taught NC maths
JB gave apologies for next meeting
Quality of writing and handwriting improved
SATs, 11+ and Common Entrance 310. DATES OF NEXT MEETINGS
Weekly follow-up activities 13th October 10th November
01279 600 102 8th December
Denise Ings Many discounts to shows on offer to all members
Also invitations to
King’s Thursday, 2 Rowney Gardens, Sawbridgeworth, CM21 0AT
Friday 15 Oct
[email protected] Quiz at the Playhouse
Sing Along with Jo Jingles!
Fun Music Singing & Movement Classses
For children aged 3 months to 5 years
Chidren’s Parties & Nursery Sessions also available!
For details on classes in: Friday 3 Dec
Bishop’s Storford, Epping, Harlow Invitation to opening night reception
Sawbridgeworth, Stebbing & Hatfield after evening performance of Pantomime
Heath Plus NEW classes starting in
Potter Street, Harlow Friday 28 Jan
Call Lucy on 01279 868 410 Wine and Cheese with Entertainment
[email protected]
www.jojingles.com/bishopsstortford Membership only £10 per annum
For more details please ring 730 544
Come and help support your pre-school LEISURE CENTRE & BEAUTY LODGE
Manicure or Pedicure, Luxury Clarins Facial, Swedish
7:30 till 11pm Back Massage. We know how to spoil you, feel truly
relaxed, have lunch around the pool. Use the solarium
location : village hall
½ Day pamper - morning , afternoon,
TICKET PRICE. £5. or between school hours
Price of tickets include 1 free drink and nibbles. Gift Vouchers Available
All proceeds from evening will go to our garden fund FOR MORE INFORMATION OR MORE PAMPER
If you have any donations we can auction please
01279 730 549
bring to the pre-school prior to the night.
Telephone- 07749 282 501 www.huntersmeet.co.uk
Due to the recent government cut backs the grant we had Toilet trailers Luxury and
applied for has now been withdrawn so it is back to fund Party Range, single event
raising if we want to get the children into their new portable and disabled
garden. We want to make it as fun as possible for them but units available for hire.
at the same time an educational place for them to learn in.
Please help us complete this long(10 years)!! and amazing
project .If you would like to come or think you can help in
any way please ring on the number above.
Janice Prior
Pre-school manager
Paula's Petsitting Service
Going on holiday? Paula offers personal pet care in their
own home! Choosing Paula‛s Petsitting Service you can
leave home knowing you will return to happy pets.
Dog walking also available. All at competitive rates
For more information, please call
01279 876 277 or 07986 270 336
Or email: [email protected]
Independent co-educational
day school and nursery
for 2 - 11 year olds
Available to sing for weddings, funerals and other events Call us today on 01279 657706
For further details please contact
01277 366677
Chapels of Rest Pre paid funeral plans
email: [email protected]
Daniel Robinson One of the delights about living in a place like Hatfield
& Sons Heath is being able to see the changing seasons close
up. Outside my window is a very large horse chestnut
Independent Family tree. Unfortunately the leaf miner bugs have been at
Funeral Directors & Monumental Masons it, and like many chestnuts it started to look like
autumn sometime in July!
A personal caring service
from family business day or night. By October autumn proper is well under way. It is
Our trained staff will be pleased to give free time for all the traditional festivities of Harvest
confidential advice on any matter Festival. Although celebrated for centuries, Harvest
(like so many other things) was enthusiastically taken
GOLDEN 3 BULLFIELDS up by the Victorians. Harvest themes speak to us all
CHARTER SAWBRIDGEWORTH though. Everyone in the village is welcome to the
Harvest events advertised in this magazine.
FUNERAL PLANS (01279) 722476
It is good to give thanks for the natural world around
79/81 SOUTH STREET WYCH ELM us and all the food and other benefits it provides us
BISHOP'S STORTFORD HARLOW with. I was amazed to see the large number of tractors
and trailers taking off the crops from the fields either
(01279) 655477 (01279) 426990 side of the road to Sheering recently. How many
meals could be made from them? Any answers
HASLERS LANE 146 HIGH STREET gratefully received.
At church recently we have been exploring the
(01371) 874518 (01992) 560890 themes of the natural world and the environment.
