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December 2012 Hatfield Heath Village Magazine

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Published by markratcliff, 2017-11-22 04:54:25

December 2012

December 2012 Hatfield Heath Village Magazine

Keywords: hatfield,heath,village,magazine,december,2012

Hair by BEE BEE The Vicar


SPECIAL PRICES:Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s for Senior Citizens

OPEN: Tues & Wed 9am - 5pm• Thur 9am -1pm

Fri 9am-6pm • Sat 9am-1pm FULLY TRAINED Dear Hatfield Heath Residents,
As we begin to get to the end of another year it is
Heath View, Pond Lane, Hatfield Heath
Tel: 01279 730 870 LONDON HAIR STYLISTS

good to reflect on past events (especially before the

HUTLEY ELECTRICAL Christmas rush over takes us all!) This year has seen
so much happen in the life of our nation. On the
positive side, there were the events of the Diamond

DOMESTIC & INDUSTRIAL Jubilee and the Olympics and Paralympics. On a
ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS more negative note, we were still facing economic
problems and their knock on social effects. In
Hutley Electrical offers a full range of relation to this, I recently heard that the Harlow
Electrical Services and has been Foodbank, which Holy Trinity Church supports with
established for over 20 years. its Harvest gifts, has had its busiest month to date.
Many of us will look back on very pleasant

From House re-wires to Industrial/ memories of our village, holidays, weddings and
Commercial projects we pride ourselves (perhaps!) new babies. Some of will have sadness
on offering a competent, polite, tidy mixed in with the good times – the loss of loved
professional service and endeavour to ones and other painful experiences.
work with the minimum of disruption to The Christian tradition reminds us that the ups and
you wherever possible. downs of life have always been there. The Bible is
full of very real stories about very real people.
People like Moses, King David and St Peter went

**We are a full member of the NICEIC through joys and trials. What they shared was a faith
and have been for many years.** that God exists and that God is good. Nothing can
ultimately separate us from God’s love. The
Christian festival of All Saints (on the first of
November) reminded us of all those who have gone

Call Bob now for a free quotation before us in life and faith. We are just part of the
TEL: 01279 722 351 or long line of history. At the end of November we will
MOBILE: 07774 941 668 have the festival of Christ the King. This can remind
us that Jesus cares for all of our lives (if he is King
of the Universe then this is both an amazing and


comforting truth). And of course December brings Curtains
the great festival of Christmas. Here we celebrate Made to measure by
that God came into the world as a small baby and Jennie Childs
grew up to live a human life. He understands us and
loves us. What wonderful news indeed! All types of Curtains, Blinds & Matching Accessories
Do enjoy the rest of the year and all the festivities to
come. Telephone:01279 730 608
Best wishes,
Stewart 32 Broomfields, Hatfield Heath, Herts. CM22 7EH
Heath Computers
Sunday 2nd December - Communion Service
For all your IT needs
Sunday 9th December – Gift Service
Whether you run a business, or are a home user,
Sunday 16th December - Family Service Heath Computers has an IT solution to suit your requirements.

Sunday 23rd December – Carol Service IT Solutions for home/office
Domain Registration and Web Design
Sunday 30th December Family Service all at 10.30am Mac/PC Support, Repairs and Upgrades
Smart Phone/Tablet configuration and setup
Monday 3rd December Luncheon Club Christmas Network Installation - Fixed and Wireless
Internet - Email - Broadband
Lunch - 12.00 O 'clock Virus Protection and Spyware removal

Web: Office: 01279 912345
Email: [email protected] Mobile: 07958 482889

Drainage services (24/7) MAN WITH
Unblock drains, A VAN

electrical mechanical machining, HATFIELD HEATH LOCATED
drain jetting & cleaning, manual rodding,
sinks, baths & toilets,
high pressure water jetting, FRIENDLY RELIABLE SERVICE
root removal & excavations.
TEL: 01279 730 632 - MOB. 07885 144 145
Painting & Decorating, Gutter Clearance, EMAIL: [email protected]
Pressure washing


Tel: 01279 730484 Mob: 07891 751393

e-mail: [email protected]

12084 May 2013



At Pond Lane Hatfield Heath

Lesley Curtain Design Bespoke Handmade Curtains

Roman Blinds Children’s Room’s

Upholstery Bespoke Head boards

Designer Fabric


Pond Lane, Hatfield Heath, Herts

Tel: 07904 415 450

Email: [email protected]


HELD AT 7.00 PM ON WED 14th NOV 2012

Drop in for Tea, coffee and light refreshments Minute
Cllr Mark Lemon (ML) (Chairman), Cllrs Domenica
10.00 AM – 12 NOON Ciccarelli (DC), Steve Foster (SF), Bob Jones (BJ),
A chance to meet others and chat All welcome David Parish (DP) Sandra Saban (SS), Bart Sheekey
(BS), Mel Sullivan (MS), Gary Waller (GW).
Organised by Holy Trinity Church In attendance Ernie Fenwick and 3 members of the
Sponsored by the Village Hall Trust public were present

Hatfield Haven Care Home The Chairman welcomed everyone present and
opened with the Open Forum
Stortford Road, Hatfield Heath, Bishops Stortford, Herts. CM22 7DL Items raised:
• Speed limits in Sheering Road
Tel: 01279 730 043 • Recorder for Hatfield Heath
• Signage in Pond Lane 802. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE
Serene and homely environment; The minutes of the Council Meeting of 10th October
24 hours care in compliance with CQC Care Standards were signed as a true record of the meeting.
Medical care provided by local group practice; 804. DECLARATION OF MEMBERS
district nurse, physiotherapist and a chiropodist; INTERESTS:
Highly qualified and motivated staff - RMA and ML declared an interest as a District Councillor.
NVQ qualifications;
newly refurnished and 805. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ON
redecorated AGENDA ITEMS
rooms (newly built extension included) None
Each bedroom fitted with an en-suite bathroom and 806. REPORTS TO / FROM COUNTY AND
call system to summon help; DISTRICT COUNCILLOR

creen TV and radio.
Large dining room with excellent meals on offer
by the in-house chef;
A Stair lift and a passenger lift to all floors;
Activities includes talks, parties, summer barbecues,
flower arranging e.t.c

Kindly drop by for viewing and to pick up a copy of our
brochure. For placement and other enquiries, please contact

Amanda Austin (Manager)
email : [email protected]

Jane Chapman-Kane


• Cabinet meeting next week
• District Council taking over part of the
benefit system from government
Matters from last meeting and Action Register

i. 1208/01 Investigate ditch at The Elms. ML/EF to
investigate. Ditch inspected by DP. Clerk contacted
Henry Turtill and requested action to clear ditch.
Ditch inspected yesterday and nothing has yet been
done. Clerk to pursue. Letter received from John
Morris. Circulated. Clerk to write to Mr Morris EF

ii. 1208/03 Investigate issuing a survey re leisure

facilities for young People. In process of putting

survey together. Ongoing DC

iii. 1210/06 Clerk to request information on

pedestrian crossing. Body responsible is North Essex

Parking Partnership. Clerk has emailed request to

technical team and awaiting response EF

iv. 1210/08 request signage for Pond Lane Business

Centre. Clerk has emailed ECC highways with

request and awaiting response EF

v. 1210/09 contact UDC re-refuse bins in Pond

Lane. UDC will not remove bins. Parish council to “Wendycot”,Chelmsford Road,
Hatfield Heath,
write to flat tenants and post notice on refuse bins
Bishop’S Stortford, Herts
Opening Hours
vi. 1210/10 Respond to Aviation Policy Mon - Fri 8am - 5.30pm

Consultation. Response submitted BJ Sat 9am - 1pm

vii. 1210/11 invite police to next PC meeting. Tel: 01279 730 274

Police Inspector to attend Meeting on 12th [email protected]
December EF

b. Correspondence
i. Electoral Review of Uttlesford

Continued on next page...................

