Village Magazine
Hatfield Heath A 40`S NIGHT DANCE
Harvest Festival Saturday 30th Aug2008
2008 8pm to 11.30pm
Once again the two churches are combining to celebrate God's Hatfield Heath Village Hall
goodness. We have so much to say "Thank You" for and
Dancing to
Harvest Festival is a good time to do so.
Our Village Service will be on: For tickets Phone Sandra Saban 730 042
Sunday 28th See page 13 for details
September 10.30am SANDHYA
The United Reformed
Followed by Lunch (tickets £5 each – tel. 730465)
This year instead of fruit and vegetables we are encouraged to An Evening of traditional Indian classical music
collect and bring Gent's toiletries, breakfast items, tinned food Sublime Sitar by Vijay Jagtap
etc which will be taken to the Whitechapel Mission for their
with Tabla and Yanpura accompaniment
work with the homeless.
Hatfield Heath Village Hall
Let us celebrate together
Sunday 12th October 2008 6.30pm
U R C Friday Club See page 7 for details
will be starting again on Festival 21st June 2009
5th September at 7.00pm We have been advised that the Classic Car organisers
have to be somehwere else on the 14th so we have
Help with the supervision would be very much appreciated. reassigned The Festival weekend to the 21st June 2009
It wouldn'tbe the same without The Classic Car Show
This will take place on
Saturday 13th September.
Please sponsor a Rider or a Walker
Village Website : Email: [email protected]
1 11.30 for 12.00 Luncheon Club URC INSTITUTE 730 544
3 10.30 Holy Communion 1662 The Close 731 420
20.00 Leisure Hour URC (2 ½ -5)
7 TRINITY 16 730 354 731 076
08.00 Holy Communion HT For all Senior Citizens 730 581
09.30 Family Service.HT
10.30 Family Service with Communion URC HH UNDER FIVES ITALIAN LANGUAGE
18.30 Evensong HT Mother & Toddler 730 212 Michelina 07786 341 754
8 20.00 PCC CR
13 10.00 Friends of Essex Cycle Ride URC SPANISH LANGUAGE
21.00 for 21.30 Mission Event – Mike Clargo FRIDAY CLUB (7-12 years) Ann Whale 01279 731 288
14 TRINITY 17 730 465 FOOTBALL CLUB 730 212
09.30 Holy Communion and Baptism HT JO JINGLES CRICKET CLUB 730 674
10.30 Family Service URC (6 mths - 7years) 868 410 HEATH PLAYERS
18.00 Service at The Close and play reading for pleasure
17 11.30 for 12.00 Luncheon Club URC SCHOOL FOOTBALL
19.45 Leisure Hour URC 730 825 or 730 517
08.00 Holy Communion HT SCOUTS 812 586 Robin Gurnett 730 672
10.30 Family Service URC CUBS Chris Hancock
730 042
24 10.45 MU Holy Communion HT 731 646
19.45 Gardening Club H
BROWNIES 734 391
NO 09.30 service at HT. SUNDAY CLUB
Joint service at 10.30 at United Reformed
9.30am Holy Trinity 730 288 BELL RINGERS 730 526
Church - followed by lunch
1 10.30 Holy Communion 1662 The Close H.T. YOUTH GROUP Canon Tim Potter 730 288
08.00 Holy Communion HT
09.30 Family Service HT KARATE 445 539 730 465
18.30 Evensong HT
H-Village Hall / CR-Committee Room H / HT-Holy JUNIOR KARATE CATHOLIC CHURCH
Trinity Church / URC-United Reform Church / I-In-
stitute / S-School 01992 575 679 Hatfield Broad Oak
SOSEN GORE 01371 872 550
01279 651 270
WU CHI 07947 599 801 OR 01279 653 925
SENIOR BOWLS 724 833 Mark Lemon 730 581
OPEN BOWLS 730 539
BRIDGE CLUB 723 948 AEROBICS Rachel Eastland
Mon 9.30am & Thu 8pm
730 425 731 076
730 421 730 512
Alzheimer’s Society HATFIELD HEATH
01279 730 274
Buffy Bus is a playbus designed to give the under fives an
You can hire the hall for children's parties opportunity to paint, play and socialise in a playgroup
£9.50 / hour
environment that they would otherwise not have access to
TUESDAYS 9.30am - 11am
Sunday 3.00pm – 4.00pm Broomfields/ Ardley Cresc
September 14nd , 28th September 7th , 21rd
Next Parish council Meeting LIST OF WEBSITES
At The URC Hall
WED 10TH SEPT 7.30PM 2008
Parish Clerk - Ernie Fenwick.................730 770
Chairman - Robert Jones......... .........730 741 Village Website
Vice chairman Bart Sheekey......................730 663
Mark Lemon (District Councillor).........730 581
Mel Sullivan..............................................731 434
Paula O’Sullivan........................................730 281 Village Magazine
Sandy Rust.................................................731 229
Paul Simpson..............................................730 026
Chris Tovey................................................739 333
Surgery Websites
Gary Waller............................................739 345
(Repeat prescriptions can be applied for on these sites)
There will be a retired policeman Rick Jones at the Hatfield Heath Football Club
police station who you can talk to on
Hatfield Heath Cricket Club
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5pm - 6.30pm
PHONE NUMBERS OF Hatfield Heath Business Association Link
P.C. Bradley Healey and PCSO Emma Webb Bridge club
Police Great Dunmow...............................01376 551 312
Police Mobile............................................. 07779 316 979 Terry’s Photos Website - Hatfield Heath etc.
Police Hatfield Heath.......... ..............01279 730 388
Police E-Mail :- [email protected]
Non-Emergency No.....................................0300 333 4444 H.H. TENANTS FORUM MEMBERS
Emergency ...................................................999
DOCTORS Broomfields.............................01279 730 616 Paul Simpson ....................................730 026
DOCTOR Sawbridgeworth.......................08444 773 360 David. N. Parish............................... 730 573
THE SAMARITANS..................................01279 421 110
PRE-SCHOOL ...........................................01279 730 354
HOLY TRINITY Canon Tim Potter...........01279 730 288 Tues
MINISTER of URC Rev Jim Gill ...
HALF HOUR HELPERS...........................07944 748 478 16th
Email :- [email protected]
Need a friendly neighbour to help you? Send your letters /articles/ reports /photographs, by hand, floppy
with task that will take approx 30 mins e.g.
Shopping small repairs collecting prescriptions etc. disc, CD, or email - [email protected].
Please note there is no ageism. If posting or delivering by hand you can send direct to me :-
Anyone young or old can call for help from volunteers.
Bruno(Editor) “Manor Lodge”, Chelmsford Rd, Hatfield
PHONE 07-944-748-478
Heath CM22 7BD.
Phone manned 10am to 12noon
Editor: - Bruno Scheggia (Skedja) 01279 730 498
Bruno’s Mobile Phone number 07768 606309
Treasurer: - Mel Sullivan 01279 731 434
The Mobile Library Hatfield Heath Distribution:-Barbara Scheggia 01279 730 498
Broomfields 14.45 15.35 Secretary: - Jean Clarke
The Close 15.40 16.00 Printed by Cornerstone 01279 437 851
The White Horse 16.05 16.35 DISCLAIMER: The Editor and Printers do not take
responsibility for the information given or views expressed in
Visits on Tuesday the Hatfield Heath Village Magazine. Nor is any culpability
accepted in work done by advertisers.
Sept 9th - 23rd
Oct 7th -21st
UNITED REFORMED CHURCH As I write the Olympics are on and the nations of the world
are competing in a vast range of sports. Many will follow
Mission Supper U R C Hall with interest. There will be great achievements, some
disappointments and some wonderful stories to be told.
Outer Mongolia or Bust!
At the same time we have had the awful spectacle of
Saturday 13th September 7.30pm Russia and Georgia fighting, killing and destroying.
People’s lives have been turned upside down and many
Mike Clargo talks on his experience there. have been killed or made refugees. It seems that when
some are competing on the sporting arena with friendly
Everyone welcome Snacks provided, rivalry others have to demonstrate the baser side of
bring your own drinks. Donations.
Here, of course, the effects of the difficult financial times
Harvest Festival Sunday are being felt by more and more. It is easy to withdraw and
look after number one and hope that it will all pass us by.
28th September 10.30am ( I very much hope that we will not do that.
Joint with Holy Trinity) On Sunday 28th September our village has the opportunity
of saying “thank you” to God at the Harvest Festival
Followed by Harvest Lunch. Tickets £5 Service at the United Reformed Church. We are also
collecting again for the work of the Whitechapel Mission
which seeks to help some of the neediest in society. I hope
that in remembering to thank God for the many good
things we enjoy we can also be generous and open-hearted
and think about those who are desperately in need. Do
come and join us.
