RESURFACING OF THE ROAD approximately 140 cars; several of which are local..
OUTSIDE THE VILLAGE SHOPS We now find that we are having to start preparations for the
show as early as March. Luckily this is something we both
enjoy doing and we’re delighted to see how it has grown and
added to the general attendance of the festival. The
countdown for next year has begun already!
John and Sarah White J..E. White Motors
Organisers and Sponsors of the Hatfield Heath Festival Car
More information inside............... Monday 6 September
at 7.30 pm
Hatfield Heath
Festival in the Village Hall
This is a social evening to try
As a follow up to the ‘thank you’ to people who helped with
the festival this year, we would like to offer our personal Short Mat Bowls.
thanks to Martin, Cyril, Colin and all our family, who helped
us all day; we could not have managed without them, and More information inside...............
thanks also to Roger Hill who acted as independent judge for
us. Since the Festival was re-introduced, the number of cars £50 BOOK TOKEN GRANT
attending has grown steadily, with this years show having
The Parish Council are pleased to
Village Website : announce that the 2010 Book
1 Token Award has been made to 19
year old Kartik Upadhyaya of West
Hayes, who is starting his second
year at Imperial College London
studying Geophysics (MSci).
He has lived in HIartifsihelDdaHnecainthg for
just over 11 years, attending the
Hatfield Heath CP School. He was
active for many years as a litter
picker on the Heath and along
Dunmow Road until he left for
Email: [email protected]
Hatfield Haven Care Home Hatfield Haven
Stortford Road, Hatfield Heath, Bishops Stortford, Herts. CM22 7DL Summer Fete
Tel: 01279 730 043 A Summer Fete was held at Hatfield Haven on Saturday
the 14th August with a B.B.Q. Tombola, Cake Stall, Lucky Dip and music by Cliché. With pictures and posters
from the 1930's to the 1940's on the walls and music from
Features: the same era the residents were in their element enjoying
Serene and homely environment; themselves.
24 hours care in compliance with CSCI Care Standards
Medical care provided by local group practice;
district nurse, physiotherapist and a chiropodist;
Highly qualified and motivated staff - RMA and
NVQ qualifications;
newly refurnished and redecorated
rooms (newly built extension included)
Each bedroom fitted with washbasin, TV and
call system to summon help;
Screen TV and radio.
Large dining room with excellent meals on offer
by the in-house chef;
A Stair lift and a passenger lift to all floors;
Activities includes talks, parties, summer barbecues,
flower arranging e.t.c
Kindly drop by for viewing and to pick up our User Guide
and Statement of purpose. For placement and other
enquiries, please contact
Amanda Austin (Manager)
email : [email protected]
Jane Chapman-Kane
email: [email protected]
Lounge had the feel of a Villge Hall
has opened in Sawbridgeworth,
offering a range of Studio and
mat classes to suit all ages and
level of fitness.
Pilates will help to:-
Improve Strength & Flexibility
Improve Posture
Improve Balance
Telephone Co-ordination & Circulation Renee
07887 808 928 Reduce Stress Renee, wife of Salim one of the owners of
Hatfield Haven, being presented
Absolute Pilates, Allen House, G27,
The Maltings,Sawbridgeworth, Herts CM21 9JX with flowers from the Staff & Residents
I am organising a fishing competition on behalf of St McTimoney Chiropractic
Clare Hospice at Clavering Lakes on Saturday 2nd Octo-
ber 2010 9am until 4pm. Pegs are £20 each for either The gentle treatment suitable
fishing the Silver Fish Lake or the Match Lake. 8 pegs for people of all ages
remaining on the Match Lake.
Deborah Flack BSc (hons) Chiro MCA
Radio Five Live presenter and Sky sports presenter Keith
Athur has said he would return to meet and chat to com- 01279 870 077 / 07908 918 934
petitors throughout the day as he did last year. He would
also be very happy to weigh the fish at the end of the
competition. Cash prizes for the first and second places
with a raffle also on the day. Family and friends welcome Lavender Barn, Brewers End,
to lunch at the Lakes in the Lodge. Takeley, Essex CM22 6QJ
Photographs available of each participant with the pre- Hatfield Heath
senter on the day. Farmer’s Market
For further details please contact Caroline Bore on 01279 4th Saturday of every month
773751 or [email protected] 9.30am-12.30pm
Caroline In Hatfield Heath Village Hall
Hatfield Heath Farmers' Market Please come & support your local producers!
A Great Success!
Hannah - 07956-563710 or
Hatfield Heath Farmers' Market was busy and buzzing
despite the great ‘Summer Holiday’ migration, so we
would like to say a BIG thank you to all who attended on
Saturday and left with bulging bags. 28 Aug; 25 Sep; 23 Oct; 27 Nov
Moggy’s Pickles and Preserves joined our ever-
increasing variety of stalls this month; we should warn 28th August 25 September
you though that his pickled onions are addictive! And this
was the second market for our artisan Blacksmith whose
examples of commissioned work just had to be seen:
from BBQ’s to curtain poles his work is unique and
certainly worth a look. Food lovers, as always, were
catered for with an excellent selection of Meats, Fish,
Cheeses, Cakes, Fruit, Preserves and more. And those of
us concerned about working off those extra calories were
offered beautiful Handcrafted Walking Sticks ready for
their ramble. We do not sell kitchen sinks yet, but if
anyone knows of a local maker of hand made sinks just
let us know!
Do please keep the feedback coming, it really is
welcome and very helpful, and please remember to mark
us down on your calendar the 4th Saturday of every
month in Hatfield Heath Village Hall, CM22 7EA. With
almost 40 stalls and comments from people as far away
as Enfield saying we're "the best market around",
Hatfield Heath Farmers' Market is proving to be a great
place to spend your Saturday.
Once again thank you for all your support and welcome
home to all you holiday makers.
Hatfield Heath Farmers' Market -
Heath Computers MINUTES
Whether you run a business, or are a home user, 7.30 PM ON WED 11th AUG 2010
Heath Computers has an IT solution to suit your requirements IN THE URC HALL HATFIELD HEATH
• IT Solutions for home or office No member of public present.
• Web Design (CGI / PHP / Java Scripts ) COUNCIL MEETING
• PC Repairs / Upgrades PRESENT:
• Network Installation - Fixed and wireless Cllr Paula O’Sullivan (POS) (Chairman) Cllrs Janet
• Internet, E-mail, Broadband Briscoe (JB), Bob Jones (BJ), Mark Lemon (ML,)
• Virus Protection and Spyware removal David Parish (DP), Sandra Saban (SS), Bart Sheekey
• Data Recovery (BS), Mel Sullivan (MS) and Gary Waller (GW)
Web: Mob: 07958 482 889 In attendance: Clerk to the Council Ernie Fenwick
Email: [email protected] Fax: 08715 227 252 Chairmans welcome:
The Chairman welcomed everyone present and opened
Hatfield Heath with the Open Forum.
281. minutes of meetings
Are Available for The minutes of the council meeting of 14th July were
signed as a true record of the meeting.
Children’s Parties 282. DECLARATION OF MEMBERS
Small tables and chairs now available INTERESTS:
POS, BJ, BS and MS declared they are members of
SSE. ML is a District Councillor
283. Reports to / from county and district
ML reported Communities to get power to deliver
affordable housing.
Consultation on local referendum to veto excessive
council tax increases
Community achievement awards on 6th September at
6pm in Saffron Walden to Peter and Margaret Lines
Celebrations 284. Public Participation on Agenda Items
including 285. Clerks report:
Matters from last meeting and Action Register
Wedding Receptions War Memorial road repairs.
Clerk has received confirmation from local farmers to
Classes etc., etc., the quality of work by L&R. P Knight has not
responded to several messages regarding references and
PREFERENTIAL RATES date. Agreed to award contract to L&R.
FOR Service road road repairs.