Broad Oak Consultants

IT Solutions for everyone

Established 1993 Home & Business

Broadband • Sales • Networks • Repairs
Internet • Upgrades
• Web Design • Programming
Supplier • Databases • PC Systems • Training

• Internet • E-mail • Virus Protection

01279 718 596

Email: [email protected]


Hatfield Heath ..........Continued from
Previous Page
Agreed that UDC is to reduce its council to 39
Are Available for members. Second stage consultation now underway
as to the warding of councillors
Children’s Parties ii. Request to erect marquee on Open Space.
Approved in principle
Small tables and chairs now available iii. Recorder for Hatfield Regis History Society.
Clerk has emailed Recorders of Uttlesford History
c. Meetings & Training
i. Law & Procedures; Foakes Hall Wed 28th
Nov 9.30 – 3.30pm £65
ii. Chairmen’s Day 3; Foakes Hall Thurs. 29th
Nov 10.00 – 3.30pm £60

Celebrations 808. CHAIRMANS REPORT
ML reported
Wedding Receptions The proposed budget was agreed and the precept set
at £22769 for the year 2013/2014 which is an
Classes etc., etc., increase of 2%.
the 2nd tranche of the precept of £11,161.50 has
PREFERENTIAL RATES been received from UDC
FOR The bank balance after authorisation of the
following payments is £43,341.64
AND Audit Commission Audit fees £372

LOCAL RESIDENTS Royal British Legion Poppy wreath £50

For Details Telephone Ernie Fenwick Expenses (litter pickers) 159.94

01279 730 544 E Fenwick Salary

Decisions by UDC


i. None Heath during November to April. At other times a
Applications telegraph pole will be moved to allow access.
i. Gibsons Friars Lane Hatfield Heath 812. TEMPORARY SIGNS ON THE HEATH
:UTT/12/5375/FUL: Erection of agricultural barn: The proliferation of signs on the Heath was
NO OBJECTIONS discussed with the latest being signs for firework
ii. Springhead Stortford Road Hatfield Heat: sales. It is expected that shortly there will be signs
UTT/12/5498/FUL: Proposed covered glazed link advertising Christmas trees. It was agreed that
between main house and summer house amended to councillors would notify the clerk who would
approved application UTT/1000/12/FUL: NO arrange removal of the signs. Councillors would
iii. Efes The Heath Hatfield Heath: Continued on next page...................
UTT/12/5564/FUL: Erection of two illuminated
fascia signs: Only to be used during opening hours. Superb organic cleaning
iv. The Mill. Stortford Road HH:
UTT/12/5640/AV: 1 Fascia sing and 2 signage of carpets, curtains,
v. The Mill. Stortford Road HH: upholstery & leather
UTT/12/5639/FUL: Refurbish the exterior of the
existing Mill and fit out the interior into a usable • Organic carpet, Our treatments
office space, providing adequate parking provisions; upholstery and
NO OBJECTIONS in principle but concern expressed leather cleaning Remove
for parking issues on the village green. Odour
• Curtains & mattresses
Clerk reported that he has emailed Andrew Taylor at deep cleaned Remove
UDC planning regarding the website which is not Dust
showing any comments on planning applications in • Guardsman stain Mites
the appropriate area protection plans
Monthly Enforcement Reports • Oriental rug cleaning Bacteria
DP reported on enforcement progress
• Allergy treatments
ML reported that the PCC is not happy to block off • Expert spot and stain removal
the road to the church and would or normally consider
a form of barrier parallel to the access road. It was • All work fully insured and guaranteed
agreed that telegraph poles be sourced and placed
alongside the road to prevent vehicles accessing the For a FREE non-obligational quote call Matt:

Continued next coloumn top of the page .... 0800 7836647

12042 Apr 13


1 The Fairway, Bush Fair, Harlow, Essex

Specialists in design, manufacture and installation of manual and automated gates; including video/

intercom entry systems.

Staircases, balustrades and railings. Builder’s steelwork. Expert advice and service

Free quotations with no obligation.

Tel: 01279 635 525

E-Mail :[email protected] 12094 ends July13


..........Continued from
Previous Page

Toilet trailers Luxury and also be asked to remove the signs themselves if
Party Range, single event possible.
portable and disabled 813. SALT BINS
units available for hire. It was agreed that the 4 salt bins currently stored at
Friars farm would be installed in the following
Debbie Does Hair! locations. Clerk to arrange installation.
• junction of Friars Lane and A1060
London Ladies cut from £10.00 • Village Hall car park
Trained Tints, Hi/low lights, • adjacent to car park area at Ardley Crescent
30 years Perms, blow dry • at the entrance to the village car park
experience 814. HIGHWAYS
Junction improvement at Stortford
Home visits available road/Sawbridgeworth road. Scheme 0019 chosen as
the preferred scheme with alterations. Clerk to
Competitive prices contact highways. MS reported that all schemes
initially go through the Local Highways Panel and
Englefield, Chelmsford Road Hatfield Heath. the LHP budget was in excess of £400,000. Larger
Call Debbie on 01279 730638 schemes are then forwarded to the Major Projects
Department with recommendations.
Email: [email protected]
GW reported on a meeting of the Harlow Stansted
Nov 2012 :11126 Gateway Transportation Board which he had
attended, where a presentation had been given about
PROFESSIONAL Essex County Council's new proposals for a
Junction 7A on the M11. Consultation with key
DECORATOR stakeholders would take place shortly, and it was
 ¡¢£¤ ¥¤ ¦ £§ ¢£¤ ¥¤ agreed that we would need to put a case to safeguard
¨©  ¡¢ ¡ ©¨© ¨£¤ ¡¨¤©  ¡ Hatfield Heath's position in relation to additionally
generated traffic.
¨©¢£¤ ¡ ¥ ¡
¤££ ¥¢© ¢ ¥¡ 815. PLAY AREA
Grants are now in place for the provision of
!"# !#$$ % !#&$'()0 1(2&3$ 31)) additional play equipment in the play area.
Discussion followed regarding extending the play
415$6 area and the provision of an area for older children.
789@A 9BC 7C9 7CDB7 988 DDD


Clerk has asked Highways to provide two signs one
at each end of Pond Lane for “Pond Lane Business ALARM SYSTEMS - CCTV - INTERCOMS
Centre”. Clerk to write to landowner requesting he
provide a suitable signboard which would allow FOR ALL YOUR ELECTRONIC SECURITY NEEDS CALL
each business to have their name on. Clerk to write
to businesses advising that illegal signs will be C F SECURITY
Clerk to write to flats tenants to advise that storage Lt Hallingbury
of refuse bins on the village green is not allowed.
Notice also to be placed on refuse bins. 01279 600 025

817. MAINTENANCE OF BARKERS LANE Email: [email protected]
Barkers Lane is now extremely wet and the cut will
not now be carried out until the spring. NEW L.V.L. LASHES AT ESCAPE

818. WILDLIFE AREA Love Length Love Volume Love Lift
Bulrushes of now been sprayed. MD Landscapes
have cut half of the grass and are removing THE NATURAL ALTERNATIVE TO LASH EXTENSIONS
arising’s next week. Contractors will remove
bulrushes in spring. Before After

Revised website design is progressing. Advanced Exfoliation & Infusion Technology

820. REPORTS FROM MEMBERS ON Sessions start from £55
None A safe and highly effective treatment for
821. MATTERS TO BE RAISED BY • Fine lines and wrinkles • Acne • Dehydration
MEMBERS FOR THE NEXT AGENDA • Sinus congestion Treatment includes the use of the
Hydra zoom 50 times camera to view images of
your skin

