You, your family and friends are invited to Sunday 17th June 2012
celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee at a
specially arranged party on the Heath on Planes - interactive
June 4th, from late afternoon into the night.
There will be a school-children’s pageant; games CLASSIC CAR SHOW
(for children and adults); live music from The
Melvin Baddow Band; Maytree Farm Hot
Sausage stand; charity drinks tent
serving hot, cold and more
interesting (hic!) refreshments and
we will be lighting the celebration
Just come along with your
picnic, your own seats,
table, gazebo or use the
provided straw bales, or
sit on the grass –
it will be fun, it’s for YOU and
the Entertainments FREE
Web : Hatfield Heath Festival
Email: [email protected]
01279 647 286 9 Hatfield Heath Rainfall March 2012
07838 165 171
[email protected] 8 Total for month 7 16.50 mm
RELIABLE & EXPERIENCED 6 (0.65 inches)
20 YEARS IN TRADE ¡¢£¤¡¥¥ 5
Grass cutting, Hedge Trimming, Planting, ¦¦
Weed Treatment, One off Tidy Ups and 4
maintenance 3
Call for a friendly chat on
Mobile 07956 524 586 2
Home Tel 01279 830 960 1
Rainfall was recorded on seven days in March 2012
producing only 16.5mm (0.65 inches). This amount
is only 42%of our March average, which currently
stands at 1.54 inches.
2007 - 4.25 inches (107.95 mm)
2088 - 3.77 inches ( 95.76 mm )
2011 - 0.37 inches ( 9.58 mm )
1993 - 0.39 inches ( 9.9 mm)
The dry spring of 2012, following the dry Winter of
2011, has led to serious soil moisture deficits.
As a result, hose pipe bans, will take place in the
South, East and up to Yorkshire, unless there is
prolonged and heavy downfalls soon.
Garden Watch
• Specialising in all types of ponds Not a lot to report in March, except to say "our"
& features. Dormouse is not hibernating - it has gone next door.
First appearances:-
• Professionally designed, March 19th Red Admiral & Brimstone Butterflies
installed, restored or maintained. March 23rd Pollen Beetles
March 28th Cabbage White, Meadow Brown &
• Local company established since Peacock Butterflies.
1987 with excellent after care Ladybirds have survived the winter well and appear
service to be more numerous than in the last few springs.
Brian Bland
Tel: 01279 461 052
(Answer phone)
Mobile: 07711 087 004
Meetings are every 4th Wednesday ALARM SYSTEMS - CCTV - INTERCOMS
At the Hatfield Heath Village Hall at 7.45pm
Apr 25th Fuchias
May 23rd Clematis C F SECURITY
Lt Hallingbury
01279 600 025
Email: [email protected]
Robin Carsburg
Gerald Greenway
June 27th Hardy Geraniums DIXON & CO
Jacqueline Aviolet
Chartered Certified Accountants
Specialising in small businesses
Single membership for year £7 or Family £12
Non Member’s £2 per visit
Hatfield Heath Gardening Club
GARDEN OPEN Contact Paul Dixon Tel: 01279 739076
In aid of
GROVE COTTAGE Wallburys, Stortford Road, Hatfield Heath
(Bishops Stortford MENCAP charity) Bishop’s Stortford, CM22 7DL
Longridge, Sawbridgeworth Rd, Fed up with
Hatfield Heath CM22 7DR
moss and weed?
We offer:-
SATURDAY 10 a.m–4 p.m SUNDAY 2 p.m–5 p.m •Regular lawn feeds
•Weed and moss treatment
Hannah and Michael Shine invite you to enjoy a •Aeration
walk around their garden and relax over some •Scarification
homemade cakes and a cup of tea or coffee Friendly professional service Lawn Treatment Service
There will be the usual very large amount of CALL NOW FOR A BROCHURE
plants for sale OR FREE LAWN SURVEY
A book stall with many almost new best sellers 01279 466 100
Don’t miss ‘ The LAS PALOMAS Flamenco
Dancers’ 11.30 and 3.00 p.m. on Saturday
State Registered Chiropodist
Home Visiting Practice Theatre Nights,
Mrs. Julie Golden S.R.Ch.
Est. 1994 07973 635 143
Pete Isherwood
01279 817 810
A professional service at a competitive rate Heathrow,Gatwick,
City Airport & Luton.
Nikki Robinson MCSP Hatfield Regis
Local History Society
You don’t have to live with pain! The Hatfield Regis History Society AGM was held at
the URC Upper Room on 20 March 2012. Before the
Relief from back, neck and joint problems meeting proper started, Derek Millen brought in his
Relaxation of tight, painful muscles wind-up gramophone, and played a disc with the voice
Effective treatment for migraines, tennis of the Prince of Wales speaking on the subject of
elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, remembrance at a Poppy Day memorial in May 1927.
plantarfasciitis, achilles tendonitis, This was much appreciated.
fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, Chairman Robin Gurnett began his review of 2011 by
IBS saying that the Society was delighted that Rupert
Help for breathing difficulties and stress Gosling, Lord of the Manor, had accepted our
related problems invitation to become President of the Society, and he
Gentle treatment for new mothers and welcomed the President to the meeting. He then
babies referred to the change of venue, back to the URC
Room, as the Village Hall venue had failed to attract
To make an appointment or for more information, any additional local members. He went on to mention
please contact me: all the talks and outings from last year, and was
Tel: 01279 718331 complimentary about all of them. He was particularly
gratified by the attendance at the two visits to the PoW
[email protected] Camp in Mill Lane. The co-option of Ivan Couper to the committee to undertake in particular liaison with
Cannons Lane, Hatfield Broad Oak computer and printing projects had been so successful
that the first in a series of pamphlets, his own report
BABYSITTER on the 1861 Census, was available for sale at the
Offering high quality, flexible babysitting, Treasurer Ivan Whybrew distributed a copy of the
accounts, and spoke to the figures. These were
07803 823 081 accepted nem con.
Proposed Mr Hutchin
Seconded Mr Couper
Copies of the current year’s programme were
distributed. The Chairman mentioned in particular the
outing arranged for 22 May to Cromer Mill,
Hertfordshire. A minibus was available and the cost
was expected to be £8. The Secretary mentioned the
possibility of an outing to Galleywood Heritage Room
if there was enough interest among Society members.
All committee members were prepared to stand again
in their current positions. The committee was elected
nem con.
Proposed Mr Best
Seconded Mr Saban
The Chairman spoke about the Society’s intention to
publish a series of pamphlets on various local history
topics. The first was his own publication Hatfield
Heath And Its Residents In 1861, now available at £3.
He listed the probable titles as follows:
Wells And Pumps of Hatfield Heath (by Frank Walsh)
The Cottage Hospital in Hatfield Broad Oak
Nancy Henry, Puppeteer to the King
History of the Village Institute
The Dix Family
Florence Desmond, Actress Summer at Escape
The Society would also be putting on an exhibition at
the Hatfield Heath Festival
The AGM was followed by a presentation given by the Love Length Love Volume Love Lift
Vice Chairman, Richard Barnett, on Eleanor of
Castile, Edward I's queen, and the route taken by her NEW L.V.L. LASHES AT ESCAPE
remains from Lincoln to Westminster Abbey. Her
coffin rested at twelve locations on the route, and a
cross had been erected at each overnight resting place
in her memory; however, only three crosses remain
standing. Richard illustrated these three crosses, plus
the locations of the missing nine with whatever Before After
remained of them and any item that marked their THE REVOLUTIONARY ALTERNATIVE TO LASH EXTENSIONS
location. He also illustrated a number of replica
crosses that had been erected throughout the country New DIBI High Frequency Facial
which had used an existing cross as the basis for their A Powerful anti-bacterial facial to combat acne &
design. Zap breakouts with use of Ozone and Purifying products
John Sly 50% OFF all I.P.L
Secretary, HRLHS
HATFIELD HEATH PRIMARY SCHOOL Rid yourself of unwanted hair
ORGANISED AN ESSAY COMPETITION from all areas of the Face and body
“HATFIELD HEATH IN THE SECOND WORLD WAR” Escape also offers all aspects of beauty including
“Ultimate Tan” Waxing and Deep Tissue Massage
On 27 March HRLHS Chairman, Robin Gurnett, Vice- FOR APPOINTMENTS PLEASE CALL
Chairman Richard Barnett and Secretary John Sly Sue Burgess 07740 433 417 01279 731 769
attended an Assembly at Hatfield Heath primary
school. (Unfortunately our President, Rupert Gosling, Situated in the Shaw Hatfield Heath
I look forward to hearing from you
Lord of the Manor, was unable to attend.) The Society, [email protected]
together with Claire Jackman, the Year 6 teacher, had
organised an essay competition. The title of the essay
was: Hatfield Heath In The Second World War. IN-SHAPE BOOTCAMP
The Society had expected that the children would take
a factual approach to the subject, but some of them
decided to take an imaginative approach, writing about Get in shape for summer!!