Yours sincerely
Tim Potter
Piano Lessons
Board exam coaching and accompanying
Vocal and Language coaching for singers
Ana-Maria Dafova, 07770 994 227
[email protected]
Everyone Welcome. Jean 730 465
Sawbridgeworth Funeral Service
Arrangements made in the comfort of your own home
5 West Road Traditional Funerals at affordable prices
CM21 0BJ For immediate attention
01279 600 381
We start our new year on HATFIELD HEATH VILLAGE
Wednesday 3rd September 8.00pm FESTIVAL
at the U R C Hall 21st JUNE 2009
with a talk by Robin Gurnett entitled
The Next Festival on the Heath will be
' China and Canals' Sunday 21st June 2009
Wednesday 17th September 8.00pm Hallingbury Hall Equestrian Centre
Diana Griffin
British Horse Society Approved
The Red Cross - A First Aid Update. Riding lessons for children and adults
Everyone Welcome Especially new Members
beginners to advanced riders
Details Jean on 730 465
YOUTH CRICKET Super indoor school, three outdoor arena's,
show jumping arena, and cross-country course
We have super ponies from quiet schoolmasters to
ones trained to do jumping and dressage
AT LONG LAST! Children's own a pony day courses are held every
COACHING IS EVERY TUESDAY, Wednesday and Thursday during the holidays, Great Fun!
AT THE CRICKET CLUB. Maximum four riders on a 45 minute lesson gain
WE WOULD LIKE AGES BETWEEN 7-12. confidence and enjoy on one of our lovely sensible cobs
IT'S INFORMAL, FUN AND FREE! Improve your dressage, learn about tests
If there are any questions, lateral work, engagement and collection
please do not hesitate in calling Or join a jumping lesson and
Luke Plane on 07706 521 153 or
Mark Graves on 07999 416 424 practise courses, grids and related distances
Please ring or pop in for a chat
01279 730 348
Little Hallingbury, Bishops
Stortford, Herts CM227RP
Clinical Hypnotherapist. Anxiety & Stress Consultant
Jacqueline. S. Munt
Panic attacks. Hypnotherapy.
Phobias. Relaxation.
Weight Loss. CBT.
Stop Smoking. NLP.
Confidence Building. EFT.
Pain relief. Stress Counselling.
Life & Retirement Coaching.
Stress Management.
Practice in Hatfield Broad Oak
Tel Jackie on: 01279 718 739 or 07957 592 340
Hobbs Cross Road SANDHYA
Old Harlow
An Evening of traditional Indian classical music
CM17 0NJ Sublime Sitar by Vijay Jagtap
Tel. 01279 429 910 with Tabla and Yanpura accompaniment Hatfield Heath Village Hall
Sunday 12th October 2008 6.30pm
Ticket £10
Saint Nicholas
A small independent school,
located in
Churchgate Street, Old Harlow
We take pupils from Reception
through to Year 11
Tel: 01279 507 644 or 07900 654 227
• Small class
sizes Dhira Yoga [email protected]
• Wide range of Sandhya
curricular and
extra-curricular “Shanti Jyoti”
Vijay's short Biography:
• Extensive
grounds Hailing from a distinguished lineage of Jagtap family,
• Heated pool Vijay Jagtap has inherited music as legacy
STICKY FINGERS from his father, Pandit Jagannath Jagtap,
ForPWpSaaitnorrteiynntgeitms eanhSdticcDakaArirnepgirvnsrkwoesinthsacPfShlnaipinuylddgdrrioneounBgngvhaiisgdedcdeu1do5itSmsW! who is a renowned Tabla and Pakhawaj
Hatfield Broad Oak Village Hall 9.30am to 10.30am arfist, and his grandfather, Shankar Jagtap
Little Hallingbury village Hall 1.30pm to 2.30pm
- a well-known Sarangi player, singer,
come along and join us !!!
writer and poet.. Vijay was born in
Former Deputy Headteacher
very effective at raising standards Vadodara, India. The exceptional talent of
Reading techniques coached; books loaned Vijay Jagtap has earned him several
Clearly taught NC maths
accolades, making him one of the highly acclaimed
Quality of writing and handwriting improved
SATs, 11+ and Common Entrance Britain-based sitar artists. Renowned for both his technical
Weekly follow-up activities excellence and brilliance on strings, Vijay holds a master's
01279 600 102 degree in Sitar from
Denise Loomes Maharaja Sayajirao
King’s Thursday, 2 Rowney Gardens, Sawbridgeworth, CM21 0AT Universtiy, Vadodara.
[email protected] Vijay is a committed artist
who infuses sheer magic in
his sitar performance. One
of the milestones of his
carrier was the performance
at the Westminster Abbey,
London, in the presence of Her Majesty The Queen and
His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh, on the
occasion of an Observance for
Commonwealth day in 1998. He
has given several BBC television
and radio performances and
mesmerized listeners with his
brilliant performance, beautiful
compositions, and sharing his
musical legacy with his students
at workshops. To know more on
Vijay Jagtap, please visit his
Tampura Dhira and Lavanya
HEATH PLAYERS PaintingandDecorating
The Heath Players will again be taking to the stage at the If you are Looking for an
Village Hall from October 30th to November 1st, this time Excellent Standard of Decorating
to present the hilarious family comedy "Over the River and
Through the Woods" by Robert DiPietro, directed by Steve by a
Foster. Steve's last production won the runner up award at Professional Tradesman
the Hertford Theatre Festival in 2007 against strong
competition. More details will be in the October Magazine, Exterior/Interior
and tickets will be available from the beginning of October
Then look no further
The Players are about to lose their scenery store and Please call John for a free estimate
workshop which has been provided by courtesy of Robin
Parkinson for well over thirty years. Our sincere thanks to
Robin for her generous support, which has been very much
appreciated. We are now looking for new
storage/workshop facilities and would be very grateful to
hear from anyone who may have a spare outbuilding with
vehicle access nearby, preferably about the size of a
double garage.
We'd be happy to tackle any repairs which might be
needed. If you might be able to help us, please ring
Peter Lines on 01279 730544
Independent co-educational
day school and nursery
for 2 - 11 year olds
Call us today on 01279 657 706 www.haileybur FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT ALL HAILEYBURY
TEL: 01992 463 353 FAX: 01992 470 663
EMAIL: [email protected]
CARPENTER Heather Dalton White 1919-2008
John Adamson
Qualified and experienced
for all domestic carpentry
Free quotations Fully insured
07779 715888 01371 811 688
MHS Builders
Extensions Heather had lived in the village most of her life
All types of carpentry
Roofing and tiling having moved from Hull, in the late 1920s, to Lea
UPVC windows, doors and conservatories
Loft/Garage conversions Hall on the Broad Oak Road.
All other work undertaken Her father Col J Dalton White, whose business was
Tel: 01279 739409 fruit importing, was very active in the local
Mobile: 07718 539 969
The family had a great love of horses and Col Dalton
Town Grove, Dunmow Road, Hatfield Heath,
Bishops Stortford, Herts CM22 7BN White had been responsible in gaining approval for
For all your Gas Installation and Servicing needs. the first 'open' horse race for lady riders to be run in
Free Quotations for gas heating installations.
CORGI registration number 222. this county, persuading the Countess of Warwick to
Local company established in 1974.
donate a trophy - the Warwick Vase. This was first
Call us on 01279-730 060
Fax us on 01279-730 065 run at Lea Hall in 1937 with Heather's sister Valerie
E-mail us at [email protected]
finishing runner-up. This proved to be a pioneering
event in the history of Lady riders. Heather, who was
a super, and very brave, horsewomen riding in her
first race at sixteen. continued on next page..........
• Interior & Exterior decoration GM Property Maintenance
• carried out to a high specification.
• Full public liability. Decorating Specialists
• 30 yrs Experience
Est. 1987
• Ceilings papered.
Specialising in:
• Wall coverings and wall paper hung Home interior and exterior decoration
Building maintenance and restoration
No job too large or too small
Professional and reliable service Fully insured
Contact Steve.
Tel: 01279 730733
Phone : 01279 724 805 Mobile : 07836 588 886 07867 805382
E-mail :[email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Address: Field View, Sheering, Herts. 8
In 1939 the family moved to Fowey in Cornwall and Handmade contemporary jewellery in
Heather pursued her second love of Sailing, taking sterling silver, pearls and gemstones
part in the Fastnet race and owning her own yacht
'Nagodi' Beautiful, affordable designs perfect
for all occasions
During the war Heather served in the R A F as a
WAAF and saw service in Egypt, Italy, Sicily and Shop on line, visit us at one of our
Malta. events or have a fun night in with
After the war the family moved back to the Heath to
Laurel Cottage and Heather was riding again to the friends and your very own
Essex Hounds and Point to Points. jewellery party!
She won more Essex races than any other rider and
appropriately won the Warwick Vase twice, in 1951 CALL US ON 07711 421 444
&1952. Later she became Secretary to the Essex P to
P Association.