Merry Christmas From ESCAPE

Please bring Voucher
12th December 9th January 13th
WW Only redeemable against
February New Hydrafuse facials or LVL Lashes

823. PERSONNEL WORKING PARTY Please call early to avoid disappointment
Chairman closed the meeting to the public to
receive the report from the personnel working Tel: 01279 731769 Mob: 07740 433417
party. Clerk left the meeting [email protected]
Meeting closed at 10.00 pm
ESCAPE 28 The Shaw Hatfield Heath CM22 7DD


The Hunters Meet Hotel, Restaurant & Spa

Chelmsford Road, Hatfield Heath, CM22 7BQ 01279 730 549 [email protected]

Beauty Lodge Leisure Club Restaurant

Spa Days/Spa Weekends Fully equipped Gym, Indoor New Summer Bar
Massage/Facials Heated Pool, Sauna, Jacuzzi & Bistro Nights

Cosmetic Treatments and Steam Room (Mon-Thurs Evenings)
Manicure/Pedicure No Joining Fee, please bring
Reiki/Sports Clinic Come along and sample our
Waxing/Threading this advert with you Exciting New Menu

& much, much more .... Call Lesley now on 2 Courses plus a Glass of
01279 730 549 Wine - £16.00
Call Lesley now on
01279 730 549 9 Call us now on
01279 730 549


Michael has been a pro-active and pragmatic Parish
To and from Stansted, Luton, Heathrow, Councillor for Hatfield Heath and since standing down
Gatwick and City airports from the Council has continued to be actively involved
in most community events and projects. In particular,
Corporate & A complete willingly providing material, machines, storage space,
Sporting events London Service labour and ideas to ensure each occasion or project is a
success. For example he provides and delivers the
National meetings Shopping trips straw bales for seating at the annual festival, collects
the bales and clears the whole village green of loose
Theatre/dinner Hospital visits straw and rubbish at the end of a long day. He
trips immediately took on the task to remove all the rubbish
Urgent courier (and worse) left after the illegally camped travellers
Guided tours services moved on and reinstated the village green. He makes
the headlands around his fields available to the health
Weddings walkers which together with the public rights of way
facilitate circular walks. He cleared a path around his
Our fleet of air conditioned vehicles fields to allow the annual fun run to be held off road.
ranges from executive cars to luxury He maintains the village flag pole and ensures the
correct flag is flying for all state and national sports
people carriers and coaches occasions.

NEW - GROUP TRAVEL Always willing to help anybody – e.g. pushing people
when stuck in mud outside church wearing best suit!
8 passenger vehicles now available for all events
Always rescuing people in difficulties with cars in
For professionalism with the personal touch ditches on lane by his house.
contact Beth Bloss at
Mobile: 07968 026 032 Clears out church gutters & cuts church hedge on
regular basis to keep it looking neat and tidy.
Email: [email protected]
Stores, maintains and repairs tractor used by H.H
or visit our informative website: cricket club.
For years organised and cooked the B.B.Q at the
Friends of St Nicholas School Fetes and Bazaar in
cold, heat, wind & rain.

There are too many examples to recount here but
Michael epitomises the characteristics needed to drive
the Big Society project.

The John Barleycorn, Threshers Bush, Harlow CM17 ONS

Situated in delightful countryside, yet only 2 miles from Jct 7 of the
M11, the John Barleycorn provides an excellent venue for your
Festive Event. The low ceilings and exposed beams are an
attractive feature and the large windows overlook the garden and
patio. Log fires in the winter months add to the ambience. We
pride ourselves in providing high quality, locally sourced produce,
freshly prepared from kitchen to table.

Fantastic Festive Nights with Live Vocalist on 7th, 13th,
14th, 20th, 21st December - £39.50 inc 3 Course Dinner

Christmas Day Lunch - £85, children under 10 - £42
New Year’s Eve with Live Vocalist - £60 inc 3 Course Dinner

Please see our website for
menus, booking forms, Christmas 2012, directions and to sign up for our newsletter

01279 422675
Website: Email: [email protected]





Domestic cleaning services.
We provide, weekly monthly or one – off basis

according to your needs
Reasonable rates

Sole trader -Fully insured-12 years’ experience
Top references

Please call Isabela on
07955 658 347 or 07853 849 772

COMMENDATION FOR Paula's Petsitting Service
Going on holiday? Paula offers personal pet care in
Citation for service to children and young people their own home! Choosing Paula's Petsitting Service you
went to Jean Rostron, I don’t have details but I hope can leave home knowing you will return to happy pets.
someone will let me know for the next magazine Dog walking also available — All at competitive rates

Invite you to a For more information,call

Mulled Wine Mince Pie Party 01279 876 277 or 07986 270 336
Or email:- [email protected]
At Oaklands, Matching Road
(200 yds opposite Hunter Meet) Airport
Saturday 1st December Theatre Nights,
11- 12.30pm Restaurants.

Entrance £5 (pay at door) Raffle 07973 635 143
Bob Langman 01279 730 240 Pete Isherwood

City Airport & Luton.

12058 Jan 2013

12065 Feb 2013


01279 647 286 Hatfield Heath Rainfall October 2012
07838 165 171
[email protected] 18 16

14 Total for month
100.25 mm
12 Rainfall (3.95 inch)
10 mm




Grass cutting, Hedge Trimming, Planting,
Weed Treatment, One off Tidy Ups and 0

maintenance October was a very wet month, as you will see from
Call for a friendly chat on the chart. Twenty four raindays - producing 3.95
Mobile 07956 524 586 inches, which is 138% of our October average.
Home Tel 01279 830 960 October is one of our wettest months, so having one
third above average in 2012 has left much farmland
and gardens with surface moisture. Snow fell on the
26th of the month
October Extremes
High 6.32 inches in 2000

5.04 inches in 2004

LTD Low 0.28 inches in 1995
0.57 inches in 1991

Garden Watch

• Specialising in all types of ponds Very little to report this month.
& features. Occasional visits from the Green
Woodpecker, which is not
• Professionally designed, surprising, considering the
installed, restored or maintained. amount of ant-hills which
appeared this year. Blue Tits were
• Local company established since pleased to see the peanuts which
1987 with excellent after care went out at the beginning of the
service month. Our redident Blackbirds,
Sparrows and Robins have yet to
Tel: 01279 461 052 appear, but this changes as the
colder weather arrives.
(Answer phone) One unusual feature this autumn
has been larvae on our Mint -
Mobile: 07711 087 004 both outside and in the greenhouse. The curled up
leaves, when opened reveal the culprits.
Brian Bland


Chartered Certified Accountants
Dear Bruno,
The following may be of interest to your readers. Specialising in small businesses
I recently discovered that charges are being
introduced for dropping off passengers at Stansted Contact Paul Dixon Tel: 01279 739076
Airport. However, local residents can apply for a
discount card reducing the cost from £2 to 50p.
Details from the Stansted website
( Wallburys, Stortford Road, Hatfield Heath
directions) are copied below. Bishop’s Stortford, CM22 7DL
Ian Hughes Fed up with
NOVEMBER 2012 The terminal forecourt will moss and weed?
close for set down of passengers by private car on 9
November 2012. We offer:-
After this date, passengers being set down or picked •Regular lawn feeds
up by private car or taxi can choose to use either •Weed and moss treatment
Express Set Down (minimum cost £2 for 10 min- •Aeration
utes) or a new Free Set Down (free for 30 minutes). •Scarification
View our leaflet (including map of Express Set
Down and Free Set Down locations) Friendly professional service Lawn Treatment Service
Discount schemes will apply in the Express Set
Down for residents of Uttlesford District Council CALL NOW FOR A BROCHURE
(UDC) / East Herts District Council (EHDC) and OR FREE LAWN SURVEY
licensed Hackney Carriage / Private Hire vehicles
registered with UDC and EHDC. For further infor- 01279 466 100
mation on the discount scheme and to request an
application form email [email protected]


Wednesday 5th December 8 pm
Carol Service conducted by Maurice Lawrence

meet at the U R C Hall on the Chelmsford Road
For details ring Jean on 01279 730 465

We know that your home is precious to you. 1202 end Dec 12
Professionally trained, certified member of the Guild Of Master Chimney Sweeps.