“Green” issues, global warming, climate change etc.
www.drobinson.co.uk may seem to be recent things. The Christian faith,
however, has always held a concern for the world
24 hour Family Careline
Golden Charter Pre-Payments Plans
around us, believing that to respect creation is to SECURE YOUR PROPERTY
honour the Creator. It is a truism at any level to say
that all things are connected. At the highest level ALARM SYSTEMS - CCTV - INTERCOMS
rejoicing in the wonders of the world around us, I
believe, takes us close to understanding more about FOR ALL YOUR ELECTRONIC SECURITY NEEDS CALL
God and his good purposes for the word.
Lt Hallingbury
01279 600 025
Email:[email protected]
Sunday 3rd October 10.30.
Harvest Service at the U R C Do you feel you’re falling apart?
followed by Harvest Lunch I can help put you back together!
We will be joined by Holy Trinity. Complete treatment from head to toe.
Everyone welcome Tickets £5 Ring 730 465
Sports injuries
WHITECHAPEL MISSION Back, neck and joint pain and stiffness
As part of our support of the Whitechapel Mission – even long term
Tight, painful muscles
we would be pleased to receive Breakfast and Stress-related disorders and sleep problems
toiletry items. These can be brought on the day to Chronic pain and swelling, and varicose veins
Post-operative rehabilitation
our Harvest Service or left in the U R C Hall. Arthritis exercises and education
State Registered Chiropodist
Home Visiting Practice
Mrs. Julie Golden S.R.Ch. To make an appointment
Est. 1994 or for more information, please contact me:
01279 817 810 Tel: 01279 718 331
[email protected]
A professional service at a competitive rate www.holisticare.co.uk
Cannons Lane, Hatfield Broad Oak
Hatfield Regis
The Committee have several projects they
are looking into in the near future.
One of them is about the Bakeries at both
Hatfield Heath and Broad Oak. (Browns
later Glasscocks and Catons)
If you knew anyone that worked there, or
had connections with either of these
Businesses, will you please contact me at
01279 730 672
E-mail robingumettfg/tisacali.co.uk
or at 2 Rosemary Cottages
Hatfield Heath CM22 7DU.
Thank you. Robin Gurnett.
Chairman and Recorder HRLHG
Wednesday 6th October
Remus Horse Sanctuary
Fran Smith
Wednesday 20* October
Sam Cook
We meet at the U R C Hall on the
Chelmsford Road, at 8pm
New Members & Visitors welcome
Information: - Jean 730 465
Hunters Meet Restaurant
Cabaret Nights
Here at Hunters Meet , on Friday and Saturday
nights, we hold some of the best
Dinner Dance & Cabarets Nights in the country!
October 2010
NIGHT OF DANCE Fri 1st Oct & Fri 8 Oct
CABARET NIGHT Sat 16th Tues 19th Fri 22nd
Sat 23rd
01279 730 549
A Public notice for the Golden Jubilee of the Ministry of Premium Wash
Rev. Cornelius Berry 1811-1861 who was Minister at the
Congregational Church at Hatfield Heath. He completed outside wash & leathered,
another four years before his death in 1864 and was the wheel arches & tyre shine
longest serving Minister in the Church's history.
A new Chapel was built on the Chelmsford Road in 1875 £6.99/£8.99
with a stained Glass window dedicated to Rev. Berry.
The window is lit up over the Christmas period and Platinum Wash Whilst we
depicts the life of St Paul as Pupil, Persecutor, Preacher, please you
Pastor and Prisoner. premium wash plus
full interior clean & vacuum, with our
Hatfield Regis Local History Society including windows plus boot
Tuesday 19th October 7.30pm -HBO Great War vacuumed wheel arches & tyre shine
Memorial - John Sly
Held at St Mary's Hatfield Broad Oak Transport from the £12.99/£14.99
U R C car park at 7.15pm New members and visitors
would be most welcome.
you can enjoy
our complimentary
for full Tea or Coffee
prestige valeting prices
please enquire within
Pond Lane - Hatfield Heath
07535 320099
07949 427545
OPEN COFFEE MORNING We offer a friendly service
and take pride in our high
Drop in for Tea, coffee and light refreshments standard of fitting
Free estimates & advice
FREE but donations welcome
We can supply to all local areas
including: Sawbridgeworth,
Bishop’s Stortford, Harlow,
Elsenham, Hatfield Broad Oak,
Hatfield Heath
111a London Road Sawbridgeworth Herts CM21 9JJ
T:01279 724878 - F:01279 724878
The time has come round again
Want to give a personal Gift? for me to thank "THE TEAM"
A verse for any occasion. who produce the Magazine.