She spent the rest of her days at the Laurels and could
often be seen riding her horse or taking her terrier
dogs for exercise across the Heath.
Ivan Wybrew
What are you going to do this winter? Would you
like to learn to play bridge? MERCHANTS
Our relaxed and friendly classes for beginners are
held on Tuesday evenings Building, Timber, (01279)
New Term starts at 8pm on 30th September 2008 Paving Plumbing,
If you already play bridge but would like to improve 600 666Supplies TRADE & RETAIL
your game and feel more confident about
playing in a club you could join our Monday classes The Maltings, Station Road Sawbridgeworth, Herts.
for "Improvers "
New Term starts at 8 pm 29th September 2008.
Classes are run by our English Bridge Union trained
teachers Brian & Penny Hassell who can be
contacted for more information
By telephone on: 01279721428
Or email on:
[email protected]
BLINDS General DIY, Curtain Rails and Shelves Erected, Flat Packs
CONSERVATORY assembled. Patio, Drive and Brickwork Pressure Washed, Fencing
PLEATED and Sheds Preserved and Repaired, Hedge Cutting, including
PINOLEUM Shrubs and Tree Pruning,
ROMAN House Painting, Exterior & Interior, Windows Pipe Work and
COMMERCIAL Weather Boards Stained and Painted. Fencing Erected, Gardens
Phone now for a friendly chat and Driveways Shingled and Pebbled. Guttering Unblocked,
with Sue to get more information Roofs Moss and Mildew Power-washed Off.
Tel : 07885 510 400 Please do not hesitate to ask. Contact lan and Jan at
San Michelle, Jacks Lane, Takeley
01279 870 946
(24th May 1907 - 17th July 2008)
In beautiful, air conditioned buildings In a life spanning 101 years, changes are to be expected. Aunt
with brand new equipment and facilities Ellen probably saw more changes, especially in the way
science and technology was affecting daily life but also social
Free Education Grant Places changes brought about by two world wars.
Full time or Part Time Available Born in the thatched cottage on Motts Green, Ellen lived in a
School Bus Picks Up & Takes Home house with no running water, just two bedrooms and very
After School Kid's Club & Holiday Schemes little insulation.
Water had to be fetched from the pump across the green and
For details stored in earthenware containers.
call Jan on The cottage garden was an essential provider of food. A poor
01279 718 823 crop of potatoes meant they were hungry for part of the year. Adding to these hardships was the fact that her mother
suffered from a progressive paralysing disease which meant
For ticket inquires contact that she was confined to bed.
The Black Horse 01279 876 322 With her sister Minnie and elder brother Edward, she went to
or Ana-Maria Dafova 01279 876 259 school in the village. Edward plaited the girls hair every
morning and they complained bitterly that he pulled their
Ticket price £12 hair far too tight!.
includes a free drink at The Black Horse where you can meet Later in life Ellen kept chickens both as a source of eggs and
for the Christmas dinner both for family and for customers.
the artists after the concert. The year she tried ducks was a failure so chickens returned.
Children under 16 free. As a young woman Ellen enjoyed playing tennis. She
belonged to the village tennis club and played at every
possible opportunity on courts made available by Col. Parker
at Malting farm and later also by the Barclay family at
Gaston House. Ellen loved to sing and was a member of the
Church choir and later sang in the Women's Institute choir
under Mildred Wilkins.
Fate decreed that Ellen never married.
During the second world war, those who were not directly
involved or were involved in a reserved occupation, were
given jobs selected for them. Ellen was sent to work in the
laundry of the Herts and Essex Hospital (then Haymeads
Hospital) where many wounded servicemen were treated.
There, she looked after the cleaned clothing etc. and sent it
out carefully folded and packed.
She became devoted to the Freeman-Robinson family at the
Old Forge, for whom she worked for many years, looking
after the day-to-day running of the house. She looked after
her father Harry and when he died, lived alone in the Motts
Green cottage.
A burglary at the cottage left her too afraid to stay on her
own and she went to live with her cousin Victor Trigg on
Lower Road. Here she stayed on her own after Vic's death
and in her mid-nineties was still getting coal for the fire from
the outside bunker when her kind neighbour Brian was not
available to do it.
Declining health led to her being given a small flat in the
sheltered accommodation at Broomfields, Hatfield Heath
where for the last five years of her life she lived. Over the
last years, as her health gradually declined, her niece Pamela
played an ever increasing part in her welfare. For many years,
always there to help, Pamela became a rock on which Ellen Apartment for Hire in Bogaz, Northern Cyprus
A true "Country Lady" Ellen appreciated the changing A spacious apartment with air-con, marble
seasons, the various facets of village life and the lives of flooring, a well-equipped kitchen & large
those who made the village community. lounge. Apartment sleeps 4 people (double
Text courtesy of David Sylvester (Nephew) en-suite & a twin room plus cot avail. if req.)
The death of Ellen Sylvester has highlighted just how many Rental price from £195 p/w
other local families were part of her
ancestry. 01279 731 189 / 07836 214 816
Ellen Sylvester's sister Minnie married Frank Trundle
[Shoemaker) her brother Dick married properties/29450
Hettie Gurnett. Her mother was (Property Ref: CN29450)
Sarah Search, and her Grandfather,
William Search. .His sister, Rebecca, fitness for hire
married George Gurnett. [ My fitness for life
One of her Great Grandmothers was Get in shape for summer!
Sarah Day, another was Elizabeth with fitness for hire
Sapsford.Other family members were
Wakeling, Hammond and Trigg. Get fit in the comfort and privacy
Of your own home.
If you have compiled your family
tree, the Society would be pleased to hear from you, especially treadmills £21 per wk
if any of the above families are involved, The Society wants to
record them for posterity, and to fill in some of the many cross trainers £17.50 per wk
missing gaps and present a wider view of Hatfield Heath's
history. exercise bikes fr £12 per wk
.Robin Gurnett. [Chairman.] rowers £16.50 per wk
19th Century Broomshawbury (Hatfield NEW!!
Broad Oak)Farmer and Local Magistrate Vibration plates £45 per wk
6th September 1857 Rates based on minimum hire
A Rainbow has been seen to the East at near period of 4 wks.
to 10 O clock at Night. Rates reduced for longer durations.*
A man walked into a bar Book for 8 weeks and we’ll give you
* Not applicable to vibration plates
Tel: 01279 739 416/01279 739 413
e-mail: [email protected]
and said 'Ouch!'
Sport in Hatfield Heath
The Flower Pot, The Heath, Hatfield Heath, SPORTING MOMENTS IN TIME
Bishop's Stortford, Herts, CM22 7EB
In this special feature for the September edition of Heath
Telephone: 01279 731 150 Sport, reporter Billy Shaw takes a look back at some of the
historical occurrences in the game of football in and
Website: around Hatfield Heath.
Hatfield Haven Care Home Hatfield Heath FC made the move to the Calves Meadow
ground in 1986, having played their home games at
Stortford Road, Hatfield Heath, Bishops Stortford, Herts. CM22 7DL Bentleys Common for the previous 40 years.
Tel: 01279 730 043 One of the more memorable fixtures to take place at the
former Bentleys site was a Boxing Day clash between the
Features: Heath and a Prisoners of War XI in 1946. The German side
Serene and homely environment; had a few international players among their ranks, and ran
24 hours care in compliance with CSCI Care out resounding 11-0 victors in front of a huge crowd of
Standards; villagers.
Medical care provided by local group practice;
district nurse, physiotherapist and a chiropodist; Moving back to 1952 when Hatfield Heath made an
Highly qualified and motivated staff - RMA and achievement Roman Abramovich could only dream about
NVQ qualifications; – the side won no less than four trophies in one of their
17 newly refurnished and redecorated rooms; most successful seasons to date.
Each bedroom fitted with washbasin, TV and
call system to summon help; They conquered the Bishop’s Stortford & Stansted
A large day lounge with TV and radio; Premier League and Challenge Cup, as well as the West
Large dining room with excellent meals on offer Essex Border Cup and the Bishop’s Stortford Charity Cup,
by the in-house chef; all in one season!
A Stair lift and a passenger lift to all floors;
Activities includes talks, parties, summer Fast forward a few years to the 1960s and the Heath found
barbecues, flower arranging e.t.c themselves pitted against a team from Chelmsford Prison
inside the prison grounds. A decent 5-1 win was watched
Kindly drop by for viewing and to pick up our User by over 500 inmates on that occasion.
Guide and Statement of purpose. For placement and
other enquiries, please call the More recently, the club was featured in the national press
when German keeper Hans Tilkowski helped to re-stage
Home Manager Donna Turner on 01279 730 043 Geoff Hurst’s 1966 world cup final goal which hit the bar
or email: [email protected] and dropped over the goal line.