The service road in front of the shops on the Heath will
LOCAL ORGANISATIONS be resurfaced on Sunday 5th September. ECC
AND Highways will write to all businesses using the service
road to advise them of this date. Note in Parish
LOCAL RESIDENTS Magazine with request not to park from Saturday
For Details Telephone Vehicle activated signs.
Clerk and MS attended training session earlier today re
01279 730 544 charging of batteries for VAS signs. Clerk to confirm
with ECC Highways that the schedule for movement of
the signs will be published to all parishes involved and
that we are interested in the purchase of one VAS
perhaps with another parish and to circulate our interest
to other parishes.
Junction improvement.
Clerk reported that the amount of village green required rHeaavdey fYoorutrhinseswudmecmkerb!uiltHandyman Local
for proposal 2 of the mini roundabout scheme at the
A1060/Dunmow Road junction was approximately 15m2 Skilled Handyman
and it was agreed to request ECC Highways to progress for furniture assembly
the scheme as soon as possible picture hanging
i. Henry Turtill has still not forwarded the lease to putting up shelving, decorating
the village green. building cupboards & much more
ii. Emergency Plan reviewed by clerk and circulated
for comments. Councillors felt it was too complicated a No Call out charge
template and to revert to our original format.
Training courses received from EALC • Affordable hourly & daily rates
i. Roles & Responsibilities 9.30 – 12.30 9th • Fast & efficient service
September Foakes Hall Dunmow £36
ii. Budget & Precept 9.30 – 12.30 16th September Call Chris
Foakes Hall Dunmow £36 Free quotation 07931 566 372
286. financial matters: DIXON & CO
Clerk reported that current bank balances after deposit of CHARTERED CERTIFIED ACCOUNTANTS
monies received and the payment of the following For local, friendly advice contact Paul Dixon
cheques are Wallburys, Stortford Road, Hatfield Heath, CM22 7DL
Deposit Account £36421.52 Tel: 01279 739076
Current Account £1086.48 Email: [email protected]
Clerk discussed bank charges with our bankers and these
Red BarnInteriors Limited
were refunded. Internet banking forms were supplied.
Automatic transfers of money from savings to current
accounts are free only checked on one day per month. An
appointment was made with NatWest bank but when the
Clerk attended at the time of the meeting the business
manager was unaware of the appointment.
Agreed to stay with HSBC and to maintain a balance of
£5000 in the current account on 1st of month and to
arrange internet banking with only transfers between
accounts allowed.
The following payments were approved:
E Fenwick Expenses 225.53
287 Planning
Decisions by UDC Planning Dept
Land adjacent High Pastures Stortford Road HH:
UTT/0813/10/LB: Renewal of planning approval
UTT.1048/07/FUL Erection of new dwelling;
Heyst, Chelmsford Road HH: UTT/0897/10/FUL: New
vehicular access and drive: CONDITIONAL
Foxglove Farm, Dunmow Road HH: UTT/0913/10/FUL:
Two storey rear extension, Two Single storey front
extensions, two additional chimneys: APPROVAL OF
Applications Beautiful Hand- made
None Kitchens, Bedrooms, Office Furniture
Monthly Enforcement Reports
288. travellers on village green Telephone: 01279 722 811
ML has written to LOM, Police and UDC thanking him Email: [email protected]
for the speedy way in which they dealt with the travellers.
Clerk to write from PC with our thanks
Greenleys, Slough Road, Allen Green, Sawbridgeworth, Herts, CM21 0LR
BJ raised several comments from residents regarding the
behaviour of the travellers, and the rights of villagers not
being able to use the village green.
Clerk to check with HT regarding future arrangements
especially over the weekend.
Clerk to write to MP asking for something to be done
relating to illegal use of the village green by travellers.
GM Property Maintenance 289. Parking in broomfields
POS raised issue of continuing parking problem in
Decorating Specialists Broomfields. Proposal that we investigate with UDC the
provision of lay-bys around Broomfields. Agreed for
Est. 1987 Clerk to request Freedom of Information request on cost
of replacement of kerbing at Broomfields over the last
Specialising in: five years.
Home interior and exterior decoration 290. Stansted airport and noise monitor
Building maintenance and restoration
Meeting on feedback from BAA. Almost 1 year since
Professional and reliable service Fully insured last meeting. All avenues to be explored including
provision of monitor from BAA. MS reported on
Tel: 01279 730733 meeting and a second monitor will be sited in HBO.
07867 805382 Experiment on Clacton route trialled by Easyjet with
success. Proposed we ask Jo Stewart to take the lead in
E-mail: [email protected] forming a working group to liaise with BAA. BJ will
speak to Jo Stewart.
291. Parish Meeting
Meeting date 7.30pm on 30th September at the Village
Hall. Working Group comprising POS, SS, JB will meet
17th August. Clerk to write to all grant recipients asking
them to attend
CARPENTER 292. Affordable housing
GW reported that the working group had met with
John Adamson Ulrike Maccarriello of Hastoe Housing Association,
who had indicated that it will be necessary to explore the
Bespoke fitted furniture potential of 4 preferred sites, involving approaches to
Free quotations Fully insured the respective land owners. When that process is
complete, there will be a further meeting with officers in
07779 715 888 01371 811 688 Uttlesford Planning Department, to which a PC
representative will be invited. The importance of making
HERTS HEATING provision for allotments has been stressed by the
working group and noted by Hastoe. Once a site is
Town Grove, Dunmow Road, Hatfield Heath, confirmed, it should take an average of a little over a
Bishops Stortford, Herts CM22 7BN year to complete the required procedures before work
commences on site. In October, the results of the
For all your Gas Installation and Servicing needs spending review will provide an indication of available
High Efficiency Condensing Boiler Installations funding over the next 3 years.
Gas Boiler Servicing and Breakdowns 293. Village green – ponds
Landlord’s Gas Safety Records DP thanks to MS for huge amount of work on grant
Free Quotations for gas heating installations application. Letter of acknowledgement on grant
Plumbing and Pipework application of £9900. List of volunteers required. 2
Replacement Bathrooms, including Tiling & Quotations received on pond work and one on tree work,
Decoration further quotes are being sourced. DP has done research
Local company established in 1974. on British plants.
Gas Safe register number 222 294. parish council website
GW tabled a draft website specification which would be
Call us on 01279-730 060 used to assess alternative means of meeting our
Fax us on 01279-730 065 requirements. DP proposed and JB seconded that we
E-mail us at [email protected] proceed with a website. Carried by 5 votes to 4. Agreed
that any comments on the draft specification be sent to
295. Notice Board WELL SEASONED
Clerk instructed to obtain 3 quotations for board same
size as existing. Half and Full loads available
296.reports from members on meetings attended Bags of logs & kindling wood available
MS attended standards committee meetings.
Cut to size
297. matters raised by members for inclusion on next Prompt delivery call
agenda Election May 2011 01279 718 555
07930 188 920
298. Dates Of next meetings
8th September 13th October
10th November
Your Parish Council is hosting an informal drinks & MHS Builders
nibbles evening Local Builder
on Thursday 30th September Carpentry & Roofing
at 7.30pm until 9pm Loft and Garage conversions
in Hatfield Heath Village Hall. Kitchens & Bathrooms
All Hatfield Heath residents are invited to come and Plastering
meet us, Extensions
find out what we do, references available on request
how you think we are doing
and tell us what you want us to do in your village. Call Mark Savage
This is a social evening NOT a Parish council Tel: 01279 739 409
meeting. Mobile: 07718 539 969
Come along and meet all your councillors plus other
local groups and villagers. CORNELL DECORATORS LTD
We look forward to seeing you all.
• Interior & Exterior decoration
TAYLOR'S FIELD • carried out to a high specification.
ACCESS A PROBLEM? • Full public liability.
• 30 yrs Experience
• Ceilings papered.
I read with interest Mrs Arnold's & Tim Mascall's • Wall coverings and wall paper hung
suggestions on how to ease our village parking
problems. Contact Steve.
Mrs Arnold's were laughable, as if the people working Phone : 01279 724 805 Mobile : 07836 588 886
in the Co-Op haven't got enough to do without finding
time to hand out leaflets. I hope she's enjoying the E-mail: [email protected]
school holidays!!!! Address: Field View, Sheering, Herts.