Ivan Wybrew our Treasurer,
Bev Rogers 07796 493 453 Pauline Kemp our Advertising
Manager and Secretary and our
www.wordways.net Diarist Margaret Lines. I
welcome Jean Clarke who has
DOMESTIC SOLDIERS taken over as Wholesale
Distributor from Wendy Way,
General DIY, Curtain Rails and Shelves Erected, Flat Packs who has retired from this
assembled. Patio, Drive and Brickwork Pressure Washed, office, I thank her for her
Fencing and Sheds Preserved and Repaired, Hedge Cutting, support. Our Editor Barbara
Jenkins is retiring, having
including Shrubs and Tree Pruning, completed three years service and I thank her for her
House Painting, Exterior & Interior, Windows Pipe Work and contributions I welcome Janet Briscoe who takes over as
Editor from October. My thanks also go to the distributors
Weather Boards Stained and Painted. Fencing Erected, who deliver your copy of the magazine every month and
Gardens and Driveways Shingf. further thanks to contributors and the printers. Everyone
mentioned is important to the continued success of the
Please do not hesitate to ask. Contact lan and Jan at publication.
San Michelle, Jacks Lane, Takeley A. S JENKINS (Tony Jenkins Oct 1987)
I am very pleased to take over the job as editor of the Hatfield
01279 873 933 Heath Village Magazine. I have lived in the village for the
01279 870 968 last four years although I was born and bred in the North of
England and some people would say that I have a 'funny
COMPLETE SERVICE FOR YOUR HOME accent'. I try to take an active role in village life and was
[email protected] recently elected onto the Parish Council.
I would like to thank Mrs. Barbara Jenkins for all her hard
BLINDS work in acting as editor for the past three years and hope that
Phone now for a friendly chat
with Sue to get more information
Tel : 07885 510 400
1 The Fairway, Bush Fair, Harlow, Essex
Specialists in design, manufacture and installation of manual and automated gates; including video/
intercom entry systems.
Staircases, balustrades and railings. Builder’s steelwork. Expert advice and service
Free quotations with no obligation.
Tel: 01279 635 525
E-Mail :[email protected]
I can maintain her efficient standards. Trinity Hall and lately in the Coffee room in the Institute.
I would welcome any contributions and suggestions for the Many of us used this facility which was laid on for those
magazine. If there are any clubs or societies who wish to bereft of transport.
contribute to the magazine then please contact me on 730674. We Heath patients owe you a special debt for so many years
If you want to publicise a forthcoming event then copy must dedication, David.
be received by the 14th of the month. We wish you a happy retirement and many years fishing,
JANET BRISCOE golfing, bowling, tennis and all the other interests you have.
(Oct 1987 nowadays Janet has joined the Parish Council for With thanks from all your Heath patients.
the second time I believe) DON FOSTER.
P.S. Retirement is SMASHING.
Many thanks to all those who supported the Wally Day We offer a
memorial trophy match on the 5th September, £70 was raised Complete Service
from the raffle for charity. Unfortunately, the Heath lost the
match 4-3 against North Weald. Andrew Clayden scored two DESIGN
of the goals and the result would have been different if the CERAMIC TILING
Heath had converted the many chances which they created. "If
we had scored mere goals then we would have won," LIGHTING
confirmed the manager afterwards. Many of the players also WOODWORK ETC.
complained that they had not had time to get accustomed to
the new strip which presumably explains why they persisted All carried out with the minimum
in passing the ball to the other side. Many thanks to Footprint of fuss and mess by experts!
who purchased the new shirts and who are now the official Also all Plumbing &
sponsors of the first team. Domestic Heating Installations
The reserve team presently boasts an unbeaten record which
will possibly come to an end as soon as they play a game. SO LOOK NO FURTHER THAN
The first team lost their first league game in the Premier
Division, going down 4-0 to Hatfield Broad Oak. In difficult C.F OAKES
conditions, the Heath acquitted themselves well and were still
in the match with fifteen minutes to go, but conceded three Established in Harlow for over 45 years
late goals. It is to be hoped that things can only get better. 19 SERVICE BAY, WYCH ELM , HARLOW
Finally I would like to send good wishes to cur new editor. I
am reliably informed that she has no immediate intention of
introducing pictures on Page 3. Remember folks, you read it
first in your super, sizzling, soaraway Village Magazine.