OPEN COFFEE MORNING Finally we come to some of the earliest recorded incidents
HATFIELD HEATH INSTITUTE of football in Hatfield Heath. It is believed by some that
the village had its first game in 1894, but thankfully there
FREE but donations welcome was no such incident as in a match played at Hatfield
Drop in for Tea, coffee and light refreshments Broad Oak in 1567.
MONDAY TO FRIDAY MORNINGS Henry Ingold collided with an opposing player during a
10.00 AM – 12 NOON
match at Branton Mead. He did not get up and, by the time
A chance to meet others and chat All welcome
Organised by Holy Trinity Church midnight arrived, he had died. Thankfully, with the
Sponsored by the Village Hall Trust
presence of all manner of physiotherapists and medically-
trained personnel at grounds these days, this is a thing of
the past. By Billy Shaw.
Made to measure by
Jennie Childs
All types of Curtains & Matching Accessories
Made to measure
Telephone:01279 730 608
32 Broomfields, Hatfield Heath, Herts. CM22 7EH
Hatfield Heath Village Hall CARS • ESTATE CARS • VANS
8pm to 11.30pm FOUR WHEEL DRIVES
Please bring your own drinks
Nibbles will be provided on the tables
There will be a Charity based Raffle
Dress 40`s style if you wish
Everybody Welcome
Dancing to
Don't order a skip until you have spoken to
For tickets Phone Sandra Saban 730 042 We can offer a fast, efficient, friendly and
reliable service. All types of rubbish cleared.
PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORTHY CAUSE Garden waste, builders' debris, old cookers,
three piece suites, beds, any scrap metal, etc.
BOWLS - VILLAGE HALL Any rubbish cleared. We also offer a grab
service for all unwanted soil, hardcore etc.
Try our 1 ton skip bags. You fill them and we
take them away
Monday 1st Sept at 7.30pm If you are clearing out, we
will clear up.
Fancy a Game of Bowls?
Never Played Before? WASHING MACHINES
come and try COLLECTED FOR £5.00
In the Village Hall
Please bring flat shoes CHEAPER THAN A SKIP
(Soft smooth soles so that mats aren’t damaged) 07957 916 003
we’ll provide the bowls
All welcome
AGM in the Committee Room
There is talk of refreshments in the shape of nibbles & wine.
MINUTES CAB Harlow Grant 25.00
7.30 PM ON WED 9TH JULY 2008 URC HALL HH Friday Club Grant 75.00
OPEN FORUM 3 members of Public present. HH Half hour helpers Grant 100.00
Presentation to the Council from Hatfield Haven for VILLAGE GREEN AND THE HEATH
planning permission. Pond Lane shops Clerk to write to Henry Turtill and Lord
2 members of public left meeting of the Manor requesting that they take action to prevent the
PRESENT: Cllr Bob Jones (Chairman) Cllrs Paula sale of goods on Village Green by Shabby Chic and Arts
O'Sullivan, Sandi Rust, Mel Sullivan, Chris Tovey and and Flowers
Gary Waller. ‘A’ Boards
In attendance: Clerk to the Council Ernie Fenwick Cllr O’Sullivan has checked the village on several occasions
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE & DECLARATION OF and has not found any serious breaches. Deferred to next
MEMBERS INTERESTS: Apologies from Cllrs Mark meeting.
Lemon, Paul Simpson and Bart Sheekey. Fair
Cllrs Sullivan, Jones, O’Sullivan are members of SSE. Cllrs Request from Mannings Childrens World to hold a
Sullivan, Jones and Waller are members of National Trust, children's fair on August Bank Holiday at a fee of £250.
and Cllr Sullivan is treasurer of the Village Magazine. Cllr Tovey proposed acceptance of offer to set up on
FINANCIAL MATTERS: Cllrs Jones, Sullivan and the Thursday and leave on Tuesday at a fee of £250. seconded
Clerk have researched several accounts. Clerk reported best POS.
rate available is from Abbey at 5.75% plus a bonus of September fair to be refused. Cllr Tovey left meeting
0.75% for 1 year with no withdrawals. Cllr Sullivan HIGHWAYS AND FOOTPATHS
proposed £5000 be invested in this account. Seconded Cllr Clearance of footpaths Cllr Rust asked regarding footpath
Waller sign to right of Ardley Crescent. Footpaths need clearing.
Fenwick Expenses 167.30 SR to speak to Teresa Maskell re procedure.
Zurich Municipal Insurance 951.91 Right of Way Teresa to be asked re right of way between
Playsafety Ltd Playground inspection 74.03 Barkers Lane and footpath 39
Uttlesford Volunteer Bureau Grant 10.00 Grass Cutting. J Kenney Services have made the first cut of
Mob ile BeauticianBella Mariposa "We delight in the beauty of the butterfly but rarely admit the islands at Broomfields and the urban and rural verge
the changes it had gone through to achieve that beauty" cuts. Revision of areas of cuts agreed with ECC highways
WAX TREATMENTS HANDS & FEET and J Kenney Services.
Half Leg £14.50 £9.00 add PARKING AND POLICING Parking at Broomfields
Full Leg £20.00 Quick File & Polish £2 for Clerk reports that the parking area at Broomfields is going
(includes hand massage) French to be allocated to Nos 1,3 5 and 7 Broomfields. Cllr
O'Sullivan will speak to Planning Officer who previously
Bikini £7.50 Standard Manicure £15.00 confirmed that the parking was unallocated. Clerk to write
Underarm £7.50 (includes file, cuticle treatment, hand to Housing and Planning Departments
& lower arm massage and polish) Yellow kerbs Yellow paint to kerbs has been carried out and
appears to be having the desired effect.
Chin £5.00 French Manicure £17.00 PLAY AREA
Lip £5.00 Open SpaceCllr Jones has found out that the post regarding
Eye Brow Wax £8.00 ( includes file, cuticle treatment, hand grants has been made redundant. Playdale are making a site
EyeBrow tidy (non wax) £6.00 visit to the open space tomorrow to look at a fitness track
Back (Male) £10.50 & lower arm massage and polish) and also a footpath to the play area.
Clerk to contact solicitor regarding date for receipt of
Pedicure (includes file, cuticle £18.00
treatment, hard skin exfoliate, foot &
lower leg massage and polish)
Individual Appointment’s Cuppa and a pamper Wax Pack Parties
(My home or your home) (children welcome) Pamper Parties
Be a party host and receive a complimentary bottle of wine, 10% off your treaments if
another party is booked and 15% off your treatments if 2 parties are booked. Speak to
Emma for more details Tel:01279 718 585/07727 231 454
E-mail:[email protected]
Birchanger Arts & Flowers monies
Rospa Safety InspectionRospa have carried out a safety
A large selection of paintings and drawings by inspection at the Play Area. Cllr Jones took the report and
will check whether any works need to be carried out prior to
Artists from Herts/Essex/Cambs tomorrows meeting with Playdale.
At the Village Hall, Birchanger Play Area Equipment
Clerk to speak to Domestic Soldiers regarding maintaining
Saturday 20th September 10:30am – 5pm equipment
Sunday 21st September 10:30 am – 4:30pm PLANNING Applications Holly House, Sawbridgeworth
Entrance by programme 50p, Road HH UTT/1067/08/FUL
children under 14 free The Council has no objections
Redmire, Ardley End HH UTT/1027/08/FUL
Demonstration by local artist The Council has no objections
STANSTED AIRPORT G2 Submission Cllr Sullivan
St. Mary’s Flower Festival and Archive submitted the council response to the Clerk who sent it on to
Village Photographs UDC, SSE, Cllr Lemon and Sir Alan Hazelhurst.
In our Saxon Church dating from 1000AD UALC AGM
Light Refreshment - Raffle Recycling presentation given. Cllr Sullivan will arrange a
site visit after summer holidays VILLAGE GREEN AND THE HEATH
UDC Green skipClerk to contact UDC regarding improved Pond Lane shops Clerk to write to Henry Turtill re Shabby
service from green skips as they are constantly full when Chic \and copy LoM
the appear at Hatfield Heath ‘A’ Boards Cllr O’Sullivan has checked the village on
Date Of next meeting 10th September several occasions and has not found any serious breaches.
MINUTES Deferred to next meeting.
Use of Village Green Cllr Sullivan proposed that the
(not approved) Village Green should only be used for non-commercial
PARISH COUNCIL MEETING purposes unless it has benefit to the community. Agreed.
7.30 PM ON WED13TH AUGUST 2008 URC hall Grass Cutting Collection of grass from the cutting of the
PRESENT:Cllr Bart Sheekey (Chairman) Cllrs Mark islands is desirable and should be undertaken, collection
Lemon, Mel Sullivan and Gary Waller.In attendance: of grass cuttings from the whole of the green is not cost
Clerk to the Council Ernie Fenwick effective and would be detrimental to the green.