Mr Mascall's final one about building on Taylor's Field
between Cox Ley & Clipped Hedge particularly caught
my attention. That's quite a sizeable development he's
suggesting, 60 x 2/3/4 bedrooms!!! Where will the
access be???? Broomfields already has far too many
cars going in & out of the entrance. Clipped Hedge as
far as I know is an unadopted road. The roads are far too
narrow in West Hayes/Shaw & lastly coming out onto
the Dunmow Road would be in my opinion far too
dangerous. Is there another option???
Continued on next page.......
Curtains Tim fails to mention he owns a plot of land adjacent to
Made to measure by this field, possibly in time allowing for further
Jennie Childs development????
All types of Curtains & Matching Accessories He also thinks this should be pushed through quite
Made to measure
I bet he does!!!
Telephone:01279 730 608
Marjorie Smithers
32 Broomfields, Hatfield Heath, Herts. CM22 7EH Stortford Road
PaintingandDecorating TIM IS A LOCAL DEVELOPER
If you are Looking for an I was interested by the letter Tim Mascall submitted with
Excellent Standard of Decorating regard to building a new Village Hall and a suggestion
for development of approximately 60 homes on Taylers
by a Field, between Cox Ley and Clipped Hedge. Does not
Professional Tradesman Mr Mascall have his own interests in mind by suggesting
this, seeing he owns a field that runs alongside Taylers
Exterior/Interior Field and he is a local developer.
Then look no further Annoyed Cox Ley resident
Please call John for a free estimate
Over the course of the past few issues of the magazine I
have read with sorry interest peoples attitudes to the
parking problems at the village hall mainly due to school.
I personally think it's very wrong of the village hall
committee to not let parents park there for their children. I
have previously been a pupil of Hatfield Heath Primary(a
long time ago now I must add) and there was no problem
with the parking then and it was much safer. At least, or
most of the Parents were in one place and the children
could find them easier than running about the Heath. I
understand that alot of Parents come from out of the village
now so why not encourage people that live on the Heath to
walk(if practical), and people further afield to park at the
hall. Maybe a permit scheme could be implemented.
Personally I think there's ways around this rather than each
issue people just ranting and raving at each other. I now
Broad Oak Consultants
IT Solutions for everyone
Established 1993 Home & Business
Broadband • Sales • Networks • Repairs
• Upgrades • Web Design • Programming
Supplier • Databases • PC Systems • Training
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01279 718 596
Email: [email protected]
think Bruno's getting very bored with these letters!!
A Leeder
Naah !! I don't read them - Joking ! Bruno
COUNTDOWN TO CHRISTMAS For over 30 years we have been
carrying out local, national and
MAKE IT EASY ON YOURSELF! overseas relocations for personal
and business clients. We
I know, it's only August and no-one wants to even think understand that everyone's move
about Christmas yet, but probably the best the way to is different and that is why we
have Christmas without pain is to break it down to bite- tailor our service to each
size pieces, do it a little at a time and plan ahead, so's individual customers needs.
you don't have to spend your whole holiday in the kitch- Kings Removals was set up as and still runs as a family business
en. today. Great emphasis is put on customer satisfaction and this is why a
high percentage of our work comes from recommendations and repeat
A lot of you know her as a local artist but Paulene Brak- business.
spear is also a qualified, experienced foodie tutor with
loads of exciting, different ideas to share-and-show; she
is also an experienced demonstrator who can show you
ways of zizzing up your Christmas table with personal- WEIDGOHYTOUPHRAOVEBALEM
ized crackers, place settings and unusual centrepieces, as
well as innovative (and inexpensive) ways of gift wrap- Are you constantly yoyo-ing between
ping. ‘treating yourself’ with food/wine
and then restricting your intake?
Carol May will need no introduction to many in the vil-
lage, who will remember her wonderful cookery classes, Do you often feel lethargic or run down?
held in their farm kitchen in Eastwick as well as her her
published Aga cookery book. Carol has a wealth of ex- Then you need my latest course!
perience to share and she's been persuaded to do just that
in the Release your weight issues
proposed “Countdown to Christmas” set of twice month-
ly classes, starting in early September. with
The planning is done for you, you'll get the plan, see the Special price
demonstrations, taste the food, take home the recipes and for first 5
have additional help as needed at the end of a phone. respondents
More new and exciting ideas and recipes than you can
shake a stick at (as they say) and loads of fun on the 10 week group course
way! (daytime and evening groups available)
In which we release your issues around food and
Ring either Paulene Brakspear on 01279 730 281 OR weight + rebalance your body nutritionally.
Carol May on 01279 734 996 or mobile
07884 435 554 for more information and to register your
interest, without obligation until the times and venue
have been confirmed
Wed 1st Sept 8pm
Coreen Townley
Wed 15th September 8pm Contact: Carol May
Snap out of it (Part 2 ) 01279 734996 / 07884 435 554
Chris & Janet South Email:[email protected]
URC Hall on the Chelmsford Road BIRTHDAY PARTIES
New Members & Visitors welcome You can hire the hall for children's parties
Information - Jean 01279 730 465 £9.50 / hour Tel :01279 730 581
RELIABLE & EXPERIENCED There are several areas on the Village Green where the
15 YEARS IN TRADE grass cutting is less frequent and less severe with the
Grass cutting, Hedge Trimming, Planting,
Weed Treatment, One off Tidy Ups and intent of sustaining wildlife. The working group of the
maintenance Parish Council arranged to have the sites surveyed by
Call for a friendly chat on
Mobile 07956 524 586 wildlife experts to establish their condition and whether
Home Tel 01279 830 960
any action was required to protect or improve them.
The Essex Wildlife Trust (EWT) concentrated on the
grassland and the Essex Amphibian and Reptile Group
(EARG) focused on the ponds.
EWT indicated that our grass cutting regime is enriching
Fed up with the soil and consequently eliminating, over time, the rare
moss and weed? wild flowers and acid grasses which are historically
We offer:- associated with Essex in general and the heath in
•Regular lawn feeds
•Weed and moss treatment particular. Nationally we have lost 95% of our semi-
•Scarification natural grasslands (species rich grasslands which have
not been modified by extensive fertiliser use and
reseeding) through development, and 'agricultural
Friendly professional service Lawn Treatment Service PHOTOGRAPHS OF WILD FLOWERS THAT
The EWT report identifies
01279 466 100
Restharrow, Mouse-ear
Hawkweed and Lady’s Bedstraw as
being still present on the heath
but only sparingly. Christine
Knight, our local wildflower
enthusiast and expert, has
provided photographs of some of
LTD the wild flowers which appeared
on the heath this summer, see the
back page of the magazine. Mouse-ear Hawkweed
Ideally, EWT would like to see
livestock grazing re-introduced to
the heath but recognize this as
being impractical and we have
agreed to modify the grass
cutting regime on the site
• Specialising in all types of ponds between Holy Trinity Church and
& features.
Pond Lane. This site is a County
• Professionally designed,
installed, restored or maintained. Designated Wildlife Site and we
• Local company established since will be making a cut of 10cm over
1987 with excellent after care the whole site in the spring and, Lady’s Bedstraw
most importantly, collecting and
Tel: 01279 461 052
disposing the cuttings. In the autumn the same process
(Answer phone)
will be applied to half the site allowing flora in the other
Mobile: 07711 087 004
half to set and disperse seed and to provide shelter for
small mammals. Each autumn we will alternate the half
to be cut.
Next month we will tell you our plans for the pond on
this site. If you are interested in getting involved contact
David Parish on 730573 or e-mail
[email protected]
Rainfall mm. 4.5 Hatfield Heath Rainfall July 2010 J.W. TREE SURGEONS
Total = 13mm All aspects of tree work undertaken
m. 3.5 (0.51inches) NPTC Qualified
R 1.5 Tree Work Pruning
0.5 Hedge Cutting
Stump Grinding
Day Log for sale
01279 302 106
Rainfall was recorded on 12 days in July 2010 in the
village, but the amounts were extremely small, resulting MALLON TREE CARE
in only 0.51 inches.