Fully insured, All chimney & flu types swept
Insurance recognised certificate issued on completion of sweep
For full service information or advice please contact me anytime

Mob: 0787 030 4347
Email: [email protected]

Tel: 01245 230 929
12091 Jun 2013




2 ADVENT SUNDAY Zumba Thurs & Sat FOOTBALL CLUB 730 212

08.00 Holy Communion 1662 HT CRICKET CLUB 730 674

09.30 Family Service HT Call/Text HEATH PLAYERS

10.30 Family Service with Communion URC Gemma 07508 515 264 and play reading for pleasure
Evensong HT [email protected] 730 825 or 730 517

3 12.00 for 12.30 Luncheon Club Christmas VILLAGE HALL 730 544 HISTORY SOCIETY
Lunch URC 730 544 Ivan Wybrew 01279 730 465
5 19.45 Leisure Hour Carol Service URC
7 Gardening Club Christmas Party H PRE-SCHOOL ROYAL BRITISH LEGION
730 354 730 042
09.30 Holy Communion HT LITTLE FRIENDS
10.30 Family Gift Service URC Mother,Baby and Toddler BELL RINGERS 730 526
16.00 Christingle Service HT Group
12 10.30 Holy Communion 1662 The Close Thur 9.45am term time CHOIR 730 390
16 THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT Village Hall - 07956 563 710
08.00 Holy Communion – 1662 HT 01279 730 375 WOMANS LEISURE HOUR
09.30 Matins HT
10.30 Family Service 10.30 URC URC 730 465
16.00 Carol Service with British Legion HT FRIDAY CLUB (7-12 yrs)
18.00 Service at the Close CATHOLIC CHURCH
739 218
Hatfield Broad Oak

01371 872 550


01279 651 270

OR 01279 653 925


(6 mths - 7years) 868 410 Betty Bennett.. 01279 508 455

18 18.30 Carol singing at The Haven SCHOOL FOOTBALL HEALTH WALK
20.00 Carol singing at The Close
09.30 Holy Communion HT SCOUTS 812 586 Friday 10am outside
10.30 Carols and Readings URC
CUBS Chris Hancock Broomfield Surgery 731 434
16.00 Candlelight Service HT BROWNIES 731 646 HEALTH WALK
23.30 Holy Communion HT 734 391 LITTLE HALLINGBURY

25 CHRISTMAS DAY SUNDAY CLUB Monday 10.30am Village Car
09.30 Joint Family Communion at HT
NO URC SERVICE 9.30am Holy Trinity Park 722 156
730 288
08.00 Holy Communion 1662 HT H.T. YOUTH GROUP FARMERS MARKET
07956 563 710
731 318
KARATE 445 539 Village Hall
Weds 9.30am 07776 221 975

01992 575 679

09.30 Holy Communion HT JU-JITSU Fri 5-6.30pm
10.30 Family Service 10.30 URC
18.00 Service at the Close All ages above 8yrs old KEEP FIT

07947 599 801 Village Hall Fridays 9.30am

Evening Afternoon 07776 221 975

H-Village Hall / CR-Committee Room H / HT-Holy Bowls Bowls BOOTCAMP
Trinity Church / URC-United Reform Church /
730 539 724 833 Village Hall

Mon 9.15am-10am &

I-Institute / S-School Men and women of all ages Thurs 7pm-7.45pm

The Mobile Library Hatfield Heath Men and women of all ages &
BRIDGE CLUB 723 948 shapes
Tuesday visits Fortnightly 07775 663 742
Broomfields 2.45pm to 3.35pm
The Close 3.40pm to 4pm GARDENING CLUB
The Heath 4.05pm to 4.35pm 730 425 VISITING OPTICIAN
01279 443 181


LUNCHEON CLUB Paula O'Sullivan 730 281
For all Senior Citizens [email protected]
730 581

ITALIAN LANGUAGE Village Hall Tues 9.30-11.30 am

Michelina 07786 341 754 LBT The Institute Wed am

You can hire the hall for children's parties SPANISH LANGUAGE Tamara Coxall
£10.50 / hour Tel :01279 730 581 07738 421 311
Ann Whale 01279 731 288


Parish Clerk - Ernie Fenwick.................. 730 770 CLUBS, GROUPS ETC. IN VILLAGE
Email : [email protected]
Village Magazine - view past 27 issues
Mark Lemon Chairman ..........................730 581
(District Councillor)
Vice Chairman -David Parish ................ 730 573
Mel Sullivan............................................. 731 434
Bart Sheekey.............................................. 730 663 Terry’s Photos of Village etc :
Robert Jones............................................... 730 741
Gary Waller................................................ 739 345 Eden Surgery Websites
Sandra Saban.............................................. 730 042
Steve Foster................................................ 730 690 (Repeat prescriptions can be applied for on these sites)
Domenica Ciccarelli....................................739 350 Broomfields

H.H. Cricket Club:
PCSO Jo Trevail-Philips Email:[email protected] Bridge
Pc Brad Healey Email: [email protected]
Parish Council
Mobile for above police officers........ 07989 174 801
Essex Police Non Emergency.............101 NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING

Emergency ............................................... 999 URC Hall Wed 7.30pm 12th Dec

DOCTORS Broomfields......................... 01279 730 616 Parish CouncilWebsite H.H. TENANTS
DOCTOR Broad Oak............................ 01279 718 245 FORUM MEMBERS
DOCTOR Sawbridgeworth.................... 08444 773 360
THE SAMARITANS............................... 01279 421 110 HEALTH WALK David. N. Parish
Friday 10am outside
HATFIELD HEATH C.P. SCHOOL...... 01279 730 382
PRE-SCHOOL........................................ 01279 730 354 Broomfield Surgery
01279 731 434
Rev. Stewart Gibbs.......................................01279 730 288
Gerald Pearson .............................................01279 730 526 Sun 16th
Lesley Noel ................................................ 01279 870 390
Irene Harriss..................................................01279 734 334 Dec
Fiona Klimeke............................................. 01279 831 965
URC Rev Terry Keen............................. 01279 626 771

URC Secretary - Betty Bennett...................01279 508 455

Anshar BELLY Fusion Uttlesford Badger Group Bruno

All Ages Welcome Derek Barry (on call 24/7 ) Email :- [email protected]
Dance to your own ability
01279 503332 Home Send your letters /articles/ reports /photographs, by hand, CD, or
Contact Heather 07941185171 Mbl
email - [email protected].
07754 121 828
If posting or delivering by hand you can send direct to me :-
Bruno(Editor) “Manor Lodge”, Chelmsford Rd, Hatfield

Heath CM22 7BD.

Editor: - Bruno Scheggia (Skedja) 01279 730 498

Bruno’s Mobile Phone number 07768 606 309

Hatfield Heath Hatfield Broad Oak Treasurer: - Mel Sullivan 01279 731 434
Surgery Surgery
Distribution:-Barbara Scheggia 01279 730 498
01279 730 616 01279 718 245
Mon 8am-6.30pm Mon 8.30am-6.30pm Secretary: - Jean Clarke 01279 730 667
Tues 8am-4.30pm Tues 8.30am-6.30pm
Wed 8am-6.30pm Wed 8.30am-1pm Chairman - Brendan Carrig
Thu 8am-4.30pm Thu 8.30am-6.30pm
Fri 8am-6.30pm Fri 8.30am-1pm Printed by Cornerstone 01279 437 851
Sat 8am-11am Sat Closed
DISCLAIMER: The Editor and Printers do not take
responsibility for the information given or views expressed in
the Hatfield Heath Village Magazine. Nor is any culpability
accepted in work done by advertisers.