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE & DECLARATION OF Grass opposite to Pond Lane is to be cut. Posts by Tudor
MEMBERS INTERESTS:Apologies from Cllr Bob Lodge, the second post has been nudged, the broken post
Jones, Paul Simpson ,Paula O'Sullivan, Sandi Rust and needs to be replaced urgently or the recently re-instated
Chris ToveyCllrs Sullivan, Jones, are members of SSE. kerbstones will be lifted by heavy vehicles driving over
Cllrs Sullivan, Jones and Waller are members of National them. J Kenney is replacing them as soon as possible.
Trust, and Cllr Sullivan is treasurer of the Village Fly tipping by Tudor Lodge, reported to UDC who said
Magazine that they will collect and will litter pick the bottles and
.REPORTS TO / FROM COUNTY AND DISTRICT cans along the slip road.
COUNCILLORS Cllr Sullivan requested Cllr Lemon to HIGHWAYS AND FOOTPATHS Maintenance of green
raise issue of bottle bank with UDC. island at Ardley Crescent. Cllr Lemon will speak to UDC
Cllr Sullivan asked Cllr Lemon to raise issue of no shows Cllr Waller suggested that the bend at Sawbridgeworth
on skips with UDC Road should have more chevrons. Clerk to speak to ECC
Cllr Sullivan asked Cllr Lemon re progress on affordable Highways
housing on Broomfields. Cllr Lemon responded that the Cllr Sullivan proposed that we request ECC to put 30 mph
UDC now have the funding to proceed engineering measures in £1m bonanza. Agreed Clerk to
CLERKS REPORT: Clerk reported that Cllr Simpson has write to ECC
tendered his resignation as parish councillor due to ill PARKING AND POLICING
health. Clerk will advise UDC and request a notice of Neighbourhood action panel meeting next week at
casual vacancy be issued. Stansted . Cllr Sullivan will attend.
Cllr Waller proposed a vote of thanks for his work on the PLAY AREA
parish council. Seconded by Cllr Sheekey. Best wishes Clerk to write to solicitors asking why the last minute
from the council for a speedy recovery. change of mind.
Clerk reported that AGM of UALC will be held on 24th Clerk to seek quotations for concrete path in play area
September at 6.15 pm. Clerk received details of grant PLANNING APPLICATIONS
scheme for new bus shelters in Essex – Forward to David Lancaster Farm UTT/1119/08/FUL Erection of an
Parish (Transport rep) agricultural grain store No objections
Clerk received information regarding Local bus tender 2 Browns Cottages UTT/1336/08/FUL Single storey rear
round – forward to David Parish. extension No objections
Clerk has received notification of Market Town Maycroft, Chelmsford Road UTT/1133/08/FUL
Partnership presentation on 3rd September. Shelved. Replacement dwelling No objections
FINANCIAL MATTERS 4 The Shaw UTT/1310/08/FUL Erection of a freestanding
High Interest Savings account. carport
Clerk reports that when he tried to open the Abbey high Cllr Lemon declared a prejudicial interest and left the
interest account it was not available to trustees. Decision: room.
Clerk to go back to HSBC and re-invest with them. No objection in principle but would expect that the
Clerk has received £200 from Perretts Fair and £1000 materials used are in keeping with the appearance of the
from Hatfield Heath Festival repaying the underwriting of main building
the event. The following payments were approved: Co-op Food Store UTT/1172/08/AV Erection of facia
financial matters: sign and projector sign No objections, but the sign has
J Kenney Services Grass Cutting 6797.69 already been erected prior to decision.
CPRE Subscription 28.00 Valdor No drawings received in time for discussion.
UALC Subscription 25.00 Clerk to contact UDC
Buffy Bus Assoc Grant 75.00 STANSTED AIRPORT G2 Submission Cllr Sullivan has
BS Footpath Assoc Grant 20.00 circulated draft council response for consideration.
St Clare Hospice Grant 100.00 General approval given to draft response. Clerk to advise
SSE Grant 500.00 that we wish to make an oral submission to the inquiry.
E Fenwick Expenses 130.32 dates Of next meetings
10th September 8th October
For local, friendly advice contact Paul Dixon
Held Sunday
Wallburys, Stortford Road, Hatfield Heath, CM22 7DL
15th June 2008
Tel: 01279 739 076
Email: [email protected] Parish Council 1000
We offer a Programme Advertisers 725
Complete Service
Manning Fair 165
CERAMIC TILING Ice Cream Vendor 50
LIGHTING Village Hall Trust 127 2067
Lottery Grant (P.A. & Tents) 8
All carried out with the minimum
of fuss and mess by experts! Interest 1084
Also all Plumbing &
Domestic Heating Installations EXPENSES:
C.F OAKES St John Ambulance 175
Established in Harlow for over 45 years Programme Printing 119
Miscellaneous 243
Mr Marvel 170
Falconry & Ferrets 100
Hire of Village Hall 127
Public Announcement System 1622
Fun Run 64
Art Exhibit net takings 445
Win a Teddy 59
Tombola 25
Jo Jingles 10
Guides & Brownies 12
Cubs 200
Football Club 20
Vi Maile, Stalls 325
Plant Stall 71
Cricket Club 22
Dog Show 39
Hearing Dogs 10
Golf 6
Bric a Brac 20
Classic Car Show 25
Bowls Club 6
Haven House 10
Uganda Orphans 48
Other 1417
Hatfield Heath Parish Council 1000
Art Exhibition - Pre School 338
Village Hall 63
Vi Maile Stalls - Jenner House 25
Gardening Club 200
Other 1626
2008 Festival 299
2007 Festival
HATFIELD HEATH FESTIVAL People like Vi Maile, Carol Sullivan, Jeanette & Andy
and Jean Eldridge ran excellent stalls, as did our various
15TH JUNE 2008 groups running games!
Thanks goes to all our other Committee members
Our thanks in advance to Paul Dixon who will be Carole & Nigel Robley, Ivor & Irene Lewis,(Irene kept
certifying our official accounts but will have received us fed and watered), Paula O’Sullivan, Sandra Saban.
them just too late for this month’s magazine.
Once again our Festival was a great success for all Also helpers Derek Millen (Car Park and Road Closure),
involved with good weather as well! and Paul & Pia.
As you can see our various groups and charities have made Thanks to Amy Gaskin’s Dad who brought his lorry at
a bit of money for their cause and our funds are also up on the last moment.
last year’s figures. We ended up with £707 profit, which .Looking forward to next year’s Festival
together with £299 already in The Festival’s account, gives
which is 21st June 2009
us a balance of £1,006 in the Bank.
We only ask for 10% from their takings or a donation to Cheers Barbara (Secretary)
help for our overheads such as insurance, St John
Ambulance and entertainers etc.
When you look at the contributions list and see for BODYWORKS
example Hearing Dogs contributed £10, it means they
made £100 in total so £90 for their cause. We cater for:
Scratches, Chips, Dents
Their are a few exceptions to this rule such as the Art
Exhibition and Cubs of whom Chris Hancock is the Panel replacement
leader and has given £200 both years 07 & 08 and we Motorbike paintwork
suspect, that besides giving all their takings Chris is also Insurance approved
generously rounding it up, which we thank him for. Also Alloy wheel refurbishment
£325 from Vi Maile stalls has been split between Jenner You name it and we can do it
House £25, Gardening Club £200 and £100 to Festival
funds. Fun Run and Dog show give all of the proceeds to No job too small!
the Festival fund. For a friendly and reliable service call:
01279 731 693
Unit 2, High Pastures, Stortford Road, Hatfield Heath
We are very fortunate to have living in the Village, people
like Steve Cogan and his group “Now and Then” who
played free of charge, Wayne Fogg who obtained
Sports Massagesponsors for Programme advertising and of course John
White and Sarah White and Family who are responsible
for the excellent Classic Car Show which is a major Practitioner
attraction. Paulene Brakspeare’s great Art and Craft
Exhibition raised the sum of £508 with £338 of it going Lesley Dixon LSSM Dip ISRM
towards the Pre-School re-housing fund. The Art Sports and Remedial Massage
Exhibition was held in the Village Hall and we thank the involves the use of massage,
Village Hall Trust for a substantial funding towards the soft tissue manipulation and exercise
hire of the hall and £63 was donated to the village hall by advice to reduce physical aches and
the Art Exhibition.
Robin Gurnett and Ivan Wybrew of the History Society pains, whether they are caused by
organised an interesting exhibition of old photographs of sport, injury, or simply the stresses of
Hatfield heath modern day life.
Sara Joiner-Jarrett of the Pre-School ran an enthusiastic
Fancy Dress Competition. The children all looked so
Our committee members Sandi Rust and Philip Green
organised the very well attended Dog Show with judges
from the ‘Hearing Dogs’ stand . Maurice Lawrence our
Treasurer organised an exciting ‘FunRun’ with a fantastic
number of runners, some from the B/S Boy’s High’ Please call for an appointment and for any
running to sponsor a rugby tour of Australia next year. questions regarding how Sports Massage
Teenagers from Holy Trinity Friday Youth Group could benefit your everyday activities.