This represents 28% of our average and July 2010 is the NPTC QUALIFIED STAFF
driest in the last 20 years. 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE
2.7 inches in 2002 0.51 inches in 2010 UNDERTAKEN AT
2.63 inches in 2006 0,59 inches in 1994 COMPETITIVE RATES
With such low rainfall and extremely high temperatures,
July was a disaster for many garden plant. Aphid
populations soared and fortunately so did the Ladybirds,
for their mid-summer feasts.
The newts departed from our small garden pond in mid-
July, which is normal and so did the odd small frog, which
we had raised from tadpoles in our greenhouse.
Farmers are beginning their cereal, rape and bean harvest,
so it will surely fetch the rain.
Brian Bland
As I put the above into the magazine on 4th of August it
was pouring with rain Bruno
Monday 6 September at 7.30 pm FOR A FREE ESTIMATE
in the Village Hall
OFFICE : 01279 877726
This is a social evening to try Short Mat Bowls. MOBILE : 07946 550777
Help and guidance will be available . Bowls are 07986 147 914
[email protected]
provided . You can join a team or start a new
Or Find us in YELL
team with three friends. All are welcome to join
us for a glass of wine and nibbles to see if you
would like to play.
Further information from
Bob and Sue 730 741
Bart and Margaret 730 663
Tony 730 483
Here to help you through difficult times
01277 366677
Chapels of Rest Pre paid funeral plans
email: [email protected]
Daniel Robinson September, for some people, is the start of a new year.
& Sons Those connected with schools and some churches start a
new year at this time. July and August as the time when a
Independent Family lot of people go on holiday having finished one year and
Funeral Directors & Monumental Masons before starting the next.
Where do you like to relax on holiday? Some of us travel
A personal caring service overseas to warmer countries, although they would have
from family business day or night. been difficult to find over the last few weeks. Holidays are
Our trained staff will be pleased to give free a time of refreshing and renewal. Those of us in roles like
confidential advice on any matter ministry also get given times to go on holidays called
retreats. They are times when we are given the opportunity
GOLDEN 3 BULLFIELDS to go away somewhere, usually with a group, to relax and
The first time I went on retreat it was very difficult for me
FUNERAL PLANS (01279) 722476 as I am not one for doing nothing. We gathered in the main
lounge of this huge house in the Derbyshire countryside and
79/81 SOUTH STREET WYCH ELM the leader gave us a short Bible passage and told us to go
BISHOP'S STORTFORD HARLOW back to our rooms and think about what the passage meant
for us. We were to meet back in the lounge just before lunch
(01279) 655477 (01279) 426990 to feedback. Several of us met, some were missing, and the
leader asked a very strange question. He said, “How many
HASLERS LANE 146 HIGH STREET of you nodded off?” I had to put up my hand as within 15
GREAT DUNMOW EPPING minutes of meditating I found that I had drifted off and only
woke up just before I had to go to the lounge.
(01371) 874518 (01992) 560890 The leader said that was the purpose of the retreat to give us
the opportunity to slow down. It is only when we do slow down that we can really look at ourselves
and our lives. For some it is that which scares them. By
24 hour Family Careline keeping busy we often avoid dealing with things until they
Golden Charter Pre-Payments Plans
become a crisis. By the end of the retreat, which was only a SECURE YOUR PROPERTY
couple of days, I had slept well and spent time reflecting on ALARM SYSTEMS - CCTV - INTERCOMS
several situations I should have dealt with some time FOR ALL YOUR ELECTRONIC SECURITY NEEDS CALL
before. Through that time I realised that some of the things C F SECURITY
weren’t as bad as they had seemed and had come to some Lt Hallingbury
possible solutions or ways forward. One of the other things 01279 600 025
that helped me with my struggle to do nothing was that we Email:[email protected]
were also shown that it was based on a bible verse. Jesus NIKKI ROBINSON MCSP MIFPA
said to his disciples to come with him to a place of rest and PHYSIOTHERAPY
relaxation. Jesus also made sure that he took time out too. I Do you feel you’re falling apart?
I can help put you back together!
have since been on a couple of other retreats, one involving Complete treatment from head to toe.
24 hours silence. That wasn’t too difficult to maintain until Sports injuries
Back, neck and joint pain and stiffness
tea-time when I was enjoying my apple crumble and – even long term
Tight, painful muscles
custard. The custard was in a lovely jug which for some Stress-related disorders and sleep problems
Chronic pain and swelling, and varicose veins
unknown reason was refusing to pour until I tipped it up far Post-operative rehabilitation
Arthritis exercises and education
enough. I hadn’t spotted a huge clot of custard in the neck
To make an appointment
of the jug which eventually fell onto my crumble followed or for more information, please contact me:
by most of the contents of the jug. Needless to say there Tel: 01279 718 331
[email protected]
wasn’t much silence in the dining room for the next few
Cannons Lane, Hatfield Broad Oak
moments! So those about to go on holiday then ensure that
you relax and enjoy yourselves and return with a new
passion for the work and life you lead. Watch out for those
surprising things which may catch you unawares. Those
who have been on holiday I hope that there were plenty of
times for you to relax and refresh yourselves.
Rev Terry Keen
12 Harefield
CM20 3EF Tel: 01279 626 771
Sunday 3rd October
Harvest Service
at the URC followed by
Harvest Lunch
we will be joined by The Holy Trinity
Everyone Welcome
Tickets £5 ring 01279 730 465
1 10.30 Holy Communion 1662 The Close INSTITUTE 730 544
(2 ½ -5)
5 TRINITY 14 730 297 and play reading for pleasure
08.00 Holy Communion – 1662 HT 730 825 or 730 517
Mother,Baby and Toddler
10.30 Family Service URC Group Robin Gurnett 730 672
Thur 9.45am term time
18.00 Service at The Close Village Hall - 07956 563 710 ROYAL BRITISH LEGION
01279 730 375
18.30 Evensong HT 730 042
6 11.30 for 12.00 Luncheon Club URC BELL RINGERS 730 526
11 10.00 Ride and Stride – Essex Churches CHOIR 730 390
FRIDAY CLUB (7-12 yrs)
