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Hatfield Heath Village Magazine January 2005

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Published by markratcliff, 2018-08-30 03:51:56

January 2005

Hatfield Heath Village Magazine January 2005

Keywords: hatfield,heath,vi,llage,magazine,january,2005


Hatfield Heath CP School raised an amazing My father had a ritual to welcome in
each New Year, as the clock struck
£3,000 plus at their Christmas Bazaar midnight he would open the front
held on 27th November 2004 in the school hall. The PFA door and say “Farewell the old and enter in what God will”,
(Parents and Friends Association) would like to extend a and I’m sure that there are many people would want to
BIG thank you to all of you who gave support and helped share his hope that the new year he was greeting would be
make the event such a big success. The money will go better than the old.
towards necessary equipment and ‘Creative Curriculum’
days for the pupils. This year there is the hope that the election in Iraq will
A very Happy Christmas and Healthy New Year from all finally bring an end to the violence that’s plagued that
at Hatfield Heath CP School. country since the fall of Saddam Hussein, the election of a
new Palestinian president will bring peace to the Middle
Many thanks East, and that Sein Fein and the Democratic Unionist Party
will find a way of working together in a devolved
Dawn Humphreys government in Northern Ireland.

There’s a hymn which says “Let there be peace on earth,
and let it begin with me”. It reminds us that if we want a
peaceful New Year it’s up to each and every one of us to
make it happen.

A happy New Year to you all,
Nigel Rogers.

Mark Lemon (arms folded) surveying successful school bazaar




Email :- [email protected]

January Send your letters /articles/ reports /Photographs, by hand,
floppy disc, CD, or email. If delivering by hand you can

2 2nd Sunday after CHRISTMAS either drop it off at PBM printers in the magazine tray or

08.00 Holy Communion HT direct to me Bruno, “Manor Lodge”, Chelmsford Road,

09.30 Family Service HT Hatfield Heath CM22 7BD.
10.30 Family Service with Communion URC

NO 18.30 Evensong at HT Editor: - Bruno Scheggia 01279 730 498

6 Start of Spring term for School Treasurer: - Mel Sullivan 01279 731 434
5 10.30 Holy Communion – 1662 The Close

9 1st Sunday of Epiphany Distribution:-Barbara Scheggia 01279 730 498

09.30 Holy Communion HT Produced by- PBM 01279 730 444

10.30 Family Service URC DISCLAIMER: The Editor and Printers do not take

10 Start of Spring term for Pre-school responsibility for the information given or views expressed in

12 14:15 Pram Service HT the Hatfield Heath Village Magazine. Nor is any culpability

16 2nd Sunday after EPIPHANY accepted in work done by advertisers.

08.00 Holy Communion HT HELP LINES

09.30 Matins POLICE 01279 730 388
10.30 Family Service URC
18.00 Service at The Close Calls are automatically redirected when necessary
18 14.30 Welcome Club H
DOCTORS Broomfields 01279 730 616

19 10:45 MU Holy Communion HT DOCTOR Sawbridgeworth 01279 723 172

14:00 Hatfield Heath Under Fives H THE SAMARITANS 01279 421 110

20.00 Leisure Hour URC HATFIELD HEATH C.P. SCHOOL 01279 730 382
20 20.00 Village Celebration I H/HEATH HALF HOUR HELPERS 07944 748 478

23 3rd Sunday after EPIPHANY


10.30 Joint service at St Mary’s Hatfield Broad Mark Lemon 730 581

for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. PARISH COUNCIL
26 14:00 Hatfield Heath Under Fives H

19.45 Gardening Club H CHAIRMAN Peter Fuller-Lewis - 01279 730 587

27 20.00 Village Hall Committee CR PARISH CLERK Peter Boshier - 01245 231 003

30 4th Sunday after EPIPHANY Drop in for Tea, coffee and light refreshments
08.00 Holy Communion HT Monday to Friday mornings 10.00 am – 12 noon
09.30 Holy Communion HT A chance to meet others and chat All welcome
10.30 Family Service URC
Organised by Holy Trinity Church
31 16.00 PCC CR Sponsored by the Village Hall Trust

2 10.30 Holy Communion-1662 The Close
6 Sunday next before Lent Sunday 23rd January 10.30am
A Service of Christian Unity
08:00 Holy Communion HT
09.30 Family Service HT At St Mary’s Hatfield Broad OakLead by the R Rev.
10.30 Family Service with Communion URC John Gladwin(Bishop of Chelmsford)
18.30 Evensong HT
H-Village Hall / CR-Committee Room H / HT-Holy NO SERVICES AT HOLY TRINITY or the U R C
Trinity Church / URC-United Reform Church / Please give this your support.

25th January - Essex County Conference Chelmsford -
You can hire the hall for childrens parties Transport Available.
£8.50 / hour All details from the branch Secretary
Sandra Saban on 01279 718102
Tel :01279 730 581


WITH TELEPHONE NUMBERS Wednesday 12th January 11.00am

Meeting for volunteers and helpers
730 544 Available AEROBICS 07956 827 798 Anyone who can help is most welcome

Details See page 11 FIT & FIFTY 724 373 to come along
or Phone Mrs J Lemon : 01279 730581
INSTITUTE 730 544 YOGA 07855 145 711
(2 ½ -5) LUNCHEON CLUB Thanks to all who supported the Christmas Concert.
RISING FIVES 414 238 Collection etc raised £55 for breast Cancer (Breakthrough)
(4 –5 years) For all Senior Citizens

730 581


FRENCH 730 741
19TH JANUARY 8.00PM - Nursing in India
(Mother & Toddler) SPANISH LANGUAGE Staff Nurse Phillip Brown