the imagined experiences of evacuees sent to the
village during the war. As a result the Society decided Do you want to lose weight, get fit and burn big calories?
that two sets of prizes should be awarded: two for a Then try In-Shape Bootcamp! It is an intense interval fitness
factual approach, and two for an imaginative approach. program for men and women of all ages, shapes, sizes and
First prize was to be £15 in book tokens, the second
fitness levels.
£10. Mon 9.15-10am @ Hatfield Heath Village Hall
The essays were in general of a very high standard, and Thurs 7-7.45pm @ Hatfield Heath Village Hall
the Society judges had to give the decision a great deal
of thought and consideration. In the end it was decided Fri 9.15-10am @ Hatfield Heath Village Hall
that the winners would be as follows: Call for more details
First prize for Factual to be awarded to Alice Birch, £5 per session
second prize to Daniel Silvester
First prize for Imaginative to be awarded to Kimberley IN-SHAPE FITNESS also offers
Warren, second prize to Luke Dolan Bootcamp participants discount rates for
At the assembly the prizes were presented to the
children. After the presentations Robin Gurnett said a 1 to 1 Personal Training and
few words to the whole school, encouraging them all to small group ( 2-3 people)
take an interest in history in general and local history in Personal Training in a private gym in Hatfield Heath.
particular. To book your place or for more info please call
It is hoped that this competition for Year 6 could
become an annual event. Rachel 07775 663742
John Sly HRLH email [email protected]
Photos of the winners receiving their awards are on
the back page................. 5
Hatfield Forest Highlights
Toilet trailers Luxury and
Party Range, single event
portable and disabled
units available for hire.
Hatfield Heath We have had a very successful start to the
season and have seen 2228 children follow
VILLAGE HALL the Easter trail with Friday being our
busiest day seeing 700 kids, it was so
Are Available for successful we took £4417.30 and had to
make emergency trolley dashes too all the
Children’s Parties local supermarkets to get more supplies!! We have had
some lovely feedback following the event to our
Small tables and chairs now available Facebook and Twitter pages.
Celebrations “We had a wonderful Easter Egg Trail, thank you to all
the staff and volunteers at Hatfield Forest”
including “We went to the Easter Egg Trail @ Hatfield Forest and
my 5 year old loved it”
Wedding Receptions “Enjoy the tranquillity! You earned it. Our 3 year old is
talking about all the animals she saw on the trail. Happy
Classes etc., etc., Easter!”
“Thanks for a great time at the Easter Egg Hunt”.
FOR Thank you to all staff and volunteers who helped out on
the event and to Margaret Shaw who designed the trail.
AND We have also been busy taking bookings for Woodfest
and now all camping pitches and caravan pitches have
LOCAL RESIDENTS sold out. Thank you to everyone who has booked and if
you were unable to get camping tickets please join us on
For Details Telephone the Saturday and Sunday for music and local stalls. All of
our other events are getting booked up fast so make sure
01279 730 544 you call the box office before they sell out.
We are now selling raffle tickets in and around the visitor
areas, top prize is £10,000!! For every ticket bought
(£1.00) the National Trust will contribute £2.00 back to
the Forest. This is all money that we can spend on the
upkeep of the Forest and the old boardwalk surface has
been selected as a deserving cause. Over the next month
you will start to see the old spiky chicken wire being
removed, we will have a board-o-meter to show how far confidence. There will be a number of adult and
along the boardwalk we have got. To replace the non slip children’s bikes to hire, plus tag-alongs and buggies.
surface we will need to sell 3 tickets per board, there are So why not come along to the Forest and have fun
1346 boards so start buying them we would love to see exploring areas you haven’t yet seen. For more in-
some winners at Hatfield! formation please have a look at our website:
You will also notice the entrance road has now been
repaired and is looking a bit patchy but we hope it will GLYNN’S CHIMNEY SWEEP
allow you all a smoother drive onto the Forest.
Clean & Efficient
The work on the discovery room is coming along well, Vacuum & Brush
we are all taking a turn painting the windows and walls,
and we also have a new costume cupboard with hanging 01279 424 983
rail beautifully built by Neil Munroe one of our
conservation volunteers. We have also patched up the NACS Registered
windows which have been destroyed by wet rot and we HETAS Qualified Sweep
have a new floor being installed before the end of April.
The second hand book sale is going well (based in the 01279 882 822
Fisherman’s Shelter) please come and have a look and if
you are having a clear out please bring your books to the For over 30 years we have been
Estate Office or let one of us have them in the lake area. carrying out local, national and
overseas relocations for personal
The Diamond Jubilee plans are going well for June, and business clients. We
before we know it summer will be upon us! Please understand that everyone's move
continue to bring unwanted picnic blankets and cushions is different and that is why we
in to the Forest as we will be using them for our tailor our service to each individual
midsummer picnic event. customers needs.
Kings Removals was set up as and still runs as a family business
CYCLE HIRE AT HATFIELD FOREST today. Great emphasis is put on customer satisfaction and this is why a
high percentage of our work comes from recommendations and repeat
From Saturday 5th May 2012 visitors to Hatfield business.
Forest will be able to take advantage of a new cycle
hire facility. Cycling is an extremely popular hobby
for both adults and children and brings many health
benefits, and it is hoped that this new venture will
encourage visitors to explore a wider area of the
Forest and the adjoining Flitch Way. The Forest
also offers young children a very safe environment
to practise their cycling skills and to increase their
Herts & Essex /Taxis are incorporated within PRICE EXAMPLES
“The Stansted Taxi Company” which specialises in Hatfield Heath to:-
Transfers to and from all airports and any location
in the UK Stansted Airport £15
Heathrow Airport £70
All types of “Special Events” catered for. Gatwick Airport £80
Luton Airport £50
For further information please call 01279 888 050 City Airport £45
Or e-mail your enquiries to:-
[email protected] Bishops Stortford to :-
Website:- Airport Transfer Specialist Stansted Airport £17
Tel: 01279 888 050 Heathrow Airport £75
Payments accepted:- all major credit and debit cards Gatwick Airport £85
(secure payments), BACS (bank transfer) and cash. 7 Luton Airport £55
City Airport £50
Baby, child & booster seats available free of charge.
Debbie Does Hair!
London Ladies cut from £10.00 MINUTES OF PARISH COUNCIL MEETING
Trained Tints, Hi/low lights, HELD AT 7.30 PM ON WED 11th APRIL 2012
30 years Perms, blow dry
Home visits available
Competitive prices PRESENT:
Cllr David Parish (DP) (Chairman), Cllrs Bob Jones (BJ),
Englefield, Chelmsford Road Hatfield Heath. Steve Foster (SF), Mark Lemon (ML), Sandra Saban (SS),
Bart Sheekey (BS), Mel Sullivan (MS) and Gary Waller
Call Debbie on 01279 730638 (GW) , ECC Cllr Susan Barker (SB)
Email: [email protected] In attendance: Clerk to the Council Ernie Fenwick, and 3
members of the public
Mobile Therapist for your Acrylic nail extensions The Chairman welcomed everyone present and opened with
Convenience a request from Sam Clucas regarding Teenage facilities
(Agenda Item 662 b (ii))
Treatments include • There are little or no facilities in Hatfield Heath for
teenagers and some may turn to crime for something to do.