Mission Direct ran a stall to pay towards a trip to Uganda
to help children there. Our 13 year old granddaughter and Clinics at Hatfield Heath & Epping
friends ran a stall in aid of ‘Haven Children’s Hospice’ Day & Evening Appointments:
after taking part in a sponsored run of 27 miles the day 01279 730 561 or 07866 462 061
before . Who said youth of today are not responsible?
Heath Computers
Whether you run a business, or are a home user, REGISTERED CHARITY NUMBER 1051491
Heath Computers has an IT solution to suit your requirements serving children in Saffron Walden, Great Dunmow,
Newport, Stansted, Thaxted, Carver Barracks and
• IT Solutions for home or office
• Web Design (CGI / PHP / Java Scripts ) surrounding villages since 1996
• PC Repairs / Upgrades
• Network Installation - Fixed and wireless
• Internet, E-mail, Broadband Buffy Bus has an exciting new timetable, commencing
• Virus Protection and Spyware removal on 1st September, which includes 5 new locations and a
• Data Recovery brand new website which is due to be released at the
Web: Mob: 07958 482 889 beginning of September
Email: [email protected] Fax: 08715 227 252 We have a number of Fun Activity days arranged
during the Summer holidays
More Than Just Carpet We will be at;
& Upholstery Cleaning Hatfield Forest on Wednesday 27th August from 10am
until 3pm
Green Flooring and Fabric Cleaning Car Boot Sale on Saffron Walden Common on Sunday
• Powerful self sufficient van mounted machinery 7th September from 7.30am until 12noon
Dunmow Carnival on Saturday 20th September
no water or electricity needed For more details about these events, please look on our
website or ring 01799 522130
From September we will be dropping our present
charge and we will revert to asking for donations, with
• Healthy Green friendly products which are non this will encourage more people to visit the bus
toxic, detergent free and non resoiling regularly, to access our on board activities which
• Deeper cleaning and fast drying times guaranteed include, painting, crafts, sand, computer, ball pond,
• Even better value for money lending toy library and much more. Everyone is
• Survey and quotation absolutely free welcome, no booking is necessary
• For healthy deep cleaning, not cosmetic cleaning Thank you Project Manager Rosie Juhl
In response to the United Nation’s International Year
Now with Allerg-STOP protection of the Family, Jan Menell, a community midwife
available ®
STOP raised funds with a group of young mothers to
CERTIFIED purchase, convert and equip a 1974 second-hand
OPERATOR double-decker bus to provide play facilities, a toy
Member No 1496
library and information centre where under fives and
01279 866 838 / 07802 448 871 their parents or carers could experience the fun of a
info@mcs- Mother & Toddler Group despite living in isolated
MILES COMPUTER SERVICES The bus was named “Buffy Bus”, which stood for
Babies Under Five Family Year. In 2003 the Big
ALL YOUR COMPUTER PROBLEMS SOLVED Lottery Fund awarded us £199,000, which enabled us
to buy and equip a replacement bus. The
• Repairs & troubleshooting
• Wireless networks (WIFI) new bus was launched at Audley End in July 2004, and
• Viruses and Spyware we have run a 5 day a week service ever since. This
• Internet and e-mail set up funding ceased in January 2007.
• Upgrades Since the service started in 1996 Buffy Bus has
become a well-loved and familiar sight in Uttlesford
No fix - no fee! and known to everyone.
FOR A FRIENDLY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Buffy Bus is a charity and relies upon grant aid,
charitable donations and fund-raising efforts. We are
ASCOT CLOSE, BISHOPS STORTFORD, HERTS. CM23 5BP NOT a service provided by Uttlesford District Council.
Beautiful Holidays in Cornwall
For more details please visit
Phone Wayne on 07958 482 889
In our continuing effort to raise funds for our new - 3 Bedroom holiday home,
purpose built Pre-School on the grounds of the sleeps up to 8 people
Village’s Primary School grounds, the Pre-School
have placed Red Collection Boxes around the - Situated on a holiday park
village in a bid to help boost funds. with full use of the park facilities
The Pre-School was established in 1964 and is - Weekly lets and short breaks
currently located in the Hatfield Heath Village Hall. - Near St Ives, Penzance and Truro
Please can you help the local 2 ½ to 4 year olds.
The relocation from the Village Hall to the school - 5 minutes from 3 miles of
grounds will mean the children will be able to golden sandy beach
display the pictures and work they do and will
benefit from permanent fixtures set up in it for their - Non Smoking
play. No more having to dismantle the equipment
after every session because of the Village Hall
being used by groups and clubs. The children will
also further benefit from less of the school’s funds
being spent on hall hire.
Your support is very much appreciated. Thank Quality at the right price
you for your continuing support.
Unique floral designs for
We would like to thank the following businesses for weddings, funerals,
their support in holding these Collection Boxes for Valentines, birthdays,
us: anniversaries and
The White Horse; The Stag; The Co-Operative; The
Fish Inn; The Post Office; Footprints; Zafrani many other occasions...
Indian; Simple Beauty; Arts & Roses; Courtyard
Flowers; The Flower Pot and Shabby Chic - We can supply to all local areas including
Thank You Sawbridgeworth, Bishop's Stortford, Harlow,
Hatfield Heath, Hatfield Broad Oak...
Local, National and
International Deliveries
07715 566 246 Website
01279 876 352 01279 730 400 / 07931 275 875
Bretts, Chelmsford Road, White Heathview, Pond Lane,
Roding, Essex CM6 1RF Hatfield Heath, CM22 7AB
We have moved! Opening Hours:
Come and see all your favourites and more Tuesday-Friday 9am-5pm, Saturday 9am-2pm
at Bretts, five minutes from Hatfield Heath.
(Closed Mondays) Ample parking available
Tues - Sat 10am - 5pm and Sun 10am - 4pm Free Parking
During the last six months a romance has been
blossoming at The Old Vicarage!
Our family moved to the village just over two years ago,
along with our two cats - Maisie and Daisy.
Both cats settled in well and were enjoying village life
especially the abudance of free food in the local vicinity
which included numerous wild life not tasted before!
As spring started this year strange things began to
happen, our cats started to act weirdly, we heard funny
noises in the early hours, and food started to disappear
from our cats bowls.......... was this village life? I don't
recall this happening when I lived in a village prior to
my marriage!
My cleaner spotted a black tail disappearing through the
cat flap one day and mentioned it to me, also the cats
food continued to disappear at a fast rate - so we decided
to investigate....
Our cats seemed happy although Maisy appeared to be a
bit grumpier than usual, and Daisy seemed to have a
spring in her step, in June we found out why ........ She
had a boyfriend.
One day (I - Mum) came home from work, all was silent
in the house, I walked up one flight of stairs to find
Maisie looking disgusted up at the next flight of stairs -
yes you have guessed it there was Daisy and her
boyfriend on the stairs asleep side by side!
The visiting boyfriend departed the premises at an
alarming speed upon being caught!
Since then 'Sid' as he is now known to us (after the story
Six Dinner Sid) has been regularly calling and taking up
residence in our utility room, snuggling up and making
himself at home. Recently he has ventured further into
our sitting room to see if there are any freebies going in
the way of food. He also comes calling for Daisy very
often - what a noise! He even sits with Maisie in the
back garden now what a Romeo! HAPPY DOGZ
Our family wondered if 'Sid' belongs to anyone in
Hatfield Heath, and if he does what his name is? If he is a Are you out at work all day?
stray our girls would very much like to give him a home, Are you short of time to walk your dog?
as Daisy seems very attached to him! Are you no longer able to walk your dog for any reason?
We have attached a photo of 'Sid'. He is mainly black Do you go away and not want to put your dog in kennels?
with a white chest and white paws!
Do you know him? We offer the following services:-
Many thanks. • 30 minutes Dog walking (one to one) £8.00
Kathryn, John, Clare, Steph and Frankii Yates • 1 hour Dog walking (one to one) £12.00
The Old Vicarage • 1 hour Dog walking with group of dogs £10.00 per dog
• Pet sitting (in your own home) Price upon request
CAT HEAVEN • 20 minutes,Dog visiting, feeding, etc £6.00
• Take Dog to any Vet appointments £6.00 per 30 mins
A cat died and went to Heaven. God met her at the gates • Dog day out – weekends only Price on request
and said, 'You have been a good cat all these years. • Free Initial assessment home visit to meet yourself and
Anything you want is yours for the asking.' The cat
thought for a minute and then said, ' All my life I lived your dog so the dog can get to know us. This is when we
on a farm and slept on hard wooden floors. I would like will show you our references.
a real fluffy pillow to sleep on.'