07778 323 254 AEROBICS 723 125

Older residents will be saddened by the news of the
07778 323 254 CRICKET CLUB 730 674 death on 2nd December of Winnie Want (Betts) aged
88 at Primrose Nursing Home Weymouth.
FRIDAY CLUB (7-12 years) She was born in Torpoint in Cornwall, her father
being a sailor. They originally came to live in
730 440 & 730 465 hcc Sheering but later moved to Rosemary Cottages next
to Glasscock the Bakers. The family moved to the
JO JINGLES HEATH PLAYERS Chelmsford Road and when she married Jack in 1941
they moved into their bungalow `Torpoint’. They
(6 mths - 7years) 868 410 and play reading for pleasure went to Dorset in 1988 to be near their daughter.
Winnie was to play a large part in the life of Hatfield
SCHOOL FOOTBALL 730 825 or Heath, as Sunday School Teacher - singing in the
choir and then as an Deacon of the Congregational
CLUB 730 517 Church, She was also a very active member of the
Welcome club, the W I and the Church Women’s
01279 730 975 HISTORY SOCIETY Meeting and was involved in the early stages of the
Meals on Wheels service in the Village.
SCOUTS 812 586 730 530 Winnie leaves a Daughter-Margaret a granddaughter
and two grandsons. Her ashes are being scattered in
CUBS Chris Hancock ROYAL BRITISH LEGION Oak Cove at Portland Bill.

731 646 657 470 Donations via the U R Church
to The Primrose Nursing Home.
BROWNIES 734 391 Womens section 718 102


9.30am Holy Trinity 730 288 Sunday 10.30am 730 690


731 318 CHOIR 730 288


SENIOR BOWLS 724 833 730 465



YOGA 07855 145 711 AT THE CLOSE

GARDENING CLUB For Senior Citizens 730 450


WELCOME CLUB Chairman P Fuller-Lewis

730 421 730 587 CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR

Hatfield Broad Oak
730 288
01371 872 550 FRI 24TH DEC

CHRISTMAS 2004/2005 SAT 25th DEC Closed

Please make refuse available from 7.00 am on collection day. SUN 26th DEC


Normal Collection Day Revised Collection Day MON 27th DEC Closed
Monday 27 December No collections
Tuesday 28 December No collections TUES 28th DEC Closed
Wednesday 29 December
Thursday 30 December Normal collections WED 29TIf DEC USUAL OPENING TIMES
Friday 31 December Normal collections

Normal Collection Day Revised Collection Day FRI 31ST DEC

Tuesday 4 January Wed 5 Jan DOUBLE

Wednesday 5 January Thur 6 January SAT 1ST JAN 2005 CLOSED

Thursday 6 January Fri 7 January SUN 2nd JAN CLOSED
Friday 7 January Sat 8 January

Normal collections from Monday 10 January, 2005


PaintingandDecorating LETTER TO THE EDITOR
If you are Looking for an
Excellent Standard of Decorating Dear Bruno,
On reading your excellent magazine I feel I must
by a write about the untaxed vehicles scattered around the
Professional Tradesman Broomfields area. Outside one house there are six (6)
untaxed vehicles - 3 not in use at all the others are
Exterior/Interior used daily. Untaxed vehicles are parked across
pavements so that electric scooters for the disabled
Then look no further have to go into the road (near telephone box) and
Please call John for a free estimate pedestrians with prams, dogs etc., also have to go into
the road. I am surprised an accident hasn't happened
yet! One can walk the dog and spot vehicles untaxed
in abundance especially near sheltered bungalows.
This is a nice village but obviously some residents
spoil it! Many thanks for listening to this particular
Keep up the good work.
Regards JM.

Here we are, still here in 2005 - Rather surprising as we
have had many difficulties to overcome, (politically
correct regulations etc) and it has been difficult; How-
ever it is worthwhile, not only, as some residents seem
to think, for the elderly, but for anyone who needs help
in a small way, e.g. who has suffered a minor disability
such as a sprained ankle or wrist, and cannot drive or
get to the Chemist, or even take 'Fido' for a walk.
Anything which takes about half an hour and eases the
situation - Here we are, help at hand.
When old, of course, help may be really essential.
Relatives are far away, friends are fewer as time pass-
es, and H.H.H.'s are friends in waiting. The volunteers
are quite wonderful, and carry out their tasks with
courtesy and friendliness, so why wait? Do phone if

07944 748 478


. Plus a range of catalytic flueless fires and power-
flues “for that no chimney situation”

Ample Free Parking.Trade Enquiries welcome
Open Monday – Saturday 9.30 – 5.30

We provide CORGI Registered Gas Installers


At our Welcome Club on the 16th
November our chairman Mr. Tony
Jenkins opened with a greeting to all.
Jean our secretary read the minutes and
called for a silence in a memory of Josie
Walsh who has recently died. Josie was
a really lovable person who will be
greatly missed. Jean spoke of our
coming visit to High Wych church in

December for Christmas Carols we all look forward to
this, then our visit to our local school where we are invited
to go on December the 7th. We had a quiz and a few games
to test our memories this always goes down well. We had
tea and our tea hostesses were Jenny and Slyvia with help
from Tony and Amy. We were served with some cakes
made by Jean and we had a bring and buy stall and a raffle.
We had twenty-three members attending which was very
nice our members always enjoy our meetings at the
Welcome Club.

Keep Smiling

Ivy Scott (member)

If you have had problems ringing the flight evaluation
unit then you could use the aircraft noise complaint
form or the site. You
can record noise from numerous planes on different
days (at the various times). You submit the form and a
copy goes to the Stop Stansted Campaign Office. I
found this easier and there is access for all villagers to
the Internet in the Institute and United Reform Church

You fill in the form online below are questions asked
This form will be sent to BAA Stansted Noise Line with
a copy to the SSE Campaign Office

Your Name:
Postcode: (Really important!)
Date and time of the noise: (Really important!)
Comments: (You should ask for a written reply!)