09.30 Holy Communion HT 730 465
739 218
(6 mths - 7years) 868 410
10.30 Family Service URC Hatfield Broad Oak
01371 872 550
15 20.00 Leisure Hour URC SCHOOL FOOTBALL 01279 651 270
19 TRINITY 16 CLUB OR 01279 653 925
08.00 Holy Communion HT SCOUTS 812 586 SECRETARY U.R.C.
09.30 Matins HT CUBS Chris Hancock Mark Lemon 730 581
11.00 Family Service with Com- 731 646 HEALTH WALK
munion URC BROWNIES 734 391 Friday 10am outside
Broomfield Surgery 730 512
18.00 Service at The Close SUNDAY CLUB
22 10.30 Midweek Holy Communion HT 9.30am Holy Trinity
11.30 for 12.00 Luncheon Club URC 730 288 HEALTH WALK
19.45 Gardening Club H H.T. YOUTH GROUP Monday 10.30am Village Car
Park 722 156
25 09.30 Farmers Market H 731 318
26 TRINITY 17 KARATE 445 539
09.30 Holy Communion HT JUNIOR KARATE
10.30 Family Service URC 01992 575 679 FARMERS MARKET
07956 563 710
3 October HARVEST FESTIVAL WU CHI 07947 599 801
08.00 Holy Communion 1662 HT SENIOR BOWLS 724 833 KEEP FIT FOR OVER 50S
Village Hall
10.30 Joint HARVEST Family Service with Weds 9.30am 07776 221 975
HT at URC Followed by Harvest Lunch. OPEN BOWLS 730 539
Tickets £5 from Jean Whybrew BRIDGE CLUB 723 948 KEEP FIT
Village Hall Fridays 9.30am
18.30 Harvest Praise with visiting choirs HT GARDENING CLUB 07776 221 975
H-Village Hall / CR-Committee Room H / HT-Holy 730 425 VISITING OPTICIAN
Trinity Church / URC-United Reform Church / I-Insti- 01279 443 181
tute / S-School OPEN COFFEE
Paula O'Sullivan 730 281
INSTITUTE 730288 [email protected]
LUNCHEON CLUB Uttlesford Badger Group
For all Senior Citizens
730 581 Derek Barry (on call 24/7 )
Michelina 07786 341 754 01279 503332 Home
07941185171 Mbl
FOR UNDER FIVES Ann Whale 01279 731
Buffy Bus is a playbus designed to give the under fives an HATFIELD HEATH INSTITUTE
opportunity to paint, play and socialise in a playgroup
environment that they would otherwise not have access to OPEN COFFEE MORNING
Drop in for Tea, coffee and light refreshments
TUESDAYS 9.30am - 11am
FREE but donations welcome
URC Hall Wed 7.30pm
8th Sept
Village Website
PARISH COUNCIL Village Magazine
Parish Clerk - Ernie Fenwick............... 730 770
Chairman - Paula O’Sullivan.....................730 281 Surgery Websites
Vice Chairman - Mel Sullivan.................. 731 434 (Repeat prescriptions can be applied for on these sites)
Mark Lemon (District Councillor)....... 730 581
Bart Sheekey.................... 730 663
Robert Jones........................ 730 741 H. H.Football Club
David Parish (H.H.Tenants Forum Mem.).730 573
Gary Waller.......................................... 739 345 H.H. Cricket Club
Janet Briscoe............................................. 730 674 Bridge club
Sandra Saban..............................................730 042 Terry’s Photos
Paul Simpson ....................................730 026
David. N. Parish............................... 730 573
HATFIELD HEATH The Mobile Library Hatfield Heath
Tuesday visits Fortnightly
There will be a retired policeman Rick Jones at the Broomfields 2.45pm to 3.35pm
police station who you can talk to on The Close 3.40pm to 4pm
The Heath 4.05pm to 4.35pm
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5pm - 6.30pm
PHONE NUMBERS OF FRIDAY 10am Broomfields Surgery
MON 10.30 am Little Hallingbury car park
PCSO Jo Trevail-Philips Email:[email protected]
Pc Brad Healey Email: [email protected] Thur
Mobile for above police officers........ 07779 316 979 16th
Police Great Dunmow............................ 01376 551 312
Police Hatfield Heath.......... ................. 01279 730 388
Emergency ............................................... 999
Non Emergency ..........................................0300 333 4444
DOCTORS Broomfields......................... 01279 730 616 Sept
DOCTOR Sawbridgeworth.................... 08444 773 360
THE SAMARITANS............................... 01279 421 110
HATFIELD HEATH C.P. SCHOOL...... 01279 730 382 Email :- [email protected]
PRE-SCHOOL........................................ 01279 730 354
Send your letters /articles/ reports /photographs, by hand, floppy
HOLY TRINITY disc, CD, or email - [email protected].
If posting or delivering by hand you can send direct to me :-
Rev. Stewart Gibbs.....................................01279 730 288 Bruno(Editor) “Manor Lodge”, Chelmsford Rd, Hatfield
Gerald Pearson .............................................01279 730 526
Lesley Noel ................................................ 01279 870 390 Editor: - Bruno Scheggia (Skedja) 01279 730 498
Irene Harriss..................................................01279 734 334
Bruno’s Mobile Phone number 07768 606 309
Treasurer: - Mel Sullivan 01279 731 434
Fiona Klimeke............................................. 01279 831 965 Distribution:-Barbara Scheggia 01279 730 498
URC Rev Terry Keen............................. 01279 726 771 Secretary: - Jean Clarke 01279 730 667
Chairman - Brendan Carrig
Printed by Cornerstone 01279 437 851
GREEN SKIP DISCLAIMER: The Editor and Printers do not take
Sundays 3pm - 4pm Broomfields/Ardley Crescent responsibility for the information given or views expressed in
BROOMFIELDS ARDLEY CRES the Hatfield Heath Village Magazine. Nor is any culpability
accepted in work done by advertisers.
September 5th 19th September 12th 26th
Hi Bruno
Just thought you would like to know that The
Heath Players swept the board at the All British
Winners National Drama Festival held at the
Thameside Theatre in Greys last night. Winning
all four of the available trophies, plus £500. The
play was The Sociable Plover, written by Tim
Whitnall, starring Lee Barnes and Martin
Bedwell, directed by Chrissie Agnew. You can
see a review of the play and some video footage
on the following site:
I think there will be more news and pictures on
their site in due course.
“Wendycot”,Chelmsford Road, Thank you to everyone from who came to support
Hatfield Heath, us, we really appreciated it.
Chrissie Agnew
Bishop’S Stortford, Herts
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri 8am - 5.30pm Prompt Corner
August 2010
Sat 9am - 1pm
Tel: 01279 730 274
The AGM was held in early July and around a dozen
[email protected] members were present.
Finances are in good order and the existing committee
was re-elected. Spencer Richards was nominated as
Chairman Elect to take over in April 2011. In the
meantime he will work alongside Mark.
For All Building Works - Steve Foster has agreed to direct our next production
Extensions/Renovations - in spring 2011 and is looking for suitable plays.
Decorating - Plumbing - Electrics
Carried Out with Great Attention to Detail We discussed membership and agreed to keep the
Tel: 01279 757 323 07836 205 103 existing arrangement of no membership fee. It was
suggested that if anyone wished to direct a one act play
James Gardening Service we could consider staging something. Children’s
shows were also discussed. The seating rostra will
All Garden Works need replacing and Mark and Peter Lines will look at
various options.
& Odd Jobs
We read Simon Mawdsley’s Audacity after the
01279 651 498 07963 989 851 meeting had closed.
SOCIABLE PLOVER AT THE Hallingbury Hall Equestrian Centre
British Horse Society Approved
FESTIVAL Riding lessons for children and adults
Huge congratulations to Chrissie Agnew, Spencer beginners to advanced riders
Richards, Martin Bedwell, Lee Barnes and everyone
involved in the production of the Sociable Plover. FACILITIES
Super indoor school, three outdoor arena's,
Having won all four trophies on offer at Hertford Theatre show jumping arena, and cross-country course
Week and qualifying for the British All Winners Drama
Festival at the Thameside Theatre in Grays, the play swept CHILDREN'S LESSONS
the board there too. We have super ponies from quiet schoolmasters to
THE PLAYERS WON ones trained to do jumping and dressage
Children's own a pony day courses are held every
OVERALL WINNER - The Mary Blakeman Trophy Wednesday and Thursday during the holidays, Great Fun!
plus £500 cash prize
ADJUDICATOR'S DISCRETIONARY AWARD - Maximum four riders on a 45 minute lesson gain
The Felixstowe Festival Trophy confidence and enjoy on one of our lovely sensible cobs
Improve your dressage, learn about tests
AUDIENCE APPRECIATION AWARD - The Halifax lateral work, engagement and collection
Evening Courier Award Or join a jumping lesson and
In his comments after the performance on the Friday of the practise courses, grids and related distances
festival adjudicator Paul Fowler said that the performance
was “as good as it gets in amateur theatre”. Please ring or pop in for a chat
Mark 01279 730 348
Little Hallingbury, Bishops
Stortford, Herts CM227RP
Hutley Electrical offers a full range of
Electrical Services and has been
established for over 20 years.
Chrissie Lee Martin From House re-wires to Industrial/
Commercial projects we pride ourselves
Spencer Richards Agnew Barnes Bedwell on offering a competent, polite, tidy
professional service and endeavour to
Colour Photos on back page..................
work with the minimum of disruption to
Family run business you wherever possible.