Report on Highways - Waste

Collection - Housing

01279 882 822 The new Highways Reporting System is up and running.
Not only can you now report road problems such as potholes
For over 30 years we have been or pavement damage, but you can now track the progress of
carrying out local, national and your request. Any member of the public can report a
overseas relocations for personal problem, just go to and “ Report a
and business clients. We Highways problem. If you enjoy tracking things on websites
understand that everyone's move is you can also follow the fleet of Essex gritters is by going to
different and that is why we tailor
our service to each individual Small repairs that need attention in your area ( not
customers needs. potholes) , can be dealt with by the Highways Rangers .
Kings Removals was set up as and still Cutting back vegetation around and cleaning signs, fixing
runs as a family business today. Great emphasis is put on customer loose paving stones, removal of fly posting etc. For this
satisfaction and this is why a high percentage of our work comes from service please e mail [email protected]
recommendations and repeat business. and quote HIGHWAY RANGERS in the subject box.
Primary school places for Sept 2013 intake Children born between 1st September 2008 and 31st August
2009 inclusive need to apply, by 15th January 2013 for
IN-SHAPE BOOTCAMP Applications should be made at The site enables parents to
Lose those unwanted pounds gained during Summer!! search school details, read Ofsted reports, and to check
admissions criteria and catchment areas before submitting
Do you want to lose weight, get fit and burn big calories? their applications. Applying on time is vital. It is advisable to
Then try In-Shape Bootcamp! It is an intense interval fitness program for men use all four preferences and include the priority admission
area ( or catchment) school as a preference.
and women of all ages, shapes, sizes and fitness levels. Uttlesford’s waste collection has changed to a four day
week. There will be NO COLLECTION AT ALL in
Mondays 9.15-10am @ Hatfield Heath Village Hall Christmas week , but a Black bin collection the week before
Mon 6.45-7.30pm – Beg/int class@Sheering Village Hall and a Green Bin collection after.
Mondays 7.30-8pm – Advanced class@Sheering Village Hall Remember that almost all your household waste can now
be recycled. All glass and plastics, plastic bags and cling
Tuesdays 9.15-10am – High Wych Memorial Hall film, bubble wrap, paper and card, Christmas wrapping
Wed 9.15-10am – Beginners running club (call for info) paper ( not the foil ) , cartons, fast food containers, shoes ( in
pairs please) , old material and clothing. If your bin fills up
Thursdays 7-7.45pm @ Hatfield Heath Village Hall over the Christmas period, extra waste can be left in carrier
Fridays 9.15-10am @ Hatfield Heath Village Hall bags or a cardboard box.
Remember to put the heavy recycling in the bin as this is
Call for more details lifted by machine ( not men). Please do not use black bags
either for extra waste or in the bins.
£5 per session Good quality clothing items should still go to a clothes bank
or Charity shop for re-use.
Also available, gift vouchers for Bootcamps and Personal Your kitchen bin can be used for peelings, egg shells, tea
Training Sessions – Perfect for a Christmas gift! bags, coffee grounds, cooked food, bones, dead flowers etc.
Items can either be in a compostable bag or wrapped in
IN-SHAPE FITNESS also offers Bootcamp participants discount paper or card. If you have extra waste over Christmas week
rates for 1 to 1 Personal Training and small group ( 2-3 people) and worry about storing this, then freezing it until collection
day is an option. I have tried this and it works for me. Over
Personal Training in a private gym in Hatfield Heath. 20% of the waste in Black Bins is still kitchen waste, which
currently goes to landfill rather than for composting. It
To book your place or for more info please call would be good to see this percentage reduce.
Your Black bin should only be used as a last extreme.
Rachel 07775 663742 Nappies, animal waste, ash, light bulbs, duvets and pillows
email [email protected] cannot easily be recycled and should go here.
Garden waste Collection the Council successfully
introduced a doorstep service in 2012 with over 3000
households signed up. If you are interested in joining this
scheme next year the cost will be £40 for a collection every
two weeks from Spring to November. You can subscribe on
01799 510456 or contact [email protected].
Housing growth in the District has created large
unevenness in the numbers of residents represented by each


Councillor. This has triggered a Boundary Commission GLYNN’S CHIMNEY SWEEP
review. The Council has agreed in principle, to a reduction in
the number of Councillors from 44 to 39. We are currently Clean & Efficient
awaiting the Boundary Commissions initial proposals. Vacuum & Brush
Changes will come in from 2015.
Uttlesford District Council has now got back £1.1m of the 01279 424 983
£2.2m invested in the failed Landsbanki Bank. The
remainder will be received over the next few years. There NACS Registered
may be increasing financial challenges set by Central HETAS Qualified Sweep
Government, when it announces its spending plans in mid
December but the Council is in a strong financial position to
face these challenges ahead in the next Financial year include
the changes to Council Tax Benefit, to Local Housing BARRINGTON'S COAL MERCHANTS
Allowance and the Local Government Pension Scheme,
(including Auto Enrolment and then a totally new Career For All Your Fuel Needs
Average Scheme from 2014). . Prudent budgeting means We stock a large range of
that we are able to reduce the Uttlesford share of the Council house coals, smokeless
Tax bill by 1% in 2013/14 as well as to budget to reduce the coals and wood. Suitable
impact of Council Tax Benefit cuts. for open fires multi-fuel
If you are concerned about how these issues may affect burners, wood burners,
you then please do get in touch. parkrays, rayburns, agas.
We take good care of our
Housing growth in Uttlesford January 2013 will see a final customers.
consultation on future . Most development will be as
additions to larger Towns and Villages although a few We will deliver for FREE
Parishes have put forwards sites that will bring some new within a ten mile radius for orders over five bags.
housing and people to sustain their village. It is important
that any new development comes with job opportunities, 01279 794 246
Education and Health provision. Local papers and Parish You can also collect your order from our coal yard
Councils will have details and the Council welcomes Reeves Lane, Roydon Hamlet, Harlow, CM19 5DE
comments. One if the most important pieces of infrastructure
is the link road from Tescos to the Thaxted Road. This is due
for completion by Spring 2014.
Spring 2013 will see more Fire Fighters at Dunmow. A We offer a
full time team Monday to Friday will work with existing staff Complete Service
( who cover 24/7 ) to make our community safer.
Eight new Council houses are being built in Leaden DESIGN
Roding. It has been agreed that four of these will be reserved CERAMIC TILING
for local people in housing need. These will be the first new
“Council “houses for many years. Across Uttlesford, this LIGHTING
year, working with builders and registered social landlords, WOODWORK ETC.
the Council will be providing 134 other affordable houses (
as well as market housing). This is a remarkable All carried out with the minimum
achievement of which I am proud. of fuss and mess by experts!
Also all Plumbing &
Next year will see Essex County Council Elections and I Domestic Heating Installations
am privileged to have been re- selected for the Dunmow
Division. The Division stretches from Barnston to Great SO LOOK NO FURTHER THAN
Hallingbury and has grown considerably in the last four years
with around 8000 houses in all. I am always on the look out C.F OAKES
for people to help with leaflet delivery at this time so if you
can spare an hour or two to deliver in your local area I would
love to hear from you.