For all your domestic needs

Established for 6 years - References available.
Please telephone Maxine on


THE HATFIELD HEATH GARDENING CLUB conditions such as two large concrete lined ponds
INTO A NEW SEASON connected by an artificial stream bed for moisture loving
plants. No matter when one visits, the gardens are open
The Hatfield Heath Gardening Club has just come to the to the public from April to September, there is always a
end of what everyone is agreed has been a very number of specimen plants at their best.
successful season. In October we were fascinated by a
presentation by Tony Bassett and Vanessa Neville of Apart from the moist garden there are a number of island
the Herbal Haven Nursery. These days most of us are beds. These roughly take the form of a triangle, points
making use of a much broader range of fresh herbs in our rounded and sides pushed inwards, which are made with
kitchen. The old standbys of mint, sage and rosemary are a structural plant such as a tall ornamental grass at the
now complemented with oregano, sweet basil, coriander points joined to the centre of the bed by a line of leafy
and many more. Tony went into which ones we could shrubs. This creates three areas in a single bed in which
rely on to grow in our own herb gardens – just outside the innumerable variations may be made in terms of colour
kitchen door where we can just nip out and pick a few and structure. Outstanding headlands partially block the
fresh leaves for the pot – and which are best left to the total view tempting you to go and see “what is beyond”.
commercial growers to provide. Even some of those such
as sweet basil and coriander can be grown from seed in Sue Staines insists that they will never introduce a plant
pots on the windowsill but will only really crop once and to a garden just because they like it, it has to fit in with
should be freshly grown each time. Vanessa then went on the current design and earn its keep. Therefore one will
to speak about herbal medicines and treatments. It seems always find a white garden living up to its name and
that it is no longer the Chinese who have the major share spectacular shows of grasses, a modern favourite and
in these activities and that a new generation of home hostas. Water irises, astilbes and sidalcea grow densely
trained practitioners are steadily building up successful around the ponds in the company of marsh orchids which
practices using extracts and tinctures from home grown the Staines are proud to relate have all been raised over
herbs. the years from a single plant which cost them £3,
remember buy one – get many free!
At our November meeting Richard Barnett gave a talk
and slide show on the flora and fauna of South Africa and Of course no gardener will leave Glen Chantry without a
Namibia in which he gave an insight into the vast range study of the plants available in the nursery. There are
of plants and flowers which grow in the varied climatic bound to be several which you have just seen showing
conditions of the region. Our season concluded with the beautifully in the garden and which must immediately be
traditional Christmas social. acquired for the garden at home.

We now look forward to 2005 and as a grand opening we “GARDENERS YEAR AT GLEN CHANTRY
are to be lucky enough to have a visit from Wol Staines Wol Staines will be talking on the “Gardeners Year at
of the Glen Chantry Gardens at Wickham Bishops near Glen Chantry”
Witham, a very easy journey from our area. Many of us
have known these gardens since Sue and Wol Staines Hatfield Heath Village Hall on
started to develop them in 1976. The gardens extend to
three and a half acres on a gentle west facing slope where Wednesday 26th. January at 7.45 p.m.
the soil is a free draining gravel. To enable them to grow Forget the dark late January evening and come along and
a wider range of plants the Staines have created other
enjoy the prospect of the glorious€summer ahead.

For more information call the Chairman,

If your drive or patio is looking tired and overgrown, we offer

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Cambridge Road, Stansted, Essex. CM24 8DB.


Just after the war the club played a friendly AND ACORNS NURSERY
match against a prisoner of war XI from the
camp that that was situated in Mill Lane. An Independent Day School and
We are trying to get as many details as Nursery for boys and girls
possible about the game as we are from 2 – 11 years
approaching its 60th anniversary. In
particular we are keen to try and get some photos of the Headmaster: Mr. Graham R. Gorton
match (which will be copied and returned). B.A. (Hons) P.G.C.E.
We know there was a huge crowd at the match at Bentleys
on Boxing Day (either 1945 or 1946) - possibly over 750 Do you wish for - A school that offers children the
people - and we think the score was a 11-0 defeat. But opportunity to enjoy that sense of childhood so often
anyone who played in or who saw the game could get in
touch we would be very grateful - missing in today’s target driven world of education?
[email protected] or Tel: 730975.
As we go into the New Year the club is doing well. The We offer- 
first team beat Sheering 2-0 and then drew 1-1 with them academic achievement balanced with emotional
on consecutive sundays in December. A 6-3 defeat at the development - small class sizes
hands of North Weald was a setback though.
The Reserves are sitting in mid-table with their most recent friendly, family atmosphere - broad based curriculum
game being a 4-2 victory over Sawbridgeworth Town A. Creative emphasis:- music, drama, ballet, art
The Sunday side are third in the First Diviison of the North skills for life love of learning
West Essex League. In recent weeks injuries have plagued
the squad but the side are through to two cup quarter finals Set in 7 acres of beautiful countryside only five minutes
and have only lost 3 league games all season. drive from Bishop’s Stortford, ten minutes from Great
Former secretary and manager Dick
Garrard was back in the village in mid Dunmow and twenty minutes from Saffron Walden.
December when he returned for the annual
Pegasus football dinner - meeting with old For further information please telephone the Headmaster’s
friends including Dave Brown, Bill Dean, Bill Secretary, Mrs. Lesley Hubbard on 01279 657706.
Gleed and John Deamer.
Our website is now up and running and updated E-mail: [email protected]
weekly -


Uttlesford Learning Centres offer a huge variety of
courses – just for you. Whether it’s getting to grips with
computers, a foreign language, improving your knowledge
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It’s all here – just ‘round the corner’ from you - or even on
your doorstep, with your own computer at home. Now, how
EASY is that?
With a number of FREE courses and many more costing
only a few pounds - there is really no excuse. So, why are
you waiting!

Look for the nearest centre to you and give them a CALL
* Dunmow & Thaxted Areas:

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* Saffron Walden Area:

Fairycroft House 01799 527109
and the learndirect centre at
Saffron Walden High School 01799 513030
* Stansted Area:
Stansted Airport learndirect 01279 656532 and
Peter Kirk Centre 01279 813319
or view full details on-line at

After all, learning does not stop when you leave school.
Learning is for life, and it can be fun as well!


The West Essex Primary School Football League reached
The Complete Home Repair and Maintenance Service it’s half-way stage at the end of November, with some
From the garden to the roof, no job too big or small!! surprises at the top of the table.