We offer a friendly service **We are a full member of the NICEIC
and take pride in our high and have been for many years.**
standard of fitting
CARPET, VINYL& WOOD Call Bob now for a free quotation
LAMINATE FLOORING TEL: 01279 722 351 or
Free estimates & advice MOBILE: 07774 941 668
We can supply to all local areas
including: Sawbridgeworth,
Bishop’s Stortford, Harlow,
Elsenham, Hatfield Broad Oak,
Hatfield Heath
111a London Road Sawbridgeworth Herts CM21 9JJ
T:01279 724878 - F:01279 724878
Former Deputy Headteacher CELEBRATE HARLOW!
very effective at raising standards
Open Doors Week- a series of FREE events for
Reading techniques coached; books loaned all the family!
Clearly taught NC maths
The Gibberd Gallery
Quality of writing and handwriting improved Saturday 11 September, 10.30am-5pm
SATs, 11+ and Common Entrance Enjoy Henry Moore’s celebrated Sheep exhibition
Dyslexia and join in with one of the following:
Weekly follow-up activities Minute Maestro (10.30am-1.00pm) Become a
musical maestro and conduct City of London
01279 600 102 Sinfonia musicians, doodle a picture and have it
turned into music, and take part in arts and crafts.
Denise Ings Sculpting Sheep (2.00pm-5.00pm) Drop-in sheep
sculpting workshop run by The Henry Moore
King’s Thursday, 2 Rowney Gardens, Sawbridgeworth, CM21 0AT Foundation. Suitable for all ages (children must
bring an adult)
[email protected] Civic Centre, The Water Gardens, CM20 1WG
Sing Along with Jo Jingles! The Council Chamber
Saturday 11 September, 10.30am-5pm
Fun Music Singing & Movement Classses See Harlow’s Council Chamber in action and meet
For children aged 3 months to 5 years a wide range of exhibiting community groups, to
Chidren’s Parties & Nursery Sessions also available! Councillor Debate (12noon-2pm) 3 Harlow
Councillors and 3 Youth Councillors debate the
For details on classes in: Harlow strategy for youth provision.
Bishop’s Storford, Epping, Harlow Civic Centre, The Water Gardens, CM20 1WG
Sawbridgeworth, Stebbing & Hatfield
Heath Plus NEW classes starting in St John’s Arts and Recreation Centre
Potter Street, Harlow Saturday 11 & Sunday 12 September, 2pm-6pm
Call Lucy on 01279 868 410 Historical exhibition on Old Harlow and St John’s,
[email protected] and a special exhibition of historical toys. Refreshments available
Market Street, Old Harlow CM17 0AJ
Hobbs Cross Road
Old Harlow Harlowbury Chapel
CM17 0NJ Sunday 12 September, 11am-5pm
View Harlow’s oldest building, located within the
Tel. 01279 429 910 grounds of Harlowbury Manor, and learn about its
past and loving restoration. An exhibition of local artists’ work also takes place. Refreshments
Saint Nicholas Off Old Road, Old Harlow CM17 0HQ
A small independent school,
located in Harlow Playhouse
Churchgate Street, Old Harlow Sunday 12 September, 1pm- 5pm
An afternoon of fun-packed family-friendly activities
We take pupils from Reception with exhibits, live music, and free activities. To
through to Year 11 include:
Free workshops- 1.15-1.45pm Try Ballet for
• Small class children*
sizes 2.45-3.15pm Try Hip Hop*
• Wide range of 2.45-4.30pm Try Puppetry
curricular and 4.15-4.45pm Try Ballet for
extra-curricular Adults*
activities (*wear suitable clothing and footwear)
• Extensive Thursday 16 –Saturday 18 September
• Heated pool
Michael Frayn’s hilarious West End and Broadway SPA DAYS ON YOUR DOORSTEP!
Manicure or Pedicure, Luxury Clarins Facial, Swedish
hit is brought to the Playhouse by the award- Back Massage. We know how to spoil you, feel truly
relaxed, have lunch around the pool. Use the solarium
winning Global Productions. A farce about a farce,
½ Day pamper - morning , afternoon,
Noises Off follows a hapless theatre troupe as they or between school hours
attempt to put on a version of Nothing On, a Carry Gift Vouchers Available
On-style sex comedy in which men’s trousers fall FOR MORE INFORMATION OR MORE PAMPER
down and women run about in their underwear. As
01279 730 549
backstage chaos during the dress rehearsal turns
into outright pandemonium during the show’s
Toilet trailers Luxury and
touring run, so the friction among the cast increases Party Range, single event
portable and disabled
to side-splitting effect. units available for hire.
Paula's Petsitting Service
Going on holiday? Paula offers personal pet care in their
own home! Choosing Paula’s Petsitting Service you can
leave home knowing you will return to happy pets.
Dog walking also available. All at competitive rates
For more information, please call
01279 876 277 or 07986 270 336
Or email: [email protected]
OCKHAM’S RAZOR Present The Mill
Thursday 23 September
Ockham’s Razor, the critically acclaimed aerial Independent co-educational
theatre company that specialises in creating day school and nursery
physical theatre on new pieces of aerial equipment for 2 - 11 year olds
make their debut at the Playhouse with The Mill.
Experience the sweat, grind and grit of physical Creating Opportunities
work in a wheel of wood and steel which is powered Realising Potential
by the five performers and suspended in the air.
SEX AND THE CITY 2 (15) Living Life to the Full!
Friday 24 September
Back for a second glitzy romp Call us today on 01279 657706
through New York’s high
society are Carrie (Parker),
Samantha (Cattral), Charlotte
Set two years on from their BISHOP’S STORTFORD, HERTS CM22 7UF
last adventure,
Continued on next page...............
..................Continued from previous page
Sunday 26 September
Prepare to bask in the glow of top class comedy as
we present not one, but two of the hottest comic
talents in the country. A familiar face from BBC 1’s
Live at the Apollo and Michael McIntyre’s Comedy
IYENGAR YOGA Voted the Number 1 rock ’n’ roll show by UK Rock
Magazine, C’mon Everybody brings to life all the
Classes to suit all ages greatest musical stars of the 50s and 60s in this
spectacular and action-packed live show.
and levels of flexibility
I’M A MINGER Thur 30 Sept
Beginners/intermediate/over 50's
Written and performed by Alex Jones
Day and Evenings Available
Contact Jenny This one-man show, written and performed by
01279 730 751 Alex Jones, gives a voice to those who are seldom
07946 777 669
Email: [email protected]
Hair by BEE BEE The very best music of the Sixties is recreated in
all its live glory by The Mods, five world class
ALL ASPECTS OF HAIRDRESSING musicians who have played with some of the
greatest names in music, from Ringo Starr, to
LADIES and GENTS Queen, Peter Gabriel and Stevie Wonder to name
SPECIAL PRICES:Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s for Senior Citizens but a few. Here The Mods perform an array of
legendary hits by the likes of The Small Faces, The
OPEN: Tues & Wed 9am - 5pm• Thur 9am -1pm Kinks, The Who, The Animals, The Rolling Stones,
The Doors, Spencer Davis and Desmond Dekker.
Fri 9am-6pm • Sat 9am-1pm FULLY TRAINED Let The Mods transport you back to those magical
times and experience this celebration of the very
Heath View, Pond Lane, Hatfield Heath best the Sixties had to offer.
Tel: 01279 730 870 LONDON HAIR STYLISTS
At Pond Lane Hatfield Heath
Lesley Curtain Design Bespoke Handmade Curtains
Roman Blinds Children’s Room’s
Upholstery Bespoke Head boards
Pond Lane, Hatfield Heath, Herts
Tel: 07904 415 450
Email: [email protected]
Hatfield Heath Half Hour Helpers
Need a friendly neighbour to help you?
with task that will take approx 30 mins e.g.
Shopping small repairs collecting prescriptions etc.
Please note there is no ageism.
Anyone young or old can call for help from volunteers.
PHONE 07-944-748-478
Phone manned 10am to 12noon
The Ongar Ploughing Match Hunters Meet Restaurant
Cabaret Nights
Here at Hunters Meet , on Friday and Saturday
A rural gem of an event, not to be missed nights, we hold some of the best
Dinner Dance & Cabarets Nights in the country!