Facials Sam and many of his friends ride skateboards or scooters
and some sort of a ramp (quarter circle) would be
Manicures & Pedicures Individual & party lashes appreciated. BJ explained that we have been investigating
improvements in facilities in the Playground/Open space
Body massage/back,neck (natural/glam/ultra glam) area for over two years but have been prevented from
progressing this as the conditions in the lease prevent most
& shoulder Spray tanning (fake bake) proposals. New land may be available with the affordable
housing scheme and the council will discuss this with the
Waxing & Tinting Minx (foil wraps for nails) housing association. Sam was warmly thanked by the
Gel nails council for his suggestion and given assurance that all
07872 927 775 possibilities will be pursued.
Two members of the public left the meeting
[email protected] 657. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE
Personalised Indulgence 658. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING
The minutes of the Council Meeting of 14th March were
signed as a true record of the meeting.
ML declared an interest as a District Councillor.
* Dermalogica Face & Body Mapping ITEMS
* CACI Non-Surgical Facial Toning 661. REPORTS TO / FROM COUNTY AND
* Jessica Manicures & Pedicures DISTRICT COUNCILLOR
* Jessical GELeration gel polish
* Calgel Nails SB gave an insight into two new funding schemes for parish
* St Tropez Spray Tanning projects, Community Assets, ECC Highways tracking of
issues. Definitive list of responsibilities with budgets. Clerk
15% OFF for New Clients reported that ECC Highways had responded with an email
For more information or bookings, regarding junction improvements which are contrary to
please call 01279 725551 or email: previous emails. SB to take up with Highways, Clerk to send
[email protected] information to SB
ML commented further on Community Assets which will prevent change of use of the Asset without Parish Council
Bow House, Mill Lane, Gaston Green, Little Hallingbury, CM22 7QT ML has had a meeting today regarding boundary changes
which will reduce the number of district councillors from 44
to approx 32-34. Meeting on Wednesday 9th May of
Boundaries Commission with Parish representatives. This
meeting clashes with this council's AGM, so Clerk is unable
to attend. 1 member to go and report back. ML has iv. Car in Broomfields (AR 1203/04)
documentation which he will circulate. v. Planning Procedure - Mai Tai - No further action
ML has concern that County is unloading services to District vi. National Planning Policy Framework
who may well unload to parishes. vii. Uttlesford Citizens Advice Bureau questionnaire
viii. Perrets Fun fair application 27/08 - 03/09 (3 days
662. CLERKS REPORT: open) Agreed subject to approval with church.
Matters from last meeting and Action Register
c. Meetings & Training Foakes Hall £65
i. 1109/02 Salt binsEF i. Councillor Training Day 2 Mon 18 June 7pm
Clerk to order bins ready for next year and to be Tues 24 Sept 7pm
Wed 25th April 9.30 – 3.30
stored at ii. LDF Focus UDC Offices
Friars Farm until then. Order 4 no 5 x 25 kg bins. DP
iii. Parish Forum UDC Offices
ii. 1110/06 Labels for 'A' boards EF DP ML
Clerk agree with enforcement of UDC process. Issue
letters after agreement with UDC enforcement with 663. FINANCIAL REPORT:
removal of offending signs by 28th April The current bank balances after authorisation of the following
iii. 1111/03 Overgrown footpath to Dunmow Road
EF Current Account £33631.41
Clerk has asked for Highway Rangers to clear
footpath. Ernie Fenwick Expenses (incl litter pickers) £186.20
Will chase ECC for an answer. Ecc will not allow
maintenance E Fenwick Salary
of footpaths to be outsourced at present, but have
placed HMRC PAYE Income Tax £384.20
this on the Highways Rangers list EALC Affiliation Fees
iv. 1201/10 Councillors pen pictures ALL Alzheimers S137 Donation £100.00
v. 1203/02 Car Park white lining quotations. Several research
enquiries sent out, Melvin Beddow Diamond Jubilee Celebrations £250.00
one response at present requesting further Big Band
One quotation received. Clerk to chase others
vi. 1203/03 Clerk has obtained a spec and quotation
All in hand and progressing well. Beer tent arranged, Beacon
for area in Dunmow Road adjacent to The Elms for arranged. Advertising in Village Magazine and local pubs and
schWWool. Celebrations commence with a parade at 3.45 pm on
clearance, topsoiling and seeding. Approval 4th June to 11pm on Village Green. Beacon to be lit at
10.18pm. Picnic on green.
given by Bidwells providing
no cost to LoM. Agreed. Clerk to place order
b. Correspondence 665. PLAY AREA
i. Localism Act 2011 Part 2 22nd April Issue is with funding. Several suggestions made for BJ to
ii. Facilities for teenagers follow up.
iii. Zebra Crossing outside school. Agreed to proceed 666. CASUAL VACANCY
with ECC Continued on next page...................
The Hunters Meet Restaurant, Hotel & Spa
Chelmsford rd, Hatfield Heath, CM22 7BQ 01279 730549
Beauty Lodge Leisure Club Restaurant
Spa Days/Spa Weekends OVER 60’S SWIM CLUB New Lunch Menu
Massage/Facials Use of our 33ft Heated Indoor Pool, Tuesday-Friday
7 days per week plus a weekly Water Everything from Lite Bites to
Cosmetic Treatments Mouth-watering 4 Course Meals
Manicure/Pedicure Aerobics Class for just £30 Pensioners Lunch Menu
Reiki/Sports Clinic per month (One-off Joining Fee of £20 applies. Main Course, just £6.95
Terms and Conditions apply. Call us now on
& much much more .... Available to new members only) 01279 730549
Call Lesley now on Call Lesley now on
01279 730 549 01279 730 549
..........Continued from
Previous Page
Ivan Cooper has expressed interest but will confirm later this
Awaiting formation of Uttlesford highways panel with a
budget for highways projects.
668. parking outside co-op
Considered but problems with articulated vehicle access. No
further action
Decisions by UDC
i. None
i. Applegate Chelmsford Road HH;
UTT/0584/12/FUL; Erection of new single garage and
carport. Objection on grounds of impact on amenity of
neighbours property, extension of living space by conversion
of garage into living accommodation
ii. Rowans Chelmsford Road HH; UTT/0585/12/FUL;
Erection of new single garage and carport. Objection on
grounds of impact on amenity of neighbours property,
extension of living space by conversion of garage into living
iii. The White Horse, The Heath HH: UTT/0603/12/LB;
Installation of internal fire doors: NO OBJECTIONS
Monthly Enforcement Reports
Circulated to DP.
Only one now outstanding Avonmore Chelmsford Road
annexe being rented out.
All other breaches have either complied or are not in breach.
Ulrike has been on leave for two weeks but is putting the
finishing touches to her report which will be circulated within
a few days. GW is finalising his table of considered sites.
1203/06 GW
Clerk asked for help from Councillors to approve forum page
and secure area elements on the website, which must be
approved before publication. 1203/07 ALL
Report accepted on a vote of 6 in favour and 2
• MS attended NAPPS meeting. We will lose PCSO
and unlikely to see her in the village and lose our PC
to Dunmow
• MS attended UALC which is an important route
onto various committees. AGM is on 19th June at
Day Centre at Stansted Mountfitchet at 7pm.
Michael Perry will talk on Code of Conduct changes
as a consequence of the Localism Act.
• ML attended a Standards Committee meeting
674. Matters to be raised by members for the next agenda
Invite Chairman of Police Authority to next
PC meeting 1204/03 EF
19th April (Annual Parish Meeting)
9th May (AGM)
The sun has got his HAT on Carpet...Vinyl...Wood
Hip hip hip hooray
Supplied and Installed by Knightbrooks ltd
Will you have your HAT on
On our Festival day? 01279 730 172 - 07939 739 845 - 07891 191 486
Unit 11.Heath View Pond Lane.Hatfield Heath. CM22 7AB
Don't forget to beg or borrow hats from
friends and relatives to wear on June £8.50 per sqm..includes 11mm underlay,installation,gripper
17th at the HATfield Heath Festival. rods,door bars,uplift and dispose old flooring.