Finally I would like to take this opportunity to wish you Established in Harlow for over 45 years
all a very Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. 19 SERVICE BAY, WYCH ELM , HARLOW
If there are any questions raised by any item above or you
would like advice on any matter then please do contact me
and I will do what I can to help.
Susan Barker
[email protected]
[email protected]
01245 231250



For All Building Works - WATCH
Extensions/Renovations -
Decorating - Plumbing - Electrics Police Bulletin
Carried Out with Great Attention to Detail
Tel: 01279 757 323 07836 205 103

GM Non-dwelling burglary, Chelmsford Road,
Hatfield Heath: Between 4.00pm on 12/11/12
Decorating Solutions Ltd. and 1.00pm on 16/11/12 someone gained entry
to a secure garden shed by cutting off the
We offer a wide range of painting and decorating padlock. A lawn mower, hedge cutter and a
solutions for your home or business. strimmer were stolen. The items altogether have
an estimated value of £1,650.
Our qualified decorators offer a full consultation to
ensure you receive a service tailored to your needs. We Attempted Non-dwelling burglary,
Chelmsford Road, Hatfield Heath:
have decorators trained in the use and application of Between 6.00pm on 13/11/12 and 12.00pm on
specialist and mineral paints. 14/11/12 someone attempted to gain access to a
Services include: shed at the location by unscrewing the screws
from the hinges. No entry was gained but items
Interior and exterior redecoration were found at the scene that did not belong to
Airless spraying the householder.
Tape and jointing

All staff undertake CSCS health and safety approval

Please contact us for a full range of services
or a free consultation.

Office: 01279 730 733 DO YOU KNOW YOUR NHS NUMBER?
Mobile: 07977 775 672
E-mail: [email protected] If you want to know your NHS Number, or you have
an old-style number and want to know your new
CARPENTER one, please follow the instructions below.
You can also check any recent letters you have had
Specialist in bespoke fitted furniture from the NHS, as these should now include your
NHS Number. It is important to keep a record of
John Adamson your NHS Number safe, as it will be used in any
letters or health records about you.
07779 715 888 01371 811 688
I am registered with a GP surgery. What is my
www. NHS Number?

HERTS HEATING If you're registered with a GP, you will already have
an NHS Number. To find out your NHS Number,
Town Grove, Dunmow Road, Hatfield Heath, contact your GP practice and ask them to look it up.
Bishops Stortford, Herts CM22 7BN To protect your privacy, you may be asked to show
a passport, driving licence or some other proof of
For all your Gas Installation and Servicing needs identity.
High Efficiency Condensing Boiler Installations
Gas Boiler Servicing and Breakdowns I am not currently registered with a GP surgery,
Landlord’s Gas Safety Records but I think I already have an NHS Number. How
Free Quotations for gas heating installations do I find out what it is?
Plumbing and Pipework
Replacement Bathrooms, including Tiling & In this case, you can ask your local primary care
Decoration trust (PCT) to look it up for you.
Local company established in 1974. You can search for your nearest PCT on NHS
Gas Safe register number 222 Choices or call NHS Direct on 0845 4647
When you phone your local PCT, ask for the
Call us on 01279-730 060 department dealing with patient GP registrations.
Fax us on 01279-730 065 They can give you your NHS Number or direct you
E-mail us at [email protected] to the right person within that PCT.



The Recorders of Uttlesford History (RUH) are an General Building & Maintenance
independent federation of local historians and local
history societies throughout the District of Uttles- Conversions, Bathrooms, Kitchens
ford in north-west Essex. The RUH was set up in Plastering, Brickwork, Decorating
1998 by the Essex Local History Recorders Scheme Call for Free Advice & Estimates
and in 2003 became an autonomous, fully-constitut- 01279 739 136 or 07900 694 664
ed organisation. The object of Recorders is to
record the present, and to ensure that valuable ar- FULLY INSURED
chives and artefacts of the past are conserved. Most
of the 57 parishes in Uttlesford are represented by a DOMESTIC SOLDIERS
Recorder appointed by the RUH organising com-
mittee. They carry out a wide range of activities, General DIY, Curtain Rails and Shelves Erected, Flat Packs
often in conjunction with a local history society. assembled. Patio, Drive and Brickwork Pressure Washed,
Further information is given on the RUH website Fencing and Sheds Preserved and Repaired, Hedge Cutting,
under ‘About Us’ and Recorders’ annual reports
can be found under the individual parish sections. including Shrubs and Tree Pruning,
The RUH committee supports Recorders by offer- House Painting, Exterior & Interior, Windows Pipe Work and
ing workshops, lectures and other activities, the use
of a database and website, loan of equipment, regu- Weather Boards Stained and Painted. Fencing Erected,
lar news bulletins, advice and other resources. The Gardens and Driveways Shingle.
RUH has strong links to Saffron Walden Museum,
Saffron Walden Town Library and Essex Record Please do not hesitate to ask. Contact lan and Jan at
Office, and Recorders are encouraged to work San Michelle, Jacks Lane, Takeley
closely with their local parish councils and local
societies. There are a number of vacancies in some MANY OTHER SERVICES UNDERTAKEN
Uttlesford parishes, and we welcome enquiries from
potential Recorders in those parishes not listed on 01279 873 933
this website. Further information is obtainable by 07939 531 872
email: [email protected]
Local History Recorder Needed COMPLETE SERVICE FOR YOUR HOME
Following the sad death of Robin Gurnett. We
need a a new Local History Recorder [email protected]

MHS Builders
Local Builder
Carpentry & Roofing
Loft and Garage conversions
Kitchens & Bathrooms
references available on request

Call Mark Savage

Tel: 01279 739 409

Mobile: 07718 539 969


• Interior & Exterior decoration
• carried out to a high specification.
• Full public liability.
• 30 yrs Experience

• Ceilings papered.
• Wall coverings and wall paper hung

Call Sid Perry on 01279 899 029 or 0777 622 1975 Contact Steve.
Phone : 01279 724 805 Mobile : 07836 588 886

E-mail: [email protected]
Address: Field View, Sheering, Herts.



in the Village Tea Rooms Hatfield Regis

(by kind permission) Local History Society

The latest publications by your local history society Tuesday 18h December
Supported by Hatfield Heath Parish Council Members Social (Note change of date)

Hatfield Heath and its Residents in 1861 This meeting is to be held at the U R C Hall at 7.30pm

by Robin Gurnett price £3 Herts & Essex Observer 4th January 1870

The Wells & Pumps of Hatfield Heath

by Frank Walsh price £5

All proceeds to Hatfield Regis Local History Society

Hallingbury Hall Equestrian Centre

British Horse Society Approved
Riding lessons for children and adults

beginners to advanced riders

FACILITIES John Burles was summoned that he being the
Super indoor school, three outdoor arena's, driver of a cart and was in a position of not
show jumping arena, and cross-country course being in control of horses at Hatfield Broad
Oak on 28th December.
CHILDREN'S LESSONS Defendant pleaded guilt saying “It was
We have super ponies from quiet schoolmasters to Christmas time and I had given to me a little
elder wine and beer and it had upset me”.
ones trained to do jumping and dressage Constable Gall stated that at about 11' o'clock
Children's own a pony day courses are held every on the morning of the 28th he had found a
Wednesday and Thursday during the holidays, Great Fun! tumbrel cart in the ditch with the defendant at
the horses head trying to keep the horse quiet,
BEGINNER ADULTS but he was so drunk as to be incapable of
Maximum four riders on a 45 minute lesson gain taking care of the animal.
confidence and enjoy on one of our lovely sensible cobs The chairman of the bench said he was quite
willing to give every consideration to the
INTERMEDIATE AND ADVANCED RIDERS defendant's master's pleas, but he knew he was
Improve your dressage, learn about tests doing wrong and had caused great damage.
lateral work, engagement and collection Fined 2s 6d with 6d costs.
Or join a jumping lesson and
Robin Gurnett
practise courses, grids and related distances

Please ring or pop in for a chat

01279 730 348

Little Hallingbury, Bishops
Stortford, Herts CM227RP

Eulogy for Robin Gurnett
Rob was always one for a good
funeral, weekly checking the local

newspaper for people he knew who
had passed away (not sure if it was
because he would get invited back
for the food after).