Dr. Wright retired in September.
He has taken a surgery especially at Hatfield Heath, weekly,
since the year dot.
For many years this was held in a room at 'Stonedash', the
home of Mrs. Peggy Hockley, then in the annex to rusty old
For Complete Peace of Mind
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deep cleaned Remove
Dust Head teacher: J H Clements MA
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protection plans Hatfield Heath Community Primary School
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• Allergy treatments A CHRISTMAS SHOPPING
• Expert spot and stain removal Thurs 11th Nov 7pm – 9pm
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For a FREE non-obligational quote call Matt: HATFIELD HEATH SCHOOL
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www.safeclean.co.uk LINDSAY BAILLIE OF
Beautiful Holidays in Cornwall WILL BE AT
For more details please visit PARISH COUNCIL INFORMAL MEETING
www.beautifulcornwallholidays.co.uk THU 30 SEPT
or Lindsay will be at the Parish Council informal
evening on the 30th September, in the village hall, if
Phone Wayne on 07958 482 889 you would like to talk to her about any concerns you
may have regarding security. I also hope to have
someone from the local constabulary.
[email protected]
- 3 Bedroom holiday home,
sleeps up to 8 people
- Situated on a holiday park
with full use of the park facilities
- Weekly lets and short breaks
- Near St Ives, Penzance and Truro
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- Non Smoking
Dark Wood wall unit, Excellent condition TEL 07879 402 204
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Comprises 4 bottom cupboards, 4 drawers, 2 CLARKES
glass fronted, display cupboards, drink cabinet in
the middle. Insect & Vermin Control
If interested please phone 01279-730 384 Jeff Clarke
Free to collector
Tel: 01279 830 003
1 "Black eagle" Karate / Judo Suit age 10ish
1 "Blitz" Karate / Judo suit age 13ish: Email: contact @clarkes4pest.co.uk
£15 each or £25 for the pair
phone 01279-730-384 www.clarkes4pests.co.uk
Hatfield Forest district guides are looking for regular FOR ALL OCCASIONS
helpers (leaders) for Rainbows, Brownies and Guides
(subject to CRB checks). If you would like to find out To and from Stansted, Luton, Heathrow,
more or can offer help please contact Gatwick and City airports
Jo Stewart, District Commissioner, on
Corporate & A complete
01279 835 689 Sporting events London Service
ROTAVATOR FOR SALE National meetings Shopping trips
£295 Theatre/dinner Hospital visits
Tel 07768 606 309 Urgent courier
Guided tours services
IYENGAR YOGA Our fleet of air conditioned vehicles
ranges from executive cars to luxury
Classes to suit all ages
people carriers and coaches
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Beginners/intermediate/over 50's
8 passenger vehicles now available for all events
Day and Evenings Available
Contact Jenny For professionalism with the personal touch
contact Chris New at
01279 730 751
07946 777 669 Tel: 01279 721 427 Fax: 01279 723 947
Mobile: 07968 026 032
Email: [email protected]
or visit our informative website:
The Community Calendar
Notelets and Xmas Cards
In aid of Stop Stansted Expansion (SSE)
Are now on sale, you can buy by phoning
Bruno & Barbara on 01279 730 498
or email: [email protected]
Sandra &Mick Saban
Pack of 12 Robin
Christmas Cards £ 6
(Inc. Bridge End Garden
Calendars Only £6 Pack of 12 Notelets Love Mum,
Size A3 (11ins x 16ins ) (2 of each design £6) Nan & Grandad
(29cm x 42cm) XXXX
SSE NOTELETS (including Windmill, Stansted Mountfitchet)
SSE Hatfield Forest Christmas Card