There will also be a Hat stall so we .......................................................................................................................................................
want as many hats as possible to sell on
the day. Please ring or contact Heavy Domestic Loop structure, Bleach Cleanable,
12 sqm hall stairs and land 4 colours £165
Sue or Bob Jones 01279 730 741
[email protected] if you ................................................................................................................................................................................................
have any hats to donate Budget Twist Pile Bleach Cleanable,
12 sqm hall stairs and land 9 colours £165
80%wool 20% nylon 50oz 6 colours
average 12 sqm lounge £270
Heavy Domestic Twist Saxony Shag pile 14 colours
average 12 sqm lounge £250
Vinyl average 6 sqm kitchen or bath room 11 designs £105
Laminate Floor good quality
12 sqm 6 colours £260 fitted
All Prices Shown Include Underlay,Installation,Gripper
Rods,Door Bars,uplift dispose old carpets.
Visit Our Showroom
To View our Huge Range Of Samples
I Will Then Come To Measure
With Your Chosen Samples and Measure and Quote For
Free at the same time you can see The Carpet Sample in
Your Home.
We can supply any carpet available from any manufacturer
No Hyped Up Sales We Will Give You The Best
We Can For Your Budget
07939 739 845 07891 191 486
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01279 718 596
Email: [email protected]
All aspects of tree work undertaken Writes
NPTC Qualified
Life has become so complicated for us as we juggle
Tree Work Pruning time and resources just to survive. In the Bible we read
Felling about Jesus encouraging us to become as little
children. Surely he didn’t mean that we must act
Hedge Cutting childish and immature, although I know a few people
Stump Grinding who are experts in this area, rather that we are to be
“childlike”. There is a vast difference from being
Log for sale “childish” and being “childlike”. There’s nothing more
01279302106 embarrassing than an adult sitting at a party sulking,
behaving childishly. We can behave childlike and
Daniel Robinson enjoy the fun of a party without being childish! We
& Sons need to see the world through a child’s eyes so that we
don’t become too serious about life and miss out on
Independent Family what God has done for us. Have you ever watched a
Funeral Directors & Monumental Masons young child stroke a pet? When they do all of their
senses are involved, in fact their whole being is
A personal caring service involved with excitement and concentration. To step
from family business day or night. back and watch them is really amazing. A child’s
Our trained staff will be pleased to give free perception of the world can be so refreshing and
confidential advice on any matter challenging. For example, a little child saying prayers
at night said, “God, as my tortoise has died, will it be
GOLDEN 3 BULLFIELDS alright for me to keep the shell and you send me a
CHARTER SAWBRIDGEWORTH refill?” Sadly, life doesn’t quite work that way.
FUNERAL PLANS (01279) 722476 Over the years I have worked with children in churches
in different settings but I have come to notice four
79/81 SOUTH STREET WYCH ELM qualities about them. The first is their humility. Young
BISHOP'S STORTFORD HARLOW children have not yet learned what pride is. As adults,
we often trust in our own abilities all too much,
(01279) 655477 (01279) 426990 refusing the help of those who truly can help us. The
second quality is that young children trust with all their
HASLERS LANE 146 HIGH STREET heart that someone will be there for them in time of
(01371) 874518 (01992) 560890
24 hour Family Careline
Golden Charter Pre-Payments Plans
need. For example, a young girl trusts that her father Hatfield Heath
will be there for her when she takes her first ride on her Half Hour Helpers
bike without the stabilisers; a young boy trusts that his
mother will be there for him when he scrapes his knee, 07944 748 478
or when the other kids are picking on him. The third
quality of children that has struck me is their ability to Very Experienced
forgive. Have you ever seen two children engaged in a Versatile All-Round Tradesman
tussle, shouting to each other that they hate one
another, only to see them five minutes later playing All interior and exterior works and
together as best friends, as if nothing ever happened? Odd jobs around the house and garden.
Children are so quick to forgive one another, and at the Also holiday homes and overseas property
same time they are very quick to forget. The fourth
quality is the ability to live in the present moment. All small jobs welcome
Children remember past events but are not held back Fully insured and references available
by them. They rarely make plans for the future. They
are always asking “Are we there yet?” showing that Ever wondered how much something would cost to do?
time and place are not in their perception, only the here
and now. Sometimes we focus too much on the past or For Free advice and a Free quotation
spend too much time planning for things that might Call Steve on 01279 730071
happen in the future.
This year the URC are celebrating 350 years since they
began as a denomination. The members of the church CAR & CHAUFFEUR SERVICES
in Hatfield Heath have been looking at their history FOR ALL OCCASIONS
and updating the booklet produced by the local history
society. not to look back at those halcyon days when To and from Stansted, Luton, Heathrow,
the church was filled with 300 people but to look at Gatwick and City airports
what they achieved and how they did it in order to help
them seek the way forward for them now. Corporate & A complete
The celebrations will be held on two weekends in May Sporting events London Service
with a
Concert on the 12th May at 3:00pm held by Eight National meetings Shopping trips
Voices. The tickets for this event are £5 including
refreshments. Theatre/dinner Hospital visits
On the 20th May the Anniversary service, starting trips
at 10:30am, will be taken jointly by myself and Rev Urgent courier
Margaret Taylor who was minister of the church from Guided tours services
1987-1997. Please joins us at these events to give
thanks for the past, celebrate the present and look Weddings
forward to the future as the children of God.
Terry Keen
Our fleet of air conditioned vehicles
ranges from executive cars to luxury
people carriers and coaches
8 passenger vehicles now available for all events
For professionalism with the personal touch
contact Beth Bloss at
Mobile: 07968 026 032
Email: [email protected]
or visit our informative website:
1 10.00 Coffee Morning with Bring and Buy HT Zumba Thurs & Sat FOOTBALL CLUB 730 212
(further details to be announced later)
2 20.00 Leisure Hour URC
08.00 Holy Communion HT Gemma 07508 515 264 and play reading for pleasure
09.30 Family Service HT
10.30 Family Service with Communion URC [email protected] 730 825 or 730 517
18.00 Service at The Close
7 BANK HOLIDAY 730 544
9 10.30 Holy Communion The Close INSTITUTE Robin Gurnett 730 672
12 15.00 Concert at URC
09.30 Holy Communion HT 730 354 730 042
(followed by walk to New House Farm, Mother,Baby and Toddler BELL RINGERS 730 526
Sheering for lunch). Group
10.30 Family Service URC Thur 9.45am term time CHOIR 730 390
15 10.00 Coffee Morning with Bring and Buy HT Village Hall - 07956 563 710
(further details to be announced later)
16 19.45 Leisure Hour AGM URC URC 730 465
10.30 Holy Communion at St Mary’s Sheering 739 218
08.00 Holy Communion HT 01371 872 550
NO 09.30 AT HOLY TRINITY as joining
10.30 350th Anniversary of URC
23 10.30 Midweek Holy Communion HT 01279 651 270
11.30 for 12.00 Luncheon Club URC OR 01279 653 925
19.45 Gardening Club H
(6 mths - 7years) 868 410 Betty Bennett.. 01279 508 455
SCOUTS 812 586 Friday 10am outside
CUBS Chris Hancock Broomfield Surgery 731 434
SUNDAY CLUB Monday 10.30am Village Car
9.30am Holy Trinity Park 722 156
730 288
(WHIT SUNDAY) 07956 563 710
9.30 Holy Communion HT 731 318
10.30 Family Service URC KEEP FIT FOR OVER 50S
18.00 Service at The Close KARATE 445 539 Village Hall
Weds 9.30am 07776 221 975
01992 575 679
H-Village Hall / CR-Committee Room H / HT-Holy Trin- JU-JITSU Fri 5-6.30pm
ity Church / URC-United Reform Church / I-Institute /
S-School All ages above 8yrs old KEEP FIT
HIRE UR CHURCH HALL FOR 07947 599 801 Village Hall Fridays 9.30am
Evening Afternoon 07776 221 975
You can hire the hall for children's parties
£10.50 / hour Tel :01279 730 581 Bowls Bowls BOOTCAMP
730 539 724 833 Village Hall
Mon 9.15am-10am &
Men and women of all ages Thurs 7pm-7.45pm
Men and women of all ages &
BRIDGE CLUB 723 948 shapes
07775 663 742
01279 443 181
LUNCHEON CLUB Paula O'Sullivan 730 281
For all Senior Citizens [email protected]
730 581
ITALIAN LANGUAGE Village Hall Tues 9.30-11.30 am
Michelina 07786 341 754 LBT The Institute Wed am
07738 421 311
Ann Whale 01279 731 288
URC Hall Wed 7.30pm
Village Magazine - view past 27 issues
9th May (AGM)
Parish Clerk - Ernie Fenwick..................730 770
Email : [email protected] Terry’s Photos of Village etc :
Chairman -David Parish .......................... 730 573 Eden Surgery Websites
Vice Chairman - Mel Sullivan..................731 434
Mark Lemon (District Councillor)......... 730 581 (Repeat prescriptions can be applied for on these sites)
Bart Sheekey.............................................. 730 663 Broomfields
Robert Jones...............................................730 741 Broad
Gary Waller................................................739 345
Sandra Saban..............................................730 042
Steve Foster................................................730 690
H. H.Football
H.H. Cricket Club:
David. N. Parish............................... 730 573
Drop in for Tea, coffee and light refreshments
The Mobile Library Hatfield Heath MONDAY TO FRIDAY MORNINGS
10.00 AM – 12 NOON
Tuesday visits Fortnightly
Broomfields 2.45pm to 3.35pm A chance to meet others and chat All welcome
The Close 3.40pm to 4pm Organised by Holy Trinity Church
The Heath 4.05pm to 4.35pm Sponsored by the Village Hall Trust
PHONE NUMBERS OF FREE but donations welcome
PCSO Jo Trevail-Philips Email:[email protected]
Pc Brad Healey Email: [email protected] 16th
Mobile for above police officers........ 07989 174 801 May
Essex Police Non Emergency.............101
Emergency ............................................... 999
DOCTORS Broomfields......................... 01279 730 616
DOCTOR Broad Oak............................ 01279 718 245
DOCTOR Sawbridgeworth.................... 08444 773 360
THE SAMARITANS............................... 01279 421 110
HATFIELD HEATH C.P. SCHOOL...... 01279 730 382 Email :- [email protected]
PRE-SCHOOL........................................ 01279 730 354 Send your letters /articles/ reports /photographs, by hand, CD, or
HOLY TRINITY email - [email protected].