God said, 'Say no more.' Instantly the cat had a huge We are friendly, caring and efficient dog lovers (and
fluffy pillow. owners) who have had years of experience with all types of
A few days later, six mice were killed in an accident dogs whilst volunteering in a Rescue Centre. We have a
and they all went to Heaven together. God met the mice full knowledge of dog care and currently training to become
at the gates with the same CoOffWerSthEaAtTHWe AmSaTdEePtoROthDeUcCaTt S dog trainers and behaviourists.
The mice said, 'Well, we have hadFtRoOruMnBaRllEoWf EouRrYlives:
from cats, dogs, and even people with brooms! If we For more information on the above services, do not hesitate
could just have some little roller skates, we would not to contact us by phone or email. Cathy or Martina
have to run again.' God answered, 'It is done.' All the
mice had beautiful little roller skates. Tel: 01279 433834/mobile: 07900 082633
About a week later, God decided to check on the cat. He
found her sound asleep on her fluffy pillow. God Email: [email protected]
gently awakened the cat and asked, 'Is everything
okay? How have you been doing? Are you happy?' *** MD Health International ***
The cat replied, 'Oh, it is WONDERFUL. I have never
been so happy in my life. The pillow is so fluffy, and
those little Meals on Wheels you have been sending
over are delicious!'
LEISURECENTRE & BEAUTY LODGE * Call Michelle on 0800 298 5280 *
Manicure or Pedicure, Luxury Clarins Facial, Independent Herbalife Distributor
Swedish Back Massage.
Why not treat yourself to one of our pamper days
they range from £45-£100, We know how to spoil
you, feel truly relaxed, have lunch around the pool. Domestic &
Use the Solarium Feel good about Commercial
Gift Vouchers Available yourself make A few Examples: Specialised Security
the first step!!! Ornate Gates Manufacturing Ltd
Radio Controlled
01371 874 600
Website: Unit 3 Station Yard Industrial Estate, Great Dunmow, Essex
do you want a HATFIELD HEATHRainfall mm.
beautiful garden to RAINFALL JULY 2008
relax & entertain in ?
20 Hatfield Heath Rainfall July 2008
‘Let me help you to create a 18
beautiful innovative 16
garden…we offer a full garden 14
design & build service…we 12
manage the whole process so 10
it’s 100% stress free …we
work to your agreed budgets 8
with no hidden extras…we can
even provide you with an 6 Total = 63.75 mm
almost no maintenance garden 4 (2.51 inches)
should you wish…’
Patricia Fox 0
dnoremaomre Day
tel.01279 730 040 4th
G A RD E N D E S I G N 8th
July 2008 started out cool and wet, and National
Weatherman forecast a "washout" for the month.
However, after the middle of the month, you will
remember it turned very hot and dry. The average
rainfall for July is 1.89 inches, so 2008 was 33%
above our norm. Nationally (England & Wales) the
average was 4.04 inches, which amounted to 79%
above the mean.
The equivalent figures for Scotland were 3.24 inches,
being 36% above average.
There is very little variation in Hatfield Heath's July
rainfall from year to year. This is borne out when
looking at the "extreme".
Two Highest : 2.70 inches in 2001
and 2.63 inches in 2006
LTD. Two Lowest :- 0.59 inches in 1994
and 0.93 inches in 1995
As you can see, we don't have "extreme" variations
in July in our village - particularly when we read that
the July 2005 total at Princetown in Devon was 11.16
inches. (Hard luck on the holiday makers!!)
Brian Bland
• Specialising in all types of Meetings are every 4th Wednesday
ponds & features. At the Hatfield Heath Village Hall at 7.45pm
• Professionally designed, Sept. 24th The Good the Bad & The Ugly
installed, restored or maintained. June Crew
• Local company established JOIN THE CLUB OR JUST VISIT
since 1987 with excellent after
care service Visitors: £1 per meeting
Tel: 01279 461 052 Hatfield Heath Gardening Club
(Answer phone) Call 01279 726 357 or 01279 730 498
Mobile: 07711 087 004
BUPA Great North Run 5 Oct 2008 Paula's Petsitting Service
Great North Run from Newcastle to South Shields Going on holiday? What is the best thing you can do for
CHARITY - CANCER RESEARCH UK your pets while you are away? Paula offers personal pet care
in their own home! While you're away for any length of time,
Pat Connelly here from Dunmow Road. I was diagnosed consider in-home pet care with Paula as a pet care option.
with terminal cancer last year.
Both Joan, my wife and I have been accepted to run the Choosing Paula's Petsitting Service you can leave home
Great North Run at Newcastle upon Tyne on Oct 5th this knowing you will return to happy pets. For more
information,call 01279 876 277 or 07986 270 336
year. It is a half marathon, neither of us has ever done
anything like this before, and are busy trying to get fit and Fed up with Lawn Treatment Service
train for this big event. moss and weed?
We are running, or in my case, walking ( not allowed to
run) on behalf of that very worthwhile charity, Cancer We offer:-
Research. •Regular lawn feeds
We are both looking for any kind of sponsorship. If •Weed and moss treatment
anyone sees us running the highways and byways round •Aeration
the village please feel free to stop and speak to us. We are •Scarification
both in the twilight of our lives and looking forward,
Friendly professional service
albeit, apprehensively, to this great occasion CALL NOW FOR A BROCHURE
01279 730 605 Mobile 07818 455 413 OR FREE LAWN SURVEY
email to [email protected] 01279 466 100
Sunday September 7 15 YEARS IN TRADE
Grass cutting, Hedge Trimming, Planting,
Sunday 7 September from 10am until 2pm (or when we Weed Treatment, One off Tidy Ups and
Time for pitching boots: 10am Opening for buyers: 11am maintenance
Call for a friendly chat on
Price your goods in advance Mobile 07956 524 586
Refreshments from 11.30am Home Tel 01279 830 960
Book early £9 in advance £10 on the day £12 in the Hall
This will be extensively advertised, so come and have fun
selling your wares, meeting friends - old and new - and sell
for yourself or your favourite charity.
Please phone Sandra on 01279 651309 for advance booking.
See you there! Sandra Rolph
Broad Oak Consultants
IT Solutions for everyone
Established 1993 Home & Business
Broadband • Sales • Networks • Repairs
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Supplier • Databases • PC Systems • Training
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01279 718 596
Email: [email protected]
Woollcott House Restaurant OLIVE MAYS
Great Hallingbury The following is my tribute to my neighbour and friend
who is now in The Haven and who has few visitors.
01279 504 397
Olive was well known as the driver of the Hall's bus which took the villagers to Bishop's Stortford every Thursday.
Superb Family owned and run Restaurant Olive used to collect elderly residents from their homes and
Set in 7 acres specialising in Weddings, take them back with their shopping to their doors, even
coming down the Friars Lane to outlying homes.
Private Parties, Funeral Refreshments She was and still is President of The British Legion and was
a governor of Hatfield Heath School for many years.
A La Carte menu and Table D'Hote Menu's
all fresh produce from local Source She lived in her bungalow since the family moved from
Stratford when she was 13. She dedicated her life to
Regular Dinner Dance and Theme Nights. bringing up her daughter Penny - Olive’s husband died
Sunday Lunch a Speciality. when Penny was a baby of 3 months and looking after her
Open Wednesday - Sunday. obese sister Violet and her mother who had diabetes.
Penny went to University, achieved a degree, married her
( Other times by arrangement) American husband but sadly she died with cancer when she
was only 44.
Hatfield Heath She came to be a bus driver because as she was the only
wage earner she got a job at The Stag public house
where she took over driving 'Hall's' bus (owned by the
'Stags' owner) when the driver died
Are Available for PAPER IN 1982
Children’s Parties OLIVE Mays was on the buses for 36 years
Olive's tale goes back to 1941 when she graduated
Celebrations straight from riding a bicycle to a
20-seater coach serving villages,
including around Hatfield Heath.
Later Olive (79) learnt to drive a
Wedding Receptions taxi and she has some hair-raising
memories of ferrying American
Classes etc., etc., airmen around "in no state to care
about anything".
PREFERENTIAL RATES On one occasion, 14 men had to be
FOR taken from Bishop's Stortford to
Matching lying in layers on the
LOCAL ORGANISATIONS back seat of her six-seater cab.
AND Olive said: "I drove all different ranks from major in
charge to GIs and I never had any trouble with them.
LOCAL RESIDENTS “I treated them as I hoped someone was treating my
husband who was hundreds of miles away in Africa."
For Details Telephone Olive later learnt to drive 56-seater double-decker buses.
Immensely popular and trusted, Olive also had no trouble
01279 730 544 from her male colleagues and swearing was banned when
she drew up and shared coach rest rooms!
Ever willing to be helpful, she retired only recently from
Hatfield Heath Parish Council and the school governors
committee where she served for 12 years.
She continues to work for the Royal British Legion and
holds the society's Merit and Long Service awards.
Her shining characteristic is her love of people and as
well as giving talks on "Olive on the Buses" she speaks
about the work of the British " Legion - Women's Section.