A very generous Man, when my wife and I needed
to move to a small village some 24 years ago
without a second thought he said for us to come and
move next to him at Rosemary Cottages after his
Mother Clara died.

Rob and I have been best friends for 43 years, with
our combined interest in antiques, in fact we met at
an auction and subsequently many adventures were
2066 Apr 13 to follow over the years. He was of course heavily

involved in many ceramic societies where his wide To Discuss Your Holiday Requirements
knowledge of china was paramount. He also wrote with our very friendly agents
several books on the subject including the
‘Forgotten Woods of Brownhills 1746-1797’. ‘The See for Our Latest Deals
Rise and Fall of Bisto Wares’ in the Antiques
Collectors Guide in November 1996 and was
elected Honorary President of Friends of Blue
Society. He also lectured far and wide on his
subject, always injecting a little humour in his talks.
He was of course involved in the local History
Society in this village which he loved so much. Rob
was born on the Heath also died in the house in
which he was born with my Wife and I at his side.

I would like to thank his friend Ivan Cooper for his Very Experienced
hospital visits to Rob and for being there over this Versatile All-Round Tradesman
difficult time, his neighbours Nick and Jo, and
Terry and Sarah for all their support over the last All interior and exterior works and
couple of weeks. Odd jobs around the house and garden.
To end on a lighter note Rob died at 9.15 am on the Also holiday homes and overseas property

19th at 11 am when the Undertakers took him away All small jobs welcome
from his house my home phone rang in my pocket. Fully insured and references available
It was his phone number. I later checked call back
and sure enough his number rang me after he had Ever wondered how much something would cost to do?
died. Very Strange!? We will all miss him
including his 2 ducks Daffy and Doodle who will For Free advice and a Free quotation
now have a new home in our garden. Call Steve on 01279 730071

1201 Feb 13

Last and by no means least many thanks to all the
people in the Legion who came forward and very
kindly arranged to provide the catering and to
Sandra for the flowers in the Church.
Steven Aimee

Robin Gurnett

Many people in the Village will have far more
recollections of Robin Gurnett than I have.
However as part of the History Society and with a
typographic background working with Robin on
some of his publications had generated a close
friendship. His interests extended beyond his
specialist ceramic knowledge and conversations
on work, travel, writings and lectures offered a
more comprehensive picture of his background in
spite of the limited time I knew him. A great
many of his ideas and publications will now not
be finished but as a tribute to him it is anticipated
that the booklet on the Prisoner of War Camp can
be completed. It is a sad loss to the Village and
History Society and indeed on a personal note to

Ivan Cooper 12080 Apr 2013



Excellent references My Boss dog Patch said i should write to say
sorry for making a noise this month, by the way i
Book for Christmas am Chyps !, as i was saying we are sorry, but my
mistress said we
(shopping days?) should not be
and New Year! scared as it was
fireworks,does fire
12104 Dec 2012 work? Well it did
make us scared so
we shouted for
them to stop but it
went on so long
and for a few night
after, i hope they
did not frighten you?.. My mistress said we could
all say a Merry Christmas to you and a Happy
New Year that is from my mistress too, and as
we cannot write our mistress is doing it for us ok,
and now we have to say thank you to Bruno, who
lets us write to you all..
Lots of Licks & Woofs from Patch, Mitzy & me

12073 Mar 1213

Sing Along with Jo Jingles!

Fun Music Singing & Movement Classses
For children aged 3 months to 5 years

Chidren’s Parties & Nursery Sessions also available!

For details on classes in:
Bishop’s Storford, Epping, Harlow
Sawbridgeworth, Great Dunmow
& Hatfield Heath
Call Lucy on 01279 868 410
[email protected]


Institute War Memorial New classes starting
January 2013 in
Many may not know that, in addition to the War
Memorial on the Heath, there is another Memorial Bishop’s Stortford and
Plaque located in the hall inside the Institute building. Hatfield Heath.
The inscription reads
“In grateful memory of the men who went from Contact:
Hatfield Heath to serve in the Great War 1914 –
It lists 116 names and 29 of those who did not return. [email protected]
Many of the names are shared by people living in the TinyTalk Bishops Stortford
village today. If you wish to see it, the Institute is TinyTalk Hatfield Heath
normally open on weekdays from 10 to 12 for the
Coffee Mornings. Former Deputy Headteacher
At the time the plaque was erected, the Institute very effective at raising standards
would almost certainly have been in use as a Working
Mens’ Club. The plaque was refurbished some years Reading techniques coached; books loaned
ago by the Village Hall Trust, and we have now Clearly taught NC maths
added it to the online War Memorials website
recently set up by English Heritage. Quality of writing and handwriting improved
SATs, 11+ and Common Entrance
Peter Lines Dyslexia
Weekly follow-up activities
The fighting finished with the Armistace in November
1918, but the war didn’t end officially until the Treaty 01279 600 102
of Versaille in 1919. So legally, we were actually at
war until 1919 – all memorials should really say this Denise Ings
King’s Thursday, 2 Rowney Gardens, Sawbridgeworth, CM21 0AT

[email protected]


Independent day school
for girls & boys
aged 4 -16 years

‘pupils are
well educated’
- Inspection
report 2012

 ¡¢£¤¥¦§ ¨ ©¤ ©¤ ©¡¥©¦ ¥¢ ©¤ ©¡ §¤¥£ £¡¢ Excellence in education for over 70 years
!©£¤¦ ¡¤¢¥¡¦ ¡¡ ¡¦ ¢¥©£©"¡£¦¤£¡©¢£¤¡£&#££¦¢$©%£
£¦ ¢¡¢ ¥ ¥¦¥&¥¡ Saint Nicholas provides a unique & distinctive
place to learn & develop:
£ ©¨¨ £¤ ¡ £¥¥© ££¢¥©¦ ©¨ ¡¦¡$' ¢¡¤¢£¤ ¡¦ - Outstanding facilities for learning, sports & arts
(¥¦§ ¡ ")£¦0©¡ ¡&¥£ ©¦ ¡$¡§ ¦£ ¡¦ ¢© - Small focussed class sizes
"¥¢ ©¤ ££#¤¡¢¥©¦ "¥¦£ - Proven excellence in results
- Broad & balanced curriculum

To order a prospectus or arrange a private tour, contact Julie
Bradley on 01279 429 910 [email protected]
Saint Nicholas School, hobbs cross road, old harlow, CM17 0NJ


Boyton Cross

Motors Group Ltd




Auto Centre

(White Roding)

MOT’s done while you wait Chelmsford Rd, White Roding,

01279 876 472

Servicing, brakes, clutches, timing belts, welding,

tyres, Air conditioning work:- all certified.