If posting or delivering by hand you can send direct to me :-
Rev. Stewart Gibbs.......................................01279 730 288 Bruno(Editor) “Manor Lodge”, Chelmsford Rd, Hatfield
Gerald Pearson .............................................01279 730 526 Editor: - Bruno Scheggia (Skedja) 01279 730 498
Lesley Noel ................................................ 01279 870 390 Bruno’s Mobile Phone number 07768 606 309
Irene Harriss..................................................01279 734 334 Treasurer: - Mel Sullivan 01279 731 434
Fiona Klimeke............................................. 01279 831 965 Distribution:-Barbara Scheggia 01279 730 498
URC Rev Terry Keen............................. 01279 626 771 Secretary: - Jean Clarke 01279 730 667
URC Secretary - Betty Bennett...................01279 508 455 Chairman - Brendan Carrig
HEALTH WALK Printed by Cornerstone 01279 437 851
Uttlesford Badger Group Friday 10am outside DISCLAIMER: The Editor and Printers do not take
responsibility for the information given or views expressed in
Derek Barry (on call 24/7 ) Broomfield Surgery the Hatfield Heath Village Magazine. Nor is any culpability
01279 731 434 accepted in work done by advertisers.
01279 503332 Home
07941185171 Mbl
Hair by BEE BEE Hatfield Heath Cricket
Quiz Night!
SPECIAL PRICES:Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s for Senior Citizens 28th April in the URC hall, 7:45 for 8pm start.
Drinks and nibbles available. £5 per
OPEN: Tues & Wed 9am - 5pm• Thur 9am -1pm head. Teams a maximum of 6 rather
than 4 which was originally stated.
Fri 9am-6pm • Sat 9am-1pm FULLY TRAINED Let me know if you're coming and
do bring your friends!
Heath View, Pond Lane, Hatfield Heath [email protected] or
Tel: 01279 730 870 LONDON HAIR STYLISTS 07999 416 424
ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Would anyone be keen on starting up a little
informal table tennis
Hutley Electrical offers a full range of club in the village?
Electrical Services and has been I've not had much of a
established for over 20 years. response to a potential
From House re-wires to Industrial/ Heath table tennis club.
Commercial projects we pride ourselves It would be in the
on offering a competent, polite, tidy
professional service and endeavour to institute on an evening during the week. A
work with the minimum of disruption to very small fee would be required. Again,
you wherever possible. Get in touch
**We are a full member of the NICEIC 01279 730 611 or 07999 416 424
and have been for many years.**
Alternatively email
Call Bob now for a free quotation [email protected]
TEL: 01279 722 351 or Mark Graves
MOBILE: 07774 941 668
Cricket Club Curtains
Made to measure by
Annual Cycle Ride Jennie Childs
All Welcome All types of Curtains, Blinds & Matching Accessories
We have embarked on a fundraising mission to Telephone:01279 730 608
purchase a bowling machine (£2000.00).
As in previous years we will be having our annual 32 Broomfields, Hatfield Heath, Herts. CM22 7EH
cycle ride (approx 25 miles) through local lanes and
back roads, we stop at a couple of watering holes
along the way for refreshments and food, weather THE
permitting its normally a very enjoyable day out. BARN ON THE HEATH
This is not a sponsored event, but we ask all who
come along to make a donation to the club. New Warehouse
Bank Holiday Mon 7th May NOW OPEN
Depart from White Horse at 11 am Even More to Choose from
All welcome but no under 14s.
Furniture from all ages,
Tim Mascall 01279 739 110 Bric-a Brac
Arts & Crafts,
Picture Gallery,
Something for everyone!
The Little Barn
with a lot of Shop.
find me at:
6 Heath Mew
Pond Lane
Hatfield Heath. CM22 7AB
Tel: 07926 954 449
At Pond Lane Hatfield Heath
Lesley Curtain Design Bespoke Handmade Curtains
Roman Blinds Children’s Room’s
Upholstery Bespoke Head boards
Designer Fabric
Pond Lane, Hatfield Heath, Herts
Tel: 07904 415 450
Email: [email protected]
Paula's Petsitting Service UNITED REFORMED
Going on holiday? Paula offers personal pet care in CHURCH
their own home! Choosing Paula's Petsitting Service you
can leave home knowing you will return to happy pets. Chelmsford Road
Dog walking also available — All at competitive rates
For more information,call
01279 876 277 or 07986 270 336 Church Anniversary
Or email:- [email protected] Choral Concert
GM May 12th 3 -4 pm
Decorating Solutions Ltd. To all who have used the facilities
at the United Reformed Church
We offer a wide range of painting and decorating over the years, please give us your support to
solutions for your home or business. celebrate the 350th Anniversary of the United
Reformed Church at Hatfield Heath
Our qualified decorators offer a full consultation to Eight Voices present a concert reflecting five
ensure you receive a service tailored to your needs. We centuries of European sacred music The
programme includes Renaissance
have decorators trained in the use and application of masterpieces by Bird and Tallis, Italian
specialist and mineral paints. polyphony, 19th Century German music as
Services include: well as the much loved staples of English
repertoire such as Stainer's God so loved the
Interior and exterior redecoration world and Psalm 23
Airless spraying Members of Eight Voices are all experienced
Tape and jointing choral singers, the octet established in
Plastering November 2011 and they gave their inaugural
concert at St. Vedast's Foster Lane in London
All staff undertake CSCS health and safety approval in March 2012
Please contact us for a full range of services Tickets £5 to include light refreshments
or a free consultation. Eric Collins 01279 730 647 or
Jean Wybrew 01279 730 465
Office: 01279 730 733 or on the door.