A letter was sent to a resident from a ‘Clairvoyant’ saying that LADIES and GENTS
your bad luck problem can be solved by sending back some :Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s for Senior Citizens
cards which they were told to first place around the house.
The short story is that the cards absorb the evil and when you OPEN: Tues & Wed 9am - 5pm• Thur 9am -1pm
send them back to the clairvoyant with a £9/£13/£16/£19
cheque “according to your needs” she will clear your evil Fri 9am-6pm • Sat 9am-1pm FULLY TRAINED
problem and you will also receive a large 6 figure amount of
money and if you don’t receive this fantastic amount she will Heath View, Pond Lane, Hatfield Heath
refund your money!?!?. The address is a post box so you will Tel: 01279 730 870 LONDON HAIR STYLISTS
not be able to chase them for the money back, especially as
this is in the Netherlands. Daniel Robinson
Computer programs are used that automatically enter your & Sons
name and address in the appropriate places in a standard letter.
The people who send these letters buy a disc from companies Independent Family
like BT etc with details of customers, which they then feed Funeral Directors Monumental Masons
into their computer. A mail shot program will then place
theses names and addresses into the letter so it looks like it is A personal caring service
written to them personally. from family business day or night.
If you can’t contact the sender of the letter with a landline (not Our trained staff will be pleased to give free
a mobile) or it doesn’t have a name and address you can write confidential advice on any matter
to (not a post box), then don’t have anything to do with them.
Personally I would in all cases throw away letters saying I
have won a prize. Bruno GOLDEN 3 BULLFIELDS
Caroline Powell-Allen M.A., 79/81 SOUTH STREET WYCH ELM
UKRC (Reg. Ind.), MBACP (Accred.), CPC (Reg.)
01279 655 477 01279 426 990
Offering brief & longer-term counselling
Twelve years experience working with children, young people, adults HASLERS LANE 146 HIGH STREET
& couples at Bell St. Surgery, Sawbridgeworth & for Uttlesford Mind GREAT DUNMOW EPPING
NOW PRACTISING IN HATFIELD HEATH 01371 874 518 01992 560 890
Also offering counselling supervision for individuals & groups.
24 hour Family Careline
Please telephone for an appointment Golden Charter Pre-Payments Plans
01371 873 270
NEIGHBOURHOOD SPECIALIST OFFICER Russell Clark (Waste & Recycling Officer) UDC
PC BRADLEY HEALEY I started in May asking for a bottle bank to be brought to
Hatfield Heath. I have just used couple of relevant emails
will be in the Hatfield Heath Police Office otherwise it would have taken over the magazine. I sent
for Beat Surgeries and Russell photos of bins the same size as we use which are
available as bottle banks as alternative to the large bins.
Meetings of Neighbourhood Action Panel, (NAP) Date: Monday, 9 June, 2008, 3:05 PM
Dear Bruno
Monday 6pm to 7pm Many thanks for your emails. Unfortunately I was away
from the office for the majority of last week so I am now
on the following dates just able to catch up with all of my messages!
September 1st Beat Surgery, I would like to find a suitable location for glass banks in
October 6th Neighbourhood Action Panel, Hatfield Heath, however unless the height restriction
PUBLIC MEETINGS URC barrier is removed, the village car park is not the place to
PC BRADLEY AND A SENIOR OFFICER put glass banks. Whilst I agree the speed hump is shallow,
Mondays :- September 8th, December 1st to drag at least three containers filled with glass, from the
proposed area to the collection vehicle is too heavy and
CRIME REDUCTION DEPARTMENT too far for one person to do.
Essex Police, East Street, Saffron Walden, CB10 1LX
Chelmsford Road, Great Dunmow, CM6 1LW
To and from Stansted, Luton, Heathrow,
Gatwick and City airports
Corporate & A complete
Sporting events London Service
National meetings Shopping trips
Theatre/dinner Hospital visits
trips Urgent courier Your photograph of glass banks at the Dukes Head show
Guided tours services the smallest container size that we currently provide,
which, if located in the village car park, would still be too
Weddings heavy and too far to pull. I would also add that when we
empty the containers at the Dukes Head, our collection
Our fleet of air conditioned vehicles vehicle parks very close to the glass banks to ensure easy
ranges from executive cars to luxury collection.
The ideal location for glass banks would be the village
people carriers and coaches hall car park, but I understand the village hall committee
do not want these containers on their land.
NEW - GROUP TRAVEL In the meantime I will contact the local pubs to see if they
have space for glass banks, which could also be accessed
8 passenger vehicles now available for all events by members of the public.
I will update when I have the necessary information.
Best wishes, Russell
For professionalism with the personal touch I told Russell I had referred his email to the Parish
contact Chris New at Council. One of our councillors looked up British
Tel: 01279 721 427 Fax: 01279 723 947 Standards and did an experiment (his grandson doing
Mobile: 07968 026 032 the pushing of the wheelie bin was 9 years old). and came
to the conclusion that we were well within British
or visit our informative website: Standards weights allowed to be pushed BS11228-2. I sent all the figures and asked Russell how he arrived at his
Thursday, 31 July, 2008 11:40 AM
Hi Bruno,
The decision not to locate glass banks at the village car
park remains firm.
This judgment was actually made about two years ago Your Local Photographic Services Provider
when my manager, Ron Pridham, Head of Street Scene, Special Occasion Photography
why pay High Street photographer prices?
met with the Parish Council to try and resolve the absence We will capture your special event and
supply all photographs to you on disc.
of glass banks in Hatfield Heath.
Photograph Restoration
We have to ensure the safety of our workforce. We have we repair and bring new life to faded and
damaged photographs.
one staff member who empties the glass banks from
VHS to DVD Conversion
around the district. It was determined that the proposed Preserve your treasured memories before
your VHS tapes break or your player gives
location of banks was not the safest option for our up for good!
operative due to the distance (approx 37 metres) he would Musical DVD Creations
We create fabulous "moving" shows from
have to push / pull a minimum of three banks filled with your own photographs. An original way to
remember those special events weddings,
glass. Alternatives have been presented and can still be birthdays, coming of age, a celebration of
considered as viable options: - Locate the glass banks at Makes a unique gift for family and friends.
the village hall car park Remove the height restriction Contact us on 07950 689 018
or email
barrier from the village car park to allow access for our
[email protected]
collection vehicle. Find another location within Hatfield
Heath These preferences minimise the risk of the option
that you are currently pursuing. I look forward to hearing
from you. Regards, Russell
As you can see no real answer just it’s too much hard
work. At the moment a large bin, like the one on the left
of the picture, is pulled from behind the fish bar by one
man when I pointed this out to Russell he said he
shouldn’t be doing it. I admit a 9 year old boy (used in the
test and did it easily apparently) is not the ideal person but
if I was employing someone for this sort of job it would
be someone physically capable of heavy work.
I have a good idea what I want to say in reply but I would
like to hear your comments. The Parish Council have
tried removing the height restriction in the past but
apparently immediately commercial vehicles have entered
the car park. Bruno
Michael Mel
HAVE YOU TRIED has opened in Sawbridgeworth,
offering a range of Studio and
OUR DELICIOUS LUNCHES? mat classes to suit all ages and
level of fitness.
Snack and full menu
available Tuesday - Friday 12 -2pm Pilates will help to:-
01279 730 549 Improve Strength & Flexibility
Website: Improve Posture
Improve Balance
Telephone Co-ordination & Circulation
07887 808 928 Reduce Stress
Absolute Pilates, Allen House, G27,
The Maltings,Sawbridgeworth, Herts CM21 9JX
DIAMOND WEDDING Congratulations
on all your hard work in obtaining a
4th Sept 2008 degree in LL.B (Hons) Law;
Love from ALL the Family
we are all very proud of you.
ANN BOWEN WOULD LIKE TO Love Mum, Ross, Nan, Grandad, Ollie,
THANK HER NEIGHBOURS IN Dave, Nicola, Ella, Ozzy, Alice and Amy
All her friends
for their kindness and support for their cards and messages of symapthy
on the occasion of her recent sad loss. following our sad loss of a wonderful
Husband , Father and Grandad
To drop off/pick up 9 year old girl from Hatfield
Heath village school and to look after 22 month
old boy/girl twins 1 day per week. Flexible as to
day, Tuesday currently. References required.
07905 384 091
Small garden, off road parking for two
cars. £625 pcm, but negotiable for quiet, reliable cleaner wanted for general cleaning and
reliable tenant prepared to undertake ironing once a week
some necessary re-decoration work.
Tel : 07918 166 661
Available early September.
Telephone 07976 801 062 WANTED
floor coverings Can you help?
Old Carpets Uplifted &Disposed of
Free grippers and Door Bars
Steve & Donna
Office: 01279 730 172 Mob:07939 739 845
Unit 11 Heathview Pond Lane Hatfield Heath CM22 7AB