FREE ESTIMATES & ADVICE One game which took place after we went to press last
month was Hatfield Heath vs. Howe Green which, after a
LOCAL FRIENDLY, RELIABLE solid encounter and some great play on the part of both
teams, finished 2-0 to Howe Green.
The ‘Handy Man to know’
Hatfield Heath have now played each team in the league
Phone: 01279 718 329 or once, as documented in previous editions of this
07881 601 365 magazine. In case you missed any of the details, here’s a
reminder of who we played and what the scores were:
Qualified professionals offering advice to Hatfield Heath 4, Takeley 2
Hatfield Heath 2, Little Hallingbury 1
sole traders/small businesses St. Mary’s Stansted 0, Hatfield Heath 1
Self Assessment & Payroll Rodings 3, Hatfield Heath 1
Hatfield Heath 3, Bentfield 1
Fees agreed in advance - Free Initial Consultation Hatfield Heath 1, Howe Green 2
Stonehall Business Centre, Matching Green
Tel: 01279 739315 & 739324
Email: [email protected]

Results from all the other participating teams can be
located at the league’s
website: The
league table going into 2005 and the second half of the
season looks like this:

The Inheritance Tax Trap TEAM PLAYED POINTS
Don’t get caught out Bentfield 6 15
Many people pay large amounts of Inheritance Tax 12
unnecessarily. If only they had received expert advice, Howe Green 6 9
their tax bills could have been reduced or completely 7
avoided. Rodings 6 1
The death tax rate on a person’s estate above the Nil 1
Rate Band is at present 40%. There are many Hatfield Heath 6
exemptions and reliefs available, some of which may
apply to you. With careful planning it is possible to Takeley 6
reduce your tax liability significantly and ensure that
your beneficiaries inherit the result of your lifetime’s Little Hallingbury 6
work and not the Inland Revenue.
St. Mary’s Stansted 6
Take independent financial advice and secure your future.
Some would argue that chess is not a spectator’s sport,
whilst others would put across the viewpoint that chess is
not a sport at all. Either way, as those of you who’ve ever
played the game will know, it can be very competitive.

Barrie R Ekins M L I A( dip ) Those of you who can just about comprehend the rules of
Partner chess may find the blitz puzzle below of some interest, as
it will help improve your game and tactical strategies.
Swinnerton Ekins Independent Financial Advisers Below is an illustration of a possible scenario in a chess
game. You need to get white to mate in just two moves.
Office Tel: 01727 868 677 Good luck.
Home Tel: 01279 739356
Pieces: Whites have a lower case ‘w’ before the name of
Mobile: 07960 418573 the piece (see below), whilst blacks have a lower case
Swinnerton Ekins Independent Financial Advisers is an appointed
representative of Inter-Alliance (Group Practices) Limited which is 8
authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.
Inter-Alliance (Group Practices) Limited is a wholly owned
Subsidiary of Inter-Alliance Group PLC

King: K, Queen: Q, Rook: R, Bishop: B, Knight: N, 1. The surname of Matthew the legendary rower, who has
Pawn: P. managed to win four Olympic gold medals during his
Example: A white queen is wQ. career, and who recently announced his retirement from
the sport.

2. Complete the name of this popular 2004 film: ‘The
Day ..?.. Tomorrow’.

3. Which car manufacturer recently announced it’s sale
to the Chinese?

4. The name given to the period which runs from the 1st
to the 24th of December.

5. In 2004, to which name was football’s Division 3

6. Greece were the victors of which national football
tournament last year?

Solution on page 13 7. Which non-league football team controversially
By Billy Shaw. changed the venue for their FA Cup tie with Newcastle to
Loftus Road?

8. And finally, the question which raised much
speculation last year in What’s The Word – see if you can
remember the answer – A lipogram is a phrase which
does not contain which letter?

This month, as we mourn the passing of the year 2004 and ANSWERS: on page 12
welcome in 2005 with the usual fireworks and new year
parties, What’s The Word takes a retrospective look at the
year we’ve just left behind.

First of all, you need to find the answers to the eight
questions below, taking the first letter of each answer, then
rearrange those letters to form two four-letter words, which
in turn can be used to describe the year 2004. Good luck
and the correct answers can be found at the end.



GUIDE TO ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR Bogus callers who may be any age and

Occasionally one or two people or per- appearance, male or female, aim to trick or
haps a family can make life difficult for worry you into leaving your house or into
their neighbours and that neighbour may letting them in by making up stories. They
be you! may pose as water- or gas-board workers,
We are not talking about minor irritations, but council workers or police officers, so they can steal
the sort of behaviour that disrupts peoples lives, worries money or property from your home. You can prevent this
their family and breaks up a community.

ACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOUR CONTRACT (ABC) type of crime if you take precautions. To reduce the risk

An acceptable behaviour contract is a written agreement of becoming a victim of this crime, remember the
between a person who has been involved in anti-social following three steps:
behaviour and one or more local agencies, Uttlesford Dis- Stop before you open the door.
trict Council, Police, Social services, whose role it is to Chain put it on.
prevent such behaviour. ABCs are most commonly used for Check ask the caller for their identification – and check
young people but can also be used for adults. it – before letting them in. Use the phone number in the
The contract specifies a list of anti-social acts in which the phone book, not on an identity card.
person has been involved and which they agree not to

continue. The ABC’s can be used to address a wide range of NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH

anti-social behaviour. Examples of anti social behaviour Neighbourhood Watch is a way for people to get

are: Harassment - Verbal abuse – Criminal damage – involved in preventing crime in their
Vandalism – Bullying – Nuisance in and around shops and community. Schemes can start with people
supermarkets – Racial Abuse – Graffiti – Using and selling sharing crime prevention advice and
illegal drugs – Intimidating gatherings of young people in activities; keeping an eye on each others'
public areas – Offensive drunkenness whilst ABC’s carry no
legal powers, they do act as a deterrent against further property; improving home security and communicating
Ante-social behaviour and can be used as evidence in Court with the police.
if legal action is pursued. How schemes work

ANTI- SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR ORDER (ASBO) Neighbourhood Watch schemes can be large, covering