Mobile: 07977 775 672
E-mail: [email protected]
John Adamson
Bespoke fitted furniture
Free quotations Fully insured
07779 715 888 01371 811 688
HERTS HEATING Special Celebration
Anniversary Service
Town Grove, Dunmow Road, Hatfield Heath,
Bishops Stortford, Herts CM22 7BN Sunday 20th May at 10.30 - 11.30am
For all your Gas Installation and Servicing needs Our 350 years of support for all village people
High Efficiency Condensing Boiler Installations COME ON - FILL OUR CHURCH PLEASE
Gas Boiler Servicing and Breakdowns
Landlord’s Gas Safety Records We look forward to seeing you
Free Quotations for gas heating installations
Plumbing and Pipework . LEISURE HOUR
Replacement Bathrooms, including Tiling &
Decoration Wednesday 2nd May 8.0 pm
Local company established in 1974. The Donkey Sanctuary - Mrs M Taylor
Gas Safe register number 222
Wednesday 16th May 8.00 pm
Call us on 01279-730 060 A G M - Hannah Shine - Slides
Fax us on 01279-730 065 We meet at the U R C Hall on the Chelmsford Road
E-mail us at [email protected] For details ring Jean on 01279 730 465
I wonder If Hastoes have considered the small matter General Building & Maintenance
of sewage and the fact that Cox Ley is served by a
private sewer jointly owned at present by the occupants Conversions, Bathrooms, Kitchens
of Cox Ley and Mayflower bungalows. A sewer Plastering, Brickwork, Decorating
incidentally which has not been without it's problems Call for Free Advice & Estimates
of blockages etc.. 01279 739 136 or 07900 694 664
There was some talk,by UDC, last year of Thames
Water taking it over but after the last blockage, there FULLY INSURED
has been no mention since then.
Local History Society General DIY, Curtain Rails and Shelves Erected, Flat Packs
assembled. Patio, Drive and Brickwork Pressure Washed,
Tuesday 22nd May Fencing and Sheds Preserved and Repaired, Hedge Cutting,
Visit to Cromer Windmill.
Leaving the Heath at 12.45pm including Shrubs and Tree Pruning,
House Painting, Exterior & Interior, Windows Pipe Work and
Jean 01279 730 465 or
Robin 01279 730 672 Weather Boards Stained and Painted. Fencing Erected,
Gardens and Driveways Shingle.
Nanscewen Broad (Church Secretary 1929-
1974) cutting the tape to the new U R C Hall Please do not hesitate to ask. Contact lan and Jan at
on 16th February 1985.. Watched by Rev. San Michelle, Jacks Lane, Takeley
John Hannah,
U R C Moderator Rev. Colin Evans, Church MANY OTHER SERVICES UNDERTAKEN
Secretary Martin Broad, Builder Barry Pyle
and Architect Sid Peachment. 01279 873 933
07939 531 872
[email protected]
MHS Builders
Local Builder
Carpentry & Roofing
Loft and Garage conversions
Kitchens & Bathrooms
references available on request
Call Mark Savage
Tel: 01279 739 409
Mobile: 07718 539 969
• Interior & Exterior decoration
• carried out to a high specification.
• Full public liability.
• 30 yrs Experience
For All Building Works - • Ceilings papered.
Extensions/Renovations - • Wall coverings and wall paper hung
Decorating - Plumbing - Electrics
Carried Out with Great Attention to Detail Contact Steve.
Tel: 01279 757 323 07836 205 103 Phone : 01279 724 805 Mobile : 07836 588 886
E-mail: [email protected]
Address: Field View, Sheering, Herts.
Sing Along with Jo Jingles! Holy Trinity Easter Egg Hunt and
Fun Music Singing & Movement Classses Easter Bonnet Competition
For children aged 3 months to 5 years
There were more entrants than ever for our Easter
Chidren’s Parties & Nursery Sessions also available! Egg Hunt and Bonnet Competition. Bruno had the
unenviable task of judging the Easter Bonnets. Of
For details on classes in: course he did a splendid job and chose two wonderful
Bishop’s Storford, Epping, Harlow winners. Sam gave a very good, but quite eggy-messy
Sawbridgeworth, Great Dunmow talk about the true meaning of Easter. Sam seemed to
& Hatfield Heath enjoy the mess as much as the children.
Call Lucy on 01279 868 410
[email protected] For the first time in the four years we have been organising an Easter Egg Hunt, the weather was a little
bit miserable. However, the children were not, and they
Former Deputy Headteacher were out in force searching high and low inside the
very effective at raising standards church and out in the churchyard. They were all very
well behaved and were quite industrious, finding enough
Reading techniques coached; books loaned laminated eggs to exchange for a real chocolate egg.
Clearly taught NC maths
We hope that everyone had a good time.
Quality of writing and handwriting improved Thank you to everyone who took part
SATs, 11+ and Common Entrance We look forward to seeing you in 2013.
Weekly follow-up activities Eileen Ashworth Lesley Noel
01279 600 102 Photos of the children in the egg hunt and Bonnet
Competition are on the back page................
Denise Ings
King’s Thursday, 2 Rowney Gardens, Sawbridgeworth, CM21 0AT WHEREVER YOU ARE IN ESSEX
[email protected] We have a fleet of 12 mobile libraries and one of them
brings the service right into your community.
Our mobile libraries really are just like a normal library
except they’re on wheels. Go up the steps and let the
world of Essex Libraries open up for you.
Mobile libraries carry a wide selection for adults and for
children. This includes fiction and non fiction books and
DVDs. They also carry ‘talking books’, large print
books and are wheelchair accessible. Mobile library
staff are always there to help you with finding what you
are looking for.
Why not bring a class on board? You can arrange for
your Primary or Pre-school to visit a mobile library and
find out more about what about what libraries have to
offer them.
It’s easy for you to find out if the mobile library visits
your community. If you have Internet access you can
visit our website and select
the ‘mobile libraries’ option on the left hand side.
You’ll find timetables for all our stops.
Or simply call us on 0845 603 7628 and we’ll be happy
to tell you where and when your nearest stop is and
answer any questions you may have about the mobile
library service.
We’re always trying to make sure that we are sending
mobile libraries to the right places and regularly review
our service.
For queries of this type please contact Darren Smart,
Mobile Library Service Coordinator, on 01376 320 752
We look forward to welcoming you to a mobile Essex
library soon.
Independent day school
Apparently, the Club House has been broken into, for girls & boys
copper piping stolen and lights smashed, thus aged 4 -16 years
rendering it “unfit for purpose”. Unauthorised
barbeques are being lit, a tree has caught light and Excellence in
the fire brigade have had to be called. As this is education for
privately owned land, it would be appreciated if it over 70 years
could be treated with respect please.”
I would like to add that there is public land nearby, Saint Nicholas provides a unique & distinctive
but I don’t want to encourage this sort of vandalism place to learn & develop:
on public or private land! Name supplied - Outstanding facilities for learning, sports & arts
- Small focussed class sizes
PARTIES HAVE TAKEN PLACE - Proven excellence in results
- Broad & balanced curriculum
ON THE FOOTBALL PITCH To order a prospectus or arrange a private tour, contact Julie
Bradley on 01279 429 910 [email protected]
Recently, a couple of small parties have taken place Saint Nicholas School, hobbs cross road, old harlow CM17 0NJ
on the football pitch. w w w. s a i n t n i c h o l a s s c h o o l . n e t
Whilst it is great to see people enjoying themselves,
it is not so pleasant to see the mess they are leaving Email
Empty cans & glass bottles just left strewn across Tel
the field, which is a danger to children & animals,
and remnants of fires leaving ugly scorch marks on
the grass.
We are all fortunate to live somewhere that has
these leisure areas on which to enjoy ourselves, so
can I ask, if this is you or if you know who they are,
could you kindly ask them to clear up after them-
selves rather than leaving their mess for someone
else to clean up.
With the warm Summer nights fast approaching, I'm
guessing these gatherings will be all the more fre-
So please - CLEAN UP YOUR MESS!!!!!!!
Debbie Robinson
There will be a special
service at Holy Trinity
Church to mark the Queen's
Diamond Jubilee on Sunday
3rd June at 4.00pm. There
will be special contributions
from members of the village,
and everyone in Hatfield
Heath is welcome to attend.