Come and see over 40 competitors demon-
Fri, Sept 17,Brand new bands CLASS ACT Plus
strating the ancient art of ploughing, using Top Comedy
both vintage and modern equipment. There Thur Sept 23
will also be horse teams ploughing, trade THE BEST
stands and some local farmers playing around
with some odd machines from the back of MICHAEL JACKSON TRIBUTE
their barns! Why not have a go yourself on a
tractor, at the straight furrow competition? Fri Sept 24 TRIPPLE CREAM are back to
amaze you all with their unique
comedy Cabaret and super live music
01279 730 549
It will be at: Woollcott House Restaurant
Herons Farm, Ongar Road, Fyfield, CM5 ORQ Gt Hallingbury 01279-504 397
Saturday, 25th September 2010 2010 Opening hours
Wednesday to Saturday evenings.
Thursday, Friday and Sunday lunchtimes
9.00 am to about 2.00 pm. Free admission
( other times by arrangement)
Regular Dinner Dances. Superb Choice of Menu.
A la Carte menu and Table D'Hote Menu's available.
For further information, please call The Secretary – Private Parties, Wedding Reception Packages
Miss H McTurk
available, Christenings, Funeral refreshments.
on 01277-372252 / 07831-138403 Ideal location for a large marquee, ample parking.
WARNING There is NO ROOM CHARGE for exclusivity.
Sunday lunch a speciality. No relays! A leisurely lunch.
PUNCTUATION IS IMPORTANT State Registered Chiropodist
An English teacher wrote these words on
the whiteboard: "woman without her man Home Visiting Practice
is nothing". The teacher then asked the
students to punctuate the words correctly.
Mrs. Julie Golden S.R.Ch.
The men wrote: Est. 1994
"Woman, without her man, is nothing."
01279 817 810
The women wrote:
"Woman! Without her, man is nothing." A professional service at a competitive rate
Hatfield Regis
Read any good books lately? This is the annual clear
out by the Heath Book Society in 1910
New book! Launch Summer 2010
Favourite recipes
from across Uttlesford
50 recipes from 35 Essex villages
From old-fashioned gingerbread toLittle Brewers 1918
modern yoghurt cake with history in
the baking
stories & anecdotes of local interest
Front cover photo shows Jamie
Oliver's favourite chocolate cake
cooked by his mum for special
£3.50 each (pp £1.10 =£4.60) churches which might otherwise be closed and the
Cheques payable to: 'Recorders of Uttlesford event usually coincides with Heritage Open Days.
II am pleased to report that two recipes have been LOCALS NIGHTatering ly
accepted one from Hatfield Heath- A Shortbread by
Mrs Mary Perry and another from Broad Oak a outh-WFoodEvery 8pmLoSvteaff
Woodroe Apple and Blackberry Tart by Joy Pouter Tuesday 6:30-
Copies from the Hatfield Regis Society cost
£3.50 M
Robin Gurnett - Chairman 01279 730 672
Main Courses just £6.95
Chelmsford Road
Promoting Neighbourhood Get Togethers
01279 730 549
Saturday 11th September 2010 CARPETS
Please support your local rider •SUPPLIED & FITTED
Tel 01279 730 465
Ride & Stride
To raise funds for the Trust and participating Unit 11 Heathview Pond Lane
churches 10.00 am to 6.00 pm. Everyone can ride,
stride, steward or sponsor! Hatfield Heath CM22 7AB
This national event was started by the Suffolk
Historic Churches Trust and Essex joined it in 1983. Steve and Donna have a shop in the village where you
Nowadays over 30 counties take part on the second can choose your carpet or other floor coverings.
Saturday each September from 10.00 – 6.00. The Steve is a fitter with 16 years experience working with
best part is that you can choose your own itinerary, the finest carpet companies. He will give professional
visiting the places that you want, because there is no advice and quote. Prices from £8.50 sqm
set route. As it is a national event, churches will be
taking part in our neighbouring counties if you need • All prices include 10mm Underlay,Grippers,
to cross boundaries. (See their websites in our Links Door Bars, Fitting, Uplift and Dispose
Everyone can join in and everyone does. Participants • Cheaper than major stores but same quality
are sponsored for the number of places of worship
they visit in the day, and people are very imaginative: • Heavy domestic loop structure carpet
one family sailed to the churches on the banks of the average hall,stairs,landing 12sqm £165
River Blackwater; every year a group from Chadwell
Heath raises money on their exercise bikes; whilst a average lounge 12sqm £165
Brentwood choir quartet, known as the Song Cycle,
sings a motet in every church they visit. You can also • We can obtain any carpet
be sponsored for stewarding your local church and If you have seen it we can get it.
welcoming riders and striders.
The annual sponsored Ride & Stride is the main fund- • Wood many ranges
raiser for the FECT. Half of the money raised goes to • Laminate Balterio
the church or chapel of your choice, and the other half 15 year guarantee - Average lounge 12sqm £260 fitted.
is credited to the FECT grants fund. Ride & Stride
Day is a special Open Day for churches throughout So why travel miles when you can have better quality
Essex and East London: it is a wonderful way to visit service from a local company just a few minutes walk away
“I guarantee my quality of work and service.”
Steve & Donna
Office: 01279 730 172
Mob: 07939 739 845
DOMESTIC SOLDIERS Thank you to everyone who attended the
Hatfield Heath No to Noise campaign meeting
General DIY, Curtain Rails and Shelves Erected, Flat Packs on the 23rd July.
assembled. Patio, Drive and Brickwork Pressure Washed, We had approximately 90 people some from
Fencing and Sheds Preserved and Repaired, Hedge Cutting, other local Parishes who also have an interest
The outcome being that BAA have trialed an
including Shrubs and Tree Pruning, alternative route with Air Asia and Easyjet and
House Painting, Exterior & Interior, Windows Pipe Work and there was a reduction of approx 4 decibels
registered on the noise monitor. However, the
Weather Boards Stained and Painted. Fencing Erected, day of the meeting BAA received a letter from
Gardens and Driveways Shingled and Pebbled. Guttering another parish stating that they were not happy
Unblocked, Roofs Moss and Mildew Power-washed Off. with the route as it should be along the centre
line of the noise preferential route as supposed
Please do not hesitate to ask. Contact lan and Jan at flying just to the right, albeit fractionally. So a
San Michelle, Jacks Lane, Takeley trial down the alternative trial is happening this
month and the results of the trial can be
MANY OTHER SERVICES UNDERTAKEN measured against the results from the previous
01279 873 933 Air Asia and Easyjet are the only airlines that are
01279 870 968 being co operative and flying these trial routes.
The others are refusing to do it until the Dept of
COMPLETE SERVICE FOR YOUR HOME Transport obtain a ruling from CAA. BAA
[email protected] explained that if the CAA agreed to the trials
then the other airlines would have to fly the
BLINDS routes they are told. Apparently the CAA are our
CONSERVATORY sticking point. We need to petition them to agree
HOUSE to change the routes for trials and agree on a final
PINOLEUM It was suggested that all the Parish councils
ROLLER gather and discuss options. I will be meeting
ROMAN with the Parish councillors sometime soon and
COMMERCIAL along with Martin Peachy from SSE to see how
Phone now for a friendly chat we go forward.
With regard to the noise monitor, it was
with Sue to get more information interesting that the aircraft were between 71-87
decibels(average of approx 55 decibels) and on
Tel : 07885 510 400 average lasted for approx 25 seconds.
We offer a Jo Stewart
Complete Service
All carried out with the minimum
of fuss and mess by experts!
Also all Plumbing &
Domestic Heating Installations
Established in Harlow for over 45 years The aim of Stop Stansted Expansion is just that, to stop
19 SERVICE BAY, WYCH ELM , HARLOW the expansion of Stansted.
Stansted is here and most of us use it, no one is trying to
close down Stansted but the supporters of SSE don't want
it to get any larger.