Uttlesford District Council, the Police, Registered Social most of the households on an estate or they might involve

Landlords, Schools and the British Transport Police can just half a dozen houses. It depends on the area and what
apply for an Anti Social Behaviour Order in partnership people living there want.
with other agencies against any offender aged 10 or over. A volunteer co-ordinator leads a scheme and gets people
They can be used to combat anti-social in public places such working together to make sure things get done. As well
as parks, shopping centres but are by no means confined to as the co-ordinator, there is usually a committee.
those areas. Committees meet to plan which problems to target and

Anti Social Behaviours Orders are civil orders that are what action to take. Schemes keep in close touch with

available to help protect the public from anti-social behav- local police to share information and advice.

iour. The order will contain conditions to prevent the of- Joining or setting up a scheme
fender committing certain anti-social acts or entering certain To find out if your area has a Neighbourhood
areas and is in place for a minimum of two years. Watch scheme contact your local police
The law says that anti-social behaviour is “any behaviour station. If you do not have a scheme in your
that causes or is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress” area you can consider setting one up
The sort of behaviour, which can cause “harassment, alarm yourself.
or distress can include: Harassment and nuisance – Vandal- You will need to contact your local police station, and
ism and graffiti – Drug and alcohol abuse – Shouting and they will tell you how to set up a scheme. The
verbal abuse – Allowing persistent nuisance by animals (e.g.

dog fouling or continuous barking). As the ASBO is a civil Neighbourhood Watch Association also provides details

order it means that hearsay evidence and professional wit- of how schemes work as well as crime prevention
ness evidence can be heard, allowing us to protect those information.
suffering from anti-social behaviour and those reporting it! You can phone the National Neighbourhood Watch
A breach of any of the conditions of an ASBO is an arresta- Association on 020 7963 0160. The line is open from
ble offence, and could lead to five years imprisonment, a 8.30 am to 5.00 pm, Monday to Friday.
fine or both!


UNAPPROVED MINUTES OF A COUNCIL Council Chamber, at which the topic will be ‘Rural
MEETING HELD ON Transport Options for Uttlesford’

WEDNESDAY 1 DECEMBER, 2004, Travel Information on public transport services: the
county council general scrutiny committee is carrying
IN THE URC HALL, HATFIELD HEATH AT 7.30 P.M. out a review of travel information, and has issued a
questionnaire to be completed by public transport users.
6 members of public present Parish councils have been requested to issues
questionnaire packs to local residents in order to
VISITOR collect data on how people obtain information about,
Fiona Gardiner Uttlesford District Council Anti-Social and make use of public transport
Behaviour Officer addressed the meeting services.
Regarding the implementation and management of Anti- Retirement of Frank Walsh: the Clerk asked whether
Social Behaviour contracts and orders. The difference Frank Walsh, who is retiring as Tree Warden, had been
between contracts and orders were explained and current thanked for his work for the council.
levels of ASBC’s and ASBO’s were given. There was a Clerk to write expressing gratitude for many many
short discussion in which Fiona answered several years of highly skilled work
questions from Councillors and members of the public.
The Chairman thanked Fiona for her talk, which was Winter service: a copy of the ECC Winter Service
well received by Councillors and public. leaflet was provided for each council member. Details
of the arrangements for salting roads were also tabled.
VILLAGE GREEN AND THE HEATH: Clerk to write re salt bin on A1060 near Friars Lane,
Bus shelter: Bernard Kettridge has been authorised to which had disintegrated a couple of years ago asking if
carry out repairs to the wooden bus shelter at the earliest it was to be replaced.
time. Works have now been carried out and invoice
received. Approval for payment was given but work to Installation of bollards, Broomfields: as a result of
be checked before cheque is sent. vehicles being parked on the grass verge in the vicinity
of the Doctors’ surgery in Broomfields, UDC propose
HIGHWAYS, PATHS, PARKING AND POLICE: to install timber bollards early next year, subject to
Schedule of public works: the regular schedule of public the availability of funds. Any observations on this
works has been received from UDC. proposal should be submitted by 31 December.

Local Agenda 21 Transport Working Group: the group Continued overleaf
next meets on 2 December at the UDC

Because of the cancellation of regular afternoon bookings. The above times have become available
For further details please telephone Margaret Lines 01279 730 544
Or E-mail margaretlines@tiscali


Clerk to write stating our objections and our unanimous Clerk to investigate as it was understood we were
backing to the submission by Councillor Lemon already paying for this service.
Civic Amenity Service: the schedule for the civic
amenity scheme for 2005, which would normally have Street Lighting, Broomfields: Letter received from
been published by now, has been delayed because of a UDC asking for comments regarding proposal.
review of the scheme with regard to health and safety. Deferred to next meeting, as detailed proposal was not
A letter from the Services Officer was read, which available for discussion.
explains that parish councils must decide whether to STANSTED AIRPORT:
cancel the service altogether, or to pay £159.00 plus
VAT per full day, or £78.44, plus VAT for half a day. Public meeting at Takeley: an invitation from Takeley

Parish Council was issued to several local councils to

attend a public meeting at Takeley on the BAA’s ‘Home

Owners’ Support Scheme’. The meeting was

held on 18 November.

Protocol for speaking on Stansted Airport: advice

received from Mike Purkiss of the UDC legal

department is that Members should write to the

Standards Committee seeking dispensation to speak

on matters relating to the proposed

development of Stansted Airport. The Clerk had

ANSWERS: to Quiz
1. Pinsent 2. After 3. Rover 4. Advent 5. League Two
6. Euro 2004 7. Yeading 8. E NEW WORDS: Leap Year.

Beauty Treatments, Manicure/Pedicure
latest Sunbeds & Barber

Open Six Days a Week Mon Sat
Tel: 01279 731 762


prepared a letter, worded as advised by Mick Purkiss, the springs on the chicken. The seats on the two larger

for each member to sign and return to him. swings are showing signs of cracking.