Auto Centre Following the Transport Forum Meeting held today
I have been asked to advise all Town and Parish Clerks if
(White Roding) they can put in the next edition of their magazine details of
companies licensed in this District who provide licensed
MOT’s done while you wait Chelmsford Rd, White Roding, vehicles for use by wheelchair users. I list below those
ESSEX CM6 1RG companies who offer this service in Uttlesford. It should be
noted that all operators only provide this transport on a pre
01279 876 472 booking basis to comply with current legislation.
Ollys Wheelchair Friendly - Saffron Walden
Servicing, brakes, clutches, timing belts, welding, 07905 645 849
Acme Transport - Takeley 07971 432 376
tyres, Air conditioning work:- all certified. NCS - Widdington 01799 542 818
24 x 7 Elsenham and Stansted Airport
L.P.G. Gas Conversions ( all certificated) 01279 816 126 01279 661128
E-Cabs - Great Dunmow 01371 873 323
All bodywork undertaken, painting, repairs, Jig Work If you need any further advice then please contact me in
the Council Offices, Saffron Walden on
- oven 01799 510 510
Murray Hardy - Licensing Officer
Jaguar, Porsche, Saab, BMW, Mercedes, Vauxhall, OUR FAMILY HAD EVER SEEN?
Ford, While we were walking home from school,
My son walked in a pile of dog poo.
Land Rover, Range Rover. It was freshly laid, sitting there all neat,
And now was on my son’s two feet,
24hrs Recovery Service(07767 757499) He didn’t know, he was messing about,
Running with friends, having fun no doubt.
Wheel alignment, 4 wheel tracking with laser We walked through the village, heading for home,
The contents of his shoes at this stage, unknown.
T.R. Autos 2003 As is the way with 5 yr old boys,
He rushed indoors to play with his toys.
Clarks Yard, Dunmow Road The shoes went with him as he dashed through the house,
Takeley, Essex CM22 6QJ And then there was silence, as quiet as a mouse.
“Mum, there is something brown on my floor”,
01279 871 681 “And it leads down the stairs to the front door”.
By the time we discovered the extent of the mess,
ISUZU Truck Dealer
HGV MOT’S at our premises above
HGV Repair to all makes & Estimates
TACO Test centre ( Analogue & Digital )
H.G.V. Paint Work & Chassis Jig, Body work
All Classes MOT’s - while you wait
24 hour Recovery 01245 248 207
H.GV Recovery Specialists-Depots at
Roxwell Harlow Braintree
01245 248207 01279 428803 01376 323 978
For Complete Peace of Mind
Use the Professional Local Installation Company
We Install and Service Burglar Alarms, Fire Alarms and CCTV
Established in 1993 we now have over 2800 systems installed locally
Earning us a proud reputation as a reliable and Trustworthy Company.
We have the Highest Security Qualification NACOSS Gold A Quality Assured ISO 9000 Company
meeting the requirements of All Major Insurance Companies and Police Authorities.
Our Customers include Essex Police, The Salvation Army, St Johns Ambulance and Essex County Bowling Club .
Why settle for less when you can have the best with prices starting at £520 fully
installed or have your alarm serviced from £60 why take a chance on your security
with other Companies that give a bad service We give a true 24/7 and 365 day service
Barry a Company Director lives with his family and has a local office in Hatfield Heath. Our Senior Director is a retired Essex Police Officer
and Home Office Trained Crime Prevention Officer With over 30 years police experience placing him in a unique position to give good advice.
Telephone: 01279 448678 or 01702 547754 or or [email protected]
The baby had crawled through it and covered her dress. “Wendycot”,Chelmsford Road,
I don’t blame the dogs, it’s just what they do, Hatfield Heath,
I blame the dog owners, could that be you?
There is no excuse for dog owners I think, Bishop’S Stortford, Herts
To litter our pavements with this mess and this stink.
Bag it and bin it and think with your head, Opening Hours
If you can’t do this, get a budgie instead. Mon - Fri 8am - 5.30pm
I have to be honest this isn’t all true,
Thank goodness for Mummy who spotted the poo. Sat 9am - 1pm
However, it could have so easily been,
The worst day our family had ever seen. Tel: 01279 730 274
That day we had a very near miss,
The kids could have caught Toxocariasis, [email protected]
A headache, sore throat and possible blind,
These are the things that ran through my mind,
As we were walking home from school,
And I stopped my son walking in dog poo.
Claire Bissell
Beaufort Rice - Horse Trailer
Takes 2 16.2 Horses - New Floor & Jockey Wheel
Good Tyres (New Spare) -Dark Grey
Old but Reliable - Good Condition £650
Mrs Lancaster 0775 147 4018
After 1st May
Falcon House is a long established care home which is privately owned and managed. We have been
caring for people in the Bishops’ Stortford area for over 30 years. We have recently extended our facilities
adding five bedrooms, communal sitting areas, lounges and dining rooms. We also upgraded all our
facilities to an extremely high standard. We are specifically designed to enable our residents as much
independence as possible. SERVICES OF FALCON HOUSE
We provide a safe, homely and caring
environment, ensuring personal privacy and
individual dignity. Personal independence
will always be encouraged along with high
standards care. All staff are fully trained to
care for people. We have an exceptional
high standard of hotel services. Our chefs
create wonderful fresh meals, which take in
to account a residents likes and dislikes.
Residents are also able to have friends and
family members to join them to eat.
There are many regular activities which you
could take part in. We will also encourage
residents to continue an activity or hobby
they like. We arrange regular social events
throughout the year.
We are able to offer day care and also
respite care.
Falcon House: George Green, Little Hallinbury, Bishop’s Stortford CM22 7PP, T: 01279 658393
Hunters Meet Restaurant, Hatfield Heath, Thursday
10th May 2012
6.30pm for 7pm Tickets £24 Dancing to MO,
Non Members Welcome
Tel 01279 730 042
Chairman, M Saban Mick
Secretary S Saban Sandra
Hatfield Heath Gardening Club have started off their new
season with three very interesting and entertaining eve-
nings. Talks on “A Year in the Flower Garden” by Richard
Barnett and “Plants for Winter Interest” by Peter Jackson
of Scotsdales Garden Centre in Great Shelford were com-
plemented by a meeting dedicated to one of the gardening
“greats”. Bryan Hewitt from Myddelton House Gardens
gave a presentation on the life of Edward Augustus Bowles.
E. A. Bowles was born in Myddelton House near Enfield
in 1865. Said to be a sickly child (he died one week short
of his eighty-ninth birthday!) he was educated at home by
the local vicar and was drawn to study for the priesthood
in Cambridge. Family tragedies forced him to abandon
these studies and return home to look after his parents.
Here he devoted himself to helping his local church in
Hallingbury Hall Equestrian Centre many ways, one of which was to run a night school for
local boys. He also created Myddelton House Gardens
British Horse Society Approved
from scratch.
Riding lessons for children and adults
He was an entirely self-taught botanist and gardener and
beginners to advanced riders
travelled widely collecting specimens to bring back home.
FACILITIES It is said that his travels were largely prompted by his need
Super indoor school, three outdoor arena's, to relieve the symptoms of hay fever. This meant that he
show jumping arena, and cross-country course was often in mountainous regions and it is here that he
CHILDREN'S LESSONS probably developed his great love for the crocus.
We have super ponies from quiet schoolmasters to He joined the Royal Horticultural Society and was an
ones trained to do jumping and dressage active member for nearly sixty years serving on commit-
Children's own a pony day courses are held every tees and keenly encouraging interest in gardening. Ger-
Wednesday and Thursday during the holidays, Great Fun! trude Jekyll corresponded with him and she was
BEGINNER ADULTS entertained at Myddelton House on a number of occasions.
Maximum four riders on a 45 minute lesson gain He was known for generously supporting the gardeners of
confidence and enjoy on one of our lovely sensible cobs the time, one of whom was Frances Perry, a very well
known gardening broadcaster of the fifties. Throughout
INTERMEDIATE AND ADVANCED RIDERS this time he continued to encourage and employ his night
Improve your dressage, learn about tests school students who became known as the “Bowles Boys”.
lateral work, engagement and collection
Or join a jumping lesson and Over the years Bowles created at Myddelton House gar-
practise courses, grids and related distances dens with all the year round interest. They have recently
come into the keeping of the Lee Valley Park authority
Please ring or pop in for a chat who have carried out a lot of much needed restoration
01279 730 348 work, the gardens having gone into decline after his death in 1954. If the name Bowles seems familiar you may have
in your mind Andrew Parker-Bowles, a great-nephew of E.