IN AID OF STOP STANSTED Want to give a personal Gift?
A verse for any occasion.
Bev Rogers 07796 493 453
Goes on sale in September. The full colour A3
calendar provides a powerful daily reminder of the
communities, countryside and heritage which lie in the
shadow of Stansted Airport and of the need to remain Relaxing, healing, holistic
vigilant against the
expansion threat Stressed out or wound up? Overdoing it ?
(colour picture of Or Just too much gardening!
the Calendar on the
back page ) . Each Stretch out that aching body and soothe away the
month features a tension with a relaxing but firm massage.
different village (or
adjoining villages) Unwind in a relaxing environment
with three beautiful Or in the comfort of your own home
pictures. The cover
features a spectacular Caroline Tel: 01279 731 334
picture of a bluebell
wood in Much Lampwork Beads - Silver
Now in its ninth year, Glasswork
the Community
Calendar has become Original and Distinctive Jewellery
an established part of life for many people as a symbol
of determination to preserve the heritage and &
community life which makes the area so special. All
proceeds go to continuing the work of SSE as it seeks Lampworkbeads
long term safeguards against the expansion threat and
its work to contain the impacts of the airport’s current Designed and Handmade Locally
The calendars cost £6 each and will be sold at various
outlets as well as door to door and by mail order. Shop online or just browse
Details of all local sales points will shortly be I am happy to work on individual items,
published on SSE’s website at so whether for a gift or for just something personal but in the meantime please send a message via my contact page or
the details are available from SSE’s Campaign Office
on 01279 870558. ring Chris on 07976 966 491
For Complete Peace of Mind
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Barry a Company Director lives with his family and has a local office in Hatfield Heath. Our Senior Director is a retired Essex Police Officer
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Superb organic cleaning IMAGINE IF THESE AREAS
of carpets, curtains,
upholstery & leather HADN'T BEEN SAVED
• Organic carpet, Our treatments Many heaths, forests etc, would not exist if it hadn't been
upholstery and for some peoples foresight that "lungs" of natural
leather cleaning Remove greenrey in cities towns and countryside needed to be
Odour preserved.
• Curtains & mattresses Below is potted history of how Hatfield Forest was saved
deep cleaned Remove
Dust The Houblons
• Guardsman stain Mites The Houblon family moved to London in 1560, and
protection plans prospered. Sir John Houblon with others founded the
Remove Bank of England, and became its first governor in 1694.
• Oriental rug cleaning Bacteria Jacob Houblon purchased the estates of Hallingbury
including Hatfield Forest. Jacob Houblon III began by
• Allergy treatments creating the lake, building the Shell House and planting
available specimen trees. His son consulted Capability Brown
when the family were building Hallingbury Place as their
• Expert spot and stain removal new mansion within Hallingbury Park. Hatfield Forest
then became more of an extension of the park at
• All work fully insured and guaranteed Hallingbury.
The Houblons managed the forest in a more genteel
For a FREE non-obligational quote call Matt: manor than their predecessors avoiding disputes, and in
1831 John Houblon VI on the death of the last ancient
0800 7836647 feuding family, Sir Fitzwilliam Barrington who still
owned part of the forest, bought out all the Barrington interests in the Forest. Thus bringing the Forest back into
one ownership.
Beautiful Holidays in Cornwall Parliament passed the Enclosure Act, which was
designed to bring all land into private ownership for
For more details please visit agriculture. This mainly affected open-fields and strip cultivation on common land, and caused the loss of many
heaths and commons. But the Act was also applied to
or Forest, destroying the social fabric of the Forest
Phone Wayne on 07958 482 889 Most land in forests in places such as Enfield Chase,
most of Windsor and Epping Forest. was converted to
- 3 Bedroom holiday home, farmland. Hainault Forest became a public scandal in
sleeps up to 8 people 1851. Hatfield Forest was saved from this fate because of
the Houblon’s appreciation of it, and their understanding
- Situated on a holiday park of its management, keeping up the grazing and coppicing.
with full use of the park facilities They however disapproved of pollarding the oaks, but
they did like planting exotic trees such as Black Pine,
Horse Chestnut, and Copper Beech.
However, the family did eventually invoke the Enclosure
Act in 1857 because they were determined to own the
Forest outright. Commoners where allocated land around
the Forest (that’s why the land boundary around the
Forest has straight lines) and the family bought the
commoners rights costing the family over £3000 pounds.
- Weekly lets and short breaks Aquisition by the National Trust
- Near St Ives, Penzance and Truro The Houblon’s fortunes were in decline by 1923 and the
Estate was broken up. Hallingbury House was pulled
- 5 minutes from 3 miles of down and the Forest was put up for sale .A great
golden sandy beach benefactor appeared in the shape of 83-year-old Edward
Buxton, a council member of the National Trust, and a
- Non Smoking life long preserver of forests. He is credited to saving
much of Epping Forest, and what was left of Hainault
After an administration error, another purchaser, a timber 1st Eskimo: Where did your mother come from?
merchant, bought Hatfield Forest. However on his 2nd Eskimo: Alaska
deathbed with the help of his sons, the Buxtons managed 1st Eskimo: Don't bother, I'll ask her myself!
to purchase the Forest. This was then given to the
National Trust. Hatfield Forest was opened to the public CLARKES
by Lord Ullswater on the 10th May 1924. Major
Houblon gave the remaining small parcel of land, Insect & Vermin Control
Woodside Green, Wright’s Green, Table Coppice and
Mott’s Green to the Trust in 1935. Jeff Clarke
Wall Wood was presented by the Essex and Puckeridge
Hunt in 1946 and the Forest was once again almost RSPH Cert., NPTA Adv. Dip PEST CONTROL
complete as it had been in medieval times.
TO LET Tel: 01279 830 003
Friars Lane. Email: contact
Two bedroom, semi-detached timbered cottage in
rural setting. Economy 7 storage heating.
Open fires in dining & living rooms. FLYING HIRE
Recently refurbished kitchen.
Small garden, off road parking for two cars.
£850 pcm.
Telephone 07976 801 062 CAR & CHAUFFEUR SERVICES
Hi Bruno,
I realise this is pretty unusual, I was wondering if you could print To and from Stansted, Luton, Heathrow,
my little verse in the next issue in the hope it might catch someone's Gatwick and City airports
eye, with a chance of gaining employment. The J.C are not helping
and the agencies do not seem to want to bother with someone want- Corporate & A complete
ing 15 to 20 hours a week in a local area, so i figured what have i Sporting events London Service
got to lose.
National meetings Shopping trips
Theatre/dinner Hospital visits
I've been out of work for a while trips
made redundant, but i try to smile, Urgent courier
Guided tours services
I wonder if anyone out there,
can offer me a wage that's decent and fair. Weddings
In return I pledge to you Our fleet of air conditioned vehicles
to be polite and honest, on time too, ranges from executive cars to luxury
2 -4 hours a day would be fine people carriers and coaches
between 10 - 4 will leave me some time.
Reception, office, garden or shop NEW - GROUP TRAVEL
animals or children, to keep me on the hop!
8 passenger vehicles now available for all events
I'll work hard and give you my best
is anyone willing to give me a test? For professionalism with the personal touch
contact Chris New at
I have a C.V for you to see
previous work, hobbies and a bit about me, Tel: 01279 721 427 Fax: 01279 723 947
Mobile: 07968 026 032
if it's close to home I can walk or run!!!
just phone Jan 01279 730 211 or visit our informative website:
At an auction in Manchester a wealthy American
announced that he had lost his wallet containing
£10,000 and would give a reward of £100 to the
person who found it. From the back of the hall
a Scottish voice shouted, "I'll give £150!"
Christine Knight, our local wildflower enthusiast and
expert, has provided photographs of some of the wild
flowers which appeared on the heath this summer
On sale in September
Ollie Abby Jess Chloe
Spencer Richards Chrissie Lee Martin
Agnew Barnes Bedwell
See inside for full story
Mark Ratcliff
28 See inside for more info............