Teralands, Matching Road, Hatfield Heath Community Achievement Awards: The Chairman had
(UTT/1985/04/FUL) nominated Michael Clargo and the Uttlesford District
Single storey rear extension Council has agreed to make the award at a reception on
Council has no objection
Manwood House, Matching Green, Hatfield Heath 17th February 2005.
Erection of triple garage 12 JANUARY, 2005
Council has no objection
Trefreock, Stortford Road, Hatfield Heath
Single storey rear extension
Council has no objection but note that the height of the
extension is not noted and would request that this be
specified before approval.


Trustees of the late F L Tayler: Solicitor’s Stanley Tee

report that have received confirmation from DFA Law

that they are still endeavouring to finalise matters with

Laing Homes. The Clerk wrote to Messrs Stanley Tee,

asking whether the council would be entitled to any

interest accruing from the funds being held in trust, and

has been informed that the lump sum to be paid on

completion of the lease of the open space is £12,000, and  American Shirt Service
 Service Wash
this will be indexed linked from 1995.  Duvet, Pillows & Sheets
 Designer Wear Service
Repairs & Maintenance: Councillor Hockley has  Curtains

repaired the gates and the spring. It was reported that Call Swift Collect to arrange collection on -

some of the items of play equipment were showing signs View All Our Prices And Services On Our Website:
of deterioration and the Clerk was asked to contact the

supplier to see if a refurbishment service was available,

and if a replacement piece of equipment can be fitted to

Solution: to Chess Problem

1. wKe2=+ bKg8 2. wQe8++ mate.

Congratulations if you managed to find the correct solution.

By Billy Shaw.


HAD TRAFALGAR HAPPENED TODAY "Gadzooks, Hardy. Hand me my pipe and tobacco."
"Order the signal, Hardy." - "Aye, aye sir." "Sorry sir. All naval vessels have been designated smoke-
"Hold on, that's not what I dictated to the signal officer. free working environments."
What's the meaning of this?" - "Sorry sir?" "In that case, break open the rum ration. Let us splice the
"England expects every person to do his duty, regardless mainbrace to steel the men before battle."
of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious persuasion or "The rum ration has been abolished, Admiral. Its part of
disability. What gobbledygook is this?" - "Admiralty the Government's policy on binge drinking."
policy, I'm afraid, sir. We're an equal opportunities "Good heavens, Hardy. I suppose we'd better get on with
employer now. We had the devil's own job getting it. Full speed ahead." - "I think you'll find that there's a
'England' past the censors, lest it be considered racist." 4 knot speed limit in this stretch of water."
"Damn it man! We are on the eve of the greatest sea battle
Tel / Fax : 01279 739 357 in history. We must advance with all dispatch. Report
from the crow's nest, please." - "That won't be possible,
"What?" - "Health and safety have closed the crow's nest,
sir. No harness. And they said that rope ladder doesn't
meet regulations. They won't let anyone up there until a
proper scaffolding can be erected."
"Then get me the ship's carpenter without delay, Hardy."
"He's busy knocking up a wheelchair access to the fo'c'sle
Admiral." - "Wheelchair access? I've never heard
anything so absurd."
"Health and safety again, sir. We have to provide a
barrier-free environment for the differently abled."

Please call or fax us on the number above Alzheimer’s Society
for further details on your requirements of
Dementia care and research
Help, support and advice for people with dementia
2 Manse Cottages, Chelmsford Road,
Hatfield Heath Bishop's Stortford CM22 7AE and those who care for them
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Telephone: 01372 872 519
E-mail:- [email protected]

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"Differently abled? I've only one arm and one eye and I Bed & Breakfast
refuse even to hear mention of the word. I didn't rise to the
rank of admiral by playing the disability card." Luxury self contained bungalow
"Actually, sir, you did. The Royal Navy is under- Complete privacy & home comforts
represented in the areas of visual impairment and limb
deficiency." Continental breakfast included
"Whatever next? Give me full sail. The salt spray Tel: 01279 815 588
beckons." - "A couple of problems there too, sir. Health 07709 636 293
and safety won't let the crew up the rigging without crash
helmets. And they don't want anyone breathing in too 102 Cambridge Road, Stansted, Essex. CM24 8DB.
much salt, haven't you seen the adverts?"
"I've never heard such infamy. Break out the cannon and
tell the men to stand by to engage the enemy."
"The men are a bit worried about shooting at anyone,
Admiral." - "What? This is mutiny."
"It's not that, sir. It's just that they're afraid of being
charged with murder if they actually kill anyone. There're
a couple of legal aid lawyers on board, watching everyone
like hawks."
"Then how are we to sink the Frenchies and the Spanish?"
"Actually, sir, we're not." - "We're not?"
"No, sir. The Frenchies and the Spanish are our European
partners now. According to the Common Fisheries
Policy, we shouldn't even be in this stretch of water. We
could get hit with a claim for compensation." - "But you
must hate a Frenchman as you hate the devil." - "I
wouldn't let the ship's diversity co-coordinator hear you
saying that sir. You'll be up on disciplinary." - "You must
consider every man an enemy who speaks ill of your
"Not any more, sir. We must be inclusive in this
multicultural age. Now put on your Kevlar vest; it's the
"Don't tell me - health and safety . Whatever happened to
rum, sodomy and the lash?" -"As I explained, sir, rum is
off the menu. And there's a ban on corporal punishment."
"What about sodomy?" -"I believe it's to be encouraged,
"In that case, kiss me, Hardy."


with people coming from as far afield as London and

St James’ Tide In 1660, the year of the restoration of King Charles II
Village Celebration the fair was moved to Hatfield Heath, possibly in an
attempt to boost falling sales. By 1768 the fan was
Sunday 24th July 2005 1- 6pm concerned mainly with the sale of lambs and was still
being held in 1858 the last mention of it is in a 1866
The School Field directory.