Little Hallingbury, Bishops A. Bowles and first husband of Camilla, Duchess of Corn-
Stortford, Herts CM227RP wall, who continues to take great interest in and supports
the work in the gardens.
Bowles legacy is a wide range of books, learned papers PROFESSIONAL
and illustrations, the many plants named after him (over
forty are still listed in the RHS Plant Finder) and his DECORATOR
humanity as demonstrated in the lives and careers of the ¡¢£¤ ¥¤ ¦ £§ ¢£¤ ¥¤
Bowles Boys and their families and his participation in the ¨© ¡¢ ¡ ©¨© ¨£¤ ¡¨¤© ¡
life of his local community.
¨©¢£¤ ¡ ¥ ¡
At the end of May the club will be visiting Myddelton ¤££ ¥¢© ¢ ¥¡
House and be taking a guided tour of the gardens in the
company of the Head Gardener, a privilege to which we !"# !#$$ % !#&$'()0 1(2&3$ 31))
are all looking forward.
The club’s May meeting will be a talk on “Clematis” by 789@A 9BC 7C9 7CDB7 988 DDD
Pauline and Gerald Greenway and, in a change of pro-
gramme, the June meeting will be a talk on “Hardy Gera- Family run business
niums” by Jacqueline Aviolet. In July our outing will be We offer a friendly service
to the Secret Gardens of Sandwich at the Salutation de- and take pride in our high
signed by Sir Edwin Lutyens and Gertrude Jekyll. standard of fitting
Meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of each LAMINATE FLOORING
month, take place in the Hatfield Heath Village Hall and Free estimates & advice
start at 7.45 p.m. Just come along, everyone is welcome,
or if you would like to know more about the Hatfield We can supply to all local areas
Heath Gardening Club call 01279 726357 or 730425. including: Sawbridgeworth,
Bishop’s Stortford, Harlow,
HATFIELD HEATH FESTIVAL 17TH JUNE 2012 Elsenham, Hatfield Broadoak,
Hatfield Heath
111a London Road Sawbridgeworth Herts CM21 9JJ
We are organising the annual Hatfield Heath Festival `Fun T:01279 724878 - F:01279 724878
Run` again this year and have revised 2 new off-road routes
running on the grass paths around the fields, taking in the
lovely countryside surrounding the Village. There will be an
Adults (15years & over) 5 mile Run starting at 10am and a
Childrens & Adults 1.39 mile Run starting at 10.05am.
Both Runs will start and finish at the usual place on the road
outside Amberton Cottage.
Registration will be on the day Adult £2 Child £1
As this is a `Fun Run` we will not be competitively timing
your Run but we will have prizes at the end.
Please feel free to come in Fancy Dress – there will be a
prize for the best!
Looking forward to seeing you on the day!
Janice & Dave Page
If you don`t want to run but would like to help us out with
marshalling, drinks station etc. please let us know, we
would very much appreciate it.
E-mail: [email protected] 01279 730 101
With The Lantern Band
Saturday 2nd June, 6:00 – 10:00pm Call Sid Perry on 01279 899 029 or 0777 622 1975
Hatfield Heath Village Hall
All tickets £6
Bring your own refreshments and drinks
Tickets will be limited and be
available from February 1st
Please phone
Stella Hughes 01279 730757 for tickets
Sunday 17th June 2012
Professional Grooming Service
For All Breeds of Dogs - Collection & Delivery Service
Day Boarding - Full Qualified - Competitive Rates
Please contact Sarah for more information
01279 730 285 07545 327 583
Unit 7A Ash House, Stonehall business Park Matching Green CM17 0RA
Web: Email: [email protected]
The video Clip Directory for: Businesses, Job vacancies, If you have a business or know of one that
CV’s, Items for sale, Events & Activities would be willing to sponsor events at the
festival or would like to advertise in the
Festival Programme please let us know.
01279 730 498 01279 731 542
Or email: [email protected]
Sell Anything Using Video FUN DOG SHOW
Get Pitching Now! Sandi 01279 731 229
Ebay too flat? Can't list on You Tube?
Upload your video pitch & get selling right away!
Want a job? Make Your Video Pitch!
Selling Your House? Upload a Video Tour!
Organising an Event? Show 'em how great it is!
How do you sell a thingamy? WITH VIDEO!
Words can't describe it? Video it!
Whatever you want to sell Dingwuddle it! '
Don't Sell it Dingwuddle it
Video promotion is simple fast and effective. Try it and see!
Let employers see your video CV!
Watch a video describing a job vacancy!
Show buyers what you are selling!
Tell customers about your business!
Give visitors a tour of your events, attractions
and activities
Festival Fancy Dress Competition
01279 730 325
CLASSIC CAR SHOW For all your IT needs
SPONSORED BY J.E. WHITE (MOTORS) Whether you run a business, or are a home user,
SUNDAY 17th JUNE 2012 Heath Computers has an IT solution to suit your requirements.
BOOKING FORM IT Solutions for home/office
Domain Registration and Web Design
Mac/PC Support, Repairs and Upgrades
Smart Phone/Tablet configuration and setup
Network Installation - Fixed and Wireless
Internet - Email - Broadband
Virus Protection and Spyware removal
Name: ..............................................................................
Address:............................................................................. Web: Office: 01279 912345
Email: [email protected] Mobile: 07958 482889
Postcode ......................................Tel. No........................
Details of Car: HAIR
Make.................................Model .............................
Reg. No.............................
Original Reg. Date............
Any Interesting History..................................................... LADIES MEN CHILDREN
.......................................................................................... SPECIALIST SERVICES
Special occasion / hair-up
A - Veteran & Vintage Cars Up To 1930 COLOUR SERVICES
B - Post Vintage Cars 1931-45 Inc.
C - Post War Cars 1946-59 Inc.
D Classic Cars 1960-75 Inc.
E Modern Classic Cars 1976-92 Inc.
F Military Vehicles/Commercial Any Year Hatfield Haven Care Home
G Best Club Stand Stortford Road, Hatfield Heath, Bishops Stortford, Herts. CM22 7DL
For each Category, a Trophy will be awarded to the Tel: 01279 730 043
vehicle, which in the opinion of the Judge is the best in
that category. All entrants are reminded that the Judge’s
decision is final. All entrants will receive a plaque.
Please enter my vehicle in Category: ............................ Serene and homely environment;
24 hours care in compliance with CSCI Care Standards
I understand that the Hatfield Heath Festival Committee Medical care provided by local group practice;
will not accept any responsibility for any damage or district nurse, physiotherapist and a chiropodist;
accident resulting from the participation of my Highly qualified and motivated staff - RMA and
passengers, myself, or my vehicle in the event. NVQ qualifications;
Signed newly refurnished and redecorated
............................................Date............................ rooms (newly built extension included)
Each bedroom fitted with washbasin, TV and
call system to summon help;
Please send this form before 12th June 2012 Screen TV and radio.
Large dining room with excellent meals on offer
to ensure inclusion in the event to:
John White, Wendycot, Chelmsford Road, Hatfield by the in-house chef;
A Stair lift and a passenger lift to all floors;
Heath, Bishop’s Stortford, Herts, CM22 7BH Activities includes talks, parties, summer barbecues,
Tel. No. 01279 730 274 flower arranging e.t.c
NOTE:- Late entries will be accepted up until 16th June Kindly drop by for viewing and to pick up our User Guide
2012 subject to room being available in the show area. and Statement of purpose. For placement and other
All entrants will receive notice of times to arrive and a enquiries, please contact
map of Hatfield Heath showing the classic car area Amanda Austin (Manager)
email : [email protected]
John & Sarah White Car Show Organiser) Jane Chapman-Kane
eFlimail: [email protected]
Hatfield Regis
Local History Society
Robin Gurnett,
Presenting prizes
to the winners