L.P.G. Gas Conversions ( all certificated)

All bodywork undertaken, painting, repairs, Jig Work



Jaguar, Porsche, Saab, BMW, Mercedes, Vauxhall, On 16th September finishing in a very respectable 2
hours 46 minutes. What a fantastic day it was; 54000
Ford, runners, bands on route and the Red Arrows flying
displays overhead. There must have been over
Land Rover, Range Rover. 100,000 supporters and spectators who took as long
to complete the course using the metro! The day
24hrs Recovery Service(07767 757499) before Paula, Nicola and the supporters club
(Georgia, Paulene, Kevin, Carol, Mel and Ed) toured
Wheel alignment, 4 wheel tracking with laser South Shields town centre, market and beach; took
the ferry across to North Shields, indulged in a fish
T.R. Autos 2003 and chip lunch and walked the coast path to the
estuary end. A really good weekend and if you
Clarks Yard, Dunmow Road haven’t visited Newcastle and Northumberland then
Takeley, Essex CM22 6QJ you should add them to your bucket list.
The photos are Paula and Nicola just past the
01279 871 681 Gateshead Bridge, with their finishers’ medals and
friend Pip and a photo from South Shields beach
ISUZU Truck Dealer looking across to North Shields (that’s Admiral
HGV MOT’S at our premises above Collingwood on the plinth on the other side, he won
HGV Repair to all makes & Estimates the battle of Trafalgar after Nelson popped his clogs).
TACO Test centre ( Analogue & Digital ) Mel
H.G.V. Paint Work & Chassis Jig, Body work
All Classes MOT’s - while you wait
24 hour Recovery 01245 248 207

H.GV Recovery Specialists-Depots at

Roxwell Harlow Braintree

01245 248207 01279 428803 01376 323 978


Falcon House is a long established care home which is privately owned and managed. We have been
caring for people in the Bishop’s Stortford area for over 30 years. We have recently extended our facilities
adding five bedrooms, communal sitting areas, lounges and dining rooms. We also upgraded all our
facilities to an extremely high standard. We are specifically designed to enable our residents as much

independence as possible. SERVICES OF FALCON HOUSE

We provide a safe, homely and caring
environment, ensuring personal privacy and

individual dignity. Personal independence

will always be encouraged along with high

standards care. All staff are fully trained to

care for people. We have an exceptional

high standard of hotel services. Our chefs

create wonderful fresh meals, which take in

to account a residents likes and dislikes.
Residents are also able to have friends and

family members to join them to eat.

There are many regular activities which you
could take part in. We will also encourage
residents to continue an activity or hobby
they like. We arrange regular social events
throughout the year.

We are able to offer day care and also
respite care.

Falcon House: George Green, Little Hallinbury, Bishop’s Stortford CM22 7PP, T: 01279 658393



Supplied and Installed by Knightbrooks ltd

01279 730 172 - 07939 739 845 - 07891 191 486
Unit 11.Heath View Pond Lane.Hatfield Heath. CM22 7AB

JOAN CONNELLY £8.50 per sqm..includes 11mm underlay,installation,gripper
rods,door bars,uplift and dispose old flooring.
Hello Bruno, My wife Joan just completed the
Heavy Domestic Loop structure, Bleach Cleanable,
Great North Run for my chosen charity Prostate 12 sqm hall stairs and land 4 colours £165

Cancer. It poured all day and she completed the run ................................................................................................................................................................................................

in 2 hrs 42 mins. Not bad for a lovely wee lassie of Budget Twist Pile Bleach Cleanable,
12 sqm hall stairs and land 9 colours £165
64 years. She will probably kill me for telling you
her age. As you are aware, I suffer from Terminal
80%wool 20% nylon 50oz 6 colours
cancer and she did the run with a large photo of me average 12 sqm lounge £270

on her vest. I am so very proud of her. , ................................................................................................................................................

Pat Connelly. Heavy Domestic Twist Saxony Shag pile 14 colours
average 12 sqm lounge £250
We were hoping to have a group photo of all the girls but it
didn't happen, maybe Pat can sneak a photo to me of Joan
Vinyl average 6 sqm kitchen or bath room 11 designs £105


Laminate Floor good quality
12 sqm 6 colours £260 fitted


.All Prices Shown Include Underlay,Installation,Gripper
Rods,Door Bars,uplift dispose old carpets.
Visit Our Showroom
To View our Huge Range Of Samples
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We can supply any carpet available from any manufacturer

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with her medal Bruno


For Complete Peace of Mind
Use the Professional Local Installation Company

We Install and Service Burglar Alarms, Fire Alarms and CCTV

Established in 1993 we now have over 2800 systems installed locally
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We have the Highest Security Qualification NACOSS Gold A Quality Assured ISO 9000 Company
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Our Customers include Essex Police, The Salvation Army, St Johns Ambulance and Essex County Bowling Club .

Why settle for less when you can have the best with prices starting at £520 fully
installed or have your alarm serviced from £60 why take a chance on your security
with other Companies that give a bad service We give a true 24/7 and 365 day service

Barry a Company Director lives with his family and has a local office in Hatfield Heath. Our Senior Director is a retired Essex Police Officer
and Home Office Trained Crime Prevention Officer With over 30 years police experience placing him in a unique position to give good advice.

Telephone: 01279 448678 or 01702 547754 or or [email protected]

1203 end 2012


State Registered Chiropodist

Home Visiting Practice ACCIDENT?
Mrs. Julie Golden S.R.Ch.
Est. 1994

01279 873 492

A professional service at a competitive rate


or somebody to
get your grocery shopping?
If so, you have found the very person
who has a CRB check and insurance.

Ring: 01279 830 156
or 07752 689 389


PHYSIOTHERAPY The top picture is of the entrance to the village car
MYOFASCIAL RELEASE park. As you can see the height restriction barrier has
been bent backwards.
You don’t have to live with pain! The bottom pictures are of one of a few bullet/pellet
holes in the Village Hall windows (which are facing
Relief from back, neck and joint problems the Primary School).
Relaxation of tight, painful muscles The barrier could possibly be an accident but the
Effective treatment for migraines, tennis holes shot in the windows are almost definitely
elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, vandalism.
plantarfasciitis, achilles tendonitis, Does anyone out there know anything about the
fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, above?
IBS Bruno
Help for breathing difficulties and stress
related problems FOR
Gentle treatment for new mothers and
babies SALE

To make an appointment or for more information, Guinea pig (or small)
please contact me: rabbit hutch and run,
with sliding removable
Tel: 01279 718331 floor for easy cleaning
[email protected] v.g.c. £10
Brook View, Town Farm, Hatfield Broad Oak CM22 7LF Tel 01279 730 736




Lots of Love
Mummy, Daddy, Oliver & Beau



Have you recently lost a ring up at the playground
near Cox Ley/West Hayes?

Contact Mark on 07952 145 028


JMB sewing machine ssm1010 Pond lane

used only twice, less than a year Hatfield heath CM22 7AB
old, £40.00 no offers
01279 730 372 01279 731 762

& Sons
Child minder required to drop off and collect
two children from school from Hatfield Heath Independent Family
school and look after in their village home until Funeral Directors & Monumental Masons
early evening. Child care experience and
references essential. Car driver with own car A personal caring service
preferred. from family business day or night.
Our trained staff will be pleased to give free
07941 174 808 confidential advice on any matter

Specialists in Village and Country Properties GOLDEN 3 BULLFIELDS
FUNERAL PLANS (01279) 722476
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(Limited time only) GREAT DUNMOW EPPING

Open: Monday - Friday 9.00am to 5.30pm (01371) 874518 (01992) 560890
Saturday - 9.00am to 1pm
[email protected]
T: 01279 717929 F: 01279 717930 24 hour Family Careline
Golden Charter Pre-Payments Plans

Baker’s Cottage, Cage End,
Hatfield Broad Oak Essex CM22 7HZ


There were 70 children from Hatfield Heath Community Primary School Reception and Top School and around 20 Pre School
Another 190 children back at the school were holding a Remembrance service at the same time.

Last chance to buy

The 2013 edition of Stop
Stansted Expansion's (SSE’s)
Community Calendar is on sale
featuring beautiful colourful
views of homes and heritage. As
in previous years, the A3 format
calendars are priced at just £6
Barbara & Bruno, Manor Lodge

01279 730 498

On Remembrance Sunday there was a large congregation, of around 240.


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