1328 Rights to an Annual Fair granted to the Lord of
The History Society found the following historic details of the Manor of Hatfield
the St James Fair. 1336 Fair became the ‘Nativity of St. Mary’s’ held on

HATFIELD FAIR 8th September
Hatfield Regis (as it was) held an annual fair from
about 1328. Originally it was held on 8th September 1460 Fair became St James held on 25th .July
(the feast of the Nativity of St. Mary )but certainly by 1592
1460 it had changed to St. James day. (25th July) it 1593 (or before) Fair moved to Thremhall Green - The
stayed at this date until 1753 when it moved to the 5th 1607
August, the change being brought about by the Priory of St. James –in the Forest.
adoption of the calendar. The fair moved from 1612
Hatfield itself to Thremhall Green, at some point it A Star Chamber decree moved the Fair back to
was certainly there by the late 16th Century when it is
mentioned in a Star Chamber case, when a bill of Hatfield Broad Oak
complaint was brought by Lord Rich, at the time Lord
of the Manor of Hatfield, against Lord Mounteagle of Lord Rich complained to the Star Chamber that
Hallingbury. This says that the fair which had been
held in the Forest had “removed” to the town in 1594. Lord Morley had high – jacked the
In 1608 it was forcibly moved back to Thremhall
Green, presumably by Lord Mounteagle, when there Fair back to Thremhall Green.
are reports of carts bringing salt and fish for the fair.
Sir Thomas Barrington acquired the manor of

Hatfield and tried to move the Fair

back to Hatfield Broad Oak

During the Civil War Lord Morley, although a
Royalist, was allowed to keep a third of the fair rents
but the market was moved back to Hatfield as a safer
place for it in time of war. From then on the
Barringtons, now Lords of the Manor retained control
of the fair. It had by now become mainly a horse fair


1644 During the Civil War, Parliament ordered the
1650 Fair to be moved to back to Hatfield Broad

1660 Oak for safety reasons.
1768 Under the Commonwealth the Fair was mainly
used for horse sales (Quaker influence) 19th

these fairs were attended by buyers Farmer and Local Magistrate
th January 1855
and sellers from some 110 Parishes. But the fair
Holiday Villa - Northern Cyprus
was by then in decline due to competition from
other fairs, the decline of Hatfield Broad Oak as a Luxury holiday villa in beautiful Bellapais area of Kyrenia
with spectacular views of mountains and sea. Picturesque
town and the Barrington Estate being harbour and town 2 miles and with many lovely beaches
nearby. Perfect for peaceful Winter or Summer breaks.
administered out of Town. 3 bedrooms, sleeps 6, all rooms air conditioned, modern
The Fair is moved to Hatfield Heath which was kitchen with balconies overlooking lawns and swimming
pool, beautifully decorated throughout, with a Home
on more direct routes in an effort to halt Cinema Hi Fi system in lounge and a log fire for winter.
the decline. For full details and photo album of the villa contact:

The Fair date was moved to 5th August by the 01279 739034 or email
[email protected]
adoption of the Gregorian Calendar and had
become, mainly a Lamb Fair.

The Fair was still recorded as being held on the

Heath but by 1870 it seems to have


Sir John Barrington Knight and Baronet,
Lord of the Mannor of Hatfield Regis, otherwise
called Hatfield Broad-Oake within the County
of Essex,gives all men to understand by these
presents. That the Fair heretofore kept within
the Bourough of the said Town of Hatfield and
sometimes within the Forest, Chase or Hay of
Hat-field, at a place called Thremnall-green,
within and belonging to the said Mannor, yearly
on the 25th day of July commonly called St.
James his day. Is by him appointed for the
future to be yearly kept on the said 25 th day of
July, unless it be a Sabbath day, and (in such
case, on the next day after) at a place within
the said Mannor, commonly called Hatfield-
Heath, which is adjudged to be a place far
more fit and convenient for the keeping
thereof, then either of the said former places;
of which he has given this timely notice, that all
men concerned may take consideration therof,
and apply themselves to the keeping of the
said Fair (as their occasion shall arise) at the
said place hereby appointed accordingly: And
that none attempt or presume to keep the said
Fair, or any other Fair, in any other place within
the said Mannor, at their perils.
Dated this Fifth day of March, in the Thirteenth
Year of the Reign of our most Gracious
Lord CHARLES the Second, of England,
Scotland, France and Ireland King,


All areas covered Local & Nationwide "A YEAR OF SPECTACULAR ACHIEVEMENT"
Short and long distances Stop Stansted Expansion (SSE) has published its annual review for
Airports & Station Runs, 2004 to coincide with the first anniversary of the Government's Air
Parcels & Packages Transport White Paper.
The review highlights the growing strength of the campaign during
24 hour service 2004 and its many spectacular achievements in challenging BAA's
phone manned at all times proposals to turn Stansted into 'tomorrow's Heathrow'. Said Norman
Mead, SSE Deputy Chairman: “This time last year, BAA was
We accept all major credit cards confident that it had won the day and that it could destroy the spirit
“Serving the Community” of this local community by telling us all that its expansion plans for
Stansted had Government support and were therefore a 'done deal'.
Twelve months on, BAA perhaps now recognises that it
misjudged the mood of this community. It underestimated the
people of East Herts and North Essex and the result has been an
overwhelming show of defiance towards BAA and a huge upsurge
in support for SSE." SSE's annual review shows the scale and
intensity of the campaign which – in the space of just over two
years – has come from nowhere to receiving the accolade of
'Best Community Campaign' in the House of Lords in April,
leading a successful shareholder revolt at the BAA annual general
meeting in July, securing the support of the East of England
Regional Assembly in opposing a second Stansted runway in
November and making history with the first ever Judicial Review of
any Government White Paper, currently underway in the High
Court (13-20 December).
"This campaign continues to grow from strength to strength –
surprising even those of us who are most deeply involved," said Mr
Mead. "The past 12 months have been inspirational and a clear
demonstration of what 'people power' can achieve. We may be
fighting the might of BAA but when a pensioner sends in a cheque
for two pounds or a schoolboy donates his pocket money – it is a
reminder of the strength and depth of community feelings and of the
importance of stopping BAA from desecrating this area with an
airport far bigger that Heathrow is today.
The stakes are high and the challenge is enormous but we are not in
the least over-awed by that. It is a privilege to be involved in this
campaign and, step by step, in 2005, we will continue to build on
the progress we have made on so many fronts in 2004."

December 2003 - Government publishes Air Transport White Paper
(16th) - CAA reaffirms continued opposition to cross subsidy of

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Stansted for new investment (17th) - SSE supporters scoop media
interest at BAA press conference on the White Paper (18th)
January 2004 - SSE publishes White Paper summary and
commentary - SSE challenges BAA to let battle commence at
Stansted meeting attended by 700+ people - SSE Community
Calendar sales completed by 50 volunteers and 30 retailers, raising
£20,000 - SSE begins preparations for Judicial Review challenge
and building a consortium to share costs - SSE initiates schools’
briefings to ensure balanced debate within curriculum studies
February - SSE Update leaflet distributed to 140,000 homes - SSE
supporters join other airport communities for ‘sleep in’ protest at
DfT Noise Conference - SSE makes presentations at 8 public
meetings, including a special meeting for Broxted/Takeley - SSE
begins City analyst briefings addressing lack of commercial
justification for expansion - ‘Snowdrops’ fundraising event at the
Gardens of Easton Lodge raises £500 for SSE
March - SSE’s Judicial Review claim submitted in partnership with
Heathrow and Luton communities - SSE reveals extent of BAA land
grab – as large as the area bordered by London’s Circle Line - SSE
Planning & Response Committee formed (expert representation on
health and environment) - BAA’s Chief Executive admits to City:
“no second runway without a business case” - SSE briefs 1100 ‘key
opinion formers’ on the financing of Stansted Airport - SSE issues
guidance to parish and other councils on BAA’s HOSS consultation
- SSE lobbies on Planning & Compulsory Puchase Bill, leading to
important amendments - SSE makes presentations at 27 public
meetings including joint platform with BAA at Harlow - Broxted
Quiz and Duton Hill Quiz Nights raise £700 and £250 for SSE
April - SSE wins Parliamentary award for Best Community
Campaign - SSE makes presentations at 22 public meetings - BAA
Plane Talk propaganda sheet condemned by politicians and


community leaders - SSE issues Special House Prices Report to - BAA admits it won’t make a decision on the business case for a
20,000 homeowners - SSE newssheet “The Stun” reveals noise second runway until
impacts using BAA’s own radar maps - SSE attends Royal Nov 2004 - Over 60 SSE volunteers and 30 shopes begin selling
Aeronautical Society Conference on airport expansion and the Community Calendar and Christmas cards - SSE publishes analysis
environment - Little Easton Antiques Roadshow raises £900 for of CAA Stansted statistics showing declining share of business
SSE travel November - Mass tree planting of the SSE Wood with 500 of
May - SSE makes presentations at 18 public meetings - SSE’s the 1100 sponsored trees at Broxted Hill Farm - SSE supports
shareholder resolution forced upon BAA for AGM agenda in Takeley Parish Council in planning legal action on compensation
July - SSE/NWEEHPA respond to Passenger Air Transport for blight - Red Letter Day held in five locations and Blight Dossier
Movements consultation proposals - Henham Quiz Walk and appeal launched - SSE Noise Working Group Chair addresses
Stansted Quiz Night raise £400 and £450 respectively for SSE pan-European airport conference - Barn Dance and Tilty Cheese
June - High Court allows SSE’s Judicial Review claim against the and Wine Evening raise £2,600 and £500 for SSE
White Paper - Terry Waite plants inaugural tree at the SSE Woods, December - SSE and partners begin Judicial Review of the Air
Broxted Hill Farm - SSE holds cross-party MPs briefing at the Transport White Paper in the High Court - SSE members total 6000
House of Commons - SSE parent organisation NWEEHPA AGM individuals and over 100 parishes, societies and special interest
held - Meetings commence to oppose inclusion of second runway in groups
EERA’s regional spatial strategy - Hatfield Broad Oak Jumble Sale
raises £250 for SSE - Vanishing Villages at Broxted Open Gardens QUALITY PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION
attracts 1000 people and raises £4000 for SSE FROM 21/2 YEARS* TO SCHOOL AGE
July - Peter Sanders appointed new SSE Chairman, Norman Mead
becomes Deputy Chairman - SSE speaks at the BAA AGM on (*where places available)
shareholder authorisation of political donations - BAA MORI poll
bias exposed by SSE, leading to industry watchdog investigation - ALL ENQUIRIES PLEASE CALL
SSE prepares detailed opinion on BAA’s scoping studies for
Environmental Impact Assessment o Saffron Walden Car Boot Sale 01279 730 354
raises £250 for SSE
August - Second anniversary of SSE’s establishment - 360’ Registered with Ofsted and
panoramic views installed on SSE website showing threatened member of the Pre-school Learning Alliance
homes and countryside - The Lancet publishes comment on
unhealthy airports by SSE Health Working Group Chairman o SSE THE VILLAGE HALL, HATFIELD HEATH
takes part in the Countess of Warwick Show and National Trust BISHOP'S STORTFORD, HERTS CM22 7EA
Hatfield Forest event
September - BAA rescinds free parking for MPs, MEPs and Peers Tel: 07748 970 657
following SSE’s campaigning - SSE Surface Access Strategy
published examining implications for full use of existing runway - (Registered charity number 1070995)
SSE condemns BAA’s response on compensation and opens
discussions with government - SSE speaks at Commercial Aviation [email protected]
Sustainability Strategy conference in London - SSE Update leaflet
distributed to homes across Uttlesford and East Herts - SSE
publishes guidance for parish council input into government’s Night
Flights Consultation o SSE attends Labour Party Conference and
meets Ministers, Peers, MPs and special advisers - SSE Runway
Ramble attracts 1000 people and raises £10,000 for SSE legal fund
- Manuden Champagne Supper Auction raises £8,000 for SSE legal
October - SSE attends Conservative Party Conference and meets
Parliamentarians and special advisers - SSE holds public meeting
for Sudbury residents about increasing overflying and noise impacts


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